Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1882, Image 6

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xi'ii ' UMSI\\A''III. : | : r.i'itoii.
nrnii I ilitinn , iHTniintilii. ? l" ' '
IKT tnu , .21"
I M-I ii'u rilitl'iti. dilln-reil h.v Cnrrltr
The Public Schools.
i i t in tlie t'nited States a city
le * i7i uii'latjoof ' ( llfonl-
[ ample and cxtcn lxeediicaUoiial facil.
or has i.i Her i-elmol building. l''ipe-
is thi true xvith respect to the com.
huliooU . 'f ' Omaha , which , under elli
teacher" , have been admirably ay *
Jki/.ed The school Imlldlnip are prom.
It , xiih-itantiid , hamlsnine , and column
p structure' . , to vvliielmnr citizens-point
pridi1 , iiml xvhich invariably attract
intlci. and admiration of the nl
F' Tl
lapproaoliim.1 the cllx fiom aiiydlrcclloi
Ilirst object Hint ( 'reels IIclsthclnvx . - .
fcr the Ilitth School linllilltiK. ThU costly
i Isomi and -uli-lantlal edlllce stand
En on , of the Illisliesl eminences , calle ,
kdlol Illll. and occupies a conlial and ,
lileiit location. The cronmls comprise al
lire soiiaic. known JisCatiltol s.piarc. . Iron
t acll althe toiriloria cap to Ixxas lo
Red there The Mich M-hool bnlhlim ; . at
Jnstriitiou of vxhleli appeals elsowheic. ha
lei rot imced hx sd I men am tourI ,
" |
II" a si rlor alimnw all the pulil <
111 mil huililmcsln Ihe I nllcil Males I
coinlileted In I"- , at a t n
n , , , , , ni | coinblnes llio ad
. . ( ' .ices' nl afnil nxolllence alii
'cliilcotiiriH hoaul.x The spite I
Imndred and ninel > ( eel aboxe tin
mssoiirl n er and commands a xlow of Hi
hi lire oiu of Omaha. Hie city of roinici
lllilfs , lixe mill-distant. Ihe rixer bottom
J"1' lilstam-e of Illleen miles , and nvcrlnok
Jfhi srtimhlm | , , coimll.x In exery dlreetio
fur in.itiv nines.
I In mil M to Ihe Mich Sclitol , there ar
ftln fiiin ' in liriek school linlhlncs :
I N .r'li . Hi' , ili.i Sehonl , Ca-s Hli'-el Sclnni
I'I bird U .t.l . . . .r Kast School , Soh'b Omali
nl IIUliiin Addilliill School Mld Has
| ci ; l si h. . I Ml these hulldllius , with Ilioox ,
i , nil HI I Hi.last , aic larp' . commodlon
l tixn slur i-nck striiclmes , tilled up < xlt
I aipir | ; ' . ' unl fuinllinc of modern patten
'Iln IMS , niciiis aie llwhl and airy , and at
dcsiuiicii fin the stoiacc ol liiel. Hie aei'on
ininliilii l the vvaimlnc and xentllatln
| . , , md for play rooms In stonn
woatlnr No schools ale kepi In basemei
rooms m tin i tt\ .
in MIH u | i-ini r.X'i ION IHS-ss'J. | |
1C K LniJL ( 'has. Commyer ,
\Xm \n. | . I-SHII. Ceo. Thrall.
A N I i-rnasnii , IJ . .MoShane
K. h Losi. . President.
K J Mi SHAM : . VI I'leshlenl.
CM xs , CIINNOVKU , Secretary ,
l.r.n ll I x NT. , Superintendent.
iniiii SCHOOL.
( 'has D Hlne , Principal.
Lena L Ilill. Assistant.
Nelson Learned , Assl.laiil.
< r.s ril XL .SCHOOL.
Occupies rooms In Illch School buihliuc
Clias , D. lime. Principal ,
Nelsnn Learned , Assistant Principal.
M Ouaekenhnsh : , Ll//.le .MeCaslln.
Hllen M While , .Mary I ! . McCoy ,
II KvaLovvo , Madiiie .McCarthy
l-'annlc M Wood , II. Adella Andrex
Minnie ll Wilson , M. Kninia lllimlia
Villa A Ciishmaa , Annie K. .McChcai
OocloA Johnston , Kllen J. Hoyden.
I'annle I ! llnrlhiit. Jennie N. Ihissell ,
Li/Vle M. Klcock , Snbslltlile.
HoseC Kddy.Siilislllnlc
NOIIIII SCHOOL. corner of Nineteenth and l/.a
streets Warmed by hot air farni" , sj I
. . ,
. JyiWia Whltmore , Maiy ( ! . Van Ixnra
Jennie M. .MelCoon , .M. Au'iics Ilerlin ,
Cas-sk P. Sehaller , Minnie .I. Wood ,
liiKcllctta I' Sinllli , Camilla Klliolt.
Mary H. Day ,
.lulla llarilcnhcrch. Siihstilnle.
ItoseC ICddy , Siibslitiilc
( . \xs-iritKi-.r M IIOOL ,
CUM street , belxveen I'onrleenlli and I"
tecntli streets ; elulil rooms. Wanned
Alice M Williams , Principal.
Dora I' ( 'lax Holla K SVIiallcr.
Sarah M. McChcane. r.ll/abclh .1. Shirh
Martha Parralt , Ada 1' KhoonmaU
( iraeell Wllhnr ,
Il//ie.M iic'oekSnbslnlo : | |
.liilia Ilanlciil'cruh ' , Snhsliliid' .
r.\sr M'liooi. .
.Sonthxvcsl corner I'.lev c-nlh and Dot !
streets. ClKllt ronms ; healed by > lovcs.
Anna I'mw. l'rlnoiial. |
I'annie llnt/erllcld , Annie I' . Wilson
Kale II IMHIS , Addle ( HiiiNlinie ,
l.lbhlc I ) . Wood , Anna M Nlehol.
Claia.l. Wade ,
l'annlcVilsiiu , Substitute.
1'aellle slicet , nearTcnlh slieel. Se\ \
moms- , healed by stoM'sand hot air fiirnai
llallle I. . Stamird. I'linelpal.
M , Itose Melnt.xrc. Maiy K. rimmps
vnna I' Tnihnid , I'raiik.M. llil Ks ,
SlaelaCi-ovxIcy , Nellie II. Powcis
I'annle \ \ ll > ioiiSllbstitiile.
Anna lletlner. Substitute.
ll.xnr.xi.xs SCHOOL
Sinilh l-'iflecnlh sticotsouth ol Wllllii
Hired , tbicc looms , heated bysloxcs.
Stella M Champlln. I'rhn-ipal.
ICslher.lacohs ,
Mar ) I' ' Ncvvlon , Siibsilinle.
Anna Iteltner , Siibslllnte. SCHOOL.
Smitli Twenty fonrlli slieol and SI. Ma
avenue , 'I'wn moms , heated b.v hot air I
Dora Harney , rihiclpal.
.Icniiio 1C. , I'annle Wilson , Snlisllli
JACKSON sntr.i'.r M-IIOOL.
Smith side Jackson slieel neat Thlrtce
strcul , frame bnlhllnc.
Nellie P Wood
Soiilb Tenth slieol , near ell.x limits ; h
hnlldlnn , one room.
Jennie I. Hcdlleld.
The x able of school sites Is . In
The xalno of school Imlldinus al
HinhiK the past > oar Hie lloaid of Kill
Hun expended jlfiinHifoi new school hi
Inusand fnrnllnre
I lie nnmlier ol pupils einnlleil In the |
lie schools of Omaha , inon ; dally allemla
.l.roo , estimated nnmlier ot clilldien hctxt
lixe and twcnly-oiie .xcais ol ace is ; , ; JKI
Dunili Instit
Tills Inslllnti' . located in the noillivvcs
siihnibsol the citx. l under the conlii.
the Stale Ihiaid ol Pnbllo Lands and III
Inus The implls have a coniilctc | | > ilnllii ( . ' ot
cosliiiK sot | < i , and imbllsh a vci.v ercdil
and Iniercsiiiid monllii.x , " 'I'mMine J
mil , " a four-pane , live-column sheet , vx
Is the laiuesl ii.iper issued h\ deal ninli
Hiexvurld ' 1 lie pupils do Ihe ixpe-soti
pie < s-vvoik , elr
The teachers nf Ihe iiislilnle are as
lows Mr. A. ( ildesplc. principal Mr. , I
Mcl'bnc , Mr. I' . I. II . I. Miss Mar.x
Covxan. Miss l-'annle llcmleison. Miss
.lolnison , leaclicrs . Allli-ulaHon leai
MlssMaivl l-'airanl. 'I he matinn Is
J A ( illlt'spic : 1'h.Xsiciall.Dr J C Del
I'nreman ol I'rlnllnt ; Olllee. Mr S r. II
Ic.v. I ore-man ol I'aipcutor > hni. | Mr 1
.Ma.viiard. Siipciinlcmlciit ol seuhiK.
'the lolal mnnbei ol pupils who allci
the IlisllliilediiiliiK Iln- past xcai was i
Ixtxvo , miy-fnnr bovs ami lliltl.xclchl t
'I hole are now In allemlaiiee ln > , an
i lease oxer lasl veai'ol SIMCOII.
The dcpartmcnl ol e.irpcnh-r umk xva
lioilneed lluee .M'ais aun and is self-
| inrlliii (
TheM'linol lia.slnade much piocicssin
last Ivvelxe nmnllis , mexcr.x icsiieel , es
lall > in I he articulation class , and Hie sin
nf Hie entile school is liinlilj sallsfact
Articnlatinn is lanilit b > means of I
visible speech and also b > Ihe andlphon
The Inlal cvpciidilmcsof Hie la-l > ea
Hie Institute , for Icacliois , waies ; and
M-liniil amounts lo | ' . ' . ( KKI.OO , ahotil i'i |
divided between salailc.s for leaclicrs
doiucslic help and Hie sehool. The ci
linildliiK is heated l > > steam , ami pas Is i
nfacliireil for the use of the building i
Ihe inemlscs Theie Is an cveellelil III
ei'lineclcd xvilh the tiisllltilc. coiisislln
over M\ hundred stamlard woiks for xi
and old. llio disunite is lice lo all
Mnli-s livlnu in Nebraska The Male
eviicmlcil Ji4in < i for Hie hmhlinu ol Hn
.slllnle , The new bmldinu jn < l eiocled
cost alionl > irii i.
Browiioll Hull.
This is a I mn slant ipsoop.d : | seun
for VOIIHK ladies , now In its nlncicciitb ;
The Itlcht Itex It. II Claikson. H. D , I.
ls\sinn | | | iia lnr Iti x It. .hi . llolo-ilx. Y
Itcclor .iml I'lofessi.i i. fb nlai ami M
Si'lemo Iln II \ \ M-'k M \
lessor of I anKi'iip ' s Mis \ \ mils , -r is
headof the honst Mi > lniicii > nli
draw In ) ; and paliUmK Mss ) A ( Tin
li'ililior i't musii' Miss I tin I , lii , il
. \ I1 tiailxr ef I nuhsh Miss ( , in
1'ranklln , teacher of hi lnrx Mls K K.
l.xnian , tcaelier of natiifid science i lie
iiic-enl iitli'tidam ambersupwind" > nf one
hundred lnient | of which Ibutx are
St. Bnrimbfii School
This N a select school nmler the malmno
liienl of llcv. John WilliamsItoetor of SI-
Hatnabas chinch , u * principal. Ml" -
( larstnr. assistant prluelpal and music
teacher , Miss Am ; . Sllxcr , as pilnelpal of Ihe
primaldepartmoiil 'I'he school was :
founded lij Mr. Williams alionl Ihree jeaM
UK" , and at Ibe present Hlne thete are ill at
tendance sixty scholars , an appicclable In
crease oxer la's I jo.'ir
| MKs Iionmii' Soloot School ,
Sltnaleil mi HicnoMh xvcst corner of Cali
fornia and Nlm-lccnlh streets , is prlnolpallv
dexnleil ( oprimar ) clash's nmler the siipcl-
i Intciidcn f Miss I.notnisIt vxai fonml-
I el , about Ixxo yearsaun and li In a xery
llnniMiliie condition , baxlim In rcunlar al-
tcmlancc npxxarihnf forty scholar *
Snlcct School.
Mlsl.lhbli' Poppli'ton's I'-lecl ' school nf
IviiL' literature and elocution has about
eighty pupil- .
Nobraslm Business CollcKO.
This Colleti' : was foimded eight years ajio
byli II. ItalhlMin.lls present supeilntemlent ,
1 ainl has a rrmilar atlcndance of clblllve (
i slmleiils.
I 1'iof. ( Itatlilum. superintendent ; A
I , . Wxnian , principal , II W K'etlo , teacher
of tiOi'Kiapll.V : II. ( ! . Slilpe , teacher of
short hand.
Ciitholio SchoolM.
1 I Itl.lllltlON COl.LI'lll' ' .
Cri'lclitoii Colletic. a larce and neaiitilul
three story brick sit net me.oecii | lies an eml-
lii'lit alnl'ciitniiiamllun ] > os | | | n Capitol
IlilLbclw Calirornlaand Websterstreels ,
'several ' blocks norlh-xxi'st of Ihe lll'jli
Schnnl II lias a rmiilace of llfly feel , and
is onelimiilli'd and Ixvenl.x-llxe leet deep. II
Is intended to mid two wln s which will uivi
'a ' Ironlai ; , ! nl two bundled and lift ) leela-
soon asthoic is a demand for more room
i Tlie piesenl Inilldlni ; was- completed III Jan-
liar ) . IK" ! * , al a cost ol' ; . ( . it is xvcl
i I Inrulshcd lhroiiliniil. [ and is arranged will
an eve tn comloil and convenience It I-
healed hy scam | , ami is supplied with selmo
I fiiriilluie of thclatcst designs. The cslimat
, cd cost of thehnildlllL when completed an
i cordiliKto the plans. It ) the addition of tin
i two xxiiiKs. will be about * - . ' | . in.
i The college , which is comlncted unde
. Calhtile , allspices was opened for the iccop
l lion of pupils In September. IKTM. Then
, ' xveie I Id pupils i'ported , on the roils , am
i this nnmlier has steadily increased null
there ate now over .IHI In'attendance. . Al
llninnh the coih'Kc Is a Hoe Catholic iiistitn
, i lion , students ol other icllcions aic mil e\
i eluded , ami hence ainnnt , ' Hie pupils Ihei
. i arc lonnd quite a number nf I'rolestanls.
> ' After Iho hlllldim ; oulla.x ol the ill
- lerosl nu the Cieinblon leiac ) of iui.eiin a
; 'about ' 1" per cent , in item-rally ulxen for III
i-i sci x ices of the Ixvo Jesuit tallieis ami th
I xnniii ! M'lmhistics vxho teach the classes
The facnll.x Kasfollovvs : Ilex. T. II. Mile
S. J. . President : Ilex..I. Dowllnu. S.l..Mess |
Illackniorc. S. J. . Meis. s J. , Owens , S
! row i NT SCHOOLS.
The PoorClares , thrnimh the pnuis ar
fcelim : patronage id Mr. John A. Ciol htn
aflertht'lr expulsion by Italian statesiuc
elected a law. substantial luiek i-nnxenl ;
a cost nf sio.tHHi , in a mnth-vvcstcin jjiimli
| sithnib of Omaha. Tliecomimmll.x nunibe
hi ) ; ten. is under the direction nf Moth
Madeline llentexeclloaiid licr-Mcr , both II
{ highly aoonmilishcd | daughters nl' Coil
II'lit , ex chilli. Ihe governor ol It , Hue. prexio
to the ( iai'llialdlan entrance ami oeenpatli
in IMS. Nearly all their postulantno
ices and professed sislcis aie Irish or
immediate lii-h parentage.
i sAI'ltKh IIKAItr i ilNX I..ST.
I .Manx of our clti/eiis xvcre stallIc.l a fi
weeks ano. h ) a xvlmlmv csblbllion In I'l
tccnlli sii'col. of a silciidld | design for a
other convent institution in Omaha , mid
s. tin1 direction nf the celebrated "Sisters
n , the Sacred Heart. " .Madam Dunn , xvlm f
i > , ] many j ears xv as the well-kmivvn succcssi
siipciioress of larno houses in Now Votkai
' l'enns\l\anla , in Hie com-e of hoi varii
reading and Inlhiential associatioi' , hecali
i colix in-oil , of the iiccc.ssit' inra > acied I lea
commiinll.x for Uv commercial capital ofN ,
, I braska. .V..Jiop O'Connor , follovvim ; H
, ! ; I wv. < 'sstu | e\aniile | of bisluolhcr's foumb
Hun In Pittsburgh , applied lo he the cpisci
, pal founder and patnm of the lirst Sacn
i lleail estalilisliment xvcst o Chicago. Ill-
' St. Louis ami St. Joseph , M , and haxn
secured a do/.cn acres lor liiL.tliniis. a pat
ami garden , a few linnIredaids , Horn m
city XMiterxxniks , nolxxlllisiaiiillnji his cpi
copal privations made a personal Kifl oiii |
' to . s.'i.O'Xiat . piescnl leal estate plici's. Tl
1 manacim ; sisters of Hie celebrated NUTI
r i Heart Convent at Manhattan , near Centr
' . I'aik , Nexv Yolk , ebeeitiilly accepled ll
' ' i miniilleenl ( 'lft willi its ai'eoinpan.\in ( , ' ei
Cacemonts.aud we Iiml the hcadsiipenoie
, of the comnmullv. peiiuanentl.x icsldent
i Pails , has jixen her cordial sanction for tl
' early election and occupation ol a commiii
r < ll.x.conxent. chapel and scbonls , wlilcb xx
' entail an immediate and remote oxpendltn
1 of . * lio.M ; ( l. Axer ) considerable section
'Ilic ' main building will lie commenced I
' architects Diifreuc and Mendelsohn and
h' , competent coiiiraclorin early spiinc. Win
I oiirclli/eiis i-emembcrthal Madam Dunn al
i companions had charge of the educalliiii
, se\cralladx members of tln-falnilicsof Ccn
rals Sherman. Scholield , Mniuis. Kllpalilc
j Ciliboii. Williams and scxeial other millta
celehi Hies of I In-mil I belli and son ) liein slat
thai liankcfs.morcliaiils , wealth ) commi
i cial and piofessional meiiofeverv cieed a
lt' " | no creed , leeched the highest salisiaeli
" " from the mivxeaiiod sin\ices of these a
1 miiable ladies , we ma ) exiiiess a hope Hi
' " Ihe L'liivvinceilles of our bonier stales a
i lerilloiies will leadil ) see the cxoeplloi
' advantages olleiod < i > siicci'ssmi Icacln
of this Aoadeni ) . 'lenns-iui : > a xear.
- .Ml.Ill X
' Our foil ) Omaha Mere ) | | , . came In
, lioma pnispcroiis branch house In Mancln
ler. N. IL , and have chaise ol the ( 'allied
parisli .schools , with an a I tendance of al
: v < eldldieii , the paioelnal school ol I
llnlv Kamll ) chmelCoii l/.aid and Ixlh si
y's xvllh neaily | . " .o pupils the academy aliea
ir icleiieil to' ami Hie llohcmiaii | > an > eh
school on I all l s | icel , Soiilh Oinalia
Tell Si.tils nf Prei-iiills . | . . , hilc : cll.ll i
the ( | itio - | , | siliuii ) . uith 'jn | ] niiK
The Omaha imblle llbraiv. lonndod
IsTI. is nmler the eonlinl ol
aucd I'.X ' a hoald of diieelois cloelod hx I
cllv council. Aceonliim lo Hie lepotl ol M
Allen , llbrailan , Ibe total nnmlier of vohni
In the llhrai.x Is 7,1111 , volumes added inl
, ( MHI I.IM. Total number of snbsciibei-s , i.i
Ineieasonxcr ISNI , MII . lines fioinJaii. I
.111" I Dec. 1 , ISsi . L'IVII ; Incica-c oxer n
.sjivto. Total books drawn Hnm , lann
I In Doeember I , lii.nlil , inciease over
Icwi , I , . ' > ' - ' . Ol the hooks drawn ll
Ihelilttar.V in | ss | , Ml a percelll. vveie Hell
Tlie icmainliiK t'i'T pel cent , eonnin
poclix , scieiitllle mlscellamos. llMi
iiavols ami IdoKiaph.v. 'Ibe icadiiiK ni
K well supplied with ucu-papcisanil peii
itll The riilon Callmllc l.iliraiv Assuciali
em composed of ladies and p'lillcnicn limn
of several | iaiisics | , has an aolixe mcmbcis
ildI I of scxcnl ) lixe , and a hncc nimiber eland
and bonorai ) members. 'Hie Illuar ) c. .
Ice ' lalns KNI Milnmos lelicioiis , hlsloiit
, lile | scicntllic ami llcllon. 'Iho readini ; loon
> nr- I supplied xv Mil all home papers , Catholic ;
dell ! secnlai majja/im'saml weeklies and so\i
s in nielioiolilan | dailies. Inirim : lln-pa-l v
IIIK. the association has pmcliascd lor II
1 rooms a conceit itand ; piano , xxbleli
lol- I used in the month ! ) socials of the a soi
, \ . Ilmi. 'Ihe toiims ale localcd on
MoHdid ' tinnr inoHliwcsl ivirncrmf Cielli |
111 , , llhick , I'llleeiilh and llouulas siiccts
her , road I ni ; iiiiun is open ex ci ) cxcninu I nan i
lis up m , and hooks can be taken nut WIse
Iso , nesila ) and Mimla ) cxenlnts ; Tlie ollh
ick- aic .
> > | iirilual Iniccii.i . Itl Ilex. Iti.hopn'C
lllss i Morj
President John A < ieinhloti
VI Presidenis W A. L. ( iililmn |
( 'has Haiilc )
NeiTctar > ( 'has.hile. .
Tieasiner Win. M. Bushman ,
Librarian Miss Slacla Cinulox.
iu- lloaid of Manaccr.s Messis John
HPl l reiL-lit W. A L. ( iihbnil. Chat Han !
, 'Win ' M. Iliishman. John Itnsh , T .1. r
the inmris , .Inliii Miiriiln . llu h McMamr * . !
'cc- Mss | Simda Crmxic )
' . ' . ? ' ' Tlie Odd I'cllow ! , l.ihrai.x coiilalusinor
, l | . volumes and Is located inOdd I'cllnusbu
! inu The Y M C. A l.lbrarv lias alnml
.i. . volumes. Nexxsiapcrs. | inaKa/lncs , cle. ,
iiit ' ' * " l"1 ' ' " " " ' readnm lonm , located
i0,1 I'opl'leton's ' lilock.cornerof Tenlli ami I'a
' , lj , . ham sireeLs.
anThe Omaha Law l.ihrai.x K located .ill
pen lioiiKlas Mi cot. in chaw "t Mr. .1
ar.x ItiiKi'ji Theie are l.Twt xuliiim'-s on
; of shchcs. 'Iho asoi-iatinieoiis | | s of si
illiu stocKholih'is.furt.v of wlmm mo active in ,
leal bei.s The llepnrU of ever ) Male aie to
has foinid here , besides a luriie number of I *
illIMi Iteporls
County ( ) Ulcers ,
I oiml ) Commi5-.luner > I'red Urexcl
W. Corliss. | i. p. Knlflit Tieasiner. .Ii
r 'l ' I uiKiiij. . < ) > i" i
n U hrnli.i I..i M pir
i II ( null M..ISI , , | nsi
'In. ' I'hi . " nil cis i
i.4 xvoll jirnvidoil xvith relig
ions orjaiiixatiinis , possessing no less
than thitty churches , which , with two
exceptions , o\vn htiildin s and maintain
regular pastors. Tlio Methodists aio
nnnioricnlly the largest denomination
followed closely hy the IJimmti Callm-
lies. The .Mutliodists have six church
orianii'\tioii' < , the Liithorans and C.UK
olicH four , and the I'nsbytoriai s
three. The estimated church at'cnd-
unco in Omaha is over IfyW. Duo
hilf a million dollai.i in real estate and
buildings is owned hy Omilin religions
hoilies , of which the greater portion is
under the control of the ( Auholic
church. The buildings nf the various
denominations xvill compare favorably
with those of any city of Omaha's size
in thu country. The IVoshytprun ,
Catholic , Congregational and the Epis
copalian cathedral noxv approaching
completion , are of considerable archi
tectural merit , mid well adapted for
the uses for which they were orectod.
Kvery oongroijation in tli" city shows
evidences of a healthy growth , which
keep * rapid pace with lliu development
of the city. The various pulpits are
tilled by pastors of excellent abili
ties , far greater than llio average of
xvoatern preachers , and in ovoiy in
stance are well stipp irtod hy their
oongtegationa The ineinhurship of
the various churches in the citv h
, about ( i.UOO.
Dili ing the year much progress has
i boon noted in tlio different church or-
ani/.atiuns , and a number of move
ments looking toward ineioasod lueili.
tius for worship.
Trinity ptrish ( KpiscDpal ) is abnui
e > inplotiiig a buautiful Cothic HOIH
cithudral , which xvill he occupiet
during thu prusenf , year. Thuudili''u
xvhiuh will liu the most imposing an <
substantial Htrnc'.uio of the kind ii
the city , erected up to the prison
time , xviil cost , when competed am
1 finished , § 50,000.
The Lutheran church , having soli
. their property im D mglas fliuui , ai
At proNunt holding seivico in loyd' !
' , Opera llotiao. but oirly in tlio spriir
( xvill begin to lay the found-itimis fo
| i u now ami idi' church odihco o
. ' Iliirncy and Sixteenth Ktrcoti , xx-hioli
' | > vhen coinplotod , xvill cmt in th
_ 1 noigiborhoil ! ( : of $ : i"i,000.
s | IJiiriiig the year lAionsivo imprnvi
i mi'iits and ultor.iti i..s have hoeli mad
| on Si. I tarnab.ih ' ] coial | church. .
il ' new paisnnauo adjoining lias bee
' i .jroctod at n cost ni .S" > .DUO , and a em
f ' siderable sum has been cpeut mi tli
t , ' I ohuich odiliou rnd school.
. j Tlio Swedish l.rti horan church o >
e | pect tr erec1 a lamer building durin
' i tlio c lining yiar , o.ving t > thu inorea'
M | in tlio conu'ro ation , and Slf , OJO xvi
- ho o\mndcd | in its construction.
I ' Tlio Congregation of IBIMO. ! ha\
j 'or sumo time oixned a lot in the cit
iv I xvhich they ] iroiose at an earl
i'I I Jay to oiocl a synagiiiruu
' . , . St I'liilomona's Catholic parish a
ifivady him the nucleus of a In , id xvit
' , ' ! j t ixhi : li to eioct a cathedral , groun
il 'or ' which is already in \ uses-si. m i
'I ' ho i-lmrch upon St. Mary's avenm
\\u-.W.i. ' a short time they expect I
lay tliu li.nmlV'.1' ' " " * for the laig i
and in ist oloL'iint chnren "dilico i
Nebraska , wiib 111.- bishop's loMdonc
tttachod , xvbich xvid ( itovo a littin
[ > lace of xvoishin lor llio la'gcst cm
givga'ion in tlio oily.
il ' I'insr ll.xi'iiM Cm-iii'i Havcnpoil an
; rilteeiilh ; Kex. .1 .1V. . MaiiK pastor
CCKMAN ItAl'l'isrSame lniihlins ; A. I
lieniiis , pastor
Cllllisri.x.v ( . ' - ll-hexelileeiitb , lie ;
DoilKe : lc.lames ! \V. Ingram. pa > tor.
n CoMiiiii : : x i IHN -Chieauo ami Nim
u leeiilli : leA. ! . I' . Sherill , pastor.
' . : TllIM'IV C.x I ll-.tilt\ | | , , ( l-piseoial-Coi : ] )
II ner larhlccnlli ami Capilol axeane ; lit. lie
' ' ' i l.'nbcii II Claikson , liishop ; 1'ev. l-'rai
" . i It. Millspaii h , dean and lector.
: , i ST. It.xn.vAiiAs. iipiscoiali : | No. MI ;
Nineteenth ; lex. ! .lolm illiams , paMnr.
Si. M.XIIKS , il-pi-copali : No. 7T. Pieiei
lev. ! James I'aleison , lector.
O.xMsii l.rrm.nxN IClKlilcenth ai
V i ilaeksnn : , pasloi.
's I.MM : i-.i. l.i'iin II\N Novx tompnrari
r- i lio.Ml's 0ic.-a | | House. Hex. ( ! . I' . Mellin
id 11. 1 1.
' , " I.i ini..nvx f. A. c. No. ll
! l .laekson ; lex. ! i ; . I. . I'loe. jiastor.
SXVI.IIIMI | .i riicitAN No. | s | > i'a-s , 1 ! ,
\ . ' . A. I'oKclsliom. piisloi.
'IhoNwodish DV.UIKI Hi .1 ! i.allieran I-ami
nel chinch \\as in aiii/i-d In IM.H. xvilh
, small nnmlier of active mcmhors. f
clinii-h limldllim , eiei led inM. \ > , and -ilual
le on Cassstii.i.l.ln.iwecnililoeiilli | : ; ami Nil
sleenlh siuM'ts , is much inn small to aeeoi
al moihiie the chiiieh-xoinu' Swedish people
l the ciiThenline , tin' onxiecalion pi
lie chascillastsnninicr.ini the sum ol Vi.nnii
s. , ! xei.x haiiilsnnie and xvcll-loealcd lot , eon
1.x of i 'ass ami Niin-leenlh sticets , on whiel
al siinii.jcntl.v laiic eliinch Iniililmu is m
oiccleil nest slimmer , 'the eonuii'i.ili
, con nls a I piesi'iil two hiindred mendn'1-s . i
' Hie popnlallnli Ihiee hmidicil. IHniiii. !
Veal | ss | Illtv-nlie melllliers wenlecelX
Illlo the ci.n . rejaliiin , The plciont pastoi
I ) A. ro clsllnni. ' ( he trustees air. till
nar A Umlipicsl , N. Mail-en , .lolm Siinlld.
I' . I- I'li.ilniaii , A. M Anderson , and Jo
Iiiiiirn .s i n Mi.i iiiuiisr No ; .ii :
: liteciilli ; L'ex. J. \ \ ' . Miank. pastor.
s | Tutsi Mr.iiiiitn-.i- . ITll Dui'iiio : |
I ; Ilex. ,1. W Mcxxail. pasloi.
' " ( il n xi AN Ml.I llnniM No. IIJ.I
"J' ' Hex. lleiii ) llnmes. pasloi.
nl'l I Sot in .MII.-.III' '
iln ' I'icicc ami Tenth ; Itev. D. .Maninelle. p ;
m I'ir.
ed AI.nunii i Mr.i iinnisi No. DID No
'j ' > j liiiillleeiilh ; Ilex , Nimnc ! A. Willo. past
, d- Aiuii.xs Mr.Tiioiusi - No. n-'i .No
1-liulireenlh : Ilex. Jnlin . \ . ronolic , pasloi
, n l I'llisi rsfi.xiti.v.x i ornen' and si
| u ! cnleeiilli ; Itcx. \ \ . t' . Copi'land , pasli.i.
di | Sci'iisn PIII > IIX run v.s liodneaml > i
lie cnlcenili . Itev. \ \ . I. llai.sha. paslnr.
' " . l'MI-i | | Pill MIX I Kill XN Nn. 7'JNo '
" " l.ijjlitcciilli , Itex. U. II. lii-iiliaiu. pastor
l , , | CoNlilU'l , XI HIS III IxltXKI. No. 1
iai I'ainliain ; 1C. Simon , president ; .M. if ,
.ar . man. vlee-pc.slilelil | ; Minenn Illnoiu. sec
u.i | laix , .Max MOJOI , ireasiirer
is I.xi 11 it D.xx NXIM'K CHI in n No i
la- Cass ; 1'ex. ll T. Ldxvaids. pastor
] " ' Trsrit Sinn-)1 ) MIMIOS VHI So
l" ( > 'I'cnlli. Niisellli'd pa lir. ,
to I'liixnx MlMln.N. leidori'il' ' li'-v \ \ .
i | liiccn , paxlor
T" Nlllllll OM VII V I'KI'SIIX HUM VN li.'V
> Ilia ) nc.x , pastor.
HI- Yin M. MUN'I. ( HlllxllAN AKMM IAI I
I * . K. IHnichailuli. | irc ideul ; C. ! : 1 : ,
Holds , see i el a rv ; I. L. Waic. ln-asinei- :
ml T. llovvcr. uciieral sei'ielar ) .
M. | 'nii.ii.viis.x'f : Cxriunii xi. Con
Nhilh and llaiue.v ; Itl.llev. Janics o'Ci
nor. 11. H . \ or.x Ilex. M. Iliordaii. lied
Vcr.x Itex. W. Ixell ) , Ilex. .1 i : iiuf : | |
Itex , A. M. Colancrl. assislalils
Ta > l'.n in.11. I'\IIIKI.IUI. . alien tin III
llt-x. ItUhiip ll'Ciinnnr ollleiuK- , filniU ;
ciii | | i.iti' jfntliic Klrnclnrctith > culnif < aiu ,
plot mi tlu-Hiuthnc'st eoriii'ri'i llanii-.v ami
> lri'U. . Tl" ' ( .innili-r ( tin. Civi litnii eoll
. . . , iimiii u iit ( uf tinKill1 mid milled < f.'ium m\ici \
Jn limit fur tin'crtH'ikni ii ] ilit elmrelu.juti uniUp
i , ] lin Jlinllk Xlll'v Illllill U llltlllllil | ( llVsillt of (
ruru marlilti ut almnl i'.noo cn l. The on
anil ciilr. | nndiT churv'f of I'roluunr ll'.llinun
'd ' * * tii til ) iTiititutilu lu Uiu isiifro ! | .itioii. Thi'ori
' ' . ' m.t wi.nii. It liiuu c'utl ' ) fhiuii'ol liclU. '
' " ' mlheilml pa.ter U ( hi X'rv | dMi Ilim-iLiM
[ O IJ. uf llruuUyn , J [ . V.
lie bi. liar ) llui'duli n elum-li , Hou l. tn
1CJlvx. . I'utlit-r liluulicrernmn / ) | .wtor
I'm urn t 1111. ll"i x r.vnii.x itcx
A. hliallel , M. , l..piisloi. It. v ) ' Hillm
rt. ,1. , auliitiiiil.
| - bl \ \ IM | ' I-XI f- . ' lloln Inlaii' | ! cv
Im'J Oiiiahii Strnot RiUwjiy.
rli To canmi this cnieiprise uxoniv m
"r. llfleeii c.ils and scvi nl. -live h..t -cs n. <
. | . ii I In. ml' , h . - I. . 'i M'.I. ' . .1 I. .
- > si Ibis si - I , I .1. _ ti
. ( l I LId
No eitx in Vim in a .if e.uixl | | nipiiliition
i-.iti instlx lioiist of n many xvell-eondueteil ,
I'tu'ik'i-tic , imd enteriui in nexv p.ipor < a <
( linidm. There are four dailies , \1 : The
lll'K. inorniiik ; and expidnj , ' , iSiiiiilay-t ex-
cepU'dl , dmnha I'tibllihin
roinpany , pro-
prlftnr" , Mdwaril llnn-xcater , editor j the
Herald , im.niliik' , ( except Monday * ) , Miller
tS ; lilchnriUi.ii , pulill her , I'r. ( U-or e l < .
Miller , editor. The lU-puMlcaii. iiiornlnir ,
( exeept Monilay. " ) . Trlhtnie Printing Com
pany , puMI-Oiei * : DaliH C. Ih-noksi and
l-'red , editor * ami the livening Tele-
ram , eviir.v aftenmoii , ( except Sunitay * )
Donnelly & Smith , publisher * , Sam K.
Donnelly , nlltnrt mio ttl-xx-eclly ; , ( iciinan
pnjier , the Oninlm Post , 1' PHntiiii ;
f'oinpnnv. pnhlichersParl ( irandpre , cdl-
tor , The 1U-K , Herald , llepnbllcan. and
Pint oaeh publish xveekly eilltloii' . Theru
are aNn tin * folloxxitiff imblleation * : The
Xebriv < kii NVatflinian. oxer.v Satnnlay , I-1.
M. McDonottjjh , editor and pnhlUhvr : tin-
Sntinilay Mx-enhij ? Times , ( lenrjjeVi e.
cilitiirand pi-opiletor ; the I Imaha Commer
cial lii-cni- . ! , ni-iiil-inniitlily , l\ I , . Hall ,
editor ami publisher : the Piikrnk Xapadu.
( Itnheinliinl.cvet-j-'l'lntixdrty.lolm Inslcky. (
editor and | iuhli.slicr ; the Telegraph , Kiel--
man ) , exery Satnnlay , I'anl WeinhaKcii ,
editor and publisher ; the Haiiske I'iniiccr.
( Diniisli ) , cxery Thnr.sdiiy , .Mail ; Man-on ,
editor and Ve I'o-ten
publisher : tra - ,
( SxvedMii , oxery TlmiMlay , litindei > ; tvii \
llaiilxxidl , piililNliors the linral Xeln-a-i-
kan , inoiithly , taK'iieiiltnrall . C. I ! .
Allen , editor mid puhlMicr J the C'hnreli
( iiianliiin , ninlitlily , ( Mpl enpal ) , lex ! ,
lames I'atersoii , editor. The anj-ionatt
capital now invested in Omaha newspaitoi
estalilisliinent" . inchtdiiiK hiiildint ; * , ma
ehim-ry , and materials eseeeiN S ° ( KK.KI ) (
alid the tnimlier of persons cniiloycd | ii
the xarjiuis eitahlisliniciits h
Omaha i 'J ( > r.
[ I'nnnded iii is7l. bv KilxMiril
. lilcseiil ctlllor , isllieiinisl vvidel.x elienlatci
' and hilhicntial | iapcr In the Missouri \'alle\
i The r.i-ipilniswo : : | ie nlar cdilioiis dally1
, Sundaxs esi'opted. its circulation in ill
' eil > ol Omaha lsjrealcr ( than Hie comhiiiei
circulation , , f all the oilier Omaha dalllc-
l The eiieiiliilion In the Stale ol Nebraska I
Ireldo that of anx othei dail.x puhllsiied I
i Hli'M.ile. TheliMI.X lll-r. : 'also eileillate
; csiensiM'i ) in xM'stern Iowa , Wyomlnt ; an
Itali. The weckl.N edition of Tin ; iiii : : ha
Ihe laip'sl clieiilatioii of any weekly pahll
- cation west of t'hieiiKo ainl noilli of SI
J | LlllllS.
The I IAI i. x I'.r.r i-i the otlieial paper i
, the I'nited States , and for nearly ci li
yours it Inis ht-eii the nllicial paper nf th
city of Omidia. It is the only paper di
L > ' lixered by eat lid. both in Council Ulull
and Omaha. The HKI : | iiilili.sliin lion-
. has the most eoiiiplote eiiiiimeiit | | of new- !
, paper | irintjiiK iiiiichiner.v that can lie foiin
' in uny linhlishiiii. ; hnti-iMvcit of the .Mis- | .
sippi. This includes Hne'.s late.-t imprnve
I I donbli..cyliiider press , and
lira ted f'.lilim ' , ' machine , xvhioh trims , paste
u and foldsisty S-pa e paieis | per miniiti
In xiexv of the i-teady and rajiid increase i
circulation , the piilifi-hi > i > of the ' : : cm
template the purchase of additional fa' '
lu-intiiiK maeliiuery at an early day. Tl
following oshiliit shows the business dm
II by the l'.i-'i : during the pa-t yeat :
I . . . .
Xmidier of i inplou's moil :
f " " lio\
\ > - - -
Total .
\Va oami ; duiie.-- paid to finiloyi |
durin , ' Issl. s'ic.s'-,0 : ( | ; { , ; xvei ht of now
li.ipei i. . J Im-iiij ; tlio year , ' 'lili,0iO | niiind
eostiii } ; slTWte 'riic postage paid by tl
P.IK : fi n- tin VflWtay HKu'rcKate.s S I.'OO- . ' .
mn I'lnt ; .i.-.i fijjt.luit , iio'il Iiiil' ' il
dailies and xviiMies in Omaha eninhinei
The illustrated annnal roviexxof the I'K
are a feature lie un in lS7-"i , xvhieh no otlu
Omaha paper has undertaken , and , M. . fane
no ii.iper in this cinmlry has excelled
U Among the .suburban atlractions <
Omaha , llanseom i > .xik may bo pro ]
irly : mentioned as Ihe chief. Th
city acquired fomo years a o aboi ;
' forty acres of rough wooded land o
,1 , the west Hide of what is mw knoxvn a
i'.irk avenue. The only especial at
v ( motion of this : property xx-as a limpn
- ' stream ( lowing Ihroii h its eentei
. down to which the woodland on eithc
side oontly sloped. Il possessed
i. however , tlie advantages of near loe.
lion and tin abundant supply of xvno
i- growth , and therefore the city aullmi
a ities determined to develop xvhatevi
, , 'l of beauty there xvas , and make as at
i'- tractive a place for resort in the sun
, ' , ] mer-tinie as xx-as possible , These e
rforts have more than been successfn
Uf as every lover of beauty in nature ca
a testify , llanscoin park , an it is nov
'c is doubtless one of tlie most invitin
' , ' ! retieats of the kind possessed by an
ie city. The underbrush once cut axva
'l' ' | and the trees triinmed , a velvety o.n
i- ' pet of softest grass and elover gprea
' ' over the xvh'ilu. From Iho main ei
' " trance on the east side of the p.irl
which is guatded by a bandsmiu , an
durable arch , a broad graveled driv <
t ; way leads d redly westxvard and the
ijivido.s into two branches , xvhich ai
1 again divided and crossed by numerot
roads , linoly urided and extendii :
s. in graceful eui'volo every nook an
comer of the enclosure. On one .si ,
" ' of the pretty little stream , at a sligl
" fluvatimi is a gtacefnl Htriicture ealh
" ' the Park bouse , which is occupied 1
, . the custodian of the grounds. Ai
joining ( he I'ark liom-.e is a lar ;
dancingpivillioii andadeeronclosiir
I'lio dancing platform is strongly sn
ported , .iml tastily surrounded wii
11 , trollis-xxoik , and furnisheH as pleasai
il- a dancing lluor us can be found i
' ' " xvihht'd for. The attractive fu.ituri
of the p.irk are ao numerous that ] ia
| ( |
lieiilu- notice would bo impractical ) !
Hi ItH trees are of in.iny years and evi
centuries grnvxih and furnish a mo
lv- delightful and iifreshing shade. Tl
j. . . varmties of xvoods found in Ihe p.n
furnish the cm ions with a plcntif
IN number of tmhjicts ; the diH'crei
> . ' Kinds of ( 'lusM's.uid shrubbery delii ;
the eye a'id invite to a luxurious di
dieam , while the sparkling streai
er lianihomi ) coltaoe ami tasteful a
" " Juliets liei htuii tlie beauty of the p.u
i > . to a decree tha alike captivates rei
dent and strantier xvho enter its oati
' ' , ' A number of improvements xvill 1
! i > made the cominn year , and it
jj1 * probable ihat llanscum park xvill , f
'vv ' many years , bo the f.iyorily place f
> p Hiimmur resort. The city has alrea ,
\lr \ uspunded over SISO.OOO in beautifyii
an this pail ; , and during last year $ l,5i
'rt'vas ' apnropri.ileil for that | ) iiriosi3 | 1
„ ' , ' tlio city ciiuiK'il
> ate eleven job printing csta
II. lishinoiits in llio city , as follows : Ti
" HIIK , Herald. ltepublit.-aii , I'ost , Tel
ijr.ipli , and D.inihh 1'ioneer , Tliom
Tl. Cotter , ( ! . \V. tSray , Samuel Kei
F. 0. Kostni-r iV Son , and ilnlin 1
il'irtiuior. The Herald , Itupnb'ic-a
, . ' I'V.tnt-r iV S in , liieif. and Mortim
i" hno Inn.k-bnub . iii-s eniinected The
' ' stid i InIKiits i-mpli'V ' 1'iit printci
' risjii , . n .iiut I n.'li-rs. and o :
lurii.u ' ' i' > eil tUi'iO ill liiacllllli viiid tlu-r iiuj "VeiuentB.
Military Hoiulquartors Dei > nrt-
mpiit of the Plntto
The location ol Omaha at the gate-
wax of the trans continental trunk
line to the P.icllis. on the bank of the
Missouri , xx lib its ilnee thousand miles
of navigable'xv ater-xx ay betxveeti Fort
Henton and the Gulf of Mexico , has
given this city Miperior claim * a < a cen
tre for the distribution ol army Mip-
plies and the'qunrterlng of troops not
actvally employed on the plains , Dur
ing the war Omaha was Ibe headquar
ter * of n military district extending
over the then/terrilory of Nebraska ,
and including Ihe section of conn-
iry xvest of Nebraska located on the
, overland stage route this side of full.
Since iSd ; Omaha has been the
headquarters of a military division
known as the Department of the
Pintle , xvhich includes Nebraska , Wv-
ouiing , I'tab , and a poition of Dako-
, ta. A large share ol the commercial
and financial supremacy of Omaha in
the Missouri valley is due to the heavx
purchases and distribution of militarx
supplies at this point , and the band
ling of the ( pmrlerin.isier , eommissarx
and paymaster funds of the depart
iiient hx our banks. In 187 : the nu
tional government aciiiiied | S'i'a ' acie ;
of land on the plateau txxo miles tuirtl
ol this csly. L'pou this tract xvas es
lablislied xxl\at \ is knovxn as I'oi
i Omaha Oxer Jj has been e\
pemled in buihliiigs ami upon improve
meilts of these grounds. The quarter
for soldiers have accommodated Iron
txvo to fourteen companies of troops u
various grades each xviuter. Th
( dwellings iorou"ieer are neat and com
' modiotis , anil the store-bouses plait
and substantial. Tlie grounds ar
tastelnlly 1-iid out. An almndan
, I xvatei-Mipply has been seemed by th
building of a system of vvater-vvoiks
[ Army Roster. lir.Nmt.xi. Cr.oltoi : cuooi
I' s Arm ) commanding.
i'iiso.s.xi. : ! ST.U-I- .
f I'aptalii ( ' ) ius S. liobeits. se\eiilecnlli li
i laiilrv. ahl-ib' I'amp.
l-'irst l.leiileimnt .lolm ( I. llonrke. Ihit
- ' caxalr.x. ald-ilc-camji.
l''lrst Lieutenant Waller * . Selmxler. lift
eaxaliv , abl-ile-eaiap.
l > ii'Airr.MHM : M'.XI'r.
i Malm-.lames P .Maitin.A A.H. . f s. A
adjutant general , Omaha. Neb.
; Lieutenant Colonel William II. Itoyal
1 third cavalry , acting assistant inspooli
general of the dcpailment. Oinalia , Neb.
Major Horace It. llimiham , judge adv ,
cate. f. s. AIIIIX. judge adxoeati' . Omali
f Neli.
Major Marshall 1. Lmlington. qiiaile
' l master , I' . S A. , chid ipiailermaster. Dim
tha. . Neb.
e Captain Thomas Wilson. C. S. . I' . S A
u ehiel conimissarv ol subsistence. Omali
Lieutenant Colonel John K. Summers , MI
" geon , t' . S. A . medical director. Omali
r , Xeb
- , .Major'rimdileiis H. Slaiilnn. payniasli
t' S A. , elilel paymaster , Onialiii , Neb
i'irt-t Lleiitciiant Dan. ( ' . Kitigman , enr
of engineers , t' . S. A. , engineer ollloi
, Omaha , Neb.
; . ATI1 XI lll'.ll ,
' , ' First Licnti'imnt Karl D Thomas. Ill
e cavalry , acting assistant iiiailcrmast | ,
u Omaha , Neb.
l-'irsl Lieut nil William L. Carpenl ,
-.xxv.wrtn- - i'.v ' " "iiLPriuttJIiK iferiaa
iM'.xunKM.x-Ti-i's : : ! ni-.i'AHT.Mi ST.
Captain William T Unwell. A. ( . > .M . d ,
put iliailriinast | ( > i. Oudc '
Canlaln Join. " .
'r.-.aitormaslei' ' , Tllll.iii'i , Aob
Captain .lames 11. l.oid.A. ( ) . Jl . dcpi
iinailormastcr , Cheyenne , \V T
M I'.slMKSi I. Ill l-Alil'.MI N I1
Caplaiu William A Lldcrkln , C. S.dop
ecinilni.ssarv of subsist , .nee , Clicxcmic , W. '
. ' : , - , iiKl'All'i Jin.M1.
Major William II. 1'orwood. smuoon , po
surKcon. l-'oil Omaha , Neb.
I'.XX IH'.l'.XItl'.MI'-.NT.
. Major linhcil D. ( 'larkc. pa.xmasloilin ( :
1 ha. N.-b. .
( n'oicoA KliKlaml. l-'ort Oinalia. Nrli.
, Aeoordlm : lo rank
i Samuel MIIIISDII , eoiupaii.x c. ninlli ii
. fan try
, ( icnrjte- lamlaml. Chaplain
1 l.eonaicl Hay , eompaii.K. . ninlli Inlaiilr
.Irsse.M. , i'iiiiipaii > l > . ninth inland ;
r ruts i i.ii-.ri-CNAXi *
Minii-C I'oiiliailjnlalit lilnlli infanlr ;
.lames Ue 'an , It > ! M. , iiinlli inlanli
.lames MI-II. siiMiiln'1 , company. K.niin
- Inl'antr.N
.lulin A. llalilu in. nimpain I ) , ninlli Ii
' land ) .
siciiNii ; 1.1 1.1 'i is : A.vr.
Allieil S , MeNiill , i'iimiialiI' ' , lilnlli I
f Tlie dopnt now located III the tlre-pio
ami Inlck hiiildlng elected last veal b ) II
i goveinment at a I'osl of ? : , on tl
1 giimiiils vxcst of the I Illiill 1'aeillo depot.
underchaigo ol ( 'apt. John V. I'liiey , a
sistant iiiaiciiiascr | ! ! | r S. A. Dining II
, ' pasl llnoo.xeaisil hasdlsliibntod mine to
1 nago than an ) other depot in Hie I'nlli
. Stales. The totrilor ) oinliraccil ill Its ope
allmis eoxcrs a large area lint the tacilili
1 for handling supplies and ipiailcimast
U siuies ale ample.and all Hie ieiilhcmci |
u haxc been iiiomplly met on cvci ) oceasii
" by Capl ! mo )
Tolal amoiiiil illsbiiiseil bv ( apt. John
e rurax. A. i ) . M. , r. S A. , fiom Jan. 1st , iw
t _ In Dec. l.'i. | ss | , sii'nj. . ; ! , on account
, pmcliasc ol supplies , scrxices lemleied , cl
" Total amount olioeelplsfoi a same peiii
i There ate s\cii horses and foity-llii
mnli's ami fonitccii wagons at depot. Tnl
e nnmbornf cmiilovcssexcnl ) .
i The shipments in vxesiom posts fiom ( H
aha depot during Iho past ) car conini |
' " ing ipiatlcrmasier and siibssieiicc | ston
h oidnam-c stoics and medical supplies , ma
. over the 1' , P. lallvva ) and Us Inaiielies. a
leased and operated lines amount in l
ir iiggicgaic to aT.ii'is.r. : , | > omids.
„ Thus , , nxei tile S. C. \ Pacitio It. I ! a
blanches dnilnu same peilod. aiiiomii
I.JII..VJT : ponmls.
j Till1 number of ollleeis. Hoops and nil
passengerscnnnccicd xvilh the mllilai ) i !
" pailiiicni. eaiiieil west Inim Omaha , ilmi
it same pcrind. l.all
Number nl iini-sesaml limles oaiiioil vvi
. u liming same period , IM.
K Tlie improvements and biilldlnu al I' ,
l ) I'liiaha. ' Neh . for the vear l l , consist
, the following new buildings
1 l .Major's i nailoi-s , story and hall liai
it bmhlhig with brick basement.
. , .K a plain's ( Diallersainc doscilplinli.
> I Hake llmisc. one stmy frame vvilh bii
I , cellar
| . Tile re lelm ; ; ol two Field Olllol
. l/iiarlers. / and lour seisni ( 'ninpan.x Ona
K li'l-s.
j. The lemodellng ami I'leaiiingnf Hn' loin
, Doii.-irlmcnl llcaibinaitors building los
Ihe piiipuses of I'usl lleaihniailefs , ami
ie iilllcos xvitn cliapel and school room , a
| u lor Post Hospital and Miigeon'solllccs
other impioxcmcnls aic In grading a
T draining Ihegroimds
ir 'lolal cash disbursements InM"b ! ) d
Lnilhiglmi , Chief ( /uailcimasler / Denai
J nicnl of I'lilto-Iin.V.M ; Of Ililsalnoil
g s > r.iioiNixvas disbiiised al the Omaha de |
IQ b ) .Major l-'nra.x.
The folloxxinuliou s Hie amoiiiil of clali
y aiiditul and allowed b ) the Chief ( Jnaili
niasicis'olllee in favor of Ihe I'.P.iailw
eolllpail ) | SK | . | --0 | flelglll.s..T.I.Ii'Jl.ll'i ; | i ;
sengors. JsiTl."iT.lii. | ! ( express , si.W , ll. ; le
grains. l.i.t' : Total , s7 . . | | | . , ' ,
Pullman Pacific Car Coiiiuiy ] ,
j- 'Ihe Mcsierii ollli'i'i-s up1 L. M llolilie
. uenoral sinieilntcmlenl. otiieo In I'ni
ln Illoek ( inmlia ; W. II .s-enll.assistant to go
4 , oral .siiperinlcmlcnl : K. D. Iliown. assist.i
) supiTlnti-ndolil. Ogdeii. I'lali Chailes
' Wllkiiis , rocoiillngaliici , ; .l. i : . Coolhh.
I , agent al Council Illnlls ; C K. Colom , !
> ] a olil .Hid clefk. Tlio I'acillc Car CiilMlia
' . i-s Ibe I . P. main line . C. P. DC
10 ' . .inn I'r.ili S'orllii'in rallwax Th
i , mo I vi i lit \ -Hirer sleepers on the main III
j i.uir on ( InDIIIWI and llveun t
I i ih S , . . | . > main Inn-ai
. ' , I , \ N . , ten Ili-uv i r LMIII h Hiree mi
l"r. . < l in is. iiipl"Ved liv.-nli On
The \Vc"tern I'tiioii. ill tln'scitx , oiiii'loy '
thirtopcriitor * . thrt'e clerk < . ei 'lit in " "i-n-
u'ei-s , an , | two llnoiiu'ii. Thl H trict th'-
thiiil i innliT tin- direction nf Siiiei-in- |
tt'ildt'iit .1. .1. I'lekey , and tlicOnmliai'lnVe
! the law t oiuof tindistrict. . I. . M.
lihet'ln i in rhaiyp of lhj ojlii-c , with
Tlunna Cmry , chief oiierator , V. M. ( . 'rit-
tentoii , nlkilit'cliicf , .1 , 11. McUuin- l t-
ant clilff.
rnrthi' vcar 1SS1 thenorc handled at
thUollici- f.n.V.ia-s2 itH-Mtfi-J ntid tO,12 .lMl (
wonl , of special ainl iir " rcimrts. iipial
to ! < H7. * > fitt ntc ai'i > . Pile I'liloii I'nrille
ISallxvay ( 'onipany niixlntnin iiiiuolllivs
t'tnplo.v Ixvi'iity-foiiropf ratnrs , and bundled ,
during the yo'ar , li"\tiOO nn" " KOi. ! The
MinliiiKtuii \ Ml ouri liixer Ihdlwuy
roinpany nmintnin tvxn otllce , K\\ \ , < em
ployment to llxo nln.1-atnr * , mid liandlcd
'Jlll.lOO tnein c ilurllii ; the year. The
Chle.iifo , St. I'anl , Minneapolis' & Omidm
1 maintain txx-o otlieo < , einpli > x tluvo npeva-
1 tor" , mid handled 111" , . " ( Hi nii'i-aite" . The
1 NVetoin I'nlnii have thiity-rnexvires run-
nllitf into thl iillice. xxji'leh , Xxith . their
' nnailrnplev. and duplex in < triituctits u'lvi"1
them a capacity of fnrty-lixc xvire . The
I' . IMiavc - iwire - , the H. \ . M. three.
ami the ( ' . , S. I1. , M. , \ u. three : total ,
foi ty-scvcii , Total innnlici nf inciwiwr *
liamlliiil by all the nlliet' : ! lll.V . .Mi , The
IHi : : testlfiei In the einille \ , eolniietoney.
and etlleieiicy of tin'U'ottern t'ninn nlli-
eial" at thlpoint. . The year ni t elnscil
ha" been the mo < t rclnarkidite in the history
> of telegraphy. The as as < hiatlon of the
President aiid the trial of his assassin ,
t tiles ami tlomls ami a xa t catalogue of
i other IHiliMial ili a ( * | , liaxe kept the tcle-
( raph otllces and opeiatolof the eniintry
j inoic than busy , and rendered the year 1SSI
memnrable as- the peiioil of extramilinarx
eakimitic" tliroii''hout tlie worlil.
1 Omaba r.loolilo Compaux opei-iiles omahii
ami Council Illnlls Telepliiuie Kxcllalllirs.
N'nnilier of siiliserlliois in Onniha HHI. Sum
her oriines lailiallnu lioin Cenlral I'lllcr , 'C i
liiakln ; , ' a total IciiKlli of o\er ' 'mi miles oj
xvlre Nnmlier ol'ilail.x . calls ansvxeicil am
eolllieetloiis lllailc at I elllial iilllei LMHKI
, When II Is coiislileii'il that each call -.axes ;
siibscfiiii'i' of tlnec-iiiaileis of
an ax crane - | i
1 mile xxalMiiK , hi the auKie alc asaxlnc "
r I.MKI mill's of xxalklliii In the snlisoilliei'
eaehilax , the impoilanoc ami eonxcnlenei
. of this s\sicm max he holler niulerstooil
The eomjianv emplnxs slvlc'cn peisoiis. Ii
point ol miuiliiT " 1 v'niiM'tilicis Omaha tali"
, amoiiKlhexerx llrsl as cum pat oil with olhei
cities , which Is niil.x amillier p'oor ol tin
I llnpoitancc of Omaha as a eommeielal aiu
! hllsinessconlte , asvxcll asllie enteipiiscof il' '
I olli/eiis. Now siilisciibcrs an * lieinu cumieot
oil at the rate of Iwenl.x each inonlli. Tin
- ' Ccnllal nllleo ami Hie appioaehes Ihereti
ate lltleil up for one ihoiisaml xxlics , whiel
' Ihe compalA hellexc xvill lie the niilnliei le
iplllcil wlllllll the lli'M Illlee Ji-ars. Tin
eompaii.x intoinis its that theeaiino
MlppK Hie liistnnueiils as fast as ii'ipiliei
li.x aihllllolial siiliseiilu > is Theie helm
Mich a ilemaml foi IIMI unicnN excr.x when
that tlie lacloilcs caimol U < < ep up wllhlln
onlei- . This has icleienoe pailloiihulx Ii
1 the call licll. The compalix Is olllocroil a
. follows. C. W Meail. ' ' ; .1 ,1
iHleke.x.lcePiesiilent ami I icnoial Man
I niter ; I. . II Koitx , Seeielarx iiml 'I icasiirer
> . II. II. ClmU ami A M. nui/alln. Iliroe
I , tills . .lohllli Molse. Mipeiinlenilenl ol'IX
ehaiiKes : ( 'has I * Miiithaiil , Matiauer I'm
aha Central Olllee : Miss Maltle l\inncil\
ChielOperalor ; Miss | .i//ic MeCluii' . Assis'i
ant Cliicl Operaloi
Tlie completion of the water xvork
i. marks a noxv era in the history o
Omaha. Tlie greater poition of th
works have been eonstnuiti'il sine
April of the prosunt year , all hough
, ; start xx as made. late in the fall of JK.SC .
The rapidity xvilh which they hav
j" heun eonstnicted is unparalleled i
llio history of water xx-oik.s
rfrom , -100 to CiOO men having bee
, „ constantly employed during the sprin
r. and summer in pipe-l.ix ing and resci
voir coiistruclion. Since .Septembi' '
10th , the lime when wa'er ' wim lirs
} . ' furnished by the company to prhal
consumers , the number "
us lie SITVICU con nee
dons increas-o. It in cxjiec'ed ' tlm
the prosairo xvhieli the slot-ago ele
viition atlbnls xvill ho largely ntili/.ui
< } by manufactories during the comiti ]
' year. Xo city in the L'nitod State
it is furnished xvitli a clearer or pure or than that supplied by th
Omaha water works cnmp-my , am
- their value for lire protection pm1
poses has already l > ecn tested in
immbur of instances , where tlioi
workings proved ciitiiely eatisfactnry
The Water Woiks of Omaha ale uu ncil Ii
a coiiinanyof Omaha capitahsis. ineoiiiiiial
eil niiilcr the name ol lhriiU'alei ( UoiK
Coiiiianx | ol' Omaha , ll iitlloi-rs an' : San
ll'-l Ii. .lollllsoll , ' ' . Mllloll linger
\ iee-l'icshlent ; N.slicion. | . secrelaix an
Tieasiner ; .1. I , \\chsi | < r , xttoine ) : .1. I
Cook. ( oiisnlliii : ; - ; ( 'hosier I1. ! ) n
vis , rhiel Kllillci'r Collsliurlloll ol \\otks. \
The woiks ol im * eompaiiv i iiiluaci-
. eolllhimitloll ol Iheillreot pi cssllie ami I'1' '
, - erx oil- system 'I lie soilloe nl supply is ll
| | Mlxslllllj liiMT rillllpillK : WOlks colnplh
,0110 , Kmivxles' Compinniil I'limiuiii. l-min : <
- capahlc nl lai iiif : auiiii , u ) gallons : H I lei
hi h ilail.v. anil one single engine \\illi ilail
eapaeil.x of I'.IIIHI.IHIII gallons I'jiciinan
I Miller houses aic biicKn iicliuc- . . ii'siint. n
- solid stniio ami eoncicie lonnilalioiis. an
looleil xvllh eoiin ajcil iion nu wroiiKhl im
tlllssi's. The slack is ol luick one Illlllillc
I'-cl ' Ill li. resiii | | ' nu Iwolil.v leel nl soil
> l iiiasnni-.x v\lh ! pile lia-c. \\nlor i- < lrau
o fnim the liver inln an iton cxlnnlciinli
c ucll. sled | In in l ei ii ir iliaiiiclcr. ami loil.v
Is i llxc leel ilecp , anil llom Iheie plimpeil inl
fniirseltlliii : hasliis sitnaicil on iixei liollm
ie ' hack of sol hi stone iii-iappnii. | . ami have
i- eaparil.x of K.IMIII.IKKI Callous 1'iom hcio ll
' 'I ' xx'aler is raisoil into a sri ol ei > \aleil iosei
' - voirs two ami one-hall miles west ami Ihn
's hllllillcil anil scu-ii feel ahoxc Ilic lixe
'r liaxiiiK a eapaeil.x nl ! i.iuiimiu callon-
Is ami fiom heie n is ili-liiliulcil ihiiiii lmi
ll Iheoit.N llil-oiidh Ihlil.x-lwo mill" , ol pip
li'sicilioa prcssinc n | ilui-c liiinilicil | ioimi
I T inch , ami uciplnn ; . ' Hie ihniisaml Ion
I'he eompanx also piox hies two limiilieilin ,
' . ' liltx-llve li.vilrauls. the iiuUoioiis ilistiilmlii
; ot which. Inuclhoi with the lai c eapaeil
. ' ami meal elevation nl the slniauo icseixnl
' . ' ampl.x pinxnles tin- the | | nppan |
' Ine proteelion ol the cllv.
, , The compalix's loiiiuN at Hielie ol il
i slinaKc [ cseivoiis aic -nlliciciil si/e tnai
lull nl the stoiaueeapaollv lo meet an.x ih
Illliml of the ell.x's iiixxlll. The oust ol II
' " Woiks is alionl snooiiii | ,
No city in the eoiintiy is more ai
mirahly adapted liy location for
thorough system ot underground an
surface diain.igo The ground npo
vhicli Omaha i-i built , slopes "mi
ually upward from the river tn tli
end of the plateau upon which Ih
business portion of Ihe city
erectid , and from thai point risi
rapidly to Ihe crest of the hill at a
elevation of over three hundred fci
ibijvo the .Missouri. Although Omali
has alvvayn been an unusually health
city , its lapid growlh .and Ibe eslal
lishinent of water xvorks made a Hy. '
tern of toxverage necessary Knrly i
il the summer of JH"1 ! ( U.0.1'hillipx , tli
is well known civil enoincor , prepare
plans fora comnlele system of sevvei
id age , conforming to Hie newly adoptc
yrades of ho streets of the cilj
In 18SO about $ ( iOOUO , xxas c ;
peuded on a main sexvet alon
.South Omaha creek. .Subseijiientl
is it xvas decided to investigat
[ " " more thoroughly the inoro improve
H. systems of riewerat'e , and iitientjo
' early in the preFciit year xxs
directed to the Waring yslen
30 successfully applied in otlu
cities iu tlm country , nn
i. notably Munphis. After an examiiu
' , ' . ' lion of it's ciiims by the city , .Mi
it Waring directed to draw up plai
and esliniatt'S for sexveiing Omaha in
| j' der hi < system , and his report xv <
i ) adopted and accepted by the cilj
! Itoiirjn xvere voted at the fall eleetiu
c for thu immediate'iii nf tl
" . xvork , iiml - ' win at nm
, commenced
The \\iuna
tlio HSO of small \ii\ivn \ \ , xhicll are to
be cunstanlly itiul iiutomatically llualted
by wn or from the water xvi-rks , ami
xvliich diseharijos tlu-ir cotiti'iits into
the river by nu'iin * which prevent any
liachttiu of xvn'er or retention of sow-
age. lly tluastein all il.iliuor of
suwer gas is avoiiird , and no solid mat
ter , which is such n ditigerous sonrco
of disease , is ret lined in the pipes.
Ono Iiutidu > d thousand dollars has
btron npproprinted for the construction
of the sewi rs , and the xvoik is expec
ted to l.o pushed in the spring. A
mile and a quarter - > f pipe h is already
been hid , and about 810,000 , ox-
City Goverumniiti
.1. 1C , Itoxil , Maxof : C. V. Mamlel-snn.CIM
Atlnrnc.x , 's. u. Mallellc. TreaMirot ; .1. .1.
I. . C. .Ic'xvell. CilX Clerk : H.llllcl I1. AllBell ,
MiiMlial . Amlicx'x Uosewliter. Clt.x l-nlnecr : ( ;
( illMaXe llelieke. rnlloe .lmli | > ; V. rolll.
Slreet ( oiiiiiiis loncr : .1 .1 , dalllcan , Chief
ICnulneer of I'ire Pcparlmcnt
'Ilict-e are sis eonncllmcn at IIIIKC , xu. :
( 'has Uaulniaii. ttleharil O'Kcefe , I'lederlck
lioliniie , llomfi-sinll. ,1. o Colin ami Sain
nel llermaii. ami s\ | \xanl eonncllmcn , vl/ :
1st AlcxamlorMoliaxoik lUmlxxaril
M A. MeNaiuara ; ; iiil xxanl llenr.x Morn
licriici ; nh want Martin I'liiihalii ; Mh
xxaril Win haih , lith xxaiil \ \ A.
Flinuieliil ,
IUIMIUI DKivr in f < r\MiiMi
I iiioli I'acllle hrhltie ainl ilcpol
hoilil' , isn called' ' In per cent.
Mile In ts ! l ? ITls.VI.iO (
KiimlliiK | IOIIIH | ; per cent , iluc In
mm i , iimwi
Sexxer liomli. series percent
due in n H ) . . . . . u i w
Total iiiilsiainlltii ; homl * S-'s'-UVi. ! " !
No other ilchl ininro\hleil for.
The liileiesi on all liiimls is palil prompll.x
in \nrk.seml-iunilliill.x .
The tola I alnnnnl ! laves-colleetcil illlllliK
II c llscal > earcnilliiH'limc : iotli IsM. evcln-
slxc of liiicrcsi. xxa" :
On the Konelal taof issii. mill
prexlnlls .xeal-s . . . . IIHIllH.U'
I'm all special taxes' 5.PJO fil
Total net lav collected UOHH 7'
Of this amninit the schonl
fnml rccelxeil snTjituij
Also fin llcenies granted L''l Mi
And for lines in police
court . . . 'J.ll7.r.n (
Total siliUi.i !
The tax list for tsM , which Is
hased upon an assessment ni
not more than one-lhiid ol
Ihe leal valueshoxxs a total
xalnallon ol teal estate .sn.r.iii7.lH | ;
Ol personal properl.x . . iVKii.ii'Js.y.
Total xalaatlon .sii.l'ji.iicii.s !
Total taon the same at the rale nl : i
mills | ii.r dollar is :
o nl estate < I in. ! ni I 7 ; , -
On peisonal piopeit.x 7al ( I.M 1
Tolal las list li'.iii7l.r. !
The las lew fur ISMI wasiiii'j ' mills. Tin
lex.x for ISM in at mills , which lallcr include '
Hie water rate las. ami Hie sewer las. boll
m addition In lonncr veals.
l I IMtl N I I.M'l.NM--
For Ihe ei'lil | months under the pto-en
administration , lic lnnln ; ; Api 11 1st and cnil
Ilifiixenilicr aolli. Ineliisixe. areas lollnws .
CII.X oilleeis. . 7.oisJn : ; ! ; council. .Sl.i'Jm
pnllce salaiies anil sinidiies , s.-ji | sis ; tin
depailmeiil salaries am I snmlncs. n,7ai.7l
slieels. sidewalks and lulilyes. Sll, i
( talk. -llti.l | ! ; liluarx.I.Ti7.77 ; mlseellan
eons hills. > | | ,117- , in ! Tolal , M17.i i.l. ' > .r > .
[ City Improvements
Itiiiilinu on loth street , ciintrait nl Lnku
, .Mclii-niiiitt. . . . . . - ' . ' .
( iliiilhiir mi r.utiliini : ami s | | | stii-cls and
! allcvs nn M'xxt-r lint' * , inidi-i- contract ,
I llncli Minpli'o ( i.riii
I.- ' . " . ! ' lei t ol main M'\\tT laiii vvitli in.isniii\
lit \iiic niitl.dl niiniiie In loi.l "I iii-
1 U\ . \ \ . , - l.iiiihuii : and u-- . I ml milnsiu'
i "I | H.I | . , m > 1 .itlu'l . , fi.d I
! lo.nni ht . .f . s. . , . | pip , ' I
ninlil- mull ill I.Ill . In. . ) Mt l.liil i
r ( inliii' ' . in jiitti rtti , . n intli siii-ft. eon . .f In , s , I , \ Mi.k to d.ite .
r I'niii , "f pot . .t loth * iuit li.limit's
. , .
St. X I.-.M .
L s , i , , ( ,11 , , . , ,
: .mill.nn slu'i't
III. ; s
v emu
" mil. has ] iinl nut smc
fur ni.itcri.i
-i ii -tin- i IMIIS of tin.
, K i-i tii ! ! "i . tinuni.iuiiler fur l.d ir
'l'i. 1.1,1-1 in- . I. , i .1 . Ii iii < lcii > pl. . > , u-il m iin.x inn
iii.'hiii \ \ i- ilu M _ lull ulien tin- . -il\ M.IS ili\i
1 < u .1 int.-I M. l- iinI IJ mi n an.l Is ti-allls cm
r | 'l I. r. im n i < l 7 ti oneli - i inplii.xeil lav
1 IM ' i.v . , \ . ltk- | . - , 11. ton ) r the liiuest inmilii-r u.i
' tin n .iml . . ( c.iins
; Tire Dopai'tiiiciit ,
I Tlieespenses fin tinear IM. < | S.HHI ( ; 1
paid im n ; Ii horses ; _ ' eiinino hoiisi's ,
nose hnii-e . loin engines ; , ' ! , < ioil led o
i sen livable linsc ; .Ian. 1. 1isn to .laiiuar ;
. I , 1 M i"i ! ahilins lor liie ; loss. S'I-.IKIII ' ; in
snrance.i > 7.'iiui. .1. .1. ( lallicali. chief
, Charles Iliinl , liisl assisi.ini : Sol I'rincc
. second assistant ; \\'ni. ll.xan. Iliinl assist
1 ant : Kd Mann-i. foinlli assistant
Numliei of xolimtccisJan : M. lioldsinllh
s incslileiil : .leinmo ( . I'enl/el. M > ciclar >
' Ijinaeo Seheili. Ireasinei
. ' : | ; > C.lliin | ] ; Nil. I .1 V\ \iihiils , | .l , .
' ik-iilii. ; X. Hill , \iiv | iri-siili'iit. l > . VX' . Lane , SH
! i-t.n\ , . | | Itiiule . Imoiiiaii ; ( Icnrm1 Cni i-i
lh"l iissisiiint ; .loscjili \liiiest | , si > i-inil assjsiaiil
1 Ju'iiuluiiisi t'c't ' Ixatil strut.
1 I jiyoii'iiinian.v ( | Vi. 'J ! ' . . ! . MiMiahi' . prosi
" idi-iil : ( ivoCKU I' . XViiicllii-iin , ru.iit.nx : .lulin . \
Mi-Shaiii' , treasuivr ; IM liusti'is , fih > inuii ; l n <
, Ik-nxen , tlrnt assistant : Cliailis ( | ii..oii. , M-I-HII
: l.ssjstalit. llluriili- ! IIOIISLsnilhvest ( tiiint-l i
I I'lii'iiliani : nnl liith strei ts.
i Ktluitle CiilllplOIV Nil. ll. lillstllVf AlullTMll
| ] - ill. .lulin i.iiH'llenlielu'el- , Miiit.ll'.t : So !
Priiu-r. tn.'asiirfriirle ; ( | ! > iiiMllicroninaii ; XV'n
I i'l.xiin , tlM a"i > isaiit ; Maul , P.oil. sci-mi l as > M
ant. I JiL'inc hmisi- . -.iilliu--l , nu in r ol liali an
Piiinuur Ih'ok and l.ailili-r C'inpan.So. ! . 1.
I Pliillip Huniiesitl.nt ) , A. II. vamVlMVII tan
IU'iPi ) . mil t. tuasiiiriChaili ; s IVht r , IIIKIII.II
( ii-iu c Sinilh , TiniK lieu i- . Mint )
( . ( - ' - I'ainliani .mil .
- - i-iitni'i-nl Ihlh r-llei t-
1 I' P I'liii' . Ili.l'XUI XICM The olliceisi
1 limaiil Lupine Compan.x No I anlicnm :
" .lollfs , I'lrsltlelil ; . Mc | Ililialil. Tleas
' nier ; 'Iliomas Xli-ldiiim , run-man ; .lame
l--iKan - , I'lisi Assistant ; Ml. Snilis , Secon
Assistant ami Aelin ( ; > eon-laix l-aiiiie )
' hollsr. I I' slniis | Mud.
This institution has been e „ .
in our city dimim the pahl inontli. I
M designed for the treatment of in
e dii.'t-iit and helpless children an
' oihui'B xvhocinnot be properly euro ,
, . for under ii.ue'ital inlliielice. Shnila
iiiNlitutimis anin Hiiecessfiil oper.itioi
in val'louM citii'-i nf the Union am
they have accumplit lied a great good
. There is certainly a Held heio for in
t unrerpribii o | this character and , as i
] is n elwnlablo iiihlitntion , xvu trust i
, xvili lecmve proper support , as h
. worth ) an object m entitled to , It i
j ably sucniidcd by liJHliop ( 'larksi < n
j iiiul Sibltr S.uah , rceeilly from Nex
u VniK , is the worthy nmiionin ehaiui
n Tlm iit-Hiiruuinii is composed of : Mr.1-
, Dislicji ( 'laiknon , presiduiil ; .Mrs. A
I .1. I'lippleton , secrctaiy ; MIH. .ludg
Thniktini trmisuii-r ami other
t , , promi
r. ueiit ladies are heat lily nleiitilied
. Dr.i \ Meiriam is the attending phv
. fcician , Dr. I'uabody coiiBtiliing pliy
, , Dr. \ , ( iiaddy aiirist air
j oculist. The instiliition in located o
1 D.ilue . , between l"th and iHthstreels.
. Application may be made tn Sistc
| Sii-ili in j.i'Kiin or by lelter. N
, chililiL-n having contagious dibease
. xvill be udniilled IMiysicians will b
, permitk-d tn biing their individim
f | i.iiiuiits tu the hnspiial inr Ireatmeiil
j Hiieh a vvoik will fullill itn mif
[ HIIIII we coiiliduntly believe. It is i
i the hands of some of our best citi
D /.ens and its object is for dud an
, humanity.
j Miii'tiy HospKul
A i iiiiiiicimt \ oi rr.tiiciniaii Si ici > irom ot. .
n ulili.iiiiii : st.itu MisMtiui.Xlitn \ Ihu .XtK |
hl 'i.i , stall a lint . | to the | ircwn | oil
t . .iliiiiid iliinuii.lIIMIII | tin ti UAmiiiiud thu uiio
"II- ll.pi.ll.lllilll.l of W. JtM-liir. llllKpllU ami mi i full.inanitjful fur nuirlv II
„ u-i-n juir-1. ) HitJJtri'.v . Si tir. TlmliiMiiiiul ui
niilii.-l.iii.ii. i , i-uritl > i | iml to u luiiiUi n ( tl
. ' .in.I . ol i.ur | > uith Ilk Hiiit ;
I i i.'lit Hi. . , i..i il iiili.ibiiint. All ila s , , iiliililiu'
. , " I . | .i. i"i.t , , , . | i ii-it , " .1 llr.t ila . In ,
L I"- . > tl. . . ' . " 'i ' iii'ini ' i.l | . . . . | . , , . , ubin
L' I' . . . . d .1 .11 , ' | | , , u , | lak. , , , , | ( l
. . - l ' ' i I. i o.i . „ ti. . | traiioi.K .
. | I I I' ' I .1 I ,1 I. , ! „ ! < | .l . , . -I. . UI
8 . - ' ' . -I .1' . ' il i , ttl
TillfMTI'.t : ) STATUS COl'HT lint SK
{ See Illiisltntlnli. !
The Omaha nistoin house ami post olllee i
the nnisi siiiisinnttal and eostl.x luillilliiM in
the el | > . cnnsttncllon ncenpled oxer
three x'cats , and the tola ! cost , Inoladim :
fninlliiie , Is ? ; : oitiiii. The linlhlllijjvxas coin
plcled In l 7ii. Us illmoiislniis aie ix > hx 1. ' . '
feel ; liasemi-nt , Iliri'i siotlos ami Man anl
lonf | | Is Inilll of Clliolllimll ( lee slime
thnliuiijlilx lite ploof. The liavinrnt N oe 'ii
i-nplcil I iv a steam heatlm ; ai'paialns Hi
Ihe Ills ) tlnnl , hx Hie post olllee ; ( lies . m
Itnor , lix tlii > Infeinal ICMMHIC nflloc , t' . s
Mnislnil , f S. IHsliiet altnrm > x. I' S
ItidKc * ' cliamlii'i- and inllxxaj niall sctxiec
'flit * tlilnl storv H tak-en uji liy Ihe I'.s.
comt loom , Jurx toolns , f S elel-k1'1 * nlllee ,
oiiMonn iillice and pmtal < eelel lerxlee ,
Amount of Mumps iuiili-MM'li > p < . . . Id. ? Tl.sim . : . '
H\lil fur eli'ik hire I | . : iv.i ; . 'i
" " letter oirrli'M si ; > ii no
" drnxtii li.v II. P. d. i-li-rk-v ntid
llmorimii'iil ilnifti palil ilii.i'si ' . |
Ntimhi-rof mtll : oiirrli'tsi cmiiloxiil in
letter ilelhvmt lix oatricrsi
IIi-KMi-tol * i --'j |
.Mnll MlcNtli'lHctetl hj rartli'lK i.'r , 'i'.l
Mnll inntnl eanl ilcllvt'l-tsl Ii ) eftMlcr * . | . ; |
l.oenl li-lli'r ili'll i'i t Iix , enrrlcr . is. ' > , 7s.- ,
l-iH-nl p wliil ennN ilcllvuml li > wit HIT * I In , ' . ' Id
Nt'xipinir | , etc. , di'llxi-reil l y
nliil | nistnl cahl mulled. . . V-.iln.U'l
\ ( vpipi'f \ ! < mnlUil . in. r.M.i-ti
- 'relmtiillsi' . . . . 7.JIO
Tmnunii VOXKS VM > iit-vmu. \ < >
, I.Utl'M . . . H7J.III' . '
Postal eni . . . . . ! nis7. '
, ( 'lienl.n-s- . . . rjo.'ln
ot nicrchitiiilUe. . is >
llt.1ll 1HX I'CrxltTVtKST.
U'ltel-tund | mol > < iO" < liisvi'il ; | . . . . ' . .lisil
" innlliil 'i.i'.i
In truiisll MI. Us
Molii'.x oliter i. . lllcc irci'lpt * and din i
lnirseiiii'lits - I. ' .011,00(1 (
'I ho lollouhiu ait' the tunics nf thi'Uni.ih.i post
ollli-t' ullli-hils : ' I' . Hall , piislin.istci ( I
C. CinnilM'll ] , assistant posttn.i.stoi.lames ; XX. .ml .
mil , vhiif eloik and npcrhilcn.lcnl nl lu-i ill
1 livel.x ; . I. C. ( Jliill.v. J | . , assistant eldef link. I
C. ( iridlov , oliii'l eli'ik itiotiev < i-ilci | ih p.iitnu-nt
Tlmlnas r.llin uinid , ic l-lcr dell , ; Miss ( l.n.i
, Sinilhaid , ulalnp iloik : .1. C. llnlTsted , m.ulinu
cliikllss ; Annie M. Croai-\ . , ( . .luai-illiiK i-h'iK
. P. . C. Keidsloti , nluht ilcfk lcj.-1-Ul di-paitini'iit
C. SMI-CIV , lllulil eli'ik , in illliii ; ilr.iltnictit. | Mis.
M. I'.llii' , ) : oiiiliilihlivoi.v eletl , ; .1. II. I'linix
postntlUr liispiH-tur ; tlciiri1 I. . Srjlnilt , imslolllcii
nisiici'liii ; \andenonrt , cliicl eleik of
ralivta.x mall M-nUc.
1 ,11 1 I'll Cviilillli" C. 1' . llfilliel , .1. Miclial. .1
.l.dilceiieek , A. IVlersnn , ,1. II. I'l.itr. , Ii. I , liieen ,
.1. II. Telihins. I1. . II. d\endl. A. I , ' . Ili-tminu. II.
XI. Molir.
I . s. nl-llilVl.s.
Ilmi. ( Icnrur XX Mnl'mix , .Inilce I s Ciivtnt
I ' . .nit . ; linn HHHTS Uniulv , .linl e I S His
liiil Court ; ( XI LuiilicitM.n , C S .Xttnrncv
I'.llis I. . IlinlHixvcr. C S M.n-slial ; ( jnsiavns
Mevenson , | icintC | S M\i-lial : \ ; r.linci U
I' , Cl.rk I s'Cimit ; A I. I'.ill.iik. I S U Nntson.ssistunt
( Hi-cuer. .lulin I'atnplii-ll. Sunevnrol I'listmns
Intoi'iiiil Rovoiiuo Gollnotions.
The I'llllod Mates Inlellial Itevenill col
loc'oi's olllee for Ihe tIMilclnl Nchraska Is
Incated In the I'mlcd Slates eiistnm Inuise
: and post olllcc Inilldinu The ollieers are
' linn , l.nren/o C'rninise. eolleclor ; Maj ( Jen
: AimstroiiK. deputy eolleclor In eharcc ol
. olliec ; SI. A. U. llalcnmlie and A K. Maisli
, ileiaiU colleelors and aetlnu hispceloi-s . \ \
A. Iteiliek , chief cleik , and II. A. Howdm < n
cial clerk. Theie is a lalliimull In collee
, linns as compaied with l.ssn of-a.-iiuaai ; ! ) ,
The following arc the llcm-es for l.ssi. i socpl
for the last few da.Xs of lieecinlier. which
i had to lie appiosimalcil :
' .lannaiy > 7."i,7iw 'ii
i February .M.lni ; , % s
Maieli M.iiui in
ApHl 7'.ftii 7--
1 May lll.isi ai
i' ' .lime iiCi.ihi si i
, AllKllst. . . Ml.lllll S7
Septenihcr ! il'i.i.77 (
, October ' .m.TI.'l ii
Noveinher . . sisr,7 ( , is
Decemlicr K"IIIII : no
, lleer
snld In i i | r iT nTf1 ' " T' " ' ' ' "JJ "f
sales nxcr pioilnclioii Is explahieiPtrr Ilic
larie amoiint ol beer on hand Jannar.x I ,
l.ssj. Tax SI. uu pet liaricl. > . ' ! - . ' , IIKI. : or ilni.w i ii-i Mis. W. Itaiiman.
Alet/ & liio. . ! - . KMIJJ. U i.iijler. ( lilchanl
{ Sienion , in Noilli Omaha , has mil inainifac
tilled i-nini h upon \vhleli \ lo make letnnis
' MAM r. vi lonirs
The number o ! cigars mam ifael in ed during
the .xear li < s | , aie -'ju.'l.iicn ; Hie inmdicr sold
.ai.-i.f..n. . Taxes paid > : ol Ihe
names ( jhoii as maiiufaetmeis. Wilson. Mr (
xxail.Jeleii ami Devvill el . d mil dining Ilic
.vear. Lev v ,1 Luke and Doerllel be-all III
| ss | .
Tlie clears maiiulaclineis ate as Inllnvvs
Then. Itoek. Joseph llcekmaii. Pal. .Di vill
Josephine Jelen. S. JoiKciisen. John hops
W I' . Loren/eii. I.\\.S. I. ill , i' . L Naebll
Killl. A. Sclmll/ II' Hohxxalcnhoiu. X I
siKwail. Wcsl \ riilsclicr. C. II Wilson
H lioeiliel
The Nebraska ( las Ij ht ( Jotnpai y'a
xx-orKw are loc.itcd on Klovontli and
.lone.sHtreols , and occupy hall a block.
Tbo ollicu is on Thirteontli Blroel , lo
twocn Kiirnliaiii and Diiiiylas BtreutM
The ollicorn of tlio compiny are Kianli
.Murphy , president ; Ceorijo Itarkor ,
vico-probidont ; . ( union ( iilborl , Supor-
intondonl. Diiiiiu , ' the past year the
company have laid about Ixvo milo.s of
pipe , in which the mains on Sixteenth
and Saunder * Htrcotn aiu included.
Tlio number of subscribers J'H about
fiOO , a hlight incnaHoovor 1880 , Tlio
amount of rjas Miiilicl ] ] ( XVIIH about 15- ,
000,0(1(1 , ( ( uiibiu foot. The company employ -
ploy liftoon inon hleadily , hosidos a
nninber at irio nlar intorvulH. The
prcxiileiit anticinatos a largo incroaHo
in Hiibsoribors llio coining year , owing
lo llio croclion of many public buildings -
ings , and cosily loBidimcoH.
IScu 'lln.tratuin |
l.ucioii Woodwoith ban orootod a
] iaii < ln'jinu Hloro building on llio norlli
side of iJoiiglan , bulxveon Thirteenth
ai'd Koiirtounlli HtrooU. The building -
ing in of brick xvitli slono IriinniingH ,
and oocupicH hixly-cix fool on iJoiiglaa
Htiout. TJio lii'Ht htory JH divido.AinliT"
Ixvo Htorc rooniH. Ono of thuao sloroH
luktiM up tlio wont twonly-/.Vo fi.'ot
front of tlio building , and ' . occupied
by A.V. . Kulliiedo , dcrJor in and
manufacturer of buotH and slioeH , Tlm
east forty-four feet < tf the lirst Htory m
the mammoth roci/ry and proviBion
Htoro nf A. H. ( liulH ! < uiu. Thih is the
largosl and IICHI patroinxod rotiiil gro
eery and Drovmion | 4 > Btiiljjifllnnutit in
Omaha. Thu woHt linlf of the BOCOIK !
Htory is occupied by "tlm job printing
concern of Samuel ) U'i'H. The oimt
half of the second nnrt tlio ontirn third
Htory in occupied by t jo xvliolcHido mi ] .
linery e8ttbiHliinunt ; | of .1. Oliorfohlor
* U"I .
.lAMKS rCCIUHTiiS's ' lit II , DIM ,
| See Illii-tiatinn.J
The tlliee-nt'il.X liliukT htnii' elected 1
iliiliichCii'iKhtoli ontli ioitli | uf I'ain
hum flicet. between Klf \ eiith ainl Twelfth
ailjuiniiiK the l.yth liTiildiii ) , ' , i admirahh
i.iiled | | foi the inilpo.e for vvhieli il w , ,
cm-ted. The i-tuic , ami both upper htonen
Hie occupied > ly Henry l.clmum wall
Iil'er ; | , winiloxi. hiitlei. , and liiiiini
IIUNItV ( HJlllJi'S ' IH'IIJHN ( ,
. . ,
W > feet , thno .stone |
nKh , and fi , | ] | ) ilM
iio'iit , iion fiont pL -nla. . xxindi.xu , and
all ni.Hlerii nupii.v , i.uu . c.t , * I"MK ( |
It ! , ! , , beo-- , , , , , , . , ! I , , | | . , ! , . lV ( . , ' ,
i i' tail 1 . 1 , tel | idiuitti.l .