Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1882, Image 3

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    U i
1 1 , v M 1 1 , r.
I'N I ' ' 111 .iiiinim.
\X . ; .
I" . t I I n 'IrllUTnl liV
ill. . . ,
. ' < ( ) ( . 'K KIICS.
In' . i"iw i IHMIIK lins t1
. ' ibr O.iiiilit
x > i " , "i'f
to ( in . "i , - limits moii1 * t
' .i'i . We think
tl" ' i ' jiuiris.
' " ' ii i i ' iiu-iness , Hint tin :
i'i .1 ' ' ' ' . i- at lam di c i
It'll' I' I ' " ' I" II interest tO lll\
' tin- . . \Vi-havo'
H" " i"i n - i.njni.
dl II.K i , ! _ ; , ' itnimilc mid into
ilo He ii- \i \ \ 'ihave in con
em i m' .1 l.tiiMinif ilmt when
ll ) < -ii-il > , il 1 1- tin- lament and
Miii lii. IMII-I\ house in the \vt
iinui'rv ' I IK piiiprilv i located
to tin , | . HI' , - , , ni' , vvc rnn h
ii ; lie k MIM in- , i , length of the I
iut M in , h I'li.iiilius to Imx-e i
del iv i iiin , 1 1n- c ,11 s at our store.
IIK i < ( - . . i.nlioad l.u-ililics , Otr.i
n n inMi , i u i \ n lu-i mil in [ T in n | o (
'i in' nil i.i-'i-in i-iitnpi'lilioti.
iiuiiiuillv I. , -l liki- having tliu
l.oin consider triluitn
u ii i , I miw liliiin to work Ibr it ,
IKIVIin .In -ci mi small margins.
I limns oiu ii ii-nds ini pnst liix-di >
hopr that i in i i-niloavors to serve
lhaxi- liri-n MM < rssi'iil. Wo ask n
rii-u-i-il h.ui' ol vimr piitroiifi u
inn * . hiMidicinl mid
lai lot \ .
l'x\ IDS' , Vc ( ! A t.i. , \c. Ill
sti-i U' , ' . - .V Co. , art1 1 lie ii
\\holi-s , il , i ; 1 1 n ITV house in On
ami di > him h tinlarKVht trade. '
huvi in i iipn il iln-ir present I
toiv since Isiii and now em
1 1 IIIIM liny salesmen. Their
during tin- past year liave a.
piti-il nut I'ai 'from $ liO ( )
Tlu-x ill al CM'lusivelv in sjroci1
provision-- . and -m-h sundries as I
' " - i'i
iniatclv hi'lnim in 11 "roi-ei i-
Tin-)1 cari\ in stork . ' 10,000 liiS-IO
in Ciililiinua aid Ktuli I'mit- ,
linndk- vast tiiantities | of Alilen fi
also those ol CuiliiiUrn's. ' . , of R
ester 'I In- tiadiof this linn e\t
from the li-s ) Moines River to
Lake and Idaho. Thev are up
thetiimin exer.v thing lliat lielon ;
their trade , and aie , in fact , one ot
great le.'tiliii" business linns west o
Mississippi rivei.
W. T. Seaman , lias just mm
his ininuMise sioi-k to the ecirnei
Eleventh and l-'iiriiham Mieeis. W
we take into consideration the
thai the liisi Hour occupies a sj
j.-x i , < .vnt , . , nd that ihe hasemeiit
tllird lloors i OMT each an an. . . > >
i ] 2 , wecan lorin an approNimalcrit- ! *
Iheast amount of slock il requite
fill so "real a space , equal to i. | ,
- < | iitire fet ol lloor room.
.The neiieral idea lias heon preva
llial W. T. w us7 sifiil' | '
paper ilealei. hut the fuel is lie
solillhirtv thousand volumes o ! cl
hound hooks during the past
Here at lirsi li" rmruami pmchiise al pri
vlijcli a tomsh and please the luiv
vliile the cnei ciedulous buy h ,
eeond h.iinl sonices olsnpplv at hi ;
r prices In addition It ) his iininei
lock of printed hook * , Mr. Seam
arries at all times fui | atu | i-01111 , |
ines n | news and hook paper. I
ml iny , and lidded , cover , and post
issue and i > l.i/rd gold ornilver , sir
nd i.i. ; , liaiilwaiv a-ul manilla me
ate 1 and hloltini ; paper , card boa
ill i auN , einelopes , blank boo
wines. , M | , , . | h , . , , , shippi'i-i t , , .
leel pens , pencils , ink , slates , a
lucil.mipl.i \ inn cards , i uhher ban
Oi-kel li.inks. . yiiKI | ieiis , printinij il
.Hot-raph . and plioto rnph alliiui
id a host ( H a.-'Icles too numerous
icntion. .
The l.iniii er X Metealf Co , i
irpor.Uii.n mnani/ed nuk-r Ihe la
FNehiaska illi a capital of f 100,0
n the pin POMof Ueiiernl Mercha
ii-e , and l-'or\\ardiii . and (
; 4n handling A < jriiultinal Impi
cuts of nlI kinds , Wagons , ISugj'i
amazes. iecei\iii and lor\\ar
X all kinds ol fieijjht Th
i\e recent \ the lar
ick hu Idiii ateM end of I'nii
ncilic hi id e , lluee and four Mori
height with hasemenls , having
iirage cat > aciiy ol (10,000 Mpiaie ft
llooi iiifj exclusive of hai-enienls. T
illdin- and giouiids covering t\
ul llnee quaiter acu'k , with Ihe tT
n t'acilic railroad track on nol
le and Ii. \ M in Nebraska , tra
i the souib side , and Mile tracks
eir o\\ii \ards to their huildiii'
eir facilities for liandlinj ; j oods a
> t equaled anhere on tlie Mihsoi
i\ei. They solicit the consignment
iMlmm destined Ibr the Nehra ka i
'i-Nlciii market. are piepaied
, \ance Ireiuhts on alt shipim-nln
em , ami hem" well known by form
nncclioniih the trade of N'olirnxl
id West iin caieful ami hpi'eth-Iran
in ' , it will be lo the interest
I panics Hast to reach their iriu
niih ihein and il will not he lonji
icssaiy tin aiiv ICai-tcm f.ietorii'h
t.ilili-li hi ant h hniices NVcst of llii
ciiln iiippliiij ; their trade wi
ehi.ikk.i a snine are now e\peiici
UK h.iiniicccs . > nit deluv in read
H tbcii t nsioineik with tlie oodb i
nut notice in niiitWCMto order
he ti.ide in Nohrtikkn , kitouiiiK H the coinpun\ from long e
Hem e tn be jirompt , reliable at
lisi.uioiv men lo do bunincss will
ill not lie klo\\ in making arranj ;
cuts wheielu iheir interoi cant
okcd attei bthii. . compauv. 'I'lu1
mcliiii ; men will Mian he out loukii
tci tlie \\-uiitk ot tin * trade and diM
- Kenei.ill\ uill do well to vutllho
acmg Iheii oideik imlil culled on I
The Omaha Implement Co. , v\auii
rpmaled Sept. \ - > 'b , | SS | , nndur tl
ws ol the Stale of Nebraska wil
a following pi-iiMins as olliircr * : 1
\.in Omit , pii-MtU'iil ; 1) . I' . Uur
retail and treabiirer Tlu'v at
Mled at the hoiitlieaht corner of tjl
il 1-e.ncinvnth streets. \ \ ill ) niilroa
ck and kMiU'li for the jou : :
I and unloading , ' of carsi
door ol Hie warehouse. Till aie doinj ; nil i'\eliin
hinj ; trade , and are agents tor konv
Ihe Icadiny mamif.iciiirie.s in ihi
nil \ . I'lio aie Imli-.ale a enli. fo
lelebiaU-il IVoii.i J'lowi. . Cnllixa
and Rakes 'J'hc IVoiia .uul Stui
n I'iantcis. and Check Rowco ,
Union Grain < Drills mid Sccdri , Ah-
l > otiS 'finikin Spring Ihtjf ic * ,
Threshing Machines and I torsi
er * , Union 1'owcr Shelters nrnl
\lnnd Shcllfi-s Ilig Oinnl Peed
llopkin's Mowori , I'orler's
Sweeps ; ! -'orki and Carries Kt
iiftRv 'fops , etc , etc.
Dealer * handling f
wil ) ilo well to send for cnlnlogu
Ret prices niul terms liefore purr
elsewhere. Tlie nearness to t
pots , and the Ihcilltir * which the
( or linndlinu goods Insure prom
in fillinij orders.
Pntkor & Uowcrs ar regart
I he most active , ontcrpHiinj
extensive \vliotosnlo hnpleinctil ,
and carriage dealers in N'cli
'I'hev lia c exclusive control
business in ttic Bute for ten
largest tnnmiiaclorl s in this
Thc.v have just erected a t < omin <
\varetiou e near llic freight dcj
this city for s'orage piirposcs
recotntncnd hoih inatnifacltirer
dealers to visit or correspond
I his linn.
W.J. KonneiU for iii'tecn\ca
lii-eu furnishing Hieeslern triul
ihe Improved paterns of nmcliin
< atisfuctory to the people lliat his
s tonslan'tly inereastng. His
Hnc' nl'l that is lequired to (
work in tlie shortest time
deals in Hu ; brick and clay ,
Lee , Fried \ Co , have ret
noved into tlicii ne\\ qnaiteisal
no Hartley street , \\heie they
i stock ol upward of .ft 1 0,000 '
niildingisi | | < ; feel and four s
| igh with basemen and will be ,
itleditp , the lines ! and bestconstr
lardwaie IIoiisL. between Ch
mil San I'ratu-isco. Tlie first lit
rlegatitlv arranged for a sample
mil a spacious ollice ; the second
s used for the storagu of a com
lock ol shelf goods ; the third
or tinners supplies , and on the fi
nay be found almost uvervHihi !
lulled to make a complete line ,
'numerated ' alxne Thcv en
liirty men , live of which aie nav
alesniKn that cover the territon
ween the Mississippi Hver and
-ake Citv.
Mr. C. N. licit/ , proprietor c
t I'aul Lumber Yard located at
ml California streets , has special I
ies for the Wholesale trade Hi
yo tracks in his jiard , thus ena
ini to load and unload en's at
line time which insures piomp
i filling orders. Having made
un'iases : ' hefoie Ihe late advance ,
tabled to cpiole prices that will i
-Me with any other inaiket.
A. 1 ! . llubermann is doing a 1
/hull-sale and Retail biishiess.
creased trade has mpiired an
nded wholesale depai linent.
W. M. llushinan hastluring the
me a much more extensive luisi'
an hereto oie. This vve attril
" . ' ' ' * . Vraim-'l1"--1"1- ° ' P ° P
* * , " 'l-uiuLj ' ' ' ' 1 -SrNjw
oxvn and sell' inai.l'T'wuW " '
aM-10 reputation of
oprielor , as -
ss man 'I his M'L'Hx' ' ' " 'st class bt
" "i " ' 'i1nvvcr Ini
brts to please
u courU-sv o Wr-frlfesirtirV i , '
. ,
IL- which is located on the sontlie
ner of Douglas and i lh stret
- of the at tract i\c tenures
lahaliUli is we. should jiu !
in the number ol people t |
t tills stoic everv d ;
uly appieeiated and fast becomi
ions as the poiiplnr place to Irai
re the customer finds the su
wdediih every conceivable nox
in Dry ( iooiU. Notions , Lad
iiishing and l-Vncv ( Joods of l
st siles. . and all maiked in pi :
ires at the lowest possjb'c i-a
" H.uar glove lilting pi ; |
linns , the licsi in ihe world are
hail only at liuslnnan's. 1'arti
ng at a diMaiice uill find ilto tin
rest to.sci d to him torsample. . ' ai
: e.s , u-liile those living near eiioin
isit it personally mav lest asstir'
* ' cannot find a'better or more i
le. place of business in this m.
thwesi. than that cf W. M. lius
i , s. e. coiner isth and Dongl
ince Me sis. Cuild \ Mclm
c opened a complete stock on Si
ilh street , ihe people of Nor
iiha haxe been able to pav tin
s. ICven exchange is their molt
he fir m of Crui kshank \ CD..CO
ol l''ifteentli and Douglas streets
leading hoiice in the west. The
k compiises the heM nssoitnieni
ile and fancy goods , selected wi
I caic , under tlie personal Mipe
in of Mr. Criiirkshank , whoexlii
; ieal taste in this lespect , assjhti
dr. N. I ! Falconer , who stands
heim of the financial departmeii
as a Mircet-siul business man , hi
a n enviable reputation.
. A. Rintiei , Ihe wideawake ; u
cssful 'tilliner docs the leadii
nc&s in their line ; fair dealing ai
priceh is their motto , 'f heir Mo ;
I ways crowded with customer
employ the best trimmer West i
: ai-o ; buy their goods from mai
lures , and first hands. Their pri1
tore is no longer huge enough l' <
grow ing liusmess hence thev w i
re larger quarters In time for II
iir trade. ' 1'lie ladies of Omal
buy Millineiy , Fancv tiood
nyert. , Crewels , Silk llossCanvas
nping , etc. Always ehuap i
iiCK h. I'ost ollice orderMilicitei
full stock of .MIM.INK.UY an
io.s with store liuuics for al
doing a live hu > inc-ss. Locntio
rat. Iveai-on for kclling wish |
e. Term * libi-ial.
) maba 1' . l )
obnlily Hit ; large. ! and nuut con
? stock of Caiulv , Cakes , Nm
Ub , etc i > kept by J. L. Rice ,
( Joe \ Sain. ) HID tiikhioiiabl
i or * , Conlectioners and Ua'u-rj '
door Miutli of the po t ollk-e.
DRt'Cs !
ita-h FUI-M th has a complete MOC
Dntgi. , .Medicines , Toilet an
sy , Articles , artist and wax-worl ;
naturlal. I le makes n specialty c
: ription , ( U open all night , ) T"an
Houqnct Cigars , IVrntiiies ett
ice Mri. . A Iliiherniann re-npcn
l''nr sioie in this ciu. her oh
ns as well as niiinv new ones , an
than pleased. | | er stock ii
d to none.
John Ii. DeUvller , 1313 l-'n
vreel , lins the olden ami largest
store Inthecitv. He U iu' nil
; > rcparetl to lnrnl h n large var
ifnotfo to select front , nhd nl
irlees than ever before , which i
hi advantages in purchasing
quantises for cash , theiebv givl
customers the hcnefit of best
count * nnil lnrge t rebate * otf \
vxhich alone make n sum \vorl
Mr. Detwller hn been in thi
ncM here since 1868 , and hn csU
cd n reputation among the nun
prtrotnlhnt haxe dealt \vitli him
i the envx ot hiscompciitors '
liol knoxv n he intend * tn c\ci
ire of his in called rivals , but f
personal knowledge ot his n
elmracti.'iistics , it i Inevitable tl
I'onlil not do otherwise , from tl
that ihe people do give him the p
cure lie i ever fourtcotn t
even n purchaser of n tvuMitv-iivi
mtirle recelxesthe same at'tent
the merchant xvho gives n xx-ha
older for hundreds of doll n > . A
hi * Mock we noticed ome ol the
tit-si patterns , einbr.ti-ing nil Ihe
ilc igiiin Carpeting.nifClolhs
Ottollllllis , Uitnhrcuins. ! ( | etc . i-t
xxhich he is prepared to duplicate
ufactitres and eastern jobbers p
llius saving io vv estern dealers the
inous chargci of transportation
the people are not sloxv to avail I
-elves of these advantages.
CROC lilt IKS.
Scherh & Co. . keep n choice Ii
Staple and Fnncv Groceries , 1
Iran , Crockery.'c , at 818 nurih
treel bet. Ilttil and Cinning.
Tlie stoic of .1. 12. Rcrgen is o
lie attractive places to buy goods ,
act is nroven by a steadily 'inciei
rade that gel value icceix'od.
Henry Uolln & Co. , cor. ifith
California sts. , h.-n e one of the
omplete stock of Choice Staple
' 'ancy ( iroreries , lioots , Shoes ,
oho found in the city , Iheir trai :
ontiiiuallv increasing , and theirs
iften leplcnished.
tlenrv Dohle . \ ; Co , ha\e doiu
irgest business in this line.iiulecd
ave ( en ( .bliged lo build a new > .
si-e ilhistratinn ; in eider to n
Doin lur their inimenscstock ol'go
Don to an he. and lo heller ac'cu
ate tlie growing demands of the
c. 'I'heir new More is een'i
icated , near corner i ; th and l-'arn
iceis , tuid will be open abo-.1
t with a "new stock. "
Ileimickson Cannon have ei
inveniencc and ad\milage tor ki
ig a tirsl-class market , which is (
iprecia ed by theirnumerous pair ,
W. J. Whi'ebouse is Liking the I
a ilealei in peiiodicaN. and his | :
ell tilled store , stocked with Dn
igars , faints , ( Jlass. Notions.
: heel liooks is one of Ihe lei'ding
tulions of nortli iliih slice !
OMAHA lRKWl-RII- ! : > .
\ei ! i'
inaj _
I Jones sirecl , ol wliiclff77T7e
'k Krng is proprietor. 11 w
iblihhed in iS o. at d is one f ti
t complete and e'eiisieestahli -
Us in the West. Mr. krur has i
led npuaid ol 100,1x10 , , and h
convenience lor manulaclui ii
brewing beer. K rug's Onial
\\ery his .1 capacity ol JIKCI ha
per year , employs j ; 'men. ai
s over $ i 2 eco Ibr labor per annul
: business transacted within ll
1t"r 1 \ will aggregate upwau'.s ' of
111- . | in > , liu-i.l sniii , TUN
lii'iJi'ii ' ll.iim -ll.ii , )
n extensive botiling room is coi
Led with the building , and one i
lineht ollices and beer hall of tl
for ihe general uses of the iiiniie
costumes in transacting the in
ise'lmsiness of the house is locate
he corm r df l-'leventh and | acksd
letMi others biewerv is the oldes
most extensive brewing CM iblisl
if in Omaha. It was leconstructi ;
\tu\\ * ago and equipped with ll
I appioved inacliinerv. Capacit
oo hlils. per antiuin.
rs , J. Maiiinann is the proprielie-
Mr. ( iotlleib Stoiv. is the biewi
barge of the famous Maum.imi
u-rx. The bu-wery , malt liousi
len and Mis. Miiiiinann's u'sidenct
ipies three and one-half acres c
ce ground in the northern cait i
it\ _ , and situated between Kith an
and Miiuniann and I'oppleton s | .
( ! . Clark \ Co , i.o , Doughi
. .are mamifactui ing tin
oods such iis Making 1'owder , Ja
iii _ ( iinger , Mining , Inks , ICstrai-lt
'f hey make a specially ol Roastei
Ground Collec , whole aiidgroum
; s of ex cry grade. I heir bnsincs
more lliaii diaihled in the last _ \eni
Ibex haxe maniilactnrcd and soli
sexeu hunilrcd bairels of ll.ikiilj
der during the year. 1'ire good
low piices ; quick sales and sm. . |
Is haxe established for them i
lation .second to none in the West
we predict for them unboundei
L'SS in the ftituieas theliclil1
re. .
it ! MUxouri Valley Holler am
it Iron U'oiks , corner of uth am
ktrcels I'ave hiring the pa i liv
ilevelopetl into one of the lead
iranches of Omaha's inaiuifactur
rides , M. W. Hartegan , the pie
or employs eighteen men on th
; ige , anil has everv f.icility fo
ing and repairing everything ii
lie. His main budding' i | i\i
with . ' . | s lo aiijoining.
T. Longjirev , Mnmit'ncturur o
iages and Spiing Wagoiih Re
ng piomptly attended to. Fncton
iwe l cor. loth and Cn > btreeu
: Ol'liUA IIOL'SK Ci\I {
is iiami ; indicates is out * of tin
feaiuri'a of Fariiliam street , Mr ,
n/en , the propi ielor , has woni
spiead lepinaiion as a successful
iliicitii--r , and hi hr.iiuN , "Oma-
ixoiite" and "Ope'a"cuiitain ' Ihu
ol J I.u ana Tobacco. When
used .in sure to be called uu
A full line of Window Shaili
turo Cords , Tn sel . Fringe
everythinj ; pertaining t i thL.
inealS. W. Rlle\'s ' I'phoNie
Mattress 1'actorx.
'fhe Cireat Western Mu'ino !
lege in ttiis cillias bec'ii in suc
operation Ibr the past ciuht xcai
tins always been operated bx ' ; llu
cut proprietor , 1'r > ( , CJ. W' . Rn
II lias enrolled about 'evenly
within the past three months. in
just moved into Its quarters in '
Mtock"on Farnham sheet , 'flic
occu-ies ; the space over txvosli
tlie third storv which IS.J.JMOI
'I'his is dix .deii in'osttulv mom
ladies department joxij' , nllice ,
lion room and clo'ets In ihe
room is located a hank , xvlth cc
wiie screens and openings for
ing , " "receiving iellcr"imi collri
making as line and comnuuli
chool room a * can be found i
itv cast 01 xvest
Husiiiess transacted same as tli
, n ineorpora ed bank. Account-
n citrrencv or gold subject to
lieck xvithout notice. Cuititica
leposit issued payable in tlnei
ndlxvelxe moinlis , bearing in !
r on demand withoul tnleicsl.
anecs made lo customers on app
L'curilies at inaiket rales of ini
iny and sell gold , bills of exch
overiiuient , stale , county and
onds. Draw sightdr.itts on ICug
lelaud. Scotland , and all par ;
airope. Sell ICmopean passage Hi
Collections promptly made.
D. M. Meemer is the oldest estal
I commission man now doing
L'SS in thisC'tv , coming here
hicago in iSi. Ho 'low own <
: cupies a block of fo..r two >
lildings , corner of Kighth and 1
d "IVeetshicli he has lu'un ictni
g and refitting for the last
on tbs , and adopting tlu-m to
tiling lines oi his business , lie
e most improxed and poweiful
uiiCUAioK ROOMS west ol Chic
itb storage capaci'y of ten car Ii
i the handling ol peri-ha' le gr
ese tnonis aie of gieal ailx-nnlat
n signers ns he is enabled to c
nek Uiiough glnls and lhiws
vnrable tin n in inaiket and xvea
bile others are forced lo close 01
ss 1,1 shipiier.s llnxing a large o
ii'le willi the miirnj ; -iales aiul ti
ries west , he has tilted up hi
id e g packing moms , \\jth pr (
; icliiner\ and for
ig these goods in proper sham
ipmenl. Also oxster ncd fie > -li
eking room * : . I le is exclusive n-
Omaha for the salL. o | , \ , iO ( )
I'srriis. niii' has been for a nun
years. 'I h. se buildings cover
feet of ground and fo-in the in
inniissioii house of the xvest.
Almost every one can lillOIM
ollice of A W. Nnso'i is up st
Jacob * Mlock le bus bv faitj
of every improved device u-ed
profession secured a wide repir
as Dental Surgeon , His i oo
kj'oinmodinus and present & t
eiii'irKcling ul uoinfort so inn
neiit from "JIL- olden limes" H
come again ,
. S. Millings' ollice is opposite I
ollice , east , lie has been prn
g dentistry in this city , , or t
nine year * , and parties teqniri
hinjr iii ibis line mav rclv on I
sing them to their' inteiots
y case.
le Omaha barbed vxiie comp.ii
oigani/ed last spring , the ollice
g I boinas Ciihson. pieside- t , \
oiitcb , xice-piesident ; and M. ?
slial. secieiaiv , tieasmer and ma
f hey erected buildings and p
achinerx , and began active oper
in July last , ami , eon lmilt up
ing business which was interrup
iibinit two months ; iLr0 | ) V | j
lidestroved iheir factorv , 'Tin
cdiatelv rebuilt ; , t the same loc :
foot of Capitol avenue , and ii
of a month altirtho lire weie mien
on ii moie extet.sive scale , 'flu.
three buildings an ollice ,
ry and a warehouse , all separati
Ihe last two having an oulsii
ing of iion , boih on the roof an
. as a protection against li ,
have six steam machines at vv oi-l
employ ivvelxe men. 'I hev tin-
; ) iir tons of barbed lence w-'ire pi
and haxe haul vxoik to keep n
their ordus. They manufactui
Harb four poin'l single xvin
e parallel visible wire , tw
s. Twisted wire four points ,
ity le , fence Maples , all si/os. 'f hi
industry in Omaha is mcetin
gleat success.
I K NI-W : Nl'MMKR SK V15N ,
eceived at ihe American Sow in
line Rooms , No. 117X01-1)1 ) Fii
h street , the newest , the mo-
ct and elegant. Machine eve
dbelore. the public High Arn
fhn ading , Silent Running , Nev
rican No. 7 , a nevx patent ju-
I his company intend to owee
L-ck with ibis MeantA warrant
vu xeais with each machine.
J. S. Camercon , Manager.
ggan'b Kxpiebo does a genera
ige. business , io aui , fem , lti je
Fieifjht charges advanced o
ninuiiuand collected on deliver
-d . The patronage ol this popii
.prebbtias . laigeiy incie.ibed dur
he pabt year and Mr. Dugg.ii
i , by lair dealing to merit 1111 in
ed share ol the public woik.
Shane X Schroeder have durini
list year had an increase of trad
per cent over li t year Tlie
jy dm ing the bn y season id men"
have this year shipped 51 ca
of Mutier amoiinting to i.i.-j ,
i . together wiili 3 car loads u
aggiegatiiig do/em ,
relrigerator capacity of 300,001
f Uuttur is cooled liy some . ) oi
if ice that they put 'up annual ! '
i enables them tobhip their gooif
: li seahoarjs and ivurnpe ,
5 City Steam Laiiiulry , Wilkin
an , proprielor.s , h the leadini
of tne city They have every f.ui
i lining all vxoik with prompt
mil aie employing fiom forty ti
laiuU. cjootlh collected and'du
,1 tree.
Business Dired
Abitr.ict niul
' 1' ' * TATK w'KSn
Lots ,
I'AltMs ,
, , m.H. f.Xrl\Kntti | : A
j nr.nltni : p. ItUMis-
1 Mt MMlir I'VMIM , luck
- , t.Mh nnd lli.nuli : < tnvt .
Nf.llllASHA I\SM AOl'.SfV ,
I teal l' tntc Mill CIITIVI
tsu'i I'nrtilmin ttvtt ,
in\Tin : : i. . TIIII.MASA mm. .
Iliiv Mill Si'll lltiil litulintiil loan III
Itixiin , rn-lglitnn IiUn-k.
.lllllX .tiHISsiiV. Ul IMntiAiftnt ,
I'lttii i-\ilmiici' niul lliM lix tin-lit- .
ili | llnit , . nini tun , , | : nhiV. . t.r.
I nriiluin ttivN , iiiiiali.i. Ni. | , .
[ "II.N I. . MiVAlll K. „ ! ] , . | Hist ntlk-e.
Arciltccs. !
. W. imti.r. l : . . \i-lu. . ! , - . ' | | -in , |
Atvliltwt "I Slrnlitf llutlillliif.
( Sw llllKtmtliiin. Otllir Iliiiuii II , -I
c. r. iiitiscin.ivuiirtnr itiiK-h.
lltSUyMSS..Iuiiilis : III.H-kI.Mlntiil ) ( '
It. A. nnvi.lllt. : ii7 .ntli i.-ith , tnvt.
AriculturAl | hnplenieiits.
| i > \'i. lit mi. t'n-si ' ( mi.
II. I1. Ill Illl. Sl-l'Ictlll-V.
i : . l ' . v\\ i Vn IIT , Th
\ in'ii-siiii-
I'.mii Mm-liliii'i-v.
\Vlll \ I'llllllM *
I'JIil. I IS ! I iili-l ISSI : l.iii 'iittittli tn.
SlCtslllltll 'Illlltl-l-lltll tUtt.
\v..i. Kr.x.Niny..i : iiiiin nil ktmN (
' . , i-iirin-r latlniuil llunn.x stiub
Altoi neys.
IIOA.VI : \ i'\.Mi'nii.i. : .
ittllltll'.Xs lit LlW ,
1'iilnilu r llliH
iiii HIT l.'itli niul li < iiitliiM.ti,1 , > is.
Ulntilia. Xi'li.
ST.VIT. IIA.NK \itllt.\sKA. : .
ii ISK Mi ui'in. I'li-s.
' ' unit | in.tiK
s imn.Hi.
Tinulili.t liiH.ri . id.,1 , KmK in tliu
i.vs iLiitli-iihir iitti'iitlnn ' d , liiislnus tn
i-s iin-l'llni ' ; nutsiilv of tliu i-lt ) . .MuKus
inis. In XiOiiiiskii , W.v niiiiii , Ciiliinuli
i' | Stiii-k s'jim.iKiii.
Mil pinI'uihl s ;
> r OMAHA.
I'lirni-r rarniMiiiaiiil taili stu-tK
| iiit-i-tir :
II. lininit.iI'ri's't. . A. Kninit/i' , X'li-o-l'
\V. Xuti-s , Casli'r : P. II. U.uis , .WtC
ii. A. Cri-lulitiiii. A. .1. rnjuiKtnii.
NATHAN' Sllii.TOX. :
liivi-stnu'iit , s-ii-iiritii-s , MaliCntiiitv , XI
1 ll'iiuls. iti- . , IniiiKlit unit si.M. p. li , im\ ;
D.ikvrs niul Coiitvctloncrs.
rt'M. fllMI I'llHi. fill.
\VM. flil.Af \ liui i. .
Iliiolilist L-stalilMuil ixiiil | | . < : iU. mil ,
KU.V iinilc.iim- , li.niL-i.v iiiOiiiulin , Unit 1 1,1 ,
I'll , Ill-tVVI-l-ll | till Ill'll ' l-'lll.
I. I. . ItH'ii'u. : . . kiiiivvn as .Ini. unit
KITS anil ( 'niitirtiiiiu rs. 1 t ilmir snutli m
I. A. I. Mill ] , i : ,
ti > stiiiiant li.iUiTtniil iiiiitt-itiiiiiiT. li'ei-
I iiv.sttTs iii SU.ISOM , i-in- . tt ( | | , , , „ ! t- ,
MtA.NK KfltIVic. ( : ' , , | . | ' , , , u lUku-v.-s
'I st. , lllcMil Itllil lukustMIU ll'li\ | . | , . , ' | |
t'l tlll-rlt.V Illl sll'llt IHltilT.
' ' : . ' . ' . ' : , It'll ! st
1.01 IS I 'A 1ST. l'nii. |
"Tlii.'littlL-sii ] | , ni-iiiiihl tin. i . u- .
l.'iiili-iil.ii-iitti.ntinii | ulil In Iliilrciiltiii' .
: iiul all linini-hi-s of tinail. .
H"lU'Usl-l-t | | , | , | . , . , ! , , | | | | ( . | . _ , |
AI. . w. : : ; ,
_ Siu-iwiir t.i lliilln''irWiii.,1. , .
I'lii.1 | > : il.iLiuf tintilv finuiisi - inn !
rnllltcirt. NIIII-.IVS' | | , liuillllj ; .
LlKlsniitli iithiHLt. : .
i lltlistn-et.
Dilli.ird Hall.
Tiir.iANi-i.vntAi. ( ; ! :
li.iiiulis sturt 1111. lur Ai-iuk'Hiy of Mil
llnturtainiiiL-iit i-n-r.v VXL > IIII | | ; .
liuii'u limniN ul w inn . , liiii"is | anil i ijars.
T. CAI.I.AX. I'liip.
Coots nnd Shoes.
: XIV ! IIOIM.I : , \ ro. . llli ; I'unili.un.
SXVITX Si \ \ it.l.S , 0i-.i | | Ilimsu Iniil.liiii- . .
S. lK\'l.\i : , mriic-r lUlli anil ll.irni-.v stri.
- - niaile I'lnc limits ami slnnu Spiri.ilt.v.
BlacksmUh nnd Wngon Makers.
I'KHKIISOX .X SOX. , ( . , | ns | , ct. L. , , , v . M
I. KAIIIIAt'll , , ! ! . - , snutli | . ' , tlitri-it.
I. KAIIIAfll..i7snitli ! | I.VIi stii-vt.
BrickManutncturms. .
ITINKli Illtus.
Xiiiiiir.K-tuiiT ! > 'il llrii'l , .
Ami liiiililin ( ' . 'iiti-.irtnis ,
ii'iillmi-st n | Miiim' , aililiiiiin
iiiii.iha , N'rb.
.1. r. i'irmi : : .
.M.iiiiiliiitnii-r nl
liiir. . HIL- .
| | | 'I
-'L'llil llll'l Cluru sin-it- . .
BiillL-r aiiil ERR Pnck.-i-s.
.xiiMiAXiM'iinoiiiiii : : : , iw : anil IliuiL-i. lli'fn-ci-.iti.i
ami racklnMOIII. .
nil l.t-uiciiU'iitli sis. , mi f. p. | | , | j | ru.
nri.-s , h. ml.MII.I liil.ini-- In , , , - , . , , , ( i ,
oliiHlii | IX nix.S : ,
h'U--.ilr an , I uuill ili-li.iii. in
> . oil ciiitii , , Mutinies. Cuilain ; , , l- . t-i
lli r.iinlinni stuit
Cniii-nti.-is | nnil Bulliliirs.
A. IliiSKMlCin
M.miif.i , IIIIL'N
MI , liuiiiN. IH.iMis , Hi viuViili | > , \f .
mil. I.MIi mi'1 Muti-.v ktimU.
ill iinlL-ri. sulMtui , , n , | | | | , | | | Ullu.i.
l' ' ' 'l111'1-- " ' " ' ! " - ' " ! ' ami Imililur. M.II
m" ' r i ' SI""L''I' ' ' ' -"rni'iol lit
niul ! I , ' ailtil | , AVI niif.
s. sTilixsiix : , : , | ; i Hum , | M , , tloet _
< 'iiiitrui-tiir ami lli'iMlrinif.
i.e. ii.tiim > .iii < iiigii .
Cm-i I.-IBBS ami Wagons.
A. | | ( ,
iii : MAKtT.\"rniiit : ,
.Xj III ! . | im-v | .
oiiuliu , Xi-i.
( < ; HAII.V ,
arriivrc > lunufautnr > ,
v > . wir. aUtn-ntli am ) cujijtul
IMulillihui Hi7i. !
S'itj | atU-nli'.ii jiiil
WM. hXVIiCIt , iiirriafu vvurk , .
: illi ll.irni-v irwt ! , iiinwr lull iria-l.
. ' | : , ) L' | uiii ; .trui-t , i-ur. fa. . .
Cigars anil TohljiKco.
i MIiit : : . .MII.IH.r. . mi , U , , , | j-ul ,
' . I.O\/.I.N. | | | : I ll 1'uriiliuni > lnu.t.
la'KMAX. ai'i "iilli l.itli tril. _
Cooper Shop * ,
bl'lliifl. , \ I'OWKII.
M.uiiif.ifliiri-r. ul all kiln ) , ill
JlT.iiAiii : . woiin A.VU jitu.s nurxji
uir. Ttli JH'I lAiuvcnuurtli * lri-uU
XK umi THiJIT VVoltlv u Sl'JlCUl.TY.
J II AiiXitt ,
M.inul.u-iiinr uf
all kiniU ( ' 'inr.iL'iXX | .in
IIITMI : ! Tt iN. , . > ifi\irv :
I'lu-iriii-r . .I l""Hrlli .mil 1'iLititlrut
Ciuur Bon Factory
IKIKI.N. ln .i' .1 in. | i.nii..ii .in.ii
City mul Stale Directory
_ .l. M. : . luil.lMiiT , Ulli , u.l H"
CofTce rtitil Spice Mm
iiM\\ | |
iolTrr.tisVUT. Mlt.l.i.
II. ii fl.AliK x ro. ,
I lni : liniiidm tn-i-t.
. \lirlit * fur | lllmnt ] tViWili'H-o. , \Villlnltisj
Civil EnRliiccintui Surveyors
\XHIIl\V : UnsKAVATr.I ! .
I"U > r.TiitlntHT nf "ni'ihn. Ni'li. ,
Sivximirinmi limlistcni ni ri
Tiiwn * n S.i- , l.iltv Mali ni'irkfnroltlif
rntlim jiiMiniitt.v .itti-mli-il t < i.
nir.sTin : n , . .
lpiHliii-i'rrniivtriiitii'ii onmlmnt ,
\V\t ; n i HI.X , St nim > . VMI linvix
ItrlilL-w aiul IliHiN. liiilli ill' r.iniulnti , , ! , '
Ustlnmtiniul linwh.irl'uriii . - < lH < l I't
Coitiiiilsslon Mcrelmnts.
i'oi.\xi > , v II\\MH : , uii ; iii iifi. iri
lvili-r in
llmir , irmln , luiitvr , i-uif- . AH klml <
) > n > ( lii < T n--i-lvisI aiul sil , |
fiiMi ailviuuw iimili' mi i
.IdllN II. XVIU.IS , I'mlt mill Prmlinv ,
qllarti-r. tor f. . It. Mnllnrx A ro.1 , .
oYSTI'.lls. HU tiiNim.trti't. .
n. it. nr.iMiii , N , , . WH , sim , WVMIT i
! . , oiiiiilm. Sw iti'tnili-il ili-n-rlj > tl < 'n.
II. ITItVls. ini utli i itli trif t.
Con .
lll'.o. I'ATr.llStiX ,
siliiivr | | niul Ilnilvr In
llnnl ami Soft find ami
fnkv ,
'II viitli laths ) .
I'll ' ATT * TiVI.K \ ,
lilplHTi aiul ilcali-rs in
fllAI. AXIICIIIil1. .
oilli-i- -'iiivintli litli : stn-i-i.
Mounts r.i.m nr.n.
Mninlnolli t-lotliliii ; ami innil.liluu hu.
Am lit tor s.ii , Pnim-lsi-o iin.l Urwoii rltv
n Miimif.u'tinhi , ! Co.x 1-iisMmi'ti.s , , ni | ( I , ,
' inIKT inth aiul PiiriiliiiinstiYi'ts.
Jl. II U.I.MAX .v co. .
wlioli' alinmi letall i-lotlili-o mul M , . |
'ullois. lii-iiK-iMln < ! P.X'l. < IVllNISlllNui
lilts , Cap. , TuinKi utnl \ iis- . . | ; -n | nni
oriur | ; itli mul riiinli.initnits. .
II. M. .x. M. l'i\VY : , \i' orK Cli
liin-- ! ' , lam dirnliaintiiit. .
Ill.l-S.v ISAi N.
liiiw-t Inipoitiranil | IIIIIT | In
ciincur.nv. CIIIXA. ( ! i.\ss\vAin : .
Cliaiiililii'iM ami lunppioils.
CriK-loi.v , litiiswiaif mill lii-ni-nil Him- ,
nmi-I. IION.NKII , lini : ! | IIIIKItni'l. | ; .
AMI. I' ' . .lollNSTON.
IMlti-'t ,
iilliri'.lai'iili' . ' Illoi-lt ,
iiir. Cnpllnl Avi'iiuu mul ITitli stni't.
Oniiilin , N'uti.
IHi. A. U' . X.XHON.
niimlini'luiisia | ,
( llliii.IniMira lllnoK ,
cor. Capitol Avi'inii' miI l.vii stu-its.
III ! . .1. .s. CIIAIil.KS ,
Suriroon | ii > nt-l ! ,
No. l.'lll l-'arnliani stn-it.
Kvi'ij variety of ih-nUil vvoik known to tl
profu-sion i'inti'il in tliu IIL--I nmnnur.
Dry Goods.
.1. .1 III1OWX Aicu.
Wlu > ltsiilu
l > i\ ( loiiils , iiiiiiniis , limits amiline - .
suiulimst i-nr. llthaiiil linnifliis streit"
( linalia Ni-ti.
it'll. | i > \ Mi 1XXIS. rui , : nnrtli liitlistii-i-t.
V. C. IH'iriiili. | ; mr. illi anil I'.nilUti
Dye Works.
ICXIIY SI.NCi1. : ! ! ! , stuiiin'lii.ilt. . , , ! ' ! , , ,
list. IV.itlii.Ts umi fmu-.v fcvs'n kpiflalty.
Ormv I Ini si : 1'n in vi vi v ( iiiini\ ! . )
S.CIIIOTii ! : ! , < , limiT.
Drunrlststtiiil CliL'inlstu ,
MnkiSicri.illv | nf I'n-sviiptluiis.
-'II snntli i.-tli , strui-t.
ClIAIil.lX I' . ( iOOIIMAX ,
Wlmlusalc Urnintlst ,
Xi > . Itln I'aiiihani tiii-t , oinulia , .N'cli.
I.e. I'AVrilH * CO. .
iiilusln | inis anil Siinrli-al Instrnineiits.
lini ; Hniijfl.isst. , cm. Tixultlli ,
IX A : ( 'o. , I'liann.u-isls , ilnt. fmn-v KnH
iiirnuiI.MIi mul limnrlns stunts !
.1. Will-mini M- : . iiliiiliSHilimul ictn
Kiith iiitii stri'tt.
ins niitsvni , M.IM.HJ , . uiwii.
A. ! : | | ; , , - , , nit.ijti | , „ , „ ! iiamov st > .
A. liol'.liKH. i-nmir li.tli anil Wululvr sis.
UN W. ItU.I. . yjii smith Ililh stm.1.
Willow Siriii''s | IIMillin c , . ,
mul II.Ut.N. CO. .
Ilistllli'i-s nf llniiihiiii anil lljc Wlil.klos
AK-iilinl anil ( 'oliiL'iii' Spirit ' .
* Oiliiv III1.1 ilarni-j stmt. "
Electric Batteries.
nine IIVTrmu > IMI Issnu MKMS. I , . \ \
I' ! . , S : CO. , i : ' | S. Uth stii-et rnr. Hnu la
s. r.XII.KV | - . . AIIMil.n. ) . . . , „ . , | , , „ , , , s
I'l.iiils , cm I'liiuirsiniil | II > .IKIIS.
i : c. iiiruxii. :
l'1'Pli-tt. lll ( iK-fllhllllhl- .
ninth li.tli ktiirt IIL.IIliriiLf. .
I'n.NAiilll'i ' : . im mr. lioii 'las Uml H.tli sti
Flru Insurance.
i Miicnil
riiuanil l.iu-
.Miinii'i-r |
Ni-iv Vni'ii l.ikliimiranifi Co. , fur
ihiai-Ka ,
i 'ol , mul , i
mul U'u , iiilnc.
Cur. I Illi ami linii l.u , , tn-iU.
iH'I'.l. .1. Ilnr.1,1. . , \ SON , , HIT - lltli.t
MllillK r"IUJllil | > ll prisl-llti ! I.
Foundry and Mnchlnu Shops.
,1 , xll.rofMilIY \Ni | M.\cIXiCi. | | :
Mannlai I mi iv Mini ii-ai m in
i , Knulni'll"i | , V.'iiriiltural Inm Wmk
mi llriiU'i s , Mi iinc , uu | Mill Xl.u-liiiu rv ' .
L'unil iii-k > C. I' | i. | | ami ITIh -li'ri-t.
Flour , Fi-oil , & ( . .
I. \ \ I'.l.sll.S.S A I II , I'lnplu l"l"CltV
IIIN. I'l'Mir , I < "l. Hi.mi. Iir.n. , , , i
" , r Hi , nl I . .nili.niiin i- | .
( CUT II. SXMir.ll. | n | ; IIin ; , , -iru.t. .
> . A. III IIKIiMAN.S.'Is ninth Kill , > tn-i-t
I. I'KttK ' * . K. I. .srnvi. .
lil'.XVr.Y hTONM ,
\MioluwluilMiluni in
I'fll.NITI'lli : .
rurnlimn ktri-ut , Hinalia , Xvli.
, S. SIIIYUIICK , Jliin.r. mul
ul I''lli I'liniliain lrui.t.
ilturimul lieiiuiiil lluin.i-ln.1,1 ijij ( > , u , , | .
UK. IKI : ; I hjii lan , trui-t.
S'uiU unij
( JtUt-u.
C'lH , lath * kl lUHHT.V kiTllf.KT.
J i : a UIWM\
ilwului ,
{ itili.
Jron wul .ViUI Work. .
I'AST/JN / ,1 ( iAM.Amtiil : ,
\ \ huliwiki.riMiih. .
Kill. ,
N'aiU. II , , | , ,
Ci.l.i. . . ii , , I Hi
\ . ' . nl. l i
ii xxvuii r'.u hi i.
.lU" i"i tii. 1111 , i. . . it.- , ' i \ . w , .
u.'i n.'i iu i .1-1 1 n
' ' ' . , -I , . . '
. 'I ' . . 1 I .ll -
Grocer *
tewx im < c H , tlrnif nnd
comet tM nd < < imiln rttwl * .
r. tXR , OH winth unh
pfj-tWtijf ipnnl to wit.
.VM.KS tltlcw. . Sin wwlli JMli tfw
lr mil1. KMH-J- > mml .
I.ITTt.K , \ WILLIAMS. HL'I I misl :
< liokiOriwrk , I'Miliu * mul Cigars.
.L . W.ATTKM , 1'n.p. , , , , , , . , w
iiirilii-nt i-i.r. liltli mul California trwtji
IIAimiAX A SA5WTH(1M ! , 'nth ' nml fin
.t. II. KltKMCtl * Co. , tlln hmilmin * i
II. II. l.tVAS , Ciiiiiltiu t. , l . .t.J2ml
/ . 9TKVRS , s.t K-t. Cumin * mi.l tn
IIKXHV HITZKN , ! ; lti aiul .U.-k in ,1
WIIKUH ft en. , mill iwt. Hun v cmiii
\V. V. . I.AtT.NsTKIX , I'lM north tmli t
.1 , K. IIKIIOKN , tiw rvr. liilli mul Cn
A. II. ( II.AINTOXK , linn nnil IHI
S , II. IMTFIrTT , : il.M.utii | m ,
\ \ M. Hl XTUIMAN. orn.T nitli mul d ,
Onus nnd AniiiHinltion
.M\\ MKYiil& : CO.,11. c. miI I lth mul
Harness Mnkcit ,
IV M \ \ iil.\ : . siu-i-i- > ser to 1 1. T. Mot
Mmnif.utnrii mul Umlu in Harm-- . . . ,
nil IloMi' r.tiiipiiii'iiis. XKI nt rnr , lmnr
L Co. ( Vlilniiti.l Cmiiiiiil lliiriii-.s. |
II in run i > r Imlk. s. , | , . | uf. I'mn
Allll-ST UiillM-.A en. s.illl.s m , , | | ,
H7 , mriii-r l ith iin.l .l.tiks'.n sirn-s. |
l : . II. WKIsT. ijii i > iiili l.itli InI'mn
M. A. THOMAS , tfiiltutrtli tiith stivil.
HousBliolil Fiimislilng Goods.
A. L. PITCH \cti.
Sn < ii ! oMt.iC. II. riTCII , iMiloisli
illliltlil-i' , stoves , i-fot'ki'r.x , nilpi-tx , matt
Aini'Vi anil si'ittitil limiil.
M ) l.'tli strict. Int. Ian , hum ami | IUB
l mm IH-IIIK n-liiillt nmi will hi-
"poll mi orlicfiiiV.V > | il. 1st iii'\t.
linliiiii'iit | i-oniplcti- .
tvl'IX'Ill . > 1IIIOS.
IMMIT : : iiocsi ; .
s. C , mii'II.MH : ! , I'niimi , , trect
tii-t. rmnhmii anil llnrni.x.
I i-aiinlcnt i-n-tiii.i. ! ? | t.i | . - . ' : > I'HIilu.v ;
TiOilu h > . ' ( IH.IvviHk "I. ml.
IICHSOX ltiu | ; IHU S | . : , t.-n , , | | , , nit.v
* t.i ipi'i-ii.i.v .1. c. ( iiii'.r.x , piiip.
: . T. lifKi : , um lionyliisMtii.ct.
A. llix : ix. i il smith l.itli stri'i't ,
I'l-uli-rln ' COAL anil ICI' .
IntelllRcnco Otllco.
Mis , i.ixxn : iip.x r17 im , , ntii ; MIOI-
k'llll'l'l.i ' : , Mi-MILLi.V : A Co. . Cuk
i-U , i-ornui r.lhainl lieu la-i.
. -loNASI'.N , imtth | ami ILune ) .
IAV .MIYIU\- : line , , u tnth ami i
OIIX IIAfMUI. .U'wi-li-r , lllll Tai-iiliani ,
II. I'm , . . .
uli'i Iron mul Xh-t il VanN , ustnlilislie.1
iv Hill tri'ct ni-.ii- ii.rm-i llarm-v. Ili
i pi.K-u | uiiil tnr , il | kiinlsdi si-i-a'p imii
uN.lug \ - , uti-
" sHAI.ISsKY . . ' A Co.
Valors ii Jiiixi-d ami assmli-il slink m
WHiUiNJt.'iT < , Iron , ami MtlaU
A-Li'lii'-J. ' _
III-.M iioii'' Mti--t.
Job Pi Inters.
W. QUAY.JiiS. ; . l-jtlilii-t. I'm-n .v | ioiiK.
Justices of the Peace.
u. sTixiniij : : ( , .MI Minth inth stmt.
.ll'I'INCd'IT , i-nr. Isth anil Ca-trll uU. .
Lnilies Fiirnishhip ; Goods.
\ . KL'ItTX , llllHi I'arnli.uii htiei't.
l.uinlier , Coal and Lime.
ITU ! .V ; tillAY ,
LfMIIKII.COVI.miil | , | XI | ; ,
i1 haul , Mvu-cn I'arnhain
ami liiiii ' stn-i
C. X. Illiri1/ ,
liiinihur , Utth mul shhiKlo ,
tilth mul California | H.
( linalia. Nth
ol.I'lnxKIl , .XIaiiuKiT llinaliii , Xuh.
i iilll , sanil unit n k KtiiitH. Chii-api , I
jr ut vvhult-salr. Sole iiynts for tin- Xl.irlilr Mi-ail Lime.
. XV MviKlii.i. : : | wlmlvsalraml lUailili'al
lii'ilath , shinvlis , ] , irliNl kakh , iloni
, inniililin ; . ) . , linn ) , plastir. ill.stiiton ei
f irli'hratiillllvvankii' irnii-nt , | i.ivi f. P. - | , .
IS lllAI ! > roil ! > . iin. ' .ilh MII , I | ionslai , .
Llciior | Merchants.
A. lill.iy : A Co. ,
id tiiul , liiniiflas .tu-Lt foiiii-i | tliriu-i
A fllllsliil-k nf
lioiiiuiiiis , liipim-s ami Mitall diinks.
HiliTn h.v m.iil pmnipl.v alli-n-li'il to.
' " ' ' 1\
HIXS& ivX.s : , I'itj Sti-iini |
trt-i't. ColluiN mul 1'iur * Hjr
lull ciiml | to ni'U. Onli-i hv llWpliuii
.IAS .sTipiii\sii.v : : ,
Millami 1'u-il Slulililii.inii : | ! Tnimmti
I Im i-l vtahli' ui-l nt ChuuL' " '
ivvi > i i-uniL-r ot Ililh , uul ll.inu'v fctn-iu ,
Aim lu-ini.i ! | | . , | - .n 1. 117 . . ' , . .
IMII A PiiV. HI , | , in , siuu.
Lcnthcr and Findings.
M'llMlliT A IIASMfssr.X ,
WlmlLxili-unil lli-l.iil li-ak-r in
U-thi-i : anil Pimlr' .
Jll binili rmiitu-nth stiect ,
lii'tvu-i'ii rariihun ami | i"iipl.u.
Marlilo Works.
( . \ \ . \.XX NosTIIANK ,
ctiiii-r ot nil KimU ul MurhliVoil ,
u , iSiH'kil. , ami HiiiMinj , ' h'lonu for tliu
Ittnlau stn-i-t I iloor ui-kt of 1'oi.t ollln
M'MCIMTr.ll , U'I. I. north IWIi uliuEt.
IlliNMIII ; > ninth l.-.thhtn-i-t.
lill.KV. lll''lloiltfe Uruit.
Mcrchnnt Tnllou.
li. KV ANhilX A Co ,
nitli llth htri-rt , rlrmniiL' ami
.LIHI1 , 1 ilmir m-ht uf Criii , knhiink' " .
IMaljIihhi- 1 in ( Mil ,
'fill' lU-KllOMlwIui , , ! It'illlillLllOIUl - .
> - , Irfiilie. KuriiUliinjr uiiiri'iuii-v Ho' . ! .
Wholusu ) , ai.ull , tuil.
'nl liK'ii Illnik.
IIIMlCIl , Ullllnui.v , | | r. North l.'ith .t
IlK , Cii > ilurkt-l. Ml. ' , | Mi | ( | * ,
, 1 'Uli , i.v > ti-i > mul liuiui' .
AI'tiT , f I' . | ( II. Uutt Uurkii , Mil N
I KIKsi.S \\MiV. . ,1,1 , , S | , | h , |
II V'.l I" ' ! . ' . I , 'l , | , l | . -n , i
> i I I-M Vi. \ , . I , ii. t
Mu 'c l Inttninuntt ,
i : . , ir . r.i'.n , , ! , , , ,
: Yiii. : < . liiio.n ,
Men1 * FurnlshliiR OooilT.
slIlllAI : . .1 \\s | | A CO. ,
llniortrM .1111 ! Jnlihi'M
"f Mi n < l'iiriilhlncii nN ,
ItnT llnrni-j ltirt.
oin.-ih.i , Xcli.
OH Mlif. '
W iHnliiim , | .n , , ( . , , | ( tn Cii
Cl \ \\I.I.I.\IAX ,
LINst'Tlioli WollKS.
emi . , , f.ntorv ,
Hit ; ; mid in-'i hiti , , uil , , troct.
P. hits. Olli ami Glrt .
N'o. Illn r.irnhain . stn-i't.
. 'As ' II. D\X Is. su-.vmtn KiH
r tlox Manufactory ,
L L UII.KII' . UPS rurnlimn si nit.
Plclures .mil Picture Frames.
A. llnspi : . .1 , , | - , | . | , , | ( . stuvt.
N"iulint tlrst-i-l.i , m.tlHt cmploviil
. l.iiioitli lilh ! tnt. t.
Hlo. : IICYN , ct-nliul ( lulU'i.\ . DP.'Kithstr n
I' cl Uiiir.ll. npi'iu-il p.'i'j I'lirnhaiiislr
Plain. Tuner.
II I'lTCII.-JIs smith tilth stnt-t.
orlis.ft | vin , iMlmim A-Krlikiiin.
Planing Mill.
V Mi'M'lts | ' | . VMXU MILL.
lvh 'I . . hlitiils. nioiililinpi , pliki'tn. si-rol
Mlliisii-rs , m-vv. I ! M.t. . rails pevvH. ote. Pan
nl huililini ; in.iti'rlal. l-'ai-tnrx ir
'Ih ' mul , . ,'titvis
Plinuhers anil Ons Fitters.
. ! " ! | " " | " | > "l > Jlll | ' Works.
. .
IA.M i LION. X | , p.w AN ACO. . , lni ; rntnl.mi. . st
1 1 inilii'H K , , . , „ „ ! st'iim lltti'm. iriii iKtuixs.
rnmiu'iilal L.IVVU , , i.l . ! irinkltf , , rmintnlnM ,
. W. ( i. Mil.p.iui ACO. . , -
MlliililiiBaiiil ntllm ; , Xo. lf.1l IMilKi-
Tllos M Pitici : . llnllio nstriTt.
All vv.rk promptlj | . \t-ciiti-l.
l > . riTXPATIIIcK , rmiit , ; | Iron pp.Maml | , 111
' ' ' P"1 llxtni'- . . -I.- . , I ltd IMiiBlai Mri'i"
CiNTIAI.P..STAflAXT : ! | | |
i-stiililUhi'il In Is7i !
Mil" . A. Itv IN , piopiMor.
Stthtl.i llis.ilas | , .
McaNat all lunn-s.
ItiMiil h.v theila )
iirvuvk ,
-No. in.
Smith Ifitlistri'it ,
N P. .ii\six : : , lie , s imirsTr
I Caki-s , Ciiinlii'M , Niitj , I'mlt , J , , . .
"I. " II. LAITKIl. SKI , Huh'sl
I inelatili' a si-i-ialt.
i ; . ! ; , ! / , - - .
: ilITTS ! ! riMaiimiil. Im7 Pamhain Mnrt
Seals , Stencils , nuhhcr StampsT Etc.
: . I' . HAX1S. 117 smith I Ith st.
Sewing Machines.
t t AKem-.v for WIUTi : , ; - . ' | m , , , | , , , , tll stlt.L
stilt lonerK mu .
. lll-llllTs III I
"lank hookl'.iper. . liikainli : , , , , . ! , , , , , . ,
lUiMinlh l.-ith stnui. opi. | p. d,1
Stair Builder.
. . , W , II SMITH ,
* " ' " ' I'i'litiiit , in-ill-
Second Hanil Machinery
I' ' ' ' " " ' ' * l 'i l < ; iiii. soli.
- II'll. . HollKlismill ; | lnK | | .
' ' " " 1' ' " ' " ' lk'li" :
SI Irt Factory.
" ' ? " . ' " : ' " " ' "Ti'r nt n.M
| N Mill ! Is , | p > j p.iriihani stmt.
W.M. r. -T/.II : , .
" '
Iliirilviaii-aiiil Tinuaii- .
'iL'l smith Inth stu-it.
Omaha , Xi < h.
I'xX. ' SCI.I.IX AN , sii.v.s-
. . . . H'MlllHlll
I ,'Kiint ' ami riiiu-rs.d Mnvi'ii mul | | m.H
'tf''il ! ' ; - , . . , , | , , , , , , | , ; ; ; , 1
I Iin I ainliani sin-it.
MII.TOX iioiiciis .tsux
IXtalilUliiil | sV .
in-- , l.iiiKi' ! , 'riniii IK' stoi-k umi .Mi tn | .
llf-'l \ trji : rainliain slii-i-t ,
iin HIT I'miid-i-nth.
' . * ! 1T.1"1'1"1 ' "fin-ral | , , - ' , , | , | liniMi , .
S.MIII , l.'Hfiliiiiul.iiii.liiit.
IX M. DUCK , mr , Ain ; , m.rth IMIiM. sln-H
av.v h.iMliuinslovisanl llnivan- .
II- - HMTICK , , ' „ „ , . stov , , am , IUn , , ,
I AS ) ' , lln.l I'liiiilmiii ktiu-t , Oimih.i ,
ICHMisTiil. : : Hi. ; l , nlw.htrut.
Show Case Manufactory.
. MII.Hi : , . umi IIII7 ( 'a-s strn-1.
i.MiYli _ : ! \ HHli.n. I'.mr. Illhaml I urn
MITC.J.I'nun. : . ,
liiipintirinI , .Inlilu-iHol
TCAh ,
.umif.ii inn > Atfi-nt' . iiircij.'am ,
lnn."i rmnli.ini stivit.
I.I'M : , lltlist li-l. rmnliiiihuiiillliiinn
, -plri'B. ixliai tii inn ) Japan f.-miy CIMK | .
* * , ' . ' ! < ! ' . ' . " ' , ' . ' ! ! "tri' "I"1'tivir.v nlflit ,
UIHI. Iaili .ing Int. Itoiij-iim in'tnMiiir '
Trunk Factory' ' !
A K. ( JIKi.XI.XI. | | | i ; 11'inL'l.iii.liiu '
Kmiml VallM-i-ni'iili- | repiilriil.
s. IIIIAXI : , rmiiiiuni-t i t. imiiiiiiii mil ,
( i. .I.Xcoll.s , in ; 1'iinilimni.tiiit.
Vinegar Works.
. II \ Mi.MANN. ia t mil I'ai-llli-stm t
luhviini- , lulu , iiil malt vim-car.
Vail Paper and Window Shailec.
IILAIIH A Him. , nimh-rii ml , p.iu-i | haiiu
onuiul mnli-in-0 Mirnlou ni4ii.
I. CLAIllv , Iii7 milh 1 Illi strut , M.
K , lanr.v piipir. , winilovi iliuiratimm.
llVLiilMAN'NHliulvMil : | . nmi u | U | | . , . „ , .
; * , | . ) IK. lilmk rarnlmn > tmt.
Wood Cnnraveri.
u. umi liiiifinr on nil klniN of W neil
Uti'itI " 'itli ' : .trtit.
Wooiluiiward iind Nolloni ,
c s iiooii- | | | | | | A Cn ,
I'-i , lli- | M , | \m \ > .
Wl.k.i . |
n w , i , , , , ' u. V.H"im I mlirv. I'j
- ,111.1 T in. in . I uriihum ttii-it
00 Cent Store
> ' h' < i > -Mi I .irniiao .tri-i-l