THE DAILY \\\W. \ \ \ SUNDAY. .lANl'AKY I THE OMAHA BEE , _ KSTAIU.ISIIHI ) 1871. THE OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , I'lioritii-nniis JtnWAltl ) linsi\VATiil. : ; lililioil. lilh ) ; M'lrnliiK r.ilillin.i''riinniiiii ( | , - f\0 \ W ' \Vct-Klv per annum. . . ' on Hall ) KveiiliiK Dlillon.dclivoioil ii > Car rier miron per wccl , . OMAHA. Annual Review of Her Commerce , Manufactures and Indus trial Development , - Building Statistics Railway Trnfllc k'ducutional and Benevolent lastitutions. Facta and Ff "Concomliig tlio Metropolis of the Missouri Vnlloy. Omaha , fotitik'l ( ( in 185-1 , now con tains a population of , ' 111,000. What Omaha is ai ii commercial and indus trial center , and what sliu has accom plished towaid the establishment of educational iind benuvolont institu- tioiis niiiy l > u ascertained by a perusal of tliu nccimipanvino ; carefully com- "sTatis'tics. ThaTOinahti is on- 'titled to the poaitiiui HIO ! claims us tliu cummercial metropolis of tliu Mis souri Vnlloy , is forcibly deinoiiHtratetl by the facts and liyurt's uinpbodicd in our uxhmistivo review of her wholo- snlo trade , railway tr.ilic and manu factures. The cominoi'co of Omaha extends from thu Missouri river westward throughout our own broad state of Nebraska , through Wyoming , Colorado rado , Utah , to Montana , to Nevada , and clear to thu Pacific ciiiuit , as far north as Oregon. That her commerce will keep pace with the development of the tr.Mis-iMissouri region , is Hclf- uvidont by a glance at the mi ] > which shows the superior facilities of Oma ha as ii railway and tradu center. The trade of Omaha is , however , by no means confined to the country west of the Missouri river. Vast quantities of supplies are sold to the people of western and northern Iowa , Dakota , northern Missouri , and even to U'is- cousin , Illinois and Minnesota. Omaha's commercial irrowth i.s prac tically exhibited by the inaikuil in crease in her wholesale trade and her banking transaction ! * . By reference t" our illustrated an- .iual review , is-iuod Now Years day , 187 < | ) ' wholesale fraflie for the jJ V , aggregated S7 , < > G7 , < K0. ? The ngi cplto for J878 , exclusive of sales of coniii.sion houses , were $ ' .1,705,000 , for J87 ! > § 10,02:5,000 : , for 1880 SI2,80700. During the past year Omaha wholesale dealers , exclu sive of commission Louses , report ai- greyato sales of SM , ( > 00,00i ( , n l i"- eluding sales of commission houses , § 10,575,000. The leading staples represented by these sales are LTO- curios , St-I55,000 ; dry goods , 81,250- 000 ; hardware , § 800,000 ; druirs , paints and oils$8-IO.OOOIiquonl ; ? ! ! > .V 000 ; boots and shoes , SliL'5,000 , and agricultural iiiiplunients , § 750,000. Our bank exhilit for 1875 sdiovvs deposits aggregating S2-157,87-1 1(8. ( The exhibit , for 1881 shows deposits aggregating § 5,001,581 78 , and ex change aggregating § 07,800.000. The railway facilities of Omilia arc unrivalled by any city west of Chicago cage ; ; ! i < l-wiili of S' . Louis. Four teen railways converge at this point and allonl ilcci'SH to every section of the count ) w. Omaha Is already a very impor tant manufncturing center. ( , 'uiti ' ) aptvrt from the Union Pacific inachiiiu alrid car shop- * , winch give employmuilt to over 1,800 nuiclriuics and laboruf.s , the manufacturing hflhineiits I Omaha employ over . ' ! , fj)0 ( ) mechanics She has the largewt and most conn | ete Htlvor refining works in iea.t at handle- metals valued at live riillions each year and i ivn iloymufit to 250 men , and null works tha'J turn out 100,00'J ke n of nails per Minum She has adwtillery ry that nianuf.iuttired I,2 < i5-l , ! ! 1 gallons lens of alcohol and whisky and paid internal revenue tax of § 1 , ii8,80li : ill ) . Omaha breweries produced ! tl , ( > 00 barrels of beer , the Omaha linseed oil mill produced ! ! 75)00 ( ) gallons i < f nil and 7,000,000 pound * of oil cnko , and her white lead works m.tnufae- turol 2,000 t'Uis ' , of white year. Pork packing and beef uaiiiiing ar bi'eoining peimiinent among our industiien Ditrinu' the pant our picking IIOIIHCH i-laugh- tered IIIO.OUO hogs , and thu packer.- * of beef have kepi pice with the poik packers. The grain trade of Oinalu dining ing the past year iiT'ati'd ; ( _ 2500- 000 husheli < , an. , the election of a mammoth elova * r , with a capacity of 72i,000 ( bllHllt'lc , Will dnubth'fH ill- erease the futttro IMMJII I rude in Omaha very in.ituri.illy. Tito must Biibhtantial exhibit ti Omaha's growth ami commercial prosperity - perity is a Herded by the building record of the year , which shows that nn aggregate of 2,207 , : ! ' . ) ! ) were ex pended in Omaha during the year 1881 for public improvcmiSiits , More houses , factories and dwellings. The public improvomcnti include water works and noworagu. There wore built an aggregate of ( il ! > now liuildingH of every dcsciiptmn , of which 501 are dwellings and 57 busi ness hoiiaea , hotels , chiirehr.s , gt ho < Is 1 and factories and 58 iMriiage houses and kirns. Among < lu > business houscH is a tua < : nilk'eiit opera house , which is tlio must costly structure erected in Omaha during the year. The compulation on buildings tin der construction is only what haw huuti expended to date. The amount ex pended for building impruvemontb during the year covers § 101,810 for public improvements , § iiH,150 ! ! for dwellings , § tii8Hi ! 0 for nuw busitu ss houses , hotels and churelu'c , § : ' 2t- ) , 000 fur factories and factory im provements. 188OC ( ) for nconstruc tion of buildiiK , . ' , carriai.0 houses ami II.IIIIB. As a 0uili ) this is an exhibit that no wu'tern city of equal population can match , BANKING Oiitaba has more tlmn mnlntaluctl her proud position as the financial center of the far we t , being the depot of money supply for all the Slates and Territories west ot the Missouri river , as well as western Iowa. Pour houses are engaged in banking in this city , the l-'irst National Hank and Omnha Xa tionnl Bnnk under N'ntioiul Hnnk clmr- ters. The State Hank of Nebraska cor poration chartered by the State , nnd n private banking hou c Caldwcll , Hamilton - ilton fc Co. The hanking bti inu of O nnha has shown no impairment during the past year in either the volume of Inisi- lien transacted , or in successful man agement on the contrary very sub stantial growth has been made. Evidence of this is allb.dcd in the enlargement of banking room and handsome interior Improvement * made by the Kirst National Bank involving nil expenditure of about -f 10,000 , and almost doubling its fiiciiities for the satisfactory handling of its extensive an 1 constantly incieasing business , | and in the purchase by the Omaha ' National Hank , and the State Hank of , valuable real piopurty , upon which ; each designs to eiect during the coming - | ; I ing season , buildings that are required to accomodate their business , and which in appearance and appointments will be up to the scale Omaha now e x- , ' | iecls from her moneyed insit- i tulions. No increase of capital is reported , ' The Omaha National 1'ank has increased - i creased its surplus fund from SOooo ( ito i 1 to $50,000 , nnd it is tmdetstood that the amount will be made f , I after January iM. The surplus fund \ ! of the First Nationals Hank remain at ' $50,000 in its olllcial leports to Wash ington , but in its annual report to the State Auditor ol Dec. .27th , iSSl , its undivided surplus funds arc shown to be § 167,533 f'- ' Dining the same period ot the \ear super-abundance ot loanable funds has existed and some of our merchants have at times had their wants supplied at very low interest rates. The demand has greatly increased since the beginning of present month , and the hanks now find teady use at reasonable rates for all the money they want , or deem safe to loan Comparative statements of growth of business ate always intcie'ting , but in this as heretofore , we ate limited to the two nationals , who make frequent statements. The following shows changes in aggregate deposits at nearly corresponding pending periods for three years pas ) in the National Hanks. I'irst Xnt. Omaha .Vat. Total. Hoc. I ! * , ' 77,81 .UlT.KKiiT S' 7II ! , : < .S7 SI,9l7IKi7.M i > c < ' . i ! , 7s , tiiii,4iKi..v : ; svjn : < ! .io : . ' .isK.'ii'.i.tH Dee. tl7li. ! I,7MI7H.L _ ' llllim.'J L'hiM-l2.H ! ! i > ec.n'Hi : , iiKi7.27.ii ; i.L'ci.'c ; . ! * ; : v..irpii.ii ! : oct , i81 , ' . ' , : iiuiP. ; , ( ; ! 7 ! , Kti.jMi.ii ! ! IU IIKL'I.II : ! The deposits of tl > four banking bouses of Omaha aggregate S5dc < . - 581 78 The exchanges sold by the four banks during the past year foot tip to § 67.800,000. , RAILROADS. Omaha is the most impmtant railroad centre of Chicago and north of St. Ijotiis. She occupies the ( 'atuway at the eastern terminus of the pioneer trans-con , tini-ntal - railway between the Atlantic sea- hoard ami the l'acil'c coast. I'ouitei-n rai. " wa.VH eonvci'k'c at this point with their termini , -cM-ialprojected railways wii | he completed to Omaha within the next three years. Three trunk lines , thu ( 'Idca n , llurliriK * ton \ ( jiiincy , Chiuapi & Noitlivvesteii. ' and Chicago , Itock Island V Pacific , fur nish direct coinicetioii with Chicu 'o and the Hast. Two trunk liuc.s , tlioVabash , St. l.onUiV I'acilic , and St. l.oniKansas , City ami Omalm , alford Omaha connec tion with St , 1.1 ni iami the South. A third trunk line , the Missouri I'ncilic , now iindeirniistriictiuii. . between Atchison , Kmisas City and Omaha , is to lie complet ed within .sixty days and w il ! ( 'ivo I Iniilia adiiect line to St. l.nuiand the Ilillf States west of tlie Mi-souti liver. The Chieaj1 ' , St. I'juil , < t Omaha Hallway hih placed Omaha within leach of the Minnesota seta ami Wisconsin lumber legion. Th1' UuilitiK'tnn , V Missouri Itiver Itailw.iy with its various lumiclics eomiocts ( Imaha with Soiithctn , Southvrcstcin and Central Nc- biask.-i. The rapid extension of thi- * line in-uies for Omaha u second titnik line to Denver , Ooloiudo and New Me.xieo. uilh- in le s ilian twelve montlisand at ii" dis tant day a competing tiuiik line to the I'a- citic coast. The Oiuuha .V Valley linad IUIH xivcn Omaha a monopoly nf the t rathe with Central Nebraska. The Omaha , Niobr.ira \ lilack Hill , branch of the I'nion Pacific is heiuj ; rapidly pu hed thioiiK'h the ( 'i'eat cattle ranges of Ninth- i western Nebraska tn the niiniiij , ' icjjiom. of ! the Itlack Ililliin Dakota. i The Pnlon Pacllle liallwa ) . the create. * ! tiniik line on the Amcilcaii Coulitienl.K' ' cs Omaha dlred connecllon willi Hie coal , iron , silver ami uold ictiloiis | of Wuimiujj ami Colorado , tinsilver ; hell of Ciah. lilalm ami Montana , i ami the bullion and I mil c.xpoitim ; teuton of i Calltoinia and the Paellle eoa > t. The head- iiiiiitcrs | of Hie I'nloti Pacllle liallwa ) have been localeil ul Omaha ever since the load was chartered Aficrlhccunsoihlnimiiot the Iv'ansas Pucliic Itallwa.v witlitlic t'nlon Pit- clilc , i luhtcen months imo. the licnhuarters ; | of Hie Piicltlc wenalo leniovcd to Omaha All Ihe various luaiicln-s am ) leased lines operalrd b ) Ihe I'lilon Pacilic railuav niana enicnl now have their piinelialiilllce ) In I'mon Pacilblieaibpiailers in ihls HI ) The ollleeisol Ilie eiimp.Ill ) OWIIIIII'I ' oi'eil- cni | ) a hamlsome and cnimuoili'itis llvesioiv : hiiildlni : , hut llu- extension of the Inatu-li t hues ami absoipiioiiofotlicrioailsliaveovei- 1 lei's , ami a new wlnu as larse as the | iresenl | licadiptiiileobiilhliiiu will he erected b ) the coniiaiiy | iliirinu the i-mnliiK vear Tlic followlli ollli-es | , of tinI'm.ill . Pacllle me located In llii-M-heailunaileis ; . l\ \ . | | . Ckilk.uclieial manager Ihos I. , Uinitiall. assisiiini ireneral mummer : .1 T. Clark. vn- eral siiperlntemleni 1'iiion lil\i > iou ; P 'I. .Nichols , sup ! Kasiciu liivtsiun : r ft , rslcbhlns. j-cneral ticket audit ; O P Mc- curihy. .is isiaid ci'iiiTal ' llekel n cnt ; i : . Ii II\\K \ \ , llekel auditor ; ,1 W MorseKcm-i- al passenger auciit ; S II .loui-s , assistant jieucral | i.ssenier | accnt ; K. P V'liiinj ; . p-n- cral fieiKlit ii-'eiil . P P Mielbv , ass | taiii Ki-ticial IrclKhl acent ; .loseph W. liiiiinelt. aiiditoi . ( i W. Hull. ii.s lhiiiit | auditor ; A. S. Van Kmaii. auditor of audit' * account- . ; I' . I ) llrown. cashier . N T . | USM\II. | p.iv - master I MOII ami br.iiieliis . A i l'viill p.umasi.r. | nvisiii 1111,1 J ! luck' v Miphrii i > u > m "I i. , MiiK | I H Korlv , - , | , , supdliil. Lib nl if I i' ( . rapli M 11 ! 't-li luiphi .nubiur IA NaMi , diraei'Dnntniit ; I > ( i Clarit. ireiieral nml nornt : J Ullckrii-dpffcr , ciMof ctiui- tit-of : Ii I inr. tlinTlnlemlenl of 1irhlji" < : J.oiullt Iliitiiliiiin. laml i-oiiimlMioiior : iTiv nnl Kcnnr-ily. wiTPinry. ami t' . I. , i-erlm- , fiishlcr , Inliil ilciiirtliicnt | : It. 11 Wilhur. tfnvi'lllne ; audltDT llurnco Nrwiiiim. siiM-k nernt ; li , M Morsiiian. general maliaucr 1'aelHc I\IPICSS : ; \V. 1' . Hcclifl , niiilUnr ra- I'ltlc I\irt' ! | : Amlrvtt ,1. l'nli1eNlll | | , jfelieral altnrite ) : .li'lin M. Tlmrxloii. iii < hlnlil nt- tnHicy. Tin1 llti'rnr > tuircnn of the t'lilnii 1'aeiftc l ! 1 MTV lllliiirlilll | : fl-.Atllle III tile Wotkllliri nf that Immense eiiiililMitiielit Mr , H. 1C isirahciin , chief of this ileiartniMit | H ulily i'i'iiiirtVd l y .Mr T W Illiieklmrn , Tin1 fnll'iwIiiK ' h tile vt-eiriil tnllcnui' of the 1'iiioii 1'aeltlr rallwa > : I VIliN litV1 t < 1J . Main lln < > it'ul.MI . 1'iicllte II. If. . ' Cimndi liluiritn ( ijiilon . . . lt smlli'i Onmlm . "S leiulill ! | < 'uii Valley Itinueli , Oinalin to l.lnenlli anil SliiiinsliiirK , anil Cram ) Nhuul t SI. 1'aul 133 " Uiiuiliu. Molinira & lllack llll- ! " Iliitlieli. Iliiiieiin Ni'li. . to NiT- fulk. llliel l.nsl t reek to Atliloh M " ( 'oloriuhiSIHI | ) | | | ( foiormliK MI- tral 1 ! . It. 'flieHinr ' ) tn Denser Centiul inn ) ( ii'iiivtown 178 " St. .lo epli . \Vestein Ills isinii , St. .liiseph Inliiaml Maiiil 362 " Jlar\s\e | | | & Illiir\ alley llraneli , \llll > \llle to llenlrlee . . . . ! W " Melin X I'atk CllIlliinell. . Kelio , flail to Tails 'City . . . . M " ' flah \ Nnrthein ll'runeli , OK < | I > II , ftiili. In Unite i lt.Moninna . IK ! " .Illlesluiij ; Itraileh I.M " foil lisse.AIin ; | | | > .iinilntlier | iliri tl " TuUil I'nion imi-ioii a.,129 " * f. KANs IH\ * IN. .Main line ( Kansas I'aPtlVe lly.i HansasClty tn IHMiver Mil miles l.ea\ea\uiith llraiii'h. ' l.cavcn- \\oiihtol.awrenpe \ tl " Carlinmlalc Iliaueh , LawieliPv to ( 'uilomlale ) OS " .luuetlnn City .t I'l. Kearney Itiaticli , .Inni'tlon City loi'uu- rordla 70 " Snlnmnii llraiiell.Snlnmoil to Itelolt lil " .Meriieisou Uranrli. Sallna to .Mr- I'hersoii . . Ml " Cliejenne li\i ) ioii 11 letiver I'ai'lllc l\ ! . ) lell\er ) to flieyeiuin 1U " I'.oulder Itiaiieli , Ilii liluli tn ' . " I'.oilhler 27 Itonliler , tciu iliiiiiliraneli.iumlder to .Maishall 0 " Wjiimlnlli' \ Knlciirlsi' ] Sjnirs. AiinslioiiK \V.\aiutiilti1 . ami Delrnll to ICllli'l prise 4 " Total Kansas DlxMnii l.utl " IHI.SVI'.II AMI SIM Mil I'AliK III VISION. Main Iliieilieiner. Smith Park , t I'aellle II. li.i lielixertn liiienii Vlslu IllOlnllcs Monlsnii Iliaueh. Hear ( . 'reek imiellon in .Moirlion ! ' " I.eailvllle llraneli , llnelia Vl ta to I.eiiilvllle an - I ( iiinnlsoii Ilianeli , Ituena Vl.sta to llaniMiel ; 20 " raiiiiilirani'h | ! , ( iaios tn 1'alr- | ilny ' 10 " , I'.H'ckeinlil e Iliaueh , Colilo to llnieas 10 " i Total | ) en\er it Soiilli I'nik Iv. ) ! am : " i XcMiila Central I ! . I.Itattlc.Moun ! tain to Anslln HI " , ( iranil Total iiuiU-r f iiion I'aellle I llailwii } .Miiiiiip'iiienl : ' t ! Ihefnliin I'aeille is woikint ; a cnusliue- ' linn foiee mi eaeh ol Hie fnilnwini ; lines I repK'seiitiiiK I-1' " mill's ol ( iinjceleil lines all 1 nl which will lie limit within the ucMluo > \oars. 1 . I ( iiainl Islaml uinl St. I'aul hruiieh , lie- I tween M. I'anl amientia. . el ) . ( iieeley , Salt laUe ami I'aeille linineh. lie- tui't'li ( iteelev , I'm ! Colliu.s anil l.a 1'oile , ' ' i Col. 1 lloulilcr ( 'anon litalieh. hetwern linuhler i ami Cariliiui. Col. | Itieekciitlil c hiaiieli , lietween Itoieas anil I'lHTkenrliltic , Col. ! Cuuubon ICMeiisiuu hetweenllanenek anil , 11 win. Col. I l.aiamic .t Noitli Park branch , between I l.aiamle anil MMU | l.aUes , \\yii. ftiih > Noilheili lnaneh.lielueeii Dilliin I ami Helena.ami iherliow ami Uei'i' l.i il e , , \lnlilaiia. I The Uu'KCll Inaiieli , lietween ( iiaimi'i- . | \V\o. , ami ilul e > il > , lilalm. and - . < 'i i t'liy Die , anil ! ) i-twi-en jinn-lniii mi Mi.iUe lii\er , mill ( tiilona , onIH | I.IMI. hl.ln ; > . . ' Surveyors arc In the lii'ld lncainiK other branch lln.-s in Kansas , Neliraska. I omrailn , .Montana , li . ' 'o ' ami uienuii. .i'-.s mi'es ' nf Iraek havebetn i.ii'l ' l'me ' f. 1' . Hie pasi jear. ami 1111 } nr inoielnii I reailj lor the . . . _ , _ The fiiioii I'iiellle main Hue ami urauuics alluid Omaha men laeihlie.s lor earryhiK n tiiule In Nebraska , \\.MIIHUIK , i Illaek hills , Cnloradn , f tali , blann ami .Mini- 1 tana , nml Omaha lobbeisuow teaeli all pails 'ol ' Hie scetlnu lliiniril. 'Ihe ci'mpletH'll nl i Hie ( lie iin liianehiil ailil Oii'j/iMi ami Wasliiu inii In this li-l. 'I he liinsl iiiiinilalil | line npcm ililurin ' the ! past . \earisHieiiiiiMlia M lienver slum iiie. | , I lams be-all iimiilii IIMT this line 'MI\CUI- ber ( ill ) , ami business has ineieaseil smt ) * 1 thai ilay. .Mall semecill Input nn , lan- 1 uai > -it. This line is Imp.iilam lieeailse il 1 IIIIN Omaha on the similes ) line irmn all 1 points east to liemeraml Cntniailu pdiuls. , ami because it opens upmoie mieei cniu- mmilcalioii between lliiseily ami Ueu\er , ami I'nlnimln piuiits. 'I lie line i.s mine iienr- lsinii 'hl lluuiaiiv other nl e.iml | leiifc'lii in Aineiiea ami haslewcr railo. 1 Tll.\.N.s\cniNs of the l.anil lienaitliicnt ' nl lilt1 f lilnii I'aeille lor Is * I : Aeicssnlil.lSsl . I)5K)0 ) Amount sold tor . Slil.wo Aveiajje pllee per aeie . tfl fC > Nuuilier pureha.sers . I.UUTi Axeume iimiilieraeie.s to each . i 'I or Alj 'I UA.VSM'TIO.Ntf. \ Aeies solil . . J.827MW , Aiiiiiinil Mild for . iiH5iKi : ! ! ( i . \veriijje price perai'ii1 . SI 47 ! . , Number purchasers . . . . .I'.i.aio ' I Aveiajie inmilier aeies tneaeli . . il.Mi > 'I be neiieiiilnllieersot Hie II. t M. company r localeil in Omaha , are : ( i. NV. llnhtri'Kii 1 elleial supi'inileinlrlil ; I il < > . II. IlillTls , Kcnciill lieljjlil ii elil ; lM. . Mnllli , ilssisltuil i Ufiieral Heijibl a i nl ; ( . 1 > liniinali , amll- ; , . < : . 'la > loi. assisiiini treasinei ; ! . . ! ; . CilKerl. ehlel enuilieer ; P. S. l.nslls.tii'licinl j i ticket auenl ; ( .CM llai ieaM's. piiicliasiui ; a eul ; lien \ \ . Sharpie"- , car aeinnulmil i al Lincoln ; .1. H .Mefailaml , land cnminls- .sliuier ; .Inhii ( ' llonnell , assisiiini laml com missioner ; ( ' . IMII-I. enshlei land ilepail- menl ; C. I' . Vale.s , siipeiiiilemlelil lele- Uiapli at I'lallsmoiilli ; I ) . HiiwU.sWorlli. master inecliame ; C.s > . liawsou , slore- i Keeper , The iillleeis In chaise of llic operation nf Hie lour illusions , aie ; II. .s .M.I ! It. IH\ . 'ami ' Ncbiaska It I ! . JM\ . . J > . K. 'Jlmmps . i assisiiini snpeiiiileiiilent ; C. P. Olsen , loie- ! ! man In lilies ; ,1. I' . Taylor , mad master be tween Omaha. Plallsmnnlli ami Uucnln , in elmlbu : I'lallsmoiilli ami Omaha > anlsl. ; : II. I lah.N , mail master between l.lnenlu ami Heanie > . Hii'liiilin l.niculii > aiiUl' ; l.eili : > \ louil master belwceu Nrmalia ami Ci-ulni ! City A'lehlsoii ami NebiasUa Ii. U. HH ,1 .Mc- Ciillllill. asslsliiut Mlpeilillemlenl i C. II Ivonii. liiiemuii luiilies ; ami mail ma-ter. , 1'epiihlieali'iille > II. It. Dl'A Campbell. 1 assistant siipeiniiemlenl ; P. oisen , Inieiuan i III idol's ; I . II. lnilci.s ! | mini master beleeli lla.slniKs ami I lilheilMiii , II. I' . lll'ldaml. ( 1 mail niaslei between fiete ami Aliliii.\ | . I'orall ill\isons | , T. MeAlpllf .elnel uper- illur , l.liieolu nlllcc. The lollovMHK neu Hues bate been enii- stineteil. i I. me IHsl Aiuocont. | | . llealiieelo .Mimic. tail , * | i : , hlii.Hii ! ' Ijlillcnll to " ' . ' 7.1 i W,4..7.wi i lilbleltoeklo " 'In.1-1 SIIII.7.W.WI i NeiiinhaioCalM-ii. iii.wui : ; 1 llnlianola tn .Neb. nml Col siale Line ! ii > l'i.iiiilu : : i , The ( imaliu luiKki'iiui-r I rime of tlio 11. . ' M. . ' lias iiicieai-cil wmuleiiiilly In tlicjuiM .M'iir ; ami the n.amicers nf Hie cniuinili.x ha\- ' taken several Impnrlaiil leis | lonklnulo tin- pinperearcnt tlll.s impnllaill ami cnllMllUlly Ineieasint ; business. II will be noHeeii aiiiiint ; oilier eh , mne thai 1111 additional lo cal Ham has been innuini ! b > r sexciul inniiilis pas ) beirtei n Omaha uiul Unc-n'ii , arriving in Oiiiaha when Imsinos coiu- niences in the moiuinii , ami lea\lni ; alter the close of business m Hie cvelimji. HillH npeiiiiit ; up intiiiialia mule "f all Ilia ) sec tion of the Mate lieiuren here and l.nuolu. In ailililiuii lo tins the thiniiiili Hainolitlic mail , is now inn MI Ilitil coiinceiinini are . made thmiiuh in one il > In nil purl * < if llic . II. , \ M.M.Ielll nf III" ' " Cil--l nf Kelt i'loiltl anil Kearney. The cuiiiimlD'i laml sale , for llic ) enr I Mil were i.'i.i7 ! . . 'ii acres fur llic Mini ui iii7. ; in , ' ill , belli ; ; a Irillc lens > 'iui per airi1. The chiciiuii. .Si. Paul. Miniicapnlls ami Omaha Itallwa.v eiimi.aiiles um inn nnn > whleh comiccls Omaha wllh Ihea l InmhiT ret > mii nl \ \ iseonnlii ami llic meal milliniihi- crcsla nf Minucksiila. In nc nf Hie li'iiilhij , ' hne.s iuiiuin nile lliuaba ami U ihe popular run e in Hie piillilM ot the lil'i'ill norlliwriit The lielier.ll nlllrei. Im'aleil al St. ' ol the li.imUoiiu-st I'anl. Minn , occupy one blirli hlllldllius Hide. Ollieels nf I be | | . 11. II. Porter. pnsiileiil.rlitciiKit , HI : 1 ! . W. Winter. a - Paul , Minn ; II. 1' . l'lowciscciiml VK-C iireoiilcnt ami Ireasiiier , OshKnsii. Wis. ; c. ! ' . Iliiti'b. ii'ii ! < > nil kUH < rr nitemleiil. si 1'iiiil. Uliui. T. H Clark , ucii- eral iratlUmamigir , Si Paul. Mnm.I. ; . Jl Ililaud. assi.laiil IralHc inuliliei | , t. I 'Mill , Mian.V : II Triic ilulc.uwJfctuiit triiinciiiaii- Hirer , si Paul Minn : ' It.V. . VOIIIIH. auill- Icir. M Paul Muni II II \Ha , s | r , .i . > M i 'i ' I. . \ II , i i , n M , , tt 11 si 1 , , i M , l'h.1' . , ' M 1 I 11 iMake. I.HIil e mii iVsiiilii r. M Paul , T. M l.uce. till account JHCllicilfio \ , 111 The Nehniok.a dni ir . sinti\ < lt > to Oin.iba , jnclnillng Hi I faiielirsimihT the able iulaK : < 'liielil of its - > rielt | nffln-r * N ( leI - I i > latp1 | 'as i anil fiilitht bn l- . The con < iMiriiiii | of the Norfolk bMincli. \\hlcli lea M" < the main liniMit 1 iiiermn. run- nlim we t fotty-iiine iuile ami will i < > tniln- lite at Norfolk , Is bciun iuwltcil forwaKl 111 ninlillj n possible ; iii-nwork mi t'lon ncc ( ill -olT i < ruplilij uplil'iiaeliiliK completion. Klnrcnec enl-nll is abouti inillc' imrlh nf omnli.-i unit will iiivc it licmy ( irade. Tiles- ! ill Misiprnril ( ilnrlbK the . Near I S | ale \Vakellelil. M'IIMIC , Kloiifno ) . < rule and III- liiml. A beautiful im'scnger depot liniliccn built lithec st. p. M. & It. , nnd S c A P. It. K . iit Illalr. Omaha h In havr a new piisseimcr depot in tin- Hour future. . Ot'licilll ofllccsnf Nebniskn illVlsioll lite In- clitcd at ( iiiuilin. In riclKhloii Mock. nnierr * for the itl\NI < Ii : tlentiie ' . Jlor- ford , superintendent. Onmlm ; .l. A Mntitoe. BcucMilaKciit. ( llnulin. The Slmix City & Pacific Itnilnwl has , diiriiitt 1HS1 , iiuilt nml on > tu'd for bn im.'K in the Stutc iilmut 110 inik" of main track. itf tinrtlioNc 12 miles was nn extension of tliu Niiibrarn division from I'laimlew to CrtiK'hton , which is in the heart nf Knnv county , iiml a limit inviting section of country for imtniirratinii. The reinniisitiK 100 ndlei wai an extviiiioli of the main line o | the Klkhorn Valley fnnii Neliuh to I.niiK I'iue. This ruiiK tlirmiwh a part of Alitflou | - thioiiyh Unit coiintiei , and into an umiiyaiii/.e 1 M-etioii of hiwh rnlliiiu | irniilf , ' which excellent > "oil and well wntvi cti , and now open to lioines-teuilinc. All thu alinxe lAteiisioin oicii | up trade to Onmlm. the future of which can only he nicnsiiiyd liy similar events of other sec- tint ; * n. the State hy hU tunl other road * . Thin fond lias now in operation 'J.-'O miles nf i-ontl in Nthraska : ha * uO miles umre uraded. which will lie ironed to Kurt N'ln. 1 briiiii at sunn ns the Hpeiiini ; spiinn will iiI ieiinit track-laying May at fnithcst. Its I iitHcers lire : Oliur Ames , I'lcsidcrit ; 1 * K. Ilitil , ( ieii > > rnl .Maliaiccr ; .1. K. Anes- wn.tli , Cliief lOnifinoer , in elmufc of euti- , Ktmctinn s ! . \Vnttlen , Suj eiintendetit : . ) . It , Hiiulianan , ( ten nil l'n univv Anetit ; K. C. Miiel.fiin , ( ieneral I'lviyht A vlit. Tlio Exjn'oss. Ultuiliii is tbe bii iiie-aiiillbiuiii'iil : | : | of tillI'ailfir Kvpii-s ei.iiipiinj. . Tbu Piidlli1 l-\pri' ; s n'inialiv | hieh urew out of thu K\pri's > iii'iuitinent "I the fninii I'acltlc lt l. iiy was Ini'ori'oliitfil iiii''vrtlio hi s f Nu. linuskn in Ninviiilit-r , l ! > 7i. ! 'I In- business ba rnwti from OIM * lint of uilbviu until tt now en\- tii mur IIMI thiiiisiuui miles nf ruilwitt. be > Mcf ninny iiillus of 'tuifu Hues. IlaiiliK iilinlit l.l'ilil atfunrii" , mill UIILI vxteuiliiiK from tliu ( iiilt ot Mexico on tliu smith to Mom/urn on tbu uiiitb , nml as fur ei t us Toluilo nml lii'tmlt. Tliniii''h H : iy bilU tire niil'iet'i all the. pilueipul I'ltk-ol the fnioii. T'IC prilii'liml otllfcs Inelii'ilni ' ; thu nui'.ltin nf ' tlic itecoiilit" , tire in Onmlm , mill nil uuiliUiliees 1 euiiiu to tbis cit.\ . i Alwitit iViOn uinplojee < nreon the pay-nilli , llflj f ubotii are. ( inphnuil in uml uhoiit OinalKi : -'L'-'I men lire | us L\ | > retnes eiijii'r.s. The ( , 'i'i > -.s cn : nhi'i of the eoinuii | > for the Jisir , l.sHI Muie not K-s Hum i o MILLIONS n\r. ui s- , IIIIMI Tll"s\\n ( Inil.l.Vlli. ( All monies eoliie to Omilia. : OH'li Kits VMI IMIiliTiilis inn ) s.s | T. I. . Kiln- lull , i > ri' iiknt , Oiimlia ; A. I. . HopUiiisini pres- lilciit , New YorkV ; ! , l.uniiett , sucleliirj mill , tmi.smvr , Oinalin ; SKlney Hilton , New YoiK ; .Iny ! ( ioiilil. Xc V"i' ! > ; K. .M. Morsinitii , Kenenil man- OKCi * , "iiialin , W. P. llet-hel , .iiiditor. Iniuiha ; I , . A. Puller , MipeiinU'lir.eiit , St. l.uiiis , .Me. ; .1. K. .lolmstnn. siipvrlntun ent , Km- ; i -a.s CitMo. . | \ \ . I ! . Ilic-ie , u sistiuit siipciintviiil- tut , Si | inj.'ll'll. 111. ; M. T. Cuut-rh , nssi-tant Ml puiiiitoMilcnt , Suit l.ike'itj ; . lames Alkcn , ns- sistnut s-ui'uiinteiulent , 'IVMihana , Ark. : H. l > , Ci.Uin uunernl au'ent , i'hieihr < > . 111. ; I' . Cli.iplll , ireiierul auent , Toluilo , llhln ; It. SlmnVrr ) . gch- iiKont. ( iil\usU > ii , Tovis. AMKIHCAX i\l'lil : > is COMI'AXV. ' The AineiiLMii oii rates llic II. & M , , the S. C , & I'.ic. , anil Hie St. P. , M. \ ( Hnihi : : liullwny hi Nelii-iiska : nls'i. tliuC. II. i1,1. ; . , anil Hie Cliiea 'o tv NoHh-Vi esteru , jf'iing : Increase hi busi ntsx fir ISM , , ' . 'i pur eent. W. .1. Huei : > ck , Snpt. , I'ni'ii'-il jilults ; H. II. llrowninu' . As I , ilinalia. TIIIf.smi : : > STATIM ixi'itiss : : rii.\ii'\.vv l.'l" , l.iinli.nii licet. Their Inisiiiuss fur | .s.s | ini u. - , . ; : ; pir cent. o\er IMMI. Thuj einplu.v twilie li.iinis ami liif tennis in thiseitj. Dili ,11- T r. I'l.'it , New Vert l'lt > : II. Kip , Cell I s . , ] r , nude. N. V. ; .1. NliMKinl , Sup't . " 'ustvrn IM\I MII ; \ \ II. i iiK-n , iiup t Inu.iunil NelinisKa IIHI-I . s , \ . Hunt , ion. l.oi-nl Ajjent. 'I li" t bu.-ini. n of the three i-onipinn' ; is estinmtL'il at ? , ii iOUi ) fur the year , a l . tbeici ; < . . ! . \ ( . . ami Kuukuli , Iowa , nml I'o.irl.i , TRADE. The wholesale trule ol Omaha is vcrv t\lcriMVi' : , covering not only the i r.tire State of Nebraska and the we1-- 1 urn half of Iowa , but also rallying over the Uocky Mountain States anil Ter- i itorie ; , to the 1'acllic slope. Ninety - three jobbing and commission houses are now cnyagcd in this irullic. The volumuof tlic wholesale in Omaha during the year 1SSI shows an increase of CMcrforlj percent , over the sales 1 of the preceding year. Twenty-three new jobbing houses have heen estab lished in this city during lfcSlaiul all the leading houses nave added largely tu tlieir stoiagc and jobbing facilities. The irallic is carried on by the follow ing branches and linns : AGUii ti/ii'KAi. IMIM.I.MINTS. Omaha has live agricultural iinjile- mcnt dealet > , v i/ : llaines liiothers \ Co. I'aikerA : iowci } > , F. \ ) . Cooper , W. J. Kennedy , and the Omaha lin- plement Company. Their sales for 1681 aggri'gale .il.'iO.CCO llOOI'h AMI f IKJI.h. The wholesale bo ( t end thee tradi ; of Omiiliu is carrieil on ly two linns : \V. \ ' . Morse vV Co. and Kced , Jones .S : Co. 'I'heir i-ak's for the past \ear loot up ( i'ioMH > . LO.M.MIShlUN lll hl.S. Nine firms are engaged in the com- iiiiiihiun lnisiue s in Omaha , w ith ag- UK-gate sales for 1881 of $ ! )7f,0JO ) ) ( : I ) . 1 ! . Hct'nicr , U Itinghani A Son , I'earon .V Cole , SlcShnne X' Schroeder , 1C. Miiiuuev ' , 1'tMcUe Itrtithein , U. I'urvis , J. f ; . NV'illis and 15 P. Trovall .S : Co CONl-KC ) IOMCK.S. L.licindoil' , li. 1 . rrecman Sc Co. , and Murcy .V Co. , ik-al in caiulie- , and confection r.v at wholesale. Their oiilfK lor 18S1 foot up , f IfiU.OUl ) . I'UCH'KIHV AMI ( .I.AShWAKf. Sauiuel liuiiu , llliss \ | > aae's and F. 1 ! . I'r } unl deal in cruckt r.v and glass- I ware. 'I heir sales ibi 1881 jimjivnie $ JlfiCUi i ( I.M. AM ) COKB. l'u > tvr , S : CJra.v , Pratt S : 't'owle , 'licorgii 1'atcrkonV. . Sliee ) , and \ ) . O , Claik , iisjcnt for the Union Pacilic , diil a liibine fc durini ; the vear , nuuru * " gcti .jj . MJ.CIXJ. , CILAlts AM ) 'lOIIAtXIJ. \Vcfc1 t I'riicluMMax Meyer .S : Co , , , .ctcult\vc Ii ? on , 11 nil M. Toll are job ; 1 iicr * ill cigar * and tobacco with sales 1 for the punt year looting up .100,000. i l.l.OI IIIKl , . 'J he Ntholckilu clothing tiade of Unmliii done by M. II oilman & Co. , 11 nd A. 1'olack lor the yuir ISHI , Ibolb < ufi S3oocx.u LA it IT. i s. J. 11. JJelwciler niid Orchnrd lie Hcan havu di | io cd ol $17fiUUU in rarjiels during thu uunt tear. DUlOh , I * .MM Ih AM ) UlLta. CJoodiimn ! , Uh iS : McMahan , Kennard Ur.fc. U' " . . ! < C. Stcoll \ | oliu toi ) , J > * . J. U. holonion , and the | \Vooduiitn Oil Co , report tale * of drugs uiUnnd paints dining thu yi/nr 1)11 V < < UOUk Tootle , Maul Co. , J.J. Drown & Co , md B J'- & ] ui > e ft Co , bint , dUpakvd ot dn goodb agg refilling 1 5UCUU du it'g ' vcar UK. Devvfy & t tdiie inonopoliiEC the i hidcs.i'le itiiiiilii'c trade nl' Omaha. I in-ii -us mi INS | j. . j i jate J . ' ) . - \ \ \Vm. Preston , J. p. Morris. Poland iV ( jwver aggregate sales of itotirSKiO.- (00. ( cuocnuns TKAS , COPI n-s. ANH SPIlT.s. Sleek1 , Johinon & Co. , PaMon & UnllasluT. Nave. McCord & Uradv , KL. Morgan , Meyer & Kaapke , 11. 0. Uarke A : Co. , Motcalf iV Urothers J. 11. French .x : Co. , A. II. OlaiMone , and llonn 1'undt , are wholesale deal ers lu groceries- , tea ? , cotVees , and plce . The sales ot" these linns din ing the v ear 1831 augregate . * t , I.Vi.OOO. The last years sales of Shreve. Jarvis - vis & Co. , jobbers ol mints' lurnisuiiig goods aggregate $7ir.00 ( ) . IJt'NS AND sl'oUTINi Collins & Petty and Max . . . . . . . . „ Co. , deal in guns and sporting g'oods. Their sales for the vear 1SS1 accroijate ' ' ' ' SI 10.000 IIAUNT.SS , I.IJAIItltU AND riNMllNli * . L. C. lliiiitliifjton & Sons , P. II. Sharp X' Son. O. II. and J , S. Collins. Schmult & Kasmusscn have agutejjatir sales of b M-uess leather nnd tli d'lnij * of 52SO.OOO. IIAItnWAUi : , IKON AN'IVAdON SKK'KS \V. J. Ill natch , Dolan & I.anjj- worthy , l-'ried , x : Co. , and M. Ro rs X Sons , dealers in hardware and tronwnie have njrgrcjratuil 000 ol'sales duriin ; the past year , IIA IS ANMi f Xl'.s. W. L. Parrotte \ Co. . have sold $7o,000 , in bats and caps during the v ear. .IUVVF.I.KV. Max- Meyer &Hio. . A. II. " ' : . man and lulholin & ! " : ; . "son' r.guie- galed sale * oi icvvl-lrv during 1881 , . * SiWiOO. , ( i.t-Miir.K , Tlie Chicago Lumber Co. , Foster Grav , George Iliailand , L. Hradlbrd , | . A. Wnk'ulield and C. X. Dietx , lumber dealers , have , dttrino ; the past vear ag''reiated Sl.'iOO.OOOiu sales. MiyeiKs. . Her N : Co. , Stubendorf & Co , A Itilev&Co. , M. A. McNamara , Adler & Heller , C. Griienig , JV. J . Murphv & Co. , and J. K. IJlake , wholesale dealers in liipiors have ajmregaled sales ( luting the past u-ar .IslSCi.OOb. .MII.I.I.VI'.UV. pbeifclderCo. . . and ll.andC. F. Ilickinaii have mnde sales ofmillinerv , to the anunmt ol'Sl.'iO.OOO. 1 Pf.MPs AND \VIND.M I I.I.S. j A. L. Slrang's sales of pumps wind- i mills and bvdranlic machines during 1581 af-gregate .fiinO.OOO M'AIIONEIIY A ! ) WALL I'APKIJ. W. T. Seaman , 1. S C.tulfield and Henry Lcbinan have sold stationery and wall paper aggregating -fySO.OUO . during the past jear. STOVI'.h AND 'I-IXWAIU- : . Milton Rogers & Son and O. A. Percy have disposed ofIT < i,000 worth i of stoves and tinners stock during Ihe year. SAI'P.S. P. Hover it Co. , dealers in sales have made sales aggregating Si,000. ( ( ) | ( ) VS AM ) NOTION'S. C. S. Goodrich & Co , jobbers in toys and notions have disposed of $ ! IO- 000 worth of merchandise dining 1SS1. MANUFACTURES. ' Omaha is now the moV. imp'ori'ahc . .manufacturing centre in the Missouri ' Valle\VSi'n ' a * " ! l'r ' Prosl"-1'1 ° ' becom- i ing one of t eVS : ! ' industrial cities ! west of Chicago , thls Myfof tllu ] 'f- cilic slope. Her nini.ufactimT ! tries have been devclojied within .be past ten years , and their marvelltus growth promises to continue lor many cars to come. Omaha now boast's the third largest smelting and refining works in the world , a distillery the 'o-irtli ' insi/e in the United States shipping nlrohclic spirits to France | and Russia ; nail works that turn out IiJO ( kegs of nails a da\ which aie ' 'shipped in ijieat ( pianlitics to San Friinein'o , ami even exported tojajian ; packing establislunents , sending the nog product to the ICiiglish and Irish minkelWe have lead woiks , lin seed oil mills , a shot factory , agiicnl- tural inilenient ] ) factory wire fence factory , and various niannlactories elI I minor imj.ortance. Neaily all these ( indnstiies have heen established bv Omana nen with compatatively smafl 1 nieans , and their lapid giowlh lur- nislies the best proof of the advantages Omaha alibi ils lo capitalists engaged n such enterprises. With the im mense Union Pacilic shops , empkying over I,8JO ( men ; the smelling and relining - lining woiksvhilelead ; works , which compete with those ol Chicago-ond St ' Louis ; nail woiks that have been en larged four times within less tli.m two ' ; half a do/.en packing house1 ] > one of which dishnr-cs over a million dollars annually ; its foundries and > machine shops ; oil mill company icpI I resenting Jr/iU.OUO / capital ; three hiew-i eiies valued at ? 1 00,000 each , and a' ! ' scoreof Miiall manufactories of vari 1 oils kinds established within the past | I i few years , our people certainly h ve j I icason lo take a hopelul view of Ihe 1 future of Omaha us an industrial ecu- tie. The completion of the water woiks , which were under coiistiuction during the past vear. allot ds ample " .aler sup ply for all of her lactoiies , distilleries , Ineweries , and packing houses , and I'm ni-hcs cheap motive power for the many amallcr f.ictoric * , and cannot l.iil to give an impetus to niaiiiilactiir- ing enteipriscs ot vierv description , iI i I 1 Tlio Willow SjiriiiKs Distillery IN'c lllusir.iiiou.sih papei ! llniniK li-si iheillou \ .SIIHII S Distlllcr.v Coliipan.V , P. K Her , plesiileiil , anil .1. Il Her.ecielai.v. . . pii iluceil ol xpnils. nleohol anil wlusMes , . - - , . : | gallons , the lami which ul uliielv cents tier pilhui aiuiuints to j i ; , r < M ; . ' ! < i. 'I Inloliil > ales of Hie coiiipan.v I'nMlie > eill Uc'le > - . , ' . IKIU ! I. | | | e local iil\ ' oil Which , puill In Ihe revenue olllcl III tills ! eil.v. was SMU.KIO , Hie lalor Hie month of ' Oeei-liiber bclux upwaiils of ? lnonui. The' ' ' iiv > 'riitii' iiuinber ol eiuplo.ves was Pj-'i , an In- < le : eol'hvcnlvlive over Ihwj. their pa ) loll fnotm , up > : , .o ii pernioiiHi.oi ? uiimiorllie | .vear 'll'cie anIliirly lueii eiuploci | In Hie i nipcr shop , who uiaile on all uv cratjo ' ' . ' . 'on bin I els Jit'r mouth , 'llic estuiilisliuieiit eoiisiiuieil Iweitlv Inns of fuel per ilnv. or six Hiiinsiiiiil lolls dining Hie .vcjir l iuhieen hninlied head ol calllc wen- led , ami Hie followi ! * ; ; quantities nl Kiuin puicliaseil ninl eiiliMilued ; coin , : \\jnti i \ \ bn-hels ; r\e : 'j\tji \ luisliels ; uln-al , bushels ; niiill , l.s.nmj blisiieU ; outs , li.iMiO bushels. Theie wenleil liicilllle-'iHtiloiisof hay 'I lie ili llllei.v was csiahlltlieil some Iliir- teen ) i'ur u o. unit has been an important facto ) In Iniililliis up a inaiket in iiiiialiii foi Alluvvlliii Hie liioilnel of each lieuIn he tWfltlllve biulielsof main. II wuiilil lake Is. nn aero of laud In pmiluco Hie ccieals i oiiiiimed Ii ) this liuliistiy iliulni ; the pa l vear. The coiiiiaii > iniiki- their own malt , now | .rellpiltf | the laue iHlllilini ; ereelell bv Ihe lllewi-r \ lleiiiiklircwiliKcompali ) . The ) tin nil thdr unii work. manul'iictiirliiL' everj- tliiay coniieelcil willi lliicuplills. 'Iliev lime IJilileil new .mil llnciiueliiiiiT.v. uinlli > l.'ir i J.Uu built a new liulilhiu In \ . - Ice ) , anil fhii'c stones lilKh. malJliu their iccllfvm ; ; ; ml lelilillli : e.llcil\ | ilollble tllhill ll- inii .is v 11 a- h.iviii ' uirn aseil tin- i In , | li , l\ fli'iu I. " .JO bilsbels I' ' , im ! , ii"l ii.ini i. , i il.iv. . Inn mi a , , , nl , , l I , u , I n , ; | . ,1 | , v llu piil ' Hi , v i ' IK i i .n tin in. i. , IMI ! fu iiili > s In r iler to make a belter ipudlt ) of spuds HKIII lloH-tnfot-e. thefc bclllB n flflMlll , i ilctnaiid lor the llucf snide nf ftn - A m-w and ImpoTtmit feature ot ler > l Hie leuni lieiitllimirncc * * I i-nilmi ami a mit the K"o < l . whl , . uniform lempenilnrc In wlmer in -illttllllcl. Ill'-tebv HpcnlUK them In ol , ' I I the tllnc of Ihe old prix-e" i Till * sclietiH-1 pnt-el ) oMnlmil with Mi-M- I 1 ! ( ! & Co . who have s-eciiri'd n patent on lln i same , ami | ironoiuieelt not mil ) n-ourcs * but i n tlnalielal avlin ; . With He-elllaluelnetil of their work * . Hie Hew machine- ) , the new nlenliol hollie , and 111111-1- new n ml complete Improvement * , they ah- now enabled to make nt line ( loud * ai i cull be maliufiictiireilnnjwhetvllltho I iilled Stale * . Tin-It-pfoilnels nic l-'leneh t'oloulle spltIK alcohol , pun-rve ami lloitrbon wins , liies , sour nnd iwed mash , , nil of vvlttdi ! have aeiinlrcil a wide repntatloii on aei-oitnl ! or their superior iinallllev i llcr.l I o , ale al o elimmrd cMl'IKlVelv In I the liuinnfactnre of lvciiiicil ) ' eelebrali d Dasl India Hitlers , which Iiml'n trail ) sub- Ill all the principal markets in Hie vvi.iid The ii-pntuHon of IhiMlNlllcr.v uml Dei , < . Co. , have seemed for I In In a Irnile Which extend * Iii Ilie Atliilitic nml Pacllle coasts. 1 IK well as Australia , I'tniiec. ilapsin , etc. 1 . \ltlicurcatcxulhitionhddaltt.vitiic ) In ; Australia lu IsTn , a number nf pii-mninis'aml tnoihlN Were awarded the Willow Sprint. * Distillerv , of Oniidiu , Neluaska , I' . M. A. , on ICast Imfia Hitlers , live ami llonrbon Whis kies and Spirits. 'Ihe slniwinu made bv this linntdise o < tab- IMinicnl. and the died il has upon the Ne braska nmikd for drain , loud her with Hie law forci-of men implii.ved.diiinld bednlv eonslileied In ii practical , business w-tv , uuil temperance /cal shonhl he modified bv bus- Iticss piitden 'Iheeompaii ) now oectipv a tlitc fonttii | - . \ luillillim mi Ilium1) sireel , hunt \ \ \ I- . i ; . Her , at a cost ol HII.MO , which Is lilted up exim-ssi ) tor tin- nmniifiicintiami m-m-tal slnrilKi' ot domestic ami line bldulcit minds and bltteis.llli a capadlv ol one liiniilii'il Iii one linmlteil ami tlt'l ) ball-els per ilii ) The tiinid-Hoots ale used lor Hie Mnr.iuc of line whiskiesanil imported piods. sueli a * Iliamlli-s , liltis umlnns oi ( he llm-st qunlllv. The olllces me ulso located on Ihe secoml lloor. A ntllnbd ol their special luiimN luivo heen eopvjjuli1-- Wnsiilimloii.lM'tlniiun lue last vear. .see illustrations of Inilhlinus uml distiller ) on another pane. 'Ihe ' t'ollowlliu Untiles llotii ( he Inleriial i lleU'iine ' olllce show tlie number of nallou- pioduccil enell mouth dlllhl ) ! INM ; ; Hill. I'liulnced. latiutn ) . ' I.-IT.TII-.I I'Vbtnar ) UtiatM I Maid 111. . n lAptll Tl.s'.i- ' 1 .May ir..ur Mi , In : 1 August . I Septelubei , . . . . UT.sii' ' I October . . . . liil.i..T ! November , . . I'A'i.'JTii December , . . . . . . rj.V.'T.I The Uuiiiii PntiUo Mt.ihii.o bunns- The nmohiiiu and ear nlni | s nf the. I'liiiin Pacific lailnud coinpai y at I Omab i covi r an area nf ihiity acies , and , with their ivih-nt onlaigi nieiit , me the tn st i xteiisive e talili < iiHiit nl 1 the kind in this vvest The ? " f-hnn-t ' eie olabli.-died in lStJ"i , HUOII alti r the Ui.ioii Pacific r.tihi a-t cnnimccerd the enbstnictinii nf its mam line. ( , They have been i > radudly : iMiltiiged until they nuw assume mammoth pin- . pnniiiH. Duiiiig the pas-t live \ tars -00 , dolliir.s have benii expended in rip-iaping ] , uridin < ; and lilling. at d u will riitiro ( | ld0 ; ! , ( ! cur lonl.s if t-iind , to till m and level the L.T , niul-t arntind | the in w shops now apprniiching cnin- pletinn tn i ho rui'iired lu iaht Since the ppiiug II-od nf 1SSI , a heavy stone foundation Itiu been placed under the lir e stme building on the 01 omuls , and many other val uable impiovements been .u'dcd ' riiiring the year The ou i'i n- anionnt of m nay c.\ ( i-iitiid i i : construction of tho'c tii'itc vv itr | , | proximate ? 1K)0 ( ) 000. The eiictiiui nf ih' i i vv c.rr t-ln ] i and b-'ilcr - housi1 , - ) an niitiiv _ of . ? : ) ( ) 000. 11 ; tlit 870,000. < VII III I-VIM Ml N 1 IHHIS'I- ' cars , ulUeteell si-t'-imT-elass coaches liave been ,11 laiuii'd fin soi mid-ehlss sleepuu ears ; IhK uives .secoml-el.iss mid einijli.Hlt passi liters Hie be t aecommodallon- Mill ) lailroail in Ilieenmitr ) ( iciieiul niitna- , nef'.scar minibcr twelve , \\hleh.\villi \ Messrs 1 Kimball ami \ mill ; ; aboaid. was luallv wrecked mi the Michigan Central Itallway , I ubotit one vear api. has lieeu rebuilt I tllion-jlintll. hi a substantial und beaiilllul { manner , ami it will be sale to n-maik that i no better cmof Its kind was ever run on wheels Twelve llrsl-dnss enaehe- Ilie i tuost moilerii style ami tliiish tiom ticI'ull - | , 'ian shops , have been adiled lo the pa-sen- I Ci-r ciiilpmenl. | t'loin which the liaius on Ilie I Dinver slioit line ate made up ; one thinis- am , live liumlied box , stock-mid Hal cms I II.-IN been added tn the fieiuhl oiiiipmi-ut | j Six lioii-alid In-inbl cars have been tcpalied ! at aost of over hull'a mllllou ilollais The cost 1-1 icpaliiuK tinpasseiipr eiuipmem. | will. , n roiiml nnmbeis nnunint to .s . , onio. i Asnli. ' fioiii Ihe woik done al these simps lic.-nlx all tinmateiial lor work dnm-ou Hie blulldl lilies | s pill lu sllupe and sldppeil kmiekoin\ii. ilia ) isemslor t laluv , Norlliciu and Xf-vaila ( i-nlitd Uoads. Clings ol mrll willi - . | - . ( liiiahn. eoii.siunily . on lln-'jiiail. biiildiii depots , slwlysinl * . i water biiks. section ami tool bouses , nml keeping Ihe sjiiue m lust-elis- , lepair. ' In mlililloii to oidinm ) icp.inami exten sions al HoSMIIS. | | . Hide is lirinu' built on tin- l roiiliils biimeilv occupied b ) tinI'liilcd Slates as u siippl'v ilepm , u lianu- ear -lmi | | no X ITOIed ; Ib'c loot is enmpo cd ol live uahles. o | wliicli Ihe on I side one en i .n-lisiili * Is Iwosloiles Injjlt , lliese upper pails tn be used lor Hue paintiuc uml cub.m-l vvork 'lln * Inui-i putt lor iicdiiiK ami repairiiiK , one poilioli ol which VM | ! be supplied willi latest linpioved wood woik niadiuici ) , also lalln-s. iliills , \e. . letiis ( < 01 Hie whllei-milli's ili'liaHiueiil. The holler uml eiiulne loom Kiviiif. power to lln- macliim-- Ihis simp will I f I u irk lo x .MI led , a ml is hem ; ; limit JIM ninth ol the union simp 'Ihe avenge u m nber of men cinplo.ved in tlilsdcpailmeul lot Hie vi ar is TI.II. uml the aveiUKc mnlitlll ) pa ) mil will aucn'jjalcsMi.uoii I'm Hie moiilll of Hi eeinlicr Hie lime hooks show limn liulnes i.iirnvtni iv i. in-1-Mil vtiN i. Pa ) mils of cmplo.vees al Omiihu , fur Hie icaremlinu Novembei ; illi , IKM , e'ia.l7l.7i ' ! ' Muteiial ilisuii-ed | ut Omaha. I'm the vear einlillK Novelilbei . ; n | | | . | wliMl.r. | " . ' lill. Total disliuisemi'iits in l.nciimnlivc ile- patlmciit al Omaha. I or ) car cmlliiK N'oveiu- licr nh , liMslaiiKii : ; ni. I'lcseul number ii | mm elnilnVi'il | ill loeo- niotive ilcpailmeiil al < Hnabn. incliulini ; cu- KIIM-I-IS mid Hi-emeu bdwccn Omnltit and lltaiid Island ami Umalia and l.ilieulii , men. Nuillliero ! ' IncomoliM-s lepuileil III Olllllhil iliiilliX the > eai. l.'i Number id em uml en imvvlieels niuiiii- faclineil hi founiliv al Omaha. M.l.'l wheels , AVeiaKI- Weight nl each Wheel lH Jinlllllls. 'lulal VM-i li ! of wheels , > .uin't i pounds .Mlscellaiicnus ca.slinys made in Imunlry nl Omaha , duiliiK tin- ) cur , ii.o7rs | : , ponmls Total wcinlll o | eastings iiiuiiilfiicliired , ll,7 > , : i-.ri poiiinls Nimihcrol axles nijiniiliiclnieil iliiiiiii : Hie ) em U.7 ' avcunjc 'm pounds i-adi. uil.lin poiimls IIIUIV VSI | Ml M I I- , Tlic liilloutu ' aii llu iiuiiic1. of tin fiirtiiicii , , f the car .mil hmliliiijj ileiMilinciii , P l'.i > liops A. VI. Colliti , llciienil r'iivniin. : Juke WtiileiiMillMiod working iiracliiuci ) ; ,1. A Wliali-u.lrucii liuiilcr | > ; , bliii HUT , circrci'liiii ; shop ; s K. JuckMin , L-oiich fluii.lic.r ; ll.iiun Kline lii-r ) , | i.dnti is ; 11. | ; . Slralnmii. ilihil | U-r ; C. A. lt-ur.v , inline-vt-mnl work : II. II. llrovui , fiber pl.Ut-ri. . > ) , \VmJhvvoitli \ , slfiv-ki-cjicr ; Tho- . K\uu , | IISI.L-II : ( r car rt'iunrn ; C. HUM , frui ht eir rc'iair | ; P , u .Mallu.v , iiiinbcr .vunj ; l | . U. IIir mini , iMiti'in ; I'liil. Hirr , lilmn nJiliu ; lirtt/iii 'i-t , binici.iii ; The . lk.-niii.-lt , utiiiioti Imllilt-rs. I.IHOMII1IV1. limilTMIAT. ,1. II. I'linifilun , u'l'in-riil miu-tvr niL-i-lmiiii- . ll-ilicri Mei'oiini'll , division inu-Uir inu-lmiiH- . Juliii P. l'.a > , fori'inun iiiucldiiv kltup ; T. W. llun > i-ll , nit-lit foruiiun nmi-hiiH- hniVlllmin | : Puuivtt , fiircinaii liiuuilr.v : A. A. lilhMiii , ( orc-mun lihn kMnitli simp ; b. Ii. Kciil , ( urcniuu .viird In- linnri. : John ,1. Curtis , forunmii | alntor ; Milrlic-ll I'b-niili. . dni'inuii | iatttrn nakerx I'lmrlui. MiKilui , fiiri-muii Ilia- stttur.V. ; . .1. Huts , fun- liui ) liuik-r iiiu | > ii > . lliih.inl Ilr-Aii , ion unii tin an , ' i'ui'iT | ] liip Miioliiiiu Slinps Cllllllei II. ( iuilflc.v stalled | | | | , \'ileiu | lion \Vork al ItoMiiilli jic\enlli : lri-ei las ) Oi'lohcr , with a caplliil ol > ' , ! linesleil iii liiachinei ) lie scciireil u uiiiul pillii. : | ial- IOMIIKC llolll Hie sj- | | | | , wUiell lilts HJIH-e ( 'lail- llall ) ilici eased. | | c nuw emjilo.v s s\ lo eluhl men , mill makes a spci-uillV uf M-eiuid- liaml niacliim-r ) . A | | Kimls of licut ) ma- cliiiier.v me mainami repaired. 'llic Missouri V alle ) llnilci Works t * m ploy seven iin-ii. .nnl ib , ii.n , Ini-.n . iliiimy h i li > , ' , ; . | it n 1 in \ i I . ' . i I'lline'Hlli -Mill I ifli'-nlli. ihil | | bllilncvl of nf SIO.vTW -g1 ! nml ma ul ti iploved. x hililM , Unttli- i - il Fourteenth UK busim-M. Inv - - ' ' ' v- ' li. I. i'i- ' , . , n , | i p I'I ; U1 ilicreiwnf liM | .i ! , Pi 'lln1 Omalm VncllvVolki l loealcd at \ \ " Not-Ill l-'nl'tlcriilli lleel , 11 I' , llnth. inopMctor. Mr l'nvi couthic * III * vvurk In "em * . MoneiK teel * luiiip * mul Unlit inn- cllitielX. Helta * Invested j..iioo in luiptnve- menu , nml ilne-i a liiisinc * of * * HH n moiilll l-Vn lekl'oiiiiiliv Woiks , en the corner , ofuili ami .luck-Mitt stird * . has had n vetv iicTe .st id jcnr. 'Ihe Imnve makes nil kind * ' nt casting , most of which ( toes | , i In-West , even ai lal ai Montana. Ilie number nt hand * cluplou-d vallesrimu Ihe to ten. The Omaha Safe Work * , Andlri-tirt Vnllcii piopililot * , con in i'i mli and , laek ou slieels has done a Intshit uf . * WM'in itiirllin II n-vear. The demand lor their vvolli Inn luxed tin- lull capaci ! ) ofllie Htm. Al the opi-nli- ! ) of | ss | uicx had | .n i MnMli of sjdis on hand : now iliev luve none , Tlic ) do nil kind * of woik , li-i-iii sheet-Iron 'but terIn lire and hutular piool snfci. Tlie ) an-iluiu a'l ' the \voiktorllieitevv \ * tnti > rapilol , al n tog the II.-t . and Mlllard bnlhl- inys in Hih ciiv The ) cniplnv t-J In IJ im-n. Omalia VotiiuU-y rinil Muehiiui Co , Sec llliHluHim ' Tills coinpaU ) eti did lln-il luilldllm- KS < I , and c.'innii'tiei-d busiurss lu Mav ol Unit veaf Uiitiiiu lite p s | vi-ar Iliev baM1 added tn their plant u build shop with some ol Hie Inmesl mul tln.-'t Imllcr louls wcl nf the Alissiinrl tiver The ) Inivi- also enlarued Ilieir l-'otmdi ) . hiciensiiiK 11 * capaciu lilt ) ] ier i cut and have two lulilllional lories , iiiakniK maclilnc , Idaeksmiih , boiler mul pat lei n shop * , uml Iron and bras * found ! lc . all lilted with the inosi modern machinei ) and imirovcmcnls | The pasi veal has bccltone ol ii'in ' lial pln - pei-lty ; the biisiues * hnvlni ! I n trebled MS coiiilinl'i'd Willi I > M > , The ) now Hive clu- pln ) luetil to liolu lilt ) lo sixt ) nicn. ntostlv skilled mechanics The business done iii t.sii will amomd I. ' iipvvui-ds ofsiv.onii This eonipau ) have fmnisheil some of the handsomest iron h-ouis luoniabn. amonn the more noiabh- ate Millnnl Hbu'l , . ( 'u-l bloii Illnl I. ) He Itlocl ; . beside live II- , Ills lot Plaits- ' moiilh' . Hnee lor Tckuiuali. and u lateinim- | ber tor olbd points Tin "iinialni Menm Kimlne , " mannlaetut-eil bv tins Him am ) ex- leusivel ) sold ami u-.ed iu anil West ol this ed ) , is a model ol beaut ) iiml excellent wniliniaiisliip The olllceis nre T W. T. I.' . prcii- ddil. mul ( hcstei II. Havis , secrdmv. Iiiitscoil Oil Works. | See Iliislr.-iHoli. Mh pane I The Woodman Linseed Oil Compan ) Is lu- coi-poialed uinbflhe p-neial | | ' | act , with n paid In capital "I > : , niino. ami u ImcMiipliis I'jntn ihe crop ol tvst tliis mill will work up IT'-.H-o luishels oTux | | -Seed , piuduilii < ) .iT.-.oi u pillions of l.liisei-d Oil. ami 7 .iino.iii-i pounds , , i Oil fake valued ul < : i ( i.noii. I'.niplo ) mcnt is uiven to about thiilv men. 'I In-1 niiiiaii\ | will eompldiin Hie spring Hn-ir nevvai < uoiise ami elevator Ui a ens ! ol --"i.iil'o The ollleels ol the eiinipmime : I link Woodluaii , plcsideul : ! ' . K. Kile-hie , seciela- rv uml Itea-un-r. I'mdneelors an- , 'laik \v ooilmuii , innalia ; cbailesV. . llarstovv. Oscar I , Ulnleluw ami Kuln , \\lnlchnv. M. Louis. M Oinulili Smolthlt ; and I \V rlis. i. < ( ' < Ilia- 1 nil nui - These woiks ate the Imp's ) ami bi' l nf Hie charaelcr III Alneiie.-i. Cost ol bullilllip , . macliiner ) ami fniHitid- . -I7.\iin > . The wmUs pive cuiplo.vmcni to two bundled ami llfty ineii. .Month ! ) pav mil Jl.i.i'Mi ' .Moidlil ) shipments of ( iol'l ' and siheriliiLimi , uliielv ' pereeiil. of il beiii ; silvel Lead plodtie'l Inr IdiMi-ar I'I.IHHI tuns Dining the sprinu Hood tinwoiks weie idle lei M peiiod ol sis wi-ckeb ) \\liii-lilbeciiinpali.v viiluull.v siis. tailied a loss ot IIMH" . The \voilxs ; ilc now ill pi i me older and tlu-ui-eal svsieiu is a mm - Vei ol business enterprise illlil plodllclive wealth. The ohVois ol the associallon ; nc : ( iuyc. Itarlon , luesidem : .1. 11. .Millanl. viee-presidi'llt ; I. . \ \ . \a-li , secieu\ | ; mid trcasiuci , ( has ll-illi.-icli. supei-iiitcmlenl. White Lead Works. Tin -.C unlU. hive lieeu l-slabllsdeil flllll v , ii- . i i , f \ . iiH , tns | , < it \\lnie lead per I H' i pi " ' I * b.ive louiul a mar- MUI. MII | . ,1110 Ti-iiitoilc.s of Hie V , JII'U.II. - ' ' ,1.1-M.t- , . llnlai'i -I ill - ! ; ll III tile In V\ lullle.ld eiillinl- j-1- ' " ' ' " " ' ' " " rl > l > l W' ' " ' > iiii ) coiupa- slln < i'eil oil woiks. lo be . . . . . . . , .i , , _ tu I lie 'oilicers of t Cailir. pnnlcnt ; C \ \ ' . , viee-presl- ib-nl : II. \ \ Viites.M'eretar ) ami Heasiircr ; and S i ; I.-H ! \e. in.ui.'ixi'i. Oniulin Iron and Nail CoHijiuiiy. | See llhislialioii The ( Imali.i Imu.inl ( mupany was1 iirtlini/.e ! < l ill | s-i. It eouinii-need active op- ei-aliniis in l > -i witli u p. ml up eapital ol -SJ.I.IKID. lu iii , mil 1. 1 thai the capital vtas mercused lo < .III.IHNI. 'Ine ollieeis m Hie eolllpail.V ill plesi-llt .lie : .Ill'l. ' A I Irl llloll , pl-csnleiil ; ti. 'I. Walker. V n-e-pi-esideut and supi-iinlelnlelit ; .las. Cici lilou. serre- lary ami licisiii-er : .luo. A. .MrMianr. asst. sei idiity mid tieasilK-r ; . .lamrII \ \ Inlla- K' r. assi. siiieiinteiidelil. | Total c\.pcmllluriv , lor in.ieliiuei v nml builihliixs | o the pieseiil lime , sr.'i.iHio ' . capacil ) HIIIIlimidfeil to llnec liumlied uuil llll ) liejjs pefll.11) llic illlriiillletiun ol a i uev , process a MTV supeiior nail is prodii . I. loiMMiich llii-re is ulie.ulv an immense di-- Uiand. Ills iiinv liiiind lll.'il Hie piesi-ut c.l paeii ) is ijulle iiisiilili-ieiil.aml a doubling ol' capital urn ! eapai it ) is probable iu the ue.-ir Inline. Briolr. There are eleven Uriel ; .vanls in Omiilia , which have manufuctiiicd , during the , about ± ? , ; { UOUCO , ciiiiiloyiliK hundred ' men nnd IHI.VI- . lf.siiles ! this vast amount ul' lirick used in Oumlia duiiti the year , St. I , iniiCiiuiieil I'liill'H , Lincoln and otlii-r towns emiti-il iiited nianv luimlrcil eai loiuUiiicli swelled the tolal consumption to about , -jiUllllO. ( ] ( The follow iu are tlic In lo.- : \\illimll Itrothci-rt , .lolin Ittnuin , liidlc-y \ Ul-eu , r. .1. Pottei. l--tihioiiK- : Cue , Ill-ill- ) l.ive.sey , .loliu Kievvitt , Thomas Murray , Sainm-l MeCalfrey , .loliu ' I Mi-Be , and C. . \l. Iliinter. The 'Omaha u'.itc-r w-orks m.tiiufiictuieil half a million luiek for its own 11-1- . Cari-ingo uml Wn ou FuctnricH. Tliis industry is in keeping with the rupiil growth of the city. Old c-tahlMi- iiients Inn i- hem enlarged uml iiniiou-il | , ami new linnailik'd to tla- list diiiinu tin- year. A. il. Sirniisiiii , MuadhuliiTiY li.dley ami'illiain SnyiU-r , tiiin out tlie finer cliis-es of work. The fii'nl-iianieil employ * tliirty-tive haieU , and tinned mil one liimil- u-i | job.s during llic year , vulacd at l.'nO e.icb , livsidoi ivpidiiiiK and yencr.-il lil.u'l- . Mea'liiiilii-r ' > V I > , tih-v employ fiom live to ten men , and did a liiifliics , . ii ii-Katiiix i'MNI. ' Williuin Snyik-r makes H hpct'iiilty ' of mail liiin' ics , iiml eniiloyi. | Iliree nn-ii. \V. r , Lorin'l'i'1' ' ) niaimfiictiiiTs li lit waKi'll- " . eliiin.vilW | | fonimen. . Kuiliaeh > V Cn. niiiniif.ietiiiiheavv and li/lit UIIKOIIK , nml dn : i ( li'-l l hliiekMiiitli- illj { lillhilli-ks , , ' elj-ht h.-HI'U , Tlif vvorl.of tin--- linns in eipial in ilura- I'llltj' H 'l ' lilli'h to till- best ell-tl'lll Inalu-r. . Tlio Sh < t Vnwiii- Tinilinalia Mil 't Tom-rii. iinenf llic v < iiiiiiic t , lull lit the Mine tiniu iii'isl ' tlniiln uf IIIIIJII'K | ; inilM.lrli * P i- -lln. t"l . 'mill ' nf tinI I niun p.ieillc truck , ainl i uinirl- | - i hovu .unl minimi lilt IIMIIIII blllltlhi.i Mlllit'iu.-r sixtfukl uluivc llic Kiiiiiiiil , uitb u ilrupoi ,1111 : liiiiiilrnil foul. Tin ciipniltv ot it- Mult.- is . ' ,011 liuii ( < , iiijiul In l , .Mm ji.niuiK iid.i ) TinSli'it ' Touer i-mplou. " kix tllL'll Illnl eiisl tft.'i.lHIII. MiiiiiifaotiU'ln Brioi's H , i. f'lwrli ii Co. i-inplny i-JKhtceii liiiinU in the muiiiifui-tiini of lial.iux | iow- deli. , pi ( t s , t'\triu.-ts , etc. J h tV Mi-Maluiii ijiuinifiu-tuii'il nnd sold ifJiUUU v crlh of bitler.-i , cxtrutt of Kinder , anil biil-iiui nl tai. ix't-M'ii liiiii'U nrtem - pluveil. I' . H. Shaip muinifaelnii-B middle- . VV. Jl. IJurrisou employ ? , tiftceu InmiU in the liuiiufiw-'tUM- > f "hiit , mid reuul | liil iiiiM ilinilili d nvtiKWJ. | . 1 * . II. tiottht.iiiit.iemploy * thirty liiiniU in tlrtuiuiiiiluttiiiv of nldrU. llii-iiii-i ) iiboiit tinami - u liv't yeur. V | .ilJ | i Si < fla-ii iii.-iiiufitctiiicd IOO.IKX . ) Mryi-rX J'.i'itln-r miiiinfucUnc liu ( -iu > i > of all Kind" . 'J'li W U-rii r'uruiwU'i.rk , M. Specht , ' ' - , did uu i-iiunnou * lniiiiitdur - the . , lv intin - - liiiild- DM ou- | | < / tinprintipal - in ' - in i iinili.i . 'ie I in Mui"nt'OMi ' - in Ni i . TV. ' , . I- . l".vI * at' - - .ii' ' in ) l".v - J , . i h , ii i I i n 'i. ' i I'o t"i v 'I ' . t i. i - - In I'1 ' ! i n 'i , iii. i n I'l.'Mi/ , v P , il. tjllralf.V lliHlUlfuctill' > a" lld \ , f li , doom , lilhitl * . nnd tilil lnHl nmtctlnl. l-'inrrt - Kit-bs mill A. llminiiAiin furtimin ' ) < r , liiith fncturti * linw a ca imcUy nf l titv-tiv , ? linnd- l y. 11. J. vVlldc imuuifiu-tnrcs slinttPHHIH. . M. A. Kurtnii.l . tli.nle Mel'mmM I Itianilfnctiire Indies' clonkn. A. lininlow nnd 11. llinri * tmumfnctuie lilimln * . Tin1 t'ninha ' IVncc nnd Hex ( V , timnu fnctnre tine fencing , l > o\i" , ninl wfilxci--i t ir . Vis-cher V llnwveinnd A. W. 11u-li's ' iimiuifnctniv nrlllieiid < tniio. tUlwnn & Semi In n nintiiifnctw ? lniiicdn t mid fettih iiiH tiuitciinl. M:111tNlvA : Itl'.MlPm-U AND HHSlM. rnMl-ANY. tlflleer * . C r lininliniiii , pn-ildelit . \ \ il. llrnach. secii'lui ) Thomas tiilisoti , ui n era ! m.-iuaui-r. "iuaid/i-d November Isi , under tlu-st.i' > laws of Neliii ka. Unlnii l lm'i\tot-siA. , nnd I } . t'lllon I'.leValU'l ' A " bii- been tile oiih elevnlnr for the acconilUod.dion of the til.tin trade of Omalia dnnnn tinciirreill ve.n tinOniuha l.lev.itoi liuv inn bnim-d In i-- " t'llc business done bv tins lie valor dm in. | ss | has been lieail ) ll-.o shle ; | as illlllUU II' hisl two .vcuis. b.iuillum lu rouitil ll nii- jlbolll .MHHMIOII | | * all kind * of UMIII The close o ( Ihe pit sent season null kin in eia lu Hie utalu trade oi Omaha uml N , bi-itka. mi accoinil oi the completion ni , , much liifjjer elcMilor. I nlon lilt-valor" H Till * Klevatm-ha * u iMp.-icd ) nl TjH.roo bn-h el * , i * a beinttitiil slriiciuie , ami built In . , llrsl-class nmiuier lu ever ) pmtlciihir , and i- looked ilpnli with linieli , not mil ) 1- Hie Inillili'i-H. but b ) nil who m-o Itilen-sicil m Hie iirowth and wdfaie nl Omalm and out Mule. Tin plan Is Hint ol tbe "I'li.i-i Patent , " v\hn \ man ) cinnclv new. M'mi | pint am iiUil.nU alliaceous cut , d uml applied lij Mr. llituobainjli , siumesii.i b ) mull ) ) eas | > nl experience m Hieeonsimi tiouot clevuloi's mamiKciiieiii m tinpiain trade m Nelua-Ka. I he llnill eh vatlon I * one Imudied ami M\ led liuh ; slolajte pail si-\ciilv-lwo led Inull ; leimlli one liniidled ami etulilv-lwo led : widll , one liumlied nml sixiv-lhe ted , coutaiiis two liumlied ami leu bins , mud-one , < i , winch each hold six thousand' lillsln h twenty-two each live busln N ( went ) cadi one IInni-aliil Iwo Immln-il bushels. sevenlseven each six liinnllcd lliakili ) : a * staled. ; 'i , , " ( > u btisliels. This ad ded to Ihe cnpacil ) nt Klcvalni " \ ' * maki s a Kraml total ol about IMI.IHII busbi-ls enpac- lly tor ( train In Omaha , wtlli ladlille * tor unloading two hnmlicd car * a da ) , 'tin- new elevulor Is supplied with steaiu'shovi I- h ) meatisof wliidi u em cull be imhiaded at each ol Hie the ele\iloisiu about live nun nles. Thete'ire leu dram-is nl Hie lute-i Improved patents , ami tilloon hopper scab- - I'liitbaiiks. Tile Iwo ilevators. A " and "It" uii operateil b ) .Messrs Ilitneliniiuli .X. Mciliam. who Iliivetosieicd Hie tiude limn Its Inlmicv as tar us the uraln trade it conccined in Omaha The loimer hi-lnn built uml own , d b ) them , and the lutlei In-lnu leaved tor a In in of ) enis The sliirMniMeis u | | | u- new elevalor ate Sidiio ) Dillon , sixlv per cent. , Iliincbaimli , X Mell'liini , thill-live per ceul. ; Mil l.ltil. livelier cein. The cost of tin-elev al-il - ls nemlv bP.'oH ( i , vvhu-li --ii.iitiii mine tb.ui al llrst expected. It buill at tinpteseiit time mid cost ot malriial it would tool up .sIMMn , i. 'I be plopneloi-s expect a nialenal Im-iease iu liudc ilnrinu lvs-- Poi-lr Pa.--r. : O.'iuha hi.s : bi-c line one of the ' important pork [ lacking pnititH west nf the Missi-sip.i. , . hi 1S7' ' , .l.uihs 13 Hnyd erected in ihu suiitli pirtof the city , at an c.xpense. nf $10,000 , what wan leg.mlcil as a largu pnik pucking houso. Itwasan expuiinieiit and ha.s prnved a moat wilcct-Mbtnl nnc. , The next jear llu eficteil ai nddltioii to his packing house at a eim of § 10- COO. Hi ; also uiided facilities for ren , dering lard , and | iut up another MO as tc sei.itre mm1. ' .Mr. l5nyd -.i , - i1IH , ( /i nngi atin aveia e weiulit ol l-'ii. ! putrudd , ym-H 111 JfS7"-yO , abnut 00,1.00 lines wi-io j ( lacked -in the H.UIKesta'ilialinient. ' . 'Tho doitiiiciimi nf Jlr. I > njdt3 iing liDiipo by lire , . . . i < \ wan followed liy ricnn.stiueriini 'in u' much l.iigetede ai a cnbtol SHO,1 ! ! ) Unriiur tin.1 twelveniiuitliH , 181 , Mr. Bujd has killed I l".TiilllTi7r ' ! ' ! 'II IVj'it nf I Jut.bur to UuHin'jer ' . ' ! ! , IHSI ; Koj-il II.IM Mlaiioitt-iil | ! dvur < ! ( ) , - 000 hojs , a ul he. cxpct to , kill as many mure dunni ; wiutir fieason. Mr lio\d \ empli.ys 175 men , nnd his annual dlbbursenn.n's exiiiud ( jiiu million ilull.n.i. From the simt I\lr \ Hiijd's policy Inn buun to ] .iy this hisjlu-at nutki-l price tnr Imi , the lai-uiiif nl vv lu-'i now buuoiuu a fciitiifu nf Ne braska fanning Air. IJnjd intau'es 1 u-oiij- ! in ui7rifir | itcliiiig ; , wliiih lasts II'MIII M - . 1-t to NHVIIIIer 1 -t tnt nt eac'i ' thus mil , , u mii-aiit | ileuimil torhou'K. . . \ slieleh nf Ititjd'a packing i- Lib h.shnielit will be" fi.uud MI tne i b Shceley P.ios. . have slaimbli n-il itllu.t . packiliU liolise up In dale . . | , OL-- lin olher hrancli ol ihcir paekum Im-iii , - ihcv disposed ol hist summer , cam. . i.i . li < p ami an1 imvv ilcv-itnii ; llienisdv , . \ , is , < . I ) ' tnllo s 'Iliej nilIlie oldI i , SI I in III Ihe ell ) , havu K lii-cii in ill i - - . , , , hm lor a pi-noil oi l\ . -iiiv-uii' . ' , , . 1IOIJ-.L- , the put ihi-i-i ! 3eiiH. since SejitiMiibi-r , 187iS , win n the p.ilalial ( iiaiid Ciiiiil ( ; lu.d1 ! was diHtniyi.-d by lire , Oumh.i . has been ivitlimit a tlriilly liiyt-clas.i lu lel , 'i ho Wiihiii-ll In , use , a innihut tlncc- stni-y liuclv Imi dnif { , II.IH lakeii the place of thu ( iiMiut Uential , buL fni'x ' lame.tit.ibly in niiet thu want ot a unillimMcial lliell-opoll.s. 'I'he Kilrh. n lJrotliL-13 , who had lomcd t ho liiMiid Ci ntial u few wn lei hofnie it.H dehti nutioii , hi-ciiied tlio mily biiililini , ' tliuu v.iuint that i-nild hu triiisf-iiiiiid Hit i a hnlol and iln-y have endeaviiied tn acL-dininndato tlio public1 us f.-ir ; IH their limited fauilitu-H v'oiild peiinii. LiiHt Hiiiiiiiur tln-y piirchiiHcd the i-i'nuiijR ( c'oiiu r of l-lth and Fanili'im MticL'l.H which ' , npmi tin- ( iraml C' vvnn IneatiMl , and they are now iiifcting on HUH | > r < miul very InindHimo and solid lliitl which will , iu iiiany iL-jfcctf , ) , t , Hiipciior in it.s aceoininnilaiKi'irt ( , , | | ) ( l did ( Jr.inil Contial. 'li'm build in" , whim ciiinpletL-il/ , „ .Inly , IHHL' , will cuHt on-/ 8J lift , ( ! ( ) ( / 'I ho e.Moi-im- tn bo ln'irtlu.'d Mj KiiHlluku fclyle , and nnthiiif , ' will | ( l. hft ninloiio t < miikc it , , uu nt the lincHt nnd must u iiuplo o lintels in the wmt. Then1 will In- aliuit III ) 10OIIIH , Auollior lir/it / claBM linlt.-l , nuw uu dur roof , einutcd mi lm | c-nrner i > ( Thirti'ditli and Untit' , htri'dH dm- ili ( , ' thu ficiuou by the Allll.ird linu-1 uonipan > . An iiliisiraiu.ii . < | this biiililiuu ajipeatH nn the fnnt [ 'iigo nf lliii paper , and a dfsuii | > ! i n of its ( lililiiliHlnliu , etc. , , vil | In- rt ) . 'I hu grounds fnr a third li -i clam hute ] , unnii.- ! ' Tenth iiiid iniliiiin huii bum | nuclis , , d liv , ( lie l''iiihiy ' oalatc ( .1 I Yiii u , mui thu pluim liuvo al .u j bem driiwii by ,1. 15. , fiiuok A'iSutiB , niuhiti-uiH , ll.ollH | TIlJH bllildll , ' IK < | ( ; ( . ( In bu built dm iiij ; ihe i . . inn y , - , M j nf InSi' , ainl will . ) I. , i pi r , hi the Hpiing ul IHrilt Tinn . ! MinJ ltd ( Ji y.vii : { hmiNu , : : ! ml I e ciun pletcd wiilun intii-t ) -l.ii-i - , -i nKoieli ( , | which appuai'.i i l iwln > - , ,11 , \ln , add uiiileiiiily to the li < > t < 1 if Omalia , ainl 11 ii snle ( , , | lu iict that witliin I'lolituen inn nil ii t-ity WIHI "f C'lut-a n will all' hi-tUr lii'tul uc i'i iniiiudutuniH than Omaha ,