THE DAILY BEE : MONDAY JANUARY 1 The Daily Bee Mondny Morning , Jan. 1. Weather Xtoport. ( i'ho lollowinR observation * nrotnfcei tbr Mno moment of tlmont all the stat ! oiinod. ) vies. OMAHA. Ipc.3i'l882. ( lVi5p.n- irinom. Dearer .10.13 Ught I.t tn Cbejrcnno. , 3) 31 Krc li Cleat Wt t | llo. . X 31 W l.lKl.t Clear FUtV ) . . 30 SI N\V li h K tr so to \V tun Cloud VNV 30 G2 N\V , 'Kh Clear Dm Molncs MM NW Kfo-li Kali no-n 2.1 | N Frmh Cloud . Taul. „ ,10li n Is w I'rosh Clear ft. txiuls . , 30 M 27 N Krcsh I.t n < Mrtothcad. , JO15 10V Krosh Clcir Vincent , VW > 047 W llrluk Clear 80 M H W ISH'k Claud CuMcr. , OM i : 1-lL-ht Clfar 10 44 i : Calm Clear TO-17 sv II-lnV Clenr Klvor frozgn at Otunhk , frozen at Y nkl illssltslppl frozin t Ct. Paul , frozen at bnqnr , frozen at IA Crotse , 8 feet 8 Incite .rurcnport , S feet 10 loihcs at St. l oult. LOCAL BREVITIES. 1'rof Samuel ? , the optician , will main at tlio Paxton for a few daye. The nlgnnl ofllco reports Intlto colder weather. Nllieon m fnlr and adipose , but i yet forty. Shots 39. - There are ntill about eighty R0at 1 for the Nllsdon concert. The Omaha-Lincoln tclnphono line now/open for busineas. Oho of Louis l''nlst'a nnetntauta joicoo in'the Arrival of D nine-pound g The Kaster term of St. JJarnnl parUh Echool cooitnoncxa un Tuead morning next. Oakland , Burt county , expects eend down qnito a delegfttion of Bwodos attend the Nlisson conceit. Mr. .Tullus Nnglo received a mi nlficent gold watch , Luula Quatorzo ity and richly ornamented , on OlirlHtmng. The 0. , Bt. P. , & O. depot will closed to all freight buHinom Monday , < T : nary 1 , 1883. J. M. Lane , agent. The annual meeting of the board trade will take place on Tuesday , Jnnua 2d , at 7 o'clock p. m. , nt tlio rcouig Noa and 10 , Kedick'a block , Fnrnaia street. The Omaha Elevator company ha moved their oMco ( from corner of Ton nnd railroad rooma over the Fn National bank. TiioB. & M. local freight olllzo w li bo closed Monday , January 1 , IBS'J. I freight will bo received or delivered th day. A , li. Smith , agent. Joseph Murphy will play nt tbe ope houBO 1'rlclay end Saturday ovonlngB thia week "Tho Sliaun Khuo , " and < Saturday matinee "Kerry Oow. " A. petition WAI being circulated ! this city ycatorday aaktng ( Jovornor-olo D wea to reappolnt Warden Nobos to tl charge of the Nebraska penitentiary. Tbo total Internal revenue collectic In Nebraska for tbo year 1882 waa $1,1CI ! 200.17. The colIectiouB for the month i December alnne waa 8103,0 5,87 , nsogalm 39G.C50.37 for tha corroaponding month < lut your , There IB BOJHO talk of an effort boln rondo to have the lawn governing the clt ao amended that the ollicea of city nttonio nnd city rnwihall ahall bo elective an not appointive. Mr , Pntrick Ucsmoml yesterday re colved word of the death of his Infan child , which haa been lolt in the care o relative * iu Iowa. Ita mother died enl three wcoUa ago. John Harris has filed a complaint I JuJ o Boncko'a coort , charging M ; Smith with stealing n small cook etov ami sundry other tmaller nrtlcloi. A wat rtnt haa been latued , but no arroat has yo bo n mnde , Gentlemen , call on ITrank Kuilnm , th merchant tailor , No. 321 South 12tl atreot , aa he h a n largo and well elected ttock of goods , and guaranteed ; perfect fit. IMcoj lower than the lowcut 30-2t The W. 0. T. U. will hold their meet ing to the parlors of the Baptist church 01 Thursday afternoon , January , 1683 , at o'clock. All members and friends of th cause are Invited to be present aa the ofli cerg for the'year are to bo chosen. Judge Boneko Leld Pat O'Connoll fo trial at tbe next term 'of the district cour for unlawfully disposing of lioga belong lag to his uncle , John O'Koofo , The 1ml was fixed at (200. Mannwoilor , who wa arrested for being implicated In the affair waa discharged. For some days put Mr. 1) , W , | Saxc proprietor of the opera huu o pharmacy has been < nl ! ng torno articles from hi tore , such aa little bottles of perfumery etc. Ho finally Instructed hia clerks t < Jceopa watch ou all the Loya who cinio in and Friday a juvenile thief WM cap tured with two packages of cigarette * 01 bla person. He b In jail and will be trlei on Tuesday. --The last trial of tbe term in tin United States court tor this term was tha of the Key a tone Bridge company o ritUburg vi. the B , tt II , railway , li which a verdict waa returned giving thi plaiotiif $8,1/71. ttbirty thousand dollar being tbe amount sued for. The jury w then discharged. Judgment wai MHO on tmd on tbe verdict iu favor of 11 , 1. IIIu in an , EE/I. , agatait Krwlii Davit , fo 81,000 attorney's fee. The secretary of war ha * Issued ai order directing tint Ft. C meron , Utah and Ft , Hall , Idaho , hall ho abandomx ou Jlay lit tiext , and the garrisons Iran * oried to Ft. Douglwi. 1'luni and utl uiatea are being drawn for the enlargement of Ft. Nlobr rtt to n.a elKht-company car < airy pott , in addition to itn infantry stand' luz , There are at present two comp&ulci of fn/antry and two of cavalry at Ft , 110 , G. Aslt. , tU ) meeting fn' General Manderton'n office Ff/diy * ro-olecUd the entire Jit of old olBcera , General M anderson being j > o t commondtr , Tula past hai rented a suit of ilmlrMle roomi on the third f ! of the Cftldirell Mock , above the r quartern n'f the Omnlin Suvlnga ba : They have a large nMcmhly room in fro A sitting room behind that and ov < ante-rooms , oil of which are being fit up In tint-clans fhajc , Tliclr tut meetings will bo lieM In the new hall. The Omaha city mission RAVO tl annual Chrlstman dinner lant Wctlncsd tbo i.7th lust. , to the children of the K day school nnd Industrial ncboo ) , w some of tholr inothern and friendf , In about tliroo hundred. They had a v pleasant time , After dinner wnii over ' room waa darkened and the lampa llph for the Chrlatmaa trco nnd tbo rccept of Santa Glaus , who c/vmo in about th o'clock , finely drcBsod In hit winter TO of fur , and gave them all a good Btipplj c iidy and nut ? , nnd dolls and other pi cnln for the children in the infant cli Tim ofUccra of the mlitaion feel grateful a generous public fnr their kind donatlo Commleolonoru' Procooainga SATTJUDA.Y , Doconibor HO. Boc met pnroannt to adjonrnraont , Pr ont , Gommlaslonora Droxul , Corl and Knight , The following wan adopted : llcolvcd , That the connty tro uror bo and ho ia horaby diructod draw from the general fund 80 25 , n npuly thu unmu to the payment of t dollnquint personal tax of John Jl sink for the yoaro 1800 , 1802 , 18 ( 1801 and 1803 , on account of wu for county. The nllichl bond of 11. Stand wan approved ns overseer of highway Chicago precinct , N district , .a'lho claim of Ulglur & Spahr for t wrongfully piid was rojootod. The following accounts were lowed : linillCE WOUK. T M Jotter , work on brldgoi . § 21 U W.Jolnuon , work on bridges , . . . ( ! HOA1) fU.NII. D llced , work on road . $ 10 11 Tlctgc , work on road . lil J S llotiwt'll , work on road . 110 if II Craack , work on road . U3 Ii Thomap , work on rend . ] ( J Dblchngo httinbor Co , lumber . y [ J Aloaglund | [ , lumber . 18 K H MyeiH , work on ro d . 1 < \ . Holllflter , worn on road . 5 L * lioJman , work on road . , . . C OKNIillAL rUNI ) . Mrs. J. N. L'Icrco , matron ] > oor farm . 3 20 I. N , 1'iorce , Buporlatondont poor farm . 03 It , I' , Knlghtsorvlcoa un cummin- sionor . 115 V Droiol , aorvioea un comuiis- sloner . 90 V Drcicl.ficrvlccrt .iitoiitllnf ; poor. 121) T ISnumer , salary Itli quarter. . . . 101) T Haumcr , cash expended . 11 1 KUHI ! , cofh expenilod . H 3 Jorgensen , juror . a I * Hteln , witneMa f i . a V 1'olack , clothsa for p-ior . 71 iVotnlmni , AIcKxvon & Oo , , work htj H . m MVO pcrHonp , coroner'B witncsmi 5 ! ix perilous coroner' jnroH . ( i le-llinld liroi. , iirlntlng . i ; Jeo Tllden. toivicca rendered , . . 101 Vllhiiull Hroj , work at jnil . 25 I II Hulfott , gr icerioi for poor. 88 : tctlfield llrofl , blanks . 'Jl ; ( Kramor. jnrnr . i ! chorb ; & Co , grncorlcn for poor. . . 3 ' ' Lange , times for j'oor . 8 ' . V Gentleman , groceries fjrpoor. 17 1 elf W. Bedford , coal for poor. . . 330 ( . II. Spotman , groceries for poor . .jr , ] ' . M. Black & Oo. , groceries for poor . 15 c /m. Gentleman , groceries tor Poor . ir t ohn bwnzlnu , groceries for poor 5 . ' tiexauor , groceries for Door. . . . 12 7 lolmrod If Dorman , groceries for poor . > B Frouch & Co , groceries for t' ° "r , - . 41 C F Gnoduiun , meJlcluo for poor 8 H * N Wldtuoy , shoes for poor. . . 17 r N Whitney , shoos for poor. . . 1 71 Troltichko , to * for county . 25 21 0 Elvln , medlolno for noor. . . . II W : hruedor& Becht , mctiicino for poor . , . 2 2 F. Mkdsnn , grocerioH for poor 1 01 .organ & Chapman , colfeo for qj'Unty . 13 o K. Oonklln , acrviciM H county phyrlclan . 10 C . . ItudgorH & Son , goods for county . 12 Jjl 1 1 1-jkton , goods for county. . . . 11 1 ! li Williams & Sou , goods for county . 07 2 uikins & hear , sloven for county fi Ol ; .lo oph hosjiltul , care of poor. . 51 01 FlUpiUrick. RBH fixtures . 11 0 ( notlo , MaulS : ( Jo , blankctu for lull . 30 OC 1) L'oauuily , care of nick . 71 1 ( ; Jonoph hoxpltal , care of side. . 15 ( H nb ( lAallght company , gas for November . 49 fj ( iiw Schmidt , tax refunded . 1 ( X Klmball ft Co , ice for county. . Ifi II ? J. Quealy. soap for county , . . . 2i CC . .1. Jvennody , corn sheller. . . . 12 ( K . Koster , work at jail . 3 7C J. Point * , salary mip't . 90 5C Mortenecn , repairing i | g . i 2 : 10 , ft , Jacobs , colllu for poor. , . 22 OC 10. Q. Jacobs , coroners fees. . . 30 OC Ivo persona witness fees . o ot x persons coroner's foes . 0 OC x persons coroner's jurors . 0 Oil Ivo persona coroner's witnesses. R 00 x persona coroner's jurom . 0 CX is. Featheratone , witness fee. . 2 00 , H. Coll. witness fee . 2 00 rm. Featherstone , wltuean fee. . 2 OC J Lake , witness fee . . . . 2 OC ft ; II Alnsoom , wltncasfeea , , . , 2 OC Swift , wltmwafco . 2 OC jttlo Jiart , wltnois fee . 2 OC ( t Brandt , witness fcoJ . m OC Donnelly , J , B llltf's fees . 4 OC K Coutnnt , canvasser , Nov. , 1882 . , . . , o Nov. 1882 , 20C ' ' ' BamiierV canvaVser , Nov , , 1882 2 Ot ' W Glensolman , talcs juror. . . 8 OC Hollenbeok , talcs juror 8 1C Iledman , i tales juror C OC Dutoher , petit juror o OC MoCartliy , tales juror 10 0 { N Wlthnoll , grand Juror 4 OC A. petition for the incorporation H ntorloo was filed and notion on theme mo postponed. Adjourned. JOHN BAUMEH , County Olork. Mnrriod , IILQUIBT.01UiUN-At his residence , Uecember28. Mr Albert K AbliiuUt an. ! Mlw OlirlsUno Oreen , by Kev A 1 Sberlli , lANNON-In this city , December 80 ( at 3 o clock p m , Patrick I ) , daest bor of James and Annie Shannon , agon ' . years and 10 months. Funeral will take plaoa on Mondaj jrnlns , January 1. 1683 , at 0 o'clock , im the residence , corner of Seventeenth d Nlcholai ktruets , Frlcndi are in < od to attend , Orandfathor'nICloolr , " in once a very popular ongj but like uy other sentimental times it doe n't kr wall. . Dr. Tbowa * ' liclectrlo Oil will ir ; It Will wear away all uche , spralnr , I l 'iM. ' u repay Iti purehaeer ft bund - d fold. STAR OF SONG , The Swedish Nightingale Arrii in tlio Gate Oity. The Millard Ohoaan aa Hoc quarters While Htro. The Buocooa of the Trane-Oc tlnentol Tour. Aa Interflow "With Mndni Clirlftllna Nlluon. The elegant Worcester oxoornl oar , "Joromo Marble , " which lay the 13. ifc M. tiding , near tlio Toi ntroot depot , was to many tlio lirnt tnlndor that Omaha had ns an honoi guont the great nlngor whoso lame world wide , Mndamo Ghrlstlno Ni aon. The Nilosoa party pint through Omaha n few woolen n | striking thia place nt the beginning the pronnnt cold spoil , Ifltls ovonca cr now than thentho chill atmoaphi la conntorbalnncod by the warmth the wulcomo which awaltod the BWI slnyor who comes from "tho Land the Midnight Sun. " It was expected that the Nilas party would nrrivo Sunday morni until n telegram waa received It Saturday afternoon notifying the felt t the i'axton of their coming. waa lirat intended to glvo Madni Nilsnoti a reception by horoointi mon of thin city , but the idea v , jbandoncd for the time being aa I : practicable and only Jadgo Andorao Jwodlah vlco-coniuil and Viator Lan { ren , editor of The Woatra Poatc voro nt the train on Us nnival. Fi sarriagca were fn waiting to convi .ho party to their hotel and they wt loon whirled up Tenth und Farnn uid deposited in tie quarters aioign horn nt the 1'dxton. The party conuiHtn of the followii artists : 3\lmo , Ohrletinu Nilsto -.tima donnn coprann ; Mies lie ; jlonn , contralto ; M Thocdoro Blor sten , tenor , and Slfj. Gmseppo d Puonto , baritone ; the Mondolsol julntptto club , of Beaten , conaia'ir ' > ( laidnr Schnitzler , firat violi Ernst Thiplo , uocond violin ; Thorn liyan , clarionotto and viola ; Willla iohado , flato nnd violu ; Prodorii jioiiu , violincollo. and also Olma. j 'ratt , pianlat rf the company , Mosar Jratt and Ddl Puouto arc accompaim > y their wives. It was after 8 o'clock when tli ompany reached the hotel. , and tl irafc bucinuan on hand waa to partal f the mippor which they , found pr inrod for them. Madame Nlhac Dok hcra in her room , and , owing 1 ho latenuaa of the hour , did tiotTri oivo any oallera during the oveniii ) 'ho only event of interestwao tl oronado by the Musical Union o hcatra , which appeared In the rotui u , and played n charming aolcctlo rom the "Bohemian Girl , " arrange y Mr. Jullua Meyer and Prof. Hoi ! itm and tendered aa a compliment t lilnoon. Yesterday morning it waa oxpeoto 'jat ' the party would attend service t the Lutheran church , but n rounds wuro given for any such bi of , and those who wont out of cur lity were disappointed. Instead c lat , they had a disagreement durin 10 forenoon with the proprietor/a o 10 Paxton , which resulted in Mmc 'llsson and the majority of the part ansforring their headquartora to 10 Millard , where I hey were assign I the rooms adjoining the parlors , ho change caused considerable tall tiring the day , nnd the oxplanatioi : the move will bo found in the iu rviow with Miuo , Nihson , whiol Hows. The proprlotora nitnply caj lat they proponed to run the honni lomaelvoa ao long aft they were tin opriotora. Christine ) NllsBOit and her company nee passing though Omaha on Da mbor 7 , have given four concerts ir iu I'ranciooo , two in Donvpr ant 10 in Kansas Oity. The roceiptu fee o four San Francisco soncorti louutocl to § 29,000. Only threi ncerts n wouk arc given by Niloaon 10 first Deliver concert brought ir , arly 87,000. The second concert in 3tivor was given on Tuesday ov iii i ; tbo 20th , the Topeka date havitif nn cancelled owing to the small eale teats. In order to give this second uoert in Danvor Manager Abbey line buy off Leavitt'a mlnstrolo , who hac gaged tbo house for one week , lore was $1,000 , taken in at the jond concert. Of thia amount iavitt got $1,000 for giving ur. o date , and the opera IIOUBO man. omeiit $510. The bahnco , (53,000 ( , nit to Abbey , who had to pay Nils u $1,800 , the rest of the compunj oir euUriou and all oxponeos. The : olpta of the concurt nt Kansas Oltj Friday night amounted tn $ 1,900. 10 Omaha concert will brine ; in out $1,000. The Dix ts In the lower rt of the house and the first gallery vo nearly all been sold at $1 , $ d $2. There are about aoronty-fivi Us remaining at $1 each. The tor. llory will bo thrown open for salt Tuosdaymorning at $1 a seat. Nt tndlog room will bo sold , nnd every , dy attending the concert will be lignd to have a seat so says Maiv or Boyd. The party will have a long rest In nalm , three full days , and con < luontly the concert Tuesday evening f < bo expected to bo exceptionally od. It Is not probable that any formal ceptlon will bo hold to-day at the ( Hard , although a few friends and untryinon may hayo on opportunitj pay their xoapocts to the dlstln. lishod lady. The famous Mendelssohn Qaintette ab , which accompanies the party , li 0 of the great attractions for Tues < y evening , when the opera house II bo filled with nn audience of the prcaentotivo people of Omaha and , the surrounding cities within u ra- us of 150 miles. OALLINO ON THE CUNTATltH'K. A represontatlvo of TUB HKK called Mine , Nilnson at her parlors in the ElUrd , about 5 o'clock last evening , 1 mot with a very cordial reccp. D. She had just returned from on ornonn walk and WBJ lu tbo best of humors. She were a plain raonrni costume , with no speoUl display jewelry. She is In romnrkably g < health , and appears to ni good adva ago of ! the stage as she docs tbed the footllghtd. In convetcation 1 face beams with smiles and bon ho mlc. Her tooth are as perfect a not of poarla , and when she laughs channingly pretty. The nuvda poaka good English , with o. sort London accent , and her voice is clc luolodioua and natural in fact , th is nothing arttGcial about the lai not oven the color on her cheeks , Incidentally , during the convor tion , aho expressed her abhorrence all shams , and snid she never 1 used coemotics and never intended if flho lived to bo as old aa Motl liuhbard. Madame Nilsaon expressed hora as highly plouaud with her tour to 1 Pacifis coaat. She met with a nn otithujlnalic reception thuro than a ho had over before oxporlciiccd in her travels around the world. T enthusiasm was not merely from 1 own country people , for whom i expresiicd the most loader afL'dii but by Americana and people of nitlunaltioa. llor journuy both aad frmu the l\ioiu'o coaat was vi pltaiuit and not at nil tlrcaome , ci slduring the dialanco. She felt RC pride in the ovations that had be tendered to her by the Swudiah p pie ovury where , nnd in the patriot ! mid love they evinced for their moti country. Krom what eho had seen Omaha , nhovaa pleasantly suroriai conftidorlng the rapidity with whi it has been built , nnd thought it v oi bo a eplondid place to live in duri the Bummer timo. She intended visit Fort Omaha to-day , na nho li always boon well treated by the b diurn and oflicern , nnd had met Grai Sherman , Shoridnn nnd other dial Stashed warrlora. Madame had : joivod an invitation from Gen. O. Howard to ride out to the fort wl tiim in hin sleigh. There waa much said of n confide ilnl chnractor by the lady , which it lot proposed to repeat , though ivould doubtlcaa bo very intereitit jut it may not bo n broach of con lonco to atalo that Madame Niloai iaid that ninny of the pretended intt /Iowa hi Dauvor , San Francisco ni Sansaa Oity were unfounded. "Why , " aald the madame , ' lover epoko to a ainglo reporter Denver , yet the pupero had colun ifter column and whole pages maginary intorvlowa. Am ) iig oth hlngs the roportora hnvo boon ve lartlcnlnr about what I would oat ai /hat I would drink. You may a or mo , to inako an end of thin matte lint % I oat a young olophnut eve uornine * for breakfusr , a wluto el ihnnt , " and the lady laughed. "Thofacb is , " aho continued "th live very moderately and oat b ittlo I never go to hotel dinii ooma for mcala , bccauao I could n oatlo throngh the crowd and do nike < iko to bo stared nt. I generally ha' leala served in my rooinj iva you FI ore , " pointing to n table already a i her room , "and this , Mr. roportc ringa mo < o the point about tl hanco wo made to-day in going fro ; do Pnxton to the Millard. " \Vo oarao in rather late Saturda veiling , and Mr. Kitchou was n < roparud for keeping my company 1 10 atylu to which wo are accuatomei o nlways dlno on the European plai ocauso wo rite late in the morninj nd when I sing I take ray dinner i in the afternoon , nnd then oat notl ig moro until after the concert. Th 'axton ' eorvos up ita meals at fixe ours , nnd this morning wo foun mt wo would either have to got u oforo 9 o'clock or go without eu ccnkfast. Mr. Kitchen did not ar. Mr disposed to chnngo his regime id thereupon our manager made as .mromont for our accommodation a 10 Millard. " "I have no fault to find , and do no ish to quarrel with anyone. If th ) tol.s could not accommodnto mo lould hava to go down to my car , " Taming from thlanubject to a mor ; reeablo one , the reporter uquirei i to the success of the lady's Aniori , n tour from n financial standpoint adumo Nlloson ii well aatlntiod e r , and oxpaota to realize a handaom in by the time the senaou is over 10 goes from hero to St. Joseph once to Now Orleans , where she ex eta to have a very warm welcome id then to Washington. The programme for the concert to orrow evening was decided upon laa ening and IB given iu full horowlth rnoaimniB. , Quintette in A , On. 18. . .Memlelssohi Mendelssohn Quintette Club. , 'Torowlor" ( Onrmen ) lllzr SIgnor Del 1'uento , i Serenade Schuber Mmo. Christina NlleBan. , "My Own , My Guiding Btor" , .Macfarrci M. Theodor IHorkaten "Tho Hotter Land" Cowoi Mla Hope Gleun , l'nntui iB for Violoncello ou "Lc\ Jf ilia du Ucclment" Scrval Jlr. 1'redorlck Oiene. i "Tho Jewel 8onR" ( Faust.Oounoi ) Mine. ClirUtltio Nileson. , "Three FWiets" Hullnl Mi'H Hope ( ilenn , , "Tarantella" Upsalu Slgnur Del 1'uonte , , Mmnetto Uoochorin AIcndelBBohu Qulntotto Club. , Quartette , " Notto"Morta ) blotov Mmo. Christine NiUnn. IBS Hope ( ilonii , M , Thecilor Blorltutei and BIguor Del Pucnto , THE RETURN. nabu Oroaaoa tbo River to Groo thotlluHora. At 1:30 : p. iu. Saturday the Omahi oplo whi were able to got nwa ; mi their business or other engage ants , assouibled lu sleighs in fron the Paxton hotel nnd loft promptly r Council Blull * to return the cal * do by the lowans Friday. Saturday was not a good day , crpo illy the Saturday before Now Year's r a big turnout and only nbou onty-fivo sleighs were iu the pro ssion when it pwod Tim BEE otllcc Ita way to the rivor. Others etrag : d along later , but it was not a re irkablo display for n city of 40,00 ( liabitanti , Profotsor Yager's bane aded the procession. ( -Twenty-four beautiful colors ol j Diamond Dyed , fnr Silk , Wool ) tton , iVo. , 10 cts , A child can use ; h perfect sccccai , SUNDAY SURPRISES ; Superintendent Havens I ceivea a Superb Present , Jnilfjo Boue o Tnhoi IDittmondi Hii The era of surprise ? la not yet ov and yesterday two very plo sant o took place , the first being to Supt. B. IJavons , of the Union Pacific , ! the Rocond to the popular munici magistrate , .Tndgo Qustav Bonoko. Mr. C. B , llavcns was , proviout hia promotion , the suporlntondent the Bridge division and alao 1 charge of the local freight departnn of Union the Pacific. Ho was alwa popular with hia men , being ki and considerate , to all t a gentleman in every DOI of the word , aa well on efficient oflicor , the latter fact ing best attested by hii promotion the important position ho now fi Hia old employes nnd nosoclatoa i terminod a few days ago to show h that they had not forgotten old an ciationa , and therefore unltod in 1 purchase of u magnificent g watch nnd chain , with I Knight Templar charm , I whole coating ovtir $200. The ont outfit is ns beautiful ns anyone cot wish for , nnd waa purchased at A John Bauaior'a jewelry utoio. 1 watch waa ongnivod on the inr case , "To 0. B. Ilnvons , from boys the local freight department , Omal Neb. , JanuarySlat , 1882. " Mr. Ilavous wna corralled lu t baggRRO room of the depot about no nua Mr. Thos. Nolan made the pr < cntation speech. Mr. Havens w "paralyzed , " but recovered suflicloi ly to respond and assured the bo that he should not soon forgot t pleasant aaaoclationa of his old poi tion nor the frtonda ho loft thoro. T matter did not all oud in ainoko , : , hongh cigars followed. jouai ; XEMEKB , The dlsponaor of juatlco In the ci : ourt , Judge Guatav Beuocke , w ! las aa many fi lands , and aa wai > nea as any man in the city , and d lorvca them too , waa given a handaor Sow Tear'a gift last evening. ( Dhriatmaa day the judge , accordii .o his old cintom , presented i ; ho boya on the policy for with on ncceptablo proaont , and ov. ) xtonded hia rombidora to the priao irain the county jail. "Tho fore lotormiood to got even with him lomo extent , and therefore went lax Moyer'a and uolectod a nupoi tiamond ring , the pure atone bull ofc in a broad band of gold , and beii mo of the finest rings mad iVhen the time came i oil call , 7 o'clock , they got tbo jud | nto the poliuo court room and pr 'Boded ' to do him up in good ehap t ia aafo to any that a present w lover given with greater good w hiu thia one to Judvjo Boneke , Vic Bierbowor la in town. JolmM. Weeks , of New York , ia at t ' .ixton , George W. Heist , of Sidney , waanto\ estorday. W A McCutchoon , of Chicago , is at I lotropolitan . Mrs. D , A. Ball and son , of Denyer , n t the Millar.1. Kobt E Strjhorn , the U P literary ma i at tbo Paxton. Lt James 11 Loydoa , USA , was at tt axton yesterday Madame Christine NiUsoa and compai ; o at the Millard. Mark Morton , of Nebraska City , WAS i IB Paxton yesterday. Dr. Vnn Buskirk , of Donyer , registerc ; the I'.vxtou last night. Hon. 13. I. Hintnau , of North PIntt ai at the Paxton yesterday , Sam Ward and Daniel Soarleo , of Bull ity , lon. , are nt tbo 1'axton. Goa St Uutler , of Farragut , Iowa , reccii red at the Metropolitan yesterday. Anthouy Rica , poatinaster at Nort > attercgiBtorod at the Millard yostordaj V S Lewis and Voila Lewi > , of Has ! ga , were at the Metropolitan last night W , E. Annin , associate editor of Tn EI : , returned yoaterdny from a bueine ip oast. llabort tiaw , superintendent of tt Duntain division of the Union Pacific , the Millard. W II Michael , TOO Harrison , J J > lo ami 0 1C Hurtle , of Grand Island > ppod at tbo Millard over ulght Theodore Meyer and Simon Kuhrmac emont ; K. L. Half and C , A. Moon lneyH. U. Hnll , Lincoln ; J. H. Join > n , lilnir an'l H , C. 13roiue , of Norfoll > re nmong the Nebraskans at the Paxto stcrday. Army Ordorn. A general court martial is appolntoi meet at Fort Sldnoy , Nob. , onth I day of January , 1883 , or as sooi ereaftcr ns practicable , for the trla Private John Murry , troop K , Fiftl valry , and such other prisoners a ay bo brought before It , Detail for the court. Lleut.-Col larlca E. Oorapton , Fifth cavalry pta. Emil Adam , Fifth cavalry ; J : ott Payne , Fifth cavalry , und \Vm Forbush , Filth cavalry ; Seconi lout. Lester W. Cornish , Fifth cnval ; First Lieut. Charles H. Rockwell fth cavalry , judge advocate. The leave of absoncejgrantcd Gap In Frederick Mourn , Ninth Infantry Orders No. 2G9 , dated Fort D , A , usaoll , Wyoming , December 23 82 , ia extended aoyon days , Paragraph i , special ardors No. 135 rrent soriea from these hoadquar ra , is ntnandod to road : Ilocruit Ed ird S , Morgan , enlisted at Fort D Bussull , Wyoming , is assigned tt mpany F , Ninth Infantry. Hereafter the special reports o | > ards of surveys directed by genera dora No. 1UO , current series , head. lortora of the army , to inquire intc o causca attendant upon desnitlon , U bo forwarded to these } < oadquar < rs with the proceedings of the board . property , A general court-martial Is appointed meet at Fort Cameron , U , T. , enD D 7th day of January , 1833 , or as soon thereafter an practicable , for trial of Private Eugene Lyon , cc pany 0 , Sixth Infantry , and BI olhur prinonors ns miy bo brought fore it. Datnll for the oouti-Li : tenant-Colonel Nathan NV , Oabor Sixth infantry- First Lieutrna Norton StronR , assistant-surgeon , S. A. , and ( Jjorco B , Walker. Sr infantry ; SecDtid Lleutonanta Hob H , Slovens , Sixth infantry , and Xsi W. Torroy , Sixth infantry ; Fi Lieutenant Stephen W. Groesbc Sixth infantry , judge odvocato. Enrich and revitalize the blood UHlpgBrown'a Iron lUttora , KKUDISO'S Kus la SMvo meets w wondctful oxiccess in all cnsca of Skin t rvse. Try it. Sol. O. Towaloo. Mr. Sol. 0. Towaloo , who la one the foremost among a whole compi of smart and onorgotio young in nho hnvo gene out from Omaha to busineaa in the country beyond Hocklea , was in Omaha to oao t Now Year como in and exchange t compliments of the soaaon with i many friends In thia city. S Towsloo has for the past two yw roprenentod M. Hollman & Co. , this city , hia hcad unrtors being Ogden and Salt L ko. Ho takes now departure for 1883 , and will ho after look out for the Intororta Einstein , Longinl Co. , mnnufi turera of clothint } , in Chicago , hw 1 turo territory being Utah , Monta ! Idaho nnd Washington. Mr. To\ lee ia ono of the moat popular m out in that country and an oflicU calcsman , aa nil know. IHn now fit givo.i him wider aoopo , and ho will i the bill to the quoLn's taste witho doubt. We wish him the nemo IUCCII83. IO LOAM MCMtY MONEY TO LOAN Call at Uw olllco of D. Thomaa room SCrciKhton Uloclt. MO.NKYT . LOAN On chattel mortitatro curlty. A. 11. Tutton , Ko. 1510 DOIIK troc'.lront room up stain. 423-t 50 Al A fo loan ? " T.rr-al ri'cs , rra' e < t D/v.'H'U ' tccuntBallon ) Hroa , 1421 Fi lam street. 603-n ( jV/f / ONr.YTOlOAN-Clarl.son and lluntfl LVJL south Htli St. _ . , . ' LOAN At 8 per cent .t > fCiUUUlfU terestltisuiniof f..OOOandi \ards , for 8to 5 > ears , on first class city and fai iroptrtj. UKUIS HKAL ESTATK and LOIN AOKM 5th and Douglas Sts. HELP WAiSTEO tTTANTED-A pccond baker at I'.ixton Iloti W atonce. Knijuiro for the Steward.Gil Gil 301 " > ThD At ow Eipland ruttauiait 14 W"AJ Dntnl&sitroi.t , agoodwomn coA. Cll-SOJ 'ANTKD A tfl'l abtut 12 or 13 vrnra old lake cvo of Uab > . Inquire at lco oIKcc , . . . . D Good ulrls at the emplopnonti Tt flee , 217 a l ! tn trcet , up atiirs. B10-a WANTED-irxX ) men fr levy work nc VicU liurj ; . Apply to II Mannwcilur II trcct , ncnrraniam , 677-IJO ! - cook nt 171M Ia > e WANTKD-ABOoilKlrl port , rcfeunccd required. C18-3C ITTANTKD A housoVeepcr to go to Tremoi \1 Neb , I'cr further particulars call at II loward street , lira. Jlc.vusluml. COS 2 lirANTEO-Agoodstn\e sileeman to tr v VV InNobo'sna Apply or write to Uilhii iard and Co. ChloiKO Illinois. 6D3-II "ANTED A ulil to do general housework W 007 south20th St. IOJ.30 'ANl'fcU Oiilol buutl6jo .r totakuca _ ofbabyatll23njrthl8ihSt. _ G02-t : OCT ANTED A nnt class salesman , wlioj TV wo.l . posted in dry goods and tlothln linglc man , wHH ( , ' to wuik. Stat talai tantcd , with flrrt class rifcrsnce. Address lei iox 152 , Aurora , Kcb. _ dec2p janl ) rXTANTRD Men and uomin to start a nc W business at their own homes , no peddle Oo an hour inado ; send lOc for in sain pica mid tructlons. Addresa JJAbON & CO. ilonttielic 'crniont. 33 m o cod 12 HfT ANTED Experienced farm Insurance sc VV Icltorsfor e\crj county Inthohtato. A < rcHs , A. 11. llopiter general agents atolnsurani o. M'coln XcbiBlia. _ 172-lnii \\J \ A M MJolrl for general touieworu , sraa VV family yoodhoma far a good oltl. App U tenth 18th St. _ A ANSEII Every one to lianu orders for he ! at 217 N. ICth street , up-staira. W > tl AKTED- once a oo < I btnjnfr boy i O Oonahoe and Downey 15th bt. 032-oO . . . . > With references , n room ar rV board In thu north pirt of tbo cltj. Ac ross X , IJce olllco. _ 02l-ii-3t [ X7"ANTEI > - A girl ti do Kitihcn work , 2 ] rV North 14th etrctt , between Capitol A > ni D.iTinport. l91t ! ! : irANTEl-2 glrU at Intern Hotel. Sout F T 10th St. ia WAN ra TITANTED Alady room-mate , with nfcrcnci rV Call on or addrtss "II. E-JJ. " OU n'rt fthstrcct. _ 8SV30' TTApUD-ltoaraers by the daToTwctiTi-li W .HowarJHt , SIS-luij TTArrTED-A posit on by a practical Boo r Kccptr IlrttclaiBcIty iBfuroncts. Addre . Bee oflicf , _ 550 o - DU3INCS8 | CHANCED BUSINESS CHANCE -A Rood blacksmith i _ J ollorod special Indunomcnl , to locatoatOI ! ere Keb. Apply to 0. 1'rostt.tthcro. 313-2D-U AND poll RENT Furulshcd room 1C1U 1'arnajn St JIOK ItENT. Btoro room nnd four room * fo ! l.ousL-lvrcpini ; ; Ifitli and Casi. tti'Uirc ' | 131 triiain t 'J 1 pOIlIU'.NT. House of four looms and t * ! elosots , 1330 Xurth 20th utruul. Eniiilru | o : ciiilHe * . U. ( ! It flOll ItEXT IS IIOUVN , 3 to U rounvi each 1 1'iti'rion , Itoil Eotato Agent , 16th anil Doug ' . ' i b'8-305 I OH KENT llooms enquire at Drugstore cor 1 ncr 10th und D uglu , CM-lin OTSTO LEASE Oirntr Bt ilaiy' vcu-i i aoJ l"ih , with money furnlibud to build e St. Ktllx on the premises. _ fCOl 01 10UIU NT Three rooms N. w. corner 1311 Call ornia Street , celUr city wotsr , Inquln 3 13th Street , also frci > h mllK cow for sale , 61831 WK 11EXT Homo corner Harney and 15tt Sts , Inqulro ! ' , J. lUinge , 014-1 Wit UKNT Kurnlsbod rooms for light home hitviilng $ ! & .W month. Apply 21 17 Wib tci rtet. C17-II _ ( OUNHItbTOUit-lBtliand St , ilar/safsnue / f > ioit , wither l hout fmir rooms. Alic ti to lease. UnulreattecOLd hocsuoet. . -05-30) ) ( OH RENT Duliablo room , suitable for two | nr 3nv first homo north of Herald build , ; C08-3CJ \OK \ Piy 'T The 2'l ' and 3rd nooM HU CO feet iaihbuilt tor wholct&ln or nunufacturiiii ' , .hitsa , with a gscxl outslcic italruay and hoist- ; apiuratui , joining the corner of t'.irnim on h btrecl. Apply to Siinnd J , Howell & bon , ix > lte. 637 1 1011 HEST FnrnUhnl rooms with board. .Modern luiiro > i i enU. No.Hlb ldgoSt , I OK UKNT T o nicely furnished room S. K corner 2uth and Uatcnport wither wl-bout ird. RENT Cottage of three room , 23rd i 4 FOR Sts. { 10. | nr month. Inquire onprem > Island M2 H , IJth Street , T. J. KltzmorriJ , 675-2 Iw TJIOll HENT-Th6 residence nf M. Kennedy L1 1709Jkckson , Inquire ot T. J. FlUmorrli , C43 a , 17th street. 311-tf KENT-2 hou c of S roomi ouh. In quire 101D I'trnham stre t. 695-lret KENT A tit room house bv mllltury Foil < o 81G.OO. Appl ) to Q. Collins 1101 , Ucugl.s 3t.ifStilrj , 661-30 ; 17011 KENT OiC double tso stmo bulrding JU siiltaliofir croiory , i loon , butchoi hop , or any oth rbutlnes ? . Lee t.d 10 thu n good futmot's tnOo can bofccurcJ. Enqulreof Mrs. M. Lan 'c. c rtur Jackson mil 13th street. 63)-dl9-lm "T ) IIS' New Map'of Omah 7jiMt completed ana D read } fordclivcry at Wowh. Is 4 lc t wldo by 7 foot loiiff. I.irifcjt and most complete map of Omaha e\or published. Olllclal map of the city. Seocolumn. _ EOIl \T-Up-stalrs , 1417 F rnh m streo BMf JOHN 0. JACOBS. PCR SALE 1710U SAHSfx room cottajjo with barn tml L' half lot on Chicago street , near IMch School OiilyS > 000. JIcCAOUE , OOP doa 27-tf _ Opp. I'oitolllee. 1O11SAI.K goods cond Land cutler. Ap ply toTrovcl anil Ox . . . . . . K , . * , Uuii Cjttiotid i l > t with . ' ajUthfraniaKo nto-HIKh Schcol Hue locv tlnn , on j e.'IOo.OO HC guo Opnivlto Pr\ ' < " " cOl-dee STtt nXORhLK 4T IHtlCK I'Oll BALE-ja.OO per J2J th'uoand , Yurd 15th street , two boki ! Douth of llille\uo rotd _ dcc.j23.3m 1 LOnKSZO DlnnLE. T710H 8AI.E-A fl t cl M icconi hand utuetemt Jj Call at 1313 IIatni.j St. E07-U New Mapof Omahft , Juat completed an * BE1IIS for dclhcry at 7 each. Is 4 feet wlda by 7 feet lone. lArcest and mo t complete mnp of Omiha over published. Olllclal map of the city. Suj column. KMr. I'itrdk M. McOuIro laanjwhoro In IhU county , hi ll ! confer a fivir by cornnnnlcv e < > l > li hia undo. Karnty Mctlujli , at the Sla- _ rllHY The Ikfncr Stnrllcd biirlliKiinnufactur-- 1. edand warcntcd by f. T. lienbow 710 South 3th St. Onuh-k. BIS dec 19-4wt : ulsliliiR help please call nt tlio'ncw ANYOXi ) moot Ollice , lilth St. , bcUecn liar- ury and Howard , oycr lllh'a meat mirkct. _ C27-SOt C. nilAINARD , Taxidermist. Dccrhtada , a spctUlty , 13th , to ; . Howard and Jncknon. EDWAUD KUEIIL , WAOISTEU OF PAL5IYSTERY AND CONDI PIONALIST , 498 Tenth Btrcct , between Farnam ind Harney. Will , with the aid of Rnardlan ulrlbj , obtain for atiy'onu a lancu of the past uid present , and on certain conditions In tbe fu. , urc. Boots nnd Slices uiadoto order. Ptifect attraction pho arm of Foster & Or y Is this d y dli-alve J.hv mutual con'rnt. Wm. JI. Foster tollrlnfr. redW Gray will sltrn the firm nimoon llqul- latlon only and continue thu lumber business , WM. Jl KOSTEIl , FHEDV. . OIIAY. The oral Duslnces of eald firm has teen sold to IK' will b conducted by Ambrose Richar 'n. ' Onulia , Dec 28 1882. Pure. Thli pow dor nccr varies. A marel of purity , ren 'tn \\holpsomcncs3. . Moro econenikal lan the orpiimrj kinds , and cannot bo sold In impctllionith the multitude ot low test , ehort eUlit , alum or ph-tphato ponder. Sold only in ins. HOVAL UAKI.NO I'OWDKR Co. , Wall-St.t 801 cw York. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 310. or k > } Ing u special tax for the grading of ICtli btrcet from Farnam to Hou.ird street , and Howard Btrcct from ICth to 17th btrcct , and St. JUry's a\enuo from 17th to iiOlh utrctt. e ic ordained by thu City Couccfl of thu Cit ; of Omaha. She 1. Tint the e oral minis fo' opposite to 10 folkm im described prcmlcH , to-wl : Anna JI..oo.lrlch . , lot I bk 139 , CO 0.1. Nichols , Drcxcl and Gooilman , lot G bk 139 , OG3. City of Omaha , lot 1 block 140 , SfiO 53. A D Jones , lot 8 bk HI ) , $ < K > 5 : ) . W W lane , lot 1 bk UG , frOO 53.B Ceo A Uoagland , lot 8 bk 110 , S3G 6J. Uia < liallnih , lei 4 bl. 117 , StO 53. 0 K Turner , lot fi bk 117 , MO fij. Clwa Lixndrock , lots bk HC , $ J ) 20. CM A Hcugland , lot G bk HO , $3020. " " Iot7bk 1(1) ) , S02ti. : ! " " lot 8 bk 14t , $ ,10 29. A Kouotzc , lot 1 bk 1 , Kouatlu iKuth'a addl- ) n , SiO "X. Mrs. E Kabllng , ohnlf lot 2 bk 1 , K . .1R'saj. . lion , $15 13. F lllttcr.lT , w half Iot2 bk 1 , K. & ll's addltlo R13 , ( ! eo. | U. Cook , lot 3 bit 1 , 1C. & U'd addition 020 Henry St. Killx , tot I bk l , K. , vU's addition , 02fl. K niiitito.Iot I bk 2 , K. & Ifi ) Bdditlon. 8137 37. Danish Church , lot 1 bk 3 , K & U a addition , KoiinUe , lot 2 bk a , K. & U'n addition , $53 07. 11 E 1 ! Kennedy , lot 1 , see. ' . ' 2 , IB , 13 , 01 b8. V A I'uvton , lot 2 ( > , see. 4i , 15,13 , ft2 ! Tfi. " " part of lot 27 we. 22 , IB , 13 , ? I2 38 A & 11 Koune , lot 2 fee. i' ' , 15 , 13 , 1B C7. -'it > of Omnhi , triangular piece of land corner | ili ( and ijt. Mart's atenuu , so : . 22,15 , , WIR8. liulng thoioBtand cxiMnsia" , approied by the t } Council for tlio grading of 17th btrret , How. 1 it'octandht , I'arj'n ' a > Liiuc , In front of ami joining wild pri'iiii es by Stephen Hoblnson , In rsuancocf a iKiiitratt entered Into by thu city Unuhn , wltli Stephen llohlnton be , mid thu m are hjre y reancitl\el ) luled and a tessed aln > t each of bald lots , partu of loU and prcnii- pajablo to the City Treasurer within fifty ( tOf ( NfromthUilatt. itc. 2 Tn t thia ordinance take effect and bo force from and after Its passage , I'ttsod. December 6th 1832. AttestSigned : ( ) J.J. L , 0. JEWETT , City Clerk ( Signed ) CHAS KAUI'MANN President City Council fie tern. \pproied , D c. oth 189 ! , ( Signed ) J , E. nOYD. Mayor. liese taxes are now duo and are jiajable to City usurer on or before January 29 , 1W.1 , 'tcr ' klulatua permit } of of ten per cent will be led , togtthtr wlthlntere.tat tlw wtoofono i iint a month Iniuhanro TUU1IAN KUCK , l o 23-5t City Treasurer S. KALISM , 'HE STAR Door W , of OrnicMank's ' , ( M now iv complete stock of Ptni Winter > J , rontUtlsg cf I'reLch English and tbo t Uoirwtkj. 1'rlcoslow utha oweet J , E. BERGEN , AND f\NGY \ CRQGERIES , N , W , Cor 10th vd Cumins Street.