Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1882, Page 7, Image 16

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    V i
Whoop lal Oot alongl Bol
2,13 , and yon may know
We'ro ' en nmtu for the Boston
Store ,
Nothing like it since old "Hoar , "
Heaved his anchor and loft the
Shore ,
16 Main Stroot.
NOTICE. fipidal adTirtUtnenta , roe
la * , Fotud , r Lou , far BeJe , Te IWnl ,
Waato , UoirdUir , eta. , will ke lanrle * In thhi
ealama at the ew r t el Till OHBTB PUB
LEI ( or tke tnt lamilea an * OTI OttSTB
PEB LIHI lot each nbt * * . " " * lawrtlon.
Lean UT ertiMneals at < ri H - T
rnarl Btrett , ncaf llroadway.
Want * .
clrl for fineral hou > werk mm
Had employment at * JS South * il St. Apply
at ecoe , Mi i T. K. Oartn. JicTf-at
> * ee Vulldlati to UMTI. We make
WAJnEI ol marhf ha-Mi ai < aafMl
Addree W. r. Ayliawarti , koz m , OsaiU
VTr UH.K * verybody ta VtvaeU RoeTi tate
Y7 to tai T B Bia , t * Mata pec week , di
J ky Mrrlm. Oflea , Is Tread I r e
Fw Bale an * Bent.
RBJTT. riralihe1 mM t * reat. with
bo4rd , at TM Mjaeter ay k atd ,
r wcet. de ll-tf
b tt iretmrani ttaad
Sfx Sto4k for > , witk rtnltnre , ete. Cheaf
oaah. Writ * tarn * or nil. J. Wilt ABB ,
! T- _ Cer Wlllew ATI.
BIBS U paettceia * a koidrMl it lie
OLD paeta a at Tmi offlM , Jo. f F ttl
street. _ M
TiO * MLE Keanatu retldcnce Ills. * M
P ea k ; ottlDf ) dowi aid HMrttoath ealy ,
by 11-VATOUTAUanUt.
_ Miscellaneous. . _
T7OUHD A tollfRd society yl . Crailothi
JP llii oBre. pay tot bU ad , arori jtorxrty
a d lit the pi . dSTM
A.rMATH > OR TOLM A mall mire with
J\ a white itrlje on tke fuel. tw wkit * kind
o t ; aid at time kitd a uoW Mtxlcaa laddie MiJ
tilaakut , ane1 kc KM tl 4 l frinl of * ( Bm it
Pu-wy'i ank at half put tlgkl o'cleck. Llk r l
reward wilt bo ( [ irea for a y taforauMo * ( th
lawtky A. B. ACII1.
E5D ORDERS for Coki te Upper Broadway
s Meratcr , ortoM. J. Bond , bymeJl. ta lw
"T TERTTTKO roaewid it thi KxceMor fal-
Jll liry. 1M Mala street , fer holiday work.
Oo whireycu eaa ( el clrUIrr aad tikr treat-
. W. L. PATTOX Fhyttclan aoi OcnlM.
DR. runs any eaae of aore eye * . It Is only
a matter o < Urae , and eaa eure ineraltr la
freca three tc ( re wmka It makes if dlfir-
aaea how Icmg dIaovMd. Will itralfhtoa trees
eye * , opente aad remote Flyreylnmf , etc. , and
lairrt ar lcUl eyn. Epeelal attaaf.on to re-
orelnc Udeitoms api-M
rtf ' Dr , Anriit ,
In CtronlidlpeMM , offen hli Mrrla * * to all af
OlcltJ with dtoaxB of thi Ere , Ear , or Chronic
illaiim of any ehir 4 i , warranli a nr la
all Rheumatic af ctlbai C a kt eongolted by
mall r la pnnn at tbt M trepolltaa hotel ,
Couaell nlun , Iowa.
S. E.
c ? 3cs x ran av wo or.
BLXHTB , lovnu
Are stw ready ta eantraet for amal laiMig * < <
every < * Mc1pWoa IB
Bpeclal atUnHen ta mlled te the hit tkat the
metal * are me Ud la taiauuH wkleh flreikke
very belt eM
Burning Brands
rAOTOlOBS , Ite. , Ete. ,
Aa well as
Cattle Brands
All ! KIC1LT aZBCDU * .
Varki : CornerSlxthgtroetand Klcrentb IT
nio * . ornu. w. a. u. rcsn
Council BM ? ,
Ettabliehad ,
DtaUrs In Vorelia | a < itPci | _ 1l < liihnr
aad hODM eeenrttlai. '
r , MUiimiei. I. L.BUUOAkf , A.W. e a ,
FruUuit. Vlce-Piee't. Oaaklir.
Of OommoU Ml-JT * .
Or nliwl nndir lae lawi of Uio Blati ci Iowa
I'\ld npoapllAl
Intone ! ( -Id on ttmi depotlte. Drill *
on thd principal cltlo * of th United Itatcc and
Harovo. r > p < lal ntUnllcra glren to collodion *
ud cocTrai't > nJeuoe with prompt rilorus , .
) . D. Bdmvodaon , K. L. Bhujrarl , J. T , Ilirt ,
W.tYT.IW&lUu , J. W. Ilocfer , I. A. Hlllor
A.W.Htreci , | vrdU
New JJoods.
For Dry Goods and
Fancy Goods go to L ,
HARRIS , 734 Lower
Broadway ,
cnicAto , MCI mu Air * rinno.
Depart. ArrUe.
Atlantic r.xt..530pm Ptdflo Kx.9:13a | :
Ex and Mill.Dfl.1 am
D. Molnea c.715 ; a m
Depejt Ajrlre.
AttanUeExt..S30prn | Paclfle Rx.9:3r3am | :
Mall and Ux . .8.30 am Mall and Ex'.7:00 : p
H.Y. Rx 4 p | Keb * Ras Rx..8a : a
Depart Arrlra.
Atlantic Exf. . . 3:15 : p ml Pidfli Iit..lM3 a
Mall tnt r.x > . .g.g a Mall ud Ex.4:13 : p m
Aecem. ( Sat..BJSp ) | Aeeo . ( Won. ) . ! :
EASIAS twit " * ' ° * A * oncu ncm.
Depart. Arrlri.
Mall and Ex.IJO a m I Ripren. 6Jipn
Bxproa. Billy m | Mall aad Bi.i3 Mme
-me * ricim.
Depart Arrlre.
OTerlan < Rx.ll Sa. n. OTerlaadrt4Wy. : m.
IJnooln Ki..11:301 : , H. DenTirEx , ,
DtaTer Rx..7.00p. n. I/e al Bx
Lwal Rx.7 : a. . " Bx fOS'a. n.
BJjTant..Ba f. . n Bx.f.e * a. ,
VAIJUII , sr. MT * A * * riem * .
Depart Arrlri.
Mjfl aad Rx _ OM a n I Mall Md Ex. . 4M M
Oauta Ball. . 4:3 : p | Caaaoa Ball..1140 a
man ar An rA-no ,
Drrl. . Arrlre.
TorBlomx ClIy.TAaBi na lleux C'y.
For FortB'librara. Frm Tort Xloorara ,
Jer It. r nl..7:4lr : > Frera 81. l' nl..8:3e a
ratiAeo ,
Leara Council Bluffs. Arrtf M Couaell ninffi.
Mall and Kx.9:2tan : I Mill and Ei.'C : pni
Atlantle r.i. | 3:13p : m | Atlantli Kx.9lS | : a
oniCAtio , vnwACmi AII n. rAtru
LoTf Omnha. Arrlm at Omaha.
Mall and Kx.7l9am : I raclflc Hi | 9M5ara
Atlantle Kx.3.4 | pm | Mall and Ex.7-as p m
Kicpl Sundayi. tKxcept Satnrdaya. ( Ixee-t
Mondayi. ( Dally.
Council Blairs 2i Omaha Street B. S.
Leare GomitU Mlnffs. Ltare Omah * .
K a , I a rn , It a , I 8 a m , B a n , IS a m ,
11 an , 1 , 2 m,3 p llan , 1pm , 1pm , l *
m , 4 f n , B m , t p m. | rn , 4 p ra , S j ra , C p m.
Itreet can run half hourly to the Union raclti
Depot. On Sunday the carl begin their trips at
B o clock a. m. , and run rrifularly during tke day
at 0,11 , 3 t , B and C o'llock , andrun to dty time.
luneral Director and Undertaker ,
Ho. IT , Hcrtk Kala St. , Cacnill
Oalli yretnptly answered at all hourt , nlgkt t
ay. h w henree and London wrrlMii dlreot
rora tkc factory are mi In cona etl n therewith.
AttornBj ud OonnHllor it Law ,
COUNCIL fcinrnrs , IOWA.
OfBca Brea < lwy. between Mi la aa4 Faa
treeti. Will pr Uw la IHt aa fed.
Ocravv Bryant. Itoroot ,
One doir nortk of D han y's Opem Jfnft , wtier *
the > e luffcrlnjr fro recent Coldi , Rktumatitra ,
Xtura'tta , Lumbago and otktr dMiearrlig atl-
menU nay lad relief IB the tlaitly M * M eltaar
I dr lreaal kope for tbo * tr i > f e of ykjat-
dni wk nay wuk fr tkelr yarlenti > klj anil-
laty , aid will ( rite auy to eUrtetei arery f a lble
N BeeldM > y wile , aaniMteat Udy. will tta4
Uleo. F. kL LOCCWOOr > ,
ftoprit c * .
BUob Out QlM * , rin * yrab
BUvw War * * o.
fi i flIL70Jt M D.
, , , , . ,
Itl rea witw. Oau
& f itzjerald ,
Orookerf , Glainrara ,
Alaa Mr nti lot the Urjowlng Ua-M ol
Ooiayaiita :
Anchor , tnloa. Ameitcaa , aad Mata
team hlp OaBpanle * ,
Wet tde oo tko Royal Clank of Ireland
of Ireland , DaLllu. Inov * w o Intead to caod fet
Irlendi to anr Jrt of Kurop * wllJ lad U t > Mkab
ntcrcet to nJl on
343 Broadirtvy. Ooaneil lliffi
Bmbody mow 1H82 improrement * . Uoi ,
i prexotioaT f avuM ; Coat leas to kep ta
i 3idir ; UM jeei fuel' * " 1 gire more " * * '
I uid a Urier voloiaa of pore air thin aay
furnace aaadt. *
eld by Itacy and BnuUord , Oiaaba ,
A Now York correspondent of The
PhlladolphU Tree * write * : I bayo
been thinking OTOT oonilderftblf of
late of the tandenctM of thcio dKjra to
ononnoni fortunoi on the ono hand.
nnd aitromo poTotty on the other.
I remember the riots of 18C3. I n
member how suddenly , how unexpect
edly , how utterly without wtvrntng ,
onr atrvdti iwnnnid with men of violent
lent pMtlona , mo n and dirty la their
lnt rpt Utlona of otficUl conitnct ,
rado find brntal In their trcMment of
the weak and poworleM. 1 rootll ,
with a ihnddor , the bnrnln of orphun
Mjlnms , the hanging of negro !
the Utnp-poato In the Btrcots. I saw
thorn bent United SUtca Boldtori with
clnbn and itlok them with tologntph
Our etrooU lltcrnlly with
blood , and the death record of thote
three terrible dayi hat noror boon nnd
nevct will bo irnthfnlly maclo known.
In oonrotaulon with a dla-
tlnguUhod man , thU Tory morning ,
on th t Bubjeot , ho nnld : "IJut wo
barcn't ' any such p oplo hero na the
comaanuUu ihowed thcmiolroi to b
in r rl . " What nonienael II nil he
been here In 18G3 nnd ( oentheronom ,
the mall.1 , the hnte , the frightful
tendency to brutality , tko crowds
rushing to and fro , ag r for a victim ,
the * b elate rocklcianocs with whloh
property w s dtttroyed and lives were
Bncrifioed , ho wonld hnre m do no
aneh aasortlo * M that. In Now York
City , as I balloTo In all great cities ,
oapwUlly those that are located near
the EM , there are tast SWMTOI of hu
man Tcrralm who como to the surface
only In the Inrld llf ht of wiokedatM
an * ! .aabanch. It Is anggtsttd that
when dlicontsnt btoomes nnlrertal ,
polltlelama always quick to dultot the
fopnlar emrrtat ( for it Is thilr 'bust-
ntM ) , will ch * k tha grasping , and
will checkmate the ontrnct of oar
ntoneytd man by bnrdtus of taxation
aad trr sioh elroamstriblnRS of laws
M will * f ntCMilty break them dawn.
rotslbly , b t I fear that l ng
dl Dnt Bt will b M * nntrtnally x-
iMad It will bo * as nnlTcrnlly
f U , aad tkat long bttora the shrewd
ptllilclaa tlotcets Els stlGsh gMni la
pi tt tl e tke M U ayalust tkan
mllll nalrs th outpaced psopU will
take matters late tkslr own haads.
anil break amd dtstroy and Itnni ana
f 11 dwm those m n and these tklagn
whiak are aot to their llkbg.
Let m | tT yon an lUuntratton of
the audacity ! these people , I ealleel
aUeatloa befero to tke nttor dliregard
of subtle eomvenlonco and deeeoey
raanlfested Inr the managora of the
eleTated roads an * ef the surface
roads. A. day or twe ago the oommea
eonnsll , ky virtue of their right in the
matter , passed nnanimonily a rasolu-
tle reamdng the fare on Tanderbllt's
load frem 6 to 6 eeats. la an later-
view witk oao of the offirUls ef the
road tke pmblte was Informal thai Mr.'wbilt did not eare a "damn" fer
tke eoaimen eonmell any more than ke
does fer tke pnbllo that wklek elntetl
tksm. He latends te ekarge 0 eente
ana to eollect It , aad , falllnf la tkat ,
te ejsct vaetengsra from his ears. Be
feels klnuelf , witk his $200,00t,000 ,
abere the oemosen eonnell and above
their eaiem. That ko , by meaaa of
skrewd lawyers and eomplaeeat
judges , aid ky sieeessfvl aayeals maf
tarry kla polat fer years ke seme ls
lte yontble , knt deeta't tkat f re.
2 nee aay effeet on the pablle mlndl
Doesa't my lord drive aaotket aall
late kb eoma , rapidly arestailagf
Doeea't ke saap kts flaftm 1m tke
very faeee ol kle fellow m a ? Aad , aa
the eaveleyee klmself La kls | M
eealskia eoat and draws tke reins evei
kls IH.OOO keme , deesa't ke telteeafe
hUdeslie tkat tke fiklie ke d aedl
Well , lew , TaadeiWlt mlgkt M well
mader Uad ink as last tkat tke f iklle
wea't ke d Bed te ebllge aim er any *
kedy else. Boll , fatlent , feibearlag ,
leag saferian , kmt tkey ate Jnst tke
klad ef wema te tans eeme of tkeee
btif ht days aad to yaak MTsvadee -
bllt e t ef kk sal kla eoat aad Bit
klm freetaely wkeie he aad kU W-
Ib U always eaey te i eal aaetk * *
mam's memoy , kwt I eftea lan k wbea
Ikea "UlkadTam-
eo leaayiBg : -
dgrkllts memeylwomU do so and ee.
Peikan tkey weald , axd yevkaps tke/
woalda'L Bat wltkix a stone's-
tkiew ef Yandevkllt's vesy kamdseme
kemse staads tke neat eatkedfal ef
eui elty mmimlsked , witk Ita two fas-
eem ltte tewen stierektaf my tewafd
keavem waitlaf fei tkebr sylwta. I
dom't say wkat I weald de U I k4
Ut. TamderWlt'e memey , kmt It weald
ke a very ( teat tklag if ke were te
keadOardlaal Medoekey kle eke k
te oovet tke meeecsary eatUy with am
eimamemt te tke eity amd a eredll to
tke ekmrek wklsh kallt it Oar yaiki
meed statm at Ukiafiee meed kooks ,
en yoor aeeskeif , emt elty , great
amd pewlag ae H is , la-la mamy esiset.
Hal teepeete laekoate , and ky me
meams a int-eiaes mettevoUe. Drtfck-
lag feemtalms , se eik balldlags , great
bee UkraiUa aad siajrk enuwseettattooe
ae yet te eeme as glfte ftem | ratsful
mem , wkeee talemU kave developed
late fertmmee , and wkoee fortaitee
kave ! ( * * < " * DM tkeserahree mmtil
tkey cvemhadew tke savings ol a eity.
f P te > Oeomet , wkoee aeemmmlaUd
wsaltk U ae stotklmg ky tko sMe of tkat
ef tke Tamdetkilte a d tko Oealde ,
kae kollt amd emdewed am lastiteUoa
ef leandmg wUek geaematleaa aftet ke
kae gone aad kits evelated lake a pee-
feeVid Jetei dees * * , wlU eoeociage
tke kimkle , will ijuttiet tke i aemat ,
will oaeo my patks of of.ful eeesiye > -
tlom te tkoosamds of eklldien y t am-
bon. la evevy eotevpilse wkere
soand aeneo mod peemalary aiaHjUuee
can be availed at Petei Ooopai'a name
and tiaui and thonakt and momoy eve
at tko dlvx > aAl ef tke piswoters rrf tke
enterprise. He ia a sklalng and Hloa-
trioma example to tke Xstors , wko
uevsrkvUd exoept to isat ; to tke
VandtrbeJIt who nsvM built exoept
for their own selfuh Aoooumtodatlou ;
to Jay Qauld who has uevar spent a
dollar In the oity aud who discreetly
eouooala Us p raonallty In a county
tuat up ihu rlvyr. _
About Applou.
The bnyurs all waut ted applm.
Tkey say they sull the boat. ThU
fancy foi color Las yivou Ualdwiua a
boom , aa tkey are rod and handle and
ship well , ' /bore Is aaokkor advant
age foi the fruit the tiue is hardy
aad a constant boarei. I do not like
the apple to eat , but on account of Its
market valno and the hardlncas of
the tree and strong bearing propon-
alty , In an orchard of 100 trues I
would plant soventy.flvo Baldwin * .
Too many varlotioe of fruit are a
nuisance. Thar make an ondleu
amount of wort , uid many kinds ,
whllo they havoa valno for homo use ,
are untultod for keeping or shipping
They do not pay. The Enopua Spit-
xeubnrgh , I think , la thodatntlott fla
vored apple that grows. My mother
would have tie other for her mince
pica and oompany apple MOOO this
liad to be extra nice , you know but
ulnco thoeonntry has become so open ,
exposed to the cold wlndt , the ttcoa
winter-kill. The Soltionburgh wants
protection and n virgin eoil. T\o }
latter requirotnanta can bo mxlo up in
part by the nio of ashes , and the
former by planting wlnd-bronVa ol
nvergroons. I treated a otnntod
Famonae apple tree twenty yrra ago
with a wheelbarrow load of leached
aahea , and that trco chows the benefit
of it to this day. Somehow , wo all
Uko the kind of npploa we n cd to eat
when wo were young , and ao Hhodo
Island GroonlngH , Glllllloworn atlll
hare a plaoo In oar ho.irts nnd In my
oroharrt. They brltiR to mind the
llmoa when neighbors tiocd to "como
over and spend the evening" these
old-faahlonod , Informnl vIMts , in
whloh apples filled an Important p rt
of the Eoclnl ohcor. They mod to keep
company with the doughnuts whou wo
were young.
A Iloynt Knelo ,
Walker Oonnty ( Ox ) UcmetiKrr.
J. U. MoWhortor klllod last Frl-
day , onO'half mlle from his house , an
eagle that raeaenrod elx Mid a nnlf
feet from tip to tip. Color black , with
brown head and white tall. The aprcnd
of the olaw a little over seven Inches.
The royal bird had tried to eoonro a
dnok for his next meal , but fallen ! .
Mr. MeWhortor loaded his pun with
small buckshot , and at the Ilrnt fire
broke the caglo'a leg , bat failed to
bring him to the ground. When ho
flew off ho followou htm , and succeed
ed in getting a shot at him on the
wing , which pat an end to hla prowl-
PnciHc Oocvot
Blx lontlemon In Bcnton county ,
all well knowa and highly rcgpoctod ,
hold a eomferento In this city on
Wednesday for organlr.lnt ; a company
to build a schooner for the rnnnfglln-
trado. The plan , aa dltcneiod , ia to
build a large steam schooner at Ya-
qnlna bay , ostensibly for the eosetinr ;
trade. She Ia to be very anbrtantial ,
to carry a largo amocnt of c uvas ,
and to bo smpplied with the motH Im
proved amd powerful machinery , with
the view ef making her the swiftest
craft In northwoat writers. The erow
is to bo of tried and foarleea inen ,
each bound by what Is knowu among
plratos aa the "black oath. " After
making among pirates along the Oregon
gen eoast she will ran to Vancouver
Island , where the principal cargoes of
contraband goods are to bo tteurcd.
Returning , they will land the article *
In email quantities at the Menth of
Sllcts river , Oapo Foul weather , and
Taqnioa and Useya bays. Tkey will
also arracgo with vessels ongsged In
the Portland. China trade to bring
opima froca Ohiiia , which will be
barrels and mb-
paeked in water-tight -
mr aaeka , amd tkrown oveikoatd two
or three daft' sell outside of tke Oo-
Immbla bar , to bo picked np ky the
eehoonef , wklch will bo ermMng 1m
tko Tletnlty.
Haar what ene member of tha prfl n
tttflM ragaratlna ; tha acltntlfl * trapara-
tten ef a erether member.
Mr. Bawiet _ M kM la tke 4raf kwlaea * la
ti dty of rMTMeata twaaty-lra vaan M alark
ra 4 kaewvwkeie
M > . S > . mr , " f i fvaan
brtaMely at tU H. wtU wkat I * r * raliy called
Tttn fr WaeB-ntaitaakall WM ! ne4
t * mybW aa eemM at walk a iley. I eo-J4
4 k ai tke wl kt * t mj WdtletkM n ax era
taUa WM lha afeay I an < aiW. I alwayt ae
k 4 tkat totoia tkiw attack ! aaaa M my kid-
yt wex aflattaeT. t l ra then weald ke aaf
* _ t > la mj IkmU M aay iw < Blf ( of Jalata ei link * ,
tM eotet el tha ariaUaai f ttm tka kleaeyi w-emM
k * vety 4uk aid the a4 r itreaf aael l T Uh
Tha la t aAtaak WM rery aeTMtaktet Ire yuan
aira , a 4 I wa a alae < to the hive aettral
wwkj , aas WajnakU M attea * k * V eJo la
Une m-Mka lwU tke kkee I WM eolae <
at _ t aai4 Ik * ktata t mj eanlMene I
Uyad tow tke ke t e ej that I MmM aktala ,
kit aaae ef thaai rare me ptntaaMl i < HW , t i
tkerd > 4aatfeMwiikattkeoaMatke irteb-
J * . Bartaf ! * * aa oalated witk Ikrryrle -
tDiaf mmVt KamedaUof Mate I w i ln net
ky MB te § U. M a trial , ho lntf that it _ lkt
NMktke tut ( f tka 410 * * * : ud alter taUag
eat kettl * I ama < nyaek Ttrmmck lB.pnred ,
_ M < alter tehtef teh a Mad Iwa * feellif Urter
Mkaa t kU after aay fitiltm t * ktUag Ue Kern-
ay mj haafc a > < tngeM weuld ke mieli iw l-
k.aa4itll Tety awralig ; my Wfl sKelatbe
eglaa tt iteaarkua * epU c waa-rcry laaeeaiA
e-alttre , at > > I wiald ke takra with aeiere
raaept ( TeiUeaplaea , an4 be olUf to M'Pr ' :
aartaj4a ear * * ' * t r temporary talicf. I wt > i
very arreoa ) al kki and could it * i ! < ; 1 w _ >
k | 4 to be rcry faitlcvar la ny diet , aad ray
BhyilealfaAem WM tadldenofeJUeJ , IUri
I ka e takea Hmnfl aenerty ayKeuiattaall ; ' all
tm thtap have ahatf edj I hare n * iwbllra
ha4 of b U , a * pain * ar Mamp * U the lUe ,
eaetaUk > < * < raod , riaep nenJIy
kkeMU kJy retted , abs mj kldrxya are
wad urtnrm IWJr * aIMoM prarupdy , thus tak-
lf wat < l the fyittm al the potanooaaiecrerloei
wlch aaatamlute thi whole syitaa wkere the
kUatyi 4o not aot ( fl.notly. My frien < i , what
lluat'i BemWy hM < : * f r me It will j for a < l
tt yo L 1 beU re It U N the oaJy nr IJT 11
aeiee af MM klcaeyi , Iret aad uaUary or-
"Havna't tintit te talk eome BOO
MM mext you , " said tke AdaotH ox-
reeevam to tke reporter yesterday , an
ke drew a long breatk btttwexn cacJi
w ( rd. The knadles were Hying about
tke big loom like brl ks Im an ! oo-
tl * riot , only thoee who o r.nt thuu
did not cot kmrt. "Kaw York , I'aoll ,
Bryis , Mawr , Obester , Trenton , " and
so on , the men went down the llflt lu
raufd iuoc4slou.
"What ia in the bundles ? " asked
the reporter.
"Don't kaowl hope nothing ox
plolva , o * somebody will got hurt1
answered tko cxprMiioan. "I\nou -
tor , Mount JOT" * ud so ou ho oou-
tliiu d the icutonoi ,
"Tliny , man ; send thlth to my
papn , " a litttlo flrl ; crlod out &s aliu
hauded ever a hmall packugo to the
dork. The roan looked at the direction
tion- , took the inouoy , and the young-
eat went off lu high glee , There won
long llnea of people at the dusk , and
tbov had all sorts of bundles under
tbolr arms from diamonds and
watches down to email volodpodw.
Just now the oxprewman La an auto
crat. IIo moves around with air ol
ludoponoo , whistles in an aggrovatlng
joattor and makes hUosolf generally
' '
ft S2S a Ki S.'f
At other Union , vrhon
there IB uu rush , the oxprcmniMi
would ho wuloomoil , Now ho In
cnrsocl nnd iltscno oil for not bolni ; on
tlino , the ntornkuopcra ntul otlipts ( or *
Rotting the blp rnsh , and thnt ororj-
body else trMttfl the entno inivn they ao
nrdcntly dcsiro.
The ccnntry oonslna ro In town
from long diittMicon. E oh hiw on *
or moro trunkn. "Sljr oonntrjinon
they arc , " mid nn old dtirtr of the
Union Transfer comriiuiy. "Thee *
folks bring th tnintca empty , nd
then p k thorn full to send home.
They MVA paying eiprcnn bllli that
way , and IIRTO them well taktu oaro
of. "
r r
at Schnitcr A Heonl'i
ntons you OAII grit r > Runple bottle of Dr.
Ikvumkn'i Coi h nail lAinc Hyrui > wlilolt
will rrlloTc Ilia nu t obttlnftto Cotiph or
Ocld , and * how yon what kfce trvuUr ( K )
oont sirs will do. When troiiblnl with
Aitlimft , limnchlUs Dry , Ilnckin ; Ooneh
r l n lu thn Clicrt , Mid all dlnMnen of Iho
Threat nd Luuu\ try a ( ampl * bnttU of
Onr IUipart r'aV
During htiiMnMinUll Irason , cur Ur.M. ( kn
taVon U | < on hlnvil' the twk ct nU > flninnr rwi-
meroiig fM tri kkat wtialeier Rocds iru iuaon >
a 4 rcil In our goodly city of lon t WlBums ,
aroolanhfh a gr do ami an duo In qiwllty an
MB bo protlncoit In uy upot on the Klnho. K -
poclillr li thin no when the skilled I'harnucM of
anr yotn ripcrlonco iMOlfin tooitriot from
tiho flnwt botancliJ Hpoclmoad of the Tivttahlo
TTOrlJ tha mcnfl. ] > o xit oaiufar POIIU rK > dl dls-
c m ) In | oefof his asicnluii that 1'roiUlciao
afloidi the lx t , hti rolfctoi an Interview nMi an
atquMulanou , Rlten him whlloio Joiinlncltm.
j > ratlljit her rou'dcnco. the rit ) ' , "About *
) M I gafferod ccTtuoly firm rhf imtMlmi Ininy
llmba , and rur JjU ( In thn kond , which 1 aeiliV'
ed twoor threomnitks , with an much p lloico
aa porelhln , htlng nmlor Uo troatmrnt of mi n-
nlleiit doctor , and tryliir. many klniln 1 1 luul-
Icln * wlthont a y nartixl hcnoKI. At lait k
nodical frlntul nlfboil mo la tr ll'tnt'o Ilcmcily
bocaiiao ho attiljnitctl my MToronffuilrto | I ho
bail oondll Ion of my kliaeyn , which wet oner. jwr.
fonnbiK Uelr pro nc fan U i , and 1 coiimrn-
cwl Mid In a taw < ayn tke DMnlg < a luid iK | > ar
ted , My headache had tnllKtly dl | < | knaicil , the
nrcllloK In my llmtx uid Jnluta ka < l uotw , Hid I
kaT n tkad a toack ( It tlnoe More rccoiitly
I ww U-uk' 4 with tzwiultj ( the lilted , which
nkowa4 Iktlf In KTMO nipHoai * n toy h * . 1
a aln rtnnixl to Huit'i KBii4r , and after k k-
Infll aafiatt tli o WM oottpluttly currd of Die
onpUlnt. Buut'i T ndy ku prorid rery
beuvlclal to me la aiMk < of alck hffcXich * ulcli
Italwayi allcTlakw , au < I aitlce thi Improv.
m nt aooa u I r * o tk l ui > dy. nita Rem
edy kai tf Utkubittlo | i < nti , tor It Iian made
114 I cl mnch Wronger , and bM l > uea Tcrj-lune.
Idal to lay ifwiaralhialUi. I MOithtartlly rcc <
oonaad It W all ( tauten Ilk * tiiyiolf. > D. I. .
. TODIM. Ma. IX l'ul ltr < Mt. * ' nuuly
knaw ( hit 111. W. V. Ouk ! . manuUotilrtr of
Uuoff ] Uuti4y batklUed Pharioaclut of many
jaui'axperi'orMf , an4a p aailm > tit uiuubur of
u Btato Moaid of Ittatniacy. Kir.
Gi mt Profit *
AJIxrt 6. Maia , of OulUtt Home , H.Myti
" 1 IUTO Wwa ppotrato4 f r three or UIU.M ) yuan
with kUn.jd JUMattl i i I wfcl not aklc to put
ou my Uxiti , ) wile bu ofUn pulled t-tni on
lor DI I wa * not * kad aj U t all tbu tlmu
lilt I cTtr knew what It WM to k * without pain
la my hack until I ouwinMied uilnj Uotit'i
fc > iu 4y. i * cw I IMI au to t k ( unt'f Itwnmly
I hart kwn fr from nil ptUc , an I Uko plta .
nru Uiatyliii ; that It In Iko kmt maWlcIno tkat I
Ttr knew tor klilnny u\t liiti liMm "
MTl. J. KWilli * , it Da
Medical Electrician
ot Elodrapathlc iMMhiMia , Phllv
dcli > ha ! , 1'crira.
fiffloc Cor , Broadway k Bljan ATO.
i BLUlTi , IOWA.
Tlic trmtment of all doaiie ! and M4afsl
Sculttoa iHicullu- frnwlra a
Wortlilly point t * kbe
AJ an artlelo of until rare ana * eiredln ( ( merit a
diwcrw a jilooo on orery ilduteird ,
ABootul O ) i > i > f I * uV J t M Jj
iiiont wtlcomo accciuory of frlindly lnturtoir | o
( xiculUrly tucurititblo at partluK. Unuork , an
tin rcaily , I'unchuj liruuul at rixjuuit aru fa
Ulilinl It In flavor.
OIIUxl oratcru nut ir dU-lowi
Tlio rutl hourtu whence tliolr oloqncnco flow *
ItcUovo rne , U comes , alter dinner or lunclir '
From a Rating Ixiwl of UUAVKh' HUH 1'UNOII
Tlie naino and tltlo-"IIUU I'llNUlI" lifclofv
tMtwiatr.dc mark All unauthorised use o
tbla trade uiark will bo promptly proeocutod ,
0 , U. aitAYKBABO.NH , IIO.STON , UAfli
Tt"nOBI'tNCIl" If sold lr all leaJlag fan
JT. TCT5T. * 7J IT 3C OEt 33 Wto O E3 .
Lands and Lots Bought and Sold.
337 Brondwuy , Oonnoil Bluffs , Iowa ,
( Successors to J. W. Rodefer )
Oflloe No , 34 Ponrl Btreot , Yarda Oor. Eighth Street and
Eleventh Avonno. Council Rlnffii.
Milwautee & St Paul
It IMW rnnnuiK lla FACT EXl'UEBS TlUIkIS
Fnllman's lapificent Sleepers
Finest Dining Oars in the World.
Or to anr point boTond ; or
Tak * the 11ERT UOU7B , ttn
Chicago , Milw&ukoo&St.PaulB'y
Hckft nfflc * lornttd at rornir Farnam and
ronrtii'iilh itrcdo and at U. 1' . IH'pot aid at
lllllaMl Hot 1 , OmMia.
/M9co TlmoTahle In anothir oolniaB.
F. A. JIAHII , Ctnural Arcnt.
0. II. FCXITI , Tlckrt Afrnl , Omaha.
H. I. MfltKIM. , A. T. II.
. .
OtniTalHnp't. Am'tOiii.l'Mt. Agtnt.
"IJy a thorijtvk knowWge of Me natcral tawi
nliloli K ° ve'n Itie oparUtnnl ot dlttrMoi a * <
nutrition , and IIT a ere < l appllcattria ol tkt <
Bne nropcrMni ot w4UoHMl Ooooa , Ml ,
Erm baa nroMdod cm IjmaJilut tabbi with a
dwleattly aararwl IrevetaeTe wkloh way tare at
motif bi TT docture' Mile II It by the frvNcl'ias
BMbf noli arUclea ol dUt tkat a adaaMtntloa
may be iraduaJly built up onMl etronc enonfh
ko rMlut n-rj tendency to dlaeaie. uoai'redi
of rabtlo meladlee in BoaMni ; amuud aa ready
to Mtark wkircier tfcore U a wutk | iclnt. Wi
may oeoape many a MaJ akaft by lJnf | on )
culVM well fnrtllitd with tmro blood and a uror-
uiy no-rtahnl fwnte. " Clrll H < > rvlce ( laMtte
lifade ( iVrui'ly wlMi botllnc waW or milk , tct
U UM aaJr ( j-lh ami Hi ) . tal > le < l
817 hi. Olaorli * BL. KT LOUIX fM-
i. afcOULAU UiiAIJUATl of two intdUm
"ll' * l.luJ IH.UJI loiiyw uigioj | in the treat-
inttl of OHItOtllU , MIUVUU4. SIUK AN !
r.LOOU IMwmo * than another iii > ! cl n In IH.
Ujii ! u dty I P IH eiiow and Al old ruililoiiti
know OdubuJlaMoH free and Imitoil. When 11
lr Inconvvnloiit to1 U tko dty for treatment ,
uu'iliilnM r n bo mr.t by null or oxfrma ovuiy
whoru. CuoLle iiun KUi.rauiaud ; v\horo doubl
mlitnltld frankly tilted. ( Jail or wntv ,
Nsrvoim prontmUun , Dtlilllty , Mental
i'liyflcol WoaknuuH , Morcufial auO
Ju'.Uinn ot'fhtnut. tiklu and lioncii ,
Jlood linpiiutltii ) i.nd
hiiHvlimcnU |
1'Htii ripocid lUtMiti'iti to OitHon frcii
'i. riUlUUOALi
receive nKiclal | nltctitiiui. IMnenic.i tirinluy
Innu luiini'lcm | i , tixui.tfirj , liuliilnciiicu
ry > wl' ' ° "iay "ot |
. aiunui , coiiBwiuoncei
and euro , Bualvd for 'Xxi iKj Ui/u or tUnijia ,
Justice ot the Peace and
Notary Public.
.f6 Broad way , Council Bluffs ,
'i '
OOL. L. T.
lYouagitowB , Ohio , Ma/II , 1880.
Di. U. J. Kn AUj * Co. I had af Terr valua
ble UamblokmUn cult thai larlsad iry highly ,
hotml a ku-a bona enarlB cm OBI Joint and a
email ono on the oihir which audi him Tery
Wuiio ; I had him ondar tha ikarge at two Tcter-
knarrargnonn whioh mMU to tax htm. I nil
one fay roadlng the i dTarttaemeat af Kendall's
Spavin Cure In _ oChleafoBxpTe , I determined
at oace to toy It atid fet wr eracitata bore ts
ard forlt , i ml ahojr ordtMd thrvt kottleu ; I took
aU and I thoiucht I would fire It a Uioroiurb
trial. I UKX ! II amordlic to dlwcMoaB and the
looiui JAT , U-.o oolt caeie < l to be lane and the
lumre hJiTo illapiu red. I tuatl bat ono bottls
ad thaoolt'illiuba aieai tree of lompiandas
atnooth a * any borM lu the alaU Holifiillre-
ly ourid. Ttio euro waa M remarkable that
hare lettwo of mr nahboN ! have the remain-
taC lwo lOttI who ireaow uelnzll
fury reapactftiDr ,
Nad tor ( llatlritid ciroojur flvltr ; poBllIra
fKtJ. PAttn. AJ1 Drutcuy bar * II or can
Etttfor YOU. Dr. n. J. Ke < KU _ Cat , Fro-
rtletoic , boiliar b l-alii , Tt
DUappcnr bcforo tko potCoot alt ratlvo
and tools effect of the greatest of all Blood
rnrillen. It 10 oini.itftc'lroota . out nil
poleoD from the kluixl amil nraacfl the ilol > -
UlUt tl njrntciu , that dlaeano * of tills nature
di'apiitrr Uko snaff bufow the wind.
8. H. B. , cured ino of Scalp Sow , Sores
In Nonlribt and Kan , alter orerythlnij
known to the uiodleal pforonion had failed.
Throe niontlin have paawxl aiate I quit
Using B. S. K. ; thai * U uK/iu [ om of the
eiiMMUC iciiuduInK ; I ain poruunently
tnrcd. It atMuU uuivalixl ft > r Blood lia >
Macs , " Jwo. S. TAOOAHT ,
S-UinAnca , N , i [ .
"B. B. 8. rUnda without t > peer. The
rofutiilou will I WTO to nckaowloUgo it n
Sl citiu fur Rlood DUcaMM , "
lr N. Ii. OAJ.LOWAT , Abwlr'i
"About four or Cvs wocka ace I was
with u TCIJT aggravated typo of
I eoaumooeod tiaaiK H S. 8.
and after takliiK tbo Unit bottle felt
nmieh nillovcd Miai I bought five moro ,
nail nin Klrul to any , nftor ulu lour of them ,
thftt I nin cntlrtJy curoJ , farovloualy liavlng
Leon undtf medical atvlo A > v noverol
luonUut. " O. O. IUTOMTK.
Klchinoud , Vn.
"After iinfTorlnir from UMJ wo rot , Blued
DlnMkoe f or more than twoyonra , andlmv.
luft ht n troatud tiy novorM ominciit ] ihynl-
eiJw , couliiuxl U > uiy room and bou the
ip-niiter part o bo line , my hody covered
with copwr-colorod BOKH from the nlzo of
n | * u V ) that of a Hllver hnlf-dollar , I wun
well nlyh bi dcbpiiir. At hut I couitnnnced
takluK H. H. B , In a uhnrt tliuo I btan |
to liii | > rove In ttoli , nil the Boron hoalr > dand
I could fuel and know that I wna well , and
to B , S. H. iinut the credit lie ( ilvbn of
my ciiliro rvuioratloii to lioaltb. I have
not taken a doie for over blx inontlm , and
mu na free from porea or bleiulHh lui any
one. " LOTTIK HOHH , Atlanta , Ga.
"Improvrd nftor tiiklni ; the Qrut bottle
of H , S , t > , ; in two \vc-olin WJH ahlo to como
homo , lindltift lliH uuteiu wcro no Innant. "
J. W. Hum , Newport , Ark.
"Our pclonco hax not mada L-iunvnnooi -
Muatlon cimU to K , S. H , for uUin or blood
I'll , C ! , , M n con , ( . .a.
A Ouro GnaritnttiiiV
Pi. E , \ruitaX < cito&uil UriluTrratmnnl
A tyrMettn Iljctoria , IilirJucu , Oonrolilooi ,
Hoifouo llndichc , UonlM l/cpreuelon , Lori '
Mciuory.Ct/urmatorrhica.Injpotency arolttataiir
KinliuloiD , I'reiuaturo Old Ave , ciuaed byorer-
exertion , i .f-abue , or ovor-lndoence. ! wbll
l dj to ralMiy , deciy aod dentb. Onoboiwl
jure rrcunt caaci. Kich box conUlni one mcoth
treatment , Oni dollar a box , or ilxboxeilei
Ivo UolUn ; ajot by uull prepaid on receipt ol
prlco. We jrumnUo ilx boxe * to care any caia ,
wltli each order received by ui for itx bom , o >
omr nled with five dolUn , will lend the pur-
-h ser oui wrltteo vnarantee lo retvrn ths
money tt Ibe treatment dotp not affect a tori.
0. f , Goodman , OnurrM , loll. Wholetaliaa
( Dl atOnaaha , l | t ) . Oram by nulljat
laail Abwlr