THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA MONDAJT , JANUARY I The Da ilyBee. CQUKCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Jan. 1. MINOR MENTIONS. J. Mueller's PftlacoIMnulo Hall. -Old papers for sale at Tim BHIJ offic t 23 cenUporhnndrtd. There wore only two lodgers at the calabooio 8nturd y night. John Hozos complalnn of John Me Cartliy for a s nltlng him. There have been dutlnj the past ycai thirty alarms of fire in tbo city. Dishes , glMRwaro , lannw , etc. , at 30 : Broadway. Howe ft Son. Imported and Key West cigars con. tantly on bund at LuU & LaDRe's. Ilev. Dr. Klrkwood , of Wo-jster , O. , again occupied Uio Presbyterian pnlpll ye tord y. The Rojal Arcanum had a ploasanl social reunion at their elegant hall Frld j evening last. The cltlrcns' bank will probably mnv < Into its new and elegant quarters in Shu gart's block to-day , The postofiico windows will bo opor tfl-doy from 10:30 : to 11:30 ft. m. and froir G to 8 o'clock p. tn. Ilnrlo McICuno & Co. , wholcsalo and retail druggls'c ' , did a buslneMi thla yooi amounting to f'JOO.OOO , Subsctlbo for newspapers and periodl cols at H. E. Seaman's book store. LnU & Lange have now opened ft re tall store In connection with their whole- B&lo cstftblUhment In Shugort's now block , Conrad Gelso has brewed tills yeai 15,000 barrels of beer , and claims for hlscs tftblisbmont new the rank of the largest It tbe3tato. Among Saturday night's drunks wen and Totn Cole Johneon W. McPhesraon , who will bo adjusted In the police cour this morning. Jndgo Aylesworth h vlnc ROQO tc , Kansas City , and to bo absent until TueB d y , Justice Abbott is sitting on tbo woo sack M a substitute. Furniture of all kinds repaired b ; Howe & 8on , 303 Broadway Lutt & Lnngo's fine selection of nm bsr , meerschaum and smokers' Kondaof thi best grades IB supplying the holiday do miind In that lino. This evening the Council Bluff. ) Cnth olio boys' baud Is to glvo Rraml bal tjBlet > m & Nixon's hall whlel promlies to bo an event of much en jay mont. The city council Is to meet In roguU senlon this evenlntf , but owing to UH be ing New Year * * night tbp aldermca wll probably do llttlo bufUitBS and adisuri early. * * The board of trade wlll i j. In rerftila c'VenitH , to elect cfllcore nrt tra.niftct'othor hhifuesii ti Importance wblqh Slrevld call. brr - * mil attendance o jnirobcri. Louven was or. A man m nod Van tested P 'urday for assaulting hl wife being claimed that ho pointed a revolve her. She has taken a chance ol vcnu from Judge Aylesworth to Juutlco Ab "bolt. Mrs. Caroline Bllec , who lately 1m f& . Mrs. Martin fined for assaulting her , hn now been adjudged Insane nnd taken to th Mt. Pleasant nnylum. She has lived her tot years aud w&u known as a fortuu teller. The Chicago & Northwestern rallwa company was complained of Saturday bi fore Judge Aylesworth for obittuctin Thlrlccuth street by allowing cars t Blond upon tbo name. The coco wai cot tlnued until next Saturd&y. Judge lleod has decided the CUBO < ThllllpB vs. the city , In favor ol the oil ; Mr. Phillips' complaint was that tbo clt w s Illegally culling down the grade < the street by his houBO , thereby damafclti his property , and be got out onlnjuncttoi fl'he cwo was argued some days Dg'o , m ii now decided in favor of the city. Arrangements have been made f opening the coming fair for the benefit i Bt. Francis academy , with the pretent tion of a muilcal chorftda entitled ' Qiioc of the Blrdi , " which will be pirtiolpati In by a number of the children , and whli promises to bo very enjoyable. This w bo given on'.the evening of the 22d. The Datiebo society gave ita first a oual ball Saturday evening at Bloom ftlxcn'u ball , aud It proved a grand u cess every way. It wan a turprieo to B tbat there were no many young Irluh pc pie In this city , and they all teemed mer indeed. The hall waa beautlfuly dect a ted , andTbeodoro Lund , the pioslder node a brief and fitting addrcta. A change about was made in the ( rail force yesterday. Olilccra Clough a Cutlck are placed on day duty , and tether other * on night. Oflicer Brooks Is take weit Broadway , Edt > r CeutrolBrot w y , Morse , Middle Broadway , Sterllr Hontb Main street , and Barhyto , the Kl ward. Officer Ty on bos been omigned the transfer , and maiobed down there lull force yesterday with hl utar gluitnl like a headlight. He yill doubtless mt it decidedly Interesting If any oonOaoi men or iharka hover about there while b on duty. Omaha returned the compliment S urday and eont over here-aloDg etrinu leiglu. containing a merry party of la" and gentlemen , most of whom made trip Bucccwfully , though some were not fortunate , nd ft few wrccktd rigiiw Bcattered along the route. The party \ accompanied by a b ud , which gave cellent muilc , an l all were mott heart welcomed here , though no f onnal and v planned reception was given them. Si -vislta tre ( 'ocldedly eBJoyable , both to i excHrelonUti and to the cltfeena thun h orcd. They tend to cement the frlendrl of the two cities. The promlte ii mi that another and er n larger party fr Oinaba will vhlt thii side about the die of the week , accompanied by \ Union Twine nd Fourth Infantry ben They may be sure of A welcome. In the meantime , Council BlnfTi should show Again what It cnn do , As h pretty Rencrally conceded now throughout the country , Council BlulTs U one. o ( the bent distributing paint * , and tin heavy Agricultural Implement nnd machin ery houtcs are therefore all cstnbllshlnK dopartmeati hero , As n mtnplo of how the btnln ( . s (9 ( booming In thit line It may bo aUted that the Keystone Mnnu- fncluring company sold latt year from here forty cor loads ot tholr goodn , and this wts their first year here , Thcao goodn were Ml sent out ou bona fide tales , none being commlnnloncd. The nowii of the death of Mrs. W. J. Davenport , at Burlington , has caused much pain to the many frlomln ) of that o * . t ! in able woman , Mm. Davenport wan ngod about S3 years , and tvan married to Mr , Divcnport some year * ago , v.'hilo ho was railway ngont at Corning , Ho hai risen rapidly ulnco then , and occupied a prominent position hero for a long litno. during which both gained a strong hold upon the Gutioin and bdectlon of thU com * munity. Mrs. Davenport's romalns will bo taken from Burlington tn her former home lu Lanark for interment. THE CAFTUHE OF COUNCIL BLUFl'A 1IY OMAHA. Jingle , jingle , jingle. Ilcro comoa Omaha 1 The roll of the dram , prancing ol horai-n , waving of plumes and lUgs , the merry laugh and the lunty about and the old-time enemy of Council BlulFn , our former rival for the Union Pacilia terminus power and prestige , waa on our streets with at loaat a hun dred horaon. Wo greeted them cor dially ns be co in on neighboring aiatcro. Wo are frhnda now , and BO may wo always roiniln. The dawn of a now era nf poae and pronporlty for both cltloo la , wo truer , foroahiidowud by this communion via the icy bridge , which will , no doubt , ore long be sup plemented by a permanent structure with such tolls us to inako communi cation practically free. A return of the friendly raid will bo a matter of course , and it remains to bo aeon whether Omaha or Council Blufla IB ahead in the matter of Gnu horne flesh , nobby cutters and the crowd that can in a pinch hitch nnmothing to tome kind of u slider. Let the fun goon , and Council Bluffs once moro to the broach 1 And ore another week goci by your prancing stnodo will by thr hundreds acattor the ioo and nnow on the streets of Omaha. Whoop la I laj on MacDalF 1 CRUMBS FROM COURT i An Interesting Turn lu tu Trial of u On e. In the district c art on Saturday , the trial of the f. > .so of Daniel Owens iras contluvi 7 , lie with ono George Boiillcv t/otU briikumon on the 0. B , & Q ware charged with having ob tniueU a pay oheok for eighty dollar ! dtfo Wu < IVTcOnon , and getting il 'oinhod ' for choir own benefit. As thoj demanded a aopcrato trial , Owens wai first put to the rack. Savcrnl wltnoaaci we're examined , aud to the enrpriao o all , hla partner , Bentley , was placet on the stand by the prosecution Bentley avowed that Owens * go McOucn's pay chock of the paymaato by representing himself as McOuon and then tried to cash it at the bank but could not , ou aoconti of hla falling to bi Identified. lie then gotBmitloy t < try it , and the two wont to Furinau'i store , whom they bought a pair o puJM , and Bentley got the balance o chock in c th , which ho gave ti Oiroun , the pants being his pay fo passing the check , This now turn ii the tmuo gave u freah bit of aplco to it and the trial la to bo continued nnc probably concluded to-morrow , ti which time adjournment was taken. There sctnim to have boon oomo mis apprehension us to the figure whlol McCuon cuts in the case. IIo i simply n vrltnena , the pay check b ; rights belonging to him , and ho bcln In no way charged or suspected o any thing wrong in tlio mattor. Ohlldron'i ) heavy school hose D Ilarknoao , Orcutt & CO.'B. Save your money by buying hora I blankets nnd lap robes at C. J. Book mau'a ' , 335 Broadway. Ollico Opening. To the Attorneys , Editors , BUB ! ncsa Men and Citizens ; My juitlco ol fioo , rooms 3 and 4 , over the Saving bank , or in Odd Fellows block , wi ! bo open for Now Year callers from 1 b , m. to 8 p , in , on Monday , W. It. VAUOIIAN. W. T. BKAUN Is doing a Vila bualnoas. FINKOAKES , CANDIES , BOOTH'S OYSTERS. NUTS. NUTS.CIGARS CIGARS , GRAPES , IMPORTED ORANGES. Delicacies of a thousand kinds. Th choicest variety in the city , T. 0 , Alboo Notion to saloon koo ] era Do not lot thla T. 0. Alboo ha\ no more drink , ROHETTA ALIIKE , Tno Qorman Band. to Tbo Editor ol Tin Ilu. BLUFKH , Iowa , Doe. 30.- The article in Saturday's Globe r garding the Gorman band intondli to leave Council Blufla for Germai la false lu every particular , nnd f the information of the public I wi to atato that wo have made arranj : monts to Increase our number thirteen this coming epring. JOHN HKUTUKU , Luadoi of "That Llttlo Germ Bsnd. " At the door a saoV , full aud plum "How is this ? " "What la it ? " "Lo " " " "Wi BOO. "Dyuanilto pcrhapj. I'll chance it. " "Hollo , here's card , " "Oomplimonta of Holl'inaj & Co , , City Roller Mills. " Fan Patent Extra Family Flour. T result Finest biacuit over placed the table of the scribbling acribe. A are your'a truly. Come again. Now Years Is the time to ma preeonta , and Kirkland's ia the pit to get them , 820 Broadway , TRADE AND TRAFFIC , How Business Has Boomed Hera During tlio 01tlYoar , , Some Snmplo PiRurcH Indicat ing Council Bluli'a' Pronperity. TboWcw Yenr Pifmiliiei Still Morn. TIIR BKE In itn last Issue gave In do- tnll tliu facto nnd figures concornlnp the building Improvements undo here during the past } oar , nhoranj ; that of inlHion dollars fully throe-quartera n lars had baou expanded In thnt di rection , a ahuwing which mast cause the doubtful unuB , if there bo tticli , to ttkn a frcah grip on the hope that Council BlnfTa la bound to enlarge Its borders nnd Increase ita wualth until It bocomca OHO of the foremost cities in the land. Aside from building improvement ! ] tlioro are other facto pointing to the same hope. A haaty whirl among Bomo of the business men resulted In the capture ot a nuinbor of facto and figures which Tin ; BEE uivea nut M a complete choiring by any means ol the whole busiiittsa done lioro , but as aamplvn , by which emu may [ gain nome Idea of what the butlncsu moa are do- Ing.Tho The Empklo hardware company , for Instance , atnoo onturitig lute poaius- al'in of their new block , find tholr buninuea tunning nt the rate of $300- 000 a year. The Shugart implement company handled this year over $500,000 worth of farm machinery , implements and other uooda hi their line. The well known wholoaala houoo of Porogoy & Mnoro hna handled tbc past year over 7 000,000 cigarr. Daquutte , Guilbutt it Co. , in fruits and confeolionurk'n , huvo donn thin year a basincsc amounting to 1GO.- 000. 000.Gronowog & Schoontgon , in the wholesale grocery line , have sold ubnut $500,000 worth of iooda. J. Mueller , < f the Palace Music hall , hao hnndlod , in InatrmnuiitB and other goodn of tlmt lluo , 570,000 , Litidor & Kiel , notwithntanding the piohibitory vavo which nwopt ovoi ilio atato , tiavo this year Bold f 125 , . 000 worth of winca and liquors. liowman , Hohrcr & Co. , boeidoi tholr oxtonoivo storage huMneuR foi the railways centering hero , and foi private partitia , have done in commia aion and other linoa a business ol S100.000 , The firm io now puttiuf up 25,000 tons of ico. A year aijc 11 , QUO tons w.'ro put up , of vrliicl U50 curs were shipped. By inuirloa | uiadu of Kuophor Luchan , Uoyd , Toinploron , Jackson BookholV , Ilnbor and Lovinu , it ap pimrn that thoao oifht ; fnctoriun mumi factured thle year 1,000.000 cigarabo adca | tholr rot nil buslnoaa. Slotrnrt BroH. ' big packing houai IMS been getting a way with about 30 , 000 hos | ; n month. Smith & Crittcndon , the wholosnli dry goods men , report a much large buaineea this year then over before amount to eovural hundreds of thou Hands. Wheeler & Harrold ahippod thi year 40,000 caaoa of coda water am 1.000 carrels of elder , and 2,000 dozei of Boltzor. J. M. Phillips handles 350,000 e boots and shoon. Latz it Latino , though compare tivoly young house , handled 4,500,00 clpiun the pant year. F. 0. Ncwoll , the agent of the Me Oarmick machined , did a buuinos huro of 8110,000. Motcalf Brna , , In hats , capo , an knit goods , alone Bold $125,000 wort ) 11. Stern handled $100,000 wort of liquors. Doll it Hall shipped 3,000 barrel of apples from here , 75 tons c grapes and 1.000 citsea of borriei The grapes and berrioa were raised i this vicinity. Mr. Tickner , of "Our Wheat Mo : kot , " reports as killed monthly I : head of cattle , 100 sheep , 20 culvc and 35 hogs. John Epenotor as a raanufactun of cornices , has not only supplied moi of the new buildings hero but impor aut onoB throughout the northwest. Chamborlaln'a collar factory among the now matiufaoturora whlc promltoo some big figures for anothi year. year.Winthorlloh Bros , have recently o tabllshed what few oltiea have , mall able Iron works , and this promises I bo a permanent and prosperous lust tutlon. Council Blnfls has boon moro wide advertised the past year than in fo mor yours. TUB BKK , with UH in monso circulation , boa caused the d tails of the city's llfo Into many homo and as n city llkoan Individual inoroAi tllo enterprise needs advertising , th city has received much bonlfit by th monna , and It is gratifying to kng that the citizens appreciate the fixe There has boon several largu Rathe ings hero during the yo&r , which ha' ' brought to this city hundreds at thousands of visitors , who have thi became familiar with its advantages a creat railway center , and ita grow and prosperity. Among those even were the state modioal society nice Ing , the soldiers' reunion , the groi lodge of the Knights of Pythias , tl fair , and the driving park mootliu It la to bo hoped that Oouucll Blu will bo ou the alert to got inoro su gatherings the coming yoar. Porogoy & Moore have got tholr i tall atoro hftlf-solod and rovampc Their caao of holiday pipes and cij holders is a big attraction and t best pieces w ill BOOH bo gono. 23' When you fool out of sorts , ho the blues , melancholy , etc. , it nu bo Indigestion that alia you , Browi Iron Illtteru euros It. The JSonparell of yesterday moi ing says the expedition on runners Omaha wan "a faroo and a fizzle ] t ! the column was a strangling oat o that a largo part of the a tort era turn b&oV , " etc. , etc. Now , if any Omaha paper had si this The Nonpareil would say it v false , maliclotu , and designed to ire load in regard to the real spirit of the people here , and to porpotualo the an cient feud between the two cities. The Nor.pnroll would then bo tolllni ? tbo exact truth , The real trouble with The Nonpa. roll In that It wan not invited to the nleighlng carnival , and , back of all thai , ii a [ desire on Its pnrt to konp allvo local prejudice , hoping thereby to regain ita loot ascendancy tivun at thii expense of the Interest ) ! of Council BlulFf. P1SKSONAU H , C , 15 < r no a nnd wife , of Kaclao , nront the Of-dcn , M. N. Graven , cf Atlantic , arrived in thu city yesterday. A. 1' . ll\yncr , ono of Fort Dodgo'n fitany olDclbl ? , Is in the city. Sherill J. Joncfl , r.nd wife nf DonUnn , and City Marshal Urstly and wife of the BMIIO place spent Sunday In the UlufU. Mr. and Mrs. Olir.rlcn Andcreon have returned from it holiday visit to relative * And fricndu in Den Moiccr. Itev , J. / ArniBtrnng h\s returned from hiaenttcru vacation trip , and occupied the pulpit at the Mothodtat cl urch ycatorday. He Ii heartily welcomed back , Mrn. E. K. Aylcar-'orth , wife of Judge Aylwwortli of tlio superior court , hiiH htarted for California with her chlllron , to visit rolatlro-i there until Hpring , MM. Phil Armour , at Council Bluffa , nnd lier two children , are spending the holidays with her fister , Mrs. D. A. Wil liams , of the City hotel. Hurlan Herald. Col , Kcitloy has covered his connection with The Globe , en which he has been doing editorial work for a year past. Thu colonel wields tbo pen well and will now devotu it8 power to literary work of a more permanent nature , that immediately in hand being a biography of Stephen Doug- IM. 0. H. Brewer , wha baa been looking of- tcr ininea in Colrradoin which eovcral of our citizeniiaro interested , ia epending the holidays hero. It , J. Uomblo , ono of the most promi nent attorueyn of Yankton , spent Sunday ia thu city on hi * return trip to Wisconsin , where 1m has been viaitiut ; hia od home and many friends. The following were tlio arrivals at the O den huueo ye.iterdny : 11. y. Gamble , Yanfcton , D. T.j G. L. Furin , Bedford ; M. A , Lombard , Dej Moincu ; M. A , Grave. ' , Atlantic , Ia. ; II. C. liarnoa nnd wife , llacine , WU , Itevero house arrivals , .tint : B. II. Lo max , Plum Hollow , Ia.H. II. Blanchard , Crouton , Ia. ; M. Middlutou , Logan , Ia. ISIru , Naucy 1'cr.hloy , BiiKhton , Ia. ; S. K. . Blftkoly , Albany , N. Y. ; Mrs. O. S lioaglaud , Peru , 111 , Itovoro bQUSoarrlvalsSOtb : A.J.Whitrton Shelby , ! . ; C. Jlobert ? , Vrcmont , Nab. Tom Smith , Blanchard , la. ; It. M. Kirt laud , St. Louis , Mo. ; Goo. W. Greene Omaha ; D. A , Gaff , Providence , K. I. ; F 0. Asbton. Chicago ; W. II. Conu , St Joseph , Mo , ; John Smith , Cbicago Hon. J'urdettu Thoyt-r , of Sjjiinij Vul loy , Minn. , was in the city Saturday , hav ing jint returned from Colorado , and 01 route for hoino in time to attend the leg ielaturo , of which body ho is a rnombor. Uov. 1T. . Webb , having resigned th roctorEhlp of 31. Paul's Kpiscopl church hag bidden i < ood-byo to his many friend hero and started for hU now field of Ube in Montana : Mrs. Webb and bsr Httl daughtbr , after rcmiiiniug here a shot time , will go ta Davenport to remain wit friends until April , when she will join he huoband in Montana. Pacific houas arrivals : A. W. Nitzocl : MUiourl Valley ; Win. Hall , Des Moinoi J. S. MoQavon , Missouri Vallny ; W. I Downud , lUudolph ; 11. A. Ketcham , Der ver ; George M. Shank , Marion. In. ; A M. Barrett and son , Sheldon ; F. Bilct Chicago ; B. K. Elliott , Benton , Mass. ; C S. Hoogland , Peru , III. ; J. O. Counoi Neolu , Ia. ; J. D. MoKinnoy , Elmo , Mo G. II. Hiulci ) , ] - line , Mo. ; JnmcaFalej ChieiROj L. II. McCnll , Oskalooen , Ia J. M. Violet , Chlcnpo ; J. H. Dullei ICmiBan City ; E. A. O'Brien , Omaha ; U Browning , W. , St. L. k P. railroad ; J. ( Elliott , Omaha ; C. P. Logan , C , , H. I. P. railway ; II. Ci.nnon , 0. , B. & Q. Ogden HouHft arrivals December 30.- D E Dyer , Boston , Mass ; O W Uooi Colorado : 0 C Biubnell , U B & Q Ily ; M Lawlor , Miiisouri Valley ; J J HRUUC Blnghampton. N Y ; P W Mullally , Biof hamptoi ) , N Y ; Jamoa Smith and ladj Omaha ; 0 H Hawkinx , Elmyro , N Frank Brown and wife , Omaba ; H , Swift , Dos Moltu-s ; Mrs S M Kellog ( Carroll , Ia ; Thoa G Savaro , Boone , Ia ; ' Lowery , Boom , Ia ; W It MoL'hersoi Oumhu ; J Matono , Topeka , Kas ; J ] Boman , Uerwood , It ; Milea Uudorwooi 1'acitio Junction ; M M Burrell , Conne ton , Wy ; L F Weeks , Chicago ; Ep Smitl PltUburg , Pa ; Frank H Baor , Chicago ; , L Doora , Chicago ; Mrs Libaar , Ouiabi 11 8Field , Chicagoj O S Howe , Chicago ; B Lyons , Chicago ; John Kennedy , Cre ton , lu ; N J Ilmld , Hock Island , Table linens , napkiiib , doylies , tov els and crashes cheap at llurknun Orcutt & Go.'a. 9 1 Holiday goods at Harkiifsa , Orcu & Co.'a. Council BluQs ia fast bocomlni ; great wholesale nnd manufaoturh olty , Its linoa of railroads are u equalled by any other m the state Iowa. Its loading Interests are rapidly b lug developed , and we only need tl wagon and railway bridge across tl river to render us independent competition. What paper can do the moat tovra forwarding our commercial luterct in the western market ? Whnt pap circulates the nioat copies there ] T. universal answer must bo , Tun BE The circulation of our compotltc in that region la not ono to a the sand In comparison with us. No\r , if you want the wholesale 1 toruata of thla city heralded where will do the moat good , advertise TUB BEE , theu you will inllnonoo t western trade , Call at our ollico , examine o Bworu circulation statistics , and y will bo fully raUsficd. WHITELEY'a WEEK. It Beta Proved n Successful Ono ID nil Roapocta. Whltoloy'a Dramatic comp&ny closed its week's engagement hero Sat urday evening with the presentation of "Colleen Lawn , " ono of the beet of Irish dramas , In which Ida Lewis appeared In thn tltlo rolo. AD in the other characlorn , she showed much true , artistic power. She Is a charm ing actress , or great versatility , and has won jnst plaudits ovonlng after ovoning. The company nupportlng her In an excellent ono , and their repertoire BO cxtonalvo that they are able to glvo a novr and yet pleasing and meritorious entertainment each ovoning. . Every night thn house has been filled , nnd the audiences have shown tholr delight by unthuohstlc applauao. At the popular prices , which scema to bo a favorite feature of Mr. White- ley's management , thu people get much moro than tholr money's worth. The company left yoetorday for Lincoln , whore they will remain for two wookn. It la to bo regretted that during their stay here the company bad not the advantage of a suitable hall , otago room and scenic effect , to enable thorn to present their jplaya at tholr beat , but considering the fact that they were thus crippled , they did nobly. li In to bo hoped that they will re turn after the now opera house la fin- iehod , an event which amusement lovers look forward to with much ex pectation , they having become tired and impatient , the present hall affording hardly any conveniences or attractions. To strengthen and build up the sya torn , n trial will convince you that Brown's Iran Bittern is the beat medicine - icino made. Ladles' and children's wool hoods at Harkuoas , Orcutt & Co.'s. Tbo Latch String Out. The time-honored custom of making Now Years calls baa not died out here , and there are a number of ladles who to-day have prepared to receive their friends. The following named ladies will en tertain at the residence of Hon. W. H. M. Pusey , No. 527 Willow avenue , from 2 to 7 p. in. : Mrs. W. H. M. and Mra. N. M. Puaoy , Mrs. 0. H. Pinney and the Miaaus Mollie and Nellie Larimer , and Mias Kato Pu- Boy. Boy.Mrs. . John Dohany and daughters , Mrs.M. Q GriQiu , and BIlcscs Mapiie ; , Dell and Julia , assisted by Mrs. Get- nor and daughters , MIBEOJ Angle and Kato ; also , Miss Eva B. llailey , of Weston , Mo. , will entertain calling frienda nt Mra. Dohony'a ' , 332 Snutu Second ntroot , from 2 to 7 o'clock. Miss Lizzie McMahon , assisted by Mi.vies Lizzio Brown , Carry Atkins , Fuuny Walker , Nita Coit , Sao Badol-- lot , mtl Lou.Jones , will entertain their gentleman frlonds from 2 to 8 o'clock , p. m. , at the residence of Mra. S. A. McMahon , No. 520South Ninthatroot. Mrs. Capt. O. M. Brown , Miss Nellie Itobtusou and Miss Virginia McOonnell will entertain at the resi dence , of Mrs. 0. M. Brown , corner of First avenue and Seventh street , Mrs. Folaoui , Mia Van Taesell , Miss Van Doren , will receive calls with Mrs. H. 0. Gano , No. 615 Sixth street. Bo Carofal nf the Bablog. If your children ro threatened with croup or any throat difficulty , apply ft few drops of Thomas' Eclectric Oil , It is the tiicebt medicine for the little cues we know of , Harknofis , Orcutt & Co. have still a few fine cilk dolmaua. Call and BOO them. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL IIDITS MAHKKT. Corrected daily by J. Y , Fuller , mor. chandtae broker , buyer and shipuer ol grain and provision ; , ollico board of trade rooms , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHKAT-NO. 2 spring , 75e ; No. 3,03 ; rejected DOc ; treed demand. Cons 2So to feeders and 27c ta ship , pera ; good demand for shipment. OATS Scarce arid in good demand ; S0g ( 32c. 32c.HAY 1 00@G 00 per ton. HYK lOo ; light supply. COHN MEAL 125per 100 ponnda. WOOD Good supplyj prices at yards , 5 P0@0 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 10 00 per ton. soft. 5 00 per ton. BrJTTKU Plenty and In fair demand ; 25o. 25o.Eons Scarce and in demand ; SOa pei dozen. LAUD Foirbank'u. wholesaling at ISo , POULTKY Firm ; dealers paying 13o pei pound for turkoya nnd lOo for chickens. VEQKTABLKH Potatoes , 45c ; onioax , 23u cabbagco , liJ@ ( lOo per dozeu ; apples , 2 o ( @ ! ! 50 per liariol. 1'l.ouuBest Kansas wheat Hour , 2 3D(5 2 CO ; Minnesota wheat , 2 fiO@3 CO ; bran 70o per 100 pounds , BUOOMU 2 00(53 ( 00 per dozen , STOCK. CATTLK 3 00@3 50 ; calves , 5 00@7 CO. Hoes Estimated receipts , 750 head good demand at packing houses , pitying it car lots , for common , -1S@5 55 ; grioi mixed packtnc ; , 5 G0@5 80 ; heavy packing 5 75@5 l > j ; butchers nnd shippers paymi ( or wagon lota 5 " 5@5 CO. b A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for an ] Drug stare as U now ut 0. F. Goodman's for n Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Dh covery for Conmuxption , Coughs ant Cold * . All jer3ous alHioteci with Anthina Bronchitis , Hoarseness , Sovo'j Oauglu , o any atlectlou of the Throat and Lung can get a Trial Bottle of this greatremod ; rv , hy calling at above ) named Drug Store f * # * ' ' 0no man's meat ia anotbo lau'o poison , " Kidney-Wort expel the poisonous humors. The fir&t thin ; to do in the spring la to clean homo For internal cleansing and renovating no other medicine is equal U Kiduoy Wort. lu either dry or liquid fort it euros headache , bilious atuoks , con stlpatlun and deranged kidneys , Never Give UT > > If y.iu are guttering with low and d presrfwl spirits , loss of appetite , gencr debility , disordered blood , weak constlti tion , headache , or any diieaso of a biliav nature , by all means procure a bottle c Electric Bitten. You will bo surprised t 10 fee the rapid improvement that will follov you will be Inspired with new llfi strength and activity will return ; pain nn ir misery will cease , and henceforth you wi rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitten Sold at fifty cents s.bottle , byC. F , Uo : , man HAPLESS , OBCUTT & wiujff Broadway , and Fonrtli Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa mar-S-Sra ESKS ' ? FE ftfP * sJK w Headquarters For the Cele brated A. Weber Pianos , TT Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. & Address , I ! . MUELLER , IO COUNCIL BLUFFS , Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and flow greets , Council Bluffs. B. HAGG & OO. GEISE' BOTTLED BEEE , MADE FUOU 'JHE ARTESIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE Ordcrj fllleJ In uny partcl the city. Ordore by telephone promptly attcnJed to. JOSEPH KEITEE , m MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest Possible Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Ooctl's Hair Store , t pricoo never bctore touched by ny other hair doftlor. Also a full line ol swltchcp , etc. t jroatly reduced prices. Aleogolif , liver and colored nets. W vos mndo Iroin ladles' own hair. Do not I U to call before purchutn ; ilMwhere. All goojB watrantod M reprosontod. UllS. J. J. GOOD , _ V > MMn strnoi. Council Bliigs , loftt. MORGAN , KELLER & GO , The finest quality and largest stock woot of Chicago of wooden r.nd motalic casea. Cnllii attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan him served as undertaker for forty years nnd thoroughly underntanda hla business. WARKKOOMS , 316 AND 337 BUOADWAY. Upholsterin ? lu all ita branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequin * . 'Tele * graphic and mall orders mlrd without delay. CONRAD GELSE8 Council Bluffs , - Iowa. I5c9r nnd malt In any quanlltylto suit piirchaoora. IJeer ? 8.00 per li&rrol. 1'rlvtito ( amhlea sup. piled wltli small keg at $1.00 each , delivered free of charge to any part of the city. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltr Brewing Company's Celebrated . - * * * No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the sountry elicited City orders to families and dealers delivered free. DUQUETTE , GUIBEKT & CO. , ( Succceeors to Kill ) & DUQUCI7K ) , I rttHTn nf I ill 36 aud 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , Ia. No. 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs. Our constantly increasing trade ia sufficient proof of our cquare dealing and atten tion to customers , Good butter always on hand , Prompt delivery of goods. S. M. CROOKS , 1'ron. N. B. EASTON , Sooy. J. 0. HOFFMAN , Vice Prea. N. B. MOOHK , Counselor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE GO , [ Incorporated under the Lane of Iowa. ] Insurance at icinal Cost , Insurlnc LIVE STOCK Against Loss by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. Experienced ngents wanted. Correspondence tollclted from nil parta of Iowa. OFFICE : 103 Pearl Street , Council BlulFa , Ia. decS-Jtl J. F , KIMBALL , GEO. 11. CHAMP , TTTTVnR $ i T T & JK.IlYllSJs.JjLi . ( Succctuori to J P. A J. Nf Citsaily. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. W h ve the only complcU wt o l > etrac book , to all city lct ud lacdi In PotUvrUUml oountr. Tltlt. eiimtucd md abttraeti luinlehud en thort notice. ieney ! to loan on city and rm prciwrty , ihort nd Icnz time. In mm * to wit the borrower , iteal cst . tonifbt md lold Offlo. l lie eli etinl cppoeite co ut