Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1882, Image 14

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Tlio NabrasKa National Bauk ,
Of i Nob.
Pi\Ul up Capital , $350,000
OHSRD for builncw ) April 37 , 1RS2 , with the
argcit capital ol any bank In Nouratka.
U. JOHNSON , rrcsltlent.ol Sttxlc , Johnnon &
TOL'ZAMN , Vtco Froaldont , ol 0. , n * Q
R. IV , llaitou ,
W. V. illUWK , ol W. V. Morw . - Co.
JOHN S. Ot'LUNS ' , of O. U. & J. S. Collins.
J. U. U'OOMVOKTIt , Counsellor and Attorney.
L. S. IUii ; : ) , cl Byron Hoed & Co.
H.V. . YATKS , Cashier , late Coohlcr ol the First
National Bank ot Omaha , connected with
thoactltu mitnixgcrucnt oKhat Dank elncc Itfl
Coi.Lrctiu\H reecho npcclM attention and char
CC9 lonot oliLilniVtlc hero or elsewhere.
IRIBRMT allowed on tlmo deposits upon favof
able tcruia and upon accounts ot batiks anil banlt-
CicUANOR , Oo\crnmcntUonils. and
County and City Securities bought and sold.
tt .9prquirdtt ( fcncral Imnklng business
eisn ta dotallf , nn 1 In the treatment ot custom
all w'llpursac ' the most liberal policy consistent
with safe banking
Spcclil Dispatch to Tiinliiti.
Nuw Yontc , December 30.
Money 4@7 per cent. , closed offered at
7 per cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper fi@8 per cent.
Sterling KichangeBankers' bllla steady
at S4.SOj demand , 81 84i.
Governments atrong nnd higher and
fitato eecuritloa dull.
Stocka Dull nnd irrcgiiUr , but in main
ws k uutil near close , when there was a
fractional rally , nnd the market closed
firm but with pricea J@Ui yef cent lower
than those yoaterday , Northwestern nnd
Burlington & Quincy being moat promi
nent in the decline.
YontardaT. To-day.
3'a NHi 103S
6'e 103 1034
4Va Coupoua 113 111 !
4a ? 12l'i 1203
Pftclfi:3' of 1895 1U8 128
Adams Ezproaa 130 130
Allegheny Central ± 1151
Alton & Terre Haute 41 $ 47
do pfd. . . . 87 Ol )
American KxpreBa 01 ! )1 )
Burl. , Codftr Uaplda & North. R2 81
Canada Southern 07i C7
Ool. , Cm. & lud. Central. . . . 101
Central Pacitlo 803
Chesapeake it Ohio 22&
do 1st pfd. . . 31
do 2d pfd. . . l3i !
Chicago & Alton 108 ISUJ
do pfd 131 18. )
Chi. , Burl , k Quiacy liJi ! 121J
Chi. , St. L. & tVew Orleans. . 78 7 ! )
Cin. , Smd. & Cleveland 40 . .
Cleve. , Col. & Cincinuixti. . . . SOJ
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 107 J
Del. , Lack. & Western 1'Jsj
Denver < k Ivio Grande 41i 4t
Brio 8'J 9J
do pfd fc7 bO
Eaal Teuuesisee H9J
do prof01 red 117J . . .
Fort Woyno & Chicago 1344 13 4
Hiumibul & at. Joseph J50 ,43
do pfd. . . 72 73
Harlem ISO 1'Ji
Honaton & Texaa Central. . . . 174 J 75
Illinois Central 1424 142J
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 34 334
Kansas & Texna 33 824
Lake Erie & Western 30i
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 113 IK'j
Louisville & Nashville Wi
Iiouisv , , Now Alb. & Chicago C3 C3
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10
do do 2dpfd 54
Memphis & Charleston 43
Michigan Central 19SJ 07 ,
Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . 28
do pfd. C2
Missouri Pacific 102 101
Mobile& Ohio 117
Manhattan Beach 134
Morria & Kssox 57
New Jeraoy Central C9
Nashville & Chattanooga 47
Northern Pacific 40
do pfd 85 85
Northwestern 130J 134& &
do pfd 152 ? 1604
New York Central UC § 125J
Ohio Central 13J
Ohio & Mississippi 33 30
do pfd 90 DO
Ontario & Western 258 ' > l
Oregon Transcontinental tvfj 8L' |
Pacific Mail 1 J
Panama 107
Peorin , Decatur & Kvansv. . . M3 2G\ \
Pittsburp rt Cleveland 140 13'J
Pullman Palace Car 12M
Reading l.p)3 |
Rock lalund 12 4 12.)1
Bt. Louin& San FIDO 82 32
do ' pfd. . . . 521
do 1st pfd 91 Ji
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee. 105 § 105J
do pfd..121 120j
Bt. Paul , Mirm. & Manitoba 1I2J 142J
St. Paul & Omaha 53t fliiA
d. pfd nua ml
Texaa & Pacific 3J ! ) .tUl
Union Pacific 101:3 1021
United States Expreaa 03
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 35 31i
do pfd. Gil 51
Wolla , Fargo & Co. Express. 123 120
Western Union Telegraph. . . 813 814
Caribou , 14
Central Arizona §
ExceUior 1
IIomcHtako 171
Little Pitteburg 1
Ontario 301
Quicksilver 84
do pfd 38
Robinson 1
SllverOllff 2
South Pacific ' . )
Standard U2
Hutro J
'Offered. fKx. Interest. JAskod. UEx.
Special Dlnpatcboa to Tux llai.
CniOAao'Iocember ' ) 30. Hour Steady ;
common to choice pprltu wliuats , 3 Mfo )
n 50 ; common to fancy Mfnueaotn , 4 00@
0 OOj patsuU , 0 fX7 ) 00 ; wlnier wheatH.
1 50@5 50 ; southern Illinois , 4 50@5 iO ;
Canada , 4 F,0 ( 5 00.
Whe t Fair demand , but lower rntoaj
rcRulnr , 91) Dacomber ; Oljo for January ,
93c for Februaiy , 1 01J lor Miy ,
Corn-Active , but lower4t ; lo for cai-h ;
404@19o l r December ; 19 193' for
iTaiuurii ; 50J3COJC for February ; C31@
538 for Muy.
OAt3 Active but lower : 39a for cash ;
40J@Uo for Dccfniber ; SOja for January :
g3 for February ; 8GJ@3GJi ; for
Uye-Steady ) .r > 71 < J.
Barley Sto it'y-
Butter-Steady ; creamery , 26@10c ;
dairy , 12fr33e. (
yfar Seerl-Stroiiiferj 118@1 20.
Dreriot Hoj ( < Uull and tending down
ward ; C 80@710.
Pork Fair demand but at lower rates ;
1705@17 lUfor cmh and January ; 1720
@ 17 22J for February ; 17 3'i for ilarch.
Lard-Actlvo but lower ; 10 30@10 32J
for c sh ; 10 42J January ; 10 J for
February ; 10 52 } lor March.
Bulk at eats Steady : shoulders , C 55 ;
hort ribs , 8 95 ; J-irt clear , 9 15.
Whl ky-St ady ; 110.
NtwYons , December 30. Flour Mar
ket dull ; Buperfme state and western , 'A 2.1
@ 3 65 ; common to gand extra , 3 C5g4 ( 30 ]
food to choice , 4 40@7 00 ; white wheat ,
extra , C 23(3)7 ( ) 3B ; extra Ohio , 3 7f.6 f,0j
St. Louis , 37n@700 ; MirueaotA , G 03@
740.WhofttCaih lot firm fin ) A nhntlo
higher ; optlouj , l@Ja lower nnil cloilng
with more alrougth ) No 2 i'fini ; noinitml ;
nn rndivl winter red , ? l'c@l 14 ; nteiuier
No. 3 red. 1 08 ; No. 3 red. 10C@1 101 ;
HcRincr N'o. 2 rsd , 1 07JC < 41 08 ; No. 2 roil ,
1 tij ! ( < 5l 104 ,
Corn C h , native and firm : option * ,
} (3olo\cr ( ! unsradod , Gl&67o ; No. 2 , 05
O. > t Firmer : mUnl weatoin , 42@l7c ;
wluto western , 4(5 ( 50 .
Wciteru fresh , firm for choice ;
I'ork-Steady ; now moss , 1837i
IS f.O ,
Iji'd-RtP.vly ; primesteam , 10 70.
KANSAS Cnv , December SO Whpnt
Firmer nnd hl hcr ; No. 2 red , 7U&7l > io
fir c.wb : 7UJU for January ; Sljc tori'oo-
' ( ir'n Market firm nnd better ; 37 0 for
h ; 37i3 < Sis fur January ; S3Jc for Fcb-
; -lllc for May.
; „ Higher otUlJ@.tSl for
for January.
C'3p tcics ) to Tin Dm.
OaiCAOo , Dcccmlwr 30. Tha
Journal nui'rtn ax follows !
llogs Unsettled , ntid prices about the
anme na Friday ; mixed IIORH , r > ( ! 0@G 10 ;
heavy , 5 90n 0 05 ; light , C 60@0 15 ; skiiii' ,
4 00@5 25
Crtttlo Active nnd vilnoa strong ; gen
eral marktt Batlsfactory to salesmen ; pricea
firm ; extra oattlo quotable nt C 20@0 50 :
good to choice shipping , 5 20@0 10 ; com
mon to fair , 420@B 10 ; butchers' fairly
active nnd firm at 2 304 20 ; Blockora nnil
feeders , 3 00 ® 4 20.
Sheep Slow and steady , with no change
iu general trade ; common to fair , 3 20 ©
3 8U ; medium tn good , 4 Q0@4 30 ; clioico
to vxtrn , 4 40@4 75.
KANSAS Cur , December 30. The Live
Stock Indicator repot ts :
Cattle Shipping grades dull ; native
ateem , 4 405 10 ; ntuckers and feeders ,
3 C0@4 10 ; cows , 2 75@3 75.
Hogs Firm and higher ; 5 70@G 80 ,
with the bulk of sales nt 5 75@0 15.
Sheep Nominal.
ST. Louis , December 30. Cattle-
No supply nnd pricea nominal ,
Hogs Values easy ; packers paid 5 80 ®
0 30.
Sheep Scarce nnd firm at 3 505 00 for
fair to fancy.
Special Dipitchc3 ! to Tui Bai.
CHIOAOO , December 30 , llecoipts and
BhtpuicntH of flour nnd grain for the past
21 hours have bceu aa follows :
Itecviuta. Ship'ts.
Flour bbls .Sl.OOO MOW
Wlieat bushels 71,000 34,000
Corn " 159,000 185.0CO
Oato " 02,0.10 0..000
Uye " 7.000 3.10) )
Barley- " 42,000 28,000
NEW YOBK , December 30. Jtecoipto and
shipments of flour and grain for the puit :
24 hours have been us follo\vn :
Receipts Shp'ti ,
Flour bbls . . . .
Whsnt buohola 01,500 ( > 7,000
Corn " 105,000 183,100
Onta " 34.000
KANSAS CITT , December 30. Itecoipts
ind shipments of grain for the past 2-1
tioura have been aa follows :
Roc'ts. Shin'tB.
Wheat , bushels J 0,000 19,000
oru " 24,000 01,000
CHICAGO , December 30. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 21
hours have boon aa follows :
Rec'ta. Shipm'ts.
Hogs 8,500 . . . .
Cattle 1,200 . . . .
Sheep 1,500 . . . .
KANSAS Cirr , December SO. Recelpta
> nd shipments of live stock for the pout 21
lours have boon na follows :
Reo'ta. Shipm'ts.
Hogs 2,000
LJattle 350 . . . .
Sheep . . . .
'Wholesale Priced.
OririoE OBTn * OMAHA BKI , )
Saturday Kvening , December 30. J
The wholesale trade of the city for the
past week has experienced the usual dulls -
s generally expected at Mi season of
.ho year. Only a moderate degree of nn-
niation waa observed in any branch of
trade , particularly in dry goodi , clothing ,
millinery , etc. The boot and shoe trade
continues to retain its usual seasonable
dullness , Uiouh a fair buiineas ia being
done in rubber nndwarm , lined good3. The
frocery market was not particularly ac
tive , yet there waa a better movement
than ia usual at this season of the year , at
steady pricea. Green fruits nnd the lum
ber trade chewed considerable animation
at easier price ; , Building materials con-
; ! nue quiet , while oils and dru a were
airly active at quotations.
The movement iu general produce waa
light and prlojs ruled steady , particularly
in green fruiti and vegetables. Butter
and eggs were in better supply nnd easier
In price ; the former sold at 23@25o and
the latter st 2Cg27o for strictly choice
nud fresh , while cheese waa held firm at
quotation * .
FJour continuea quiet , though a fnir
movement on local account , while other
mill * tuffj met with good sales nt quota-
tlona ,
Cut moats and lard continue quiet nt
lut week's quotations.
The recelpta cf hoga wore liberal , 119
cara during the week , packers paying 75 75
for ( good. Mr , Jumea K , Boyd reports
having killed 37,000 , since November 15 ,
Oyaterp , celery , poultry and game were
in r.tllvo demand and a large bualnons done
under thla hend , Thanks are due MCHM ,
Feron & 0-ilj ( comrmsilon merchants ) ,
who furniibed revised quotations iu thin
Wheat , NoS , advanced lo.
Wheat , No , 3 , advuneed Ic.
Wheat , rejected , advanced Ic ,
Barley , No. 2 , advanced } c ,
Tlio only clmngea reported In the mar
ket to-day are as folio we ;
Local Ornln Dealings.
WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 7Cc ; caah No ,
3 , Wic ; rejected , 43&c. &
UAULKV.-CaahNo. 2 , C8ic ; No. 3 ,
3 fa.ftYKCash.
ftYK-Cash. 43 0.
BKKDS-Klax Reed 03o per ba ; lUid
lover , choice new , 8J ( 00 per bushel ;
mammoth clover new , 87 00 ; whlto
ohver , new , 814 00 ; Alfalfa clover ,
now , 813 60 ; oh Ike , now , 81300. Tim
othy , good , new , (2 00 , blue
gnuui , extra clean , gl W ) ; blue emeu ,
cluan , 91 25 ; orchanl graaa $2 CO ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Misnouri ,
BOc ; millet , German , 8100 to $1 25 ;
Hungarian BOc ; Usage orange , 1 to &
bushels , $5 00 ; ooago orange , 10 bushel * or
over , $4 60 ; honey locust , per lb , , 25cj pe
100 Ibs , , 125 00 ,
Produce and Provision * ,
POTATOKS-iOo per bushel ,
ON10NS-SO@50o per bmhel.
1JUTTKKOholoo country , 20@2 : > o ,
HONKY CnUforjIa , t > cr b , 31.
APPLK8 Per bnrrol , $2 7fi3 25.
OYSTBIIS Booth's and Plutt' * sMcct
oyitcrp , 40a < Stnndard , 30 ; intHllum * , 'i" > .
BKAPKS CftllfornlA. 81 fO2 2. ' > .
LiMON : - & ! & ® Mwr \ box.
BKANS Domc < tfo tinrm n 2 O.'ffi1 50
> hnnlipl : Navy \ > tt bushel , ! ! 7" > ( S3 00.
OHICKKNS-MlOo per lb.
TURKKYS-VJglSo per pound.
Grocers' Lin
OANNKD (30OlS-Oynt n > , 2 lb
( Field's ) , j > or cane , Cl 00 ; do 1 It. ( Ffcld'a ) ,
for CftfiJ , 2 75 ; do U It ) ( Standard ) , p r ca o ,
! 10 ; atra\vborric , ! 2 lb , par r.v < e , 2 CO ,
t.-wipborrlw , 2 lb , j or oano , 3 30. Dam-
nous , 2 lb , per cruc , 2 45 , Bnrtlrtt
l > catH per case , 2 GO. Whortltberriai
per pafe'J75. ligg ilutnR,2 Hi i erci sot ! 90 ;
Green Bi KO. < ,2 lb per OABO , 2 90j dn choice ,
tti per crvtio I 50. rluo Apples , 2 lb , per cane
4 00 < 5 75 , Poache.1 , B tb per ca-e , 3 00 ;
do Sib , CMS , \ 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , Hi , per
CAKC.SM ) ; 'lo pie , fi tb , ixsr doun. 2 30.
FijOUU-Jobblnjt prleo , Jack Froat
St. Ijiiiiin winter ) $3.90 per 100 1 n. ; To.
peka Patent Kat ai , S3.8. > : Mlunchthn
Nlinuosota Pnteut , $ .1.70 ; Shawnee Fancy
winter , $3.10 ; Kaglo , XXXX winter ,
$3.00 ; Triumph unring , best , ? 2.80 ; Chria-
tian's BU ) > orlatlvo , 3.50 ; bran , per ton ,
814.00 ; chopped feed , $23.00.
UOKPli t : . Ute , tnir lOSJ ) Rio. good
lie ; ( rtiins to choice , Jli to 12c ; Old gov't
Javn ; l iQttc,2 ! Much. . , 28405 Arbuckle's ,
C1IEES3 Full Cream , 14o | P rt
Bklm , 103 ,
KUGAllS-Powdcrod , lOlc ; Out loaf ,
lOJc ; Granulated , Ojc ; Confectioner's A ,
9Jc ; Standard Kxtrn C , 840 ; Extra C ,
8vo ; medium yellow , I7jc ; dark vsllow ,
SYRUP Stamlard Com. , 37o , bble. ;
Standard do , 44 gallon kcxn , 81 90 ; Stan
dard do , 4 Ballon kegc. $1 70.
MKATS Hams , IGc ; broakfaat bncon ,
none ; clear Ride Incon , none ; dry unit
bacon , lOJc ; ahouldera , llj'c ; tierce lard ,
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brh , 0 7-'g
No. 1 mriokerol , kit * . 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits ,
85c ; No. 1 whkta fiali , half brls , 0 00 ; No. 1
SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Albploe , 20o ;
Cloven , 3oc ; Nutmegs , 81 00 ; Caasin , 21c ;
Mace SI 00 ,
LYK Amerlcnn , 3 8fi ; Greenwich , 3 40 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis1
lye , 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
l\E13D-Jobbirig pricoa , Chop fooi
$1,50 per 100 Iba.j chop com , 81.40 ; bran ,
70c per 100 Ibs.
MEATS Hama per lb. , 15c ; B Bacon
per lb , , 15c ; clertr aide bacon per lb , , lie ;
dry aalt f idea per lb. , 9Jc ; dry anil shoul
ders per lb. , 7c ; bacon shoulders per lb , ,
tic ; tierce lard per lb. , 12c.
LARD Omalin RefinlningCo. : Tiercoa ,
lljo ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12c ; 20-lb onus ,
12Jc ; 10-lb jiailn , pcrow top , 12jjc ; 5-11) do ,
4c ; S 11) do , 129c.
KOMINY Mew , ? 4 50 per bbl.
SODA In lb p.ipoi-H , $3 per case ; keg
do , 2)c.
NB\V PICKLES Medium , In b.irreln
? 700 ; do in half bbla , 4 OlManmlla , in bblii
1)03 ) do , iu half bbl ) . 500 ; gherkina , in
bbls , 11 00 ; do , iu hnlf bblp , 0 00.
STAHUlI.-Poa.rl , IJo ; rfilvar Gloaa
< ) lc ; Corn Staich , 82c ; Ercelsioi-Qlotja ,
la : Corn. 7ic.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
Choice , C0@75o ; luipcrinl , good , 4045c ;
iJh-iso , 0 ( S7oc ; Young Hyuou , good , 3C@
' - Oc ; choice , Ii5c@81 00 ; .Tnpan Nnt Leaf ,
85e ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good ,
J5@10 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Soucbuir ; ,
stood. E5(5)IOc ( ) : choice , S5oM5c. (
UOPK Siiuil , 4 inch and larger , lOJc ;
U inch , lit ; 1 inch , Hie ,
WOODENWAUK Tvo hoop pail ,
1 75 ; throe hoop paila , 2 00. Tub ? , No.
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer wivahboarda , 1 S5 Double
rwwn 2 90 ; Wellbuckotu , 3 50.
LKAJ > Bar , 81 65.
VINEGAR Pure rpple oxtrn , 16c :
pnre apple , 13c ; Pruaaine uuro nunlo , 16o.
SALT. Dray loada , per bbl , 1 65 ; Ash-
ton , in eao ks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , fia , 3 50
SOAPSKirk's Savon Imperial , 845 ;
Kirk's satinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard. S 70 ;
Kirk's white Russian , 525 : ICIrk'a
Eutocs , 3 16 Kirk'a Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia lioz. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania earn ) , 4 coite ,
In caao , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 60.
PK AN UTS Roosted , choice , red Tou-
nessee , lOc per lb ; fanay white , lOJc perlb ;
row white Virginia raw , lOo ; roasted ,
OANDLBS Boxes , 40 Iba.lPa , 15c ; SB ,
IRJo : bcxea 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , 6a , Ifijn.
UIOE Lonl iftua prime to choice , 7J@
7ic : fair , G@7c ; Patina , 7c ,
MATCHKb Par caddie , i)5cj ) tocnd ,
cnnw , t > 8 10 ; cquBre , ca&Ra , 96 40.
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 81c :
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-1 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chittonancto A , fijc ; Uroat Falla E ,
8e ; Hooaior , BJc ; Honest Width , 81c , In-
liau Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A ,
ij < ; ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 81c ; Lawrence
] jL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7io : Pcquot A , 8Jc ;
Shawtnut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , G c ; Wachus-
ott B , 7Jc ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 124o ; Wai-
cott BB. 8Jc.
4-4 : 74c ; Allisntor 3-4 , 3o ; Argyle 4-4 , 7icj
Atlantic LL , ( We ; Badger State X 41 1 , 7c ;
Bennington O 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , G co
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. fijc : Laconla O
39 , 8 c ; Lehigh K 4-4 , OAO ; Lonadalo 4-4 ,
lOc ; Pepperell N 80 , 7o ; do O 32 , 7ie ; do R
3G , 7ic ; do K 39. 840 ; Pocaanot 0 4-4 , 7 c ;
VVnniButta 4-4 13o
, n L 4-4,04cBlackstoueAA iu.parial8c ;
do do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4 , & 'i ;
Fidelity 4-4 , 9icVrult of the Loom , 10 ; do
can.bric 4-4,13c ; do WnterTwiat , 104cOroat ;
tfallsQ. lOjc ; Indian Hendahrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
[ vonsdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12 c ; Now
York Mills. 124o ; Poauot A.lOo ; Popperol
N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontoii 4-4 , Uio ;
Pocauaet 4.4 , Sic ; Utica , lie ; Waouutta
O X X , 124c.
lJUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown ,
So ; do C , drab , Upi do X.A. atripes and
: ) lnida , l-ic _ ; do XXX brown ana drab ,
itripoa and plalda , 124c ; Arlington fancy ,
lOc ; Brunswick brown , 8c ; Chariot fancy
L2c ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall River
) ro\vn , extra hotvy , 11 Jo ; Indiana A
arown IKrr Nouonset A brown. 15o
TlUKliSUaUDOHkeaa A U A 32
l&o ; do XX blue 32 , 184c ; Arrowacca ,
Jjc ; Claremont B B , 15 c : Coneatoga ex
trn , 17ic : Hamilton D , Ilio LowiaUin .v
SO , 15o ; Mlnuohaha 4-1 , SOu ; OmcRn nut > er
extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River 82. IGjc ; Put
nam XX blue Htrlpo , llicj Hhotuckot B
Jc : do SB 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9c
DENIMS , ino ko\k , blue arid bronn
lG4c ; Andover DD blue , Ifijo ; ArHngX
blue Scotch , 18 c ; Concord OOO , blue nw
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do ISi ; do XXto
dodr)14o Huymnkcr's blue r.nd brov/u ,
9ic ; My-ttio lUver DD strl | > o , lOJc ; Pour !
Hlvor , blue B&d bruvrn , Itioj UucfiuvJllc ,
blue and nrowu , 14ip.
OAMBK10S Barnard , Sioj Kddynlono
lining. 24 Inch double face , 84c ; Garner A
lazeil , Fie ; Manhattan glovu finish , 5Sc
owport do fie ; do gln/iyj. 5Jo ) Perjuot do
tc : ckwoocl kid Imiub uo.
CORSET JKANH Amory , 8cAndro ;
co,7B'In satloon 8 0 ; C'larendcn , GlJoCon6a ;
e'ga nittconn , 71c ; Uallowbl , Be ; Inidl
Orchard 74o ; Nnrr > x nrfattlniprovelo
Pmiperill uuttvicn U c ; Rockport , 7'lc. '
PJtINTS AllonH , Gic : American , QJo ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4o ; Coehoco , 7c ;
Omeitoga. 0c ; Dunkirk , j Dunnell ,
G7c | ; Eddystcnu. 7o ; Gloucester , Ro ;
Harmony , &ic ; Knickerbocker , OJcj Mer
rl &c D. 7c ; Mystic , SJc ; Bpraraes , Go ;
Southbridge , Gc ; do , GInghami , 7c ; Marlboro
bore , 5jc ; Oriental Oic.
GINGHAMS Am kesg. ISJc ; Amot-
keag draw 94) ) Argyle , 104c : Atlantis ,
Uo : Cumberland , 74o ; llighlaod , 74o ;
Kenilwortb , SJc ; Plun kott , lOJoj Uiui
COTTONADE3 Abbervllle ISJo
Agate , KOo ; American , 11 ci Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D nd T , R40J Olarlon D and T ,
17 Jc ; DeccanCoBtripesDnn < lTlCc | Keystone -
stone , 134c ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil ,
ICc ; Ocean D and T. 13io ; Royal , 104 >
Sussex , 12cj Tlog . 12Jp | Wachiuett birt-
In ? jbecka , UJo ) do , Nankin. 12Jo ; York ,
iilnin N.mkln. 12)c ) ; do , checks , atrlixa nnd
lancy , 12Hc ! do , 8 or , 2Wc ,
8HKUTlNG8-Atidro8corlnlO-4.27JSe ( : !
do 0.1,330 } do 822c ; Continental 0
42 , lie , Fmlt.of the Loom 10-J , 27J ; Now
York mUlsUS , 85o ; ilo 78 , 30c ; do M. 22Jc ,
Pcmbrjke 10-4 , , 230 ; Peanut 1C-I , DS c , do
7 , IPo do 49 , IGc ; Vcppf roll 1 00 , 2 < > o !
do 07 , 21cdo ; 57 , 18o ; UtVon 90 , Siio ; def
f > 8 , IWio : do 48. 17c.
P lnt OH * end V rnlihes
Oll S 110 * cnrhon , t > or gnllon ,
13o ( 160' hendllgkt , per gMon ,
ir > c ; 175" ho-'wlllpbt , per gallon. 20cj
llncecil. raw , j > or gnllonS ; UnncoJ , belle 1 ,
jujr gallon , f > Gc ; Urd , winter str'd , per mil ,
Ion , 1 0.1 ; No. 1 , BT > c ; No. 2 , 75c ; cnator ,
XXX. per galluu , 1 IX ) ; Nn. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet ,
per gallon. 85c : apotui , W , H. , per gnllon.
1 G" ; fish , W , H , , per gnllon , t > 0c ; nonUfoot ,
extra , per gftllon , 7oc ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubrl'
rnllng , zero , per callon , 30c ; nuniucr , 15c ,
goldru mnchltio. No. 1 , per gallon , 3. > c ; No ,
'J , SO ; apenu , signal , per gallon , 80c : tur
pentine , per gallon , BCcj n apt h , 74' , poi
gallon , 18c ; 61' , 17c
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha
P. P. . Olc ; white load , St. Loui , pure , l W-j
Mixraollloa green , 1 to 5 tb cans , "Uo
French iluo , K\son nonl , lc ; French * inc ,
red seal , lie ; French nine. In varnish n it ,
'Me : Fmuch ilucc , In nil ant 15c ; llaw
Hid burnt umlwr , 1 lb cnns 12c ; raand
burnt Slcnnn , 13o : vnndyko brown ,
riM'mcd lampblack. 12o ; onach black nn I
Kory black , IGc ; drop blixl , lc ( ! ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultrnmnrlno blt'i. , I8o ; ohnnuo
gu > on , L. M , k I ) . , 14cbllnd ; nnd ihuttcr
L'rron , L. M. fc D. , He ; Paris green , 18o :
Indian nxl , 15o : Venetian rwl. Do ; Tnioan
tltv , 22c ; Atuoricon Vonnlllod , LAP , , IKo ;
chrome yellow , L , , M. , O. A 1) O. , l.Sc ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1G ; patent
drjor , 8c ; prnlning colors : ll ht nnk , dark
oak. walnut , iboiitiiut and ash 15c.
Dry ° lnti
Whlto lead , G4c ; French lino. lOci Pnria
whltoing 240 ; whiting iiildoni. IJ'S
v > biting cotn'l , lie ; lampbhok Clonnan-
town. 14c ; It mpblnck , nnlinary , lOc ; Prus
sian blue , 5Cc ; ultrnniarino , ISc ; Vandyke
brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , 4.umlxir , raw
4cnionun ; , burn t , < o ; klonnn , rnw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paria green com'
' 20 ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chrom
green K. , 12c ; vonulHIon , KHR. , 70c ; vermillion
million , America , IHc ; Indinii rtui , lOo
rose pink , 14oouctinii ; read , CokUHiiso
y.'lc : venctlau red Am. , lie ; ru j load , 7Jo ;
chrome yellow , gouuino , 20o hromo yellow
low , K , , l'2c ; ochre , rovholla Bo ; ochre
French. 2Jc ; ochre , jVinorican , 2c ;
Winter a mineral. 240 ; lohlgn brown. 2Jo :
apauiah brown , L'ic ; Trinco's mineral So ,
VARNISHKS Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
81 ; coach , oxtrn , $1 40 ; oacb , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; npnn , 70cn.i- ;
phnltnm , extra , 85c ; shellao 83 50 ; hard
oil finish. $1 30.
Heavy Hardwun U t.
Iron , rates , 83 10 ; plow ptool , special
cast , 7e ; crucible , 8c ; special orGerinanCc ;
capt tool do. 15020 wagon spokes , act.
2 25(313 ( 00 ; hiba , per sot , 1 25 ; fellooa , sawed
dry , 1-10 ; tongues , each , 70@S5o ; axlea ,
each , 75c ; anuaro nuts , per lb , 7@llo ;
wnihera , jrar lb , 818c ; rlvotw , nor lb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , U@12c ; malleable , Ka ;
iron \fodgco , Go ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow
tueth , 4c ; horecnhocs , per keg , G 00 ; npring
steel , 7@Sc ( ; Bunlcu'n horje-sluioB , 5 50 ;
Burden's mulcahoeu , ' ! CO
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck iibot , 52.10 ,
Orioutnl Powder , koga. 80.40 ; do. . 1ml
koga. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kngs , 81.88 ; Blast
bg , keira.$3.3.r : Fu e. ncr 100 foot 50o.
BAl > BKD WIKK In car lots. 7 5' ) pot
100 ; in IOMH than car lota. 7 75 nor 100.
NAILS Rntea. 10 to GOtf , 42J.
Hldei hurs , Etc.
HIUHH "jtroon butchor'a bids , GQ7ic
ouiwl 7f@8c ; bidsH , grocn salt , part cured
7Jchiao ; ,74c ; dry Hint , sound , iy@14c ; ilrj-
call nnd kip , 12u)14c ) ; dry salt hldcaHouml ,
10@llo ; green calf , wt. 8 to 16 U < B. , ll(512oi ( |
green culf , wt , under 8 llw , per skin , 50oj
green ( xilta , 50al ( ) 25 ; green lamb bkinK ,
81 25gl ( } 50 : dauingod bidoa , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one grub , olnaaod two-
tLirila rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , ofl
Coon skiua , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 1
20No. ; . 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 33c ; No. 2
15a ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , ,
60o ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b'26o |
65o ; abort ntrlpe , 40n ! narrow sttipeo
broad atrlpo. lOo. Tnllow 7c ,
Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock Bole , 28o to
35c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 1 00 ; runner ,
G5o to 80o ; hemlock calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hem
lock upper , 23e to 2Gc ; oak upper , 24c ;
alligator. 4 00 to C 50 ; calf kid , 323350 ;
Greiaou kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80c to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 5E ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
HCttti. G 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
Loppmgs , 9 00 to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , 0o
to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; eluicu ;
0 tu 3 00.
HARNKSS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2
do , 3'Jo ; N. . lOhiiKMk , 38o ; Nn. 2 do ,
35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 87c ; No , 2 do Sic.
Horaei and Mules.
The market In brink and all grades are
lling well at i' alight advance in pilco.i.
The douinnii for good horses oicooda the
nipply coaHideraoly , Pricoa range na fol-
lowu :
Fine cinglo drivers. GlfiO. to 800. ) Kitrc.
draft hoi-uoj , ? 17b. to 2Z1) . ; Common drait
iior > iea , 5100. to 150 , ; Extra farm hareon ,
110 , to 125 , ; Common to fjojj farm liornon
f'JO. to 8100. ; Kxtra pluijn , StX ) . to 75.J
Common Dluga , ? 20. to 810.
MULKS. 15 to 104 bands ( oxtrn ) , 25.
to 150. ; 1IJ to 15 bunds , $100. to 140. ;
14 to 14i hands , 375. to 100. | 13 * to 14
hands , 600 , to 75.
. Lumber.
Wo quote lumber , lain and shlngloi on :
cars at Omaha at the following price" :
under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , C2l : 50.
TIMBERS-16 ft. und under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIHT-18 ft. , ? 23 50 ;
2C ft , $2J 50 , 22 ft. , 820 60 ; 24 ft. $2G 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 In. , O'il 00 ;
No. 2 , 82200.
SUKKTING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) , 2U 00 ; No , 2 , 818 00.
LIA1K Per barrel , Jl 35 ; bulk pnr ous-
40c ; Cement , bbl , 52 25 Iowa plnutor.
bbl , 8U 50. Hair per ba , 4Uo. Tnrrcil
felt 100 Ibu. 83 50. Straw board , 83 60.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith ) , 12 ;
Morria Run BloKsbnrg , 812 ; Whitobreimt
ump , $5 50 ; Whitobreast nut. 85 50 ; lows
.ump , $5 50 ; Iowa nut 95 50 ; Hook Spring
& 8 ; Anthracite , 81 0 50@ll 00.
DRU a AND CJiKMlOA LS.clil ,
Jarliollc , 63c ; Acid , Tsrtailc. OOc ; Jlaleam
'Jopabia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , SaacafrHH , per
b , 14 ? ) Uilomol. per lb , 7'ic ; Clncbouidin ,
u-r or. , 81 15 ; Chloroform , per lb. 1 00 ;
Dovor'u powdero , per lb , 81 40 ; KIMOIC
in\la \ , per lb , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , po bl ,
Sic ; Load , Acetate , per lb , 22c
Oil , Caalor , No. 1 , per gal , Pi 20 ;
Oil , Castor , No. H , per gul , $1 10 , Oil ,
Olive , per i/al. 31 'M ; Oil , Orlgnmun , 50 ;
Opium , M 7'i ; ( . { ninlnn P. & W. A R , A H. ,
nor oz , tf2 orPutaiiiilniu , Iixildo , per It
1)1 75 ; Bblucin , per oz. 40c ; Hulphate o
.M-orpblnt ; , on , $3 85 ; Hulpnur floor
pur lb , 4c ; htrrclmlne. nor oz ,
AIXJOIIOL 1H7 proof. 325 pel vinu
gallon ; , extra Oaliforziia Hrjtrili. 187 [ irooJ ,
1 per proof xallun ; triple runu d dpiriU
167 proof , 123 pur proof gallon ; ra-dUtilled
i , 1 OOfyl M ; line hloudod , 1
60 ; Kentucky bourbon * , UOOCs/,7 03 ; K n
tuoky nxl IVtmsylvmiln ryej , 2 L05a7 'XI '
BUANDIKH imported , S3 00 ® 10 00 ;
dcmoalic 1 404 CO ,
GINH Ironorted , 4 608 00 ; domeirib ,
1 IOM3 00.
< RUM-I.nj.ortcd . , 4 f,0@3 00 ; New
Knsland. 2 OOfaM 00 ; domestic. 1 60@H 60
76fi61 00.
OHAMPAGNKS-Imvortoa per oa/io ,
2800d3i OjAiusrUia , cato , ViWf } ,
OLARKTfl- caao , 4 60010 00
WINKS Rh no wine , per cuno , G 00 ®
2 00 ; Gatavt-a , per cose , 4 00(07 ( 00.
Olari und ToDnscu * .
CIGARS. Heeda , 816.00 ; Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , CJo.OO ; [ food Havauu ,
$ .W.OOj ClearHttvana , 876.0D.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
24 lb , COc ; Our Rope , lirat quality , 02o ;
Star , poni'de , 21 lb , butta.GOc ; Ho e Shoe ,
pounofs , 24 lb , butta. 58c ) Gilt Kdge ,
pounds , 21 lb , butts , GO ; Army and Nary ,
pouiidn , 66c ) Bullion , poutds , 6Ucj I rll-
lard's Climax , poundi , OOo.
FINK CUT-Iii pU-IlArd to B * tl
75CJ Golden Thrend , 70c ) Fountain , 80c ,
Favorilo , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , GOo :
fancy , Me ; Dnlsy , f > 0c. In tin foil-
Catling O. S. , B lb boxM , txir lb 03o } Ixirl-
Illard's 'i'lRor , GOo ; Diamond Crown , GOo.
SMOKING All crndos Common , 26lo
flSo. QratmlaUid lllackwclla Durham , 10
oz61c ; Dukpi Diirlmm , 1C oz , 4f > e | Sent of
North CiuolhiB. 1C oz , 4 ( ' . | Scnl of Ncbnv-
kn , 10 or , 88c ; 1/ono Jnck. 4 or , llnon bugs
per lb , $1,35 ; Marburva' Puck 2 oz , tin
oil , 63c ! Do * ? T ail Gfic.
Merino iinwns cd , light. ! 401Ge | hnavy.o ,
( t)1315o ; miHllum unwnnhod , light , 18i3iO
wrt hi d , choics , 2ci fair , 30o ; tnli-dlmt !
itiul w. , 2Hc ) burry , blncl. tiJo > ttxl ( wool
JJ ft I T 8m money ami outer iwlt dltret from
uni. I m.wmlilp prompt ! } l < y tall at th
! o\Mt jx59slllor. h prlcoto ll itctn volnts
Iflui-in TYI.KH hALT.'CO { ; mlh w Olty.Mli J |
The Lnw to Oorapol Mormon
Women to Make
itta of Their Lords.
A Glanon ut tlio Mormon Situation
nnil a Few Uitm rki > Touoh-
IMII the Commlialan.
Oorrctpon fence ol Tin tin.
SALT LUCK Cirv , Uoooinbor Jl ! ) .
The opinions expressed in your odi-
torinls of the 2IU inst. voice the sonti-
nicntn of far more of the non-Mormon
residents ot Utnh than ia generally
imagined. Because n radical few
niiiko themselves conspicuous by do-
mmidlng all sorts of impossible login-
liUion for Utah , it is widely supposed
that they repronont the whole Gentile
population of this territory. This is n
mistake. The greater portion of tliia
class wish to live at peace with their
Mormon neighbors. The Mormons
nre honest In their business nrrango-
uionts , capable nrtizaus , thrifty citi-
eons , nud , whun employed , usually
trustworthy servants. Aa ouch their
follow citizoriB are quite willing
to do business nud Hvo in
harmony with them ; but persons of
this kind do not rush into print ,
itinerate through the country with
seueationnl harangues , or got up peti
tions to congress to auppross every
thing that oll'jnda their gentility.
Still I observe that oonie of our na-
tiouul ooloiiB becm determined to
"meddle nnd muddle" the Mormon
problem , no Lord John Jluenoll was nc-
cueod of doing with England's foreign
policy. Au referred to in u femur
letter , ono of the most unsatisfactory
laws , thnt lo , one which will prove
moot unsatisfactory in its rcoultu , is
the ono now doeirod to compel Mor
mon wivca to testify agnlnat their him-
b.uids in OJ303 of polygamy. "Lluniun
nature ia human nature , " tome
ono haa sagely remarked , nnd
Mormon womankind is very
much like other womonkind nil
the world over , nnd the dear creatures
are just us stubborn in these parts as
anywhere else. I will rlak my reputa
lion ns a prophet thnt in ninety-nine
cases out of every hundred whore the
lirat wife I" " " . . 10 testify ngalnst
her huubal.u she won't do it. She
won't do tt for her husband's aako ,
her own sake > , her ohlldren'a sake nnd
her religion'n sake. Many n womnu
iu Moruioiidom na elsewhere , wili
talk : it homo in no dulcet tones as to
what she will do , und threaten terri
ble tiling' , but r.ho no inoro mentis
what HIO oayn than does thu wonmn in
thu old fublo whj threatens to throw
her cryiny buby to tliu wolf. If any
imagine that the Mounon women
do not love their huilauda nbjut aa
much aa wives usually do , they innko
a mintiiko , und then when wo
consider the contempt a women
would bo held by her Itln ,
her own children included , if she wan
the instrument in thu hands of the law
of putting their father into the peni-
tentlury , the punishment that any
court could inflict fur contempt would
be insignificant coinpircd with thu
misery ntie would unduro from the
conluuion nnd unhappincaa aho hivd
holpad to introduce into her own homo ,
Then ugain , there is tint very grave
question of support. What is to bo-
oumo of tlio woman and children while
the husband "aorves hla time ? ' II
olio aids in affecting 1m imprisonment
thuro will bo no generous public sym
pathy amongst her oj-rehgioniats ; nn
she haa made her bed BO eho nuy lie
In it , will be general sentiment. And
I hear of no kind provision in
the proptiud Jaw for the _ sup
port of the wives of imprisoned
ijulyftaniUtB. Bumn ono in ay remark
that the non-Mormons will Jiolp nuoli
n woman AM our tihoshono neigh
bors nay , "Maybe no , maybe not. "
Huch H woman would nnt bo held in
high estimation even by thoio who
huvo no prudoliations toward plural
marriage. The loyalty of the wife to
the husband is u trait honored in nil
Onrletlnli hearts , nnd wlieru no charge
in brought against n man , who other
wise muy bo n model husband , except
that he nas gone too fur into the prac
tices enjoined by hit religion , thowo
of hU own house who rltiu up ngniunt
him will have very lutlu nymputliy
moro Mibatntitial than worJ inoro
oiten nttcntd for public elluct , than
from real heart-feeling ,
'Hut ' iilyK ' "y i " ° part of ro-
, ; ifii. " tin Buy rimny ; so the fiiiprcmu
court of the huJ han decided ,
Li'U'ally , nndor tltutdociHloii , It ! K not.
With no desirn to advocate
Mormon idean In the oolumiiH of TIIK
Iji'.n , I must drayattentton to u run-
uugu iu the world-famed rovuUtUm on
thu dootrino. Then lull mv , if u man
or a vToia.ui biiliovuB thnt rovolntiot
how can it bo other than religion ? It
runs ; "I reveal unto you n now and
aa evorlaiting covenant , and if yo
abide not thot covenant , then fire yo
damned. " Now , wli&tovor olhero
muy believe or dlabuliovu , the being
who hon.'stly believes tliia luya himself
open lo thu pallia of damnation , ao-
oorJiriy to hits coiincionc ? , if ho rcjectu
it. Acd there nre many other passages
iu this Buine instrument which are
qultu no atningly worded , and come
with the forou of "thu saith the
Lord , " Herein lies the dlflloulty. Wo
y wo are not Interfering with your
relgHon. The Mormon nnsweri , ' 'You
are , I am the best judge of my rtllg-
gou and I aesort that you nro poraccut-
Ing mo for confidence nko , Wo
have to return to the axiom thnt the
law Is euprcino and numt bo obeyed.
There the matter 1ms to bo loft , as on
both sidns the oft-quoted couplet will
prove true
"A trmn convinced nRivlrnt Ills will
la ( it thu miuo opinion ntlll , "
To return to the question of what
RubMnntinl sympathy a mormon wife
todtlfylim under the proposed IAW
would ruceivo , I have niniply to atato
to provo my position that in no bill
introduced during the present congress
gross for the punishment of polyqnmy
that I have examined ( , xnd I think
their number In about twentj ia pro
viaion mndo fotnnj > nsfist.uico or help
being rendered to the nnfortunntn
fninily. The father mny be conaignud
to durance vile , but nothing ia pro
posed to prevent his children becom
ing waifo ntul strays and charge-
nblo to the public. Of con mo
it is not customary to p uvido
for the fninily of fnlons , but ns it la
claimed that these lawa are proponed
for the bonelltof thuoppreteed noinrn
and children of muchly mnrrlod
liousoholda , it is fiomowhni incontis-
tout that nothing is done to alleviate
Ihulr sulldringj when the law Is put in
Force on the Iwnd of the f.unily.
I have digressed into this strain
from the fact th t the news items are
abominably scarce. livery body la
( pending OhrlatmuR , thu holiday rush
Is over , the keen froat prevonta out
door work , and n phwant waiting for
spring is now the ordrr of the day.
Ilox.'M. . II. Houi'Kii is lying at
.ho point of death , llr. Iloopor was
resident of Galena from 18G5 t )
about 18X3 , and wan engaged the
renter part of the time nn merchan
dizing and ntenmboating with Nathan
Cornlth. Ilo removed to St. Louia
and from there to S. U Lalto City ,
whnro ho capoueod Mermonlsm and
soon became ono of the lenders of the
church , although ho always opponod
[ ) olygamy , and had never hnd but ono
wife , who is otlll living. ITn was a
delegate to congress trom I'tah for
Bovoral terms , and at the tlmu the
territory applied for admhslon to the
union presented himself in Wnnhlng-
ton an Bonntor-olect. Ho has long
liold the position of 1'roimlont of the
Deaerot National Hat k at Salt Ltka ,
and waa also nt the hoiul of the /ion
Mercantllo Co-oporativo nsaociation ,
and other oqutlly vast untorprisce
Ilia diaoaoo is said tobouf a bronchial
Spadkl Dl | mtch taTllii linn
ST. Louis , D.icombsr 29. The
dnmago cuit fir § 5 000 innli aitod by
Mica W. Slayback ngivtnat John A.
Cnekoroll , thu mitim'ing ' editor of The
1'oHt-Uiepr.tch , for thu loaa of her lius-
ba. ' 1. was dijmUoed to-day at the
s inatnnco and coatn.
Sprdal Iliiinti.h | to Tim 11 r. .
NKW Yoitk' , December 31. The
from forolj. > jvrti whioh ur-
rn-ccl here durinu ; 18812 numbered
( i/170 , including l/JKlauamera.
8pirl | Dispatch to Tin HUB
HAVHI : , Dcoombor ! U. ITuuibtTt fk
No 11'a timber yards are burning.
militate have boon called out.
IH n ronlllvo ( 'uro
fornll those I'lilnCulUoranlalnU and W <
tooomraonto our brut femalepopulation *
Jileillclno for Woman.
Prepared by a Woman.
i Grt&lft.t ITetllfU Ul.iOTtrr Bln Hi * ! ) < * o
tVItroTlrcs the drooping nplrlti , Inrlicoratn am
luriiionliuittiooriranlofunclloiui , BUe olantlclty wii (
rmueia to the step , restores tliu natural lustra to tli (
yi > , anil plantif on tlio palochiHlc of woman tlio Irvsli
USI-H of llfo'4 xprlni ; and early suinmrr tlmo.
' < 7 Phjsclans ! Use It anil Proscribe It Freely.- ® !
It romoicd folntnMU , flatukncy , iltatroya all cravlnl
ir ntlnmlant , and rclloToa weakness of the itomach. ) i
Tlmt ft'cllnt ; of bcarlni ; dawn , caimlugr * ! " ! wclghli |
ml Imckacbo , la always iiormancntly curnl l > y It * u j '
'or tlioruro of Kidney Complaint * of cither Ml ,
tbU Compound U unsurpaiicd. ( l
III vrnillcalo urcry rntlKO nf llinnoru from tlii
looil.nnil Klvo tonn mill Mrcimlli ID the vyutcai , oi
iau wouiiuj or cliUd. Invliituii imvlutflt. < | I
Until ttio Compound anil Illotxl Purlflcr ara prcpare4' '
t 13 ami 35 WtsUm Avenue , Ljrnn , lliun. 1'rlcool
HIicrttl. lllil < oltk'nfor 3. Bcut liy mall In the Torn
TpllU , or of lounge * , on receipt of prlco , | 1 ptrboi
ir cither. MM. Plnliliiintfrocly ons cniftlllctt noli
nqulry. KnclosoSct-etamp. Brmlfori > am | > ulct.
NnrnmllrxhouMlu ) without T.TDIA K.I'INItnAM1
IVKtl 1'II.I.S. Tlmr euro ciill tluitlon | , IMvunuaj
auil lurplillty of tha llvor. 23 cvntu pur but.
nil DniKuUta.-figi d )
Tlicm iknlrliiK tom t.o money
siuall nnil iiioi'iniii liiY ntiiiiint Ic
ilj.n , CMI i ! no bj ojn'ratlr ' un PUI
plan , FrGmlUy 1 , ibUli.n.t'liii vtt
'I' tint ihto , on InMVtmi ins of 91CUf
lo SJ.Cini , cuh prollU U&vn l.ctr ,
ni'iliAO'l nii'l int. ! ti lnvoitoif )
luil InvfHlruont. I'rotltu | > Md Into
oiury iiuiiHi , fillll Inivlrv tin
original lnvi , tnibiit r.fcUiiu-incr.c )
: or pjyalilo on ilonnr.d Kiplumin
- - - - - - - - -
t ol luoc
< onti , wliowllriporto'icropB tno
liit'oiliuo ' IliujiUn. Ii'.bcial ron.
nilstlon Xcrcl anla , Uajrr Unck
rWntrn Ml
"Tlioro U a tlilo I'l thu aRalre ol men , II taknn
at Ilio llol on to fnrtiine"anj It moan to
line lioe'i riuchul , when hr tro paltry nuiii al
9 cc H wo umy sccuro tlut wblili lll nrnblo
UK to retain hualth , uiiuo winlort and bo | ito-
oitvd to a npo anil utulnl o il aiu. |
0. O. i < tiii | tian found lie lionania which hu-
ttanlty ) m vo lonir nteilod In lilt wattr-piool
l ll h and Icallitr ) > rciiir\liirf compound , No
inoro wol fcut , no ooiu , cold , coniump.
tlon"llit H'rliu | " or Colors.lo-jou get them
all In tuu water-proof po'lih , i'on't put It
rir , | jut go at once lo my dealer , and cure tha
IU aud liuallb. prescrrur , at r-prool aud p < | .
In Ilio ) 'tlncl | > l churcho * ( or commnn-
Ion i
Thin colctirnttd natl\o nlno In undo
julco of the Oporto drupe. iMeod In thl
ro unmtqiiiMoil by anyoihft native nlnr
the iniro Julco of tlio ( Iriiw , iirixlUii'd under
> lr. Stici-r'ii o nicmcn | l suiM < r\fsIonl It i purity
nml KOiiuliHincnn , ro ( r" r iitcHl. ThouuKfBl
chllil can rrtako o ( lt Roncrona qualltio , and
the wcnkMt liivlld u o It to iilviinUjC. It 1
iiartlcul-rly b-'nefleUI tt the agiM * iul ikbllta
ted , nd luitwl to tlio Mitlons ullmoiH that U-
foot tlio wrkVcr BOX. tt I ) Iu e\ory rreiioctuwlu *
P J. Sherry ,
ThoP. J. BlIKtmyim lno o ( inncrlor ch t
ftctor , and imrlakos of the rich qualltlnol th
Krupo ( torn which It I * made For imrlty , rich
IHW , flavor and uioillcltik | irol'urtlMi
( ouiul unoxcollod.
unoxcollod.SPEER'S '
JL . J.
Tli lir.vuly rtindn unrUullnl In ( tilncountt
oliiK lir Hii ] > urlcrfor iiiwllclnnl purposes
U IH a pure ilUtlllnt'on Irani tlio gr | ) o , and
contnir H xalnnblo nuvllrnl proiioitlcf.
It lius uclollcntd llavor , > linllnr to ( bat c ( tha
utvnH , fr.mi wlilili It H tllitlllcd , nnJ Is In great
Sootlmt tl.uniK'iinUiroof ALKKD
dale , N. J . IH OUT llu ) cork ol each bottle \
SoM liy Koiiiianl DIO'H A. Co , , M. Parr Bclirotct
& 1'tcht , IV I FRXU , Junca 'orsytli nJ J , 0
I'tlntnr fn'lpv
Geo. P. Bern is
Real Estate Agency ,
Oth nd Dcuglai n . , Om lm
ijwy ' ) strlJ ly brokcr.i u bmlncca
g 11 it tmmutu til tliorutord an ; * bianco
our In in mi liiuirn.l a i
BunlncBS tranaactod aamo as thnt of
an Incorporated Bank.
Accaunta nolicltcd and kept nbjcot
to sigbt chock without notice.
Oortilicatoa of deposit loaned payable
In three , bix nud twelve nioiitho , bear
ing intoroat , or on demand without In-
Advnncco mndo to cnntomora on np-
nrovod aocuritlcs at niarkut rates of
The Interests of cuatomcra are close
ly guarded nnd ovury facility compatl-
blu with principlus of Bound banking
frcoly ostundud.
Draw Sight Drafts on England , Ire
land , Scotland , und all pnrtHof Karopo.
Soil European Paflango Tickets.
Collections Promptly Made.
Architects ol thejOoiaha National liank , N
braaka National Utnk , 1'aztori & ail'aruhcr'i
Hindi , Academy at the tacrod Heirt , Ulllari )
llnt l , Kto.
United States Depository
First national 'Bank ' ,
Oor. 18th and Famam Sta.
( TlBUlDai ) Ititt.
Urjanlecd at a National Augnrt It , IntJ
OAPITAI. - . . 2dO 000
' ' . '
Dmiuii Koon/zt , PrMldent.
Auaififius KOUNI I , Vlufl President.
V. II. JUviB , C'uhlor.
A. 1. 1'ih'n.rro.i ,
Jou A. CmzaiiKur.
Tlilj ; iank ; roeclvos doi)0 ) HVJ ltliout
l < uts : tlmo certlllc.itoalir.irln ; Intrrcet ,
l > m n ilrattn on Man 1'raiifUco and prindpal
cltloH of the Unltoil Ttatw , ulo r/Milon Dn' ' 1'a
l'MiK } iwg and thu [ 'rlncljal cltlcn of the coutl ;
nint oKuroi > o
Undertakers ,
Panor Stock , Woolen Eags , Iron
Illeheiit Priced 1'nld. Shlpmtuta from the
country BO ! I cl tod. Hemlttanoeo
OUAIIA | 1'rouiiitly marie. | N R