Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1882, Page 2, Image 11

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no longer from Dyap t > -
aist , Indlgaatlon , trant of
lack of Knargy , Malaria ,
IntermiUant F T ra , Aa.
TERS never folia to sure
all these dlsaaxaa * .
Mra I Him
4 trrit r < t
cnrjOiHic vkih
W ) MM a , tcllu t
Mt Jwi , U < VMB
BiowVt ! RtTTHt * , !
, wllk ( ntUi
TrrrlMM ( f ' !
WC Baa-wWa IB * * Bin MM , al mj
tlM * Vitktll Mf * tl. II.Hl >
t u * tmutmtt kaMlM *
TERS aa4 Ilka kjinaa
on th 41ga t
ramoTliif all
ympioBna , auah sva
Ing tko fo
Haat In tk atoBa
Hemrtsjurm , eH * . Tke >
only Iroai Frt > | wrasMMi
that Trill % a las > ke > a tsaa >
t tk or fiTs > sitaiailta
Bro-rrn ChsMamicexI Co.
DM tWl > a In * MaMi M * V *
Hobraska Loan ft Trait
u A an JIM , xw.
OapitiJ Stosk , - - 1100,000.
JAB. ] ) . IIKARTWKI.I , ,
A. L. CIJUlKi : , Ylct-PfMUMl.
E. a WtlWTEIl , TrwnfW
Bunuel Aleinailar , OllTr ,
A. L. O rKe , R. 0. Wibttor ,
OM. IL Pratt , JM. B , a
D. U. H BUa * } .
Firit MwTtgHpLmni a Bpeoialtj
Tbl * Company fnrnlthM a matitnt , homt
Initllutlon where DchMl Koidi aad othtr Irgallj
taruod Mnnlelnal Mrcrl4M of KtbrMka * BB b <
b * ofUaM4 n the nt f Trahlt ttrau.
iMMt Bu4t o l nrte'l farnu It all wll NttM
o tlMf thtitaU , threufh nijkU. toesl
ori ts.
TiivOerMk M * asua > liiMa
alth PreMrrUa , * 1JM. *
AMMakmal ( * itrBMT7 >
BUaUh I'rMCrrta * ( MBlal ) e * . , l'i
Bklr-S ( * riBm k BI.Be.
rr aau kr iMtAU * SftMB a alar e < t M kM
OI1XOAOO OOBOBV < . , flliSMfljn , Ul.
Bend | 1 , It , 99 , or ID fer a retell
toll hex bf BxpseM of the aad
OaadUe In BTrrftii. paa ap
elafsnt baiBa , and atrUlay vane
H Suitable faa puBsasu. Hzpre * <
argoB light , Reien to all Qhl
ago. Try Ik onto.
71io Story o ( Ui SwW&g JloklnG.
Ultlt iaAja ni
eav * vUU numttoai amr ! un
to oy orJii 'yi R\Ulij til U ,
or eal-oiUool Rafti/i i ' w.i/
wUJ b M&t ly UJ. pce vH. t ;
> M llttoj at iJ M at ! i-in u ftSJVvJ
w lit xtf * ra iMiiiaH " ft , ,
aT W
C (
Lincoln , Teb
Corn Plan tore Hrrr owe. Farm Roller
tjultty Bay UaUea , BUCKOC KJovatlm
WlnamlUB , Ao i
We BI pitpaied ta aa Jab woik and uucul *
urlug lot otbtr partlti ,
AddreM al ordtfl
. .tlotalo. M * .
* W1NE or CARDUr luur tlmt.
> y Hiarwn a happy household.
Bing Oat too Old. Ring In the
Liat of the Lftdle * Who Will
Tha DaU for TanalBK sYrar a If ew
At midnight lust nlfht old
Father time empilei his konr-gUus of
it snnasl steak of sand and Intre-
daaea to the world the year 1863.
The rliltor hta com * jiat M prorloni
resra hare nude tholi entrance *
b aasocUtod with similar tnoinorlos of
the put , and like hopes , pi oinlsdl and
desires for the fntnro.
Oir good city has great saute for
salf0farata.latlon at what h a been
Ion * 4mln | the yew Joak oloeed
ant arfry roaaea ta hspe foe a
still brlfhtet rs r * la 1881.
! this eeaakry Ifew Tear's dsy kas
beea gtvea kke M place om
the ealeaiar sa tka feast ef
the eirraatelslea , a well knewa fay ef
rfllfieaa ebearraaee 1 * the Oatkohe
ehvMk. Of aearae la this elty bail-
MM will ks feaanUy Baspeaded Mil
featfvitr M ga ssipsMs. Owr tlttaens
will telisw kite MU ! aaeteM ef aeylag
aai MeerrlBg Mlk , wkSaa km become
a Beakl Ml * Hi til * Betatkaaa Bad Beat-
MM part * > f the etaMa , alkaevak kit
little ftelawa * ' ea MM aeatk , W.
pMaaat Mil MoaaMg a Bt ef taeta
wk hare aeUlesl M ef akair take-
tea to kaaa "aaaa kaM" ler the
paaeaslea ef tktir hlejack , bat aa-
deaateeUy Mss.y BMM will de likewise
wk kre 1114 ke sjira kite autUew
kUalV at the aaaseak wstUag.
Tlte iaslUakieu ax that kke waatkes
will be Mask BMaiiUas to-day ,
aavi Tu kaaea aie coa * will lead
their Mast ale * slag , eaasklay aMllsa.
aad that all ear eTksaeaa , 7014 aa *
aid , aUh uUl peer atay > j sy the slay
la tke hapalaek BULaaat aeaaatvaala ,
aad ever kareagh tke yaai to eoma
bar * osUf tka Blight aids af Mf to
MlM Oollinji will
at Lei hoBM , 1003 Oaaltol
af tar 3 o'olo k , aaiUtod by MM. J. M .
Caray , of Oaejtaai ; MM. M. Tfakoly ,
Wakaly , MU * Stoa , aad Ml a
ltnUp , ( Naw Toik
A.t tiu pacaoaafia i. * .
oorn co < Savvntocatk aad OaM t * oU ,
MM. W. I. Ooa laadwill > * < Miraah f
aatUUd by MM. WUlk
BwMi , f * ? , Mn. O. S. Moat-
Mkw JviaU Gmat aad ML *
Omy of JMoaabi.
MM. and lIUi KHM.
will MMlr * at 1811 OaUH *
awlitad ky MM. M , D. TaoMaa
aa MM. Di. R d , ( OM 1 matil 6
p. M.
Bacwxiu ILnv-t-Oaaoa aai MM.
Doktty aaA Mr. Wiadaoa ,
ky MM. AMklUU P waU , tki MMM
rfaaklla. Tukill , Lyaiia , JMOBMB ,
ElocalU J okaa aa Wflaoa , will
otlra frr kallMt It to 1 p. M. at
tk * 2lMwa U kail Nttoay , * . | M
tMBt * NfMt.
Mrarxr. MM. A. M f ky , aMtit-
d Vy MlMM Lbaia L. JCwWy aa4
Maay Maifky , ! PlaitaMovtk ,
wffl M alva aU M at bar Mat * * * * * ,
TBI PAXTOW-MM. Ktkekew , MM.
Oarketx MM. Paztnsi , MM. Ootnish ,
MM. MektalMM. . BsMle , MM.
HalaM , MM. Basil , Km Ba.ll , Miss
MeOvMsUk , Mia. P.gk , MkMBsowaa ,
MiM Msteaif , will aeeerre at the Pax-
tea froM S aakil a a'elvek.
raav MM. H. BMVBMB wfll
ak kev Maidenee , Treaty-
4 aa4 OkUag * etaaets , asatitai ay
MM. Jasea Iiewe , MM. Okas. PewelJ.
Mas. D. T. Tea * * ! * , Mas. D. P.
Baas , MM. L. B. Otadoy , Mra. Haf-
doa , Chlftag a ; tke Mssasn BavHa. tke
MlMss Toaaalla.
aa {
MSB. ( Xurksoa , with kka Data aad
MM. MlllsaaBgh aad MM. MoPae-
MB , wiU Meeire at kka Bkkey'a Mat-
4esrea ea Ik. Maay's araaaa anal
Twaakietk ataaet.
OBOK. Mn. Jeka MathloBon ,
ayMbaea Millie aad Helvlg
MaAsdasna , wttlvaeetre at kkab r si-
aeaee , atakk Hlevenkk , between Do -
eaa aad Gemtec stM * i , oa Moadary.
HAM. MM. M. QeUsaastwIll
ak kesassMeatoo , oona * of
Twea > a/.skbd atMwt aavd 9 . Mary's
avesiae , at It a , ax , aasfaiea ! ay tka
foUowtag UeUM : MM. P. H. lies' ,
MSB. A , Oaka , Mra. 8. P. Moava , MM.
AUx , Pelaek. MBS. Max Mnf r. Mkv
allM Ooatsekins. MSB. Obae. WM , O/
M u Otry , aad Mas. H. JPehnaao.
HoA kA > Mau Jr e. A loaf laad
will r + Mire ak keskasaa aAtw 1 p. nt. ,
aMWtaML ay Meada * * * Olask , Weoa-
sou , JUisuia , Dtk * , 9. B. Jaaesi ,
Wyatt aad ikasdU asid by Mheea
OkasakaM , Kalght , Isaaoa , Wyusan
aad Miss Maor KMlghk.
. Join V. Vaaay will
iWve ak 1811 OHM akcat ,
b * the Mlaaes Martha asul BUuaka
Ifcde , tk Uluos Laa and Ouate
Ijanu aad Mlu CWUe MeOoxmaU ,
bekwew tke keuai ox 1 and T p. m.
MRAuawC. MM. E. EsUbitiok
will reelvo sJtor 1 o'clock , at 1618
Ohloago stroat. ouUtod by Mas. O. 0.
OainpboU , MM. ft 0. Olowry , Mis
George Vsjt Onrua , Mm. Fred Nya ,
Mre. J. 1C. Wilbur , lira. 0. II.
Squires. Mrs. II. D. E Ubrook aad
the MiMM 8nlj Sprlngor , Mauilo
Wood and Gearulo Lyona.
Aitiitoa * . Mrs. J. 0. HolUrl , Mra.
G a. Tisokfiok , Mlsa AtU Oody , of
North Platte : Uw MLaaoo Msy Wag
goner , Bella Bonsai , Alloo Tasohuok ,
Mula R * d aud Kttklo Lowu will ro-
celvo with Mrs. G. W. Aatbroso aud
MM Ambrose at 1084 Farnani okr ot.
ST. BAIINAIIAH llncroiiY , Mra ,
Williams , with Mn. Silver , Mrs.
Kurtz , Mrs. BUlr , Mm. Byruu , Mrs.
D. W. Woodman Mid Mlasoa Brando ,
duy and Silver will rooolvo at St.
BaruabeV lleotory ,
MoOArrav. Mra. Owen MoOaffry
will rooolvo callura at her residence on
Harnoy street , between Twonty-Crat
and Twouty.aeooud atroots , on Now
Year day , aatUlod by Mra. T , J , F1U-
inoriia , Mrs. M , A. MoNamua. Mn.
Hu h MoOsffry , the Misses Dwyer
( llary , Oass and Jennlo ) , Mluoe Belle
Hundorson , Magglo Swift , Mary Mo-
namara , Fanulu MoNsUKhtou and
Ella Kuanody.
Tun. Mn.'R. K. Talk will re-
cdvo at 2024 Webster direct ,
by Mrs. Anp [ . Pratt , Mltios Freeman -
man and M eon , of Denror , Matlh
Rood and Abby Taft.
HanrnanfAiift-- following Udln
and frlenda of the Uerrnwlan society
will rooelre at the roildenoe of the
Mowrs , Hltohoook , lonthwevt eorner
Df Dodge and Twentieth ttroeta :
lln. Monell , Mn. Georjr * B. Lake ,
Mn. B. H. H , Oldrk , Mn. A. M.
Ohadwlek , Mlai Mlnalo Manl , MM !
M ry Lnke , Mlmte Fannie and Lido
TVllion , MiM Streot.
Wooiwonrn. Mn. Woolworth will
rfcelre at Oortlaadt on the aft rnoon
aad aroatag of Now Yora day , from
J o'clock natlt 0 , tmUtcd by Mlw
Vfonlwaitk , Mn. 0. D. Woolworth ,
Mn. Ooaoll , Mra. B. B. Price , Mn.
11. R. Kloffwalt and Mlu Bxlcombu.
THI MAYOR Mayor Boyd will re-
eelre the city cfllcon , the pollco and
Cro doptftmontfl at 12 o'clock.
OOOM Mr . P. B. W. Oooko and
daughter * will rocelya t * holr homo.
Twemty-fifih , between Dodge and
T. M. 0. A , Lidlei from the differ
ent ebttohe * In the city will recolro at
the MOBM af the T. M 0. A. , ai the
coBkfawoat ooraei of 1'lftooath and
VanuiM atneta.
Paaixi. Uri. P. L. Portae , 1930
Do f atreot , awlated by Mra. P. H.
Ska * * , Mka LanM TT. Mon , MiM
LM Skarp , illai Mafgle TTUaoD ,
Mka Qeitrmde Olaik aacf MJea Grace
Perla * .
PICK. MM. Sdwaid P. Peek will
M elra fiom 1 U T p. m. at N . 1724
I > aTMa rt attaet , aatlataa ky MM.
Lynaa RtekartMB , MM. Mlltoa T.
Bwlew , MM. W. H. McOerd , MiM
RUkaKUaa , Mlu Dollla McOormlok
aai MiM Blakov.
Bvua. MM. Bamiel Banu will
MMtra at k M , aoatkeaet eraer of
Mgktoaitk anil DoagaatMew , aMlatW
by MM. T. 0. BIB * * * , tka MiMM
NaUla Batma , LAMM Barney aael Olan
Babkiagtoa , af Oouaoil BlaJU. '
Bora MM. Jamoi H. Boy * will ca-
e + lre at koj lealdanu , lOOt Daveei-
aeat ataaet , aaalatU ky tka Mliaea
key * , MM. B. S. Oaldwall , MM. D.
0. Olaak , MM. Baall , MM. J. ML
Wataoa , MM. 0. T. Taylea , tke MKM
Rlok , gorbaek. BiuJor nU Toapklaa.
Belle Klmball , Mak O. W.
HoliMdgo , UlM Laola Eogaai , Mlu
Maggla Smith , Mlu Koala JoiM et
Okloage , MMM ( OaMio and Alice
Sawluaa of Lincoln , at the reotdonco
of MM. T. L. Kltaball , at 1303 Pork
VTllie areuna.
MUIBU-MM. I. W. Miner will ro-
elve at her Naldanco , If 16 Daren-
portatroat , after 1 p. nu , aaalated by
MM. Alf. Soronaoa , MM. Alex. Mo-
Konald , Mn. B. P. Bartoa , Mn.
Walt' * Beaaett , MUa Braman of Boa-
toi , MiM Taa Aovnaai , MiM Naanle
Jlaytoa , Mlu Danham , aad Mlu Ella
Hie Uncle la Hick.
Dtlroll Tit * Vn * .
A gial alight aa wall b np and dowa
aaoat aaek iklagi aa to anlbr k a elf
to ba Uaaoa 4 oa aoi hare tke fading
gnawlag at kea hea t fv M oaa yeM
eoa to aootkea. Tka otke * eveatag
wka a aettala yoaag caaa la tala city
dMayed klMtalf dowa In tke paalo >
aloagaUe of the girl ke keaea to aaa > -
ay aoaaa day o othat ake cgn :
"Haaay , OhjittaM la alawut keaa. "
"YM. "
"TkiM ytau ago yea yetieontoa Me
wltk a p l of aat-HBga. Thay weao
ftraa tk * oUf atoM. " "TM.1
Twa yee a ago yea preaented BM
wltk a a ir of ftfO bMoolaw. Thy '
we a loUW-plitto aad oaly ooat 90. "
UM "
" Leak yea * yo alaeed ha any kaai a
wMad riag. 'Ae ate * ia waafeod
aa4 the atoae k froM Laka George ,
aad tkay MkOl at aboat § 3 § t boaael.
Haacyl" "Tea , dcaa. "
"AM yea tkiakiag of aakiaj ; ana a
rneeait kak y rf" "Of eoarte. "
"Tkaei ao not a ok to ekaat aad de-
eafcra na. Do aot throw away yu
Moaey ka teilea aai baablea , kat tmy
iomeiklnff tk t I ea ahew to the
wocU wlthoit feat of cftUckea. Hen
la an a T rUa iaeat m the paper of a
lady'a aaddla aouy and saddle for oolp
Yeatoaday motslng Heavy UA fe
Daeivee ? to BIM a aiek aaoi thaoagh
a CUM of Mlioaa fvrea > , aad a wom't
ke ba k aaktt aftot koeUaya. Btll , It
waa a wiee polky oa tka pan of the
Hal. Tkat Taey day ka kad fgaMd
wrkk a Jewel * * oa baytag aa td atlrer
watak aael karUg It gold-plated ana
kea : " 18 E- 16HaMi to
Soaie IBM.
Da , 0. 0. OLMS1EA.D , Ullwan-
kaa , Wla. , M S : "Ihava aeed It in
MW poaoUae test ysasa , aad mnsidor
It a valoahta norre to&ie. "
Haw to Huak a * MM * f Oane.
KASM ram * .
la MMt week's' lamer B. W. Drowa
talk aa k w te kask aa ear o ( com ,
iraaaaUaf U aaj oae ad a aa4i r
way Uat weald saake ll kaova. As I
ikluk I Jure a WtU * war , I will f/re
taloc :
Oakck ike eai wita Ike left luaa ,
kkaMB iawaMU tka bait , aud tk lit
tle lags * aaoat appoaUo tke MB
of tke ooan ( ook tka kask ) . la-
sect the kaaklnc peg aa aa to take aek
leas tkaa oae-kalf oi tka kaaks , klu |
dowa wltk a qalek tmaUea , | Ulax
Llieas a akarp fall at tka buit ; close
tke let k kud uoaad the reaialades of
tke kaaks , aa'tke saate UMB gtaaplug
the aax wikk tke ilgbk kjuad , tkamb
kowaid the tip aud Ike lUila fiofer
neax iko butt , aad break off by aiwu-
\iif \ tke Up of the wur from you with
the tkonsb , and at the uaaiotlauo bring
the bott towards yea by a abort , qalok
jerk with thu fiagers , etlll holding to
tka busks with the luft band.
Ik Ukoa lawo motlooa by tUU
method than the oihea , and every ino >
tlou Ukus tLsse. A poroon auaocua-
tointtd to tkts way , nay nt first On a It
dl Hi calk to bring the ear oat clear of
hvaka , but by carofally following tko
above directions and a llttlo pnwtlco ,
there will be no-tronblo that way.
L t Mr. Brown try this way long
cnoufth to get the "bang" of It and
report. 8. 8. BOSUHTU.
Tha Travelling 8 lacM tt
la an Irrealatable fellow , brim full ol
rtorle * , jokei , courage , ielf.aur nee anil
rrlt. He li Terr taking-wllhal. Bunloci-
Blood I31tt n are a rary taking medloln * ]
they take ererywaert , and ar sold every
Qon0ip Oonotrnlnff Man and
Thing * tit the Oapltel ,
Hevtbera dtwatiac ( for the
V Mie , a d Grtttng
B mdy far \ * / rk *
Cbrr pondente erf Taa Dia.
Lmoorjf , Nob. , December 20.
Llentenant Governor AgooJ orprcaeoa
hlm elf ae confident of bolng able to
convince the aon&ton that ho ought
ko be allowed to appoint the commit-
tcxa ol the Bonate , Ho la BO confident
that ho has alrondy commenced bankIng -
Ing the prospocta , and jndqtig from
the emllee and sly winks of the rail-
ro&d crowd , It ia evident that they at
lt > * \ laiaglno that they hare anccoeded
In capturing enough of the democraU
to go with the railroad repnbllcaai to
cany everything before then.
Up to thU time the rallroada have
not gtvea ont Any P&MM to members
aa far aa eaa b fotnd oat exeept ipon
application. They prefer If peaalbla
to have a lettev begging far a pass , to
file away as a convenient elak to hold
evet tke keads of tkeee law-iaakeia ,
but if a h a thlag eannot be abtalned
at tka Uat mlante they will nndonbt-
edly hand out the neoMsary doenmenta
to the * * members wka might nader
aay olMDautanoea ke tkati falendn.
la the event af a xacMber aeeaptlag a
paM they keep a eempleto reooad of
every mile ke ildoa on tke roaal , and
If at aay tlava ke akonld do sosaetklng
wkleh dlaaleaaea tkesa , they will pub-
Usk UM M they slid Da. Moere , of
Yoik. T7a s > tke alteamatanoea it la
a daagceaua expeaiMaat , tkia rlellug
oa a aalbaael pau , Mpaaially If yen
are * expeat to ooaie y for oaiae
It maat ke evident ta evejy one
that the rJleds af Vekiaaka aave
aetnally goae ant of poUtlai forover.
It ooald not ka potalbla tkat tkalr
gooeMl oMaan would lla aboat aaek a
tilling tklag as tkat. The fact that
htoM tan to a doiou railroad lobbyists
am already oa the gBouad , thoald not
ooant a < ( alnat thotn. Of comae thuy
daalro to be on hand to toll tka uuio-
istloated aoaatry membou how to
vote , and Inasmuch as the rallroodi
liave gona oat of polltloa , tholr ad
vice will kave qraat welgkk A fritna
at my elbow snggeata tut a nuus who
votes with the railroad eaowd tkls
time , and doee not aiaka kls pUe , 1s a
fool , far , aaya ko , evaaybody will say
that h iot ; it , and , lauataok aa it will
be on tke gieond foi khsi , wky aot
take it.
A few of tke saeMkaM and aeaatoM
arrived In the olty yesterday , aad a
large aaaibor will come la on the trains
at naoa. Yasteiday aboit a doaea
Beats wen labeled la tka MBresaata-
tlve ckaiak > , aad kefoie alght rally
ona-aalf will U pia-antyto . la the
aenato ahsjaber the seats will nt ba
anange4 bsfoM Moaiby , aad tkea
then wfll W a gmad amsk. Tke M -
naeBkativa kail k Maek tke least
OOM , altkoeak tka gslleay tasaw k
a MilaM , anaftka a ople aittiax kaek
af tke tint BOW > IU act ke able to
aae MeM tkaa one-qiarter af tka
Ge g L. BMWB , at Butlea ? cooaky ,
k la tke riky lo klag afto * hk ehaaoea
la tke vaoa fer tke aeeaekaay at tke
aeaato. aim. Baowa wsa ahkf eUek
et tk kofM * elgkt yeaM ago , aad
prre'd nUiaaelf a/a / eslelaeit aaUwr , and
tke otkear eaaaldatos rat aMaataay will
f ae ! UM la kke M a to stay with fair
ekaoaea af saeeeaa. Ma. Ikatweod
Ban , of VUlM aa eeaaty , tke aeota-
ka y fev tka aaek fou yeasa , wll ala
ka la tke MM.
S. B. fUynolae , tka aati-saamap aaa-
ate fa M BatUv , tuatved yastoaday
witk kk foekets fall af killa , and ka
Tka Jemtaai k stlU Baatsl at waak
wltk a eolaosn every day to eenvtaoa
the a opl tkat tke M < lt i > s psy too
Maea taxes. It k a alear eaca a/
attorney and elkat , aa * khe editor k
oroaaWy a klgk f rlead aktonuty , and
Is vary 4aalroaa of eamLag kk saaaay.
Dympepela aad JeklXty aM tw kt
tbkvei ; taer et ep la aad steal oav kealka
aod eo fott k for we kaew Ik. Let ai
omt a aWp to taelr MTMi u wltk a okU
of Bnidoek BioW BltUn , M ke kd ataa/
Da. B. S. BRITIAV , saya : 'Aa a
avle payaioUna io aot , ky their pro-
fasaieaal ms k < xU , balla aa tka fesaalo
conatttatlon , whtlo tkay seldnsa core
the dlitaaea to which It k always lia
ble in ant variable ellmata ad nndor
our latpcvtaot clvfllautloa. Special
reoMdlas aat oftoa ttqalrod to roetoco
ornate hasMeay aad sinogthsn tko
aafeebled poiren of wonaankood ; and
for neat of khaae we aae fcadubtoa to
peaaetu eatoida of the Madloal ao-
Feaaioa. AMoag tke vswy beat af
kkeas Msae4J s I asalga a pcomjbant
alaaa to MM. Lydl * B Plnk.hiun'a
YegsUblu OomponndL"
'Iks Btr iteAva ka tkp wo l JOT Orta
, & * it lUMarn , 3i
TWT floit-ji , CettM. Ofe i > iKJ Q& & < Jki , Ubi
i , ud U tx3c. rupW''na. oed
u * pU * . K lu fasruaUxxl b )
lv utuktttoa a ausay vutnnilML
* . t + t * * + W O ,
for alt ls * * e of ita KJsinaye ant )
MM. MU > alalu tk * kollhy MHiMia
* BU < , a4 kr k * * U tk * Ww U U Bm
- ' ' - - - ' Ji - *
aMklUoua , drp pkU. or * lBa > H. KU-
* uwlr rtT -
( II )
'SOLO BY DRUOOI T . Prloet ! .
The moil c ntrllr located hotel In th * city , II.Hand liooperday.
rtrrt Clasi B * tauiant connect * ! witfc tht
HU11BT. - Prop.
Ooraat Ponrtk and Itxnul 8tr * le.
Has rolnmod to Omaha ( for a
short tlmo only ) , whore he can bo corn-
salted at parlor 6 ,
Prof. Bamnob offers to all thaec
that are suffering from Weakns a and
Defective sight hJs
Superior to any other In use , aa the
following homo ovldonoo of well-
known people of thk olty and vicinity
will testifyT
Oonm. Mirmm. Ir i , i
DMUik t 31 , IBM. I
Prof. B. BMniMlfl
DMT ilr SUM two jt + n nit k bU rinc joa
Tlilktd tkli city , an4 t tkt In troobl * *
wiU IDJ < TM , MUMd fcj * IC MJT yro l TMdlur
ud otkci tlc < work to rot * an citait th t I
could at HUM kudlj lud , itu < T or < i lpb r
pitta print wl h o frtqutitlr iMtfit thtm. I u
djiuk d a p lr of gluM * for thi u * neit to
Udliicnublt , aid I b r ak ltucr li rwom-
m udlaif f truau to jc w mij b titvblMl
/M. Tours tiulj ,
Ultor ud Pulli k4r Ulob *
Bitmn , ntiuMf 14,1B30.
rrot. Bkrnatli :
PMI air-I ft l that I would k uoffnlttal la-
det4 If I did n t in ran * mBif tif rn * tof
( nUlBd * to jou ( or tbe w i ifl ki ltdv
nrd fro tit UM ( 701 | 1 M * adjuit * * ! tu
ir * r * 17 you. I hare tried * U > r | > w ramj
MM , kt all t * * part * * * , aa < f k4 coi-
clmJ 4 ayioll dcmd M f * UKi a th voild
Mrlj ilgitlMi ; but watrM * I WM aaltllai. .
HW/ * , abd am abl * M IM4 a * I BOTH M l4
( w * . I rf rt tkat I Bad ot ! tnt.
all Ma r , Mlhal I mlat B T * ka Dj
tkl < VlMitn , ( M ln | . MoBlif tmat
m t BAT * thb ilt * l j w Blf , lam ,
Wktloi the Pate H j ao af I
prHallj bllii , a4 mj r1 t tr * BM BITH r -
MTf4. IB T * toui > ( * l HMMMM *
kalf * , ala * tkt MBteeMw , k vtlt
WM of ae * . M B * e enl4 kl * .
Prel. B4BBfl * mmt thte Urn * M * _
theBfkt MM It wu 14 de M KBJM IB trylaf kiM
eyM aai toll BM tkM k * * * mM teak * m * Me.
set wlkkea * , kM wiU keth * ; ML I teM kkw to
KM BBS Bvtke t * * , M Ika4 fiTM u * tke
el * Tr k < iB ( akl * M ee * wU aaa. ! to mf
BTBTiM k * nwl * BW flf t f W
B IM M M * with mj tifkt / ai wl M
with Ik * * tht. I will MMrfmllr
him to all kkw * tkat k r *
Twui , with fM4 elikt.
io. a. aiBto- .
* MO < 10SiM.
, . ,
I * Md to kart Tr7 waak jm a d triad B arat
m B7 tklaff for I * lUf , kit It WM all IB tala.
Wka Fnf . faat U WM IB th dry B t w y wa
Ka I * * adriB4 ky ( aiy frUaJ * wk * WM
Untltaf y il toMiloBBka. I * * * M , * 4
aai lad t * MB * * tkat k k1 4 wM4trSBU/ .
H * rW4 at that MBM with B ylf 1 ki *
gliMM , aaj tkty | BT * Uttoot fallal. a4
attai * < tk a ktr a U i * Mm aiy tyM !
irctad M Skat I kd B * r4t tk * ilMnvatBfl.
My iikt U i tlt , alth BBk I WM UrlMd mat
t * tut OB I-UBMB , tir I would B T * to waar kkB >
all tk * UBII : Let FM ( . aaMuckr * | la M watk
dlf mat. tkty tayNTW y tyM. aai 1 w U
a4rlM all MIMM wk kart trttilt with thk
y to tailaa
OUBl , OntMlkM IS , Wft.
BB * y * a HIM , wkllt * anf * d ta editorial
labcr at nlgkt , air ayMiflkt tiMtaii laiBBltW ,
aaa I fm4 It JlBtall to ladglaan * wkiok
wu4 af tti aay ftll l. Dwiif tk MM twa
thra * jMit ny * yi grtw wakM y Muttaat
M * , Bit IkfMi M k * alarm * * IM * 1 ailjkl r r
a ao U aklifW to lay a t.taiy WkJ. wk'ah I
to BiMk. dal'fkt U. FrtTMMM , I thlak , SM
kladly aldad BW kr foavlUa Dt.lUBiMM to tkl *
city By OM t kit ln rT.l * rya U | liaiM tor
* Tral dayt I Ii4 at * aarmiai rtl a Mater * \
aad I aai BW abU to rW aji4 Bto4y M MUMM
I alaaa * wltk U "rlaf ta * y * ar M laf ! .
wa4tftBl CiAlimabBa * at
> r4Bcad IB M akort a B\ma , a4 I M > TB < * skt
It will b * ptrHUBl.
I MB gM Frol BavB * ' ! kM rtlW4 tad * lrj
watft M many B * d Ik * aU kt * a > * Ml tktai
aad I kepi * hJj | { UMi wll k * Uti < BM < B > 4 ax-
a. H. a , JAktau ,
IbM maikM ClMMh.
Osuu , > * . . DMBUMI IS , ISM ,
f of. H. aaaiBato :
DMlMr-1 BAT * B W BMd th * gtMBM wl *
wklck you toraitktU mt tr B * wk aad ca >
tnly My tkat I kar * JtriTtd BMM acwlut IB
that aktrt ipao * ol tlait kkAa IB y aM iitfl * * * .
Alaiott from my < * > Utt rtoollactUM I BAT *
niliJfioaa > loA aity to * M dUMactly eta
wk * eloM ky , tom rlmM fUlad to know or m-
Of nUt my uo1 lnUm U trUad * , all * l wklck
WM B C4utanl tourc * ot uorilScatlB t * mt. I
Uid rciutdlM and gluao * ot iliB r it klid *
with but | Tcry llltlt biatlt , Bad until I con-
IQHfd you. de tilled my caM ki > l M. 1h&nka
to your iklll , I aio ablt to te * bttWr Uan er/
brtora. Tiy Viol. SamuaU' truatuiuat and bo
btnaflUd M I bay * baan. Twrj trulr yeura ,
2&W Ucatur Utroet.
9 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Prof , Samuels doea not attend k
builne outside of hlsiooms , and ha
no oaa connected with him.
Boots and Shoe !
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific D i > ot , - - OMAHA
O. IE1. . Q-Oomvr A
DRuSr"p N5STOi :
Window and Plate Glass *
saTAByeat MatenplaUsg bnllalaj itore.btak , ei aay othtt lu will Bad It to tholr aj (
ejiUf * te oortM tad wltk lu kefore vchuUf tktlr Flat * QUs * . x
i m fmi fmmm m mmmfi mrm mmm-m r im *
Storage , CraiMim and Wkalesale Mits ,
1 911 & 1423 TABLEAU 8TSKET.
fioiti for Foot is Bauiliors Lard , and Witter Hiili Ilinr4
, - - -
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Fill Liit of tht B t Bxcmiis of
mm 110 liiuriGTURED
fipnte fir inWOOi IlILi AID LAFL11 > 11ID
9s ;
tm Pumps , Engin * Trimmings , '
M , Hoaj , XKAJI an noa rncwai FITS ,
a , AI iraeuauLi AJI KVTAXU
- Mini MOMIP AiiM Hm.ii
Oor. FanaMn a i 10th 8tre jti Omaha , 3fob.
Fire and Burglar Proo
o o
1020 Farn ham Street ,
. o.
1213 Farnam St. . Omha. N h.
U only attained by ualog
atovea and Ranges.1
WfflK QAU2S ' Om BOORS ,
"For sale by )