- ? - * * x- f , j ' * -vV ' ' l ' * " ' ° ' < N ' TuE Qu'KnT DAILY BEE.w - \ - \ 4f rELlTH ? TEAll. OMAHA NEB MONDAY MOKNING JANUARY I 1882 i H rHE OLD WORLD. t * " * M BUD'S ' Cabinet Furnishes a Sial of Discussion for 8L Christmas WBBfc , Greatly Agi- /to Know How Ho Will Manage It. ittaVsOonditiori Extreme. ly Critical. ( uNnnubton Famishes n Soc- i by Kloplui : With u Laud \Eout-Qenorul Notes. FOREIGN NEWS. SpecUl UiapaUh to TIM HUH. A riUSON Ell's TUOTEST. \pocouibor 31. The La Trlbuuii publishes n letter from the Oijb.in refugee , MACOO. Ho protests Joins' ' hia imprisonment , denying " * flmt ho la now n political prisoner , iMncco rolftten the circumstances of this arrest in Cuba. Ho stipulated Jwith the Spanish general , in the pros / * once of the English nnd French cm auls , that ho und his companions should bo pardoned on conditions ot tholr voluntary oxllo to.Tamaici. Ac cordlugly they embarked on board an English steamer , but the vessel was stopped when four miles from land by two Spanish gunboats , and the Cu bans were forcibly convoyed to Porto llico , and afterward * to the ShafTo- dine ialnndu , near Morocco. With reference to his surrender by the I3rlt- , isii at Gibraltar , Macao affirms that the Spanish consul asked the E iglish police to arroat certain convicta who had escaped from Centax. Ho pro tests against this violation of the extradition tradition treaty of 1871. nAMtlKTTA's CONDITION. PARIS , December 31. Cbmbotta passed a good nujht , but Buffers from ccnfinemout to bed so long. The exterior - > terior inihmation ahows a tendency to disappear , no'ei'thcluss an operation is believed to bo necessary. Dr LounelonRUo , who loft Gimbetta at 7 tub evening , was recalled at 0 owiiij ; to change tor the worse. PAIUS , January 1 , 1 a. ni. Gam- betta is much worse. IViitis , January 1. 2:30 : n. m. Gambottu is dying. He is surrounded by despairing friends. His ctato is helpless aid hopeles * . BERLIN , December 31. The crisis in the condition of Gambotta 13 waicaod hero with deep minpeiiso , and far moro interest ia displayed than in the ' . .wt days of Napoleon , ta there is 10 man in Earopo on who Franco and Mio forti u pulley of Germany BO ( .TLiuclt depanda. f A STEAMER SUNK. L ( VDON , December 30. A dispatch from Iloohe'a Point , the entrance to the .Osrk harbor , sr.j > : A large jeay.3i % vn yjuuh over t\re. \ ) There a fl L- > Tiltiara. . FOUNDERED SOU * . DcJCPinbor 30. The new stoamahlp Oheepas , from the Clyde to Trinidad , waa foundered WHO sue WAS. { LONDON , December 31. The steam er which sunk off llMchea point was a i X "new ntool voBad , 2,200 tons , namoi the Ohoapao , on her fiwt voyage from Olua ovv to Demarara. It ii aupponec she utruck on a sunken wreck. DUoINESS FAILURE. Francis Oorvlll & Son , morchanta nnd flhlp owners , London nnd Liver pool , have f ailed ; liabihtioa , 300,000 THE FLOODS AI1ATISO. BEKLIN , December 31. The llhino has ceased to rlao and the waters o the Upper Rhino and Main have begun to I'ecodo , O'UHIEN'S CUBE. December 31 , O'Brien it a speooh at Mallow , aaid ho woulc justify the article printed in the United Ireland , and prove that pria oners in murder trials have been con vlctod by packed jariea. Healy ant Sox'on , ranmbors of parliament , at tended the mooting. O'Brien , chargec with aodltious libel , has had 23G wit- noseos summoned for hia defense , in eluding Jenkenoon , director of the criminal investigation department , the chief ouporlntendout of dotic tives , crown , eolicitora and nearly i\ \ the apcclul jurors in the Liugh Mask murder CIBO. The lord lioutenaut to-day attotidoc nervico in Christ church cliapol. lie WES hlesod nt by n boy , who was nr rested. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE. At the national league meeting hole in Bray to-day , Oorbott , member o parliament , wno proaidcd , said tha nobody need hesitate to join the league , as Trovylun , chief secretary for Ireland , admitted that It was i legaj inctitntipn. Talor , member o : parliament , aaid ho WAS glad to ob serve that the assembly waa mainly composed of fighting men , by whom he always liked to be surrounded , Ho was certain that they know the day might come when they should have to use that force by which every other country had obtained freedom. Ho urged organization , if pouaiblo , in open day , Harrington , secretary of the organizing committee , said thai ii ho would shoff the govern ment that it could not intimidate Wti. Ho was willing to go to jail where ho could study the problun whether Iriah politics conld bo carried 01. upon a platform or on some other p'aa. Ho had a shrewd opinion aa to * > v tl'B conclusion at which ho would ur live , APJ'JttVINO OWB EFFOnTS TO REFOUU lX.viON , December 31. The warm o ! t approval la expressed hero over the feeling shown in America on the subject of civil service reform and thu p > joeti of free trade loglelatlon H Inoh httve lately come under discus BOII. ! A great deal ot skepticism Jo iprcescd as to the possibility of a weeping nnd radical ruform taitiK in- titutod all nt once by such lojlsln- ion nn appears to bo at proaunt ui- oinptcd , and of which thu niotlvu is not hero bslievi.nl to bo sincere , ANOTIlEIt SENSATION. LONDON , December 31. Irish nocio- y is disturbed by the olopimiout of Litdy MnoNaughton , wife Sir Francis VlacNnurhten , tuul daughter ofDr W. Li. lluoaoll , with a well-to-do laud , ecnt name I Thornhill. She had four lilldrun and an unexceptional ooclal ) OHition , The young man oho nut iwfty wi'h is very good-looking , and IRH lost hU ontlro Tncomo by the pro- UILKK AND T11K OA111NKT. LONDON , Discoinbor 31 Ohriatrana week ia London haa practically ijouo or nothuii' in the matter of buolucsv , and in English politico Ima produced only . deal of doublful discussion of Mr. Gladntoue'a ' now cabinet and how 10 is goinij to mauago it. On Thursday Sir Onarlcs Dllko waited on her mnjes- : y at Otborno to kits the royal hand , as he was entrusted with the ensign oi jia place in the cabinet. The queen luca not Hko him. She cannot t.tgi > t nis nttacka on th royal family and on mr civil llsl , but Gladstone , who ntops at nothing , has overcome her scruples intl made his radical friend a minis : or. In roopect to Irish affaira 10 is in favor of substantial reforms , und will oervo to counterbalance Ljrd D rby , who thinks [ the noouer ; ho Irish pooplu nro picked oil : p America thu butter. Tao proscou tions of AND DAV1TV nro to bo pushed , nu ia nlso thnt ot O'Brion , editor of the Unittcl I.nland , vrho will probably bo rutuincd to par liament for Mallow. Nothing has re sulted from the recent investigation ! ! at Dublin castle , and the police are apparently as far us over from the track of the murdurors. WEbTOiTU , who wt s brought back from Jamaica nt no llttlo expense , ia simply a halt- insane impostor , whom there is no law to punish. THREE GRAVE TROUBLES. LONDON , December 31. The inter est in the supposed inipaeso between England and Franco in overshadowed by Oiimbotta's Illness , which has taken a most uorioua turn. Private tole- Rrama iudtcato the probability of a fatal result , though Gimbnttiata are under a cloud in England bacauao of their inaistanco on dual control. The disappearance of this favorite personi fication of u republic would bo severe ly felt hero , evening up grnvo issuta in the future. Franco's prospective sit uation is intensified by the condition of Grovy'a health. The difliculty of dis- punaltg with the capitulations with Egypt constitutes a serious obstacle 'for Lord Dnfforln. Foreign govern ments accept the proposition of n British guarantee for the administra tion of justice , but thla guarantee can not be given without riak ot prolong ing British occupation. The Rasao- German war 'scwe has passed away without leaving ; precise indications of it * oinia , the closing phase being the defense by Yinnna papers of Kulnsky from the BUggeslion ot encouraging u separate agreement with llussia. COUNT VON WIMPFFBN'S SUICIDE. PARIS , December 31. Count Von WimpfTun , Auatro-Hungarian ambas sador , who committed suicide yester day , pirtook of an early breakfast and when leaving the house said he would return for luncheon. Count Zuchy , secretary , and Cul. Bonn , military at tache , broke tlio news of the terrible deed to the Countesa Von Wlmpffon. Litely the moat trilling nunoyaneo oc casioned the ambassador the utmost distress. Thutadny last ho toro up a diplomatic dispatch bccauto there WP.S a comma omitted. Hia body lion in the grand rnloon of the building oc cupied by the cmbiesy. All traces of the wound are concealed and the ox- preaalon of the face is calm and peace ful. ful.The The condemnation of Bontoux , president of the Union Gouoralo , with whom the count had pecuniary rela tions , was ono of the principle trou bles. bles.VIENNA VIENNA , December 31. The sui cide of Count Von Wimpflen has caused great consternation here. Shortly before his death ho addressed a letter to the imperial minister of foreign afTiira. The letter is on route and may give a clue to the corobroal disease with which the count was afllictcd. The deceased hud no pro. fccRloual troubles. PARIS , Daccmber 31. The whole diplomatic coipi offered their condo lences to Countess von Wimpflor. The funeral takoa placa Tueaday. Ktnp Humbert instructed it. Allan , am- babsador , has expressed lib sympathy for the bereaved family. THE SULTAN ON TUB WARPATH GoNSTAMiNOhLK , December 3L Fund Pasha is again arrested. The fiultnn suspects that Faad ib at the head of a conspiracy. The sultan has prohibited all ministers except Said Pasha , Mahmond Ncdim Paaha , A - eym Pasha and Oaman Pasha from crossing the bridge between Stambonl and Pora without hia consent. TYPHOID FEVKll. MAYENCE , December 31. Typhoid fever has appeared na a consequence of the flood. It ia estimated that the loss will bo donblo that caused by the previous overflow. FJOHT WITH HOLDIER8. CORK , D jcerabor 31. A detachment uf soldiers from foreign service lauded this evening. They were insulted by drunken soldiers and a short conflict ensued. The soldiers defended them- Bolveu with knives , JJUBINKSH CHANGE , LONDON , December 31 , Baring Bros. & Co , announce that the senior partner , Russell Sturgla , retires from active commercial puraulta. Tao business will bo carried on by the re maining pirtnora , MADRID , December 30 , The rod book has just published and contains a note dated March 15th from the Spanish foreign minister to the Hpan- Uh minister at Washington , oxatahi- g nnd refuting the principles onnn- ciittod in Blaine'a circular , supporth g .ho view that tha best mode of guir- mtccing n trondom of t radio in the 'nturo of the Panama canal , is for the United States to fulfill the terms of the Olnyton-Bulwor treaty. A FLOODED DISTRICT. WORMS , Dicombor 30. The dykes on both sides oi the llhino hnvo burst nnd all the low lying districts nro flooded. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Vnu Wyok Still Displaying Ac tivity ia the Intereat of Settlers , of tu Homo nnd Minor Notot of Rloro or JUct Imjiortntioo. CONQKUSS. HOUSI ; . ASiiiNaToN , December 30. OA motion of Mr. Thompson , of Iowa , n bill pnsaod appropriating 5. GOO to pay tbo Burlington , CoiLir llaplda it Nurthwcotorti railroad the amount duo for carrying mail * . On motion of Mr Jvaason the een- nto bill ] ) to reform the civil service nnd prevent ofllclal : us > ssmenta , vrtia taken trom the speaker's ' tr.blu and referred - forrod to the committee on civil nor- vice reform nnd leave granted the committee to report hack nt any tlmo. On motion of Martm ( Ilia. ) tha son ata bill passed extending the time for filing clnima for horoi-s and oqulpmonte lost by cllicaro - > r enlisted men in the service of the United States , with an amendment limiting the extension to one year from tbo pat iigo of the net. Dunn ( Ark. ) oiTored n resolution amending the rulea of the house BO aa to provide for a standing committee on rivers and harbors ' , to consist of Of- teen members , to which ohnll be re ferred all matters pertaining to the improvement of rivers nnd harbors , and which shall have the same privi lege in reporting bills appropriating money as now accorded to the com mittee on appropriations. Ifcferrct to the committee on rules. Mr. Manning oifored a resolution that the attorney general inform the house what necessity exists for the appointment of dnmao H. Chalmers an assistant district attorney in Mis- uisiippi , nnd forward ail correspond ence regarding the matter. The rose lulion wont over , Mr. Illscook ob j Doling. The speaker announced Mr. Calkins , of Indiana , us a member ol the civil scrvlcD reform , committee. Adjourned to Tueaday. CAPITAI. NOTES. ASSURANCES TROJl VAN. WASHINGTON , Daeumbar 31. Senator - tor Van Wyck has .clegraphed Bottlers tlers on the Denver & St. Joseph railroad lands that no steps have boon taken by Kneavals , or others claim ing railroad titles , to dispossess them and that no such stops will bo takoi nntil the question haa been finally dis posed of by congress ; and that eon Ijress will withotU doubt erv\ct I > rs to protect the bottlers or omblo thci to settle satisfactorily with the claim ants. PENDLETON'S BILL. It is understood that the Pondleton civil service bill will bo reported tc the hcuao Tueaday or Wednesday , aud the understanding is that it will bo flvon ; the "right of way" botoro the appropriation bills , THE MO DOC WAR. WASHINGTON , December 30 , On motion of Mr. George ( Oregon ) the donate bill paused appropriating 70- 000 to reimburse the ntnto of Oregon for moneys expended for the suppres sion of Indian hoatilitius during the Modoa war. An amendment vrao in corporated in the bill appropriating SI , 400 to reimburse the state of Cali fornia for lika expenses. NEW YEAR'S CALLS. WASHINGTON , December 30. Hear Admiral Baach of the United States navy will be retired on January 3rd. The usual orders for the army and navy oflicors to call upon the presi dent on Now Years day were iasuod this morning. THE STAIt ROUTE CAB EH , Bowen failed to appear in the police - lice court to-day In the Dickaon cnao and forfeited his Sl.COO bond. The court decided to admit Driver's evi dence und the case won closed. Thu arguments are to be hoard on next Tuesday. ENCROACHMENT ON INDIANS. WASHINGTON , December 30. Ho- ports from the Indian bureau in Che rokee county , Indian territory , nro to the effect that the whitomonaro erect ing buildings nnd fencing oft' pas tures In the "Cherokee outlet. " Commissioner Prlca to-day ad- ( Iroesod n letter to Agent Tufts at Muskogee to warn the white herders to remove with their stock from the reservation , allowing them twenty days for their exit. If the herders fail to got out by that time the agent is authorized to call upon the military to eject them. Welcoming 1883. IpccUl Dtepatch to Tin D . [ | NKW YORK , December 31. To night exceeded any previous effort In giving a noisy welcome to the now year. Lower Bowery was jammed with ponplo , Many came provided with fish horns , drums , and every other article from which noise could be produced , and the consequence was that those who cnmo to hoar the chimes of Trinity had to go away without li bar ing them. Horns , drums , etcatn whUllon and hells of factories and steamboats made a racket through which no chimes could bo hoard. Snow at 8po Ul Dispatch to Tin Uii. SIN FKANCIHCO , December 31. A heavy snow storm sot in hero about noon and continued with great violence lence for over four hours. Snow fell to a depth of Ovo or more Inches. Bach a fall o ) snow as now is unknown within the city for the past thirty roars , nnd old pioneers s.iy the state lover saw a storm of equal violence and duration. A number of slui l'S , the first over soon in the city , nro out on the otroctn. FROM CONVEN C TO PAUI.OR 'Slstor Mnry I'AUI" Marries n Dostor lu Vanktou. SpoelM Dispatch to Tun linn. ADDITIONAL 1'AUTIUULARR. YANKTON , D , T , December 2 ! ) - Thcro has been much oxoltcnioiit u- iy over the innrrlago yostordfty ol Sister Maiy Paul of the eonvei.t. ol the Sacred Hoivtt to DA. V. Sobl.il ia Hosf , it prominent physician of ll-n- slrm birth. The mnrrlngo was m > co 1 > performed nt the roaldunco of Giiotgn Uollman , lov. Joseph Wurd , of thu Congregational church performing thu ceremony , Dr. Uoss was formerly physician nt the convent , and uom six months ago attended the fitter who la now hia vslfo when she wna 'n jurod by n fall. Their Biloolion for each other dates from this ovrrat. The niothor superior , the bishop , aud thu other slaters , nnd every li llo- once , oven to throats of bodily violence lence , wo to made to break up the en > garment of the patios , but ot no avail. They both stuck to their de termination to mnrry. Yosloulny afternoon a note wai sent by a mutual friend , asking Sister Mary Paul to ooino to her house. It wna responded to , nnd the convent carrlauc , csrryii the expectant bride , another nun , wilh the coachman on top , halted at the door of the mutual friend. It s'o there for two hours , aud during this time Mary Paul made her way to * u adjoining house , whore the knot wa tied. She then donned her nun'i robes , returned to the carriage and wont back to the convent. This morn ing thu affair became known and created great consternation in charoh circles , There were many throats ol vengeance , but Dr. lloss stood firm nnd aaid his wife bclongod to him and to nobody olso. To-night oho loft the convent nnd joined her husband , renouncing the church and beginning life anew in the world. She ia to bo excommuni cated. Sister Mary Paul , who was married under the name of Nellie Kerno , was ono of the moat valuable members cf thu sisterhood. By her own efforta she lint built a costly con vent hero and a bishop's residence She is possessed * of unusual iutelli guico , is winsome in her ways am beautiful in form and feature. Dr. Ilosa waa a nihilist in llusuia , and snrvod five years exile in Siberia From there ho came to America , am ho aays "This t's glorious country. The Indiana. Special Dispatch to Tim Dun. Sr Louis , December 31. The ' latest advices from the Indian Tf.rrl- tor ; are that Splocho's foioo ha * dia banded and that the trouble is over , for the present at least. Parb of thi band retreated to the reservation o : the Sao and Fox Indians , but they nro now ccattored and not likely la oomo together again. Chlcotco'a for re turnoa to Okmvlgeot with fhs , x > juy iJcr ; of z fer ooiM , Tfho rr'SV1' ! on the vtbitura border. THE HAWAIIAN IS2.ES- Preparations for tbo Coronation o h.alalcua Drop Notes. SpecltlDispatch toTiii lisv. SAN FRANCISCO , December 31. The steamship Suez has arrived from the Sandwich islands , bringing nown up to December 22. Very active prepa rations are now being inndo for the coronation of King Kalakua , which ia to tf.ko plaoo on the 7th of February. A grand ampithentro that will neat over 4,000 people ia being1 erected in front of the palace , nnd the ceremo nial coronation will take place in thn grand pavilion. The whole Hawaiian population appear to bo united as ono man to donor to King Kilakua. The king's minister recently made a tour of the Island of Oohu and was very enthusiastically received by the pee ple. A railroad is projected around the Island of Oohu , a very favorable route , nnd Is estimated to cost not more than $000,000. This will give u wonderful impetus to the island An Australian projector , Capt. Andloy Copto , projects a cable line from British colonies via Sandwich Islands t9 San Francisco. There are ever 300 telephone wires in uao in the city of Honolulu , and its application is made throughout the islands on the planta tions. Some of the planters are now cutting their cano at night with the aid oi the electric light. News has baon received thut an English und French admiral with their Pacilio ikots will ho in port at the tlmo of the corona tion. It is aho stated that two Rus sian vessels of war will bo In port nt the aamo time , Preparations uro being made by the government for the recep tion. The Japanese embassy sent out will be present at the coronation. The crop of cugar for 1883 ia coining in rapidly. All throughout tbo group are now grinding. Young canca are in first-class condition nnd glvo promise of B heuvy crop in 1884- Sugar plan tation stock la way up. No fear ia en tertained hero about renewal of the treaty with the United States. Labor Matter * . Special Dispatch to Tna lisa. ST. Louis , December 3l--Sovoral lodges of tha amalgamated iron and stool workers' onion hold n joint moot ing in south St , Louis last night and discussed the question of wages. Af ter a frco coiJterenoo they concluded not to accept the redaction proposed by the St. Lonii Ore and Steel com pany. It Is not unlikely , however , that a compromise may bo effected , aud with this view the men will have an Interview to-morrow with K , A. Hitchcock , president of the Ore und Steel company , The men in the me chanical dupartmonl , Including ma. chlnhtn and blacksmiths , are quite as determined as the tonnage mun , and cay they v/ill strike rather than sub mit Jo the reduction. PUCILISTICIPLAYERS. A Free Fight Among Actors in tlio Bar of a Now York Hofcol , Montana ColnstklB Thrvw Out Powdpr and Bix Become Mongolian Angela. Praukllu , Idaho , StrinRH Upon , Who Killed a Station AN out. MCUoellnnoani Crlmo and Cnsnnlty. Aotnri. 1)11 li toTllH Dm. NKW \ UK , December ! JL , The nclleli r vs in town grvvo n dlnnur to-nlRht i thn Auiorlc.m uctorn. A tree iuht ; . aoug notor.i took phaj in tlio llotl' housu to-day. Goo. W. Morton ti Chiunnd Tonrlo , of Wall- tlio : . . ' , and the English actors nrrlvod fn u ISuropo to-day ivud went to thu Mm on hoiiBo , An they paeauil through ti t ofllco of the hotel , Mor ton , who " va intoxicated , undo BOIUO romnrk nt * ! ilch nn Deter iuimid : Ab bott , of E icnott's company , took of fence , T. . 11 next moment the three wcro cllnc'iod ' nnd rolling on the floor. 0thorn took part , nnd several eyes wnro blaaltoni'd nnd hoadi bruised. Morton , TVnrlo nnd Abbott were ar rested. Oily Morton was locked up on the clumo ; of intoxication. i i lUo Burnt Mail * . Special Dispatch to Tun llss. December 30. A Hat of the mailyft'Btroyod on Docombcs 21st In tho- row York Oantrnl ncoidont hns boon forwarded to the rnllvrny m eorvico of this city. Among the micks doatroyod wnro : 2 for liritiah Colum bia vii\ San Francisco , 8 for Idaho , 1C far Montnna , 21 for Nebraska , 1-t for Oregon , 18 ( domestic' ' for Sun Ftonclsoo , 12 for for Wash ington Territory , 8 for Wyoming , for Omaha , 14 Bucks of foreign paper mail for Ban Francisco , 3 pouchcH oi foreign paper mail for San Frp.Lilnco. Thin letter nnd popor mail waa jo- coivnd at JJoir York from the atctnmoi St. Laurent , from Havre , n\l ! ( from the nloamora Bothnia and CHy of Cheater , the Innt two carrying mall from Liverpool , London and Dublin. The above described mall from Now York wns totally destroyed , ixcopt GG2 foroltn ; letters for San Francisco nnd aovoti foreign lottoru for Chicago. AMymtcrlonB Mnrdoror. SpocUl Dlfipatch to Tin UUR. SALT LAKE , December 31. In Oo- tobor , 1881 , two tramps entered the Utah and-Northern railroad R tut ion at Franklin , Idaho , and holding a cocked pistol on Agent Hlnckloy demanded the unfa combination. The pistol wont off and killtul ilinckley. The tramps fled , but were soon caught , aud Michael Mooney , .the one who hold thoj pistol , waa lu.3 d at Al'rdsd last Fi'iiljy. Hu died g&mo , refusing to dlsolono any- tnlug roapacting himself , his family oi his llfo. It was claimed thut they die not intend to kill Uinckloy. A Donclly Explosion. Special DIsiatch ) to Tim HKI SAN FHANOISCO , December 31. A Portland , Oregon , diapUch says : No wo was received this morning of an oxploeion nenr Wocksvillo , Mont. , in which three Chlunmcn were instantly killed and three others norlouuly wounded. A qmntlty of giant pow der was being thawed out when it ox- plodud. IA Flnt Rofaial. Special Dispatch to Tun linn. HAUTFOKU , Daeembor 31 Wm. II. Backloy , republican candidate for governor at the late olostlou , hats written Chan. J. Cole , chairman of thu state ropublicin commltlo , refusing under any clroumatancoi to accept the govornorahlp in case the democratic black ballots cast in New Ilaveu should bo roj acted. The 'Work of a Match- BpeclAl Dlspktch to Tin llm , NEW YOKK , December 31 , During rollgloua BorVices in the Academy of Music , Brooklyn , this afternoon , matches in a man's pocket not fire to lib clothing , Ho dashad down the aisle to the atrcut whore the 11 uncu were extinguished. The congregation , eoclng thu rapid movements of the man , and the emoko in his wako , quickly abandoned their uoatf ) , and in a panlu rushed to the exits. Finally , realizing that thcro waa not uny fire in the building the pcoplo returned and the corvicoo were resumed , Knifed. SpecialUlapatclioa to Tun HUB. NJW : YOKK , Djoambor 31. In the Italian quarter , to-night , Thos. Btohl fatally stabbed Michael Uuttonnark. TELEGRAPH MOTES Doatha In Now York cxccoJoJ tlio births by 10,600 the past year. Keil Cloud has been vliltlng hl grand children In the Hampton normal nchoo ) . The uteatnihlp Chlapan from Ulydo to Trlnlilail , fouuuero 1 at QueoDtluwu , Hat- utday. At lUchmond , Vft , It hau been Hnowli'K ' [ or olh'litucn liLiirn and the biiow was eiylu Inches deep .Saturday. Oovoraor-olect Cleveland arrived ut Al bany Saturday. The inauguration to-day will bo devoid of ditplny. The Wcatorn Union acquired to-day 1,5CO milenof wlro In western and north ern Michigan which It heretofore cnly A buiket shop at Cincinnati obtained a temporary Injunction Saturday restraint ) ; Llm Wuitorn Union from rewovlui ; tha tele- iroph ; Inatiumenta. udRO Janieaou , f Chicago , granted to film , Marie JjiuUa Dillon , a dlvorco from lor huitbaud , John Dillon , of theatrical [ ame.iTho cauuo v/itt the druukenotisof the defendant , Deputy Marshal Jotonh Henry , brother of the jata marehal of Waulilugton. h a re signed. It It rumored that J. F , Cciko , s. \ 'i -proprietor ol Wlllftrd1. * hotel , will bo nittdo tint deputy , At n rncotlnft of the board of llonlon M. ( Icrmeu SMurd.iy It WM announced thnt thu o crtc of the lionrd nt police uomniU- If.ncM linn been n defaulter to n consider * ft'ilo Amount , lint Imd lu.ido rcBtltutlon nnd had been suspended. TlioClncInni tIfommcrcM' Now I'lill- ndelpMn. Ohio , ppoclnl unyot A younn innn mmod Kcx Mid n girl untried Slicnrer mmroled l t night , when Hlioiuer phot Hot twlco , mortally wounding him , She Buys ho ttipd to brcikk Into her mom After bclriK wixrned nwny. Tli Chlciino linakot Miop men wore very ilMixnident S.turday IJCCAUBO the Wwtem Union tclrgrnpli company ImJ icmoved thn ticker * from them , tluindoprivinttliriii of imotnttnna , A leinpurnry Injunction WM secured Init night , with the nbjoat ol preventing the further crippling ol their Til * cxpnrtu from llnltlmnro In 188J nnumntcil toJI'.SOO.OSI , fiRnliMt $ fl3.-lJ7- ! 108 In 1SS1 , The dilforonra I * ilun ninlnly lo tha ( irlco of k't' > ' " , which In too high to iollftUioul , The voltimo of Imports wns nliont thn * nmo UK Innt year , Tlio pis Iron furnioo moil ot Tohtch nnil SchuylKill vnllloi luvo ! MUPI ( n cnli fnr n luootfni ; nt nn tmrly il.\y , tilthor In I'hllft- dolphin or Now York , tor tlio ) inrio > o of UUui ; notion on tha tnrllt cominlnaloii report - port , Hsojnt ivlvlco.i from \V.mliliiftoii liulicato there U a ntronj ; itrob.tblllty i.hat the WAyn niuininus oomniitteo will rotluco the rnta for pir lion probtblv two ilollfirn per ton , on , ) lha olijoot of the mooting ii to roinonstrato ii nltmt such nctlunrhlul , ) , tha Iron furnitro men R.ty in thta vccllon , will lu\o the tlTool either of closing tvory futimoo In tlio vullica nbnvo nnuiol , or cnusintj a Rwcnpln nnd nilnoiu rciluctlou in wn oi. A Icntllng Iron pro-lnccr hero to-tiny si ul : "If oiniRrofs rnjiico-i tlio tin- lit on pig iron to thnt oxUnt tl.orowill lie no pie ( run made hero next yoiu. " TliU inei > tlnK \\lll hive no connoctlini with tbo iimuufucturcTH uf iron. T. IT. Tucker , tcnnr. > l nnungOT of the Illlnol * U ntrnl , nnHurod ( 'oniiiilmlotiri MidKOly Saturday that tha Uontrnl wouli caiiunuo to coin po to for Onmlm IIUHJIICBB no long ns tlio other lown liars omlinuo ti doinornllio rfttcs from Sioux City am other polntfl on tha IOWA illvialnn of tin llllnoln Uentwl rnUnmtl. The Jnltorhnj n contrAct with the St 1'nul nnd Oinah lluu for donit ; bualncM to unit fium O.nuln vi Sloni City , It ran inukovoaUiouiu r.ktcH , while the Omnhn roml innkon tin eni > tlioniiii. T'HI oontrant In to tonnliinto ut six inoi.tlih' notloo. Thin U tlio only fi ht on liuml In llio norlhwjst now. It ia rumored in Douvor Hint the prop crty nnil f rnnchlcc. n of tlu Ucnivcr Oirolo rixllro.xil nuii tlio Denver O.rob Hsnl Ka tntooampnny , Tixluact nt 31,000,000 , W.IH nnrchnsod BitimUy by Tnomnii M Nlohola , of Now York , forim oitHtrin Byn dlcrvlo , of whluh hhnnolf ami ox-Govdrnu IMarnlmll , lowollof Conueutiuut , are inlt to bo tha principal iiieniLorn. At Ma'linon , Neb. , Friilny ntglit , trr ovon-year-ohl biys niiuii'd ' Tyrroll tin tr-jw wcro piny liij ( with a Wlnchoator rill the weapon watt nccUlonlitlly ills nil the lialUstrnok Tyrroll in th A'id ticuttotod his brnlui in ever ; 'Ircnllon. ' vToitlltiB' niAtch , cath-ns-cntch-cai hit < i can itrrMjt | > , l between John ( .irahnni chivmu n heavy \\.lRht uf Eaplivuil , nnt ( 'Inraucu 'hlstisr , oi JCnosnH City , to cc cur nt I.Jiu Illo , ivy , , > -jthih four wut'lcK ' foi $500 or Ju.rOO tfulq o. ' On Wodno da > ulnh * . n tro/jt'Jv / ooonrrot after the close ol tho-'j 'M'cr lucuMiifr nt i echool hoiiflo nhuut tt > ti , mlloti ncrth u Abilene , Kua , A fond c 'ttod ' lint vcoi Eovcrnl ; youu men , whicliw.M d cr&vniic by the ploclnt ; of un lutultlnj ; vreueiil riu a Oliriutmnu tree for the mate : of Hire of the purlieu , named Fnuomau , Ar.ci the of Jim Johuton. it u 'me thut three of the FaaonmuB , Jim Jolmtoii nnd Bunt Ooopor , who wan WAitlni ; on tin girl , went lo tlio prayer meeting nrmod to imuii-li tlio pnrtles ihuy auppoicil had offered - fored tlu iiSLjlt. Tlioy waited oubitio ny- til the conRregntion wnn dlhinicsod , HiiJ then lDiiiu to shoot , the fracnn winding up Innldt ) the liouxo. Aitbur Shollngor was hliot through thn left luiifr and will probably die , Sam Coojier received a bul let In hid left itrm nnil ono in the right wrlat , nnd n linllet piuetrntcd thu brain of ono of the Vneoniana. Wurr'tnln wcro IB- HIIU 1 tor the : inoit of .Tim Johnnou , SIVIM Hoopur and the FannnmnH. Two of the FiiBemMm nnd Couper were onught , r.nd .lohuHou nud ouo of tlio FaHCiiniUH nro i.tlll ut larp.o. .Saturday Afternoon , when the freight trillion the No.y York U Now Kngland railway , drawn 1/y two cnilnoj ; , wai approaching preaching Providence , the nlr ilium on OQO of the cnalncrt dropped , tlirowiajf the tender and live unrn from tha track and down nn ciriliuiiltiiiont , They were badly wrecked. The duinnga la u.itinutcd ut ? 1D,000. No person wa Injured , Secretary Chandler has ordered com- mnndautu of navy yards to reduce by 30 per cent Ilia number of men employed uucler the iipproprlatlon for the innln- tnlnanco of ynrdn nnd douka. The clasj alldctid by the order la watchmen , keep- eiH of flro cxtliiKiilHhhiKnppnrntUB nnd per- HODH employed In like occupations , The reduction will not extend to iklllixl uinchAtilcs nnd workmen generally. The effect of tlio order will bo n reduction of $7,100 In tlio monthly expenses of the ynnlH , and tlna nnvlng , it in believed , will illuvtlio y.irdrt lioinK kdpt open until Mnroli next , l > y which data It in expected ronijrcfiiiwill have inndo further npproprin- .Ions. The board of malingers of the nntionnl .hllord'liumi uik for Stl-/'SBfoi the next fljcnljcar. Thcranre T > 00 uioro inniiitua tbnn lust year. 030 being admitted the niHt vcnr. Thn mnnager < rcuommcnd that worthy dostitulo noldioru , even llKjUh | ; they cannot , tr.ico tholr 1IU to origin In the otvlce , ho admitted. The Inmitoi ) of the kotnen uuiuhor KCCO ! , Lloutunuiil John O'Counoll , of the Illchth infantry , mmtoncod to mnko good u tuliclency fn liin account of 81,179 while acllDK upnlctnut quftrtorinMter nt Heuocla innuckn , California'nncl to lie dlamlmod From the ncrvlco. hn had tho'dl mlnua ! mrt remitted , ami the amount to bo luadu ; oed reduced to ? 181 , Now poatofllcefl establinhodi Hlloani , Drown county Illinois , John T. Burfaasor , ) o tmnater ; Ollne , Knox county , Ivehrun- ( a , rJainuol Cllne. poutinnBtcr ; Under , fierce county Nolirnolcn , Frank II. Hub- ) ltt , postmaster. Mian Jneopblno 0 , Sleeker , dnughtor of f. U. Meeker , tortured and klllod by the Jto Indlunn , In the mnaeacre of 187 ! ) , died taturdny inorniDg f pneumonia. Hlio hnd leeu a clerk in the Hocretnry.of the inteilor'n oflico , The Indian bureau Icarna that whiten nro otcotlni ; hnlldlngi and fencluf' oil IICH- turoi In the Chrri'lcco outlet , ludlnn T r- ritory. Uommi 1'Iouer 1'ilco hnii ordered AuentTufftn , nt Minkojco ; , to wnrn white lerdora to reiuovo their wtock from tbo e crv tl ( < n iiirldo ( if twenty ( his. After tli < tt military ultl will be Inrokod , Iwpilry Into the clinrKO made by the cltl/.eim' oominlttvo thut certain moinbora of the detoutivo police foico hivq r ; l d In colludou with tlilovcr , bur lrr3 nnd for. Kern reunited lithe \ Uino of an order liy lie coimnlMloaura that CJiorgo W , MclOl- 'reih and Jnmog'A ' , McDovIlt , cletoctivua , iiliould bo hold txi anawer uuuor the lawn ; ovetnlni : the police force , nnd the direo- .lon that they bo cuipemlcd nnd prnhlh- Io-l from any intercourse with the pollco wltliout the FCrinUUuu of the comtrdislon- em , Tlio Pinnoy Libel Suit , 3pccUninpfttch to Tni Dm. NEW YOUK , December 29 The ox. unlimtlon ot Wm. Ilnmllton nnd De mon S nmnn , charged by Gnrao M. Pinnoy , mnnaRcr of the Inyo Oonsoll- dated Mining nnd Mineral company , with criminal libel , wns continued before - fore Juatioo Murray In the court ot cession The first wit aprclnl to-dny. * ncfBJ vrns Judge Uildoreloovo. of the onrt , of general cessions. IIo testl- icd ho know only of Pinnoy'd oharao- er and reputation In Now York , and hat it wte good , The yritnonn is ronidf nt of tha company , but bofiiro oiiBontlng to bcooiiui nn ofllour in. julrcd circfully Into the condition , tndin it ( jood ; thn working of now iros nml niinun have given aatiufcin- ton nnd the procuuds nro fnlr. It vns oxpootod that n dividend * -ould hortly bo declared. The inlnon Mid mills are nil paid tor , nil there is no outstanding tuiobtodncss. lliclmrd McOormlck , lunnbrr of the national committee luring the Innt campaign , dupotod hai IMnnoy'a clmr.ictnr WAB Rood , but lu did not know nhnt Congressman I'ngo'fl opinion of Vinnoy VTM. Wil- lam T. Styniis , of Forty-sownd nnd lx < xinRton nvonuo , had mot Pinnoy in jitllfornia nnd olaowhoro. Hi ] ropu- ttloii was Rood , II. T. Wnkoly nnd W. Thomoa also testified lo Pin- ' 'n good chnrixater nnd stated thnt their optninnn thn prosecution ? ] iinoy in Han Frnnolaco orig in political motivra , c.iuand by- division in the republican pirty. 0. LI. Spenotr and Thai , Wallace , ot Sin Frinclnco , testified In a tiuiilnr otrmn. 11. Orr , barkeeper of I ho St. Dloinl hotel , lootfiod lu * know Seimnn ind honrd a o'jnvorsr.tion , which ho t'iok pnrt in at the hotel. Sunmnn thnn nnnnrtcd , that Pinnoy wan a forger , a thlof nnd a bent , In n loud boisterous mnnncr. The further hearing will bo resumed January Oth. Aiiuthnr Oatlinmt from Most- Special ( llputcli 11 rim UHI i , D < comber III , ITorr Mast , thn socialist , dolivoroi another inoondipry address lo-nitjUt on the north nido. It wns nhli.ll/ repeti tion of hia romarkn n few evenings ago urging thnt the only tiling to bo done was to klll'cspltnlistii nnd for the people ple to help thomnolvrn to the funds In the banks and thu goods in the ntoroa * . They should prop-iro powder , bombs , , etc , , in anticipation of the tlmo when , the nprioiug tnkos placo. lie aaid the churches were gathering children into the fold chiefly , nnd that churches and nowspspors were run In the interest of capital. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO 340. For IcTj'iiL-acpoclal tai for tilt construction ninl niiitcrliilut rcni'iuoii Dlnttlct No. il. llu It onlnlnoil l > jr tlic City Coundld Ilia city ol Omaliii HECIKIN l. Tlmttlie sc\ornl nuns ct opposite to tlio follo Int ; il < * crll > ui prt'in BVD , to-wlt ; llalicrt Muson , lot 1 , lilotk . ( I , ? IO us P. lUConnull , loti' , li II , $ n0.lfi. 1' . iliCoiniell , out -2 fcit of lot 3. k 41 , 03 cunt ) . hAii Itulilienlitrir , went yl Itet o ( the cost one- liicf < ] nt , b.Jl. 8 o.U'i. n " 01 I'Oajl \u8tcnc-bttlf I of lot : i , b41. * M f * i. Hinolnl , Jot 4 b 11. lfC8.30. Tli < J v < f Irtfi , b 41 , &I3.N ! . Jn'm .JotO , bJl , $81.00. J Ml , - ) > A ? * > < > 41 , fZUU. A--.ard. , j. h > ator , lotH , li ( t , fltl.Ui. rl On. of lot I. li ISfiulirook , eoutu one-half ol lot 1 ? 8103' ! . % . U Entubrook , lot 2,1 > 43 , 819.13. IX KilnlirooU , Iot3,1) IS , * 0.13 HiilUrinn Cliuroli , lot 4 , li 13 , $ tW 07. Mrs. H\nUln : , north JU fctt ol lot n , I ) 43,454 01. K. l/tUlirnook , south -II ( art ol tlia north ono- hiUI cllnt C , Ii43 , t7.38. II.Mlticlni \ , tttutouc-thlicl ol tliOBOiith ono- lmlli.fltr , li I' , 610.21. C. IVixbtoolt , nut tun tlilnli ol Ilia eontli one- liaUol let fl , b-I. ) , li. : il II , Wl helm , ucst onu tlilnlol the north on ) * liuloftotil , h U , 8137. K. _ IJiUbrook-jooth onu Inlf ol lot t ) , h 13 , IX IMnlironk , east ( no thlrila of the north one- h\llor.oti ( , h I.I , J , " , . 17. loua i ol u i ol lot 7 , h43 , 83.ua. K , Kutabiook , J ol ti J cf lot 7 , JV47. K. Ijtalirook , o \ of j of la 7 , li 43 , IB.SO. Hughes , o27fuot ol thu w.ll ( dot oil 1 ct lot 7 , h'iiS13.H : ! . U. KbUbrooK , w 17 feet of s Jof lot 7 , b 43. KJ.83. K. IMalnoolc , n onc-nlitli ol lot B , b 43 , 97,79 , I ) Khtrbroik , in i of n i ol lot K , li 1) ) , f < | JU. K , Hitnli ak , 9 J t f n j of IctS , b ii ; , ? fl.M. K. I jttabrook , u J of a J of lot H , b 4 , $ < ] M. K. I Jttabrook , m J ol n A of lot H , b . | J , ? ti.r.O. E. tttabrnok , 80110-uUth ol 'ot Si \ 43 , { 19,13. Mary II. Mho by , lot 1 , h 41 , 654.GI. H.J Ittncr , lot 2 , Ml , sfJID ) . 11..I , Ittner , let 8 , b-ll , SIU.OJ. W. HittcrbT , lot 4 , li II , 8VI M. J. A. CrciKliton , lot C , h 41 , &J8 Vil J , A , ( Jrc'ltf iton , lott ) , b II , S--.TH. J. A. CrolEhton. let 7 , b II , WI.UI. John McCruary , lot K , b II f | ! . ! > l , 11VIUoii , lot 1 , b r , ? | 0 H ) . I'riisbjtoraliiChurihN , A , lot 2 , b 4 ? , e32.8. John Jiiluibon , lot 2 , li 40 , $4,1.71. I ) . \ , . Hlwic , o ] of lot 4 , IJ 49 , $15 03. J na II , ( . 'nun ran , n 05 fctt of u 4 of lot 4 , b 46. 10 ! I9. b'a'ii Htlchcnljcrfc' , a U7 feet of wj of lot I , b 13. PIS fi. ( I'lrst C'onifrctnt'oinl Sooely ! , Iot5 , b 15 , WV5.57. W. W Marnli , lii hit of lot 0 , b 4(1 ( , * K)44. ) H , HarrlHf II feet of lot II , b 4.1 , f U.89. Cornelia II. C lu.r lot 7. b 4S , tM ti'J. CoriHlIu It ( JIH-urt , lei 8 , b \ \ 8I7.S1. ( iuo. I > . .Mll.ur , lot 1 , b 10 , 4'J > .10. C.oi \ , .Miller , lot V , b II , 915 OH , ( ' ( nrgiu AnnNtu II , I til , b Hi , JI'J.IR .lames llcKoniii , lu I , b 10 , tfOfj M. J H , Killnm , lot fi , b 40 , 8iWll. .1,11 liulloin , lotll , b lit , W ! Cl Kjluums Wrlifr tlot 7 , b 4iU05. : hyh'.uini Wrk'lit , lot 8 , b 411 , hXJ.ll. John A Hunk nn , lot 1,1)47 , 913.71. " " lot 12 , li 47,1130 , CO. " " lotll , b 17 , I0.44. Frcil K. Anilraw u j of 1 14,4) 47 , * 7.'J. ( Jen. \ \ . II uii. w ) nl Iot4 , b 17 , S1M.CU. " " lilt [ > , I17 I , ! 0 II. John A Crclirhtua , lot t ) , b 17 , $ 'i.7t ! * . " " lot 7 , li 17 , $111.74- " ' lotB , b 47 , * 13.71. IxaUtt Iliirnlmii , n J of lot 1 anil 'l , b 18. 827.'U. Mlti'i Ilronn , n 4 of lot > 1 and u , b 47 , 923,22. UiorKO W Smith , lot 3 , bID , JI7.70. " " 'ot ' 4 , b 48 , S U U. 11ron lUcd , lotC , b 18 , 43005 11 nu. < , IKIlst , lotll , li 18 , 8JJ.7H. A. I ! Toiuclalu , lot 7 , b I * , 4J2.7B. H'ubstur Bujiltr lot 8 , li | H , * .L'.78. John Trlinb c , lot I , b 111 , MSM Ktatu llnnk of ebruHkll lot 2 , b 49 , 412.'J' ( . JUIIICB W Hma ti , n J of lotu 7 a it 8 , b 19 , cca ti , JlumkrhOa. u J ol lot * 7 nnd ft , b 49 , J1BO.I. Iklnu the coit and expcnsi-H , ppra oJ by the City Council , for loimtnallon und inattr'al ' of bcuoru In fioiit of and itdjolnl ( . ' " 'I'l ' proultcu by L li Murphy fc Co , In imrbiiaiiru of u tontiaU tntcrcij | utob > tlu Llty ol Omaha , wlthT , L. Miiri > hy ft Co. , ho ami ilia taniuuro hereby ro. ipcctlv cly lu ; ltd and ru < w < o'l a'ulii3t | i'iol ol laid IciU , luitd ot lo , end iirtiuUtu , { iijuhla to tlio Cltj TruaHii ir wiUi.ii 11(1 ( } ( 0) ) from tlila ditto. BV.unuN U Thluordhmnu rhall taLu illut and bo It ) force from and aid r ltd ivui 'u , Vonteil ] ) < u. SJIh , IM > ' . ' . AtUst ! J. J , l.a Ji.wurr , City ClnV. ( JIIAH. KAUniANN , I'res. of City Council pie tcm. Approu \ Cue , S2 , IWi. . J , K. IJOYI ) . Mayor. Threutnioi are now duo aii'l lll buconu cc- llniiieut | Kubtuary lutli. Ub3 , alter which Uitx a jitnaltv ot ten pur ctnt lll be added , together vltli Inttrcfct at the rate ol ono per cent jwr month 1 tuyablo lu admucr. IKUMAK 11UCK , TrooKurtr , ' . ' ' / *