THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 31 , 1881 , DAILY BEE- MAHJBLISHINQOO. , PROPRIETORS. oj9M | Fmn m , bet. Oth and loth Street * . or sunscnirrioN. copy I year , In advance ( postpaid ) $10.00 onlbs " " 6.03 " " . . . 8.00 ILWAT TIME TABLE , H CARD fllCAK ) ) , ST. FAIL , X1SXRATOUS .AXD OMAHA RAILROAD. i Omaha Passenger No , ! , 8:30 : a.m. Ac- _ . J tk > n No. 4 , 1:0. : Cp. in. * TO Omaha Pamengcr No. ,1 , 6:20 : p.m. BtcotUtlon No. 8,10:60 : a. m. L1AVTNO OXA1U BA I OR SOUTH MOW. - ' , B. ft Q. 7:40 : a. m. 8:40 : p. m. X & K. W. . 7:40 : a. ra.-3:40 : p. rn. I , R. L & P. , 7:40 : a. m. 8:40 : p. m. L. C. , St , J , ft C. 3. , leaves at 8 a. m. and 0:30 : . m. Arrhc at St. Louis at 6:30 : a. m. and 6:52 : StL. & r.lcarckt8 a. m. imi 8:40 : p. Arrhca at St. Louis at 6:40 a. m. nJ 7:30 : WT8T R SODinWBSTB.1 [ B. ft M. In Neb. , Through Rxprcm , 8tO : a. m. J E. ft M. Lincoln Kxprrs * 0:20 p. m. D P , Overland Express , 18:15 p. m. O. & R. V. for tlnsoln , 11:45 : a. m. O. & K , V , for Osceola , 9:40 : a. in. U. P , freight No. S , 6:30 : n. m. V. P. freight No. 0 , 8:20 : a. m. fM VS. P. freight No. 13 , 2:60 : p. ra. jEU. . P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant , , r . .IP. Denver exprcw , 7:34 : p. rn. ffD. . P. frolirht No 11 , 11-30 p. rn. y ; U. P. Pemer freight , 8S4 p. m. aAn AXD Mnn. C , B. ft Q 6:00 . m. 7:24 p m. t . & N. W. , 9:46 : a. m. 7:2fi p. m. C. R. 1. A P. , IK46 a. tn.- 8 p. m. K. C , 8U Joe ttO B. , 7:40 : , m. 8:46 : p.m. laarvixa TROU rn fini AKD SOUTOWMT. O. k R. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m. C. P. PaciRo Exprcxs 3:24 p. m. D * M. In Neb. , Through Rxpro 4:16 : p a. B. ft M. Lincoln Kxprcw tl:40 a m. V. P. Denver express , 7:34 : s. m. C. P. Freight No. 14-2:60 p. m. m XI. P. No. & 6:20 : a. m. Emigrant. V. P. fr < lrfit No. U , 12:16 : p. m. U. P. So. 8-0:00 p. m. C. P. No. 12 1:16 : a. m. v , U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. m. | t 0. A K. V. mixed , ar. 4:44 p. u. xnuir TRAIUS isnr N OUAUA AMB OOOHCll BLCTTS. U re Omiha at 9:00 : , 9K , 10AO and so , : 1:0 3M , 3:00 : , 4KW and 6:00 : p. m. Ixiive Council niuOs at 8:24 : , 9U. : 10:25 : and , ltt : a. m. ; Ir2o , 2:26 : , 3:24 : , 4:24 : and 6:24 : p. m. „ ; Bun4a- > The dummy loaves Omaha at 90 g-and 11:00 a. m , ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : ad 6:00 : p.m. Leaves Council muffs at 9:26 and 11:25 a. m. ; S35,4:25 d 6A5 p. in. Through and local rtasscnirer trains i Omaha and Coun > U Bluffs. Lc\ Omaha 8:16 , 17:45 : , 8:60 : a. m. ; 3:40. : 6:45 , 6:00 : p. m. Arrive ' Omaha 7:40,11:36,11:46 : : : a. m. ; 0:40 , 7:05 , 7:15 , ' 7:40 p. m. Opening ant Closing of Mlit. EOCIX ora. CLOsr. . m. p. m. s , m. p.m. i Chicago It N. W 11.00 9.OO 6:30' 1:40 : f ChicaRO , R I. 4 PacUo.llWO 9.-00 6:30 : 1:40 : Chicago , B. & ( J . . .11:00 : 9:00 6:30 2:40 : Waba&h 12:30 : 5:30 : 5:40 : Sioux City and Pftdflc. . 0:00 : 620 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 : li:40 : Omaha&R. Y 4:00 : 11:40 : B.&U. ID Neb 4KX ) 8:10 : Oouha & Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 : B. &X. Lincoln 10:30 : 6:00 : D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1JO : U. P. Denver Ext ) 0:00 : 6:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P..1UOO 2:40 : Local mail * ( or State ot Iowa leave but once a d y , vU : 0:30 : a. m. Office open Sundays ( rora 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. F HALL P H. Business Directory. Abstract end Real bitata. JOHN L. MoCAGUE , oppodta Post Office. W. B. BABTLETT 817 South 18th Street. Architect * . DUTRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14. Crclghton Block. A. T. LABOR Jr. , Room 2 , CreUhton Block. Boota and Shoes. JAMES DsVlNE & CO. , Fine Boot * and Shoes. A good assortment ot borne work on hand , corner l&th and Harnev. THOfi. ERICKSON , 8. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHNPORTUNATU8. 605 10th street , manufactures to order good work at Mr prices. Repairing done. -B d Oprlnft. i , T. LARRJMKR Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlasit. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Faniham Street. , Butter and Egg * . If 03HAKE & 8C1IROEDER , the oldest B , and E. bouae In Nebraska cstabllnhed 187E Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , ic.nlhwtrt cornel 16thand Dodp. Best Board lor the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Weals at all Hours. Board by the l > av , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. FumUhed Rnnms HuppUed. Uarrlages and Roao Wagona. WM BKTDER , 14th and Barney Streets. jewe era. rs JOHN BAUMEJt 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BKnTHOLD. lUgs and Metal Lumber , Lime and Cement. roSTKR & OltAY comer 6th anil DoujjUs Sts. Lamps and Glassware. J. BOK.VEU 1300 UooalM St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A LINDQUEST , One ol our most rcpular Merchant Tailors Is re ceMn the lateot diwlpis lor Sprlni ; and Summer Goods for gentlemen a wear. Stylluli , durable , aod prices low as ever 21613th bet. DouK.&Fam. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RLKOER , Wholcsalo and Retail , Kan- cr Goods In Krtat variety , Zephyrs , Card UoanLi , lioaler } ' , Oloves , Cornets , kc. Cheapest House In tbeWi-tt. Purchasers save 0 per cent. Order br UaiU lie FUtccnth Street. . i-oundry. JOD.N WEARNR li SONS , cor. 14th & Jarkson sts Mour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Bth and Farnhsm 8U. , Welihans Bros. , proprletsni , Urocera. Z , STEVENS , Zlit betneen Cumlng aa < l Irar T. A. McSHANK , Com. jid and Cumlng Streets. Hardware , Iron ana 8teel. OLAN & LANQWOIITIIY , Wholesale , 110 ant1 112 tith street A. HOLMES corner Iflth anil California. Harriett , Saddle * , Ac. E. WEST 2018th 81 bet Farn. * Ham v. Hotel * ANTIKLD HOUSE , Geo. Cnfleld,9tb & Farnhm ] RAN HOUSE , P. II. Gary , 913 Faniham Bt. BLAVEN'B HOTEL , f. gUven , 10th St Icttthern Hotel bos. Hamel 9th 4Le ven ortb Clothing Bought. O JHHAW will pay highest Cash pries lor second hand clothlnr. Corner 10th and rarnham. Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUHN * CO. Fine Vane 'too.l , Cor , Ulh ind IXnuits streets. IT , J. WHITKHO UtK , Wbolwmle k IteUll , 18th It. a FIELD , SOW Morth Side Cumlng Street. FABB , Druinrirt , 10th and Howard Streets. Dentists. DR. PAUL , WlUlami * Block Cor. lth fc Dalgs. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOUN II. F. LKallAKN & CO. , Kcw Tork Dry Store , 1910 and 1813 Farn. him itrxct L. C , Knew old alto boots ami shoes TthfcPadflu. r-urultura , A F , GI10ES , Now and BcsOnd JUnil Furniture oil Stoves , 1111 PoiurlM. IlUbett cash price aid for second band iroooi. BOKKKlt 1809 PooyU st. Fine oodl , Ac. , f-enco Works. 011A1IA r'KKCE CO. OUST , FRIES&CO.iniIUmyUt. , Imrrore- ) Ice Uo e , Iron and Wood Fences , Ottoe f , Couattrs ol line inU Olgsrs and Tobacco. ffF.9T A rRITSCBKU , munulacturers ol CIrM | , and V > * hol Mle Dralors' n Tobaccos , ISOi DouKlas. ff. V. LOUKNZKH m.\nuhirttir r 1418 Farnhtra Florist. A. Donaghtie , pUnts , cut flowers , * c d , ooqDtU t . N. W. cor. 16lh and I > ourUs street * . Qlvll Engineers and Surreyors. ANDREW HOSKWATKR , Crtlghton Block , Town Survcjs , Grade and 8cwer g SjlUnis a SpccUlty. Uommlislon Merchants. JOHN O , WIL LIS.1414 DoJKO Street , D U. DKKMKR. For details Me Urj adv ertls- ment In Dallr and Weekly. Cornlca Works. Wettern Cornice Works , Xlanuhctnrers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Hlsto Koodlnif. Orders from any locality promptly ejiDcutal In the best manner. Factoriml OfUce 1213 llsrney SU O. 8PKCI1T , Troprlctor. Oalvnnli < xl Iron Cornices. Window Caps , tc , , maniifMtured and put up In any p * " ° ' " * * country. T. alNllOLl ) 8 TTilrtcenth street Orockery , J. BONHKR 1S09 Dou las street. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. OKO. II. PKTKRSON. Also HkU , Caps , Bool * , Shoes , NoUoni and Cutlery. 604 B. 10th street Rstrlgtrttors , Oanfleld's Patent. C. F. OOODMAN lllh 8t bet. Farn. A Barney. Show Case M nuf ctonf. | 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ot Show Caws. Upright Cases , a > . , 1317 OMS Bt. FRANK L. OFJIHARD. proprietor Omaha Show Gum manufactory , 818 South 10th street , between L arenworth and llarcy. All goods warranted flrst-clawi. Pawnbrokers. RSHKKFBLD. 10th Bt. het far. Bar Stoves ana Tmwarw. A. BURM ESTKR , Dealer In Stores and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNKR , 1809 Douglas 81 Good and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesals and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows Ball. Physicians and Burgeons. W. S. GIBBS , M. U. , Room No i , Crelghton Block , 16th Street , P. 8. LE18KNH1NO , M. D. Uasonlc Block. C. L. HART , U. D. . Kyt and Ear , opp. postofflee DR. L. B. GRADDY. Oculist and Aurlst. 8. W 16th and Famhtm SU Photographer * . GKO. HF.YN , PROP. Orand Central Gallen' , 21t Sixteenth Street. ner Masonic 1UU , Furst lass Work and Prompt ness Ruaranteer _ _ _ PlumblnK , Oai and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPV & CO. . 21612th Ht , bet Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. 7ITZPATRICK. 1 < 09 Douglas Street. Painting an aper anglng. A. KOSTKRS. Ill Oodge Street Shoe wtores. Phillip Lang. 1820 Farnham st bet. 18th ft 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. Now and Second Itend Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , &c. . bought and sold on narrow mart-Ins. baloons. HKNRY KAUFUANN , In tno new brick block on Douglas Street , has just opened a most elegant Kent Ilall. Hot Lunch Irora 10 to 12 ev er > " day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 879 16th Streot. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE. lOia Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. 00 Oent Stores. P n BAOKUR. 1MB Farnhwa St. . Fancy Goods WESTERN CORNICE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , ' 1213 Haraey Street , OMAHA. - - - NEB , MANUFACTURERS OF ULTIIBED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IEON | SLATE ROOFING , Specht's Patent Metalic Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. I am the general State Agent ( or the above line ol Kooda. IRON FKNUING. Crestlncs , Balustrades , VerandasOffice ( anc Bank Rallliigs , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. nov4dt ( THE KENDALL PLAITIMIAOHIHE ! DRESS-MAKERS' COMPANION , - It plaits and prtintcs perfectly one yard per minute. It pUJtHfroji l-KIol sn Inch tel 1-4 indies In widthlu tlmc-oamcat feltnor Iliicet i-Ilk . * _ HUoMttII Kinds and style * of plaiting In inc. No la < ly that does her own dnws-inaklrii ; tail uSorA to do vtlthout oim as nice plaiting IK iCverJout of fashion , K seen It sells itself. For Machine ? , Circulars or Aunt's terms aditress CONG All & CO. , 113 A.darnH St. , Chicago , IU , WU. W. KENDALL , Axvnt Oiaalia. THE OCCIDENTAL J. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , STEB , Rates , Two Dollars Per Bay , 2..d6m * " SIBBBTT & PULLEE ] ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAFTD CITY , NEB , Special atleotloo 0mo to collections In llutl - f < - . ' - , POETRY OP THE TIMES. Slio Only Told Whnt She Hoard. SkMm. . llronii 0 ( Slftndcrtown ; "tt tuny , or tni\y not lies 1 oulv tcll- Vou know mevcll - folks lm\c told inc. " 'nicy say Ihn Vlfo Anil fits young wife ( let on qvilteawful , dear ; They * eoll nml fiffht Uotn tiny nml nlijht Or that istut 1 hear. "And who would thinV Timt Smith xhotild drink The wty ho doc' , gon\ \ Lord ! Or co they my ; My dear , I pray , Yon will not tnke my VA ord , "And thcrc'H Mlsi Hurt , The wiucy flirt , She's talked nlxiut ; I've heard Such frightful thliiR ! , , It l > lu he brlnK * To tell them , ' | > on my word. "Oh dear , they ay The other day That Kcv. Dr. Uird And Hlns Montcnlni Went nnn-iu-nrru Down Hrjfitlway M > I heuul. " Say * Mrs. Jonec , In ch Hint ; tones , "You have iiuick oarmy ; .hid fill them full With cotton wool ; You hear too much , I fcnr. [ Itontnn Tran criit. ( THE COLONEL. What , tlio Colonel's business wan nobody know , nor did anybody care particularly. Ho purchased for cash only , and never grumbled at tlio piico of anything ho wanted. Who could oak moro than that ? Curious people occasionally wonder ed how , when it had been fully two years since the Colonel , with ovcry ono else , abandoned Dutch Crook to the Chinese , ho managed to spend money freely and to lose considerable at cards and horse races. In fact , the keener of that one of the Challenge Hilt saloons that"tho Colonel did not patroni/o was once hoard to wonder , absent-mindedly , whether the Colonel hadn't a money mill somewhere whore ho turned out eagles and "slugs" ( the coast name for fifty-dollargold pieces ) . When so important a personage as a barkeeper indulged publicly in the idea the inhabitants of Challenge Hill , like Rood Californiana every where , considered themselves in duty bound to give it grnvo consideration ; BO for a few days certain industrious professional gentlemen , who won money of the colonel , carefully weighed some of the brightest pieces and tested them with acids , and sawed them in two , and retired them , and melted them up , and had the lumps assayed. The result was a complete vindica tion of the colonel , and a loss of con siderable custom to the indiscreet barkeeper. The colonel was as good-nntured a man as had ever been known on Chal lenge Hill , but being mortal , the colonel nel had his occasional times of de spondency , and ono of thorn occurred after a series nf races in which ho had staked his all on his hay mare Tipsie , and had lost. Looking reproachfully at his beloved animal ho failed to heed the aching void of his pockets , and drinking deeply , swearing eloquently and glar ing defiantly at all , mankind were o < | ually unproductivo-of coin. The boys at the saloon sympathised most feelingly with the colonel. They were unceasing in their invitations to drink , and they exhibited consider able Christian forbearance when the colonel savagely dissented from ovcry ono who advanced any proposition , no matter how incontrovertible. JJut unappreciated sympathy grows decid edly tiresome to the giver , and it was with a fooling of relief that the boys saw the .Colonel stride out of the saloon , mount Tipsie and gallopfuri- | ously away. Hiding on horseback has always been considered an excellent sort of exercise. Riding is universally ad mitted to bo ono of the most healthful means of exhilaration in the world , but when a man is so absorbed in this exorcise that ho will not stop to speak to his friend , and when his exhilara tion is so complete that he turns his eyes from all well-meaning thumbs feinting significantly into doorways , through which a man Iws often passed while seeking bracing inlluencc , it is only natural that people should express - press some wonder. Tlio Colonel was well known at Toddy Flat , Lone Hand , JJlazer'n , Murderer's Jlar , and several other vil lages through which hupansod. AH no 0110 hud been Been to precede him , betting men wore soun offering odds that the Colonel was running away from somebody Strictly speaking they were wrong , but they won all tlio money that had been staked a''aiimt them , for within half an hour there passed over the same road an anxiouH-looking indi vidual , who ruined up in front of the principal saloon of each place and in quired if the colonel hud passed. Had the gallant colonel known that ho was followed and by whom , there certainly would have been mi extra election held at the latter place very shortly after , for the pursuer was the constable , and for all oflicers of the law the colonel possessed hatred. On galloping away tlio colonel fol lowed the stage road , which threaded the old mining camps on Dutch creek , but maidenly he turned out of the road and urged hia horsu through the youngest pines and bushes which grew thickly by the road , while the consta- blu rode on to the next camp , There seems to bo no path through the thicket into which the Colonel had turned , but Tipaio walked between the trues and itlirubs as if they weio fa miliar objects of his stublo-yard. Suddenly a voice from the bushes shouted : " ' " "What's up ? "JJuBincss-that's " - what. "Jt'H time " the voice , replied , anil its owner u bearded nix-footer amergcd from the bushes of an old acquaintance. "Wo ain't had a nip since last night , and tlioro ain't a cracker or a handful of ( lour in the shanty. The old gal gone back on yer1' ? "Yes , " replied thu Colonel , ruefullyi "lost every blasted race , "i'wasn'fc her fault , blosn her , she done hei level best. Ev'ryliody to liomu/ / " "You bet , " said Iho man. "All boon a pray in' for yer to turn up with tlin roan , an' tornuthlng with more color than spring wntcr. Cotno on ? " The man led tlio way and Tipsio and the Colonel followed , and the trio iiuldciily , found themselves before a OR hut , in front of which sat three solemn , disconsolate individual , Mho ookcd appcaliuply to the Colonel. "Jlack'il toll you how'twas , fellers , " said the Colonel , meekly , "while I lickot the mare. Tlio Colonel was absent but n vorv ow moments , but when ho returned , each of the four was attired in pistol mil knives , while Mack was distribut- tig some dominoes made from a rather lirty tlour sack. "JJottor bo an hour ahead than a niss in this Wo'night , " said one of ; ho four. "I ain't so thirsty since I came 'round tlio Horn in ' 50 , an' wo run short of wator. Somebody'll ' got lurt if there ain't any bitters in the old "concern ; they will , or my uamo ain't Perkins. " "Don't count on yourchickcns'foro they're hatched , Porky , " said one of the crowd , as ho adjusted the domino under the rim of his hat. " 'Sposin ' * there should bo too many on us ) "Stiddy , stiddy. Cranks ! " remon strated the Colonel. "Nobody over gets along it they 'low themselves to bo skoorcd. " "Fact , " chimed in the smallest and thinnest man in the party. "The Hiblo says somothin * mighty hot 'bout that. 1 disremember dzactly how it goes , but I've hoard Parson Huzzy , down in Maine , preach a ripplin' old sermon many a time. The old man never thori what n comfort them ser mons wun agoin' to bo to a road agent , though. The time wo stopped San ; Mike's stage and he didn't have m moro manners than to draw on mo , them lertnons vtm a pot feet blossiu' ' U mo the thorns of 'em cleared my haul' aa quick as a cocktail. An' " "I don't want to disturb Logrollor's pious strain , " interrupted the colonel , "kut eit's Old Black that's nrrivin' to-day instead of Sam Mike , and ex. it's Odd Black alters makes his time , hadn't wo better vamoose ] " The door of the shanty was hastily closed , and the men filed through the thicket until near the road , when they marched rapidly on in parallel lines with it. After about half an hour Perkins , who wasloading , halted , and wiped his perspiring brow with his shirt sleovo. "Fur enough from homo now , " slid ho. " 'Taint no use being a gentleman if yor have to work too hard. " "Safe enough , I reckon , " replied the colonel. "We'll do the usual ; I'll halt 'em ; Logroller , tend to tin driver ; Cranks , take the boot , anil Mack and Pork , take right and left An' I know it's tpugli but co.isulor ing liow evorlastin' eternal hard u _ wo are , I reckon we'll have to ask con tributions from the ladies , too , there's any abroad ; eh , boy ? " "Reckon so , " replied Logroll or , with a chuckle that Boomed to inspiri even his black domino with a murr > wrinkle or two ; "what's the use o women's rights of they don't over havi H chance of exercis'n 'cm ; Imviii * the ! purses borrowed "udsliow em the ful doctrine in a bran now light. " "Como , come , boys , " interpose the eolonol , "thar's the crack of 01 Black's whip ; pick up your buslij quick ! and jump when I whistle. " Each man secreted himself by th roadside. The atatro was swingin along handsomely , those inside wcr5 laughing heartily at something aixl Old Black was just giving a delicaii touch to ihb flank of the oil' leaded when the Colonel gave a shrill , quid whistle and five men sprang into th ) road. road.Tho The horses stopped as suddenly at if it were a matter of common occur- . I'onco. Old Black dropped the reins , crossed his legs and stared into the sky , and the passengers put out their heads with a rapidity equaled only by that with which they withdraw them as they saw the dominoes and revolvers vers of the road agents. "Seems to be something the mat ter , gentlemen , " said the Colonel , blandly , as ho opened the door. "Won t you please get out ? DonL ! trouble yourself to draw , cos my friend hero's got his weapon cocked an' his finger's rather nervous. Ain't got a handkerchief , hov yes ? " he asked of the first pasdcnecr that descended from the stage. "Hey ! Well , now that's luck , .lust put your hands behind yer BO ; that's it. " And the unfortu nate man's hands were securely tied behind him in an instant. Tlio remaining passengers were treated with similar courtesy , and the Colonel and his frie ids examined the pockets of the captives. Old Black remained unmolested , for whoever heard of a Htngc-driver having any money ? "Boys , " said tlio colonel ; calling his brother agents aside and calling receipts , "tain't much of a haul ; but there's only one woman , and she's old enough to bo a feller's grand mother. " ' Like enough she'll pan out moro than all the rest of the stage put to gether , " growled Cranks , carefully testing the thickncHB of the caeo of a gold watch. "Juat like the low-lived doceitfulnecs of some folks to hire an old woman M carry thuir money , BO it'd go safer. Mebbe what she's ' got ain't nothing to some folks that's got good horses and ken win money at but- " races - - The colonel abruptly ended the conversation and approached the stage. He WAS very chivalrous , but Crankii' sarcastic reference to Tipsie needed avenging , and lu he could not consistently with business arrange ments put an end to Cranks the only lady would have to sufler. "I beg your pardon , nia'am , " aaid the colonel , raising his bat with one hand while ho drew open the couch door with the other , "but we're taking up a collection for nome de serving objects , We was goiu' to make the gentlemen fork over the hull amount , but ox they ain't got enough wu will have to bother you , " Tlio old lady trembled , felt for her pocketbook and rained her veil. The colonel looked into her face , slammed the stage door and sitting on the hub of ono of the wheels stared vacantly into space. "Nothing ? " queried Per kins in a whisper and with a face full of genuine sympathy. "No j CH , " said the Colonel dream ily , "That is , untie 'em and let the stage go ahead , " he continued , Kpring- ing to his feet. "I'll hurry back to the cabin. " The Colonel dashed into the bnsliCH and left his folio worn so paralysed with astonishment that Old Black afterward remarked that if Uiero'd been anybody to mind the hones ho could linvo cleaned out the whole crowd with his whip. The passengers , now relieved of their weapons , \voro unbound , allowed to enter tlio stage , and the door was slummed , upon which Old Black picked up his reins as if ho had laid thorn down nt the station , nhllo the Colonel'a party hastened back to their hut , fondly inspecting ns they wont certain tlnsks they had obtained \vliilo transacting their business with the oc cupants of the stage. Grout was tlio surprise of the road agents as they entered tho. hut , for hero stood the Colonel in n clean white shirt and a suit of clothing nindo rein the limited spare wardrobe of the ither members of the band , Hut the suspicious Cranks speedily Btibordinntcd his wonder to tun put- lonco as , laying on the table u heavy airae , ho exclaimed : "Como , Colonel , business before ilcasuro ; let's divide and scatter. Ef mybody should Iicar about it nml find our trial mi' ketch the brads in our possession they might " "Divide yourselves ! " said the Colo- icl , with abruptness and u great onth. " 1 don't want none of it.1 "Colonel , " siu'd Perkins , removing lis 6wn domino and looking anxiously into the leader's face , "bo you sick / "Hero's Bomo bully brandy which 1 iouud in the passengers' pockets. " "It hain't iiotlnV , " replied the colonel , with averted oyes. "I'm join1 , nml I'm retirin' from business ; orovor. " "Ain't ' agoin' to turn evidence ? " ciicd Crunks , grafting a pistol on the : able. "I'm agoin' to make n load mine of you of you don't take that back ! " roared the colonel , with n bound that caused Cranks to drop the pistol and rotiru precipitately , apologising as he went , "I'm agoiiV to attend to my own business , and that'll enough to keep anybody bizzy. Somebody lend mo $50 till I see him again. " 1'erkins pressed the money into the colonel's hand , and within two min utes the colonel was on Tipsio's buck and galloping oil' in the direction the stage had taken. llo overtook it , passed it , and still lie galloped on. The people of Mud Gulch know the Colonel well , and made it a rule never to bo astonished at anything htMlid , but they made an exception to' the rule when the Colonel canvassed the principal bar-rooms for men who wishou to my a horao , and when n gambler who was Hush obtained Tipsie for twenty slugs only § 1,000 when the Colonel had always said there was nut gold enough on top of the ground to buy her , Mud Gulch experienced a decided sensation. But when the Colonel , after re nmining in the barber shop for half mi hour , emerged with his face clean shaved and his hair nicely parted , bet ting was so wild that n cool-headed sporting man speedily made n fortune l > y betting against every theory that Imd been advanced. Then the colonel made a tour of the stores and fitted him&ulf with n new suit of clothes , carefully eschew ing all the gorgeous patterns and pro nounced colors so dear to the heart of the average miner. lie bought now ! mt and put on a pair of boots , and pruned his finger nails , and stranger than all , he mildly declined nil invi tations k > drink. As the Colonel stood at the door of the principal saloon , where the stage always stops , the Challenge Hill con- ctablo was soon to approach the Colonel and tap' him on tno shoulder , when all the men who bet that the Colonel won dodging somebody claimed the stakes. But those who stood near the Colonel hoard the con table say : "Colonel , J take it all back. When I seed you go out to Challenge Hill it came t6 mo that you might be in the road agent business. 13at when seed you sell Tipsie 1 know I was on the wrong trail. I wouldn't suspect you now if all the stages in the world was robbed ; and I'll give you satisfaction - faction any way you want it. " t 'fit's nil right , " snid the Colonel , with n smile. The countable after wards said that nobody had any idea hojv curiously the Colonel smiled wlien his beard was oil * . Suddenly the stage pulled up to the dor with a crash , and the male pan- soi gers hurried into the saloon in a rib to of utter indignation and unpo- cu itosity. ' ? ho story of Jie robbery nttmctvd everybody , and during the excite- mail tlio Colonel slipped out quietly and opened the door of the utuge , Tlio old lady started and cried : I'Goorgo ! " And the Colonel jumped into the stage and , putting his arm tenderly around the trembling form of the old lady , exclaimed : fMothor ! " A'Baptist ' Minister' Expnrieuoo. I am a lnilit ! | uiinUtiT , and liefoio I even thought of boliif , ' u clergyman , I graduated in medicine , but left a lucrative prnctlcu fur my prebont prnfcMiioii , Id ye urn ny < i. I WM Cm-nmiiy ym-/t nf- fertr from qtilnx.v ; Thonia * hcleutrlc Oil cured me. I WHH ulxu tumbled with lionnjencKH , and Thomas' Kclectrlu Oil al ways relieved me. Sly nlfn uml child hail diphtheria , imd'L'IiomuH Kclcctrlo OH cuied them , nml if taken In I line will nue Heven tliuex out of ten , J am con fident it IK u cine for th mod ohntlnnte cold or uuii h. uiut if miv one will take u tonall teaspoon ami hulf till it with the Oil , arid then place the end of the a eon In one nostril an draw the Oil out of the Huoon into the head ) > y KnlMing IIM huril R tney can , uc.tll.tho oil fallH over into the threat , nml practice that twice u week , I don't care how offeiiklve their head may be , it will clean it nut and euro their catunrh , For deafneiu and enraclie it nun clone woiiderx to my certain knowledge. It U the only medicine .dubbed Ilk * patent medicine that I have ever felt like recom mending , and I am very anxloux to ree it in every p'uce , for I tell you that J would not' be without it In my house fur any conHldprntlun , I am now HiifferlnK with H pain like rheumatism In my right limb , 'and nothing relieves me lilce ThomuV ICc- lectrlc Oil , ] ) ] { . K. V. OKANK , - "i-lw Corry , 1'a. DextcrL.Tlioinas&Bro WILL UUY AND 8F.LL xcxi JL.XM xis'v a.arxi iSO ALL TKlilNACTION COXKICTEO TUIRXWITII , Pay Taxes , Root Houses , Etc It YOU W1MT TO DVT OH OIU , C ll st Omcs , Room 8. Crclgbtoii Block , Omsbs John G. Jacobs , ( Fonuerly ol ( JUli & Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER , .1417 FsrnhiuiiSt. , Old bttnd o' ncchOI , 17 * DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS . p County , Iowa , C. , 11. & Q , K. It. W. S. AlRor it Co A. W. Sweet Hanker Win. Sutton Hotel and Livery A. Ilnrvoy Dry Goods and Groceries L. Shepard iV Son Dry Goods and Groceries Cornelius & White . . Furniture Paul Welch lowolry l\ey > Hrothors Hardware JIawos \Vatenimnn Hardware P. H. Sm th Drugs G. W. Hnrlow llcatnurnnt Walters it Minort Law , Li a and Land E. C. Gibbs , > , . . - . . . v ' .Attorney F. L. Ingnmn i. . ' News Hooks niv\ Toys M. S. Thurmnn , . . , . , . , v Insurance and Loan M. K. Dines , , , , j Millinery L. Flumtnor , Barbel- Cooper & Weber General Merchandise ,1. M. Howland > ' . ' ' Land , Loan , Insurance U , Simmons / ; . i , , \-i. , Drugs W. M. Lewis * . . . . ' Ucstaurrnt \ I .1. T , Sherman - . . . * . . . . . " . Steam Marble Works A. E. Handcock * Furniture Phillip Moore . ' . . . . ' Groceries and Meat Leo Galhumr . . , . . . . IlariiosH Uowoll Bros , - . . v General Merchandise II. A. lUifus i . ' . . . . ' . Dry Goi'ds Hoico it Son , < . . . .7. T. Inginan Hoots and . M. N. IMoNnitghton , M. D I'hysiciiii S. H. Handcock . ) . .Hot l F. Cooper , M. D : . . ? , Physiciai W. A. Woodard . . . . . - . ' . C. , U. it Q. Lnnd Agon\ \ C. N. Preston it Son Groceries and Meal C. 11. Meldon MillinerjA . Cowgill it Hagermnster Blacksmiths Oweim it Cummings Blnuksmiths.i Jones it Magee ' .Lumber- . E. D. lland it Co . Luinbor- \ Hoover it Rood Lurry \ Smith it Burlson Elc'ator' ' iillifl it Co Elevator- II. D. Dolson ' Elevator - P. It. liates.i , - .t. . . > . . . . , . _ . . : . . . . _ . „ . . . . . .filuyor ( Adanw County , Iowa , C. , II. .t Q. ) W. ( i. McColm Drnj'it , Groceries , I'oatollicc- M. G. Simjison it Co General Merchandise ijitmuel Arimpoker , Restaurant j. G. Simpson - . -.Hardware FacksHii < t Arbucklu Stock Doulora W. 11. Cummings Elevator .1. M. Sturgeon , < Elevator J. R. Shearer Station Agent -DEALERS IN- HALLS SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proof O 1020 Farnham Street , 106sLf WOOLLEY & DAVIS Opposite P , U , Stationers , Paper-Dealers and Engravers , i" KEEP ON HAND A SELECT STOOK OP BLANK , SCRAP , POCKET AND BILL BOOKS , FINE PAPER , INKSTANDS , PAPER WEIGHT ! ' Latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus , Visiting and Advertising Cards , Ball.Programmes , &c. Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelopes , Bill , Letter and Note Heads , IciCi'icdlDi . . ' "I SUPERIOR OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION BUY IE ! BEST -SOLD 1JY Lang & Fotick