Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1881, Image 6

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on Trial for tlio Murder
of Boorgo Washington ,
Particulars of the Colored Tragedy
ody in the Ofldon House.
A Boarder Who Gets Caught
in the Sneak Thief
Rocket ,
Successful Wind-up of the
Catholic Fair at Do-
MUoollonooni Mnntlon , Police
Plofcnpt nnd Porsonol Tidbitii-
The ( Hatriot court wan engaged
again ycatordny in thu cano of the
State of Iowa vs. Harry McGcc ,
charged with the murder of Ocorgo
Woahington. It will bo remembered
tlmt about the 21st of last Juno , tlio
defendant nnd Ocorgo Washington
hod an altercation , brought on by a
remark ninclo by the latter about Mo-
Oco'fl nirl. Washington , bolng of the
opinion that shu was not what slio
slioiild bo , forbade liis i < irl being soon
upon the streets of Council
IllutTA in her company. Thin
got to thu car of McGeo'u
Hweothoart. She reported the atory
to him nnd ho mvoro ho would run the
risk of laying out Gnorgo for sttcli an
insult , Ho afterwards mot him nnd
they exchanged blows. McGuo was
arrested , taken before Esquiroiiurko ,
where ho was Iniund over to appear
and answer the charge of assault
upon Washington. Ho was released
on bail and the next day repaired to
the Ogden House. Seeing Washing
ton sitting in front of the hotel , ho
walked up to him and slapped him
in the face. The two men clinched
and foil , Washington on top. During
the struggle McQoo , through some
means , procured a pistol , either
taking it out of Washington's '
hand or pocket or ono was handed
him by a triond. Do this ae it may ,
Washington finding him in 10 pos
session of n weapon , got awny from
him and ran into the ollico. McGee ,
infuriated with ra o rushed after him ,
and when in range fired , felling him
to the lloor. Washington was imme
diately taken into the saloon and
laid on n bench , where ho expired in
about ten minutes after receiving the
fatal wound. McGee is a full-bloodod
African about 21 years of ago.
Andrew Clattorbuck , deputy sheriff ,
loft Council 13 lull's lasi evening , hav
ing m chnrgo four convicts destined
for Fort Madison.
by the name of Morrison applied at a
boarding house situated on Vine
4. street , and kept by a lady by the name
of Borland , for board and lodging.
That night Mrs. D. hoard some ono in
her china closet. She repaired there
nnd found mister thief in the closot.
Ho excused himself by stating ho wnn
looking for a glass to got a drink of
water. Yesterday morning the same
man entered the room of ono ot the
boarders , Mr. J. W. liuflington , who
is in the employ of the extensive
wholesale fruit house of Erb & Du
quette , nnd took from the washstanda
valuable ring. It scorns thatBuflington
was in the habit of removing the ring
from liia finger ( as it is a hair ring )
when making his toilet. On tlio above
occasion he wont down t > breakfast ,
forgetting to replace it upon his fin-
ger. Wliilo gone Morrison slipped in
and slipped the ring into his hip
pocket. Ho then went down stairs
And out on the street. Mr. Bulling
ion mistrusted him and in company
with a colored man gave chose. Tlioy
caught him nnd donuinded the ring.
Upon his denying having the same
they hold him nnil searched thorough
ly , but they could not find the article
upon his poraon. They believed ho
took it and throw it awny or dis
iosod of it in some way. They took
him by force to police headquarters ,
nnd reported the circumstances to
Chief I'iold who lit once instituted
thorough examination. The stoloi
ring WUH found in the hip pocket , ala
a very line gold watch chain belonging
to some person from whom ho no
doubt had stolen it. Complaint wae
iinmndiatoly made , nnd the cnso wne
hoard before Judge Burke , who found
Morrison guilty and sentenced him tc
ton days in the county jail.
Don't forgot the lecture tu hu de
livered by Kov , J. G. LCIIILMI , ni'xt '
Sabbath oveninf ; ; subject , ' 'Crimea
and thu means of stopping them. "
This evening Salsbury's Troubadours -
li dours will appear at Dolwnoy's , They
are ftpokon of us giving a vtuy inter.
0 csting entertainment.
\ closed a very successful season at Do-
hanoy's last evening , on which occa
sion various articles wore voted to
I The sheriffs jury to assess damages
accruing to * property holders along
tlio route of the Milwaukee & St.
Paul .railroad in this county are hold
ing daily sessions in Ward's hall ,
nourly opposite the court house , on
Pearl street.
haii returned from his western trip ,
having learned that thu city council
had canvassed the vote , nnd there
was Bonio prospects of having a city
of the first-class. Hu couldn't ' stand
it to remain nil winter in a small town
out in Arizona.
formerly n preacher of the Swedish
vei gospel in this city , lias been engaged
'to lecture- next Sunday before the
Swedish library association in Omaha.
Ho has chosen as his subject , "Arti-
licial Happiness. "
yMtJim Johnson was arrested by Ollicer
* Glough for larceny. Hi ) 'was tukon
before Judge Burke , who held him to
appear at some future dny to nnswer ,
Officer CUBIC arrested a man by the
name of Billy Wilson for vn&rniioy ,
Ho was discharged " on his promiau to
leave town at once.
Extensive preparations are being
made for the mnmiitcradu by
the llcscuo fire boys. These balls
heretofore have been attended with
commendable financial success by our
citizens. Wo Itopo to see this not an
exception ,
The Western Union hare establish
ed additional wire facilities between
this city and Burlington ,
Wo are pleased to announce tlmt
Grandma Jackson is not suffering , al'
though she is very ill and not expect
ed to live. Thcro is no doubt but the
old lady will soon pass quietly from
Madison Caughoy , of Atlantic , and
wife are in Council Bluffs on a brief
visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Casper.
The city council have put inn cross
ing on Tenth avenue in front of the
U. P. bakery , owned by John Miller.
Mr. A. C. Burnham , of the real
estate firm of Burnham & Tulloys ,
who has been in this city on business ,
left for homo on Thursday night.
Col. J , S. Tntn , of Avoca , was in
Council Bluffs yesterday on business.
J. W. Berger , book-keeper for the
extensive house of 11. S. Cole , of this
city , has been elected secretary of the
Odd Fellows' protective association ,
nnd has been obliged to call upon his
daughter to assist him.
J. T. Hart nnd wife are visiting
friends at Wintcrsot , lown.
No Matter 'What Happens
You may rest assured that you nro tnfc in
ID beinp speedily cured by homai' ICclec-
trlc Oil In nil caic * of rlicuiiiatliin , neu
ralgia , toothache , etc. One trial only late
to prove itn efllrncy. 25-lw
No. 1508 Farnhiun Street ,
rnn Nor.h itdo ODO. Oranil Central lotel
H a n d s o mest
For Sale by
621 South Tenth St.
Matter of Application of Klchani Wilde
for Liquor License.
Notlco Is lieroby jl > cii that Illchinl Wlldo did
upon the 10th ilay of December , A. I ) , , 1881 , Illo
Inn apjillcatloii to the Mayor and City t'oiintll
of Omaha , for llccn loncll Malt , tiplrltuouH and
Ylno < u Miio | M , nt No. 1124 Kitrnham Sfrcct.
Third Word , Omaht , Nob. , from the' let day of
Jantuirt , ISbS.totlio 10th d ) of Apr.l , 18S > ! i
Ifthvruduno ibjcotlou , rainoiutranto or pro
test fllitl wlthliitHo veckii from December 10th ,
A. D , , tail , the > ld llceniowill bo ifruntcd.
. _ Applicant.
Tnr. IVIM I1 K nvvniiaper lll publlththo
above notice for two ucckHat thaexienneof the
applicant. , The City of Omaha U not to be
chnrircd therewith. J. J. L 0. JEWfTT.
I'ecU-lSt. City Clerk.
Mutter of Application nf John O'Connoll
for Llqtior Llconne.
Xotlco ii hereby ( 'lventlmt John O'C'oji-
ncllilld upon tlm Ki'li day of Duci-iulm ,
A 1) ) , , 1SS1 , file his A\I \ lie tliui to the
Mnyor nnil City I wineil nf Ouulm , fur
HcciiM ! t Ktll M It , StiirUimimiiul Viiions
IJ'IIIMM , at No. lOrt cntli tifet ,
Tliliil wanl , Ontnlia , Neb , , from thu lint
itay of .Iiiiiiiury , 18s'to tliu lOtli U. y of
A ill. 188L .
If there be nno' Jecttiiii , reiiion < irniuM or
iitrHt lili'il ulthui tw wt-fl H front Kltli
of December , A. U. , 1881 , th
will be uruiitetl
Applicant ,
TIIK DAIH HIK : nowi'pnper will h
tlie ul me iidtlco f rtwu weeks at tliu t-x-
ji-imo of the uppHciuit 'Hie City ot
Omaliu ii uot to bo churjeii thvrfuilh.
J , J. L. 0. JKWKIT.
deolO-iat _ City Clerk.
Matter of .Application of Frederick Longe
for Liquor License.
Notice l < hereby ( then th t Frederick Unire
did , upon the Hth day of December , A. I ) . , 1S81 ,
file hli application to the Mayer and City Coun
cil ot Omaha , for license to fell Malt , Bplrltuoui
nd Vlnouj I.lcjuom , at No. 002 , corner Tlilr-
teonth anil JakVHon ktrceU , Hirond wird ,
Omaha , Neb. , from thu UtiUyof January , IB:1.
to the 10th day of April , 1W2. '
It there l > no objection , rcmonvtinco or pro-
tent died within tu o Mc-el > if rom Hth ot De-aim-
bc'r , A. ! > , , 1831 , tlio told llcnuo will be rented.
TIIK DAILY llrr. nc ipaHir | it 111 publbn tlu
nliovo notice fai two ueek * at the cxpeiiBo of the
applicant. The City of Omalia U not to be
lhaiVfd therewith. J , J. U C. JKWKTT ,
lw 6-llt City Clerk.
1O10 Faruham Street.
Ojitcr , Chops and Came 0-Jer ,
And Oerved Under Personal Bupervltlon ol
Proprietor ,
"Treatlte" on the cntnc * , consequences and
euro of "Catnrrhal DlteAlei , " by Dr. t. W ,
Wei De Meyer , nf New York City , illH-otcrcr of
the antldotAl treatment. Adtanccil theory , lm >
wrttnt facts and sUtttliiK corrolnratlons
Dcafncs ) , weak ejnt , Ion of tolcr , scrofuK ,
Icueorrh ca , li onchltlt and undermined ron tl-
ntloni rcmilt from C t rrh l polwn. " "Trca-
so" free and tent pottage Paid to inv o c ,
iti receipt of ixMUl caril , 6. D. Dewey & Co , ,
'ubllfihcrj , No. 1S2 Fulton Street , New York.
r10co.Ut ! | 4
Free to Everybody !
A Beautiful Book for the Asking.
H applying neraon&lly at tha nearest offlco
if postal card II at a distance. ) any ADCLT per.
on | H bo presented with a beautifully llrtu-
rated copy of a Now Ilook entitled
on THE
: onUlnlnz a hanJiomo and costly steel fngrav-
nit frontUplcrco ; also , U finely engraved wood
titi , nnil bound In an el&borato blue and gold
thoitrnphcd corcr. No charge whatever li made
jr thli handnomo liooW , which can bo obtained
nly by application at the branch and lubor
'nato offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co ,
Principal Office , 31 Union Square , Now York
. nilOS. . Brokers In all Railroad
c , Omalia , Neb. , offer Tickets to the East.
ntll further notice , at the following unheard of
ow Kates :
1st class , 2J clisi ,
NEW YOIIK , 820.110 ,
BOSTON. 20.00 ,
PIULADKLPIIIA , 26.00 , S23.00.
WASHINUTON , , 22.00 , 20.O' ' .
'or ' particulars , write cr go direct to IIOBDIK
iltOS. , Dealers In Kciluccd IJato Itallroad aid
tcamthlp Tickets , 809 Tenth St. , Omaha Neb.
ItomcmDor the place Three Doors North of
nlon Pacific lUIIroad Depot , East 8 do otTenth
Omaha August 1 , 1231
latter of application nf Adelina Jalm tor
Liquor I.iccnso.
Notice in hereby given thftt Adollnn
ahn did , upon the loth day of December ,
V. D. 1881 , file her application to the
Inyor and City Co ncil of Oinnha , for
cense to nell Malt. Spir tuoux and Vinous
jiquors. at No. U12 South Tenth street ,
' "irttt Ward , Omahn , Neliraska , from tlic
t day of January , 1882 , to thu luth day
f April , 1882.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance
ir protest filed within two weeko from Da-
emlwr 15th , A. D. 1881 , the said license
/il ! bo granted.ADKLI.NA
ADKLI.NA JAII.V , Applicant.
TICK DAILY HEE newHpnpcr will publish
lie above notice for two weeks at the et-
enno of the applicant. The City of
malm is not to be charged therewith.
J. J. L , C. JLWETT , City Clerk.
Des Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturers of SASH , DOORS , BLINDS ,
Great reduction In Bank Counters , Plana fur-
nlahcJ , and work furnished In all kinds ot bard
r softwood. Counters finished In oil when da-
Irtd. Sholvln ? of all kinds furnished and put
into bulldlnK ready ( or paint on short notlco
) ur workmen are the belt mechanics that can be
irocurod. Save money by giving us your COD
Stain , Newel * and Balusters.
Oar foreman In this department was former ! }
1th Frost Manufacturing Co , ' Chicago ,
Jls , and ban done some of the flnoat Stair work
n the Northwest. -
Orders bv mail nromctlv attend H In. .oo TO
, E , VIRUS & CO , ,
125 Lasalle Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain and Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
Matter of Application of HermanMey | r
for Liquor License ,
Notice Is hereby given that Itcrmin Mejerdlii
lliion the 18th tlay of December , A. D. . Ibsl , Hie
hUamillcatlou to the Moran > t Oity Coimolo
Oiualia , for license to kell Malt , Splrltuou * atK
Vliioun Uquori. at Zul South 13th Street. Third
Ward , Omaha. Nub. , from the let day of Janu
ary. 1S32 , to the 10th day of April , 1W2.
If there be no objection , romoiutram-o or pro-
tc t Illod ulthln two ccW rom DdDiuliur lUlli
A. U. , 1BS1 , the wild llccme will b Krantod.
1UHUAN ) lm B ,
TncDtiLV lire nowipapcr "III pullUh tin
aboto notice for t o uuo > * at the ox | > ' < oef thu
applicant , Hie City of Omaha U not to bo
diargcd therewith. 3 , J , L. C. JKWETT ,
Di-cM lit. City Cl rk.
O. F. Manderson ,
'I F rohuu 8 * . . , " .
1204 Faraham St. ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB.
Preterve It and Compare PrlceitWItlVOtheri
llojs' Clipper Sleas . so
Girls' Clipper fled . W
' 'oat $1 ( \Vairon in City . 93
21x30 Chrotnon Walnut V'ramea . 09
8x10 Can eJ Walnut Frames . ZO
8)\21 ) CnneJ Motto rrantcs , Walnut . 25
10x14 Walnut Frames . 25
Handsome Vehct Frame * . 15
Itoom Moulding , Walnut or OIK , 1 Inch per
foot . 4
Ilo-ra Moulding , Walnut or Ollt , ij Inch
per foot . , . e
nroM Hooks for Room Moultllnir , per dot. . 40
Dcd Itoom Lamp , Oomplotc . . 'Jo
Hand Lamni , Complete' . P5
Eram Hand Lamp , Complete . Ito
Iron Coal Huckct . 30
Good Broom . 1R
Ikst Ilrooin In Mirhct . 20
Child's Droom . In
Spittoon . 20
Ciwpadares . 30
K\tenilon Llbarv Lamp . 2 ' 0
( J Olasa Uoblcta ( one set ) . So
0 Glut Tumblers ( one svt ) .
Lamp Chlmncvs . 5
Good Lantirn . 40
Ono Gallon Oil Can . 25
Low Prices for Iron Stone China Ware
Unliandle Teas , per net (1- pieces ) . $ So
Ilandlo Tcid , per set ( (2 ( pU-ctif ) . Co
Unhandlc CoOca , j > er set (12 pieces ) . 65
Ilandlo Codec , per net (12 ( pieces ) . 75
OnoSe' . I'lo Plates ( G pieces ) . 43
Ono Set Tea Plates (0 ( plctia ) . 60
-no Set Breakfast Plates ( tl pieces ) . 55
Ono Set Dinner Platoi (0 pieces ) . 00
Coarcd Tureens . < i\
Cream Pitchers . 15
Wash Ikml and Pitcher . 0 < >
Chambers . 35
Toilet Sett for Bed Iloouu (3 ( iilecci ) . 2 On
Dust Par.s . . . . . 15
St clo Diamonds . 25
L'OklnK Olasu'3 , all Price * .
Conductors' Lantorns.
13rThc abOTO prices FOU CASH , and jou IU
flnd them at least 10 to 30 per cent. Iea than
elsewhere , as v o purchase for Cash , at the lowest
rates , and sell for Cash Only. My customers are
not obliged to pay for loss of bad debts , as we
keep no books and no charges are made. Give
ui a trial and be convinced , Please call and
price our Goods as we have thousands of articles
not mentioned on this bill.
All Are IWelcome , Whether They Want
Qoods or Not. defieod-tf
A Sure Cure Found at Last !
No One Need Suffer !
A sure oure for Blind , Ulcedlnir , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wil
liam , ( on Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's
Indian Ointment A single box bos cured the
wont chronic cases of 26 or SOyeara standing. No
ono need suffer five minutes attor applying this
wonderful eoothlmr medicine. Lotions , instru
ments and electuaries do more harm than good ,
William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays
the Intense Itching , ( particularly at night alter
getting warm In bed , ) acta as a poultice , gives In
stant and painless relief , and Is prepared only for
Piles , Itching oi the private parts , and for notb
Ing ; else.
Read what the Hon. J. II. Ccfflnberry of Cloo-
and says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint
ment : I have used scores of Piles cures , and It
affords mo p casuro to say that I have never found
anything which gae Buch Immediate end pormv
ent relief oa Dr. William's Cndfan Ointment
For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of
rlce , 1.00.
HENRY & CO. . Prop'rm. ,
For sale by 0. F Goodman.
If you are * man I fit vounre *
atbuoltirM.wiuk * 1 maa oftn „
encdbrthoitralnof terstclllnKorirnili
your duties avoid nlnht wotk , to t"i
HiiiuUntiand Udu tore hraln nerve imo
Hop BUters. Ivuto , use Hop B.
Uyouareyounirandl I auffcrlne I rom ny li.
dUcrellon or Ulaaliial 1 tluti i U youartmiar-
tied or HtnRio. old or I lyounir , suircrln frou
poorIif HUorlaiiKUl hl line ou u bed Jt sick
ness , nlj on Ho pi Bitters. . .
. -1
Whoever you are.
lienoviT you feel ' i traally from iwmo
turxt y u 11 r pjBlcin I at Kidney
'nctxlt cleanjlnit.toa'1 fs that
Inif or tllnmlatliig , brcnprv ciilec
wltliouUiifw'ciiHiip , I tltuoly UHSO (
.nlto Hop * HcptUter *
D.I. O
or < narucom- Ilia absolute
filaln , , illsose
of tl)0 tloniiirA. . HOP 1 1 bio cure & ( o :
boirtlf. eloocl. lldrunkeiinoaH ,
livtrornenvtl IIUM ) of opium.
You will be Itcbacoo , or
curoJlfyouusol llnarcotlai.
Hop Bitter * i
iryouaroetm- , .
( rials , t
weak and
til T
law spirited , try NEVER llClrculur
it i It may
tnvoyour FAIL ! TO CO.
life , ft has ,
anvocl hun | BMknltrHl
dreds. A Toronto , Ont.
Matter of Application of Michael Wallaru
for Liquor License ,
Notice IB hereby given that Michael \Val-
anz did , upon the 24th day vf December ,
A. D. , 18el , file hi application to the
Mayor and Cit > Council of Omaha , for
license to sell Mult , Spirituous and Vinous
Liciuora. at north Mile Lvavenworth , be
tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.
Second ward , Omalu , Neb. , from the
7th day of January , 1832 , to the 10th day
of April , 18812.
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or protest tiled within two weeks from
December .Mth , A. D. , 1881 , the sal
license will be granted.
, Applicant.
THE DAILY BKK newspaper will publish
the above notice once each week for two
weeks at the expense. of the applicant
The City ot Omaha U not to be charget
J § Jg & JEWBrpt
Dec2l-2t. City Clerif.
Matter of Application of L. II. Spencer
forLitior ! | License.
Notice la hereby Rleu that L. II. Spen
cer did , upon the 15th day cf December
A. D. , 1881 , tile his application to tha
Mayor and 'City Count.fl of Omaha , fo
license to sell Malt. Spirituous acd Vinou
LiquoiB , at No , 1123 South Eleventh street
Third ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the U
day of January , 188to tne 10th day o
April , 1S83.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance
or protest lilud within two weekn fron
December 15th , A. D. , 1 1 , the salt
license will bo granted.
L. II. SVKNCEH , Applicant.
TIIK DAILY UEK newspaper will publla
the above notice for two weeks at the ex
perwe of the applicant. The City o
Oiuaha in not to be cham'd therewith.
J. J. L. 0. JfcWJil l ,
dco'.C.lSt City Clerk ,
Mutter ol Application ol K. .Maim for
Iiior ! | LIcoiue.
N'otlcc IslitrchyelNcn that K. Jl HIM did upon
hp Hth d y of December , A. 1) . 18 , fllo hli ip.
illcatlon to the Mavor and City Council of Onw-
ha , for llcctno to ell Walt , Spirituous and Vln
us Liquors , at 10th , between WeMtcr and CA- ! !
ornla rtrcot , 6th Ward , Omah * , Nrh , from the
day of Jiniurr , 1882 , to the 10th Jay of April ,
S3 2.
If thcra bo no objection , remonstrance or pro
mt nird within t o accks from December Utb.
A. I ) . 1S31 , tbe said license will IMJ grant d.
KRI-D. ,
Appl'cant. '
TIIK DUIT liny Newsiiapcr will publish the
aho\ notice for two etks at * he ci pcnoo of the
applicant. The City of Hmihalsnot to bo chare
ed therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWCTV ,
City Clerk.
"Matter ofjVpplcation ! of Kdward
for Liquor IJcen c.
.Vot'ce 1 hereby giv n that Kdirard Maunr
lid Uon the 18th day of Deormber , A. D. , Ittf 1 ,
fll hl application to tha Mayor and Cltv Coun'
II of Omaha , for license to sell Stalt , gplrltuotu
an l Vlnoun Llquore , at No. 1211 FarnhamHtrrcL
rhlrd Ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the lat day of
Janu ry , 1&2 , to the 10th dav if April , 1832.
If there bo no objection , rcmormtnvncc or pro-
cat Hied within two weeks from Deecmfer I3tli ,
A. D. 1SSI , the said license ithall be ffmntc.1.
KUWARD iUiRrjt ,
Tnr tuny HKF. Nc i9 per will pull h the
al > o\e notice for two vteeks at the cupctno of
he RppI cant. Tin City of Omaha la not to bo
hnrifod therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWKTT ,
St. Cltv Clerk.
ilnttcr of Application of 1'eter Uooi for
Liquor License.
Notlc l hereby g\cn ! that Peter Gooa did up
on the 15th day of December , A D. 1331 , fllo his
Implication to the Mayor and City Council of
hn&ha , for llccnge to eell Malt Spirituous and
Vinous Liquors , at No. IfilO and lf > 12 Farnham
trc t , 4thVard , Onuha , Noli. , from the 1st day
f January , 1S3J , to the lO.h day of April , 1SS2.
If there he no objection , remonstrance or pro-
cst lllc < l within two weeks from 15th December ,
A. U. li-jl , the said llceiuo v1ll bo pratitrd.
PCTBR Cfoon ,
Applicant ,
TIIK DULY BK.r. Novjpiper will publish the
bo\o notice for two weeks nt tbo expense of tha
ppllcant. The City of Omaha la not to bo cluru.
cd therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWKTT ,
delft.Hit City Clerk.
latter of Application ot Owen McCaffrey
lor Liquor License.
Notice M hereby given that Owen Me-
Jatfrey did UIKIII tlie 15th day of Decent-
> er , A. D. , lasi , file his application to
.he Mayor and C ty Council of Omaha ,
nr n license to Bell Malt , Spirituous and
Vinoun Llquori ? , at noitheaat corner of
5th and Douijlaa street , Third AVnrd ,
Jmnhn , Neb. , fiom the 1st day of Janu-
ry. 188'- , t.i the 10 h day of April , 1832 ,
If there be no objrction , remon tranto
r protest filed within two weeks from
he ; of December , A. D. , 1881 , the
aid lican-e will be grnutcil ,
THE DAILBCK newspaper will publish
be above notice for two wf cks at the e\ >
ense i f the applicant. The City of Omaha
not to be charged therewith.
J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
DeclQ.23 City Clerk.
Iixtter of Application ot bchroter &
13echt for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby pit en that Fchroter & Itecht
Id , upon the 14th day of Deverobrr , A. 1) . , Ittil ,
le hlu application to the Ma > or and City Coun-
II of Omaha , for llcenno to so 1 Jlalt. tplr'.tuoiis
nd Vinous Liquors , at No. 211 boutli Fifteenth
trcet , Tlurd ward , Omaha , Neb. , from tha 1st
day or January , ! Sb2 , to the 10th daof April ,
If thcru be no objection , romonstanco or pro-
cat til vltliiu tuowc Xs from 14th of Jlcccm-
er A USI , the said Icenso will be granted.
SCIIROTEK & bKcirr ,
TIIK lUt B .K newiqiapcr will publish the
bovc notice for two weeks at the cNpcnso of the
iiplionnt' The City of Omaha Is not to bo
liarifcd therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWhTT ,
doel&.12t City Clerk.
latter of application of James Falconer
for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that James
'alconer did upon the 15th day of Decein-
> er , A. D. . 1881 , file his application to the
Mayor and City Cou cil of Omaha , for
cen e to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous
liquors , at the corner of Fifteenth and
faruham street , Third watd , Omaha ,
foK , from the 1st day of January , 1882 ,
o the 10th day of April , 1882.
If there ( e no objection , remonstrance or
troteit filed wi'bin two wreka fn m the
nth day of December , A. D. , 1881 , the
aid license will be granted.
'UK DAILY BKE newspaper will publish
lie above notice for two weeks at the ex
cuse of the applicant. The City of
) maha is not to be charged therewith.
J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
declO-12t City Clerk.
ilatter of Application of Alfred F. Wolff
for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby Riven that Alfred F. Wolff
Id , upon the 15th day of December , A. D. , 1881 ,
I hlsapplicttlon to the Maj or and City Coun-
Hot Omaha , for license to tell Molt , Spirituous
nd Vinous liquors , at bouthu en corner T * entj
econd an I CuminHtreeta. . Sixth ward , O iaha ,
'ed. , fiom t'ic ' 1st day of January , ISS'J , to thu
Oth day o Apnl , 18i2.
If there be no object on , remonstrance or pro-
cst flk-d wlt'iln two weeks from Dec mhcr 10th ,
" . D.,1S81 , thu Slid license will be granted.
TIIK DULT Hrj. iicwspaicr wilt pu llsh the
above notice for two w cx'ki at the oip use of the
applicant. The City cf Omaha N not to bo
harmed therew tth. J. J. L. C. J hW ETT ,
dec6 12t Cit > Clerk.
Matter of Application of M. A. McNa-
mnra for Liquor License.
Notice N hereby glen that M. A. McKamara
lid. upon the 1Mb day of December , A. D. , 1S91 ,
Ho hli application to tha Major and City t oun-
ell of Omaha , for llccntu to cd M It , Spirituous
and Vlno'iiH Liquor , at NOR. 214 a'.d ' 21U Four-
lecnthitrtot/Jhlrd ward , Omaha , Nob. , from
.lie let day of January , li 2 , to the 10th day of
April , Ibii-J.
If thcro bo no obj ction , remo"tranco or pw
c t OUU within two weeks from Dec.iubcr 15th ,
, \ . I ) . , 1S51 , the said llcuiifo u 111 be granted.
Tun DULY llir. ntwpiperlll pulill h the
ohokD noiioo f or tu o w oukn ut tliu e\ptn e rf the
ni > pl < cant. The City of Omahi n not to b
charged therewith. J. J. L. C. JF.WKTT ,
de. l.-liit Ci * } Clerk
Matter of Application of Henry
for Liquor License.
Notlco U hereby \s\\rn \ \ thit Henry
did , upon thol&th day of Drccml er. A U , 18il ,
r.lehli appllcaton to the Ma ) or and City Conn.
ell ot Ointha , for llcenso to a 11 Malt ,
Spirituous and Vlnoos Liquors , at No. 51& Mix-
teen h street , Fifth ward , Omah , Neb , from
the 1st day of January , lissi , to thu 10th da ) of
April , l b-i.
If there be no objeelon : , remons'raTice or pro
tt t tiled within two wo. k from I6tn of IVcem <
ber , A , V. , 1881 , the said license will be Krv.ted.
TIID DMLTFDKX neuspupcr will publish the
aboto notice for twx > wc-ck at the txjwnso Of tlio
aptllcant. Tbe City of Onalia Is not to be
hared therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWETT.
dec6-12t ' l it Clerk
Matter of Application of Henry Pundt
for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby Eivcn that < cnry undt , did
upon the 7th day of Docmber , A. D. 1881nlc hu
pniliatlon to thonwor an'dcity council of Onu
ha , for llcenso to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous
Liquors , at No. 1218 Fsrnham street , Third
Ward , Omaha , Nub. , from the lit dayof | January
ISS2 , to tha H til of April , ltfJ2.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro
U'8 tiled within two weeks from IJiTojuber 7th ,
A. D. 18SI , the tald Ikcuse will bo granted ,
TIIK DULY I ) no 8 | rtr will publish the above
natlco for two-ueel's at th expense of the ap
plicant. The City of Omiha Is not to bo chargm !
herewith. J. J , L. C. J r.WKTT ,
do7-m CitvClufc.
110 South Tttrltenth Street , with
Deere & Comp'y.
Wholesale Dealers in
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Moline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons ,
Deere &Mansur OoOorn , Planters , Stalk Cutters , &c , ,
MolmePnmp , Oo , Wool and Iron Pumps ,
Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders ,
Mechanicslmrg Maoh , Oo , Baker Brain Drills ,
Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes ,
Joliet Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Shellers ,
Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellers , Road Scrapers , &c , ,
Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , * . 3
A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies ,
All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock.
Address All Communications to
Oouncil Bluffs , Iowa.
We desire to call the special attention of the trade to our
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
rackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , & open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Faraham St. , Omaha Neb.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jy 18-me
* -y
Mining and Milling Company.
Par Value ol Shares , - - - - - - - - - $25,000.
DH. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wjorolng.
WM. E. TILTON" , Vice-president , Cummlaj , Wjomlaj
E. S. UARWOOD , Secretary , Cummlne , Wjomlnsf.
A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wjomlng.
. , . . W. S. Bramcl. A. O .
Dr. J I. Tlioiuai. I oulii Miller Dunn.
U.K. lUrwood. Frauds Leadens , Oeo. II. Faloa. Lev * Is Zoltu n.
Dr. J. C. WatUna.
Iio2m 5m OKO. W. KENDALL. Authorized Agent for Sale oi Stock ; I5ox 412 , Omalia.Neb.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
. o.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb.
Gommissson Merchants ; 1
1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb ,
CowIetjmeoU made us will receive prompt attention. , , References : SUte rUut , Otniha
k Co.7B JUtnOf i Peck * llacshcr , Cfclcagoi M wv n dndooatL ' >