TTTR OMATTA DAILY URR-H ATHHDAY. D-PTniRF/R. 3I.1XS1 FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. NEW YORK , December S3. > tosr.T. Money flofwl at i ! per cent , the ruling rate. Exchange clo ed firmer .it 4 81i74 ( 85. I1OVKIISMK.NT4. Government bonds closed firm ad fol tiw : Currency H's - " . id 4 > Coupon * . . .i.l 18J bid " Coupons . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1148 Vs Continued ' 1 03 ! , C' Continued 1 014 nosus Pacific railroad bonds clo cd as follows : UnionfirH' 1 17i@l 17 , ' ? grant- U2J113 } Sinking funds , pfd. . . . 1-4 Cent ) uN I Mt'l I" ! STOCKS. The stock market this morning was troDg and prices advanced i2i per cent , led oil by the Wabaih , Indiana Southern , Western Union , Northern Pacific , St. Paul ami Denver & llio Grande. After midd'iy , hovvev cr , there wa a change in the tciuner of speculations auJ under wlcs to reali/u profits the advance of the morning vuis about entirely lost. The de cline ranged i@2J per cent. Toward the clivsts a strong tone again set in aud the ! nurkct became buoyant , prices advancing * to the highest point of the day and closim ; | I per cent higher than yefterday. The follow ing arc the closing bids : Western Union. EOj ; T 32 Adam * U"1 . 35 American Ill I , S .110 ? Unil-d Statiw. . 7li .101J COCfc J 84 M k r. . . . . .121 j C Cfcl C. . 21J North west" ! ii OB\ ( 1'refi'rrccl NYC. 135 OKW . , 33 N.I C ! 2 O&M . 1C. . . . Panama. . . OC. . 25 } I'M . Michigan Ccnt'l 87 } lie.uling us * N 1' . 373 11 t . 131 Preferred . . . . 77i San Francisco. 41 C P -i Preferred. . . . 8 Union Pacilic..ll7j StPaul 107 A&TH pfd. . 87 Preferred . . .120 C&O -0 St P ft 0 3ti C&A 130V Preferred..102 1) A H W9'i N&C . 84V DL& W 12741 M L S Ac W. . 401 B. fcK. 71'f Wabash 374 Erie 418 Preferred . . . . 7(1 ? H&St J ! > 5 M.S. C.lst wfd. 15 Preferred..113 CHICAGO MONhV MARKET. CHICAGO. December 3C. There was no abatement in the demand for money , and latet. were htrong at G@8 per cent per annum. The clearingsof the associated bauUs were § 6,700,000. Kai-teru exchange between city banks was fanner at 25c premium per § 1,000. COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Market. OFFICE OF Tun OMAHA Bur , 1 Friday Evening , December 30. J The local trade to-day has been quite bri-k. There ia a large stock of dre sed poultry in the market and dealers have the prices down so low that the poor n well afford to revel on roast tin key or keel Shanghai. Dressed chickens .ire.ellms at from 5 to Hit cents ; tuikeys , 'Ji@ll ; wild , U@ll. Wheat has jumped up n centormoie , arlev 4@C cents ; corn a cent. I5utter and eggs are iiuiet , with a t > liht turn downwards. They have been too bii-h for the general good. The holiday trade is on the decline. That department has teen its best dajv. j The most of our business men have had their holday recreation , and are getting batk to their business and -ettling into ; the harnecs as of old. I To-day the weather ban been dry and l I pleasant , but just cool enough to be bracing , and highly favorable for business. The streets are in better condition than before for two weeks , and people can get about with some pleabiire. It is certainly remarkably mild for winter weather , and an unusual degree of good health prevails in the city aud neighboring country that surrounds. Local Uraln Dealing * . WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , L 10 ; cash Vt . H , 90 Jo : rejected 67Ac. . BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , ! Mc ; No. J , YE. Cash , 81 ic. CORN. Cosh No. 2 , 47'c ' , OATS. Cash. 35/0. / HAY $7 00@10 00 per ton. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , 13 2fl < ffi3 50 ; "Pioneer" California , -fJ 00 patent , 3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat S3 75. KYE FLOUR $3 25. MILLSTUrKS Hi an , per cwt. 75c per ton , 15 00@Ki.00 ; icreenings , per cwt hOc ; hbortH , per swt 1.00 ; chopped feed per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 wliite. 81 00. POTATOES Nebrunkas , 1 00@1 10. SWEET POTATOES Genuine Mttsca Line,4 < 3f a tier Ib. WILD OEESK 2 50ffi3 50. WILD DUCKS-l 25fel 50. DKKK BLTTEK Choice , warce at 24@2S po ir , oo market ; fair , 18 21 ; creamery APPLES Good , kouud , very i > c rc a $4 75 < ! / > . > i 00 pur bbl. LEMONS Steady ; ir IMIX , ? 0 WCi "W. "W.MALT MALT GA ORAl'ES-IVr bbl.$8 50 ptr half bbl. , $150. BEKSWAX-Yellow , 20@22c. ONIONS-1 50@1 CO | > er bushel. CIlANUEKJtIES-Per bbl. , $10 II10. CBLKKY P r do * . , "i.-xgUflc. " CSSKDGBKSK Per Ib. , l @tlc. iTEHS Selects , 45c ; standanlx , 35c OUE8SED CHICKEN.-5@7c. DKKSSED TUUKEYH-9@lle. WILD TUKKEYH 9@llc per Ib. CHKK8E 10@Hc. Grocer * Lilt. COFFEE. lUo , lair , 13 c : Rio , good 1 < ; Jlio , prime to dioico , 14 Jc ; Old gov Java ; 24J8Jc , Mocha. ' 8Jc ; Arbuckle * . J7c. Cfaoiw'tid@7.V ; Imperial , gooil , 40@45i Choice , 00@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 30 ® Me ; choice. W c@9l 00 ; Japan Nat Lea 85c ; Japan , choltt ) , C0@75c ; Oolong , B < > "d 85@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; B uchor K Kjd , (3i40c ( : choice. 3.'Xaai5c. SUOAJIS. Cut loaf. lOJc ; Crushed lOZc ; Granulated , | 10c ; Powdered , lOJc Fine powilerod , lOJc ; Ktandanl Coffea A 110 : New York Confectioner's Htandan A. 9 } < ! ; Good A , UJc ; Prairie Extra C , SODA. Dwlsrht1 * Ib papen63 00 ; J > e Unil do , $3 00 ; Churoh'B , 83 00 ; Kes uda k . Pearl , 4&C ; SIUerGIiw , 8 Corn Starch , 83l c ; Kxoel . 7c ; Corn , 7Jc. SALT-lray loa/J , ( xsrlib ) , 1 95) ) AB ! ton , in < > acks , 3 JO ; bbls dairy 00 , 5s , 3 4i ! ; bbls dairy , 100 , 3s , 305. DUir.D FRUITS-Choice halves , ichcs , new crop , SJc ; Evaporated A pplo , tti bexc , 13c ; Michigan , 8Jc : Acw York apples , 8c : Prunes old , 7cj now , 6c : Currants , 7 @ 8o ; HlacUierrle" , new , lojc CHKKSE-rull Cream , He ; Part Skim Hie- WOODENWARE-Two hoop pall * , 1 Jfc ; three hoop pall , 2 20 ! No. 1 t'ib 9 50 ; No. 2 tub * , , 8 50 ; No. 3 tub ? , 7 50 ; pioneer wtshboards 1 85 ; Double Cr vvn , 2 IK ) ; Well buckets 3 25. " , SI ( i5. . SPICES. Pepper , 20 : Allspice , 20c ; Cloves , 4."c : Nutmegs , 81 Odi Cassia , 25c ; Mnco SI 00. MATCHES Per coddle. COc ; round cases , $"i ; sciuaro § 5.10. PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon. 12U : hoicc lard , 14c : di led beef , 13Jc : slum M ers Oo : hams , 14c ; lucon , side ? , IL'c. NEW PIC KLliS Medium , In barrels , S10 00 : do hi half bbls 5 75 ; snmlU , In bbl- , 12 00 do , in htll bbls , 7 CO : gherkins in bbl ? , 1100 ; d , ia half bbl ? , 7 50. VINEGAR Pine apple c\trr , Ifii : pure npnle , 13c : Prti'slnir nuro ntitile , lOc. HOMIN Y-Now , Si : . 50 per bbl. 11KANS Medium , hand jitckod $3-10 per bu luJl < navy , 83 50 ; calcf navy , S3 50. HOPE St al , i Inch and larger , 9H ( ) . ( Jr-.lOe ; Jlnch , lOit. SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 50 (3)3 ( ) 35 ; Kirk's white Rn inn , 5 25 © . " . 00 : Kirk's Kutoca , 2 05 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 : Klrk'a magnolia , 4 55@ 4 10. I 10.CANDLESDoxes CANDLES-Doxes * , 10 Ibs Ifi oz , 8s , ICcjboxcs 40 HH , , lOoz. , ( is , ICc. LYE j American , 3 4lf ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 270 : North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis' lye. 4 Ml ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 dor. . , in ea c , 3 3" > ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doin , 11)0 : Anchor Ball 2 do * in ca.-e. I 50. MELD SEED lied clover , choice new , $ li 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , $700 ; white clovir , new , 61400 al alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; al.sike , new , 81300. Timothy , good , new , 53 00 ; blue grass extra cle.m , SI 50 : blue crass , clean , $125 ; orchard gra-s $2 50 ; red toi | , choice , 103 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c : millet , German , $100 to 5125 ; Hungarian. 60c. HEDC.ESEEP-Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 h > . . 825 00. FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , S3 75 ; No. 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , 5 30 ; No. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kit * , 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's Bank codfish , . 5 Gen. boneless codfish ; JJc ; boneless fish , 5c. MACKEREL Half bbls mcssmackerel , 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ib6 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 150 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib de , 100 ; fat family , 10 Ib do. 75c. ' CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , S4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , S ! H ) ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per cose , 2 50 ; do Iti ( hlack ) , per cn-e , 2 75 ; do 1 Hi ( slack ) , or , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 i , per dozen , 1 C0nl ( 70 ; do 2 Ib , per do/en 55. Sardines , small frit , imported , one narter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , natter boxes j-er box. He ; do half boxes , er box , 21ic. Lolnters , 1 Ib per dozen , 80. Tomatoes , 230 : do 3 Ib per v-e , 330 ; Corn. 2 Ib ( Mountain ) er case , " < l > 0 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 3 00 ; .ring beans per c.\-e , 2 25 ; Lima lieans er ca'-e , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25. ea , common , per cane , 2 00 ; peas , choice , ears per cane , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber- ics jier caj-e , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per ife , 3 50 ; do , choke , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50. Jri'en gagei ,2 Ib per case , S .iO : do choice , " t ) ( ier case,4 50. Pine Ajiples , 2 Ib , per case , 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : o 3 lli , case , 0 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per ise.385 ; do pie , G Iti , per do en , 3 50. RICE Carolina , 8@Sici Louisiana , 74 5)8 ) c ; fair , CJ,7. ( PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten- lessee , 9c per Ib ; fancy white , lOc per Hi ; A.vwhite Virginia raw , lOc ; routed , Uc. Dry Goods. BUOWN COTTONS-AtlanticA. SJc ; Vnpleton XXI 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c : Boott 4' fi..c LL 4-4 Cabot W . , ; , Buckeye _ , . - _ , 7c ; . , _ , . , ' fit * t t Jt 1 At i. 111 1 'Ic ; ChittenanL'o A , fi\e \ ; Ureat J'allH K , sic ; Hootier , le ; Honest Width , 7Jc : In dian A , 8 c ; Indian Standard IIV , 8'Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8jc ; Lawrence , L , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic ; Pe < mot A , Jtfcj Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5\c ; Wuchus- ett B. 7c : do A , 8Jc ; do E lif 12Jc ; Wal- c tt BB , 8 > , q : dIe FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendole 4-4 ; 7Ac ' ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ' ; Atlan'tic LL. CJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-4 , O c ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJcc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Je : Lacoma COO Ml , 8k ; Lehigh E 4-4 , Die ; Lonmlalo - COn lOc : I'epperefi N 30 , 7c ; ( to O 32 , 7Jc ; do It W , 7-lc ; do E 39. 8ic ; 1'ocansct C 4-1 , 7 c ; WauiHutttt4.4. 13c. BLEACHED ( 'OrrONS-Andn.scos- tin L 4-4.10cBlackHtoneA ; A in penal lie ; io do half bleached 4.Ile ; Cabot 4-4,8/ i / ; Fidelity4-4 , 9icFrnit ; of tliel/mtn.lOl ; iL ? can.bric4-4,13cdoWaterTwi ; t,104cGreat ; Oc ; Indian Head hhrimk 4-J , 12'.e ; a ju 'iuie , lOe ; do cambric. 37 , 13c ; : w Yoik Millh , lite ; Pecjuot A , lOc ; ' ell N G Twilln , 12Jc : Pocahontas 1-1 , 9jc ; J'ocassi-t 4-1 , 8Jc ; Utic. % He ; Wanmuttn o x X , ite. : DUCKS rnbliMched Atlantic , 10 o T 17c ; Baltimore do , llc ! ; Lone Star , 8 / 12c : Savage , 18c. DUCKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown. 8c ; doC , ilrab ilet doA , htripen and plaids , 12jc ; do XXX brown nnd drub , Htripes and plaids , 12Ac ; Arlingtun ff.ncy , 19c ; Ummtwick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancy , 12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , fvtia heavy , llje ; Indiana erA browu , ltc ! : Nepoiiset A brown , 15n. TICKINGS Amoskeag A C A 32 , in , . A 30 , 15c ; Minnehaha 1-4. 20c ; Omega super extnH-J , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , Kijc : Put ; nam XX blue strilie , 12c ; Khetucket S , lOic ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8Jc. DENIMS. AmoHkcak , blue and brown , ICJc ; Andnver DI > blue , 15Jo ; Arlington blue Scotch , ] 8lc ; Concord OOO , blue and , brown , 12Jc : do'A AA , do do 131 ; do XXX do do 14 * c : Haymaker's blue ml brown , OJc ; Mystic River DD stripe , lOJc ; Pearl River , blue and brovvu , 15c ; Uncasville , blue and brown , lltjc. CAMBRICS Barnard , 5Jc ; Kddystone lining , 24 inch double face , 8jc ; Gunier meA glazed , 5c ; M anhattan glove finlnb , 5cj ; | NewiKjrt do x : ; do glared , ft'ic ' ; Pe < | uot ifd 5 ? ; I ukwood kid iinish , Oc. CORSET JKAJffl Ainory , BoAndros- 'cogrin satteen , SJc ; Clarendon , G c ; Conestoga , - toga satteens , 7Jc : Hallowell , 8c ; Indian Orchard improved , 7Jc ; Narragansett , 7ic ; fill satteen Uln ; Rockpoit , 7/c. / PRINTSAliens. . Me ; Amu-lean , fiic ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4i'c ; CocLcio , 7c ; Conentoga. CJc ; Dunkirk , 4/c ! / ; Duuunll , 6A@7c ; Eddystone. 7o : Gloucester , fie ; Harmony , 5jc ; Knickerlxwker , OJc ; Mer- rhuac D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Spranies , fie ; Southbridge , Uc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl * boro. 5Jc ; Oriental OJc. GINGHAMS Amodkeag , lOJu ; Amos- keag dre s 12 - Argyle , lOjc ; Atlantic , Oc ; Cumberland , 7-ic ; ] { ililand ( , SJc ; Kenllworth , SJc ; I'lim kett , lOJc ; Hus- COTTONADES Abbei villa 13Jc ; Agate , 20c ; American , llr ; ArtUian , 20o ; Cairo D and T , l.tjc ; Clarion D and T , 17Jcj Deccan tti.btripc * DandT , Jic ! ; ey - btoiie , 13Jc ; Nrntncket , Iflo ; ed , lUe ; Ocean D and T , l.'fjcj Royal , l lies ; SIIM.CX , , 12c ; Tioga , 13jc ; \\fnclmsett cliirt - Jn-f lieckn , 12c } ; do , Nankin , ISJc ; York , plain Nankin. 12ic ; do . checktripes and fancy , 12tc ; do , 8 01 , 20c. do 9-1 , 2lc ; do S. | , 21'e ; Continental C 42 , lie ; Fruit of the l-ooiii 10-4. 27i : New York mill * ' . > $ , .Vic ; do 78 , SOo : do 58 , 22Jc | Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Poojtot 1028Jc ; do 7-1 , ll > c : do 49 , IGc ! Pepi crell ' .Hi. 2'c ! ; do ( i7j 21ido ; 57 , ISc ; L tiw IHJ , 35c ; do 58 , Wlc ; Ho 4S , 17c P lntt Ollkand VarnUhei , PAINTS IN OITr-White lead , Omahn P. P. , 7c ; while lead , 0. P. & C. Co.pure , IV1 j Marseilles giccn , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o : French zinc , gi ; ° n seal. 12c ) French zinc , red goal , lie ; French rmc , in varnish a < v t , JOc : French zitice , In oil asst , 15c : Raw nnd . burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and burnt Sienna , 13candyko : brown , 13 : refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l c ; i 'oiy black , H' * ; drop black , Ulc ; Prussian blue , SOo ; iiUramarino blue , 18c : chrome creen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter gieen , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris green. ISc : Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , ! c ; Tuscan lit , 2io ! ; American VemdHcid , I. &P. , 18c ; chrome > cllow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , ISe ; yellow ochre , Uc ; golden ochre , I'i ; patent ihvcr , Co ; graining colors : light oak. dark oa'f , walnut , chpstnut tuul aib 12c Dry "rtlntt White lead , die ; I/touch line , lOo ; Purls vvhiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJcj whiting coiu'l , Uc ; German , town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , Sc ; Priis- Man blue , I5c : ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , 4o { umber , raw , lcsieunii ; , burn t , 4e ; tdi'tma , ruvv , 4o L'nrU green genuine , 35c : Paris green emn'l .TH- ; chrome green , N. Y. * 20o ; chroiif jroen K. , 12eermillion : , ICtip. , 70iV : T > million , America , ISc ; Indian red , lOc , ro e pink , 1 Ic ; Venetian read , Cwkvon s ' "Jet Venetian red Am. , life ; red lead , 7ic ; I'hromo yellow , genuine , .w ; vlnome ycl low , K. , 12o ; oehre , rochcllu , He ; ix'lue , Trench , 2'jc ; oobre , American , He ; Winter's mineral. 2Je : leldsh browu , 2JC : Spanish brown. 2jc ; Prince s miuvrnl He ; VAKNISHKS Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Slfuiniture ; , U , 85c : coach , extra , SI 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , 31 20 ; Daniar , $1 50 ; Japan. 70c : o-sphaltum , 70c ; shellac , S3 50 : hard oil linMi. SI 30. 01T.S 110' carbon , jier gallon , 1 1jc ! ; 150 * headlight , IM.T . gallon , 12'c ; 175 hcmilight , " " vXdVa > k ! ' 1 J niHJIl | t rvf AIVFJ --f ' - - - per gallon , We ; sperm , W. H. , per K'allon , 1 35 ; fish , W. 15. . per ( 'allon , t > 0c : neaUfoot , extra , per ( -allon , 7" > c ; No. 1 , OVic ; lubrl- eating , ? ere , per eallou , Me ; suraincr , ITtc ; co'den machine , Ko. 1 , per gallon , 85c ; No. ' „ ' , SO ; sperm , cignal , ) > er gallon , 80c : ter- pentine , per gallon , We ; najithit , 7-1 , per gallon , SOc : C < , 'Me. Lumber. wnotKWALK. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ; No. 2 , 11to 20 ft. , Ill 00 ; sheeting dressed , No , 1,18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00 ; common boards , . 20 00. yUA > IINr 10 ft. and under , i > er M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. stnddiinf , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 21 ft. 25 00. KINISHINfJ No. 1. finish li , 1J and 2 inch , $50 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch $45 00 ; Nn. 2. finish 1J , li and 2 inch. $4500 : No. 2 fiuinh , 1 inch , § 40 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch , $35 00 ; O. G. battens per iOO foct Hit. , $100 ; well curbing , § 22 00 ; rough J and 2 inch b.ittciiiH per 100 feet liu. . 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , $40 00 ; li $35 00 : C , $30 00 ; common stock , 822 50. FLOORING No. 1 , $10 00 ; No. 2 , $35 00 ; No , 3 , $2200 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , § 10 00. SIDING No. 1 , 92400 ; No. 2 , $2200 ; No. 3. $18 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , $3200 ; No. 2,822 00. CEILING $2 00 < a$37 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A * tarbeitt ( ) shingle * . S3 85 , No. 2 , § 2 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00. Lath , $3 50. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , $3 50 ; plow steel , cast , 7io ; cast tool do. 15(5)20 ( ) wagon spokes , set , 225@3 00hul ; , itorsct , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 110 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; wawhers. jwrlb. 8@18c ; uvets , iierlb , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 8c ; n.n wedges , Cc ; crowbars , ( ic ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , ; > er keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8c. NAILS-10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 8 75 ; Cd . . , 4 00 _ ; 4il , i. 4 25 . ; 3d . , common nf . , - * * 5 00 : 8d _ . , 1mb ! kegs , lOo. extra. SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; Buck shot , $2.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs , $6.40 ; do. , half ' -gs , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast- K , kegs , $3.35 : Fuse. i > er 100 fcut 50c. Horses and Mules. The market is brisk and all grades are selling well at u Might advance in paces. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dra/t horwes , $100. to 150 , : Extra farm homes ' , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 890. to $100. ; Extra plugc , $00. to 75. ; Common plugs , $20. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , $125. t < > 150. ; 14J to 15 handx , $100. to 140. ; 14 to 14i hands , $75. to 100. ; 13J to 14 hands , $ UO. to 75 Lluors. | AL COHOL 187 pnHif , 2 2.'i ) ier wine gallon ; extra California Hpirits , 1H7 prucif ' , 1 30 per proof gallon ; triply refineiUpjritH , rd f i _ „ tuck'y and Pennsylvania'iyen , . ! OOCfl)7 ) D" BRANDIES Importtd , $ ti 00@ltiOO ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Impoitwl. 4 50 ( < 7 00 ; domentlc , 1 40@3 00. RUMS Imiiorted , 4 50r iC ) 00 ; New ! England. 2 OOYi l 00 : domestic , 1 50S3 ( 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 175@400. CIIAMPAGNKS lirrorted I > er cane , U-At-'j J , case , 1200 ® IS 00 , CLAKKTS-I'tr cane , 4 50(3 ( > liCiO. ; WINKS-llhlne wine , JUT case , ( i 20 00 ; Catawba , per I-OHC , 1 00(6)7 ( ) 00. Oulldlri ; Material. LIME Per barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per bn. , 35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa planter , Mil , ' 8250. Hair per bu. 5c. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , $3 00. Straw ixiard , S < CO PAPER Straw paper , S'c ! ( ; rag pai > r , 4c ; ilry gomls paper , 7cniamla ; paper , lOc ; news paper. 80. CO /-Cumberland blacksmith , 912 ; Morris Run BloHsburg , $12 ; Whitelireant lump , $7 00 ; Whltebreotit nut. $7 00 ; Iowa lump , $0 00 ; Iowa nut $ ti 50 : Rock KprlngK , 88 ; Anthracite , ull sizes. $13 50 < 14 00. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; heavy , l'A ( < lfic ; medium unwiutheil , light , IH&i'Xfc ; tuli-wa hml , choice , 32c : fair , 30c ; duigy and w. , 28c ; burr } ' , black and totted woofs Hide * r-urs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7c ; green cured hides , 8c ; green salt , p rt cured hldex , 77''c ; dry flint , sound , 13Si14e ; < lry I calf and kip , l-'cjnli'/c ; dr\- salt hideswniiiil , H ( < | il2c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15Itw , . tw xui green calf , wt. under 8 llw , p t skin , 50ci green jwlts , SI 00@115 ; green lamb skins , $110(31 ( 'Si : damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , clasxed two- tLlnirt rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent , ' ? . Coon skins , No. 1. 4fic ; No. 2. 30c ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. 50c ; No. voI iiOcj No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. I OOc ; Nn. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , ( > "c ; short striix ; , 40o ; narrow ntrlp 2.r > c ; broad btri ] > e , lOc. Tallow , 5 c. Cigars und Tobacco * . CIGARS. Seeds. $15.00 ; Montler , Con necticut , $25.00 ; Mixed , Nebraska , $35.00 ; Seed HavanaSolon Hliingli' , $50.00 ; Clear Havana , $75.00 , unexcelled , TOBACCO - PLUG. Golilon lltile , 24 Ih , UOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc | Our Rnpe , 1 quality , C2c ; Star , iiouudii , 21 Ib , btittH. UOc ; Tinrhv Hlioe , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , iWr ; Purity , 2-J 53o Gilt ! Edge , pounds II Ib , butts , 00 ; Army and Navy , iMiunds , A5c ; Bullion , " ' - fc : Ijorinafd's Cliinftx , pounds , lile. FINECUY-In palls-Hard to 75o ; ( Golden Thread , "Oo : Fnuutalii , Wo ; Favorite , ( vV ; Rockv Mountain , V ; Fancy , AAe ; Daisy. 50o. In tin foil - Catllns O. S. , 5 Ib boxes \K-r \ IbC.V ; Jon ! , illanl's Tiger , ( i5cj Dlnimmd Crow u , tUVi. SMOKINtS AllRnulen-Coinmon , 25to 33o. Granulated UlnckwelM Durham , It ! or. 51e ; Dukes Ditrlmin , 10 or , f > 0c : Seal of North Carolina. It ! ut , 40 ; Seal of Nrbiai. ka , 1(107 ( , 8So ; Jsmo Jack. I or , linen imgt , per Ib , $1.35 ; Mnrburgs' Puck , 2 o * , tin oil , 55c ; Dog Tail. ii5c. Draft. DRUGS AND CHEMICAl . -Arld CarKille , COc ; Acid , Tnrtnric. 5lc ; .im Copnblo , per Ib , 72o ; Bark , Sossafias l r Ib , 12c ; Calomel. per Ib , 70o ; Cinchotudln , per 07 , SI 00 ; Chloroform , per Ib. H'l1 ; Dover's powder * , per 11) , $1 40 ; Epsc tv salts peril ) . 3Jc ; ( ilycciluc , l"lrc < per ' , 48c : I/ead , Acetate , per Ib , 2.'c ; Oil , Castor , No. I , per gal , 35 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3. per gal , $125 : Oil , Olive , per gal , 81 40 ; Oil , Origanum , 50o Opium , SI 40 ; Onliilno 1' . k W. & R. & S. , per oz , $2 75 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lh ; $240 ; Salami , per or , 40cs Sulphite of Morphine , per or. $3 85 ; Sulphur Hour , per 11) , 4Jc ; Strvchnltip. ncr oSI 45. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Council BlnfTs Mnrltot. COUNCIL HLUI-VHDecember 30. Flour Manufactured by Crystal and City Milk 375oll ( 50 : Kansas and Ml * souri flour , 3 50 ® I 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; r > e Hour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Com 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , $117 ; No. 3 , HOc : jcctcii , "Oc. Corn No. 2 , : O , lejectcii IS. O.its No. 2 , lOc : roiected , JISc , Ilarley No. 2. ! )0o ) : Nn. 3 , 75c. Hay50C700. . Woixl-5 50 © 7 00. ] .i\ 500W550. Cattle Shipping , 4 5Hii ( 5 00 ; ndlch COWB 30 00 ® Jo 00 i er bead ; butchcm stuck , 3 00@3 50. 8heop-37 < Lfl 25. G Hides-5.oi ! : ; S hide"Jc. . Wool 15cAi5. ( Hulter-25c. I'-ggs 25c. Potatoes 1 10 ® 1 30. Onions 1 25S(1U ( ( ) . Grand Junction Mai-kot- GitAM ) Jc.Neno.v , la. , December SO. Kggs-17c. Uutter lO lSc. Chicago iToduoe. ( JiliCAoo. December 30. On 'change the ttarkets opened pretty strong , but aftcrwanln became easier. The recclptH of grain were 215 car loads , embracing 71 of wheat , "fl of corn , 18 of oats , 5 i f rye and 13 of barl'y. Flour-Steady , but demand limited. There was no disposition to buy extensive ly. ( JuoUtious unchanged ; common to choice western pprlng wheat , 4 50 < j7 00 ; Minnesota , 5 00 ( cj)7 ) 25 ; patents. 7 50V1 ( ! 50 ; winter wheat brands , 5 007 25 ; west- em buckwheat Hour , 7 25@7 50. Wheat No. 2 spring tliera was u fair ninount of busnes ! > < tr.msaLtod on t.peenl - ti\o account. The market was _ governed mainly by local hpecitlative influence- . Shorts , nrincipal biiyersund oU'eringH light. Prices tliicttitited within n Miuge. of Jo per bushel and closed about \"o \ lower on the board and on call at 1 27J for cah aud Decemlivr ; 1 27 ( ffi27i for Jnnnaiy ; I 2.SJ for February ; 1 30 for March ; No. 3 8prmg , 1 15J ; rejected , K3@87c , accirding to location. Corn--Agojcl bpcculative bnsineas was transacted , mostly iu the drfencd futmes , aud thete WHH also a fair shipping iii'iniry. Tne market opened a shade higher , ruled weak aud declined l@i.a per bushel , i d- vaucecl 4c , rcceileil again , aud linally closed about Y@-\cj \ lower on irgulav boar > l for No. 2 au4 Filuli mixed and on call at IKtlc ; canli 01e ( ; : January lilijc ; February Jcj Jfurch 67)Jc. ) Oats Very dull and lower ; No. 2 , 4lc | for cash , January and February ; 40IO < o tor May. Kye Quiet : olferings light ; No. 2 dull nnd easy at OOJe for January ; 07Jc for February. Barley Active , scarce aud linn ; No. 2 , I 01 for cash ; No. 3 , 1 00(5)1 ( ) Olc. Pork -F.nny under fair demand ; mess closed at 10 75@Ki 87i for cash ; 11 } 45 for December ; 10 85 for .Tnnnaiy ; 17 05 for February : 17 27 f > r March. Lurd Tame ; t.ffcringa liberal , closing at 11 00(3111 ( 02J for cash and December ; II 05 for January ; 11 20 for February ; It 32J@lt 35 for March ; 11 15 for April. Bulk Meats Quiet ; short ribs , S 02J for January ; 8 80 for February ; 8 ! (5 ( for March. Whisky Steady at 117. Butter Dull and weak ; creumciy , choice to fancy , 35@38c ; fair to good , 32(5'34c ( ' ; dairy , choice to fancy , iS'IKtc ; do , fair to good , 18@25e ; fresh made ladlu packed , common to good , 13@18e ; roll , 18/,25e. ( I'ggnSupply food and demand moder ate , there being only the local market weak ; sales of fresh at 23@24c ; do. for ice house ami pickled , 18 ( ? 20c. Rco'tR. Shipm'tH Flour ) ! > , li 5 23-HI Wheat 2l,535 ! lli.1'24 Com "l,578 7 ! ,28i Oats 10,107 70,017 Rye 4,55i ( 2,000 Hurley 41,0015 11,208 Chicago Uivc Stooll. . , . . . . Clliu.viid , Deoeinber 30. Hogs Receipts , " 11,000 ; market httoi. , for choice heavy hogs durlni' uiost f the day , but v cakcned later and eliHud tuuie ; cointncm to good mixed , 5 80@ ( ! 20 ; hoav * y itctintr and hhlpping , I ! 25@R 50 ; light : iog , 590@U.IO ; skips nnd enlln , 4 50 I ® 5 I/O. IO.Cattle Cattle Iteceiuts , 2,500 heiil ; market generally firm and stronger for light ( dip pers , medium weights and butchers , common - mon to medium shinping cattle 4 25cii i ( 4 : ) ; good , 5 SOftifi 75 ; choice , 5 75(0,0 ( 10 ( ; mixed butchers' ttock sold well ; cows anil InillH , 2 00r )2 ) 75 : steew , 3 20,4 ( G.ri ; stockrrif , 2 "SC S 35 ; feedein , 4 Ouintf 35. Sheeii Keceipts , 500 head ; market pafuably active ; poor , 2 75 < i/3 00 ; medium Ui choice , I 00j/,5 ( 75. 8t. ZiOuUi Produce- Sr. IXDIN. December 30. Flour Ouiet ami unchanged ; family , 5 D.'K li 15/uliolce to fancy , > > -WM' ' . ' 5. Wheat Higher and unsettled ; No. 2 red , jl 34J@1 312 for cosh ; I 35. } for Jnn- unrvj 1 37'f"r / February ; 1 41 for Mureh ; 1 4J for May ; No. 3 do , 1 28jSl ) 30 ; No. , 1 21 j. Corn Better ; 05ijJC ( o for cash ; Kfor ) Oliicfor January and February ; 07ic for MarchI58jo ; for .May. Oats Belter ; 4tlc for cash ; II } " for January ; 47o for I'ubni'iry. Rye Slow atllui. . Barley-Slow t KOfel 10. lAad ; Firm ut 4 80. Butter ijnlet ; dalrj1,25 < gA6ci ; > ira-iiti-f , 1-tgH Ixiwerat 22 ( 24 r. Whisky-HtejidyatllO. Pork Finn , but slow ; It ! 85 foi JHIIII- rv ; 17 12 { ( or Fcbriwiy. Lard Nominal. Ileo'tH. Shipm'ts. Flour 5,000 7,000 Wheat 1U.OOO 15,000 Corn 40,000 42,000 OaU 28,000 : X)000 ) Barley , . . . . none 2,000 , 8tLouii Live Stoolc > ST. Louis , December 'M. llngH- Active and higher : weather colder [ ami MWW fulling ; Yorkeis , li 05i/i IJ 20 ; jucking , ( i 00ftl ( ! 10) ) butchers' ( ! i 10 (5i5'i ( ( ( , Itu'iljl" , 1,800 livjj ; uliIjuiiL'iilH , none , Kansas City Prodnoo Market , K.tNSAH ClTV , Doci'inber 10. \Vhwit-Jteotipts , 4.K2J bu ; vithdrawtl , 22,42. " . bn ; in btore , 378,321 bu. Market ( inn ; higher demand for No. 3 red winter ; Nn. 4 ca h , 2 caw , 'J7o ; for December , 87o tlij ; Juwuuo'i B aw > , ITct No. 3 c * h ' , I MIK , 1 07J1 Mi'ieli , 5 ears 1 08J ; 10 eaic , 1 08 : No. 2 oa h , 1 'J5 , ' bid : December , 1 c r , 1 2i ! , January , 1 21 bid ! February , I ] . * . ' } bid. Coin Receipt * , H.2S2 bu ; withdrawn , 8,781 bn : in fUiriIOTi.022 hu. Market ijtiU't nud sti'.vly ; no pales cither for CA ! I or futures ; No 2 mived , fa h , 5Sc bid ; Decvnibcr , 580 b'd ' : Jnntiarv , Mo bldj . Fcbiunry . . , OOo bid . . : . , March lile lid ; Mnv , . . . . ' I t - 1.1 f. X * .1 ,1 I. .t I . . ' " bid - lie : Ni' ' . 2 while , mixed , IM ! I , . . . bldj.lamury , Kivusn.1 City litvo Stock KANMAH Cm , December 30. Cjttlo Receipt * . .Mlhend. The mar ket was linn mid active , at uticlmngud prices ) natlvo butchers' Htcurs uvcrig- Ing 1,000 , I 10 : averagingl.-.MU , I75mttlvo ; cows averaging 1,200 , ! i nOJiW'O ' : Gherokon \\n nud teer < avortuhtg 700. 3 15. HOKH-Receipts , 2,871 , head. The HIT- kel for henvy hogs was tit nt , but for llijht wns fully lOo lower. NowYorlt I'rotluoo NKVV YOUK , December 'M. Flour -Dull ; Southern , unchanged. ( Jilie * . and weak ; No. 2 led , II3J ] | ; ; No. I white. 1 lOMnl U : No. 2 red for January , 1 l''jirt ( I I3do. ; , IVbruniv , Com Dnll'aucriie.vvy ' : No. 'I , ( Wi(5lWV ( , : No. 2 VNI to 75Jc ; No. 2 for Jnmiaiy , 70 | ( ni70J. Oats Higher and fnltly active. : No. I white , fi2Jc ; No. 2 do. 51 J ; mixed \ \ item , , ISfcKilc : mlxL'd state , 50iC5le. ( Hye Quiet nud tiini at IMO.i B.irlev * Fit HUT and active ; two rowed state , 1'ork ( Jiili'l and steady ! new spot mw , 7" . l.anf-Dull : MM reel y o linn , at U 22i © 11 25 f ir Jaimur.v. WhUky Nominal. IVtiiileum Nominal. Cinoinnntl Prodnoo. CINCINNATI. December3 < ) . Poik Mew , jobbing , 17 'XdW 50. lj\nl Klrin ; prime strain , 11 00. Hulk Meats Firm : clear xlden , OOfii ) ' .I 'i"i. 'i"i.Uiwon Uiwon K uns eileiir nidcH , 10 00. Khnir Steady ; family , ( i 10(317 ( W ) . Wheat Finn : No. I.'rod , 1 371 38J. I'orn 1'irin ; No. 2 ml\eilHpot , on track , 70.- . 70.Oats Oats Stc.uly ; NIL 2 , white npo1 , on truck , 50e. Kyo-Steady : No. S. 1 03i. llarloy-Kany : No. ' _ ' fall , 1 03. Whisky .Steady at 115. Peorin Prodaoe. 1'KoitlA , December 110. 1'omAclivn and tirm ; htgh mixed , ti'-'i ( ii'li3o ; ii'lxcd ' , llUii Itljc. Oats Firm ; No. 2 whlt , 45'1'i ' ' ( ? 10p. Rye Easy ; No. 2 , 97iii)97c. ( ) Hljrhwliies Firm and steady nt 1 15. Rci/ts Shlp'ts. Wheat 5,125 noun Corn 48I75 ! lli.OOd Oats 11,000 12,250 live 3,200 2.000 Harley 3,301 3,00(1 . . . . . . . Fhllnuolpbla Produce. I'lllLADKM'IHA , Decemboi 30. Wheat Firmer at 1 : i ! } ( il10) ) for c.i > h ; 1 I0iitl ( ) 407 bid for Jnnnary. Corn busier aL (5S.l@G87o ( for rash ; liS'V for January. OatH Easier at 51 J@52c for cash : ril'e ; for .ranunry. Jlyo Quiet at 07o. Baltimore Produoo. BALTIMOIIK , Dtcemher 30 Flour -tjniet. Wheat Southern quiet ; Fully , 1 3i ( ( < il 1 3l ! ; Longberry , 1 40M 42 ; N , 2 re l winter , cany at 1 3'J | for Deoember ; 1 for .lumiaiy. ' Corn White rnuthrrn ( inner at 70i | ] ) Tie ; yellow , firmer at l.r ! Jc. Liverpool Produce. JjlVKltrooi. , December 3 ) . Flour- American , 10 td ) ( ! )13H. ) Wheat-Winter. 10 2d@10s lid ; white lOi 5d10 < SdjKpiing , 9 10d10 M ; club , 10x < M@llH3d. CJom 5 9Ju. Pork 75 . hard . ) ( > . PittubuTK Oil Market. 1'iriHiiuncj , December : < 0. The oil marketop ncdat83jc. aud closed at noon at 823c.lannary ; delivery , 83c ; February delivery , 851c ; March delivery. 87lc ; Now York , 7c ; Antwerp. 18Jf. Shipments yesterday 53,591 bbla ; charters , 11,110 barrels ; Pittslmrg sides weru 5l5.- ! 000 barreln ; exchange stock , HiO.50 bid , 175 asked. Est Liberty Itl-re Stock. KANT LIIIKKTI , Pa. , December 30 , Cuttle Brink ; receipt * , I,4li2 ; chlji- meiiti * , 1 , ( > SI Hogs Active ; receipt * , 1)0 ! ) ) ; ship ments , 2'.KM ) ; Philaielpliiasli | 40feti 50. Sheep Nothing diing ; reieliti | , 1,000 ; 4hipments 1.100. Tnrpontlno Market WlI.MI.MJION , N. < ' . , Dl'Cl'lllll'l 'Ml. Rosin Firm ; strulmd , 205 ; good , 2 10. Siiirits Firm. Tar Steady at 1 ! K . Spirits Tmpuntlno Steady ; hard , V 25 ; soft , 350 ; Virgin , 28 ; . Toledo Proanon TOM no , December 3' . \\heat E niei ; No. 2 led , 13tij | for cash ; 1 37 for January ; 1 3IJ ! for Fubni- ory ; 1 IIJI for Mmch ; 1 441forMoy. L'nrn-tjuk't ; No , 2 , Uljc for rasti ; refer for January ; li'ijc.'for February : Uilji ! for May. Oats-Dull. Cleveland Market. Ci.KVhi.A.sii , Dttcmber : V ) . Petinleum IJnlet : standanl white , 110 tefct , 7c. Botfalo I < ive Stock. ) , December . ' ) . irm ; Yorkcrn 0 25i35 ( ( ; go medium welgnU , C 35@l ! CO ; good htuyy ( > 4 Veil ! TO. LtiHojueFult Thi ) ladies having charge of the land lua"uo , fair uro atrainiiif ; orury point to inuku it the greatest tiling of the kind that was over gottun up in thin purl of thu went. They urn meet ing with vurj' great encouragement everywhere , There will bo more tables , a larger variety of good articles und more spirit in thu than any pre vious affair of thu kind. Season tickeU aie selling runidly for 91.00 ouch. The fair will lout ono week , As there will hu a danue , commencing i at 10 o'clock every iii'htn { rout many uru taking advantage of thu HCUSOII ticket privilcfi { ) , Canse a till Effect. Tim miiiii cnuse of nurvousiies.s in indigestion , und that ia caused by weakness of the Htoinuuh , No one can hnvo sound nurvus and XOIH\ health without iishi' , ' Hop Uittera i to Blren thcn thu stomach , purify the lilopd , und keep thu liver and kidney * ) active , to carry oil'ull thu poisonous mid wiwte matter f the ByfltuinAd - voouto. DouJG.Jiuil THAT BAIL. Considerable Talk Over the Rolonso ot Kostors. Opinions Unfuvoriiblo and In Support ' of the Dlstlct Attorney's Action , The loliuso of Charles Hosiers on § 10,000 bail previous to his examina tion for the murder of Oscar Hammer is oxcitlng very unfavorable comment in many directions. There seems to be a strong feeling aiming certain lawyers that District Attoiney llurn- ham oveislepped his prerogative in advising the police judge lo iiccop ! bail ul all in tlio i-aso pieviuns to ox ainiti\ition. \ In an nitorview uith a prominent attorney on this subject ho said : ' Kostors hiring admitted to b.iil previous lo an rAiiiiritmlinu lends to confirm a most danger oils precedent , winch Judge Savage's decision in the cnae of Xeis. troin is claimed to be. Whether Judge Saviigo had any business to predeter mine ) the Xoistrotn numlor trial is. a very serious iucstinn. | Hut in this instance , where the coroner's jury rendered so plain a voidict and Coroner ner Jacobs mndo so grave n charge , it appears to mo iw if there have been some ontsido inllnonccM at work which have controlled District Attorney Uurnlinm'a action in making a recom mendation to Judge lieiiecku. "Tho law onthis subject is found in the constitution of the state. Articlu 1 , section ' .I ; " 'All persons shall bo bailable by anllieient sureties except for tr and murder , where the proof isE evident or the presumption great. Excessive bail ahull not bo required. nor oscessivu lines imposed , nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ' " "Now , of course , the point is in the words 'whoio thu proof is evident or presumption great. ' Tliu proof that Kostora struck Hammer ia evident , and thu presumption that he killed him by that blow is , in my opinion , Hulliciontly great to admit oha strong belief. Whether ho did so or not , the result of thu legal examination is _ the only : baain upon wltioh to determine. What his purpose was in striking Hummer , or whether hu meant to kill 1h him has nothing to do with the nut ter t < until after thu examination. Of a necessity Jndgo Heneke vvat put in a very peculiar position by , thu citm- iiiunication from tlio district attorney , and could hardly do otherwise than comply with its turins. Why Hum- ham should have changed his opinion HO completely as to have suggested the acceptancu of bail , when he hud insisted that the coroner should niako a charge of murder in the tirat 11t degree , 1 don't know. 1 midoratand that the coroner was not desirous ol preferring 1 a charge of murder in the first dojjioo , hut that thu district at torney t insisted upon his doing so. If he 1 atill intoiidii to prosecute on that 1c charge 1i ho will have hard work to reconcile the acceptance of the bail and the clause in the constitution I have 1 given you. " Ono of the counsel for thu prisoner was nftcrwardb aeon by the reporter and asked as to his idea of thu matter. He said that Judge Savage's action in the case of Noratroni was , in his opin ion , a Biilliciunt precedent upon which to release Koatura. "For , " said he , "Neistrom had been indicted by thu grand jury , while Koatera has not been , as yet , oven examined. Upon thu examination , which will bo very thorough , wo intend to show somu things which I think will reduce Kostors bail much below the 'present amount. " Mrs. Iru Mulholland , Albany , N. Y. , write * : I have HUirorud from oft-recurrini ; biliouH headaches , dyHpepHiH , and com- plalntH peculiar t i my ne.HInco iiHin ' your Hurdocklll'iod 15ittcr I am entirely reli veil. 1'ricu 91. ( rial ni/o ton ccntH. 2t-lw "I'm Not ForRetting. " t ) lovixl one , on my weary wny , I'm nut forgetting , Tli" errini , ' heart Unit ww.t no reir 'ttlnK. They > aid 'tvuis xin to IHMI tine HI , I cannot tell I do not know Hut love vvni 'ynnil icpr'Hi-lni , ' . My very hciiiK turned to t' , > ty o\ury pnlne Intonini ; , 1 did n it ask if ray nlfi The angels wenI'nn I only knew that or fin My spliit snught then \eai I did nut cMie , I did licit court The lesnim of iiiilf'ioiiiiij , ' ; Nor ( ould 1 link if him did t In e , Hut waiting end emlurliiK , .My heart rouiil prove the fu-t of insulin ; ; . ( inil kinmri uii | { lvn our very hind' , Nur ieck' tin ) co > it of giving Thi ) puln is itwvet , the tntlu e lilli" , Thu passim worth tin' lUliiK' . We luy qnr very ben ! low At hiimuii fent adoring , Tlio bent of ull we have to ( , 'Ivf With uaalthful want outiuurliiK. | We turn our BV H ( xi farotf Mo Where radiant M'IIIH ure Where tender llK'h H of paracl ly are beaming. Mayluip the1 dreuniH wouhcrlfh hero , And \HCIIIH | unn rettlDk' , Will turn to bloHhonm over there And know no mor mine FAUMEK8ANDMK01I A N JCS. If you wish to avoid great dnncor ; and trouble , besides n no small bill of expense , ut this Heanon of thu year , you snould take prompt atopa to keep disooao from your hoiuuhold. The ' B > nU > m should bo cloorucd , blood > purified , stomach and bowels regula ted , and prevent and euro diseasou arising from spring mulurla. We know of nothing that will HO perfectly and miruly do this aa Klectrio Hitters , and at tlio trifling cost of lifty cent n bot- tlo. [ Kxclmngo. Hold by lull & McMahon. (1) ( ) * OViSTKIlS , CKLKKY , MINOE MKA'J'nnd u Clioico Line of Oannud ( ioodn , ut Wir. ( JUNTLKMAN'B. I .OIK HOLIDAY GOODS YKHY LOW , TO OLO K , AT W , K , J1KNNKTT , fc CO. ' 8. MONNEJl'S tlie Cheapcht pliwo in HOUSES For Sale By BEMIS FIFTEENTH AND DODBUSSTS , , No. 2M > , full lot fnirf < l ami Hh tnuM Uilld Inir on I'niillol Ariinu ncnr Vr.tli ttrvct , 4700. No. V' . ' 7 , l.nrcc lot or Mock .Wi hy ' . ' 70 foil on llnmllton , near Irrno Htrrat , $2r < 00 , No. ' 'Ml , Full lunur lot on JOIHTI , ntar Uth. utrofl , si,000. ; No. SKI , Two lot * on Coiitor Htrcct , nmr Ouni- liiL'Mmt , * l > 00. No. 2SJ , LotonSpruco itieot , near Oth ftnict , f < 'M ) . No. SM , T o lots on Scunrcl , nwr King ntrirt , VS. * . NIL . SMI , Ixjt nn Inwiml , nc-ir Klnir utrrtt , X.I10. ( X.I10.No. No. SI" , 1I I ( lolon Doilgo , near Uth tr ; t , W.IO.I. . .N'n.j47 ! , r ur bi-nutlful n'stilcnci ) lot" , ncur , .p Itflil oiu'olli KI > ( or 111 ddl ncinrntii ) . SS.OIW. No. ! ! IU. IVo liilw on Cluiiliv , lienr Cuinlnic ctriift , # 100 1 mil. No. S4i ( | , Lot oil IiUho , ncixr CuniliiK htttet , No. 2lf > . Onn noir lot on Cumlni ; , near Ihttton ttii-ct , f7M ) No. 244 , Lot on I'niiihaii' , iiwr 18th itrtct , 4,000. No. iKl ! , Lot Will ) IJ.I loiton ColU-ce street , niarht. Miirj'H Aviiiui1 , ' 'Ml. No. S4s ! ! , l.ut on Doiilivs | , iu > nr Sdth utrisit , : l7ft. l7ft.No 211 , Lot on Fanilmiii , ' 'Otln'rcct , * 7i > . No. 210 , t.otliOlij W ( cot on Soulli A\cmir , , . No. ' . ' .I'l , Coinir Irt on llur' , neai iM * U t , 4 * * > r > 00 No. iW , 1SO\1 ! J fwt on llariu'y , ncnr 24tl > t.tiiTnUI nit It iii ) , -,4W ) . No. Sift , 71\HO : fret on Sherman AM.-IIUO ( liltli hln-iO , tn'ir ( lm < v , 81,000. No. vlll , Ijiton ItoiiuUn itritt , nuar Iil rtM. No , , Lot on J'lor ' sluel , nwir Hownril. VMO. No. ill , Iot40/ll0 foot , ncn > C | itol ! Atcnuu ulftM Mli'iit , * l , < iOi. No. 227 , T o lots on Pi-catur , iiuirlniiutlrint , ! 00fti l lliSeiuh. No. 223 , lot 1411 30-HOlij 141 frit on hlu mum Avi-min ( lllth MtniO , mar iliiu-e , S'.HJO. No. 220 , Lot 2Jxnil foil on lmlr | , nu ' " lat" si i i'l , niiiUe nn nITir. .N'ci. 417 , Lot on 2.ld stiect , near Cluili , So'X1. ' No SKI , l.nt on llainllloi , Klnir , NJV. No. 'AW , Lot on Ibtli , nmr Nit hulas sttcit , , 00. 00.No. . 2nT , Two lots on Kill , near Pacific it rci-t , . No. ! ! OJT o lots on t'luttltar , no..r 10th ftl wl : , . SIM. SIM.No. No. 204 , hintitlfiil ri'clclonce lot on | ilrl loB , ftrrct , near C niiiifc' , WO. No. 0.1 , lut in Satiiulrn , lu-nr lift iilltoru utrect , W.'iO. i No. IIW ! , Lot Kith utri-i-t , near I'ailfk' , tiW. No. Ills ) , Thru-lots on Kinndun ntruet , ' near " No. IIWJ , lot oil 20th ilicct , near Hlifniun , .Nc'i. 11UJ , Two lo'ii on 2Jd , nour Umco trt't , No. llll'j. tno loti on Klnif , lUnilltca Mnit , M.vnn. Nn. Wil. , tMolotnon litli htrt-ct , niniMille I.iail Vt't IKH , tfli Ml. No. IK,14 } , IINU I II liHilv , ten MM , ncnr the bar- rntUH , ciei ) . .No. Illl , lut nn I'.nUr , m-u Irunn htioit , tISOO. No. I hi , two lots o. i'li"- " , ni-ir Slut Htretit , .No. Inl' , lot'on Ouiltr , iiwr Cumlntr utrett , . NH. UO , lot cm I'lri , lie r "cworcl ntii'Ot , WM ) . Nu. 176 , lot on hliimii'in aveiiuu , ncnr 1/iinL htmt , tfl.l I ) . No. 174 J , lot on C MH , uuir Uth , SI.OOC. Nil. 170 , lot on I'm-ill" , nwtr 14th Mtiet ; umkv OtlCTK. No. Hill , KX loUon I'ui'-liiin , urir-'llli strict , K'o. KIJ , ' dill lilocU on 2Uth Mrrct , nra ntiu innrnc , anil three lotu In Ulsu'H uilillllon ni'jir Suini rn tt'iil Oirnlus itnitts , $2,000. No. 14t , lo * on California iitreot , ncnr Cri % h tun uvllc'K'f , tW > , i o. 127 , atru lot , nrar thu huul of .St. Mar ) H No. lii , uout two mrts , noiir the huul ol tit. Mary'naitnuf , 1UI- , . No. 120 , lot on Uth Ntri'ct , mar White Uad \VorkH , VWfi. . . f No. 12 , nlitecn lots , iiiur hot toner on the lli'lletiiu roail , nT/ipir nt. .No. I'U , I32\lli ! ( eit ( ! ! OH ) on ISth Mrvct , iuir rniiletun'H ) | , tli ! < U. ' . No. 11' , thirty huKuiru lutnln MlUaril anil CaMuiU'H addition * mi hhirnian uvunui' , hirlni | ; anil Mr nt OKU itreutu , ni'ur the cnil of in.tii Htntt i-ar trail. , ( * ! ) tu * 1SOO earh. No. h'l , lot mi I'lilnicn , nt'r 2' il HntlfX)0. ) . No. < " , Inl mi < ! , i em Miinnliii ft ret t , .Nn. M , , i'i.i 1111' . I'll I'll I li-cih" . , i < ' ! "nuniUrn Mr. i ! , ; < II. .Xo. , I il nn l/-inl , IM.II .MiJ , ttllh iwn rinull XL. c' : ; , | uii ! ' > t > in ll'lh , l" "I I'klii lit ill , ll.MKI. .Si' ' . Vc. linen lcit- n ILiiin- ; , near I'.it ulutt , "N'II. 711,1'Uxi ; ) ' del D Uthtixul.ntnr . i mcu- \uirt htici i , v.l.Uio. > v. 7 , 'X ' > s. fen , mi 1'ailllc , near bill ftrctt , Nil. lift , ' < I\1IIJ Ir I , " " DoiUjH" "tri'tt , iu-.vr lOlli , flUV. , , Xu. Ml , cl.liUfi' lull ull 2lxt , --1 , „ M unil Siiuinl. i lri'tl , nmr i nununil riuum tr tii .t lir il.'c , luu euih. h'h ' No. it , MIC f m h him I. ( IKOvl 'ifci't ) . inarultt Cuihtnt n [ I'oor Clilie'in Hamilton Mnr ( , ng tlininiliil t l xtr iiir Iru I , , vsl > o. No , ti , hi. on .Mnrij , nriirlltli ulii'ft , * l-fO. No a , lot on dlli < rnlu , nwrJlHt , lbU' . So , i led cm Cut' , nmr Wcl Htiret , /t.Ml. No. I , Inl n llarnij , mvir Ihth , ( TJ. W1. UH ) ( In ll l lau'i'n llnrt mill second aihlltloiw , uUo in I'arKi-rV hhlnn'ii , cL oll'H , Triruer. K. V. hiHltli'i , KoOKk'n , ol.o' . Lal ( 'H , und ull ollwr adilltloim , ul i V lirln * nd tcmw. aW lotd In Ilnimcoii I'loc-e , ncjr IIAIIMOIU I'arli ; prlciui Ironi * liw to * HOO ittch. ) nu lu.iiiliv < l and lllty > nlnu beautiful rent- dincaloUi , loiattilon llainllton ktrunt , l\M \ way IK twfin the turn table of the red Rtreet cur Hue nnd the HiiterworkmrMnlar und iwlilltloii , a > nl tiixt went ot thu Content of the HlHtvni I'oor Claire In Hhlnn'ii addition , 1'rlcfH lanxu from t76 to * 100 i-ui-li. und w III bu rold on i"i y ternui. Tracts of 6. Hi , Ifi , ' 'u , 40 or DO ern , nl bu Mini ; * wid other lruiroti'incntn , and mljoluuie thecltv , atall | > riuA a MX ) of the IK-HI rwUlenot In tie city or Omaha miy locution ) ou du Iru iioith , cat , aontli or wi t , and ut hi'il rock jirlfun , KG choice IjiiMlno" ! loU In all thu iirinil | l utrreti. of Onmlui , tarylug fioin SOO to .uw i u-'h. T o hundred liouw * and low ranguiff from fMO to il&.WQ , and lotaUd Iu ttery l rt of thu illy. Bemis' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th and DC lif'.ft ' Street ,