Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1881, Image 1

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/7 / I
ELEVENTH YEAJR , 3 3 , * SATURDAY , .DECEMBER 31 , 1881. NO. 1C4
When we'came to Omaha to intro
duce the DUKE OF DU11HAM Ci-
"arotto , some people said , "You can't
do it , " as so many others have tried
it and favlod , and the trade arc distrusted -
trusted , etc. Wo never had any doubt
that the DUKE OF DURHAM Cigarette -
etto would moot with popular favor
and soil rapidly , knowing it to bo
inado of the BEST North Carolina
Tobacco , wrapped with the 3JE3T nco
paper , and ABSOLUTELY free of
DRUGS. Xfiujco , wo give consumers
credit for kntWing a good thing when
they have tried it , and then wo
thought how comfortable the fooling
( when enjoying a leisure smoke ) TO
KNO\Y'thftt you arc not absorbing
injurious drugs. _ , .
\Vo arc mutually , interested in this
matter of pure Cigarettes. If the
EST and BEST , v of courseyou will
continue to use them : if not , you
wont. So wo concluded to call your
attention to them through the news
papers and toll you frankly all about
them , and induce you to try then ! and
then let them speak for themselves.
Wo know these are pleased who have
tried thorn , as they continue ( to buy
them'and wo aro'getting'most'tlatlor-
ing reports from dealers as well.ascon-
sinners. Wo promised more reports
from dealers yesterday , but' wo met
with one who cooled * pur arder1 tem
porarily. Guess it will bo no
toll what ho said , but wo withholclhia
iiamo , street and number.
, 'Haven't got them ; don't want
them , and shall not keep thorn. Can
buy and Cigarettes foi
50c per 1,000 less and z Cigarettes
for SI per 1,000 less than the DUKE ,
and I can retail them at same \ > rico oi
the Duke. "
Well , we have somewhat recovered ,
and since we have thought the mattci
over don't feel much worried , as he
doesn't ' Bcllmanyand | his limited Bales
will not attoct us much. Wo appre
hend that it's because ho doea not
keep the bcstbut instead tries to palm
off an inferior article at same price
that his trade is so small. With thii
exception , wo find moat of the tradt
disposed to handle the DUKE 01
DURHAM Cigarettes and Tobacci
because they ARE the NEST anc
PUREST on the market.
Consumer , if you have not trice
them yet , you should drop in , thi
first store and buy a package.
.VUlonal AModatcd Free * .
WASHINGTON , December 30.-
Judge Reagan , member of cdhgres
from Texas and the last treasurer o
the confederate states , denies Jeff
Davis , in his flight from Richmond ,
took a large amount of gold belong
ing to the confederacy. Judge Rea
gaii , who was one of the party , say" !
the funds consisted of $00,000 in now
confederate notes , $80,000 gold coir
and bullion , $35,000 in silver coin ,
and $30,000 in silver bullion , making
a total amount of $157,000 , exclusive
of paper money worth nothing. Tin
coin was subsequently distributee
among the soldiers at Charlotte , N
C. , and the paper money burned ,
Reagan said Davis got none of tin
money , and that even his worst ene
mies never before accused him of dis
Mexican Railways.
National Associated Prosa.
CITY oc MEXICO , 'December 30.
The president has opened to foroigi
and coast trade the port of Anton Lo
/ardo , twenty miles from Vera Cnu
and the gulf terminus of the Moxicat
Southern railroad , of which Genera'
Grant is president. Anton Lexardc
is said to be the only really nafo liar
bor on that coast. Steamers will connect
noct from this port with Jay Gonld'i
system of Southwestern Amoricai
railways , at G. lives ton , Texas.
The Mexican Contra ! railroad com
puny , which is controlled in Boston
has decided on Jaltcmpa as the Pucilii
terminus of thpirroad. The company
has secured rights and privileges a' '
Jaltompa similar to these enjoyed bj
the Mexican Southern company a *
Anton Lezardo.
Protection in Philadelphia.
National Associated fteaa.
PHILAUKLVJIIA , December 30. The
grand jury , in its presentment to-day
called the attention of the court to tin
fact that the number of houses of ill-
fame was rapidly increasing and urget
that something should bo done to pu
them under surveillance. They Bug
seated that they should pay a tax and
Bo compelled to employ physicians u
watch ever the health of the inmates ,
Arrested for Murder. ,
V UonU Awocutod fre .
NEW YORK , December 30. This
morning Henry Woinatoin , aged 13
of 28 Ridge street , was found shot
and killed at 63 Nassau street Johr
Moss , who was the only person in the
place when the shooting occurred , wai
Koifor'i Reception.
National Anioc'attxl ' I'rosn.
Si'UiNOFiKLi ) , O. , December 30.
At the grand rccnption to Spoakci
Keifcr last niaht by jho Grand Armj
of the Republic , distinguished republicans
publicans were prespnt from all ovei
the state.
National AasocUUxl I'rou.
PIQUA , 0. , December 'JO. A ftri
early this morning destroyed the
building occupied by Q , N. Soegen
feldor , grocer , law and insurance
offices and Odd Fellows' hall. Tota
Joes , 820,000 ; partially insured.
* iii . - - > . . -
So the Assasiin * Alliulcil-to Him
self injtoW't Yesterday ,
' " * ' " * % *
& 7if 'f > "
In jan Egotistical HaroiTgue
Which H DoltvdrWcm thV *
Opening of Court.
& , ; \ : ' > ' *
Scovllle Iria&ts That the Jury
be Allowed to Separate
During. the Trial.
But the For mii Rises io'Sny They
t to. . „ :
JLr L ; )
National AMOcUtiM Jfv .
WAKUISUTO Y December wttibVAt
the opening of jfoUrt\Guitcau farose
and said : ' 'Soino of the K'odin { {
papers In Amefipi'considerL pie the
brniniest mmi tWy Kayo mot for some
time , rk&fifefcw5I ! ! have TOCOved a
. .plogramfroti . Duston , signed : 'A
1 which s.lys Boston
sympathizes witlLjno and that T ought
irtbo'presidont. tTLnughtcr. ] I know
of but' two ntoiijho want mo huny ;
olio is Porter , boffliuso ho expects $5.-
300"and the otl&i : is MrJf > CorJ hiU ,
omphasinng i ( hwMr.-3. ? ' , 'CoVklilir' ia
booked for rampjwd. anyway , and he
wants to'golcroh fith mo , because he
thinks I am responsible. It is imid 1
am too severe in Bly Jangungc.v 'No\\
I want to say : 'Wflb untwybUiypOi
critos , scribes ai > 4 jpharisues. > How
can jo expect to ii&npo thq.damnntion
of Iiciir egon0rjpi&nj6rf | 'vipers , how
ean'-ye escape the' Krtinatiori of hell ? '
\Yho aiel tJiatj ( ) , Whqi lUsed the
language ? The rmiokt and lowly
Jesus put iniy .Neas , > , into clean ,
sharp language iu l-havo the exam
ple of thu Biivioar.eC , mankind for so
doingi Ho callo things by their
right names. Wfieiitany onu assaulted
him ho struck.jil'klid [ not Ho down
like to tfio cravoiijitl'r do I refer my
nomination for tlafc'r aidency to the
republican convclppt of 1884. 1
think I will be HIMB. I do not thinli
this jury is going&ftto the hanginii
business to onablitwortcr to get thai
$5,000. They 8Kl as woll.try
man for killing anpJB r luring.a wat
as mo on this 'BfiS j ; I acted nutlet
divine pressure , HtwVI Bayed the natioi
from another warf'lUjitl. will discus1
this ffhenlgct bofsSfc'thejury. " This
harangue was deliWJBdln th'roo parts
after each of whiohJMuitoait sat down
arising when ho\jAr. the audionci
were entertained $ f . desired more
The court and couftj Tpaid no attcn
tion to him. Whojflfcuitcau fiuall ;
aat down , Scoyillo rVKned the cross
exaniioation , of Jr. Blmpster. Tin
witness said the < allcBtl peculiaritic
of the Guitoau fomuVivoro1 not-takei
alone as indication's oK.ufisound mind
The prisoner's claim' divine pressure
uro did not convsptjua-with-thcr clnin
of divine poraons sutfering' from rea
religous delusions. It was impossibli
for a person to be really insane fo
an" hour or two and then recove
Corkhill said the prosecution ha <
but ono more witness to examine ant
would like to know how many menthe
the defense mean to have.
Scoville said he intended to maki
application for the introduction o
other witnesses to testify to Guiteau'i
insAtiity near the time of the shooting
but could not toll how long the aurro
buttal would take ; * it niight take t
Davidgu said ho would oppoce re
opening the case.
The court said the proposition !
must bo in writing to bo considered i
law questions wore involved.
Scovillo renewed the suggestion Urn
the jury bo allowed to separate , as i
would give him time to formulate tin
law questions ho intended to submit
"Tho exports for the prosecution , " hi
said , "havo sat here for nix wceki
and have met nightly with the distric
attorney and woven their mcshci
about the prisoner and 1 do not pro
poae that there ahull be any unseeing
haste in getting to the end of tin
trial , either to save the time pf tin
court or jury. "
"lagrco with that , " cried Guituau
"I will trust to the personal honor o
every man in the box. The bos
thing for the prosecution to do is t <
dismiss the indictment. If they won'
do that , then let the jurors go homi
and have : i good holiday. I am no
afraid they won't ' do mo justice. Tin
American people don't ' want mo hunj
and the jurors kuou it. "
Davidge said it was doubtful if thi
court could disperse the jury , anc
again objected to reopening the casi
as proposed , Ho thought a few houn
would sufllce and would enable the defense
fonso to formulate their propositions ,
"Wo don't want to reopen tin
case , " said Ouiteau , "I am satisfied
wo want to refute your false wit
nesses. "
Porter agreed that the jury shouk
bo relieved from their imprisonment
as if the cose was to be prolonged in
definitely confinement must injuri
The court said the tendency of recent
cent decisions was in favor of allowiti |
their separation and would take tin
matter under consideration.
The foreman of the jury rose ant
said the jury did not desire to sopar
Corkhill gave the defense notici
that the court would sit to-morrov
and do all possible to finish up tin
case consistent with the interests o
justice. Ho repelled Scovillo's im
putation upon the experts for tin
prosecution as an insult to Homo o
the most prominent and conscicntioui
scientific mon of the country , and sail
that the people and the jury coult
o.mly make comparisons botwooi
their tcststnony and that given b ;
Spitzkfl and Kiurnan , whom ho char
acturi/.od as two spawn of the pro
fufision ,
"Oh " said the assassin "
, , "they an
all nice men professionally and BO
cially , but good money hat boon toi
much for thorn , "
"I must insist , " said Porter , "tha
f this , clamor ia bohtm'w'od that the
dock shall bo removed t such a dis *
tattco from the jury that' they will
> Ut bo disturbed by-it. "
"Oh , oh , " ( Jnlteatt shouted , mock-
ugly , "dismiss thO' indictment and
that will dismiss the dock , Let mo
; u. " [ Laughter. ]
I Porter made 'auotiior speech , the
jiruoncr modkiut , bun all the time ,
irid saying i't\ ' . .conclusion..Oh ; ,
dear ! po that ftgaiu , it wax very
HWCot. " '
Scovillo wannly Tcsontod th'o dec
laration of Corkhill iu rognrd'tp rush
ing the casp , denouncing tho.comluct
of the prosoontinth tortioy aaii broach
of professional'ctimiett / Ho intended -
ed d take nll'tliovtnV o''npcossary ' in an
lionoht and ' legal ii\ot { < Sst of the do-
' '
JThnt's a very .tgood speech , "
bhoulcd the pftsouorj Approvingly.
natic asylum , was then cnllodi Hu
stated his oxpuricnco in the treatment
of thu insUup , ' whicli uxtuuded eve
thirty tyoawy Hd SHjtwUiH iDommifl.
siouo'r l > y appointment of the gover
nor of Now York'W * Wamino persona
insane. , JUi5 iaarotS'.Vjvjtltilxrj'at ; other
Export ? for. tljoprosecution. |
(3iiitevU'6al ) | ; "you are ' h * YW
leafcned man , doctor , but you'are for-
falling thu abrahaniic'tlu totijhich
Ibolong. " t * ; ' * wt.vtxi
Huccss. , i * * * . . , i
AWhen coiirt 'i-estime'd Jlfitf''Wltness
yavoa , detaTjcftVtatoificnt of tlid- per ;
" '
aonal examination ho "made , of Hit
nrigoner' in Urn-jail. It did not'differ
ilk any material point from tho/ixann-
nations of other exports. ' Tho'.con -
venation with the prisoner related , to
the principal incidents jnUiia.partt life
Und brought' aVwir'to the
time of the assassination. :
f"It's a very interesting story , " said
Guiteau , "the doctor is "giving all the
facts'as I told them , " > -
witness gave 'tho convejsatior
in detail in regard to the munler ol
Gurfield ; slating * tliftt 'the prisonoi
said the- matter , dlashed across hi ;
mind at night duriiur'tho timo-he wai
figuring 'for the 'Warisconsulship
HU 'tliouglit ' it tov6r and over
lie'jsaid , and finally determined to remove
move the president > bj&caUBei ; of thi
political situation1.v Guftja'u'Baid in
answer to a question atHjnjf'c'tmvcrsa
tion , "I know from" feM f con
ceived the act that if | | cvuld > cstablisl
the fact before the jur > * iKKtl'po ; evei
.tlio killing of Garjield w * iiisinrod bj
&od , I would iiot'bo ' hol tt responsibli
before the l w. " 3'
"That's1 correct , " "ied ( Juiterfu , excitedly
citodly , "that's the lavf. " ' f.
, Witness produced a noto-book ir
which ho had jotted down the mail
points of those conversations withtthi
prisoner. Ho read over these notes
to tlie-prisoner at the time they wen
jjiado. - -It
Guiteau broke in saying the doctoi
was a high-toned gentleman anc
would undoubtedly quote correctly
If he did not he would correct tin
witness , as ho never forgot anything
Witness ( reading from his book )
I asked him on what ground hi
killed the president. His anawe
was , "I considered his removal a poi
itical necessity. My defense wilj bi
insanity. I do not claim to bo iritani
as you medical men judge of insanity
but my defense will fje legal insanity.1
I asked : "Howdo you dohni
that kind of insanity which you wil
put us your de'fenBoC- ,
His answer was'It : is insanity be
cause it is in a leg'al sense irresponsi
bility ; because it was an act withpu
malice , and from political necessity
It cannot bo called murder unles
malice is proven. I know from thi
time I conceived the act that if
could establish the fact before a jur ;
that I believed the killing of Garlieli
was inspired by God , I would not b
held responsible before the law. " ' "
"That's 3orrect , " cried Guiteau , ex
citedly "That's the law. "
"You may add this , " continued tin
witness , reading the prisoner's lun
guagc , "on this subject , that the re
spomibility lies on the Deity und no
on mo , and that in law is insanity
If the jury believe aa 1 believe that tin
removal was the act of God and there
fore not my own act , they are bount
to acquit mo on the ground of insani
ty. 1 have looked over it carefully.1
"Yes , " said the prisoner , "thatisal
there is to this case. "
The witness proceeded with IIIB re
port of the conversation in which In
referred to hw inspiration a" ) some
thing which came into his mind. Tin
prisoner admitted that ho had ti
work himself up to a proper state t <
commit the murder , and that one o
the strong points in support of his defense
fonso was hereditary on account o
his father's strange theological no
The examination of Dr. Gray lux
not concluded when the time fo
court adjournment arrived. Col
Corkhill kept on asking questions am
at 3:05 : Scovillo suggested that cour
adjourn. The district attorney salt
ho would agree to adjournment a
soon as he came to a certain point o
evidence of this witncHs. After aomi
preliminary interrogations , ho asked
"From the examination of thopris
oner , what opinion did you form o
his mental condition ? "
"My opinion was , " said the witness
"that ho . "
ness , was sane.
"Court may adjourn now ; , " aaii
Corkhill , and proceedings were ac
cordingly suspended until to-morrov
morning ,
Speaking ot the proHccutions'intcn
tions to hurry the trial this evonini
Scovillo said , "I will keep Dr. Gra ;
on the stand all day to-morrow. I di
not propose that they shall drive UH t <
the gallon B at railroad speed. "
The rumoiH afloat in certain sec
tions this evening that Guiteuu hat
boon flhot , are without foundatioi
und scorn to have originated outnid
of Washington. No such report lm <
been hoard until inquiry came fron
other point" , and the authorities stat
there is not the slightoit circumstanc
upon which to found the report.
With .tfap Pottm&fttor-
v * %
Nttlonul AMOclital rrtaAT 7
CHUJAOO , December 30. Hon. Tinv
othy'Howe , the noW postmaster general -
oral , arrived at the Grand Pacific hotel
from his homo in GreohBay , Wii. , on
his way to Washington ) tint evening.
In answer to inquiry lie said : ' 'I have
lot yet thought about the details. I
lave determined th tt M a fuudamen-
: al principle , I wjllvu * of whatever
money.congress gives' mo to nuiko the
jostnl service as oftioloht as possible ,
tt shall bo my aim not to spend more
money than is appropriated for the
use of my department. With the
minutest of my work J have not an
acquaintance. "
"How is your appointment regarded
in Wisconsin- th'af of a sUlwartT'
"Thoa alwarti\nda tl'stalwart lines
wora not dra n in Wiitfousin as they
soein to have been jn other states ,
[ f to bo a stulwartj means to bo it
steady and consistent republican , then
[ am a stalwart. If it means , fur
ther , that T was a Grant man , then I
am still a .stalwart ) for I was fur
Grant. But I am a republican , bo-
pause I believe thai party will give
the country the best -ovornment ( ; in
ill departments. I do not calculate
noon interfering withtany of the em
ployes ot my department except iu
the public interest , In republicanism
I do not recognize nnv such distinc
tion as stalwart and anti-stalwart.
The question with I'tyts will bo ,
is the head bf * a bureau
resolutely und etliciqnUyidisohargiiig
tho. duties of hia oftico ? If ho is ,
ihenjio is the man for my money. If
ho is not , atalwarthua.will not save
him. " rt gtSJjp' *
"When < wiU you witer upon your
* } * ' ' & ti " * *
"Early noxt'weokjf-iyiy | family con
sists solely of two married daughters.
While in iho sohato-Ijhiado my homo
with ono of thomrMrff. Totton , and 1
suppose 1 flhall'firidlt ( Sonroniont to
establish myself witlvho'r whila I re
main in the cabinet. Ilic husband is
Major TottoTi who is 6n6 of the counsel -
sol for the defense ill the so-callod
star route cases. " 'i
Toloof aTexou.
National Assouan * ! | Pro < > .
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Dumber 30.
Ton years ago a youim man named
Edward Fee- loft thi $ , ty and wont
west and > waa not heard from until n
few weeks since , whotVho returned
here , claiming to huve iccumuluted
largo property in Texas. Upon his
return he soon married Iiss Maggie
St. Glair , whom \io \ had'known yoara
before , and started for fFoxas. Foe
and J his wife arrived at Now
Now Orleans , on the 27th of Novem
ber , and was not' hoard from until
yesterday , when ho called at the
home of the St. Clairs here , finding
his wife at her pld homo.
The story ho , t < 4 : $ | 3 that
on the . morning < nt of his
disappearance he wen tin mo direction
.of jthe stock yards Jry.H-j jiOrleanB ,
.iifhon ho learned thatr > mother party
was selling live stock belonging to
him. Ho sought this party , had an
altercation with him on a ferry boat
and was thrown into the river. He
remembers nothing until the 23d ol
December , when ho found ho found
himself in the hospital at Ponsacolu ,
Florida , whore ho had been taken by
a steamboat captain , who had picked
him up on the Mississippi river.
During all this time his mind was a
blank. The f nnily hero seem satis
fied with Fee's story.
Small Pox.
National Associated I'rcsa.
CHICAOO , December 30. Fort }
students at the Keoknk medical college
lego have been taken down with smal
pox. It is claimed a small pox subject
was sent to the college from this city
but was not dissected because the dis
ease was detected on the body bofon
it hud been placed on the disnectin ;
table. It wan handled sufficiently
however , to spread the contagioui
disease. The college hatt boon quur
SiT.iNr.riEU > , Ills. , December 30.-
The secretary of the state boird ol
health is informed there is small poj
at thirty-seven placed in IllinoiH
although in about two-thirds of thrni
the diHeaso in under control.
WAHIIINOTON , December 30. - Advices
vices from postmasters in all sectione
of the country received at the post
ollico department this morning uhov
an alarming increase of small pox ii
the northncst. Thu disease is spread
ing rapidly and several postcllicoi
have been closed in consequence.
Fatal Railroad CollUioB
Notional Auoelalcd flout. * " '
LANL'AHTKU , Pu , , December 30. /
fust freight train heavily laden on tin
Pennsylvania roud , during a t donsi
fog this morning ran into a deep cu
at Christiana station and piled upoi
a wrecked freight train which had al
ready collided. The whole mass o
wreck took fire from the last engine
Goo. Difl'endufor , engineer of the Jan
train , and John Craig fireman , wen
rescued terribly burned and will prob
ably die. firakeman Frownwolter ii
supposed to have boon burned up
Several trainmen | ( names unknown
are missing and supposed to bo burn
ed. Fire engines from Lancaster anc
wrecking trains from Philadelphia urn
Columbia have been dispatched to tin
flcono. Traffic both ways is blocked
passengers being transferred urouni
the wreclc.
The Week' * Failure.
N'atlonil AanocUted I'rtHi.
NEW YOIIK , December 30. Tlion
were J7-'l failures throughout tin
United States and Canada reported
to Hradstreot's during the past week
and incroaHo of twonty-ono over tin
preceding wook. There was a sligh
docrcaso in the middle and western
states , but ether sections all show in
Jumped tko Track.
National Amoclntud I'rm ,
comber 30. A freight train south 01
the Toledo , Dolphos & Durlingtoi
railroad jumped the track lust nigh
five miles south of hero , oomplutol ;
wrecking eight cum.
Diffoulty Botwoou Don , Burbridgo
and Congressman Blackburn ,
[ * ho Foriuor Dououncod by the
Latter Because of Hia
War Record ,
Honoo Burbridgo Will Lot Day
light Throdgh Him if Ho
Dooan't Retract.
PoMlbllltjr of n Vacancy in tko Ken-
Gora , Gore , Gorn.
Villon xl . > sooiixliil 1'rcw
\V.\HiiiMiro.v , December , ' ! 0. A
story is alloat heio of sorioim trouble
, > oln ecu CougreHsmnn lllackburn and
3on. Iturbriilge. It is said that Dr.
! ) usli > y , of Kentucky , wanted nn ollico
n ono of the departments hero and
went to Blackburn for help , mention-
IStirbridgo as his friend. Blackburn
denounced Hurbrid o in violent terms
Dccuuao uf his war record , saying his
district \ > ua dotted with the graves of
men murdered by Gen. ISurbridgo
during the war. This language wan
repeated to Hurbridge , who , the dis-
[ wtchea n.iy , is a believer in the "cotlo'1
uid ho nrotu tn lilnckburn domaiul-
ing a rotructiun. No reply has vet
been received , and it is expected that
if Hlackbuvn don't apologiv.p there will
tie soriouH trouble and possibly blood
shed. liurbridgo stands high in arnvy
circles and it is said his course during
the war was only currying out orders
and that ho has a letter from rimioral
Sherman to that etlect.
PiiiLADKi.rmv , December itO.
General liurhridgo , who hit * been
credited with having sent u challenge
to fight a duel to Congressman .loo
Blackburn , said lllackbiirn had sent
him a most iimultiui ; mostugo through
a friend of .Blackburn and he had for
warded a reply couched in such Inn-
guago that lllacklmrn or any man in
Kentucky , if ho had the spirit of
manhood about him , could not fail
to take notice of. Hu uxpectcd a re
ply to the letter und says that the
contents will bo noted. Burbridgo is
clerk in the ollico of Postal Inspector
Barrett in this city. lie was once an
extensive slave owner , and has been
for some time an aspirant for a South
American mission. Ho is the t'oadly '
enemy of Blackburn ever circum
stances growing out nt thu war. Sev
eral of his friends have volunteered
to act as second if a duel is arranged.
National Associated I'rcss.
ST. PATEIUDUKU , December 30.
The damage done during thu late riot
at Wnnaw > : estimated lit JVor u'lnil-
lion roubles. Ono thousand Jewish
families have been ruined by the loan
of all their property.
VIENX * , December 30. Subscrip
tions for the relief of the sufferers by
the Rinfj fire now amount to 1,000-
000 florins. It is now announced
thcro are ever o > u > hundred orphans
to bo cared for.
BKKNB , December 30. A mountain
has fallen near the Jung Frau.
LONDON , December 31. A new
shaft to the channel tunnel will be
sunk ut Dover.
All of the London papers thin morn
ing are chiotly devoted to reviews o )
ovonta of the past year.
DUIILIN , December ! 10. The Irish
government have determined to sup
press all seditious publications , and
to that end to-dny confiscated copiei
of The Irish World and United Irish
man , that were oH'ored for sale hi
news agents "m this city.
N.MUmul AtKxhtid 1'rtm.
WAHIIINI.TON , December 30. Tin
records ot the postoflico dopartmcn
are being searched to accumulate cvi
deuce a ainut delinqurnt contractor ,
against whom otiits will in a shur
time bo instituted by Hon. Cieorgi
DliHi on behalf of the government.
The jupcrti for presentment to thi
grand jury against lUvidy , French IUK
others are already jreparcd and wil
bo furnished to the attorney genera
upon a formal demand.
The president expected to retun
to-morrow. PoHtmauter Genera
James will come with him.
Secretary Lincoln will alto proba
bly ariivo to-morrow.
Attorney General Urewuter is tour
rive on Sunday.
Tko Break In Burley.
N toii ! l Aauoclatodl'rcM.
CHIOAOO , December 30. The corner
nor on No. il barley in this murko
for December delivery , noticed sovora
days ago , came to n close to-day , Thi
result is the bulls as well aa tin
boars uro beaten. The latter to-daj
had to pay $1.03 poi bushel in ordoi
to settle up their contrrcts. On tin
12th inst. the price was HU cents poi
bushel. The former have ncarl ;
200,000 bushels of the grain on ham
and the market for futures is weak
Several failures are expected ,
Esoapo of Sentenced Men.
National AtooclaUcI I'IIH.
MANHKIKI.D , December ! ! 0. A largi
number of negroes came into towi
this inorninu to witness the hangiiif
of Ed Beltun and Paul Pringlo hen
to-day , but were disappointed , liotl
condemned mon , as well us Join
Mobile , who wati to hang next month
escaped from Shreveport night bofon
lost and are still ut large , hiding ii
the Bwumpa. Nine other prisoner
oncuped , but five have boon captured
LATKU. Ed Jielton , the instigator
has been captured. The oxocutioi
here will bo delayed until the gov
crnor it ) interviewed.
Died Amouii
National Awocl&ttxl "IMS.
PJIILADKI.I-IIIA , December 30. Col
Henry McComb , of Wilmington , Del ,
while walking up Chestnut atruet to
ay was taken suddenly ijl , Ho
nanngfd to reach the West Ki.d
lotol , where hu was seized with an
ppoplectio fit and died shortly after-
vards. Ho wason his wayto Newark ,
o attend a dinner given by Secretary
i'relinghuysen , ana had stopped over
o see Hon. Wayne McVeogh. Ho
eaves a wife and four children to in-
lorit a fortune whicli is estimated at
tUoiul AnocUtcd
NHW YOUK , December 30. The
tttcndanco at the walking match dur-
ng thu afternoon and evening wat
argor than on any pro\ ious day dur-
ng the contest. _ Tao mon ruinaluing
n the contest did noniu remarkable
unin'ng during the day , and Fit7ger-
ild , although not closely pressed ,
; opt ahead of the bust record , The
trugglo of the day w.u between
lerty ami Norenuic , The wily
kotchnmn continued to gain upt > n hin
nan every hour until 7 o'clock , when
10 was only three miles behind. At
o'clock llorty had boiitun all pro-
iitiia roconls , except Tint's. Ono of
lis admirers , a wealthy Now Yorker ,
as ao pleased with him that ho
topped on tln tniok and prcnontod
im with u $100 bill ,
Score 1 a. m. , ! Ust ; Fitt orald
U2 , llorty flOl , Noromno 50rt , 1 -
ouso151) , ICrohno 10.
Pnliofl Ofilcor Killoil.
'ntlnuil Associated PITH. ' .
KA.VSVS Cnv , December 30. 11.
renshaw , proprietor of ono of the
iuest BulooiiH in the city , while brti-
ally beating hin wife to-night in front
> f hifl saloon , wat arrested by Olllcor
linos. Croushaw run into his saloon
ollowed by the ollicer , drew a pistol
utd shot Ilinos. An the ollicer was
'ailing ho shot Crontmaw twice. Hines
iod in a few moments. Ho was the
> ldost man on thu police force , Cren-
haw is not expected to live ,
Iiontl Swindler Sentenced.
S'ttlnml Assort ito.U'nw ) .
STKUIIKNVIU.I : , O. , December 30.
This evening Uobort L , Lindsay , the
lotcd Missouri hind swindler , uus
iontoncod by Judge Patrick to nine
roars in the penitentiary. Hm con-
riction was brought about by United
States Attorney IMics and several do-
A Conmin Clerk in Iiuok.
tnlfnnal ABvoclatcd I'rru ) .
WASIUNOTOX , December 30. C. E.
IIIBS , a clerk in the census ollico here ,
ins received a notice from England
.hat hu is by the will of u deceased
mclo heir to u fortune of $100,000.
The OreutoHt Social Uvont Oruitluv hue
Ever Known.
The Pleasant Hours club centou-
l party and banquet won qivoii lost
ilgiit In "jVason5o hall. < cit ; was un-
loubtodly the most magnificent social
overt Omaha has ever known. Ovoi
wo hundred ladies and gentlemen
wore present. The late hour at which
.ho principal uvontp of the
evening the banquet and toast re
sponses occurred , preclude the pos
sibility of publication thin morning oi
satisfactory report. Therefore u
description of the hall and itii elabor
ate decorations , which was obtained
early iu the evening , is .nlono pre
sented , with a promise of a full and
complete report with the names ol
these in attendance in thin afternoon't
and Monday morning's editions ol
mi' MALI , .
Masonic hull was moat magnificent
ly decorated. Evergreens are turnet
a ound each pillar and glittering chun
dolier. In the centre of the room an
hung two national iliigs festooned , am
joined together , I rum which red , whitt
and blue streamers hung in graccfu !
curves and extended to each chandelier
lier , from which also many othoi
streumero were mispended 10 the cor
nets und sidcH of the hall. At UK
apex of each pout ueio two miialloi
national bannorH arranged in the uanu
way as the larger ones , and hut\voei
the posts and Hides of the hu'l ' on i
line with the Hags were largo rod ami
white eiifigiiH most hundHOinely ar <
ranged. Each of thu twelve large
windows wore luxuriously hung with
lambrequins and luco curtains , be
tween which hung gilded cages witli
melodious canaries and bright dislmf
of golden tmh , Thu space betweei
the windows was filled with pic
tures und vnri-colored banners ,
gilt trimmed , bearing alternately
the names of the states of tin
union. The went and north sides ol
the hall were decorated in a like manner
nor , whore the doors and stage die
not intervene. The main entrance t <
the hall wan festooned with two heavj
flags on either side and ever the to |
an unique und very handsome banner
inscribed "Welcome" and represent
ing two hands in fraternal clasp. Thi
broad entrance from the ladies parloi
was likewise guarded on both sides hj
the flags of the republic , und thoai
were Hurmounted by a gorgeous banner
nor of white silk and gold fringe oi
which the bird of freedom was clo
gantly portrayed , The stage wai
heavily draped with two immensi
flags , and at the top hung a blue sill
and gold trimmed banner , with rose ;
and geranium leaven around thu bor
dor. lloth of tha dooru to the uriti
room and .to the refreshment roon
were surmounted by blue und goli
bannotfl , with liugu horse shoes o
flowers , in which wore worked tin
words , "Pleasant Hours. "
The whole combined to produce th :
most beautiful and entrancing elP.'ct
and with thu brilliant lights llashinj
on rieh llugs , gilded banners and tin
assemblage of fashion uud beauty
who fill the spacious hull , it was , in
deed , more like ono of the pioturei
gathering ) of the old world'u noveltic
than of a social event in the gatowa ;
city of the grout west of the new con
tinent , for the scene was in { ruth >
thing of beauty that , treasured in th
memory , becomes u joy forever.
A Little Daughter of Andrew
Hanson Suffers a Terrible -
riblo Accident.
Her Dr i n CiitclioH Fire From n Steve
und Burns Vlor Entire Body.
About eleven o'clock yesterday
noon a very serious and possibly fatal
accident occurred at the residence of
Andrew Hanson , corner of Twentieth
and Nicholas street. His daughter
Emma , aged about eleven , wao standing - ,
ing near a store when her drcsn
caught fire. The fabric being of a
light texture it blazed up ill an in
stant , and before any ono could
spring to her aid the child was envel
oped in llame.t. Frantically film
rushed out of doors and ran some dis
tance before it wan possible to over
take her.
This fanned the tire ntifl fiercer , m >
t iot when the girl's mother caught
hoi- most of the clothing had boon
burned from the child's body , and al
most her entire person had been
cruelly acorducu and burned. With
the exception of the ankles and feet ,
not u portion of the unfortunate girl's
body was untouched by the ( lames.
As quickly na possible wet blankets
were wrapped around the little suf
ferer and she was convoyed intottho
house and Dr. Moore was atronco
summoned. Every known remedy is
being used , but it is , t Wught ex
tremely doubtful if the cliHl | survives
her terrible wounds.
The Citizen * mill Ladles Who IW11I -
Hocolvo Their Friends on Moudny.
The following embraces all of thono
receiving Now Years calls on Monday
who have sent their names and ad-
droston to Tun lHn : :
I Mrs. Clark Woodman , 1712 Izard
trout , assisted by Mrs. M. G. Cole ,
Mrs. C. E. Squires , Mrs. A. F. Sher-
rill , Mrs. J. K. Wilbur , Mr * . S. B.
Tones , Mrs. Robert. H. Whitolaw , of
it. Louis ; Mrs. Judson Smith , of
Davenport , Miss Eva Lowe , Misn
luliu Knight , Misi Mary Knight ,
Miss Mary IS. Day.
Mrs. John V. Furoy , at 1922 Cas
street , assisted by Mrs. John P. Mar
tin , Mrs. E. D , Thomas and Miss
Grace Chambers , between the hours
> f 12 and 7 p. m.
Mrs. George A. lloaglaiid , at her
liomo , at Sixteenth and St. Marys av
enue , from 1 p. m , assisted by Mrs.
Rnstin , Mrs. Senator Suundcrs , Mrs.
Burley , Mrs. Colpotzor and Mn.
MoConnoll , andby MJM.Ktenll.fMiis -
Bnrley , Misi ! Saundefa and Misa Itua-
- ' *
tin. ,
Mrs. Win. A. Paxton , corner 18th
and Fumhuin , from 1 p. a . to 0 p. m. ,
issistbd by Mrs. M. L. Durfoo , Mrs.
W. A. Sharp , Mrs. Samuel Burns ,
Mrs. P. E. Her , Mrs. Gco. I. Gilbert ,
Mrs. W. W. Marsh , Miss Mattie
Sharp , Miss Carrie I jams , Miss Jen
nie Konnurd and Miss May Campbell.
Presldant Arthur.
National Aiwoclatcd I'resn.
NMW YOUK , Dccomber 30. Presi
dent Arthur remained at home nearly
all day and received a number of call
ers. The president will leave this
city to-morrow morning on the lim
ited express for \Vash ing ton , accom
panied by his son and daughter. It ia
expected Secretaries Frolinghuyson ,
and Folgor will go to Washington on
the same train.
Marino Intelligence.
Jsutloinl Afxailatcil I'rim.
LivnurooL , Docembor.'tO. Sailed
At 5 j > . m. on the 2Hh ! the Coptic for
Now York , which did not stop at
QL'jmc : > m > w.v , Doccmbur 30. Sail
ed The Celtic for Now York- .
Killed by HU Brotkor-
National Anxactatvd I'nat
Aimoiu , December 30. August
Bloom , of the Bloom Bros. , groccra ,
died this morning from a blow on the
hciul by his brother last night. Ho.
hud abused Albert's wife.
National Aaaoclatod 1'icss.
AVAHUINOTON , December 31.Fot
the lower Missouri valley : Fairer ,
partly cloudy weather , with occa
sional Htiow , northwest winds , gen
erally shifting to south , stationary or
lower pressure.
A Wife Killing Imnatlo.
National Awjoclatoj 1'rcni. .
LoaiHViLtK , December 1)0 ) , Hon-
liold , who out his wife to pieces in the
bed chamber Christmas morning , was
to-day adjudged a lunatic and con
signed to an asylum.
Steamer Ashore-
National Atmoclated Treat
HALIFAX , December 30. The Allan
steamship Moravian ia uahoro ut Seal
Island , Novia Scotia. The govern
ment steamer Newfiold is ordered to
her assistance.
Bookkeeper. Jailed ' .for Embaiilo-
mont <
National Associated 1'rcj. .
CiuuAUd , December 30. Cornoliua
Broslin , n young bookkeeper for Levy
Ores , was jailed to-day for2,000 oni-
Dlnd from Lockjaw.
National AisoclateJ 1'iiaa.
Louisvi 1,1.i : , Decumbor 30. Uonry
Garrity , ngod ID , died to-day from
lockjaw , produced by a wound from &
toy pistol.
Twouty-Flvo Contu ou Iko Dollark
National AHuotiuttxl Vrrw.
CINCINNATI , December 30. The
firm of J. S. Burdual & Co. , which
failed recently , propose to pay 20 coats ,
on the dollar.