Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday Morning , Doc. 30 ,
Weather Ruport-
( Th following obncrvatlona ATC Ulcen nt
the n me moment ol time r t nil the tin-
tions named. )
WA * DurAnTOFrr , U. 8. Sm At , 8JRTIM. )
OKAIIA , December 23 , 1631. (4.00 ( p. m.f )
Salisbury's Troubadours appear lit
JJoyd's Opera House Monday night.
The thermometer dropped moral de
grees between six ami nine o'clock last
All of the trains nre on time , to llio
tlcllsht of tlio few pnwengers who are
bilged to travel.
The ladled of the Wshlosnth Btroct M.
J ) . church will give a supper on Thursday
evening from six to eight , In the parlor of
the church.
The different societies must Bend In
the names of their officers and noddled nt
oncf , 11 they expect to bo represented In
the illustrated .supplement thin year.
The young peoples' association of the
] jutheran church meet nt Kev. Dr. Stoll-
ing's residence , corner of Eleventh and
.Howard street , this evening. All are In-
The ladies of the Union Catholic LI-
lirary association nro requested to meet at
the rooms to-day ( Friday ) evening
-at 7:30 , to arrange for n New Year's re
According to an order Issued by Aa >
distant General Manager Klmball , of the
IJnion Pacific railroad , all passes nnd half-
lore -fermlta terminating December 31 nrs
extended to January 15.
Chnpln. Wlnn and E ba , th three
jnn accused of assaulting Charles Bauer
j nd Albert Foil , on Tenth street last Fri
day , were arraigned Wednesday and ox-
atnlnntlon postponed vntil January 3d.
\Vinn Is out on $300 bill.
Cards nro out for the marriage of Jos.
B. Kdtem , of Ornahn , andMgs , | Mary L.
laumgartncr , of Henderson , Iowa. Mr.
testers is. the head clerk in Whipple &
! Mc.Milianrar Jewelry establishment , and a
very estimable young man.
The social hop of engine company No.
S , at their meeting room to-day even
ing promises to bo a great success. The
reputation of this company for giving on-
joynble hops is so well established that
. . no fiirtaer guaranty for a good time is
- xeeded.
' -Hagadorn had n moat curious deer at
Ills market Wednesday , which he cut up
au3 klividcol among his friends. It was a
f4ll { grown stag , without antlers and with-
" 'out organs ] of generation. It weighed
' " nearly 300 pounds.
The Pleasant Hour's centennial ban
quet will occur at Masonic hall to-day
evening , The most elaborate prcpara-
' tlons are making to render it the finest social -
cial event ever known In Omaha. The
hall is being profusely and beautifully
Qno drunk , responding to the not un
usual name of John Doe , was arraigned
before Judge Bcnoko yesterday. Tha
prisoner claimed to have boon robbed of a
liver wutch and other property during the
night , and in consideration of a promise of
better behavior sentence was suspended.
Owing to the unfair advantage taken
by Homo persons destitute of honor , Mr.
Chas , McDonald has been forced1 to adopt
s rule forbidding costumes leaving.the atore
on vcceptance , lie cannot afford to im
port the 1 ft lent styles and Bead them out tc
lie copied In cheap imitation by imrsona
-who cannot afford to purchano a modish
garment of fine material , but who attempt
to imitate Imported garments sent out on
Accrptance by purchasing cheap goods , nnd
modeling them after Dolmans and costumes
which he haii been at much noliw find ex-
l > ennfl to procure from abroad.
Plckard'e Pickle.
Joe Pickard , the Frenchman , nr-
xostod at the shops on obtaining prop
crty on false pretenses , to the value
of $3.70 , was arraigned before fionocko
yesterday. Ho pleaded guilty anc
was adjudged to restitute twice tlu
value of the property stolen , $7.40 , anc
to bo imprisoned for fifteen days in
the county jail. When hia imprisonment
mont expires ho will bo rearrested ot
the charge of petit larce" " "
Mr. W. J. Tousloy , of the wel
known firm of Tousley , was the recipient
cipiont of a very pleasant surpris
Tuesday evening , the * occasion beinfl
the celebration of his 20th birthday
A goodly number of his friend * , wh
were brave enough to face the difil
culty of navigating the mud , called t
Jielp him celebrate the event. Th
merry maker * held high carniva
until the amall hours. Lunch wai
orved including all the dainties o
the season.
Among those present wore : Mr. F
"N. Pe.ton and Miss Millie Mathioson
3fr. E. i' . Browstor and Mitia Fanni
Green , Mr. J. A. Ilustin and Mi *
Uilda Mathioson , Mr. Louis Little
field and Miss Mollie Monroe , Mr. J
H. Conrad nnd Miss Alice Rust in , Mr
and Mrs. Frank Smith , Miss Id
Smith , Prof. Rathbun , O. Patrick.
Extensive preparations are boin
made for the Christinas tree of th
Union Sunday school Friday evening
Mrs. J. H. Kyner has gene to 81
Paul to spend Now Year day with lie
J. H. Conrad , of the State Univor
aity , i * spending hi * vacation with hi
-mother ,
The Men who Wear the Cloth
Make Themselves
They Congratulate Mayor Boyd
Upon Hie "Enforcement"
ot the Law.
The Mayor's Itockless Disregard of
Decency nncl Duty.
A call was Iwuod on Tuesday oven-
ng over the signature of Rev. E. F.
Shorill , as president of the Umnha
ministerial nasoctation , for a meeting
if the ministers and auch other per *
sons M desired the enforcement of law
nnd order in this city. In response
0 this call a meeting took place nt the
first M. E. church on yodnosday at
1 o'clock n. in. A majority of the
clergymen of the city nnd n small
number of citizens were present. The
act that no report was made of the
iiilcornoof thiamcuting by Tin : BEE is
mocringly referred to by The Ilorald
and Republican asan evidence that
ho editor of TUB HER. who wn * prcs-
int , wim unsuccessful in his effort to
tnrt n movement for n remonstrance
tgainsttho liconsingof notoriously dis-
irdorly houses. The inference is party -
y correct. The editor of TUB BEK
id not think the procoodinga worthy
f report , because , in his opinion ,
hey wore discreditable and absurd.
After four hours' palaver the meat-
ng had wound up in adopting the fol >
owing resolutions as the sense of the
> ody :
Ilcsolvod , That wo hereby congrat-
ilato our mayor on his efforts to BUS-
ain the Slooumb law , and wo also
arnostly request that no licenses be
ssuod to disorderly houses nor to
ny whoso npplicatio > isaro ] not strictly
according to the law , and that the
lumber of licenses issued bo reduced
o the least posMblo number.
The advocates of those resolutions'
otably Gen. Estabrook , appeared to
esiro to mollify the mayor nnd wore
onOJont that ho would carry
ut their petition by exorcising
tie discretion which the law
Hews him by refusing to grant licenses
D low dons. They were warned by
10 minority that congratulating the
mayor on his effort to enforce the
locumb bill would bo taken as an
ndorsomont of his conduct in con-
oction with enforcing the existing
awa and ordinances against disroput-
blo resorts.
And BO it turns out. Within two
ours af tor this mooting hod adjourned
Mayor lioyd told the editor
f THE BEK in the presence
f other parties that ho would
rant n license to every applicant who
ilod the satisfactory bond and paid
ho money. In defense of his posi-
ion ho claimed that wo were doing
well enough to close up n largo num-
> or of saloons nnd we had out remedy to
lose the worst ones of thosonow taking
iconso , next April. Ho admitted that
ho letter of the law which Bays that
ho board may grant n license was op-
.ional , but said that General Man-
d croon ruled that the board would have
.o issue a license under Hie ordinance.
Hay or Boyd also stated that ho , as one
> f the board , would vote to grant a
icenso to Troitsohko notwithstanding
ho protest of the coroner's jury , bo-
CAUBO TrulUvhko'a won not the worst
ilaco , and' others were open on Sun-
lay , or Christmas morning. Hero ,
then , the credulous gentlemen who
wear white chokers have the prool
that they have made themselves ridi
culous in congratulating the mayor on
enforcing the laws , and they will see
itill further , as wo procoo'd , that they
have disgraced their churches by their
It is outrageous enough that the
mayor of this city , who has for months
recklessly disregarded his duty it
failing to onfofco law nnd order by
the nolioo in closing up disorder ! ]
houses , should refuse to exorcise the
power vested in him by the law , aa
the best lawyers nnd judges in this
state h vo interpreted it. The law
aays the applicants for license
must bo men of knout
respectability , and whenever
the board know the applicant to koo ]
a disorderly house they nra nt libnrt ;
to" reject the application and refuse i
Now , if Mayor Boyd was disposoc
to do his duty in this instance as ho
should , ho could Ascertain nt an ;
time through the police nnd police
court , who uro the Honor dealers whc
keep prostitutes and allow gamblin ;
on' their premises. If the marsha
and police can't give this informatioi
they had better bo dismissed.
Up to fyostorday wo had suppose *
that the mayor was simply shirkin
his responsibility in this matter nn <
wanted to shift it upon citizens b ;
forcing them to file remonstrances
Even that charitable conclusion is t
delusion. A remonstrance against the
licensing of the notorious Dick Currj
was started by some of the people livin
in the neighborhood of that disorderly
orly resort. It was signed by quite
number of persons , men and women
before it was brought to this office
Hero several signatures of citizens n
taxpayers were added. Among then
was that of 0. E. Mnyno , who roporti
the following incident : Ho happono
to pass Mayor Boyd on the streo
about noon , and was accosted by tha
gentleman aa follows :
" 0. E. Mayne ? "
"Sir. "
"You sinned that petition agains
granting a license to Gurry ? "
" "
"Well , you must be on hand at i
o'clock to-day prepared to prove wha
you charge. "
"Did you toll the man that pra
sontod the petition ? "
"Yes ; the persons who sign the petition
tition must bo ready to prove what ii
charged or the petition will amount t
nothing. ' *
Deeming this a rather uncalled fo
proceeding on the part of the mayor
the editor of TUB DKK pononull )
niado n cull upon Mr. O'Connor , th
person who liled the remonstrance t
ascertain what ho know about th
matter. Mr. O'Connor keejw u respectable
spoctablo boarding house adjoining
the Curry don on 10th street. II
stated that when ho presented th
remonstrance the mayor told hln
that ho and all others , men and women
wholiad ignodtheremonitrancewoul (
would hnvo to Appear before the
mayor next Tuesday to prove their
charges. Mrs. O'Connor said that she
tad boon insulted nnd abused by the
: olorcd roughs who congrrif.Uo around
Hurry's place time nnd nt > uin nnd her
children were being depinvedby the
constant hearing of blasphemy and in *
decency from that quarter. Then
said she : "Wo own this place nnd
what nro wo to do ? I don't wnnt to
jo to the police court , nnd other ro-
ipoctnblo people in this neighborhood
wouldn't. " "And you shall not
mil need not , " said the cdi-
or of THE BEE , "for wo propose
see whether respectable women
Bhall bo oblieed to go before the
mayor to prove that Dick Curry keeps
a disorderly homo. "
The idea that the mayor of Omaha
who is to bo the conservator of pcoco ,
would interpose obstacles to evcnn re
monstrance to insure decency 1 And
what right had the mayor , to fix the
lay on Tuesday , or any other day ?
Jo is only one member of the
) onrd , and unless ho carries the
ward in his pocket , nnd knows what
ts action will bo , ho cannot decide
or the board what day it will fix for
\ hearing. And why docs ho appear so
inxious that Curry should have his
iconso next Tuesday when ho has
icon selling without license for
months ? Would it not bo moro ro-
> utnblo to oxcrciso his power of mayor
n behalf of good order , even
f that power was slightly strained ,
'n this matter , however , the may6r
s not entirely to blame , but City At-
ornoy Mandorjon has from the bo-
inning and throughout been largely
csponsibla by giving advice in the di-
oction the mayor is taking , and that
oo , when the laws arc emphatically
lie other way.
What a Hotel Clerk Say .
Oct. 2 , 1881. H. H. WAHNEH & Co. :
ira I have used your Safe Kidney
nd Liver Cure for kidney disease ,
nd found it very beneficial.
25-lw QEOKOE A. Conn.
Fifteen Year Old Mother and a
Fatherless Baby.
A diminutive specimen of girlhood ,
udging by years or of womanhood
udging by maternal right to the title ,
was seated on a bench in the police
ourt room yesterday when a BEE
oportor entered. She was in courier
or the purpose of recovering posses-
ion of her babe four months old the
Hh of next month , she said.
The youthful mother stated that
ho was fifteen years of ngo , though
he don't look it , and that her name
was Carrie Jackson. She is the
laughter of respectable colored people
> f this city , and was by thorn sent
> omo eight months ago to live with a
blrs. Search , n colored woman in
Shinn's addition. By whomthogirl's
ruin was previously accomplished she
lid not say , but says she worked for
ilrs. S. while with her and WM taken
care of during confinement. She gave
is a reason for leaving the woman's
louse that she boat her all the time
and added that the woman had n child
if her own which HIO had beaten un
til it had scarcely any sense. Yester
day morning the girl left the house
md says the woman refused to letter
tor have either the baby or any of
ler clothing , alleging that her par-
ints owed nor fcr nursing the daugh
ter during her sickness This , however ,
she said her father would pay.
The girl being a minor was unable
; o take any legal , steps in her own
lame and an officer was sent out to
look for some of her friends.
Cam * and Effect.
The main cause of nervousness is
indigestion , and that is caused by
weakness of the stomach. No one
can have sound nerves and gooc
health withont using Hop Bitters to
strengthen the Btomacli , purify the
blood , nnd keep the hvor and kidneys
active , to carry off all the poisonous-
and waste mutter of the system. Ad
vocate. DoclO-Janl
C. P. Blrkott and Others Notified to
Roinovo Street Obstructions.
There has boon considerable kickin §
about the manner in which the streets
of Omaha have boon obstructed byolc
buildings , for some time past. The
worat case was that of the Cass stroe
school house , which the city marsha
was ordered by the council some time
since to remove from its present posi
tion near Jefferson square.
On Tuesday the marshal swore ou
a warrant against several parties am
proceeded to eorvo them. 0. P. Rir
kott was served notice to remove the
old school house from the corner o
Jefferson square. Ho came into cour
and took a stay of thirty days , on the
grounds that owing to the condition o
the streets removal was at present im
Tom Murray received similar no
tice to remove the old building which
lies along side of that owned by 0. F
Birkitt and also the owner of the olc
house near the Northwestern Now
association buildiug , corner Twolftl
and Howard. This is a stop tha
ought to have boon taken some time
ago and it is to bo hoped that the
street will bo rid of thoj old wreck
that have disgraced it for so long , BIN
have alra boon dangerous firo-boxei
liable to do any amount of damage tc
property surrounding them.
Happy Hearts.
A quiet , but very happy wedding
occurred at the residence of Gcnora
Superintendent J. T , Clark yesterday
day afternoon. Miss Ella Spanglur
a niece of Superintendent Clark , was
married to Edward Thomas , an enter
prising business man of Marno , Iowa
Uov. A , F. Shorrill performed th
ceremony. Only relatives of theJ > rid
and groom were present. Mr. am
Mrs. Thomas took the afternoon train
for Marno , whore a cosy homo await
them. The estimable couple have th
wull-wishcs of a host of friends. Mr
Thomas was an old suitor of Mis
Spanglor'a and at one time was soyeroi
by parental influence , but afterwards
resumed with the happy result an
The Little Sensation That the
Third Ward Funiiehea.
A Bilk of a Boarder Gets Away With
Hit Landlord's Wlfo.
A bit of Is just at present
agitating that portion of the Third
ward around nnd adjacent to the corner
nor of Capitol nvonuo and Eleventh
street * , which contains some amusing
aa well aa serious features , Frank
lecd.ind wife , the latter kuown by
ho characteristic name of Maud , have
> ecn for aomo time keeping a board-
ng hhuso next to the northwest corner
nor of the street above mentioned ,
renting on Capitol avenue. Among
ho boarders , nil of whom are claimed
o be pretty respectable , was a young
man named Nathan Leo , who rejoiced
n the occupation of making bed
prings. Ho was a long time boarder
ixt the establishment , and consequent-
y was very well acquainted with both
Iced and his wife. Rood liked Lee
o well , too , that they were frequently
'out" together , and apparently shared
Mutual confidences. But it appears
rom recent developments that it was
another case of
5r something very much nfter that
ashion , and Leo carried the part of
lis snakeship out to the best of ad
vantage. Of late the ether boarders
at the house have made frco to re
mark upon an apparent intimacy bo-
weon the landlady ( who is a young
nd quite comely woman ) and the
manufacturer of bed-springs , and they
liege that upon various occasions she
was seen to put her arms lovingly
bout his neck , sit on his lap , and in-
ulgo in ether little pleasantness of a
ike nature , while her "hubby" was
upposod to bo cut of sight and hear-
ng. However this may bo , it is
iretty certain that Lee "stood in1'
olid somewhere , because he con-
inued to board without putting up
anything moro substantial than promi-
es for the same , until ho was in debt
o the house about
and it was only then that Reed made
a vigorous "kick" and demanded his
money. Leo promised to pay , but
ividently at the same time was con-
emplating a less expensive bit of
inancioring , wheruby ho could jump
ho bill and the house at the same
, imo. That night , Saturday last ,
Jeo's trunk was mysteriously spirited
out of the Reed mansion , and disap-
> eared from the possession of the cn-
aged landlord. Search for Lee on
Sunday proved unavailing , and finally
[ Iced had to content himself with the
reflection thai if he couldn't get any-
; hing out of his boarder , the self
same boarder couldn't get anything
rndro out of him'and therefore ho
put down'the ' $25.00 to the account of
profit and loss , aa that amount had
avidontly gene "where the woodbine
twinoth , " to Council Bluffs , or
some other mythical place.'But there
was another calamity , hanging over
Rood's head of which he. had no con
sciousness , and that was the
whose heart and clothes Lee had car
ried away in his trunk. On , Monday
Afternoon the gentle Maud kissed her
husband , os'she started up town on
im errand , and promised to got back
in time to prepare supper. Supper
time camp , but no Maud with it , and
Reod'bog'an ' to bo alarmed. When his
wife had gene she had taken an
album , of which the clasp was broken ,
with her to get it repaired. It did
not seem probable thac it would re
quire throe or four hours to fix an
album clasp , and so as the twilight
deepened Reed grow suspicious and
proceeded to look into his wife's
room. Ho then discovered that she
had removed , in some way , most of
the wearable clothing she possessed ,
and had lefc him only two or three
old dresses as souvenirs of her past
affection which was no more. Then ,
of coursd ,
The unfortunate boarding house
keeper was < thus left with n big house
on his hands , about a dozen
hungry boarders to feed and no one
to wrestle up the hash for them un
less ho put on an apron himself.
Finally , however , an arrangement was
made with a lady boarder to assume
the duties of housekeeper , and every
thing in that respect is moving along
as smoothly as usual. When it was
discovered that Mrs. Rood had vol
untarily left her bed nnd board it was
naturally supposed that she had an
other ono to go to , and then the
stories of peculiar behavior on the
part of the missing boarder nnd departed -
parted landlady became moro rife
than over , and the suspicion became
pretty well grounded that they had
gone off together. Whether this be
true or not , is of course a mattei
for future development as tc
the whereabouts of the bed-spring
artist , and his supposed inammorata.
Reed is understood to deny that hie
wife has left with Leo , and claimi
that she has loft him because of a fusi
they had , and that ho confidently ex.
poets her to return in a few days ,
She ii reported to bo at Red Oak ,
Iowa , from which point ono of the
lady boarders of the house claims t <
have received a letter from her. In
connection with this little sensation ,
in which Rood was prominently inter
estcd may bo called to mind ,
it occurring a few months ngo ,
Reed was formerly the reputed
huaband of a lady of not doubtful ro
putution , who now resides on Twolftl
street , nnd is known by the name ol
Lou Scott. Reed and this woman
lived together for some time in Iowa ,
and the result of their 'unionwas c
little girl , who is now near Sioux city ,
During this time a young womar
named Maud made Reed's house hoi
headquarters , and after a time Reed
became sufficiently enamored of her tc
put up a job on the "old woman1
as he irreverently termed hii
alleged .wife , and skip out witl :
Maud for parts unknown ,
His wife did not follow
dm , however , nnd nfter a time Ttecd
ilnimcd to hnvo never been married to
lis previous alliance , nnd married the
lowly acquired female partner , who is
none other than thoMrs. Reed who is
now reported to have
on him , in favor of the" bod-spring
maker. Time passed on and Rood
and wife No. 2 came back to Omaha ,
aking up their quarters in the Gel
den Gate restaurant near the
corner of Dodge and Twelfth
streets. It was not long
after Reed's return before
10 mot his former alleged wife , who
tad assumed the name of Scott , and
hen discovered that ho had made n
mistake , nnd that the old love wns
trongcst fltill. She indulged him in
.he . conceit that everything could bo
arranged as ho desired until she had
obtained possession of two or thrco
nortgngcs on some valuable furnitufo
10 had sold to parties taking the res-
aurant off his hands , nnd then she
juitc deliberately
md told him to help himself. Ho nt-
empted retaliation by securing her
irrest on the charge of obtaining the
mortgages and certain notes under
"also pretenses , and also for selling
> eer without a government license.
But the complaints didn't hold water ,
nd the matter was dropped. It is
claimed , too , that the Scott woman is
> artly responsible for the recent
Icparturo of Mrs. Reed , as Reed
s accused of being still unable to keep
away from his former wife , which fact
ms caused many family jars of con-
iderablo size during the past few
weeks. On the whole , however , it
eems to bo about "tit for tat , " in
which Reed seems to get only a largo
part of the "tat. " Buthostill "holds
he fort" nt the boarding house , set-
ing a good table , and will probably
ese none of his custom becausn of his
> ptter half's departure.
Not For B Fortune.
"Phew" I wouldn't marry her if she'd a
ortune. Poor ritl , she'd be all right H
he took Spring Blossom , the best thing in
he world for offensive breath. Price CO
ents , trial bottles 10 cents. 25-lw
A Damage Suit in the County Court.
Yesterday the petition of Al-
ixandor L. Pollock vs. Fred H. Davis
was filed in the county court.
After the usual legal introduction
he petition recites that on or about
he 2Cth day of December , 1881 , the
laintiff was in possession of and enti
led to the possession of A brick house
nd premises thereto adjacent , sit
uated on the i north side of Douglas
troot , between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth streets ; that at the time
hcplaintiff , ( Pollock ) was occupying
aid house as n dwelling with his
amily , consisting of a wife and
two young children , that said wife
and children were at the time in deli
cate health ; that on or about said
date , the defendant ( Davis ) , without
ust cause , threatened to remove the
plaintiff from said premises , and m
iiocution of said threat in order ,
'orcibly , and without legal or other
process to eject said plaintiff from
said promises , the defendant did re
move and carry away from the dwelling -
ing house the front doors and windows
dews of said house , thus ex
posing plaintiff's wife and chil
dren to cold , and leaving them
without protection from the rigors of
the winter weather. In consequence
of said cruel and unlawful act of said
defendant , the plaintiff wns obliged to
vacate the premises and thereby , and
through sickness in his said family ,
the plaintiff has incurred great ex
panse and suffered damage in the sum
of $500 , for which plaintiff prays for
judgment with costs.
The complaint is sworn to by the
petitioner before Chas. L. Thomas ,
and is filed by Smythe & Stull , at
torneys for Mr. Pollock.
The plaintiffs attorneys say that
he is bringing the suit with no pur
pose to bleed the defendant , but to
vindicate his position m the matter
which has nlreadry been fully placed
before the public.
You are nick ; well , there Is just one remc
dy that will euro you beyond possibility or
doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble ,
Consumption , Dyspepsia , Debility ,
' 'Well's Health Renewer" ia your hope.
81. Druggist Depot , C. F. Goodman ,
Omaha. (4) ( )
Her Brother Was Not Dead.
Mr. Charles Harris , a respected
citizen of Sodalia , Mo. , and known tea
a number of friends in Omaha , called
at THE BEK office on Wednesday. Ho
had received a copy of THE BEE which
contained n notice of the death of
Alfred H. Curtis , on Monday even
g , and loft for this city the follow
ing day.
Mrs. Curtis is Mr. Harris' sister ,
but as she had not heard from him
since July 2d , when ho was hero on a
visit , and had read a notice of the
death of a young man by the same
name , near Sodalia , she supposed him
to be no longer in the land of the liv
ing. Ho in turn believed her to be
yet in Montreal , whither she had gone
for the benefit of her husband's health.
It was & mutual error , and the
widowed sister is in a measure com
forted by discovering that her brother ,
whom she had given up for dead , still
lived , and that she was a little less
lonely in her bereavement.
As a rule wo do not recommenc
patent medicines , but when wo know
of one that really is a public benefac
tor , and does positively cure , then we
consider it our duty to impart that in
formation to all , Electrio bitten are
truly a most valuable medicine , anc
will aurely cure Biliousness , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney
complaints , even where all other rein
edies 'fail. We know whereof wo
speak-and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold at CO cents a bottle.
Ish&McMttlion. (7) ( )
"WINF V CARPUI" for Ladiea only
At q F. Ooodrnm.
Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnel
House , Tueadayi and Fridays , 10 a.
ro. to 4 p. m. tf
Drugged and Robbed.
A dilapidated looking man was
picked up on 18th street this morning
who claimed to have been drugged ar.d
robbed. The last thing ho rcmom
bored wns being on 12th street , M her *
10 took throe drinks , When ho next
recovered consciousness ho was on
L8th street , and found that ho had
i > con generally cleaned out. Ho had
est a gold watch valued at f 05 , $07
n money and his hat. '
BaokUa'i Arnica SY * >
The best salvo in the world for out * ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum ,
fever sores , totter , chapped hands ,
chillblaina , corns nnd all kinds of
skin eruptions. This salvo is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction in
every case or money refunded. Price ,
25c per box. For sale by
T ' A McMAnoy , Omaha.
eiDe Meyer's
The Only Known Real Cnro.
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale ,
< oet , Found , WanU , Boarding , &c. , Mill be In-
Mrtod In tbcso columns once ( or TEN CENTS
r line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENTS
wr line. Th tint Insertion never lem than
ONEY TO LOAM Call at Law Office ol D
M L. Thomas Room 8 Crelghton Block.
\ To l ° &n &tlrom B to 10 per cent'
on ( rood real ettatesocurltT , by
DR. ISAAC EDWARDS 1109 Fambatn St.
TO LOAfi At B per centln-
tere t In turns of 12,600 and
upwards , lor 8 to E yean , on first-claw city and
arm property. Bams RIXI , EaiAT * and Loan
AOMCT. Uth and Doualai Sta.
\TrANTED-A good steady boy lo drive n
YV horse and do chores. Robl. Purrit , 14th
and Do'ige. 824-31
A furnished room , suitable ( or
WANTED and wife. Must be east ol 16 h
It. and couth of Farnham. Address glrln ? loca
tion and rent , W. P. C. , Bee office. 823-20"
Experienced dining room elrl , at
WANTED Planters House , corner 16th and
Dodge'St. 827 20'
ANTED Catpenter. VYm. Everett , 9th
W and Capitol acnue. . 828 20"
M ) men at II. Mannwcllcr's em
ployment office , llth St. , near Farnham.
"ITITANTED Two good girls for housework ,
VV ont must be good cook. Call at 415 N.
20th St. , bet. Cess and Chicago. 820 31 *
"ITTANTED Girl ( or general house work. An
YV experienced one none other need apply.
1813 Webster. , 812 31 *
Situation by a respectable girl to
WANTED house v , ork In a private family.
Please call for at 1323 Dodge street 800-29 *
- cook at 1403 Cass street.
WANTED-Agood . W-tf
TTTANTED Dining room girl and two kitchen
YV girls 'at Ilelneke's restaurant , 13 h and
Jackson streets. ' 803 29 *
Good girl ( or general housework.
W Inquire 2020 St. Marys avenue. Eol-tf
- ] . Glllneky * Co. have purchased
WANTED- business ol H.'Berthofd , at 1020
Douglas street , where they will continue the
business , and by fair dealing and paying good
prices they propose to Increase tha trade. They
solicit parties who have old Iron , rags , junk and
metal * to give them a call. 7081 mo
\TrANTED .An eastern publisher desiresthe ,
y V the services ol an active , reliable and
educated gentleman to act a * special solicitor lor
a first-class art publication. Address , P. O.
Rex 1214 Council Bluffs , Iowa. 784-29
A situation as booK-Keepur by
WANTED . . understands double
and single entry , Is also a good penman Best
references git en. Address , C. K. , B. o ollico.
4 children aa b artier * in a select
WANTED , at 19th and California St. L. I ! .
LOOMI3. 767-tf
Girl to do housework. Enquire
WANTED Farnham St. 442-U
Funding bridge and school bonds.
WANTED Clark , Bellovuo. 28-tf
TJlOHltENT One nice furnished front room ,
JL ? No. 1"23 Douglas St.- 810-tf
T7IORHENT A finely furnished , large Iront
JL ; room on first floor , In a pleasant locality ;
S. W. corner 16th and Jones St. 822-31 *
RENT First and second floors ol new
FOR house ( or rent. Inquire 1416 Chicago
St. , bet. 14th and 15th Sta. 8204
OR RENT A nl ely lurnlslicd Iront room ,
E 1421 Howard fct. , near the Withnell.
825-4 *
T710R RENT One of the best stores on Cumlng
JL * St. , 20x21 , by January 1,1882. 820 tf
| 10R RENT-CHEAr 1J story house ; cellar ,
! well and cistern , 1221 N. 19th St. 815-311
10R RENT House of 0 rooms , enquire at
031 Jackson St. 813-29 *
I OR RENT One nice furnished front room ,
F No. 1723 Douglas St. 816-tl
1011 RENT Two furnished rooms to let. In-
F luiro at 634 17th St. 810-23' '
I OR RENT Furnished rooms at northwest
F corner 18th and Farnhara Sts. 818-2
RENT The large three story and base
ment brick building , situate near the cor-
near the corner ol 13th and Dodge Sts. , suitable
( or a wholesale business or storage and commis
sion warehouse. Apply to Mrs. LOUISA HIL-
LIKE , N. E. corner Dodge and IStb Sts. 819-11
OR RENT OH SALE A htndsome house ol
J } nine , rooms , handsomely rurnUhvd , Furni
ture ( or sale. D , Cooke , 812South - 18th street.
796-S1 * .
"IT10R RENT House of 8 looms , cellar , cittern
JO and barn , Shinn's 2nd addition. Apply to
J. S. flobb , 612 8.13th ht. 788-8 *
KKMT Kurniihed rooms , single or suit.
EOH . E. corner Uth and Cblrgo. 783-23 *
T710R SALE 1 cabinet sewing machine , almost
JD new Singer with all the latest improve
ments will sell cheap. Inquire at 1318 Firnham
St. , bet 13 h and Uth. 777-tf
fTlOR KKNT One nicely lurrUhed ( rent room ,
JO one unfurnished room ; east side 17th St. ,
one door north ol Douglas. 77 * U
T710H RENT House , t rooms , south end 10th
JL1 St. Enquire J. U ilcCasue , opposite post
office. 770-tl
PENT Nlctly ( urnlshed rooms with .or
FOR ' boird. Reasonable prices. 2013
Cass St. 760-tf
RENT Bri k store , Jacobs' block , cor ,
FOR and Capitol avenue. J. G. JACOBS.
RENT Collate ol 3 rooms , well and
FOR ; 23rd and St. Mary's avenue , Ku-
quire ol M.V , Kenned ) , 312 8. 13th St , 749-tl
KENT furnished rooms at A. A. Gib
FOR ' , California , bet. 14th and 16th.
T7IOR RENT A suit or tingle rooirs , nicely
JO furnished , at N. W , cor. 20th and Dtven-
port ffiO-tl
EOR KENT-A Brst-clMs hall lor society put
JO posts. Centrally located. For particulars
ca ulre Kenoud Bros. , Uth and DeugbsSU.
OR RRNT Furnlnhed rooms , north side of \
JD C llfoiuU St. , 2d door west ol tut. Innulrc-
atter 1 p. ro. 484-tf
nOH RENT New house Of 7 rooms , IBth neil
Grace Six. Enquire K. Y. Smith. C84-M'
BENT S furnished rooms ovst lu-
FOR ' KxchanreN. K. cor. Uth M > d Dodf >
streets. S99-M
8AUS. t I
- h y. N.OO per ton. at
FORSALE-Baled , 16th St. 851-10 A-
FOR HALE A good paying bnslneM , over one
hundred wr cont. profit ! bu lne s already
established ; will lx i full Investigation ; owntr
hM other buslncts , nly reason for sclllriir. Ad-
drew A. U. , thU office. 811-W
Tl&R HAL.K One lot bttr kegs , band * , tubs ,
JL1 v at * , punche ni , tanks , it. , also one bollti
anil cnirlne , force pump. shaftlnR , plpt" , *
at old Itrcwer & Dcmls brewery i > rpml ri ) , cornn-
Olh and Pacific. Lmijsorjj i MncALfCo ,
TCOR HALE Proposals for the purchase of the
JO frame building heretofore occupied as Trin
ity Cathedral , will be received by the undersign
ed lor twenty days ( torn date. The pnrchancr
must agree to remove the building within thirty
davs from acceptance of bed , carpets , scata and
other furniturestnlneJ glass , windows In chancel
and Iramo supports unJcr the building mint note
o Included. The right to reject bids Is rcscrv *
d. if. W. YATKS.
787.17 At First National ] ! ank.
[ 7011 SALE 2 nice counters nnd 2 sliver plated *
J"thnw cases , at Gco. U. Pctetaoi.'s , 804 South.
10th St. 741-lf
"TjlOIl SALE Or will cxchnnga for Onvtha pro-
JO perty , an Improved section ol land adjoin
ing a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHASI , 141E
t'arnham St. , Omaha. 720 3mtr
" 1710H SALE Or trade for city property , on
Jj pan or horccs , harness and wagon , Addrcs
S. Y. , thlsoinci ! 722 U
FOH SALE Largo business lot ontlarnoj M ,
suitable for nholcsallng John L. Me
Cague , Opp. 1' . O. C2UI
TTjOR SALE A good sovcn-ycnr-old horco-
JC Warranted to drive single or double. En
quire ol George Contteld , CanQeld house.novlSU
HICK. 1X > 11 fAL.ll.
"I7VOR SALE Maps ol Douglas and Barpy one--
JO Mo * . A. R08EWATERl620Farnham street )
SPECIAL NOTICE "On and niter" January
1st , 1882 , no wines , liquors or spirits ol any
description will bo sold ( rom my drug store.
817-30 JOHN W. DELL.
F IOUND A bnnbox , on Monday , containing
several artclei ( or children. Owner can.
u > e same by proIng property and pit } Ing lor
this notice. Inquire at ollico. e04-27
T71URN1SI1ED ROSSIS For single gentlemen-
JO also ono trent room with piano , southwest ,
comer IRth and Capital avenue. tOO-tf
MR-J. H. VICHEKY-A practical piano und
erpin tuner and builder. Orders Iclt with *
Woolcy fc Dtt > ls , opposite P. O. , will be prompt
ly attended to. 780-28 *
LET Nicely furnished rooms , with o
without board , 1417 Howard St. 7S1-2S4
pJOTKUCTION GIVEN On tpewritrer , with ,
I u e ol machine. Bell & Ames. 1600 Farn-
h m St. 770-28 *
IEillb' NKW CITY MAPS , 10c. Mount e
B Maps. $2.60. OfcO. P. BEMIS.
JHACHSTKA8SER fan the highest caaht
. price for second hand billiard and pooll
tables. Call or address , 09 South 10th ttrcct. .
Omaha , Neb. d9-lm *
mAKEN UP NOTICE Taken up on Saturday
JL Dec. 3rd , two bay horses , ages about 5 and )
13 ears ; fair clzo and well matched. Owner can-
Imvo same by proving property and pavlncr
charges. WM. RAW1TZEU , i mile westol1
Qualej'a soap factory , Diugl&a precinct.
JL INOCO. , Will pay cosh for horns by thecar-
looddellrered at any railroad depot in Sioux City-
Texas ttecr horn preferred For particulars n < r
dres , D. C. Hobie , 8upt 813-jl
"PORTRAITS IN CRAYON Pastilo and Oil , .
_ L ko decorative pointing. MRS. D. R.
WARDNER , room 1 , Jacob's Block. 542-tT
B EMIS' REALrSTATK BO01L-8ec In page.
NOTICE. Special advertisements , such as *
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , .
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted in thtoi
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER
LINE ( or tha first Insertion and FIVE CENTS-
PER LINE ( or each subsequent insertion-
Leavendvertlsements at our office , upstairs , ,
corner Broadway and Alain streets , Council1
TTt7"ANTED To buy 100 tons broom com.
YY For particulars address Council BluOa *
Broom Factor } ' , Council Blufh , Iowa. 068-2IHI
A first-class broom tier. Mayno.
WANTED Council Bluffa , Iowa. 060 30 *
T710R SALE Old papers 40C per hundred , at
JD The Bee office. Council BluUs. se27-tf
mO BttlCK-MAKERS. FOR SALE B acres or
I more of land adjo'nlng the brickard ot
llanncr & Haliie * ' on Upper Broadway. * For
particulars apply to DaId Ilalncs or to Hanncr'0 <
ollko at the BoardolTrade roims , Conn ell Dluffe-
776-dc22 3m
T71OR S ALE Flrut-class saloon 1 J miles cast > '
JL : city on "Mo qulto , " on line ot R. I. B. K
Good place to make mono/ . Address ,
BKE Office.
decfl-Ot Council Blutls.
Everybody In Council Bluffs Ic.
WANTED Tn BKB , 20 cents per week , de
llvcred by carriers. Office corner Broadway undo ,
Main , up stairs. Council Bluffs. CO'Ml
TOTTE1'8 ! TICKET OFFIOE-War In railroad.
f tickets continues to boom. Unprecedented' ,
low rates to all eastern points. Every ticket )
guaranteed , Orders filled by telephone. Froat
one to ten dollars saved by purchasing tlcketo *
ol C.A. Potter , successor to Potter & Palmer , No.
40 South Filth street , ( our doors below the post-
office. Council Bluffs. Iowa. octl3-tf
\T7"ANTED Boy , with pony , to carry papers
YY Inquire at BIB otilco , Council Bluffs.
octl3-t (
TIONALIBT , 498 Tenth Street , between Farnham.
andHainey. Will , with the aid of guardlani
spirits , obtain ( or any one a glance at the pti
and present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Perfect
* " - * ctlen ruarauteed
Absolutely Pure. \
Tblt ponder never varies. A marvel of purity. ,
strength and vholcsomeneis. More economical !
than the ordinary klndi , and cannot be sold In ,
competition with ths ( multitude of low U t ,
short weight , alum or phosphaU powdtrtu
Sold only In cans.
New York.