r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FBI DAY. DECEMBER 30 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. * OMAHA PUQLI8HINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. f ? 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TEKMS Of SUnsciUPTION , da copy 1 year , In adrancopo ( tpAld ) $10.00 0 month ! " " . . . 8.01 month " " . . . 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. nXSCARD CmCAQO , ST. rift , MIXXKArOUS AND ,0 > IAIIA RAILROAD. Leave Omaha Pjuwensor No. S , 8:30 : . m. Ac- < eotnmodaUon No. 4 , M Op. m. Arrive Omaha Passenger No. kl , 6:50 : p. m , , Accommodation No. 3,10:50 : n. m. HAVING OMAHA RAST OK BOOTn BOOKD. a , a & O. 7:40 : ft. m. 3:10 : n. m. C. t N. W. , 7:40 : s , m. 3:40 : rn m. a , n. I. ft r. , 7:401 : , a 5:40 : p. m. K. a , St , J. A 0. 3. , leaves nt 8 a. m. and 6SO : p. m. Arrives at St. Louis at 0:50 . m. and 5:52 : .p. m. m.W. , St. L. A P. , leave * at 8 B. m. and 3:40 : p. in. Arrives at St. Louis At 0:10 : a. m. and 7:30 : m WRM OR sotrrmrxm. ! B. k It. In Neb. , Through ExprnH , 8M : a. m , D. Ai U. Lincoln Kxproau 0:20 : p. tu. 13 P. Overland Express , 12:15 : p. m. O. & n V. ( or Lincoln , 11:41 : a. m. O. A It. V. ( or Oscoola. 0:40 : a , m. V. P. freight No. E , 6:30 : a. m. 'U. P. freight No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. 'U. P. freight No. 13 , 2W : p. m. < D. P. ( rolght No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant. . -P. | Denver expreiw , 7:35 : p. m. 'U. P. ( nlrht No 11 , 11-30 p. m. ( U. P. Denver frcluht , 8:25 : p. m. AKUVUIO FROM AST AKB fCDTD. a 0. * O 6KW a. m. 7:25 p m. < . * N. W. , 0:46 : a. m. 7:2S p. m. a B. L & P. . 0:46 : a. m.-9OS p. m. . a , 8L Jo k 0 a , 7:40 : a. m.lB : p.m. iuirna raox TOR s t AJTO Mtrnrmsn. vO. R. V. ( ram Lincoln 1.03 p , m. .U. P. Pacific Exproas 9:2i : p. m. D * M. In Neb. , Through Kxpnw4lS p m. B. k U. Lincoln Expresg 9:40 : a m. TU. P. Denver oxpron , 7S& : o. m. D. P. Freight No. 14 2:60 : p. m. 1U. P. No. 0 6:10 : a. m. Emlfrant. 'U. P. freight No. II , 1S:16 : p. m. tU. P. No 8-0:00 : p. m. D. P. No. 12 1:46 : a. m. IU. P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a , m. O. * lU V. mixed , ar. 4:45 : p. to. tnorr TBAIXS BSTWRM OMAHA JUTD cotuuii BLtnrn. . iLwro Omaha at BM , 0:00 : , 10K10 and 11KIO m. ; IA 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 6.-00 p. ro. Le re Council Bluffs at 8:26 : , 8:26. : 10:25 : and 11:15 . m. ; 1:26 : , 2:26 : , 3:26 : , 4:25 and 6:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy Icavta Omaha at 0:00 . od 11:00 a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p. m. Loavoa Council "luffs at 9:16 : and 11:16 a. m. ; 2:26 , 4:26 " aad ( :25 p. m , ThrooRh and local passcnecr trains between Omaha and Coim 11 muffs. Leave Omaha 6il6 , 7:45 : , 8:50 : a. m. ; 3:10 : , 6:45 : , 0CO : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:36,11:45 : a. m. ; S:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , : i:40 . m. p. _ _ _ _ . _ Opening an4 Closing of Mflls. RODTB. OfM. OM8R. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. Chicago & N. W . 11.00 9:00 6:30 : 2:40 : 'Chicago , R I. & Fadflc. 11:00 9KM 6:30 : 2:40 : -Chicago B. & Q. . . , . .11:00 : 9:00 : 5:30 2:40 : WabSh ! . . . . 12:30 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and I'ftclflc. . 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : "Union Pacific . X ) 11:40 : 4KW 11:40 : .B.SM. InNob . 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Bloui City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 : n. A M. Lincoln . 10:30 : 6:00 : 0. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Denver Exo . :00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 MO Local malls for State of Iowa leave but once a day , vlx : 0:80 a.m. . Office open Sundays from 12 m , to 1 p. m. TT10S. F HALL P U. Business Directory. Abstract and Real batata. JOHN L , McOAOUE , opppclto Poet Office. W. B. BARTLETT 317 South 18th Street. Architects. DUFBEMK & MENDELS30I1N , ARCHITECT8 Boom 14. Crolghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cielghton Block. Boot * and Shoo * . JAMES DIVINE & co. , . .ffln * Boot * and Shoes. A good assortment o ! 'kome work on hand , corner 12th and Barney. TH08. KRICK80N , 8. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATU3. -005 10th street , manufactures to order good work > t faUr prices. c Bepalringdono. _ , - Bed Spring * . I. K LARJUMKR Manulactarir. 1617 DbarlasiL Books , News and Stationery. J. L FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoQHANE & 8CHROEDER , the oldest B. and B. -UonselnNebtuka ostobllahod 1875 Omaha. OKKTRAL BESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , toathwe t corner IBthand Dodge. Best Board for the Honoy. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ( Ueals at nil Qonrs. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms ( or Cash. Furnished Rnnms Supplied. Carriages and Road Wagons. WH 8NYDER , 14th and Harney Streets. JOHN BAUUER 1314 Fomham Street Junk. , H. BERTHOLD , Rags and Metal. Lumber , Lima and Oament. FOSTER & GH.iY corner Bth and Douglas Hit. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1309 DoozUs St Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. 0. A LINDQUE3T , One of our most f cpular Merchant Tailors is re ceiving the latest designs ( or Spring and Summer -Hoods for gentlemen 8 wear. Styllali , durable , vacd prices low as ever 216 ISth bet Doiur.i Farn. Millinery. UBS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card lioarcln , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In * the West Purchasers save 30 per cent. Order br Uall. 116 Fifteenth Street foundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson et Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Sth and Farnham St > . , Welshans liros. , proprietirs. Urocors. Z. STKVENS , 21st between Cumlng and liar T. A. McSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumlnpr Htrects. Hardwaie , Iron and Oteel. OLAN & LANa\yOUTHY , Wholesale , 110 an < " 112 16th etrcet A. HOLMES corner IMh and California. Harness , Saddles , &c. B. WKIST JO 18th St. bet FarnKarney. . Hotels ; ANFIELD HOUSE , Oeo. Canflcld.Oth & Farnh oi kDORAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 013 Farnham Ht. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. 'Southern Hotel Gua. llaincl Oth &Lcavcnwortb Clothing Bought. 0 HAW will pay highest Cuh price for second < hand clothlnp , Corner 10th and Farnham. Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUHNCO. . -Phirmadii 4) , Fin * v nc Itooih , Cor. 16tn * IXiuiln ttrnets. "H. I , WnrrCHOUPE , Wbolemle * R/itall , Kth it C. FIELD , 2021 North Side Cumlng Street PABR , DrugKbt , 10th and Howard Street * . Dentists. iDR. PAUL , Williams' Block Cor. 16th A Do-lge. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN H. t. LEtlMANN & CO. , N w York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 him street L.C. Enewold also boots and shoe * 7th A Padfle. rurulturo. A r. OROBS , New and Btuond Hand Furniture nd Stores , 1114 DOUZIU. Highest cub price aid ( or second hand goooi. BONNER 1809 Doorta st. Fine iroodi , &c f-ence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. . aUBT , FRIFJ & CO. , 1213 Harney St , toprovo. od Ice Boxei , lion and Wood Fences , OKce "Oaillctr , Countera of Pine and Walnutf ) Olgar * and Tobacco , WEST A FIUT8CI1KR , manufactur n ot Clgart , and Vholmale Denlersl n Tobaccoa , 1S06 DoiiKlan. f , F. LORKNZKN manufacture r 1410 Farnham Florist. A. Donaghne , plants , cut flower * , * di , MxjneU Ic. N , W. cor. 10th and DouclM streets. Olvll Engineers and Surveyor * . ANDREW ROSF.WATF.il. Crclghton Rlock , 'own Surveys , Oradi and Sewerage Systems a peelalty. Uommlttlon Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL L1S.UU Doilge Street D B. DEEMER. ForttctalU oo large advertise ment In Dallr and Weekly. Cornlca Works. Vcstcrn Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Mrnlce , Tin , Iron and Slate lloofllng , Onlers rom any locality promptly execute * ! In the beet manner. Factory and OfUco 1213 Harney St C. SPECItT , Proprietor. Jalranlted Iron Uornlcva , Window Caps , etc. , manufactured and put up In any part of the country. T. SINHOLD 410 Thirteenth street Crockery , J. BONNKIl 1309 Douglas street Good lint. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. GRO. H. PETERSON. Aim Hats , Caps , Boots , Ihoee. Notion * and Cutlery , 804 8.10th street Refrigerators , Canfleld'a Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN llth St bet Farn. A Harney. Show Oasa Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show Cases , Upright CMOS , ft „ 1317 Cose St FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , 818 South Iflth street , between Learcnworth and Marcy. All goods warranted Bret-dot * . Pawnbrokers. R08KNPKLD. 10th St. . h > . far , at Har Stove * ana Tinware. A. BURUESTEK. > ealer In Btorn and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows'Block. J. BONNER. 1309 Douglas Bt Good and Cheap. 8 eds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians and Burgeons. W. B. GIBBS , U. D. , Room No s , Orelghton Block , 16th Street P. S. LEI8ENR1NO , II. D. Masonic Block. 0 , L. HART , M. D. , Ky * and. Ear , oj > p. postoffice DR. L. B. GRADDY. Oculist and Aurist. B. W 15th and Farnham Bts Photographer * . GEO. IIEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near klasonlc Hall. Bint-class Work and Prompt. neaa guarantees Plumblnft , Qas and Steam Fitting. P. W.TARPY tCO..2181SthHt , bet Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. 1 > . ? ITZPATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street. Painting an aper anglng. A. KOSTKRS. 141 Dodge Street Shoo mores. Phillip Lang , 1320 Farnham et. bet 18th A llth. Second Hand Store. PERKINS A LEAR. 1418 Douglas St. New and Iccond Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , EC. , bourht and sold on narrow margins. Haloons. HENRY HAUFMANN , n the now brick block on Douglas Street , has Just opened a most elegant BeeJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 18 everyday. 1 Caledonia "J FALCONER 67916th Street Undertaker * . OHAS. RIEWE , 101V Farnham bet 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Stores. P 0. HACKUS. 1206 Farnham St. . Fancy Goods I f you are man V Vlf you are a , of Cu' lne.ivrcak' V nmu of lev enrd by the ( train of Vf ti-ntotlinKOTarrtrl your Uutlos avoid W nlKbt work , to re § Btlmnlantsrtnd u * BJ torobrftlunonretind Hop Bitt r . w , lue.Hop B. If TOU are roona and Hsnfforlna from anr It. discretion or dftslpa Btluui if you are mar ried or single , old orHjrounjr.suIfprlnii'from poorhealtnorlanffUuliHInf ? on > Ded 01 sick * ceo , rely on H o pH Bitter * * Wioerer ronmn. if * IbouMnas cue & h ever you feel HH nuallT J"f0 / ? " e8S5iS8 'ttSi } rtftl dfla& iiceui uuu" . . . . . IRRRRRI V TB iMnpraienti-c r timely tiseof " " " " " fkS""Hop" " * / HcpOItter. Bltt ra. - * " - - _ " " , .u _ . . . . . . " D.1.O YOU will t > eBi ! | | > rrrr > nrtl tibaccoor cured KyouuseM DTTLDPI | narcotics. Hop Bittsjr lfjouareili _ ply weak and low spirited , try NEVER itt it may OF BMTOS Ufa. It hni saved hun | | B kMlrrB.l dred * . I A Toronto , Out. HAWKEYE PLAINIM MILL CO , , Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of 8A8H , DOORS , BLINDS , BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , &O. Great reduction In Bank Counters , Plans fur nished , and work furnltbod In all kinds of bard or eoft wood. Counters finished in oil when do- ilred. Shelving of nil kinds furnished and put nto building ready for paint on short notice Our workmen are the best mechanics that can be procured , Save money by giving us your con : racts. Stairs , Newels and Baluster * . Our foreman In this deportment waa former ! } with Frost Manufacturing Co , c Chicago , Ills , and has dona some of the Qnost Stair work n the Northwest. Orders bv ninll nromntlv aUendnl rn. o9Q m Free to Everybody ! A Beautiful Book for the Asking. By applying personally at the nearest office of THE 8INUiil JIANUFAOTUKINCJ CO. ( or jy } H > atal card If at a distance. ) any ADULT per , sou wll | be presented with a beautifully llius- rated copy of a Now Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED , OH THE STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE containing a handsome and costly steel engrav ing frontlsplcrco ; also , d finely engraved wood cuts , and bound In an elaborate blue nnd gold lithographed cover. No charge whatever Is made for this handsome book , which can bo obtained only by application at the branch and aubor dlnato offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. THE 8INOEK MANUFACTURING CO , , Principal Office , Si Union Square , Now York oct27-dni&etf&w PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl A sure cure Tor Blind , lileedlnjr , Itching snd Ulcerated I'lles h a been discovered by Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr , William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the wont Chronic cues ef 25 or SO jcars standing. No one need sutler five minute * alter applying tkU wonderful nothing medicine. Lotions , Instru ments ami electuaries do more harm than good , William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , alUyi the Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after getting warm In bed.Jacta as poultice , glvca In stant and painless relief , and Is prepared only for Piles , itching ; of the private parts , and ( or ootb log else. Head what the lion J. II CcfBnberry ef Cleve- and tars about Dr. Wllllam'i Indian Pile Oint ment : I hava uwd scoroa of I'lles cures , and II For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt o : price , (1.00. HENRY & CO. . Pj-op'r. . , ClKWOKD. OlIIO. For sale by 0 , F Goodman.OctlOcleodftwanwir ODD-TIME MAUntAOES. The Matrimonial Ventures of Certain Distinguished People. 0\th" In the Cincinnati Knqulrcr. In former days marriages between olitical families , north and south , voro very common. They are so un common now that people read with curiosity how President Arthur's wife waa a Virginia naval olHcer's daughter. [ recollect in my boyhood walking out o aoe old Colonel Chew , nf Phlladol- ) hia , who was a son of n great chief ustico of Pennsylvania , and his sister narricd James M. Mason , the rebel iommissionor to Europe. Around the 3how house was fought the battle of 3ormiuito\vn. Old Colonel Chow ookcd n little like one of the Apostles > f Christ , nnd a little like n crazy man , ; Io had curious , long , rinqlottod hair , nnd , I think , wore knee breeches. Ho "md n furious enmity with his brothor- , nlaw , Mnson , nnd hailed the break- ,1 , % out of the war , because the thought t would result in having Mason Philadelphia , when I was a boy : h ro , was filled with southern wives mil sons-in-law. There wns Pierce Butler. Ho married Fani > y Komblo , anioconf Mrs. Siddona , and I think , in aunt of Nelly Q rant's husband , Fanny Koniblo catno to Philadelphia with her father to piny , and : his Philadelphia slnvo-plantor eont her splendid presents and * proposed. They had two children , but aho soon found that hit arrogant slave-bred style nnd close supervision ever her English exorcises on horseback , etc. , was nothiucr. loss , han slavery. At the outbreak of the war the mob wont to Butler's house and played n very threatening serenade , and no jumped the city , and I think , was ruined in the war. Jay Gould has a plain , sensible 'amily , to which he gives all the atten tion compatible with his vast schemes nnd speculations. Ho soonipd to have adopted the policy of bringing his children up simply and naturally , in stead of Haunting their names in the newspapers as bridesmaids , best men , party queens , eto. From what I licar , his son , Ucorgo Gould , is a good deal of a gentleman careful about the social amenities ; and although jould ! is seldom popular in Now York business circles , his family lifo is always mentioned with respect. Colonel Thomas A. Scott , having married early in lifo and beconio n widower with children , marri' d con siderably later the daughter of a ro- spectublo editor in Pittsburg , who was very well bred , but had , I think , earned her living for a while as an amateur artist. She kept excellent company , and was recommended to Mr. Scott as u woman who would raise us social grade , and accompany him ; o higher positions if ho should bo called to them. Colonel Scott had ; ho Presidency on his mind for seine years. Though at ono time it looked is if his estate would turn out less ; han nothing , the rise of value floated t off , and left Mrs. Scott a rich widow nnd all the family in fine circum stances. Col. Forney , who died the other lay , married while a young printer , a ady in the town where ho sprang up. While ho was Clerk of Congress and iditor of the financial organ of Pierce 10 accumulated some property , nnd tains at the time intimate with President Buchanan , the latter bo- some trustee for Mrs. Forney in near- y a block of houses ndjacmit to the lostoiticc. When , some years after ward , Forney and Buchanan quarreled , the ox-President refus ed to sign away the property as is trustee , fearing that Forney neant to uao the money.to attack him. Buchanan , you may remember , never married. It is related in Lancaster that ho was engaged to a delightful woman , but with his cold nature ho treated her once so disdainfully that she died. Harriet Lane , Buchanan's niece , a fine looking woman , did not marry either , through consideration for. her uncle , until ho had boon long out of the presidency. I observed that Colonel Scott's friend , Governor Durtin , had a daughter among the bridesmaids at the Yandorbilt wed ding Mr. Curtin had another daugh ter married to the eldest son of Henry Sagi > , ono of two or throe wealthy men in Henry Ward Becchor's church , nnd an cndowor of the Cor nell university. I read to-day that the father of General Sickles , a man at least < -hty ! ; years of ago , had just been married ai/aiii , and had issued cards for the wedding. Sickles' father was a shrewd old follow , very indifferent to public opinion , who made considera ble money in Now York state , getting in about 1850 , when Now York began to shoot up. Ho alway had a wife of some kind , and people hero are wondering whether his last match is not an intimation to Daniel Sickles ; hat' ho does not moan to dispose of iiis money eccentrically. The marriage of James Madison , which took place in Philadelphia while he waa a member of Congress , end already n ninn of middle ago , is chiefly remarkable for the gayety and social assumption of his wife , nnd for the lauiPiitablo sack of JIT estate by her son by her first marriage. Madi- son's wife was keeping n boarding house in Philadelphia whontho future president stopped there. Shu was a ruspectablo Virginia Quaker. She was the first wife of a president to lead the political circle , although it is not recorded that she had either much wit or a uood education. Her power was in her manner that delighted the men something like a full grown up coquette. Poor Madison had to pay debts , gambling and otherwise , of hif ) stepson , to the end of his.days , nnd then this scapegrace ruined his moth- , too. George lliggs , who recently died in Washington , leaving a fortune of about 85,000,000 , had a daughter married in the family of Arundol , the samp Lord who married a daughter to Cecil , Lord Baltimore. Riggs was a widower , who sought consolation in the platonic society of an editor's widow who had great power to fanci- nato , and whoso estate , small as it was , he brought up to something ro spectnblo. Mr , Corcoran , the neighbor and partner of Mr. Riggs , was the eon ol a shoemaker nt Georgetown , born in Ireland , but who became mayor ol Georgetown , Corcoran had the social passion strong , and jio pressed to marry the daughter of Comniodoro Morris , of the navy. The most harmonious family thai over llvod in the white homo was Martin Van Huron nml his sons. Ho ind married his couin , who died , 01111 ? ; , and the president brought up lis boys to share every confidence ho ! iml. Yet , on the whole , the climax of the family wns indiHerontly well. Don Cameron's wifn , who is con. sldorod to bo ono of the brightest adios in Washington , if not the erulor of the administration society : here , was the poor daughter of Judge Sherman , of Cleveland. Stephen Docalur , probably the nest high-toned man the American lavy over know , hntl n singular mnr- rinfjo. His wife wns illegitimate , though ho did not know it till afto ho lind married her. 3ccntur married her , nnd nftor his loath it wns nllogod that she nimod to narry old Charles Carroll , of Carroll- on , himself. Dccatur was very in dignant when he found this secret out , and would hava no money from his nthor-in-law. You will tuul this nil old in the scandal-loving book of DonJAinin Ogle Taylor , which gives n description of all the houses on Lv ? ayotto square , Washington , and all , heir tenants. It was not uncommon in Maryland , n days near the Revolutionary war , 'or marriages to bo uncelebrated , Charles Carroll , of Carrollton , the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence , refused to leave Eng- and for the United States , after ho ind Finished his studios , until his hthor would go nnd marry his mother. They were Catholics , and up to the Revolutionary war the Catholic wor ship wns rot loual in America , and , of course , Catholic marriages were not. Stiih examples spread in the lower walks , anil Mrs. Docntur's father had icr of an Irish woman wholivod at his iron works nt Elkridgo , near the Itolny louso. As ho made nor his daughter , lowover , and educated her At the jest schools of the day , whore her schoolmates were Charles Carroll's raud-dauchtors , nothing was cnown of the matter. Prince Jerome Bonaparte preferred Inr , o Miss Patterson , whom ho married ; } ut an nnnoymous letter sent to her 'athor by a Frenchman acquainted with the true intentions of the prince , o go through the form of matrimony noroly to debauch the young woman. Stephen Girard , the rich Philadel- ) hian , who was a curious compound > f the miser nnd the philanthropist , the infidel and the Quaker , mirriod unhappily , and according to general tradition wns very unkind to his wiio. Yet ho loft ho best handled estota ever given in his country , or perhaps , in nnyotlior , o a charitable need. His principal competitor in making loans was rich \h. \ Hidgwny , "whoso daughter and loir married Dr. Bush. Ho was a tudious man , with a moral tendency. His wife loved gay society , nnd young nun nnd reckless appearances. Probably she was n much bettor wo- nan than invidious Philadelphia poole - } lo insinuated. She and her husband , .hough living together , had little or ib intercourse , and , being childless , 10 loft her property to the Philadpl- ) hia library , founded by Franklin. Hio most effective library building on his continent has boon built with the money. So it frequently happens that uncongenial marriages redound to the benefit of the poor and the mblic. "Bnohupaiba. " Now , quick , complete euro In four dayii , urinary iiffcctions , smarting , frequent or difficult urination , kidney diseoHOii. 81. Depot at C. F. Goodman' * . (5) ( ) The Tallow Tree Mr. 0. N. Denny , United States consul general at Shanghai , has sent o a friend in California , for distribu- ion throughout the state , a package of the seeds of the "tallow tree , " which ho thinks will flourish there , with the following interesting descrip tion of the process by which its fruit "s prepared for use : "Tho nuts grow n clusters and are gathered in No vember. When ripe , the capsule di vides and discloses , usually , about ; hroe kernels , covered with pure , tiard , white tallow. In preparing the ; allow the ripe nuts are put into a wooden cylinder with a perforated bottom , and , after ton or fifteen min utes' steaming , the tallow becomes so soft that it is easily detached from the albumen of the seeds by breaking them with mallets. It is then sepa rated from the seeds by sifting it through hot sieves , but , of course , it is discolored from mixtures with the brown testa of the seeds , nnd inorder to strain it and make it perfectly pure and white , it ia poured into a cylinder made up of rings of straw placed ono on top of the other , then put into a rude press , when the tallow is squeezed through in a pure state. From 133 pounds of seed is obtained from from Forty to fifty pounds of tallow , besides the oil obtained subsequently from the albumen by grinding , steaming and pressing it. The tallow is used For a variety of purposes by the Chi nese , but more particularly for mak ing cnndlcH , which ate burned in Bnddhiot worship. " A Baptist IvTinlntor'n Experience I am a Bnptl t minister , nnd before 1 even thought of buin : , ' a clergyman , I graduated in medicine , lint left u lucrative practice for my promt profcHslgn , 40 ye.irs ago. I was for many year * a suf ferer from ijuinsy ; Tlioiimn Kcluctrlc Oil cured niu. I WIIH nl o troubled with honi-BCtifliiK , mid TliniiiaN * Kclectrlo Oil nl- wnyH icliuved mo. My wife and child had diplitlion'n , nnd Thimiaa' Kuli-ctrlo Oil cured them , nnd if taken in time will cure seven tiinen out of ton. I am con fident It in n euro for the moht obstirmto cold or cou h , and if nny ono will take n einnll teaspoon and half fill It with the Oil , and then place the mul ol the R onn In ono nostril an I draw the Oil out of the Hiioon into the head by unlfling as hard u * they can , tir.tll the nil talla over into the throat , anil practice that twica a week , I don't pare how olfeiiHlvo their heat may l > o , It will cli-aii U out. and euro their cataarli. For deafnexj and earache it linn dona wonderi ) to my certain knowledge. It is tha only medicine ilubhed like patent medicine that I have ever felt like recom mending , and I am very anxious to ece I in every n'ace ' , for I tell you that I wouli not ho without It in my house fur any consideration. I am now stifferln ) ; with a pain like rheiimatUtu in my tight limb , and nothing relieves me like ThomaV Kc lectrio Oil. UH. K. V. OHANK , 2.5-Iw Corry , J'fl. NebraskaLandAgem DAVIS & SNYDER , 1605 F rnh m St. , . , . Om h , Nebr * 4100,000 . k.OaECXIK3 CsrB.ully nclettoa land la Kamurn Jfobruxkfo sale. Uroat Hart-airs la Improved firms , m Otuilm city property , 0. F. DAVIS ) WmiSXKIl SNYPER Ute lAQd Com'r U. P , II. - . TRUTH ATTESTED. tamoImportnntbtntomontA of Wo Known People Wholly Verified. In onler IhiU the v l'Ilctn y fully roallio lti wmlneneM ol Hio tAt mont , M well M the xjnernnil toluo of the Articles of which they lK > AkttotMil > 1l < h turtnlth the f.icliiillo oltfnv urcjof tmrllM ho o ln rltv N lieyoriil nuos- Ion , The Truth ol three IrstltnonUfj In MI O- ute , nor c&n the fucU they nimounco bo IK- or l , . OMAHA , N n. , SlAySI , 1831. I. U. WARMtRjfeCO , ! : I JIMO frr < ] iicntly mod Wurncr's < Af Kldnoj nthl LUtr euro for loc l MTcctlonB ttomliuit upon nc\cro theiumtlo ttnc n , ami Mial * yii itcrUcd benefit therefrom. I hiuo l i usol tlio Sfo Ncrvmo with SAtlkf ctoty re- nlt . I comMiT thc o liicillclnM ttorihy of onfliloi co. IVjiuty TtoAJiirf r. OMAHA , NPR , Way SI , liSl , t. f. WARXKR A Co. , llochoitor , X. Y.t GUMS ; 1 hMc im > l your Sato Klilnoy nml her CurotMs tirlnirrt9A | Iterlmlgontor , nml flmllMho best remedy I cm trkil , Ilioe J 4 hottlci , anl | t him m.vlo mo fool In'tlcr than c\or 1 uU bctor * In the spring. U. P. It , Shop * . OHAIU , Nm , May 24 , IttSl , I. \VARSJRkCO ! Sinn ! t'ormoro than IS yiarn I huro gulTerwl iiuch In onrculcnce from cotnlilncil klilncy Mid UcrtilseMcn , iul h M ) IK-OII unibloto work , IT urliiuy orfprn ol < o tiring rtllvctctl. I Irlcil s > rent inniy medicine * anil iloctorx , hut I Rtow ion > o oiiilonoclaT bj ilny Inantolit I had Irlk'ht'n I > | WMW > , nn.l 1 wlnhott niyreK Jond If I ouM not hat oitpcody relief. I took your 8 fo Clilnoy mul Llxor Cure , knowing nothln ; olw iwe > ar known to euro tha dlscMo , anil 1 hav tot Wn iltimppolntttl. The medlclm ) has cured me , and I am pcrloo ly well to Uav , entirely hrouili your Sato Kidney and Liter Curu 1 wlihjou nil sure Mln ininllihlnic thl * v.liullo remedy through the world. U. 1' . It. K. Shop * Thoimtiib nf cqunlly s'ronif cmlorscmonU many of them In ca m where hops was l > an > oned tiavo been voluntarily ir.lv , 'ii , howliii ; the cmaikaMojKiwerof Watner'H Safe Kidney and Jer Cure , In all il wo * of the klilnojH. liter r urlimryoiRanw. If ny ono who roads tills a any phy i&l trouble remombot the gro.t AUirtr 01 delay Tnls Rrcat i pocillc cures that most loathsome dUeato SYPHI-LIS Vhetlior in It * Primary , Secondary or Tortlnrv Stnpjo. llcmovcs all trace * of Vcrcury from the sjs- turn , Cure * Scrofula , Ol,1 Sorc , Hlioumv tUin , l > zetna , Cnlnrrlt or any lllooil Disease. Cure * When Hot Sprinc * Fail ! Jlnherii , Ark , , May t , 1831. Wo hao cascfl In our town who lived ut Hot prlnff .atiJ were finally cured with S. S. 8. Sluiinv. Memphis , .Monn. , Hay 12 , 1SS1. Wo have sold 1,29U lK > t lea of M.S. S. In n jcur. t has clt en unlvcrral utlstMtlon. Fair mlnUod hjslclans now recommend It ni a [ vosltlvo jicclflc. S. JtiNsnutD&C'o. IxiiilsUlIc , Ky , , May 13. 18S1. S. S. B. hu given bettor eatl-.dictlon than nny modlclno I haiu c\cr sold. J. A. KL XNIR. Donvci , Col. , JIay2 , 1831. Every purcha cr ipeiks In thu hluhot tcrtui fa. 8. 8. L. Molnotor. lUchinond. Va. , May 11 , 1831. You can refer anybody to IIH In ruvnrd to the merits of S. 8. S. Folk , Mlllor & Co. ltne never known S. S. H. to fall to euro n case f Syphilis , when properly taken. II. J. , Uvnunril. ) , , . i -.v n . Ell Warren. j-n > "jGa. The above itgnera are gentleman of high stand- ng. - .A II COLQUITT , Ootcmor S.S.8. . . . P YOU WISH WK W LL TAKE Y'lURSE CA TO BE PAID FOIt WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and oopy of llttlo book 'Moffauo to tha Unfottunatu. ' 81.OOO Rxward UI ba paid to any hummt who will IliiU , on an.ujsli 100 bottles S , B. , ono particle of Mercury , lodltlo 1'otas- lumorany Mineral substance. BW1FT St'ECIFIU CO. Propi. Atla-iia , Ga. Price of regular slzo reduced to 61 75 ) > er i ot lo Small size , holding half the quantity , prlco , 11.00. Sold by KENNARD & CO. , and Druggists Generally W , K. Via US. M. UKRRELL. f.IVIGUS&GO . , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasallo Street , DHIOABO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins , dfu7mo-o dim To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDr. Dr. J. B. Simpeon's Speciflo It IH a jw | tlvo euro lor Siwrmatoirhca , ftor.ilri * rYuGjincui. Iinimtancy , anil Ml UlHcanu - - - " - - 'rom ' tidr-Abiuo , nf Mental Anxlolj , dirnnry , 1'olim In thu Ilaik orj tly anil Coftuuinptlon liability an cirl/Kr.ii flit i > oclflc Mcillcluu In with rainiihltts runt life to all. Write lot them sml trot lull par ilculara , Prlco , Bpcclfle , Jl.OO per pucliatfe , or nix jack , azou ( or 6.00. Aildrcno all onlcra to H. SI1IBON JIKDIOINK CO. HOP. 101 and 100 Main Bt. Buffalo , N. Y , Bold In Oniaha by C. K. Ooodnmii , J. W. IJcll , X tub , and all druir lsUovery whom. * S3-d w WAfi IN PASSENGER RATES HOIilllK DUOS , . Ilrokers In nil Itallroad Tickets , Omaha , Neb , , offer Ticket * to the Host , until further notice , at the following unheard of lav lutes : lit clam. 2d class , NEW YOItK , tfJO. ( . , BOUTON , BH.OU , I'HILADKLVIIIA , 26.00 , f-23.00 WABJIINUTON , 22.00 , liA" " For particulars , write or go direct to HODHIK 1IKOS , . Ucalers In Kwlutod Kate Itallrowl and Steamship Tlcktts , 800 Tenth Ht. , Omaha Neb Kemenibor the place Threu Doors North o Union I'aclQo Itallroad Depot , Kast > do olTeutl Htreet. Ouaba August 1,1231 WEI DE MEYER ON CATARRH : "Treatise" on thu causes , consequences am cure of "Oatarrhal Dlseaiet , " by Dr. N W Wei De Meyer , of Now York City , discoverer o the antidotal treatment. Advanced theory , It" norttnt faiU and sUrtlliiK corrol/oratlom ( 'l > cafn < w , weak v\e , lots of volcr , scrofula loURorrhoca , b oncliuls and umlermlntxl cotittl tutlons renult from Uttarrhol jKilnon. " "Trea t co" Iron and sent postage paid to any 01 e on receipt of iwntil cant. 0. U. Dewey & Co. 1'ublUherv , No. 132 Kultoii Htrtot , Now York. tUO-eod-U&wlt Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. IIOTKLS. PHOrilTKTOltU. TOWJff ARLINGTON , J. G. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO , , Rod Oak , la. SARATOGA HOTEL , J , 8. STELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb. REED HOUSE , OEO , REED , Ulysses , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P. ELLIS , Oiceola , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , atromsburr ; , Neu. AMERICAN HOUSE , GEO. H. McCAIN , South Dend , No , HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Louisville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlalr , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY Ashland , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN CCOPER , Oakdale , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMONS , Seward , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL E. EVANS , O'Neill , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL O. F. OA88ADY , Denlion , la. HARTNtY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER , Wrsttlde , la. DELLOU HOUSE , MRS. A , E. URUCc , nltlnciOlty , Neb. DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLE Dorchester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J.G. MEAD. NollBh , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JA8. McKILLIP , York. Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb. OAQE HOUSE , A. R. GAGE , Republican City Neb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hastings , Neb. SANDERS HOUSE , OHAS. E. McNISH , Friend , Nab. WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb , JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , PARK HOUSE , W. J. OARVIN , Corning , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. E8TEB HOUSE , N. T feSTES , Grand Island , Nebx COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILMS , Kearney , Neb. WILDER HOURE > THOMPSON REED , Wither , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , W. W. SHUWFEL1 Waco , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE. O. W. MAYFIELD. Greenwood , Nab HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbus , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE U. S. QREGERY , Central Oltv , Neo , SUMMIT HOUSE. SWAN & BECKER , Creiton , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Neola , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la. B17C9IXXI.rXI.9BI XTXX.X.XCIOA. , Montjomory County , lown , C. , U. & Q. R , 11 , \V. S. Al or * Co Bankers V.V. . Sweet Banker iVin. Sutton Hotul nnd Livery V. Ilarvuy Dry Goods nnd Groceries ' Shopnrd & Son Dry GoolU nnd Groceries ornolius & White Furniture ! * ftul Welch Jewelry vbys Drothurs Hardware 3awos \Yutorinntiit Hnnlwaro II. Stu tli Drugs W. Llurluvr . Hoatnurant Valtora it Minurt . \ Law , Loan nnd Land S. 0. Gibbs tu . . v. . . . .Attorney , iL. . Itiguwn ' . . ' . ' . . . ' . . . ' No\va Douka andToyn M. S. Tliuriniiu , ' . ' ! ' , Insurancu and Loan M. K. Dinca * . . ' . ' . . Millinery Plunimur Darbor ' hooper itYobur . " . . Gonural Murchandiao r , ] \I. \ llowland Land , Loan , Inaurnnco 1. Simmons , . , Drugs V. I\I. \ Lewis Kustaurrnt L T , Sliurinati Stenm JMixrblo Works \ . E. llandcock Furniture Miillip ISfooro _ - tivocoriea nnd Moat Jco Gallanar - Harness lowell IkoH Guner.il Merchandise I. A. KufiiB Dry Goods toico it Son Clothing 1. T. Lignum Bootsyimd Shoes M. N. MoNnushton , M. D riiysiciiin S. H. llandcock Hotel j1. Coonor , M. D Pliyaiciau W. A. Woodard C. , B. & Q. Land Agent 0. N. Proaton it Son Groceries and Meat U. II. Moldoii Millinery 3owgill it Hogerinaator Blacksmiths Owena & Cuiinninga Blackainiths Jones & Mngoo Limbec 3. D. lland & Co Lumber loover & Hood Livery. Smith & Burlson Elovalorv Ellis & Co Elevuton U. D. Dolaon Elovntor- 11. Bates Mayor ' ( Adama County , Iowa , U. , U. it Q. ) W. G. McColm Drus , Groceries , rostoftico VI. G. Simpson & Co General Merchandise Samuel Arnspokor llusUurant S. G. Simpson Hardware Jackson it Arbucklo Stock Dealers W. 31. OummhiKs Elevator T. M. Sturgeon Elevator J. H. Shearer Station Agonb EDHOLM & E RICKSO Bive the Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF WATCHESGLOOKS , SILVERWARESOLID AND PLATED WAKE AND DIAMONDS , At Prices that Suit Any Ouatomor Who Renlly WiHhow n , First. Olaeo Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us. ALSO WESTERN AG-ENTS SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN GO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proof O G 1020 Farnham Street ,