6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY DECEMBER 30 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Former Resident of this Oity Killed by Lightning in Wyoming , The Grand Jury Pail to Indict Sullivan for the Murder ot John S , Sapp. Total Shooting Acoidont Near Hamburg , Iowa. rhi Only Exoltomsnt of the Dny ! a DDK News was received in this city , 'through a tologrnm sent to John T. Stewart , that Gcorgo L. Miller , for merly a well known citizo n of Coun cil Bluflj , had boon accido ntally shot nnd killed on a rancho whore ho worked for Mr. Stewart. It has boon impossible to obtain the partic ulars as to how the accident hap pened. The r.incho is situated near the town of Rawlins , in Wyoming Territory. Mr. Miller was an old Texas ranger , ain at ono time carried on the butch ers' business quito oxtonsivol y. The mows of his sudden and unoxpuctcd loath was sad indeed. His wife is nearly wild with grief. The body of the deceased was immediately for warded to this city , where it arrived yesterday afternoon. The funeral will probably take place to-day. A OENEUOUH LAI ) . At thoBrlggs house , on south Main street , a little boy thirteen years -of Ago is stopping , paying the landlord $6 a week for board and lodging , which money ho earns by selling na- pors and blacking shoos. Yesterday morning the little follow wont into a restaurant near the place whcro ho boards , in company with n boy a few years younger than himself. Ad dressing the proprietor , ho said : "See hero , mister , this little follow has had no breakfast. There ia five cents ; that pays for a loaf of broad and perhaps you will give him a chunk of chroso or something. I don't want to BOO anybody hungry if I can help it. " The name of the young benefactor is Frank Townaond. The case against Sullivan , hold for the murder of the old man , John S. Sapp , was dismissed by the grand jury , there not being sufficient testi mony developed on the part of the state. It will bo remembered that Sullivan was the man that ono Forney recognised at Clarinda , county , and is supposed by him to bo the man who had a cut on his face when ho inquired of him ( Forney ) on the morning of the murder the way to the Wabash depot. TIUKD TO FOOL HIM. Officer Tyson experienced some little difficulty in taking a female to the inane ano asylum. 8ho was just anne enough to practice a joke on the old man and she carried it so far as to nlmost got him in instead of romrining Jionolf. IT COST HIM DEARLY. The case of J. 8. Lindsoy vs. M. J. O'Connor.boinc an action for damages for an assault upon the plain' ' tiff was given to the jury Wednesday night. After being out , all night deliberating they to- turned Into court with a verdict giving Lindsoy $250. This case grow out of an unsettled account which the de fendant , O'Connor , proaonted to Lind- t1o floy , and upon refusal of payment ho t1p proceeded to chastise him , inflicting p quito an injury upon Lindsoy's noso. l < COMH.IUATKl ) UAHE. at Judge Reed was engaged yesterday a ! -upon the case of W. B. Maycs , ad ministrator of the estate of young at Baker , an employe , prior to hm da- cease , of the 0. 11. I. & P railroad , against Raid company a i After the pliuntill's council rested , defendants - do fondants moved the court that a non-suit bo entered and that the com' ' thi have judgment for costs. Judge wil toed sustained the motion on the Th grounds that young Baker had boon del in the employ of the company in the poj vicinity of the point of the accident And would bo presumed in law to put know the dangerous condition of the 000 defendant's walk. Knowing this and redi remaining in the employ of them the after such knowledge , without any theft promise from the company to put the track in a more safe condition ho did ft BO at his own peril and under the tea oxto timony introduced in this case ho coivi cannot recover. coni K1IOT 1IY ACCIDENT. modi As the saying is it never rains but it pours , and now each day's news was I brings its list of accidents produced by less j the careless handling of fire arms ay t About twelve miles east of Hamburg , . comii at the farm of ono J. Van Motor , M. M. Lewi , a blacksmith , was acci dentally shot by John Van Motor , growl who fired at an ox , but missed his aim quire ) and the bullet took oilbct in the body i of Lewis , passing through the same. TJIJ OUT AN OLD GUU1K1K. on Jaj A couple of canines entertained a uelucti largo and delighted audience yester S. S. day on the corner of Broadway and Main street * , whcro they mot to settle ator i tle a dispute between them of long with t landing , Donate 11 ELF roil THE NEEDY. comiue All these in need of assistance in the way of clothing and provision ! -will see what the Odd Fellows can do lieu af Jot them in that direction by apply. . llOUJCi , ing to the following parties ; First ward , E. B. Gardiner , Win , JKenlino. Second ward , Mrs. G , U. Brown Jos. F , . ' ilrs. Spare. 'or thg Third ward , N. A. Taylor , Jacol Apple. ' 'rien Fourth ward , W. L , liigge , Join 'orth Dickey. I'LEASANT 1'AIITY. Mr. and M . John W. Clmpmai Wednesday gave a party in honor o the return , home from Vassar of thoi daughters , Misa Marie and Miss Nolhc Quito a largo number of the friends o the family gathered and a very sociu occasion woa enjoyed. WISCELLANKOUH. A tsrn lo dod with soft cool broki down on Pearl street yesterday and was pretty badly demolished. S. D. Hopkins Jell on Uiiion avenue - nuo yesterday and received quito an injury. . SILVER SOUVENIRS. Twenty-Fifth Annlverinry of the Nuptial * of ColW. . F. S pp nnd Wife- Tno silver wedding of Hon. W. F. Sapp and Mrs. Mary Brown Sapp oc curred at their elegant residence in Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon and evening , nnd was the greatest social event of that city for the sea son. The house was elegantly nnd profusely decorated , and was abund antly filled with friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sapp during the reception hours. The reception lasted until late in the evening. Abundant and tempting re freshments wore served. Among the many beautiful nnd expensive present wore the following : Mrs. John F. Baldwin , Council Bluffs , n sivcr nnd gold tulip vaao. Mrs. John N. Baldwin , hnnd- painted satin table scarf , chinilo vari egated fringe. T. J. Evans , line silver nnd gold aoup ladle. Judge Gcorgo W. McCrary and wife , bilvor larder finely ungrnved. Mrs. W. H. Pusoy , gold and silver card case. T. D. Pusoy , gold and silver jelly spoon. Miss Ncaly nnd Carrie Stevens , beautiful silver cream spoon. J. M. and N. 0. Phillips , pearl- handled carving sot. Major L. P. Sherman , Des Moincs , pearl-handled silver butter knife. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Everett , gold and silver fish fork , elegantly en graved. Souvinor of esteem to the Colonel from the bench and bar , elegant case ot California laurel and mahogany , lined with cherry satin , containing one-half dozen solid silver table spoons , half dozen dessert spoons , ono dozen teaspoons , ono dozen tnblo forks , half dozen tea knives , half doz en dinner knives. Truly elegant and appropriate. From Denver , Col. : From Hon. George W. Brown , brother of Mrs. Sapp , magnificent case of California laurel and mahogany , containing forty- ono pieces of solid silver , six table , six desserts , six teas , twelve forks , six oyster forks , two Baits , cream spoon , berry spoon , butter knife , syllabut spoon , sugar spoon , etc. , solid silver , lined with gold. Mr. and Mr. Joe Stewart , silver , gold-lined , berry spoon , beautifully engraved. Sirs. Jnno Baldwin , half dozen des sert knives. By reason of the pressure "of news and the lateness of tup hour , a further report of this brilliant occasion is omitted this morning. A full account of the atlair will bo published to morrow in connection with other social news of interest in both Omaha and Council Bluffs Virtna Acknowledged- Mrs. Irn Mulhollaml , Albany , N. Y. , writes : I Imvo Buffered ( rom oft-recurring bllloiiB hofutoclioa , ( iysi > epaiii , nnd com plaint * peculiar to mv BOX. Since using your Burdock Blood Bfttcri I am entirely relieved. Price $1 , trial size ten cents. 2t-lw Matter ot Application ott' . Mnuae for Liquor License , NOTICE. Notice ! > hereby Riven that F. lUu 3 did upon the 16th day ol December , A. D.ISil , nivhla ap plication to the Mayor anil City Council of Oma ha , for llconeo to soil Malt , Spirituous and Vln nui Liquors , at Idtli , between Webster and Cali fornia Btrcct , th Ward , Omaha. Neb , fiom the 1st day of January , 1832 , to the 10th Jay of April. 1832. If thcro bo no objection , remonstrance or pro- tctt Illcil within t o weeks from December 15th , A. I ) . 1881 , the > ald license will bo granted. FRfD. JlM'HH , Applicant. TIIK DAILY Ilr.K Nougnapcr will publUh the alx notice f or t o cckn at she o > pcnso of the applicant. The City of Omaha la not to bo chorir- od therewith. J. J. L. 0. JKWETF , doinm t'ltv Clerk. Matter olJAppHcntion of Kdward Mnurcr fur Liquor Llcen.no. NOT1CK. Notice la hereby dlvui that Kdwnrd Maurur 'did upon the 18th day of Docunbcr. A. I ) . , 1881 , fllehlsapplication to the Major and City Coun cil of Oniaha , for license to icll Malt , Hplrltuoiu and Vinous Liquors , at No. 12U Karnlmin Street. Third Ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the let day of January , 186' ' . to the 10th day of April , 1882. If thcro bo no objection , remonstrance or pro test fllod within two weeks from December ISJth , A , I ) . 1SS1 , the Bald license shall bo Krantud. KimAiiu JUunni , Applicant. Tun DAILY IKX Nousnapcr will pub ) uli the above notice for tno weeks at the expense of the applicant. The City of Omaha la not to bo charjrod therewith. J. J. L.0. JEWKTT , DcclUum. CltV Clerk. Matter of Application of 1'oter UOOB for Liquor License , NOTICE. Notice li hereby then that Peter Ooos did up on the 16th day of December , A. U. 1831 , fllo his application to the Mayor and City Council ol Omaha , for license to sell Malt Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , at No. 1MO and 1612 Farnharu itriet , 4th Wan ) , Omaha , Neb. , from the lit day of January , 1SS2 , to the 10th day of April , Ibbl If there lie no objection , remonstrance or pro- teat filed within two weeks from 16th December , A. U , 1881 , the laid license will bo franU-d. 1'Krra G < x > , Applicant. Tint DAILY \\rr. \ Newgpapcr will publlih the above notice for two weeks at the oxpenno of the applicant. The City of Omaha la not to be charg ed therewith. J. J. L. C. JBWKTT , delfi.m City Clerk. Matter of Application ot Owen McCalfrey mtor Liquor License. NOriOK. Notice is hereby given that Owen Mc Calfrey did upon the 15th day of Decem ber , A. D , , 1881 , file his application to the Mayor uud City Council of Omaha , for a license to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vlnoiu Llminn. at northeast corner of IGth and Douulas street , Third Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of Janu ary. 18b2 , ti the 10 h d r of April , 1882 , 11 there bo no oblrction , remonttraiiio or protcut filed within two week * from the 15th of December , A. D. , 1881 , the Mid llcauso will bo granted. JOUN McGAFKHET , _ , . Applicant. . TUB DAiLTlkH newspaper will publish the above notice for two wrrks at the ex. pen e of theaiipllcant. The City of Ouiaha not to be charged therewith. .JeolC.3 ' CltyUlerk. Mutter of Application ot bchroter & l > ccht for Liquor Llcciut. NOTIC1I. Notlco l hcrebj Khcii that Fchrotcr 4 Bccht II d'UIK , > " ' 1 ° M" ' A > y ° ' JHitwU-r. A. 11. , iSl tie hlsapplliatloiito the Mior J Cit ) Com , ! ell of Omaha for llc u o to w 1 Halt , tplrltuoui aniliious ) Uquon , at No 311 bouth jlltventli treet. Third ward. Omaha , Neb. ; from t he 1. ' of da Januar , , iw , , tolh'o loth' day of Aptll , i ! m" Vfi-V0 olJt"oni ! rcmoniUnce or pro n , UeiiM ) lll borautw ( BciikiniKi Hr.ciir , abll'.M.u' ' ' , " " l IHr Will pSCmTth aboje notice lor two wvtki at tha txpeniw of th . . appll. .l The City cf Oniaha iV no" to b . Clck latter of nppHcntton of Jnmca Falconer for Liquor Licence. NOTICI : . Notice I * hereby pHcn that .Tames "Meaner did tition the Ifitlulfty of Deccm- er , A. D. . 16S1 , file hid r i.illc.itlun | to the fnyor and Cily Con o 1 rf , Omnhi > , for ccn < e to fell Malt , Silrininii | < < nnd Vlnoui .Iquoris at the corner of fifteenth nnd 'nriihnm street , Third wa d , Omnli.-v , fcb. , Item the let ilay of January , 1882 , o the 10th d y of April , 1882. If thcro l * > no objection , remonstrance or rnUdt filed wi'hin two w elai fr m the nth day of December , A. D. , 1881 , the aid license will be granted. Applicant. TIIK DAILT UEK newspaper will publish le above notice for two weeks at the ex cuse of the applicant. The City of mixha Is not to be charged therewith. , T. J. L. C. JEWKTT , declC-12t City Clerk. fatter of Application of Alfred P. Wolff for Liquor License , NOTICI : . Notice li hereby clven that Alfred F. Wolf ! d , upon the Itlh day of December , A. D. , 1881 , ! hla application to the Ma } or and Cltv Coun * I of Omnha , for llcer.M lo fell Malt , Spirituous nd Vinous liquors , nttouth e i corner Twcnt ) . I'comlnnl Cumliu strccta. Sixth ward , Oixaha , eb. , dom tlic lit day of January , 1882 , to the Oth day o' April , 1842. If there In no objcct'on ' , remonttrance or pro- cit flkd within two weck from Dec mbcr 16th , . D. , 1881 , the siltlllccme will \x \ > granted. AtrRRu F. WOLFF , App'ltant. ' Tim DAILY Tlrr. newspaper will pi.lUh iho 'love ' notlco for two nccko at the e > p moot the ipllmnt. Ttiu City cf Omaha I ) not to bo largcd therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWETT , ilcelS 12t City Clerk. fatter of Application of M. A. McNa- mara for Liquor License , NOTICE. Not Ice Is hereby uh en that M , A. McNamara Id. upon Iliu 16tli day of December , A. D. , 1881 , lo hla application to the Ma > ornnd City Coun. I of Omnhv for license to Bell Mbit. Spirituous nd Vinous Liquorat NOB. 214 a , d 210 Four- cnth ttrcet.'Jhlru ward , Omaha , Neb. , from le 1st day of January , 1832. to the 10th day of pnl.1882. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro- 3kt nicil within two weeks from December 15th , . D. , 1B81 , the said llccnto will be granted. M. A MCNAMARA , Applicant TUB DAILY Hrn non-paper will publl.h the l > eve notlco for two wuik at the expense ot the ppllcant. The City of Omaha 11 not to be largod therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk- latter of Application of L. II. Spencer for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that L. II. Spen- er did , upon the 15th day of December , V. D , , 1881 , file his application to the laynr and City Council of Omaha , for ccnso to eell Mnlt , Spiritnoua nnd Vinous ArmotR , at No. 323 South Eleventh street , 'hlrd ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the let ay of January , 188' ! , to too 10th day of nril.1682. If there be no objection , remonstrance r protest filed within two weeks from December 15th , A. D. , 1881 , tl.o said cenuo will bo granted , L. II. Si'K.NCEn , Applicant. THE DAILY BEE newspaper will publish ho above notlco for two weeks at the ex- lense of the applicant. The City of ) maha ia not to be charg-d therewith. .T. J. L. C. JEWETT , dectC-12t City Clerk. Matter of Application of John O'Connell for Liquor Liccnte. NOTICE. Notice is hereby pven that John O'Con nell did upon the 13th day of December , A. D. , 1881 , file his application to the Sfayor and City Council of Omaha , for Icenso to sell Mnlt , Spirituous and Vinous jiquors , at No , 103 Tenth street , Third ward , Omnha , Neb. , from the first day of January , 1882 , to the 10th day of A.pril , 1882. If there be no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within twn weeka from 13th of December , A. D. , 1881 , the said license will be granted. , JOHf O'CONNELL , Applicant. TUB DAILY BEE newspaper will publish ho above notice for two weeks at the ex pense of the applicant. The City of ) maha is not to bo charged therewith. J. J. L. 0. JEWETT , JeclO-12t City Clerk. latter of Application of Edward Doid rich for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby ch en that EdwmJ Deldrlch Id , upon the 13th day of December , A. D. , 1881 , ilo his application to thu tin or and City Coun- 11 of Omaha , for license to tell 1UH , Splr.tuous and Vinous Ltqu re , at No. 2006 Cumins street. Sixth ward , Omaha , Nib. , from the 1st day of 'anuary , 1882 , to the 10th daj of April , 1882. If thcro IHI no objection , rcmonsianio or precut - cut tiled Hlthlli two weeks from 13th of Ucccin- er , A. D. , 1681 , the said license will bo crant.d. hDWAKD DBIDIIICII , Applicant. TIIK DAILY HFK ncuBpapcr will publlsli the \\io\o \ notice for tMOHccKs at the evpcnsu of the apxllcant. Iho C'ltj of Omaha la not to be UrKCil therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWKTT , dc > cll12t City Clerk. flatter of Application of Christian An > drcson for Liquor Liceiwe. NOTICE. Not'co is hereby gUrn that Chrlttlan Andre ion did , upon the llth day of December , A. D. , 831 , Ilk'his ppp Ufttlon to the Mat or amlClty 'ouncll of Omaha , for license to till Malt , Bplr- tuou ) and Vinous Llquom , at No. 209 , Fifteenth trcct , Third vard , Omaha , Neb. , from tbo 1st day of January , 18S2 , to the 10th day of April , "b2. If thcro 1 no objection , rcmonstrinco or pro- ist filed Hltlnn two ieV from llth of Decem ber , A. D.JU81 , the eald license will bo granted. 0 , ANDRIWO.N , Applicant. TIIK DAILY Vrr. newspaper will publish the above notice for two weeks at the expense of the applicant. The City of Omalui Is not to bo "largtd therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWBTT , dec5-12t City Clerk. Matter of Application of Richard Wild * for Liquor License , NOTICE. Notlco U hereby glien that Illchud Wilde did ipon the 10th day of December , A. D. . 1881. fllo ui application to the MaorandCltCouncl of Omaha , for llccn to sill Malt , Spirituous and YlnouH Liquors , at No , 1124 Kurnham Street Ililrd Ward , Omahi , Neb. , from the ; 1st day 01 January , 1S32 , to the 10th day of April , 1882 II there lie no objootlon , rcmoiutranco or i rest * st nliHl within two ctks fron December 10th A. D , , ItHJl. the sold llccuicwill bo ttr nted. 11..W11D * . Applicant. Tim DAILY I1 > H nrmpaper will publUh the above notlco for two w ocks at the expense of t he applicant. The City of Omaha Is not to be chimed therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWrTT , Docll-1'.ll. City Clerk. Matter of Application of Frederick Lang * . for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that Frederick Long did , upon the llth day of December. A. D. , 1881 file hU application to ihe May. r and City Coun ell of Omaha , for llcnM > to rdl Mall , Splrituou and Vlnou Lliiuoiv , at No , 602. corner Thlr kenlh and Jatkton itreeta , ( hcond ward Oniaha , Neb. , from tha 1st day of January , 1SS2 to the lOtli day ot April , IbSl If there lw no objection , remonstanco or pro- tout filed within two wtikk from llth of Deram bur , A. D. , 1881 , the Bold llcunta will b gnnUxl. FlUUlUICK LA ! < 0 , Applicant. Tim DAILY DRH newipaper will publUn th abo\e notlco for two wc kiat the expcnto ot th aiipllcaut. Thu City of Omaha IB not to bo Oiartrod therewith. J. J. L , C. JEWKTT , Jicli-llt City Clerk. Matter of Application of JullusTrcltBchk fur Liquor License. NOTICE. 'Notice 1s hereby given tliatJJnllu TrelUchke dlil upon the Hill day of licccmber , A. D. 1881 Hie hit application to the Ma > or and City Couo ell of Omaha , for llcenm to n.11 Malt , Bplrltuou ami Vlnoin Llimorn , at No. SOS and 812 8. Ut trect. 4tli Ward , Oaiaha , Neb. , from the Is day ol January , 1SS2 , to the 10th elay of Apr ! 18b2. If thcro be no objection , rcmonttrance or pro test 11 led within two wicks from 16th December A. D. 1881 , the said license will be granted. JiumTmimciiiR , Applicant. Tim DAILY DEB Newspaper will publUh th alxno notice for two weeks at the cxpcnw of th aupllcant. The City of Omaha 1 * not to t clta vd therewith. J. J , L. 0. JKWCTT , deie-iet City Clerk. Jnited States Depository xXEteiar * NationalBank or ou AHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam 8ts , LDEST DANKIHO EfTTADLlBnUENT IN OMAHA. SUOOESeORB TO KOUNTZE DROTHERO. ) rrAiLUUu ) I860 , M a National Bank Anfwt SO , 1WJ , APITAL AND PROFITS OVEB 300,000 cmciM uro etaicrout ! SIMAX Kournn , Freadcnt. AD CSTC KOUKTXI. Vice President. n. W. YATKB , Cashier. A. J. PorrLKTOit , Attoraer , JODN A. Cauairrog. F. II. DAVIS , Art. CMbltr. Thl bank receive * deposits without regard to mounts. Iseuea time certificate * bearlnz Interest. Drawt drafts on SAD Francisco and principal tie * of the United States , also London. Dublin h and the principal cities of th conll ] cnt of Europe , Sells passenger tickets for emlgranUrby the Ia man Una mavldtf The Oldest EstaDhshed BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Bnstnces tranmctod same M that of an Incor- Mratod oink. Accounts kept In currency or gold cnbjtct to fht check without notloa Certificates of deposit ssued payable In three , x and twelve months , jcarlng Interest , or OD emand without Interest. Advance * made to customers on approved i cn tie * at market rates of Interest. Buy and sell gold , bills of exchange , govern ment , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight draft * on England , Ireland , Scot- and , and all part * of Europe. Bell European passage ticket * . COLLECTIONS PBOMPTLY MADE. aurldi NOTICE. Matter ot Application ) Of MRS. M. A. IIIGOINS , V For Liquor License. ) Notice Is hereby ghcn that Mrs. M. A. Hlg- n'lns did. upon the 13th day of December , A. 1 > . 881 , file her application to the Major and tt ) Council of Omaha , for U.ense to sell Malt , plrltuoui and Vinous Liquors , at No. 1624 > ode ) street , Fourth W M , Omaha , Neb , , from ho 1st di ) of January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April. 18Ji If i here be DO objection , remonstrance or pro- cat filed with n two necks from December 13th , A. D. 1BS1 , the said license will bo granted. M. A. IIIGOINS , Applicant By Ceo. Illgglns , Agent. IIIK DAILY BEK ncwspspcr will publish the abo\e notlco for two we.-ka at the expense of he applicant. The Clt > of Omaha Is not to bo charged there * Ith. J. J. L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk. Decl3-Htm Matter of Application ( of E. Dallow.for Liquor Licence. NOTICE1. Notice is hereby given that'E. Dallow lid upon the 17th day of December , A. D. . 1881 , file his application to the Mayor and Uity Council of Omaha , for license to sell Molt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , at STo. 1014 Chicago Street , Fifth Ward , Dmaha , Ntb. , from the 1st day of January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April , 1882. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from Dec.-inher 17th. A. D. , 1881 , the said li ctnaaillbo granted. E. IALLOW , Applicant. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE newspaper will lublish the above notice for two weeks at ; ho expense ot the applicant. The City of Omaha is not to he charged therewith. J. J. L. C JZWETT , City Clerk. Vlatter of application of Adelina John tor Liquor Ucsnso. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Adelina .Tahn did , upon the 15th day of December , A. D. 1881 , file her application to the tfayor and City Council- Omaha , for Icense to eell Malt. Spirituous and Vinous at No. 012 South Tenth street , ? 'irst Ward , Omaha , Nebraska , from the 1st day of January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April , 1862. If there bo no objection , remonstrance ir protest filed within two weeks from De cember Kith , A. D. 1881 , the said license will bo granted.ADELINA ADELINA JAIIN , Applicant. TIIK DAILY BEE newspaper will publish he above notice for two weeks at the ex- icnso of the applicant. The City of ) maha ia not to bo charged therewith. J. J. L. C. JLWITT , City Clerk. DeelG-12t flatter of Application of Henry Fundt for Liquor License , NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I oiiry undt , did upon the 7th day ol December , A. D. 1881tile his application to thoma > or ami city council of Onu a , for license to eell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Jquors , at No. 1218 Farnham street , Third Ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the 1st dayjof January , 1882 , to the luth ol April , 1832. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro- cs ! lle < l within two weeks from December 7th , A. D. 1881 , the said license will be grained. HKSIIV I'UMJT , Applicant. TIIK DAILY BKE ncwsparcr will publish the abo\6 lotlce tor two weeks at the cxponso of the ap- illcMit. The City of Omaha la not to bo charged herewith. J. J. L. C. J hWETT , do7-12t Cltv Clerk. Matter of Application of Henry Osthoff for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that Henry Osthoff did , upon tholOth day of December. A. D. 1881 r.lobts application to the Ma ) or and City Coun ell of Omaha , for license to sill Malt Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , at No. 613 Six tcemh street. Fifth ward , Omaha , Neb , fron the 1st day of January , 1882 , to the 10th day o April , 182. If there bo no objoclon : , remonstrance or pro list filed within two net ks from 16th of Dcccm XT , A. D. , 18S1 , the said license will be gnvitod. Applicant. TUP DAILY 'Brit newspaper will publl h the above notice for tno UCOHS at the txptmne Of tl o applicant. The City of On.nha l not 10 b ctarind therewith. J. J. L , C. Jfc.Wfc.TT. IcclB-lSt il > LUrk Matte * of Applicatlou of Michael Wnllunz for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice is hereby ( 'lren that Michael Wai- lanz did , upon the 21th day of December. A. D. , 18el , file hln aiu > llcatou ! to the Mayor Mid Clt > Council of Omaha , for license to sell Mult , Spirituous and Vinou * Llquon. at north vli a Leavmwortli , be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets , Second ward , Omahs Neb. , from the 7th day of January , 1832 , to the 10th day of April , 1882. If there be no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from Decemter 24th , A. D. , 1881 , the BaiJ license will be granted. MICHAEL VALLAXZ , Applicant , THE DAILY BKK newspaper will publish the above notice once each week for two weeks at the expense of the applicant. The City ot Omahn is not to bo charged J. J , L. C. JEWETT , Dec24-2t. City ClerU. Matter of Application of Chas. Tinsch fur Liquor I icense NOTICE. Notice Is hereby gUon that Chas. Finsrb Jld , upon the 15th day of Dwemlwr. A. D. , 1881 , Hie tut upplirutlon to tlio Major and Cit ) Council of Omaha , for llccmo to neil Malt , bplrituous and Vin ous Llmior * . at No. 002 South ! until street , Flnit ward , Omaha , Ntb. , from the 1st day of Jail- uary , 1882 , totholOUiday of April , ll > 8S. If the e be no objection , remoiiitianc * or pro test filed within two weeks frcni December 16th , A. D. , 1881 , thenaid llctnuo will bo granted. ClIAULKll 1'IMtCM , Applicant Tin DAILV UKB newspaper will publish th above notice for two weeks at the eapenas ot the applicant. Th. City " 'Omaha Ui notlo U. chartrcd thwwith. J. J. I * C. JKWCTT , Sioux Oity & FaciJic THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE Huns a Solid Train Ihrough from Council Bluffs to St. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hour * . rr is JLOO MILES THE SlIOnTKST BOOTK , no * COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OR BISMARCK , and n point * la Northern low * . Minnesota and Dakota. This line 1 * equipped with the Improved WertlnghouM Automatic Air-brak * and Millet Platform Coupler and Duller : and for SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT ls unsurpamcd. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan tos City and St Paul , via Council DluOs and Sioux City. Trains Icaie Union Fadfle Transfer at Coun cil Bluffi , at 7:35 : p. m. dully on nrrlial of Kanwis City , St. Joseph and Council Kluffs train from tha South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. m. , and at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 : noon. TKN notma IN ADVANCE OP ANY.OTHEB ROUTK jtarRcmomber In taking the Sioux City Route you ict a. Through Trah. The Shortest Line , the Quickest Time and a Comfortable llldo In the Through I'ars between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. jtarHco that jour Tickets read via the "Sioux City and Pacific Railroad. " J. S. WATTLES , J. II. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Gcn'l POM. Agent. P. E. ROBINSON , Ass't Ocn'l POM. A t , Missouri Valley , Iowa. J , II. O'BUYAN , Southwestern Agent , Councl Bluffs , Iowa DISEASES OFTHE EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist. LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. References all Rcput&blo yslclans of Omaha. tS-Offlce , Corner 16th and Fmrnham Sti. , Omaha. Neb u2Rraetf Mnttor of Application of C. F. Goodman for PCI nilt to Sell Liquor as a Druggist. NOTICE. Notice h hereby tl cn that C. F. Good rr an , did upon the 13th lay of December , A. D. 1881 , file his application to the Major and City Coun- ill of Omaru , for permit to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors as * DniKl8t ( , for medicinal , mechanical anil chemical purposes enl ) , at No. 1110 Karnham etrctt , 3rdard , Onions , Neb , , from the 1st day of January , 1882. to the 10th day of Aprl , 1(82. It there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from 13th day of December , A. D. 1881 , the said permit will bo granted. C. F. GOODMAN , Applicant. Tux DAILY BKK newspaper * will publish the aboro notice fort o weeks , at the expense of the applicant. The City of Omaha Is not to bo charund therewith. J. J. L. C. JF.WKTT , declMSt City Clerk. Matter of Application of James Foreyth for Penult to Sell Liquor as nDruggint. NOTICE. Kotlco Is hcroSy given that James Forsjth did , upon the 16th day of December , A. D. , 1831 , file hit application to the Mayor and City Coun cil of Omaha , lor permit to sell Malt , spirituous and Vinous Liquors , 03 a Druggist , for incdicl- naUmcchanical and chemical purposes only , at NoT > 02 North Sixteenth street. Fourth ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of January , 1832 , to the 10th day of April. 1882. If tlicro bo no objection , remonstrance or pro- .cat filed within two wc-.ks from Deoember 16th V. D. , 1881 , thasald permit will bo granted. JAUEO ioiuimi , Applicant. TUB DAILY BKK newspaper will publish tha iboie notice for tno weeks , at the expense of .ho applicant. The City of Omaha la not to be chart'td therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWETT , dcclD-12t C ty Clerk. Matter of Application ot A. H. Gladstone for Liquor License. ' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby g\\oa \ that A. H. Gladstone lid upon the llth day of December , A. * D. , 1891 , lie hi' application to the M yor and City Coun- II of Omaha , for license to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , at No. 1308 and 1310 Douglas Itrect , Third Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day f Janunrv , 1882totho 10th day of April , 1882. If thiro be no objection , remonstrance or pro- tdst filed within two weeks from December llth , A. D. , 1881 , the said license will be granted. A. H. GLADSTONE , Applicant. TIIR DAILY Bin nonrspnper will publ ah the , bo\o notice for two weeks at the expense of the applicant. The City of Omaha la not to bo cha , gcU therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWETT. Deel4.12t. City Clerk Matter of Application of Schrincr & Erdmann for Liquor License , NOTICL. Notice la hereby given that Schriner { : rdmanndid , upon the ICth day of Decem ber , A. D.,1881 , filetheirnppHcatSon to the Mayor nnd City Council of Omnha , for icenso to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , at southeast comer IGth and Dodge utieets. Fourth ward , Omaha , Neb. , "rom the 1st day of January , 18:2 , to the ,0th day of April , 1862. If thcro be no objection , remonstrance jr protest filed within two weeks fiom De cember 10th , A. D. , 1881 , the said license will be granted. SciiuwEit & EnuMAXX , Applicants. THU OSIAHA DAILY- lisa newspaper will juhlish the above notice once each werk lor two weeks at the expense of the appli cants. The City of Omaha is not to be charged therewith. J. J. L. 0. JEWETT , City Clerk. Matter of Application of Uottlelb Zinv merman for Liquor License , NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Gottlcib 7,1m merman didupontbe27th day of December , A ! I ) . 1881. tile his application to the Mayor and City Council of Oinatn. for license to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , N. W. comer 13th and Harney street , Third ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the Ittti day of January. 1882 , to the 10th day of April , 1882. If there bo no objection , remonstanco cr protettt tiled within two weeks from the 17th of December , A. D. 1881 , the said license will be granted. GOTTI.EIII XlMMEUMAN , Applicant , The OMAHA DAILY BKE newspaper wil publish the a eve notice once each week for two weeus at the expense of the appli cant. The city of Omaha is not to bo charged therewith. J. J. L. 0. JEWETT , City Clerk. Matter of Application of M. W , Ken nedy for Liquor License. NOTICE. ! Notice s hereby given that M. W. Ken nedy did , upon the 15th day of December , A. D. , 1881 , file hU application to tha Mayor and City Council of Omaha , for license to cell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , at No. 312 South Thirteenth street , Third ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of Jcnuary , 1883 , to the 10th day of April , 1882. If there be ho objection , rcmonstaance or nrotett filed within two weeks from De cen.ber 15th. A. D , , 1881 , the said license will be granted. M. W. KKNKEDT , Applicant. TUB DALLY BEE newspaper will publisl the above notice for two weeks at the ex Dense of the applicant , The City o Omaha U not to be charged therewith. J. J , L. U JKWKTT , deolC-1't City Clerk. Matter of Application of Kd > ord Wittig for Liquor Licouso. NOTICE. Notice li hereby gUcn that Edward Wlttijf did , upon the llth day of December. A. D. , 1881 fllu hli application to tha Ma > or and City Coun ell of Omaha , for licciuo to nil Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Llquori , at No. 1413 Faruhun street Third ward , Omaha , Neb , from the Ut day o January , 1BS2. to the 10th day of April , 1SW. If them be no objection , rcmoiis once or pro tett filed within two vsctkv from 14th day of D c < in tor. A. D , 1SS1 , the said Ilcenio will b granted. ED IBD Wimo , , Applicant. Til * DAILY DEB nrwiiapcr wilt publish th above notice for two weeks at the cxpent of th applicant. The Cltr of Omaha ls not to bo charted thmwlth. J , J. L. 0. JKWETT. U cl6-Ut tttr Citric. Deere & Comp'y MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in ' / ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Inline Wagon OoFarm and Spring Wagons , Deere &Mansur Oo , ( torn Planters , Stalk Gutters , &c , , MolinePump , OoWood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , , Mechaniosburg Maoh , Oo , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Oo- Advance Hay Bakes ; Met Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Shellers , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellers , Eoad Scrapers , &c , , Moline Scale OoVictor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock , Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. HEADQUAETE R MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention of the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &o.now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER : -AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STEEET , OMAHA , NKJi. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska t SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Jy 18-mo THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND ST - T" I J.I Mining and Milling Company. . Par Value of Shares , - - - - - - - - - - - 2 , OOC. . STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE : Mines Located in BBAMEL MINING DISTRICT. CGEH DH. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WM. E , T1LTON , Vlco-Prcsldcnt , Cummins , Wyoming- E. N. HAKWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wj omlng. A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. . Dr. J. I. ThomM. Louis Miller . \V. B. . Urwncl. . . A. O Dunn. . EN Harwood Fronds Leavens. Oeo. H. Foles. Lewis Zolmac. Dr. J. C. Watklns. no2Jme6m OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agtnt for Sale of Block ; Box 442 , Om h , Neb. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , IF. o. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb. * FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. OoottromenU md u. will re lr.prompl jtUnMon. R * ereoce : BUU . B nk , Omh ; ll Co. , JWUmortj Peck * Buuher , Cblcmo ; > * * ' * k n < % ClndnnMl.