Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1881, Image 1

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    s V i v V
"When wo came to Omaha to intro-
dnco the DUKE OF DURHAM Ci
garette , some pcoplo said , "You can't
do it , "as so many others have tried
it and failed , and the tnxdo arc dis
gusted , etc. Wo never had any doubt
that the DUKE OF DURHAM Cigarette -
otto would meet with popular _ favor
and sell rapidly , knowing it to bo
made of the BEST North Carolina
Tobacco , wrapped with the BE3T rico
paper , and ABSOLUTELY frco of
DRUGS. You see , wo give consumers
credit for knowing n good thing when
they have tried it , and then wo
thought low comfortable the fooling I
( when enjoying a leisure smoke ) TO
KNOW that you nro not absorbing
injurious drills.
Wo are mutually interested in this
matter of pure Cigarettes. If the
EST nnd BEST , of cpurso , you will
continue to use them ; if not , you
wont. So wo concluded > to call your
attention to them through the news
papers and toll you frankly all about
them , and induce you , to try them and
then let them speak for themselves.
Wo know these are pleased who have
tried them , as they continue to buy
them , and wo are getting most flattering -
ing reports from dealers as well as con
sumers. Wo promised more reports
from dealers yesterday , but wo mot
with one who cooled our ardor tem
porarily. Guess itwill bo no harm to
toll what ho said , but wo withhold his
name , street and number.
, 'Haven't got them ; don't want
them , and shall not keep thorn. Can
buy and Cigarettes for
50c per 1,000 loss and Cigarettes
for $1 per 1,000 loss than the DUKE ,
and I can retail them at same price of
the Duko. "
Well , wo have somewhat recovered ,
and since we have thought the matter
over don't feel much worried , as ho
doesn't sellmanyand | his limited sales
will not affect us much. Wo appre
hend that it's because ho does not
keep tho'bcatbut instead tries to palm
off an inferior article at same price ,
that his trade is so small. With this
exception , wo find raoet of thu trade
disposed to handle the DUKE OF
DURHAM Cigarettes and Tobacco
because they ARE the BEST and
PUREST on the market.
Consumer , if you have not tried
them yet'you should drop" in "the
first store and buy a package.
Hay last , Sergeant Hood of Police
division 9 , this city , disappeared un
tier peculiar circumstances , and noth
ing has since been heard of him. It
is now stated he is a member of the
crew of the steamer Lancaster passing
under the name of Buck. He was
seen and recognized by ono McDermott -
mott , a member of the United States
steamer Quinnobaum , when the ves
sels lay together at a foreign port.
The Ohio Richards.
National Associated Frees. '
GOILE , Ohio , December 29. Rich
ards , the murderer of Mrs. Terrol ,
now states that ho knows who was in
the Weldon-McClung-Hite murder two
years ago , and that old heads planned
it and old heads carried it into execu
tion , and that ho shot Airs. Terrell on
account of ah old grudge. The general -
oral impression is that lie murdered
Mrs. Terrell to prevent her making 'a
confession concerning the triple
The Balloon Voyage to the Pole. .
National Associated Press.
TOTONTO , Ont. , December 29.
Capt. , of the royal navy , who
proposes to make a trip to thu north
polo in a balloon , arrived to-day. He
has been engaged in three voyages in
"boats to that vicinity and is anxious
to try what can he do by the upper air
route. Ho has been invited to Canada
by Sir John McDonald and Sir Leon
ard Filley , to interest Canadians in
the project.
A Bride Abducted by Her Father
National Associated Press.
CHATTANOOOA , Tenn. , December 29.
Tom Desha , a well to do young
fanner of this locality , and Miss
Delia Rose , 15 , daughter of a farmer ,
were secretly married yesterday. The
bride's father and throe sons came
with guns and carried the biido off.
Deslia recovered her on a habeas cor
pus to hold until the trial.
Failure *
Na'Jonal ASKOCIIUM ! Pieat ,
NEW YOIIK , December 29. A dis
patch received to-day states that the
Kiloy County bank , of Manhattan ,
Kansas , has made an assignment.
Liabilities are reported at $100,000.
The failure of Woolwino & Scud-
der , wholesale dealers in tobacco and
cigars , f > t Nashville , Tenn. , is report
ed to day , with liabilities at 844,532.
The W * t Point Exploiloa.
National Awoclatnl 1'ress.
BALTIMOHE , December 29. The
survivors of the crow of the ill-fated
steamer West Point arrived hero to
day by steamer. Only four , of the
crow were injured and two killed ,
Seventeen stevedores at work on the
wharf were instantly killed. The
cause of the explosion is still un
Mexican Indian * Executed.
National Associated I'ress.
ALIIUQUEKQUU , December 29. A
report has reached here to the ollect
that Ghiet Arscato , who with his band
has long since been the terror ol
Presidio Del Norto , has been captured
and executed , with thirty of his fol
lowers near Chihuahua ,
Deyolopd in the , Trial of Guitoan
Ho is Afraid He Will bo Shot
While En Rbutti Prom
the Jail ,
Especially Since Oorkbill Has
Taken Away the Usual
Number of Qaards.
Further Evidence of the Sanity of
the Atcanln.
National Associated fret * .1 }
.WASHINGTON , .December 29. Gui
teau , aftpr examining the dock ,
showed satisfaction that no' < ono was
behind and no one .near him except
officers and counsel. Ho said :
"Coming up in the van from the
prison this morning , I noticed that the
isual policemen were withdrawn.
tfow I want to say emphatically that
f I was turned loose to-morrow I can
am in the custody of this court and
ts officers they are bound to take care
of me. There is a great deal more
danger of my being'shot coming from
; ho prison than anywhere else and I
ask for. the usual number of officers
'or myprotection. . The cranks are
not all dead yet , thoughthoy are dying
rapidly. [ Laughter ] I sot fifty lot-
tera yesterday , most of them
irom sympathizing people wantIng -
Ing my autograph and hoping
For my acquittal , but on6 crank is all
bhat la necessary to do the business.
I am always quiet when not abused.
I have the record of being a perfect
gentleman. They think I am a great
man and a good fellow , vbut when I
come into court I am abAcd and vilh-
Ccd. No human being can stand it
and I will defend myself. ?
Dr. Callonder was recallpd.
Guitoau said if the marshal did not
do his duty some crank would shoot
him. Ho did not believe he would
hit him , but might hit some person
else and asked that some- other mar
shal bo appointed. ' - ,
Corkhill replied that ho believed
the people of th'e country would allow
the trial to proceed to n , legitimate
end. > * ,1
Guiteau answered that he would bo
all right if there were no cranks about.
Scovillo submitted a mntion that
on account of the length 6k the trial
the jurors be permitted to go to their
houses and reliance , bo , , placed upon
| their honor. jThet court 'decided to
take the matter into consideration.
' Scoville. began to read a letter by
Guitoau toSenator Cameron , written
ten days ago , in order to get the
.views of tha , witness whether ( rnich let-
OS could bVwnttenly ' inVper-
t , j/fr , ' 5-r *
Guiteau became furiousop ,
simply asked Senator Cameron to lend
hima , hundred" dollors 'and gave the
letter to his brother John , who be
trayed him and gave it to Scovillo.
Ho said his brother was a perfect nui
sance and that between them there
was no fraternal feeling and had been
none for years. He said : "I had
always associated with high-toned
gentlemen in theology like Moody and
Pentecost ; in politics , like Grant and
Conkling ; " but that his relations wore
crowding into the case to get notorie
ty. Ho repudiated the entire crow
and wanted them all , including Sco
villo , to got out. The following is the
letter which was read :
"DEAH SKN. TOU I am on trial for
my life , and I need money. I am a
stalwart of the stalwarts , and so
are you. You think a great deal of
General Arthur , and so do I. My
inspiration made him president , and
I am going to ask you to lend mo five
hundred dollars. If I got out of this
I will return it. If not , charge it to
and very cordially ,
( Signed ) "GUITEAU. "
Witness said the letter was consist
ent with a good many of Guitcau's
acts and utterances and previous life ,
and like his importunities to many ,
was no indication of unsoundness of
Guiteau again abused Scovillo , and
Corkhill said if ho continued with
interruptions , he would move to have
the dock placed in another part of the
Scovillo said petulantly ho could
move him in his cell if ho pleased.
The next witness was Dr. Walter
Kempster , superintendent of the in
sane asylum at Winnobago , Wis. His
evidence was confined to comparison
of craniums of various important
people with that of Guitoau , as indi
cating that malformation is not evi
dence of insanity. Bob Ingersoll's
chart showed a big bulge on ono side ,
and Guitcau's showed that Ingersoll
and he were both badly cranked.
Witness said the difference between
an ordinary insane delusion
and a belief in special di
vine commands was tliat the
approach of the former WM slow
and gradual , while the latter was
almost instantaneous as was the act.
The energy , force and rapidity with
which people acted undei the hitter
delusion was almost beyond descrip
tion. The claim that act of allowed
inspiration sprang from a political
situation was the best evidence the
actor could furnish that ho was not
sane. The expression , divine pressure
sure , the witness had never heard be
fore applied to insane delusion. Wit
ness said the hypothetical questions
described a sane man ,
After recess , Guiteau asked for pen
and paper to answer his letters in
court ; which was granted.
The examination of Dr. Kimp&ter
was continued , Ho said Guiteau told
him in jail that his inspiration to re
move Garfield was somewhat the same
as that which prompted him to join
the Oneida community , start the
Theocrat , and write the truth , only
that it came on more slowly and that
when he shot Garfield ho was legally
nsano and the inspiration was
prompted by articles in the news-
sapors denouncing the president , and
; hat if ho could got the jury to believe
10 WM acting under inspiration when
10 fired the , shot they would relieve
lim of the responsibility. Witness
did not agree with Spitzka that Gui
toau had a malformed head , Thought
10 had n well-shaped head of fine size }
: hcro was nothing unusual in .the ex
pression of his fnco. I think Guitoau
las been feigning insanity. When
jooplo came on the stand with whom
10 has boon acquainted ho greets thorn
M good follows , and when their tcsti-
nony goes against him ho abuses
; hom. The prisoner in my opinion
s unsuccessfully endeavoring to simu
late insanity.
. Guitoau said : "I sue by my letters
; hat the people are beginning to ad-
ross mo as Lion. Charles Guitcau.
I have a letter from a gentleman who
says ho has thirty-eight instances of
specific 1 inspirations from the Bible in
which Almighty God directed people
; o < kill other pcoplo , and ho said he
can find more. I hnvo also a letter
'rom a doctor in Chicago who says a
ady cousin is expecting a 'baby , and
if it is a boy she intends to call him
juitcnu rather than Garfiold. [ Laugh
ter. ]
Reed cross-oxaminod the witness at
.ongth , and repeatedly trod on the
corn of Porter , who accused him of
deliberately and repeatedly misrepre
senting the statement , of Dr. Kemp-
itor in order to got ati admission that
10 believed in moral insanity. There
was quite a scone hero. Porter de
claimed in tragical fashion , and the
prisoner mocked him over and ever
again , much to the annoyance of the
district attorney. The court had at last
M interfere , and direct the case
to proceed Forcer , objected to almost
every question put and the prisoner at
last shouted excitedly , when the judge
said the case should got to the jury
some time "If you are getting tired ,
Porter , withdraw the indictment and
lot us go home. I am tired of it.
'Laughter. ] You know you have no
: aso and that's the reason you are so
[ ussy this afternoon. "
The cross-examination of the wit
ness was not finished when court ad
journed until to-morrow morning.
Dr. Gray , superintendent of the
state lunatic asylum of Now York ,
will bo examined to-morrow , and his
evidence will close the government's
cue.In answer to inquiry regarding the
order of closing , Corkhill said : "Mr.
Davidgo will make the opening
speech for the government , then I
suppose Mr. Scovillo will follow ; I
don't know whether Mr. Rood will
speak or not ; Judge Porter will then
close the case. I don't expect to
speak unless the question of jurisdic
tion is raised , on which I am prepared
to say something. That question was
thought to bo a trroat question at
first , but it seems to bo lost sight of
now. "
Mr. Reed received a letter to-day
from Jacksonville , saying : "Dr.
McFjirland has treated members of
Iho Quitenu family ; i * a thorough ex"
pert ; ' ' behoves him insane. 'Youfro-
member him in the Hopps'caso. Sub
poena him horo. " Reed will endeavor
to hare McFarland subpoenaed.
t > tlon l Associated 1'rcsa.
WASHINGTON , December 29. Sec
retary Kirkwood to-day affinnod the
decision of Attorney General McCain-
mon , of the interior department ; re
fusing to open the case of T. B. Val
entino et. ill. to locate scrip land hi
and near Chicago , on the ground that
possession has been previously de
cided by the highest executive oflicer
of the department and the facts since
presented do not warrant the hearing
of the case.
Elevated. Railway Transfer Kow.
National Associated Press.
NEW YOUK , December 29. The
Mail and Express this afternoon pub
lishes in response to the recent at
tacks made upon Cyrus W. Field ,
Jay Gould , Russell Sago and others ;
the opinions of Ex-Judge Dillon ,
David Dudley Field , Ed win" R. Bacon ,
Alexander & Green , Ex-Judge Coin-
stock , Judge Westbrook , .Judge
Truax , Judge Blatchford , Judge
Davis , Judpe Lawrence , Judge
Daniel , Judge Brady , et al. , to the
effect that the recent negotiation in
regard to the elevated railway is en
dorsed by Messrs. Alexander &
Green. The opinion of Ex-.Judgo
Dillon is very exhaustive and covers
all points presented within the case.
Ho supports in every respect the ac
tion taken as of right and law. Edi
torially , The Mail and Express say
they have taken pains to procure these
opinions in order that final answer
might bo made to the publications of
disappointed stock speculators. At
the same time , the opinion is that
matters were strictly in accordance
with the letter and spirit of the laws
both special and general. The va
rious authorities quoted refer
to the statutes in support
of the arguments made and
decision rendered , and concur in the
the decision that the action taken in
oorcordanco therewith was because
of the direction of the state statutes.
The opinion of Ex-Judge ( Cotnstock
is endorsed by Hon. W. Swayne , and
the opinions from Field and Bacon , ol
this nature , are of private rather than
public interest. Mr. Field in person
declines to be
interviewed or express
any opinion regarding the affair , as
does also Mr. Gould.
Tale of a Diamond-
National AnBoclated 1'rc-u.
NEW YOIIK , December 29.Ex -
Governor Stanford , of California , and
wife came to town at 7:30 : p , in. , De
cember 17 , and Mrs Stanford while
leaving the Grand Central depot lost
a threu-karat diamond earring enclos
ed in a gold globe. Word was sent to
the depot and Samuel Find , a hack-
man , said Charles Lint , n porter ,
picked something up and askwl him
what it was. Lint said it was a casing
cf a diamond. Both went to Stanford
at the Winduor hotel , and he gave
them f D a piece and promised flOO
or the return of the diamond snd
x > th mon returned to the depot and
jogan a search. A gateman notified
Inspector Byrnes ho MW Find pass
something secretly to another hack-
nan named Jno. Shlbbinand believed
t was the diamond which Find had
bund. Find , Lint and Bhlbbin wore
watched and as they went to the
Windsor hotel , the two first going to
Stanford's loom and Shibbin remain-
nt ( below , all wore arrested for con-
ipiracy and discharged for want of
The Star Roat * CAIOR.
s'ltlonal AsscxIiUrd 1'rttt.
PHILADELPHIA , December 21) ) .
Wm. A. Cook , assistant to the attor-
general in the star route cases ,
and Mr. Gibson , special attorney ,
were in the city yesterday and had
consultation , . with Attorney General
Drowsier. Cook said after the Gui-
; emi case was disposed of , several of
.ho postal suits would come up for
trial. Ho fools satisfied that the gov
ernment evidence is full nnd suf-
iiciont . to convict the contractors ns
charged. Ho added that the
report which Gibson recently
published containing tlamagiiu'
ividenco against former officials in
connection with star route contracts
was correct in all material points , and
was satisfactory to the authorities.
WASHINOTON , December 21) ) . Hon.
3oorgo Bliss has transmitted to At-
: orhoy-Gonnral Browstora copy of the
correspondence between' himself and
Postmaster General Jahics , with refer
ence to commencement of the suits
against the star route men , and has
received a reply , of which the follow-
rig is a copy :
Pa. , Deo. 20 , \
70G Walnutj Street , j
DBAR Sin : I have rnMived your
letter with correspondence bo-
.ween yourself and 'Postmaster
jonoral James. I road it all with
satisfaction and approve of that which
jo\i \ have written. As soon SB I enter
on the duties of my department , which
will bo in a few days , I propose to give
you Bpocial.authority to pursue these
mits with all of the promptness that
orderly litigation will permit. The
uttermost penny lawlessly received
nnd taken from the public treasury
must bo recovered. Hitherto you
have given diligent attention to crimn
Inal proceedings and before I came
into the' cases had acquired a com
plete knowledge of the aubjcct.
These prosecutions must be earnestly
pressed. Trials must bo''prompt and
casoq wall prepared. In you , together
with.tho other counsel who thavo been
before investigating - jbhwe , caics , I
mual rely for the proparationtof all
that is essential and which'- must bo
ready for uso. I havo,1 resolved that
my duty will require my active part
in the trials in court and' ' proposd to
n resent with you and in person
the prosecution of 'tho United
II am , sir , respectfully yours , , ,
' ( To Col. Geo. Bliss , Now York City.
. .Hon. Geo. Bliss arrived-sn.the cjjty
from N5V tYorli , thu morning ; ' 'Ho
will at ohco'in view of the above
letter , proceed to prepare the suits for
presentation to the grand jury , which
is now in session. , * ' C f
National Associated Press.
LONDON , December 29. The case
against Dr. Lamson , which was ad
journed in ardor to give the doctors
time to learn by experiments on ani
mals whether or not aconite had the
same effect as that found in the
stomach of the deceased student is
said to have had on him , was resumed
to-day , the doctors submitting a re
port that they found the symptoms
were similar in all cases.
BERLIN , December 29. An iron
clad cervQtto for the Chinese govern
mcnt was launched at Stollin yester
DUI&IN , December 29. A largo
seine of arms , ammunition and pikes
was made to-day at Ooylo , near Lis-
towoll < , and numerous arrests have
been made in connection therewith.
A man named Connell , a discharged
soldier , was captured to-day tied in a
farm house .near Maoropm county ,
Cork. From documents in his pos
session ho was identified as Captain
Moonlight , loader ot the Cork ribbon-
nion , and who is accused of a number
of outrages. Lists cf intended vic
tims and plans of attack was also
found on his person.
PAKIH , December 29. M. Chalomcl
Lacoua' action against M. Ilochoiort ,
of the Intransigoantj'for slander , re
sulted in the acquittal of Ilochofort
on the ground that the citation was
not in proper form.
ST. FATERSUUIUJ , December 29.-
Seventcon hundred arrests were made
in Warsaw during the riots. Troops
still continue to occupy the streets.
The Jews report that thoriptswere un
checked and took place with the con
nivance of the authorities.
Hebrew Refugee * .
Kttlonol Auoclited Prcat.
NKW YOKK , December 29. The
prospects for Russian Jew emigrants
IB brightening. To-day 200 v ore sent
to different localities in the west and
northwest. The Hebrew benevolent
societies have provided all of them
with clothing and free tickoU to
points of destination. They go to
Galvcston , Dallas and Austin , in
Texas , Nebraska , Chicago , Milwau
kee , Cleveland , and various parts ol
Michigan and Minnesota. Actual em
ployment is not promised , but 'they
boar letters from the societies to load
ing HubrowB in the cities and towns
to which they are sent , earnestly im
ploring that the refugees bo given
work to prevent their becoming
charges upon the authorities. In thu
way the Hebrews of this city divide
the responsibility of providing for
their distressed brethren from Russia.
A Hot Blast
National AuociaUd I'ruf.
SAN FUANCISCO , 29. A hot bias !
from Mohave douort has booh prevailing
vailing for the last twenty-four hours
in San Buonavonture , county , Cala ,
There are great indications of
drought in the southern portion
the state.
Auctioneering of a Smuggled
Bridal Outfit ,
Ship Chan&len and Jnuk Dealer *
Bay Up Goodi Aypraiied at
O.OOO for 1,60O.
NKW YOHK , December 24. For the
> nst two days a rare collection of all
lint is beautiful in the female eye was
nn exhibition in the auction room at
Durlinu slip. It wns a brido's trous
seau. Last month when the steam-
hip Scythia of to Cunard line arrived
at this port , among the passengers
vas Mr. Joseph Leopold , a wealthy
gentleman of Jlilwiuiko. In the four
runks which constituted his luggage
klr. Lcopld had packed n lot of costly
uticlcs which ho intended to
listrihutu among his children
and relatives. The hulk of
heir contents wns for hia daughter
Inchol , who was about to assume the
csponsibilities of matrimony. A
ympnthutic and , as it is alleged , a
corrupt custom house officer allowed
'ho property to bo convoyed to the
'rcscott House without the tornmlity
if exacting the customary duties ,
tlr. A. G. Voight , n custom house in-
ipector , called nt the hotel and asked
o sco nn inventory of Mr. Leopold's
mggago. The result of the inspoo-
ion was that two trunks were re-
nandod to the custody of the United
States marshal to bo sold.
At noon yesterday a motley crowd
; nthorod in the auction room. Loss
ban a dozen representatives of the
air sex were present , nnd they were
( oncrally unsympathetic nnd decidedly
> . usiuessliko. The catalogue included
sixty numbers , representing nearly
ivory article of female apparel and
loino embellishments. Thorp were
dresses , shawls , a sealskin circular ,
children's dresses , ladies' wrappers ,
skirts , parasols , kid gloves with from
.hrco to eight buttons , silk stockings ,
ceo handkerchiefs , ties , collars
and shawls , corsets , napkins ,
ablocloths and other parapher
nalia of housekeeping. All
iho table linen , the embroidered and
liomstitchod handkerchiefs and seine
of thorn. embossed monograms of
members of the Leopold family. They
were exposed in glass coses the only
ornnmonta which relieved the gloomi
ness of the store. The buyers were
principally ship chandlers , cotton
merchants , shipping mon , junk deal
ers , eligible young men with domestic
bliss in prospect , tea dealers , fruit
mon and men generally who do busi
ness near the East River. The ladies
were for the most part ornamental ,
occasionally giving an opinion as to
( ho use nnd value of certain articles ,
of which the auctioneer expressed a
profound ignorance.
Six music book's , the firsflot , went
for $1.124 each.'In rapid succession
the table - linen and embroidered .and
hemstitched handkerchiefs'wore dis
posed of i for less \ than cost. A lot of
point and Limerick lace mounchoirs
brought from 82.76 to 83 60 ; lace
collars of fine workmanship were sac
rificed at from 81 to 87 ; a black lace
shawl brought 825 ; lace caps , aprons
and , wristlets were sacrificed ; a pair
of elegant black silk corsets realized
§ 4.50 , a sum greatly under their real
value ; 83.60 per pair was the valua
tion placed upon live pairs of fine silk
stockings ; 81.35 per pair was
paid for twenty-two pairs of
ladies' throe-button kid gloves ;
two lots of four-button gloves
brought 81.25 and 81.37 respective
ly , and six pairs of gentlemen's qlovo.s
were cnptutod for 81 per pair. The
first real buzof excitement occurred
when Mr. Burdett gingerly hold up a
maroon velvet dross trimmed with
Eoint lace , a beautiful garment , which
ad boon appraised At 8 < I50 , plus the
duty of GO per cent One of the lady
spectators , who had boon feating her
eyes upon its glorious richness , oilbrcd
8100 to start it. To the surprise of
many it was knocked down for 8175
to Mr. Martin Hcrnln , a bachelor
lor Hhip-chundler , of South
street , His intimate friends expressed
the hope that it would match the
prospective Mrs. Hernia's face when
her lawful lord confronted her after
ho had spent a night with his old
companions. A black satin dress ,
heavily trimmed with bead passemen
terie and Mechlin lace , with waist to
match and adjustable train , were pur
chased by Air. Lawrence for 8120.
The appraised valuation wns 8300 ,
with the addition of 00 per cent , duty ;
a sacquo of the same workmanship
brought 850 , and a similarly made
dolman was Bold for 834 , less than
half its alleged value.
The other garments , which were
almost given away , were a plum col
ored satin drets , worth 8220 , for 881 ;
a blue cashmere wrapper , trimmed
with lace , for 835 ; a child'H dress of
blue silk , lace trimmed , 821 ; a silk
trimmed walking dress , $22. The
piece do resistance was a white bro
cade satin wedding dress , garniturod
with Mechlin lace , a perfect marvel
of the dress maker's art. An invol
untary "Oh , tny , isn't it too
sweet for anything ! " escaped
from the lips of the ladies ,
and the homey-handed men crowded
each other to catch a glimpse of its
immaculate sheen. Mr , Leopold's
daughter would have felt a tugging at
her heart strings hud she soon the
avidity with which it was exchangee
for 8H'0 , which Mr. Isaac Hall , pro
prietor of the battery baths , depositor
with the auctioneer. It was consider
ed to bo worth 8'HO ' , with the duty
added , A superb sealskin dolman ,
with bugle ornaments , was sold foi
8200 , The remainder of the articles
brought fairprices.Thorosult of the sale
was less than 81,500 fpr articles worth
by government appraisement , with the
duty added , about 80,000 , Mr.Voighf
said that Mr. Leopold could have ru
leased his good * on payment of the
duties , which amo'unted to about f 500
Phis Mr. Leopold declined to do , as
\lt. \ Voight alleged , fearing that ho
would bo arrested. This is the first
( me in the history of custom house
olzuros that such an olabornto trous-
can has been placed under the hum-
nor for non-payment of duties.
Tie P de triBt ,
NKW YOIIK , December 20. The
irincipal excitement in the walking
natch to-dny was caused by the ox-
rnordinnry record inadoby Fitzgerald ,
vho , without being pushed by any of
lis competitor * , reached the host six
Inys go-os-you-plonso record made by
( Tint. The attomlnnco nt the rink nt
? o'clock wns fully 1,000. llnrt , who
oft the track on yesterday morning ,
pent almost the entire day
n the building , playing pool
nnd watching the walkers.
) ox , of Bradford , I'oniisylvnnin ,
eft the track far record nt 12ttl : ! with
! 82 miles to his credit , nt 7 p. m.
"its-.gorald was loudly cheered by his
rioiids when it was ntiiunicutl ho hrul
> ont the be.nt record by two minutcR.
Score 1 n. m , , ! Utli ) : FiUnorald
! 12 , Horty 415 , Noromao-100 , La-
ouso 872 , Krohno 350 , Elson 282.
' ' '
New York Suclalliu.
s'allonil A'cocUtw ! I'roni
NKW YOUK : , December 20. In the
national socialist convention to-day , a
oaolution was adopted tlmt the qucs-
ion of tariff does not affect labor and
hat true protection lien in the organ-
ration of the trades. The conven
ient then expelled from the party
lightcen members , of whom Justus
Schwaab is one for fraudulently call-
ng themselves the Now York suction
of the party.
Grain Ratei.
National AMOclated from.
CHICAGO , December 29. The Van-
lorbilt lines reduced the rate to-day
jn grain and provisions to 12J cents
o Now York and 9 ( cents to Balti-
uoro. The rate of the Baltimore &
) hio road is 12 cents to Baltimore ,
uid of the Pennsylvania road 17 cents
o Baltimore , and of tlio Grand Trunk
road 17 i cents to Now York.
A GaiWell.
National AnoclaUd I'rcM.
n , Pa. , December 20. At
a distance of 1,050 loot the Wayne
company has struck n heavy flow of gas
which is pouring through a solid body
of 1,200 foot of water in the well.
I'umps are nt work nt the water. The
Riiitod gas lights up the visinity bril-
A Bad Tax Clerk.
National Awoclatod I'ren.
PHILADELPHIA , December 20.
Samuel B. Eiistburn , embezzling tax
clerk , was to-day held in 81,200 bail
to answer at court. Partial examination -
nation of his books shows that his
stealings between 1872 and 1876
amounted to ever $40OQO. ,
Mord rr Optor d-
National Aaioclatod Prow.
-\lvJku , xniiv , A DUIIIII vuftir v B/a
gahllicliard * , who . 'auaMlmted Mnr
Mary Lorroll last night ; wiiiiapturod
early this morning' , the ollWra track
ing him in the mud. 'A mob
take him from the officers , but wore
not 'successful. Ho was landed in'
Accidentally Shot.
NitlonM Associated Frew.
Loui8VJH.B , Ky , . December 29.
At Pewee Valley , nonr this city , this
Homing , Fannio. Muir , ngod 7 , nnd
Ulancho V/oissingor , aged 9 , were
playing with a loaded revolver , when
: ho latter wns accidentally shot in the
stouiitch , dying this afternoon.
H lull way XloVbory.
National Associated I'resi , . ,
Toi'KKA , Ka . , December 29. Late
lost night J. M. Olugston , a coal
dealer , was "hold up" by an unknown
man and relieved of his watch and a
snmll sum of money. The footpad is
known to bo one of u brnco of burg
National Associated Vreei.
WAHHINOTON , December 20.Foi
the lower Missouri valley : Clear
ing weather ; northwest winds , sta
tionary or lower temperature in the
eastern district ; higher pressure.
Minister Cramer.
National Associated 1'rues.
BOONKKVILLK , Ky. , December 29.
Hon. M. J. Cramer , minister to
Switzerland , who has boon visiting in
this city , his homo , loft for his post
Attorney Uoneral Brewiter.
National unoclatitl 1'rtns.
PlMJ.ADKM'UiA , December 29. At
torney General Browstor loaves for
Washington this week , and will enter
upon his official duties next Monday
YcxhitU Coming West.
National Aivroclatocl Trow.
CiiKMQo , December 29. Yoshida ,
Japanese minister , passed through
here to-day , en route to Japan , ac
companied by his family.
The following are all the real estate
transfers recorded at the County
Clerk's office , Wednesday , as reported
for this paper by John L. McOaguo ,
real citato agent and conveyancer :
Aug. KountKo ot. a ) . , to August
Doll , lot 20 , block 10 , Kountzo and
Ruth's add. , w. d. 8550.
Fred Strollandwifoto B. Schroth ,
part of lot 5 , block 19 , Credit Foncior
add. , w. d. 8175.
Francis J. Burkloy to 0. E. Yost ,
part of block 34-1 w d. 890,00.
United Status to Doodutua Hubbell ,
sw , of HOC. 29 , town 10 , rungo 10 ,
cast. Patent ,
Heirs of DoodaUm Hubbell to
Elijah Cowles , n. A of BW. | , soo. 29 ,
town 10 , range 10 east , w , d. 8800.
Heirs of Duodatus Hubbell to
Mary S. Cowlea , B of BW | of ace. 29 ,
township 10 , range 10 , cast , w. d.
8800 ,
Heirs of Michael Garvoy to Thoa.
Murray , parcel in nwj of noj of sec ,
10 , township 14 , range 13 , east , w , d ,
A Minister Macto to Dance by a
Domestic ,
Bho Alleges Him to bo the
Daddy of an Illegitimate -
imato Child ,
And Says Ho Promieod Her
Pour Hundred a Year
toKeep Quiot.
H Appear * Ho "Was in n JJilto
Sornpo Before-
National Associated PrcM.
HLOOMINOTON , 111. , December 29.
A social cycloiiu burst upon this city
to-day which compromises the private
character of llov. 3L 0. Hoffman ,
tmstor of the First M. E. church. A
female domestic formerly employed in
liis family alleged that ho is the Biro
olJ her illegitimate ) child , born last
May ! ; that when maternity was impend
ing ho sent her to Springfield until the
child was born ; that she cnmo to her
home in custom McLean county in
May , with his promise to pay 8-100
per yw r to Keep the child , aim to
shield , him. The affair leaked out
through the confidence bestowed upon
neighbors by the girl's mother. Thus
ittl reached this city.and the church nu-
thoriticB have decided to cull a judicial
conference to investigate the charges.
Hoffman , who denies the affair as a
foul conspiracy and blackmail , linn
retained , brilliant legal counsel , and
w BUO the girl's family for slander
it order to brinp about a legal invest- ! .
Ration with witnesses under oath.
Hoffman is a brilliant pulpit orator ,
ngod 47 , prominent in church and
temperance work and last fall niado
o o of the most effective republican
speeches of the campaign. Ho faced.
charges of adultery at Quinoy when
pastor of a church there four or five
years ago and was honorably acquitted.
Marino Intelligence.
National Ansaclntixl Trent.
NKW YOHK , December 29. Sailed
The City of Paris fpr Liverpool , the
State ot Fcnnsylvania for Glosgowtha
Westphalia for Hamburg.
LiVKiU'ooL , December 29. Sailed
The Erin for Now York.
Arrived The Alaska from' Now
yuEENSTOWN , December 28. Sailed
On the 28th , the Ciiy of Brussels
for Now York.
PLYMOUTH , December 29. Arrived
The Sorvia from Now York for
Hamburg. _ , ,
JtarRedmotioaWorkB. -
National Associated I'rew
SAN FftAjf Cisco , , December 29.
Tho- Bluest dne andP auotiori.1wo'rka7 * ;
of Arizona' ; , man g&a byfcin'Jtoncis } "
co capitaliifa , hare filed 'wtielei of
incorporation * . The object is to 'man-
ufaoturo bluestone and mill and 'co-
fine quartz'rock and other ores' Cap
ital etock Is $100,000 , in 1,000 shares
of 8100 each.
A Jn t Sentence.
National AveocUtyd 1'ron.
PmLAHKLvaiADecombor29. Wm.
Tully , the fugitive election officer who
was captured nt > < ] 3crgon Point , N. J. ,
a few days ago , pleaded- guilty to-day
to making fraudulent returns nt the
last election for mayor and was sen
tenced to six months in prison , $100
fine and disfranchiHomont for seven
JAMKH E ISOVD. Proprietor.
U U MAKBII , iJuslncHU Manager.
Matinee at 2 O'clock. Night at 8
Engagement of the WorlcMlcnownocl
At the Matinee Their Great Whirlwind of Fun.
At nluht , entire t-lianio o' I'rocramme.
Or Ito Jolly
Kcirular Opera House I'rlcca. Secure tcata In
advance. de20-U
Matter of Application of F. A. ' Ilnm-
inon for Liquor License.
Notice la hereby given that P. A. Ham-
uion did , upon the 23d day of De
cember , A. D. , 1881 , file his application to
the Mayor and City Council of Omaha ,
for permit to xell Malt. Spirituous and
VitioiH Liquor at B. w. cnr , IGth and
Cumlng street , Fifth wnrd , Omahn , Neb. ,
from the Cth day of January , 1882 , to the
10th day of April , 188 : ? .
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or protect filed within two weeks from De
cember 23d A. i ) . , 1881 , the told license
will bo granted.
granted.P. A. HAMUO.V , Applicant.
THE DAILY BEE newspaper will publish
the above notice once each week for two
week . at the expense of the applicant.
The City of Omaha U not to bo charged
therewith , J. J. L. C.JKWETT ,
City Clerk.
BpcdAl attention gUet ) to collectlou In But !
nouzU- ' "
OUA 0 , B , UKBOH I , O , UDKI
Clarkson & Hunt ,
Bucveaarvr * to Richard * A Hunt ,
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly ol OlihfcJacobi , )
o.UlTKurnhamSt , 01J fcUad Ol MtkWf ,
ITOrttn or Xelegnob BoUcltoA