O OMAHA DAILY B15K : TilUJiSDAY. DECEMBER , 2 ! ) 1881. AN INSURANCE MURDER. A Tragedy in Kansas with Seine Extraordinary Features. Ono of ttn Mast DnllTiprftto nud Carefully Plnnnmt MnriluM on Hccnrtl. N > w York WorM. A romarkixblo story of attempfed swindling , involving n cold-blooded murder , was told to a World reporter yesterday at the olllco of the Mutual ' Lifo Insur.tiKio Company. The prm- cip.il actor in it has not yet btun ap- ' nrohcndfd , but the tlotcctivea are on 'his track and it is expected that ho will bo captured very coon. All the documents in this oaring aclieme , the photographs of the adorn and 'heir victim , the letters which his and they wrote , are in the pojseettion of the company and wercaoen yesterday by the reporter. The story , briefly told , 'is as follows : In December , 1878 , John AV. Hill man made applications for insurance on his lifo , at Law ranee , Kansas , in the offices of the Mutual , the New York and Connecticut Mutual Life Inauranco Companies. The applica tions were forwarded to the home of- .ficea , and in the same month ho was insured for $25,000 810,000 in each ot the Now York companion , and $5,000 in thu Connecticut Mutu.il. Ho paid the first quarterly premium to thu three companies , and thun started for the far cattle ranch. A companion started with him , named John II. Brown. While crossing the prairies they mot a young man named Frederick A. Waltrtrs , whom Hiliman hired to accompany them to tend cattle tlo on the ranch. On the evening of March 10th , 1879 , the party camped n few miles outsidoof Medicine Lodge , Barbour County , Kansas. The fol lowing morning Brown came into the villiige ! and announced that IIH | friend Ilillman had buon accidentally chot while removing some goods from their wngon. A coroner's jury was impan elled and Vent out to the camping ground , when Brown narrated the story of the shooting. Ho nnid that Hiliman and himeelf bad boon travel ing together , without any companion , in search of a cattle ranch. A verdict o'f accidental death was rendered , and the body WIH buried in the cL'inotery Of Medicine Lodgo. Valteis had dis appeared , and nothing waa hoard of tiim. INVKSTIOATINO T1JK H1IOOT1NO. When the news of llillman'a death was brought to his friondu in Law rence they refused to believe the story of accidental shooting , arid had the body exhumed and brought home. Another inquest was hold , and an ex amination of the body revealed the fact that it Has not that of Ilillman. The insurance companies agreed to act together , and sift the matter lethe the bottom. They believe that Hill- irian was still alive , and that he and Brown had procured thu corpse for the purpose of securing the insurance. The dead man was not not like Hillman - man ; his hair was curly , and came down around bin face , while Hillman's was quite straight , and was brushed * back from his forehead. The dead man hud1 the usual number of teeth , while Hiliman was known to have ono mitsing. The dead man had rocontlv been vaccinated , and the scar on hfs arm was quite- fresh and sore. Hillman - man had alno boon vaccinated just be fore starting OH hia trip , but the doc tors certified that the scar on Hill- man's body must have become cica trized by that time. The dead body was taller than Hillmnn's , and it w.is remembered that Hiliman had tried to 'get his height falsified while under going the medical examination in the insurance companies' ofiicea. The fatal - tal- wound also -waa one which could hardly have been intlicted in the man ner described by Brown , and thu lat ter had become very much confusud at the inquest in narrating the details of the occuranco. Altogether it was evident that thu dead man was not Hiliman , but who he was remained a mystery. THK U15A1) MAN IDKNTll'IKI ) . A photograph of the corpse was tak en and Bunt to various placoe. It WOH firat recognized nt Fort Madiaon , Iowa , u.i that o * Frederick A , Wal ters , the man who joined Brown and Hiliman on their supposed search for u cnttlo ranch. When the photo graph waa shown to Walters' father bo at once rououii'zod thu features as thosu ot his son. Ho took it homo with himunduuuidontully dropping it from his pocket , it waff seen by his wife and daughter , who at once burat into tears. Several letters of Walters woru also found. Ono to his RWtiut- heart , in Fort Madinou , whom ho ad- drusHud us "Dearoat Alvlri , " stated that lui xvim going weat with a man named Ilillman , who owned a largo cattle ranch , and who hnd agreed to give him very liberal wages for bis services. Hu told her to remain con stant to him and ho would return in a few months with enough money for their marriage. Walters' brother de- Dcribcd thu body before HColng it , and said thuro waa a mole about thu si/o of u pua on thu luft lug. Thu body answered thu doHcrintion , oven to the small mole. This lott no doubt that bo had boon -killed by Uillni'tu and Brown aa a substitute tor the former's body in order to secure the insurance money. nr ONK OK THK OONHI-IKA- Brown was arrested and madu a full confession in Septouibur , 187' ) , in 'Plat/o / County , Bio. , saying that the pn'ccodinc wu. < part of a ucliemo ti defraud the insurance companies , He Raid that ho was acquainted witli all the parties to the cnemo , Thuj woru Hiliman , Luvi Baldwin Hill man's father-in-law Mr . Baldwin and liimaolf. Baldwin furnished tlu money in the operation. Hillmar waa to insure his life for 915,000 , and Brown and he were lo find u body tc palm off on the insurance companies , It was afterward ducidcd to have Hill man insured for $25,000. "Wo Imc no definite plan for the finding of i body , but supposed we could caailj got QUO. Wo made a trip in thu hitter tor part of December , 1878 , fron Wichita to the wcat duiing a heav ; snow-storm , hoping to find eomu on fro/eu to death on thu road , but dii not succeed. Ilillman and I wur alone oil , the trip. Ou 'tho Oth c Much o stirlod on ft ocontl trip. On tins tup wo fell in with Walters , whom Hilltium hircil to work on n ranch. Hillmaii' taul tlml Walters wqulcl' ' niaKo n peed body for the in- Humnco cotnpanicfl. I told him the body wnn not like hia , nnd thnt it nrould iifit do , nnd I nlw > protested agaiiiBt Ihu taking of Wallors' lifo as murder was notpiirt of our agreement. Ilillmnn liked thu idut , however , mid p.iitiB iNcro taken that not moro than I wo of u.i should bo seen around the wagon. Olio of us wai alwiiya iinhlo. "Ilillmnn hud been vaccinated bo- f"ro wo left on this trip , and ono day ho advihoil Wallers to uct vaccinated , at I hero would bu danger of Rinall-pox in the rtyion whcro wo were ( , 'oin- { { Wnlti'M consented , and Ilillman vac cinated him with a penknife , Baking the matter from his own arm , 'J'his ' was relied upon to help oatahliHh the identity of Walters ai Uiilinan. Hillman - man aim ; traded off his clothes with Walters , llu gave Wallum a lot of underclothing , and ( bun traded his outside gannuntfl. Walters was an onnygoing stupid sort of follow , Ho imid that bin name was Horkloy or Burcholl , Wo always called him Joe. I never madu free with him after Hillman - man tiad inado his .mind up to kill him. I did not want to bccomo inti mate with him. On the evening wo ( , 'ot to camp , on the Kith of March , Joe was flitting by the tiro. I was at the wagon , trying to got out noino things , when I heard n report , and saw tlio man was shot. Ilillman dragged the body to ono aide , and put ono ot his own books in the dead man's pocket. Ho then took Joo'a va- line and went off. Ho was about to tell mo where he was going , but I told him I did not want to know , as I could find out > eon enough. I have never hoard of him since. Mm. Hiliman bus paid to mo flinco then that aim know whcro he WIIH , I alHo hoard that ho was travelling undur the name of William MOHA. Baldwin and his \vifo knew all about tliiw. " BKillOIIIMI KOK TItK 01IIKC CI'.IMIHAL. Subneiiuontly Brown uocapod and retracted thin confcsmon , saying that he had bncit induced to make it by the lawyers for the inauranco compa nies , who , he said , had told him that it ho would make it , and is Mrs. Hillman - man would deliver the policies to the companion , ho would bo promittcd to [ ; o free. .Alr.i. Hiliman did nurrundur the policies , and confessed that she know her hiiHband was alivo. The H'aldwitm , Mra. Hiliman and Drown liavo uinco disappeared , and no trace : f them have been found. Hiliman liimself baa been frt'tjuontly soonsinco thun , and ho in known to bo in HOIIIO : if the mining camps around Load- I'illo. The companioa have detectives mi his track , and they rcooivo reports pf the progress of the hunt. Hillmati is said to bo a typical wuotorn bravo , and it is sunniascd that thodetootivos : ire inoro afraid of him than desirous of gaining the reward for bin capture. Plattimnnth Pointrtrn- Corrc | Wnlcncu of Tim IlKr. l'iAiTSMotrrir , Nob. , December 28. The nnuual ball and auppor of Plattamcnth Lodge A. F. & A. M. mm hold hero last evening and pronounced - nouncod by all a decided success. rhoRC parties are always looked for ward to with A great deal of pleasure , uid last night wna no exception to the rule. The exorcises were hold in MMQIUO block ono side being used for social enjoyment , the other for Jancing , mippor was served at the Perkins house. The invitations were limited this year , each mason having Jio privilcgo of inviting ono friend. The young ladies of the Episcopal ihurch give a mascjuo ball on the ovo- lini ; of the liflth at Fitzgerald's hall , vliich promises to bo the most ro- ihorchu i > ( fair of the season , Plattsmouth has another boom , contracts for over $100,000 have boon lot for improvements the coming spring. B. L. Davis , of the class of ' 83 of the state university , has been onghgod is assistant principal in our high school and ia giving the boat of Balis- faction. Mr , 8 , is n young man of unusual ability and an honor to his alma , mater. A number of Plattsmouth young people are homo for the holidays , among thorn being D II. Wheeler , Jr. , M. E. Wheeler , 0. N. Parnoll , T. P. Livingston , of the state univer sity ; Misa Mattie Cooper , of Brownoll Hall ; 0.V. . Spurlock , of the Methodist - dist school nt York , and I < , S tad el- man , of the military school of Minne sota. sota.Dr. . Die Lewis , the noted lecturer and originator of the Ohio crusade , paid Plattamuuth H short visit this wuuk , thu cuost of ilia cousins , Mr. and Mra. D. H. Whoolor. Thu now Perkins Uotiao is meeting with such Hticccsa that it is thought ncmmry to enlarge to accommodate the public. This spe.iks well for PlaltHmouth. Plattsmouth is to have a now twenty thousand dollar oper.i house , to bo ro.uly for occupancy by next fall. D. H. A Rixllwny Acoldnut. The maddoat man in the ntato is i oigh train conductor on the La Orosso division. 1.1 in train waa cominj east , and this side of Now Lisbon the conductor miaaod one of hia brakomoi man naniud Gregg. After Icarnin that ho was not on the train the con duotor signalled the engineer to stop and it vras backed up slowly , the boy looking for the body of their lat comrade , expecting to find it mashei up finer than powuor , Two hours th boys searched in vain for the deceased and then the train waa lucked im Now Lisbon and A searching part , ordered out. About this time th brakunmn was seen walking along th street with a girl on his arm. Ho wai "mashed , " but not fatally. The cou ductor borrowed a shot-gun and atari od for Gregg , but ho took to the wood across the Lomonwoir river , and i subaiating on love mid what little stu the girl carries him in n basket. Ih conductor waa so mad when ho got t Portage that ho had a hot box , Grandmother Uncd to nay : "Jloyn , If your blood In ot of cnler try Uurdock tea1 anil then the had tn uiB the lluulock nml boll It d w in kettle/ , making a iunty HinelllnK dococ tlon. Aowryou et all the ouruthu lirni cititH pu up In a palatable form in Ifi ! DOCK lltoou Umtitb. 1'rlcc 1 , tilol Hlz lOoeutu. 25. Jw THREE IN A ROW. The Prosperity of the Farme of Nodavmy , Brooka nnd Smithtown , lowft. Pnrxonnl Mention. Corrcipondcncfl of Tim ) ) n . BUOOK.H , Adams county , Ja. , December - comber 27. Thrco little towns along the iatorn branch of the Nodaway , nay come in for their share of attcn- ion. Nodaway , live miles east of Yilliaca sa village of 100 , although its business nlereslH were somewhat injured by ire n few years ago. M. J. Simpson & Co. have a largo toro , filled with general merchandise , nd have the business of the town. They are located in n largo ahowy luilding , and they do not propoao to ot the trade go away from the town. Mr. J. H. Shearer , the gentlemanly Ution audit , i a cunning workman vith a jack-knife , and baa worked up uito a trade in violins. Ho has the imputation of manufacturing a finu rticlo , and finds sale for them at good > rices , much faster than ho can make lium. lium.Wo called to enquire for the young whowas hot nan John Amspoker , -was omo aovon or eight weeks ago , by the riminal caroloaanoss of another young nan. Young Amspoker , who ia rep- eaontod as being a steady boy , was landing after dark on the steps in rent of the post oflico , when ovoral "smart young men" came long , on their way to attend a "calli- liumpian entertainment , " or "grand > ow-wow" around the house of a new- y married couple , and one of them rod off his pistol for aport , and young Amepoker was terribly wounded , the mil going in just forward and below lie arm , and in the direction of the thor shoulder. The physicians have done all in loir power , and many join with the nxious mother in the hope that ho lay recover. It seems as though fathers and nothers would learn that fire arms ro not lit play things for children or awless and worthless boys and men , nd that these gatherings of rowdyism ro usually off from thu same cloth vith highway robberies. Brooks , ten miles cast of Vi llisca , ias about 200 inhabitants , with three [ lurches , a graded school , live or six tores , two blacksmith chops , harness lop , drug store , elevators , lumber urd , &c. Dr. J. S. Peregrine and brother mvo iv good supply of drugs and landln musical inatrumontH. The qctor settled bore twenty-six yearn go , and has been untiring in hia of- orts to improve the village. lo ia an excellent physician , \ Cita \ argo practice , a wido-awako business nan and entertains advanced ideas on lie questions of the day. 0. 8. Scott , an old citi/.un , but now loatmaater , hns'his oflico with Henry lublo , in his grocery storo. The Tucker Bros have a good stock f general merchandise , in a largo and ommodious building , while John \V. Voller in a small room , is in compoti- ion in the satno line. Jacob Haylett , of the blacksmith nd wagon shop , ia a man of largo liought and an active live man who inds use for TUB DAILY BKB. His argo shop is painted in good style and isido there is every indication that aoob In n master workman as well as ne of the best of neighbors , and a obor , industrious mau. It. E. Young has a good stock of larneaa , whips , blankets , &c. , and has good trade. James M. Harvey , the "slender ) lacksinith , " is the owner of 15or 20 warms of bees , some American and omo Italian. Ho reports that they ro healthy and prosperous , and ho ) oliovcs the boo culture is a great suc- oss hero. H. S. Moore is a stock dealer , and . Y. Qilmoro has two elevators , vhilo Dixon'fl lumber yurd is a marvel nd covers as much ground as any ard within fifty union. The railroad have undertaken to traighton the Nodaway along this alloy , so as to keep it on ono ido of the railroad instead of immn- oring from side to dido BO often , and iio earth removed to make a channel or the stream is being placed near the rack , and looks as though they in- ended to make a double track HOIIIO ay. and they are running an extra rain from Villisca to llud Oak now , o lighten the freight trains , as his is the heaviest urado on ho road. Nearly n hundred trains ) ABB over this road daily , and as the ) uaincB8 increanos the company are mproving the toad , putting in good stone work and gradintr up to the track .hrough . the towiiB , and it is expected > y many knowing ones that within it rear or two new station IUJUBCX w ill bo milt all along this line , Four or live miles south of Ihooks s the thriving young village if Bmithtown , whoio u two thousand dollar M. K. church i * juat finished , and some largo and costly stores nro being erected , and will bo tilled with full a took it of gen eral merchandise , and the people are asking for a daily mail , while the blacksmith and hotel men and other shopjion and traders are on the way to locate there , as THK WKKKLY BBK has to stay , Buriccvt : . If you are aiuToring from a Cough , Cold AHlhnm'JJrxnchitiHtHay Fever , Consumption , l" "f voice , tickling ol tlm Ihiiuii , nr any nUi-ction of thi ThrtMit or Lungs , into Dr. King's Now Discover } * for Consumption , This is the great remedy that is canning m much excitement by its uondcrfu curt'H , curing thousands of hopoliw casu . Over n million bottles of Dr Kind's Now Discovery liavo been usi-t within the last year , mid have giyoi nor feet satisfaction in every instance We can unhesitatingly say that thin IB really the only sure euro for throa and lung aflcctions , mid can cheerful ly recommend it to all , Call and go a trial bottle free of coat , or a rug u la size for $1.00. Tub & SlciliUion , Om aha < ! ! ) Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW f joniuCferfrom Dj * ] > ci > ! n , two 1IU11IXXJK IJLOOI ) U1TTEIW. f you aruaffllctc'l with nillouxneM , ti < ro I1UIIDOCK 1)UOU 1IITTK113. f younro i > rcHitrfttoil wltti nick Hiwliche , tnko 11UUDOCK W-OOU I1ITTKII.S f i our Ilo ell arc dlMrdtrod , rtjtulatu thira with IIUIIDOCK III OD 1IITTKI18. fjourDloolto mpurr , purify It with nunuoc'K ULOOD im ) > : ns. ffotlhkve Indljfpntlon.jou Kllltmdun antlilotn n HU111K > CK I1LOODIUTTKU8. f roil arc troMblcd with Spring Ootnpl&lnH , cr- a < llcat them llh IIUKDOCK It LOO D DITTKIIS. f your Uverla torpid , restore It to hralthy action with IIUKDOCK 11I.OOD nnTKHS f your I-her I * affected , jou will find a niro re- tontUo In UUItbOC'K IIIXXH ) I1ITTEKS. f you hare anj upcclon of Humor or Plmplo , full ot to take BURDOCK I ) LOO I ) IIITTK11S. f you have nny nymptoiiM of Ulcers or Scrofulous Here , a curative remedy will Iio found In BUUDOCK 11LOOD IltTTKIia. 'or tmpartlnt ; irtrcngth and \HUlity tothonj-s- cm , nothing can e < | ual I1UIIDOCK niXXJD niTTKIta 'or Nervous and General Debility , tone up the } tcm with 11UHDOCKI1LOOD BITTKIU3. Price , CI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Dottle * 10 Oil FOSTER , MILBURN , & Go , , Props , BUTTATO , N. Y- Sold at wholesale hy I h & MeMahon and C. F. Goodman. Je 27 eod-mu BITTERS In Hottfl of FamilioB toaUtter'a Stomach HlttcM IB as much regarded aa a household nc'cr Hlty an mi nr or coffee. The reason of thli (9 ( that jc.irn of experience hi\e proved It to be perfect y reliable in those cases of omenrency whcro & prompt and convenient rim- Bdy U demanded. Congtipatlun. liver complaint , dygpepala. Indigestion and other troubles are overrome by It. For ale hy all DrugRUUutd Dealers , to whom apply for Ilmtettcr'a Almanac forlB82. SPLOMON'S GASH PRICE LIST ! 1204 Faraham St. , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . 'reserve It and Compare PrlceeJWIth'Otheri t'llimr Hieoa . K llrlH1 filler Sluds . U ( vt 81 \Va.-nnin City . t1. S4xSO C'hromoi Wnlrint Kramea . V UtlOCivnid WHlnut.b'raiuct . , . C 8J x21 Can t l Motto rmnu-a , Wnlnut . VI lev ! I Wulniit KrumtH . ' - . ' llandnone Velvet 1'rnmo-i . , . If lloom ttouldlnir. Walnut or Ollt , 1 Inch per fool . , . . . . . t Itoim Moulding , Waluul or Ollt , U Inch IH.T loot . , . , . 1 llrawi HooU for Room Moulding , ) M.r uoz , . 1C llud Uooin I.uii p , Complete . ' " Hand lAnii , Coiupltto . Vi Hand lAUip , Complete . nt Iron COM lluckct . . . st need Hroom . , . , . lf Itest llrimm in Market . -t Chlld' llroom . 1 < Spittoon . Ouapadtrui . . . . . . . . . . f Kxtenilon Ubary Uuip . 8 'C 0 ( How UoUcU ( onu et ) . 3C 0 Olo.ii Tumbler * ( one net ) . . . SI l.auiii Chlmneyi . , . . . , . . . , . . . . ' Uood LanUni. . V One OalIonUilL'a.ii . „ . . ' . Low Prlcei for Iron 8tonn China Ware I'nlititiilliTww.inr tntfrtiu | > ) .i . . Handle Tcai , i > er wt (12 pli-cca ) . UDhnndl * Coffftf , per et (1" ( pieces ) C. Handle Coffuo , | > er set (12 ( plcct'H ) ' Out Ho I > ioruto4(0pl < x0 One Set To * I'UUii ( U plecus ) . .nt ) Set llrctlfust 1'latcd ( B plocrs ) One bet Diimor 1'UtCl ( U pivots ) . CotercdTurecni , . , . , . . , . , . . Cream fltchcrx . . AVith Itonl and 1'Hchcr. . , , Chamlxni . . . . * Tollut SeU lor Hfd Itooiim (3 | > leci ) . 1 0' ' Iu t IhjtH . , . . tit ole UUniomli . , , . . . Ioklnj ; ( lUssrt. uli I'rku' . ConductsiD1 tantcrni. CAHH , and find tliematliabt 1U to 30 per cant. ICM that vlMuhvra , on o pitrcha'o for Cush , at the lo i * ratc , ami tell for C li Oidy , My cuktomvr * nri not obllitwl to jny for lomiothiuldebtii iiwi ktuptioiipokiindnocittrt.'rii arc made , ulvi Hi a trial and bo convinced. TUaso call am prlcu ourUoods tn ne ha u tliousaiuh ol ariicli not nivut oned on thli bill. All AreiWelcome , Whether They Wan QoodacrHot. H. SCHONFELD Propietor of the ANTIQUARIAN Book Stoz e ! The Antiqnarinn'dVnrninR - Do not trust liiiti , Rcntlc render , Though hid xhdvci look Irliu nml neat Do nut li'od the | jlnto jfliwt window f , Hlilnlng out urmii the street. Gilded li.icklnuon the AolumeH -ooli will fadi ) nml be forgot ; GiWed ffjfiig nro oft deceit ing Gentlu reader , trust him nut. , mice there 'ivod a ntudcnt , Who long nought fop learning rare , Ai-d - I a met Iditi on the t > ido\vntk , And hi1 fnlcply Iwt him there. And ho tnlketl to him of TIIADK .S.M.K8 , I'OTTEH'B Inw n nnd SoiiMCCKKii'ri lore ; And I mot him plodding homuHfirj With a bundle to lii door. Ocntle render , I lav waited , Nightly I have walked tl e street , Lingering for you on the corner , And this htvpp ? hour wo meet ! HniKe jour BJC to yonder window , Where our atudunt , In thn night , With n page of SCHMCOKKH'H history , ltlscn up his pipe to light , r , turn not from me coldly , The truth only have 1 told ; I would Rd o theo from the book Mores , Where the cii tomoru nro "told. " I w uld sliield thee fr > m rv',1 d inger , Uhleld the from the plute RV mare ; Shun , O , > hun the gilded coi ntcrs , I have warned thee now IIKWAKK ! H. Schonfeld , PROPRIETOK OF THE ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE Invlttntho attention of the lo\er < of uood rriul- Ing to hie cxtcnjhe and \olualilo c.lleetlon of the CHOICEST WORKS In nil department * of Literature and Bdcnrc N < .t on ] } , nro the meet cstoeniul KIIK ! * h nnd Ainuncuii work * to I * found i n hU nhtlves , but THE ANCIENT CLASSICS , nd thoHtnndirl Writer ) of Mo-llnvatagia and Modern hiiropo nra tte 1 reprtwntod. Oulit | to hia opportunities for KBcurlnjr thcuo IooL .Ulnw prirtu , ho ifliH thorn nt Ihumi which ran not IKJ met l > j any other buu o In thin Ity. 1'iutlt * desiring Good Books at Low Prices ro requested to mil cl c here licforo coming lire that they mi } prove the truth of thin ns- > cnloip. d firing to kifp it ttock of thu \ crj best worVs , inrofulh ncl ct onlj sticli i could meet the np- ire > l of n ctilttxalol tunic. In thc * daj of chi ap literature It In vcrj oa.iv tobuj for a little inonej n lariru'tock of printed nnt'vr , tmund In veil gilded ro\erJ and popular- r tunned bai > ki , but winch dmcno the tlt'o in lie Imiftiiage of Chariot of l.imli , "Things in Books' ' Clothing , " It Is to bo riKrrttcd tlmt so many bookstllen , ! itt rate ami mcrccnatj , B1I tluir iheluw with hlsepuilis of naming mu.ttr , thiu converting hdr ttonalnto Mere Ghamal Houses or the gllt-educd nnd hot-prc cil mummies of ori(0iten or uuna ] pll > imforicotton Hcribkrii. Let the > u uhn Hill to read bookH of IK- 'fJNMC VALUK Htcp Into m > Ktorc and the ; i ill Hid whatever thcyw&nr , Iteci t mbcr that l > \ the choice of jour book ) ur iharaitcr i < juil fd. It IB an axiom that 'people will not lie better than the books t ey tad,1' lr A. Totter The Ki-noral under , the lawjtr , the rlaxHical , hcoloRlcalor nxdlml uttidtnt , the uminixr or architect the historical enquirer , llielOMrof > oetry or fiction , or t'loits who look ( or work In orclgn language.8 , can be supplied with what la cslnd. I hac also a lirue anil w ell nelecto I Block of Icgant Little Books for Children at home , who liould be retrmuibere J In this holiday season. And thoeewho wlh for choice and rldily hound gift bookH , whose contents will bo found wor.hy of their external aj pcaranco ' , will do well to call ttho ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 142O Douglass Stret-t. HEADQUARTtRS OF THE LITERATI. dc20eodlm OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE : TRADE MARK , ° 0reatTRADI - MARK o < iy. Anun- falllntr euro for Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhea , Impotency - ency , ana all Diseases that * follow O9 A BEFORE TAKlKQ.soqueneo of AFTER TAKING. .Self-Abuse ; OH Loss of Memory , Universal Lassl < tudo , I'aln In the Uack , Dimness of Vision , Premature < mature Old Age , and many other DUeascs thai lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Orate , * jtarKull particulars tn our pamulilot , whlcb H deslru to send free t . mall to everyone , rThe Speclflc Mullclno Is Jold by all drUKKfctt at 81 per package , or 0 pack ? es for 85 , or will bo bunt free by mall on ro ? pt of the money , b ) addressing THEGIIA IBDfCINCCO. , nuffalo , N. Y. For nalo bv C. P Ooodr oc7mu-eod United States Depository NationalBank OF OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Farnam Sta. OLDK8T DANKINO ESTABLISHMENT If OUAHA. 8UCOE8SOR8 TO KOUNTZE BROTHEHB. arAiiUBiiKu IHM. Ortcanliod aa a Katlonal lUnlc Augiul 20 , JSdS CAPITAL AND I'KOXITH OVKK - 300OOC OTTlCrSM XKD UIVICTOXJli KCUMZH , 1'ruiMcnt. ACOUBTl'8 KOI'MZI , Vice I'KflMl U > . II , W. YATIU , liuhlnr. ' A. J. rorrumis , Atcorne > . JTUUN A. y , 11. Divia , AMI. Thl tank recoltui Uc | > ojit without regard tc aniounUi. Inaucs time certificates iKarinp Ititoreat. Draws draftj on SAH tVancnco ivnd principal cltlen of the United fitvton , olxo London , Dublin lnbiir h and tb principal cltics-of the conti ; ncnt of iuroHi. ) SelU | < awenrr tlckctt for emlrant | } tiy tha In man line marldtf Jf JTOJ are maul of bUhlnei'iwtiak ' jour uutlrs arulil f nltrbt work , to m tttniulant.anU u e W tonsbratiinotrennd Hop Bitter . ue , UM Hop B. If you BJ jounir nil iiff rlnB from any lu dlinttlon or til ijiu tVulu It you ani mar ried or .Ine4. * , old orpjrouw.niirerln/row Iwurbr.ltaorluifuli'hKfiiir on b l ol ck- of" , iiy on HoplBlttgr * . t.rc'Hop MK HcpiHtor. ltte' . , i. o You wll. . rtinxllfiroaiue Hop Bitter * Ifioa r rlm- oldbrdrug. wealf .ad t - brujfor Til ; . NEVER culi.r * ' ' m'air | B01BTTK S nve your FAIL ! 'l"U 10. , life. Itlrn * nved hurt1 ared * . A TVrvato , DDL O. F. Manderson , ATTOENEY - AT - I rarnhaai 8 * , . E 1 I Manufacturing Company , ( M ? Jh C/ * OF THE- Finest , Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. / , The only und ( | Uional plato that original firm ot\ \ ' is giving for instance - Rogers Bros. stance a single All ou > SjwonB , Forks and plated Spoon a Knives plated triple thiokncHB with the greatest plato only on of care. Each the a o o t i o a lot being hung ou a scnlo wbilo whore expo d being plated , tc to wear , thereby insuru n full deposit making a singlu posit of silver ot- pbtted Spoon them , wear as long aa We would cell a triple plated especial attention . one. tion to our BCC- Rival. Orient. Tiwod. - - All Ordcn la the West nhaald tx AddrcaBod to A. B. HUBEBMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. ZDOINTT AXE' -OF FINE- NEW YEAE PRESENTS Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Best Line of Toilet Setts and Odor Gases in the City , Also some very nice Card , Letter and Cigar Oases , and a fall line of Ladies' ana Cents' Pocket Books. OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY , . Corner 15th and Farnham Sts. ( BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE. ) AT COST ! TO CLOSE OUT STOCK. A Few Handsome Articles Leftl SEE THEM ! [ PRICE THEM ! Dent Buy Anything Until you Look at OTTIR STOGIE : . KUHN&CO. , Fifteenth and Douglas St. 105 Street S , 5th , WOOLLEY & DAVIS Stationers , Fapsr dealers aid Enpavers , KEEP ON HAND A SELECT STOCK OFJ BLANK , SCRAP , POCKET AND BILL BOOKS , FINE PAPER , INKSTANDS , PAPER WEIGHTS Latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus , Visiting and Advertising Cards , BalljProgrammes , &c. Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelops , Bill , Letter and Note Ileails , SAUSAGES ! Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES. Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street.