Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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What is-Oallod a Slander on
the Ministers of the City ,
Christmas Festivities at the
Baptist Church Mon
II day Evening.
Pittman Again Indicted on the
Charge of Manslaughter.
Police MUoolianeoiw
for h Million and
Fleninnt Mention.
"Daring the Odd Fellows' fair nnd
festival last week , for the benefit of
the poor of our city , the noble , Chris
tian efforts of that generous order
irons encouraged by the presence and
hopeful words of Rev. F. T. Webb , of
St. I'atil'H Episcopal chuHch , nnd Uov.
Father McMenotny , of the Catholic
church , the latter reverend gontloDian
giving So to the cause. Wo nro in
formed that , with the exception of the
two gentlemen mentioned , none of the
city's clergymen visited the fair dur
ing ita progress , or lent it encourage
ment in any form. Those interested
naturally wonder at this notable ab
sence of the" servants of God , who nro
supposed to bo living up to
that divine admonition that 'the
greatest of all those is charity , ' and
to bo deeply interested in the cause
of charity and the alleviation of the
suffering of pinched , poverty-stricken
people. Prayers nvailcth much , but
a low dollars invested in the right
place and at the right time by the
hand of Christian liberality , have
boon proven in the past to avail much
more , ' when placed nt the disposal
of those noble eommittess for the
relief of suffering humanity. Non
On Sunday morning , to the sur
prise of mo t of the citizens of Coun
cil Bluifa , the above appeared in our
morning contemporary. There is mi
insinuation coupled with the charge
brought indirectly against Cyrus
Ifumlin , Thomas H. Glclaml , Mr.
Lemon and the ether pastors
of this city , that those gentlemen
are walking the streets and occupying
their pulpits in the semblance nnd
garb of Christian charity , and yet
when there is a call from a secret or
ganizalion for help in behalf ol those
needy ones there comes not oven a
vrord of encouragement.
Such is the charge made by a paper
that has for years claimed to hold
position in the van , directing the stops
of our young commonwealth , strug
gling to break through a dismal fron
tier life into the sunlicrht of nn enlightened -
lightened civilization. Why the in
sinuation that , because , foraoothsomo
of our pastors did not take an active
part in the Odd Follows fair they are
indifferent so far as the welfare of tlio
poor of our city are concerned ,
The Odd Follows order is ono ol
the grandest institutions that thi
light .of day shines upon. .TJio gooc
to suffering humanity performed by
them is immeasurable. Once each
year they hold a fair devoted pxolu
sivo'to charity. Their idea in its
inception was dedicated to pure Chris
tian charity towards each othor.
They are bound with an oath nut BOO
a member in good atanding suffer.
Wo give them all praise. Ilut shall it
bo said by ono of the loading dailien
in the west that because BOino pastors
remained away during the recent fair
hold hero they are not doing their
duty as required in the position the ;
occupy in this community ? This is
base insinuation , and no ono wouli
irmko it who had seen the efforts pu
forth by those pastors , not only to
Alleviate the hunger nnd want in our
oity , but to strike at the cause
of nine-tenths of this wrotcltod
ness , and remove it from our midst
For this they work not once a year
but day and night , year in nnd yea
out. They enter the door of poverty
they make no sign ; that ono of God'
children is in want is enough. Thu ,
give nnd relievo. The world know
nothing of this act of Christian char
ity. The writer of this nrticlo has received
coived money from the hand of ono of
those pastors , with the request that it
bo taken to tlio door of some family
in need ; nnd has on several occasions ,
at his request , gone out in search of
such as were in want , to repo'rt to
him that ho might relieve them.
What the pastors of our churches and
the Christian puoplp in our city do for
the poor , the world never knows.
For not taking an active part in the
Odd Follows' fair , they might have
many satisfactory reasons , and because
they did not is no reason why our
morning contemporary should brand
the in as hypocrites.
One of the most unique , interest
ing and appropriate Christmas enter
tainments , was given at the Baptist
church , in this city , on Monday oven-
ing. It was evident to an observer
entering the epaciou * edifice , 'that ' no
pains bad been spared to please the
hundred of little ones gathered there ,
The church wai very , very prettily
decorated. Back of the alley had
boon opccted a largo .booth . , trimmed
and droasod M it wore in winter cos
tume. In a quiet niche , on the front
face , was a minatoro church illumina
ted. The window * were shaded to
represent all the colon of the rain
bow. In and around upon all aides of
this beautiful structure bags of
dainties and sweotmeaU were hung in
profusion. The ontortainuientoponod
with a song and chorus consisting often
ton foiualo and two male voices. An
effective prayer was then offered by '
the jmator , Ilpv. J. G. Lolmun. Tlio
curtain , shutting from view the booth ,
wan then drawn aside and the object
behind upon which the mind and
heart of all present had centered was
disclosed. The laughiug clatter of
'happy ' children mingled with the notea
of ii muiic box playing a Christmas
air. When this scene was enacted , it
made the eider onoa present wish they
were back again amid those childish ,
happy days , when to thorn Santa
Olaus was a reality.
Then followed singing by a class of
ton little girls , nnd then reflations ,
the following little ones taking
part in turn : Saddle Osborn , Vic
tor Moon nnd Grace Drown ,
wns announced a duet and
chorus by J. W. Dorgor , Mm. H. E.
Seaman , Miss Bnrgor nnd Charles
Louck , Miss Lillian Berger presiding
nt the organ , Next inordorwo noted
the recitations by the following little
ones : Kvn Scars , Ida Ilopor , May
Scaly nnd Leo Brewer.
After this came the most interest
ing part of the progrmnmo. Mrs. H.
E. Seaman stopped to the organ nnd
began to sing a Christmas song enti
tled "Somebody's Coming , ' introduc
tory to the arrival of ( to tha children )
the most important personage at that
moment upon earth. At the end of
the first verso , away in the distance ,
could he heard the faint jingle of the
merry Christmas bolls around
the necks of the reindeers
attached to Santa Clam * sleigh ,
nnd as each was concluded the
ringing became louder and louder
and when the song was ended , Old
Santn himself made his appearance , to
the astonishment nnd delight of all.
Ho came up the Ride nislo pu fling nnd
blowing , down the contro and mount
ed the platform , where ho introduced
himself to the little folks. He wnu
warmly greeted nnd moro warmly clad
in a very thick buffalo overcoat. EIo
were long , white hair and whiskers.
After distributing presents to nil ho
retired through the door by which ho
entered. A song by the Sabbath
Bchoon nnd a tableaux upon which was
reflected light from the back repre
senting the "Star of Bothlohan , ' fol
lowed , when Mr. Borgor' announced
thnt supper hnd boon prepared for the
children in the chapel. To this room
each class retired , a reporter of TUB
BKB joining the Diblo class , to be
present during the last scene of a
most magnificent Christinas entertain
There is n board stuck in the mud
south of Broadway , on Tenth street
on ono side of which the following it
inscribed : "Dnngnrous Passing , " nnd
on the other side the following : "Sa
cred to the memory of our city
finance ! ! . Died of depletion while on
a wedding tournament ; spilled out nl
liorao racing. Their lives depreciated
just on the rngfjod edge of this mud-
hole. " Under nil is written : "Tho
wicked rule ; ; the pcoplo mourn.
Proverbs , xxix , 2. "
Mrs. Marie Mynstcr , as is her usua
custom , entertained a few friends al
her palatial residence at Mynstor park.
Everything her place and the market
could afford to please the appetite was
Christian Pittman has ngain boor
roindictod. It will be reinom
bored that this case was tried here
about ono year ago , occupying nearly
eight days. After being out twenty
four hours the jury wore unable to
agree , part of them voting on the firs
ballot for an acquittal. The majority
were in favor of returning a verdic
of manslaughter. On change of venue
the case was taken to Mills county
and would have came on for trial a
the last term of the district cour
hold there , had it not boon discoverot
that the indictment was missing. Thi
court dismissed the case against him
Ho was again brought before the
court upon the now indictment , am
upon motion of his counsel wns ad
milted to bail in the sum of $5,000
convened again yesterday , and go
right down to business. The firs
case taken up and which occupied tin
court yesterday was No. 3277 , John
P. Morris vs. 0. 0. Cook &Co
Comonttt Sims for plaintiff , John II
K catty for defendant.
Mr. Prior took the very iniportnn
part of Bantu Olaus at the children'
Christmas oiitortninmont on Monda ;
evening nt the Baptist church , and
right good ono ho made , too ,
has every promise of success. Th
hall wns well filled hist night. "Wail
ing for the Verdict" was brought ou
in line fltylo by n draiuatic compnn
from Omaha.
Charley Jacobs was arrested by
Oflicer Cusic for discharging firearms
within the city limits , lie left his re
volver ns security for his appearance
to answer.
John Bull VIM taken in by Oflicor
Morse for being intoxicated.
E. J. Jones wan arrested by Chief
Field for mnliciuualy driving over
Brooks took in Julius Forrester for
being under the influence of too much
E. J Losoo was arrested by Officer
Cusio , charged with petit larcuny.
Several drunks were disposed of
yesterday in Judge Burlco's court.
given by the Holiday club of this city
at Bloom & Nixon's hall , was H grand
Miss Uortenso Bodurtha has been
made happy by The Nonpareil boya
who had such a good time over a sup
per prepared a few evenings , since by
Miss B. , and sent into them while at
their "midnight toil. " The boys
called upon the young lady in force
and presented h r with a beautiful
toilet tot. Clark wrote out n little
pooch for them to make , as they
wanted it done in stylo. Not being
able , ho never , to make it out in time ,
as ho would persist in sticking in
Chinese characters , the speech was de
livered * by hand. The young
lady was very much surprised ,
fainted a little , nnd calling
for Clark requested him to return her
linooro thanks. Wo don't know what
the paper over the way would do if
they hadn't ' Clark to fall back on in
nn emergency.
Hon. Samuel Adams , n prominent
criminal lawyer of Cleveland , Ohio ,
and father of Mrs , Samuel Leonard
of t'lis is in
city , Council Bluffs on a
brief visit to his daughter nnd his old
friend Marshnll Keep , clerk , of the
U. S , district court.
John N. Baldwin , of the firm of
Wright & , B ldwin , has gone to Car
roll county en business.
Charles J. Cruuso , advance agent of
BauUbury'0 great troubadiurs is in
the city making arrangements for the
appearance o ( that troupe December
S. B. Gault , of St. Paul , Minn. ,
spent Christmas in this city with his
brother. T. B. Gault , general ngcnt of
the Wnbaflh.
0. F. Phelps , of Cromwell , Iowa ,
who is on his way homo from n trip to
Blnir , Nebraska , called nt TIIK Hr.r.
office yesterday. Mr. J'helps is quite
n laJgu properly owner in Cromwell.
P. T. Mayno lolt yesterday for
Marysvillc on business.
U. S. Cole , of the well known light
ning rod firm , has returned homo and
may bo found hereafter nt hi * otlice on
tower Main street ,
Virtue Acknowledged. .
Mrs. Ira Mtilhollaml , Albany , N. Y. ,
write * : I have Buffered from oft-recurring
bilious hcmfachen , dyspepsia , nnd com-
plntnt * peculiar In my tux , Since lining
your Jtunlock IM'-wl ' llittert I BUI entirely
rcll Ved. Price $1 , trial the ten centn.
"Treatlio" on the cairn * , connwiucncc * n < l
ciiroot "CaUrrhnl Dlietuci , " > > y Or , K W.
Wei Oe Meyer , ot New York City , discoverer of
the antidotal treatment. Ailiancol thniry , Im
portant Incta fttiJ ( itnttllnil cDrrolwratlonn
' Dearnr * ' , weak fjn , loss ofolc * , mrofuli ,
Icucorrh on , I oncmtls nnd nndcrmlntxl consti
tution * remit from Cttarrhal | > oUon. " "Trav
t DC" free and sent postage paid to my o c ,
on receipt of tioiit.I card. L ) . D. Dcwey & Co. ,
I'uMlnhcr * , No. 182 Fulton Street , Now Vork.
dill eoJ4tAw
MntUr of Application of M. W. Ken
nedy for Liquor Liccnnc.
Notice In hereby given that M. W. Ken
nedy did , upon the IfHh day of December ,
A. I ) . , 1881 , file hln application to the
Jlayor and City Council of Oirmha for
license tOHcll Mult , Spirituous nnd Vinous
Liquors , at No. Jill ! South Thirteenth
Htrcut , Thiid wnrtl , Otimha , Nel ) . , from
the 1st dny of J nunry , 1882 , to tha 10th
dnv of April , 1H82.
If there ho no objection , remonstaance
or proto-t filed within two wceko from De-
cciiibor 15th , A , U. , 1681 , the said license
will be granted.
M. W. KENKKDV , Applicant ,
TIIK DAILY BKK newn [ > aier will publish
the nbovo notice for two weeks nt the ox-
Dense of the applicant. The City of
Omaha is not to lie charged therewith.
J. J. L. U. .TKWKTT ,
declG-l't City Clerk.
Matter of Application )
Of HUB. M. A.IIIU01NB , \
For I.lquor Uicncc. )
Kotlco It hereby gUcn that Mm. SI. A. II IK
Klnn did. upon the 13th day ef December , A 1) .
1881 , fllo her application to tlio Major ami
Cly Council of OmMia , for LI cnsc to lull tl&lt ,
plrltunui ami Vlnoun Ll'iucn , at Nn. Ili2l
Uo'Jtw iitrcet. Fourth W.iri , Omaha , Neb. , frum
the Int dj of January , 18S2 , to the lOtli day of
April. 18U2.
If here bo no objection , rumomtrancc or pro
test dc < l with n two weeks from Decumhir 13th ,
A. D. 1M1 , thoonld llccnw will ha granted.
U. A. HiaClhNS , Ail'licant.
By Ceo. Itlgirliui , Agent
Ilir. llAav IIKK nc 'Hiper ] will publish th'
above notlco for two wo ks at the etponsc o ;
the applicant. Tlio Clt > ot Omaha la not to be
clmrgud therewith.
J. J. L. C. JKWETT , City Cicrk.
Matter of Application , of K. Dallow for
Liquor LiceuBe.
Notice is hereby given that'll. Dullow
did upon tliolTthday of December , A. U.
1881 , file ! liin appllo > ton ! tu the Mayor am
City Council of Umnhn , for license to Bel
Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , a *
No. 1014 Chicago Street , Fifth Ward
Omaha , N. b. , from 1)10 ) lut ( lavofJnnunry ,
1882 , to the 10th day of April , 1882.
If there bo no oujiction , remonstrance
or protest tiled within two weeks from
Dec ml > er 17th. A. D , 1831 , the said 11
cenu will be granted. K , DALLOW ,
THE OMAHA DAILY DEK newspaper wil
publish liio a eve notice fur two weekn n
Wio expense ot tlio applicant. The Citj
of Onmlia it nut tu l > u charged thcrewitli
J. J. L. C JKWKTT , City Clerk.
Matter , of Application of Edward Wittiff
fur Liquor Licence.
Notice Is hereby g\\on \ that Edward Wltti
did , upon tlio 14th day of December , A. D. . 1831
tlio hU application to tlii Mayor and City Coun
ell ot Omaha , ( or llueni-o to veil Mult , Spirituous
and Vlnoui Liquor * , at So. 1413 Farntmra street
Third vtanl , Omaha , Nub. , from the 1st day o
January , 1882 , to .ho 10th day cl April , 18B2.
K there bo n objection , rcmona once or pro
to-t tiled within two weeks from 14th day < ( D
emitter , A. 1) , 1831 , the suld llccnuo will b
TIIK DAILY HKH newspaper " 111 oubllji th
above notlco ( or two UCCKB at thu expense o ( th
applicant. Thu flty ol Om.itm IH not to b
mrircil therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWETT.
Uicl5.m City Clf rk.
Tilatwr of Application of Henry Fund
for Liquor License.
Xotloo Ii hereby invcn that' cnry undt , dli
upon thu 7th duj of Dcomber , A. D. IBSnlc hi
npplliatlon to the mayor nude ty council of Onu
hi , for license to veil Malt , Spirituous nnd Ylnou
Uiiiors | , at No. 1-18 Fnnihim struct , Tlilrn
Ward , Oinalin , Nub. , from the 1st day.of January ,
1882 , to thu Mil of April , li-S'J.
If th > ro bo no objection , remonstrance or pro-
tvs lllcd within two weeks from December 7th ,
A. D. 1831 , the Bald license 111 hoKraiucd.
Hx.Mir I'UNUT ,
TIIK DAILT HEK nuwsparor will publish the above
notice lor two urokx at the uxpuMio of thu ap
plicant. The City of Omaha U not to bo charuutl
herewith. J. J. L. C. Jl WKTT ,
dc7-m City Clerk.
Matter of Application of Henry OsthufT
for Liquor License.
Notice U hereby cUon that Henry OstholT
did , upon tllulMh day of Dt'cemVer , A t ) . 1881 ,
f.lo hU appllcnt on to the Jlayo. and City Coun
cil ot Uuuha , for llcensi ) to B II- Unit ,
HplrituotiH nnd VlnouH I.liuor | , nt No. filU SK-
teen h Btieet. Fifth Hard , Oinalu , Neb , from
the lot day of January , IbS'.1 , to the 10th daj of
April , 1SW.
If there bo no objeclon : , rcmonKtranco or pro-
list lllcd ulthln to \\wkn from IMh of Decent-
brr , A. D. , IbSl , the Bald Ikonno will bu ira > .ted.
TIID IMil.TlIlKK nc | mpcr nil ) publlih the
above notice for two WICKB at the rxpentiu Of ti.u
anillntnt. | llio O.ty of Omaha Is not o be
char * ' d there * Ith. J . J , I * C , J KWKTT ,
( Jecl6-m _ < lt < Clerk
Matter cf Atipllcutlou of Michael Wallinz
for Liquor License .
Notice U hereby given that Michael Wnl-
lauzdiil , ufion the J Ith dny of December ,
A. D. , 18cl , flit ) hiB apiillcutlou to the
Mayor and Clt ) Council of Omaha , for
llcenne to sell M lt , Bpirituouu and Vinom
Liiuor ( . t uorth nine Leawnworth , be
tween ' 1 liirtcenth and Fourteenth htrcets ,
Second ward , Onmhi , Nob.rom the
7th d y of January , 18S2 , to the 10th day
of Apfll , 1882.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance
or protcat filed within two weeks from
Deceuibvr 21th , A. 1) . , 1881 , the aah
llcenuo will bo granted.
_ . , . Applicant.
TUB DAILY HKK newspaper will publish
the above notice once ouch week for lye
weeks at the txpeuso of the applicant.
Tlio City ot Ournlm U not to bo charged
J. J. L. 0. JEWETT ,
Dec-.M.2t. City Clerk.
Matter of Appli ntion of Chas. 1'iusch
fur Liquor I in-iuo ,
Notice 1 hrroby gn en that Chu. l'ln fh did ,
U | M tliu Kth Uaot Docimba . A. I ) . , Ibsl , Illti
h < appicbllou to tlioilasor KiiJ City Ccunrllol
Omaha , ( or llcciuot sell ilall , aplntuotu and Vln.
oin Uijuor * . nt No 00-J Bouth uth Ureei , Klntt
wara , tiiunlia , N 1) . , troin tha Ut ilay ol Jan
uary , 18s : ! , totholuihilay | April , Ios2 ,
If the c bo no .I'jwulon , rainonttionni vr pro-
teal IIM wlihlii t o\ufUfnm lK.'rvinH < r 16lh ,
A Ik 1CU I 11 , , , . 1 It. . . . . _ . _ I1I1 i a '
_ . Appl cant
Till DAILT lxi nruvpapor will publlih th
aboio notlcu ( or wo wtekn at the exiniu. ) ol the
applicant. The t.My o ! Oiuaba U not 10 Ixi
cliar.-iHl UicrcKUIi. J. J. L. C , JEW LIT ,
U 16-IS city Cletk.
H a n d s o mest
For Sale by
621 South Tenth St.
Matter of application of JameH Falconer
fur Liquor License.
Notice IH hereby pivcn that James
Falconer did upon the 15th day of Doccm
her , A. IX , 1881 , file hi * application to the
Mayor and City Con oil of Omahn , for
licemc to cll Malt , Spirituous nucl Vinoui
I/iqunrn , at the corner of Fifteenth am
Farnhum ntrect , Third waul , Omaha
Neb. , from the IB ! day of January , 1882i
to the 10th day of April , 1882.
If tliore l o no objection , remonstrance o
rrotent filed vti'.hin two w.eka fr in the
15th day of Detwinber , A. D. , 1881 , thi
id llccnae will be granted ,
TIIK DAILY LKK' uewspapcr will publish
the above notice for two weeks at the ex
peiiBu of the applicant. The City ol
Omaha is not to be charged therewith.
J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
dcclC-lSt City Clerk.
Matter of Application of Alfred T. Wolff
for Liquor License.
Notice li hereby glv.n that Alfred F. Wol
did , upon the lF < h dny of Doc. nibor , A. I ) . , 1881
fib lilnappllo tlon to tlio .Mnjor nml City Coun
, II of Onviha , for HccnHO to ell Molt , Splrltunui
and Vinous liquorsatBOUthwc'icurncr Twenty
HCCOIK ) an Cumin * btreeU , Hixth ward , On aha ,
Ncli. , fiom t' ' e lit day ot January , 1S82 , to th
10th day o April , 18b2.
If there bo no object on , rcmonitranre or pro
tot filed wit In two week * from Ieu mbcr 15th
A. I ) . , 1881 , the tula llcemo ulll bo granted.
App leant.
Tint DMLY HKK ncnipipcr will pu llsh ih
above notice for two x\coki at the exp life of thi
applicant. The City cf Oni&ba U not to be
cnarxud thcrcM ith. J. J. L. C. J h\VETT ,
dcclO 12t City Clerk ,
Matter of Application of M. A. McNa
nmra for Liquor License.
Notlca In hereby gircn that M. A. JlcXomara
did. upon the IDtfi day of December , A. D. , 188'
file his application to the Mayor and City roiin
ell of Omaha , for license to roil M It. Splritnou1
and Vinous Liquor . at Nos. 214 aud 210 Four
teenth .trcct. Third ward , Omaha , Nob. , from
the lat day of January , ! Ss2 , to the 10th day o'
Apnl , 18S2.
If there bo no obj-ctlon , rcmoretranco or pro-
tet ( lied within two weeks from December luth ,
A. It , , 1831 , the eald licence will bd ( 'ranted.
M. A , McNAUAiU ,
TIIK DAILY lien newpapor will-pulll h th
above nonce for two eckn at the expense ft th
applicant. The City of Oraahi i not to b
charged therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
dciIG-m City Clerk-
Matter of Application of L. H. Spence :
for Liqnor License.
Notice is hereby ( ilven thnt L. II. Spen
cer did , upon the 15th day of Decrmi > or ,
A. IX , 1881 , tile Ida application to th
Mayor nnd City Council of Omaha , fo
licenae to cell Miflt , Hpiritnoua and Vinou
LiquorB , at No , 32 : ! South Eleventh street
Third ward , Onmlm , Neb. , from the IK
day of Jnnuary , 188tu tue 10th day o
Am illS82.
If there bo no objection , remonstrant
or protest filed within two weeks from
Dec'iuber 15th , A. I ) . , 1881 , tl.e sal
license will bo granted.
L. II. Si'KNCEii , Applicant.
THR DAILY KKR newepaper will publish
the ahuVA notice for two weeks at the ex
pciuo of the applicant. The City
Omaha is not to bc < char 'd therewith ,
J J L. 0. JEWETT ,
declG-m City Clerk.
Matter of Application if John O'Conno
for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby given that John O'Con
D ell diil upon tlui Kith day of Decombc
A IX , 1881 , fllo his api lication to th
ilujur and City Council of Omaha , , / <
lict'ii.'o to tiell M ill , Spirituous and Vinot
L iii | > 's , at No. 108 'lenth strce
Ti'ird ward , Oiimhii , Neb , , from the tin
< Uy ( , f January , 18&2 , to the 10th day
A .1I.-1882.
If tln'ro lie no objection , remonstrance-
protest filed within tw weeks from
of December , A. D. , 1881 , the said Keen
\\ill be granted ,
TIIK DAILY DEI : newspaper will publish
the above notice fur two weeks at the ox-
pi line of the applicant , The City of
Omaha ii not to be chained therewith.
J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
< 3eolC.12t City Clerk.
Matter of Application ot Owen McCaffrey
tor Liquor Licenae ,
Notice is hereby given that Owen Mc
Caffrey did utMin tl'Q lEHh day of Deccm-
I * ) , A. I ) . , 1381 , file his application to
the Mayor and 0 ty Council of Omaha ,
for a license to sell Malt , Spirituous and
Vinous Ltqunrs. nt noitheaat corner of
15th and VouKiaa street , Thin ) Ward ,
Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of Janu
ary , 18W , t the 10 h day of April , 1882 ,
If there b no objiction , remoni-tran o
or prottet filed within two weeks from
the 15th of December , A. D. , 1881 , the
nid llcftuuo will bo Kranted.
THE DAILY HEK newspaper will publish
the al.ovo notlco for two wreks at the ex.
penao df tlientiplicftiit. The City of Ouiaha
not to be charged therew th.
J. J. L. 0. JEWETT ,
1)801(5.23 ) ( City Clerk.
T ,
MMW * * ] lo/VAM Mff
1204 Farflham St. ,
, - - - .
Preserve It and Compare Prlces'.WHhOthers
lloys' Clipper Hicae CO
Girls' Clipper Hcds 60
cut $1 00 Wa on in City 01
2 K30CtuomcH Walnut Krimuj K )
8 10 Carved Walnut Frames 0
8U2I Carved Motto trame * , Walnut 'Jfi
luxll Walnut Krninn 25
Handramo Voltct Kramra 15
Koom Moulding , Walnut or Gilt , I Inch per
foot 4
Ito in MntildlnK , Walnut or Gilt , lj Inch
per foot 0
Drawi IlookH for Koom Moulding , per doz. . 40
Ikxl Itoom Lamp , Complete , 26
Hand I-nmi ) * , Complete ! 25
nro < Hand Lamp , Complete 30
Iron Coal Ducket 30
( lood Uroom 1A
Host Ilrooni In Marktt SO
Chlld'n Drooui 10
Spittoon 20
Cu padare8 : . . 30
Extension Mbary Lamp. . 2 ' 0
0 lilaxs ( loblcts ( one net ) 30
0 Olai i Tumblers ( ono net ) 3 >
lAmp Chhnnoja 6
Uootl Lantern 40
Quo Gullon Oil Can 24
Low Prices for Iron Stone China Wore1
Unbundle Teas , per net (12 pieces ) 9 t > 5
Ilandlo Tens , per net (12 piece * ) ( ID
Unbundle ColTeo , pur net (12Vleccs ( ) Oo
Handle Codec , per set (12 pieces ) 76
OncBo I'iu Plat ( .4(6 ( pieces ) 40
I'ncfictTo * l-Uten ( S pieces ) 60
. .mi HoiBreakfiwt I'latcs (8 ( plecen ) IJS
Ono Set Dinner 1'Iatca (0 plece ) . 00
Covered Tureens OS
Cream Pltchem 15
Wash Howl and I itcbcr. 01
Chamber * 35
Toilet Seta for lied liooms (3 pieces ) 200
Dust Par.s IB
Steclo Diamond * 36
L oMng GUnset ) , all Price" .
Conductors' lanterns.
. l TTho aboreprices FOR CASH , and you will
find them at leant 10 to 3' ' ) per cent , less than
clscuhcro , aste purchase for Cash , at the lowest
rates , and ( ell 'Or ' Caah Only. My customers arc
not obliged to pay for loss of bad debts , as HO
keep no bookti and no charges are mode. Qlve
us a trial and be convinced. Please call and
price our Gnods as wo h vo thousands of articles
not inent oned on this bill.
All Aro'Welcome , Whether They Want
QoodsorNot. deUcod-tf
Matter of application of A del Inn Jaliu tor
Liquor Llcenso.
Kotlco is hereby given thnt Atlclfna
John did , upon the l&th day of December ,
A. D. 1881 , tile her application to the
Mayer and City Co ucii of Omaha , for
license to sell Malt Splr tuoiiKond Vinous
Liquor , at No. 012 South Tenth street ,
First Wntd , Omalm , Nebraska , from the
1st day of January , 1882 , to the 1 th day
of April , 1882.
If there bo no objection , rvnionBtrnnco
or proteat filed within two weoi B from De
cember 15th , A. D. 1881 , the uaid licence
will be granted.ADKUNA
ADKUNA JAHK , Applicant.
TIIK DAILY Kix iiewopoper will publUh
the above notice for two weeks at the ex
pense of the applicant. The City ol
Omaha lit not to bo charged therewith.
J. J. L. 0. JEWETT , City Clerk.
Matter of Application of Julius Troltschke
for Liquor License.
Notlco Is hereby then that'Jullus TrelUchke ,
did upon the 16th day of I cccmbcr , A. D. 1881
Hie hU application to the Mayor and City Coun
ell of Omai a , for llecino lo bell Malt. Spirituous
and Yinouf Liquors , at No SOS andf 318 S. 1Mb
trect. 4th Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the lei
day of January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April
If there lw no objection , remonstrance or pro
tent tiled within two wtck from 16th December
A. D.1881 , the said llcemo will he granted.
' -
A | pllcant.
TIIK DAILT llr.i Newspaper will puLllbh th
aboto notice for two week * at thocxi > no of th
applicant. The City of Omaha Is not to be
charited therewith. J , J , U O , JbWKVT ,
City Clef k.
Edward W. Simeral ,
Deere & Oomp'y. 1
Wholesale Dealers in / *
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Moline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons ,
Deere & Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Cutters , &c , ,
MolinePanip , Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps ,
Wheel & Seeder CoFountain Oity Drills and Seeders ,
MeclmnicsburgMacli , OoBaker Drain Drills ,
Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes ,
'oliet Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Sliellers ,
Whitman Agricultural OoShellers , , Road Scrapers , &CH
Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales ,
A , 0 , Fish Eacine Buggies ,
All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock.
Address All Communications to
Council Bluffs , Iowa. dfc8rnc2ra
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Nob.
Consignments . . made us will reecho prompt attention. . . References : State Bank. Omaha- Plait
fc Co. Baltimore ; Peck A TUnnhor Chlcmfoi " w..i > * n Olndnnstl.
"We desire to call the special attention of the trade to otu
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan m
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
hosiery , &c. , now open , Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
. O.
1213 Farnhzm St. . Omaha , Neb.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nobraaka
ly IB-mo
Mining and Milling Company.
_ . . .
Working Canltil - - - - - - - RKX.OOO.
_ .
Capital Slot-It , _ - - . -
I'M Value ot ghariM , - - - - - - -
DR. J. I. THOJtAB , I'retldeut , Lummlnt , Wyomintr.
WM. K. TILTON , VIcoPrcsldent , Cummlna , Wyoming
E. N , HAUWOOD , Socretarr , Cuiuniln , Wyoming.
A , G. LU.NN , Trcuurer , Cummlna ,
Dr.J. I.Thomne. Loul * Miller W. 6. Cramel. A. O Dunn.
. . . . .
E.N. lUrwood. FrancU Lcaveni. . Ceo. . II. Folw. UwUi Zolmn.
Vr , J. C. Watklni.
no22meOm GKO. W , KENDALL , Authorized Atcciit tot Sale of Stock ; Box 442 , Om li , Keb.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
, - - - BDT