6 TldE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TPESDAY' ' DECEMBER 2T , 11. COUNCIL BLUFFS , low Christmas Was Oolobraioil b the Boys , Some Who Made Too Fro With the Jus nnd wore Judged to Pay for It. Catholic Fair a Success i ; a Worthy Causo. General N wn anil Go * lp from On Reporter Over the Rlvnr. Yesterday was eerUinly an utiusu ally ilull day in IOWA'H westcri metropolis. Few people were to b KOCH an our slrcoU. All tlio whole tola houses were closed , nnd nenrl ; all retail business were suspended ou of respect for the day The gonorn quietness which provnilod wan in doubt duo to the fact thnt nil churcl celebrations took place SutuLiy , am outside of thcao there IB not mud joing an. The bad condition of tin streets and roads prevented drivinj by theme who usually occupy o portion tion of the dny in this healthy oxer ciso. Wo prcaumo everybody cnjoyc ( thomaclvoB their own way at homo 01 at the homo of friends or relatives \Vo hope nil remembered the groa and important event that the occuaioi commemorated. A. QUKNTION. Why was it lint uomo othur minis tern beside the Episcopal did not tnki a more active part on the occasion o the Odd Fellows' fair , which was holt for two days recently in this city ' Why was it , our morning contem porary ? The ininistorH must answoi for themselves. Wo opine that OIK reason why one of our city pastor , don't lakij a moro active part , otho than lending his presence and patron iring the affair , is bocnuso ho docs no bcliovo in rattling , even to assist tin poor. No matter how harmless wi consider it there are ministers of tin goapol too conscientious as to counte nance any such things. A CI1KIHTMAH Ol'KPlNCJ. When Chief of Police II. II. Fiol < reached police headquarter * on Sun day morning , ho betook himself i thinking. "Wellho , remarked , it is toi b d when wo remember how man ; human beings on this day nro incarce rated ; shut out from all the world 01 thia Christmas day , in prison or dun geon. I am going to try an oxpori in out for once , " and ho put on his cap took hia cane , nnd passing into th street wont directly to the mayor' office , where ho presented his plan which was to empty the city prison o itn human contents. The mayor con eluded at once that on promise of gooi behavior nil those confined fo drunkenness nnd disturbance shouli IKJ liberated at once. Chief Field ru turned to the jnil , took down the iroi bar , received their promise , openui the door , thuy were nil free one more , and we take pleasure in an nounciug the fact , that notwithstnud inpc , before night the calaboose Wu full of men arrested for the same ol fences , not'ono of those liberate found their way back. UAi'rr IIKAHTH. Justice E. J. Abbott , on Christum < l y united in marriage Mr. E. J. lit pass , barber at the U. P. transfer nn Mm Cora Magwood. The happy pai returned thanks when the cert ifi cat wis Imiidod them for the gift. UIFKEIIKNT WAYH OF OKLKIJIUTINO. The ways of colobrnting Christmn in thia land of the free nnd homo < the bravo nro innumerable. Some u io church , some stay nt homo , BOH : tiavo roast turkoynnd sonioliavo noni A man by Jho name of ticiufler col .Iiratcnl by Ifoing Up to the Unie latablo 'OIK Broadway , and pickc 3. funs with a younv man einployt tlierc. Chief Field was called. Sciufl' let go his hold , slipped out the ba < way through nn alloy nn to Mu . street , but was afterwards caught 1 Jicld and Brooksand antied up § 10 < iho spot for hia appearance at 0 o'cloi yesterday. A colored young mnn who'declarcd 1 had a respectable mother by the niui ofc lirowcr , who would not BOO hi stiller celebrated by gutting drun creating a disturbance for which ' . was hauled in by the police. A in by the niiinu of Newell got drun entered a restaurant , passed put in tfio kitchen , nstoniuhed and frighten thu hired girl by yelling like n Biou squatting in tlu slop bucket , upnolti con ten to on the lloor , getting i rested nnd lodged in jn where he begged like a d with a sore head to be roloaai A Mumbor of others got on what callnd a plain drunk , just enough Ix-.ird U > be unable to distinguish 1 twooii Uhristmua and the Fourth -July , mised hades generally , n wound up in jail , One Andrni who has u wife he loves almost to ( ! traction , put in on n complaint i iercd by hia loved one , that ho 1 : amused himaelf Christmas by pom ing her over the head , Andre awcara aho is tolling n 1 light fal hood , and is only preparing a lot Lolo through which to era1 and. lunve him n green gr vridower. Tom Thumb , i the Thumb that Harnum liaa made JUOUB , but another nnd more form ! bio "In d" appendage , untered one our saloons primed for a fight , gu Tom and Jerry warmed up , di oflT , and gut knocked through the di into the-'loving ' embrace of a poli Bian. Oliver Johnson and Jc Drown , colored , got high , used na talk , tried to fiing a carol from thu of a telegraph polo , and weie onto for lodging and breakfast lit Burl hotel A drunken tramp celebrated Chr xnan by prowling around onVnahi ton avenue entering peoples' b yards , and -acting thu fool on gem principle's , ilo stole n pair of 01 ahoea from Captain Wiluania' poi Ifo was captured after u while i lodged in juil. ' Tin : OATHOLIO The Catholic fair commenced 1 night at Dohahey'a. The affair iir < . ises to be n very prosperous ono. 'J Fairy Orolto wns presented in a vcr , aiccptnblo manner with HOW and njj proprinto scenory. The cntortainmcn was worthy of the HI crnl patronage i received. To-night will bo prcsontci a very interesting programme by company from Omnhn. All who cai should attend. You will not only en joy n rich treat but be helping a yooi cause. ItKMRMTIKniN'n TIIKTTPB-STIOKHIl.l. Milts llortonso Bodurtha , very in nocently touched the hearts of nil tin niuhl force over nt the N'onpnriu building laflt Saturday night by hav Jnt ; nt her own oxpenno an elegant re nast prepared nnd sent to them. Tin boys didn't leave anything but tin dishu * and these they hugged ] trclt ; clonely , well they were hungry. The ; were just aide to speak to Clark , lei him nbout it nnd nsk him to retun thanks to the "gonerom nnd thought ful donor. " TJmt turkey could neve liavo been put to better use if it line lived several yearn longer. MIHCK.MANKOUB. Mr.V. . S. Hico , ono of the gram army boys , boa been tendered nnd nc cepted a position as mailing clerk 01 the Union Pacilic. On account of the pressure from th inaido nt the city jail , Judge IJurk wns obliged to forget that fat itobblo and hold court. Severn ! plain drunk were ground out to give room for tli moro refined criminid , mich as wif pounders , nnd general mug mnafthorfl The now palatial residence of W \V. Wnllnce on BlufF ntroet , is buini supplied with water pipes throughout Bixuy t Wood , gas iitturn nnd plumb era of this city , have the contract. City Engineer Judson was ongagei yesterday in anrveying tlio siloforoui new engine house nt the junction ol Main nnd Brynnt HtrcotR. Mrs. Clark , wife of Nonpareil Clark and son , left yesterday on a brief visii to relatives and fricndfl. Mrs. Jackson , mother of James E Juckson , one of Council Bluffo uxten sivo cattle dealers , is very dunuorouslj ill nt her residence on Bancroft street The banks of this city were al cloned yesterday. The district court will convene a the court house thin morning at ! o'clock. We understand that there nre quail ; titicB of provisioim donated to thuOdi FolloWH fair for the bunelitof the pooi that still remainH in thu custody ol the proper committee undisposed eland and unless used immediately wil spoil. Any needy ones can mnki inquiry of Win. Siodontofl' , undei Savings bank. Wo understand thnt work on Unioi avenue , suspended on account of tin bad condition of the soil , will be re aumed to-day. When the streets nro in proper con dition wo understand the two-wheeloi llordica will bo put on the route Keep your tickets. Vlrtno Aoknowlndged. Mrs. Ira Muthollanil , Albany , N. Y. writes : 1 IIUVP Buffered from ot-rccurrln | billon * heintaclioH , dyHpeimla , nnd cum pluintH pccullnr in my BOX. Since HHH | your ISunlnck HI ml Hitter * I nm entlrcl ; roll veil. 1'ricu $1 , trial size ton ccuta. lit-lw Matter of Application of V , U. Smith fo Liq uor NOTICK. Notice IH bcrcl.y phon thut V. It. Smlt did upon the 10th day of Dccoinbor , A D. , 1&81 , flla lil apiillcnUnn to the Mivyc and City Council of Omahn. for lli-cnsu t sell Malt , Hpiiltiious nmt VlnoUR Llmion at o U21 ChlcHjfo Htieet , l-'ifth Ward Omaha , Neb. , from the let day of itnmi ary , 1882 , to the 10th day of April. 188' Iftlicro be no objection , remoiiHtn.iu or protust tileil within two wceki froi December ICtli , A. U. , 1881 , tlw H ! llccnno will bo b'nm od. V. II. HMITII Apjillcant. THK OMAHA DAILY HKK uowcp-pur wl imblUh i bo nbovo uotlco once each wcc for two wcultH nt the i-xpcnHO of tlio ix | pllcnut. Tliu Uitv of Omuhn i not to 1 charged tlivrawitn. J. J. L. C. .IKWKri' , City Clerk. Matter of Application nf 1) . ] / . jUcticki ! fur IiliUiir [ Licoiitu. l OTICK. Notice i hereby given Unit I ) . L. M Guclcin did upnii tlio lllth day of Deceu bcr , A. 1) . , 1BH1 file h H iiiipUc.ition t tl Muyor nnd City Council of Oimilm , fi Hcemo to HO 1 Malt , Hiiirituimmuul Vinoii Ummrx , ixt No. .Ill .Smith Tenth Ktroc Third Wurd , Oinnhn , Ni'b. , from tlio I ilaycf Jntiuury , IrWi ! , to thu 10th t'ny i -pril. 1882. If there Iw no objections , roinon'trniu nr protOHt filed within two wi'uko ' from 1) comber 13th , A. I ) . , 1881 , thu HaKI llcen will bo Knuitcd. J ) . L , Mcttut'Kl.v , App leant. Tin : OMAHA DAIM UKK newxpapcrw ! imliliiili the iibovo n tico ouco cauh wet for two ucckx at tint vxpon o of the a pi cant. Thu City of Oiu.ilia IH nit to 1 chiifh'wl thurowllh. .r J. L. 0. JKWKTT , deol-2t ! ) Cltv Olork. Matter of Application of M. A. MoN nmra for L'quor ' I.lcfiiHo. N0TI015. Notic t liurtl > y ( jlM'ii tlmt II. A. Mi'N.inir illil , U | ii tlio Kith ilay of Iktrvnibor , A. ! „ 1M Illu hia application to the Major niul Cltv I'on cil of < iiuilu , ( or UIOIIBO to KU I Jl It. Hplrltnu oii'l ' Vinous l.liunt | , nt NOD. lill n if lJ ( KOI tconth tucl , 'Ililril vv nl , Oinalia , Nub. , ( n thu Wilaj of Jiumur ) , JS82 , to iliu 10th day April , IbJii , II tliuru l > o no obj ctlan , rrmauKtn\nco or 111 liv.t Illinl wlitiln t\vo wttil. > froiii-Dou. iitlrr 16i A. ! > , , Ittel , tlio twld UcciiMi Mill lu M. A TIIK DULY HKK ntHpainTvlll | iul > llih I abotuno CD for two weuk. ut tlumxpiiiio rl I pplcant. Tim Ctto ( Omatu | < not to cimrifcd theruHltli. J. J. L , C. JKW hTT , tlu.lt-m city Clerk Matter of Appllcntion of 0. F. Goodin for I'oimlt to Sell U < iuor iw a Dnixul NOTICK , Notice l hereby irf i-n th t ) . K. Go < xH i did uion ibu 13th liy ol Uvcvmbcr , A , I ) . 18 ( Ilo lift i > i > lloitlon to the ll yor an.l . City Uoi II uf Oiukb * , lor iwruilt to will Malt , | > 'rtui ! ntul Vinous Llqiiorn a % UniKirlit , ( orniudlrlr invcliantcal and chumlcAl tmri > o o only , nt 1 111 Fainham btitnt. 3rd w&nl , Umixlm , Nt Irom thu IrtUiyot Januiry. 1882 , to Uitt 11 d yol Aprl.l'-BZ. II there bo no objection , renionitranco ] > rotc t MUxl within two wtmkv Irani UUi iluy , A. U. ItUl , tiu uld IKmil' ' n1ll Kr ntoJ. Q p. Aiinllcnnt TIIK DAILY IlK ncw | ia | > er nlll ( mbllnh IK ) vi ) notice lor t o uwkii , at the vtpcniio thu nppllmnt. Tlio City ol Oniali * I * not to churxod IheruwlUi. J. J. U 0. JKWKTP , Jocl'MSt City Matter of Applic-itlon of lIuiuinnMe , for L'riuor ' License , NOTIOK. Notice U hereby git en mat llcrnun Miner uiwn the ISth day ol IHxt'mlHT , A I ) , , 18SI , hlsnp.llntlo , to the M yor and City Couiic Ounha , tor llcvnso tonclf Malt , Hplrltuous V nous i Iiuon. | at Xj7 Houlh 13lh Htrtn't. ' 11 Ward , Onuna Neb. , from the 1st day ol Jj ary. labi , to the 10th i ay ol April. lbS2. H tlivru bo no objoctlon , r mun irin o or I test filed Klthln two wtwks join Uu ember 11 A. 1' . , ItWI , Hit ) said llcinso u 111 bo granted. HKKMAN MeiKU , Tim lar Il newspaper will puill.li above notice lor to WIHI snt the expo sect applicant , 1helty of Omaha Is not to 1 tiu ( Ith. J , J. L. C. J KWUrr , 1st. citv i-wa ! ! ! ' No Changing Cars Where illrnct connection ro nuwln with Th-iUKl SLKKI'INU OAIl LIXKS lor NEW rauK. BOSTON , nALTlMOHE , WARHINOTOS AND ALL , BABTKRU The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUI3 TILLK , and til poliiU In the TIIII HUT UVI For ST. LOUIS , Whore direct connection ! are mode m the Unlor Depot with the 'Hirough Hlcei.lnij Car Llnoslor ALL POINTS flg O TT Tg 3BC . NEW MOINES TIIK FAVOHITK IIOUTE FOR Rock Island. The nnoqvuM Inihicomcntfl otlorwl by thli lint to tnvolora anil tourist * are M lollown : The colobrato.1 . I'ULMIAN (10-whwI ( ) PALAOB flLKKPINO CAUH run only on thin line R. , U , b < i. I'ALACK HAWING ROOM OARS , with Morton's KocllnliiK ChsJrs. No oitrn charge lot eaU In Rocllnlni * Chain. The fainoiu 0. , B. A Q. I'&laco UlnltiK Uan. Gorgooua Huioklin ; ( iirt fitted with < Jrfunt ( hluh-backoil rattan rorolvlng chain , lor the axclusl\o two ol flnt-dn&a paw n < Klin. Klin.Btcol Track acd luporlor oqnlpmonk corablrn-l with their girat throtiKh car arrangement , miku UiU , above all othcru , the btrarlte route to tnc 1 Jwt , Houth and Bouthaurt. Try It , and you will find traveling a luxury ln < BtatuI ol a illwomfort. Through ticket * via thin colebrotod line lor mil nt all oiliccK In the United HUtfS and Oanadx All nlormatlon nLJUt ntra ol laro , .SIooiHng Gar accommodation ) , Time Tabluo , etc. , will be checrtully given by applylni : to | PKKCEVAL LOWKLL.1 Oonerel onvor A if cut , Chicago. J. PCTTKR , ( In. 'Manacor tflllcato. PILES ! PILES1 PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No One Now ! Suffer I A snrocure lor llllnd , lllotxllnif , Itching find Ulcerated Piles lias been dlBcovoreu by Dr. Wll- Ham , ( an Indian remedy , ) calltxl Dr. Wllllam'a Indian Ointment. A idnglo box ban cured the wont chronic caaca ol M or SO ) can ( landing. No ono nocd mjfTcr flvo mlnutoa alter applying thia wondorlul Boothlnic niodlclno. Lotions , Inttru- menU and olcctuarlua do moro harm than idod , Wllllam'a Ointment almorba the tumora , alta > i the IntonBo Hchliiif , ( partlcnlaaly at night niter netting warm In bc < lacU an apoultlco , nlvea In stant and palnlom rellel , and Isiirepared only for Piles. Itching ol the prhato peru , and ( or noth Inif cl . ( lead what the lion J. II Ccfflnbcny of CDevo- and nays about Dr. William' * Indian I'llo Oint ment : I have UKod ecorcs of File * euro , and It afford ) inop oaauro to say thatlhavc never lound anything which gave luch Immediate and perma nent relief aa Dr. WIMam'i Indian Ointment For Halo by all drugtrbti or moiled oa receipt ol prlco , tl.OO. HENRY & CO. , Prop'n. , OLITBUIRD , Ouio. For laleby C. F Qoodman. wl v El DE MEYER ON CATARRH : "Treatlie" on the ctiunus , conxvipjcncca and uru ol "Gatnrrhal Dlieatet , " by Or. H. W , Vel De Meyer , ol Now York City , dlecoarcr ol io niitiilutnl treatment. Aihan vil theory Inv orttnt IncU and btnitlinir corroboratlona Dt'Htnotucak v\ea , IOKH ololce , ncrolula , iiconh ci : , b nncliitii and undurinlneil con-tl itloiiH lo-iilt Irom C'itarrlml | > OHOII. | " "Trca i" frcu and sent postaga paid to any o o , noulpt ol post 1 card. L ) . U. Dewuy St. Co. ubll8hor , No. 13i Fulton Strict , Now York. < 110roiMUtu4t * f It joumua ' nfii ln < Niviiik I nian ur Ifv rnfiiliylhontiwlniif tcntrlllntiorrmm 5uur duties avoid nlKl't ' wuik. to re * turulmilniiuiVfKnd Hop Bittore. jwaatc. u o Hop Q. If joiittroyounii anil , I ? n"erlny froin any lu dtMMMIon or illM | > a Itluni If jou arii'iur I let ! ur ulnit.t * . vlu or I young , BiiUiTlinr frtim Ini ; on a bed s > ( § iclc < ueM , nly ou Hop I Bitter * . Tliouiuums uin on- alicucvrr jou feel , ndulljr from some ' roni : uf Kid not Dial your y'Jciu lillcl'l lucdn cloansliitt. ton. < lllMOM ) tlTat Inir 01 Klliiiuutliiir , wliuoiiUnfnrtoil'iii/ ' I by a Iliuoly < nof i.1' " " ° P Hcp"ittera : O.I. O bi an alnoluti. and IrroliU ot the i fur HOP jliloouro I Urunkcnnrim 1 line or upluni , You will bo | | t < buooo , o. " c rod If you use 1 1 uar cot leu. Hop Bitter * Ifyouaranlm- . . Rlils. IH ml f rlr \ f n it > nil i tuwrnlrtltit.trjr NEVER llreulif lit ft mny 1 1101nrmis a vo your FAIL llfo. It hns TO CO. , uavod hun | R ltilfr , H , t dreds. I ATonmto. Oat. WAE IN PASSENBER RATES I1011I11K DRUB. . Drokers In all Kallroa Tickets , Omaba , Neb. , offer Tlckota to the Eui until further notice , at the following unheard ( Low Katoi ; lit clou. NEW YORK , KO.VO , D08TON. 2C.OO PHILADELPHIA , S.W , i3.X WA8IIINUTON , 22.0J , 29.IK For portlculare , write rr no direct to 1IOIIII1 IIUOH , . Dealers In KcduceJ Halo IWlroail an Steamship Tickets , 800 Tenth St. , Omaha Ncl Remember the plai-o Tht ra Dcors N' rlh i Union Pacific Railroad Depot , Kant t do ofTvnt titroet. Oaulia Augtut 1 , 1231 Matter of Appllcfttlon of Henry O.thb for Liquor License. NOTIOK. Notleo Is hereby git en that Henry Gallic did , upon tboldthday ol DcivntVcr , A I > . lt > S Illobls npplloaton to the Ma > o and City Cecil > cil ot llniiha , for llct'iim to v.ll Mai HplrHuoiis and Vlnoua Liquors , at Nn. & 1I HI ti < vn h tt ( it , Filth waril , Oniahs Neb Ire the 1st da > of January , IbSZ , to the 10th tUij- Alflli JB li. II them bo no objection , remonstrance or pr t st tiled within tuu utiUlrmn 16th nl Dccli bvr , A. 1) . , Ibbl , the told llcunwi u | | | U Kro tc HKKT Omuory , TUB BAIIY Miw nowiimvr | UI ublWi t aboiunotkti lor two ix'k t the riiwnsoO ! t spillcant Tlio C.ty of Omaha li not < o , ff . , d thm"lth < J. J. I * 0. J EWbTT. AND- a n d s o mesl -JN THK- MARKET' ' For Sale by WM. F. STOETZEL 521 South Tenth St. of Applloatiou of P. A. Hum inon lor Liquor License. NOT10K. Notice Is hereby Riven th.it I' . A. Ham ion did , upon the 2'Mday \ of Do ember , A. D. , 1881 , file his implication t ( tin Mayor nnil City Council of Otnalm or pi'nnit to Mill -Mnlt , Spirituoun Vniom Tiiimowot No. U0i ( North Tcntl tieet , Fifth WHTC ! , Umnhi , Xeb. , from thi th ilny nf .Taiiuary , 188U , to the 10th cluj f April , 188 ? . If there be no objection , remnnHtrnnct r viotu t filed within two wcekH from DC ember 2.1(1 ( A. U. , 1881 , the mid license will l > u ( jrant'Ml . 1' . A. HASIMON' , Applicant. TIIK DAILY HKI : newHpniipr will rublU ! mnbo\o notice once each vt-ok for twc . ockx , nt tlio expeimu nf the applicant 'lie Citj-of Oinnnn iii not to be charect lierowith. J. . ) . 1. . C. JKWKTT , _ City Clerk. ilattcr of Application of Alfred V. for IJijuor License. KOTICK. r ollee U hereby Rl cn thnt Allrcd K Wolf Id , upon the Kill day ol Dec. inhcr , A. ! > , , ISil I hlsapjillt tlon to the Major niul City Conn lol Omaha , lorllccnso to cl ! Halt , fplrltunui nd Vinous li'itmrs.at pouthnext corner T-M'ntj ccondan Cumin htreetn. Sixth ward , Oi.iaha , ul > . , f i cm t e 1m day ol .lanuiry , 18SV , to tht Oth day o April , 18b2. II there be no object on , remonstrance or pro ist filed nit In two ucek from Dec mber Itith , . I > . ,1S31 , tliumlil llcuiiko will bo granted. Al.lRKJi I * . WOUT , App leant. TIIK IMnv But newspaper will pu llsh ihi )0\o notice lor two uceki at the nip nro of Uu ppllcant. Ttie City cf Omaha is not to b < tiautd thcrtulth. J. J. L. C. .IMVETT , duels I''t ( Ity Cl rk. ilatter of Application of Mrn. Knielis Thuine for I itjuor License. NOTICK. Notice is hereby given thit Mrs. Kmelii 'iiuniedld.uiMin thclTth day of December A.D. 1881 , tile his a. plication to the M yo : nd City Council of Oinnhi. for license tx ell Mnlt , SpirituoiiB and Vinous Liquom t No. 31 ! > South Tenth Htreet , Third ward , irrmha , Neb , , from iho lnt dny of Janu ry , 1882 , to the 10th diy of April , 1882 If there be no objection , remonstanco ci irote.it tiled within two weekn from the 17U f December , A. I ) . 1881 , the F id liccmi will bo granted. MKS. KMKLIA THUMK , Applicant , The OMAHA lAiLr ) "UKK ni-wu , aper wil jublish the a eve notice once each weel or two \VCCKH t the expennu of the ap.li | ant. Tlio city of Omaha it not to Li liurged therewith. , ) . .r. r. . c. JEwr/rr , CityUorj ! < . _ _ _ _ ilnttcrof Application of , ) uliuiTreitchk < for Liiiuor Licence. N OTIC 1C. Kotlco U licrobj u'hen tliat'JulliHTrultschkc Id iiion the If.tli day ot Dccuinber , A. I ) . 1S3I 10 hlx appliutlon to the .Major nnd City Coun 11 ol Omul a , lor Ilconxo to Hell Malt , Spiritual ! nd A'lnoiM Mqnorti , at No. MS and 312 H. ICtl trcct , 4Ui Ward , Omaha , Null. , from the IN ay olJ wiiury , 16b2 , to the 10th day ol April Si2. ! II there bo no objection , reuionitrancc or me c t llUdvithln two weeks Irom Ifith Uecumlici A. I ) . 1KS1 , the HnM lleinse will be xranted , A ) pllcant. TIIK DAILY HMD Nc.\miipcr will publish th abet a notice for tuo HccUsat thuoxpu mjotth applicant. The Pit ) of Oinnlia li not to b cbnrciMl tlurtin Ith. J. J. I 0. J I'\V r IT , UelU m I'll ) Clo'k. Matter of Application of MrH. L'hlllip Koe for Liquor Licoiibo. NOTICK. Notien ! H hereby ( { ivcu that Mrs. Philll Koch did , upon the "Oth day o Deccin'ei ' A. D. . 1881. file his application to tli Mayor nnil City Council of Om ha , f lieeiiKu to K'll Malt , .Spliituoudaiid Yinou Llqno'x , nt corner Casteller and Tent * tvi > ft , yiiBt waul , Oiimhi , .Neb. , fromth : U ( by of .lummy , 1881 ! , to the 10th da nf April , 18v. . If there be nr > dbjecllon , jemonstranc or protest filed within two weeks from D ( u her''Oth. A. I ) . , 1SSI , the Haiti Hcenu Mil liegr.uitod. JCLIAN.VA KOCH , Applicant. TIIK OMAHA DAII.V HEK m-wspaper wi uliUnli the above notice once each wee ir two wofkn at thu cxpenxe of the nppl cant. Thu t'ity of Ouiuha in nut to L charged the ; e with. J. J. L. C. JKWKTT , City Clerk. _ Matter ut Application ot F. JMuuua f < Llijuor License. NOTIOK. Notice U hereby iflven that K. M tm did upc UieUthdayol Dtxomlxr , A. U ISil.fllohlna ; plication to the Jliuor and City Council ol Om ha , , for llc nse to veil Malt , Bplrltuuus and VI mis Liquors , al 10th , between Webn'i-r anil Ca lornln stn t , ( th Ward , Oinah i , Nrb , Irom tl lit day ol January , IbS * , to the 10th Jay ol Apr 1B32. It there bo no objection , remonstrance or pr tout ( lied within two ueoki tram December lit A. I ) , 1681 , the nald license will be granted. KHU > . V ' , A pin cant. Tim I'AILT HKK Newjuajwr will publlah tl l > o\o notion | ortwowo k > at > he eipnno ol tl ppltrant. The City ol Hinaha li not to he chaj wl tlHn' llh. J. J. U 0 , JKWETF , JolMVt Cltv Clerk. Matter of Application of Henry Funi for Liquor License. NCTIOK. Notleo la hereby en en thit' cnry tindt , d upon the 7th d y ot Uo-'tnibcr , A. I ) . ISSl.ide I iippli'Utlon to Ihunmor andc t ) council ol On ha , tor UCCIIM ! to tell Malt , Splrituoutand Vine Llipion , at No. 1218 Kurnham ttrect , llil Ward , Omaha , Neb. , Irom thu Ikt day ol J annul IbS'J. to the 1 th of April , l M. II 111' ID ho uo objoctlon , reminstrtinc * or pi k-J fllnl within two eeki Irom IK'ccmUr 7t A. D. ISdl , the raid UconiM ) will bo Drained. HK.NHI I'UMIT , Applicant. Tim lUiir Itai newvparer will publUh the abe uotli-olor t o wi-cknut tlie cxpcMu ol th i pllcant. The City Ol Omaha la not to bo char ) ; herewith. J , J. L.C. jrWBTT. dtl-ltt City Cltrfc. SOLOMON'S GASH PRICE LIST 1204 Farnham St. , NEB Preserve It and Compare Prlccs'WIthOlhef UoyV Clipper Hieui f < Girls' rilpjxjr led I > Mt il 0) Wnxo'i m City 0 24x30 Chromoi Wnlniit KratniM V H\10 Carved Wnlnut rrainei 2i 8Jx2l Can I'll Motto I-ranicn , Walnut 2. ImlMS'alimt t'ramM 2 , Handsome Velct KraiucH 11 Room Moulding , Walnut or ( Hit , 1 Inch per foot ' Ro m Moulding , Walnut or Clllt , 1J Inch jH-r loot ( Draw Hooks ( or Uaoin Mouldlnt ; , per doi. . 41 ISvd Room Lain ) ' , Complotu 'Jv Ilnnd Uiinw , ( 'oiupleti' a rlraxi Hand Iimp , Completu 3 ( Iron Coal Iltickot 31 ( Jootl llroom ll licit IIr om In llarkct 'J Child's llroom K HpltUion ! > ( CunpaiUrei al Extension I.ihary Lamp 2 K 8 ( Hiss UobloU ( one cct ) 31 ( I 0a ! . Tuniblvn ( one ret ) 'J1 Lamp Chlini'fj I Ocoil Lanttrn 41 Ono GallonUllCon 2 ! Low Prices for Iron Stone China Ware' Unhandlc Teas , per sot ( li ! pieccsj | K Htndlo TCIH , per net (12 ( pit-ecu ) . o ; Unhandle CoHco , | iur set ( llipieicn ) C : Handle ( M/Iw , ] nr set (12 pieces ) 7 ! OcoKo' I'lii I'latcsipiceos ) 4i OnoHctTe % I'Litirt 10 piece * ) E ( -no SsiBreahlast I'lat 8(0 ( pieces ) K Ono Stt Dinner Plate * (0 ( pleecs ) ( Snored Tureens 0 ! Cream t'itchorH 1 ! Wash Howl and f itchcr 9 Chambera 3 : Toilet Seta lor Bed Rooms ( 'J pit-ecu ) 2 01 Duit 1'ar.s 11 Btcele DUmondi 2 ( L okinv ; OloMcx , all I'rlco' . Concliictci-s' Liuitoms. gTTtC ] above prices FOR CASH , ami jou wll flnd them at letist 10 to _ UO per cent. le thar clwwhoro , nvo purclia o lor Ca h , at the lowiwl rates , and fill lor Ctwh Only , IIy cuatomcrann not obllzcd to pay lor losaot bad debts , OH v < keep no books nnd no charges are made Clvc us a trial and be convinced , Plmsc call am prlco our Gt odn a-iwo h ve thousands ot article ! not mont on til on thU bill. All Aro'Welcome , Whether They Wani Goods orNot. dcUcod-tl Free to Everybody A Beautiful Book for the Asking By aprl ) Ing personally at the ncarcut otlk of TUB HINUBll MANOFACTOItINO CO. ( c by pontalcard If at a distance ) any APIILT PC : ou | ll boprenentoJ with a beautifully llu | rated copy of n New Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED , OK TIIK STORY OF THE SEWING MAOHIN1 containing handsome and costly steel < ngra\ li K frontuplerco ; also , 2d finely engraved woe cuU , and bound In an elaborate blue and gel lithographed carer. No charge whatever la mac for Uil liandsome book , which can be obtelnc only by application at the bianch and Bubo dlnato offices ot The Singer Manufacturing Co. TUK BINDER MANUFACTURING ! CO. , Principal Office , St Union Square , New Yor oct27-Jmtctf4w HAWKEYE PLMIN& IILL 00. Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of 8A8H. DOORS , DLINDI DHAOKET8 , MOULDINGS , &O. Orvat reduction In Dank Counters , Plans fu nlibcd.and work lurnlilKsl Inall kinds ol hai or volt wood. Counters finished In oil when d sired. Ehcltlngof all kind * lurnlihod and pi Into bulldlnt ; ready tor paint on abort nolle Our workmen are the bust mechanic * that can 1 procured. Sa\c money by giving us your co Stain , Newels and Balusters. Our loreman In this department MU former with Frost Manulacturlng Co , Chlca * ; Ills , and ban douo tome ol the flntet Stair oi In the Northwest. „ Orders bv mall oromctlr atUodnJ to. > M Deere & Gomp'y. MANUFAOTUEERS OP PLOWS , MOLIHE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon Go , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur Oo , Horn Planters , Stalk Butters , &c. , Moliue Pump Co , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wlieol & Seeder Co , Fountain City Drills and Seeders , Mechamcsburg-Mach , Co , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Co , Advance Hay Bakes , Met Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power and Hand Sliellers , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shelters , Road Scrapers , Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALEUS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , . Council Bluffs , Iowa. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments made us will receive prompt attention. . . Rclcroncoa : State Bank , Omaha ; Plat ! ft Co. . Baltlmoro : I'cck A Banahcr Chicago ; " w..i > * n Cincinnati HEADQUAR TERS -FOI MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan rackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c.now open. Wholesale only. ' SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. JL - WHOLESALE - BOOK .SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Onnaha , Neb. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. IV IB-TTlfl _ _ . - mILJIIJ - _ . _ . . --i--r- . _ _ - THE JELlf MOUNTAIN AND - r S-i * JLmm aJSaamaa Mining and Milling Company. - t30C,000. \Vork . | lW)0tOO , ) Japital b oi'k , 1'ar Value ot shires , STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Minee Located in BIIAMEL MINING DISTRICT. . . , Vreslilcnt , Cuininlni , , Wyoming. DU. J I. THOSIAS Wll. K , TIliTON , Vlcc.Prc&ldcnt , Cummins , WyomUjr . . , , Cutuinlm , Wyoming. E. N. HAKWOOD Becrttary . A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , WyooUog. MUST B rc S * OEO. W. KENDALL. Authorized Agent lor Sale ol Stock ; Boi HZ , OmAhaNeb. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglae Sts. ,