Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning. Doc 24.
WVnthor Kflport-
( The following olwervntlons arc tnken nt
tfc namemoment it time at oil the nU-
, S. )
0 H ( , Dmiubcr 2T ! , ISdl. (1:46 ( p. m. ) f
5 IS
< S I c .y
M.47 fjRht Clear
SO. 4V Frixh n ii r
DO 41 NW Clmr
rrcnh Clear
30.27 Frwh Clear
1033 W Mcht ( liar
JlSfl .NW Unlit C'eir '
W.S7 H " 01 ar
N\V rr"h FAlr
WH S Lloir
S Krwh Clt-ar
S4.10 Prrnh Clear
17 Ffich Clear
. { M45 tVf I.lzh'
AmtnIbolne.'SD10 ro llriik Pair
Itivrr tboialowr watnr mark , four feet
.ml ocvcn iuchei > , and frozen.
Tlie firemen do not find iiuuli fun in
flashing the Ktroct .
In the j > ollc court yesterday one
plain drunk paid the Uiu d fine.
Tlio Him hino yesterday soon dehtroyed
the work of the \lngcjniml Hioncr , Jack
ThoOrmlia& St. I'nlil pay car dip-
burMxl hektla to the ctnploycH of that
Jine Tbtirmlny.
It lookr now as If n "black Christmas"
wui inctetiblc A "White graveyard" Is
UK legitimate rentitt.
J tut ice I'nwcll him rcmo\c < l his office
to the w ei < t hide of Thirteenth street be
tween Howard ami .luck on ,
' will bo "broke"
Ku'iyhody by oun-
"dayiucrning , t'\copttlieOiiiuhnincrclmntn [
who are celling < oads of Chrlatmas pror-
ent .
Jjtiko Kinney's bill nt 1'nrt Wayne , Ind.
ww reduced to ? ( JOO , which It is expected
ha will furnish. Hlsc so will not come up
unlfl .Tanuary rr Felmiary.
The European reDtnurnnt hat clocoil.
tit ln < U.Ud that the fixture * have been
'mortgaged to John Hammond , nnd tint he
Ibae quietly taVcn po Hctnion.
Diphtheria in very bad now amoili ;
the children. Dr. Van Camp Is attend
ing one fitnlly in which five children are
down with the dreadful < U > easo.
"Salisbury's Trouhorl nrs" appear nt
the Itoyd on Afonday January Zd ,
and e\enlng. Tho-Haloof Hcnt
lrw on Saturday of this week.
The ulrtet corner loaforw are at jires-
entRtudying phyHlology very diligently.
The fact that la lei , many of them , wear
rubber bouts makes thu IOHPOIIS less inter
Tlie rcf ort that an important arrest
tuulbeeu n.ndo Iry Dcloctlvo Hnzcn yes-
tcrfltywas Tint a fact. Ho simply re
covered a child uhich hud been lost by its
A -lady 1'fit valuable diamond Thurs
day , ftouiewhtro on the main ttrccts of
tthecity. It IH probably buried in the
i mud co deep by this time tint oho w
ntvtr find it.
The full term nf hchool at Brownell
newl Thtirsd iy , and the wlnttr tenn
.Umiary 7th. There have been
ttr one hundred students In attendance ,
V-'IU bg In
The coroncr'n jury In the case nf young
1l necke , who vliot himself on Wednesday
afternoon near Crouomeyoi'ii farm on the
BR ! I'ai II Ion , returned u vcr Ict of nccl-
dental death The remains were Interred
At the county farm yesterday , from
the undertaker's roonut. ,
G > iog Wrst from the poBtoIfico on the
* auth , dido of Dollop Htrcet about numl'cr
151 ! , tioxi doc r to 1 turris & Fisher's mar
ket , wo saw the blKKcst cmv.'d enter
IIoscV | Art Store , where t'luy wore MI
priwl with the Clrandost Art Display weft
of Chicago at Eastern 1'rines ,
The badi-er lout BOIUO time ago by
bailer McClure , ha , it is claimed by the
iWyn in the county clerk's nllieo , been
found. It ID an educated bidgrr nnd
oogbt U ) bo secured l > y Ilumuui. Kvory
m/irnlnn at 9 o'clock it may bo found
< r > pynK ! the records In the olllco of County
-CJtrk ManchcHtcr.
-Thcro U no use Ocnylni ; the fact that
when ue want Homttiling to eat , uh ch wo
IukVfi ilha < l lately , wo are obll i'd tdgoto
fVrwrA , the ( tracer , t > B t It. For u Christ-
DIM 1/iiy Out , I'lillNCrt linn u choice lot of
KiJs nnd Kalsius Inr o us 1'lumn aru pu t
o1 his frebh opcnin , H to-day , ClmmpiiKiia
Jelly , Ku t Inillu Conserves , FitK-SCit ( ON-
ncrioXH , and Tlmrher'n CIBIUS , con tl-
tule a few of the luxuries miiUtile for ft
Cluintmart I'u.iht.
Oncu miiro to thouc wl o apprec ! ito
th clai < te mid beautiful , do not fail to
pnicnro mime of I'raug'rf 1'rizo Chr HtunH
or an il < pint pii/'uit from tint
ur line of line Roods ulfured byte
KuliiiA Co. , to-night and to-monow to
rl.nt-out their fine and ruio collect Ion ol
3'j M , Cilluloid , Hard llubbor und DhitlU
Ktt > , odor case * and other uo\cltlcn.
. They will reduce them nil from 11) ) to 'X
j tr ci'ut. below rejuliir prices , Now 'Is ' l
the time to procure n burRuiu at Ids
Jrog fctoiv , corner of Flftocnth ud Doug
About 9 o'clock yesterday ( jtilto
crowA colectcd In the vicinity of Mn
Meyer's glare , on Klotuth &nd Farnnni
The cnt'al object f interest was a mai i
who wan t looping down and digging in tin
mwl with his pocket-knife. He had fount
ACiidinlne , It was a bind some Iruly'
gold bracelet , a band about throe-imrtcr |
of , n Inch wide , with what appeared t
be a gold tlo on the back. Some lad
dropiwd it there lout night , and It hm
* * frt en Into tbo iiiu-1 , from which It was ex
tn'rtol aud carried away by the furl -n
ate Gii'ler , hd will awntt a claimant for
( (
idi trca ure.
The ttock ff the New York hut tdt
ppral > o < l by Countable fMj'frton Uld
Prince k Kiullc , at 81,0 2.Ki
Jinother e torii creditor hwt telegraiht ) >
< * . oWui of WOO and Mr. Hurp tor , the
ban a ll n on the property fo
Yefcler'ay adUtttlch wm icctlv'ei
- from Wo iif , who In hi New York , dlr f Ute -
to Zundtl , hiu clerk , anlin , ' him hoi
things * -er Bolnif , rd to iiend h'm ' nom
money , Xundel repllons " 3overaltjn ilm
orelitnnwmi theuame thing. tore ut-
tiu-hnl nnd clone I Answer. " ThU Hu.
pat h viw dire ted to H. H. Woolf , c ire i a
li rgr . Co.No. Ill
The Irish Orator Addresses a
Largo Audience at
Eloquent Spoooh on the
Stirrinff Topic of Ira-
land's Wrongs.
Remarks by Mnyor Boyd In Introdu-
clntr the Bpoiikor.
lh * preienet of Hon. T. I' . O'Connor
P , at Itoy t' OM | HOUK , 1/wt / pvtn'np ,
drew n very lorgi ud cnce. Ab ut twalva
tiundrod ailml-slonn were taken at the
: ioom.t half-past levcn the members
of the Omaha Innd Icigu-s A < M mbled at
Kuony'ii hall , and preceded by the A. O.
nf H. html , mirchod to the Crtlttlitun
House , where Mr , O'Connor wai stopping.
They encortcd the distinguished
rontleman thence to tha Opera
llouxe , whcru ho was invited to
heat on the stoge , Mayor I'oyd
occupied the Chair , and about a dozen
clergymen , among wh > in were Kt Huv.
Fat'icr Hoard in , Genera' , and K r.
father I'nglish , and gentlemen ot the
league also occupied fleets before the cur
tain. Mr , O'Oonnor in appoa anco is n
Holidly built mm , about .1.r ) years old , and
a letnar'cnbly ' line prosonco. As n
Hpcnkcr ho is fliiontand graceful , and h Ids
Ills honrcrii without rc'ining elf < irt
Mayor Ho\d called 'ho ' rneetinr to order
and introduced the H | > oaker of tlio craning
with the following remarks :
I.ADIKH AND ( iK.HTI.KMr.V : Mnny of
those present hero to night were born fur
away , mid takn delight In claiming Ireland
as the hind that gave them birth , There
Is not a Hull m ro fo tile , more productive
under tlm sun. No country IH more capa
ble of Hiihtnining it pop la I < n well , yrt it
is true that thuufatuU of the iulmbiLuitu
of this heautiful inland hive for conturim
lived in | ienury und Innnt. . And why ?
HccnuHo of tin ) unjunt lawH of ICngland
and the tyrannoiH op | > ro eiiin f Kngli h
landlords [ tppl'UiKo ] . Miny bravo an I
patriotic mun have ftpcnt their liven in
vain endeavoring , trying and do iltlntt the
way to lead < h people forth to fro dom.
Hut , notwithstnndlt'g nil that has hern
dune , there is tbo same dvsti'utiou and
want In Ireland to-day ax there over
watt. But their only hope now
dooms to I u in the land lo ( , uo
And while Home look upon the purposes of
that o ganir.ation us unlawful , nnd the gov
ernment of Kngland denounces th in , HO
alsollid ICnuland denounce t u bravo men
whn , in 177& , took arum ng < ! nnt their
mother country and f ugbt to declare and
gain their independence. [ Appall- . )
Ladies and untlemcn , we have with us
this evening uu eloquent leader of th-
land league iii'ivcinont who has como this
lar went to tell you of Ireland , her WIOIII H ,
and lierllnpo' of the future ] , I now have
the pie inure , Indies and gcnt'emen ' , > ( in
troducing tlio Hon. T. I * . O'Connor.
[ Loud and probing d applause. ]
Mil. ( j'coNNOIl'ri HI'KKCII.
Mr. O'Connor forward and ' .egan
Hpccking , by way of Introduction , of th"
lout meeting which ho addrosxcd in Ireland
previous to his departure for Ainerici ,
which was in Mayor Jioyd's imtho county.
Ho xald that ho was foreibU
reminded of the mcc'ing on that
occasion , at which ChurleH Stewart 1'nr-
ne 1 nnd tunny Irish tlorgymeii and gentlemen -
men of dinttuction ere present. Keiire-
sentnthfH of all leliiiiuiiH denominations
wore present then They wore jnhuil to-
gather In tha cause of justice and hu
Mr. O'Connor thru naid : I will endeavor
to i o y u tlio main point' ) of conflict he-
twton the Knglfah govrrnincnt nnd the
Irish people nt the present moment , nnd
will direct my r umr n tnwaroS rotnovlne
mlsapprcheiiMlnn arising in the minds of
many concf mini ? the state of Irish alTalr * .
I have found nearly everywhere in Ami-iica
ono of the firnt and gravest charges againnt
the leaders of the bind Icnguc to bo tint
they Imtoboeu found wonting in gratitude
to Mr. Gladstone , the prime iiiluinler of
Kngland , and that they have not rei ended
witn Biidiclent Bympathy to him to whom
the t o wo thu benefits of the lind act of
1881 , and the very first proposition I shall
endeavor to prove \\II1 bo that wo owe
nothing whatever to Mr. Cilad tone a d
especially until ng to the authors of the
laii'l net. Mr. ( iladntonobcu he was
out of nlllce , was very fund of wri tug ar
ticles in maga/incs , and In 1H7H lie wrote.
on i-i the Contemporary lo\iovv ! , in
which ho drew up u long and spicy crill
clmn of the T.irv admlnislratlnii then in
, to thoelfect that the ministry had
divrrto I the attention of the Kngllsh pt-
ph < f 0111 domestic aftaitp , wh'ch urgen l
required reform , by directing attention t <
foio gn qiui-UoiiB ; nnd to mnko hichiirgi
in re dellned ho drew a list of twenty n
thirty ri'icslioiiK , upon \vhUh , in bin opir
Ion , reform was m gently require I. Cur
u ly enough in tin list there was no ma
ti n , ullusion to or wiggo tlou of the bin 1
HiieHtidi uhlch IM ecia Iv needed reform
ThU proves that in 1H7H Mr. ( llad ton
WHS Still III ft StI'D ( ) f igllOMIlCO Viltll H
knrd to thii ImpoiUnt iiicstion. |
In 1880 for the Bocond time M
( Sluditniiu beciiino iirime nibdsier of J'.n
and. He > ind the ditco > if Ar ylo hav
since fnll-ii out , und this ix an old savin
- that "When ri'guea begin toqunnol hone
- people get their rights" Since bin gra i
the duki- , bun left ollicp , 1m has made HOIHH
reviilations of thu proceedings of the
ministry of which lie was a member. Ho
bus finpliauiml thu f ict that when ho and
Mr.1 liUd'tomi nnd the other inomburs of
th mill htry me in 1889 , ihero was ner
H a sylla lo concei nlng the necescily of deal
ing with he land ques ton.
Mr , lilu Istouo WIIH htilt In invindbl
i ignunince in regaid to it , When tint
'JiiMnV ' KpiH'ch wat made 1681 , there wus
not a hlsiier In it of the IiUh question.
Now lu order to ajipr itato the sltniition
. at Urn * , time I will recall a few met *
ftmlllar to uuny prenent. Thu potato
In the great mainstay ( if Ireland , the soil
> tnry plank which faxes tliein fr in
etui \ all m , In 1U70 the pot to cuip wa
wor h $00,000,000. It fell In 187" to 815.
- ( OOOCO. In 1678 it fu I t > i SM.OOO.OOO.
That was b d himett No. 1 , In 187f > It
i hid f lien to $15,000,000. 'IV-third-
> was destroyed hi many p rts nnd lu some
Iv wa entirely de tro\od. Then every
. farmer won d have fturved had It not been
fiinutsUttinoa. In 1678 eighteen thon-and
people were thus relieved. We know
what htixr\utlon in Ireland Is , It Is one
nf the sources of civilization wo owe tn
- Ungl mil. M ny American Iri-hmi'ii me
fiiiuil ar with the scene * nf 1810 , ' 17 anil
to < 18. To-day I have heard people de ci Iho
how they h vofen the mother die with
; tliD Infant Hi her arms.
Mr. Gladstone treated thoio 18,000 people
* ple of Ireland nu though they didn't exist.
Uo had consldern loiu for link-aria , u nigh
for MunUiu'Kro. mul uword of pity for the
y.'ilub , t nuthl K to n\y ; about the Irish
ixxililo w o are only ej ur.itrU from Hug-
lanii by hixty mile * of bi-n. [ Appliiuo ]
You nronnil iar with nil tin-so f cU In
this Miry city , whlih hai subicri ed l
. fl.OCK ) , nlihiiuih you nre nearly 4,00 (
mik s uway. You knew I hu con itijii ol
the Irl h pt'ople und you took ton | tn
rrnudy it , while .Mr , Uladstonii , i ly liC
mlliM awuy , hud ot H though' ' , to buftotv ,
iVt thin tliiw the Irish mrmba'N of p i-
Ihiuuit d uu Up a bpu ch , nnd the inn.
jnrity of the puuplu there of cnui > o tie.
nuunoi'd it iui tiolunt , wild nnd rt\olu !
tl''iiuy , Th { 'ovcrnmcnt sakttl Iho pen
pla tn w It und have patience. The I < IH !
- ineinlK'ia told thu | 'ii\eriiintnt thtvt tin
. Kuople had not bent tin in theio to wait
of turv'iitlon < 1 es not wait ; landlordism
do * * not wait.
Su ye went ouVe followetl up oui
iiio\einctit by pro\cntn ! ; nupctnion of
the eviction ' "ill , \ < - brought the I ! K'
Huh toplo'nco to faro with thin question ,
They that If they did nut ntt-nd to
Ireland they could no1 , attend to Hnglnnd
So they hi ought In the Disturbance Hill
In tlm dt.bitp Mr , O'n < l lone dcreribcil
how tha r ropn had fft led three year.i in
Riicce"li'ii , nnd moil ( Ihantronnly , Ax In ' 47
no In 187'J , M do pfr arc * the doatltutl > n
of thu pcopl * . BO the landlord * grew m rn
ro pntli'M. Th y w ro pr < p red to avail
thcmrolvci of the jxiwer to drive the help-
low people to migration , the wnrkliotun
or tlm % r\c [ Applause ] , In 1880 the e
were 15 0 0 men. women and children
doomed to A terrible fito of starvatlo .
Tliodli'urhiinco ' Mil p.iipod the homo of
c iintnoni , hut the Irish ponpl * vert left
who o they were. Mr. ( lldd-tono ai rc i > onib'o ! for the lrUh jicnplej
foi- the rule ho excrcl fd ever thrni w
one "ft up by himwif , not by the . What
did ho do ? Ho abandoned mlhotrn ) d
tlm people , and a' far a < his cti wrre
concerncii thn < o 15,00 would have nuifercd
thn ncnU ice f Kturvatlon ,
My tlibi tlm D th * Ir Ml ponji'c h.vl found
other leaders and Ind placrd relianc upon
mnn of their ownlblood. Tne 1.1,000 p-o-
jdo were , therefore , no fo ceil to-tnnntion ,
liccailM ) thu Iri'h pcopla had formed the
Iri b Innd league , [ Aitdau | * * | the head of
which wan Mich el Davitt and I'nrnell ,
Up to 1RSO IreUnd owed nothing but hate
to the Jliudlrth governmtnt. If it had
been properly governed , you would have
noter had the di mrb nee bill .ind land
net , of 1881. I think I havi > dlipo < i < td of
the question thut we re unjust and un
fair to ( > lniUtoni > ,
It Is iiflcn reasoned that th ! < land act
shoiild be accepted if It ii.i good bill. It
must bo ticknnwlodgod that It glv n the
f rmrrs more freedom. The Itlsli tieople
of 1881 .ro dilferetit fiom the < iif 18)7. )
They have grown in Holf-rellnnce and po
litical manhood , and they are not
golniT to nke fuel for babiui. I
wilt de'cri .0 the nbje tH and
jmriioscH of the lat.d net and tho-cof the
land liable Ono Is to reduce rent , the
other to abolish It. The and act would
improve the relations of the landlord and
ten'mt : the land leigue wiiul I ubdMi
Inmllurtlism. Th < net wotih gho u few
moio years of llfo to lamlloidiHin.
In Ire and th re Ii a limited quantity of
land lor a population thei fond of
which ii _ to'oly ' derl.ed liierefroc .
In America them I * wore land
than can ho U'od. A cotnpirfions < etwetn
thu rent MyntenM IH nl ) ut as reasonable as
betw tn proipernui people aud in a
Our plunx hiv.i been described ni novel ,
c inirunintio and rovn ution.'iry I'ea'nnt
pnipriutary is t > u rule imil landlord.Mil . in
thu exception among civ liz d and on-
llxhto 1 im n. Thu earn 10,000,000 farmer *
in Amuric * and 18,1)0-,001 ) of thmo own
the neil whith th y till. Thu vast majority
of ( iermau tcnun H urn proprietary , lu
France them nru not 10,0 iO amllonl- ;
theieaio 5,000,000. Une hundred years
ago thn peowmtH of P unco nud Ireland
wurc idlko | K > < irly IIOUH d , r * othad and fI. .
Oi o hundrfd fvart liavn p s ed. In 1870
Krun a went through n rrunhliig di-n tiT.
Her armies were 1' n by oier\h < lining
defoatH. When thn war was over a war
tax of gigintio propnr ions iviw inllicted
on thu French nation. The world thought
Franco wax ciippled for a half century to
c-tine. In eleven years Fiunco has risen
ami increaHod in prosper ty urn ! linn paid
For the m > Hi pait the fine which was to
cruuli her , nnd i-lm is to-day far
muru pro-tperoiH than the country
which sonquored her.flu foundation
of this pro-ipeiitv ii nwing to the estab-
lihlimont of 5,000,000 of ( H-asantH JIM-
prietaiy , who ura the tunant farmers of
Franc-- .
tie to Ireland. The hundred years
which has made this trnn lormatinn with
France has left Inlmd where nho was ,
Peasants stil cl tlxd in rags In ing in
hovtls un'l ' Hiilfo ing from Intmllici.'iit fo > il.
Our ] irnpos ds nre described 111 com
munistic. Communism th a o-
lltlou of private property nnd mpecially
private properly in lan'l. We propose t'i
u ako the six hu ml roil ten-mt landlord * in-
picn. > 'd ' to ten thnus nd , to sixty tliou nnd ,
to HX hundred th usiind. Wo pie | > ese to
buy out th | > n < rnt liuutloids. Our plans
orn dcHrrihcu us ii'Uvl > vhen as a matter of
fact l.they lira ancient. Our j.Ians .
are dvAcnticd as communistic when , as
matter of fact , they arefri ndly to prhate
pr ipcrty. They are describ d ai con-
tiscatory when , as a matter of fnc' . , th-y
are jufct In other wo.ds three whiten for
thiuu blai-ks. ( Apjiluuso. ]
K 'W I p IKS from that part of tha quea-
tie , MipponinK we drop for a moment , our
aimand ilnalgoal.'propriulary.
and take lliit la < id nut rpicstion as a teiu
porary measure for rtducinx lonta. We
determined to try whether t u land act
would ito was expected of It mid wo
put test u iscs , and never was a quextlon
tried with more bonatide * th in was th < tt
question. And the reductions mmt be
nut Hinnll uml pttty reduction * , but whole-
ui a.
You don't undcrulond the Irish land
qucnti n until y u ntait with this propo-
nt.on that thv tenant farmers nro in a nf fearful sUrvatl n and poverty und
the reform riq dren a largo au < t giott rnvo-
lutinn in icnts sweeping reduction.
The laud act s iys thut the court must
have legnrd to the circumstances of tlm
caiuaml to iho inturi'Hts of the land ! > rd
and t mint ruspeutively but the action of
the olllrcm In court would be very much
reguluti-d by the preHtmro outside uf the
court. The Ian f.irdu wou d i iipro-s at
hard as they could. The landlord * of ] P-
land would ex rcisc opprcRsion , tha land-
lords < i | Kr gland would exo > -
cine ojipiofHion. P.ullixm. nt would
cxcrcls oppression u > no > irl > everyincinhor ,
liberal nnd tory , are Innd ords orcnnnccted
with InndlonU , and consctmeiitly there
wa-i overwhelming oppiesiiinn from the
latid'oid ' party. Inimler to Imvci justice
from the court it is no otsary to have
H inethiuglike ; \ balancing nnd cqualir.
tion force , it was iicccxsary to hulauca
tlio houdo nf comnuins nnd tlio house of
lords by the land lea uo organization ox-
eicis ng its power on behalf of thiUcnantH.
Hut wliatnver we tried to d , these land-
loids would be sure to interfere anil spoil.
I'arnell has ne.'er ehai ged Ills plans
Wlii'ii naked in prison what he prnpoii 1
to do , did ho inudify his iduns ? All h'-
p'aiiN nru ' 'ut'.iud nnd his emphatic ntati
iiient was that IIIH nrrcut Rhnulii make 1.1-
dilfuiuice in the action of the league. H
liimsell has prepared nuiueious test ca-p
About une bundled years iigo , win u
Anuiicn quarreled \\Ilh Knglund , the cr
unwe , * Xo re , r bentatioii. no taxation.
Thu h nh now say , L'lirnell In prison , no
rout ! Dillon , Duvitt , O'K.lly in urison ,
no rent ! Thu right of public meeting de.
btroyrd no rent ! The freedom of the
pros * intnac d , no tent ! Fifty tlnnmi d
anne I men terrorUIng the Irish people ,
no cut ! Or , in other words , Amerm\ \
Kuid , 'No reprcs ntatlon , uo Ux at Ions' BO '
Irelnndu ys to-day , 'No constitution , no
rent. ' " [ npplausA. ]
Cut tlio landlords will have to be pur.
chased out wheth- the Irinh people like
ito' not The landlordi lm > e been de
manding compensation dec inse the rents
have i on in tome in < tnnoa even reduced ,
In plaio of comp nuation they ought to be
In tlie penltchtlar y for rabbet y.
Now the people have risen up iu al |
their ptrength , and face the landlordism
they are determined to beat , Wh-n the
'no rent' manifesto nf the vivcutlve com
mittee of tha land wa <
iciutd there were many i > eiiilo |
wbo doubted its expediency and justice , loA
few davs after Its u pcarunce an account
npMiared | in the Ainerio in 'journal * thai
the manifesto was a fulluie. You reac
that nn Mi ndnv 1,000 , netdav " ,00i > , and
Wednes.-4iiy 100 0 oaseiiveru tiled , go that
: > ou hdgan to think that all the farmers
wvri' ready to takomhan i geof the 1 nd
act. Hut ut thu i res nt day the Ameri
o < u newspapers do not makf thi' o r.t.ito
men's. I hov forme'ly ulitatne I their in-
f irnmtlo throUvh thu cor upt Fiiigliin
i iiirwils. The ciiurt nre trying tohiibe the
: :
. riueist bring up thuir uisod. Tiiey
- we will give you fiO per cent reductl"ii It
rrnt , If yuuvill bow the knee to ( . .dat
and betray 1'urnell and thu great
bed v of tenantu , The hitnllor.ln an I courti
. would not IH making thi'-e concescinnk II
the land league Al\ \ not exUt. Ou the one
niiln of this conlllct In coercion , on th'
I other * ide ttanntiou. Hut the people vill
tire superior to both and the leader * nro
noble and nclf oacrlficlng l the ciune of
the league.
Therefore , I say that we people who h vo
fenlcioile * Mid a thousnml defeat * cm
yet cmbla/on the one victory on our tin r , nfter the neren centune * of wrong ,
tyranny , i.nd e\n y form of oppression nnil
ucrlficfs vre nre uncon'U | rfil and uncon.
qiteiahle. [ ( Srent applause ]
fhun 000,000 tenant farmer * , who arc
nt thin moment Ir.cing nil lh terrors of
coercion , heft n in nnccd with op-n julln ,
withfjOXl ( ) HoMler * , nre mipportnl with
new i nerty of th lr own prlf-eniuctotHnm * .
With thli th r are rMntf miperlnr nnd
thus nddiiiK n ulorlom chapter to the his
tory of the Irifli rnce in lt attack * upon
foreign or'i'f { loii.
There i4 ono quo t'nn more ! mx | > rtant
thnn I hut even of Irish landlord rm. I
beltfivn l ndl rd m in de > d. That ciU'-
tlim i th t the Ktinliih Roverntneut I/i now
determine I to put forth all the ro-otircex
of hi-r implra > < nd pnur her cntiroar-iy
into Iielnnd , In doing thN shu lux nun-
pernled tlie constitution and resorted to
nvory from ( > f brutality. .Should he full
to accomplish the glory , honor and pres
tige of Kntflaml In le trnye < l.
Tli weak link in the chain of the Knfr-
lls'i ' KoYirnmiMit is its fiuht for the Iriili
landlords. If the Iru gle thus etvts nnd
Knglaml Is beaten in Its attempts
t coercethe Llsh the
coerce- , Kovcrn-
ment will have no life , Its preitl e ,
I N honor , its enown nre Rene A government -
ment c nnnt lout long whtn it CCHHCH t >
huve the power to KOV rn. If we bseaV.
down thu coercion of KnglMi nile , wo can
KCt Imtk the Irish rlghtx , got back the nil *
thnritt to govern our own nffiUrB by those
elcUvl liy our own ueopl ? fjettli g in their
own rmriM'nunt. When dny COIIICH ,
nd it will C"in soon , n new gcncrution
w II urine , now ( "lories wilt como to our
country and a reign of pence and iirosppr-
I y wi | | fiucceed to tlio ilurk and troubled
tlmcH thr ngh which wo arc now pa-i-iiin' .
h.udnl prolongedapplnune.
Thrco Drunken Bummers Asmult
Two Poocoivblo Cltlzono.
OnP of the n est outraeeoun nltockH ever
made upon aci'izon in this city wan that
upon C'ha lie Hiiuer nnd A bcrt Foil , on
lower Tenth street , yesterday. Mr linuer
h the proprietor of the saloon opposite
John liell'H HMIK Htore , and ho left It at
U:15 to go horn * , being accompanied by
Mr. Foil , both residing In the neighbor-
boo ' nf oun ilinnn Knufmnn'H rcHl'ience.
They hod ranched the gate to Mr. I'.au-
0 's . , and th.t xcntlentan wax just in
tlio n t ol opening it , holding a roll of but
ter mid his cnnc on the oilier arm , when
three yuuuK mun , lightly built , ; ip-
preached them , ringing a b.uclmnal-
1 n pong. They had ciwiu
ftmMtn. , Iv hf'H plure , where they t mused
th'-mselvc-K by throw ng a lamp up ngtiinht
the Lcilin. and muttciini : thu kuni.-cni'
oyer the room , and they wcru nniurully
npoilingfor Bonn-fun.
Two of tlio fel'ows ' jumped onto Mr. Foil
und ' 'owned ' him in the mow , while
the other t ickled liuier. Mr. Foil fonjht
for fteveral minuten bef ro he could fro
hiniHolf but at bngth got loose and the
ten then pitched into li.iucr w til re
doubled energy. They doubled him and
then renewed their nttack on Foil , but nt
th H jiiiicturjHomo axHixtanco aiiivcxi and
tlii-v tied.
Mr Kuier wan terribly beaten nnd used
up. Hi * face IB one ma H of cut-i and
luu'KCH from the neck up , and his body ii
in ro i r lent ) baiiucd by kicks received.
Ho iii also minus al out S10 ,
which ho had in bin pocket
when he slutted I'omo. Ho had peverul of
hix teeth knoi-krd out ali-o , nnd IH in bed
to-day nnd | > robnbl\ will not bo able to Ixi
, bout f. r two or three week- .
Mr. Ft 11 woa cut aud bniircd some , but-
.he worst liijurv was from a kick
in thu thigh. He loht his overcout
: ap , gloves , and about six d llnra in
Vmt ( r lay Officer Frank CaBj > er , who
no of the mo t efficient men on the furco ,
ivent to MTH. Kolif's und learned
> hu name f ono of tlio parties ,
> nd that on leaving they had
iiid they wore going to raiv
icll down town. Ho fo lowed up the
luo a-id H'V" > U arre-ted allthrce if th' par-
.ice , who are Kmorv II. Winn , .Tamo
lUtia and v > - in. Chapman , all of wliojr
work for Mr. Winn , on Houth Tenth
itrcet. They cpnlonRed to the deed but
nu of them claimed it visa in Holf-dcfcnse ,
A Pitiable Sight on Ixvor Tenth
About noouycbtcilny a wngon loaded wit !
meat , belonging to HarrU it Fisho
wining along 'IVnth street between th
hop and mititi truckx. Tt uns drawn by
[ Inutile team , thu leaders belonging to Mr
ilnmcs StuphcnHon , nnd while jjoiiiK up th
grade ono of the leaders , tired out by th
strain upon his strength , fell t > the ground
The mud ut this point in t rriMa and th
poor biitto K'lou ' lay in .1 IMHI ! of waterj
clay from which it WJH impossible for hi
0 r'he. '
A crowd Burrouudcil the hiiot fur over nn
hour. V. heavy done of whisky was ad-
niiuibtercd and the uiiimal , under the
i-t inulntiiiinlliiPiiceri of the rye t
tin rook , ' 'kic cd like a buy hloer" in his
nttcmpts to ririC. A plniik was fin il y
procured iinduu effort mud J tn raito h m
m main Mtiongtli , but when the njioiter
left ho was at ! 1 lying hulplesa
in the hlimo Mr. Stcnheiuon ex
pected to lore the hoi e , as hu
was terribly worn out by his struggle.- " ,
and the mud about him was ntaineil u ith
the Mood which tlowcd from hit no-trils.
A suit agnln t the city for tha value of the
animal may Le oxpectid , i.nd wuild de-
feme to win.
Real Estate Transfer s.
The following nre nil ibo trn efen * re-
irde I ut the county clerk's office , as re-
" r'ed fur thU paper by John Ii. > Io-
1 i ui. * , real estate n-xent and c nveyaucrr
lloo. II UoggHimd wife and I ew W
lill to Itoxena Kendall , lotI , block 1.
livgs nnd Hill's eec' nd addition , w. d , ,
Henry A. I'uiult and wife to Samuel R
toieri < , part of the of the went 1-3 o' lot 5
ilock 121 w. d. S14.000.
Samuel K , ISogOM a d wife , to Stat-
1'nnk ' fj. c. d. for the above 81.
F. Colpetrer and wife , to the U. I > . ] ty
C'o , lota 7 and 8 , block 221 w. d.-lOOO
Heirs of Arthur Uennlngham to J. > v.
Stewart , no. \ of nw. 4 and ue. t of w. v.i ;
section 12 , towu 15 , range 10 , east , w , d.-
t'ml U. Lowe t1) O. IJorg. lot 5 , block 1
Park PUcc dd. , w. d. S'XQ.
Augiu us Kountze and wife to Jao , part _ of liitj 27 and M
Kountze'a second add.
I. N. L''luifr and wife t i' . Ilandechuh
parcel in ne. J of nw. J Motion 33 , towi
10'ranKb la'cwV , w. d.-e K ) .
Cnnuo and Effect ,
Thu main cauau pf nervousness i i
indigestion , nuil tlittt is caused " by
wcitknuas of tlio btoinuch , N"o mo
can have Bound nurvoa and Kid
health without usinsc Hop Bitters t
stronnthen tlic stomuch , purify the
blood , nnd keep tlm liver and kidnuy
active , to carry oil' till tlio poiaonou
mid waste matter of the system. Id-
vocate. Iool5-Junl
Wo are allowing the beat yaluo i
Silk Handkerchiefs ever ollorod , i
the ' 'UoBton Store. " d21-4t
All nro invited to call and sou my
Ghriatmua Good * . W. M. i'ATES.
Some Startling Foots and
urofl on the Bl gost of
the States ,
Which the Missouri PnclQc Will Add
to the Territory of Our
Wlioloflfilo HoitsoH.
From the fact that such nnprereden'ed
activity In now being displayed in the
building of railway * in the great south-
went , opocUl'y in Texan and our sifter ie-
public , Mexico , a reporter of TIIK HKR has
tn'ien occasion to Interview Mr. K. L V [
helm , formerly iif this city , who hns just
returned from n very fxttnulva tour
through that country , upon the subject ,
and below are * ! vcn facts and figur < H that
will doubtless Rbtonlih many who are wont
t > look upon the Houthwett , and Texas
pRp-cldly ng n howling wilderness , chiefly
i to 1 for producing cow-boys , tarsntulai
and cactus. And by the way , np-aking of
O ictun , tha hitherto detested and detest
able plant ii Hoon to be Utiliro I in a man
ner that will make all familiar with its
virtnes. It has been discovered that the
fibrous pulp of the cactus plant contains
all the in.-rcdlcntfl that enter into the composition -
position nf piper. Kr.iin experiments al
ready raado it linn been found that paper
nuperlor to the fineit llnun or r co can b
rodii ed from the pulpy mass hid mid
gn.i'ded ' by the outer cohering nf tli'Ttis '
ii nd i-pi CM which has made the plant infamous -
famous nnd un object to le drcided und
avoided by nil uftor one short ,
first experience. A company of
oas'ern ' and Riiiithcru CiipituliiW IIOM
already been formed n New York Pity
with a u pitnl of $250,000 , who propose
urn to engage in the manufacture of j a-
per from the cactn * plant.
.Surely nothing that exists was created in
Hut to return to th" railways in Texas.
At tlio chno of the comnlerate war
Texas had only 3UO miltM of i ailwav in op-
erat on , xnd fr.iiu that time until .1803 h d
been c nt < tnict.d only 138 milo ndditicnal
S uc then the increase has been marked ,
but only since 1877 hat it I een n > mmka bly
r.ipid , iii in tint inriod have nn lews than
lfXX ! ) miles burn built , and of tlim mileage
tint less tha i 1,9(0 uring the presentynr.
It H estimated that during the i ait twelve
months $19,000' ' 00 have been expended in
th ta c f r railway building. When it is
cnnsideird that nil tlim vant mini hna been
e.xpemlt'd d.rcc ly In the slate nonle idea
of the wonderful protpe'ity prevailing
there at present may bn formed.
The snutliw.Hit'rn system , owned and
controlled by Mr. ( Jntild , in Toxas'alono
comprws n i lc s than ' . ' ,500 miles , wlill *
thu entire fynteni comprises some 5,0 0
Texas railroad ? me pajin inxtitutUns ,
ns is shown from the earnings of 180 , the
l test obtaiiiablo data , when with only 2-
855 miles of rtml in oper.iiiiin. The
oiliclallv reported earnings amounted t-j
near y $12,000,000.
Not le H than 7,001 add ! rsiil s of
rnilwiyare nt present projected in the
stati- und for which charter' * have been
granted , i nd it is nafe tn say tlt.t BOUIO - , -
000 miles w-ll b * bulb dur ng 18K2.
These fiiiirrH Honud large ; they Inok
large on paper ; they are large in reality ,
and did wo not know that Te\a- * embraces
an area f 27'l,3ol > square miles , we won d
bo inclined t > > doubt Home of them.
on this Ru'iject of area and capability of
producing. Tlio cott n crop of Texas in
1878 w .a 1)51,800 ) bales , or nearly twice nnd
a half the lar et crou ever r .ised by slave
b-bor before the war. This crop occupied
2,825 Himaie miles. Tlie wi } econsumi > -
tlon < > f otton in the United StatcH in 1878
w IH lr G8i , > CO bales , which eouhl have been
raised in Texas on le s than 5,100 squaies
miles. Ti e cotton crop of the L nit d
States in 3878 was n,073KU bale * . On
goo.l land in Te.xas , at ono bale to ttie
acre , this would icquire bm than 8,000
rquuro iniles. The world vises in all 1 ,000 ,
00 ! ) to 12,000,000 bales of cotton of Ameri
can weight annually which could be grown
in Texas on le s than 1D.OOO Himnre miles.
Atxaol Tcvas 274,3.riO
Area required for 12,000,000 bales nf
cotton . 1'J.noo
Art'arcm Inlng for other prnlucU 2i'i ,
The above demonstrates cl"aily why
cipital teeks the 8Ollthe t at present. . ,
\s regar a the soci 1 and ecnnomic cou-
ilitnin of Texas Mr. Kdholm speaks wit
antidlly ai f < \\e\v \ * :
No other utato in the union , no other
country on the face of the o rth haH givcj
nor can they give their y utli the if y *
heritage with which Texas nas endawci
There is n permanent school fund (
{ 13,500,000. That of .Ma auhuscttH Is enl >
two-third- large.
The follow ! m area had been tel apart
for educational purposes :
ForaunUerslty l,2S&40i
County achool ilonnln L SIii.OJ' '
( Icucral nchiol domain , v CO,000X
Total Ol,05r > ,3) ) !
A greater area than the state of Wi'
Free schools mu maintained in
15U co'inties. Koine 5,000 schools are nnu
in op. ration , attended by overl'OO.OOOchil
dren , nml no less tlm i i,500 te.'itheif
m.ilo and female , white and colored , ar
It is alsn a fact that moia thau 500OO1 ,
of the inhabitants of Texas belong to rom
of the religious denominations.
Mr. Kdholm xayn thut duritu his ho-
journ of six months in the Kmpiie ntato of
- the fouthwebt , ho has only met with
kindness an I C' The tales of yi ' -
lence , murder , hulluWing und intimida-
dutioiiH u ith which some northern j nr < a H
Item hiint' princ pally born , fostered uud
promulgate I in a hpirit of m illgnant men
- dacity by unacriipulous scrib lers to STVO
- 8"iue p'lltlciil iiuri [ ( so or gr ffy Borne
; base p ission for
, Althouch tlio dcmocraU hnld the ma.
, jorlty of ( illicos us yet , still is thn nley n
workiiiu' , and alrea'y ' are iiinuy cnuntivs
especially in northern Texas , beginning
. to ele t republlc.iin. Ono notanle in
, , stance maybe cited from Austin , the cap
ital , wJure at recent election a colored
* republican w IK elected to the office of al
derman in one of the wards ,
. nml the entire southwest has a great and
. > lorlous future before it Throit b the
, imuien > e domain must pais .those vast ar
teries of trade nnd co mvrce , that bind
together with indissoluble tlvH
tlra people of all natio H ,
Millions of human being's can nnd will
I find ( hero a laud of plenty and prosperity
of perpetual Humnirr and sunshinf , where
lilxir and wealth are synoumous terms !
When the Missouri Pacific mil
, reaches Omaha , the traveler and tourUI
miy take a sleeper lit Omahft , leaving tin
ever lickeulng vista of bottomles" n'reet
snow , mud nnd ice , and in a few days fine
himself ha-kin beneath sunn )
is ifcios , enjoying the fragrant thadl
of the magnolia and lij ; trcei
; in quitnt old .San Antonio
the Alamo City , Texas' Therrriopyltc
the only city of its kind in the woihf
to w tli its ct'titiiry old mlsolons , relics " fa
bygone u.'e , its historical atsoclatlons , its
miitl-y thuiigh thoroughly cosmoiolitai ]
population , its San Pedro spring * nd
UB inagiilfi ent nyer wht < h cu h ° s out fron
- the cliffs ju-t beyond tlm clt - , a nobl
beautiful stream nf crystal water Or , i
he ptcf rs , he may ga to Houuton , hen
Chicai ( ) f Texas nnd treat railway ren
in trd of the fcouth , from wl it'll poiti
ut if he I e historically inolinu I he may vi-i
the fnm iu battlefield of San Jacinto
where bra\o ( Jen. Houston , with a hand
fill nf ragged Texn patriots , H ti riy ;
routed ami destroyed the flower of thti
I Mexican army , avenging the Alamo ind
( iolbd , capturing the > clf" < tylc < ! "Napo *
loon of the West. " the infamous Sunti
Annu , and ( jiving Ttxns liberty nnd indc-
I endenue.
( JaUeston , too , t < une of the most p oav
Ant winter toiort * In the world for the
tourist and tnrnll' . Kither of thoi > o nolntx
nmy be renched in a to * IIOUM without
chanRH of cars in the palatial hot 1
coiches now run over the Missouri I'AC lie
It w.iild bo n fine Idea to get up nn re
cursion to Texas when thii * rend reaches
Omaha. Undoubtedly nur tiuMnnM turn
will roach out for A portionof the trade of
th t wonderful country , its wvll ns for
Mexico , and this would | : ! vo them a
chance to cce it and become acquainted
Yon nr * fickj well , there U just ono reme
dy that will cure you twynnri po < wil > ility or
doubt. If it's LUrr or Kldnoy trouble ,
C'oruu million , ITsxria | ) , Debility.
' 'Well's Health Kcn ? ' er" IH yonr hope.
31. DruggiKt Depot , C. K. Gwdman ,
Omaha. _ _ (4) ( )
An Excellent nnd Dunvblo Stone far
Paving Purpoeoe.
Yesterday > fr. James For , who
ro'idex at No. 815 Kanilmiu street , cnllwl
at TiiKlJKK office , nnd exhibited aspect-
men iif stone which he received by express
from the fiunrrie .
Mr. Vex ban been rt Hone-
mason for the past thirty year * , and laid
the Nplendid Htrcet pavement put in by
Hon. James Stephenson. Tlio stone Is
what is known UN jasper , n very hard
rock , which can lo hioken , but which
no tools ixccpt a diamond-pointed
pick will effuU. It will ontl nt the , Tol-
lietto ntonc three to une. Mr. Fox thinks
It is jnnt the thiiu for paving the afreets
of OnmliA. If the plan of issuing boiidx ,
of which future ge eratinns xhall pa } ' a
portion , is adopted , it will bo just an
good in t went v > carx ns it in to-day , nnd
they will not feel that they aio paying out
their money for nothing.
This Htorra could bf laid down on the
H'roeta of Omaha t ? SW ) per yaul , a d
the I'nndH could lit i aid three time * over
biforo In would be Injured n particle. It
could also be ens'ly tnken up a d repined ) ,
wi.en nocewary witltout. injury. ( Jmaha
wi uld do herself proud if idle should con
clude to pave her atre tvith thh ceitt-tinl
As n rule wo do not recomraond
patent ui'jdjoincs , bub when wo know
of onu that really is a > public benefac
tor , and docs positive/ ! euro , thea wo
conaidor it that information
our duty impurt
formation to all. JElcetric bitter * are
truly a most valuable medicine , and
will surely euro BiliousncBS , Pover
and AguorStomacli , Liver and Kidney
compliiinto , ovou whore all other rem
edies fail ; We know whereof wo
speak , and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold at fjOeenta a bottle.
Jsh & McMohon. (7) ( )
Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you
will neviT l > bili"- "
C. K. flooilnijn'ii.
NOTICE Adrtiscm nt To Loan , KorHilo ,
Lout , Found , Wants , Boarding , &c. , will bo In
ocrtod III these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , F1VSCENTS
per Una. The lirst Insertion never lena thm
ONKY TO LOAN Call at Liw OHlce ot U
M L. Tliotna * Room 8 Crelehton Dlock.
To lout nt from 8 to 10 per cent
on Rood real eatateeocurlty , hy
I > K. ISAAC EDWAHI ) ' ' 1109 Karnhatn St
W LOAA At 8 per cent In
tercat Iniunuof S2.600 and
upwarde , for 3 to 6 yrars. on flrat-cloiis city and
farm property , Diuus KXAI. EaiAi * and LOAN
AOKNCT , 16th and Denude * Sts.
A situation as Balcwman In a re-
speilab ! bujluci ? , ) > y a man
Ii , tJennaln ami Bohemian. Adilruss , W. ,
llco otlkc. 7t5-2B *
WANTED An eustirn imhlinher desires the
thu scru'cn ot an actlic , rilUbband
educated guutleinaii to act as special Bollcitir fern
n art pul.ilc.tiun. Atldrca , 1' . O
ltoIt'll Council ( Huffs , lona. 784-2U
" \Tll7"A.VTr D ( liil for ( toneral hou e ork. Ap-
VV ply at once to K. O. Dun Co. , 215oiith
14th ht , 776-tf
\ \ A.NTii : ) ABcnantiilrl for gcnoral house.
YV work. An experienced one. Nonooth
IT need apply. 1 , ISU'elstcr M. 77124 *
WAHTKU A situation as liooK-Kftjur
onu who th roughly undirstn iU doutil
anil clnxli-'cut y is aio a good penman I CH
rufmiicis gl\un. Aildicsn. C. K. , 11 c ( like.
70(1 ( tf
4 rhlldivn us b ardtrs In a sclcc
WnNTEIl , at IBth and California St. U U
ANTED A womiui to help cook , nt the Ca
W ilflu House. ' 750-tf
- 2 goal coopers ntOreendnlu nnck
WANTKD- , Couiiiil Illufl-i. T1IOMA
OIIEEN&SON8. 742 tf
. _ Oirl todo houscvsork. Enquln
1110 Farnlmin St. 442 U
ANTED Funding bridge and school lionJs
W II. T. Clark. BMlanie. _ 20-
° ' Furnished rooms , Bingle or suit.
E 'i E. corner llth and Ciilcago.
.1011 HUNT NIc ly furnUhed fro'it ' room for
I 1 one of two iiciillotnen , 1 block .rom U. t' .
depot. No. 1"U s. llth tit. I'ricxj reasonable
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7b2 2 *
SALE ] cabinet sewim ; inaihlne , almost
FOU SliiKur with al\ \ the latest improio
incuts v , ill sell chop. Ii.qu're at 131U F rnham
St. , bet 13th and 14th. _ 777-tf
771011 HINT Onnnc ! < l-.fur Uhisl ( rant r era ,
U ono Hiifiirnlfchid room ; last tide 17th St. ,
ore door north of Domjla'j. 774 tf
llh.ST C. ttan' / wl'h 4 rno-ns. Tor piitl-
FOH culuH Inquire at 12 0 Kami am St. n.ti8
OH KENT llciisf , 4 roomf , south end l < Hh
St. Eri'iulrcJ I. . NcCauue , orM > emU ! poet
770 tf
BhT NlctlrlurnWieil looirs with or
POB bout board. Ktasonable pricca iiOlS
Ois Ht. 769 "
. II > torv houw , 7 rooms , cilUi
FUItE.Vl cistern , 813 per month 12)11 N
IttthSt. 76113 *
UEJJT-llrlck itorc , Jacnbj' block , cor
. Foil and Capitol avi'iiu * . J. U. JAOOBS.
T710K 8ALVKlnrtrlae phaeten neariy rj"i
K Knqulro of . KalU , Mircliant Tullor
Uou l"H St. . b't. JCth qmllCtlir-t * . 76fl 20
" "
"OH UKNT Hoiutf , 3 rponu , ( good nlzi ) , ixl
armidcUUrn. ; N. W corner 24 lh a rd
I'lerco SU. , * in p r month , fcmiufro 22 * fl.
corner 25th and f > a nport SU. _ lol-U
TTIor. KFJ.T-Cot < af of 3 roorne , well ant
; J.1 cistern ; U3rd anil ht , Ma.jf's a\enue , Kn
quIn-otM. W Kennedy , 3126 13th Bt , 749 Itf
71011 IlKNT Furnished room * at A. A. Oib
. . \'t \ , Califonim , bet. 14lhaiul Uth. _ . , .
ha 7Ultri
OH KENT Plrarant front room , corni-r ot
Itur UNI ! 17th , IJ08 DurtM. 714tf.
Hti-NT F rril htx1rooinwltticlo < et. odM
- FUJI . Slzoof 14x14. biqulrv at Y. M
, H HKNT-A "lt or ttnglo roonrn. nlcel
- furnlihcd , at N. W. ror. 2i th ant' ' D ven
TTtUll KtNT New IIOUM of 7 rc-im , 10th inrtMl
J ; Oraoe Hts. Bnqulru E V. HmlUi , 634-1
IlKNT Otis parlor on ground floor wvl
L ono chamber hanrbonuly funil hed , sue
CAllfornU Sf. 1.63 tf
Pit KENT A nnt.rl M hull for ooclety pur
l > otiii. iVntrally tocntpd , For jrtl ilani
enquire Ktm.ard . llrca , 14th and DowdM 84 .
004-U i
Foil RB.VT KurnUhed room" , north nWo of
CallfomU St. , t < l iloor * c t of 21st. Irwinlrr )
after I p. m. 414-tf
111011 RENTfumuhwi ri > oui orer _ . . _
11 " eh ntVEichnn te.N. K. eet. Idfh and Pod (
1 011 HAI.B A liulldlnxibCO. wllh it complete
. stock i-f drj'Koocw , grtxT > , li-i arid fUtuna
Inqul re 814 N. IOth Ht. 7C7 U
T7 OR HAI.K 2nlc rount niluiiiatlhrT ptatrd
I1 > h .w < iwcx , alO o. II. l'H.BO. ' , KM rtotrth
10th 8U 74Mf
FOIl HALK Or will ( Jthancr for Otiiaho pro.
| > city , n Improtfd otctlon of loiid ruljoin-
liit ( a ntntlon on U. P. n. n. SI. DUNHAM. UUZ
VamhumSt. , Otnnha.
Tputt SALB I t trade for city property ; on
I ; tjionoi horww , hamc sand wagon. Adilrm
8. Y.lhIot11ciJ J22M
TJfOK HAIi-A building J2with acnmi > let
JC Hock of dry coed * , Krowrics and fixture * .
Inquire 814 K. tilth St. 70Mf
"I710H HA W lArge bujilncn. lot on Itatno. Bt ,
X1 mutable for wholesaling John U Me
, Opp. P. O. 021 u
I OIl SALE A iraod wnon year-old horro
JL Warranted to drho Rln lo or double. Kn
qulro of George CanHeld , Cannulilhoura.novlStf
Tmuigood ponies , at llud
llarn , Ibth St orfl-tf
kltlCK FOIt
) 203-tf ESTAJinOOK A COK.
I710KSALK Maps of ItouiilnH and JSaitn otm.
L1 ties. A. ROSKWATEIllt20Farnhaiurtreel
Mil. J. II. VIOIIKKY-A practical jHsno nrnl
oixrtn tuner and builder. Ordcn > lift lUi
Wooloy A Daxln , opposite P. O. , will Ix ) iironuit-
ly atfemdeOto. 78H ty
LIO LhT Nlctly tumUlicd room * , with o
u-ithoul board , 1417 Howard tit. T81-IU
TN.HTKUCTION OtVKN-On t iiewTiMer , with
1 use otctarhlne. llcll k AIUM , 15 < Karn-
ham Ht. . 77US8'
STltAYKB Vroru tlio tiriml-t-M of the oulwcrlb-
tr on Lartleit's attiitlon
, ono tU-jinr-oUl
Lnj niaro uith star In foiuhrad , onu iv mom
fthllo feet nd mddle mi rks on back. Any j > er
i-cu uhltit ; Infotn ruins of htr uhervnboutn will
be paid | . r all trouble.
Omaha , D o. 2Z , 1181. W B. HA11TLKTT ,
760 23' 317 8. 13th M. ,
mo IIHlCK-lIAKEItS , FUK Al.K-6 ami ) it
JL uioruof land lul 'nlnjj the brl < krd of
linnncr & llnl e-'oii 1'piitr IlrtaHHuy. For
| xiitlculan tpily tolnU ) llalio , crt Haiiwrs
otlico at tlmlicArdttImdc roimx. Council Dluflx.
22 3m >
A COMI'KTKNT r.r.1 r.llnblo man wiAea a
_ tultuiii' n III n v.liolesalu liqurr ai.d wine
bu inisn. lb ioars cvpcr cnco In ruttjlDKBixl
eoinpoupillnK. Adprisii , II , lice otlico. 7W-52J *
B h.MIU Nt-.w ( JU'V MAfa , lOu. Mounce
OtO. P. 11K111S.
JHACH8THASHF.1 [ > a > s the highest nwh
. prim for second hand blllard and pool
tableKcli or addrew , fcou South 10th ' trcot ,
Ouiaha , h'ob. ilO'lru *
mAKEN ri > NOTICE Taken upon H < 6arday
_ L Ucc. 3rd , luoliiv horxce. ngt. about S and
0 j oars ; lair nlzo and will n atchul. Owner con
rava same by pro > Ini ; property and pnjiiifr
ehanrcs. WM UA > lTZKIt , J inilo * - , t ot
ualej'HBonp factory , DLUxlaspitclmt. V
021 vo m. ft „
JL IN CO. , Will pay cafh for hornby. . thetor-
load.dcllwrtxl at anv sailroad di-pot In 8 oiix City.
Texas ta r horn preferred I'oi rarticulftra iul-
drcs , D. u. Itoljlo , Supt. Wi-Jl
IN CKAYON 1'ostilo and OU ,
IFO docorath e iiaintliig. MIIS. D. K.
WARUKEIt , room I , Jacob's Block. 542 tf
B A.LKIJ HAY M A. II. Sander's Food Store )
1/m Harnoy Si. slO-tf
BKMIS has rattling Ion * lists of nouuen , lota
londa aiid famw for salt Call and gvl
14 em *
To buy 100 tons broom com.
WANTED address Codicil lllufla
Broom Factory , Council Bluffn , Iowa. C6S-20U
A tlrst-class broom Her. Harm
& Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MO 80 *
FOIt SALE Old papers 4Oc pc' hundred , at
Thu Dec otllce. Council lluU . s < 27-tf
NOTICri. Special ad\ertbcincntfl , such 03 TV
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , 1
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thia >
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS t'ER
LINK for the llrtt Innertion and KlVi : CENT ! }
i'HIl LINE for each subsequent lnwrtlrin.
Lcmoadv ertlscmcnts at ollk-c
our , upBt-drs ,
corner llroaduay and Main streets , Council
Illua .
SALK Flr < t-clas < salron 1J miles font o *
FOIt on "ilo < | iilto , " on line of II. 1. R. It.
Uood p ace to make monuy. Addn-ts ,
ImOlflc ! .
( oiincil lljkiffs.
" \\TANTED B ir > hody In Council Bluffs le
VV to tiKe Tim UKE , 2fl rc'iiti per ntcik , ito
llvercd by carriers. Ollkc corner llroeulway and
Main , up stairs , Council lilulfi ) . B ( lf
) : ' TICKirr 01'FIUK War In railrwul
tlckutH continues to boom. Uu.rLCuluntiJ
low rates to all iasti.rii jiolnta. KMT ) tkket
guarantetU , Onlora flllwl uy tcKphono. From
ono to ton dollars timed by imrchasliiK tickets
of C. A. I'ut'ir , succotsor to 1'ottnr i. 1'alini.r , No.
40 South Fifth strut , f. ur doon below the post-
office. Council Bluffs , Io a. octlS-tf
PANTEUUolthjion ) , to ram . .
w Iniiilro | at llr.x otllui , Council Ululfs.
TIONALIriT , 40STurilh Stnet , Inlwuci Farnliam
andllamey. Will , with tno aid of
spirits , obtain ( or any one a gUnco at the f oat
OIK' ' present , and on certain conditions In the fu
turo. lioots nd Hhocs made to order , I'trfoct
Absolutely Pure.
Thh powder utter tikrlt * . A innrvel ot i
ttr nutlianJwhoJetomrnew. More retncmloi.
ly than the rdintn klndu , and cannot be K > M In
- cou petition with the multitude of Ion '
hort Meliiht , alum or phosphate
S ld only in r > ns.
Mew York ,