Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1881, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBI11 2-1. 181 , THE .DAILY.BEE. . . . OMAHA PUOLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETOHS' 010 , bet. Olh nncl lOtli Streets. TKIIM9 OK SUnSCHll'TION. necopy lyoar , lnrk > U ncon ( > li > alil$10.00 ) months \ \ \ \ fi.O' month S.CO RAILWAY TIME TABLE , oiiOAno , ST. ru-i. , uiNNiuroua . iO OMAIIARA1LKOMI. Ixvno Onmlia I'as ctiRcr No. 2 , S:30n. : in , Ac- oouunoilAtloii No. 4 , 1:00 : ji. m. Atn v ( inialit I'assonitcr No. 1 , 6:20 p. in. Accommodation Xo. 3 , 10:60 : A. in , tA\1KO OX AHA RASt OR ROimt MUITO. C. , II. Si 0. 7:40 : a. tu. 3:10 : ix m. 0. & N. W. , 7 : 0 . m. BilO n. tu. 0. , H. I. A 1' . , 7:10 : n. m. 3:40 : p. m. , K. C. , St. J , & 0. n. , icau * at S n. in. fird f:3n : p. in. Arrives at St. Louis at KM n. in. and 6:62 : p. ni.V. . \V. , St. 14 P. , low * nt tt . tu. nncl SilOp. m. Arrives at St. louls nt 0:10- : . in. nml 7:30 : m witei OH BOtniiwEais.t It. & M , In Neb. , Tliroilsh KXHTOM , 8 : 0 . ro. II. ft M. Lincoln Kxprcss-G-Srt p. m. 0 ) ' . Overlain ! KIITUM ! , 12t : * > } > , m. O. , t 15. V. for rtiiv-oln , 11-43 Ik. n. . 0. A : II. V. tor 0 eoU , ! MO n. m. U. P. freight .No. 8 , 5:30 : & . m. U. P. frol ht No. B , b:20 : a. m. U. P. freight No. 13 , 20 : p. in. U. P. fiolifht No. 7 , 6ln : p , in. emigrant. . . .P. llenvcr cxprcu , 7:35 : 11. lu. U. P. frnli'ht.i 11 , 11 HO p.m. U. P. Dcnvr-r freight , $3f > p. m. AkMUM.fkOM KAST AXD NlUTn. 0. I ) . & V 6 : < iO . in. 7M : p in. I A , \V.II.1S A. in. 7-.2S 1' . in. f ! It. I. .t P..V:4.'i : a. m. 11:03 : p. m. K U. , m. JM 40 It. , 7:10 : a. in. CJ5 : p.ia Akstvtxo mew THR < mr AID 0. A ft. V. Ironi Lincoln 1.P3 p. in. U. P. I'AclIlc Kxpui-s 36l : > . in. D k 51. In N'cli. , Thinmjh Kxprcwt 4:1S : p m , H. t M. Unviln K\tmv-ll ] 40 a in. U. P. Uviirvr pxprcm , 7:3.'i : n. in. I. P. Knight .So. 14a W > p. m. U. P. in. C f-JO : a. in. Emigrant U. P. IrdKht Na. 11 , 12:10 : p. in. U. P. > o. -t.OO ! p. in. U. P. Vo. IC-lMfl n. in. U. P. Iknvcr freight , 1:10 : n. in. U. & R. V. mlxiil , r. 4:4 : 1 p. in. TRAIN ! ItitrWKICl OMAHA AKD COWUI. P.1.UIFU. Lcu Oninlnt nt 5:00 : , U:00 : , K:00 : nnd 11:00 m. ; 1:0 : ZM , 8:00 : , 4:00 : mid lOO : p. ni. tca\o Council llhuTg nt f'X : , 0:26 : , 10.2S ami lfll . m.J i'2B , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : nnii 6:26 : p. ui. ! > uiir'.nys The dummy U'.ivcs Omaha At U:00 anil 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:09 : , 4:00 : Ami 5:00 : p. m. Lcaxc * Council Uluffd M 9:26 : and 11:26 a. in. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 nJ 5:25 : p. m. . Through ami local passcnccr tralni between Omalm and CoUti II IIUifT * . Lca o OuiiliA 0:15 : 7:45 : , 8:50o. : in. ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , 0:0 : p. in. Arrvo Oinalii 7:40 : , 11:35 : , 11:45 : a. lu. ; 5:10 : , 7:05 : , 7:15 , 7:40 : p. m. Opening an' ? Closing of Mrlls. UOUTK. OFltN. CLCHH. A. in. p. m. . m. p. m. W 11.00 0:00 : fi:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , H I. & I'aclllc. 11:00 : 0:00 : li:30 : 2:40 : ChlcAiro , II. & Q . 11:00 : 0:00 : R-.SO 2:40 : Wulmli . 12:30 : r:30 : B oux City and Pfiuinc. . 0:00 : fi:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific . 1:00 11:40 : Omaha & 11. V . 4:00 : 11:40 : B. ft U. In Neb . 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . G'OO 7:30 : B. & M.Lincoln 10:30 : CtO : U. P. Mncoln , Biinilay. 1:30 : 11:00 U. P. Dourer Ux ) . t > :00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 : l/icjol nmiK lor State ot luvva icnvo but oncou day. vk : 0aU : a , in. Ulfco open Suuilaye from 12 in. to 1 p. m. TI1O3. F HAU , P M. Buelness flirectory. Abstract at > d Heal bstcto. * JOIIN L. McCAOUB , oppailto Post * V. 1U nAUTLHT 317 South 18th Street. Architect * . DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCU1TKCTS Iloom H Crolghton Block. A , T. r IlOE Jr. . Koom 2. Ciclshton Block. Boot * and Shoei. JAMES DKVINE & co. , line Boots and Shoes. A cod assortment of hoino work on hand , corner 12th and Hanicv. TUOS. ERICKSON , S. G. cor. 10th and Douirl&s. ' * * " JOHN KOHTUNATUS , 606 10th ntroet , irmnutacturca to order Rood work at fair prices. Itcpalrlnsr doco. Bed Springs. J. F. LARKIMKK Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlaist. Bookt , News and Rtatlonery. J. I. FKUEHAUF 1015 Famham Street. Butter arid Eggs. KcSHANE & SC1IKOEDKR , the oldest D. and E. houeo in Nebraska cstablUhoil 1B76 Omaha. CKNTUAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , cothvreit corner lethaud DOIKO. ! Beit lioard for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Moali at all noun. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Uood Torma for Cub. Furntuhrd nnnms Supplied. Uarrlaxes and Road WaRont. WU ENYDKK , 14th and Harncy Street * . Jewe en. JOHN RAUMKR 1S14 Farnham Street. Junk. H. liEHTHOLD , llwrn and ilcUl. Lumber , Lima and Cement. FOOTER & ORY corner 6th and Douirlaa Bit , Lamps and Ulassware. J. BONNER 130 ! ) Uotielis St. Good Variety. Merchant Tallon. G. A LINIXJtllWT , Onoof cur mcujt fcpular lli'rcliant Tailors is re- oeivlut ; the latent cltsitfMO for Spring nud Hummi r Ooodn for gcntlemcn'e wcnr. StylUli , durable , and Driccs low as ever 215 13th bet. Uouc.t Farn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale nnd Retail , Fan cy Goods In yrcat variety , Xcphyrs , Canl lloardu , Uozlory , Gloved , Corst'te , Ix , Climpest HOUHU In thu West. Pnrchuepi bavo 30 per cent. Ordrr brilall. 115 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WEAIINF. & SONS , cor. llth & Jarkeon * U Hour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , 6th and Farnham etc. , Wcl bitm Uroi , proprkton. Urocen. Z. HTEVKN9 , 21et hrtvccn Cumins anil Irar T. A. McHIIANK , Corn. 2.'id anil CurnlnL'btrccta. narawate , Iron na titeel. OLAN k LANOVOUTIIY , Wholcstlo , 110 ant * 112 16th strcrt A HOLMKS corner 1Mb and California. Harneaa , Saadlei , &c. II. WK1ST 20 13th St. bet K rn. & FUrnev. Hotels ; ANFIKLI ) IIOU3K , GOT. CanQeld.Oth & Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P H , Car013 Farnham St. 8tAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Blaven , 10th St. Bonthcrn Hotel Otia. Ilnmcl I/th &Lcavc'nworth Clothing Goiight. 0 JS1IAW will pay lili'ho/t Cakli jirlce for icconil band cloihlnr , ( xirner 10th and Farnham. Drugi , f olnii iina uiu. KUIIN & CO. Pbirm dst , Cine 'aim UocKh , Cor , ltn .nJ If. J. WIIITEHOUf 1 ! , Wholc-aloinotall , Kthat. 0. FIELD , 022 I/orth Slclo Cumlni ; Street. PARR , DriiirciBt , iota and Howard Street * . Dentists. DR. PAUL , Wllllamj1 Clock Cor. 16Uj & DO.IKO. Dry Qonds Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LKHMANN & CO. , New York Dry Ooo.lj Store , 1310 aud 1812 Farn- L. 0. Enewold also boots end shoea 7th & Pidfli * . hurulture. A F , OKOSS , New oJ Suond Hand Furniture nd Sloven , 1114 Douziai. Hl 'bcrt cub prlco aid for necond liana cooni. BONNF.R 1309 Dowia et. Fine irooda , Ac. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCK CO. OUST , FRIES &CO , , 1218 HarneySt. , ad Ice Ilotra , lion and Wood Fencff , Otfce s , Counters of Pine and Walnut. ) ) I Clgnr-t and Tobncco. A'F T A FRITSCP Ell , rn nuf cturfrt of Clears , tnd Whotnnle IXnleml 11 Tobacco * . 1S06 DoURlM. V V MWKX7.KN nmmifficturer 1410 Farnham Florist. A. I > onnfhuf , plantf , rut flowers , Kdi , ooqaeU te , N. W. por. Wlh nn I I > oui las ttrcet * . Olvll Cnp.lnecrs nnd Surveyors. .VNDKF.W KOSKWATKIl , Crelshton Block , ro n SnrMjj-d , Ondo and SewcraKB Syttems a ? poel.\lty. Commission Merchants. JOHN O. W1L LIS.UH Do < lRo Street. U II. ur.KMKIt. For details ( co largo adrertlw- mer.r In Dalle and Wfckli" . Cornlco Works. Wcftcm Cornlro Worki. Manulacturcrs Iron "oiuUf , Tin , Iron and Nhte Uoofllnit. Orders rotn any locntlt ) pronuitly c\eenlnl In the bc t Factory And"tlco ) : 1213 Harncy St. 0. HPKCIIT , rroprictor. Galvanized Iron t'ornU . Ulnilcxv Cajo , etc. , muiufa.turnl niitl put up In any Jvnt of the T. S1XIIOI.U tlallilrtvcnth itreet Crockery. 1. ttONNKR ISOil Doum street , Good line. Clothing and Hurnlahlnz Qoods. OKO. 11. PKTinillON. Also Hate , Ca\v , lioot * , She y . Notloni and t'ullory. S04 S. lOth trcrt. Holrlgorator * . Canficld's Patent , C F. flOnilMAX lllh SU liet. Farn. A llarniv. Ohow Case Manufactory. . 0. J WILUU , Munutac'.iirer anil Dialer In nil kinds of Cases , UpilKht Casts , a . , 1817 UtvjftSt. FRANK L. GKUIIAItt ) , proprietor Omshi Show Cosu manufnctory , SIS South llti ! ! street , bet i-eti Lcnvcinvortli mid Marcy. AH Pawnbrokers. RomxpRt : < n. ioih st. . iiet , ( ' . * n Stovonnu Tinware , A. IIURMIMTiat , Dcntor In Sloven ivnl llnware , ami Manufactutf ref of Tin Itoofi and all liuU nf litilMlnicYorl , , Odd Fellows' lllock. J. UONNBU. lTO9Dou3l flfit. Good and Clu-ap Qcrdt. J. XVANSWholoHntonnii Retail Seed Drills and Cultivator * , Odd Felloua II.ill. Physicians an 1 Surgeons , W. S. CHUBS , M. D. , Uiom No 4 , Crelghton Illock , 15th Street. P. S. LKIHKSUINO , M. D. M&sonlo Ulock. U. L. HART , M. D. , Kyr and Ear , 0)ip. ) postoRluo DR. L. 11. GHADDY. Ocnllat and Auriat. S. W 16th and Farnharu St Pltotagrapncr * . GKO. 11EYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. nnar Masonic Hall. Pmt-cir.ta Work and Prompt- nets uunrantcop Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting , P. W. TARPY A CO. . 21012th St. , bet , Farnham and Douglas. Work pruuivtly attended to. D. 7ITZPATIUCK. 1409 DouirUn Street. Painting nn aper anting. HF.NRY A. KOSTKHS. 141 DO.IRO Street. Slioo ocores. Phillip Lant : , 1H20 FornhRin et. hot 13th ft 14th. Occond Hand Store , PERKINS & LEAR. 1110 Poud.vj St. . New and Second Hand Furniture. Hoiro Furnishing Goods , &c. , Ixjuirht and solil on nnrrowmari'lnB. Oaloona. IIUNKY HAUFMANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Stroct , has Just opened < v mo t elegant Ueci Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 o * cry day. " Caledonia " J FALCOVKIt 07 ! ) IBth Htrect. Undertakers. CIIA8. R1EWB , 101 * Farnham hot. ICth A lltd. ( JO Cent Stores. P. Q. RACKU8. 1205 Farnhiim St , Funcv (5ooil West for being the moet direct , quickest , n safest line connectin ; ; the t'roat lletrcpoliis CHI CAGO , and the EuncsK , Nnimi-EABTKiui , I curt and SoUTii-KAfiTitRN LINK ) , which terminated here , with ICAKDAH Cnr , LrAVKSworvrn , ATOIIIBON , Cotrscn. DLCrro and OUAIIA , the COKUBROIAI CKKTKUS train which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates the Continent from tbo Missouri River to the Pacific Slope. Tbo CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY Is the only line from Chicago owning track Into Kansas , or which , by Its own rood , reaches the polntfl ahovo named , Nn TaAMiriaui BT CARKIAOS ! No iiiBHiKO COSXBCTIOCT ! No huddling In 111- ventilated or unclean can , on every ptMtenKcr In carried In roomy , clean and ventilated coaches upon Fast Express Trains. DAT CABS of unrivaled magnificence , POLLMA.I PALACX SLKKPISO CAKa. and our own world-famous DIKINU CAOII , unon vhleh meals are ecn'txl of un surpassed excellence , at the low rate of HEVKNTT- FINS CI.NTH KACU , with ample time for healthful enjoyment. TliroiiBh Care between Chicago , Pcoria , Mil waukce and lIIttHOUii River Polntii : nnd close con nectlons at all poliiti of Iut reect4on with other roads. We ticket ( do not forgot t-lile ) directly to even r.laco of Importance In 'kanaan , " -"i.fca. BIocl Illllif , Wjomlnif , Utali. Idaho , Ncvailu , California , Oregon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arizona and Neiv Mexico. As liberal arrangements regarding bain raoai any other line , anil rates of faro alMRvxi aM ow as coniKtitore | , who furnlsli but. a tltho-o tbo com fort DOJJU and tackle of sportsmen free. Tickets , maps nnd folders at all prlnclpa ofllcea In the United Htatcfl and Canada. R. R. CAUI.E , E. ST. JOHN , Vice Prcit't & Ocn. Gen. Tkt nnd Pafu'r At ; Manaerr. Chlcnvo Sioux Git ? & "facile THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Huns a Solid Train 'lliroiiRh from Council'Bluffs to fit. i-aul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hour * . IT is 3LOO MILES THE 8IIOIITK8T 110UTB , rnou OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO SIT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH Oil BISMAKCK , anil all points in Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Tnli llnu Is equipped with the linprotod Weetlnchouee Automatic Air-brake and Mlllni Platform Coupler anil Under ; and for SPBKD , SAFETY AND COMFOHT li unsurpassed , Vullinan Palaoo ( Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT ( JIIANUK liutuoen Kail uas City nnd Ht. I'aul , lia Council Illufld aud Sioux City. TnliiH lunvo Union 1'aclflo Transfer at Coun cil IlluOa , at 7:35 p. in. dally on arrltnl of Kiuiraa City. St. Joseph nnd Council ninth train from the South. Arrltlritfat Hloiiv City 11:35 : p. in. , and at the .Vow Union Ucjiot at Ht. Paul at H 0 noon. TKN IIOUR3 IN ADVANCE OK ANY.OTHKll ' KOUl'K , firllcmcraljcr In taking the Sioux City Itouto you vet a Through Train. 7hu Nhortont Uno , the Qulckcat Tiiuo and a Comfortable Itlilu In the Throuu'h I am bctwtcn COUNCIL IILUFKH AND HT. I'AUL. /JTSt i that your TlcktU read \la the "Sioux anil I'adllo ' * City llallioaU. J. 8. WATT/.KS , J. It. BUCHANAN .Suiorlntciidvnt. Ucn'l I'Mi. Audit. J' , 11 KOIllNaOH , Aw't tn'l Paso. Atft , MlKEonrl Valley. Iowa. J. U. O'UKYAN , Soutliwortrm Ai'tnt , ( ! ouncl lilutfv , Iowa YKUH KtKU. uIW Hl BYRON REED & CO. EealEstate Agency IN NEHPABKA Kiep a complete abulract of title to Real Siitate lo Onuina ao Douslas co wty. maU | IfVo Kuou- . I * we knew llioc rc nml trojvs Cruwdlni ; 'nnuul imr tiisliI > orV If w - knt-w i ho lltt'o ' liw-os Sore11 yricvoiu , Uy liy duv , Would then MI oft-n clililu him I'nrlisl.ic of th'ift ' .tiult'nlu , l.oa\lni ; on lil' lirnrt a ii-t ( in our ll\e < n , If we knew the olmitN nKivo * , Hold by KCtitlo blewliig-f then1 , Winilil wo turn nwiiy , nil triMiilil In our hlltul nml weak > 'r | iitrt Would wo dir nk from llttlo lixiiieou ( lie dewy < , Wlillc * iU only llr.l .f . Hvt-n duit in mercy lljinR [ > .iat ? t' uvktiO'V the illcnt Rtory ( Juivi'riiij , ' tlirou n the licnrt of pain , Would our iii.uihood cnro to dn.-r.i tliuni llk 1 1 linun'n of ( jullt Lifn li.xth ni.'iny n ntih'lo loy Inth iniuiv liio.ik of wo * ; And ilie check t n-.inicd ' isvliitivt Tlii < tliu blt sod : > njoli know. Ict in ronrh into our l > nm For ti o Key to others' lives , Air I with lo .P I own d rrrhij ; nnturo Clit'iUh giiod ftlll Mtivivcn ; So Unit w > n imr dl rol'o i ? | ilnts So\r to rc.uni < n u K'I' ' niiin , Wo limy cay ; "Denr r.ithi r , Juilije ui As wo ju'iljjo > ur fi'llow-mtii. " WRITTEN IN BLOOD. Qviilot , the Do too ivo , on tbo Troll. On thu ufturnnon of Juno i8 , 1870 , Iho Uuo Lfcluauwas startled by ilio report lhit : n murder had bei'ii com- untied at No. III ) . At this iniinbi'i- retired hliir-drossor had been occupy ing apartments , r.iul hail lived in u very vccunttio manner some oi lit years. llo was reported to lw very riih , nnd to jjmvu only ono rulntivo , n ncphow , who had married , nnd who U-i'pt nn imitation jewelry store in the Rue Vivionnc. Un thu day mentioned the servan on entering the room of the old gen tk'inan found his lifeless form on thu floor in a pool of his own blood. Tin police were immediately notified , niu thu authorities soon arrived to nuki the necessary examinations. Shortly after thu dutuctive , Guilot , nrrivod , to whom the commissary of police remarked marked : "Your services will not bo needed Guilot. the criminal is known , and known in a very positive fashion. Tin1 crime huvini ; been committed , thu us sasaion lied , believing that his victim had expired , llo was mistaken. Thu unfortuimto man still livod. Sum- monim ; all his strength liu dipped onu of his lingeis in the blood that wait flowing from the wound , hu wrote on the Iloor his murderer's iiiinio. Look ! ' On the floor in Inrjjo tcrawlini , ' let- tore was written with blood A uup. ' ' 'I'll " said the ' it , commissary , thu beginning of thu namu of thu old nun's nephew , of whom ho WJH very fond , and who ia named Aguepont. " "Tho devil ! " replied the duti-ctivu. "i don't suppose ho willtty to duny it , " continued the magistrate. "Tho five loiters nro an overwhelming charge against him Besides , who ] ) rotils by the crime except the nephmv ? See , nothing' has boon disturbed to throw justice on the wrong econt , and the concierge BUJ ho was the only person who visited thu apartments of the old man hut ovonipg , she having recognized him by thu fact that hi * do , a sjreat favorite , was with him. ' " "That's plain , " said Guilot ; "thu fellow's a fool. " Whilu the magistrate turned to give further directions to his clerk , thu detective - tectivo proceeded to iniiko au oxami- nution of the surroundings. Every thing nbout thu room was in its place ; no sign of a scutllu was apparent. Un der a chair a cork covered with green wax wan found. It had been used , and the wax portion soon showed marks of thu corkscrew' ; but on the end was u deep notch , evidently made by some sharp instrument. This , Guilot con sidered the basis of a clew , and placed in his pocket. Approaching the corpse as it lay on the floor , hu commenced n minute ex amination. The instrument of crime must have been n poniard or a sharp knife. The old man had been struck in the throat nnd neck cut from ear to ear. Then looking at thu hand besmeared smeared with blood , the detective , starting back , exclaimed : "Great Heaven ! Look ! The right hand ia perfectly clean the fingers of the loft hand only are stained with blood ! It was not the old man who traced letters. " "Andto'think I didn't notice it , " said the magistrate , mournfully "Now , " replied ( Juilot , "can wo imagine u murderer stupid enough to denounce himself by writing his name by the sidu of his victim' ! " "It is plain , " said the magistrate , "that Ajruepont _ in not thu criminal. Who , then , is he ? It is your duty , Guilot , to find out , " IJo paused. An ofiicor entered , who , addressing the magistrate , eaid ; "Your orders are executed , mon sieur. The arrest has been made Aguopont has confessed everything. " "What ! " exclain.rd Guilot , while wo are endcavoiing to provo Aguo- pont's innocence lie is confessing his guilt. " The commissary having gene through the necessary forms reiniirod by law , retired : Then Guilot , calling the concierge before him , elicited from him thu fol lowing story ; TJio old gentleman's naiiio wan Louis liigot. llo was a peculiar old man , of yory regular habits. Jlo hud very very few visi tors-in fact , hardly any except his honhciw , M. Aguepont , who dined with liiln every Sunday at a neighbor ing restaurant. They were never known to have oven a dispute , except an occasional sqnuhblo about Madame Marie , she being the wife of JI , Aguepont , and a very magnificent croituro , who , M. Bigot said , led her husband by the ncni > . Madame Marie and her huoband had been at logger heads for a year. She hud wanted M. IJi'got to Irnd Aguopoint a thoti sand francs to buy stock of n jeweler in the I'alais Hoyal , but ho had re fused , eaying ( hut they might do as they pk-iiHcd with his fortune after hm death. She further utated that on the evening before only Aguopont had visited M. Bigot and had not left till. On every previous occasion Aguopont had spoken to her , but last evening ho had failed to do HO , Although slio did not see his face , she know him from tlii fact that his do Bruno was with him. This WUB all that could \x \ < learned from the concierge. The detective then left the house and hastened to the Quai dos Orfoo- res , where Aguopont was imprisoned , and lie was at once admitted to the prisoner. Fiom him ho elicited noth ing s , ve a confession of Ins guilt. Kvon then ho could not dissuade him- elf tint there was noino mystery buried in this strange all'air. .Uler several unsuccessful lt"inpts to W wilder the prisoner , the dolectivo askfd : "Whore did you buy the revolver you utcd to commit the crime ? " "I had it in my possession for (1,11110 lime , " ho answered. "What did you do with it after ward ? " "Throw it down the outer boule vard " . "Search will bo nmdu and it will bo found. Hut why did you let your dog follow you ? " nskcd Gmlot. "What dog ? " "Your dog - Bruno. " Auuopont Rank lurk upon hi * out and refused to speak futthor. AfU r vainly trying to draw from the nns- oner further information , Guilot de parted mutterim * tw himself : "Who knows ! t have soon famous actors in my time. " Leaving the pricon the ilodctire turned his steps toward thu Hue Vivi- nine , determined to fica .Madame Agnepont and obtain from her all ihi- might know concerning the m tnli'r. First , hu determined to find out i-i what estimation thu AguopnniH were hold by thuir neighborn , Komi th" nuighboiing idiop-kuepurn Uuilot learned that Aguepunt bore nn UNCO- lent cli.irauccr , and inadame'a ivputu- tion was above reproach. Nut a breath ot slander asiuiled her yood nami' . ' Strange , " said the detective to hinmelf , "that such people should bu mixed up in Biieh an all'air as llii * . " Having arrived nt a shop over whose dour hung the sign , "Ague- pout , Gold and Imitation .limelry , " Uuilot entered. He was shown into thu back shop , where Madame sat at tired in a doup mourning drew. In her hand shu held n stamped paper. It watt a summons to appear at thu Palais du .Inatico before thu examining mag istrate. "Madame , " said Guilot , "I am sent hero in the service of thu law. I am a detective. As you know , your hus band has been arrested , charged with the murder of M. Bigot. " "Monsior , " she replied , "lie is in nocent. But see , 1 have received tlii-t summons. What can they want of me ? " "To obtain information which I hope will provo your husband's inno cence. Don't look upon me us nn enemy , Madame. I wish to aseorUiin thoB truth. Will you answer mo frankly ? " "Question mo , monsieur. " "You know , madame , " hu began , " .tnat last night at 11 o'clock M. Hi- got , your husband's uncle , was mur dered " "A Ins. " "Where was monsieur Agiiopont at tint hoiuV" "My God ! it is a fatality. " "Whoro did your husband spend last night ? " "Ho went to one of our workmen who had broken hia word and failed to bring us an article which wo were to sell to-day. You know wo uro poor , and could not allbrd to lose a rmlo , no mutter how small the profit. At about 0 o'clock ' ho wont out , und I occompaniud him to an omnibus , which he entered before my eyes. " "Then your workmen will bo able to swear he saw M. Aguopont at Ins house at 11 o'clock ? " "Alas , no. " "And why not ? " "Because ho had gone before my husband arrived. " "But the concierge BUW him ? " "Our workman lives in a house \vhero there is no conciorgo. " "At what time did your husband return ? " "A little af tor midnight. " "You thought ho had been gone long ? " "Oh , yes ; 1 scolded him. He said that strolling along ho hod stopped at a cafe to drink a glass of beor. That was his excuse. " "Was there nothing peculiar about him ? " "Nothing. " Mudumo seemed overwhelmed with grief. Large tears rolled down her paid cheeks. But Guilot thought be hind those tears , in the depths of her largo blue eyes , ho could detect a gleam of joy. "Could she bo guilty ? " ho thought. "But where were you , mndnnie , durng Iho fatal evening , while your husband was on that useleHi errand ? " "I was here , moiiKieur , I have wit nodsos to provo it , " "Witnesses ! " "Yen , monsieur. The evening was uo warm that I wanted some ice cream. and , not caring to eat it alone , I sent my servant to invite two of my neigh bors , Madame Drogot and Madamu Caret. Tlioy weru hero till half-past ulevon. Ask them they will toll you. My is innocent. " "Then how do you explain his con fession ? " "He ia mad ! Hois mad ! ! she ex claimed , sobbing aloud , After addressing n few words of connolution to thu wife , the detective asked permission to examine the IIOUHU. To this inadame readily as. Rented. Examining everything in both ohops , thu Guilot asked to bu nhown to the cellar. As hu entered , IUH practiced uyo scrutinized every object. Fifty full bottles stood in rows , Theio ho clusuly examined , "No " ho muttered "not , , one is sealed with green wa.Tho cork that protected the weapon did not come from thin cnllitr. " Guilot expressing hirriHolf satisfied , they then ascended to the tlu > | > . On entering , the dotuctivo was mot by the deg , who snarling savagely , re filled to let him paM. Guilot , to quiet him , called : "Bruno , Bruno. " The dog , showiii" hit * tooth , drew luck. "It is useless to call him , " uaid nmduinu. "He in not savage , hut lie obeys only my husband and myself. " "Where the hist " was dog evening ? " 1 don't know , " silo stammered. "I'orhapi ho followed your hus band ? " "Why , yosj now 1 seem to recol * The detective , looking her in thu eyes , said : "Then , nmdame , hu is trained to follow carriages ) ' ' She was oilent. Not being able to ascertain inoro , Guilot withdrew , At a neighboring cafe , over a cup of coffee , h ? reached the following milu ion of the problem lie was atmi that m.idaiuo had lint stirred fioin the huu-n on the evening of the murder , But it was clear that she was nwaro of the. crime , nnd con- nu ntly acquainted with tlm assas sin. If A uoiont | committed the iloed , it was clear that he would not loavu such incontrovertible proofs behind , Who , then , was the nasas- sin ? A man whom thu dog would follow as it would its owners , since the dog was at thu Uuo Lfchuo on the evening of the crime. Su it was some onu intimate with the Agno | < nnts. lie muni hate i\w \ husband Vinoe ho hud planned all to throw mmpici'Ui ' on him. On Iho oth r h.ind hu must love ( ho wife , since , knowing him * hu would not give him up , at thu fume ttmo xacriticing her husband. Conclusion : Madnmu , bearing her reputation , certainly had ilover. . "Xounda , " ho said to hiihsvlf , "tho dog must bo ulilir.ed. " The clock struck three. It was timu for Madame to do , art for tin- I'alais do Justice. Gnii.g to the door of the cafe he saw her after giving a few parting instructions to the little servant leave the shop. Hastily croising the ntrcot he entered the nhop ; the little scivant was there alone. "Whore ia Madnmo Aguopont ? " ho uskotl. "Sho has gone out , " Monsieur. "How unfortunate. How r.orry your Madamu will he. But perhaps you can take your mistrisV place , lit- tlu one. 1 eamo luiek for thu addro M of the unit Ionian nho asked mo to visit. " "What gentleman ? " the servant anktul. "You know very well , Monsieur . There , now , I have forgotten his name. Thu gentleman thu dog obeys so wull. " "Oh , you menu Monsieur Andre. " "Yes , that's his name. You can certainly tell mo where the gentleman HVIM. " "Oh , yes ; ho lives in the Run do , No. 'Jit " "Caught , " muttered Guilot ; then aloud ; "Thanks. You have donu Madamu a great Hirvico. Shu will bu dtdightort. Good-bye , little one. " So faying , the detective ha.itoncd to thu Palais do Justice , and , obtatn- tainiiig a warrant , left at breakneck speed for thu llui do lloi-Uoro. In I'Hteen minutes hu was at thu door of No. 1 ! ! $ . "Monsieur Andre , " ho said to the conciergu. "Fourth tloor , right hand door. " "Is lie in ? " "t must treat Monsior Andre to n bottle of wine. To what shop does hoe o ? " "Tho c no opposite. " In n second the detective was in thu place indicated. "A bottle of wine , if you pleasc- the green seal. " The wino was brought , and the coik being examined , it was found to bo a fac-Himile of the onu in thu dotectivu'it po.uneiisioii. "Trapped , " muttered Guilot. It did not take him long to leave the shop and reach thu Unntli tloor. llo knocked at the right hand door , i 'Come in , " said a voice. The detective unturud. "I arrest you in the nnmu of tlm law " Thu man turned livid. "Aro you playing a trick on mo ? " lie said. "Don't bo childish. You wore seen to leave M. Bigut's room , and 1 have in my pocket thu cork you used to prevent the point of thu dagger from breaking. " "I am innocent ! " exclaimed thu man. man."Tell that to the magistrate. Ho won't believe you. Your accomplice , Madamu Aguepont , has confessed all , ' ' "Impossible ! " ho exclaimed. "Sho knew nothing . " "Then you did it alone. So much confessed. Search disclosed the poniard and letters from Madame Aguopont. Twenty minutes later , Andre , find ing hinmelf in a cell , broke down and confessed all. 'Ho had known M. Bigot loin ; time. Ilis main object in murdering kim was to bring thu punishment of the crime on Aguupoint. This was why ho had dreasud like him , and was followed by the dog Bruno. When the old man was asiassinatod he dipped the linger of the corpse in the blood to trace the final letters "Agimp , " which had nearly destroyed an innocent man. "It wan cleverly arranged , " ho said boastingly. "If I had succeeded I would havu killed two birds with one stone - got rid of Aguepont , whom I hate , and of whom I am jealous , and enriched the woman I love. " It was Mm ply and terribly /ture. ' ' hid " observed 'Unfortunately , my , Guilot , "you lost your wits at thu last moment. It was thu left hnnd you dipped into the blood. " Andre stinted terrified. "Was it that that betrayed mo ? " "Precisely. " Then raining his hand to huaren lie exclaimed : "That comurt of being a real artint. " Thou glancing with piteous con tempt at the detective ho said with a ant'or : "Fool. Louis Higot was left- handed. " Thus an error had brought the scoundrel to justice. Aguepont was set at liberty the next day. When questioned hit uuid : "I loved my wife. 1 wanted lo sacrifice myself for her , I believed her guilty. " She WUK arrested , but acquitted by thu name court that oontunccd Andre to the { 'alloys for life : A. Renovating Remedy It tu bu found ia JluntooK'rt lli.oon HIT- IKIIH. Aunn nntidoto for Hick ho dnclii' , fviiudu wcakim , hlllnuniiOHH , imlk'uHtiun , cniintiiiitlon | , nnd oilier diKi'OHen of u klr- ilrrii nature , thu u 1 itto H niu invaluable1 , I'rlco 91.00 , tildnl/o 10 ct'liU. codlw Buckim'it Armnn Bulvo. The bent Halve in the world for outs , brumci ) , norun , ulcers , Halt "rheum , fever BO run , totter , chapped hundn , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions , This uulvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every oanu or money refunded. Price , 2oo per Imx. For sale by Omaha , Edward W. Simeral , AXIGRNES DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * OESIWC3E1KCS03XT. Jlills County , Iowa , C. , 15. \ Q. U. U. Bl , C'haso Eschanpo Banfc : L.V. . Tubbs Grint Mill D. L. McMurtry , M. D ; Physician aud Surwean 1) . C. Able Puraituiii Whlpplo AGrail' HnnlwAns - Apph'yate Urooorirs and Holiday Goodv. 1. Orilllth Ment Morlu * ) . T. Grist : UlftcVHmith J. T. Ireland Klovatur . L. Sheldon Hotel A. 0. Van Auadalo ( .ioneral Mcrchandisi : I. B. Itlnoro Dru H and Organs W. S. ( < oodell CJuuoral iMerchandiae ills County , Iowa , C. , It. Xl , ! ! . H. 11. H. Orev iY. Co General Merehan3J80i 1) . \ . . W. MeKarland Drj1 Onoda and CJniccrim Dr. K. . Strickler DruRtjiiii S. 1'urcell Furniture 1C. I * . ItoRhytdioll it Co Merchants and Hansom. liiiabyahi'll t Mason. . . . s Grain Dealers O. T 1 vos IVOR lloiu * H. K. Perry Brick Yard Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in fcthe West in Aaso rtment and Prices of FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo an/propared to moot thu demands of the trade in regard toLutaal. 3ty.l-o and PattoniB. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO. , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th 8s W. J. WELSHANS & CO. , WlIOLKbALK AND IlKTAIL DKALKHS IN ' Flour Feed Grain Baled Hay. 'I ! , , , . t' * PROPRIETORS Si OMAHA CITY MILLS , i : nit\Nusor Winter and Spring Wheat Flour , Rye Flour , G-rahair Bran , Corn , Oats and Choppsd Feed of all Kinds. Cor. Eighth and Farnham c aeets , Omaha. codIlm'I li O. H. BALLOU , liI DEALER , IN I j * Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumin gs Street , two block * north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT cod-Ilm SIPOIRL , BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER , 309 South Tenth Street. I ' I < < QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED. French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - - $9,00 French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6.00 American Calf Boots , . 5.00 Pegged Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - - 3.50 I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FEET OUT OF SHAPE , All Orders Promptly Attended to and Filled With