Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1881, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S YTURDAY' ' DECEMBER 24 , 18 COUNCIL BLUFFS. She Irish Member of Parliament Speaks in the Oonrt House. Ho Details Hla Counlry'a Wrorga to in Bnthuai- aotic Audience. Fatal Accident on n Railroad Running Into the City , .Arrest of H Man Who Hnd Bought Nebraska Land With Counterfeit Money. Snd Beroavoniont m the Homo of P. H Warren. IWltcellnnron * Matter * , Police nnd Personal Mention. The bonfires of Irish liberty were net ablar.0 at the court lioino on Thunidfty evening. The occasion as previously announced in Tin : ] ) IK : , being thu reception of Hon. T. P. O'Connor , M. P. , who addrosned a largo and intelligent luidicnco on be half of the peasantry of hifl native country. The honorable gentlcmim w the flrat inombur of parliament wo ever hiul the ( ileitauro of Untuning to. Ho is ubout 35 ycnra of a o , u fat , jovial , ioo < l Matured gentleman. Ap parently the trouble in Ireland does uut interfere with Ins appetite in thu "IcAzt degree , and being im oxception- cally ntnooth npoakor and having an mlorcating Hiibject ho could but ploaoo and delight all present. Mayor Vauglmii prenided , oiled the meeting to order , nnd in a very pleasing npooch introduced Hon. Joseph U. Hood , judge of the district court , who explained the object of the presence of the distinguished npoaliur in Council Bluffc. Tlien , in a few clioico words , ho introduced Mr. O'Connor , who commenced by expos tulation upon the tyranny of the Eng lish government through their nol- liory in thu interest of landlordism in Ireland. Ho itaid that 50,000 are uta- iionod there , a larijo portion of whom xro policemen. That thu population of Ireland is about live million , and to coerce thuso this largo force kept upon Irish soil- it force far exceeding the entire stand- ' ins oiiny in America with a popula tion of 50,000,000. Ho apoko of Irish prisons nnd tlinir occupants. That in them instead of linding poor , cringing criminals , such men as Par- iicll and Dillon were incarcerated. His demands of England are very moderate. _ Ho does not hope for 'Irish independence , ho only nskn that the laws of England be madb to boar with equal weight upon English sub jects wherever found. They demand that their leaders be Net free , and freedom from the iron rule of what is termed Landlordism for the Irish peasantry , and they have sworn with the help of God and nil laws of lib erty that they will resist rent charges until these things are granted. Rev. Lemon was called upon , nnd in Tory enthusiastic manner spoke in behalf of Ireland. Mr. L. bulievoa tliat Irishmen everywhere should uniU ) in one grand movement toward thu independence of thu Emerald Isle. John W. Chapman was ulso called upon , and upoko briolly but earnestly ; a ! no Colonel D. 1) . Dailey. Mayor Vaughan proposed that a collection bu taken up , and in his usual enthu- xiaatic manner wont about and ob tained about 8'JOO. Mr. O'Connor la a very interesting speaker , and worthy of a large attendance wherever ho speaks. BOONK RCAUKI ) OVKIl SHALL-l'dX. The people of Voone , Iowa , nm very much worried over the pruscnct' of Mrs. Ira Smith in their midst , and it appears tliat they iire HO frightened over it that they may bo tempted tt liury thu poor Viimifm alive. Then is no tuoro reaton to fear the small- l > ox than any other diaoaso , if prop erly handled , mid we hope thu in Hootiu look at it in this light , urn treat Mrs. Smith like n human being A person taken with inuull-pox h < nili bo confini'd in ilio room whom taken the hiMiit.unnmtined | , and there ii not niueh danger of its hpreuding. HAD HTUKETH. The bad condition of our street < it the bubiiiuiw men of Comic ! ItluHs nearer five hundred limn oin liuudrod dollars per day , and this iix ln o will continue until some nctioi towardti paving is taken. Jack Frua olfcyod havoo with the streets 01 Thursday niaht. It is not only mix to impost ! bio to run the Utrdioa , bu the at root or track was frozen undo tha mad in such u way ns to alinoa compel the company to suspend opot atioiia. FATAL Lau Johnson was run ever am killed by apasaongor train on Wednut 4y morning , about one mile from thi city. The fucta , so far as they can b learned , are these : Johnson be longed to the section gnu ati with the others took a handcar o : ibo track to allow a freight train t pau. Tlio suction boss oulloct to tli men to comu ncroi > B the truck on tli ide opposite tlio ono the men \\ei tauding on. They waited until tit freight rutesod and not noticing ( her was a p.u-umigor train folio winj ; cloa .behind , tlio men obeyed thu call. 'I'll oornin ; : ( Kuuongor train struck John laoti just as lia hud got nearly ovoi hurling him upon the track and i mi ulng over him , inflicting injuries u which ho boon after died , A HIIOVKU OF THK QUKKII , J A. inaii woa arrested in this city yet. terdy charged with passing bouu coin uut in seine town in Npbrusku that ho purchased evuin of land , paying for thum ii what the vendor nupposod wns UOiuniHgold , but flinch on being sul > . jected to the proper test turned out tmrions. Tlio oflicern tracked him < ( this city , where the arrest \\asniauY .is stated. A man by the name o < Itrown , whu in at the Pacific house , known who tha man in and will in doubt tell when he gets in H condition to oat cuke , T.AII ) UP. J. Grason , who not long ago hai' ' his log broken , a few dnyn sinca ro ceivrd nn additional injiuy , and i * now laid up at his homo on Seventh struct. MKhTINO O'CONXOII. Mayor Vauglmn , Hiimnor Clarke , Dr. Cook nnd M. 0. Oriflin mot lion. T. P. O'Connor , M. P. out at Ncol.i , nnd escorted him to iliiniiiy , Mr. O'Connor expressed lii.nielf ai much nlcased with the appcar.Mico of our ity. 8A1) IlRHKAVKMKSr. Death has again entcrr-d the lionic .Mr. I1' . H , Warren , formerly clerk ol courts for this county , and removed from its circle their littlu daughter Cora. They only n short time since buried n bright little boy , and now to bo compelled to surrender up Corn scorns more than they can boar. The remain * of the little ono were brought to this city , and funeral service1 * held at the residence ot Grandfather Henry Warren yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Thurti wnn a largo at tendance of relatives and friends. f'UOt'KUKIl UY THK COI'H. John Frederic , taken in for boini/ drunk yesterday by Cusic , was lined $0.85 ; trusted. A man by the name of Cox , arrested by Ollicer Brooks , and A. McDonald , by Clout ; ! ) , caniu olfenso , were fined each SO 80 , which they will work out on the streets. .loo Peak , for beinir drunk , was fined 8(5.85 ( , "pushed" out a watch fo. security , and.was discharged. A Ger man , name too hard spell , for same ufTonso was arrested yesterday , and upon examination was found to aisay 915. To.dixy ho will bo discharged with 80 85 elF that amount. HAD UAHI ! OP WHOA. A mule team tried to run away on Upper Uroadwav yesterday , near J. L. Foreman's store. They kicked , shook their heada , uritted their teeth , and swung their ours to and fro , but it was no uie. NAUKOW KQUINI ! KSOAPK. A home tied to H punt on lower Main Htreet yesterday , wheeled around into the street , his hindquarters ters Hank in thu mud and only by cut ting the rope about his throttle saved his lifo , ho believed main street ought to be paved at once. Muullpr has added two now ehaude- leirs which gives him sixteen uxtru gas lights , and the best lighted store " 11 Council lilufl's. C'UUIIT AD.JOUr.NKD. Jtidgo Rood adjourned about I ! 'clock yesterday until next Tuesday t 9 o'clock. Judge lleod yesterday dishir : ( > ed ho trial jurors until TucBduy after Christmas. IIA.NIMOII : OUT. Mr. Alton , composer on The Non- i.areil , was the recipient on Tliuruduy ivoning of a very handsome "urotto. " The design is in shell imitation nnd opreaenta love and charity. Thu irticle can bo seen by calling at his ooin on Sixth street. VKllHONAL. George C. Cole , Pucitio Junction , ivos at the P.icifio yesterday , also J. 0. Chapman , Noola , and A. E. Ooggshall. George A. and John A. Davis , of lonwcod , were in the city at the Og- den. den.W. W. H. llayncr and wife , of Omaha , were over the river ycstenhy , at the Ogdon. 11. J. Chambers , ivttoiney at law , \voca , was in this city jestorday , c i business before the district court. CONVICT I.WFI.AOHATIOX. An alarm of lire was sounded at nbout 7 o'clock last night. Upon ex amination it was found that two con- lets had not their beds on fuu at thu uil. No serious danger. Doiif ni a Pint. Mrs. W. . ) . hnn ; ; , Uetlmny , Ontario , htaten that fur lift-en muntlu xhu WO.H trnubled wltli u dims 'no ' in thn o r , ciui < liii ( iitlra dealiio < s. Til ten mtuutot lifter ihliiK THOMAS' I curriuo On , HM ! fomul rulloi , ami in n tOioit tiino i-hu wn CM. tlrely cured nnd her livarlni' ro-torcil. deelO-fixllw RESOLUTION ORDERING SIDE- WALKS. lultrsohfilliytlieClt ! > Council cl tliudho ( linalm : Tlntu ildcwulk lie , wltliln nitecn ilajrffron thin ilatu , rniwtriiiUd nntl laid lotlm teiniiomri Kiwlu In milil city , In ( rout ol anil ailjolnln tin follow In } ; ilcKtlbecl iiruiiluif , ili : I nt i , wust Biilu ol Zinil etrect , In block 40. ( cct IOo. TO UK lirr.UKKIl Lot I , t liluol 1 tli k'roit , In lilfnk'3. LolBU' lldool Villi fctrcct , In liluikVU , TOTKMroilAkY IllltUlU 'otO , north altloot Iztril etnct , 111 lilack ID1) ! OftetwIiUi. UKuilulilvunlU to lie rouitriKtcil of 2-lncli iiliu j'Unk niul to bu Inliltli , a > ubcio npu'llUvl , am tliontiioLthuovMicr | ur oviora : t IVi3 aba\ ile vcrllail | irciiil v < iaiili.rtliy ! r niltcl ta'ronttiuc thu Mini. 1'assotl | ) .u. 20 , ISbl , J.J. L. n. jr.wirrr , City ( 'li'rk. Jlntttr i > t Apilicution. | J if. Aluu fo Liijuor LticiiBU. NOT10K. Nolle * ! hereby sit 011 thktl' . MiiunIM upoi Hie Ktli dny pi IKumber , A I * 18illlluliU ii vlicatlcn to IJio Waver AI il City Council of Omit Ii , lor Jltcniu to mil S M ( , Spirituous ana Vln iu l.liuur | ( , l ,11111 , , touuiu W b cr nd Call loriiln uticrt , h WurU. Omahi , f.fb , fiom tli livdtyot J murtlWotliolOtUJ ! | yof Apill IfiQt * II Ihcro be no objection , rtmonntmnco or prr tut fllnl within t o wccki | r0iu Dccimlwr 15tl A. D. IbSI , tfce lalj lIcaiiM ) | l | bo grunted. ) . MAI en , TIIK miM Dim NowM pc , , , m puii' ? , " ! , bovo notliii fortwottt-tUatiihooipiiifo ol tli W > lli nt. The t'lty ol m h U not fi IM tlmri J. J. I. . C JhWKTr , Olt > Notlcoof Matter of AppUiutlun of J.V Aluriihy & Co. . for liquor lieeiue. Notlffl N horeliy U\o.i"tlmt . .1. W. Mm phy Ac Co , diil u | > oii tlio SlM day of 1) , ' ' l ) " . . .A. J ) . , 1 Si , | il Unit up , H ati , , , In the Mayor nnd City funnel uf Om In , toboll Ma tbplrituuu4uiia ViiKiuiiMiiuor at tli. < corner of Oougln Hul Koiut.uiitl telH , ' hlnlyuni , Oiiuhu , Neb. , fi.i . , of" ! u'li ' I'esJa""r ' > ' ' 18ta' ) to tllu l01 If iiiii-o 1 10 no ol.jeoiloii , icniomtran r ' ' , r ' , | | C1J w.1"1" tw" xu'ckl ) ' " ! ' I'- ' a'liiliorL'M , A. D 1B31 il,0 , . , ia I ! , . , , , , will lie ( jr utcd. , T.V. . Mtmi'iiv k Po , , Th. Oniabo Dally Ku : pUDIUli Ihw ulKi\o liutlie nee fMt ] wto fortwo w.efsntthurxpeino if the mipl caut. Tlie City of Omalia U not Yo I cliara'0 < l llicruwltli. , . , , . J. J. L. O. , U.\HTT , dec8J.2t city fl TRUTH ATTESTED. SomelmportantbtixtemontaorWo Known People "Wholly Vitrified. In order ( hat the pulillc m y lully rcullzo Ihc KcnulnfncM ol tlio Matot ml' , AS cll a ? the l > oncr iiil vnlnn ol llm nrtlclo ot > iUh the ) upcnk , wo pulill h lnr ; ltli Ii c fac-nlmllo icrn- turcsofpnrllcii hose lnterHy l lx\onlqiicv tlcn. The Truth of thrafl t niimonlAlu I' nlmo Into , nor can the ( nets Ihry announce bo IK" Owviu , Nin. , May SI , 16S1. II. Il.WinvrnJlCo. : lf An Hm : - I ha < o frequently u c < l Warncr' Sato Khlnot n il Uur Cure for nlTertlorit atlindnnt upon i-c\cro rheumall ) tUcV , and hA\oal itN clcrlird licnoDt tlirrctrom. 1 hMC ftlno UB 1 the Safe N'lrnno with titlifictory re- miltn. t consider UK-BO mcdlcliici ) worth)1 ol conflJo co. Deputy Trin nirtr. OUAIH , Nm , V'ny ! , 1 81. II. " . WARIHR * Co. , I.CK-I i-dlor , N. \ : Or.sin : 1 haxe w l ) onr nfo Klilnvy and Ilirr Ctiro tMi HprliiK < > ' Itcrintljrnrntor , and 1 ( Ind I the IM.II riincly I uur trlnl , lh > nc iiKcit 4 liotllcn n d It hai rondo ma loci littler than ctor I uld licforo In the V. I' . II. OWMIA , NMI , May . ' < , 1S31 , II. It. W.uisnu IC'o : HIBII : 1'nr more th n 15 y ars I ha\o nidiTcil much In oiiunlrncn from vumblncil klilnuj ulul liicriihrafM. .id IIIMI l cn mi hloto work tnj'tirln } ori ; liHil o hulnrfnlfto'ii ) Prlcila Krcatininv inullcliicn ami iloitoin , hut I KICW uotHu tiri'l uor u iliy hy iliy I uantoM I ) u < ! llrUht'x HiHin < , niul I ulHhcit my flf tliit'l K > i-onhl not lm\uoiwny | tdlcf I look jour fulc K tlncy .iiid I.KIT lire , kiiitli | > nothltix cl c < tan u\cr klioAii tnuiru thi dtnvi * . anil 1 hixv not liucn ili aiioliit | | < il 1h in illilnaliM in,1 , ntnl lain jicrlw ly tll toilarntlr. . 1 } hro h } nur Snlo Klibicy ni"l I.UcrCuio I l li jon nil nice KS In inihllthlnK thU.lut1ilc rcinoiv Ilirou h liovorlil. lf. I' . H. K. bhO | > . ilfl of oqunlly H ronv cnilorHcmcnt' nnny nf them In uinohciu h | iu an nbft - donvilliiuo htun Mihintarlly ! > . 'iifliowlii the rcnmiknlilo ixincr ol VVainir's Sale Kidney anil I.lxcr Cure , In ullil ptawr ol thu Uilnun. Hvir or urlnnryoikn . If ni ) onn who rcmfa thin lin. any | > hy ml troul/lu rcmui.ho the gru t ilnnstr oldtlav _ Matter of Application of MM. I'liillip Koch lor Liquor Lifeline. NOTICK. Xotiro is hereby given that I\frH. I'liillip Kotlulil , up n thu UOth < 1 : > V o December , A. 1) . . 1881 , file hU niipliuntinii to thu Jl.ayor and City Council of Uimhn , f r licciiHu to fell Aln t , SjiMtuoUHUiul VinniH Ll < luii > H , nt corner Cantillci nnil 'JVnth utreet , Vir t wftitl , Oimilp , .Nil ) . , from thu 'til d.ty ol .Tantiiiy , 18UI. , to tlio 10th day of April , 18M ! . If there \ > i no nl.jcction , icniiiiHtianco or prntent filed uitliiit two weeks from JJe- cciuhi-r'JOtli , A. D. , 1U8I , thuHuUl IkoiiNO wil lie gr.inteil. .luilANNA KOCH , Aiiplicnnt. Tin : OMAHA DAIM Hm luwspaper will j > ul ) inli tint nh u n < lice once encli week fur t o weeks lit tlio cxpctnu of thu nppH- cant. Tlio City of Uinuha is imt to bo ulinrKccl thciowitli. j. . ) . L. a , IK\VITT : , dccll-2t ! _ _ City Cleik. Jlnttcr ot Apilicfttion of V. It. Smith for Liquor LiiLiiDO. NOT I OK. N tieo it hcroliy Ivon Hint K. It. Smith did upim the 10th dny of Decoml'cr ' , A. 1) . , ISSI , tile hi < njiplicalion tothoM.ijor nnil City Council of Oiutihi. for Ii. cnse to hull Mut : , Kpiiituoiii and Viiioifi Liquorx , nt o 1121 Chlciipo Biioet , Fifth Ward. Oinahii , Neb , , from thu Intduy of .Innu * ( irv , ) Ks2 , to the 10th dnv of Apiil , 1S82. Iftlierulio no objection , roiui.nntri.iijo or protect filed within two w < clcO from Ioo ) mbcr lUtli , A. D. , 1881. th B.iid ICOIIBO will bo gran ml F. 11. SMITH Applicant. TUB OMAHA DAILY BKK nowrjuper will > hu ubovu notice once each week for two veokn at tlio i xponao nf the np- plicant. Tlio City of Om.ilu iu not to ho charged therow 1th. .1. J. L. C. JKWKTT , City Clerk Matter of npp'icntlon of Alarkcl & Suobo for Liquor License. NOTICK. Notice ii heioby K'ivun that Miirkel .V Hwiibn did upon the 17llulayof Dcccml'Or ' , . I ) . , 1SS1 , til hi npjilicatii.n . to the Minor and City Council of Oninha , for ioi'iii-c 11 Ht-1 ! .Mult , Si irituous nnd ViiiniiH Mqtioni , at XT , ] ' . n p t. Kirnl wnrd , 'malm ' , Xcb. , from thu 14 i < yiif Jammry , 188' ' , to tin 10th day < .f April , 18b2. Ii thcru ho no objection , .uiMou-trnuco ot irotctt tiled > vilhin two week * from Do- ; eml or 17th , A. ! > . , 1881 , the waid HCOBPC A 111 bo granted. AJ AIIKHI , & WOI1K , ApiilicHiitfl. TIIK DAILY lit ! : : nowMpapur will publish Ac above once each week for tuo wct'kti a .he e.\peima of tho" applicant. The city o ' , h nut to bo chaiKi-d the owi h. .I..T. L. C. .rr.WKTT , City Clerk. .Mn'ternf Application of .TustH for Liipior License. NOTICI ; . Kotiiu in hcroby given .Tuills Ko-fi Icrdid npnn tlio i'.ltli day of December , A I ) . , 1881 , lilo hit application to thu .Miuor and i ity Council otOimihii , for licen o U Hell Mult , Spiiitmms and Vinoim Liiinoni nt Thirteentli , between Picrco nnd Wil liam Htreet , .Second wnul , Omulit , Neb , from thu Itttdiy of .liinuary , 1882 , to tin 10th day of April , 1882. If there bo nn objection , remonKtrnmt or pi.Host filed within two woekx frcin Do ccmbor Uth , A. D. , 1881 , the imid llccnst Will bo era * ted. J. KI.HHI.I 11 , Applicant. TIIK OMAHA DAILY HKI : iitw.paj > er \\i ! publish thu , .bo\u iKitlco for two wcek n thu ovH | > iii < o of the applicant. The Cili of Omaha is not be charifcd therewith. , J. J. L. U. .JKWKTT , DcolO-12t City O'erk. ' Mutter o [ Application of H. 1' . Madiii for L'mor Llcen c , NOTICK. Notice is hereby u'lven that 11. ! ' . Mail- Ben dlu upon the ICth day of December A. D , , 1881. lilo hU npiilicntion to tin Mayor anil City Council of Omaha , fo llreiuo to neil Mult , Hpiritiioiu und Vi on Llliuiirn. at No. 1119 Sixth street , Fjw Ward , Onmha , Neb , from the ) nt duy o .Junuiry , 1882 , to the Kith day oi April lo 1 ! . If there lie no objection , remonUrpnci orprot Ht filed within two weeka from December comber 10th , A. D , , 1881 , the nald llo-usi will be granted. II. F. Applicant. TIIK DAILY UKK nowspno'r will thu above notice once each wt' > > k for twi weeki at the exitenoo of the applicant The City of Omaha U not to liu ch ryei therewith. .T. J. L. O. JKWKTT , City Clerk. THE OCOIMTAL J. I. PAYNTER Proprietor Corner 10th and Howan Streets , OMAHA , KEB , Eites , Two Dollars For Da ; .2Wtm SOLOMON'S GASH PRICE LIST ! 1204 Fart ham St. , OMAHA , - - NEB , Preserve il and Compare Prices Wlth'Othen Utipprr Hlnut . . . I Upper -loilH. , . ct 81 OiVi' < o > in ( 'lty . JIX'O ChrnmiH VV Inut Krllnn . SxlOCmi'l U'llnut Fnuiiii . , J-1\2I ( nricdllotto Vranic" , Wftlnut . ti'Xlt Walnut Fr-iincn . IUiid-0'M Vcltct I'mnoi . Kooin JtouMltijr , Walnut or ( lilt , 1 Inch per foot . , . Ho in MiMildlug , Walnut Or Ullt , 1J Inch tcrfoot . [ tra < s ( ! < ml > H for Uloin MouMlntf , per 1,02. . I Uil Ilonin r.tinp , Coinpli'ii ; . Hnnil I.niniK , ( Viinpttu ) . r.msn Mnixlmp [ , ( 'oniplito . Iro'iCnni liuckit . i . 'Jowl Urn-mi . llcnt llnwiu In Mnrlict . 'hlkt'B lit ooii . jplttoon . i\linilon : l.lliilj I-ani | ) . 2 j ( llu.8 Colilcti ( ono I ) . , rtiniMcM ( ono nit ) . Hood | . i'itrrii Low Prices for h on Slono China Ware IIiihiMiillflTca , | > ur sefcliifiiHj ( ! ! | 9 f > tlnmlli'Icxs , ! icri > ctl2 ; > li.cei' ) I'd Unlinndlt Cnffic , ] > i < tt (12 ( | > leiei ) Uii Ilanillu'olfuc , pui ct(12 ( jiliLU ! ) 7f > I'liuSitlM I'IMm ( II ii'non ) fii . noH" ISreaHiikt riatm(0liu'ic ( ) t5 ! na Sit I'lliucr ' 1'UtcJII plc-itu ) . COCo Cocriil Tuning ( IS . t'ltchcrn 16 lo ! < tl itnd lltchur. 0- TollU bi w ( or lied Rooms Kl plfetc ) . In t 1'irs Stcclo Dlanianil < I , nkin , : GlwHci , all 1'rlco' . Coiiduitcn' Lanterns. STt \ & \ > morri , s KOH CASH , nnd jou Mill flnil thunnt liint 10 to 3) per cent. ! < < < tlmn elso\\he < : , ni wu jiuiclia-u for Ciflli , at thulo\\c'-t rati'1 , r.iul nil for Cash Onlv. My c iitotnert fro not olill ed to pi ) for lofnof bail ilclitu , K wo Ktcp no iiookH ninl no unuofos aru made. Give us a trial nnd bo convinced. I'i mo call anil price ourGi IHH as HO h i\o thousauils of atticlfa not ment ontd on tliU bill. All Are Welcome , Whether They Want Goods orNot. iltUcoJ-tf Matter of Application of llcrmau Meyer f ir Liouor Licenee. NOTIOU. Xotliulslirrebj \ that Herman Jlejer did upon tliti 13th day of lictcuiher , A. I ) . , IbSl , 11 lo liUapvlnatio.i to the M J ur nrut l.'lty Covinc I of Omaha , fur license to ecu Malt , Spirituous niul V < nuun I Iquor" , Bt2j7 South 13th Street , 'Ililnl Wnnl , Omtrn Nth. , from the Istilay of Jnnn ary , 18s2 , to the lotn nay of April , 1W2. If lucre ho no objection , raman tran or pretest - test tiled within t a wcckii rum i > o emlicrlSih , A. ! > . , IbSl , thu slid lie use \vlll bo granted. Aiiiil'uant. ' TIIK UtiLr IlKh neuspnpor lll jmllWi thi o o notice for two wee H at the oxpu be of the applicant. Hie t'lty of Omatia la not to bo uruiil tntruwlth. J. J. L , . C. JKWKTT , Docl 1 1 ! ! . Ulty ( 'krk. Matter of Applicntlon > ( Jl. Dallow for Liiltior Licouno. KOT1CK. Is'otico in hereby Kivvu thafK. D.illnw did ujipu tliol7tli < lajof December , A. I. ) . , 18S1 , tile | IB njiplicition to tlio Jtlujor : iml City Council of Uiualin. for licence to mil Mult , Spirituous and Vinous L'uninf ' , nt. No. 1014 Chicngo Street , Fifth Wjnl , Oninhn , Ntb. , fromthc 1st tlayof .Inuurry , 188'J , to the 10th day of Amil , IPS' ' . If there bo noobj utlnu , leinuustranco or protest filed within tuo wocki > fruni Dee miicr 17th. A. J ) . , 1881 , thu naid It- cin \villbo granttil. K. DALLOW , Applicant. Tin : OMAHA DAIU l ! > Kiiow-itiier | will publish tlio a ovu notice f r Use week * at tha u.\iensu ot tliu : ipliiaiit. [ The City of Omaha is nut tii I o clinr cd thoio'.vith. J. J. I , . C .li.\urr : , CityCIoik , Matter of Application nf M. XV. Ken nedy for Liquor J.iceiis-o. NOT10K. Notice is hcioby given that M. W. Ken- iH'dv diil , upon the loth day of December , A. JD. , 1881 , file ) iin apiilirotioti to tlio Mayor ami City Coumil of Omalin foi HcvtiBO to null Malt , Spirituous : nul Vinous Liimora. ut No. : il South Thirteenth utruet , Thiid ward , Oimihn , Neb. , from the 1st day of .T mmry , 1832 , to the 10th day of April , 18SL' . If theio bo no objection , ruinoiintaauce or prt > to-t tiled wit in two weeks from DC- cpiiibcr 15th , A. U. , ItSl , tlio naid liceu-e > t ill be rjntfd. M. W. KIN.VII : : > V , Apnlicnnt. TIIP.DALI.Y BEI : nuwspapor ill publiab hi abnvo notlco fur two wccktiat the ex I'.iifc of thu applicant. Tlio City dl O aha ii not to I o cliaVL-cil tlicrowith , J. , T. L.O.IKWK'IT , JcolO-1't CityClvrk. Matter of Applc.\tion ! of 11 1) . Curry & Co , , for Liquor I/cense. NOTICE. Notice IH herfby siven that It. D. Currj & Co. , did , upon the 'JOtli day of Dccem I cr , A. 1) . . 1881 , nl" hl npplicationto the Mayor and City Council of Onmlm , foi licen&e t > sell Malt , Snirituouiinnd Vinonx LiquoM , at No. 110 Tenth btr.'ut , Thin Ward , Oamhiv , N tinv > < kafroui Hie 3rd d v f January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April 1RK2. If there bo no objection , rctiwnntrnnce or protect tiled within two weeka from December i0th ! , A. D. , 1881 , the said liceneu will be ( 'ranted. K. D. Cuiiiiv & Co. , Aiinlicant. The DAILY HEK newipaper will publish the iibove notice onuo each week lur twi weeks at the expenno of thu unpllcanU The Cltv ot Omvha u lint to ho clintx-ed there * with. J , .T. L. 0. . .TKTT , decSl. t UtyOleik. flatter cf Application of Cha . Josepl for Liquor License. NO I'lCK. Kotko U lureby cUtn lhat Cha . Joseph UK ) up n the Slut day of DcCimhiT , A. D. ItSl , III lii ni'pl failon to tha i aiomnd i It ) U uncil o iim h , far ItcvniM ) lo ii'll Mall , Eprlti uvai Vliipui 11 < | on , at Tent i ktrtot. liet cc l.intunuortli nnd Jlmcy triH" , Hr > t van I nuhi. ib. from the till dat of Jixmuuj IbV. , to ti u 10th Oay nf April , ItbS. If thcru to no objection , runnmtraiico or pr" tu.t flli l l hln tuo nuki Irom Deu inlur 2Ut A , ! > . , IttSl , thu tM IU-en a wl I he Kruntul. CMAH , Jcw-f.rn , Applii-nti' . Tim OMAHA UAILY Hrt neuipipcr uillpuhlli the above noticu once each wetk for two re I at the u\i n e nf th < applleant. Tlio City o Omaha Is not ta licch rite * thtrewl'h J.J , UC. JEWCTf , I * f t - City Clerk Matter of Ajipllcixtion of KdwardVittig for Liquor Licence. litrcliy ( tl i'n that Wuanl Wltliir IJ , ti | 5n the 14th tiny of December , A , I ) . , IsSI , 10 hl < uppllcal on to the Mot MH0 \ ty Ooun 11 of Omaha , for Hun o to ( dl Malt , Spirituous nil MIIOIII Lliuor | < , ftt No. 1413 Karnhani ) > tret , hlM ward , Omilu , N < 1 , . . Irom tlio 1i t day of amnry , US2 , lo ihe 10th < lty ol April , 18Jsi. If there be n objcctlo t , rtmonn once or proc - c flloil within two ecl.i < from llth diy f I > e c A , 1) , 1S31 , the Md llctn will b Rrai.teJ Ilmur.o Wimo , . Tim IJAitv Ilrr. nr ( ipa ] > ir lll tiujlliiho above notice for two \\ct\n at the cxpcnccof the jipl leant. The City ot Omaha U not to be lurjrcd therewith. .1. J. U 0. .ir.WKTT. Uecl5.Hit n _ NOTICE. Matter of Appllcntlon \ oiMita. . A. inuai.Ns , i For l.Iqnor I.ltcn c , ) Notice If htroliy jtlnn that Mr * . It. A. U'K MiisilliI , upon the 13th day of Dictmmr , A 1) 8SI , Illo Jicr upphcatUin to the .Mooraml Cl } Council of OIT.III , for I.I mitu to mil Mult , pIlltnotH and Vlnoim Mipicrt , at N" . 15. ! I ) olKe lrcct , ro rthW r , Onnht , Ncli. , fr m ho Ut ilij of January , IssJ , to the 10. h day r.l April. 1&M. If here h < no objection , rim"ntranco or tire en fllcil ulili n tv.o ucckn from Do. nub r 13th , A. D. 1841 , thu mll litcn-c u II lu trautcil. 31. A. II.IUM.NS , Ail Until. llyneo. Illuslnt , A-ont. lux IMH.r IIKK neunpipi. > r .ulll pnbllih th' ! ttljove lotlcu for tuo no I. * nt the uiuenio of ho applknnt. The Clt > of Omnha Is not to bo chargix ! therewith. J. J. L. ( ! . JKWHT , City rlcrk. _ DcelH-l.nin Matter of Application of M. A. McNa- mara for L'quor ' l.ictiice. NOTIC13. Notlcj lihcrfta plun tlrtt .M. A. MrNtmirn llil , ti | > oti tin ) inth day ot Ik-icmhcr , A. 1) . , Ibiil , flic till nppllcdtlon to th Mijnr unit City oun II of I inaha , for ) | ieiif > o to ro I M It , Spiritual ! * nnd Vinous Liquor , nt Xn . 'JH a il V16 I'onr- etnth .ttcct , Ililnlinrd , l/in.ili.i , N'tli. , from he M ilny of Jainurj , Ihsi , to thu 10th day if \pril.lWJ. If ( hire bo no objection , rcnio'istranco or pri- CJtlllnl within t\io vicVn from Douiiiibi'r 15th , A. 1) . , IbJl , thu mid llccnmulll b < granted. M. A .MC.VAIIAIIA , Apll'IcAllt. Tut1 DMI.T lltK niw-ptprr will | iuhll Ii the boi'mio IIM for two ucxki nt tliu < , \pi.MSrf the ppt cant. Tlie City of Oin.ilu i' not to be iiarKiil thirowlth. J. J. L. C. .IK\U.TT , lie. 15-l't ! City Clerk. flatter of Application of C. K ( iooiiman for Perinli Ki Sell Liquor ns a Druggist. NOTICE. Ncltco 1 * horubj il in that C. 1 * . ( ioodran , M mon the l.ltli In ) of Docembcr , A , I ) . 1S31 , lu lilt apiillcitlnn to the Major ainl Cltv Conn II otOinnhi , for permit to sell Malt , Sifr | > tuoiiH nd Vinous I.trUin asBrusKlit , formdlcinnl , ucliinicil nnit chemical purpose * only , .it No. 11 < > Kami run htiuit , 3rd uanl , Omaha , Neb. , rom tlio iHt ila.of . Jantar } , 18S2 , to tlio loth ij of Apr ! , 11 > 2. if thiru bo no objection , remonstrance or > rot t llliU Mlthln two weeks from 13th day of icicnibcr , A. 1) . 1831 , tfu said permit will bo ranted. C K ( iOOUMAN. Applicant. Tim lAit.r llrr ntuspnpir will publish the ljo\u notice fortAO wcekn , at the expense of ic applicant. ThuClty of Omaht ! < not to be harm-d therewith. J. J. L. C. JCWirrr , dccl2-12t Citj Cleik. Matter of Applica ion of A. 11. Gladstone for Liquor License. NOTICE. h htirubv l\on that A. H. Id upo tno 11 mlty of Dccunbpr , A. II. , lb-1 , la hi aiplunt"n | ! tn thu M jorund CltyCoun- il of Dunn i , for Ikuimu to < _ ] ! Milt , .SpnltmiH nil Vinoii l.liioia ( , tXo. n band iliiOllnuxla. trc. t , Thlnl \ > aril , Umibn , Veb , from the 1st d < y f Jnnnar , IbS2t the lOihibyot April , \ &i. If thiru bu noobj ctlo , lemon trnnie or pro I t filed within two weeks r m DC ember 14th , \ D. , IcSl , the raid HLHIHOU11 I r granted. A II. ( iLttisio I , A ) pllcant. TIIK IIMI.V ! ! IF. \spnper will pnlil bh thu bo\e notice for two weeks nt the e\i > cn"o 01 the ppltemt. The City of Onuha IN no * to bu lui t-cil therewith. J. J. I , . C. J i\VUTT , Dccl4-12t. Oitx Cltrl : latter of.Application of L'dwnrd Plainer tor Liquor License. NOTH K. Not'co U hereby > . iv n thit IMvunl Mauier Id upon the 13th riaj of Heciinbt.r , A. 1) . , IhSl , Icliit npp liatlon to the Major nnd Ultv Coun- il of Omaha , for licence to fell Malt , Spirituous nil Vinous l.lquornt No. 1214 l' street , 'hlul ' Want , Onuhaib. . , from the ] tt ilaj ot' nmiHry , ! ! , to thu 10th day if April , ISs' ' . Ifthirebu nee jcction , rcmoimtr iicc or pro- est filed x\ltlitiit o wccKa rom Dnetn tr 13th , \ . 1) . 1S81 , the said license shall bo'rantdd. . DnvAitu MMKKII , Apjillcant. Tin : DAILY IKK Ncwioaprr ulll pui.l . li thu iliovo notice for two weeks at the expense of ho ppl cant. The City of Ouuha ii not to be harmed therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWKTT , ) cclt ! .Ii t. _ city Clerk. ilattcrof Application of 1'eter CSooi for Liquor Licence. Notice IB hereby uhcn that Peter Coos did up on the l&th day of December , A 1) . 1SS1 , Illo bli ipp icallon to the 3la > or and City Council of ) malia , for license to Mll .Malt Mpirltuous and 'Inous Llqiion , at No. ITilOand ITili Karnlnm trcet , 4th Ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the 1st diy of .lanuurj , 18b2. to the 1U h tlay of April , 1SS2. If there ho no object Ion , rcmons ranto or precut - cut tiled within two wcke from 15th IKecmlier , , \ . L > . 1-131 , the said licence will bo prat.ti d. I'KTUR CJOOH , Applicant. Tur. DMLY llm N'ovapajver will publish the above notice for two nccKs it the expense of the applicant. 'Iho City of Omaha is not to DC charg ed therewith. J.J.I , C. JKWKTT , dcl&-12t Citv Clork. Tatter of Application of Hiclmrd Wilde for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice is hereby Kl\cn that Uieliird Wlldoilld ipon the llth lUy of Deccmtur , A. D. . 1S31 tile in > application to ti.o Mi > or nnd Clt\ Council of Onuha , for liccti lOBcll Malt , Sp'rituousi und Mnoits I.i'iuo rs ) , at No. 111 ! I Furnham bfrctt , Third Wnr.l , Omali , Neb. , from lie let diy of January , 1SB2 , to the 10th da.of . Apr 1,1S31 ; If there lie no . bjcetlou , roiiioni-tr.inco or i ro- .cut ' tiled wlthiiitwu i iek from Diccmbtr 10th , A. 1) , 18S1 , the oald llctntti will boKtiintcd. U Wiihh , Applicant. Tnn DAILV llrs newspaper will publMi the al > oo notice for two w evks at the e\pu > o of the iiillcjnt. The City of Omaha U not to be largcd therewith. J. J. L 0. JK\S' TT , li 14-12t. City Ckrk. flatter of Application of IX L. McCinclcin fur L'tuior ' Licei o. NOT I CM. Noice ! i hereby Riven that D. 1 , . Me- Ciuukiuiiidup.ui the 13th day of Decem ber , A. D. . 1881 file h H npplic.ition t > the Mayor and City Council of Oinnlu , for licciua to HO 1 Mult , .Spirituous and VinoUB Liquor * , at No. 311 South Tenth Htreet , Thin ! Ward , Omaha , Sob. , from the Ut day of January , 188' ' , to thu 10th c'ay of April. 1882. If there bn no objection. ' , remon-trancj or protest filed within tuo weokn from De cember 13th , A. D. , 1881 , the said liccn-e will bo emitted. D. L , McUuctcix , App leant. THE OMAHA DAILY HEK newnpaper will ililUh the aliovo n t ce nncu each week for two u eekn at. th cxpcn e of the a pll cant. The Citv of Onuha U nt tube chained therewith , J J. L. 0. JKWKTT , dccll-2t ( titv ; Clerk. Matter of Application of Schriper & Krilnmnn for Liquor License. . NI-TICI : . Notice ID hereby given that Schriner & Krdmnnndld , u , on thi10th day of Decem her , A. I ) . , 1881 , file tlietrni jilication to the Mayor and City Council of Om ho , fet license to sell Malt , .Spiiittiottnancl V noui I Iquore , at bnutliem corner 10th am Dodge t cets. Font tli ward , Omaha , Neb. fiom the < tt day of lunuary , 18 2 , to tilt lOlhday of April , \ * 2. If I here I'D no objection , remonstrance or protest tiled within I wo wotka f om De cenil er IGth , A. D. , 1881 , the uakl liccnat will be grunted. SciiitiNEit KIIDMANX Applicants. TIIK OMAHA DAILY UKK newnpajer wil iiuliliBli the above notice once each wo l for two weeks at tha ixpente of the appli canto. The City of Omaha U not to be charged therewith. J. J. 1 * C. JKWKTT , City Clerk. OLA Oi. K. BKNM ) , 0. UOVT Clarkson & Hunt , BucuoBurvra to HlcharJi ft Hunl , ATTORNEYS-AT- B ] UtbatrMt Om h N b. Deere MANUFACTURERS DP PLOWS , MOLIHE , ILL , * Wholesale Dealers in Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moliiio Wagon Co , Farm .and Spring Wagons , Deere ft Mansar Co , Corn Planters , Stalk Cutters , &c , , Moline.Pnmp Co , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Sootier Co , Fountain Dity Drills and Seeders , Meolianiosburg Maoli , Co , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Co , Advance Hay Bakes , Joliet Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power and Hand Shelters , Whitman Agricultural Co , Shellers , Road Scrapers , fto , , Moline Scale CoVictor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address AU Communications to Council Bluffs , Iowa. FEARON & COLE , Gommissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Conelmimonts . raado us will rocolvoprompt atttnllon. Uclorcncos ! Btato Bank , Omohn ; PUrt & Co. , IJiltlnioro ; Peck & Uaiisher Clilcmto ; w fc * r > olnclnii&tl SADQTJ AR TEES FOR S FURNIffG GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PBICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan rackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls losiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. v -WHOLESALE- BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. n .me.iy IE1. C. IMIOItGM IN" . WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb. HI WHEISALE DRUCGiSTS. ; ! ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NUB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDER ? . lv IR-nio J JiiJblfl AND Mining and Milling Company. Working Capltil , . . . - - . _ - - RXX.OOO. Capital a , oic , - _ - _ _ - l-ar Value ol bharcs , - - - - - STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESS ABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. is 1)11. J. I. THOMAS , President , Lumnilm , Wjomlntf. AVM E. TII/ION , Vice-president , Cummlni , Wyoming E. N. IIAHWOOD , Bpcretary , Cummins , W ) owing. A. O. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wjomlng. f noZZmefira OEO. W. KENDALL , Autlior'zod f pent lor Palo ol Stock ; nox < 2 , Oroah , Ncb. FOSTER & CRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,