Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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Nnw Yonn , Dccfmbcr 'Ji. :
atonry clo * d ( it 1S'.r ' > per cent1 , the
ruling rate f r the day wn n IMT cent ,
Kichnngi ) lowiTikt 4 80 } @ ! 8IJ.
( lovermncnt bondH cliwcd Kt Mly ni fol
io wit
' . 1 1.1J
CoupotM . I l-lij
. ! . 117J
I'n Coupe . 1 ! ( * }
( Jurrnii'v ' . 11"
l > Vtotitiitii'd { . 101-7 bid
T.'H . Continued . 1 ( IS I bhl
I'acific bondn i.'luied nt
Union PirulM . 1 17
l.nnri giant * . . . . . .1 12
HlllilllL'fuMltn ! 1 '
CVut.nh . 1 ir.Jfa.l IflJ
Tlio i lock win nctlxe , and ilm
on nn enormous ncnle , aggregating for the
day over ( ! 00XC ( ) Hlmies. During the
morning the i-ntlro lint wns uicMrd for
xidiv , nnd prices di-c ] < m-d r.ipldly , but
llui day wora on , a firmer feeling cct In ,
mil low pricos.J'n many purchases Into in
the day , nnd under a brink l-ulng move I I
ment , there was a sharp rcuwry in the
lli'itmat lint , which cloied 4@t : percuu
higher than yesterday. The Hprcl.iUli-H ,
howuver , weru wi-ak tlnott huut mid
closed li'H ( cent * lower.
The following are the closing hliN :
A.VT1I 8l ! MoPa 101 ]
O C.V1 C. . . VOJ N.I C 91
Northwest rn .12lJ
Prefeirvd..l30\ \
n.v g NYC 133 ?
O\A . '
< ! Ht L AND. . Oinuiia' . . . . . . 30
If 1) ) . k U. U . Preferred. . . lOlfl
i ) L * w . Pullman Car 1224
Kr'o ' . 11 " '
Hrio Ac Wt-nli-rn U I. . . . . . 132
Adami . Hit St I'nul lOIIfl
Amurinan . . . . . . HU Preferred. . .118
Unit tlHUtwi. . 73 StP M&M. .110
HfcHt.T . 1 ' '
Preferred . . .Ill Proforred. . . . 50
Ml.tWJil Flint nrcf'd..lOU :
I (5 . 1K ! Texan P.icific. . . 49j
Tl ) b H 10
IB 11(5 ( ? Union Pacific..1103
I.tN 101 Wnbftih 3R1
It O N A A. C . 715 Preform ! . . . . 51 ?
Michigan Cont'l 871 WrstornUnion. 7lJ )
The following lire of the morn
active Btoekn I i-duy. Total sales , C.rpO,000
\VU 45700 H&StJ. . . . 85
O B &Q 2,100 ProfurrcJ. . . 2,5 0
JiY C 11.200 K&T 13,40
K J C 27.000 LS (13,700 (
10 1,1500 NO&W. . . . 113
M C 1,770 NW J1.100
Ontl'nc 23400 Preferred : . . 50)
UP 18,500 Itock Island . 500
C& A 11.000 Stl'nu ! 1,705
Kile 53,0,0
Following uro the cloning prices on
mining Ktocks at the New York mining
ex 'hangm
ItahiiiNin 1K ! ) South Pacific. . 391
Stain L , 1 k I. 215 I'odio 2)0 ! )
Vigiuia 2IO ! Unadilla Ill
Brad buw . . . 75 Con. Virginia , 125
St.tnL , 2&3. 155 O&M 30
Hierra Novala. ! I50
jf ClIIOAdo. December 23.
The doumnd for money wai again active
and rn'tea remain firm nnd steady at G@8
per cxent. | KT annum.
KiHUirn oxchnngo between city banks
wo * quotoil at 75 " 801 : discount per $1,000.
The clearings of the associated banttn were
Omnbn 'Wholnialo Marhot-
Friday Kvtmlng , Dciximber 23. f
Although the HtrocU are in n wretched
conditi u , trade U twinning. 1'verybody
in getting mady for Christmas No
any hind wora rc | > ortad to-day.
Local Grain Dealing * .
WHKAT. Caih No. 2 , 1 07i ;
Vo , H , 91k : rejected f r \o. \
BAKLliY. Cosh No. 2 , D2c } No. 3
KYK. C Hh , 82c.
CORN. Ca h Xo. 2 , 7ic.
OAT.S. Ciwh. 3lc.
HAY $7 00@9 00 iwr ton.
Provlilon * .
l-'LOUU Spring wheat , Htraight gra < le ,
f3 25@t ; 75 : "Pioneer" California , $1 25 ;
patent , S375@i 50 ; winter wheat Htrnlght
Hiwlo * 3 K > Cai 23 ; jiateut.M 50@4 JO ; gra
ham rye , * 2 75 ; Wheat , * 3 00 ; QIIIH-II
KHO. $1 50 ; .ruspor , $100 ; Itlg Hijitv ,
50 75.
MILLSTIJI-TS Urim , ir cwt. HOc
per ton , 15 OOf'lHi.OOorceningH ; , per cwt.
80s ; Hhortii , pt r jwt 1.00 ; i-hopu | d food ,
iwr cwt. I 20 ; meal loltud , yullow , 1 10 ;
whiti ) . SI TiO.
1'OTATOKS XolniukiiH , 1 00 ® 1 10.
tineSl5o ! ( per Ib.
PRAIlllU CJIIOKHNS * 3 00irf ( : 5'J
per diuen.
QUA Hi PIT doi. . 82 00fj2 ( ! 50.
WILD OKKSK-l ! 50(3 ( ! : ! 50.
WILD DUCKH-1 25 )1 ) 50.
JHKK50c. .
KliliS Kirm at 2Sc.
JJUTTi : It Choice , ncin-co at 2lffi)2 )
rnxir , no mnrket ; fair , lSa"-'l ( ; crunincry
APPLIES ( ! nod. Hound , \ery
t'SJ 50l75i > frbbl.
LKMON.SSteady ; JMT box ,
7 ' .
r > > 0.
HKK8WAX Vnllow , 2022e.
ONIONS 1 f > iiiil ( ! ( W per biihliel.
11 ' 0.
OKLKKY 1'er dor. , . ' . . ' . .O'c.
UltK.SSKItr.KSi-Pi-r ) : Ib. , II ® tic.
OYSTUIIS Si'liictis-tSe ; htundanln , : c
I ) H K S K I ) OHIO KKNSS(59c. ( ; .
lKKSSii ; > TUItKKVS lOfeiajc.
WILD TIJIKKVS-12rid2Jc ! ( per Ib.
* . Qroccri Lilt ,
COKFKK. Klo , Inlr. Kljc ; Klo. go < Hl
Kct IUu , prime to cboiro , Hie ; Old gov'
J n20J@2rtlp ; , Slochtt , 2 % ; AihuckloV
TKAH. ( itiniHiwilor , goixt , 4.riai55c (
Choice , U0@75t' ; ImK | < ! , good , 40&ll5i (
Cholo ( Xa)75c ) ( ) ; Young llywui , KIXH ! , WkD
60c ; cholci' , tKV , l ( H ) ; Japan Nat Li'iil
35c : .lupnii. chiiU'o , M ( 7te ; Oolong , goml
ar > ( ollO ; Ooliuig , cho.i'o , tOOM ; Suuchong
giKHl , 3.Viz)40c ) ; choice , : i5SH5c. (
MUGAKS.-Ciit loaf , lOJc ; Crunliod
lie ; Cntnnlntcd , 10c | ; Povutorixl , 10V
\ yiuo powdered , lie ; StuiuUiit Cotft-o A
lOc ; X w York Confectloner'n Htundan
A , 1O : ; Good A , U''cj ' Pmirle Jhtr.i I
Jc. )
SYKUP.S. Htnjar lieu e , bbN , Wet hn !
bli50o ; KegH , li u-nlldn , 82 ilftj choiwi
tnblo Hyriip , 45c ; hnlfbblH , f > 0c ; keB'S'J , 'M
SODA. Dwicht'H Hi pajH-w , S-MOO ; Ut.
land do , S3 00 ; Church1 * , § 3 CO ; Keg < u > dn ,
STAIHMI.-Pcnrl , JJc : Silver ( Hon. . , 6
18jc ; Corn KUrch , # t&te ; Lxcfl lo
ulew , 7c ; Corn , " 4c.
SALT. Dray loadn , per Ml , 1 05j Aih
to In ga k , 3 f.0 ; bbln d.xlry 00 , fin , 3 ir
hblinJalrv , 100. 3 .3 M.
DUIKD KJUriTS-Clwtcc h Jvw ,
ix-nrhon , new crop , Oc ; Kv j > on > U > d A pldo ,
\ llihuxw , 1.1K ) Hci MIcliL-Mi , Kjcj New
Vork appIcK , 8Jc | Prune" , old , 7Jcj now ,
8c ; Currant * , 7@1 < ' ! Ulackborrle- " , now ,
t'HHK.Si-l'ull : Cream , lie ; Part
Rklm 11 jc.
WODiXWAUB-Tw ( ) : < > h ) p
' .H ; three lump pMU , 2 SO ! Xo. 1 tub *
1) ) Wj ) Xo. 2 lulu , , 8 f.0 ; Xo. 3 tulw , 7 50 ;
ploiuerwu < lilH > anii , 1 8. " ; Double Cr wn
'JOj Well bucket325. .
LUAD-lUr , 81 05.
oriui'.r , i'opr | , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Clo\o < , 4Xc ; Nutmeg , 91 00 : Cassia , 25a ;
Mnvo SI Oil ,
MATCH KS Per avldlo , ! Hc ; round
caM-n , 87.151 ; Kipmre caios $5.10.
PROVISIONS Brenkfost bacon , 12 * *
choice liml , 11c ; dried beef , 13Jc ; dinuld
crx , ' .Ic : hnniH , Mel bacon , side * , I'-'c ,
NUW PICICLKS-Mcdluni , In ImrroU ,
$10 00 ; do In half bbl < , 5 75MnnlU ; , in bbl ,
12 00 do , In h\Uhbl < . 700 ; ghcrklin , In
bbl , 11 00 ; d i , In half bbl , 7 M.
VIN1-XJAU Pure apple extra , llht
iiitrn npplo , 13c : Primliit ? mini nniilc , llio.
HOMINY New. 5 7"i per bbi.
BKANS-Meillum , hand jilckod $3 75
PIT bimhel ; m\y , ! * 3 50 ; cal f imxy , $3 50 ,
IIOPK Sisal , J inch and larger , U ( $
9i10e ; | inch , 10JL.
SOAPS-Klrk's Savon Imporlnl , 330 ;
Kirk's fntlnot , 330 ; Kirk's nUndunt , SIX )
Witt } Ivhk'H white lituslnn , 525 500 :
KlikVi Ktitoon , 2 0"i : Kirk's Pndrle Quwn ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Klrk'fl inntpinlln , 4 fi3ift (
I 10.
CANDLKS Bow , 10 Ibs , IR i , 8n ,
lOojliKxes-IOlbs. , 10 oz. . Gs. Ific.
IiYI ! Anu-rican , 3 10 : Orocnwlch , ! 1IO : ,
Woitnrn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 CO ; Lewis'
lye , l(50Tnwninye ( ; , 275.
POTASH Ponniiylvaulrt cans , 4 dor. . ,
in rnse , 331 } Babbitt's Ball , 2 dor. In casf ,
1 DO ; Anchor Ball 2 do ? in case , 1 50.
FIIiLD SKKD ISod clover , choice
now , SO 00 per buihtil ; mammoth clover
now , $700hito ; clover , nt-w , 91100
al alf'i clever , new , ! ? 12riO ; alsike , now ,
81300. Timothy , good , now , W 00 ;
blue gras > , extra clean , SI 50 ; hluo grass ,
clean , SI 25 ; on-hard grans , $2 50 ; rod top ,
rholci' , I 0.1 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , ( ivnnan , $100 to § 125 ;
Hungarian. 80c.
HKDOKSKKN-OsaRO orange , 1 to 5
bu-hi-lx , $5 00 ; onago ownge , 10 bushelii or
over , 81 50 : honey locust , per Hi. , 35o ; per
100 HIP. . 825 00.
FISH Fnmlly white Huh , 90 Ib hf bbN ,
83 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbln , ( I 30 ;
No. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 135 ; Russian snrdnon ! , 75c : Colur--
bin river minion , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Go ; Gen. bouolosa codfish ;
M AOKKIIKI/ Half bbln mcssmnckorol ,
100 lb , $12 50 ; hf bbi No , 1 ox nhoro do.
100 Ibs , 15 00 ; hf bbli , fnt family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ,
No. 1 ex hhorc , 12 Hi do , 1 50 : No. 1 sn > ro ,
12 Ib d . 1 00 ; fnt family. 10 Ib do. 75c.
CANNKD aOplW-pyrtfiHL 2 11
2 Ib ( hlnck ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( ( dock ) ,
per ciioo , 200. Oninnn , 380. Salmon , 1
Iti , jier dozen , 1 ( > 0 ( < jl ) 70 ; do21l > , i > er do/cn
255. Snnlim-K , Kinnll tHh , Impoitod , ono
unrter boxes per box , 14ic ; American ,
unrter boxc per IKIX , lie ; do hnlf IKIXOH ,
erbox , 21Jc. lAibstorB , 1 Ib per itozon ,
80. TomntocH , 2:10 : ; do 3 Ib per
one , 3 10 ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain :
cr , 3 70 ; Koakvd com , 2 10 ; di
ll > ( Yarmouth ) , per ea e , 3 75
tring bo.ini , per eano , 225 ; Lima bmn
or case , 220 , Succotash \ case , 225
'ens , common , jKjr case , 2 OOjneus , choice ,
> or ease , -t 50. lilackberrioB , 2lb , per cane ,
80 ; strawberrien , 2 Ib , per uuso,2 75 ;
oupbi-rriea , 2 Ib , per case , 275(5)300. ( )
) aniHiii , 2 lt > , ] Htr cage , 2 45. Dartlott
Tears per case , 3 Oo@l 00. Whortlobor
ic porcnso , 280. , Kgg plumn , 2 Ib poi
i jc , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per C.IHO. 1 50 ,
3 men gngen,2 Iti per CWM , 3 50 : do choice , ;
i | ) tr ca o,4 50. PinoAppleH , 2 Ib , jwrcjmo ,
OOffiW 75. Peaches , 2 Ib l > er cone. 3 10 ;
lo 3 Ib. cano , 15 00@G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ibm \
jwo,3 5 ; doplo , 0 Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
HICK Carolina , 8@8ic ; Louldiana , 7J
8 0 ; fair , 01 < ii)7. )
PEANUTS Hoiuited , choice , red Ton
sHee , Oo per Ib ; fancy white , lOc per Ib
n-v white Virrtinin raw , lOc ; roiwtcd ,
Dry Good * .
\pplcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , He ; Hoot
4' , KJc : Uuckoyo LL , M , 7e ; Cnbot W
" \c \ ; Clnttonango A , OJc ; Urent Kalln K
! ' .c ; IIiMinlcr , ( ijc : HonoHt Width , 7fc : In
tmu Head A , Hjc ; Indian Standard A ,
% ; Indian Orcbanl d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence
Ai , 7c ; MyHtio Itiver , 7ic ; l'Muot | A , H c ;
ilmwmut LL , 7c ; Uticn C , fijc ; Wnchux-
tt . 7Jc : do A , 8Jcj do K 48 , 12Jc ; Wai
ott H , 8ne.
4-1 ; 74c ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Arylo 4-4 , 7Jo
Atlantio LU OJc ; Undper State X 1-1 , 7c
Woiinlngton C14 , GJc ; Huckoyo S. 4-4 , O o
Indian Orchnnt AA 'J-8. BJo ; Laoonia t
9 , 84c ; Lohlgh U 4-J , fljc ; Loiwlalo 4-1
lOc ; PcppercU N 30 , 7c ; ifo O 32 , 7ic ; do 1
10. 7Jc ; lo K 39. 8ic ; PocanHet C14 , 7Jc
Wamsuttn 4-4. 13c.
tin L4-4 , 10clUackHtoiioA ; A in perinUii
do do half bloiichotl J.J.ltc ; Cnbot 1-1,8 .
Kidelity4-4 , flicjKriilt of th l.oom,10i ; di
can bric4-4,13odo ; WatrrTwiHt,10icjirt-a
Q. ! > c : Indian HendHhi-unk f-l , 12
Tionsdnie , lOc : do cambrio 37 , 13c ; Nov
York Mills. Kto : Pupiot A. lOc ; Po | > pre
N ( ! Twills , 121c : PocahoiiUu 4-1 , tljt
PociisH I-1 , 8\c " ; Uticu , lie ; WamsutU
O \ X , 13c.
DUCKS TJnbh-achud Atlmitlc,10o
17c ; Baltimore ilo , Kic ; Low Star , 8 u/
12c : Sav gt18c. .
( C'oloied ) Albuny K brown
do C , ilraV elf to \.v , striped an
plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown nud dral } ,
htiipiM nnd plaids , 12Ji * ; Arlington fMicj
ltc ) ; L'ruiiKwick In own , 8Jo ; Chaiiot fancy ,
12Jc ; do 'Xtra hnavy , 20c ; Full Hi > oi
brown , oxtia heavy , 11 Jc ; Indiana A
brown , 13c : Ni-ponset A Inoun , lr c.
TICICINS | Amosfiuag A C A 32 ,
171e ; do XX bluu 32 , IHJc ; Arrowanna ,
DJc ; Clnrciiiiint B B , ITiJc ; Conustoga ex
tra , l"ic : Hamilton 1 > . llic ; Lowiaton A
'M , 15c ; Miunolinha M , 20c ; Oincgn nn | > i > r
ti.\tru-M. 28c ; Pearl Ulvt-r 32 , IGfc : Put
nam XX blue ftiiiHi , 12cj Shotuckut S ,
lOJo ; do SS 12c ; Yooman'n blue 2l > , SJo.
D1CX1MS , Amoiki-nk , blueamlblown ,
10\c \ ; Andover 1)1) blue , 15ic ; Arlington
blue Scotch , 18Ho ' ; Concord OOO , hluo and
brown , 12Jc : do'AAA , do do 13JJ } doXXX
dodo lljc ; Hayniald-r'rt bluu nnd brown ,
' .lie ; Mvstlu Kivor DDntiipo , IGJc ; IVnrl
Itiu-r , blue imil brotvn , 15Ju ; Uncaxvllle ,
bluu and brown , l ic.
OAMBKICS BniiiRiil , 51o ; Kddyxteno
lining. 21 inch double f.iee , HJc ; Ciamor A
Khued , , p > c ; MmihatUu Rlino linish , 5Jc ;
S'owport du ( Je ; do glu/ed , 5Jc ; Peijuot do
5 < : ; Itoi-kwood kid fmlHh , lie.
COKSF.T.IF.ANSAmory , 8cAndros- ;
roggln Mittcrn , 8 cClniondon ; , ( i'/cCone- / ;
tngu Hntti-vins 71c : Hnlluwell , 8c ; Indian
On-hnnl iniprovitl , 7jc ; .Varr.igniiHt'tt , 7ic ;
Pvpporill salteen II4 J l { ckport , 7'io.
PIIINTS AllenJo ; Ami ricnn , Ok- ;
Arnold , 7c ; Itciwirk , I'/u ' / ; Corhi'co , fi- ;
Conettogn. ( ijc ; Dunkirk , 4'/c ' / ; Dumioll ,
OJ@7c ; Kddystone. "c ; tlouci > sti-r , i > cj
Harmony , 5Jc ; Knlcki-iliocker , I5c ; Mt-r-
linino D. 7c ; Mystic , file ; Hprai'iic-i' , Kcj
Siiuthbridgii , tic ; do. Ginghams , 7u ; rfarl.
bore , 5Jcj Oriental tijc.
( JIN'tillAM H Amonkcng , lOiu ; Aim * .
koay drt-M I2J > ' Aiirylo , lO } ; Atlantic ,
tic ; Cumbi-rlaud , 7&o ; HlKhlnnd , 8lc ;
Kfiiilwiuth , 8 c ; Phm kt-tt , lOJo ; Hun-
twv , 8c.
plain Xankiii. l-4o ; do.check * , utripej im
fancy , PJJoj do , h'oz , 20c.
SJUKTIXCS-Andn : : > < -oii.IiilO.,2r4c | :
do tl-l , 2U ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental C
42 , lie ; Fruit of the 1/xun 10-1. 274 ; N w
York milUHS , 3.c ; do 78 , 30o : do M. 22Jc |
.J , 2e } Pi uot 10.1 , 2 < t Pj du
71 , llfcs do1i ! , lOc : PomK-wll Ot' , 29c ;
do 07 , 21i-i do 57 , lc ; Vtlcn M , 35c ; do
f.8 , 22jc ; ( to IS , 17c
P lnt Olli onti Vnrnlihfi.
PAINTS INOIIWhltolcnd. . Omalm
P. P. . 7c ; white lead , O. P. & . 0. CXl'iirc ' ,
IVManclHo : * green , I to 5 Ib cnin , 20c :
Krrnch rlnc , ci "in i > oal. 12c : French zinc ,
rod peil , lie ) Vrench F.IIIC , In vnrnWi MH ,
20c : French jlnw , In oil nuit , 15c ; Haw
and burnt limber , I Hi cnnn 12ct raw Mid
burnt Sienna , 13cinndyko brown , 13 , ;
1-ofined lampblack. 12ct co.uh hlnck , Kc )
l"ory blnck , lOc ; drop black , 10c } Primolan
blue , 30c ; nltrninarino blue , 18c | chrome
re , L. M , k D.I He ; blind and nhuttcr
gn-oii , L. M. fc D. , 14c ; Parin green. 18c ;
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian ml , t'c ' ; luicnti
ili-t , 22o ; Amerlcim VermllliHl , I. & P. , 18c ;
i-linitue yellow , L. , M. , O. .t 1) . O. , 18cj
\ullowochre , He ! golden ochre , 10 ; paji-nt
Ilryi-r , Oc ; grnlning colors ! llsht oak. darken
on < , wnliiut. chcHtnut and anh 12o
Dry ° nlnt
\YIUltl ICnil , I'JV , I'll lltll fllll. IVV , lln
whltclnu 2Jr ; whiting gliders , ljc ;
vhltlui ; court , Ur ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 1 Ic ; lampblack , iinllnitry , PC ; Prus.
slnn blue , 45c ; nltiamnrln. ' , Iso ; vandyki- ,
brown , 8c ; imibtr , burnt , 4c ; umber , ra\v ,
li < ! I nnn , burn t , tc ; slonna , raw , lo
Paris Krecn gomdiip , 35 > : PnrU green com'l
liTiej chromn green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chroin-
green 1C. , 12c ; % ermlllon ! , Kug. , TOo ; v r-
million , America , 18c ; Indian rt-d. lOo ,
nwo pink , lie ; vcnctlnn rend , Cookfumn
' 'A'j tciictl.iu red Am. , lie ; red lead , 7io ;
rhroinii yellow , genuine , 200 } chrome yel
low , K. , 12o- ochre , rochclle , 3c ; o-'htv ,
I'Vnch , 2'c | ; ochre , American , lie ;
Winter' * mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgh brown. W :
npntilsh brown , 2ic ; Prince's mineral .Ic ;
VAKN1SHP.S Barrels per gallon.
Fumlluro , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
Slfuinltuio ; , U , We ; coach , extra , $1 10 ;
Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; D.imar , 81 50 : .Tnpan.
70c ; nn'hnltutn ' , 70c ; shollnc , 83 50 ; hanl
oil iini-h. $130.
OILS -110'cmbon , per gnllon , lljc ; 150 *
headlight , | ior gallon , 12/c / ; 175' headlight ,
per gnllon , Itic ; cryhtolinc , per gallon , -.Oc ;
linHci-d. i-rtW. | > r gallon , Oli ; lln-M > d , boiled ,
per Ballon , uSci Innl , winter fit 'd , pen-ill-
Ion. 1 05 : No. 1. 80c : No. 2. I55c : twtor ,
XXX , p r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 115 ; nweet ,
1' '
CAtilllt '
no don machine , No. 1 , per g'allou , 35c ; No.
2 , M ; sperm , Kignnl , per gallon , 80c ; tcr-
pcntlnc , per gallon , file ; napthn , 71' , per
gnllon , 30c ; Or , 20c.
FKNOINO No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft , 1900 ; sheeting dressed ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common beards ,
dressed. 20 00.
FRAMING 1C ft. nnd under. p r M ,
20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
21ft. 28 00.
FINISHING No. 1. finish tt , H nnd
2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch 815 00 ;
No. 2 , finish 11 , U and 2 Inch. S4500 : No.
2 finish , 1 Inch , 840 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 ln li ,
$ .1500 ; O. G , button * pel iOO feet liu. ,
$1 00 : well curbing , $22 00 ; rough J nnd 2
Inch bnttotiH per 100 feet Hit. , 50c.
STOCK BOARDS AHtock , $10 00 ; B
SltS 00 ; O , S30 00 ; common stock , S22 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , SIO 00 ; No. 2 ,
fXCi DO ; No , 3 , 32200 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIDING-NO , i , $2100 ; NO. 2 , 92200 ;
No. 3. $18 00.
SHIP LAT Plain , 822 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
53200 ; No. 2. $22 00.
OKILING § 21 00$37 00.
hldn los. S3 85 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00.
Lath , $3 50.
Heavy Harnwaro List.
Iron , rates , 83 50 ; plow steel , cost , 71o ;
cost tool do , 1520 watfcm spokiw , sot.
225@3 00 ; hubs , per net , 125 ; felloes , xawod
dry , 140 ; tongnen , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; pnuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per 11) . 8@18c ; rivets , per Hi , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; ninlleable , 8c ;
ron wedgm , Co ; crowbars , tic ; harniw
tocth , Ic ; norHoehoois per keg , 5 00 ; sjiring
steel. 76R8c.
NAILS-10 to 20d. 3150 } 8 t < 10 , 375 ;
Gd , t 00Id. ; . 4 25 ; 3 < 1 , common , Ti 00 : 3d ,
fine , G 50 ; clinch , nil alzas , 5 25 ; Gd , casing ,
4 75 ; 8d caaiiiL' , 4 nil ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd
finiidi , ; 1 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , 5 25
half kegs , lOa extra.
SJLOT , Shot , 31.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kgn , $0.40 ; do. , half
kcgs.3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast-
log , keep , $3.35 ; Fine , uer 100 feet 50o.
Hones and Mules.
The market in brisk and all grades are
selling well at n slight advance In pikes.
The demand for good homoi oxcoous the
uxrpply considerably. Prices range an { ol-
Fine single' drlveru , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
draft homes , $175. to 225. ; Common drait
horscx , 8100. to 150. : Kxtra fann horses ,
$110. tol25. ; Common to good farm horses
$90. to 8100. ; Kxtrn plugs , 8GO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , $20. to 810.
MULKS. 15 to 151 hancla ( extra ) , $125.
t > 150. ; Hi to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 141 ' 'andH ' , 875. to 100. ; 131 to 14
bands , 8GO. to 75
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 25 per wine
Ra'Ion ' ; extra California spirits. 187 proof ,
1 3 J per proof gallon ; triple refined BpiritH ,
187 proof , 121 per proof gallon ; ro-diHtilled
Y rivkli-x , 1 001 5U ; line blended , 1 50 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bombons , 200a)700 ( ) ; K-n-
tucky and PeniiHylvnnia ryes , 200@700
BKANDIKS IiniMjrtcd , ? G 00@1000 ;
doincxtlc 140t 00.
GINS Imported , 450 000 ; domestic ,
1 40iJ3 ( | 00.
UUM S Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now
Knulnml. 2 OOflU J 00 ; domestic , 1 5003 50
CHAMPAONKS Iirjorteit per case ,
2 < 5009'M UA : * > r'iVj , case , 1200 ®
18 IK !
OLAltKTS-Por ca o , 1 50@1000.
WI > KS Ilhtnn > . 'lne , per ense. 0 00 3
20 00 ; Cntawba , per i-ase , I 007 ( X ) .
Bulldli-K Mntnrlal.
LIMK Psr barrel , SI 35 } bulk per bit. ,
35c. Cement , lib ) , $2 . ' -I. Iowa planter ,
bbi , 32 50. Hair tier Im. 35c. Tarred
felt 100 Hit , $3 50. Stinw board , S4 CO
PAPKK Stiaw pnper , 81cj | rug paper ,
Ic ; dry goods trnjior , 7u ; iiiamla paper , lOc ;
IIVWH pnper. 80.
COAL Cimihorlnnd blacksmith , 812 ;
MiiiriH Kun BloHsburg , $12 ; Whitobrcixst
lump , 87 00 ; Whltebreost nut , 87 00 ; Iowa
lump , $0 50 : Iowa nut $ G 50 ; Rock Spring * ,
$8 ; Anthracite , all HUM. ! 813 50@14 00.
Merino unwashed , light , 14tt1Gc ( ; heavy ,
13@16c ; medium unwashed , light. 18C 420c }
tub-wnslied , choice , S2c ; fair , 30c ; dingy
and w , . 28c ; burry , blnck nnd cotUxl wuohi
2Gc ( less
Hides run , Etc.
1IIPKS Green butcher's hlde,7ca ; von
cured hides , 8c ; Rnien salt , pvrt cured
hides , 7@7c ; dry flint. Hound , lHd/Mc ) ; dry
calf and llp , l-'O/lKic ; dry Halt hlden.sounu ,
110/il-o ; ijrei'n calf , wt.8 to 15 lit * , , 10 < llc ;
green run , wt , imucr 8 Ibn , ptr skin , W > i
green ix-lts , 81 00@1 10 ; green lumbakliu ,
81 10 < vl ) 25 : dniniifed hides , two-third rule ,
cut scored nud ono Krub , clofsed two-
U Irdi rat" . ) branded hldoH 10 t > er cent. ofT ,
Coon skins. No. 1. 45C ! No. 2. 30c ; No. 3 ,
! . ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. T > 0c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , flc. Fox , N . 1 ,
OOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , block ,
I > V ; nliort xtrljie , 40t ; narrow trlH | ) 'J5c )
bnmd otripe , lOc. 'fallow , 5Jc ,
Clears od Tobaccos.
CIGAUS. Seed615.00 : Connecticut ,
# r > .00Muixlsr ; .00Sml ; Havana ,
Clear llutnnn , 875.00.
24 Ib , OOo ; S | > ottixl Fawn , Ulc ; Ourltoi > f ,
I < | imity ! , li''c ; Star , poundx , 21
Ib , butt * , OOc ; Horse Snou , poinuU ,
21 Ib , butbi , tiOoj 1'urlty , 21
Ib. butt , f.-Vj ( Juevti Kt > , 21 Ib , buttx , 53 ! < : !
Gilt 1'dgc , ixniniU , 1M Ib , linttn0 ( ; Anny
und Xavv , | K > uiuU , r)5c ; liulliou , potmdx ,
tlOc ; J rlUaid'n Climax , jKiundH , Olc.
FINK OUT In iwH * . Hani to Heat ,
733 ; Golden 'f Jireaif , 70c ; FoimUiii , Is ;
Favoritu , C.V ; Jtocky Miuit in , OCk'j ;
l-'onoy , Ktei DaUy , 500. In tin full
Cntllnn O. H. , Ib IMIXIjwr Hi fi.V | but-
lllnnl'd Tiger , ( > . * > C ! Dlnmnnd Crown , rtVj.
SMOKING- grades-Common , 2TiUi
33o. Granulatwl- mack well * Ditrhmu , 10
ox Met Dukes Durhnm , 10 or , 50o ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 or , 4(1 ( ; Seal of Nchrn < .
kn , 111 o , ! Wc ( txmo.Iack , 4 or. linen lugs ,
imrlb , $ l.3."i Mathm-pi' Puck , 2 u , tin
oil , 55c ; Dog Tail. 5c.
Carlwillc , fiOci Acid , Tnrtnrlc , 5-lc ; lUKim
Copnbln , per Ib , 72c ; Bark , iWsnfrn , iior
Hi , 12c | Calomel , per Ib , 70c ; Clnchonldln ,
IMT or , * l 03) ) Chloroform , per Ib , ;
Dover's jiowdcni. Kr Ib , $1 40 } Kp oi-
nlts , per Ib , Hie ; Glycerine , pure , per Hi ,
I8i-t liond , Acotite , | ior Ib , 2lc ;
Oil , Cantor , No. L l > cr gal. * 1 35 }
Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 812. " ' ! Oil ,
Ollu' , per gid , $1 10 ; Oil , Origanum. Nto
Opium , 81 10 ; Ouliilno P. k W. fi 1I..V S. ,
pi r nz , $2 10 ; Potiusiiini , Iodide , per Ib ;
82 40 ; Snlftcm , jior or. 40c : Sulphate of
Morphine , per of , $3 85 } Sulphur Hour ,
per Ib. 41c : Strrchiiino. nor ox. 81 15.
Council BluCT * Market.
COUNCIL Bi.urrn , December 23 ,
Flour Manufactured by Crystnl nnd
City Milk 375(3)1 ( ) 50 : Kniunn nud Mis-
sour ! flour , 3 50@ I 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye
Hour , 3 10.
Bran and Shorts 17 00 per tou.
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Whent-No. ' . ' , 8120 ; No. 3 , 00 ; re-
jrctod , 70c.
Corn No. 2 , J ! ) , rejected 47.
Out * No. 2 , I0c ; rejected , SWc.
II in ley No. S , DOc ! No. 3 , 75o.
llay-G 50(5)7 ( ) CO.
Wood-5 ! < 3 > 7 00.
LI so Hogs 5 00@5 SO
Cattlo-Shlptvng , 4 50(5)5 ( ) 00 } milch
cows 30 OOffT,15 00 P r bend ; butchers
, 3 00@3 50.
Sheeii 3 75 © 125.
G Hiita % ( Shld
Wool 15ul ( 5.
Hutter 25c.
Kgg 25c.
Potatoes 1 lO&l 30.
Onions 1 25 ® 1 10.
Grand Junction Mn Jtet-
GIIANU JuKcnuKi In. , December 2'J.
IJuttor 10@18o.
CillCAOO. December 23.
On 'chniiRO the u nrkctn wore ijulit. The
rrcolptu of uraln "cru 418 car loads , cm-
bracing 73carH of wlioU. 173of coin , 10L
i f on's , 12 of rye nnd 5'J of barley.
Flour Dull and trade , unusually slow
common to oholco Hiring western , t 50S (
700 ; MlnuoHoU , 500525 ; winter
pntonts , 7 50@8 50 ; winter brands , 5 00
(5)7 ( ) 50 ; wo'toin buckwheat flour , 7 2T > @
7 50.
Wheat -In No. 2 spring only raodorato
business was transacted nnd the feelln )
wni Btcady , lluctiintions In prices bi-iiii i
co tiiu'il within a siii'ill range and averag i
justatrifltt b"tter than yesterday. No
many outside orders were rccoivod , am
1 cul operator * did not manlti-st any
Bpccial dei-iin to trndo with hiislm-sH
mainly In the way of Hottliur ui * outstand
ing inul'B. Fluctuations were coutiiiet
wltbin gc per huihul. PriccA nt onotinu
ruled So higher nud fina ly cliwcd nbou
iu higher on the rvgul r board , nil t on cnl
1 25J for January ; 1 2GJ1 27 for Fob
rmry ; I 27ft for March ; No. 3 spring ijuKi
nt 1 111 ! rejected , KO@8Ic.
Q oru-A quint and steady feeling rv
ileil. Fluctuations were limited and no
sulllciiiut to Htimulntii local trndiiig , an
bill , few outsldo ordo H were r ccivnj ,
I'riccK were a simile tinner nnd marko
closed nbont 4@ higher on the ruKidn
b > nnt , ninloii mil nt.GOIc lor December
G0ofor ! .Inminry ; GO o for February ; IV
( iji ( ( > lc for Mny nnd > luuo ; rnjectod , In gooi
n quest at 58J@58ic.
Oats A'eiy quiet , bill tinner nnd i
shade higher ; No. 2 closing on call at-I I
for December ; -Uty for January ; -ISJc fo
February ; 4riVc tor M ny.
Kye-Dull nnd eauiei ; No. 2 , JC | fo
Jnnunry ; ! ! 7c for February.
BnrK-y- Dull and v rv ( ( u'et ' ; No. 2
I 02i@l 03 for January ; No. 3 , .Khs for I )
Ci-mber ; 83o for January.
Pork Tame and weaker on account i
large olferiiuv ; meii closed at IU 071 'o
February ; 1G 87ifAlG IK ) for March } 17 3
for May.
Lard Active , but wu iker in sympat
an I r.Iosinv at 10 821 for new December
10 8510871 for .Tanunrv ; 11 05tl 07
for February ; 11 20@11221 tor March
II 35 for April ; 11 50Toriny. .
Bulk Munts Fairly nctive nnd ea > ier
short ribs , 8 45 for January ; 8 G5 fo
February ; 880 for March ; 8021 "
Whisky-Steady at 117.
Butter Demand only from local trac :
for fine htock ; common not wa ted ; cream
orv choice to fancy , 3j@3Kc ; fair to com
33@35c ; dairy , choice to fancy , 28@34i
do , fair to good , 18@25c ; freab mad
packing stock , 12i@14c ; Indie pncko <
common to good , ] 3u)18c ( ) ; roll , lKf525a. ]
K'-'gH-Plenty mid in moderato rrmi
at 18@22c per doz n for pickled , ami 2.r
for frcfh.
Kec'ts. Shlpm't
Flour 12.G21 14.GO
Wheat 47,183 31.0K
Corn 125,570 13.85
Ont 1,020 47.0-10
llyo 10.72H 5000
Barley . . 11,192 11,791
Chicago iiivo Stock-
( /'HIOAdO. Dccenilicr 23 ,
. . i - Iteculntif 1G 0 It ) head ; mnrk < t
stiongo i light ho ii , but packam bought
Hpnringly ; nt clonj prices uerc woik ;
o minim to good mixed , 5 70WO 10 ; ho.ivy
'iin ; ' nnd shipping. C lufifl ' ! 3'i ; liuht
< > 57iCi2 ! ; Hklpd and'culls , 1 25u ( >
Cattle Krcolptri , 3OCO hem ) ; market
firm nnd demund better on nil gr.idoa
which ntcragcd 10 cent < bii'licr ; common
to fulr Hhipplnu , B > 205 00 ; giuxl to
choice , 5055l)5 ) ( i-xjior H , 02ijU ( 80 ;
butchers' xtoek uttong ; cowi' . 2 00
di'3 50 ; bullK. J 75 ® 1 75 ; steorn , 3 OOfVJI f fi ,
Btockew , 3 00.i3 ; : feed , rt , 3 75 ® 1 00 ,
Sheep---Keci'lpts l.i 00 ; mnrket quiet
iiiid ai'out ' unchainicd ; coinnion , 3 15 ; fah-
3 5 © 3 80 ; good , I OOf/,4 50 ; choice , 1 5fiir (
4 75.
Kansas City Produce Mnrkot.
KANHAH CITV. Dei-ember 23.
Wheat Beotlptrt 10.125 bu : withdrnwp ,
15,7'.l ) ' bn ; in Htore , 41,755 bu. Market
weaker iind lower.with very llttltt Ira Ing ,
No. 2 nrih , I 18 bid ; Duoembur 1 181 , bid ;
Jami'iry ' 1 20 Vid. No 3 cash , ll'ic bid ;
DecenH'or ' , I car nt H7c ; .liiuunry. 05Jc
bid ; Fehruuiy. 'MJ , hid ; MAI-h. I Ol.tu
bid. No , I c.-vhli , 85u bi'l ; DrcomUir , 8lu
bid ; January , Rio bid.
Corn Itecelpts , 14,188bu ; withdrawn ,
9-US bu ; In i-lortt , 145 , < J1U bu. Mnrket
Htendy mid acti\o. No 2 lurli , 1 car t
57 | c , and 2 cars nt.Vic ; Dei-i < iub r , 2 earn
at 57'jc , and 3 car < a 57/o / ; .Innuury , 5,000
bu at 58le ; FrbiiiTy , 51)fo ) bid ; March
111u ! lid ; May , l)2o ) bid. No. 2 white
mixed cai > h , 1 car nl G2ic ( , and 1 or at
112- } December , I52 o hid ; Inuuary , ( J21o
bd.OatH . .
OatH Itfceiiitx , 80S but withdrawn , 800
bu : Itistonlil.OJS bu No. ' . ' nvdi , 41c
bid ; Dcci'inbi-r , 1 car nt i > lu.
1 lye Cash ,
liny Supply weak ; choicu , 1000.
liutter KocolpU llRhtj iiinrki-l Ktuudy ,
Choice vi-Mti-rn , 21a ( 2'ic.
Kgg Itcreipts light.
Linl Miukrt wi-uk ut ' . ' .V.
ChuiweYry quli't ; Kun-'ai Lti-nm , II !
Knn N City lilvo Stock.
JCAK-4AH ClIV , Di'lOUlbvr23.
( Jrfttlo KccoiptK , 7M ! head. Q\mllty uf
uifi-iing.1 medium and common. Market
firm , nud demand principally for butt-hum *
stock. A number uf Colorado hnlf-brt-.d *
wtio on thu miiikut. Jliitvlicrs1 rteo x ,
utcMgini' 1,000 HH , I 10 ; Cnlonulu half.
bn-eili1 , HMTiighiL1,00 1 Ibi , t UO ; Colorndo ,
Mersgmg 1,000 IM , I 25 ; nutho to kird ,
aM-raglig , UOO llw , III.1 , ' ) ; native cown ,
n\ernglug 1,00 1 Hw , 375.
/ - W. head. All " . ' 111 ,
nud market ftmdv ; rntiRc ,
bulk ol mlri a . 5 MK * i 85
NnnrXorK frnduon
NKIV Yoim , Doeombfr 23
riotirDul'i.M ' ii"o ot- extra , I SXXnflOO ;
ct'V ' nil'l ' fxtn , G 7.rii'.7 ( * ' : Soulhoin flour
qulot but sltndy ; coimmiii to choice rx >
tr ifHVtQ ( jo. Was Irregular , but rl i-d firm
at nlmut 1 c t tiKiitvH of tJiedavt Xo. 2 red ,
1 111) ) : No 1 white. I 3SJW1 3 < iJ : No. 2 do ,
1 ? (1 ( | ! No. 2 H > riw , 11W1 28)1 ) No. 2
rrd , 1 3 } : do.Uiilmiy , I 4 Jfffl 12 ,
Corn Clotiit firm niul blubcr and
moih'rntply noliMlinkrailed : mixed. fiHff }
"Oc ! X 3 , flirn07c ; No 2Gf i 70o ;
No. 2 Inntnry , GH fii fisjoj do Febnnry ,
Oali - Belter , but qu'ct ' : No. 1
while. 5lc ; Nu. 2 il , 4iJ ! Nt > . 1 ,
n icd , I7 c ; No. 2 do.l.sjfii , dijc.
liyc St ndy at Wife'.I7o
B rlcv Strong ; tworoweddale , S.V.
Pork -Dull nud weak : spot nww , 1"7o
( if 1800 for old : 1 r.V < nl7 50 for now.
LnnlDull nnd lower ; 11 10 fir nih ;
II 1'Jir.i.U i'i for .Iniiuni } ; 1120 ( 1130
for February.
Wld Vy Nominal.
IVti.tK'iimtiukct dull nnd
t'nlti-d , 82jc ; criuhIn linrrpls ,
reliiu-d , do , 7c nski'd.
iit. Loul * Proilnnn
ST. LottiH. December 2' < ,
Vlour llnchim.1'd ! fniully , 5 O.'ti IS :
clio'co 'o fiinov , 0 ( > Id.
Whmt Opened hlk'hfr , ndvnncrd , then
fell oU ; No. 2 n-d , 1 324 for tca-ht 1 33J
forJauunrv ; I 3" for lV > runry ; 1 38i f , > r
Mnich ; 1 IU for Mny ; Xo. 3 do , 1 25 ; Xo.
4 do , 111 } .
Corn Higher ; tulle for ciwh : litlti'r.l-iij
for Jammrv ! lViiJiV ! Jo for Februaty ; title
for Mnrch ; 0 * ' ' ' ' % for May.
O iU Lower ; I.VJo for c li ! H' f for
Kye Dull ; Tic bid.
1t.trleyjiti6t < ntSOal ( | 10.
Lewi Ktendv at. I ' .id.
llutter I'nchanged ; uteady ; diiry , ! K ( W )
U tdsky Stendv at 1 lit.
Pork--Quiit at 10 53foJnuuniy ; 111 " 5
for February.
Irtnl In good donimul 1 1 1 ) DO
Itoo'ls. Shlpm'K
Hour . li.OOO 11.00) )
Wlu-nt . ID.IXX ) 23ODO. ,
tom : . lauix ) 00,000
O U . 14,000 4t)00 )
Uyo . 1000 1,000
Hnrley . 2,000 2,000
Mt. Lonli Hv Stock-
ST. 1/ouin , Decrmher 211.
Hogs Active and hitfhr ; Yorljers , 5 75
(3)5 ( ) IK ) ; nicking , 5SX02' ) ' ; butchers' to
fancy , 0 25iV M ) Ilo nl , it , 4,700 head ;
ihipmenU , 1,400 head.
Poorla Prodnco.
PKOUIA , December 58. !
Oorn Stondv : high mixed , liliG2c ! } ( ! ; ;
mixed , rdl@C12c.
Oati - Steady : No. 2 whlf , 451 ® 15Jc.
Hvo-CJulijl ; No. 2. SISJu.
IllKhwincri Un hanged ; firm n
nlendynt 115.
lU-c'U Sldp'tn.
Wheat . 2,2.iO none
Corn . I0f,00 31rX
Oats . 05,000 10500
Uye . 1,150 I.XX ( )
llarloy . 5,500 iioiio
Clnoinuntl Produco.
CINCINNATI , December23.
Pork Mess , jobbing , IU 75@17 00.
Lard Firm ; prime Mcnm , 10 90.
Bulk Meats Firmer ; dear Hides , 7 87
! l 12J.
Bacon-Firm clear sides ' .
- : , 10'.TiffillO50 ,
Flour St-ady : family , 0 50(57 ( 2" .
Wheat- dl ; No. 2 red , 1 35&l ) 37.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 inuixl , spot truck
OatH l-'irmcr ; o. ' . ' , mixed , 48o.
Hyii Firmer ; No. 2 , 1 03.
Barley W0.k ; fall , 90c@l 00.
Whwity Quiet t 115.
Uverpool Produce.
l.lVFiirooi. , December 23.
Floui---American , Iflu Gd13 .
Wheat-Winter , 10n 2d@10-i lid : whit
lOi 5d ( > inOs tlilisprmg , UilOdu)10i ( ) ) Gil ; clulj
lOn UaUlH3d. (
Corn 5s Dlu.
Lard 55s 9 < l@5Gs.
KoceiptH of wheat for the past thro
days , 228,000 ceulnlx , 151,000 contain bom
litvo Stoob.
KAHT Liiueitnr , Pa. , December 23 ,
Cnttlt Nothing doing ; receipts , ! ! ) ( '
IlouH Slow ; rocdptn1,700 ; shlp-n cut ,
(1,300 ( ; Phlladolphlas , G 20iiG 40 ; Yorkers
5 805 00 ,
Shi-op Nothing doing ; receipts , 800
HhlpmoutH , 400.
Philadelphia Prodno * .
I'lltLADKLi'iliA , December 23.
Wheat Firm nt I 471 for caeh ; 1 3 Ji (
138J- for January ; 1 41@H11 for Fc
Corn K sicr nt lidJfSCitjJc for canh un
December : Ii71o for January.
OatH Finn nt 51-52o { for CUHI ; 51 ]
December ; 51Jc JununVy.
Uye Quiet at ! )5L ) ( )0j. )
Plttuburn Oil Mnrkot.
J'trrniiuno , December 23.
Thn oil market op nul iit82jfiiidvniicc
toH'Jc , mill clo.od at noon at 82V
Ji-.nuiiry di-livi-ry , Glc : Fubruury duliv
ery , Siijc ; Miurh delivery. 88c ; Nev
York , 7J ; Antwerp , 18f. Thu uhlpim-ut
joitenlay were 58,371) ) brls.
Toledo Pruauon
TOLIIIIO , Di-cembcr 23.
\Mit > .it ( Julot n < l dull ; No. 2 rei
1314 for Jnmiary ; 1 311 } for Fobriini }
1 38S for March ; 1 II'for / Mny.
Com Quln' ; N i. 2 , tiiiu for December
UljlofirFu ru ry : C8o | for Jlny.
OaUi Nothing lining ,
Turjicntlno Mnrliot
WII.MINOTO.V , Del. , Di-ci-mb r 2S.
lUx-in Firnij htrniiii-d , 1 9.1 ; good , 2 00
Spirit-Nothing d lug.
'Inr U nod nt 1 HO.
.Sprits Turpentine Dull ; hard , S 2T
mitt , 250 ; Virgin , 28" " .
Baltimore Pradaon.
1IALTUIOIIK , December 23.
FlourQuiet. .
Wheat N i. 2 red winter , strong n
1 : W | ( < il 3Si ( ! for cofh nnl Diuimher ; 1 37
( ml 371 f"1' .Immnry.
Corn Mixed wentern , quiet ;
BulTnlo Llvo Stocib.
KAHT liUFKALO , Dt-rcinber 23 ,
Hugh -Stonily ; leculptu , 48 cars ; i-lil ]
meiits , 40 rnrr ; JVirkorn , fi SKfeKX ) ( ) ; go <
niodium welglitb , 0 ll.iii ( 0 ; good heavy
I ! 15ii ( Ii30.
IS you are Hiillonng from n , uovcro
ciui h , cold , itstliinn , bruiu-liitiij , con-
mtuiiition , lii-w of uiicu , tickling in
tlm throat , or any all'ection of thu
throat i IT lungH , wo Know'tliut Di : .
ICiMi'n NKM UiMoviiin will giynyou
imnu-diutu rulief , NVo know of kiin-
drcil.t of cahos it ] IM comiiliilely cuivd ,
and that whom nil otlu-r inodicinei
had fnili'il. Is'u othi-r remedy can
tdiow oim half iui many i > i-riiinni nt
c-itfiM. Stnr to L'ivo you hati fuctoiy
juxxif that Dr. KI.MI'S Nt\v : DIMO\- ;
r.iiv will euro you of Asthma , Ihiin *
cliitw l-'u\or ( . ' Se
, liny \ , 'onsiimption , >
vi-i'u ( . . 'ought und ( Ailds , Iloai'rttmt'bJt ,
or any Tliinat or l.xnit ; DHO.I-SO , if you
will call at.I. 1C. ] mf & luM.uio.N'n
Dr % Ktoro you con got n tnal bottle
frofl of wit , wr u rotjulai' " rtim bottle
for 81.00. jaiilUlytJJ (
Omaha OB It IB at January
1st , 1002 ,
Tim Coming Plctorhvl Supplement of
tlio DnJly Iloo.
For nuvoral years it has boon the
.istoin mid ptua.iuroof tlin publlsliorn
Tin : Bui : to iimiio a pictorial imp.
lenient , ahich hiw contained tliu
tincipal fenturcH of llio pro rccH of
malm , u ri'.innio of Hn businosA and
uildiiij. ' , mid carefully prepared cul-
ilntloim of the growth in ether dirco.
ons of the Onto City of the west.
lint tlniflo Inrgo publicationn Imvo
ocn of incalculable ! bunufiL tote
to city nt home , nnd cflpocinlly
broad , thorn ciin bo no question.
On ilniniiiry 1 , 18Hl ! , in nccordnncu
ith this custom , Tin : HKK will inane
its Hupplt'iuont , laryor , with bettor
usjriiviiigH , nnd in all rcnpoctn stipe-
.or . to thnt published nt any time
iTi-loforo. In the next annual pub-
ration , which coinu to bo rocof-
isrcd ns nn pHiHtcinl feature of
UK HHK , no nxpoimo or cll'ort will bo
wed to give an uccurntu nnd coin-
Into uviuino of [ Omnhn'n buai-
ess of 1881 , and finuly oxooutud on *
ravings. of tliu principal tttiucturen
hat huvu boon crocUnl. The coining
iiiblicntion will dlller from those of
hn pint yonrn in that , it will contain
nly the illustrations of nuuh build-
tigs. an Imvo boon erected during the
ircflcding twelve month' . but none of
irospcctivo fltruclutm
To obtuin conoot and Ixvautiful on-
Ifravingfl of throw buildings photo
pliH hav boon oarofully taken and
nit into the hands of the boot and
ardent engraving firm of thonoith-
ivoat , Boifi-rt & Schoellol , of Mil
waukee. Tliurcputntionof this widely
known engraving house in BO wel
'flUblishod that it cannot bo doubted
.hut the L'iigrav'ni'H will be of tin1
nest aatiBfnctory nnturu.
In the roBitnio of the building ,
manufacturing , productions and titul
w of Omaha for 1881 , the moat
careful work ! B being done. Agcntu
mvo been indimtrinualy employee
linen September 1st , gathering statin
tics pertaining to the above nientfonod
features of the city's growth and pros
pority. It in the desire of the pub
Iwhorn of Tut : HKK to give ii :
the coming supplement a fill
Imt of all buildings , of every natun
nnd dcanriptiou and nil building im
provomontn ; correct lignroacoiicornin
all induntriuH inatitutod and the pn
ductioit of nil mnnufnctoriea ; nccnrat
urert of all bnainosH trammeled b
corporation ! ) , firms nnd individual
and a director } ' of all societies nnd or
qmriuitions of every nature , which tin
city can Iny claim to.
To eimuro those figures and
nUtiaticH fully nnd ticcurately
it in requested by the publishera of
TIIK UKK thut the work of the agent *
employed in gathering the nunio bo
facilitated by the sending of informa
tion to Tin : BKK oflico of every build
ing and building improvement during
1881 ; the amount und value of pro
ductions by every manufactory ; und
ho names , number of mombora aud
otlioorH of every society ; together with
nil ndditiomil facts connected with the
progress of Omaha mnco last January.
Thus an accurate and complete publi
cation will bo insured , nnd duo credit
given to each department of the
growth and progress of the coining me
tropolis of the norlhweo .
Evil * to TM Avoided-
Oiiir-enting irf in ono n'liMJ an productive
of oul nt Intcmpcranca in drinking. Awiid
bulb , uud keep tlio blood punlied wltli
BimnocK Ittooi ) BiTTr.iiH , uiul you will
Im lownnh-d witli robust In-allli HI d nn in-
vigotntcd synt im. J'lict ) fel.Oi1 , tiiiil si/o
10 cent" . utul'.l-uudl\v
The Street Railway JUtillj' Diwior-
Tlio iiuul which TmirMluy was of
ubout tint coiiHittonuy of boarding Ii w o
ream , VIIH frozen tip joterdny uf.
llciiitt to bsnr tip im onlinary team nit I
wngnii , Itsoinhog.ui to thnw , JnweMr ,
unit horses brolu thiniigh ill every step.
Many owners icfuted to nllovv a liouf to go
diit of tliolr bains , nnd somu of tire \ who
did will regret it for , i good uhilo to come ,
AH iHUitl , the prlnclpnl Hlllf rcr wtm the
utroct nilwiiy , tliu iron bo UK cov-
turd In ninny jilnct'.i to the
depth of mvorul mcliCH. Up t- >
ten o'clock no cars were rim
nt nil and thrro WIIH no rc ulnrlty nhoiit
thuin oven nt IUKIII , A gnnf , ' of noven man
wart Hot to work ubiiiit 7 o'clock on tliu
Konth i'lid of thn tnuk and auotlior of a
do/un on the northern trnckx to olenr off
tliu frozen mud wl h | itke. A rt-gu-
Inr lil'tckiidn oi-currc.l on 1'lftcentli
utrcct , wliero five cir wcru Ijinj ;
nl inn ) tluio , Tliu wont place In nut in cr
wui lwtuu ISoyd'ri Ujieia HOUND ami
t'nlcm block , vtliorritho fuxt car ijot elf tliu
tr.ick and as lii-H nn liuiir ( ; cttliiK on
j nin , Ithitd tuo pn fiiK < 'iHln It. luilicv ,
\\lio took tliu jolting and delay imito K'"i il I
nuliircdly. 'J hu next car WIIH fiiijity , but
met the Huiur fate , nnd un to 1 o'clock the
blovkudti lut I not iiatn lifted.
For mutely the i rusting woru tolriubly
i ot mini , owliij ; to the u'A hlnt ; tliuy
rici'Ivtil lunt nivh' , and vMlkln ) ; was not
uoar HO Uid M on Tliin > lay ,
A Chimeo for tlio Fool-Killer to Got
In Ills Work.
. \ rlmmpluuvulU ! i wild tti luuo been
for , lictwocn Mr. Hurry llurton
nnd .Mln Kutlu ! Mci ( ! nv , of Council
Dluirrf. nnd II. Jt. Try nnd Mki Allcu
Churchill , of thU city. lUccnm the fint
nninod couple Imvo challeiiged tha ln t
named for the lun > ; i > t and nmootiiritt
\\-\\U \ \ for the .lminpion bli | belt and
uicdal. 'J'ho belt U > .ihn.xl at (13 ,
nnil llio tnixlftl nt $18.
I * nccepUd , find the Mrnt
lie held onVodnp dn.v. Mr. Ytj
\\n\v tliu bolt , won December 3 ,
( mil the cwntott will n ow Im fir th
loa of tin sft'i o. It WM won by ft
waltz continued ono hour < md forty inln-
\ilo , as n AinKt ono hour And novon mn-
ntp * . Tlio pldci of the content will bo an
nounced litter It bo onto * evident to
tlio linked ova thnt the fool * InVo not yet.
nil gone to their "loiiR home. "
Tlio Inmtranco Money of the L\t
Col. Wntson B. Smith.
On Wcdnmlay Mr.V. . II. Lawton -
ton , of Saratoga precinct , pnid over to
Mr. Howard 1) ) . Binilh , brother of thn Into
Colonel \VnUoa It. Htnith , fur the widow
nf the tnunlcrtid mnn , the 55,000 for
which hi' life wn insured in thn NorUi- liiniunnca Company , of
The nmount WAH not duo for
nearly n month yet.
Mr l.nwton Inn atco on hnnd the
$1,1100 for which Culoucl Smith1 * hf
WDM iiiMirod In favor of th
Firit Ilnptixt church and U only
to know who the proper pcnon in to
It to , the trenHiircr in the trmtoiH b <
following letter wn cent him by Houanl
Smith , hmp , which vxplniin lUolf :
OIIAIIA. December 21 , 1K81.
W. H. liAWiox , llsij. . Agent of tlui N.
W. M. L. Inimniico company : Dear Sir :
Under llio pnninimm of the ) > olci ! *
insuring thn lifo of my brother , Wnt on
v. Smith , tliu liwxcw , nmniintlng to000. .
would not hnxolieeoino duu for n month
yot. Your p.Kyiiiout of them thli day
KlveH uu' , then , the opportunity of oxprww-
ing my npprrclntiou of your promptno * *
in meeting your lo < sen.
truly ,
Unquestionable Grntituitn.
W.VHIUW , O. , July 30 , 1881.
II , II WAIINKH& Co , : Shu Your Huh-
Kidney Liver Cure has rclie\eii mo ol u
fovoro kidney dilliculty which latucd mo
much troi.hle and suffering.
dec-lDeod.lw P. W. . '
Horbvrt Joluwou Throntona to llurn
JucUro Bonoko'a Uouao.
llcibort Johnnon , who wan rr\wt < xl
Roinn time ngo on the charge of groivl lar-
c ny , wn-i brought before Judo ) ; BeneVe
ycntoidny onn rh.vgoof entering ahoa *
on ChlciiRO street und stealing n wntch
v bied at . * J10 , the ottoiiKU amounting to-
potlt laicuny. He plend guilty and won
hcnt to the ooimty jnil for twenty tl.-t.VH.
At 2 p , m. lie won brought Inti tbo-
court on tliu original obargu.
AndOMon presided by ai | < omt-
ment from Mayor Boyd , .ludgo
Beneku hn % ing felt Unit ho tthiiuld not bear
Ihs onto. It npp-ar > that when .lohiiHfm
was fir-t sent to j 11 , he iimt-rted hN inten
tion of "getting otuu wltb ilmlgo H-nnUc *
yet , " and it U claim d ho has made
> oviral threats ono of which WM
thnt he would burn the
hoiisodown. otc. Inlowfof these fact *
the judge felt a drlicioy in trying the
IMSO.The charge of grand lircony In IIRKM !
on thn robbery in which a trunk full ol
clithi" , etc , , valued at S31 , wus ttolon ,
from Snowileii'n boarding house.
A Prlond In Nooil-
Time ever und ncaln TltoiUrt' KO.HC-
TUIO OIL h H proved n snlutary frimil U
the dixtrciirad. AM a relI.hie curative for
croup in children , soru tluoat and bron
chial ulfectloiiH , mid a < a positive external
remedy for pain , it is a never-failing . , ti-
' r and heartburn.
AtC. F Ooodman.
Matter of apiillcntlon of John Dw.ver for n ll Honor an a druggist.
Notice in ln-roby given tint .Turin D'wycr
did uixm the HUli < ay of Decnir.lxir , A.
D. 1881. filohi.npplicr.tlon to the Mxjcr
aiul Citv Conn II of Omaha , for permit in
sell Mult. Kplrituoim and Vinuua
Ijlquors OH a druggist , for
for medicinal , mechanical and chemical
i urpoHiH . n y , at Xo. 701 , 10th n rcae
Fifth ward , Omaha , INob , , fioin the ImT ,
day nf .Ijimiary , 1882 , to tho.10th . il. v ot .
April , 1802.
If thuro bo no objection , mnonii'r nc -
or pretest file.i within two weitkti from
the l th day of December , A , D. 1882 , tb
said [ wniiit will be granted ,
A i plicant.
TIIK OMAHA.DAILV BKK uewspapur will
publish the nlxivo notice once each week
for two wcoks. at the expemo of the appli
cant. The City of Omaha in not to 1x-
charged therewith.
J. J. L. C. JKWKTT ,
Cily Clerk.
Matter of Application of Felix Slavcn foi
Liquor LI enso.
Notice I * hereby Riven thnt Felix
Slnvcn did upon ( In * 17tn dav nf Dr-c-m-
- bt-r , A. D , lilo hl < iqiilinition | lothtt
Mil ] n .1 d Cily Council of Oimihn , for
llcen.- t-i r-ill .Mji't , Siiiltui | > im aiul
Vinous . ! | , ui Xo. 711 South Tenth
ntiu-t , I'r i Wi-rd , Omnlm , Ne . , funn
tin1 IM .1 y nf January , ItfK' , titlm lOUi
diivof . \pill , IK.1.
If th re le noubji'n'ion , roDioustrunoni
or p ifi > t filed within two woekn from
December 17th , A. D. , 18S1 , thoiu.d
liccriBQ will boginuted.
Fniv Sr\VK.V ,
Appbo lit.
TlliOMA'l.v ' D.UU IlFK i ow p per wilt
iiulilish the nbovo i otico oncu each v/ouk
for two wc ) ( H at the rxpt-iuo of apilii-int. |
Tlio rity of Oiunln N not chnrji-d th.u < -
with. , I.J. L. .iCTirr
( ily Crk. .
M ntter of Application of Krrde i" ) . K.iti e
for Liipior Liceniu.
Notice IN ln-ruliy given tint Kreilirlclc Lonev
illil , iivon | tlio Uth Uu ) ol IKiuoinlivr , A I ) . , Itta , .
fllo Miajillcntloii ] ] to llio .May r anil Clly Uoan-
rll of Onutlm , for llrunso to nil Mnlt , HplrltucKj *
mil VlnoUH lliiuiH | , at No. iWV , corner Tfclr-
ttt'i.tli and Ju khon Htrcetn , H-i-ond vn\ ,
Oiimlia , Ni b. , from tlio lt dty of January. l& > - , .
to thu lOlli day of April , IwL
If thrri ) bo no olijoctlon , rcmonHtincu or pro-
tf t llli'il wllliln two ueoks I'roni Htli rf
Inr , A II. , 1 1 , tilt wlil licence Mill hit
TIIK IIin.v HKK newupapur will ) iul > liin Uui
alioti > noli for tun nci-lm at tlit iX | < inui of tlx-
niiiilii.ini. Tim l-'lty ol Uinaha In not to t
ilmWil thereItli. J. J. L. C. JBWBTT ,
docin-tlt VltyCIvrk.
Mnttur of Appllc.itlon ot Scbr.itcr &
Becht lor Liquor l iceiue.
.Notliol * licrtby jjheii that Fchrotor & t'-ftbl
illil , upon llio 14th ihy ol Da'cmbcr , A. I ) . , ItMl ,
Illv lil apjilli-Jitloii to the llujor and City tViun-
ell ot Oiuaha. ( or UCCIIMI tu HU I .Malt , t plrltuwu
ami Vlnnui l.iiiinM | , nl Nn. 211 hoiitli riltiMitb
ntr'it'llnnl warJ , llniiha , Vib , , ( if in iji. l t
clay ui Januarj , It-S" , to thu lUlh iU01 April ,
II tlitrc I'u ' no olijurtlon , ii-uiontUiirvor pro-
t 'ot Illv Illiin two wi'iki ( roi.i llth ol urcctn-
litr A US1 , llic wil'l lixiiiu UI U > grunted.
SciiMiirK i i r.uir ,
TIIK | Illit nvw pipvr ulll publUlt th
alio\u notloufur twouvikunt thi xjxiuiiiol Uw
.iioillruitl 'llio City of Omnlm U not U > U
ilarnwl thirvntth , J. J. U U JtWV.TT.
_ tlo 15-iat Cily I'ljifc.
J10 South Thirteenth Street , Uk
J M.Woolworth