TIME'S \VHIRMGKJS A Few Ciiriciui Up nnd Dsws of Ilnmnn litre. San Fraikltrn llironlclo. Cliarloa II. Fairohild , a nalivo of Columbia county , Now York , \\ont to RCII at the uuu of 17. His mother , in .n attempt to ili.Uiailo ! hnr son from ' 'leading MO perilous n life at tlintof u sailor , ltd him lo buliuvo that should ho follow [ ho sea he would ho drowned Yountj Kiiirchihl kept the idi-n in his h mind for yo.ir after year. Nevorthu- less , ho did not permit hit nupurstitious fooling to ititluuiico hh life. Onto ho WHS shipwrecked and with lif Icon other Bailers thuted on a raft for the period ot two weeks. During live dnyaof that time tlm men were without water and sonio of tlit'in died. A Tow yoira after wards ho wns swept overboard from u ahip in a storm lluawtun until ho was exhausted , iuul then , thinking of his nuithcr'ii prediction , ho gave up. When ho ivcovvred consciousiU'SS lie found hiniHelf surnni uled by savants on u \\ilil co , int. lie \viis presontedto the Iviii/ , who had him placed in u room and fed on fruit. Kvidoncesof cnnnibalitim were roundabout , and the tlii.iiKht ( hut hous being fut ton- cd to furnish morse's ' for n r > yul feast fill I'd Foil child with horror. His terror pn-yod upon his llesh an well as mind , and instead of futuiiing , hu bccntnu thinner every d y. Ho no ticed the thunder fiiuhtenrd his gti.trda. One iih'ht during u terrilie storm he managed to escape. Al.ikini ; his way to the coast , ho found a ship and returned to America. Having acquired coniiduiablu property , Fairchild - child came to Philadelphia. Ho lived hero fur mime year.- * and then conclud ed ) to move tn Aulmin , N. Y On the day before his proposed removal ho drew all his money ( S,0)0) ! ) ( ) ) from a bank and { .aoktd hit ) youda. That ni ! > hf. hid hmuo caught fire and his child , a girl of 10 years , was burned to death. Hix money and goods were also lost. Hu was a member of the Anthracite Ledge , Kniirhts of 1'y thins , and the order helped him to u fresh start in lift * , lie went'to Auburn and again began to prosper. A few days ai > u ho met with a tragic death , not from water , as ho had expected , but by tire. A I'icK intv nuoiTiu ) . 'Old Man Uassick" enmeto America from the mining districts of Australia several yeara njjo. Ho was very poor , and upon reaching llosita , Col. found it necessary to BI ck immediate em ployment at the livery stables. Ho did tidd job ) , earning a few dunes ix day , and his wife and duughtnr helped at the wash tub to support the family. Everyone who knew him regarded "Old Man Uassick ' us ono of he world's unfortunates. ' He had been a miner hiiiuo his youth , and yet' bis hat was as full nf holes as a sieve. But at ItoHitn P.assick continued to ssarch for silver. One dav ho wan dered off among the hills. Ho walked for hours , looking for a point to touch with his pick. When ho sat down on a hillside to re t ho scraped the earth mechanically. At the jrra's roots ho struck mineral. Surprised at his un expected luck ho began to dig. The result was entirely satisfactory. Re turning to Rosila , he told a merchant. the storv and offered half his claim for § 25. The merchant pooh-poohed the idea. A few dajs afterwards people talked of the li.iasick mine. In less than a week the ' 'old man" was admitted to bo worth several hundred thousand dollars. At the spot where Hassick idly dropped his pick is the town of Querida , named by "Mrs. * Francklyn , in whose Long Branch cottatro the late President died. The population of the town is five hundred , and it is about a ) pros perous as the majority of places ot the kind. Some time ago Mrs. Bassick was at Canon. It was noticed that she frequently walked out upon the hotel porch as of looking for some one. "Do you expect friends ? " asked the obsequious Boniface. "No , in deed , " cho replied : "I'm expecting my phaoton. " Her pretty phaeton , for which ahe paid § 3,000 , shortly afterwards appeared around the cor ner. } 'OOK SAIO srilMBV. In 18iO Sale Schmcy appeared in Cincinnati , and by persistent cllbrt became a leader in good society. Ho scorned to bo very wealthy. Ho lived at the most expensive hotel in a most extr.ivagant manner. Ho was young , handsome , brilliant in conversation and a "born musician. " His useful ness ill the Harmonic and Orpheus Societies was so great that the music- loving people of the city made a pet of him The daughters of tlio best families , some of whom are now the wives of pioniincnt business men , were seen in Schnioy's company at balls and on the road in his swell drug. Ho was the most widely known young man in town , In 187. ho disappeared. A late number of The Vienna Freio I'resso , in telling of the occupants of the prisons of that city mentions one Sale Sclnney , recently from America , convicted of stealing jewelry to the amount ot 12,000 florins. A HTUANGK I'AHE. An unusual caau came up before Judge Ulatchford of the United States court in Now York , the other day. During the war the nteanier Josie , supposed to bo a blocado runner , was seized by the Government , and al though the partica to the defense have since disappeared the case came up for trial on appeal. The young un married daughter of Thomas McLean , deceased , a bondsman for the owner of the vessel , ia lef- solely responsible for the judgment against the vessel and the cargo which the Government seeks to enforce. Until a few days ago she had never hoard of her father's liability aftd believed herself inde pendent. Her property ia worth about § 70,000 , and that is the amount of the claim. A Now York paper tolls of a person who , living on Murray Hill , "bonstn that she has twenty b jtinota and aa many street costumes. " Six years ago her father kept a Hinallboardmg house in a poor quarter of the motiopolis. A silver mine turned him from the task of chipping hum to that of clip ping coupons. The Gnrilou of Nebraska. North Ji'euranka Annual Jteilcw. Dixon county during the past year has improved more rapidly than dur ing any previous year for live years since it was organized. People in the east who not long ago honestly be * lioved this country to bo the next . " thing to a wildornesa hayo learned of ' "its splendid lands , its unsurpassed water powers , its immense forests , its pure water and its healthy climate. As to the latter , it can safely be raid that there is no country on the conti nent that excels it. In addition to these recommendations , Di.xotuMunty ia well supplied with schools , churches and good society. Thcso facia coming to bj believed by eastern people , wo have during the past year seen ninny arrivals of g od citi/ens , whu huvo conns with tfieir families to make their homes here. Hence many new farms have boon opened , numerous farm houses built , and groves and other improvements started , which were not seen a jear ago. Dixon county is bounded on the north by the Missouri river , on the cast by Dakota county , on the south by Wayne , and on the west by Cedar. It has about 88 s < | U , ro mile * , or 184,1120 acres of land. There is not an acre of marsh or poor land in the county. At the time of the last cen sus ( u year ago last Juno ) , about i5- ! 000 acres wore reported under culti- vaiion , and at that time the county had 4,177 inliabitunU Since then its amount of cultivated lands has in creased to at least 40,000 acres. The population since then has been greUly added to , as would bo natura1 where so many have come to locate \vithina _ year , wlunu so few die , and wheto in Us prolific Atmosphere so many are burn , The population of the county may now bo safely put down at over 5,500 , mid as superior a class of people as any county in the state can boast of. Dixon county has along its north ern border vast forest ! ) of timber , amounting in all to not loss than 10- , 000 acres. Dixon counxy has tlfty-six school districta , in all o'f which are good school houses and schools. The coun ty has excellent roads , and generally good bridges. In fact it presents in its improve ments and enterprise , the appearance of a much elder country than it really is. HONEY FOR THE LADIES. MtifTH nmtch thi > bouiutn. Fur K uiitleta nro worn n A now fringe n ( chunillo is citllcil ictl * in fringe from its rcsuinbltijce to tlnit fur. fJcorpo C nrko snj'3 that tlu ro is nH nuich ( tilfertii u in ntn u KI&SUH us there in in link ed benn" . Dully Ymden li\c nfjain in : i now imlo- e , u novel n clo. chief , and a daintly leathers re fnin worn in the fin wi li full livening drma matron * wearing them to the exuu ion of floral t'.iinittttc. It is titiitcil n the very h-st authority that the U iy Wtaiu-n'- Club will wi-ar V' ry large hats to the tho.itro ihis tiu-a- Mill. Mill.Kilt' Kilt' en .Iu i0i 11 issmn refneei 10- cui.tly . arrive i in Kroknk , ulit-ro they nro buiiii ; ( Mittil Cor by thr bretlircn ot the sain * fi.tlf. Th- jaunty IfniiKari.xn costiuues are ox- 'K I retty for childnn , in.ulo of . var twetil tHuinivil with dark bot- i \ \ - \ \ . liair on a ymi _ g girl , especially \vh n it Miriiiounts , i fair , Miiooth bro , and -nhanced by o pair of rojuiti ! ! black ejoiniik su veiy pretty sight. Mediii'ii-lcngtli liodicoi ) seem to bo K"in ? nut of fiishiou , for if not o\tiavu.iini , < y loni ; , the liiisquc , i-n c.Jkd. hardly dcscrv K the name : m it ifi h t : i want pointed in front mid very much tut rj > ovc the hip * , A 1th' ' UKI the iueutnhlo seal-skin aacqtic Hem ( niite often upon our promenades tlie long ulauk xilk uucular has supplanted it to H great degree. 'J'berc are two excel lent reiihoiiH for this. Tlio cir ular ia the faahinn , and al-o much cheaper than the 'lliat UMuful a\er.il1 : fur-lined rloak , tlio circular , is .still wom , but merely u n urnp , They are now wonderfully ivduftd in price , but ted gunuine fur always re.il- izct it- true value , itndauheai ) fur lnl < iiieaii nno that will br iineiiillcm souicu of vexation mid annoynncu in eoncoiupnce of its mangy propensities. "An authority nayn : 'A iss ii a rf lle > action without tlio will bei g culled into action , that the sight of n bl oming ihueli actin ; ; upon the perceptive end of thu op tic nerve is u-g tered in a gun lioii a , < a hcn atioii , anil exteiloiizCR iUe f in tin- mnecular act of ki'tiii ( , ' . ' I'nste this item in your hats girls" f-'inan ' 15. Antho ny. ny.What What hnu become of the inailfd heel on ladle * ' shou-'f Thu click of brats or other metal a.thu fair ones dusli by en the ptvi > - muiit IH fa.st fading out , and leather ap pears lobe Kloli enough fur the average wearer. T-io ba k . .t . the neck of I lie fnshionablu lady is now the > oint of hem * liny. If two dainty little curl * are found n piling just beneath the left ear 'tit well. "Minnio" w.ints to know "who set the faxhionsi" We don't want to bo st , denr , or appeal un inly conceit , d , or that sin t nf tbing , but the fashion of wcui ing a ppring ovi'iojat , flavored at the , HIOWH wi h ticn/.iiie , clear through the Chiist- niasholidiys and along into next Feluii- ary , uoset tlut on "our.-tlf. " Wo don't know who * ul the oilierIIH tha' is tlin on y one wo aio deeply inter" uted in just now. now.All All woolen drc.-woi are Himply made , tlio loailing colors being Vandyck blown , Venetian ine n nialiogany re < i mid roval blue , thn latter hoing un en- pecinl favoiiti * . ThcHO eorvic abl MI la are trimmed with b.induof ott gray fur brought from the Si. . ily IHI | > H n pretty and effective trimm ng wnich is inoxp n- BIVO and cpiito durable. For trinnnim ; street dresses of more cxp n-ive descriii- i u Jtussian und Lapland furs are in great do nanil , hi vor and bhm fox are amoiu' the fancy furwiilo the co-tly HH- bloa hold their own as pro eminently the tint to bo NenrJy a Hirnoln. K. Ascnith Hall , ] tinghaniptoii , N. Y. , writes : " 1 sulfercd for revrrai inonthg with a dull pain throu.'h the huif ; and HhoiiMerH. I lost my Bj.iritu , appetite and color , and cnuld w.th illlliculty keep up all d -y. My mother prouured HOIIIB HuuoocK HI.UOD ISlTTKIis. I t o them . .H din > ol d , und have felt no pain hii'Ce fiint week after IIHIIII ; thera , and nm now nuito well" I'riue $1.00 , trial H/.B ! 10 cents. declO-eodlw IMPIETIES. The parson glnnced into the contribution box iiiiilaid it reminded him of the xanc- tuu. Ai ctoniin it , wan wholly of holey , Gloho , In tlio last 100 i ears over -1,000 pcoplo have been burned up in theateiB , and in thu name time over 0,000 have perished in church accidi nts , A Newark ( N. .T. ) church member , who eays on Sun ay that ho is ton t ren to titund up in church wliil the hymnn uro "iinf , i-tood the other day tor an hour on JJroad titreet wuiting for a circus to come aloiiK. His neighborx fay that ho did n > t complnlniif being weary on that occasion , -llatfnrd [ Times , "Ma. luven't I boui a real giio I boy fcince I've 'jecn ' goi g to Huuduv fcchool ? ' "Yts , my amh , " answered the maternal pn ent , fondly , "Arid you tiiist mo now , d. n't y u n aV ' Yes liailhw. . J'hcn/ upoke ii ] > the litile innou'iit , "what makes ynu keep the preserve * locked up in the pantcy the BIIUIB au ever ? " [ New Orleans Tiir.e . A Texan ttory i-ayB that a pulpit , which wax taken a v. ay from a church to iimku room foi a "I'hmfore" j erfonnaucu wan llnnlly tound in n . .inlill g din by n niew > bcr ot the con rc , .itnii ! , iloni , duty ! X < n fiirotihlo Tlio uco muni liitmjj g.iinbl r , on latin lit ; the clrctia < ai.io , d-d , In spite of the perMiu.il Uiconvciilo cc , rn lu'nodit. l'\erjthtii.r \ia * h.irmoul ti , ly InspliixUiinal impllNm ! When Middle ton's boy wa lot I out Inioth- uotifhcil to receive parental dlrlp'hif ' > ( or ponelilnj , ' tha head nf lit ( glib u'A * on , tlio old KIMI- tlrmaii anticipated tin ? rciiiilnrprncci'ilini ; ' nf tin * ini'ftiiiK by tlio remark * "You'\e been licked for tliii s it . f tlilnir before and know what to expect. " "Yin " will u- l > ori"l ilio cm tit ; " 1 know 1 did wrontr , but t couldn't help it. , I hnd nil lust lr - ti n , ' So bud hl < father , and ho lulrillrd it with a tiling RUM | i. A Jfcw York divine bus boon nttnckln , ' the tniiilernd.iiieo ; t < < iniiinialatid iniplon- . Ho ndnilti t' ' at ilcini ; ; IK nirlitloiu'd at u ri'll'l"in : rlto < n tlm Uld 'IVstniimut , lint there w i tbcn no -ocintlon of tlm rvitf in th'f pfiform nco , and eoiiHiiucntly there con d nut luvo I Ton anv kuggo tlon of iininnr.dity. "Von may bHUH' , " crieil hN rev mice , "Unit when David ilniiccd no ono called out : 'l'lr- mid M > C. onil coupld for\i aril and b ckwatd.1" Hut it Id recorded tlmt Miclml , the d.niKhtci of Saul , h.id MntK'tlilnt ; to xav t ucliiii thu co tump inlilch Divid niipe.irt d to d Ills ilnncinj , ' . iicotiiiiie wlduh 'Miidd nut be to'crntcil in a moilern mud hnu o , inticb Irrrt a inoilern lidbronni , and tb t D.i Id \ nn HO incoiHod tlicrohy tli.y Michal wni practically divorced fioin hi arint It in hardly wl o in ft in de.ru preacher w' ' o would Ineulcvto I'MniH of tmriiy of mo nl < 11 dlrec' ' tlio jouth n ( thii time to the story of D.nid. U U one nb iiit which the lc Hb .id { the en > tit > iit mended , ne inltjlit have mndo nil imlilTeiently guml ruler for n nomadic people ROIIIO aje 1 o > fore tliu Chr ti.ui era. but be w uh ! nut be tolerated n the t'nitid Staten anywhere - where out < > f .Morinnudoni. Tltino Eyoi I think thy heart h.ith muiietlmirs shut mo out , IVrch.iiiecheii trubtiliiK to n blinHful dre mi ; When evui the Moonlight shimmering riiniul nliiiut. D.i ed nut iuvado thy ch mdier with ita lit mil Sometime * ) I think the jiurplo ciirt.iins full , Where thy hwect spirits sec i-t bmiiid.iry HUH ; Thy heart Mid soul re < pouds nut to my cull , lut thou can't ucvtr8hnt me from thine eyes. Down in this inmost , lovim ; dee ] ) ' ) I fcf , A wnil'l of passion often cdmoil to Bleep ; And tear * which thou canst never hide from me Nor any cause which ever timkiM thco weep To otli rs give the ( "mile * that wreathe thy 11) ) H ; To hnppi' though U which in thy n iliiro lie : lint , d rk iudeuil must be the mm cclijsu AVhen Ihou canst tuin from me thy ten der u\es. On so'iie fond bre.if.t mu < t wejry Kimls re cline. , When life's hriuht noon to cooler eve retircH ; Ah , let tin heart forever r-nt on miiio Until the latent HIIRU in np < rk cipiiTii. 1 by happier tliiiU'H on othurs then lic.ilow ; Itut love to oxo no hidden t ; ief deiiien ; Xnri'vor let < the Htieani MI turbiiHlow Tint love re KH ! not tlio Hteret in love'it eye. ' . I Annii ) 1'o'iertn ' n Noxon. EDUCATION - L NOTES. Louisville has 'MO tochers instructing 1 1.n-JS pupils. The Kindergarten schools in St. Lnuin have ti.OOl ) pupils. The ntiinbe- scliohus enrolled in the Burlington public schools is 2,821. Tnero is nn avenitio daily attendance nf 15 M7 in th Nuw O lns Hchools about forty pupils. to each teacher. The avrnge d ily attendance In the Chicago Hchoiils is now lS.riSc. ( , the en nl- meiit Ijt'in "iSli' ) ! ) , The c.ty employs i)7- ) tiache . The l.ouisianaState Univercitj * proposes to ndd M the practicality of its course by thccsti liliincnt of an experimental HH- gar laboiatoty , A 1'iil.v h.m been PI n ployed iis di lector of the Milwaukee kinder .mrtcns at a Hilary if ? 1,5CK . A regular syHicm of kinilcrpar- tens will urobably bo establish d in .li.t city. city.1'rof. 1'rof. Sunnier , of Yale , ay < that the present fa > liion is to "teacli .iliit of I. reek , a bit of biology , and a bit of something else. MI that in the result men hardly know anythiiiff. ' Th eo New .leisey so' eel trustees are to be tried in tiloucester county for refusiin ; to admit to the one public school of their district the two children of a rcs-prcta le , tnx-pav ing colored i itizen , 1'ublio senti ment is said to support ihe angry father. There are uow eight 1'el own tudying at Princeton ; one has gone to Leips c. The colk-ge is also instruc ing lifty-f..nr po t- graduutes und eighteen sp ial students. Altogether Princeton Ins 533 students This year there are thirteen post ( jraduuto cdiutcs.ii.aiiist aovcn lust year. Tim C'hlcago papers are censuring the board of education for UN failure to pro vide adtqualu accommodation for th > * children of that city. A rt cent report of the bo rd stated that there were 'iU.O'iO children ia ( Jhic.igo , between the age < of six and twenty-one , who arg not regular altendanU of any Kchool. There is a go d d al of discussion goim ; onatprcbout concerning jiiyh-iirosbiuo in the pulilic .schools a disuunHion whicli will doubtlom hve itt own miml ! effect in changing the cut-und-dried HyHtom oi in- ftlruction for tli so frurh and lively meth ods in use at Quincy and elsewhere. The Bosion lleialil 'Mhero is Maya : something - thing HO r lantlcss in the [ irc-miro of our imbliu school Hysto'n ' , o-pecivlly in its hiuher grades , tticro IB in it so little | , o/ / > i- bility of tidaptation to the nredu und weaknuK es of individual pupil , and tlio Hpur which it co stnn ly apjiliex to tlie more sen it. . o and finch constituted minds ii so excessive th it great and often irreparable injury is the The Pedigogical asnod.ilion of Cincin nati rec nlly held interesting di cu mon on teaching grammar in thu publie scho IH , A re < ort providln , ' for enl language I nous in t r ido ( ! of the primary Hi-hoom w. . adopted. In teaching by this method sentences are glve > i wjiiuh u'liitain iicrliiip tvro ideas , o huvo two objects. I''oi ex ainiilf ; " .John lian applo- ; " ' 'Julio ' ban apples. " The pupil puts them together amlsa > : "J hn and Jane has apples. " The cornctlon K.iinde ; "John and. IUIIH have in. plett. " Astlie inip nailvanco nhirt narratives succeed , end the exercises grow broader , the thought less ximpld and the logical dlitinct ons are more clonvly nil- nerved. Miperintendmit Cenidee said that , IIM doped the day wamiot far distant when theincubatioiioiiorrectlnu uagoloical ( y. will take rank in important ut . mental drill bufoie niatheinnt en. Ho had found uveryuhoio thr ughout tlm country the Ben hue t prevailing tlmt language -ml the expression of thought lire being acrilurd tmatliuinu'.Icx. . FAIUIEUS ANU MKCIIANICS. If you wish to avoid great clangor mid troublu , bosidua a no small bill of expound , nt thin muuum of tlio your , you Bliould taho prompt stops to kuop disuuso from your housoliold. Tlio H Btum eliould bo cluiuiBud , blood piinlied , stomach and bowelfl rofula- ted , and prevent and euro disuuBOh arising Iroin spring malaria. Wo know of nothing that will HO perfectiy and surely do this as Ele-jtric Hitters , and at tlio trilling cost of lifty cent a bottle - tlo , [ Kxclutiigo. Sold by Iuh & McJIahoii , (1) ( ) Gentle Women Who -mint , glossy , luxuriant amirnvy tresses of abundant , licnutiim Hair must nso LYON'S KATUATHON. This decant , cheap article always makes the Hair crow IVcoly and fust , keeps it from falling out , arrests ntul cures grayness - ness , removes dandrutf and itching , inakos the Hnir Btrong , glvinjr it n curling tendency and keeping it in nny desired position. Itanu- < If ill , linalthy Hair is the sure result of Udlug Kutliiuron. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Situpson'o Speoillc It In po | tl\ecuru ( orHpcmiMoirhm , Somln * Wcokno-w , lmpot.incyi niul H < llsiws < re ultlnft Iroin Solt-Almsi' , Mrntnl Anxiety , I/wa y , t'alns In the IKck orBMo. an.l . ili w that Itwl to „ f- t ! > % rw Coiisiiinitlon | * # & & & * Lf tm& * . ' " ; > - n : ySf" 3 ar 't Th , i > S 1 1 U > d ) J1 ' ' til-vvtin S8 W-JS % OT M . J 0 t&k'th : ' - " " ' ' rfVaJNN _ f VfjL KL till BUoriM. StC giWtK l xiSJtcrcC c < | . > w | iM11.cto , | cut ln-0 to ill.Vrltu ior them mil get fullr | - ( Lilian. 1'tlcii , Rpcrlfle , 01.00 per f kme. ot lx | ck. L-CH tor 16.00. AtlilrrM All onlir.i to H. ( UMSON MKIIICINK CXI KOH. ll ) < anil lot ) Main St. llullslo , N. V Bol J In Oimrm liy 0. F. Ooo < liiian , J.V. . Hull K Uh , * nd all ' D I S E A S ES -OKTHK- EYE & EAB , DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL AB3I8TANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. llcfcrtMiccn nil Uoputablo yi-lcUns ot OiuahA * jrOHce. Corner Ifith and Fnrnhnm 8ti. , Omaha. N t ) _ _ inl > fiim'lf The Oldest BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , I ! usl lies. ! transncted B-ime u that ot an Incot * | ioratml n\nk. Arcounla kept In currency ot fro'.J subject to ulrlit cliock without notice CcrtlficfvteH ot deposit naueil p-tyablo In throe , itx and twelve months , .waring tntoroet , or OD ilcuiand without Interest. Advances made to customers on approved ( ecu titles at market ratc ot Intercut. Buy and ncll k'oM , lill ] of tixcliango , government mont , tit.o , county anil city bondn. Draw eipit Jratts on KnglanJ , Itolanil , Scot land , and all parta nf fturopo. Soli Kuropcau } WD < JI ; < ) tickets. COLLECTIONS WOUPTI.Y UAUK. United States Depository FXRSV NationalBank - OF OMAHA. - Oor. 13th and Farnam Ste. OLDEST DAN' KINO K3TABUHII1IKNT O OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) ( ITAItMHIIKK 1868. OrKanlcod aa a National Bank AuKUJit 20 , 18tU ) CAl'ITAI. AND PIIOF1T3 OVER 300,000 , OFFicana AND DIRIOTOU : ( IKUMAN KOUNTZK , rrctlclcllt. AuotmrOH KorarzK , Vice Frcetdant , U. W. YATBS , Cashier. A. J. I'oiTLKTON , Attornoy. JOHN A. I' . II. DAVU , Abet. Oiuihler. Till Imik rocelvd dopanltn without toward tr amounti > . lm.uc time tertlllcatcu bonrinK Intorcft. Drawn ilralts on H'xn Pmnrlsco and principal cities of the Unltod at-itfit , also London , Dublin F ! iiilnirili and the principal cltloa ol thucont' ; nout ot Guropo. gulN pnMcutiir tlrlirta Inr omlirrnntiijhy the In man lint * mavlHtl 1880. SHQRT UNE. 1380. KANSAS CITY , SUoe& Council BMs IS IIIH OM.Y Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THK KAST Prom Omaha and the Went. No chitigu ol turn butwuon OniAha anil tit. ixmU. anil but ono lictwuun OUAUA and NKW YOHK Daily PassdngerTrains tHACIIINU ALL KABTKKN AND WESTKHN C1TIE8 with LK8M CHAIIOKynli.l . IN ADVANUKol ALL ! OTIIKH LINEM. This entire line la ixuippod | with 1'ullmwi'r I'aloco HlocnliiK Care , 1'ulico Day CoocJitw , Mlllcr'n Safety I'lotlorin ami Coupler , anil the celolirato.l WDHtlnRhouHo Alr.brako. tSTSee that your ticket roads VIA nANHAB C1TV , BT. JOSRI'K It COUNCIL BLUKKH 1U1I. rood , via St. Jobojih and at. J/ouls. Ticket * tor Bale at all cotjiwn rUtlons In thr West. J , K. UAIINAHD , A1 0. DAWKS , Oon. Hunt , , flt. Jonoiih , Mo Oou. 1'na. and Ticket Agi. , tit. Jotcph , Mo. AHOY HakcxN , Ticket Agent , 1020 KarnltMU itrcel. A. B. DutMARn Oenural Audit , OUAIIA , MR MraskaLandlgeii ! DAVIS & SNYDER , I60B rarnham Ot. , . . . Omaha , Nebra gfcOO , . Corn.ully mlec.ixxi Iniul m M.e. ! Uru\t , lUritalnn In bopfovcd farms , and Omaha city proncrtv 0. F. DAVIS WKflfcTEJl flNYUKll LateUndCorn'rll.P. " _ . W.II. VHIJH. M. MMIIIKM , . f.E.TI&US&CO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Street , CIIIOAOO , Grain and ProviHiona Bought and Sold on Margins , d 7nic-o < .dltii No Changing Cars OH/IAHA / & GHEGAGO , \Vhcto iliroci ( nnniftlon are undo with 1 > "nuBb SLKKI'INH CAU LINKAfar NEW YOIIK. IIOSTON , IIAI.TIMOKR , WASHINGTON AND ALL \HTKIIN ITIK8. The Short Line via. Peoria Koi hNDIAX.U'OUS , CINCINNATI , I.OU1H- VIIIK , nil.I all points In thr t1HHIMILl.il For ST. LOUIS , Whoie dltwl connivtinni are undo m thn Union D | iot nlth thn Tlitoiu-M Sliviin | > ; Cat Lines ( or ALL 1'dlNTd g O TT y 3BC . HEW LlNE" < "DESfVOINES ! THK KAVMU1TK ItOUTK I'Oll Rock Island. The nnrqtnlixl InducomcnU otlnriKl by thin tine tJ ttnoliTu and tnnrlxtH nro tu tolloun : The cvlahrntcxl PULLMAN (10hwH ( PALACK SLKIU'INIJ ( JAUH mil onlv 3n tlih llnu U. , II. & l > . J'ALAOK 'IIAWINA HOOM OAKS , lth tlorton't Uicltiilni : l'halr . No uxtra cliirso lot HLVitu In lUrllnhit : Chalnt. Thv fainoim C. , II. & ( j. 1'aUro Dining Cam. nor 'uoiu Sinoklnic Uiti IHtodItli I'U'KUtit hldi-liAckwl rntUu reN far the orcUishe usoot flrst-cloM ji . Stncl Track aid euporlor , xUlpniotit | comblrnl vltli tholr jaoit thtougli car ixmn cmrnt , niilu this , aliOM ) all otlu-m , the \orlto route to tnc t iit , .nith nml Soutluvuit. Try It , and you \\lll tliul truxrllni : a luxury In- ptnvl ot n dlHooinfort. ThrdiiKh tLkit * vlo thla cclolnatud line for R lo at nil oilicvs In the Urltcd HUtfj niul Canada. All ntarination ixi.out mten of faro , Hloeiilnj ? CAT accoiuiuoilatloiiH , Time TaMca , etc. , will lie cheerfully iclvnn liy nit ) > hlnir to | PKRCEVAL LOWICLL.I Qencnil onset Ascnt , Chicago. j. rorrr.n , Qiu 'llanwer Chlcaeo. SPECIFIC MEDICINEl TRADE MARK , . " ' " " " ' " 'TRADE MARK roin- Spi < rnmtor. rhea , Impot' uney , ntul all follow at ) n BEFORETAKIHO. iu uco ot AFTER TARINQ. yull-Autisu , e * lAim of Ml'lliori , Unl iTfll I.UNMI. tmlo. I'nln In the Itiu-K , IHnii , > m ol VMon , Pro matunOM Ajfo , anil nmny t tlicr II-O\HOI Hint lunil tu Infinity or Consuinj Uon nml n I'roina- turd ( lra\u. teTKull imrtlcnlirs In our panwhlct , lilcli \vo tlculrii to teiul Irfu 1 r mall to o\rryoua. jtaTTho ijpectlle lluillclnn IH loltl by nil < lnn ; l8t at $ lper paokaKo , orUpvc'ti ' us tor li , or nlll bo font frco by mail 'lire : ptof thu monuy , by lulUrtWbliiK TIlKCllt.S 1KDICINK ( " ( > . , UnOalo. N. Y. For ealo tiy C. V GooJtr octmc-uoj KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILER & CO. . Sole Mnuutuor.urora. OMA.HA. TnU Kruat 'I ' i'ilo ! niri'K that most Wliothor in Hu Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stage. ItcmcncH nil trruTMif crcnry < rnin tha ya- tem , Cures Scrofula , Oln Hoio > , Itliuinna. , thin , ICo/enm , Cii iirrh urun Itlooil DlHcaHu. Cnron When Hot SpriucN Fall I JIul/iTii , Ark. , May 2 , ItUl. U'u liavu caHos In our tmvn wln > lituilatllot riirlng | and weru llnally cured nltliH H. S , MIOAMMOS & JllliRV MempliiH , MIIIIII. , liny li. , 1881 Wo Imx u solil 1'JM liot ILK of H. H. H. In n yi-ar. It has ulvcn nnlruriul N.llxfAi tlon. I ulr inlniiud ] ihnlclnnii now icionmiunil it 'H a poilthu H MA.NKI'IM.IIffi ( JO. Uulolllu , Kv , , Ma111 1HSI. 8. ti. H. lias tfhin licltor uatl fuel Ion tlian any modklnu 1 ) m\u'utur xoM J. A. I'l. XNCU. Duinui.Col. Ma2 , 16 < il. Ktcry nnnha er ti ! ak In tliu hlxiimt tiruil ofH. H. B. I , . ItlcliMimx ! . Va. , Ma ) li , 1RS1. you can refer auvlioily to n In ni/arilto the merits o ! H. K. H. I'olk , Miller A Co. Ha o notur known K H. H to fall to euro n cano of Hililllj | , whi'ii prnpurlv t-iliun , II. I , Dim.aril , . , . n. KliWtrrtn. ) > " > , oo. Tlie nbovu uluncm aruuvntli'innnnf hluh elanJ. Inif. A II COMjUm1 , 01 ( lwrkli. IK yoi WIHIIVK W IlTAKi : Y UJHSK OA TO UK i1 Mi > run \viiK.f. ( ; i'ini : ) , Wntu for imrtlvnlaru aril ooity ot lltllu liooli 'Jk'.wi.'u to tliu I frrlinmtc , " 81.001) Rxvrard l l .inl.l . l ) ihuiu > t uliu uill II il , un uiii jalj lee liuttli H K. H , ono iiariltl > of lleraury loilMu I'oUN- Blum uraiiy MluiTil H ilmUncti H\VlrTHI'iulKIU : CO. row. | Mlax.u , ( lu. I'rico ot regular t\co \ nilutcil to 81 75 per nt. lie Hmull n to , hulilln hill tlio ijimntlty , pr.ctt , ' ' and Priii'K cnvrnlly John G , Jacobs , ( Formerly of Olali&J&cobi ) , ) UNDERTAKER. Ko. HIT Karnh&m Ht , Old bUnd ot tl - Singly Breooli Loading Shot Guns , from g5 to 818. Douulo Brooch Loading Shot Buns , $18 $ from to $75 $ , MuMlo Loading Shot Buns , from SO to 825 , Fishing Taoklo Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on Hand. Imp > rted and Kiy Wesfc Cigars , a larga lins of Maer- shaum and Wood Pipes and everything'reciuiredm a First-C.ass Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards , Send for Price List and Samples , do4 ! rod CHIS NnW Ll\'r > C JKRJBCT MAP irini. joyonrt any r.MSOiiiiliUxiuostlat' Ihnl tlis CilSCAKO & NORTH-WESTERK ron fnt you to tnke wht'ii < r.ivi'Uii ,11 either rtltectlm ti'tm o inn * all i/ftho / Princiiial Points In the V/ost / , North and Northwe . lit.1 ! ! ! ! ! * \nninio tnN Vn ( . 'I'lm I'llnoliMl niloMof the \Yom\ruV oriviM tin thH luiiii. lt < tlirouuli trains Juaku close couunoilouH villU tic trail's < > t .U J niul Inn THE CHICAGO it. NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over nil nf Its iirlnrli\l | : llnri.runi oarliviv : ilnllvfinin two to fourormoro Koss r.riiir-tw Iralns UHtlicoiilj io.ulvxlof Uhicnsittiiiiluiotlliti The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. Hemcmlicr to ask for Tickets via this ro.til.bosuro they road over It , and tnlco.nono odien- ItyiN JIL'UIUTT.Ocu'lSlanaKcr.CliIcaKO. > W. M. STK.MiKTT.aon'U'ass. Spoilt , < . ! tll < iau ; < ! IIAUIIY I1. IIUKli , Ticket Aitont(0. ( ' * N. W , lUllnr.y , Uth and Faintnm stroeta. I > . K. KIMIlALt , , XtnUtant Tlckut Aifanl 0. A K. W. iUIIwr.y , Utbnad Kirahain rtretll J. HKM. , Ticket A' ont C. A H. W. IUllw y , U. P. U. U. l ) ipol. HAMKHT CI.A11K Ocncral Airent. WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKEIIS OF THE- finest Siivor Plated Spoons and Forks. The only umlfj jtioiuil plato that original linn of ! is yiving for instance - stance a single Kg ? All out Hpooim , plated Spoon a Forks and KnivoH plated triplothicknena with the ijreatuat , i \fyj jilato only on of euro. Kacb i the soot to a lot being hung on a Rcalu while ifli where expo d being plated , tr to wear , thereby insure a full deposit making n ainglo posit of mlvcr or plated Spoon thorn. thorn.Wo wear as long asa Wo would call a triple plated oHpoeial attention one. tion to our BOO- Rival Orient. TivvecU "All Orders In the West nhould boAildre ; od to A. B. . . ; t M Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It gal ways gives satisfaction , 'because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. J M. YATES , Cash Grocer.