Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1881, Page 2, Image 2
O OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY DECEMBER 24 , 1C81- SIXTEEN YEARS AFTER. The Pit ot Donth at Peters burg How a Port. Wats Lifted in Air. A iDrnthTrApVhlcli Fonr Thousand Fctlornl * . Some Strnngo Sights on u Sixbbnth Morning1. Detroit V'rto Prow. Up tlio liill , past tlio Intryilig grounds , nud na tlio roads fuik I look for signs of tliu crnter. Thurc are tliu nigus. Away to tliu left niiil high in the nir are tlio bustmis sailing in Mow ciicles. 1 found tlu-in nt .SlmrpMmrg , nt Wincliuatur , at Mulvorii llill , at Ccilar Creek -1 saw tlidn hovering over n smro of different baUlu-liolilH. Thnt was the thai tiling 1 looked for us I roiHi iilotiK the dusty hiyhwuy to- \vnrclB Iho lighting grounds.Vlien the buzz-info could bo seen there was no need to as I ; further information , At JMiilvnrn llill thuiu wurun luindruil of them llutteiing uvur the livid where the coijisi-R hiK'i lain tluckiat. At Cedar Creek 1 could have killed them : IA they sat on the breustuotka mid uttered their horrible notes. At Clmncullonmllo T drove one nil' tliu ntono erected to the inninciry of Stone- wnll ilncknon , and ever in the field wheru n blackened chimney , rotting cannon w hcela and cillocks of e.irtli mark the spot where Hooker massed Ilia guns , half n hundred of tlio ci ( ink ing birds diHputed the ground with inc. Till : UltATKK. And HO , turning to the left , 1 ride down a foot-path tunning between u cotton mid a peanut field und find myself - self at length in front of a hill covered with tjino'und peach trees. This hill is the crater. When once you have climbed its uido it is no longer a hill. You loiik down into an irregular hol low a hundred and fifty feet long by from twenty to forty hruad , iitici that hollow will live forevcrin our war his tory na the crnter. Weeds , grass and the young poach and pine trees hidu much of the horror of the spot , but ono who has time to tarry can place uvcrything im it vrna on ( hat morning of July 110 , .18(51 ( , when it wu a hole twunty-livj feet deu ] > and full of dead and wounded Federaln. TUB MINK. The mine can ou traced from the crater to the npot where Iho federals turned the first nod. The long gal lery is innikcd by n raving in of tlio earth , and the shaft linn raved in and filled up until one would not know what it was. Hight at this point , and what first eated the idea of the mine , the lines nro so close together that ono can ktand nt the crater and hurl n pencil-stone into the thicket uhere the federal pickets wonMil - Uoncd. At no other point on the linen around Petersburg were federal and eonfedcrnto able to look into oich otherB1 oytB. It is hardly twenty feet ncrois the cotton-field to the odtro , of the thicket , and hero for months not n hand could bu shown that a dozen bullets did not whiz for it. When there was no tiring , the confederates ! } ! the fort nnd tliu foil- , cral pickets in the thicket could cW * Averse in ordinary tones of voice. When Grant swung mound ho pushed on until Lee chocked him , and then flopped riuht there und began intrenching. This made n very irregular lino. At the crater thn federals - orals hold the thicket along the creek , the railroad behind it nnd the forest Htill further back , Hardly eighty rods above , the confederates held the name thicket , creek nnd railroad track. , THK OUIQINATOll. It is said that the idea of tunneling under the six-gun confederate fort ul this point originated with a Pennsyl vania miner who was serving in ono ol the regiments in IJiirnsido's corps. A lieutenant in u Now York infnntrj regiment is also mentioned , und had the inino been i ! aucccHS probably a tloKon men woult have stopped forward to claim tin honor. No matter who carried tlu idea to Hurnsido , ho grasped at it War meunu horrible wounds and sickening oning siglita nnd death in n dozen terrible riblo tonne , but in a war between civ ilized nations men do not look upoi such weapons as minea with muol favor. A direct attack upon this six gun fort would have resulted in re pulse. If it could be blown out of tlu way there would bu n gap in the Con federate lines through which wlioli brigade could p-jur. Ono brigiuh through that cap and LOO'H lines wen gone. Tin : WOUK. The work was done by old eon miner ! ) working in regular gnnuii , um the ehuft WUB sunk about 500 fee from the fort , und went down twunt ; foot before the gallery branched oil This gallery was wide enough for twi men to work abreast , and ever fou foot high. One of 'the greatea troubles was in aurvoying the rout and strikiiig the proper distance , nm even when the gallery was under th fort no one felt exactly sure withii six or eight feet. A little science niv a great deal of guessing , however struck the right apot , nnd gallerie were then dug to the right und lef for n distance of thirty feet. UNHUHrKOTlNU VICTIM1 * . The confedorntcH within the foi vrero totally unsuspicious of what \vu going on beneath then ; . Once , who ono of the wiiiL1 galioriea waa being excavated cavated , u aoluier who was lying o the ground suddenly called out thn ho could hear the sounds of diguhu ; but those to whom ho appealed H ! that it must bo rats burrowing tliei vray in to get at the provision. Again a negro who had been within lluri aido'H lines reported Hooiim the aliafl but the inea nupnosed the federal wore digging u woll. J'/AOINO THU VOWIiKU. When the mine hud been iiniahu Grant suddenly discovered that it wi < a grand thing and certain to vrnrl though during its progrcsu ' 'JJurnsii'o ' Tunnel" WUH tu much jowod at as Hit ler'a Dutch Gap Canal. Powder wi brought upor it and carefully carrie through the long , dark hole until oigl tons were heaped under the fort. The u Buiglo sentinel hold the place nut Grant should bu ready. ( JUANT WAH JIKADV on the JJOth of Auguat. Ho hud nor a force to the north of the ilawea t compel Lee to dr.iw oir some of hin forcu from the Petombnrn lint R , nnd every federal foit the length of the long line wns orcUrul to tponliru from every gun at n given > ignid. It was hoped that tlm terrillo fire would keep tlio Cdiifi'der.ites from rallying to repulse the column of nnsiiultnl ( he fort to 1)0 blown up. At half-pout ! l o'clock on tliu morn * ig of tlio ISOili it would bo break ol ay. It would bfc llio hour whun veil xvntcliful ooldiers would regard ui dnnnt'M of Iho infill us priMcdiiiid jul Meep tuu'ginij nt tlitiir t-yo-liilij. ,011) ) , ' before that hour IMurahnll'n bri- ado of Li'dlio'd division Imd marched loutly down from tliu pinu foroat ml dr.iwn up in colunui for nswiill , itliiu hulf-pmtol Bliot of thu fort ; tliur bn'gndcH followed , and in m pray of morning tlioro ntood uiiiBJdii'.H whole corps in bnttlo line , vtsry ninii knowing of the mine , nnd vury nmu bclioviiif ; llint HIICCOJH wis iro. Tlio Innt regiment down lind L un Binnding in linu hulf nn hour hen llio ntuin ( mlud , n dim light repl ovur tliu fiuld , nnd men \vliisp- rud to fiich oilier thnt they could HUU 10 ling on thu fort. Tlio inoiiiunt nd comu for the explosion , nnd n rholo corpM wns ( rumbling with ox- tumunt. lll.f.VIH'.U. Men who had planned , excavated jlnced Iho powder could nujuly be .rimted to lay thu fuse and li lit it , nt either fear or carelessness upset lie wholu plan. The fiiKo burned a jttle way nnd then the tire died out. ) ayli ht came faster and grew bro.uler. 'KJIII bi'ing birely ulilo to dmcern thu 11 ; tlying over thu Bletpini ; fort , thu oldii'is could , at length , seuth' ) roofx ind sires | ) of St. 1'uterHburg , n milu md u half distant. Huveillu wa.s onnded all along the confederate lues when a volunteer descended the liiift , replaced thu fuse , nnd madu lure of his work. 1IIK KMT.OHIO.V. There first catno n slight heaving of bu earth , then a sinking down , and 11 at once thu fort rose in a cloud of inio and smoke , und the ground hook for a mile around. Even bo- jre thu sods nnd dirt had ceased ailing Iho Now York Fourteenth Ar- illerymon were dashing into tlieclotid f smoku , cloitly followed by thu ole brigade. V'HAT T1IBV HAW. As the men rushed for the spot ivheru thu fort had wtood they found lu ugly hole which bus since been Mown as thu Cr.iter. The burned id blackened nnd mangled bodies of enrly 'JOO Confederates wore dying i and around the pit , Home halt tiricd in the dirt , hoinu Kiisping in gony , nnd aoinu crnnlied to pulp nder the heavy guna which had fol- iwed thoin into thu air nnd fallen nick to earth with nn awful thud. "KOKWAllD'IO DIUTIl ! " At Frederick flburg , when Hurnsido bund his assaults upon Mary's Hill 'csulting ' only in horrible daughter , 0 appeared to grow wild und reck- BH. At the Ciater , when he found in colunum of assault checked by .he pit , ho continued to add to its lorrora by urging forward other lolumns. The Bpaco between the fort ind thu thicket wns then'a plowed eld , barren of eve v ambush. This naco wan noon covered by liu guns of the Confederate * . The fort had been awept away , und hero wns the gap , but to pasn through Loo'a lines the federals must jump ilown these ragged banks , clamber ivur that horrible dubris , and Hcrnin- blo up a height of twenty-live foot nnd reform. Thuso who had .planned thu : leatruotion of the fort had nut planned this horrible death-trap for 'edoral aoldiers , but it wnu to prow one just the fame. "FOUWAHH ! KOIIW.MIK ! " Wild with oxeitemont the oflicore cried "Forward ! " nnd company nftei company and regiment after regiment tumbled into the pit on ono aide and tried to climb out on the other. All organization waH at once lost , and tlu horrible sights in the pit dampened nil enthusiasm. It waa n mob in tin Crater n shouting , struggling mob nnd when ono got out three fresh met charged in as the aBsaulting column : Advanced. IT WAH A mnirmsK. To ttio CodfedoratcB , even when n ( innny were awake nnd daybreak hm come. Had this explosion tukei jdacu ns plan. led Leo's lines wouh liavu boon broken. AH it WUH , tin ueu in the two flanking fortii wuro BI dumbfounded and da/.od by tin shock that not a gun was tired unti the rumble , of Grant's cannon had gem clear down his lines and b.icl and the Crater was full of fc(1ovnlH Then the confederutea reali/ed tin situation and acted quickly. The for wns gone , but thu parallels had nr been disturbed. Moving to tin threatened point from right and lef they BOOH had force enough to hoh thu gap. Indeed , they Boon held tin pit with its mob of disorganized sol dieia , anil nut n man could HUGO hi head without receiving a bullet and after the ground had been heapv ( with dead thuro was a general rutioa to cover. The brigades which hni 11 linked the Crater had not coinu prepared pared with nxcn to tear away tin chovaux-dn-friso protecting thu earth works , nnd na n consequence not i man named it. It seems almost pas belief at this day that nfti-r Il.OO men hud' been idaughtorod ii nnd nround thu Orator , am while ut least a thousand living one were cooped no in thu pit nnd unubl to get out , IJuninido ordered up th ncyro troops nnd piled them in on to of the veterans who hail gene bofon Such was thu case , however , nndhit nnd black , private nnd ollicvr , wer mixed together in n terrified 'mob an held priaonent in the hole until Gnu Durtlett raixod the white ting und mil rendered to the Confederates. riltl.SU INTO'UIK ClUTCU. After the eonfoderato tire had bou t mined upon the upucu botuoen th thicket und thu cniter , thogu who ul tempted to retreat from thu Intti met curtnin death , Somu of th killed on this ttpot Hud four bullets i them , The confederates at lengt crept close enough to shoot into tli orator itself , nnd then occurred tli slaughter umoiit ; the neuro trcopj They had coino in hut and were coi smiuently most oxpoaud. When Pmrtlott autrenderud thci were 700 or 800 corpses in the Crate ; with over 1,000 mubketa nnd n wugo lend of other accoutrements. A were buried out of si ht by caving in thu banks to fill up the pit and re establish the lino. HOMK HTItANdK MOMTrf. In that narrow space , scarce forty roils tqunro , the federals lost nearly 1,000 men nnd the con fed orates over 1,000. On Smidnv morning when Grant sent in n ling of trnco and aikod permission to bury his dead , ho found thorn corded up on each side of the trenches and waiting for him. Hardly a corpse was handled by the burial parly which was not hit more tlmn once ; nnd many of them were struck five nnd ix timei. There nro now on exhibition ntthc Crater by the owner Of the farm innnkcts with three T foiu1 bullctn imbedded in the stock * , gun barrels with ll.ittcncd bill- lew welded to them , nnd dozens of olhor.evineneet lo prove the truth of the words of one of the federala who Cftini ! out niivo : "If there is any hell hotter than your old rebel crater I don't want to gel within n million miles of it. " J'etoisbiin. , VH. M. Qi'AD. ) ' Itjnlnl , North llcnnctt Htrret , lint ! lu , cuys : 'I Inivo Ulnl your Si'itiNO Iti.cH-tOM IIH a fiimlly inctliuino nml have nuvcr c.nnu auroi niiytlilnj ; to do HII much Komi in HII fihnit u t me in cai H ( if indi cM- tlini , ( U' | > ui | ia a'.il dtTuiKcniunt of thu flinuiuuh ; I Btr ngly rte 'ininenil it. " Price ntH , trial bntllrn 1U ccntx. leeHI-oititlw V/itAT ir COSTS To Eilucntii Chlldrou ia Lincoln Joiirnil. The auditor of public accounts 1ms sent out to the various county trena- Urera of the atato the npportionmunta of school inonoyH whiuh were derived fiom intt'rent on territorial bonds , district nnd county bonds , private se curities , unpaid principal , school laiidfi , rents of eehool lands , Normal school endowment , stnto tax nnd oth er Hources , his vouchers and warrants , amounting in thu total to$1880,70. ! ) ! It will bu neon by scanning the tlicial report , prepared by the nudi- ir , that the number of pnrsons of chool iigu in tliu state is lui,12o ; , and rate allowed each county , nor oholur , is n fraction over ono dollar iid twenty-three conlH per scholar. ho report gives the number of schol- rs attending school in each countv , nd thu amount paid oich treasurer in state for school purposes : No. of AXmdy'i Wiib. "Oil , how I do wish my wkin wo ; us clear and weft ns yours , said n Ltd } to lior friund. "You can uaaily nuiki It no , " niiBwcrod the frioiul 'Vllow ? ' inquired the first lady. lly uaini Hop IJittors , that mnlcoa pure , ricl tilood and blooming health Jt did il For mo , n you obaorvo. " lead of it , - -Cairo Uullotin. I ) 15-Janl J 'i'01 > THAT COUGH. If you nro KiiU'orins fvoin a Oouyli Cold AHtliinii , HronuhitiH , Huy 1'ovur Coiminnptioii , IOH.S of voiuo , tickling o Iho ihroai , 01uuy alluction of tlu Tlniwt or Lillian , usu Dr. Kinj , ' ' Noy Diacovory for CoiiKuinplion. This ii tlio Ki'L'iil roinudy that ! H cnimin HI iiiuelt o.Ncitomout by invondorfu ( cnrc.H , curing thoiiHiiiulR of hopolu.s : I'asL'.s. Over u million bottlon of Dr Kinj-'s Now Uiscovory huvo boon nscc within tliu liust yi > ar , and have givoi icrfoct H.itiHfiictidii in every instance \\'u \ can inilicHiliitiiigly tiny that this i lonllv the only sure euro for throa. nnd luiij , ' nlU'ctioiiH , nnd can chourful ly ivcomnioiul it to nil. Call and o u Iriiil but tlu five of cost , or a rogula N'I/.O for 1.00. THI ! it MuMnhon , Oni ahaI / ! ) DexterL.Tliomas&Bro WILL UUY AND BULL 3EfTI A.T. XISV ft 'OC'CEl AKP XU , TUMJICTION cuNNncrru Tiiuiwmi. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc ir TUU UANT TO tVt OB DUi Cll kt Office , Uoom 6 , Crvlgbton Block , Omihi VCTOR'S RESTAURANT 1010 Farnhnm Street. 3Br.OT7Xt.l9. , C1iO | > anj Oainu 0-dcr , Anil Served Under Personal Gupervlilon a Proprietor , VIOl'OR DtJOROSS , > tm , .1. O. Itolwrt'on , I'ltWmrc. Pa. , writes : "I ufti miUcrlnz ( roni ecnirM ileMlitv , want of np- petite , con < tlntlon | , etc. , wi thnt Ilia MM a Inir- di'n ; nftcr ui\nj \ llunlock niool Illttcn I Mt bot- ttr tlati for yean. 1 tiiimot ] 'nlio jour lUttcru lee iniicli. " It.nilih . fit nnffalo , N. V.vrtc ! : "Votir llnrtlftcl ; lllct ttlttcru , In tlirotilc lU'cnwiot the hlwwl liter n.l klMnc ) ' , liavo liccn nlKimlly nmtkcil with MicctM. I have two ! thtm injuolf ith licst rrfiilts , for torpidity n ( thotlitr mid In eat n ( rlcnd c ( mine tulIcrliiK from dropsy , hu cITcct WM ninniloufl. " Ilnicc Turner , llorhcstcr , N. Y.'wilt : "I hue jccn wibjcit tn r-erloni * ill irdir of the MIIH | } B. iiil unrtlile tn nttvnil to ImiliiwH ; llnnlork Illooil Ittcm rtllcxiil inohcforolinlf abottU umuicd ful confident Hint they will entirely cureint' . " , 15 A ciilth Hull , r.lnglmmpton , N. Y , , I BiiHtn-il with dull pain throiuh inv eft unhand uliouldir. lx > t my xplrlui , npi > ctlt nd color , nnd could Mltlulltliciilty lieip up nil luy. Took 3 our llunlock Illond Bitters Ri dl- ccUd , and la\ < ' felt no jaln ulncu llrjt cik ( if- cr ii.iltii ; them. " Mr. Ktnh Itntcn , Nmlra , N. Y. . ttrtten : "Al.ont onrjuiri n o IhadMmtt.irk of fillloimlu\criiml ever fully rctoiircd. My dlyustUo \vcikcncdvnd ( I would IxMomplcloIy vros- , ratcd for ilayii. Alter mint ; two hattlct of jour ( unlock lilood Illtttrs the Improvement was no I ll.lo tlmt I waHistonUhcd. 1 can now , though 1 j cars of n c , don fair ami reasonahlo day's .ork. 0. Illackct Itolilrmon , proprietor of The Canada rcOiyU rian , Toronto , Out. , write * : "IVirican mifttrcil gruntl ) from oft-recurring headache. I ncd jour Hnrdoik Illood ItlttoM with lmpiliwt | iiltH , nnd I now find nnnill In better health han for years ] ia t. " ilra. Wallace , BulTalo , N. Y , writes : " 1 ha\e iscd llnrdotk Illowl lllttc for ncnous and lill- oils hcatlathcN , nnd ran ncommcnd It to anyone for bllllouanciu. " Mr . Ira Mnllholland , Albany , N. Y , writes : For * eeral j earn I hao nifforcd from of t-rceur- inir bllllous hvuibiliei , dyspepsia , and com- ilalntH | > ecullar to my Hex. Blncu ualnK jour Itirdock Illood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " FOSTEE , MILBUEN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholcc.ilc hy Isli ° & UcMahon and C. F. oodnian. jo 27 cnl-tuo In Hosts of Fnmilioa osti ttcr'a h'toniacli Illttcn Is i s much regarded na a household riTr | bIty as au ar or toflci1. The caton of thin ID that jc.irs of nxpcrlcnco ) ia > eire , irocd It to bo juTfcct y reliable In thoao canes ol emrrircncy whcru a prompt nnd comtnlent rem- dy In dumandrd. Constipation , liver complaint , japepsla , luillmtloii ( and otlur tronhlui arn ovcrcouie by It. For Hilo by all Dru slstfl and Dealers , to \ \ lioui apply for irostettcr'.s Almana'i forlbo . WESTERN CORNICE WORKS" " C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , NEB OMAHA , - - - MANUFACTURERS OF GALTAMED EON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials TIN , IRON g SLATE BOOFING , Spocht'a Patent Metalic Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar and BRACKET SHELVINa I am the general St.ito Agent ( or the nl > ov llnu of noods. IRON FJ3NOING. Crejtlngs , Daluttrades , Verandai.Office and Bank nallliiRt , Window and Cellar * Quards ; also GliNEUAL AGENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. no\4dt ( THE KENDALL . PLAITING MACHINE DEESS-MAKEES' COMPANION , lt plaltn and i > r < . - 5U4 porlixtly ono jarj pt UllllUlt1. gilt l-lllof an Inrhtol 1-1 liuho I u Idth 111 the roam-it fclU or tlnitt ellk' . .Udomi all Mud * ftiuUtjic. of pUltlii ) ; In Mt. Ha Udy that dom livrown iln'h nukini ; c-a u enl to do ulthout ono a nlco plaiting n tcitontof ( islilon , Kinnlt ttlln Itwlf. Ki Unihlnf * , C'irtubn or Af"t' tirnu nildrcst CONGAll & CO. , 1KIilain.i St. , Chicago , 111 OHO. W.KUNI\lL , Aan't. malm. 8IBBBTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW D > VID crrv , NEB. UpccUl uttentloo iUcn : to coJloctloun la llutl Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT -AND- a n d s o mest IX THE A T ? IT II1 T1 I A K1L Hi 1 1Sx3r&8mfec ! % For Sale by WM. JF. STOETZEL 521 South Tt-nth St. Article * of I corporation of the MUlard Farmers' Club- Articles of incorporation inado ani mlopted thiH 2ith ) ilay of October , A. i ) 1881 , by nnd between the undersigned in corporators , oa follows , to- wit : NAJIK. Article I. The name of thin club ulmll be Iho Millnrd Karmcra' club. VLACK OK Article II. The principal place of bus ! nens of th in club Hiinll .bo Ut Millard bta tlon , county of Douglas , Nebraska , NATCRK 01' UCHIKKHA. Article III. The eiium ! nature of bus ! nesH to bo transacted by this club is tr conduct a general literary and social bus ! netiri nnd other cnteitnimnenU of n nocin character. CAlMTOti STOCK. Article IV. The amount of capital slock of this club Hliall bo two thoiwuul dollurn divided intn shares of ono dollar each fhall bo imid in the rammer pro scribed by the dliectors. COS1MF.NCEMENT ANI ) TEllMINATIoN. ArttuuV. Tliiicliili Hlmll co.-nmonco tr traimact Imaineaa nnd exerciroitscnrporat iiowerrt the 29th dny of October , 18S1H ( Itx powerH shall ccuao < m the 2'Jth dny o October , 1981. AHOU > fTB OK UAIIlLlir. Aitlcla VI. Tlie hiaheat nimraut of ft blfity or indebtoductii , which thU clu ehnll nt nny ou time subject italef , al bo three huudrud djllxra , Ol'FICKBH. Article VII. The oflicern of. till club ahall be fonduoted by t board of three directors , uho fchall b elected from among tlio utockhnldcro , an they tilmll appoint n jirenidrnt and sue ! other ollicera ixs by law is required. .Tri.Il'ri Sf .f. Dl.UM , W. GmiNnouv. Hr.VTn OK NKDHASKA , 1 COUNTY or DOUKLAS. j Ou thin 20th tlay of October , A. ] ) . 888J personally i\.penred ; Mote me , Charle JlraudcH , a notary publlo for xaid county Julius Schnieder , J , Ulutn , Clans Schu inann , AV. Gernilorf , to mo known to b the bignerB ot the forcioinc nrticlea of in coriwratiou , und acknowledged the Game t be their voluntary act and deed. [ HKAL. ] CHAULK.S Notnrv public in nnd for Douglas county Nebraxka. NEBRASKA State Gazetteer and Busi ness Directoy , Containing 11 tle ciiptkm ami : i lis-t of n InuincM infii In tlio ntntr , will bo U < nici early in IhSi 1'rico ? J.OO. J. HI. WOLFE , Publisher. 120 South Fourteenth Street , Omaha , Nel BOGGS & HILL REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 16O8 FarnluuB Street , Tnci Nor h elde opp. Grand Central Hotel DEWET & SI FURNI / & f - ORCHABD & : BEAN , j j. B. FRENCH & co. , CARPETS IG | ROGER SI EDHOLM & E RICKSO N dive the Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY WATCHES.OLOCKS , SILVERWARESOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Vfho Really Wishes a First- Glass Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office , CARPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY -ANI J. Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. J MATTIWCS , OIL CLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILER , 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA NEBRASKA. , - - - -