Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning. Dec 20.
Yesterday wa another delightful day
for December.
U. C. L. A. literary and nodal enter
Uinment Dec , 2 < Hli.
Lcavitt's Gignntian min tre'fl left for
the Hindu at 0 o'clock yesterday.
The pralno fires are to be neon nightly
burning on the Iowa Bide of tlie
A full nza ! Boynton fiirnnci } baa been
put up in the South Omaha M. K.
The claim * allowed by the county
commissioner * on Saturday cggreyated
Two plain drunks only were in custody
of Jailor McClureyefltcrdayinornin , They
were both lined nnd one paid and the other
won committed.
The paving ( [ uestton will otica moro
to agitated , and a' o the uhereabouU and
doinyn of the committee appointed f J raise
a fuud for fixing Tenth ttrcct.
The special train which will convey
the Omahl Knighti Tfinphr to Lincoln ,
eft this .city , via the O. k It. V. route ,
yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Fide Jacobc , assistant coroner ol
Dougla * county , Imi a new celluloid collar
with an engraved silver plate on it. lie
wouldn't be a ' 'brass collar" dog.
Martin Hyde , fen of Judge Hyde ,
justice of the peace In the Fourth ard
died in the cast yc torlay , of consump
tion. The remains will be pent homo.
The contract for ( jradiugU th Btrcet ,
between .St. Mary'n avenue and 1'opplcton
avenue , hai been awarded to Michael
Dully at ICJ cents per cubic yard of cxca'
Thf petit juiy in the district court hai
' been discharged for the term and conr
will adjourn on Saturday at farthcxt. Tin
motion for a new trial in the Do Groa
case will lioarsmd to-motrow ,
The men employed in the cigar bo :
factory of Mr. A. Hlelkcn , of this city , are
strike for - . Mr. S.
on n wages tn--lay. cm-
ploys six handfl and rays ho will noon have
a new 1 .t and be ni running order again.
It I * .ild that the young ladlcn who
expect to keep open liu HHO on Xew YcarV
day want to celebrate Saturday Instead of
Monday. Tlio action of the National BankH
and federal officers will control the matter ,
The ilistlnguUhod Oculist , Dr.Craddy ,
received news from Atlanta , I ! a. , recently
thatJudcolllce , the ( Georgia Millionaire ,
hod lost the bulk of hiit iimiiemie fortune
through disastrous ( ( peculations in cotton.
Buslnen College lleunloii this
evening at 7:30 o'clock , "Lytlo Block , " op.
posite Dewey & Stone's. In vital Inns have
been sent to all old F.tndcnts. Those who
have nnt lecolvetl them will consider them.
Helves invited deolO-2t
The olllcial bonds of Win. Doll , Matt
Hoover , W. J. Mount , Schuylcr Widco.
field , C. J. Ryan , and Oeo. ( ! , Sharpe ,
otisegiorK ; Clias. Powell and J , It , Hyde ,
justices of the peace , and John Bautnor ,
county clerk , hate been approved by the
county cDinmisflioncrs.
A splendid ( tart for a fire is being
fixed up by the city at the noithcatt
corner of Jetferson square. The old
"Star" rcxtauraut liu been hauled up and
deposited alangsldo the old Cax-t xtrcct
school homo. It ii a kind of refuge for
-old and infirm housee.
On account of thodiiairccable weather
which set in last night , and ti 1 continues
and the terrible Btato of raids and crossings
the repetition of their entertainment by
the Social Art club , announced to tike
place at Max Meyer' * Munlo hall last
night , was postponed ,
The 1'loneer Social c\n\ \ a new org mi-
zatlon , coneiuting of ( even members will
give Its first party at Henry Kuier'n ,
Thursday , January 12th , 1882 , About
fifty couples will attend. Conveyances
leave MM. Marku' , corner 14th and Capitol
tel avemioat7:30 : sharp ,
At i he meeting of tlio Board of Coin-
tnlnnionerH un Saturday , a revolution direct
ing the payment of the delinquent personal
tax of Joe Teuhon by iho county treauurci
on account of nervices as r/olit juror , wax
adopted. Also ono instructing the county
judge to pay the Mini of § 11.37 over tn
"Win. Q. Bartholomew
Mr. S. W. Warner , Superintendent of
tlio European Restaurant , took his depart
ure last evening for Lincoln to be absent
for a few > 'ay0 ' , among hU friend * on mut-
teroof Inislnebs and pleaouro combined.
During hU short residence in Omaha Mr.
Warner has mido many friends who hear-
tlly wish him a pleasant visit , a merry
Chrlttmaa , anJ a bafe tcturn.
Since the firm of Metcalf [ & Bro. , ol
this city , comniecccd the" iiaitortaiion ol
fine teat direct from Yokohama , they hat e
1 iruely increased their alro id f large Job.
blag trade , an t ire now receiving many
orders which n year ago went to Chicago
and New York , Since thU enterprising
firm came to this city they have done
much toward.the development of the jub
him ; interest of Omaha , Their dullness ii
fine tca aud cigan. Of the latter , tht
Palace Favorite Is their specialty.
The popular place of resort nu 16o ( .
known as Clark's hall can no longer prop
erly be designated as Mich. Mr. J. U
Kuony , of Fort Calhoun , who owned t
half interest in the piopcity from IU com
pletion , boujht out the Claik interest It
July latt , nml In now sole owner of th <
premUw. which will hcriMfter be prop
rly dtalgnated as Kunny' * Hull. Mr ,
Kuony i * a weinlier of the Uinalu board ol
trade , and has laige moi.ey InvestmeuU
in thii city , iu whose future he hm gre <
Contradictory Statements from
Both Parties.
MoKinnoy Contends That His
Wife WOP Imprisoned
and Abused.
Mre. Simpson CliUma Tlmt She Is the
rmd Injured Party.
The MeKlnney-Simrson ntTalr in ntlll
crwvtlns j-lcnty of gotwlp , both amonff
those who arc connected officially with the
CVK , and among the neighbor * In the
vicinity of Mn < . Simpson' * residence. It
is nut legally ended either , accordlns to
the sUte'rcnts of the oflieers , it being un
derstood that McKlnncy intends to push a
jirovccutinn nuainst Mm. 81mp on and
Kaye. The complaint on which Mr * .
Simpson and Kayo were arrcatcd WM hUe
imprl-onu out of Mrs. McKinncy and a
young child.
lint in connection therewith McKinney
allege * cruelty to hi * wife on Mrs. .Simp
son' * part , in variuu * directions , Anuiir
other thine * ho allege * that alter ho told
MM. Siini | on tiiat ho should be unable to
pay her immediately , slio unld that he no tnuldo from that reaimi ,
an olio would take care of Mrs. McKiuncy
during her approaching Illiiew. Jle
"iirlhor allcKcs that no sooner
ad IIH ! wife hi > en taken ill
mn Mm. Simpson o mm'need
.inning hlmjfor mon y anil ilemanding
\y for everything , lieHtatcsthat ho wns
fuiied admittance 11 the house v/hun ho
loiioved hit wife to bo in _ very critictl
omlltiun and that a physician whom head
ad obtained to attend liur wan nl/m / rcfus-
il ndmitUnce. This pliVHicInn was Or.
Igglns , nnd the doctor allege * that Knjo
: ireatencd him with violence If ho cnmo
lioro iigalti. The doctor la a mnall
HII ana Kayu IB a big one , but
. in Hinted that when Kayo made hid
lircatn , Dr. Slggini told him to start tlio
nicefwlon Immediately , hereupon Kayo
'id into the house and locked the door.
> r. HiraiiM WOH unable to get in , BO ho
as obliged to go away. MeKin cy nl
CJCH that during the tlmu his wile was
hut in n room and ho wan refused admit-
.anco to ece her. nho wax most hoaitly
rented , being deprived ot lire and mifli-
icut food , and . entirely uncared
or. Ho claims that hava
, lno threatened with being Bent to the
oor benne , and told by Mrs. Simpson
lut the latter intended to havoMoKmney
inprlnonud , If tlio money wan not forth'
ouiing ; that tlio trunk was tukcn ft on :
ho room when Mm. McICiiiuoy was lyin
ick , and wat threatened witli totil dcpri-
nticm of ( mill , if hho did not give Mrs.
iimiMon Home security for wliat ttio hitter
laimcd wan licr due , 815.00 per week , or
ter m.'lO.OO , fnr the two weeks during
lilch the helpless woman wan ill.
f tlio affair is Ktatcd at length in commit'
ilcatious to TliB HliU from Mm. McKin
.cy an i from Kiiyo. The veibodty nm :
ongth of these comrminicnti' ' IIH preclude )
jheir publicati n , but the facts therein
iillegcdaro about OH follows : That MM
MoKiniiey first oiigngcd n room on Nov
ltd , for which a mcmthV lent wan paid ii
\tlviince ; that after .occupying
the room they burned wood in
* coal utovu and spoiled it ; thatMcKImit ! }
engaged board for IIH ! wife at tlu tate nl
twenty-live cents per in al , and that the
board thuH engaged and furnished wax no
paid f' > r except in part , and that n largi
naitof Mich board I * Btill due ; thai Mm
McKinney wai both unclean v and rcpul
civo in her habits , and desired to bo watte ,
on in uiuny unnecessary ways ; that when
hU wife wan taken sick McKinnuy aijrcci'
to pay Sin per week for herbo jrd , cart * > m
uurxing and piomiHed from day to uiiy
which no never fulfilled ; that upon nnt
occasion , when a-kcd for the amount ther.
overiluo Mm Bimi son. ho both refused to
and rej > ll d by o itns , and then utruclc
Kiy in the face and alio struck her little
daughter ; that Mrs. Simpson went to Dr.
Edwards for advice and was referred by
him to Mayor Hoyd , who heard her story
and then advincd her to keen McKinuey
out of tlio IIOUHO until no paid the amount
agreed upon and due ; that Kaye udvlsed
Mrs. Simpson to follow the mayor's advice
to the letter , and th t slio did so , be
hoving ( lie wai right. Mrs. Simpson
denies having treated Mm. McKumey
either cruelly or in any way improperly
I'nt , on the other hand , when nho ran ont
of nieuns , nnd had nothing in tlio house to
put , nlie WAS obliged to borrow money from
Kayo to keep tha sick woman supplied
with food. Slio also denies having kept
Mrs. McKlnnoy n prisoner , but that the
latter was allowed to go about the house
as BIO pleased , and was not restricted from
'o viug , if slio desired to do HO.
A M1XIC1) 1)1' ) MUSS.
The alf Ir Is a docidcdly "mixed up
mi'KH , " and tlio contradictory stories by the
parties Interested arc ro widely at variance
* s to the facUtlmt tluro in evidently a
"nigger iu de fence " somewhere , and emu
in reminded of the answer to the old
conundrum , nbout the boy who said that a
o rUin girl was tlio daughter of hln own
father nnd mother and yet'Was ' no relative
of hi' . The boy lied.
If you wish to avoid great danger
nnd traublo , busidcs a no small bill
of expense , ut this aotuson of the year ,
you ( mould take prompt stops to keep
dincaso from your housafrold. Tlio
s stoiu should bo cleansed , blood
purified , stomach nnd bowels regula
ted , and prevent nnd euro diseuset
arising ironi spring malaria. Wo know
of nothing that will so perfectly nnd
- surely do this as Electric .Bitters , and
nt the trifling cost of fifty cent a bet
tle.Exchange. [ .
Sold by lull & McMahon. (1) ( )
A Nearly Fatal Encounter on Seven
teenth and Douglua Streets.
About o o'clock hwt evening an exciting
occurrence took place on 17th street , be
twecn Uouglfui and lodie , in one of tht
ntw lioimca btflnir erected by MuCalTroj
nnd Kuowlev , the cdiitrsetorH.
James Iterry IMU pbbtcier by trade , m
came from 8t Louis xorne time ago , ulnct
which he hid token the contract to plastoi
the two houufs being conxtructcd by thi
firm named , It is claimed that the worl
wa * o imperfectly done that the urchitoct
A. T , Large , Jr. , would not ucnept it and
IJerry wai notltled that ho would have to
make It u-ood , which he agreed to do. Hi
IB addicted to drink , nnd has been , it 1'
claimed , "crazy drunk" for several ilayi
past. During this time he insisted or '
Huch McCamey paying him tha balance
on his imperfect work , about $125 , whlcli
McCaffrey refused to do of coursf. Herrj
IB charged with Imviug undo threatx nl
variouH times that he would have thul
money or blood , and when liu and Hug !
met lafet evvnlm ; aud ho demuudcil hi
money right then nnd then , a llow ol
gore was anticipated.
licrry promptly domaiuled liis in noy
aud l > ing an.s'ry at the refiunl to yl\u II
( o him he became eningo I nnd went forhii
revolver wuich was in his hip | Kcket
McCaffrey BUW the mo\e nnd drrtv hi
"pop , " but It failed to go nttor thotrmibh
would mo4 likely have vnd-d thru am :
there. Jlucb d oil ted into the Htalrwny m
the bullet , filed by hU antagonist , uhi.tlei
closH by liln head , he found cafe re
fugo in 'making truck ! for cover , '
without stopping to continue tht
contett , he went for a couple of police
men. who arrc lcd Hcr v nnd Indeed lilm
In jftll. Tuo charge will probably be
"nhijotlng with intent tu wound. " Tlio
pri oner filed cotnpHtnl ugainut McUnf-
try , clurg'iig ' him with piovoking the
nnfault by hlx nttloiiH , bat Hugh wa <
telcnncd on hln own rccogniz.v ce. The
cnni will come up thli morning in the
jiolicc court.
A Dutchor Shop Hobbod of Butter ,
Vonleon and Pork.
Tlie mo t market of Fred. K. Holnrick.
HMI , on .Sixteenth ntrctt near California ,
was gone through on Saturday4 ulght under
rutVer mr'teriou * jlrcnmntoncce.
The market wan closed up that night
later than usual , havli.f been thorough'
rcnibbed out during the erenlng nnd the fire
left burning in tha olhcc. Sundny mom-
Ing Mr. < Tamen Body , the book-keeper ,
went to the nhop and fixed nj ) the tire.
HP found it locked nnd noted nothing * un-
pirioun. bryomi the finding of a couple of
a couple of pieces of meat on the floor , and
thrroho suptxwcd hod been knocked down
the n'ght bcforo. Mr. Dody wax in the
rliop again nbout church time , nnd Mr.
IIrl"rckncn ! himrelf about noon , but
neither of them naw anything wronj. ' .
\c teiy ! John .Smith , who driven
the delivery wagon , discovered the nb-
renco of n forty pound tub of butter , a
haunch of > cni < toi ) , aqimitcr of pork nnd
novcral oth r nrticlei' , and it * eon bccamo
apimtcnt that the nlmp hrd been touched ,
llow it could have been dona
and the doors and windows lelt undi--
turbed , VIM a mystery , but it in probably
o slly explained. Mr. Body , on Thanks-
giylnfj day , hxt his key to the f ont door
ami it is now thought that Rome one.
found it nnd hax hern making uro of it
eycr ninoc , probably carrying olT
etcry n ght , which woe not missed nt first.
H ad n > t thu butter disappeared , the
theft might Ktlll be tmdctcctrd , but they
have killed the goiwo that laid the golden
pgby being ho/ginh , just at the man did
in thn fable. Another circumstance v'tvc *
the thieve * away and indicates that they
mndo tracks with their b oty for
Nf > rth Omaha. Thii was the discovery
early Sunday mo nin ? of the quatter of
Imrk referred to in the ul'ey near the Me-
Crarv lirlck row n .Seventeenth street.
It WM ecn by a gentleman residing there
and the nttimiou < f no\er.d perKoim called
to it , but whether it WOH taken in and
savtd lor the owner is unknown.
ITaquestionable Grntltnda-
WAHUEX , O. , July 30,1881.
H. II WAIISKH & Co. : Sirs -Your Safe
Kidney Liver Cure has rcliovcd me of n
Hevero kidney difliciilty which caused mo
much trouble nnd suffering.
dcc-lOcod-lw P. W. Suntirr.
Important Meeting Sunday After
noon A Joint Meeting Wednes
day Night.
There wis a Inrgo nnd fiithuslastio
meeting of the luiies in Kuony'n lull Sun
day to iiirangd for the comim ; land
lenguo fair , to he held in .Masonic hall ,
commencing on or about the 10th of next
T'-.o following aie the nameuof UieladicH
appointed on the dilfercnt coinmitteee :
On Itefieshmcntfl Mrs. AVilliam Ken
nedy , Mra. Dennis Cunninghum , Mw.
Thomas Swift , MifH itowo Smith , and Mi
Lizzio Kugaii.
On Tables and Arrangements Mrs. M
Donovan , MM. Cencral O'Brien , Mrs.
John Ford , Mrs. Peter 1'lanncry , Mrs.
Patrick Mullen. Mim Mary Helnn Mid
Miss Delia Hclun , Mr * . John Maloney ,
MmKL Lender , Mrx. Tliomas Flt7inor-
rl , Mm * Klla itcnnudy , nnd Mi s Mary
Tlie gentlemen anpointtd to are as
follows : Messrs. John l 'ord , Thos. Casey ,
James Brcnnan. Michael Lee , Thos. Tid-
Ion , Michael Hlley , John O'Donahue , John
Carr , John Grove * , and James Hnrrigau ,
The meeting wus in every respects a
large representative and bustae'ta one.
After many xensiblo and practicaljla mig-
gestlnns for tlio BUCCCHS of the fair had been
made and acted upon , and a great many
UckotHforT. P. ( VCunnoi-'H lecture , which
takes place in l.oyd'n oporn honm net
Friday evening , woio ili trilmtcd , the
meeting adjourned to meet in joint session
with the gentlemen at 7"XJ : p , in. nu\t
WedneHitay nt Kuony'it Hall.
Tickets for the lecture cnn bo had from
any of the nbnvo named gentlemen 01nt
the I lolghton house. They ure i-elliu ,
like hot cakes.
PlotiBiint 525th Anntvciroury of Mr. and
Mrs. a. T. Walker.
The pleasant residence of Mr. (1. ( T.
WidkiT , superintendent of tlio imilurlu
and wife , coiner of .Seventeenth nnil
Dodge Mtreetw , v.-at brilliantly lighted upon
the occasion of the silver wedding of thi *
worthy couplet. A lurfje number of guustr
were present , who wore entertained by
music , recitations , and treated to a rmnipt-
nous repast. The piescut woio numerous
and beautiful , Arming them weie noticed
the following tribute * of .Mr. mid MIH
Walker' * friends :
1'air of napkin rliijjs , fioiu Mr , am
, Mm. J. .1. Phillips.
Kk'Kunt mustache cup , from Itev. < l. W
Stewart , pastor of the i'irnt M. Umrch.
Silver Hiinur bowl , from Dr. .loacph No
Card receiver and ba < | tiet-hnller , frou
Win. U. disc and wife , of Denver ,
HiuuUouia ( ; ift , from Mr. and Mrs
Itoskut of tlovvcu , from Mr. nni Mm
Sot of teaspoon * , from'Me , and Mrs. J
\Viitttaker. .
Trlluy Dish , from John Q. Jacobs.
Butter dish , from Kuv. and Mrs J.OIIK
Toilet Mtt and jewel cane , from Mr. am
Mr * . McHhanc.
1'lcklo caster , from Mr. and Mm. Join
Campbell ,
1'airot salt cellars , from Miss Lind
Mtlroy aud Mrs. Itoj * .
Fine Butter dish , from MM. M. C. Mi
Card receiver nd bonuet holder , froi
Kd 1m A Erlckson.
Cuke basket , from C. H. Lear.
Fruit knife , from Will C. ULtckburn.
> ery h.iul-oino cake basket fro in Mi use
Laura and J-'nnny Walker.
Uutter dlih , from Mr. and Mri. L. 11
Uutter dUh , from Mr. and Mr * . Hole
Saltcellar , from M , Slovens and daugl
Card receiver and I'oiujuet ' holder , fioi
Mr. nnd MM J , F , Hammond.
"WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladies only
C. F.
Doano , the Hatter , 218 14th strcol
solliny Itobcs and Seal Caps at coal
GOLD WATTIIKH at Wliipplo it Mc
Blillun's , Fifteenth strcut.
Iocl2t. ( .
EIUOK'S , Hatter , ELEQAN'
Mra. M. W. Binpson Attempts
to Commit Suicide.
She Dccotnos Doppondcnt Over Af
faire In Qonornl nnd Newspaper
Reports In Pnrtlculnr.
The neighbors of MM. Simpson were
coniltlcraule excltai ycfUrciivy about
noon by n ( jlrl rusblns out ° ' 'ier ' houw
with the nlaun that Mra. .Simpson hud
token Bomethlng nd wnii dyln ; . Invent ! .
gallon develniied tlio foci tint the ladjf
win under the influence of heovy do e
of chloroform , which cho had naturaled a
handlcrrchief with , * nd Inhaled until fshe
was entirely Inocnsllile. The alarm pro
cured help , nnd a phyxlclan was at once
lummoned , who miccee'lcd 5n t length
restoring tlie lady to concionsnc s. When
oho realized that her attempt had been
tinmicceMful Mm. Hlmp'oa made an en
deavor nt explanation which indicated that
* he lind become ( Hix | > mlcnt over the re
cent trouble arminff out of the McKlnney
family. nd the notoriety i < he had acqulted
through the papcra. However thU inay
be , It is HUfpicioneit that other ronsonn.
ftindiif , ' which Mr. ICnye , who wan arrested
nn the waino chnrgo at Mrs. Simpson , fig
ured prominently , ltd to hfr t&klnf ; the
nearly fatal notion of ohullllux off thisj
mortal coil. i
Theclfortcf the physician wa success-1
fill In reitoring Mw. tiimp'on to . moro
Kciene Htatc of mind nnd mnro active con
dition of body. In which it U to bd hcped
aho will remain.
sciiicthing about the McKinney affair ,
or who profess to know H inethint ; by
icnsnn of llvlns near MM. Slminon' * re- !
deuce , Ktntc tlmt tlie Intlur lady i * in than sinning.
They gay that MoKiiiney is by no means a
uell-beliavud man and H Miponslble for
the whole affair. One neiuhhor , who
charges McKinney with nto liiijf her C' al ,
averred very emphatically that if the had
had the trouble with the family that Mrs.
Simpson did she would have pitched
"daddy , mammy , Uid and all" Into tin
htrectnnd allowed them to paddle their
own canoe , instead of attempting to shel
ter the woman nnd child atid keep the old
man out There is nomethlng in the cose
which will certainly bear investigation ,
mid if some of the allegations ngainsfc-Mc-
Kinney be true ho should he given a back
Beat in short order.
Deaf a a P Jit.
MrH. W. . .T.Lang , Bethany , Ontario ,
stales that for fifteen months who WO.M
troubled with a diso e in the en- , cawing
entire deafnosn. In ten minute * after
using TIIOMA ' Eai.Fc.Tiuc On , she found
relief , nnd iu n fthnrt time rhu was en
tirely cured and her heariiii' re torcd.
Taken by the Knights Tomplnr of
Omaha to Lincoln.
By special invitation of the Sir Knights
rf Mount Moriah Commauclery , Knights
Templar , of Lincoln , the ntlicers and
KnightH of iSfount 'Calvary Commanticry
No. 1 , of this city , left for the Capital yes
terday to attend a meeting at the nsy-
liini in that city and confer the orders.
The pll rlmaga wai begun at 3 o'clock
yesterday , when a special train of
Pullman coaches lelt the Union Pacific
depot via the Omaha nnd Republican Val
ley route with the following members of
Mt. Calvary commandery :
Km. Sir J. S. France , commander ; Sir
Ous Stevenson , generalissimo ; SirO. W.
Lininger and E. K. Long , pait command
ers ; Sir L. II. Korty , senior warden ; Hr
Chris Ilartman , treasurer ; Sir Charles 1' .
Necdham , warder ; and Sirs Bradford ,
T.C. lirunnor , John II. Butler , H. G.
Clark , E. 13. Carter , Edwin Davis. U. 1' .
Doalson , M. l-'rince , C. A. Fried , John
W. ( iivin , L. D. lUrris , D. E. Kejex ,
1) . N. Miller , Itobcrt Purvis , John G.
Taylor , ChaB. 11. Turney , L. H. Webster.
.lohnG. Willis , , P. Wiiidheim. Duncan
M. Wilson , H. T.Du'e , F.nnk E. Mooics ,
K. K. Thomu" , Uoolidue , M , Cody , A. J.
DeWitt , C.U. 1 fa veil * , M. M. Marshall
C. N. Dlctz , 1) . N. Welta , and Glover.
After conferring the orders , the party
will leave for Omaha at3 o'clock a. m. ,
arriving hero about 8 o'clock , directly
after the l ) n\tr train. Th'K ' in done to
; commoduto the liusiiitsn men , who form
thu bink ot the c mniandery , and will thus
he enabled to return HI > as nut to miss any
hiutlnetw ungugementi ,
If you sxro Hufloring from n , severe
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
. sumption , loss of voice , tickling iu
, the throat , or any niibctiou of the
throat or lungs , wo know- that Dit.
'rt NKW DiKCorr.iiY will give you
immediate relief. Wo know of hun
dreds of coses it hits completely cured ,
and that where all other medicines
hud failed. No other remedy can
- show ono half as many permanent
cures. Now to give you satisfactory
proof that Dr. Kixo's NEW Discov-
, EUY will euro you of Asthma , Bron
chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Sc-
voro CougliB and Colds , Hoarseness ,
or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you
will call at J. K. Isn & MuMAiiON'H
Drug Store you can get a trial bottle
free of coat , or a tegular si/.o bottla
m for $1.00. jnnlUly(2) ( )
Alfred H. Curtis.
The death of Alfred II. Curtis , for t
long time n clerk in the Burlington and
Missouri llivcr railroad headquarters ir
this city , which occurred at half past nim
o'clock on Saturday night , has already
Hi been anounced. The funeral hervices tool
place from St. Barnabas church at tw (
o'clock yesteiday afttrnoon , llev. Jama
la Williams , rector , otlieiating.
The dexased e mo tu Omaha last Ma ;
for the benefit of hU health , which box
: long been failing , and for a time wet > up
parently benefitted by the cha' ge. Ii
July , however , he began failing again , am
vs uinue that time has scarcely been out of hi
bed. In October ho was taken to Man
trcal , again hoping for beneficial result
from the change , but he grev
worse instead , and was in the hospital fo
h- two weeks before he recovered mimclentl ;
to return to Oiiiahn , Ho had been con
lined to his bed for the past live week
preceding bis death. Naturally < ours
geous , devoted to his wife , and loathe t
yield to thb dread ditcao which was upoi
lilm , Mr. Curtli persisted in working n
his dusk , whenever he was able , and hi
lirnvo wife added her endeavors towan
bearing that burden by working in a bool
biudeiy , the labor tiimfly devolving entire
ly upon her. Notwithstanding thin , sin
found tiuio to care In the tenderent man
ner for her fick husband , who kad gooi
reui > n to idolize her as ho did , The fel
low clerks of Mr. CiirtUdid all In ilivl
power to lighten the troubles of the un
foi lunate man , and f Heads have not beer
Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Curtis had nn ;
fii relatives in Omaha. The former i * biih
to huvo a siller in New York , but all th <
> f t of their relative * are in EnglanJ , an <
the wide waters of the Atlantic bepuraV
the bereaved wife nnd them. The friends
of the dead man will , however , hn.\i the
consolation of knowing that hit last mo *
mcnts wuc cheered bv the pretence Mid
loving iiltcntlons of faithful friends nnc1 of
n devoted wife who Ii certainly a noble
woman if there ver was ono.
The icmnlnsnre Intel 'r ' > rest in Prospect
Hilt C'eoictery , the most beautiful spot on
the Mi'Buuri river.
K. S. Patrin , of Lincoln , is in the city.
Wm. M. Cornish , of Blnlr , IB in the city.
D. Brownlee , of Blnlr , Neb. , is In the
E. W. Johrwon , of Deodwood , la { n the
H. A. Wigginhorn , of Ashland , Is in tha
II. C. Hanley , of Otoe county , is in the
J. M. Patterson , of FlattsmouUi , is in
the city.
C. II. Howe , of Lincoln , Is in the city
on buslnt-M.
A. II , Boothby , of Fremon' , it a visitor
in the city.
T. M. Junk , ot Cheyenne , is registered
at the Canfield.
D'ckT. Booth , of Camp Clarke , Neb. ,
is in the city.
] vd. Hurlburt , of 1'icmont , visited the
city yesterday.
If. Biqclow , of Norfolk , is a gacstnttho
Canfield house.
Joh.ii It. Gowar. is rcgia'ered nt the
Creighton house ,
W. II. Dorgcu , t f Fremont , arrived in
Omaha yesterday.
D. Burnn , of Fremont , ia rcgiitercd at
the Melropolitnn.
K. F. Kloke , of West Poiat , is a Metro
politan House guest. <
John A. Cicighton and wife left for
Chicago lost evening.
Arthur Johnson wai among the arrivals
from Lincoln yesterday.
Snpt. of Telegraph Dickey , arrived
from the west yesterday.
K. T. Dumwalt , of St. Paul , Minn. , in
registered at the Withnell.
Hon. A. S. Paddock , of Beatrice , ar
rived in the city last evening.
A. Thompson , of Salt Lake City , is
registered at the Metropolitan.
Henry C , Cooper , of Brown county , D
T. , arrived in the city yesterday.
J. H.Davis and S. O. Ayer , of Gib
, are guefcts at the Withnell ,
Joseph B. Gossage , of the Black Hill
Diirnal , is in Omaha for a few days.
L. M. Pcmberton , of Beatrice , is among
: ie ai rivals registered at the Canticle ) .
If. P. II Mdlnn , of Lincoln , and W. L
I. Millan , of Denver are in the city.
Hon. Lorenzo Croun = e , of C Ihoun , wa
ne of the ntrivah in the city last evening ,
] ] . O. L. Kdhnlm returned last night
fter an extended tour through the Lone
Star btate.
Hon. Mr. Pi\bey , of California , passed
lirough Omaha yesterday on his way to
J. A. Bowen and wife , of Lincoln , are
aying Omaha a , \ isit. They are icgiatercd
t the Withnell.
A. J. Simmons , of The Dcadvvood
Miner , and a large mining operator in the
Black Hills , is in the city.
A. Traynor , general baggage master of
ho Union Pacific railroad , arrived yester-
lay afternoon from a western trip.
J. S. Hey , of Fremont ; S. Canfield , of
dncoln ; Win. Waldron and wife , of
Veft Point , are guest ) at the Canfield.
Manager Philbin returned from Chicago
ast night. He says the weather there is
n nil recpectH as fine as that enjoyed of
ate in Omaha.
J , II. Hungate , of Blair ; Georctp Berry
, nd wife , of West Point ; Joseph H.illman ,
if Dakota City , A. A. Thomas , wife nnd
laughters , of Tekamah ; Kind Schultz , of
-inoln ; Sam G. Glover and W. U. Downs ,
if Bell Cieck , are at the Creighton ,
Great Success [ of the New Actress ,
Miss Ahvlno Reynold ,
Sunday evening Mips Alwine Heynold
made her debut in Omnhn nt the German
heatro In Turner Hall nnd , if numbers
cnn bo taken as acriterionof success , never
was there n gieatcr one. The whole cf the
vailablo space wns taken ; not only were
a'l the seats occupied , but every part of
, he hall wax tilled , many being willing t >
( and f jr two or three bourn in order to see
.ho celebrated New York actress. The
ilece represented was , " 0 ! These Wo-
inen , " nnd it wa divided into five acts.
Miss Alvvipe Heynold sr.s ained the role
of Grethe , n Tyrolese singer. Her acting
wns very fine , nnd her singing and gro-
teiHjue mannerism excited much merri
ment. She is altogether quito an accom
plished actress. Air. Liudemnnn , in the
character of a ruined merchant ,
acted his part well , and the audience
were couvulsoJ with laughter nt his u itty
Bailies nnd innnendoe * . Mr. Molchln as
Pupke was also very good and he was \oiy
loudly applauded , Mr , Kuexter , who
repreuented Kinil Hnspel , a wealthy
farmer was evidently nxin n cognized by
the audience on account of hh wear
ing his usual wblto "blbi. " Hit
acting , however , was excellent and
his cmmciatiui everything thai
could bo desired. Mian Thieesen a *
AuielU performed excellently , as in facl
ihe always docs , and Mr. Hauck as Fran
cola was well received. Mr. Grossnmnn
in the character of Schulue , a fcrvunt
made a uruat hit nnd received many ere
o reg. Mis * liuchn ann m Pauline , nnt
Mrs. Groiuiniaun as Hulda were also ver )
Hell received.
The whole affair wag highly successful
and Turner hall was never no ciowdei
since it has been built.
During the progress of the play Misi
Alwine Heynold was presented with i
very liuautiful bouquet by one of the mid !
enco preeent.
It was estimated that there were eve
eight hundred persons present last night
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures clyfpej. .
i- ' " " " stion and heartburn.
AtC. F. Coodnun.
Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnol
IIouso , Tuesdays and Fridays , 10 a.
in. to 4 p. m. tf
I have boon appointed state ngenl
for Schlitz's Milwaukee Boo iu kegs
Parties desiring to handle sumo pleuai
apply tu or address M. A. MoNamara
Omaha , Nob. " " " 15-tf
Scarf Tina at Whipple & HoMil
Ion's , 15th street. decl'J-2t
Eleventh Annual Festivities of the
Gallant Organization ,
The eleventh annual kill of Durant En
gine Co , No. 1 , took place on Friday
evening last at Mat-onlc hall , aad was an
pleaAant M the Durant balU always are.
The attendance woa large and everybody
wan in the linpplcit frame of uiind , M that
the occasion WM un enjoyable ono in eveiy
The music WM furniohrd by Hoffman's
rcheatra , after the following order of
dauclng :
Grand March nnd Quadrille ,
Quadrille , Council Bluff1 Fire Dep rt-
Waltz Quodiille.
QiiRdrillc , Hook and Ladder. -
Quadrille , Kot'ine Company No. 2.
I'iremen'it Danco.
Knuinu Company No , 2.
Wa tz.
Lane ers .
Quadrille , Knglifh Company No. 3.
Waltz QuwlriUe.
P lk .
Waltz Quadrille.
Scottische , Company No. 1.
Quadrille , Durant Engine ,
Supper W. B taken at midnight nnd the
dancing continued until n late hour. The
programmes were \ ery neat nnd tastcv ,
Iiavin'-rstam ed upon them in ban rilief the
four leafed clover , Tlie following is the
list of committees :
Master of Ceremonies ( White ribbon )
Thomai Meidrum.
Cnuimittee of Arrangements ( Blue
ribbon ) MfRsrc. Jonex , Fagan , Collahan ,
Buikic , Meidrum , McDonald , Shchnn ,
Keception Committee { RccJ Kibbon )
Megsrs. Shannon , Snetze < .
Door Committees ( Blue tibbon ) Messrs.
Cflllahtm , Oiaham.
Floor Committee - ( White ribbon )
Mesars. Shchan , Ultche , Arnold , Clift.
"Oh , how I do wish my akin was
as clear and soft as yours , " said a lady
to her friend. "You can easily make
it so , " answered the friend , "How ? '
inquired the first lady. "By using
Hop Bitters , that makes pure , ricl
blood and blooming health. It did i
for mo , as you observe. " Read of it.
Cairo Bulletin. Decl5-Janl
Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you
will never liu liilim'-
C. F. Goodman's.
HOSPE sells motto frames for 20c.
HOSPE sells 8x10 frames for loc.
IIOSPK sells 24x80 chromes for 85c.
HOSPE sells 22x30 paintings for
HOSPE sells engraving from $1.50
to S3 50.
HOSPE sells organs from § 50 up.
HOSPE sells pianos from § 150 up.
HOSPE sells mirrors cheapest in
town. d7-tf
NOTICE Advertisement To Lean , For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Boarding , &c. , will be In
serted la these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per line. The first Insertion never lest than
McL. . Thomas Room 8 Crcfchton Block.
To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent1
on Rood real cstatesocurity , by
DR. ISAAC EDWARDS 1109 Fnrnhaui St.
ffiOttA AAATO LOAN At 8 per cootln-
5t > / iOU.UUltcrmt In sums of 82,600 and
upwards , for 3 to 6 years , on first-class city and
farm property. BBHIB HEAL KSTATI and LOAN
AOKNCY , 16th and Douslcs Sts.
Ail ctliclent girl for general house
work , at No. 2207 Dodjjc St. 76S-21 *
4 children ns boarders In a pclect
WANTED , at 10th and California St. L. B.
LOOMIS. 767-tf
: ANTED A woman to help cook , at the I'a-
W lirk House. 7M-2i *
"ITTANTED Firet-c'oss olllee and errind i oy ;
YV must bo over 15 } ears old. R. O. Dun &
Co. , 216 S. 14th St. 761-tf
> ANTED A girl for ucncral houu orf , at
W S. K. corner of 13th and Dod Sts.
WWANTED de7 2 t
WANTED 2 good cooporsatOrccndalo cnck-
Intl house , Council Bluffs. THOMAS
GREEN&SONS. 742 tf
Anlcely furnlihed rocm hysen-
WANTED and wife. Address , U. N. , lice
olllco. 747-lOt
Immediately a cook , at 1)20 liar-
ney St. 002 t (
Olrl to do housework. Enquire
WANTED Farntuun St. 442-tl
'ANTED Kundlnir bridge and school bonds.
W U. T. Clark. Brllevue. 2S-tf
flOH HEST I'nfurnkhcil front room. En-
1 iulrc [ southwest corner 13th and Ilarncy ,
TJlOIl UKNT House , 3 rooms , ( good siza ) , ctl-
. J } lar and cistern , ; K. W , corner 24th and
1'lcrce tits , tin tier month. Enquire --i S. W.
corner 25lh and Llimnport Sts. " "
I UIIIIENT A nlcciy furnished front room
_ L1 Call ulth reference at C07 j N. 17ih St.
7D5-20 *
01 ! UKNT-Nlce lurnUhed large south front
room , 1004 I'arnharn St. 718-lOt
KENT A furnUhed front room , I quirt
ITlUK No. 309 ftruharn St. , bee. 10th and 17th
IlEST Cotta < o ol 3 rooms , well and
cUtcrn : ! 3nlanii St. Murj'j nvcnuo. En
iUlre | ol M. W. Kennedy , 31 * B. 13th Bt , 7 B-t
TjTOJl IU NT NIotly furnished front room , !
JL ? unlurnlihcd rooms ; out side 17th St. , ont
floor north ot Douglas. 73S-10t
I OR KENT Two furnlihod rooms , suitable fo
F light house-kecpm ; , 2219 California .
It OR IIENT 1'leasaiil front room , corner o
f Burt and 17th , 1700 Uurt St. 7Utf ,
tthNT Furnlshcil rooms at A. A. Utb
JlOlt 1 , California , bet. Uth. and 16th.
ITOU ( RENT Nice y furnished rooms vltl
. ' board , n fen day boarders can be accoin
iul3 C k ht. 701-tf
KENT-Ona furnished room for siiwl
FOR , alto 2laiye room ) with a piani
In name \vlllbefrr rent lith lust. H. W. Cor
16th and Capitol nvinue C'/J 19
71UIIIIBNV A utoro 22x00 , fitted for grocer
lea and dry t'CKxls. Ap
TT HUNT A Bait or tliiflf roou > , nice I ;
J } lurnlslitd. ut N. W. cor. 2Uh and Dtven
J > ort. ( W.U
. II KENT A fint-cltwi hall lor society pur
F. l > o f . CVntmlly located. For partlcuUn
enquire lu'iinurcl UroaMth and IX > u.-laiStf.
t IIKNT-One parlor on ground llopr uncl
ono rhAinbcr hftiiibomily lurnl hol , | 2112
CftlllornlA St. C "
BXT F.irntihcd roomwlthcloact. Good
location. Slteolllxlt. Enqulrcat Y. M.
RKNT New houvi of 7 roornn , 18th and
Grace Sts. Knqulre K. V. Smith. GS4-U
TIWU UKNT Furnlnhesl rooms , north eiclo d
X1 OllloniU St. , J door wet ol 21st. Inqnlro
attcr t p. m. 434-U
BENT E rurnvfthod room over Mel-
FR ' BxcbanKeN. K. cor. Itth and D l
tretta. 2St <
ron aAtr.
OIl HALB Cheap , Ooo old hoiwo. Inquire
Jj { lioldvfln Jt , Ilchm , comer 15th and JotV-
non. 745-19
f7K l SALK 2 nlra counters and silver plobd
C h iw cases , at Ojo. II , Pcteinoa't , b04 Booth
10th HU 711-U
A tram ol bUck homes. Enquire
ol Omaha Merchant * ' express b rn , 727-21
FOll SALK Or will exchange for Ounha pro-
port1 , an Improved section of land adjoin
ing a Italian on'U. I' . II , It , M. DUNHAM , 1412
Htm ham St. . Omaha. 720 Smt.
. Or trtulo for city pfopertjon
rpan ol hem , harness and vrn ou. Ailclres
8. V. , this olllc ; 722 U
fTlOr. 8AI.K-A bulMlnifUxrX ) . w lUi a complcto-
_ U stock of dry Roods , uroceries unit fixtures.
Inquire bit N. 10th St. ( Wo'-17
FOR SALE LAtgo biulncsi lot onllatnor tit ,
mntAblo for wholesaling. John L. Mc
CORUC , Opp. P. 0. C21 U
SALE A rood cn-yreu-olJ her o
Warranted to drive sinRlo or double. En
qulro of George Canlleld , C&ndeld houw.novlSU
OIl SALE Team good ponlos , chcvp ; at llod
Utrn , Ibth St. _ 0.-S1.U
203-tt ESTAnROOK ft COE.
R SAI.K Mans ol Uoiifrlau and Sarpy out *
tics. A. nOHKWATEK , ICZOFarnham > troot I
STKAYKU Oil STOLEN Uoo. 10,1881 , a laixc-
hay horsu about 11 yeira old. Any Informa
tion as to liUu hereabouts will bo llticially re
warded by J. U. Ualduln , corner 15th and Jack-
ion. 748-19
A COUPKTENT and reliable man wishes &
± \ . sltuatlmln a wholesale liquor ami nine
bu3ini' . . 18 years experience In rectifIIIK ondj
com | < oundliiK Adurcas , II , lieu olllcc. 764-23 *
T OST-$400all In blll . Fintler will reccUe
JJ $100 reward l > v rctuniliiL the same to this.
oHlce. MKS.O'lSltteN. 769-EO *
OH hTOl.EN From Uth and Web-
STRAYED pointer dog about 8 months old
white and brown ( potted with brown spot Ilka
" 0" on his back. Kinder will please leave In
formation at MaMu ] tr & Dro. 710-tt
. STRAW 1'lcntv ot nice oat straw , at
Clmitmi Uro.'a feed store , 10th and Daven
port Sts. 724 tf
EJItS' NEW CITY MAPS. 10c. Mounte
B Maps , 82.60. OEO. P. BKM1S.
\SSEU Pajs the highest cash
. jirl-u for second hand bclllnrd nnd jK > ol
tables. Call or address , tO'J South 10th i triwt , .
Omaha , Xch. dn-lm *
mAKE.V UP NOTICE Taken upon Saturday
JL Dec. 3rd , two biy horses , ages about C am *
Ojeare ; fnlr i > lzc anil Mtll matched. Owner can
have same by pro'lnp property nnd pajirff
char.'cs. AVM UAWlTKGll , J inllo westot
( jualej'b soap focUiy , Dou loa prcclnit.
C51um fit
JL INO CO. , Will pay cash for horns by thecar-
load.Uclh crol at auvrallroad depot in Sioux City.
Texas Ucr horn preferred for particulars ad-
Urea , I ) . U. Hoblo , Hupt. 013-J1
IN CKAYOX Pastilo and Oil ,
.Iso decorative painting. MRS. U. K.
WAUDNKK , room 1 , Jacob's Block. W2 tf
ALEt ) HAY At A. U. Sander's Kcod Store
B 1013 HarneySt. rttt
B lEI pOftC.
hoa rattllnK long lists ot houacs , lote
BEMIS aud firms for ule Call and g t
qem *
NOTICE. Special advertisements , such 03
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itent.
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo inserted In this
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER
LINE for the first insertion and FIVE CENTS
PER LINE for each subsequent Insertion.
Leave adv crtlscments at our olflce , up stairs ,
corner Brooduay and Main streets , Council
T710R SALE Flrnt-cla8n saloon Ii miles cost of
L1 city on "Mo qulto , " on line of R. 1. R. K.
Uood place to make mono/ . Address ,
llKK OIHcc.
dccO-Ct Council DKiIfa.
Everj body in Council Bluffs lo
WANTED BKK , 20 cents per -week , de
lUcrcd by carriers. 0like corner llroaduayand
Main , up etalrn , Council Bluffs. Ctfj-tf
I tickets continues to boom. Unprecedented
low rates to all eastern points. Every tkkct
guarantied. Orders filled ny telephone. From
one to ten dollars Kavcd hy purchasing tickets
of C. A. Potter , successor to Potter & Palmer , No ,
40 South Fifth strict , four doors below the post-
olllce , Council Bluffs , lona. oct3-t (
'ANTED Boy , with pony , to carry papers.
W Iiunilre at Br.K ollico , Council Blulls.
To buy 1UO tons broom com.
WANTED address Council Blufls
Broom Factory , Council BluQ > , Iowa. C68-29U
A Ilret-cUws broom tier. Mayna
WANTED Council Blufls , Iowa. rOO-SO *
SALE Old papers 40e per hvndred , at
FOR Boo olllce. Council Blufls. t27-t (
T10NALIST , 4OS Tenth Streetbetween Farnbam
and Haincy. Will , vtith the aid of cuardUm
spirits , obtain for any one a Klanco at the post
am1 present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boot * and Shoos inodo to order. Perfect
tttlsfactlcn rutriutrod intfl.Jm
Absolutely Pure.
Thlspouikr never variw. A marvel of pur-
Itstrengili arid uholesomcncta. Uoru oconom-
Icai than the ordinary kind * , and cannot be
oU In comiwtltlon with Ibe multitude ol low
M * , nhort c'ilil ' , alum or phoij'hate ' powdtrj.
Bold only In cam.
Nc York.