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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1881)
THE OMAHA BAIL BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 20 , 1881 , THE DAILY J3EE. OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth nnd 10th Streets. TF.KMS OK SfllSCHUTION , no copy I year , In advance ftoMpMd110.00 ) 6 months " ' . . . 6.0) month " " . . . 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , nun CARD CIIICAOO , T. wt. , MisxxArous s OMAIIV RAILROAD. L a\e Omaha Patucngcr No. 2 , 8SOa. : ra. Ac- commoJAtlon No. 4 , 1:00 : p. in Arri o Omriln PanseniMr No. 1,8:20 : p.m. Accommodation No. 8,10:60 : a. m. I.1AV1.1Q OXAIIA HAST OR SOUTH HOURS. 0. , D. & O. 7:10 : a. m. 3:10 : p. m. 0. & N. W. , TilO a. m. 3:10 : p. m. C. , It. I. & P. . 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : \ \ ta. K. C. , St. J. A C. 3. , lc.ics ( it 8 a. ra. and CSO : f > . m. Arrives at St. Louis at 6:30 : a. m. and 6:52 f ) . m. m.W. , 8t , L. & P. , loin wat 8 rv. m. nnd 8:40 : p. m. Arrives at St , Louis nt 0:40 : a. m. and 7:30 : m WKST OB BOmiWMT8. | U. A > [ . In Neb , , Through Express , 8EO : a. tn , D. & II. Lincoln Express 0'20 V. m. U P. Overland Express , 12:15 : p. ra. O. ft K , V. for Lincoln , 11:45 : a. m. O. A K. V. ( or Osccoli. 0.40 ft. ui. U. P. frolRht No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m. ' U. F.'freight No. 9 , 8:20 : a. ra. U. P. frclzht No. 13 , 2fO : p. m. U. P. freight No. 7 , 8:10 : p. m. emigrant. _ . | P. Denver express , 7:36 : p. m , U. P. frcli-ht No 11 , ll'SO p. m. U. P. Denver freight , 8:2i : p. m. AkMVUG HIOW SABT A.1D MCTO. a B. & O 6:00 : a. rn. 7:26 p m. 0. 4 N. W.,9:45 : a , m. 7:26 : jitn. . a n. I. AP.,9:45 : a. m. 0:05 : p. m. K. C. , St. Joe & C B. , 7:40 : a. m. 0:45 : p.m AKRimo raoM run WKST AKB SODTUWKST. O. * IU V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m. U. P. Pacific Exprcw 3:25 : p. m. B & M. In Neb. , Through Kxpross 1:16 : p. m. I ) , ft M. Lincoln Express 0.40 a ra. U. P. Denver express , 7:36 a. m , D. P. Freight ho. 14-2 CO p. m. U. P. Vc , ( V 6 : 0 a. tn. Kmlgrant. U. P. freight No. 14,12:10 : p. tu. U. P. NO. tf 0.00 p. m. U. P. Vc. 12 1:16 : a. in. U. P. Denver freight , 1:10 a. tn. 0. & U. V. mUcii , ar. 4:45 : p. m , DUMXT TRAINS BBTWKRN 061 ADA Aid ) COlMUt , BLWF8. LCAVO Omaha at 3:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 m. ; 1:0 : 2.00 , 3.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leave Council Uluffd at 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 10 25 and 1:26 a. in. ; 1:26 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : and 6:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 : and 11:00 : a. m.j 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. ra. Loaves Council Illuffn at 9:22 : and 11:25 a. ra. ; 2:26 : , 4:25 : and 6:25 : p. ra. Through and local passenger trains between Omaha and Coun U llluffa. bcaMj Omaha 0:15 : , 7:45 : , b:6Un. : m. ; 3:40 : , 5:45 : , 0CO : p. m. ArrNO Omah.v-7:40,1VS5,11:45 : : a. ra. ; 5:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , i.7:40 p. m , _ Opening nnl Closing of Mplls. ROCTK. OPIM. OL08K. a. m. p. ra. a. ra. p. In. OhlcttKO&N. W 11.00 0.00 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , H I. & Pacific. 11:00 : 9.00 5.30 2:40 : Chicago , B. & Q. . . . . .11:00 : 9:00 : G:30 : 2:40 : Wabash. 12:30 : 5:30 : 2:40 Bioux City and Padlle. . 9.00 5.30 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha&U.V 4.-00 11:40 : iB.&M. InNob 4:00 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 000 7.30 B. & M.Lincoln 10:30 : 0:00 : D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 U. P. Denver Exn KK ) 0:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 : V:40 : Local mailx for State ot Iowa leave but once a day , viz : 0.30 a. ra. Olfico open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TFIOS. F HALL P JI. Business Directory. Abstract and Real fcttato. JOHN L. McCAQUE , opposite Post Office. W. K. BARTLETT 817 South 13th Street Architects. DUTRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14. Croighton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2 , Cielehton Block. Booti and tihoei. JAMES DKVINE & CO. , Fine Boots and Shoos. A good assortment o ! borne work on hand , corner 12th and Hamoy. THOS. ERICKSON , 8. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 50610th street , manufactures to order good work t fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . J. F. LARRIMER Uanufacturer. 1617 Douplaist. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FHUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and EKE * . ItoSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E. house In Nebraska catabllfihcd 1875 Omaha. OKNTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , touthwwt corner lethand Dodge. Beat Board for the Monay. Btlafa < tion Guaranteed. f eala at all Bonn. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cath. Famished Ttonma Supplied. l Road Wagon * . WM BNTDER , 14th and Harney Street * . tlewo era. JOHN BAUMER 1214 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BERTHOLD , Raga and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY corner Bth and Douglas 81 * Lamp * and dlaisware. J. BONNER 1809 Douglas St. Good Variety Merchant Tailor * . O. A. MNDQUKST , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors 1s re calving the latest douigns for Spring1 and Summer Goods for gentlemen s wear. Stylish , durable and prices low as ever 215 13th bet. Doug.&Fam MllllnorY. MBS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In the West. Purchasers save 30 per cent. Orde- brMall. 115 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WEARNE& SONS , cor. Hth & Jackson sta Hour and Feed , OUAHACrTY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Btu. Welahans Bros. , proprietors. Urocer * . Z. BTKVENS , 21st between Cumlng and Irar T. A. MoSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Streets. Hardware , Iron and etccl. OLA1J & LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 an 112 16tb Etrect A. HOLMES corner 16th and California. Harnet * . Oaddlei , &c. B. WEI8T 2013th St. bet Farn. & Harntv Hotel * , ' ANFIELD HOUSE , Oeo. Canfleld.Oth & Farnhar DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 913 Famham St BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F , Slavon , 10th Bt. Bonthorn Hotel , Gus , Hamel th ftLeavcnwort Clothing : Bought. O JHIAW will pay highest Cash price for lecom band clothlnf , Comer 10th and Farnbam. Drug * , Paint * and Oil * . KUUN ft CO. i > harmaeuit * , Flna Vane Uoods , Cor , Ittb an Doorl * ttreets. W. J. WHITEHOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , Uth it. C. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street FARR , Dnurglst. lOtb and Howard Streets. Dentist * . DR. PAUL , Willlamj1 Block Cor. Uth & Dodge. Dry Qoods Notions , Etc. JOHN n. F. LEilMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Fan ham struct. L.C. Enewold also boota and shoos Tth&Paclfl hurulture , A t , GROSS , New and Second Hand Furnltnr nd Etovee , 1114 Douel&s. Highest caeb prlc aid for second hand coous. BONNKlt 1509 Dootdk it. Fine goods , &c pence Works. OUAHA FENCE CO. QUBT , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harney St. , Improve ed Ice Boxes , lion and Wood Fences , Offlp Railings , CouoUrt of Floe and Walnut. Cigars and Tobacco. WEST A FRITSCnKK , manufacturer * ot nd Wholwnlo IVolcrl u TOIACCOII , 1S05 DouslM. V. V. I.ORKNZKN nwnuKcturer 1410 Farnham Florist. A. Donaghne , plants , cut flow er , eocdl , ooqn t tc. N. W. cor. 10th and Do\icl\s itrcets. Civil Englneera nnd Surveyor * . ANDREW IIOSEWATEU , Crclghlon lllotk , jwn Surtcys , Qnulo and SowcraRe Syitems a penalty. Commission Merchants , JOHN 0.V1I , L1S.W4 DodRO Strwt. J ) It. HRRMKK. For dotMIs KM largo nUerttro. uentlnDallv Cornlca Works. Vcstem Cornice Worku , Manufactnrcr * Iron .xmilco , Tin , Iron and Shlo lUwlllng. Orders rom any locality promptly executoil In the host manner. Factory nnd Omcc 1213 llarnoy St. alvanUcd Iron Uornlces , Window Caps , etc. , iinuficturM and put up In any part ol ountrv. T. SINHHI.U 410 Thirteenth itroet Crockery. . RONNER 1809 DouglM street. Good linn. Clothing nnd Fui'nlshlng Qoods. EO. II. PETERSON. Also HaU , Caps , Boots , liooa. Notions and Cutlery. KM 8.10th street. RBtrlgerators , Oanfleld's Patent. . F. GOODMAN llth St. bet Farn. A Harnty. Show Case Manufactory. ) O. J. W1LDK. Manofacturcr and Dealer In all kinds et Show Tases , Upright Cases , ft . , 1317 Cass St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha how Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street , wtwcen Lc.-ucn\vorth and Marcy. All goods warranted flnt-clnm. Pawnbroker * . R08KNFELD. 10th St. . hot. far , ft liar 6tove ana Tmwaro. A. BURMESTEU , ) ealer In Stovei and Tinware , nnd Manufacturer f Tin Roofs and all kind ! of Building Work , Md Fellows' Block. . BONNER. 1809 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Beeds , . EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd FollowR Hall. Physician * an i Surgeon * . V. 8. Ginns , M. D. , Rxrni No 4 , Croighton Hock , 16th Street. 1' . B. UMSENRINO , il. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflto DH. L. 11 ORADDY. Jcullst and Aurist. H. W Uth and Farnham Sts Photograpnors. GEO. HEVN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. car Masonic Hall. First-clans Work and Prompt , mis uu\rant cn Plumblnc , Qa and Otenm Fitting. > . W. TAHPY & CO. , 21012th St. , bet. Farnhara , nd Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. D. rm.PATIUCK. KOI DouglM Street. Painting nn nper anting. HENRY A. KOSTKHS. 1 1 Uodgo Street. 8no tuorei. 'hllllpLang. ' 1320 Farnham st. hot. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. 'ERKINS & LKAIt , 1410 Douglas St. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , ie. , bought and sold on narrow marrlns. tialoons. HENRY KAUFMANN , n the new brick block on Douglas Street , bas Just opened a moat elegant licci Hall , Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. ' Caledonia " J FALCONER 07fl 10th Street. Undertaker * . IHAS. RIEWE , 101J ! Farnham hot. . 10th & lltd. UO Uent Stores. ' . O. BACK US. 1806 Farnhum St. , FancT Ooodt ar eoj yBt 'T 1 . , V.BS V .T AWVS. " West for being the most direct , quickest , an safest line connecting the great Metropolis , CHI CAGO , and the EAsman , NORTn-EiDTRRN , I ouri and Soom-EisirRN Luna , which terminated here , with KANSAS Crrr , LIUVKSWORTII , ATCIIISOH , COUNCIL Bmrra and OHAHA , the COUUISOIAI Cumsa from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates the Continent from the Missouri River to the Pacific Slope. The CHICAGO BOOK ISLAND & PA OIFIO RAILWAY IB the only line from Chicago owning track Into Kansas , or which , by ita own road , reaches the points above named. No TKANSFKIUI BT CAERIAOB No MUBSINO CONNBOTIOKS I No huddling In 111- ventilated or unclean cars , as every passenger Is carried In roomy , clean and ventilated coaches upon Fast Express Trains. DAT CAM ot unrivaled magnificence , PULLMAN FAUCI SLXXFIKO CARS , and ourown world-famous Dixwa CARS , upon which meals are served of un surpassed excellence , at the low rate of Ssvrorrr- FOB CXHTH BACU , with ample time for healthful enjoyment. Through Car * between Chicago , Poorla , Mil waukco and Missouri River Polnta.t.and close con noctlons at all points of Intersection with other roads. " 7 ck illlia , fvvumjuy , uuiu * juuuu , nuvuuu , \ iiiuuut Oregon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arizona and New Mexico. As liberal arrangement * regardmgibaggageai any other line , and rates of fare alHnijp apl'ow a * competitor ! , who furnish but a tithm ne com fort. fort.Dogs and tackle of iportamen free. Tickets , mam and folders at ail prindpa offices In the United Statca and Oanado. R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , Vice Pres't & Ocn. Gen. Tkt andPoss'r A ? Manager. Chicago Chlcaoro. Sioux City fi Pacific THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Runsli Solid Train Through from Council Bluffs to St. Paul Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hours. IT is 3tO < O MILES TUB SHORTEST ROUTE mou COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OR BISMARCK and all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota ant ! Dakota. Thla line l > equipped with the Improve Woetlnghouso Automatic Air-brake and Mllle Platform Coupler and Buffer ; and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT is unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANOI ! between Kan Ban City and Bt Paul , via Council Bluffs am Sioux City. Trains leav * Union Pacific Transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , at 7:35 : p , m. dally on arrival of Kansa City , St. Joseph and Council Illuffs train from the South. Arriving at Hloui City 11:35 p. m. and at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:3C : noon. TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY.OTHER ROUTE. 3TRcmember In taking the Bloux City Rout you get a Through Train. The Shortest Line the Quickest Time and a Comfortable Hide In th Through l' m between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. OTSve that your Ticket * read via the "Sioux nnd I'aclflc ' City Railroad.1' / B. WATTLES , J. II. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Gen'l Pau. Agent. P. K. ROBINSON , Ass'tOen'l Paw. AgY , Mlsnourl Valley , Iowa. J , H. O'BUYAN.BouthHciteni Agent , Counel lilufln. Iowa UKJIIJ. uSWISVR BYRON REED & CO OLCSCT KSTABLiaUID Real Mate Agencj ' IN NEBRASKA Keep a complete abstract of title to Ren EtUte In Omaha an Douglas countr. mart ! "MERRY OIIRISTMAS , " "Christina ? ognln really Christ. n\s ; ! It linn been u long , dreary yonrj jnt how wo will Inuqh nt it to-night ! " It wns Loiftio who snoko Loisto itting in thu little lighted parlor , with iontiug heart and Hushed , beaming oimtunanco , waiting forhorlovor , th over from whom nho had boon topix- atod ix twolvonionth who was coin- ni Kick to-night to her. "A rare fair woman was Loisio ; a ciidor , dove oycd little body , with urly golden luur mid n childishly in- loccnt expression , tliat taut a piquant harm to her face. A rare fair face irdinarily ; this night its gcntlo pas. ion made it moat angelic , and must lave made to Loisio's lover the hum- lo room she graced aeoni quito n xir.idUu. An luimblo little parlor , truly , fur- lislied on the still' , scant fashion ot Sow * England fifty years ago ; but the jay greens and holly with which Loisio ind iteckod it out , the bright , blinking intulles and the soft hoartli iiro , gave iverywhoro such an aspect of cherry comfort. It Unshod a thought on Loisio , preoccupied - occupied as BIO was. With a face a > it sobered stio regarded her pretty vork. " \Vo will laugh at it to-night , " she continuud , softly ; "but somehow I can never help wondering why the Ireary year need hnvo been at nil. I did not want more money. 1 would rather have married Itnlph last Christ- nas. I would rather have been his , vifo nil this time , helping him , work- ng with him , in a little homo of our unking , than that ho should have ; ono away dreary , lonely , all to worker or moj to get riches , so that ho could cover mo with jewels , as ho said , I should not oven have an eiigagcmont ring not till it could bo a diamond ; lotliiiifi else was good enough. 1 sup- loao ho will bring it to-night. 1 sup- : > oao ho is coming homo very " Kight o'clock ! lie must bo with Ilia mother , now ; it would bi > only minutes only minutes ere she would feel his fond arms about her , ua loving kisses on her lips. T o impulses moved Loisio this supreme moment the one to go out when alio heard him coming , to tliro.v open wide the door , and go out far lown the path to mcot him with open Tina and tender words ; the other , to run sottly up the stnirs , to let him Iviiock once , twice , Ihruo times , per- Imps , before she came , pretending note ; o hoar. A. saucy look crept into the tender eyes. She would do this way she would masquerade a little , this Merry Christmas night. Yes , she would come slowly down the stairs , she would open the door and say , demurely : "How do you do , Ralph ? 1 am very glad to see you ; and I hope you lave brought mo my diamond ring. " The sound of wheels pausing at the jate , a quick step coming up the path , uid the saucy plan quite failed to Loisie. The sound of wheels , the step ! She s on the door stone now , with eyes iko stars and heart close to her trem bling lips. " .Ralph , llalph ! Merry Christmas , dear " Ono on the door-steps could not boar to hear tha eager words. Ho burned away , and thought , with a shud der , of what men wore talking of out side. side."Sho "Sho was to marry him soon , they say. Then this thing will surely break her heart. " Loisio did not catch the j muttered words. She had paused , crimson with mortification , tc lind herself address ing a stranger. In confused silence she took the packet ho handed her , and wont back into the house. A 'petulance , almost anger , shone now in Loisio's eyes. She quite for got to look at the little packet in her hand. It was not Ralph's fault , aho know , .but she had learned a lesson ; she would never , never be so foolish again in all her life. Suddenly remembering , she looked down. down.What What was it this man had brought ? She looked , and saw her name in her lover's hand Ralph's handwriting , and the old post-mark , { oo ! Something had happened , then ; ho was not coming not coming at all to night. What could it mean ? She was only the woman she was poor Loimo ! She could not force back the pitiful cry , nor check the hot tears that fell fasten on the seal she broke , And this was what she read amid them this the message she found within : "I cannot come to you to-night , Loisio ; I cannot como to you at all. It is a strange thing to say to you , but it is true. There is only ono way I can explain it , for there i only ono way I want you to .believe it , dear You have hoard of faithless lovers men who fall a prey to women , for whom they forgot these they once loved. Think of mo that way , Loisio. No matter what other * may toll you of me , remember what I told you ; believe only what I say. So , after a little , I shall bo only as dcat to you. Is it cruel to say this to you' Ah , them werocruoler things Bu ! what matters it , Loisio , since I cannot come to you to-night , dear ? I cannel como to you at all , " This way what alia read , bewilder cdly , wonderingly ; only grasping ol its mystery that ho would not como would not como to her to-night. " The strange , wild words wore lost on her. At the second glance they faded out , leaving on the white page only this ; "You have heard of faithless lovers men who fall a prey to women , for whom they forget these they once loved , Think of mo that way. " The letter fell from Loisio' hand. She did not cry , she did not faint ; only a vexed expression crossed her countenance , and then she looked up to the gay greens and holly with a laugh breaking from her lips. "It is cruel ; but still I cannot help laughing in the joy of knowing it is not true. And I will show Ralph Hiiro quickly how little his jests can sober mo. I will go now where I know to find him , I will steal softly in , and oh my pretty lever shall see which of us can play best pranks to-night. " With a now laugh loudior mornci r Loiaio hurried out of thw little par- 'lor , out the door into the cold night and ran swiftly down the road. What she did eho scarcely knew nothing ol what she meant to do , Her ono thought now was to tlnd him to find him. him.It It was different out in the dreary night , so differenttfrmn the wirmth , the light , the Christina * cheer \\ithni , Poor Loiso I How coldly the stars gleamed , how the mocking winds wng- j > ed their lounges. Ah , what was this vision looming up a torturous liend in the droiry night ] A girl fairer than herself , clothed in a satin robe , with orange buds in her hair a face prmul , triumphant , smiling down tit hor. Witli n dispairim ; cry she turned and lied from it , but the lovely vision kept pace close beside The road led past the church ; its boll was ringing moi nly for some fes tival within , In , away from her , fitted the whito-robcd figure. Through the open door Loisio snw another join it saw thorn go hand in hand to the altar , where she had so often fan cied The bell ceased ; Uisio started to lind herself nlone on the church sward , save only the cold stars look ing down. Just bayond she saw the lights of Ralph Hare's homo. "I will go there , " she murmured , brokenly. "I must lind Ralph , ami tell him ho need not mind for me ; that in a litlo , little \vhilo 1 must bo happy , knowing that ho is so. " On , almost eagerly now , she wont , through the gate and up the stops. The door was unlocked , ami she slewpod softly in. _ It was a familiar house to Loisio. ! bit on she hurried , round an nnglo , to Mother Hiiro's sitting room. She had generally a great nwc for Mother Hare ; little ho cared now , only to see if Ralph wore thoro. liut she paused , suddenly paused , for the moment forgetting all things in what she saw and lio.ird. A bowed , white head , a sound of moanning , low but pitiful , Hunting through the open door. Mother Hare ! What sad thing had como to her this Merry Christmas light. This was Lomiu's solo bought , solo care , us , moved by a piielc , yearning sympathy , s' ' > o wont , vith hushed steps , up to the little able , and laid her hands on hers. The sobbing ceased. A face looked , ip , palo , agonized , suddenly to grow stern and harsh. "What do you want here , Loisio Groy ? " The unconscious question brought ill back to her ; so sharply nil buck .o her. "I-I want to sco R.ilph ? " she fid- , cred. "I want to toll him that since lie docs not love mo any longer , since lie cannot " A bitter cry interrupted her. "Lovo you ! If only my boy had never loved you , Louisio Grey ! Oh , it is cruel , cruel of yon to como and ; orturo me ! But for yon I would not jo a hoart-brokon mother ; but for you my boy would npver have stained lis manhood with this bnso erin < o. 'It was all for her all for Loisiu ! ' ho wroto. Is it a wonder that I hnto you , girl that I hoped never to see your pretty fnco again ? " What was Mother IJaro saying ! What did the strange words moan ? Loisio did not know ; she only realized that this women shoso loved , For his sake , was turning from her , too that she was fast losing the ono ray of comfort lighting her poor life. \\ii\\ \ a sudden , almost violent , mo tion , she throw herself down , and sei/.ed the hand she drew away. 'Mother , mother ! " she cried , "you ought not to hate mo ; you ought to pity mo to-night. Do you know that Ralph is untrue to moNo / , you do not , you do not , or you could not treat mo so ! " Something--a cry of agony , yet a laugh burst from the poor mother's lips. "Untrue to you ? Ah , if I only know it , Loisio Grey. Listen to what lie wrote : 'It was all for her all for Loisio. If I did not love her so en tirely , I could never have done this thing. I could not endure the thought of making her a poor man's wife , and yet time passed and I was not getting rich. Temptation came. I said J could toke this money , make a fortune us other men were doing , and replace it ere the theft was known. And ] took it ! Yet low ns I am to-day , mother , it docs not noom to mo the dreadful thing it would if I had no ! done it all for Loisio. ' Do you hear' Do you wonder that I hnto you , Loiso Groy ! " No answer , only a strange light creeping into the upturned eyes. "You were never cruel , and yet you can look at mo that way. Loisio , Loisio Groy , do you know where my boy is to-night ? In Stanford jail , un der arrest for stealing money from his employers : in jail , awaiting trial. Do you know what that means , girl' ' Years , years behind a prison's bars u lot worse than ddatli , a name eternally disgraced. Yes , I see now I realize they have told you , and it has made you mad. Poor child ! poor litth Loiaic ! Perhaps some day I shal corno to pity you ; I only hate you now ! The head was bowed again. On moment Louise staid there still kneel ing , lost to nil thing but the great joj yes , the great joy in her heart. She arose and wont softly out on again into the nijsht , late m > drear now so bright , so beautiful. The stnr smiled down serenely ; ths winds played od only soft accompaniments to the tray song in her heart ; "JIo In true to me , true to me ; truu lit eternity. " That was all Loisio grasped of it , On she went on merrily past the litth church , with a loud laugh , us hln thought of the lovely maiden , with i fresh heart-boat as slio fancied the wedding she would BOOH make there on , needless in joy as m sorrow ot tin cold , cold night , till at last she stooc again in the little parlor , looking ui at the gay greens and holly with whicl her hands hands had decked it out. liut presently recollection came darkness foil upon her , and like on < struckj she Hank down on the hearth rug , with the maddening vision of tin gay vines crumbling to dust nroum her , and all her lifo hold fair am beautiful floating out with the Crist maa tide. * * # * "Christmas again. " It was Louisp who spoke Louise , siUiiig'in the little parlor , amid th gay greens and holly with which he hands hud decked it out. Thu blink ing candles , the same warmth am br'uhtnoHs ; the same' fair fitco tha neither time nor sorrow could stca away from her. Years have passed since that last iard night n nij ht followed by long lays of illm-js , loading slowly doxn to Icnth. Hut death would not have her ml she came luck , forced to take up burden all of life now loft for her. llo was in prison ; aontcnccd for hu'o years. She learned by accident , rom nn old paper , what none wore so riii-l to tell. That moment she bought her biain would turn ; but , 10 mental darkjicts would not have tor. Tliero wns no use\po from the linden iinywhorn. No , help ; no pity ; untiring but to ioar her burden all of lifo now loft 0 IUT. So the hard days pnsacd to Loisio two long , sutlering , dreary jears. Suddenly , with tin- third year , a ray if liijht crept into the darkened life. Volvo months ; twelve months only , lit ) ho would bo fren ! How fair lifo grew with the days ; low nnicli brighter each sunrise than ho last ! For ho was coming , coining , uivly coming back to her. Despite 1 nil. soon as the prison bars were iftod she know Uilph Hnro would onie. Would it bo to-night ? Would they ; mnt him the few hard days , and let im como to her this Christmas night. She hnd prayed it ; in strong lupo , n faith , she had decked out her little mrlor niid she sat now in the warmth nd brightness , mid , with asmiloupon lor fnco , looking up at the gay greens lolly. "Christmas " ngaiti. Looking up to speak absently , lost , est in the growing faith that ho would oino. So lost that ulio did not hoar ho stop witlnmt. She had no fancy if the wild eyes BO close to the win- low gazing in on her ; no warning ot ho extended arms , of the sudden stop nick ward ; no prcsontiniont of thu tor- iblo struggle the stars were \\itncss- ng. Nothing until a honrso voice > roko in upon her blissful dreams. "Loisio , forgive mo. I could not coopaway from hero. " She turned bowildoredly. She ookcd , and a faint cry burst trom lor lips. Who wns this standing bo- ido her this man , with the hnugard ace , the unkempt hair and dreaaf Seiko iko and so unlike. Was it- could it bo The vision hold her spoil-bound , loworloss , further to move or to speak. "Loisio , I did neb mean to come. I vas going to say good-by to mother > ofoio 1 go away for good. But 1 saw the lights. I looked in , and , God knows , Loisio , L fought with it , but I could not help coming hnre. Do not look so whito. 1 am uoiiig now. That night [ wrote you the letter I was a nan most , 1 think ; but lluiil ono clear , ational thought , and it was that I ind rather you would think anything anything of mo , than that I would liayiaco you so. 1 am more a mad- nan nowbut ; the thought how I have Unbraced you is with mo , as it has ) con through nil the years. Itut 1 iin going now , going forever away 'rom ' you. Loisio , Loisio , what is .his ? You cannot , you must not- How shu did it Loisie will never mow. She only knows that a great .error seized her , and that , with her own weak hands , nho drew Ralph [ Faro down beside her , and pillowed "lis head on her breast. "Oh , my love , think a minute , think a minute ! You will kill mo il you leave nip now. " "wis. Still wildly , froimodly , her white arms clasped his neck. Ono little moment of grow ing terror , then she looked timidly down to sco the great light shining ii Iris eyes to know that whatovoi shoult come to them in the future of weal or woo , naught but death and the grav could over part them now. And u laugh never so joyous , so pnrfoot , welled up from her soul ns she whis pered : "Merry Christmas , Ralph. " Ah , merry Christmas , Mother Hare A Friend in Need- Time over and njjaln THOMAS' KCI.KC- Title On. him proved a Hnlutnry friend t < the ilintreH'Cl. ( An ft roll iblo curative for croup in children , noru tliroat nml bron chial nlfcctiouH , and ni a positive external remedy for pain , it In n never-failing nut- ! dote. decl'J-codlw AND H a n d s o mest IN THE MARKET For Sale by WM. F. STOETZBL 621 South Tenth St. MraskaLandAgeffl DAVIS & SHYOER , I50C Farnham Bt. , . .t Omahn , Nebrn 0,00,000 a. aoEtiai Cate.ully aolix iuJ l "l I" Nmujrn Mubrunha fo talo. ilrwit llirKitl"i > In linproteil farum , an Omaha city proiH.rty. 0. V , DAVIS' V/KB3TKU BNVDE1 Ute Lao-J Com'r'U. H. B. . . DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL- HOTELS. roii'Kf ARLINQrON , 0. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net. JUDKIN3 HOUSE. OUDKINS & DRO , , Red O.iV , la. BAflATOQA HOTEL , J.8. STCLLINIUS , Mllford , Nob. RECD HOUSE , OEO. REED , Ulyttes , Neb , WOODS Houar , W. P. CLLI3 , Oieeolo , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTCL JOHN HANNAN , Stromiburjj , Ntw AMERICAN HOUSE , OEO. H , McOAIN , South DcndNo HALL HOUSE , A , W. HALL , Loultvlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlnlr , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O.D. HACKNEY Aihland , Net > CENTRAL HOU8E , JOHN COOPER , Onkdnle , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMONO , Seward , N > b , COMMERCIAL HOTEL E , EVANS. O'Neill , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL O. F.OAS3ADY , Denlion , li. HAHTNtY HOU8C. W. P. HtNTER , WnUlde , la. DCLLOU HOUSE. MRS. A. E. DRUCE , Riling ! City , Neb. DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLE Dorchetter , Netx COMMERCIAL HOTE. . J. Q. MEAD , NellRli , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JA3. McKILLIP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb. QAQE HOUSE. A. R , HADE , Republican OltyNeb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Haitlngi , Neb. SANDERS HOUSE , CHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. JUDKINSHOU8E , Malvern , la , ESTE3 HOUSE , N. T tBTES , Grand ItUnd , Netx. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb. WILDER HOURS' THOMPSON REED , Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , W. W. 8HUWFEL1 Waco , Nob. GREENWOOD HOUSE , 0. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbut , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. S. OREQERY , Central Oltv , Neo. SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & DECKER , Oreiton , Ik. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERT2 , Neola , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emenon , In. KTTSXZO'XISS a-x < DEiza"viroox , oo. V. H , Parsonn , M. D . Physirinn and Surgeon ) . \V. Archibald , M. D . Superintendent of the Asylum tf. 0. Kdwards . Druggist I. 0. Dyer . Groceries C. II. Townluo . Uahory and Hating House \ . .1. Hussoll . Oonoral Merchandise ) , L. Hunt tv Co . Popular Moat Market illcklowait it Coats . Grain Dealers I. I ) . Lewis . Groceries Mills county , Iowa. MALVEHN. C. , U. & Q. and \Valmah & St. Louis Railroads. j. Uontlcy Firat National Dank V. D. Evans Fnrmora1 and Traders' Bank , D. Paddock t Co General Merchandise 3. 0. Daird Groceries and Provisions ' . D. Paddock Opera House Mulder & Goodwin Drugs , Jewelry , Uooks 1. W. llatos Oysters , Ice Cream and Confectionery 1. W. lloynton Uakery and Confectionery 'onny it Garrigua Attornoy-at-Law j. P. Anderson ' Central House ' 'rank Wilkinson .Tudkins House T. M. Uarrott Stock Dealer F. M. Strahan Thoroughbred Horses and Cattle L'ip Wilson Livery Stable ELGUTTER ! ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Children's CLOTHING. ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Boys' OLOT 1ING. ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Youths' ' CLOT IING. ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Men's CLOT 1ING. ELGUTTER'S Novelties in White FANCY SH RTS. ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Under WEARS. ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Fancy NECK WEAR. ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Fancy SILK H'DK'FS. ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Holiday GIFTS. MAMMOTH 'CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Cor. Farnham & 10th St. IOOJ Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , 'because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. VM. \ < . YATES , Cash Grocer O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , * Yard and Office 16th and Cumings Street , two block * n rth of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT cnd-Uto BROMPTON. CONSUMPTION. PRESCRIPTION. B Bad Breath , Blood Spitting , Bronchitis , C Cures Ohost Fains , Gelds and Chills , Oattarrhs , Group , P Prevents rneumonia , Phleghm in. the Throat Pains in the Sides , Pleurisy , BOSS COUGH PHYSIC. Hroinntoii ll si > Uft Is the LA1U3KST INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD of which tliooblrct ll thatroatincnt ill LUNO AND 01IKST D1B1SASKS. IU Medical Staff consUti of the MOSP KMTNUNT IMlY.SIOrANH In Iximloa , to whom wo owe this thoMOSTHUCOKSSl'ULJlKMKDyOl-'THKAUK. In tha British Metropolla nlono It has olfecloil more than 1,000,000 OUllKS , a l in the trying Winter of 1SSO U crodltecl with luvlns BAVK1 > liUNUHKDS OK LIVES. Send for Sample Bottle , 30 cents , Obtainable only ( In Uottlca 81.00 nnd COo each ) , from ADDI1E88. RE8IDENOE. Poj'-OIIIco Uox 002 , novlfi tl 8. W. Pierce and 20tt B