Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1881, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 , 1881 COUNCIL BLUFFS , Hon , W , J. Sapp Vindicates the Oourt Now Trying Quitoau. A Plea For the Poor Man and Bettor Wages. The Mill of Justice Grinding Out Its Slow Grist. -Church Sociables and Other Entertainments. Ifisoollanixms Matter * From the Pretty City in ! the Valley of the Miuonri * Ex-RoprosonUtivo W. P. Sapp , who has just returned from Washing ton , Bays that the news papcra have not reported the celebrated criminal trial now dragging its weary length along , exactly on the squnro , Thattho manner in which Judge Cox is con * ducting , it is misrepresented very mate rially. That the utmost decorum ia maintained throughout each Bcssiun. That everybody in attendance has the utmost respect for the court. That no ] one is allowed to ninko any disturb ance with the exception of Guitcau , and ho would bo gagged was it not for the sympathy per chance HUCI an act would create in the prisoner' ) ! behalf. Col. Sapp gives it os his opinion that tlio trial will result in a verdict of guilty. That like all such cases there are two sides and the people in and about Washing ton take them. One cln-HB believes Guiteau is a Bane man and ought to lie hung , the other class thinks ho possibly was a little insane when ho drew the fatal trigger , and yet they boliovu he should suffer the extreme penalty of the lav. The colonel says the courts in iho District of Columbia all adjourn at 3 o'clock and the supreme premo court at on earlier hour. JUSTWOUTHY .ACTION. . The action of the council on Friday evening increasing the amount per load for hauling the dirt with which to build Union avenue , will bo com mended by every citizen of Council JJlufTa. Men in business and other transactions may take advantage of the laboring man's nocessitic.'i , but a city , like ours , should not do BO. Far better that wo point to our improve ments with , the pndo and satisfac tion , that while * they are a lasting ben efit to the publio they kept the wolf from the door of many a poor man's cot during the progress of tlio making. The amount they were getting , 20 conta per head , would not do much nioro than food their horses. At 25o they will bo able to pull through. Council Blufldon't wish to , if slio could , build her parks and avenues off the sweat of the poor man. HANDSOME 1'UF.SENT. Mr. and MM. J.'W. Sijuiro , of this city , have r9contly boon presented with some very fine stereoscopic views of the cemetery and surrounding conory , at Cleveland , also the vault in which reposes the remains of our Into lamented president , James A. Garfield. The gift was from J. W. Field , of Cleveland , a friend of Mr. Squire and family. The view taken of the > ault is oxcontiouably line , ahowing through the iron gratinir in plain view the casket , together with its floral decorations. One of the cen tral figures in the view is Mr. Squire and his wife. The VJOWH are executed in excellent style , and make an inval uable addition to their already oxton- tivo collection. DIHTIUI.T count. The following criminal cases thus far have boon to a jury and a convic tion obtained by District Attorney Conner. State of Iowa vs. Harry Widrnan ; Edward Malm , lursou and burglary ; State of Iowa vs. Lewis Owen , laicony ; State of lownvs. John II. Dunn , larceny ; State of Iowa vs. " \Vm , Crolls , larceny ; State of Iowa vs. Thomas Bariott , assault with intent to commit a rnpo while attending camp meeting. Judge Hood sentenced 'NVbuinan and Malm ono year , Owen six months , Dunn three years , Crolls and Uarrott , the last named is the man who assaulted a woman out at the camp meeting hold this season in the vicinity uf Pork's mill. The district court was occupied all day yesterday with the case entitled Williamson & Parrott vs , John Flan agan ; the action was brought to re covers attorney's foes. Williamson A Parrott , with 11. Poroival , . appear for plaintilld. Watkinn & . Williams for defendant. Ill' AOA1X. F. W. Speltman & Brother liavc faced their indebtedness like men , have opened up on a largo scale , am -are now ready for business. ItEsmn-TOTHK I1KA1) . A very lur o concour o of people ii carriages followed the remains of Mr , P. Burns yesterday to thotr last rest ing place. 1 IIAITIST KNTE1ITAINMKNT. The F/nt / Baptist Sunday school o : this city will give an entertainment a the church on next Monday evening Singing , reading , tableau , refresh inonts will be provided. A pleusnn time for the little folks may bo expected pected ! Como ono como all come great and small. El'IhCOl'AL BOUIAULK. Notwithstanding the rain ( juito largo party gathered at tlm rcsidenci of Dr. McCrca , the occasion buiu the Episcopal sociable. Kiitertaino by MFH J. B. Atkins and Mrs. Cone ver , a very nodal time was enjoyed b all present. A. o. or. x. n A LI , . To-night will take place at D ( lianvy'u opera house , ono of thouvcnl of the winter season , the grand bt given by the Ancient Order of liiboi nians. The music coiieists of Olker full band , also the Hiburninn conn Land uf Oinalm , There has bee quite u number of tickets sold t Omaha particr , and n largo numbc rom that city will no doubt be pros- lit and join in the fcstiv'tius. ' Ad- lUsion SI for gentleman with lady or adics. Nov. Mr. Conaor of the DCS Moincs 'nivorsity ' , preached at the Ijaptint uirch Sunday evening , presenting-in uito n forcible manner the cause uf ducatioiii THK OUT CONCKHT nil third annual ball to bo given by loscuo Hose Compiny No. JJ on the vening of January 11 , 188U. on which cciwion Dohany's Opera House and lloom and Nixon's Hall will Doth bo irought into rccquisitiwi , promises to > o a grand affair. S3,000 in presents will bo given. ALDEKVJLX ILL. Alderman Sr 8. Keller ia confined o his rcaidonco quite ill. Aldornnn Phillips in still unable o attend to business on account of icknoss. TUB 11LUE .1AY aloon on Broadway waa entered by a ncak thief who got away with a ouplo of revolvers anil other small rticlcs including a box of cigars , which wcro afterwards recovered. The liiof is known , but is still at largo. MIHH JKHHIi : COUTHOUIl , ho world ronnwcd elocutionist and ramatic reader , while in this city ras a gueat in the family of E. K. Aylosworth. Wo understand if ar- angomonta can bo made , the young ady wijl appear some time during the winter in Boyd's Oporu house in ) maha , CONVICTS HIMSELF. Henry Austin , colored , wan arrest- d for making an assault an a colored > rothcr in ono ol our Broadway sal ons on Sunday evening. Ho waa im- nediatuly Ink en before Judge Burke , who hold him for his appearance yes- onlay morning on call ( it the docket. Jo uno appeared against him , but omoliow ho got started and before ho ore ho could bo stopped , ho con- 'icted himself of being an incorrigi- > lo coon and rather bad nig. Tlio ourt , on Ills own confession , lined lim 86. TUB OIOANTKANS. Rain or no ruin a go id minstrel how always draws a full house , as id the Giganteans last night. The roupo probably are as good av any on lie road. They gave a rcry pleasing ntertainment. Connora and Kelly , eng and dance artists , wcro first-class ml on the whole the entertainment was exceedingly goo. ) . UIHUKU.ANKOUH AM ) I'EIUiONAUH. P. T. ' Mnyno starts to-day on quilo n extended busincsa trip. HH will isit Prcscott , Cromwell , Ores ton , \lbin and Maryvillo before bin ro- urn. urn.F. S. Pusoy and wife have returned rom n trip to Saint Louis. J. J. Bliss has returned from a rip to the costi The Florence Herbert troupe were onvjycd to the transfer in two Her- ic , but it'required four to bring the ninstrel troupe back. All goodjviolin playora use Mullin's trings. Thomaa Richardson , Clinton , was n Council Blufl's yesterday , a guest t the Ogdon. , Hon. U. F. Loofban and wito were it thotOgdon. The judge has been to Vashington recently , attended the Juitcau trial and occupied a scat with Judge Cox on the bench. Frank Uardal. North Bennett Street , lulf.ilo , gays : "I have tried your HrillNn JUWHOM OB a family medicine uml hn > e ever came across anything to do 10 inucli [ oed in so short n time in cases of indgoH ! < ( in , ( ly | ) oiBl | and derangement of the : omncn ; I tr ugly recommend it. " Price CO centu , trial bottles 10 centn. dcclU-eodlw LIST OF LETTER n Post Ollico during tlio week oudlngDccerahnr 17 , 1881. (1ENTLEMFN. Abbati AfihtoiiL IT AmleiHon J Andcrxon J X Uunn Win ] ntln W Drown H l'-'K ' A Jl.bor K Uro Hue. t ! 11 Son htou t ! A Heal 11 Inker C Itrniiinnl A D Cl.rM.Ii : 1)1 Modeim M ) Dourer L--1 euiii3oy - - ! )111 h .1 F Frankfort .V 'UhcrT KcrrellGW ' 'ortunu O M Hmninei N lyldeluml Ut T llubbard A 0 BUell K Jayivnril A M vn liimmi 3 Kelly D Clint J Kcarneri A tiviutkorosld J Keuncdy K .7 .euotituer U I/co Hnrry- _ Moore T II Moniu A A ilcnieiimu M M Mimxinry ,1 ilillcrUL McCowtiiJ Mo 1'urquhnr J MiUulro 1' Voblo r 0 Nolilo J A I ! ) lf K ' O'Donolhuo I > 'itlkin D 1'arlah K Mmhlo N P JUmsav H .r tnsinut'Ven J M Itynn G tolihlim I1 H lUchnnln .1 citclm W Smith V ShiMM W P-2 Stllea S 1) -nell J P Stan ov ,1 K iophyJ SinUli .T ) parrio 0 Sleep Cr Scoloy O Sillier G W SIcfertK Slu-rcr H rciplnui D ' Tftti i'uwlo H A ThompHiiii D U I'liaycr 1) T Upton O W Vulter L V Wcnde ! O WlimlnirOT WruterC Wlolfi. ( J W Walker T D Yost K 1.ADIE.S , Allen MM 1' Anpell Mrs J H A mown MM IJ linker Mm S K Itniwn MH ! * K H ijer MrH K lligsley Minn ( J ISujrouH ! < ' Brocket MrH B Howm Mrs J h Clurk Mm C W Clirl tcinwin Mm O Ciivliinrl Mn L'ulliy Mm M A U < ! rxln Mra . Dalilln Mlua O Deapttin Mr * K Kvaui MIs M A Klurlclc Mrit 8 'J Ko t i en Mw 1) ( reou Mrs M M Gallagher Mliw JJ Grduu MIIW M A lluinpall Mum A liutfiimn MIM I llubbnrd Mm A MimiM JauirHMIiuit } . - - Mw KeUhein Mm M KinL'Mr-MJ Lund Mm J Mj Chath v \ L Mmenou ! Mlsa L MadeBunMlt.nB MillvrM Nehon MINI A Niolinlnoo Miss A OliU Mlj ; A Ppt MlM 1J A Smith MU * I . * L Trwey J Tnttiv MJ" M Ar-ile * Mm S M Wilson Mr < M THOMAS V. HAM , Postmaster. Bnoliiia Jiriiica Salve. The bust ealvo in the world for oute bruiscB , Boroa , uleora , eult rhouni favor"proa , tcttcr. clmppod hnndt cliillblaiiifl , corns und ull luntls c skin eruptions. Tliia mtlvo ia gum untced to give iicrfuct Batiufnctiou i every caao or inonuy refunded. 1'rici 25o per box , For sale by Omnlin. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAV latter of Application of 11. V. Mrulsen for J.Hii | r I.lccniv. NOTKM : . Xfillco 1 * licrcby civcn that U. 1' . MT ! en dlil njiin tlio Kith diy of December , \ . 1) . , 1881. nio hli npiillcallnn to the Inyoc Mill City Council of Onmhn , for ( 0110 tohcll Malt , Silritu | n < i nnil VI om .Ili-iors , at No. 1110 .Sixth direct , ! 1'lint Vnril , Onmlm , Neb , from tlio lt tUy uf at u iry , 1881" , to Uiu lull day of April , 8 2. If there ho no objection , lemontrance r tirot st filed within two wtckn from Do- cm'icr Ifith , A. 1) . , 1881 , the Kftid HC-UPC will 1)0 granted. U. I' . M < ii'iKX , Applicant. TIIF. DAILY Hit : newinn r will jwWMi ie above notice once each wcMc lor two cckn at tlic pxiicniie of tlio applicant. The City of Oniaim is not tn lie chirked icrewith. J. J , L. C. .TKWKTT , City ( Jlcrk. latter of Application f Samuel ] Jc ttty fur Liquor License , NOTIOI : . Notice in lictcby ( jlvcn tlmt Sntiiucl icntty dlil unon the llth iliy of Pcccm- cr , A. D. , 1 .11. file his application tn 10 3\Iny < r nnd City Council ol Oinnhn. for cense' < > Kill Mnlt , Splrituoim and Yin- UH LlijinirH. nt No 11'2 ! T\velith KLrect , " "lilrd Wnni Omaha. iNcb. , from 1st day f January , 188'J , to the lOtlidny of April , 8H2. Ifthcrobo no objection , leinnnxtrsmco r protcxt filed within two wcf-ks from Uio Itli of December , A. D. , 1881 , Uio bftiil cense will be granted.r . r > AMiTi. UFATTV , Applicant. TUB DAILY Hfp nowtpaper will publish bo aliove notice onie caili week for two .veek ht the oxiicnco of tlio n | > ] ilcnnt. ! 'lie I'ity of Uinalm U n t to bo chargid herewith. J. J. L. C. ,1KWiTI' , City Clerk. latter of Apnllcntliin nt .1. O. Nxtgint& Go. fur liquor LIcciiHc , NOTICI : . Notice UJicrebyKl en that J. ( ! . Nu- cut ft Cii. diil upon llio Kith ( lav ot Do ember , A. P. . 18H1 , hlo bN up licntionto bo Mayor aim City Coim il of Unmlm , ir licence to neil Mai' , SpiriutoiH and /inoim Liiuoti | > , ivt No. 101 nnil IGli South 'wellth ntrcot , Thi d ward , Omalin , cll , rom the iHt day of .lanunry , 1881' , to tlio ( Hli dny of April , 188Z If tliero I o no objection , rdriimatranco r protent filed within two wcekn from DC- ember 10th , A. P. , 1881 , the nald license vill bo ( { 'anted. JOHN O. XLIJENT k Co. Applicant. The OMAHA DAIU IHi : new'i > ai > er will ulilisli the ubu notice , once u ic h week , > r two weeks 11 the expense uf the nppll- int. The City of Omaha in neb to be Imrgod therewith. .r.J.Ii.O.JKWEIT , City Clerk. latter of Application of John Trjnk for Liquor License , NOTICK. Notice it hereby given that John 1'rnnk 111 npon the Ifith < liiyof December , A. P. , Ml , hie hlHnpplIcntlon t the Ma ) or nnd jity Council < I Onmlm , for licence to nul ! Isilt , SphituoiiH nnd Vinoim Liuui8 [ , nt N'o. 1021 lorncr ) ' .le\enth uml Poii lnH treet , Thinl wnnl , Onmlm , Neb. , from h iHt ilay of Jnimiry , 1S8' , to the 10th luv of April , 188J. If there bo no objection , reinonH'ranct r protest S ed within two wecl < n from PH- ember 1Mb , A. P. , 1881 , the naid license vlll bo firunted. .FoiiN > 'iiA : > h , . A pliuunt. The PAIM lire nowepipcr will pubbMi lie ivbovo notice , once uncli u tck , lor tw < kx at the expeiixe of tlio applicant , 'l.o City of Onmlm is not bo clmry ; d tbeto vltli. .1. J. L. C. .IKWIHT , City Clerk. Matter of Aliplieation of Then. Calbui foi l.iiiior | License. NOTICE. Notice is hereby K\\en \ that Thos. Cat- nil diil upon the Ifttli dixy of December , A. . P. , 18S , file bis application to tin ilnyor and City Council of Oinalm , foi Iccnnn tu ell Malt , Spirituous ) nnd Vin inn LiiiiorH | , nt No. 1307 PouKl H utreer fhlril Wuril , Onmlia , rvob , from the In if January , 188. ' , to the 10th dny of April , 88 f. If the ro bo no objection , remonstrant ir proteit fileil within two weekn fron ho loth of December , A. P. , 1881 , tin aid license will bo granted THOS. CAT.IAX , Applicant TUB PAII.Y BEE newspaper will publisl ho ubovu notice oncu u ch week tor twi veekn ut the exiienso of the Applicant the City of Omaliiv will not bo rhnrt'ei hercw ith. J. J. L. C. JK \ \ KIT , Pttcll-'Jtl City Clfik. latter of Api > llcation of T'reJc.ick Met. for Liciior | License. NOTIOI ; . Notion In hereby given that 1'reiierlcl Met/ did upon the Kith dny ot Dcccmbur \ . P. , 1881 , file IIH niiphc itlon to tin "Mayor of the City Cnnncll of Omnliii , foi ILOIINO to nell Malt , SpirituoiiH nil 1 Yinnti jiiuiois , nt No , lllfi Farnlmni street 'hird wnnl , Onmlm , Neb. , fiom the IHI lay of Jitmmiy , 1882 , to the 10th day o \ \ nIbS'J. \ \ . in Iberu bo no objection , renionstr.nnct iirotuit filed within two weeUo fron Ictembcr Uitb , A U , 1881 , the rink Icenseill be granted. PlIEDKUICK Ml.TY , Applicant. Tin ; DAIM lii ! : : newspaper will publi-1 iu nlo\o notice once each week for twc % eeknr.ttlio expciiHe of tlio appliuint 1'ho City of Onmlm ia not to bo chnrgoi : tlwrowitli. J. J. L. 0. JUWKTl' , deoimitt ' City Cleilf. Mn'terof Aplic.itlon of Juatls Kestc [ for Liquor License. NOTICII. Notice la hereby given tlmt Jnatix Kea er diil upon the lilth day of December , A I ) , , 1881 , file his nunllcntlon to the Mnyo mid I Ity Council of Onmhn. for license I sell Mnlt , Spirituous and Vinnun Lhinorn it Thirteenth , between Pierce nnd Wll inm ntroct , Second wnnl , Omnht , Neb , from the 1st d y of Jnmiary , 1882 , to th 10th dny of April , 1882. If there ho no objection , remonntrnnc orprotcBt filed within two wceka frcmDo comber ! Hli , A. P. , 1881 , the nald licens will boi'nvi.ted. [ J. KE > KI.KII , Applicant. TIIK OSIAKA DAILY BKK newrpnpcr \ \ \ \ ibllali the ubovu notice for two weekx n thu ox | > eii o of the uppllcaut. Tim Cit of Oinalm is not bo charged therewith , J. J. L. O , JISWKTT , t City Clerk. Matter of A | plication of Henry Knu Mann for Liiinor License. NOlICK. Notice Uhtrrliyilvc u that Henry Koulman illii Uwn the 13th of December , A. I ) . , lt > bl , II hl > anpliratloii to DID a\or § nd I ltCuincll i ( linilift , for llcf n o to 11 Malt , Bp rltu in 01 VlnoiK Ilqurni , at No. 1314 UouyUi Mric 1)ilrii ) aril , HuiUik. htb. . ironi tlio l > t day < January , lb$3 , to the lOtli day o ( April , lbt > 2. U thvre lie no objection , reinonttr.UKo or l > r it tllcil wl'liln t o wctki ironi Dcu niber 13 1 A , 1) . , Ittfl , tlio nalJ U.cnuo wl I l > o Krunttd , Ajp | > luun * . Tin DAILY HKR nc Tie | > cr will mililltli tl nvo\ notice ( or tuo wciku nt tlio i'Xx.n o of tt nmillniut. Tlio City of Omai a IK nut to I uirutxl tlitnnllh. J. J. U C. JEWB T , I otl4 ISt City Ulcrk. ulatter of Application of llichard Wll. fur Llipior Liccime , NOTICK. Notice U lifrnln xhen that Klch'rU WIMo d njioii tlio 10th ilt ) oX Dcivmlur , A. D. . 1K1 II liif aipllcatlon to Uo JUuir mid City Cainu ol Oiiulm , ( or llrxn IOMII Mnlt , bplrltuouaai Vluoim U < | uu r , at No. list rurnliam felrui 'llilril \ \ rJ , Oniali , N b , . | roniliu'Ut day January , IbSi , to Uio lUlh day ol Apr I , ISs'J Iltluru Uono ilijcctlon , r.-nio"Hrain.-o orir U t Illwlulthlntui ) viMkn from lOi A. D , Ibbl , thonlj llctiifow 11 bo L-r tilid , II. WIUK , _ . Aiilltuiit. | THK DAHV iirr. newviuiwr will Hi abovoDotlcufortHoucikiat th txivn > oof tl ajiillrtnt. | Tlio Ulty ol Onulia tV not tu I charged tbtrewlth , J. J. L I1. JhW > ' 11' , t. City Uuk. DISEASES OF7IIK- DR , L. B , GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IM DOYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL , tlclcrcncci all llcputablc yitlcUns of Omah . jMTOfflce , Corner ICth and F rnham Oil , Ornnhn , Neb. 880. SHORJJ-INL I860 , KANSAS CITY , StJoe&OonncilBlnffs u run OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THK EAST Prom Omaha and the West , 'o change of can bctwrai Onvkha and Si. inli , and but ono between OMAHA and NKW YOHK. Daily PassengerTrains ucmso AU. KA8TKRN AND WESTERK CITIK8 with LESS CUARQES and IK ADTANCK ol AIJ OTUiai LIN . Thl entire line la i | mptxj ] with Fullman'e 'ulftco al cplnf ) Care , I'aUco Iny rovJicn , Miller's ixtcty I'lattomi and Coupler , and the colcliratcJ Vontlnnhoujw Alr-br&ke. 1-trSwi that jour tlclict reads VIA nANiUi CIT . ST. JOSEPH b COUNCIL BLUFFS Kill- oail , > la St. Jotwph and .St. Louis. Tickets ( or Halo at all coupon "Miens In thi Vest. J. F.UAUNAKU , A' 0. DA WES , Grn. S < jpt. , St. Jowt.h , Ma Oun. Vua. aad Ticket Agt. , Ut. Jofqih , Mo. &DDT lIoHUiw , Tkktt Azcnt , 1020 Farnham ettcot. A. P. llimiiii ( Jcnoral Agent , OVUIfA Jin _ The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRA'SKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Btutnofts tnuincted same u that of an Incor- > orated Dink. Accounts kept In currency or gold subject to ripht check without notice Certificate * of dcpoidt wuod payable In three , li and twclto months , joarlng Interest , or on emand without Interest. Advances made to ctutomors on approved tecu Itlcs at market ratci of Interest. Buy and fell gold , bllU of exchange , gororn ment , state , count } and city bonds. Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland , Scot- and , and all parts of Europe. Sell European pasture tickets. COLLECT1ON8 PUOUITLY HADB. Matter of npiillcition of John Dw.yer for iicnutt to Hell li < | in ) Xoticc if li roby yuen tint .Tolin Dwyer lid upon the 1'Jtli ay uf Ucccir.ber , A. U. 1881. file hi. application to Uio Miyor in 1 Citv C-iiin il of Oinatio , for permit to ell Mult. Sphituuus mid Vinous . aH n dnijgi-.t , for ? ur medicinal , inechanicnl anil chemicil nrposes 1 11 v. nt No 701 , 10th Hiree * fifth nftrJ , Oinalm , Acb. , from the lafi lay < -f January , 18 2 , to the 10th cUy ot iril , 188i. f there be no objection , remonstnnco 01 protest filed within Vnoeeksfrom the 10th day oE December , A. IX 1882 , tha suid permit will be grantud. Join ; Durnii , TUB OMAHA'.DAII V.BFE newspaper will inblixh tlw ) above notice once enun week 'or two weeks , at the expcnio of the appli cant. The City of Omaha is not to be therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWKTT , City Clerk. Matter of Application of D. L. McGuckin fur Liquor Licence. > OTICI : . Notice ii hereby given that D. L. Ma nikin did upon the 13th day of Decem- Der , A. U. , 1881 , file h s npplication to the Mayor nnd City Council of Omaha , for iccme to soli Malt , Spirituous and Vinous T.imiorx , at No. 311 South Tenth street , Third Vard , Oinnha , Neb. , from the 1st lay.f .Tnnuury , J8S2 , to the 10th t'tiy of April. 1882. If there bn no objection1 * , remonstrance or protest tiled within two \veekn from Ic- comber 13th , A. D. , 1881 , the mud licence ill bo grjiited , D. L , MtGi't'Kix , Applicant. TIIK OMAHA Dxit.v BEE nowHpapcr will .nibliah the i\bo\o n tico once each week or two weak * at tlio expen c of the a < pli- cant. The City of Oi-.i.iha is nut to lie charged tliureuilli. J J. L. O. .TEWETT , decl'J--'t City Clerk. flatter of Application of Schriuei & I'l Jmanu for lai nor License. NUTIOI : . Notice IN hereby Riven that Schrincr & I'nlmnnndid , ii | on the lUth day of Dccein- > er , A. IX , 1881 , file theiriiupliciition to tlio Mayor nnd City Council of Om ha , for iceiiao to Hall Mnlt , Hpirituousixnd Vinous l.iquara , at Boutlieivui , corner 10th and Dodge uticets. Fourth ward , Omaha , Neb. , > rom iho lutuay oflanuary. . 18-2 , to the lOthdayof April , 18S2. If there liu iiu objection , remonstrance or protest filed nithiu txvo woks fiom De cember Kith , A. I ) . , 1881 , tlio said license will bo ( 'rnnte'.1. & KIIDMANN , Applicants. THK OMAHA UAILV UEB uewspaier will imbliah the nbo\ notice once each wok tor two weelm nt the xpcnso of the Appli cants. The City of Omaha is not to be charged therewith. J. J. L. C. JEWr/TT , City Clerk. Matter of Application of Y. II. Smith foi Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice is hereby piven that F. II. Sinitl did upon the Kith day of December , A , D. , 1881 , file hit application to thoMayoi aud City Council of Onmlm , for lit ense tt sell Malt , Spiiituouannd Viuous Liquon nt o ll'Jl UhlcaKo sticet , Fifth Wurd Omahu , Nvli , . from the 1st day of . 'ami Bty , 18 * . ' . ' , to tin10th day cf April , 1882 If tliero be n objection , remmibtrt > ni orprotoht lileil nittiin two wrekn fron Dceembtr Kith , A. D. , 1881 , tha u li liccnso wilt bo gran cd. F. 11. SMITH Applicant. THE OSIAIU DAILY UKK uewoiupor wil puhlUh i he above notice once each wee ] for two weeks at the txpenae of the ap pllcunt. Tim City of OuuliA ia not to l > vhnrged therewith. J. J.L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk M atter of appHr.itlon of Markel it Swob for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice h hereby ( jiven that Mnrkel J Kwobd diii umn the 17th dayof Doremliei A. D. , 18S1 , tile Ids application to th Ma ) or and City Council of Omaha , fu license to bf 11 Malt , Spirituous and Vinou Liquor * , nt U. 1' , Depot , Virst ward I'maha , Neb , , from the l t l y uf Jauunrj 18S2 , to th ( 10th dny of April , IKS2. If there be no objection , iunion > > trance c protest filed \\lthin two woekn froia ] ) i cumber 17th. A , ! > , , 1881 , the said liceus w ill to granted. MAUKKL & h our , Applicant * . THK DAIU BEE newspaper wlllpublls tlioabo\u once each ueek for two ueekti c the expense of the applicant , The city i la not to ho chained the-owMi , J , J , L. 0. JKWKTT , City Clerk. No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , Where direct connection are nurto with Tt-nucb SLKEPINQ CAR LUfES for NEW TORK , nOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , UALT11IORK , WASniNOTON AMD ALL EASTERN ITIKfl. The Short Line via. Peoria Fxjr INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUISVILLE - VILLE , and all point * In the FIO U M. J mi BUST unx For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connections are made tn the Union Depot with the Through Sleeping Car LJnca for ALL TS NEW LINE- DES MOINES THE FAVORITE ROUTE FOR Rock Island. TTho unoq\aled Inducements offered by thlt lloo to traclcn and tourisw are M follows : The cdobratcd PULLMAN (16-who I ) PALACE SLEEP1NO CAItS run only on Uili line C. , R. b Q. PALACE OtAWINU ROOM CARS , with Horton'o Reclining Chain. No extra charge for Mata In Reclining Chalra. The famous C. , B. S Q. Palace Dining Can. Qorgcoua Smokln ; Cart fltted with elegant hluh-hacknl rattan revolving chain , for the exclusive UM of flnt-clan pa' on gen. Steel Track and superior equipment eoaiblrn-1 vlth their gicat through car arrangement , milu this , above all othore , the farorlto route to tne East , South and Southeast. Try It , and you will find traveling a luxury In stead of a discomfort. Through ticket * , vie this celobratud line for oalt at all omcca In the United Htataa anil Canada. All nforuiatlon atout ratui of fare , Sleeping Cir accommodations , 'lime Tables , etc. , will b cheerfully glvou by appljinu to K PERCEVAL LOWELL , ! General onierAijcnt , Chicago. J. POTTF.H , Op , Manvcr Ohlcajro. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK,1"0 ; OrcatTRADS MARK KmH hn.m- ciiy. An mi- failing c ire > fur Scmlml Spnruiator rhcn , Imiiot- cncj , and nil o AFTER TAKIHO. ; af I.OIH of llomorv , Unlvcrn.U Liwsl- tudo , Pnln In the Back , Dimness of VUlon , Premature mature Old Ago , and many other Dikcisos that lead t > Irmnlty or Coimuuiptlon and a Prema ture Oriuo. iarFulI particulars In our pamnhlet , which vn deslro to ecml frco t r mall to cMryone. 3TTho Specific lloJIcino Is > old hj all drug lsta at 31 per package , or 0 pack > ; e for 85 , or will bo sent free by mill on red ptof the mono } , by addressing THEORA lUDICIKK CO. , BlilTalo , Jf. Y. For sale bv C. V Ooodr ou'mo cod PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! No One Need Suffer ! Anirecure tor lillnd , Bleeding , Itching nnd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered b ; Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) celled Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box hag cured the woretchronlc cages ot 26or 80jenr standing. No one need suffer flvo minutes Mtcr applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , Instru ments and electuaries do more barm than good , William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after getting narm in bod. ) acts as a poultice , ghes In stant and painless relief , and is prepared only for Flics , Itching of Uio prhate ports , and ( or noth ngclso. Head what the lion J. U Ccfflnborry of Clove- and ea > s about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint ment : I lm\o used scores of Tiles cures , and it affords mop ensure to say tbatlhavc never found anything which gao such Itnmofiiato and perma nent relief as Dr. Wil lam's Indian Ointment For Halo by all druggists or mailed on receipt ol price , W.OO. HENRY < S _ CO. . Prop'r-u , CLBVZUMD , Onio. For sulobj C. F Goodman. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ta H J II 2 5 g. OO Ot3 " - ox -x BITTERS H.ER & CO. . Sole MonufaoturerH. OMAHA. W. B. VIO OS. M. f , E , VMS & CO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasallo Street , CHICAGO , Qrtiin and Provisiona Bought and Sold on Margins. DexterL.Tlioias&Bro , WILL I1UY AND 8KLL AND ALL TV1KHACTION COXNBC7KD niKuiwrrn. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc , IY TOU VJLNT TO KPT OR 8-Lti 0.11t Office , lloom 8 , Cnl.hton Illock , Oiunh * Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , I5lh and Dodge Bt. . . Om h _ , Neb. TtiU Kcncy aoiu BT IUILT trokci t' buttneM loc ut lj fuUtend thetclote * oy t > uglo oio-i are loiurtil to r OM , lnttt i 'y. MA1IUFAOTURBRS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deero&Iansur Oo0om Planters , Stalk Gutters , &c , , MolinBtPmnp CoWood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder OoFountain Oity Drills and Seeder ? , " lechanicsburg Maoh , Oo , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural OoAdvance Hay Bakes , Met Manufacturing OoEureka Power and Hand Shellers , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellors , Road Scrapers , fio. , . Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. * * i Address All Communications to DEEEE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. dcc3mom ( THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND SIH.'V" Mining and Milling Company. Working Canltil , , _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SSW.OOO. , Capital 1'ar Value S oik o ! Shirts , - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ $1 OCO $25.000 ( 00 , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BEAMBL MININGDISTRICT. . . . . . , O-fc'JL-'JLGESiEtS , . : DK. J. I. THOMAS. Piosldcnt Cummins Wj orning. . , , , \VM E. TILTON Vice-president Cummins Wjomlnp . . , , . , E. Jf. IIARWOOD Sccretarj- Cummins Wjomlng. . . , , , . A. O. MJNN Treasurer Cummins Wyoming. . , . . . . . . . . 3r. . T. . I. Thomas. . I outs Miller . W. S. . Brunei. . . A. G Dunn. . 3.N. llarwootl. r'rancis Lcivcna. . . . Oco. . II. PalftS. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. C. Watklns.ft . . , ft , no22me5ra GEO. W. KENDALL Authorized Agent for Sale of Stock ; Box 442 , Omaha , Neb FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. . . At us will receive , prompt attention. Rcteroncea : Slate . Bank , Omaha ; PI M 1 & Co. Baltimore ; Pock & Canahcr Chicago ; M w"1' * n Cincinnati. F ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ! = : = ! - - - - - - * - = - = = - - - - - - - - - - = ' 'i ) . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , Nll _ . The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug1 House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. jy IB-roe FOSTER & WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , HEADQUARTERS -FOI MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PBICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan , , Overshirte , Overalla Jackets and Scarfs Buck Gloves Hosiery , & open , Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALER K Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. or-.r--i-