Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1881, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
PublkhMi very morning , except Sun Jftjr ,
' Iha onty Monday morning dntlj' ,
Onc Yo r 810.00 I Three Months.$3.00
.Sic Montlu. fi.OOlOno . . 1.00
TUB WKEKLY BKE , published ov-
i Ono YcAr. $2.00 I Three Month * . . BJ
Six Montlu. . . . 1.001 One " . . 20
flUlon * rolntim < to Kcw nncl Editorial mat-
it r * nliould bo nddrewed to the 1'lHTOli or
TIM Urn ,
iLetterM ixiul Ileinlttanrw should be ad-
dronmxi to THE OMAHA PuniniiiHa COM-
CJLST , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks and Post-
office OnlciM to be uiidc payable to the
'Order of the Company.
MAM PUBLISHER GO , , Prop'rs '
E. ROSEWATER , Editor.
Tin : law niul order element in Oma
ha can noitlicr bo threatened or driven
from tlioir position.
A.XOTIIKU crn of mud in Onmlm'a
streets brings the paving question
prominently before ottr citizens.
SINCE President Arthur'annnonncc-
incut that he will appoint no woman
to oflico , Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker liiw
in a continuous pot of liyntorica.
Six billions of dollars in demands
upon the treasury linvo already been
filed in the two houses of conyrosi
and thu dcluso of bills still continues.
to bccomo sccrotiiry of thu interior.
The Maxwell land * grant exposures
IIAVO settled his claim to n cabinet
A WHITER in the Denver Tribune
saya that ho doesn't think much of the
editorial ability of thu Omaha AVjnih-
lican. Ho Ima evidently pained some
years in Nebraska.
will adjourn to-morrow
and the country would bo at rest for
the holidays if it uoro not fcr the
Gultoau trial , which will continue in
spite of wind' weather and feast days.
THE Brooklyn bridge trustees aio
calling for another million of dollars
to complete that structure. The
.Brooklyn bridge nnd the Panama ca
nal will bo opened on about the same
'AND now every star route organ in
the east in pouring its vials of wrath
on Benjamin H. Drowsier , thu nomi
nee for attorney general. Mr. Brows-
tor could have no bettor recommenda
tion for his now position ,
SOME of the railroad organs admit
that there arc a great many evils con
nected with the railroad system in
this country. As the corporation !
have shown no deposition to redress
them , the people propose to take them
in hand.
AVTEK declaring a one and a hall
.quarterly dividend , thoWestornUnioB ) )
had a surplus of $1OK,000. ) It is ev
ident that telegraphing pays , and Mr.
-James * ' argument for a government
\wwtal tologroph acorns to rest on a
pretty brood foundation ,
A.MOMJ the memorials presented by
Senator Saundorn last week in one
from the citizens of Nebraska romou-
< atntir.t ( ucainst the use of the French
metric system of weights and meas
ures in government transactions. Who
.aru those aggrieved citizens ?
3Iu. CONKLINO has boon retained in
the suit recently brought by the
'United States Telephone company to
investigate the Boll company's pat-
cnta. The announcement that | the
or-senator will personally argue the
caw of the plaintiff has oroatod quite
a Villo of excitement in Now YoVk.
"EV.SENATOK HiniiAiin J.
of thu Illinois State Board of Agri
culture may bo ignorant on some sub-
joets , hut ho certainly htm a backing
of food common sense. At u rccenl
mooting of that body in Chicago , lie
remarked that ho know nothing about
.agriculture and less about hoiticnl-
ture , but ho did know one thing , and
ithat was that money invested in farm
lands in this country is the safest nnd
investment in the world.
lBv the way , since the organ of the
railroads has scon fit to tnko uxcop-
itions to the course Tun BUK has pur
sued in thu Arndt case , the following
factfl may bo of interest to the public :
'T&o managing editor of TUB JJEB was
at : Hastings on the night of the mur
der of Col. Watson B. Smith , and re
ceived the .first intelligence of the
crime at Bolvidero , Thayer county ,
bvtelegram. . On his return
to Omaha two days Inter
ho placed in the hands of J. B. Furaj
an abuiivo letter which assailed Wut
son B. Smith and which letter ho bo
liovad to have been written by one o
the suspected parties. After invest !
gating the matter the detectives made
the discovery that the aforesaid letter
which the BKE refused to publish uat
written by one of the attorneys em
; \ ployed by Arndt in his case ngaina
tno Uition Pacific. So much for tin
Oommuniatio tendencies of the oditoi
of the BEE.
Omaha linn nvery hard name abroad.
I'lic impression prevails that life and
property are not secure in this com-
nunity , that our city Is infested by
roughs , rowdies , thieves and thugs ,
whom the police are either unable or
ndisposcd to suppress , Such a rnpu-
tation whether well founded or not
las been very damaging to the city.
Omaha may boast about her commo-
lions public schools , costly churches ,
> aalial ! hotels and magnificent opera
louse , but all these adjuncts of civili
zation are no offset for the dens and
disroputnblo resorts that flourish in
ho very heart of this city ,
' 'or this deplorable state of factfl our
mayor is justly responsible. It is his
sworn duly to break up every resort
where men and boys , roped in by in-
Icccnt shown , are maltreated and
robbed. It is his duty to suppress
vile dens where bloody brawls nnd
nurdorous affrays are of common oc
currence. To the disgrace of thiscity
such disreputable places have been
tolerated undisturbed by our police
and the mayor linn so far taken no
stops toward their suppression.
Two or thrcu days after thu assas-
ainaliod of Watson B. Smith , the
editor of TitBBKtinado ) : ' n personal
appeal to Mayor Boyd to take advant-
of the public sentiment aroused by
lijat event to suppress these holl-
liolcs , not because wo then believed
Smith was murdered by the liquor
dealers , but because the event would
iffurcl a reasonable pretext for ridding
Omaha of a dangerous element.
Mayor Boyd expressed himself as do-
nirom to do his duty , but thought
best to defer action until after
Now Years , when the Slo-
cumb law goes into effect.
He wan of opinion that all the
kooporajof low dives and disorderly
houses would fail to procure the ne
cessary bond and could not get thirty
freeholders to endorse their applica
So the matter was allowed to rest ,
mil when Mayor Boyd announced his
determination to enforce the Biocumb
law after Now Years at all hazard.
TJIK UKE commended the mayor
For sustaining „ law and order.
But , like a former mayor of Omaha
who issued n proclamation to close all
placei of business Sundays , while ho
personally assured the dealers they
would not bo molested , Mayor Boyd's
intention to enforce the Slocumb law
appears to have boon taken with n
mental reservation , His first stop
was an effort to cater to
the liquor dealers by recognizing
thu evasion of the letter nnd spirit
of the law concerning notice ot publi
cation required by the statute from
each applicant for license. Next wo
learn from the most reliable sources
that ho proposes to license every ap
plicant that files the necessary papers
und pays the $200.00'no matter what
his record may have boon heretofore.
The board ) that uusuos licenses in
Omaha consists of the mayor , city
clerk nnd president of the council. It
is solf-ovidont that whatever Mayor
Boyd rules will be sustained by the
clerk , and two being a majority Mayot
Boyd will control. Relying upon the
mayor's disposition to make no dis
tinction in the issuing of licenses
the keepers of some of the most no
torious dons of infamy have filed ap
plications. Among'thosu is the keeper
of the Kt. Elmo , whore hundreds
of our young men have been
ruined and drawn from the
path of decency and honesty ,
and whoro'as is well known to our
city marshal and police , men are fre
quently beaten and robbed. It is
boastfully assorted that nobody dares
to file a romonHtranco against granting
a license to the keeper of this resort ,
because it might cost him his life.
What a moiiMtrous state of affairs !
Has it como to this that J respectable
people shall bo put in peril of their
lives if they object to the counte
nancing _ in our midst of criminal
resorts ? Is Omaha u frontier min
ing camp or a metropolis ? It
is the manifest duty of the Mayor
of Onialm to suppresi such disorderly
houses , and it will bo thu duty of the
board , of which ho is the head , to reject -
joct every applicatioa that would li
cense and legnli/o the maintenance of
any resort whoso keeper is
on record in the police court for violating
lating the laws. But this is not all.
By our direction the city editor of
THE BEK called on the city clerk fern
n list ot the names of the bondsmen
of endorsers of applicants for
license. He was flatly refused
nnd informed they ( could not bo had
until after the board had granted the
license. There U no doubt Mr. Jew
ett is acting under Mayor Boyd'a in
struction , nnd wo ask , what does it
mean ?
The whole aim and spirit of the
Slocumb law is to confine the liquor
traffic to men of known respectability
and decency. If its practical opera
tion is to bo the oppression of
poor and respectable dealers
who cannot raise the license money ,
while keepers of robber's roosts who
can readily got thu money shall bo
licensed , fho main object of the
framera of the bill will bo defeated. If
straw bonds are to bo accepted , nnd
the law abiding portion of the community -
munity are to bu kept In ignorance of
the character of the sureties , the
whole law is nullified. Mayor Boyd
may not comprehend that ho is nulli
fying the law under the pretense of
enforcing it , but the public will see it
only in that light ,
ANII now T'Mwnrd Hosowntcr , in
his KVIINI.MI BKK , appears as an out
spoken apologist for nnd advocate of
thoarrcsttd August Arndt. Having
heard from AnuU'a own lips the read
ing of ai article of Jita own composi
tion , n ninst monopolies , the repub
lican parly of the nation and the ofii *
ccrn of the United States court , an
article full of the most treasonable
and seditious utterances wo nro not
surprised that Hose water , the anti-
monopolist when railroads nro con
sidered , but the grasping monopolist
nnd extortionist when it comes to the
natter of liquor licojino advertising in
THK JU'.K , should manifest n kindred
feeling for his man in jail , whom
Rome people in Oinahn believe was
.ho murderer of the late Col.
3mith. If Rosownlor wants to free
; his man ; so cranky that lie lias be
come involved in any number of law
suits , this mnn whom n decent woman
cannot live with , an uvowcd socialist
nnd nihilist , who strongly endorse the
nurder of the Russian czar nnd
Liuiteau'a assassination of Garfield if
io assorts the innocence of this man ,
why does ho not get bail for him , and
: urn him loose to carry out his pft-ro-
pcatcd threats against the lives of
Tudgo Dundy , Hon. A. J. Popplcton
and others ? By all means , Mr. Rosewater -
water , insist that Anult shall have his
freedom , nnd thereby _ possibly put a
premium on awasiination. [ Republi
THE BKK appears as the advocate of
a man whom it'bolievos to bo treated
unjustly nnd "opprcsivoly irrespective
of the fact whether ho is guilty or
innocent of the charge under which
ho is arrested. Since when have Star
chamber molhods been made n part of
America's judicial oystem ? This is
the question which THE BKK pro
pounds to the authorities. Under
what law is August Arndt placed in
solitary confinement , refused access to
his counsel , his wife and the public
ears before being convicted of either
crime or misdemeanor ? What princi
ple of either justice or equity per
mits n man to be punished firot and
convicted or acquitted afterwards ?
Isn't it a fact u von murderers nnd
wretches like Quiteau who admit their
crimes are treated with more consider
ation than this man against whom the
machinery of the law is being used in
n manner which is universally con
demned by every fair-minded man in
thin city ? Wo repeat that the ques
tion of Arndt's opinions on social or
political subjects has nothing what
ever to do with the case. They maybe
bo most treasonable and seditious.
But'in this country no. man is perse
cuted or prosecuted by law for his
opinions until they became acts
and infringe upon the rights of others.
Kvon then ho is entitled to the fair
ness which our laws guarantee to
every suspected criminal until ho is
found guilty. In Arndt's cose , a man
who has boon robbed cf his property
by a great corporation , and become
involved in law suits in trying to re
cover his property , lias boon arrested
on a minor charge and jailed for four
days in solitary confinement , without
being permitted to communicate with
the outside world even in the
presence of the officers of the
law. Every newspaper in town has
boon forced to present to the public a
one -sided view of the case , while a
gag has boon applied to the suspected
man's mouth to prevent any vindica
tion of his character from the charges
made against it. If August Amdl
were the worst criminal unhung , such
a source would bo unjust and ought to
bo denounced by every lover of fair
play. This is not Russia and oven off
in Russia Nihilists are permitted to
give their side of the story. If any
statement that Arndt might BOO fit to
make in his own defense to the re
porters without being sworn to would
influencej the grand jury they must
have a very poor case indeed. THE
BEK enters its protest against the setting
ting ot a dangerous precedent which
may bo used at any time to menace
the liberties of our citizens. If such
tyrannical methods can bu employed
without criticism the editor of THE
BEE , who , according to thu man-
agora of the Union Pacific ,
in a Nihilist , Communist , Socialist -
ist and political firebrand ,
may bo urrcsted nnd jailed nt any
time , with bail fixed at a figure thai
ho is supposed to bo unable to furnish ,
denied even the privilege of being
visited by his family , und deprived ol
the chance of publicly aaaortint' his in
THK bill introduced by Congress
man Washburn , of Minnesota ,
for the roliot of settlers on pub
lic lands provides that whenever
a timber culture entry is abandonee
or cancelled for the reason that the
claimant fails to comply with the
provisions of the timber culture act ,
no part of the land covered by the
abandoned or cancelled entry shall bo
entered or taken by any now appli
cant except under the timber culture
act. This bill if enacted may prove
of material benefit of Nebraska , Iowa
and Kansas ,
AH USUAL , the railroad organs thnf
nro pulling Valentino nro trying to
impress Nebraskaua with the idea that
Val's appointment on the committee
on Oarfiold'a memorial is an extraordi
nary honor , As a matter of fact , the
committee is made up of ono member
from each state in the Union , and ,
inasmuch ua Nebraska only has n sin
gle congressman , the speaker could
lot well have omitted Valentine.
SRSAIOU SAUNDBHS lias introduced
a bH ! to establish an assay oflico in
) maha. A similar bill was intro-
luced at the last session of congress
nnd the senate committee was about
ready to report favorably , when con
fess adjourned , There is little doubt
hat the present bill will receive
equally favorabio consideration nnd
> ccomo a law.
J.ady Dtilfus Hardy , 1 vol. 8 mo. 3 8
tit ) . , Sl.t'O. A. Wnsl'lnglon te Son * ,
Sew York. For sale by .Tolm H. v. aul-
English books on America nro becoming -
coming almost as numerous ns Ameri
can books on England , The time ,
.00 , seems to have past when every
transatlantic writbr on the United
States believed himself n satirist nnd
penned his impressions of our country
and its people through the spectacles
of prejudice and hasty observation.
Lady Dufl'us Hardy's b ok is the
latest contribution of the English
press to a study of what
they call "The American Question , "
It is n bright , chatty and newsy vol
ume of the author's tour across the
continent with the impression of our
social customs nnd manners , our city
and country lifo , and above all our
improved nnd comfortable methods of
travelling. Lady Hardy never tires
of passing the courtesoy and gallaiilry
of Americans to unprotected women.
She declares that no men in the world
allow such attention to the wants of
women , especially if lrvclling alone
oa the men oj the United Stales. In nil
her journoyings through America she
never was insulted once by word or
gesture while in London utch a state
ment would scarcely be credited.
Omaha people will bo interested in
the chapter winch Lady Hardy devotes
to our city. It is far from compli
mentary. Our wind and dust , scorn to
have left on his mind the usual im
pression , while the width of our streets
and thu ono story square fronts evi
dently prejudiced her against our
architectural advance. Other portions
tions of the book are very entertain
ing nnd contain many facts of interest.
Funi'Li : AND GOLD by KatoSunborn , illus
trated by Hasina Kimnett. 1 uil. , Sum. ,
Jntnea It. O4good& Co. , publishers , Uos-
Within the compass of the forty-five
pages which comprise this little vol
ume , Miss Sanborn has collected n
number of short poems relating to the
flowers whoso names head the title
page. Emerson , Bryant , Channing ,
Proctor , Celia Thaxter , H. H. Horace
E. Scudder , and others are represented
among the poets who classed the
Golden Rod and Aster among thcit
floral favorites. The cover ol
the pamphlet is richly illustrated
in purple and gold and contains ;
lovely landscape trolliaed with flower :
and vines. The book will make a mosl
appropriate present for the holidaj
The leading article in The North
American Review for January contain *
the 'judgements ' of five of the mosl
distinguished American authoritief
upon "The Moral Responsibility ol
the Insane. " Just at present this
subject occupies a very prominom
place in the minds of the Americar
people ; but quite apart from its momentary
montary interest , as connected witli
the extraordinary trial now in pro
gress in Washington , the problem ol
determining the fact of insanity , and
fixing the limits of responsibility ol
the insane , is ono that in itself pos
sesses an irresistible attraction foi
every generous mind. The wrecl
and ruin of intellect appeals at once te
our highest sympathies , and tc
whatever is noblest in human
curiosity. The ollicors selected foi
the discussion of this subject are Drs ,
Board nnd Soguin , of Now York , Dr ,
Elwoll , of Cleveland Dr. Jewell , ol
Chicagonnd Dr. Folsom , of Boston ,
The other articles in the January mnn
her of The Review nro as follows
"Tho Now Machine "
political , bj
Wm. Martin Dickson ; "Shall Womei
practice Medicine ? " by Dr. Mary Put
iiam Jacob ! ; "Tho Geneva Award ant
the Insurance Companies , " by G. R
Cole ; and "A Chapter of ConfodoraU
History , " by R. G. Ruflin.
The announcement is made thai thu
February number of Thu Review , tc
bo issued January 15th , will contaii
part III , of the "Christian Roligicn1
series of articles , and that it is to b (
a very able defense of the Chrisaiai
faith ,
Cats CrAtlle. Khymen for Children by 1'A
ward Willett , illustrated by Cbarle
Kemlriclc , 1 > ol. U. Washington & Co.
New York , fur sale by Jno. 3. CauIfieW
Omaha ,
This is ono of the most artistic o
childrons books which has appoarec
from the English press and furnishei
an appropriate and beautiful proton1
for Christmas time. The colored il
lustrations are especially fine and th <
accompanying letter press amusinj
nnd entertaining.
The regular edition of St , Nicholai
in England is now 8,000 copies , am
of the Christmas number 10,00 (
copies were issued.
The January Century will bu delayed
layed this month until the 23d inst
Ono of its novel features is to be i
frontispiece printed in. tint n portrai
of the French statesman , Thiers , ac
companying nn article by the Hon.
3. B. Wnshburne , our former minis-
or to A full-page portrait
) f Queen Margaret of Italy is given
n connection witli nn article on the
naking of Buratio lace , for
which the Prince Louise of
England has made a hketch ,
The number has nlso nnolhcr porlrait
f President Gntfield ( from an arto-
ypu by Edward Bierstadt , N. Y. ) ,
which will accompany an anecdotal
> aper by Col. A. F. Rockwell , en-
itlcd "From Mentor to Elbcron. "
The immediate friends of the latu
ircsident regard this portrait ns giving
Bomswhat different phase of his
character from that presented by the
engraving by Cole in the December
Century. Thu nrtotypo is also in-
cresting as being the portrait Mrs.
Oarfiold selected to send to Queen
The Crislmas number of The Child-
en's Museum , that bright little
nonthly published by F. B , ( joddard
& Co. , Now York , is filled with pleas-
ng nnd profitable things for the young
folks. The amount of matter and
llustration * it contains mnks it ono of
our best periodicals for the price ton
cents n number or ono dollar a year.
The fifteenth annual exhibition of
the American Water Color society will
open January JJO , and works will bo
received on the l'2th , 13th and 14th.
Information may be obtained from
Henry Farrcr , 51 West Tenth street ,
Now York. The illustrated catalogue
will BOOH be issued.
Nearly n Mirnclo.
i : . Ascnith Hall , lUughnnipton , N. Y. ,
writes : "I suffered for teveral inoiitlw
with a dull p.iln through the lung and
shoultlors. 1 lost my sriritH , appetite and
co'cii , nnd could with difficulty keep up all
thy. My mother procured some Hi IIDOCK
HI.OOD lJtnr.li1 > . 1 too t them as directed ,
ami have felt 110 pain since first \veek after
uihiK them , nnd nin now quite well"
1'iiie 81.00 , trial size 10 cents.
SomoImportnntMatomonts of "Wo
ILnowu People "Wholly
In order that the public niav fully realize the
nuincnc's of thu stitenentH , M v\Ul ft < the
iKiucrand vnluo of the article of which the }
spealt , vvopublish lurswltli t-o facsimile s'sra- '
Hires of narlles vvhovo sincerity is Ijevon 1 < iucs-
tlon. IhoTmthof these tcetlmonlaU is nb > elute -
lute , nor can the facts they announce be Ig
OMMIA , N'm. , Slay 24,1831.
DKAII SIR : 1 have frequent ! } used Warner's
Safe Kidney and Llv er Cure for local aflcctlous
attendant upon sevcro rheumatic attacks , and
have alajs derived benefit therefrom. I have
al o Used the Safe iM'mnu with eatl'factory re
sults , t consider these medicines orhy of
Deputy Treasurer.
OMAIU , Nun , Way 24 , leSl.
II. F. WARS-KR & Co. , Itochcstcr , N. V. :
OITMH : I have used jour Enfe Kidney and
Liver Cure this spring as a tv cr invIgorator , and
1 find It the best remedy I over tried. lh < uc
used 4 bottles , ard It has made me feel better
than cv er I aid before In the xpring.
L . P. R , Shops.
OUAIIA , N'm. , May 24 , 1881 ,
SIRS : For more than 15 yars I have suffered
much in onvcnienco from combined kldnej and
lirer itlseases , and have been un.bloto work
my urln > , y org na also being affected. I tried a
great many medicines and doctors , but I grew
worse and wone day by day I was told I had
Brliilit'8 Dlscaie , and 1 wished mjtelf dead If I
could not have speedy relief. I took your Sale
Kldnej and Liver cure , knowing nothing else
uaaeverknountocurotha disease , and I havi
not been disappointed. The medicine has cured
me , and I am perfec ly well to dav , entirely
throcgh jour Safe Kidney and Liver Cure J
wish jou nil succ 63 in publishing this v.luable
remedy through the world.
U. P. R. 1U Shops.
Thousands of equally strong endorsementt
many of them In coset'Whcre hops was aban
doned bavo boon voluntarily glv rn , Hhowlng the
remaikable power of Warner's Safe Kidney and
Llv er Cure , In all d ecasei of the kldnejs. liver
or urinary organs. If any ono who reads this
ha , anj phy. lal trouble remember the gret
danger ol delay
Matter of Application of Htnry Hernber.
ger for Liquor License.
Notice IH hereby given that Henry Horn-
berger did , upon the lth ( ! clay of Decem
ber , A. D. , 1881 , tile hU implication to the
Mayor and City Council of Oinnhn , for
license ta sell Alall , Snlrituouannd Vinous
Liquor * , at No , 1S21 Douglas street. Third
Ward , Omaha , Nebraska , from the let day
of January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April ,
If there he no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
December 10th , A. D. , 1S81 , the said
license will be granted.
HK.VIU HouNiiKHOJ ! ) : , Applicant.
The DAILY Urn newspaper will publish
the above notice once each weak for two
vvtfk-B at the ctpciiBo of thu upplicant. The
City of Omaha is not to lie charged there
with. J. il. L. C. JLVVBTF ,
1 Sty Cletlt.
Matter of Applijation of W. J. White-
housu for pernilnt to Hell Liuur |
UK n Druggist.
Notice is hereby } ! % . en that Win.J. White-
house , did | ) on the 10th day of December ,
A. ! > . , 1881 , file his application to the
Mayor and City Council , of Omahn , for
penult to Hell Malt , Spirituous , nnd Vinous
i.iquon ) , at a Druggist , for medicinal ,
mechanical , and chemical purposes only ,
at No. G05 Sixteenth fatreet , Fifth ward ,
Omaha , Neb. , from the lut day of Janu
ary , 1882 , to the 10th day of Apiil , 1882.
If there be no ohjectfonH , reinonatance ,
or protest filed within two weeks from De
cember 10th , A. D , , 1881 , the said permit
will be granted. W. J. WllITCHOl'HK ,
The Omaha Dtily BKK newspaper wil
publish the above notice once each week
lor two weeks , at the expense of the ap
plicant. The City of Omaha is not to be
charged therewith ,
J. J. I , . O. JEWETT ,
City Clerk.
1016 Foraham Street.
Ojstcn , Chopi and Game Cooked .to Order ,
And Served Under Pertonal Gupervltlon ol
Proprietor ,
D > V1D CITY , NEB ,
8p : Ul attontlon fUco ( to coJltctlocs In Dull
Lots ,
For Sale By
No. 2M , Full lot lonceil and "Itli small Imtld-
mr on Capitol Avenue near 2ith > trectf00. .
No. 25" , largo lot or Mock ' - > 9" > liy 270 feet on
Hamilton , near Irene street , $ Jf > 00.
No. 256 , Full lorncr lot on Janes , near 16th
street , $3,000.
No. 2M , T o lots OH Center street , near Cum-
ng street , ? 9 CO.
Nn , 'Jo1' Lot on Spruce ttrcct , near flth street.
No. .51 , Two lots on Scuard , near King street ,
SSfiO.No. . 251 J , Lot on Scuard , ncir Kin , ; street ,
? 3i > 0
No. 240 , Half lot on Dodge , near lltli street ,
. .
No. 247 , Four btnutiful resilience lots , near
Crelirhton Collector will sell s.pamto ) , < 3,00 > .
No. 24U , Two lots on Uha'lc * , near Cumin ;
streit , SluOcich.
No. 24UJ , Lot on Idaho , 'near Cumin ? street ,
ho. 21. , Ono acre lot on Cuminntar ; Dutton
street , 7&0
No. 211 , Lot on FornViair , 18th trect ,
NY. 211 , Lot GO by 133 feet on College street ,
niarSt JIar.i's \untie , WM.
NY.I'J , Lot on DougUi , near Clitli Etrcet ,
NY. 211 , Lot on Karnham , 2Utli a rcct ,
S7f.0 ,
No. 240 , Lot CO by 01 feet on South A > cnue ,
near Ma on street , S550.
No 239 , Corner 1ft on Itur1 , near 2M street ,
82.CO ? .
No. CSS , 120U32 feet on Harnc } , near 24th
utrce ( v. Ill cut it uji ) , 82,400.
NY. 235 , 71\310 feet on Slionnan Avenue
(10th ( strctt ) , nuir Craio , S1.01O.
NY. V01 , Lot on Douglas nlrtet , near 23d s-7-,0.
NY. 22 : ! , Lot on 1'icr slnet , near Scunrd , Srr.OO. .
No. 2J1 , Lot 40/00 feet , near U pltol Avenue
and22d ttrect , $1,000.
NY. 227 , Tno lota on Decatur , niarlieiiestrcot ,
200 and S175 each.
NY. 22.1 , 1 ot 14 J 30-110 liy 141 feet on Sherman
Av ciuio ( IGth street ) , near Ornce , S"2,400.
NY. 220 , Lot 23UU fcit on Bed e , near 13th
street , make an offer.
NY. 217 , Lot on 2M street , ncr.r Clark , J.'OO.
NY 210 , Lot on HamiUoi , near Kin , ' , * ! -00.
NY. 20U , Lot on 18th , near Nicholas btrict ,
NY. 207 , Two lots on 10th , near Pacific street ,
-Vo. 205 , Two lota on Castclhr , near 10th street ,
NY. 204 , lieautlful residence lot on Dh Ulon
street , near Cumin ) , ' , 3M.
NY. 03 , Lot on Maunders , near Hamilton
street , SUM.
So. 109 } , Lot 16th btrcct , near Pacific , $500.
No. HM , Three lota on SaunUerj street , near
Sertard , 81,30V.
NY. ItUlf Lot on 20th itreet , near Sherman ,
$35" .
NY. 194VTno " lots on 22il , near Orice street ,
No. 191J , tno lots on King , near Hamilton
street , (1,200.
No. 1MJ , two lots on nth street , near White
Lead WurKs , 81,050.
No. 1SSJ , one full Mock , tin lots , near the bar
racks ? 400.
NY. 101 , lot on Parker , near Irene street , $30P.
NY. 183 , tvio lots ou Cass , near 21st street ,
( Kilt edge , ) Hi.WO.
NY. 181 , lot on Center , near Cuming street ,
S300.NY. . ISO , lot on 1'lcr , ncir Scward street , SC50.
No. 175 , lot on Bhertnan av enuo , near Izard
street , * l,4iO.
Mo. 174J , lot on Cess , near 14th , $1,006.
NY. 170 , lot'ou Pacific , near 14th street ; make
often. .
NY. ICO , K lots on Farcbam , near 24th street ,
81,45JtoH2VOO each.
Ho. ira , full block on 126th street , near
race course , and three lots In tilae's addition ,
near Sauu ira and Cowlus utreetH , 2,000.
No. 129 , lot on California street , near Crelgh
ton college , 125.
AO. 127 , acre lot , near the hiad of St. Mary's
a > cnue , gJ.COO.
NY. 1M , about twoacrcn , near the head of St.
Mar } 'tf av enuc , 41,030.
No. 12Q , lot on 18th street , near White Lead
Works , 8025.
No. 124 , sixteen lot ? , near shot tower on the
Ilcllev uc road , * 75 per ot.
NY. 122 , 132\13i feet (2 ( lots ) on 18th street ,
near 1'opplcton'n , ilUOO.
No. llv , thirty half-acre lots in JHllard and
Caldw ell's additions on Shqrman avenue , .Spring
und Him toga streets , near the end of jjrrccn
Btrtct car track , tout to § 1,200 each.
NY. b ! > , lot on Chicago , noir 22d street , 81 , MX ) .
No. 83 , lot on Caldncil , near Sauudcrs street ,
fiOO.No. . 88 , corner lot on Charles , near Saunders
street , $700.
NY. 8S lot on Izard , near 21st , with two small
nouses , 2,400.
No. M , two lots on 10th , near Pierce street ,
NY. 78 , three lots on llarney , near 19th street ,
No. T6,00\132 feet on 9th strict , near Leaven-
wortu htri'ct , < 3OUO. ,
No. 75 , 00x82 fcot , on Pacific , near bth ttrcet ,
No. 00 , 00x132 feet , on Douglai street , near
lOMi , 42.WXI.
I o. DO , elchtccn lots on 21st , 22d , ? 3d nnd
Saundira stri-its , near Uracoand Haundcrs btrtit
bridge , $100 each.
No. t ) , ouu fourth hloik (180x135 feit ) , near the
Convent of 1'oor Claire on Hamilton street , near
thu end of rid btrte rar track , ijsSO.
No. 6 , lot on Marcy , ncarOtli sticet , 41,200.
No 3 , lot on ( . 'allfcrnia , near 21st , * l , OJ.
No. a , 1st on Cat" , mar 2AI fctrcct , ffM.
No. 1 , lot i u Hamey , near ISthJCOO. .
Lots In llarlmch'H IIrut and second mUllllonn ,
also In 1'arkir's. hhlunV , Ni'laon't , Tirraoo , h.
V. Niilth'ii , Ilcdlclv'H , alto's. LaVo's , and all other
addition * , at any prices anil terms.
SO-i lots In lluiiscom Place , near Hanscom
Par ! . ; ntleis Irom J300 to ft 0 laih.
Ona hLtidrcd and (1(1 ( j-nine beautiful retl-
dcui.o lotv. located on IIainlltoiu > tre t , half wnj
between the turn table of the red street ur line
and the waterworks rtsmlor and addition , and
lint vent ot the Convent of the bisters Poor
Clalro In alilnn's ailultloii , 1'rlccn tango from
75 to 4100 each , and vv ill bo told on cany terms.
Tracts ol 5 10,15 , 2i , 40 or bO fins , vilth
buildlni' * and other ImprovimcntM , anaUdjohilni ;
city , at all prices.
COO of the best residence lots In the city of
Omaha any location jou doilre north , at ,
south or v i , t. and at bed rock priets.
220 cholui lusliieos lol In all the principal
business utrceU of Omaha. ar > lnf | from SMo to
67,000 CAI.II.
Two hundred houses and lots ranging from
WOO to 816.0UO , and located In every l > rt of the
cltj.Large number of excellent fanin m I > ousUu ,
8n > } , Blunder * , Uodtfo. WMhlnitton , Hurt , and
other good tountln In Eastern MibruU.
* 15th and Douglas Street ,
JEkLA. , 3V3E133.
; i De Meyer's
The Duly Kuowa Real Cnro.
The antidotal theory , now mlmlttcil ( o bo
the only treatment which will cradle-ate
rhnl Polton.
Met. OHM , ll.Tajlor , UONoMo street , Ilruok-
l > nN. Y "Ono jmika o eflcctul n
cure. "
llet.Opo. A. lid * , CoblokPI , Schoharle. Co. ,
N . V , : ' It rritartil mo to mmlnl tctal ! Li-
llm.W. II. Stunner , Pmlcrlcl. . Mil. " 1'lne
rnulta In MX owes In iny family. "
Hov. tlco. t : . Pratt , bt. Stephen's Hoctory ,
I'hln. : "Quito uondi/tful ; let me distribute
jour 'Trml c , ' "
Cliis. 11 , M.iiilioje , Newport , U. I. : ' I was
toodcat to hear thoihutch hells rln t ; lioarinit
tixtorcil "
OcorKO W. Lamlirteh * , 73 UMcll street , Haiti-
more , Md. : "SulTcrcil 0 v ar i I'crfcctlr
cured. "
Jin. M. i : . Shctmcj , 3"22 Sarah street , St.
Louis : "Tho nret natural breath In 0 years- "
Mrs. J. W. 1'urccll , Ooldcn Citj. Col. : "Use.1
onlvone package ! entirely lured ; suffered 24
years. "
Dr. F. N. Cl rk. DontUt.S.Moiitproincrj street.
San Francisco. "SitllcrcJ 15 jcars ; perfectly
Hired , " etc.
Dr. Wei Da Meyer's Popular "TREATISE"
on h mailed free. The grtui Cure Is de
livered by Druggists , or by D. D. Dcwey & Co. ,
182 Kulton street , New York. Sfor I 00 ,
United States Depository ]
. - OF OMAHA _
Oor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
Orgonlccd aa a National Bonk August 20,1863.
HlRHAN Komrrzx , President.
AUGUSTUS Kowmx. Vice President.
U. W. YATKJ , Cashlor.
A , J. 1'orrLirro.t , Attorney.
JOUN A. Ciuiainot.
F. II. DAVIS , Asst. CjOiler.
Thl bank receives deposits without regard to
lames time certificates licarlnf ; Interest.
Draws drafts on San Francisco and principal
cities of the United States , also London , Dublin
Edinburgh and the principal cities of the contl ]
nent of Europe.
Sells pasaengor tlclicti for einleranteby { the ID ,
man llnp mavldtf
Matter of Application kof K. I tallow for
Liquor Licence.
Notice it hereby given that'K. Dallow
did upon the 17th day of December , A. D. .
1881 , file hN application to the Maj-or and
City Council of Omahn , for liccriHu to pell
Mail , Spirituous and Arinous Liquors , at
No. 1011 Chicago Street , Fifth Ward ,
Omahn , Nil ) . , from the 1st dayof Janurry.
1882 , to the 10th day of April , 1882.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance
or piotest filet ! \\ithin Uvo weeks from
Dee mlier 17th. A. 1) . , 1881. the said li-
censill be granted. J' . . DAI LOW ,
Applicant. -V.
THE OMAHA DAII.I BKK newspaper will
publish the a' eve notice f < r two weeks at
the expense ot the applicant. The City
of Omnha is not to be charged therewith.
J. .T. L. CJw\KrrCityClerk. _ _ _
Matter of Application of Mrn. Eiuelia
Thume for Liinor License.
Notice is hereby given tht Mrs. Eraelia
Thume did , upon the 17th day of December ,
A. D. 1881 , file his application to the Muyor
and City Council of Oinnhi. for license to
sell Malt , Spirituous nnd Vinous Liquors ,
at No. 315 South Tenth street , Third ward ,
Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of Janu
ary , 1882 , to the 10th day of April , 1882.
If there be no oqjcction , remonstance cr
protest filed within two weeks from the 17th
of December , A. D. 1881 , the said license
will be granted.
The OMAHA DAILV UKK newsi aper will
publish the aaovo notice once each week
for two weelta at the expenseof _ the appli
cant. The city of Omaha is not to be
charged therewith.
J. J. L. C. JEWF/TT ,
City Clerk.
Matter of Application of Kennard liroa ,
i. Co. for Permit to Sell Liquor
as a Druggist.
Notice in hereby given that Kennard S
ttros. & Co. did , upon the 17th day of December -
cember , A , D. , 1881 , file their application to
the Mayor and City Council of Omaha ,
for permit to neil .Malt , Spirituous and
Vmoui Liquors , as a Drugptlut for medi
cinal , mechanical and chemical purpose *
only , at No. 1402 Douglas street , Fourth
word , Otnchn , Neb. , from the 1st day of
January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April ,
188 ? .
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or prote t 61ed within two weeks from De
cember 17th , A. D , , 1881 , the * aid permit
will begrantod.
KENNAIID IJitos. & Co. , Applicants.
THE DAILY BEE newspaper will rublinh
theab < no notice once each week for two
weeks , at the expense of the applicants
The City of Omaha is not to be charged
therewith. J. J. L. C. JKAVKTT ,
_ City Clerk.
Mutter of Application of C. Kahubach
for Liquor License.
Notice IB hereby given that A. Kalm-
bach did , upon the 10th dayot December , .
A. D. , 1881. file his application to the
Mayor and City Council of Om ha , fur
license to tell Malt , Spit ituous und Vinouv
LiquoiH , at No. 411 ! South Thirteenth
street , Third ward , Omahn , I\el ) . , from the
1st day of January , 188' ' , to the 10th day
of April , 18S' ' .
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from De
cember 10th , A. D. , 1881 , the said license
\\ill be granted.C. .
C. KALMIIACK , Applicant.
THE OMAHA DAILY HEK newspaper will
publish the abuve notice once each week
for two weeks at the extense of the npplij
cant. The City of Omaha is not to bo' "
charged therewith.
J , J.L. C. JEWKTT ,
City Cleik.
Matter of application of lull & McM&hon
for permit to sell Liquor as
a Druggist ,
Notice is hereby given that Ish & Me-
Mahon did upon the IGth day of December ,
A. D , , 1881 , file his application to the
Mayor and City Council of Omaha , for per
mit to oell Malt , Spirituous xud Vlnotu
Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st of January ,
1882 , to the 10th day of April , 1882.
] f there be no objection , leinonstrnnc * ,
or protest filed within two weeks from
December IGth , A. D. , 1881 , the said per
mit will be wanted.
Applicant ,
THIS D.uu 111 E newspaper will publish
the above notice once each week for two.
weeko. at the expeuxo of the applicant.
The City of Ownhn i * not to be chnrgeil
therewith. J. J. 10. . JKWKTT ,
City Clerk.
C. F , Manderson ,