Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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"Missouri Vnlloy and Malvorn ,
Iowa , Mated in Print.
THe Proapnrltj' of the People Told
by Tliomnolvon.
* * * .
Correspondence ol Tim URR.
MAI.VEUX , Mills County , Ja , Do-
ccinl r 10. It is of ton said that there
seems to bo a very perceptible change
in the soil when wo cross over the
" Missouri river. 'Be that as it may ,
the traveler nt once notices there are
many things' slron Iy contrasted in
the sinter states on either side of the
liig'.Muddy. Quite prominent ninong
thcso is the fencing of fields. In our
1 ch'ildhood days , in the old homo on
tlio shores of Lake Erie , wo used to
lUton to the tales of wonders in "tho
west , " nnd especially of lown , and
1 look longingly nt the old map of the
United Statoi that hung on the wall ,
to find , at the extreme loft hand , a
part only ot that mysterious "terri
tory1 given. ' Wo hoped then that
Aorno day wo should sco that wonder
ful land of fruit nnd farms ; nnd naso
ciatod'tlio thoughts with the "Innd of
anting" and the "fountain of perpot-
at youth , " so much sought nf tor nnd
dreamed of.
But probably our ideal of perfection
has been much modified by the expe
rience of years , and wo search for
other things and nro satisfied with life
as "it is. And HO , when wp look upon
the wide-awake young city of Mai-
vofn , wo nro lend to exclaim "Eure
ka ! " Thirty or forty miles from
Omaha , by'tho Chicago , Burlington &
'Qdincy and Wnbnsh & St. Louis rail
roads , its business houses conveniently
distributed in the valley of Silver
crook , while up the gentle slope nnd
on the plateau wo hnd elegant resi
dences , surrounded by fruits nnd
ilotvors , nnd nil the signs of healthy ,
happy homes. This village , of per
haps ten or fifteen hundred inhab
itants , has already assumed the nir of
a city , although it lacks the fashiona
ble 'luxuries of a city council , com
posed of leading sports , four-in-hand
turnouts , nnd big lawsuits , paid for
by the people to satisfy the fac
tious leaders , nnd oven the ordi
nary church quarrel nnd school
clashing fail to grow , or die n natural
death. As a fair sample of wlmt mon
may do when they nro willing to work
together like brethren , wo notice
that n line brick public school house
had boun outgrown , nnd the second
built , and , with the basement of the
Presbyterian church , ntill failing to
aupply the need , the business men of
the place formed n company nnd built
a school house that may , perhaps ,
when finished , cost 830,000 , and have
opened u normal school ( nnd nobody
is called the "opposition" or the
"kiokor. " The whole people seem
happy in enterprise , nnd take nn hon
est pride in it. On Sunday afternoon
a hone stopped through a plank cross
ing , nnd what was our surprise to find
a now plank in its place early on Mon
day morning. This led us to enquire
more carefully into the workings of
the city government nnd wn found
a mayor nnd council who > tdo
tho- business , with few words ,
while behind thorn is the board of
tnulo , n voluntary organization of forty
or fifty of the loading business mon , ,
who really control the great enter
prises of the town. The object of
this organization is to unite the busi
ness mon of the place in their ollbrts
to secure good streets nnd sidewalks ,
the proper lighting of the town on
-dork nights , regulate in a proper way
the police nnd flro department , in-
, tortst capital to invest here in worthy
enterprises , nnd maintain n confidence
among business men. Of course ,
courts and law-suits are not plenty ,
and there is little rowdyism on the
The fair association buildings nro
quite- ornamental , and add to the
aconory. Four churches , three or
four hotels , two lumber yards , a mag
nificout elevator , opera house nearly
complete , that will probably bo pqual
to anything between Onmha'and Kan
sas City , a normal school on the
modern plan , an industrious nnd invited
vitod class of business mon fof
wnivorsal temperance habits ,
location in the center of the
county , ami every grocery selling i\p
plea grown in the county , with rail-
Tooda stretching through four quarters
tors , with farms everywhere being
fenced in and thousands of cattle in
sight , as indications of thrift nnd general
oral business prosperity , with brick
yards that supply a good article in
abundance , a pork-packing house just
About planted und a creamery begin
ning to grow , two good bunks , and t
long list of brick buildings going up
thio coming season , including another
elevator , it would seem ns though it
wore bu' n question of time ns to this
becoming the county sent , although
all are content to "let well enough
alone , " Ono of the best indications
of the tone of the people for morals
and good society , is suen in the con
.duct of the school children. The
'Western Normal nnd Business Insti
tute is hugely the rcllex nf Prof. L.
D. Davidson s ideas. Air. Davidson
came from Lebanon , Ohio , looking fern
n place to locate such a echool , and
found hero sympathy nnd money to
help start. The school is nt present
under the management of Lowia and
Davidson , principals , and happily do
they work together. The student hero
H taught to tiiink and investigate for
himself , to govern himself , to niako
himself , while being led through n
course of training which provides u
business course , a course in science ,
classics ! fine arts , preparation for
teaching , or music. We have seldom
found a class of young people in the
west who soeinod to via with each
other so earnestly in gocd manners ,
civility and politonccs , and in those
nobler qualities that nmko the purer
atmosphere of our best schools , The
school has u commercial department
under the management of Prof. E. D.
Lowe , who , as a ponmun , has fo\v
, equals in the west , while Prof , M.
Lewis has given his lifo to the classics
and Bcoms most happy while raveling
in the mysteries of Virgil and Homer ,
and it ia expected that the coming
spring will introduce n thorough de
partment of music that will present
the eumo advantages offered in any
.svlfool in the wcsj , Certainly a school
without government Itecauso no ROV-
eminent is needed , with auch thor
ough and modern toaohcra , ofToring
all the advantages of n full col-
le o cturso and the pleasures of
a family , that mixkea itself n great
necessity M a teachers' training
school , growing nnd fully up to the
times , although in its infancy , is
worthy of more than a passing notice ,
nnd deserves and will got the patron-
ngc , and is another example of the
truth of the saying that when the people
ple of n lown will defend the educa
tional interests of their place , nnd
jealously support the honor and pop
ularity of their schools nnd teachers ,
the school will noon become nil that it
is desired , but when the public make
an orphan of it , its usefulness fails ,
and often dies an untimely death.
Mr. .J. M. Stralmn , ono of the old
settlers , and president of the First
National bnnk , has just built n beau-
tiltil brick residence in the upper part
of the city , nnd always helps in any
of the public improvements. Ho has
twelve or fifteen hundred acres near
town , and one or two thous
and cattle , giving special nt-
tontion to thoroughbred short
horns nnd Clydesdale horses ;
nnd three or four thousand acres in
Wayne county , Nebraska , and stock
there , also , und tnkea TUB BBK ns
naturally ns any Nebraska farmer.
Mr. J. D. L'addock is another of
the trustees of the normal school , and
president of the board of trade. The
firm of J , D. Paddock A Co. have
two stores at present , but when the
largo brick stores and grand opera
house is finished , ns it is expected to
1)0 ) , by the holidays , they will concen
trate all in ono mammoth general
merchanaiso Htorc , nnd the opera
liouse will bo a credit to any city , in
the west.
Hunter nnd Brown , the enterpris
ing and gentlemanly editors of The
Hopubliciin-Lcador , have boon hero
but n few months and yet
they have gained the confidence of
nil , and furnish a healthy , wido-nwako
republican paper , that looks sharply
for the interests of the village.
Mungor and Ooodwin have , per
haps , the largest drug store in
the country nnd carry a
laigo stock of books , sil
verware , jewelry , &c. , with workshop
in the roar for the repair of watches
nnd jewelry. The succees of this enterprising -
torprising firm is revealed in three
wotdn , "busy as bees. "
Another of our family is 0. W.
Roynton , of the bukery and eonfce-
iouory , and when ho tolls un he has
.ukoii in S',000 in his stand in eleven
Months , we believe ho has some en
oigy nnd pluck.
0 C. Bnird of the "Model Grocery
ind provision store , " is an old settler
n Western lown , nnd now holds forth
n a sensible and substantial brick
juilding , with the sign , "Standard
goods at living prices , withfull weights
ind measures. " There seemed to boa
cleanness nnd pleasant utmosphoro at
; his house , and when your reporter
naked for the health of the business
Mr. Baird replied that ho had sold
ivc thousand pounds of flour in a
Month. Ho studies the market report
n Tim BEH.
G. W. Bates has the bright
est and cleanest dining parlor
n the city. His marble topped
oyster-tables , tastily arranged
ixturos , and skill in understanding
and satisfying the wants of the hungry
nro spoken of in high praise
o carries a select line of confoc-
ionory , fine crackers , stationary nnd
lotions , and docs a business that
coops him happy.
The city marshal ! thinks Omaha do-
ootives got too much credit for se
curing the party who set lire to Boyd's
mcking house , but "Tip Wilson" of
ho "ono-horbo livery , " always assists
rour correspondent , and is perfectly
villing to show a fine turnout as any-
> ody when occasion demands it , while
F. M. Barrett , the veteran stock man ,
wears ho will Kink the whole BKK
oflico if the market reports are no-
The Jenkins House has boon re-
Ittod and opened up quito recently ,
inder the management of Frank Wil-
xorson , and the traveling mon , who
ire BO well acquainted with him , will
bo pleased to hear of him as again
rcaiy ) to supply every want in the
moat obliging and efliciont manner.
To Mr. J. E. Garrigus , of the en
terprising linn of Young & Garrigus ,
attorneys at law , wo are under espe
cial obligations for kind and efliciont
assistance in securing a good list of
subscribers in this lively burg.
MiBsouni , VALLEV , Ia. , Dec. 10.
Corrc ! | > omlcnooTUo Ueo.
Once moro propelled by my quill-
driving propensities , I endeavor to
inform you of the lifo industries of
Missouri Ynlloyitcs.
Carlisle Bros. Imvo finished their
now implement warehouse und have
"Chocked" it full of goods.
W. 0. Kill's , grain merchant , has
built a two story olllco on Erie street ,
to bo occupied by himself and Dr. E.
J , Chapman.
Win. Hnrmon will open in a few
days , n complete nous depot nnd read
ing room with billiards and pool in
connection. Billoy is filling a long
felt want.
The railroad bridge to bo built
across the Missouri river between Blair
and this place is an established ( ? )
fact. While a Bad-eyed public , after
a three daya preliminary hearing ,
wore tearfully nwaitingthodroppingof
the curtain upon the last scene in the
tragedy of Thanksgiving day , a very
percoptablo rifle of mirth gradually
relaxed the set features and intluenccd
the mouth to creep out toward each oar
as the Justice arose after all the
testimony was in and arguments sub
mitted and said "in reply to what has
boon said I will aay that the wicked
flee when no man pursuoth and in de
fault of $2,000 bail 1 will commit the
prisoner John Motson to await the ac
tion of the next grand jury. M.
J. Bailey , attorney for defend
ant in the case , however , suc
ceeded in getting Motson released on
a writ of habeas corpus before Judge
Heed at Council Binds , Ia. BO that
thojwicked "lleca" just the BIUPO ns
though there had been no bed made
for him by the justico.
Our unprecedented line weather is
being taken advanUigo of by the runxU
itcs to market their corn ami
wood , nnd hundreds of loads
of the above mentioned articles ol
commerce nro visible upon our atrcota
every day.
Mrs. J. Ellen i'oator , the Iowa
lady lawyer , enlightened our populace -
lace upon the mysteries of the pro
posed constitutional amendment.
Mrs. Foster ia a lady of fine attain
ments nnd sound judgment , is of
quick conception nnd easy delivery.
All who lictirJ her truly oloinicnl
lectures unite in pronouncing her on
exception to her sex. May the time
bo not far distant when her fondcal
hopes may bo rcnli/.cd ( idcalistically ]
"don't you see ? '
Some bold , bad , miserable , design
ing culprit has hinted that some of the
holes in our sidewalks should bo re
paired , but such an one
should bo looked upon with suspicion
and drummed out of town at the first
opportunity for insinuating against
our city officials , when wo all know
they will fix them in the course of five
or nix months. lluon iloxiE.
Bradford , Pn.
TlirtnM I'ltolinn , Bradford , ! ' , , writes
"I enclose monelor SnilNfi liumou , ai
I rnlil I would If It cured mo. My dy -
l > cpnii has vanUhctl , with all its symptom ? .
Many Umnks ; I liall never he without il
In Ilia house. " J'dco 50 ccnU , trial bottles
10 co Us. deolO'Codlw
The Champion Stomach.
Philadelphia Kress ,
Peter Johnson proved pretty con
clusively last night that his digestive
organs werosuch that to compare him
with an ostrich would make that peb
ble-eating bird rank aa a
miserable dyspeptic. Mr. John
son ate , and apparently
relished seventeen raw oysters , nearly
half a pound of common brown soap ,
the best part of a pound of white
sugar , and drank i a half gallon ol
beer. The exhibition took place at
Arthur Chambers' "Champion's
Host , " on Itidgo avenue , immediately
after a savage Hot-to botwcon Low
Chambers and .Tuck McNnlly , who
pummcled each other unmercifully.
A plain deal table was placed upon
the sparring platform , nnd on it n dish
containing two dozen raw oysters , a
paper bag full of sugar , n bar of soap , n
gallon measure filled to the brim with
lager beer , nnd a knife and fork. Nod
dy Lunt , the master of ceremonies ,
jumped on the stage and announced
the nature of the font about to take
place. "Any gentleman what doubts
this 'ore to bo aoap , " said he ,
"can take a dose and prove
it. " Then n loan and hungry-look
ing man with a bald head , a
bad eye and a depressed stomach ,
got on the platform , ana immediately
ate three oysters before ho made his
bow. "Neddy" pulled his sleeve , and
the human ostrich made nn awkward
bob of tho-hcad , nnd then picked up
the knife , with which ho coolly shnvcd
offn picco of soap , put a pincn of
sugar in it , topped elF with nn oyster ,
and deliberately swallowed the moss
entire. "Gimmo a bowl , " said ho ,
without paying the slightest attention
to the laughter and shouting of
the crowd. The vessel was
brought , and Johnson gravely
chipped three or four ounces of soap
kilo it , following with the same pro
portion of nugar , and a half dozen
oysters. This ho stirred up with a
tork , and then took a long draught of
beer. "This ia an oyster'a eye , " said
Johnson , tajcing a picco of soap on his
fork and putting it in his mouth ; "and
this is the oyster , " as ho swallowed
the pulpy part of ono of the bivalves ,
which was coated with a stickey mass
ot sugar.
At this point a stout gentlemen in
the audience was observed to turn
suddenly pale , place his hand upon
his abdomen and retire in haste. An
other man wearing a plaid coat and
very tight pantaloons said ' Ugh ! "
and followed the fat citizen down
stairs and into the street , where they
compared notes. Arthur Chambers ,
who had boon watch ing the proceedings
tontly up to this time , made n
> roak for the bar and gulped down
several glasses of ice water. Mr.
Fohnaon continued to feast on oysters ,
oap , sugar and beer , and to all ap
pearances without the alighacat incon-
'onionco. The only notice ho took of
ho audience was to pause occasionally ,
imacking his lips and grin. Ihen ho
would say "Yum yum ! " and go on cat-
Finally , when the sugar bag had
joon emptied , "Neddy , " who was
very white , got on the stage again
and whispered in Johnson's oar , and
; hat gentleman , with an oyster in
each cheek , halted a moment in his
wild career of soap and sugar. "Gen
tlemen , " said Lunt , with a hideous
grimace , "I-ugh have boon requoat-
od by several oo ugh gentle
men in the audience to bring the per
formance to a clo " and ho retired
precipitately , Mr. Johnson took ono
linal bite out of the bar of aoap , swal
lowed two moro oyatora , and with a
last longing look at the gallon incus
uro made his call.
That the aoap and sugar wore gen
uine was fully proven by The 1'ross
reporter both before and after the ex-
liibition bcaan.
As n rule wo do not recommend
put out medicines , but when wo know
) f ono that really is n public benefac
tor , nnd does positively cure , then we
consider it our duty to impart that in
formation to all. Electric bitten aie
truly a most valuable medicine , and
will suioly cure Biliousness , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver und Kidney
complaints , oven where all other rem
edies fail. Wo know whereof wo
sneak , and can freely recommend to
ill. [ Ex. Sold at 00 cents a bottle.
Isli & McMahon. (7) ( )
Matter of application of Clio * . Hoiimugcn
for liquor license.
Notice is hereby Riven that Chan. ] {
mueecu did , upon the 17th day of Dccem
ber , A. 1) . 1881 , file hU application to the
Mayor and City Council of Uinnhn , for
license to veil Malt. Spirituous and Vinoiu
LIquoM. at No. 101'J Knnmm street , 3d
ward , Omalia , Kcli. , from the lit day of
.lanujry , 1882. to the 10th day of April ,
If there l > e no objection , remonstrance
or i > rote t filed within two weeks from De
cember 17th , A. 1) . , 1881 , the Iil license
will bo granted ,
Tint OMAHA DAII.VUKK neupaj > er\\lll
publish the aUne notice once each week
lor two weekij at the expense ot the appli
cant. The City of Omaha U not to bo
charged therewith.
J. J. L. 0. JKWJITT ,
Mm. J. f . Uolwrtion , Pltt lnirf. ( Px , wrllcs : "I
VM nulTerlnsf from ( federal dclillltr. want of ap
petite , corntlHitloii , etc. , M that II fo ai n bur
den ; after mlnir IlurJock nioo.1 Illttern I felt bet
ter tlirui for jcars. I cannot praUo jour lilttcn
too much. "
It. OIliM. of Buffalo , N. V. , writes : "Votir
IliiMock Hlci. tllttcn , In chronic ( Uneaten of the
blnod Ihtr s..J kldncii , ha\e t > ecn olffnally
markM with FIICCCM. Iliavoi \ fl them inyacff
with bc t rcult , for tor ] > Ictlty of tholhcr. and In
cue of a friend of mlno Buffering from ilroiwy ,
the cdcct waa marvelous. "
Tlruce Turner , flochertcr , N. Y.wiltei | : "I h vo
becnsuliject to xcrlout dlwirder of the ,
and unahlo to attend to tm lnem ; IhirJock Illood
Itlttcn relieved mo before half nbottlt was wed
I feel confident tint tliov will entirely cure mo. " ,
E. Aicnlth Hall , nlnghamiiton , N. Y. , writes :
" 1 Buffered with ft dull pain through my eft
lung ami shoulder. Lost my inlrltD , appetite
and color , and could with UltHculiy keep up all
day. Took your IlurJock lltood ( Jitters ai di
rected , and li.-uo felt no rain since first week af
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
four } can ago I had an attack of bilious fever , and
never full ) ' rceoicrcd. My illjcntl\o organs
Hero weakened , and I would be completely pros
trated for d.iju. Alter ueln ? two bottles of vour
Durdock Illood Hitters the lmprocmcnt was no
xMblothnt ( was astonished. I can now. though
01 > cars of age , da a fair and reasonable Ji > 's
0. Placket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Trcxlottrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Korycars
I sufltrol irrcatly from ott-rcciirrinfr headache. I
usodjour llurdock Illood Hitters with happlcut
rcnuItH , and I now find up cdf In better health
than for 3 ears post. "
Mrs Wallace , HulTalo , N. Y , writes : ' -I have
used Burdock Illood lllttcra for ncrvoua and bil
ious huulachcs , and can rcconunrnd It to an j ono
requiring a euro for bllllousnoss. "
Mm. Ira Xlullholhnd , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For net cral ) can I hat o Buffered from olt-rocur-
rlnif billions hcadachca , cl ) upupila , and com-
elalnts peculiar to my sex. Stneo uilng your
urflocl ; IJlood Hitters lam entirely relieved. "
FOSTER , MILBURK. . & Co , , Props ,
SoM nt wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F.
Goodman. jo 27 cod-mo
1204 Farnham St. ,
, - - - .
Preserve U and Compare Prices With Others
JOJB' Clipper Hleos .
Girls' Clipper Sleds .
e t10b Wagon in City .
24x30 Chromes Walnut Frames .
BxlO Carved Walnut Frames . . . . . .
IJ21 Caned Motto h rallies , Walnut .
Iuxl4 Walnut Frames .
HandBOnie Ychct Frames .
Room Moulding , Walnut or Gilt , 1 Inch per
foot . 4
! ! o-m Moulding , Walnut or Gilt , 1J Inch
per foot . 6
3rass Hooks for Itoom Mouldlnir , per doz. . 40
Bed Room Lamp , Complete . 25
Hand Lamps , Complete . . . . . US
Krata Hand Lamp , Complete . 30
Iron Coat Bucket . SO
Good Uroom . 15
licst Ilrooin InMarLct . 20
Child's Urooin . in
Spittoon . 20
2uspadares . 'M
Extension Llbury Lamp . 2 10
5 ( Hans Ooblcts ( ono set ) . SO
I Olast Tumblers ( ono set ) . 31
[ j mp Chimneys . 6
Uood Lantern . 40
Ono Gallon Oil Can . 25
Low Prices for Iron Stone China Ware
L'nhandlo Teas , per set ( pletcsj . 9 M
Handle Teas , per set (12 nieces ) . 65
Unhandlo CoCfeo , per set (12 ( pieces ) . 05
llandlo Coffee , per net (12 pieces ) . 75
Ono Sot I'lo 1'latcd (0 pieces ) . . . . . . . 45
One Bet Tea Hate (0 ( piece * ) . 60
no Hot Ilrcakfnttriatcs(0 pieces ) . 55
One Set Dinner Plates (0 pieces ) . GO
Co\erod Tureens . OS
Cream Pitchers . IS
WiuliDovtl and Iltcher. . 0)
Chambers . . . . . . . . 35
Toilet Set * for lied Rooms (3 pieces ) . 200
Dint 1'ar.s . . 15
Stcclo Ulnmondi . 2G
l.'oklnv Glasses , nil Price1.
Conduct : 1 lanterns.
ore prices KOIt CASH , and jouulll
Und them at least 10 to UO per vent. ICIN than
( Ueulioro , us MO purclm o for Cash , at the loncbt
rates , and tell lor Cash Only. My customers are
not obliged to juy for lom of l ad debts , as o
keep 110 hooks and no charges are made. Qlve
us a trial and be convinced. 1'Uaso call and
] < rlce ourOoodsas uu tia\o thousand ] of articles
not nient onud on this bill.
All Are Welcome , Whether They Want
Goods orflot. dillcod-tf
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
H la positive euro for Bpermatoirhoa , B mla
Wcokncw. ImpoUncy , and all dlsaise * retultlog
from Belf'Abuso , a Uental Anxiety , Loasi
Memory , Palm In the Back or 8ld . and dbeaiei
tht lead to
Insanity an ,
The ( Specific
Medicine U
being used
with wonder
ful success.
ent free to all. Write foi them sod get full par
Price. Specific , 11.00 per package , or six pack ,
tire * tor U.OO , Addreaj all orders to
B 8ugoN , UErjciNE | CO.
Koa. 101 and 100 Main St. Uuffalo , N , Y.
Bold In Omaha by 0. f. Goodman , J. W. Bell ,
K lib , and all druiriclstMTcrywboic.
810 South Thirteenth Street , with
AM. . Wool worth.
"Treatise" on the can c , consequence * nnd
roBl "Catarrhal Olientes , " by Dr. K W.
Wei Da Meyer , of Xew York Clly , cll eovercr ol
the Antldotnl treatment.dCAnco I the rj , Ini
tnrttnt facta and tttrtllnir csrraboratlotm
' Ucafncsl , wwvk oycs , 1 M ofolcf , ncrofuh ,
Jcucorrh ca , btonchltls and undcnnlnej conitl-
t"tionsr miH from OiLirrhal ) > ol > n. " "Trcn-
t re" free and sent postage paid It nv o c ,
on receipt of ivxt.l cnnl. U , u , Dewey & Co ,
Publl h < ; r , No. 182 Fulton Street , Xew York.
State Gazetteer and Busi
ness Directoy ,
Containing a description nn l a list of nil
business men in the * tnte , will be itsucd
early In 1882. Price 31,00.
J. M. WOLFE , Publisher.
ISO South Fourteenth Street , Omnha , Neb
! cM2m
No. 1508 Fnrnhnm Street ,
man Nor.h Mile ono , Orand Central Hotel
IIOBBIE DROS. . nrolcra In all Railroad
Tickets , Omalia , Neb. , offer Tickets to the East ,
until further notice , at the following unheard ol
Low Kates :
Chicago , I2 ; Round Trip , $24,00. These art
limited First-Clous Tickets and good for return
through the year , and ria the Old Reliable Chicago
cage , Ilurllngton & Qulncy Railroad Alto , one
way to
1st claw , Sd class ,
NEW YORK , 820.1 o ,
BOSTON , 2 < ' .00
PHILADELPHIA , 25 00 , 823.00.
WAS1I1NUTON , 22.0 , ) , 2UN > .
Pet particulars , wiUcrrgo direct to HOIIUIK
DUOS. , IHalert ) In Itcduced Halo Railroad and
Steamship Tickets , 809 Tenth St. , Omaha Neb.
Itcmcmbcr the place Thrco Dcon North of
Union Pacific Railroad Depot , Bast I do ofTcnth
Omaha Augutt 1,12S1
If Touaroaman lit Tounro *
t mnn of let _
rncd by the strain of t < < i trlllnuorrnili
your duties avoid nlKi > t work , tu re *
st'rnuJrtntt n n tl tide toiehmlnnerTennd
Hop Bitters. ETbtU , UbU HOP B.
] f you youn K Mid I I niffcrlnj ? from any li.
rtlsoiUttm ur dUMpal Itluni If you Kru'iiar-
I led or tlnc'.e , olil or Syouuif , tuiferlnfrou
poorlwaltU ur lancul'h jlnp on a bed of kick
ncrs , rily on Hop J Bitter * .
Whoever r ° re ,
ah novcr you ficl I niully from 5.11110
that your system I format Kldnoy
m od cIcnrulnK. ton- ' Siliwa-'o that mlclit
jrir 01 KtlniuUtlnir , I hivobfcniiro'cnUc.
\ \ > Y i tlmoly uv of
.nlio Hop Hcp Utoro
O. I. O
jWaln - , . disease Is an ftlujolutfr
nnd Irrcslvta-
the itoiiuicA,1 -
boirflt , blood. l > lo euro for
HctroTncncsl u < * p or opium ,
You will ho tc Ijacco.o'
nircdlfyouusc narootka.
Hop Bitters
8oldbydnif- (
tfU. bcuiUur
tily w e n U and
lo erlrlt .Jtry Clixular
it i It may
llfo. It has
Des Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturers of SASH , DOORS , BLINDS ,
Great reduction In Bank Counters"Flans fur-
niched , and work furnished In all kinds of hard
orHOftwood. Counters finished In oil when de
sired. Shelving of all kinds furnished and put
Into building ready for paint on short notice
Our workmen are the best mechanics that can be
procured , Save money by giving us your COD
Stain , Newell and Baluster * .
Our foreman In this department was formerly
with Frost Manufacturing Co , > Chicago ,
Ilia , and has done some of the flncat Stair work
In the Northwest.
Onlnrs liv mall nrnmntlv attemlnl ta. ' < > m
Free to Everybody !
A Beautiful Book for the Asking ,
By applying personally nt the nearest office
by postal card If at a distance. ) any ADULT per.
son wll | be presented with a beautifully lfus- [
rated copy of a New Book entitled
on THE
containing a handsome and costly steel rngrav-
iuif fronttspterce ; also , 2d finely engraved wood
cuts , and bound In an elaborate blue and gold
lithographed cover. No charge whatever la mode
for this handsome book , which oan bo obtained
only by application at the branch and subor
dlnato offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Principal Office , 34 Union Square , Now York
Proprietor ,
' 1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB.
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Specht's Patent Metalic Sky
Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar and
I am the general Stita Agent lorthoalxno
line ot goods.
Creitlngs , Balustrades , Verandas.tOfTlce and
Uank Ralllncs , Window and Cellar
Guards ; also
Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind.
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
Rates , Two Dollars PGP Day ,
Orna Front Rooms ( up stairs ) In H&nscom *
new brick building M.Y , corner Fltoenth od
nchwn Strctts.
Ever Brought lo Omaha I j
Immense Line of
All the Latest Des'gns ' ,
Opera House Clothing Store
J. 3E . T.TTTWTTll
217 South 15th St. , Under
Large Stock and New Goods ! All Goods Marked in Plain
Figures ! Strictly
If Honest Goods , Low Prices and Courteous treatment will do
it , all who call and see for themselves will be satisfied that the
OPERA. HOUSE CLOTHING STORE is the place to buy. ;
Fire and Burglar Proof
1020 Farnham Street ,
Christ Krinkle !
. " vJfc
- J "T -
O. . I }
ordial , Uompliments
Complete Collection
C. F. Goodman , Comprising ,
Christmas Souvenirs ,
Curios ,
Cases Toilette , Colognes Superfine ,
Celluloid Goods , Charming Mementoes ,
Uosting Trifles , U omparatively
Of the Very Latest Styiee.
16th Street , Bet. Capitol avenue and Davenport. Furs made
to Order and Bepaq irinig Hnonnatly done lot
309 South Tenth Street.
French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - $
French Calf Boots , Pegged ,
American Calf Boots , 5.00
Alexis Buckle Shoes , .
Pegged or - - 3.50
A11 Orders Promptly Attended to and Filled With Dispatch.
In Convenience ,
Lang & Foticl