Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday Morning. Dec 19.
Woivtlior Koport-
fThi following observations arc tnkcn at
-tha tne moment of tlmo nt nil the ta-
Cinnnn&mcd. )
VTA * n AntHVT , U. 8 , flm'AL SmVICB , 1
O AIU. December 18 , 1881. ( l4S ; p. m.U .
? ° - * -
is a
On tt MM P. iMaht Clttr
SO.M .1W Illrlik Clc r
Clitt . . . . . . . . M2fl 3 11)ri < Clouil )
S0.81 H Illrlik ClotiJ.v
Yankton . . . M.SO Drink
S0.33 Clotiiljr
tterewport. . . 3 van r iKrcth
St r ul. . . . ) W Kreih Clt-or
St-txiul * . . 311.4 ! Uzhl
JtmrhowL. . 30.34 S ( Drill Clcir
21.W1 < Trwh Cle r
'i r w. . . 29 SO W iFrcnh loinly
ttalort W High Clcnr
Outer. JOSS llhTl , Clr r
10.39 S'K rrcMi Filr
Aurfnlboinc . 30.10 ; 8W llljth Clrar
Ittver nbove low water mark , four feet
andsev n Inched , nndlrozcn.
Nei't Su'nilny Is Christina' .
Yesterday was another delightful day
for December.
U. C. L. A. literary and uncial en ter
CinmeK.t Dec. 2)th. )
Ltavitt'flGijantian minntrc's leave for
Cite ; Whiff * at 9 o'clock this mnrninp.
TtiO LakeV. Addition Lyceum will dli-
-cniH "Woman SuirrA'o"at their next in cct
Kra\\ \ floor of the High School building
Utidio furninhed uith pure Missouri river
The { iratne fires are to ho KCCII nightly
on the Iowa side ofthe llltf
Afullsizo JJoynton furnace hat heeti
put up in the .South Omiha M. K ,
Hon. Guy A. Urown lectures at
Urownell hall to-night on "Women and
Tb Social Art club entertainment
will l repeated to-night at Max Meyer's
mau j hall.
Thi December term ( if the county
- oart. closed SAtlirdny-After a.vety light
twra woiVs * bti'lneis.
l > avltt Glgantean mlnilrel ? gave
.another occcllont pa.formance nt lloyd'n
opera , homo Sattmlny night.
There wan n light fall of rain list
evening about 0 o'clock. Tlio stars were
i shining nt the tlmo and no clouds visible.
A young mountnineor , who stands fix
Iecl eight and a half in his stoc'ilnga ' , was
ono of the passenger * on No , I yoiterdny
Osbori ! now the driver of
13io lloneer hook and ladder truck , Jim
< yirien ! having resigned to accept a posi
tion in the U. 1' . ahopi.
The special train which will convey
tfia Omaha KnlglitiTsinplir to Lincoln ,
feavei thla city , via the 0. & 11. V. route ,
Uiifi tfternoon at 3 o'clock.
Pcler Olson , the clerk in A. It. Saun-
< kr' utore , was surprised We-lnasday ,
illccsmber 14th , hy the arrival of a benne -
3ng pirl weighing eleven poumh.
The Sahbath School of the First Pros-
' hjlerlam church will celebrate their Chrlst-
imiRta tbo loturo room of the Second
Ptaibyterlan church , cor. ITtli and Dodge
street , Tuesday , the 27th of December , at
; 7 y. in.
in.Awcont , roarrlajc in North Omaha
[ lerformod under trying ciroum-
Mtauccc for the bride , who was compelled
Co be married without any teeth , the doti-
tUt railing to coine to time with his work.
'The bride was a h'ghly respected widow
- About forty KnlghU Templar of Mt.
CjKnry Commandery No. 1 , under com-
uiaiidl oCEm Bir James S. Franco IOAVO
ITten ) ou Bpecial U. V. tr ln this
.looming to yltit Mt , Moriah Com-
< nun < lery of Lincoln , returning on Tuesday
George Canfield , proprietor of the
Canfield house , was on Saturday made the
nxxipTcnl of a handsome present In the
inh&rteof a ( sealskin i ap , made to order by
the liett workmen in the city , It IH a
caycl present , and was from Mr. C. S ,
At Hoyd'd Opera House next Kiiday
Decombzr 23 J , Hon. T. 1' .
CVCounor , member c > f Parliament , a brll-
.Ijaut ftrutur and a friend of the Irish poo-
tjile , will lecture. There Hhotild be such a
; graiid turn out as w ill convlnco the din-
ui tuhed visitor ot the fidelity of the
I suni of 1C rin iu Omalia to the great cmiso
of Trish liberty.
ArUlo8of incorporation of the Linln-
Btctulf uompiny of Omaha , No.
were filed at tlio olllce of the socre-
taryof htato Stturday. Tha nature o !
tlyicoutcmpliitcd hualnen is that of a gen-
tiral meruhandlao , storag > * , forwarding and
'incnniiuian. The capital stock il 81CO,000
. ml thoineorporatoraare ( ! . W. Ijlnln er ,
-jr. N. Mctcalf , Tluw. C. Metojlf , H. P
.Deralon and 0 , M. Linlnger.
S. lldldwln , o well known letldcnt ,
> fud hia dinner epolled yesterday , und ro
oclvud u severe injury by falling with a
harp chinel , lie was dlug a bit of nma-
tear carpenter work , and jammed the
. iraUl chisel with which lie wtvi opcraUng
.tatu bin liand , Hevoring two nrturlcB. The
' tilii < xl flew lu a Ktream , and at lint cau e <
nnt a little alariii. The wjiuul was care
vfulljr lr 4ed , however , nn I will be painfu
but not daugeroua ,
A literary society has been org.tuUe < r pilll n , with the following lUt o
ofBccni : President , Judge M , Langdon
i vicft-prculdeut , E , Messenger ; Hecretary
H. IFnlloway ; treanurer , Cj , A. Maguey
'The fln > t meitiug will lie held at the cour
lioiittj on Friday evening , December 23
Subject for debate ; "Jtcsolvod , Tha
ffntaln milfrage would bo beneficial to Ne
.U U" DuputantH Attiimatlve : H. L
Ckipenter , G. A. Magnhy and Dr , Up
Voha ; negative : T.I ) . CUrk , K. MesBemte
and H. Ifolloway , The exercises will alsi
outubt of select re i dings , essays , declonia
tiotui , etc.
O pt. HodaeyDutcherthe well knoWi
ouitUble , met with a serious accident Frl
'Ity. , lle WM on his way to his home it
"Xarth Ouiaba nd was about cresting the
bridge oil 1 stand Izard utreeU , In the
> iltxkuess he became bewildered and fell ol
Ibe embankment leading to the bridge
which is about 15 feet high and entirely
* ugua.rded. IIU leg was fractured In two
JIK < and he waa only able to rea h homo
fay tie * Id of Mr , Orinlu , who fortunately
fatting by that way. The Injury wll
culurally remit in the Captain iielng con-
Aoed to bin bouse for a conilderabio ixirloi1
ajtl it IK 'probable that the city will be
callitd on to pay heavy
Proptirationa for its Euforco-
meiit in Omaha.
An Attempt to Evade the
Spirit and Letter of tbo
j. Statute.
Which Evasion Dlnroputnblo Journnl-
Ism Endeavors to Assist.
An h well known , the jir ctlc l ojicra-
tlon of the Slncunili l w , will hcgin on tlie
1st of January , In acconlnnco with the oi-
dlnnnco pavotl by the City Council In Sep
tember Iwt. At first , after ] ) n ? jvge of the
ord nance , the Impression jir * oiled that n
YigorouH rcslfltanrc would Iw made to UK
cnfiirc-tnent , and it WAI
about ten days rgo the Llijuor Dralcrs'
Union , niter a ktlrrir.g meeting , decided
almost unanlmnualy to not take
out license' . A very Htrong puMto
( fcntlmunt , however , and the Rcml-olficinl
announcement that Afayor lioyd would
vigorously onfcirce the law after January
1st , brought about a change ( if H'titlmuiit
ntnonf ; tlio more rcfpniiKl > lo liquor incr-
clinnts , who gradually vom'iicncod uircu-
latlng their pctitimut mid proem intf honds ,
in acconlancc with the requlremciits of
the law , prior to making appll-
Vllc.itluii for their licenses. The Imak
once iiinilo it was rcL'tink'il as
absolving all nicinl era of thu Union from
any further nhliuution , nnd cjuh dealer
decided to act for hln elf ,
Up to thU hour . ' 1.1 applications frr
iitivr | licenw have hccti lilcd with thu
: ity clerk , nnd a niiinl cr for drug license.
J'liolicoiiMM for which the apjiliu.itlnns havu
cen made nro to only extend to April
10th , or the _ end of thu li -
: al year. Thin limitation nmkut
: hu amount of Hccnxe to bu paid by o.iuh
dcnlcr aliout J2'iO ( , and by each ( Irugaist
about S2.GO.
] n order to mnkn the npplicationn nnd
procednrc to obtain HCCIHU under tliu ylo-
cmiib law nnifonn , It nl blanks cctiHisting
of petitions , appllciitionH nnd biuuli wcro
drawn up by City Attorney jNfandcriion in
accordance with the Htntnte , and printo I
indcr the Kitpcrvlslon of CMy Olcrk Jew-
ett.The provisions of the Htatutc with i-ef-
Tenet ) application for licenxi ) are'aa
ollowa :
Comp led statutes of NubiaMlcn , paycw
{ ,13 aii'l ' Hi ! I , chapter f > 0 , ncctiou - .
No nction shall bo taken upon xaid ap-
> 1ication until at lennt two u'cok'n notice
if the iilinn of the name has Veen ( riven hy
mhlicatinn in a nowHpnpor published in
aid county , hating the largest circulation
huicin , or if no nowupapcr ia publiHhcd ia
aid county , by postinj ; written or printed
loticea of Bald application in live of tin
nont jmblio p'acHH in the town , i recinct ,
village or city in which the husir eia ii
iindiictcd , when , if thcru be no ohjections
n wri'.inu' made i > nd filed to the i-tHiuuico of
aid licenn" . und the county board is in
ossion , and all other provfoioiiH of this
hapter have been fully complied with , it
nav be granted.
The object of tlio l.iw requiring notice
> y publication for two wcukti in thu papi r
ia 'ing ' the largCHt circulation in the
county , In Kclf ovldont. It was for the
! urix > su of giving Uio greatest publicity to
ho' inhabituiitu of any town or city of the
act that an ap lication in about to bo
nade for t'.c right to ell liquor in a par-
icular place , tUrcet or ward , by the party
iiakingHtich upplication.
The printed blanks furnished to dealers
< y the City Cleric , Mr. Jowott , vere as
drawn up by City Attornuy IMnnderson ,
md they cxprcnsly require publication for
, wo weekIn the paper dcBtgnated as hav-
ng tha lawoat ciiculatlon In the city of
Jniaha. Oil the back < f each of thobfank
appears a blank affidavit to be filled In
uid nworn'to by the publisher , whereby
10 certifies under oath that the within
lot co has been published /or two Ktcht in
iln i uper ,
In order to ascertain which paper had
, he largest circulation. Ci'y Cloik Jowctt
served notice the dally -
upon papei-a re-
lUOHl ing each < if them to funiinh u sworn
Mtntetncnt of circulation by tlie hrat day of
December , at 12 o'clock noon. The only
resp use to this request was made byTllK
3.M.MIA DAH.Y UKK , which pap r was
.hereupoii decliiro.l to ba the onu hnvlng
, lie Inrgcs * clrciilatl'in , and was defiignutcd
m the naper in which mid notices thould
bo publi lied.
Having failed to compete with
TIIK UKK for thin pi luting , because
a sworn statement ot circulation
would \\HVA \ \ been ruinous to the other
dallies , as it would h ivo exposed the l > n-
positioiiB they are constantly practicing
upou thflr udvoitising patr.nip , Koma of
thr- rival publishers resorted to iindorlinnd-
cd ttctlcH that would bo a dlngrnco to
jouiniilimu nnywhoro. Tnoy deg n to
raii-u a hue and cry ubout "oxtortiou"
" " nnd " - "
"robbery" "outi-atjcous chaigoi"
on the part of TIIK Br.i : in uxnctiiu ; thir
teen dollars and twenty-five cuntx
for ttu ) weeks publication of the legal
notices of i auh aiiilicunt. Sumo of the c
publijhcrH olFttrt'd to insert eacli ndvcr-
Unomoiit in their rofpeotivo papers for two
dollars. As a imttcr of fact , the chan'es
r.Mx.tol by TIIK DKK nro fixed by law alone
ono dollar per npmr of ten lines non
pareil for thtt lirnt innortion , and fiftyoenU
tier wpmio for nil Hiibsuiinunt inrertlonn
This is exactly what TIIK Bur. charges
to Its regular patrons for advertising
in Its HLCcial column , nndoven lower thai
the rntoj/usually charged for tinii ient ad
vcitineniehtH of ICM than one month.
Casper K. Ywt , mnimgor of the Itcmili
lltan wluvten years ago issued a chock
for a line Imposed fuv an iiHsault commrttfd
which check directed thu ca-hier of the
Oiu ilia National bank to pay $20 to Join
It. I'ortcr , police judge of Umalin , for "ai
uaau t on n Oh Ut killer" lias made him
Holf especial y olUcloux in this mntti-r.
Itecuntly ho went into DUD of the public-
rtfllcus of till * city and d-noimrcd t 10 an-
thorltles for designating TIIK KKusthe
paper in which these notices nrn to lo
published , Bayinjf l e "wouldn't believe
any d .1 Jew on oath , " anil using other
ahnM\u language too filthy for publication ,
1'ressuro was brought from vudmu ( pinr-
ters upon M njor I'oyil and City Attoiney
Mnndersou to i evoke the order fur publi
cation i f t o niiticoj by the applicants for
license , for two weeks. After a majority
of the applications hud been given In for
publication , seine of the liquor de leisde-
nlrcd toirecall them , beenust ) CiU Attor
ney M under , on verbally cxpre-sed tlie
opinion that twn publications , once each
week lu TIIK DAILY HKK wouli
serve the purpose. In view ol
tin- fact tint tin publlthcr was reunited to
intiko aflidavlt of iwu weeks' iiiibliuatlou ,
th liu-lnc a nutimgcr of TIIK UKB , usucli
publisher , notified the npplicauta that he
could not make such allidavit unless the
notices were Inserted for two weeks.
In onlcr to satisfy the parties Interested
tlio publisher of TIIK HKE reiiusted ant
procured a written opinion from lion
iJeo. W , Donne , who waa a member o
the legislature who passed the Inw
ami ' is nr. attorney of unqucs
tioned ability. The following e.xtrue
from orJInauco 4Svl , regulating the sale o
liciuors in Omaha , was bubmitted to him
Sec il. No action shall be taken upoi
said upiillcatiou until at least two weeks
notice of the fllinv of the same hn boei
given by publication in the newspaper i nb
Hiluxl in this citv having the larceut clrcu
lation therein , which notice shall lie pub
Hshed at the expense of the applicant.
Mr , Doane render * tha following
opinion ;
In my opinion the intention of the or
dinance , of which the above h un extract
require * publication ot the notice lu a
pi IT ( If dally ) ( ach tlayfotht tvo weekt
required. OKOIUIK W. DOANK.
lu conversation with Mr. Poauo be
he b.vcd Ids oi loion on the fact
that this was not a notice tonon-reslilent * .
such n is Intended to take the place of
pnpcru that cftnnot bo nerved , but the
legltlntuic , in designating the paper of the
Urgent circulation , desired to give the
widest ( wssible publicity to the resident *
of any city or town , to afford them the
opportunity ' filing obj tionn.
To publish less tlmn two week * will bean
an evasion of the spirit nml I tier of the
law and will defeat Its object * ,
win h is to\ent . improp r
partis obtaining licences. More than two-
tlilidsof the liquor dcalern nn I druggmtx
have inittheuiMilvtflbii tin safe IJe. By
Rhowing a dlnpojitlon to ot cy the I AW in
its fullest fttent they f.xpect to dinann
any opposition nr objection Ihst may come
fr < mi other reasons.
Prank Walto 'a Broad Caof ;
Upon the Waters Thir
teen Yenrs AJJO.
Which May Como Buck to Him With
Interest , nnd May Not.
Un Saturday nlt'lit , after the treasurer
of lloyd's opera house hid tnado tip his
accounts and hitd found that goodly shek
els to the vnliiu of over S1 , < XX ) had been
poured Into thu Golfers of the manvgcment
from the thtco oulertalmmnt given by
Loavltt'n ( ! ininsttelx , and had
cashed \cr a largo proportion thereof to
the gentlemanly treasurer of that com-
| > aiiy , a little scene occurred. C nstablo
Kdgcrttm apjicared tixm the cone with an
attachment , which ho placed on thr big-
; ngc nnd i'pilpincut of that company ,
which attachment was alleged to havu
) cn obtained to intm o the uayiucnt of
? .X)3 ) ngai'ist Mr. Leavitt , the | r.iprielor
if the troupe.
This bill , upon examination , proved to
ia of a KOinuwhat untmunl character ,
as it was composed of SloO bill
md 8180 interest. The claimant is
' 'rank Wallers , Ksq. , a well known at-
orney of thi ) city , and the imlebt. dnetH
t claimed ti hive been contr. < ctcil in
Omaln thirteen yearn n o , when Mr. L'a-
vit ; was as yrt nu unkn wn manager in
hu show business. The claimant alleges
hut I/eavitt HUH dodiom of commeiicing
HihincHH here , ud tlmt be loaned him S15U
or that rmrposc' . The alleged claim lw
einamud in statn quo ever since , autt was
irst i-rought forward on Saturday whun.
with 10 par cui.t. interest , it had reached
icarly S4'K > .
Mr. J. H Sun eg j , the treasurer of the
, ronpe , looked nt the constable when
IUH paper w R served , and then th-v took
k walk. When they had tcnchcd tha Can-
icld i louse , ho looked at thu clcrkand that
ieiitleman opened the safo. Ont camq a
at bundle of United States notes which
represented about..1),000 , from which S100
cos oxtrnctcd und then taken to Mr.
toyd's mannger and d posited with him.
The attachment was thus absolved. Tlie
ii-xt move was to telegraph Mr. Luavitt ,
vho is in New York , for instructions con
cerning the matter. About two o'clock
, o-diiy the following answer was received :
I. K. Surrege :
Ktnphatlcally no such claim. Kmploy
ounsel and plead Statute f limltationx.
Answer roou t. M . It. LKAVITT
Mr. Surrcdge stated last evening that ho
ind followed instri-ctioni , nnd ndilcd sig-
ilRcnutly : "It may cost Mr. Leavitt
omettiing of amioyanco to contest thi-i
laiin , but he'll spend * " > ,000 before he'll
ay it. The thirteen-year-old luaf of Lrua 1
nay bo a hard one to cut. "
Feeble Lndlo * .
Those languid , tiroaoino sonaations ,
causing you to fcol scarcely ublo to bo
on your foot ; that constant drain tlmt
s taking from your system all its
elasticity ; driving the bloom from
, -our chcoks ; that continual strain up
on your vital forces , rendering you ir
ritable and fretful , can easily bo ro-
novod by the use of that marvelous
remedy , Hop Ititters. Irregularities
ind obstructions of your system are
relieved at once , whilp the special
3au8o of periodical pain is permanent
ly removed. Will yon heed this ?
[ Cincinnati Saturday Night , ducl-13
The Wedding1 ot a Prominent Young
Gentleman of Omnliu Ifx Illinois.
A fuw days ago Tup DKI : received a
liandsoinoly printed invitition to attend
the marriano of Mr. W. 11. Pulty , of this
city , nnd Miss Ucllo Deano , of lilootning-
ington. Ills. , at tha icsiilencoof the btido's
parents. On Sunday , the llth , M'r. 1'alty
left fur Illiii' is , and yesterday returned
with liis bride , so that the newly married
people will bo "at homo" as ann'iunced , in
Oniah'j , after Dec. 25th.
The groom h the well-known chief drug-
gUtof the great wholesale drug home of
Ish & iMcMa'on , of Omaha , occupj-
ing an important and reap nsiblo position ,
and bo is widely known an 1 highly esteemed -
teemed in this city. The Oloomlngton
I'untugraph of the 10h ; , says :
"At seven o'clock last evening , the
weddli B ( f Mr. William II. 1'ntty , of
Omaha , Nob. , a d Miss Hello "Dejiio , ono
of Uloonilngton's loveliest youna' ladies ,
occurred , thu ceremony being performed
nt the re-idenco of the bride , on I\or h
'Kost street. The wed .Ing was an
eleh'iint affair , and was attended by a num
ber ol invited guests nnd relative ! of the
contractlnc patties. After icceiving the
congratulations , nnd nftef partaking ol
well-prepared refreshment" . the Imppy
couple left < n the 2 o'clock train fiir
Omiliavh re they will in future reside.
They take with them tin best wi > lies oi
their friends In this city for n long lifu ol
domestic happiness. "
TIIK MKK tenders its congrntula'mns to
the biide nnd groom , and tiuati that the
former may lind no warm a wcU'omo
awaiting bore from hrr husband's friends ,
that she will havu no oo ublon to rcgrel
hnvlng left BO delightful a little blty an
is Dlooinington , or friends by whom she
wan no highly appreciated.
Applied for Liconso.
Forty-six denlors j.n.1 ten dr ggl tH have
filed applications with the city o crk , J. J ,
L. 0. Jcwett for liquor license :
fen- , Sam Deatty , M. A. McNamara
Clmi. rinich , Henry Ostholf , 1 % . F. Maua
Adellna J hn , Jiilltis Treltschke , I'otei
( ! o.s , Alfred F. Wolff , lllchard Wilde
Henry 1'uudt , Mrs , M. A. HiBghla Kd
waitl Matirer , U. G , McGuckin , Join
O'Connell , It. HasniUHsen , Henry Kauf
man , Herman Meyer. Christian Andresen
A. H. Gladstone , Fred Lange , Kdwan.
WHtlg , Thos. Uollan , P. Smith , Fred
Iifetz , Jacob Kaulman , M rs. 11 , bhannon ,
Mrs. Kmelia Thutn. 1'cllx Slaven , Chas.
ICasmiissen , K. Dallon , It. K. Madnon , J ,
G. Nugent k Co. , 1) . Kalmback , Henrj
Hornberger , Schrenner A Knhnau.
0. CJooihnan , Kdward Delldrlch , .Tamet
Ponyth , Chan. Kuhlmiim & Co. , tfchrotei
& llecht , Kennanl llrou. & Co.Wm. J , J ,
Wliltehouse , l h & McMahou , J. A ,
Itotiler , _
Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" uud you
will uevur lia bilioiu ,
C , tCooJnuu'ti. .
The DoQroat Case Goes Over
for Another Week.
Interesting Items From Judga lion-
oko'a Judicial Chamber.
Snttird&y WB noti very ncavy tiny Intlie
district court , the moil inlercatitig item
being the return of a verdict by the j-iry
In the CMC rf Wllllntn Copley , $ r. ,
VB. the City i.f . Omaha. The plain.
till lined for tC.OOO damages
fur the of bin on , n
little Iwy killed I./ a falling sidewalk
dur ng n storm aunie 'months ago. The
jury gave the plaintiff 87fiO and the city
attorney gave notice that ho wuiild move
for n i cw trial.
The nrKiitnent In the IJeGroat CMC , on
the motion f r ft new trial , did not come
up , nml will go over for nt leu tone wro > .
Ac 10 from l'littmouth occupied the
t me of the court Saturday.
Ted Hiith , property man nt the St ,
Klmo theatre , was arrested -.Saturday on the
charge of assault with intent to lull , the
complainant being Mr. Vex , the comedian
at the same place The occurrence took
p nco In Onkes1 restaurant , nt. door to
the St. Klmo , The evidence showed that
I the affair was nothing more than a drunken
J row , in whi h both parties wcio pretty
I severely punished. On motion of District
I Attorney N. J. liiirnham , the charge ot
'vlany wan dismissed , and 11 nth wa lined
$1.0) ) 'Hid coats , and sent to the countv
ia 1 for thirty dajs for ca tying concealed
weapons and disturbing tlio pence.
Kred 1 ! rkcr was lined § -"i and costs for
waulling Paler Peterson , a driver , near
; ho Itith street bridge. The trouble arose
over the disputed right of w.iy in the
The case of thobove arrested for robbing
Fleming & Connolly -toro WIIH positional
until ! i o'clock Sati nlay. They are all
mere babies.
Thoinai Harmon , a wo 1
cnown thief was arrested Friday night
or stealing five t-irkeys from 'J1. C Itrttn-
ler'n grocery Rtoro on Capital avenue and
Sixteenth.t II- got twenty il lys. llo h is
icon dialling turkeys a d oysttrs from
ilr. Brium r for a week or more.
Tv/o plain drunks worn fino'i $10 each.
) ne paid and 0110 WHH committed.
The district att.irney , N. .1. Iturnham ,
Friday procured a writ ( if hiibeas corpus
rotn Jiidge Uhadwick , and released Airs.
"McKlnncy and her infant child from the
ustody of Mrs. M. W. Simpson , who had
mull illegally c nh'ning tliein in her liouso.
V writ was also tilten nut in a
ustice's court and'the goods also recovered.
t ia to he hoped the Simpson woman will
> o put through , as tli case appears on its
ace tojl e a great outrago.
Friday Mr. George W. Whitting
and hi < wife , Mrs. Bridget Whitting , wit-
icsaes in the Itoyd packing house tire case
gainst Kearney , were arrested ns they
vo'e ' about leaving town secretly and were
edged in jail.
A Statement From the Mayor-
MOLINK , lu , . . July i'l , 1881.
H. U. WAUNEII & Co. : Sirs My
vifo and self both unite in pronounc-
ng your Sifo : Kidney and Liver Curn
ho best medicine wo over used.
declloodlw S. W. WHEEI.OUK.
? ho Plattsmouth Editor Is Too Much
for the Carpet-Bag Reformer.
Mr. Outright , the city editor of the
'lattsmouth Daily Journal , was in the
city ytbterdoy , and din not bear the cuts
aud bruises ono would have been led to be-
icvo ho received fr < < m being used by John
J , Finch to mop up a floor. On the con-
rary , he never looked better in his life ,
and , not only from him hut from others , it
g learned that instead of jficch whipping
any one , he himself would li-vve been well
ihreshed by Mr. C. W. Sherman ,
; he editor of the Journal , if a
'ricnd , conveniently happening along
with him , had not interfered.
It is greatly to bo regrettu1 that Shei-
man didn't throw Finch oijj ; of the window
or kick him dowa btairs. AH it W.IB the
" " mid for assault
"reformer" paid $10 costs
and battery , breach of the peace , etc. , and
then hastened back to the state capital to
be the tint to tell the siory.
He threat ned before leaving Platts-
mouth to inflict dire punishment on The
.Journal men if they over published his
uan e again , if ho had to follow them ten
years to do it , John B. may as well be-
fin the pl'grimago at once 0,1 the paper on
Friday contained little el o thiul Finch.
How often do wo see the hardworking -
ing father straining every ncrvo and
iniuulu , and doing his utmost to sup
port his family. Imagine his feelings
when returning homo from a hard
day's liibor , to find his fitmily pros-
trnto with disease , conscious of unpaid
doctors' bills and debts on every hand.
It must bo enough to drive one almost
crazy. All this unhappinosa could bo
avoided by using Electric Bitters ,
whish oxel ] every disease from the
syBtem , bringing joy and happiness to
thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bet
tle. Ish & McMiihon. (8) ( )
Conductor Gooraro A. Houck Knocked
from His Train and Killed.
Col. I ) . B , Houck , of this city , ban re
cently received the new.of a sad accident
which reunited in the death of bin broth
er , George A. Hotiolf , a freight conductor
on the Pennsylvania railroad.
The deceased wiw the yo\mgest member
of hU fanii y , having mven brothers am :
three sUters. He wa ab ut 37 years ol
age and resided at Altaiua , ] 'a.t having
bo-n for sixteen jeart ) past nu imph-yi
of the Pennsylvania rtilroad com-
psny. On Woilnetilay night , De
cember 7th , he was knocked from
his train in the yarl at Tyrone , re
ceivlng Injuries from which ho died in a
few minutes. Ho left a wlfo and two
small children.
There are u number ot railroad men Ii
this city who wore acquainted with hin
aud Mho will learn the nail news with great
regret. The various fire companies , the
Odd Fellows and hU follow employes , a
well as the citizens uonorally , turned out
to pay a last tribute of respect to the mem
ory of a man , who , though he died youojj
had lived long enough to win the leaped
of Oil * luighburs and the love of h s asso
ciates ,
White House Drapery.
A ] Jm : reporter , who happened into tin
larga dry goods establishment of 8 , I'
Morse k Co. , was just in time to see t
large invoice of line lace curtains openci
out. One package contained pair of th <
most delicate and beautiful lace curtains
of Swiss manufacture , ever seen in tin
United States , the price belnj
§ 00 per window. The pat
tern ia beautiful and IhU curlaii
la the only willing dnpllcato of the new
curtains put in the White House parlon
for President Arthur. A private letter
from ono of the firm stated tliut they had
Just forwarded the curtains for the execu
tive mnmlon , the order lylnir ldo by fide
with that of Mr. Memo nnd that Ho. 831
was the on y duplicate in America. Here
in a chance to follow In the xtopn of roy
( Sen. George Crook has gone ea t.
W. 11. lUcon , of Grand Inland , Is in the
Capt. iJlabco came in from Fort S'ecle
Saturday n ! ht.
W. B. Cnm , of Denver , Li gucit at the
Wlthnell houso.
( } . 1) . Thayer , of Kock Tcland , arrived
in Omaha yesterday ,
Hon. A. S. Baldwin , of Plum Cfee' ,
wa < in the city Saturday.
Guy Uarton nnd family left last evening
for their homo In North Pl tto.
Superintcn'cn-- , of the bridge dc-
p rtmcnt of the U. P , loft for Denver last
W. A. Strong , passenger agent of the
Kock Island railroad , anived from the
west yesttrday.
ilon. Goo. P. Bcmisleft for Boston last
night , where ho will pass the holidays
with Mrs. licrais ,
John CJuincy Adams , of Saratoga
Springs , N. Y. , i < vNltlng with Mr. anil
MIR. Arthur Blakely.
Mrs. Hill nnd son , of Chicago , who have
i-cti visiting in this city for several u celts ,
oft for home ycstcid y.
C. W. Canfield , of DoKalb , aod John
U Law renue , of Creston , were among the
arrivals in Omnha yestcr ay.
Hon. A. A. Sargent , United States sen
ator fiom Calif rnia , pa wed thiough the
city Satuiday evening eu route to Wash-
ngt n City.
Judge Stlllman , of Green Hiver , Wyo.
ulng , it ) in the city. lie h onhi-i way to
1'iihcaloosa , Alabann , his former home ,
vhcre lie expects to sec old ftiends , after
.0 years absence.
At the Metropolitan : W. 11. DunUle-
i"n , of Waterl < ; W. 11. Spinner , of
5jhuyjerj J. T. Chamberlain , of Giand
Bland" ; J. 1. Hodges , of Kndicott ; It. M.
Jolbatb , of Los Vo ac , N. M.
At the Creighton : ICinil Schull7 , of
, incnlu : U ! t. Curtis , of B. & M.
n-i'l ' i- i , j . . - , ; T. Caunbine , of Elk
V , . . Bl.vco and Mi Getta McFad-
itn , oi Blair ; G. Grojycnor , of Tokamab.
William Smith , Jr , a young business
nan of Detroit , Mich. , and C'.iiit. Jna P.
> ittroll , of Marine City , Mich. , friends of
V. R. Souer , business manager of Tun
JKK , are in Omaha , prospecting. They
ntcrtain m < ist favor ble impres-ions of
ho gate city.
J. C. B.ire , fotmcrly of The PitUburt'
'elegraph , and now nunasing tditor of
? he Cheyunne Leader , passed thioiiijli the
ity Satur ay evening eu route to hi * for-
tier home , on a holiday visit to his folks.
le is a young man , not over 3. year * of
ige , aud a very pleasant and cultivated
; eutleman.
"Buohupaiba. "
New , quick , complete cure in four days ,
irinary i.lTections , smarting , frequent or
liflicult urination , kidney diseases. $1.
Druggists. Depot nt C. F. Goodnuin's. (5) ( )
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" on res dyhpq > -
, .
„ : " > siiOn ; md heartburn.
AtC. F. Hoodown.
Onq of Our "Boys. "
The Fort Wayne Daily Gazette thus
ilcasantly speaks of one of the Omaha
police force , who is as faithful und efficient
an officer as he is a pleasant gentleman :
Billy McCune , of the Omaha police
torce , is certainly a "dandy copper , the
veritable "Morarity" which h so cleveily
assumes. Last evening , at Fox's parlors ,
Sheriff Cosgroye entertained the gallant
On aba policeman and a number of his
[ ie sonal friend ? , assembled to meet Mac ,
ivh se fame is by no nieain confined to
Oma"a. Mr. M cCunu H ns tlurnughly
accomplished n gentleman as we have seen
For a goo i while. He is an excellent
pianist , a good tinker , a clo\er mimic , a
ikillful boxrr and a graceful dancer , and
above all , n thoroughly jolly fellow. For
several hours he aimucd the gentlemen
pre-ent witu hij delighttul , entertaining
Jacob MailzoiT , Lancaster , N. "V , , says
your Si'ltixu JJi.ossosi wotks well for
everything you rccnnnnenil it ; myself.
wife , and childien have all used it , and
you can't find a healthier family in Now
York Stjte. Oct. 5,1880. eod-lw
Dr. Amelia Tiurrotinhs , Withnoll
House , Tuesdays nnd Fridays , 10 a , .
m. to 4 p , in. tf
Real Estatn Trnnnforn.
The following nre all iho tra sfors re-
coixled at the county clerk's office Saturday
and Monday , ai reported for tldi paper
Ijy J hn L. McC'jRiie , real estate agent
and conveyancer :
George Armstrong and wife t < \ \ " . Hux-
thei.Bon , n'irth i lit 111 , block li , Arm
strong's add. , w d. 200.
O , D. ftolden and wife to Strah A ,
Marsh , luts 7 : md 8 , in block 14 , Isaacs
aud Selden' odil , , w d. ? 30 .
Dexter L. Thomas to A. F. June' , lot 3
"S " Shinn'x MSond aJdition
in block , MS , w
d. S IO.
Isaac Coo and wife to Liningcr and
Metcjlf Co. , parcel in t-cc , ' . ' 3 , twp. U ,
range W east-&Hl,000.
1' loror co S. Stokes to Simon Lehman ,
part hit 1 , block 1'Jl , Omaha , w. d. , S7-
fiOOC. . K. Perkins to IVtcr Sharkey , lot B ,
block . ' ( i.i sub-division nf lot i > , capi at
aHdltlon w , . , $100.
W N. McC.nldilh to J mes O. Haley ,
lot Kl , AfuCandllsh place ,'.on w. e , ,
$ 5.
5.Cornelius Denver to SI on Lambert.
Ion a , block " 1 > , " Sheiins addition , ue. . ,
If you nro suffering from a severe
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling in
the throat , or any luTeetion of the
throat or lungs , \vo kno\v that Dli.
KISO'H NKW IisfivKuv will give you
immediate relief. Wo know of hun
dreds of cases it has completely cured ,
and that where all other medicines
had failed. No other remedy can
show ono half as many poniifinent
cures. Now to give you satisfactory
proof that Dr. Ki.vo'fi NKW Discov-
KUV will cure you of Asthma , Bron
chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se
vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness ,
or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you
will call ut J. K. ISH & MuMAjiox'h
Drug Store you can get a trial bottle
free of cost , or a regular size bottla
for $1.00. janlGly(2) ( )
"VVINEOF CARDUI" for Ladies only
C , F. Ctoodnian'i.
Doll a ! Dolls ? Dolls ! at the
The Board of Trade Propose to Maka
It n. Success Chamber of
At the meeting of the IJonid of Tiade
on Saturday evening considerable Import
ant business w s trunR.ict-d.
Applications for members ! Ip were re
ceived from Hon. Pat. O. Hawcs and J. C.
The subject of the proposed chamber of
commerce buildlug mid club room wet
given an increased impetus by the Midi-
tlon of HBveral slgnatur lo the iirt'clo4
of HBHOcistion heretofore publishc'l.
A itUciirnii'ii of the proposed banquet
developed a hfnrtr nupport In iU favor , it
being the unanimous expression that it
shoiiid be carried through and m&do a
grand iucc i < , w rthy of the organization
and crediUble to the city. Among others
who endorsed the pr-Ject were : Alos-rs.
J. K Bo d. P. W. > lcad , P. K. I cr , F.
J. McShenc , C. C. lloupcl , John A. nor-
hach , J. C. Cowin , C. F. ( ioodman ,
ThoniOH Gibson , A. P. Nt ho a , G. W.
Homan , C. F. Dri cell , Charles McDon
ald , Bailey and Olson , Motcalf brothers ,
F. * ulpetzer , - J. Wuk field , Tgnanro
Schcrb , P. NSMndhelin , J. CFeatner ,
Hammon-1 and Wil'ls. '
On mot un a committpo of suvcn was a
pointed by the president to ascertain
whether milllciont members would pl-dgc
themselves to make tnu hanqilct a success ,
uul to make final arrangeinonts. The
lommittco are Messw. Uowin , Mead , Her ,
iioodman , House ! , McShauc , and Mc
It was decided that the topics relating
; o the commerce and welfare of the i ity
nnd state would be assigned to prominent
citizens and the occasion made one of im
A finnl rcpoit of the cominittco of relief
'or Stanton and Madison counties has been
node by H. G. Clar' ' : , chmrmnn , showing
, e receipts and disbursements to be
"I havu used BUUDOCK'H Br-ooi ) BITTEKS
with great benefit for indigestion and con
stipation of the bowels. "
C. L. KAHIO.V , Hamilton , Ont.
Price $1.00 , tiial size 10 cents. codlw
Dougloa County Agricultural Society.
At Justice I'owell's office on Saturday
afternoon D. T. Mount , George N. Craw-
ord , Henrv Eicke , George l lston K.
Gelsti n , Da\o Kedman , George Canfield ,
} hrH Hiirtman , L , M , Kliecin and C.
'owcll met anil organized the DongUa
ounty agricultural hociety , by odopthu "
: on-titution and by-laws nnd ehcting tlio
Allowing officers : D. T. Mounr , pre i-
lent ; Henry Eicko vice-piendcnt ; J. J.
Jrovvn , tre.iaurer ; GeorR.i N. Crawfoid ,
ecrotary ; J. T. Paulson , George Gelston ,
icnrge C\nfiela. \ L. M . IShcem and D.
ietlman , of managd-s.
iisuiueni To Loan , For sale ,
t. Found , Wants , Hoarding , &c. , will bo In-
crtcd in tht'ae columns enc for TEN CI" > TS
> er line ; each subsequent Insertion , KIVECEXTS
let lino. The Hrat liucrtlon nc\er less than
I.f ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Olllco of D
.VI. L. Thomas Kootn 8 Croiiihton Block.
CJ n AArv To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent1
4 > t > W.wU' on C < wd real e tatcsocurity , by
DU. ISAAC EDWARDS 1100 Farnhaui St.
' ! ' 0 I.OAA At 8 per cent In-
tcrcst In suras of82,600 and
upwards , for 3 to C years , on IIrat-clans city and
arm property. UKMIS RKAL K3TATX and
AciKNcr. 16th and Douvl&s Sts.
I ANTED A girl for ceiiDral liouseuort , at
W S. E. corner of 13th and DiUe Stn.
2 ( 'ood coopers at Orcendnlc pack
ing house , Council Bluffj. THOMAH
QUEEN & SUNS. 742-tf
WANTED A nicely fuinliho < l rocm by sen-
tlenian and wile. Address , C. N. , Dee
nllko. 747-191
Orders formusle ICSJOHS in private
WANTKD , both vocal and instrumental , 6
can experience. Address , J. E. il. , Dee olllce
733-17 *
lioard in pmate family for aladj
WANTED cbi ( Irun otirins the wii'itcr. Ad
dress stating ti rrns and Locailon , ( Qerma >
iij prefrred ) . U. E. H , , lleo olllee. IJ5 17t
" \TTANTED One coed cook. Aorilv nt ollloe
VV of Chief Engineer , Union 1'adflo Railroad
Ilcadiiuartcrs lluilnini ; . 73U-17
filrl for general housework , at
WANTED St. 737-l t
A Rlrl for housework. Oernnn or
WANTED preferred. .Mrs. William , ICtli
St. , bet. l.e.u cnwortli ail * Marcy. 713-141
PANTED A flf t ilaia cool. Imniciliato' ' } , at
W -j OLtliiiiiital. 7-J3 tf
A ( 'irl'or ' ircneral hou-e woiK In
WANTED < > f Uo. Uuova esaniUtcady
cmploj mcnt. _ dccli-4t. !
' . Iniuiudl itcl } a took , at 20 II r-
w ncy St. 02 tf
" \TTANTEl ) At the ( lirllel < llonw , f ur or
\V ll > u boarders obo iUy b . .IX.OH , 14th mid
Jackson htrrcts. 71S-17 * .
"tirAXTl'0 Situation b. a 'Oinpctcnt miller.
VV Tin- best of referoi ce xlven. Will come
any lime hi.rcn now i\nd t .0 l t of Januiiy.
Ail reas.l. U. Lindsay , Windoin , Minnesota.
ANTEn Oirl to do homenork. Enquire
VV 1110 St. 412-tf
Kiindlnu brid'ii nndreboot
WAMTI5D dart. BfVlmnm Sfl-tf
T7IOR RENTNlro furnished largo south front
JL1 room , UKI ) 1'arnham St. 74S-19I
RENT A furnUhcd front room. I quire
171011 No. 30'J faruham St. , bee. 10th and 17th.
RENT Cottafe of 3 rooms , well and
EOlt ; 23nl and St. JIar\'ii nM'nuo. En-
I ill re of .M. W. Kennedy , 3l.b. 13th Kt , 749-tf
' Nicely ( urnlshuil fcorit room , 2
FOUR'NT rooin ; c it tide 17th tit. , one
door north ol Douglas. 73S-10I
KENT rooms over .T col > ' Clothing
FUll tore. No. UiiO Furnham Ht. 'bultihlu for
i lilies or sleep n 'oonn. 73B-17
"I70K RKNT Two furnished rooms , ; for
Hi't't luuw-ki > enlns , 221U Callfoinla > t.
RHNT I nfo brick utoro on Fourteenth
FOR Farnham bt < . Inquire at Nlndel &
hrelK , Cor. llllh and rarnham. 780-17
RENT A ftirnUheJ room to a klnglo lady
FOR gentleman , with or without board. An
ply N , W. corner Callforuia > nd 19th St. 721 17
i. OR RUN'T Plcasanl front room , corner of
r Hurl mid 17th , 1700 Hurt SU 7Utf.
-TlOIl UENT KurnUhed rooms at A. A. Olh-
Jj son's , California , bet. 14th and 15th.
EOR RENT-Nltoy furnished rooms with
board , a fuw day bcuniera can bu accom
modated , 2U13 Casa St. 701-tf
OR RENT Ono furnUhcd room for single
E gentleman , alto 2Ur/o rooms with a piano
In umu will be for rent 10th lust. H.V. . Cor
Ibth and Capitol a\muo. am ID
i\OR KENT Boarding house , corner ICth anil
II Hnilirn Klji UU5-17 *
I710K KENT A store 22x60 , lilted ( or grocer-
L lw and dry goods. Apply
034-21 * Wa\crly , Neb.
IJHorv house , 7 roonu , cellar
FltRENl extern , 1B IKT month. 1221 N.
UthSt. 081-17'
RENT A suit or itnglo rooirs , nicely
FOR , nt N. W. cor , 20th aud Di > cn.
l > ort. fCO-tf
T710H RENT A flnt-clus hall ( or society pur-
J } poset. Centrally located. For particulars
enquire Kenoard Uro8.Uth and PouKlasHts.
-\r\0n \ nENT-Ono parlor on ground ( lee
JL1 ono chamber handsomely ( nrnlnhcil ,
California St. kf-3"
T7iJK ( UeST Pornhhnl roomwlthclojct. Oocjl
JL' location. Slioof 14x14. Enqulroat\ , .
U. A. 041-tt
RENT New hnus of 7 roonn , 19th and
Grace SU. Enquire K , V. Smith. 634-tf
RKNT Furnlnhcd rooms north ldo of
FWR St. , 2d door west ol 21st , Inquire
after 1 p. m. 434-tl
n HKNT 2 rurntahol roomnvel leJ.
climu1 Kich nfON. | B cor. Id'h ni | Do < lir *
FOR HAI.K S nlcocountcninndSiilvcrptatoi
f-li w ( aid , aldvo , II. 1' ' , Wt South
IQfi .St. ril-tt
Foil RAM : Cheap , One olil lio'l'o. Inoulre
of lialjiclti & llolnn , cornrr lAih on I .In. . it , .
I71O1I HAIjK A leftm of blAck liorKoii. l.'niiilrt |
X of Uinaha Merchant * ' exprmi Inrn. 7'.7-2l
FOH SAI.K Orwlll ixchnnpc forOmuhi pro
perly , an Improved Rcctlon of l.nul adjoln-
mt : a ntatfun on U. P. H. It. M. DUNHAM. 1412
Kurnhnm St. , Omaha.
EOltSALI'Ortrndo for city proper ! } , on
> pnn of horws , harness anil vrnyon. Aildrcs
S. Y. , this oilier 72' ' If
"TTIOTt HAI.K-A tulldliig 22\IO. with a cninplote
Jj stock of dry eooils , groceries and flviurcf.
lliqulru S14 H. lUtll St. G9M7
FOP SALE Largo buslncfli lot on Hartley Ht ,
suitable for viholcsallng. John Li. Jle
C'njtuc , Opp. P. O. 021 U
EOH SAI.R A ffaoJ sotcn-joar-old hone
Warranted to drl\o Inilo or double. En
imlra of George C.-uititld , Cxiiiflelil IIOURO.
T OIl SALE Team good ( ionics , chovp ; nt lied
Jj Barn , Idth St. orSl-t (
203-tf E3TABHOOK 4 : COE.
FOU SALK Maps of Douglas and Sarpy oun-
tlca. A. ROSEWATERlE20Farnham Btrcol
QTRAYni ) OR STOLKN-Froro 15th anil Web-
O tcr , one pointer do ; , ' aliout S montha old
( hltuaml brown bpottcil with broivn spot like
O" on his back. Finder will please leave Information -
formation at Ma\ Meyer & Ilro. 740-tf
AQKD WOMAN Ucslrlns n home
AMIDUbK Inter , and who will keep house for
a latnih if two , ran do well by feiiJlnx her ad
dress to "K , " this olllce. 743-17
QTR AY Kl ) OR STOLEN Dec10 , 18S1 , a latxo
j bay horse about 11 jeirs old. Any Infonnu-
: ioli na to \\hcrcabouts will be libctally re
tarded b.J. . . H. Baldwin , corner ISth anil Jack-
on. ' 740-17
QTRAW. STRAW Vlentv of nice oat straw , at
J Chirltnn Ilro.'s feed store , 10th and Ua\cn-
mrt Sts. t 7ii tf
IYET Nlculy furnished rooms , with or
TIO without board , 1417 Howard St. 717
EMIR' NKW CITY MAI'S , 10o. Mounts
Maps , $2.60. GEO. P. BEMIS.
Pays the hlj-heit cash
JHAC11STKASSER hand billiard and | > eel
tables. Call or address , 60 ! ) Sauth 10th itrect ,
Omaha , Neb. dO-lm"
UP NOTICE Taken upon Saturday
TAKEN 3rd , two bay horses , ages about 5 and
i jcars ; fair size and well matched. Owner can
ia\o xitno by pnxini ; property * and paving
clmrjcs. WM. RAW1TZER , J milo wustof
( Juile\'s soap factory , Douglas proclnrt.
651 vc in 5t
JL IXO CO. , Will pay cash for horns by thocar-
oaddoliorcd at nnyrailroad depot in Sioux City.
Texas > tecr horn preferred For particulars ad-
drcs , D. U. Hobic , Supt. 013-jl
J. 'Iso dccoiafvo palntlnif. MRS. D. It.
\VARDNER , rocm 1 , Jacob's Block. 542 tf
HAY At A. II. Sander's Feud Store
BALED Harney St. iil9-tt
B Impose.
has rattllnif long llata of bodges , lota
BEMIS aiid farms for.ule Cell and gt\
NOT1CB. Special advertisements , such aa
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent ,
Wantti , Boarding , etc. , will be inserted in this
column at the low rate ot TEN CENTS PER
LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENT3
PER LINE for each subsequent Insertion.
Lcaioadvertisements at our office , up stiirs ,
corner Broadway and Main streets , Council
[ lillffs.
S ALE First-class saloon 11 , mllci cast of
FUR on "Mo quito , " on line of R. 1. II. IS.
( Jood p ixio to mal < o money. Address ,
BKK Ofllcc.
dec9-Ct Council HUilU.
Everybody In Council Bluffs lo
WANTED Bun , 20 cents per week , du
U or oil by carriers. Oltlto corner Broadway and
italn , upstairs , Council Bluffs. CM-tf
' TICKET OFFICE Var in railroad
POTTEK'S tontlitucs to boom. Unprecedented
low rates to all eastern points. E\ery ticket
guaranteed. Orders filled Uy telephone. From
ono to ten dollars t > a\cd by purchasinir tickcta
of C , A. Potter , successor to Potter i Palmer , No.
10 South Fifth street , four doors below the post-
olllce , Council Bluffs , Iowa. oct3-tf
Boy , witluxiny , to carry papers.
WASTED at BKK Olllco , Council Bluds.
To buy 100 tons broom corn.
WANTED address Council Bluff *
Broom Factory , Council Bluffi , Iowa. 65S-20U
A first-class broom tier. Mayne
WANTED Council Bluffs , lowe 600-30'
1,1OK SALE Old paixjrs 40o per hundred , al
JL ) The Bee office. Council Blnfls. se27-tf
T10NALIST , 498 Tenth Street , between Farnham
andllainoy. Will , with the aid ol guardian
spirits , obtain for any one a glance at the pait
and present , anil on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boota and Shoes made to order. Perfect
satlBfactlcn iru r uteed
Absolutely Pure.
This powder ne\cr Varies , A man el of pur
ity , strength and wholesoincnoiia. More econom
ical than the ordinary UnJf.1 and cannot bu
sold in comiwtitlon vlth the multitude ol low
ten * , thort weight , alum or phosphate powders.
Sold only in cms.
Mew Yotlu