Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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010 Farnliam , bet. Oth and 10th Street * .
no copy 1 year , In Adriknccpmtin1d ( ) . JlO.OO
0 months " < < > 60'
month " "
Lwxvo OmMia Pas cnircr No. 2. S:30a. : tn. Ac
commodation No. 4 , 1:00 : p. in
Atrl\o Omaha Passenitcr No. 1,6:20 : p. m.
Accommodation No. S , 10:50 : n. m.
Lxuisa nuAtiA HAST OR eotnn IGUKD.
n. , D. i. o. 7:40 : x m. 3:40 : p. re.
U .V N. W. , 7:40 : a. ni. 3:40 : p , m.
L. , K. 1. & I' , . 7:10 : a. in. 3:40 : p. m.
K. 0. , St , J. ft C. a. , leaves lit 8 n. m. n'd C0 :
p. in. Arrives at St. Louis nt 0:30 : n. in. ami 6S2 :
V. m.v. .
v. , pt. t , . AJ p. , loaves at 8 a. m. Mid 3:40 : p.
21. Arrive * at St. Louis MO : 10 n. m. and 7:30 :
W 6t OR 80CTIHMUT * . ' ,
11. . M. In NcKThrott h Express , 8:10 : . in.
D. fc It. Lincoln Kxptvss-C'io p. m.
C ! ' , Overland kxprctv , 12:16 : p. m.
Q.t. . I ! . V. lor I.lnroln , 11:45 : a. m.
O. ft 11.V ( or Osccoh , fl:40 : n. in.
U. P. freight No. 6 , 6:30 : n. in.
U. 1' . f rclcht No. 0 , 8:20 : a. in.
U. I1 , freight No. IS , 20 : p. in.
U , I' , Irulvht No. 7 , fl:10 : p. in. emigrant.
. . , ! ' . Denver express , 7:35 : p. n.
U. H. frcli'ht Nn 11 , ll'SO p. m.
U. P. Denver freight , 6:25 : p , tn.
C. B , ft O 6:00 : n. in. 7:25 : p m.
0. & j , ' . \ \ ' 0:45 : a. tr. . 7:2u : p. in.
f. K. I.&P. , :45u. : m. B:05p. : ta.
E C. , St , Joe &C 1 ] . , 7:40 : n. in. C:45 : p.ui
jknnivixo FRO TUR wiwr AXI > eoDtnwiaT.
O. & U. V. train Lincoln 1.03 p. in ,
U. P. 1'Ailflc Kxprc ; * T.2S p. ni.
H ii it. In Noli. , ThtoiiKh Express 4:15 : p. in.
n. * M. Lincoln Kxprcw 9.40n m.
U. 1' . Denver express , 7:35 : a. in.
0. I * . Frc'.L'ht No. 14-2 60 p. in.
U. I1. Vo. C fire : ft. 111. Emigrant.
U. P , freight No. 14 , 17:15 : p. m.
U. P. . ' o. ! 0l)0 : ) p. in.
U. P. .Vo. 1 lIB : a. m.
U. P. Denver freight , 1:10 : n. m.
o. is U. V. mixed , ur. 4:4 : j p. ie.
coi'jcii. m.urps.
Irtftvo Oniahn at 5:00 : , 11:00 : , 1C:00 : and 11:00 :
m. ; i:0 : 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : nnd & : > f. In.
Linva Council niufls at 9:26 , 0:25. : 10.2A and
1 : 6 ft. m. ; U26 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : anil 6:25 p. m.
Sun-liys The dummy Icnvrs Omaha nt 11:00 :
and 11:00 : n , in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Loivoa
Council Bluffs at 9:26 : and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
and 6:25 : p. m.
Through and local passenger trains between
Omaha and Coun U ItlulTH. Leave Omiha 0:16 : ,
7:45 : , 8:60 a. in. ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , 0X : > p. in. Arr ve
Omaha 7:40 , 11:35 : , 11:45 a. m. ; C:40 : , 7:05 , 7:15 ,
7:40 p. in.
Opening an doling of Mf Us.
a. m. p. m , a. m. p. m.
Cnlcayo&N. W 11.00 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , R I. & Pocll'.c.11:00 : 0:00 : 5:20 : 2:40 :
Chicago , B. & Q 11:00 0:00 : 5:30 2:40 :
Wabash 12:30 6:30 2:40 :
Sioux City and Pacific. . 0:00 : 5:30 2:40 :
Union Pacific 4:00 : 11:40 :
Omaha&R. V f. . . 4:00 11:40 :
B.&M. InNeb 4:00 : 8:10 :
Omahafi Sioux City. . . . 0:00 : 7:33 :
B. & M. Lincoln 10:30 : 0:00 :
U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:10 : 11:00 :
U. P. Denver Exp 0:00 : 0:30 :
O. . Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : x:40 :
Local umiln lor State ot Iowa leave but once a
day , viz:0:30a.m. :
Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
iTgarxs ,
BngJnasB Hirectory.
Abstract and Real Estate.
JOHN L. SIcCAGUE , opposite Post Office.
\V. R. BARTLE1T 317 South 13th Street.
Room 14 CrolKhton Block.
A. T. LAIIOK Jr. . Room 2. Ciclchton Block.
Boot * and Shoes.
FIDO Boots and Shoes. A peed assortment ol
bouie work on band , corner 12th and Hartley.
T1JOS. ERICKSON , S. t. cor. 10th Mid Douglta.
DOS 10th street , manufactures to order good work
> t fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. r. tARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Douclaiet
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Famhom , Street.
Butter and Eggs.
UcSHANE & SClin'OEDER , the oldest B. and E.
bonso In Nebraska eafabllrtied 1875 Omaha.
southwest corner lethand Dodrc.
Bast Board lor too Money.
Bktlsf&ctlon Guaranteed.
Heels at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms lor Cnsh.
Fumlshwl Tfcvrnia Supplied.
Carriage * and Road Wagon * .
WM SNYDER , 14th and Harney Streets.
Jewe era.
JOHN BAUUER 1314 Fnrnham Street.
H. BERTI10LP , Rigg and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FO8TKR & GRAY comer 6th and Douglas 3(5 (
Lamp * and Glassware ,
1. BONNER 1309 Douglas St QooJ Variety
Merchant Tailor * .
One ol our most popular Merchant Talloro Is re
oclvlng the latest deilxns lor Spring and fiuiumn
Goods for gentlemen t wear. Stylish , durable
bad prices low an over 21613th bot. Douv.bFam
IHIS. U. A. , Wholesale and Retail , Fun
cv Goods In ( 'KAt Nutiety , Zophyn , Card Board * )
lloblury , Gloves , Corfcts , &c. Cheapest House litho
the West. Purchasers nave 30 per cent. Onb' !
by Mall. 11D Filteonth Street.
JOHN WKARNE & SONS , cor. 14th& JarhRonst
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnh m 81 *
Wolshans Bros. , proprietors.
Urocor * .
Z. STF.VENS , 21st between Cumlng ml Ir r
T. A. Mc3HANE , Corn. 23d and CumlntfHtrocta
rlarawaie , Iron and ateui.
OLAN ft LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 ni
112 Uth street
> 1IOLMEH corner lB h nnd rallfornl *
Hornet * . Baddies , &c.
II. WEIST 2018th St. bet KernS Harnov
; ANFIKLD HOUSE , Goo. Canflcld.Oth & Farnhan
DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 013 Farnham Kt
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. SlMcn , 10th St.
Boutbcrn Hotel , GUIS , llamcl Oth &Lea\cn\vortl
* Olothlng Bought.
0 3HAW will pay hlghat Cash price lor BCCOD
band clothinc. Comer 10th and Farnhain.
Drugt , Paint * und Ullt.
Phtrmadsta , Fine Vane Uoods , Cor. 16m MH
Doiiiln ttroeta
W. J. WHITEHO Uf \Vholcfnlo & Retail , Uth el
0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlntf Strcel
PARR , Drutrslst , 10th and Howard Street * .
1 "
Oentlit * .
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block Cor. Uth & Dodge.
Dry Qoort * Notion * , Etc.
Now York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1812 F&ri
ham itrcct.
L. 0. Enowold also txxJta and ehoea 7thAPaclfli
A F. GROSS , How md Suond Hand Furnltur
od Etovca , 1114 Douslu. Ulgbcst caab prlc
aid for second liana ; oo9t.
BONNER 1800 DoucU Bt. Fine mxxls , & <
Fence Work * .
OUST , FRIE8&CO. , mSHameySt. , Impron
ed Ice lloii'S , Iron and Wood Fences , Otflc
lUlllnm , Counters ot Vine und Wilnut
Cigar * and Tobacco ,
WKST fc FUITSOKERmMUif cturfr ct
nj Wholiwile tenters , n Tooaccos , 1SOB D
V. V. LORKNZKN mAiiiihrturcr UlOFarnhara
A , Donnithtif , rltnt , cut flowers , CM ! , , x > qnets
t . h . W , cor. IGthixnl IkiuclM ftrccU.
Civil Englnecri nnd Surveyor * .
ANDRIIW ROSEWATKR , Crclijhlon Block.
'own Surxcyg , Grade fttid 8ewcraie Syftcina a
Uommlitlon Merchant * .
JOHN 0. W1I , L1S.14U IXxlttc Street.
D n , tlEGMER. For Octnlls co Urge advertise
ment In IHIlv and Wcokly.
Cornice \Yorki.
Wwtcrn Cornice erk , Manufactnrore Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron nml Slnto Koofllng. Ordere
rom any locality promptly cvccutwl In the best
n.Miiicr. l'nctor > ' and Ollro ! 1213 ll.irncy St.
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Iron OornU-cs. Window Cajis , etc. ,
mtnnlncturrd nnd put IIP In wy part ot the
country. T. SIN1IOI.1) 110 Thirteenth street
. 1IONNK.11 1SW DAUKUO street. Good lino.
Clothing nnd Nurnlihlnc Qood * .
OEO. II. PCTKHHON. Al < o Hats , Caps , Boots ,
Shoes. Notions ami Cutlery , F01 H , 10th strict.
Refrigerators , Canfleld'i Patent.
C. > ' . COODMAX llth St. bet. Varn. A Hurnov.
Show Cnio Manufactory. ,
0. \VlL01fc
rtanulacturer mul Dmlcr in all kinds ot Show
Onset , Unrltfht Ua.KH , a ' . . 1317 Ciws St.
FRANK L. OKHHAIID. proprietor Omaha
Show Ono iii.iiiuf.M-tory , flS Soutli IDtb street ,
> etncun Lcivenwortb nnd Marey. All goods
Pawnbroker * .
HOMKS-KKL1) . 10 h St. . hrt. fir. A lUr
Stove * nn Tinware.
A. ,
) cilir In Stoves nnd Tinware , and .Manufacturer
ol Tin Hoofs nnd nil ktuds ol Building Work ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. BO.NNKIl. IBOOUouetosSt. Good and Cheap.
Baed * .
J. EVANS , Wholoile and Retnll Seed Dillls and
Jilltlvttton" , Odd FellowH 1IM1.
Physician * an 1 Surgeonn.
V. 8. ailins , SI. D. , P.Min No 4 , Crelghton
Hock , 15th Street.
I' . S. LElSENItl.NO , it. D. Maronlo Block.
L. HART , M. D. , Kye and Ear , opp. postofflt-o
1)R. ) L. B. ORADUY.
Iciillst oiul Aiirtst. S. W Uth and Farnham St
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Masonic Hall , First-class Work and Prompt-
new ) inmrotitccp
Plumblne , Qa * and Steam Fitting.
' . \V. TARPY & CO. . 21012th St. , bet. Farnhun
ind DoUKlas. WorK promptly attended to.
U. 7ITZPATRICK. 1 9 Douelas Street.
Palntlnc an aper anting.
Phillip Lire , 1320 Fnmrmm St. bet 13th & Uth.
Second Hand Store.
j ERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douelas St. . New and
iecond Hand Furniture , Uouso Furnishing Goods ,
tc. . boutrht and aolil on nnrrow wortMna.
tialoon * .
a the new brlcU block on Douglas Street , h&s
Juet opened a most elegant Beel Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
every day.
Caledonia "J FALCONER 67010th Street.
CHAS. RIEWU , lOlii Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.
00 Oent Store * .
P. 0. BACKUS. 120S Farnham St. , Fancy Goods
Wait , tat being the most direct , quickest , n
eafeot line connecting the irrcat Metropolis , CHI
ana ! SCHJTII-EABTKRN LINKS , which tcrmlnatethcre ,
with KANSAS Cmr , LRAVKKWORTH , Arcmsoit ,
CsNTnas from which radlato
liiat penetrates the Continent from the Mlanourl
Rivet to the Pacific Slope. The
[ the only line from Chicago owning track Into
Kansas , or which , by Its own road , reaches the
points above named. No THANSPIIRB BT CAUBIAOI !
No uissixa oosNKCTiOKsl No huddling tn 111-
ventilated or unclean cars , an every passenger Is
carried In roomy , clean and ventilated coaches
upon Feet ExprcRS Trains.
DAT CABS of unrivaled magnificence , PULT.MAM
PALACE SUEKPINO CADI ; , arid ouro\vn world-famous
DIKING CAIS , upon which meals are served ol unsurpassed -
surpassed excellence , nt the low rate ol BUVKSTT-
FISH CUNTS BACU , with nmpla time lor heilthtul
Through Care between Chicago , Pcorla , Mil
waiikeo and MlRMjuri F.her I'oiiitn'xand close con
nectloim at all points ol intcnwcflon with other
We ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to uvori
t'hue ' of liniiortvni-o In Kansn/i , Nebraska , Illail
Hlljs , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , California ,
On iron , WaKhluuton Territory , Colorado , Arliim
nnd New Mexico.
Asllbnral nrrnrKcmcnte rcgardlng'bi eate f
any othr : line , nml rates of fare alua ) & > HOA > >
campii'llarr ' , who lurnish buta tltbe j the or"
arid tackle of sportsmen free.
'lIcKiitn. mate and folders at all prlnclpa
oinc In the United States and Canada.
n. H. CAULE , E. ST. JOHN ,
Vice Prts't i ! Gen. Gen. T < t and Uans'r Av
Uanaicr , (
Sioux City & Pacific
Runs a Solid Train 'Ihrpugh from
Council Blufi'u to fc-t. l-aul
Without Chance Tlmr , Only 17 Hours.
and all points In Northern Iowa , lllnncsota an ;
Dakota. This line la cqulpi > cd with the improved
Westlnghouae Automatic ! Air-brako and Mlllei
Platform Coupler and DuOer ; and for
is unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Bleeping Gu
run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan
sa City and St. Paul , via Council liluffa and
Sioux City.
Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer at Coun
cil Uluffa , at 7:35 : p. in. dally on arrival of Kaiibai
City , St. Joseph and Council Itluffs train from
the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:36 : p. in. ,
and at the Now Union Dcjtot at St. Paul at 12:30
OTRcmembcr In taking the Sioux City Houtt
you L'Ct a Through Train. The HhorUnt I.lno
the Quickest Time and a Comfortable Kldo in the
Throuith < . 'ar between
farSeo that your1 Ticket * read via the "Sioux
City and Pacific Kallroad. "
Superintendent. CIcn'l Pom. Aircnt ,
P. E. ItOIlINSON , Ain't Oen'l Pass. A t. ,
ili&iourl Valley , Iowa.
J , II. O'DKVAN , Soiithwutern Agent ,
_ Pound Illuffi ) . Iowa
Real Estate Agency
Keep a complete abntract of title to Res
EiUte In Omaha an Uouitlu county. mart
Colorado Minlug nucl Rnilrond
Peril * of Worltlntt lu the \Vlntor
Snow * .
Dent cr llcpiibllcnn ,
The Denver i r South 1'Ark division
> f the Uniuit 1'acitlo railway crosses
lie m\in ; nxngo of tliu Cciiitinunlnl
livulo nt an ulovntioii f lliRW feet ,
.ho hinlieat rnilrond crossins , ' through a
tumioi in tlio world. The giuahtio
entcrpriso wns phcucl in tlio luxtuls of
Messrs , John I "itxiurnld iV Co. , ( con
tractor July 1-J , 1880 , nnd uftcr
aoino of tliu most , suvuro hoitdshipa
hat wuri ) over encountered by rnil
rend contrnotoifl , wna cotnplot d No
vember : iOlh , 1881. This tunnel is
1,77(5 ( feet in length , 10A
feet in height , nnd KJ fost in
width , is aroliod nnd timbered
with California redwood , shipjied from
that state by the Union Pixcitic rail
way at nn oxpcnsu of from SSO to
SI 10 per thousand , Four hundred
ind sixty thouaand feet of this timber
wnsuseAintho cotmtructioit of this
; unncl > Owing to the peculiar forma-
; ion and innko-tip of tins-part of th
luountaina it was necessary to use
ralso timbering as well us this rod-
wood. The underground workings of
this tunnel , and the diltlculties with
which it was carried on , form no small
: en t ure. of interest to the railroad nnd
mining enterprises of our stato. To
overcome ) the thousand and ono obsta
cles that flout the contractor ; ; like in
surmountable barriers reiittirod the
uost dominant ] iersuverauco and skill.
There was but from ICO to 200 feet of
rock in place in the whole work , show-
"ng conclusively that nt ono time this
was a very low pass , as the draws or
drninngo on cither side of the moun
tains go to prove. Three steams of
water , from live to seven inches in
diameter , wore cut and it wits/ with
ircat ; dilliculty that this loose , wet and
inuddy formation was kept back. Dur
ing the whole of the workings false
timbering was required , which was not
less than 1,500,000 feet , nil of whish
was cut nnd hauled under very great
difficulties. Itwas hnnlcd over the
mountain through from five to seven
Feet of snow , nnd over snow banks
from fifty to sixty feet in depth. The
western approach was completely
blockaded with snow. During the
storms of last whiter the men hud to
cut n shaft thirty feet in depth through
the snow to got down to their work.
tVt timeH the miners wore allowed to
work on tliu heading and' shove
Inck the material twenty feet
beyond the portal , when it was impos-
jiblo for them to work on the outside.
This was done to keep the work going
and keep the men from leaving the
works , all of which required handling
three times in plnco of ono , adding
three times the to the
expenseto con
tractors. It was very difiicult to got
inon in midwinter to work in such a
locality. None but tlio experienced
aid timers would or could stand it to
battle against the elements. During
some of these heavy storms lost win
ter the men had to go to their cabins
from the work in gangs , to keep from
being lost in the snow , and often had
their clothes frozen to their skin on
arriving in their cabins. Unless ono
could feel the effects of these wind
and snow storms on the main rnngo it
is * impossible to realize tbafa man
could not stand on his feet , but many
have been eye-witnesses to the fact
that it wes impossible to carry on
work without the dnngor of loss of
life or broken limb.
A weather record was kept by Wil
liam Osborne from the time ho started
until the finish , which the writer had
occasion to road , and it is only a won
der long to mo that even ono man ever
worked long in such a blizzurd region.
I can assure you but irco did show by
the pay-roll of having worked more
than a month at a time. Out of cer
tainly no less than 10,000 workingmen -
men who started to this tunnel , but
very few show a .longer record than
two days. Out of the thousands ship
ped out from the east by the Union
Pacific mil way ( by few transporta
tion ) , but few worked but u day or
two. Tlio high wages paid by the
contractors was the only inducement
tor men to stay nt nil. Labor
ing men often worked over
time nnd drew from § 100 to § 125 per
month. From 200 to 250 men wore
daily employed , of all colors and nn-
tionalitio" , and from all parts of the
world. It is believed that there never
was a work where there was no much
ilifliculty in keeping mun. They nt.
times would leave in a body , which re
tarded the work most eurionOy. No
liven have boim lost during the whole
workings of the tunnel. All of the
work was carried on by hand , which
proved to accomplish more ( in thin
elide formation ) thiin machinery which
was tried but to no elloct. Tlio put
ting in of abundant supplies at the beginning -
ginning of thib work was done by the
contractors , to the anumntof § 50,000 ,
and wits hauled from the end of the
railroad track , a distance of twenty-
five miles , at tlio OXIWIIHO of 8150 per
hundred pounds. ( Jetting the sup-
plic.i and materials to this wink over
the rugged mountains was no small
feature in this enterprise. On the
25d of May , J8H1 , a jack trail was cut
through sixteen foot of BIIOW to gain
the western approach , and a road was
cut through sixteen feet of snow over
the mountnins to get the red wood
timber to this western approach. Con
tending with the mud nnd snow on
these rugged mountain sides , nnd under -
der difliculties peculiar to this great
elevation , was one beyond the conception -
coption of men who have never seen
it. Eiuhtcon mules and throe horses
woer killed , besides nmnberlosa
wagons were smashed to atoms. The
whole work boara a record equal to
The Old Bergeant ,
Detroit I'ruc-I'/uwi ,
Ho had boon lying very still for the
past hour , and the weary nurse do/.ed
and nodded-struggled to keep awake
nodded again and finally slept in
her chair.
Then the old clock begun calling
"Tick ! tuck ! tick ! tack ! "
Tin ) sleeping man moved uneasily ,
and the thin , bony hand on the coverlet -
lot was lifted ai if in protest.
. "Tick , tack ! Tick , tack' ! " called tin
clock in louder tones ,
The sick man opened hiu eyes anc
stared about him in surprise , Hit
hair was thin and gray , his face wastec
nnd p.ilo , and death bun stolen silently -
ly in na ho slept and placed its seal i n
liis brow ,
"You wore n soldier ? " said the
"Aye ! that I was ! " responded tin
man ns ho gnthorid sudden strength
nnd half rose up , "Company 0 , fall
in ! Hifiht drossl Front ! Attention t.i
roll-calll Adams , Ansil , Artnun.
Avorill , Allport , Amsdem - "
"They do not answer , " snid the
clock ns the sergeant paused.
"No they lie buried in the trenches
nt Mnnassrisl" solemnly answered fie
old man. "llarnnrd , Unxlor , Htiohnnnn
Burton , Bloom - "
"I do not hear their voices , " said
the clock.
"I had forgotten they died nt
Fair Unks ! whiapored the sergeant.
"Curler , Clnxton , Coleman , Curtiss. '
"And wiiatof them ? "
" \Volaidthoiusidobysldo in the
tirnvo at Miilvern Hill.
Deitton , Dougherty , D.uiforth - "
"Absent without leave , " snid tin-
"Absent forever ! " answered the
iorgennt. "The green fields nl Sharps-
burgh their life blood. Kn-
rujht , Ebormnn , KcklilF "
" 0n guard" said the clock.
' Then the dead guard the dead' "
whispered the soldier. I saw them
lying still'nnd stark on the field at
Spotfsylvnnin. Fouton , Fairfax ,
l'rbo ' ! > , Foster "
"Dead1 ! said the clock.
"Dead" ' answered the sergeant.
" ( irahnni , Oormnn , Oosport . "
' Where ? " ( juried the clock.
"In the thickets of tlio sombre
Wilderness ! Hurlburt , Hill , ilnnford ,
Hanover , Jlulman , Harker , Hooper ,
Henderson - . "
"And those , too ! '
"Aye ! They answered no more to
roll-call nftor Gettysburg ! "
"Your linea nro but the nhntlows of
the dead j" said the clock. "Tho dead
ind buried can make no answer.
Under the trees at Chancollorsvillo
indor the sod at Fredericksburg in
the meadows around Winchester no
roll-call can nwnken them ! "
"Ingnlls , Irving , Iiham , " called the
"Dead at Kernstown ! " answered
bu clock.
"James , Justin , Jordan. "
"They sleep at Potnraburul"
" Lndue Larkin Lovcr-
"Lampton , , , -
ng , Lumly - "
"Call nn more ! Only when the
angel calls the roll of the unnumbered
dead nt the Just great day will the
dust answer ! You alone nro loft ! "
The sergeant fell back on his pillow
ind the shadows marched by the
riylit flunk into the darkness of mid
night. The nurse started up with u
shiver , looked at the clock , nnd then
walked softly to the bedside and
whispered :
"Sorgt. Grim ! "
"It ia past time ! " whispered the
"Sorgt. Grim , awake ! "
' It the last roll-call " said
, was - , tlio
clock , "and ho has answered to his
iiiimo at the gates of eternity. "
YOUIIK Fouls That Marry-
Tock'a Sun.
An exchange has the following
iom , which may seem to bn all right ,
jut it will got some young folio iv's
aack broke yet :
An Illinois justice has decided that
"courtship is n public necessity , and
must not bo interrupted ; therefore , if
a young man wanted to , kiss a girl he
might put her father out of the "room
first if bo liked. "
The publication of the above item
may cause some smart yoang man to
do something ho will regret. The
lame , sickly looking father of a girl
may cpmo ir to the parlor some night
and find the wnrin-haired youth on
tho.sofn with the gill , and when the
old man speaks of it being time to
put a stop to such nonsense , the
young man i ith the above judicial
decision in his mind , will tell his
prospective father-in-law to wipe off
nis vest and go to bod. The old man
will then spit on his hands and grasp
the warm Inured young man by the
county seat nnd.tie him up in a dou
ble bow knot and pin u scaron / him ,
and throw him out on the path to the
gnto , and then ho will turn and slap
the girl across whore the dress is pleat
ed , nnd she will go ujj stairs with'her
hand on her heart as it were , nnd the
old man will jump up nnd suy
"ivhoop ! " Tlio young men of thia
country have gall enough about visit
ing girls in the evening , at their homes
without filling their heads with any
snub idea in .regard to their legal
rights. There are few fathers who
would quietly submit to being told to
go awny by a young man with astripud
necktiu nnd pants too short at the bet
tom. TheHO speakers are looked upon
by the parent n as a nuisance , and
olten they are right. Nino-tenths
of the speaking is done by boys who
haven't ' got their growth , and they
look so green that it IB laughable to
the old folks to look at thorn. The
haven't ' generally got a second shirt ,
and thny nro no more qualified to got
married than a steer is lit to preach.
And yut marrying is about the first
thing they think of. A green boy ,
without a dollar , present or prospec
tive , talking about marryintr is a apeo-
tncle for gods and , men. He should
be reasoned with , and if ho will not
quit it until ho is able to support a
wife and to know the difference be
tween love and passion , ho
should bo quarantined or nut
in a convent erected on pur
pose for such ccscs. Nino-tcnths of
the unhappy marriages are the result
of green human calves being allowed
k > run nt largo in the society pasture
without any yokes on them. They
marry and have children before thuy
do mustaches ; they are fathers of
twins before they are proprietors of
two pairs of pants , and the little girls
they marry nro old women boforothey
nro twenty years old. Occasionally
ouo of thesi ) gosling marriages turns
out nil right , but it is a clear case ol
luck. If there was a law againni
young galoots ( marking and marrying
before they have got all their teetli
cut , wo suppose the little cusses woult
evade it some way , but there out-lit to
bo a Buntimont against it. It is" time
enough for these bantams to think ol
findinc a pullet when they have
raised money by their own
work to buy a bundle of laths to
build alien house. But they see a
girl who looks cunning , and they uro
afraid there is not going to bo girls
enough to go round , and they begin
to get in their worlc real spry , nnd ,
before they own a cookstovo or a bed
stead , they Imvo to get up in the
night nnd go after the doctor , so
frightened that they run themselves
out of breath , nnd nbuso the doctor
because ho does not run too , nnd when
ho gets there ho finds that there is not
linen enough in the honso to wrap up
a doll baby. It is about this time
thnt n younij man begins to realize
that ho has been n colossal fool , and
us ho fliesround to hent water , and
bring in the bath tub , and goes whooping -
ing alter his mother or her mother ,
lie turns pale around the gills , his
liair turns rod m a single night , and
lie calls high heaven to witness that if
lie lives until morning , which ho
lias doubled about , ho will turn over
i new le.if nnd never get nmiricd
again until ho is older. And in the
morning the green looking "father"
is around before the drug store is
ot on , with no collar on , his hair
sticking every way , his eyes blooihhot
rtid his frame nervous , wnitiug for the
clerk to open the door so ho can got
some sallYon tu make tea of. la-s.i
than a year ago ho thought ho was the
jrcntest man that there was nnyworo ,
but as ho sits there in the housu that
morning , with his Nodding coal rusty
mil shiny , and his panls fr.iyed at ( ho
luilloin and patched nt the elbow and
the nurao puts in his arms a little mil
.if llanuel with n baby hid in it. he
holds it ns he would n banana , and as
ho looks at the girl wife on the bed ,
nearly dead from pain nnd exhaustion ,
ind he thinks there is not provision
enough in the house o feed a canary ,
i lump cmnes into his throat nnd he
lays to himself that if he had it fo do
over ng.iin ho would leave this little
jjirl nt homo to grow up with her
mother , nnd ho would wait till he had
§ ( ' to buy baby flannel nnd § 10 to pay
the doctor.
Gos-.inl Truth.
lie that it Hincty for Rtr.iiigur , i > lmll
snmrt for it. Imt ho Hint trwtoth in
Snil.NO MI.OSSOM for curing liver , kidney ,
uul complniulH of u lilco Uiutcuuy , t-linli
lever bu dtNiipiMihitcd. 1'iico oO cimtH ,
trial buttled lOcenta , eodhv
"Whore the Zinrcont Guns in tlio
World nro Mndo.
/ondon ( Jiiocii.
The Germans are justly proud of
[ Icrr Alfred Krupp , the owner nnd
creator of the largest nnd most famous
'oundry in the world. Although con-
.iuually turning out immense castings
if iron and sieul for various purposes ,
t is for the noted cannon that the
> rcat establishment at Essen , in
Ithonish Prussia , has the widest repu-
: ation. Alfred Ivrupp is a native of
lesson , and is seventy years old. In
1820 the older Krupp died without
lenvim ; any considerable fortune to his
widow , who , with the assistance of her
HOII , carried on a small foundry until
1848 , when she retired in favor of her
assistant. Herr Ivrupp continued to
make great progress with his foundry ,
but without attaining any interna
tional reputation until the great ex
hibition of 1851 , when ho attracted
attention by sending to London a sin
gle block of stool weighing 1,500 ,
kilogrammes. In the 1802 exhibition
Herr itrupp was a most successful ex
hibitor , showing , among other samples
of his skill , n cast-steel block of 100
ewt. , which , being broken into halves
by a steam hammer of 1,000 cwt.was
found to bo perfectly clear and free
"rom fViws.
Ono specialty of llcrr Krupp's ox-
Itibit in 1851 must not bo passed by
without mention , nnd that ia his cast-
steel guns. The attention of the
French Government was particularly
attracted by this artillery , and tha ex
periments that Govornn unt made with
it afforded convincing proofs of the
practical value of the Lsson manufac
tory. These guns at that time were
of very small calibre , but Herr Krupp
was continually experimentalising
them , until ho finally succeeded in
producing those triguntic pieces of ar
tillery which are now world-famous.
Indeed , it is assorted that upwards of
15,000 cast-stool guns have , up to the
present time , been made by the Essen
establishment , nnd disposed of in vari
ous quarters of the globe. In the
Philadelphia Exhibition of 1878 , Her
Krupp exhibited many wonders that
startled even Americans , accustomed
as they are to all kinds of mechanical
Altogether tho'estublishmcnt covers
a superficial area of 1,000 ncrea , about
100 of which nre covered with build
ings. In the year 1877 the Krupp
foundry possessed 1I8 , ( ! various kinds
of furnaces , 2)8 ! ) steam boilers , 77
steam Imminuin , 208 steam onginca ,
ranging from two to one thousand
horso-powor , or , altogether 11,000
horse-power , and 1,01 ! ! ) other lands of
11 err Krupp , by means of an army
of 5,000 workingmen , is enabled to
turn out a monthly supply of 25C
fi'jld-pieces , thirty small and twenty-
four largo cnnnons , besides un onnr-
mous quantity of articles for peaceful
purposes. To keep all these foun
dries employed , Herr Ivrupp posscsuox
several mines in various parts of
Germany , and oven at Bilbao , in Spain ,
whence the metal is brought by a
regular lino.ofsteamers to the mouth
of the Ithino , and thence conveyed hy
rail to the furnace. Altogether the
number of people employed by Herr
Krupp in the performance of thcHO
various labors is little short of 10,000 ,
who all work together under their
employer's skillful direction with the
regularity of n machine The daily
consumption of coal by this army of
workers is about 2,200"tons. . The
crcatnro comforts and requirements
of bin people are carefully provided
for by Herr Krupp , Ho has had
3.277 dwellings erected for his
cli.'rkH and workmen , in which
everything needful him been thought
of. Fiio and life insuruncu , invalid
and pension societies , hospital , bath
hit ; establishments , four people's
Bchoola , besides an industrial school
for girls and work school for women ,
nil proclaim the ( honghtfulncss of
Herr Krupp , their founder and bone
factor. IIerr Krupp , n few weeks
ago , had in his employ 2'i,000 , men ;
but new orders have just obliged bin
to hire an additional force of 8,000 ,
winch places him at the head of the
population of a small city more- thai
ao.OOOinon. The Rothschilds only
of all Kaiser Wilhelm's subjects , re
turn a larger income than HorrKrupp
Not even the Rothschilds sut in mo
tion ao many ! mndn ,
You nre nick ; well , thuro It nibt ono rcmc
ily that will euro you boyoni ] i > im lblllty u
doubt. If It'M Liver or Kldtiuy trouble
Consumption , UyHiiopaln. Debility
' 'Well's Health Jtcnower" U ynur hope
II. Pnujyht Depot , C , V , Goodman
Omaha , (4 ( }
\V. 11. Parsons , M. D . IMiVfii'iau niul Surgeon
0. NV. Archibald , 1M. D . i' .Supuriiitomluiit of the Asylum
M. (5. Edwards . Drujjgiat
11. 0. Dyer . (5rocoric3
C. 11. Towsloo . ] 5ftkory nnd Eating Houat
A. J. lltissull . ( Joiiural I\f \ urclmndiso
C , L. Hunt Co . Popular Mont Market
lUlckliwut it Coats . - . Grain Dealers
J. 1) ) . Luwis . Groceries
Jcyonrt any reasonable ) qucstlan tmt tli ,
is oj Ml ctirtllio bt'4 , roii i tot you to take wlion iravcllut lu olllioj rtltcatj j i
Chicago uut ? all ofiho Principal Points In the West , North mirl NonhweM
itii-only Auitnliu * tuts Map. llio Principal Cltlcsot t'nn Wostnnd KnrlliKc Mt I > UMIU.
nn tills road. > l.s ibrmiKli trains uiuko r.losn uouupctlniui Hltb MIC tnilua ol an ollnMiN s
.1 auction points.
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars *
It Is f liorjnlv'roail that runs rullnmn Slopping Can Nnrtli or Northwostof Chlcaco. ui- . *
M\flva.mioMJitiiiHiii' : jtostn. HfornistiiofoilovvinsTrunklJiipsi
lllJi' ! V".vcr Cnllforiila Lino. " "Wlnoim , Mlimusota & Central Dahotn Ui.
"S . .Xnr. Koliniskafc Yfiiikttm I.lno. " "ClilciiKO , St 1'mil nml Mliincaiiolls Kino.
" V" IHIi'VtO'rpelioYF&lJT ' 1
J IcKcw over this roail uru sold by nil Coujiou Ticket Aleuts 111 tlio U'ullcU HUUui im.\
Jtcmctuber to nsk for Tickets via this road , bo auro they rcnil over It , and takononooriinr
HAUW llUaiUlTOou'l JlniiaKcr , ClilcaKO.V. . JJ. STESNETT , Gcii'l 1'uss. Jlgent. Cuk-iui"
HARRY P. DUEL , Ticket Agen ; o.k N. W. Railway , 14th and Funhtm itrcoia.
D. K. KIMBALL , Aiwlutant Ticket A' ont 0. ft N. W. Itallway , 14tb > nd K rnb m treeli >
J. BKLL. L Ticket Airunt C. & N. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot.
- " . .
.AUtf riAn > r > lAgen >
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Oliiltlren's CLOTHING.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Boys' ' OLOTHING.
ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Youths' ' CLOTHING.
ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in Ion's ' CLOTHING.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Wliifce FANCY SHIRTS.
ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Under WEARS.
ELGUTTER'S ' Noyoltios in Fanoy NECK WEAR.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Fancy SiLK H DK'FS. '
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Holiday GIFTS.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , DOORS , , , . ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , WEB
It always gives satisfaction , cbecause it makes
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour inthe market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded ,
\ AM. / . YATES , Cash Grocer.