Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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The Oity Oouuoil Disobeys the Order -
dor of Naiulamus ,
The Ornnd Army nnd Its Grand
Old"Stuup Firoa. "
The Episcopal Sociable and
I Cavitt's Minstrels
A Now Dopa-bure and a Good
Quo in the Clerk's
X'onr Fnnornlii hi Ono Dny-Por-
noiinl Mention , Etc.
The city council mot in rogulnr ses
sion on Friilny evening. On call of
roll , the mnyor and the following nl
dornion : Lawflon , llain , Spotman
Churchill , roponded. There being a
quorum present business iv s taken
up. The minutes of the previous
meeting wore approved na published
Several bills were rend and allowed.
The petition of D. I ) . Clnrk and
Others asking to bo exempted from
the payment of city taxes wns read
and referred to the judiciary commit
The petition ofV. . G. Oliver asking
the payment of damages amounting
to $200 for injuries suatainud by his
son while performing his duties as
fireman on the day when the explosion
took place in the Hock Island yard ,
was referred to the fire committee.
The petition for the removal of
scales from Willow street , opposite
. Mr. Guittar's residence , was granted.
The petition of Mr. Koil asking for
a sidewalk grade in front of his now
residence was granted.
The petition of Mrs. Itaird iiskint ;
that the bridge over Indian creek on
: flth f trcot be raised was referred to u
special committee of three with power
-to act.
The petition of Conrad Goisu and
others asking tjmt Washington avenue
bo extended cast from North 1st street
was read nnd the prayer of the peti
tioners granted.
At the suggestion of the mayor n
motion was made increasing the price
for hauling dirt on Union avenue from
20 to 25 cents.
A special committee was appointed
to confer with thu board of supervisors
for the purpose of securing an appro
priation for the buildititr of u bridge
over Indian creek on Union and also
on Seventh itvcnue. And also anoth
er special committee to confer with
said board in reference to the building
of a suitable post
The claim for damages by ono John
son for injuries sustained by reason
of hia falling into a scuttle Iiolo on
Broadway over a year ago , was pro-
Rented nnd referred to the judiciary
Mayor Yaughan called attention
to the writ of mandamus that had
been served on him. Ho understood
from1- City Attorney Holmes that
"immediately" as contained in said
instrument meant any time before the
seventh day of January and forth
with , any time before March 1st ,
' 1882. Ho awaited the action of the
Alderman Fonda remarked na there
was no great rush , ho should prefer to
delay , the canvas until n full board
was present.
Mr. phurchil thought longer to ref -
f use to count the vote was simply um-
> iBen o , and moved that the council
proceed at once to obuy the innmlu.o
of the district court.
Mr. Dawson .said BO far as ho wan
concerned , ho did not wish to delayer
or retard the canvas , but several of
the council who nro interested in' the
matter wore absent , nnd he could sue
no reason for count MJJ the vote to
M * , night , if , ns the city attorney says ,
w they could dnfcr it until the seventh
of January.
Itccordor Burke reminded them
- that they could not got over Iho man
data that had gene forth from the
' -district court , nnd ns it would ojily
, take fifteen minutes to canvas , they
1 Had bettor do it and got rid of it.
' Mr. Fonda moved that the matter
bo deferred nnd that when the council
adjuurn it bo to Friday evening , December -
comber 30 , for the purpose of canvassing -
' ing the vote nnd also to transact any
other business that may properly como
before them. This motion was seconded
ended by Alderman llain and carried.
Mayor Yaughnn , in bohnlf of thu
laboring men of the city , called the at
tention of the council to the low rates
the city was demanding of thu laboring
, men for teaming dirt to lill Union
avenue. Ho said that the price paid
would starve n man and his family in
thruo months. Ho believed that men
should be paid fair wages' for their
Mr. Churchill moved tlmt they bo
allowed J3 cents per loud , and , on
motion of Alderman Daw.son , the
price was raised to 25 cents.
After transacting other unimportant
business the council adjourned ,
a , A. n.
The Grand Army blow out was
' simply immense. Yankee-baked benns
and hard-tack rattled around in
abundance. About 300 soldiers put
in an appearance , evidently prepared
for anything that could bo produced
in the way of edibles. The bravo boys
in blue were there from Walnut ,
Avoca , Davenport , and that little
i-t > . .i.tpwn on Lake Michigan called Chiciv
( linois , was there ; also Captain !
Spangor and Neiligh , of Walnut.
General Price , of Missouri , gave UK
boys a call and tried the beanu. Cap
tain Jones made a very nice speech
Ho can talk as well as ho can oat.
The two captains from Walnut favored <
vorod tho' boys with a few select oltl
! i army songi.
,1usticp Abbott was present am
aeemed to enjoy it hugely. Ever ;
cainpfiro the boys have ia very enter
'taining , but the ono Friday nigh
„ capped the climax. Why , it's wortl
being ono of Uncle Sam's boys throe
years just to belong to the 0. A. 11.
in time of peace. Any of
Council Binds who fnils to attend
loses n rich treat. You will never
know tno fun there is in them until
you nttcml ono of their campfires. If
parties would rospect'tho claims of the
soldier ns much ns their country
honors 'them , some would bo treated
To-night the grand socia
bio will tuko place ut thu risjdunco f
Mr. and Mr.i. Dr. McCrua. Don't
fail < o nttcnd if you wish n good time.
TJiero is no plcnsanter way of spend
ing an evening nwny from home tlmti
by attending them. There is not the
up Btillnofs" tlmt in mot with
at what is denominated n soc.ial party
where those invited are thoroughly
examined before being spoken lo.
\Vo \ udviso these who wish a
social acquaintance in Council Bltifln
to attend nil church sociables. He-
member the olio at Dr. McCrea's this
evening ; Mrs. S. U. Atkins will see
that you Imvo n good time.
S. D. Street , clerk of courts , is
making an improvement in the matter
of arrangement ot p\pcrs in his ofllco
that certainly should merit the thanks
of not only the membeia of the bar ,
but every citi/.on in L'ottawattamio
county. Horotofoio papers have at
times got terribly mixed up. This
trouble Mr. S. proposes to obviate.
livery "pigeon Iiolo" in Iho oflico _ has
been c'e.uiud ' , n tin box made to fit the
same constructed and numbered from
one up. A general index has boon pre
pared containing names of the parties
to every action that has over boon
brought ; following the nnmo wo have
the cause , the year in which the ( tame
uas commenced , the amount of the
cl.iim and the number of the box con
taining the same. With this urtnnste-
meut , any person can at once find thu
paper.- ) belonging to n given case. The
work has been done under the gonenil
direction of Mr. Street , by 12. G.
Soars , ono of the best wiiters and
book-keoperrt in the city. Every pa
per in the ollico must have n homo in
a completed lilo , ' nnd nil odd papers
will bo sent to the "poor house , " or
'whiu will be termed a miscellaneous
Miss Jessie C'outhoui drew a very
largo and highly appreciative nudiuneo
at bloom it Nixon s on Saturday even
ing. Nearly every s'oat in the spacious
hall was taken. The programme was replete -
ploto with somoof her choice elections.
The grave nnd humorous , the sonti-
mcetal and tragic combined to fur
nish u rich evening's entertainment.
"How Rubonstuin Plnyod" was ren
dered in n manner that elicited a
itionii of applause. The power of en
tertaining KO lar o un audience and
holding them spell-bound during the
entire evening is simply manolous.
Her rapid transition from humor to
pathos excites the wonder and admi
ration of her hearers. "Christmas at
the quarters" ulono was worth the
price of admission. In this picco
Miss Couthoui gives full scope to her
flowers as a versatile and accomplished
reader , introducing the violin and
banjo. "Go wa' dor , fiddle , stop dat
squnkin ; don' you liar do bnnjo
tnlkin',1' brought down the house.
The ynung lady was assisted by Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Treynor , Miss Mcr-
keo and Miss Addio Horton in music
and song. The entire programme was
thoroughly enjoyed , and it was with
regret that the audience saw the
young ludy disappear into the "groon
room" at the conclusion of her last se
On Saturday evening Florence Her
bert concluded n very prosperous
week's engagement in this city. At
no time has she pleased her audience
more than on the nbovo occasion ,
when aho presented "lluth Trodgo t ,
the Tramp , " in a very acceptable
manner , winning a place in the hearts
of her hearers tlmt none other hereafter -
after can fill. Mr. Whitoloy is nn ex-
tionully pleasant nnd courteous nmtm-
gor.Vo hope to BOO them at como
future time iiv Brown's ' opera house.
The funeral of tha Into D. W.
.Crawford , who died a few days ngo
in Texas , and whoso remains were
cut to his relatives here , took place
iroin the roaidoncu'of M. F. llohror ,
in Vina street , yesterday , and wa ?
ijonerally ] ' attended ; Rov. Brcosoo
ifliciating. The Masonic order , to
tvluch ho belonged , turned out in full
force nnd oicorted the remains to the
jcmotery. Mr. Crawford was about
Di ; years old , just in his p-imo , when
ho died. Ho was the stepfather of
Mr. Phil Armour nnd Mrs. M. F.
Rohror. Ho lenvoa a wife nnd" many
rionds to mourn his death.
The editor over the way , who
'stands by the wayside" every Sun-
lay instead of attending church , says
that scnlskin sacques and contribution
boxes cnuso empty benches in our
churohoa , These articles do not
seem to kopp them out of the theatres
every other night in the week.
Col. John W. Chapman having re
turned homo , W. R. Vnuglmn will ro-
tiro. Doctor Cook will continue to
preside over the poetry of the paper.
Ruv. Cyrus Hamlin preached a
most excullunt discourse last ovoniii"
at the Congregational church. Sub"
joct "Christian Men as Employers. "
What a delightful world wo would
live in if every business nimi and
cliuroh member was a Christian.
Rov. l , F. Brccxo's dlscourso at
thu Methodist church was to llm nanut
pint : -"Non-OlirUtian and Anti-
Christian Business Men. " There was
very largo congregation present nnd
the discourse was very interesting.
Rov. Wm. J. Harsha , of Omaha ,
occupied the Presbyterian pulpit yea-
torday , exchanging with the pastor ,
Uov. Thomas H. Clealnnd.
Hon. AV. F. Sapp has returned
from Wnshington , looking very mucli
improved. Ho aaw nnd spoke witl :
his numerous frionda in the twc
houses of congress , nnd no doubt pait
the court room where the Guitcni
trial is slowly progressing , n visit.
0. E. Frederick and 0. E , V. Saun
dora , of thu Singer Sowing jiiachim
force of this city Icnvo to-morrow on i
business trip to Malvcrn.
Ollicor Brooks arrested n man ii
front of the Ruvoro House yesterday
Ho wns drunk nnd making n disturb
ance. Ho was soon placed in "d
rnnco vile. " Ilia case will bo attended
to this morning.
The case of the State vs. George
MoPhcraon , will como ut > tday
brforo Juatico Abbott. Gtorgo has
n homo in thn s.ind hills. Ho got n
little on his car ) nnd tried to got rid of
it by shaking up the idol of his
bosom. He w.m m rested nnd bound
over < o nppcnr befoio the nbovo
jtistioo to-day.
Music boxes nnd musical novelties' ,
musical albumsi music rolls nnd binders -
ors nro the kind of presents you can
got only at Muellers.
K. Or I1. Ft'MKItAI. .
The funeral of tlio into Thomnn
Mutt took plnco from his residence
yesterday. There wns a largo attend
ance of relatives nnd friend ? , The
urder of Knights of Pythins , to
which the deceased belonged , turned
out in full force nnd , headed by Prof.
Olkor's full band , escorted the remains
to their last resting plnco.
Four funerals were conducted nt the
same time in our city yesterday. An
o.xtrn hoaTBo wns employed from Omn-
' " Min
Lenvitt's famous "Gigantcan
strels" will nppenr nt Dohnnoy's Opera to-night. They clnim to have
the loading * 'tambo" in the world , in
the person of Billy Arlington.
John Evans , of Logan , Harrison
county , was in this city ycstordny at
the Pacific.
W. Middloton , of Logan , wns a
guest at the Pacific yesterday.
Major J. H. Marshal , a prominent
milroad ofllcinl of DCS Moines , was at
the Ogden yesterday.
Turi Important Ellin Introduced
Regulating PnolflclRnJl-
rend Land Grants.
\Vn V.lnston Hpccial to the I'loiitcr l'rc n.
Sonntor Plumb of Iva'nsas , has introduced -
troducod two bills in relation lo lands
granted the Pacific railroad compa
nies The first provides for the for
feitures of lands granted to railroad
companies that have not been com
pleted within the time specified in the
act of incorporation , nnd the opening
of the same to public settlement.
The passage of this bill would restore
to the public domain many million
acres of land now lodged with finish
ed Pacific railroads. A resolution re
cently passed by the senate diiccting
the secroiary of the interior to report
the quantity of such lands hold by
rniiroad companies tlmt have not com
plied with the law , taken in connec
tion with the introduction of this bill ,
tmows that n systematic and deter
mined effort is to bo made to
from the failing companions , nnd to
restore them to the public domain.
Mr. Plumb's bill provides that where
a grant of public land has been made
to aid the construction of any rail
road , nnd such rend has not been
completed within the time prescribed
by liuy , the lands so granted , or such
quantity thereof as had not boon pa
tented or certified to such company ,
or to nn ostn'o or trustees for its bone-
tit prior to the expiration of the time
fixed for the completion of the road
shall revert to the United States , nnd
shall bo open to settlement na are
other public lands. . The bill further
urovidca that immediately upon its
passage , the secretary of the interior
shall give public notice that the lands
described are oppn to settlement , nnd
that entries will bp received ut the
ollico in the district in which such
lands nro situated. The second bill
introduced by Senator Plumb pro
vides that nil lands granted to railroad
companies under the act of July 1 ,
' 1802 , which is tie original Pacific
railrond net , nnd under all acts icn-
dntory thereof , nnd to which the sev
eral companies would have become en
titled , upon payment of the cost of
surveying , selecting nnd conveying ,
shall be subject to all legal taxes im
posed under authority of any stnto or
territory in which , lands nro situated ,
to thu same extent ns there would
have been hnd such costs been paid ,
and the funds convoyed to the com
panies. By a proviso , thosi lands
already forfeited nrj exempt from the
puv.ition of the bill , Mind n furthur
> roviio declares that prior to the pay-
; iont of the costs of smvoying no tax
is shall bo imposed except in organ-
FMCHuntrk'3. . Under the existing
aw , lands granted to railroads nro
until surveyed nnd convoyed to the
oinpunioa. Efforts have boon made
n previous congresses to pass n bill of
his kind , but the rniiroad companies
ucccssfully resisted them.
An article in n Sunday paper pub-
ished hero to-day 1ms for its grava
men the charge of favoritism by the
interior department to railways nt the
expense of the public as has been inti-
imtod , nnd instances the fact tant the
.lupurtmont has rules tlmt if railways
could not find timber on public lands
'mmediatoly abutting upon their line ,
the proper construction of luw porimt-
ing them to take lumber from adja
cent lands would nuthonV.a them to
go to the nearest and most convenient
loiut where it miuht bo secured. In
joint of fact the law hns been con-
strucd and this has been the practice
for more than thirty years , but it just
'mppons never to have been until
low , formulated in the shnpo of a
written decision.
which is in shape of an interview with
an individual whoso nnmo is not giv
en , may bo inferred from the follow-
'ng extract :
"I am well advised that at this very
moment the Northern Pacific Ruil-
road company is devastating the for
ests throughout the most dorirnblo
portions of Washington territory in
the manner I have detailed to you.
They cut off all the timber of greal
stretches of country nnd float it dowi
the rivers. What they do with it ]
do not know. I only know tlmt they
got it , nnd my correspondent from the
territory assured mo tlmt the poopli
up there curse the day that congress
ort'nnizod thU grasping nnd fearfu
monopoly , and it is n matter of goner
nl complaint in the territory that elli
core of the United States , surveyors
gonoralB , registers of land offices
district attorneys and the like , nro ii
with the Northern Pncifio rini' , net
ing na its agents in their official capu
city , nnd Into developments show tha
such collusion is not confined to the
territorial officials alone ,
The commissionorof railroads think
tbat hia annual report'for this yea
bo delivered from the printing of-
ice to-morrow. Ho complinns that
ho Northern Pacific management in
stead of Bonding the report for this
car , contemplated by the law , meie-
y forwarded nn authentcatcd : copy of
nst year's report. Unless they can
satisfactorily account for their failure
to comply with the Inw they will
doubtless bo proceeded nynitist unlcr
direction of the attorney gcnornl.
SnmnlinportnntMiilomontftof Wo
Known People Wholly
In onlcr that the | iililie may fiillv roillzo In
KcjiiuluenO' " ! of tlic * Utu cnt , .n well n tu !
loucrnuililno n ( tin article of tli >
jvanoniMMihir | with t o fac-slmllo ic.
tun * of untileuioi > o tltK.crlt.v Ii lioyoni rpio
Ion. Iho Truth ol thu'o t stltnonliN li < uli < o
itto , nor ( an thu f U they announce be Ij
nor. J.
OMAHA , N n , , MAX SI , 1S81.
I. ii. WAKXRU k Co. :
Dm Hm : I h\vo frequently u \Vi\rnir' l *
Safe KMney mid Liver Uuro for nflectlo
nttcmlAiit upon inert thcuiuatlj attncim , and
iMonUnya derived hcnoflt tlicrclrom , I lime
alsoiHwl the Safe Ncrfino with iuitl > fc'ory r
nlt . I consider those worhy ol
confl'lo ' ce.
* Deputy Titiiurcr ,
OMAHA , Nun , May 24 , 1 81.
I. n. WARNIIR & Co. , Hochrstor , N. Y. :
ti. , I have used your bafo Kidney nnr
IUT Cure tliln spring ni a hcrlnvlgorator , ant'
find I' the best icmcdy I ever tried. limn
used 4 bottles , ft'd It has made mo led bcttel
han ever I old before In the Hiring.
U. P. R. Shops.
OMAHA , XMI , May 21 , 1881.
1.11 , U'Aiucrn&Co :
Hun : 1'or more than 1C y ars I lu\o RtilTercc
nmh In omimlonco from combined kidney niu
UcruliCMCJ , Kid hn.\o liecn lin Mo to work
myiirln y org nsaho being aIT < .e'.ed. ' I tried
great many medicines and doctorx , butlgrev
torso ami u one day by day I as toll 1 hai
Irliiht'nIHscnie , and 1 wUhcd uiyclf deal II
ouKI not hava speedy relief. I took your Malt
( Itlnry and Liter cure , knnuliig nothing c\ \ > <
\.isetcrktiown to euro tha disease , and I liav
notliecndi apolnttd. | Th- medicine has cum
ne , nnd I am purfco ly well today , rutlr.h
lire Kh jour bale Kldnev and Liter Cure
tlshjounllsbcc si In publljlilnjf thli v Itnbli
cinouy through ihe world.
u. r. n. it. Shop" .
Thousands of equnlly s'ron ; endorsement &
mnyolthcm In uiso * uhcro Ivpo woa nl < &
oned bnvo been voluntarily given , nhowlnjr ti
cmaikablo power of Wnrncr'a Sato Kidney ami
.Ivcr Cure , in all d BC.18C' of the kldnojs. llvci
r urinary oigans. If any ono who reads thk
a < any phy. cal trouble rcinoxbor the gre I
snyer ot delay.
"Treatise" on the causes , consequences and
ilt ; of "Catnrrlml Diseases , " by Or. fW
Vel Do Meyer , of New York City , discoverer o.
ho nnldotal ( treatment. Aihanced thoiry , I in
wrtuit facts and utittlinj ; corroboratloiiB
Ucatncaj , weak eyes , loss of voice , scrofula ,
cucorrh ca , b onchltls and undermined con tl <
utlons roiiilt from Citarrhal poison. " "Trca
to" free and sent postage paid to any o c ,
u radpt ol iiostil card. D. B. Dewey & Co. ,
'ubli'here , No. 182 Fulton Street , Now Vork.
Send 81 , $2 , S3'or ? 5for
CANDY a retail box by express ol
the Left Candies In Amcrl
I * lea , put up clcsantly and
trlctly pure , suitable for presents. Refers to all
Cincinnati. Address L. LUCEUNE& CO. ,
SIS West Seventh St. , Clncinnttl , O.
do Gd&wSm
HOBBIK BROS. . Brokers In all Railroad
Tickets , Omaha , Nob. , offer Tickets to the Eaat
until further notice , at the following unheard o'
Low Rates :
Chicago , I2 ; Round Trip , 824,00 , These an
limited First-Class Tickets and good for return
through the year , and via the Old Reliable Chi-
catro , Burlington &Qulncy Railroad Also , one
way to
Itit claai , 2d class ,
NEW YORK , 810.10 ,
BOSTON. 20.0(1 ( ,
PHILADELPHIA , 25.00. S23.00.
WASIIINUTON , 22.0) ) , ' . ! > . .
Fi r particulars , write or go direct to IIOBUIE
llltOS. , Denlera In Reduced Kato Rtvlroad and
tcamshlpTickets , 800 Tenth St. , Omaha Nob.
HcmcmDcr the place Three IK.ors Nirth of
Jnlon 1'adfic Railroad Depot , East s do offcnth
Omaha August 1,12S1
On receipt of 95.00 wo will forward t- > any ad-
rcss , trcoot iharyo GOO Delicious Cigarettes ,
Jtli beautifully decorated with tnonosram or
ainc , manufactured from Vanity Fair Tobacco.
Mi" , a tmall size , wither wlti out mouthpiece ,
\nrusnly for ladles. 1'lcaso ho careful in yitlng
hirpliiL' direction ! ) . Adddrcsn
. L. LUCERNE & CO. .
210 & 218 West Scvciith St. , Cincinnati , O.
Des Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturers of SASH. DOORS , BLINDS ,
Onuxt reduction In Bank Counters , PlMia fur.
iljhedand work furnlshod In all kinds of lard
ir salt wood. Counters finished In oil when no-
Irc'J. Shelving of al ] kinds furnished nnd put
nto hulldlni ; ready for paint on short notice
0'ir workmen are the best mechanics that can be
irociircd , Bavj money by Hiring us your COD
Btjilrs , Newels and Balusters.
Our foreman In this department was formarlj
vilh Krost Manufacturing Co , Chlc.igo ,
lie , and has done some ot tha Bnoat Stair * orV
n the Northwest.
Onlnm hv null tirmnntlv Rttundwl " " m
Free to Everybody !
A Beautiful Book for tlie Asking ,
Uy applj InR personally at the nearest otMce
> y postal card II at a distance. ) any ADULT per.
BOH wll | bo presented with a beautifully llus- (
rated copy of a New Book entitled
containing a handtomo and costly stool i ngrav-
li'c Irontisplorco ; also , ii flnely engraved oed
cuta , and bound In an elaborate blue and gold
ithovraphud cover. Nu charge whatever Is ruadr
lor this haiidsomo book , which can be obtained
only by application at the branch and subor
dlnato offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Principal Office , 81 Union Square , New York
oriifnu. IU an alxolutb
flin > , dltcoe ud Irreilita.
of Ilia flomucl , bio cure for
touvlf , t lee u , druakeaness.
iHtrornemtt uta of opium ,
Voji will bo ttboooQior
curdlirrouuto narcotic * ,
Hop Blttor *
, weak and
iMiilrlU'd.trj NEVER
ti ( t may
snvoyour I FAIL ra to. ,
life. It ha .
ouYod hun * MfcMterX.1
dredsi * Ton > alo.Otl.
No Changing Oars
Vhcro direct connection arc made with ThMUKb
The Short Line via. Peoria
riLLE , and ill point * In the
rni BWT ton
f hers direct connections are made In the Union
Depot with the Through Sleeping Car
Lines for ALL POINTS
Rock Island.
The unoqvalod Inducements offered by this lint
o travelers and tourists are as follows :
The celebrated PULLMAN (16-wheel ( ) PALACE
LBEPINQ CAIIS run only on this line C. , B.
lorton s Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for
scots In Reclining Chairs. The famous 0. , II. &
! . Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cara
tied with elegant high-backed rattan revolt-In ?
hairs , for the exclusive uao of first-class pasaen-
Steel Track and superior equipment comblrel
Hh their gioit through car arrangement , raakts
ils , above all others , the favorlto route to tne
Sort , South anl Southeast.
Try It , and yau will find traveling a luxury In-
lead ol -"n-nfort. .
ThroMJckai 'lo this celebrated line for sale
t 1 * OfBann t'l United State * and Canada.
&H Uaioi itioo aLJUt rates of faro , Sleeping
n : ; uuimodatlon8 , Time Tables , etc. , will he
t'utnbyaplylneto i
General - oncer Airent , Chicago.
Or , 'Manager Chlcoco.
c < iy. An un
failing euro
for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhca , Impotency -
oncy , and all
follow 03 a ot AFTER TAKINQ.
olf-AlmauuD ; I.ObJ of Memory , Universal Laasi-
udo. t'oln In the Hack , Dimness of VUlon , Pro
natura Old Ago , and many other DUeisos that
ead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prcrua-
uro flravo.
iaTFull particulars in o-jr pamnhlet , which
n dcairo to send frou I r mall to every one.
OTno SptcIHc Mcdiclno Is lold by all drugciftn
t { 1 per package , or 0 pack \taa for 85 , or will
oAent Ireo by mall on resi ptbl the money , by
ad dVesalng THEOKA lEDIClNBCO. ,
Buffalo , N. V.
For sale bv 0. F Goqdr octnie-eod
Oculist and Aurist ,
cfcrcnces all Reputable yslclant of Omahi.
/S"Offlce , Corner 16th and Farnham 8ti. ,
Imaha. Neb au25metf
ff , E , raus & co ,
125 Lasalle Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain and Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
dc-cTmc-e dim
The Giiiy Known Real CUTS.
The antidotal theory , now admitted to bu
he only treatment which will eradicate Catar-
hnl Poison.
hcv. Chos. H. Tajlor , llOXoMv street , Brook-
ynN. Y. : "One i > 3vkavo effected a radical
"urc. "
Rev. Oco. A. K ! n , CobleaMU , Pcr-ohario. Co , ,
J. Y. ! ' 'It restored me to nj inlnlfetctlal la-
Ho'v. W. II. Surancr , Frederick. JId. : "Fine
i suits In six cases IN my family. "
Hcvi'o. . K. Pratt , fat. Stephen's Itectory ,
'Ilia : " ( jultu wonderful ; let ao distribute
vnur'Trcail o. ' "
Ch'S.H , .Stanhope , Newport , 11. I. : ' I uas
oodcaf to hoar thuihu'ch bells rligj hearing
( .stored "
( ! eorg W. Lambrlirh * , 73 Ulddli strict , Haiti
noru , JId. : "Sutlenil 0 years ; perfectly
eiirnl , "
_ Ir . JI. K. Bhcnney , 3f'22 Saiah street , St
! biili ; ' 'Tliu first natural brcatli In 0 "
Mrs. .1. W. 1'urcell , Uoldon City. Col : "Usu.l
only one | mikagc ; entirely tured ; buffered 24
year *
Or. F. N. CUrk , Dentist. 8M ; iiitgomiry srroot ,
iian FranuUco : "diilltrcil lj years ; perfectly
cured , " etc.
Dr. Wei De Meyer's Popular "TREATISE"
on CaUr h n'allcil frre. The great Cure U dt
Ivered by DruggUts , or by O , 0 , Dewey & Co , ,
162 Fulton street , New York lor | ,00 ,
mon-wcd-filbs Ui cekcoff
A Sure Cure Found at LastI
No One Ned Suffer I
A sure euro for Bllud , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Plies hu been discovered by Dr. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's
Indian Ointment , A single box baa cured the
wont chronic cases of 25 or SO } ears standing. Io
ontf need suffer fire minutes alter apirylng thli
wonderful soothing uodlclno , Lotloni , lustru.
menta and electuaries do more harm than good ,
William's Ointment abtorbt the tumors , allays
the Intense Itching , ( nartlculaaly at night after
getting arm ID bed , ) acts as apoultlco , ( flvca in-
itant ar.d palnloaa relief , and UrrcpiroJ only for
lilos. Itching of the private parts , and for notu
lug else.
Head h t the Hon. J. M , Ccfflnberry of Clove-
and Bay * about lr , William's Indian Pile Oint
ment : I have used score * ot 1'ilcs cures , and 11
affords mep ensure totay that I ha\c never found
anythtnu which gave such Immediate and perma-
uent relief AS Dr. William's Indian Ointment.
For tile by all Uruj lsta or mailed on receipt ot
pilce , 1.00.
HENRY & CO. , Prop'n. ,
For sale by 0. F Goodman.
Deere & Comp'y.
Wholesale Dealers in
Oounci ! Bluffs , Iowa.
Molina Wagon Do , Farm and Spring Wagons ,
Deere & Mansnr Oo , Corn Planters , Stalk Gutters , &c , ,
Molina Pump Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps ,
Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain , Oity Drills and Seeders ,
MoohaniosburgMach , Oo , Baker Brain Drills ,
Staoe Agricultural Oo , Advaiioo Hay Bakes ,
Met Manufacturing OoEureka Power and Hand Shelters ,
Whitman Agricultural Oo- Shallow , Road Scrapers , fto , ,
Moline Scale CoYictor , ; Standard Scales ,
A , 0 , Fish Raoine Buggies ,
All Articles' Required to Make a Complete .Stock.
Address All Communications to
Council Bluffs , Iowa. ilecSmcSin
Mining and Milling Company.
Working Capltil , - 3 < X ,000.
ti .oik , , ,
Capital Sl,000 < 00
Par Value of Shares , - t25,000.
DU. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming.
WM E. TILTON , Vico-Prcsldcnt , Cummins , Wjouln ;
E. N. IIAUWOOD , Secretary , Cummin ? , Wyoming.
A. O. LUNX , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming.
Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis Sillier W. & . Bramcl. A. G Dunn
E. N. Ilarvvood. Francis Leavens. Geo. H. Fates. Lewis Zolinan.
Dr. J. C. Watklns.
no22mc5m GF.O. W. KENDALL , Author'zcd Agent for Ealy of Stock ; Box 442 , Omaha , Neb.
Coinmissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consignments mido us will receive prompt attention. . References : State Bank , Omaha ; Flttt
& Co. , Baltimore ; Peck & Banshor , Chlcaso ; M wp.u * n Olnclmatl.
1. o.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jy 18--ne
On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui-
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PBIOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &o. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
Li .La
Wall Paper and Window Shades , \ ,
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb , :