PUB OMAHA DAILY'BEE : MONDAY , DECEMBER 19 IbSJ/ The Omaha Bee. Pubtlched every morning , except Bnnd y. Th only .Monday morning daily , TKltMS UV MAILs- One Yeikr. . . . . $10.00 I Three Months. $3.00 Six l..itths. r..OOOno | . . 1.00 TllK WEEKLY BEE , pwbl ! hed or. TIEKMS POST PAID. One Year. $2.00 I Three Months. , K Bit Months. . . . 1.00 I Ono " . . 'X CORRESPONDENCE All Communi- eMions lelalinu to News nnd Editorial mat ters ohould bo aildrcsscd to the ElHTon or . . } * .BUSINKSS LETTERS All Biulncw Letters and Remittances should be ml- drcs-cdtoTiir. OMAHA PonusJiiNo COM- FANT , OxtAHA. Drafts , Checks and Post- office Ordem to bo made payable to the order of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs E ROSEWATER , Editor. ALL excessive railroad freights are .paid by the producer. Mn. ULAINK'S private life is likely to bo of considerable public interest. No congressman will leave Washing ton this winter without learning what the anti-monopoly issue is. IT would take a good many shotguns to reorganize the Sprague estate. It owes $3,070,411 inoro than its assota. THE ghost of the slaughtered Holly , Gushing-Miller swindle still haunts the dreams of the editor of the Hcralil. THE labor market has never boon in such an excellent condition aa far as supply and demand and good wages arc concerned as it is at present. CAITAIX EAKH asks for government &id in his ship railway scheme as soon ns ho has demonstrated its practica- bility and raised $75,000,000. It is pretty safe to say that the government trill never bo called on. DENVER is longing for the entry of the Burlington road into that city , and the Denver papers are calling upon the city council not to permit the Union Pacific to throw any ob stacles in the way of that greatly to bo desired end. SKVEKTY thousand Irish tenants have applied to the land courts for a reduction of rent. Mr Herbert Glad stone reports that the condition of Ireland is very seriously exaggerated "by the English press and that time will remedy the existing ovils. Bi'u AKUH KKII-KR is discovering { hat the arranging of committees is a har der job than a canvass for the speaker- ship. Every merchant in congress wants to bo chairman of the ways and moans committee and every lawyer fools a peculiar fitness ser the commit tee on judiciary. A NEW political * party has boon started in St. Louis , which calls itsblf "The People's Protection Perty. " Jore Black is suggested as president , and Benjamin H. 13risto\r as vice president. An eighty-six page pamph let sots forth the party platform. Even Joro Black couldn't stand on an eighty-six page platform. It will fall of its own weight. THK plan for the relief of the U. 8 supreme court which moots with most favor from the bar , contemplates the creation of an intermediary court to take jurisdiction of all cases which do not involve constitutional construe tion , questions between states or those involving the rights of ambassadors. By this means the work of the supreme premo court , which is already three years in arrears , would bo reduced nearly one-half. It is probable that a bill looking 'to this end will drafted for presentation to congress. A LKTTKII received at thisollico from ono of our subscribers at Crete con tains the following statement : "An agent of the Omaha Evening Tdvyram was hero ycs'erday soliciting subscrip tions to that paper , stating it was pub lished by THK BKK , and on the strength of your reputation secured a number of subscribers. " This method of procuring patronage under false pre tenses is in keeping with the character of the publishers of the Tde f ' < "n , who are merely playing stoolpigcon for certain parties who are trying in an underhanded way to accomplish what the brass collared railroad or gans have failed to achieve in open competition. TUB moral element that takea stock in Mr. John B. Finch as a great tem perance agitator should remind that eminent reformer that threshing onu , two , or oven a dozen editors will no vindicate his moral character us against specific charges of Beechorism. Buch brutal conduct would not oven vindicate thomostgentlo whisky toper. We have had some experience wit ] bullies who Imvo Bought vindicatioi with the fiat and bludgeon. Some o them achieved costly notoriety ; others were sent to the penitentiary ; bu none of them were sent out to teacl and preach the doctrines of Christiai submission and the cubllmo virtue o -temperance. . LAND GRANT 1.EUISLATJON. According to the ofllcial estimate i of the bureau of railways the dona- ions of public lauds to aid in the xiilding of railroads aggregate 1W- ! 421,800 acres. Of this vast empire , comprising nearly two hundred mil- ion acres of the public domain , less tlmn one fifth , forty millions Imvo as yet been patented to the land grant romls. Three of those land grant roads the Union Pacific , Central Pacific and Kansas Pacific , which hold grants covering ' -'C.OOO.OOO acres- have taken out patents for less than 5,000,000 acres. The Northern Pacific , with a grant of 47,000,000 has taken certifi cates for only about 11,500,000 acres. M the last session of congress attcn- ion was directed to the fact hat some of the subsidized railroads md forfeited their land grant by tail- nt ; to build the roads in accordance vith their charters , while others , nota- ) ly the Union Pacific , Kansas Pacific md Central Pacific wore not taking out patents for their lands in order to vado local taxation. It is evident tlmt very earnest cf- orta will bo nado at * > hi present sea- ion to recover the forfeited lands for ho benefit of the homestead sottlera and compel the Pacific roads to take out their patents. The first decided novo in this direction has been made ) y Scimtorjl'luiiib , who has introduced wo bills in the senate relating to rail- oad land grants. The first of these elates to railroads which have not > eon completed within the time speci fied in the acts of incorporation. It irovidcs that whore a grant of public amis has boon BO made and such road losnotbecn completed within the time Described by law , tliu land so granted or so much thereof ns has not been wtontod or certified to such company shall revert to the United States and hall bo open to settlement as are other public lands. This bill is aimed more especially at the Northern Pacific nnd several of ho smaller land grant roads in the outhwost. The duty of Congress is very plain. They must either grant xtensions of time whora reasonable hewing of good tiuth is made or ap- ) ly the remedy provided by Senator Mumb's bill. It is urged by the friends of the Northern Pacific company , and with omo show of reason , tlmt the exten- ion of that road under the terms of ts original charter was rendered nn- lossiblo by the panic of 1873 , which hreatenod to bankrupt the corpora- ion and checked for sovorul years all ontinuod operations. In a iiuiu- > cr of other cases , however , hero are very strong evidences hat the largo government subsidies f land were obtained on falsepro - OH803 and that stub-tailed roads wore organized far no othci purpose but to > leod the government of a portion of ho national domain. Against such , Senator Plumb's bill offers a certain and equitable remedy. Senator Plumb's second bill is di- cctod against a still greater abuse han. the non-performance of their jontracts with the government by the railroads. It affects every land grant made in the United States that has icon completed but hnn sought to ivado its just burdens of the taxation > y failing to take out patents for its ands. The bill provides that all lands granted to the railroads under the original Pacific railroad act , and under all acts amendatory thereto , shall bo subject to ] all legal tuxes imposed under authority of any stnto or terri tory to the same extent as if survey ed , selected and convoyed to the com [ mnioa. A her furt proviso declares that prior to tliu payment of the costs of surveying no taxes shall bo imposed except in organized counties. This bill strikes at the root of ono of the gravest abuses which the people hav Buffered at the hands of the railroads , [ f it becomes a law it will at once force the land grant companies to throw millions of acres of lands into the market at reasonable prices in stead of holding them for n speculative rise in value , and meantime robbing the states and territories of the taxes , which a purchaser would bo compelled to pay. These immense land grants were donated in the bulinf that they would bo placed in the market * and rapidly disposed of by the companies. If they are at once made taxable the corporations cannot afford to hold them. The taxes would soon cat up the value of unproductive land. Had the Union Pacilio been com pelled to pay taxes on their lands irom the day these roads were completed , Nebraska would to-day contain more than n million inhabitants and the grand assessment roll of the state in stead of falling below $100,000,000 would bo above $200,000,000 , with n corresponding reduction in the ratio of taxation , Senator Plumb's bills or measures aiming at the same object should b ) all means bu enacted during the pros out session. They are of vital neces uity to the people west of the Mis Bouri in every Btato and territory. I is to bo rogrctto'l that such bills have not been pushed through congrcs years Ago by representatives of thi utsto. It is to bu hoped our Senator will give Senator Plumb an .carncs support. TiiEBOoner it is understood tha star chamber methods are out of plac i our judicial system the bolter for lie country. Solitary confinement or alleged contempt of court before onvlction is n dangerous innovation. WESTERN RAILROAD PRO- GRESS. The continued line woatlicr has on- bled the Sioux City & Pacific to ush work on their line in northern Tabrnska. Material for the oxten- ion from Long I'ino to Port iS'iohrara nrriving nt llio former point , and vill bo put in place during tlio winter , 'lio company is several points ahead f all competitors in the rnco for the Hack Hills , and will doubtless main- ain its- lead , if money and mnsclo will do it. The efforts of the Milwau kee company to auctiro control have lot yet been successful. Contractor Fitztjcrald IH pushing ho grade on the 15. it M. to Nema- a City. The completion of this ranch will give the company an air ino from Nomnha City to Denver. The latest reports from the Denver xtonsion st ito tlmt seventy-five nilcs of the road west of Culbortson mvo been ironed , and 12fi of the 200 niles to Denver graded. The favora- ilo weather has' enabled contractors o lay a mile nnd a half of iron n ny. A construction train hoa been cut to Denver , where grading has ilrcndy been begun , and track-lajing vill commence not later than the 1st f January. Estimating tlmt twelve nilcs more ot track will bo laid by lie end of the year , when work on ho went end bopins , there will remain IH miles to be covered with rails. U two miles n day , this gap would be omplotcd in fifty-six and n half work- ng dnys , which would bring the "op posing forces" to n junction by the st of April. Allowing thirty days or unforeseen delays , it is reasonable o expect the completion of the ready > y the first of May. A letter rom one of the contractors , dated December 11 , and published in 'ho Chicago Tribune gives the fol- owing information : "There woroio- novod in 78 working days 1,400,000 ubic yards of earth , 20,000 linear cot of piling driven , 500,000 of tint- > er put into bridges Wo expect to each Denver before July 1 , 1882. " \ slight difilculty was met and over- omo in Denver nt the outset , in the udden resurrection of a defunct coin- lany known as the Denver , Western [ \nd Pacific. Last summer this com- inny began proceedings to condemn ortnin property along the Platte and hortly after dropped the matter. When the Burlington company came ind purchased nnd paid for the right f way nnd had begun track laying , ho defunct awoke nnd commenced rack laying , tearing up that laid > y the Burlington. An injunction noon stopped them and put them to sleep again. The order will doubtless > o made permanent , 111 the Burlington company has purchased the property to the amount , of $200,000 and secured deeds. Beatrice and Teoumsoh are highly elated over thn prospect of 'additional railroad linos. The former expects , ho Union Pacific short cut to Lin coln , which is now being surveyed , nt an early day , nnd the line from Mitn- mttanvillo to Marysvillo , Kansas , would complete the route from Lin coln to a junction with the Kansas Pacific nt the former town. Tecumseh s contldent that the Missouri Pacific will tup her traffic vaults soon after .ho completion of the main ino to Omaha. The surveyors of the Groc- ley , Salt Lake and Pacific Imvo gone into winter quarters. They completed the survey of the Laramie , North Park & Pacific on the 1st. They staked the line through North Park , Middle ParkElzorin Park , alid down Boar river to a point below Steamboat Springs. Five miles of this line out from Laramie City has been completed and the graders huvo reached and crossed the Laramie river. f Trains from Omaha cross tliu river it Sioux City on tha.ico bridge , mak ing n saving of twelve hours' time in the transfer of freight. The rivalry between the U. P. and B. & M. in the construction of feeders now transferred to southwestern Nebraska. The incorporation of the i.iliim , Kun , , company by Jay Gould , mentioned last weak , lias for its object the construction of n road northeast from Salina on the Kansas Pacific tea a junction with the Central branch at Solomon. The route from this point ia as yet unknown , but it is probable that the will cross the B. & M. near Stromsburg and eventually connect - noct with the Union Pacilio in the vi cinity of Julosburg. This would save hundreds ot miles to St. Louis nnd Kansas Oity shippers and make the shortest possible route from those points to Sin Francisco. The B. & M. is not idle in the southwest. Sur veyors are running lines to every im portant point from the main line. The short cut froin Hastings to Arapahoe is a foregone conclusion. Towns it Thayer county are mystified by the movements of n largo party of surveyors voyors , and all efforts to interview them have boon fruitless. Fairmont IIubbollOhcstorand Hebron nrcontho ragged edge of expectation , none know ing where the lightning will strike. The Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fo company reduced the passenger taril to three cents a milr , some time ngo , and the experiment has proved nn eminently wise nnd profitable one. The difference ! ! between the Sonorn railroad company nnd the Mexican government are settled and work ro- sumcd on both sides of the boundary , The road will form n junction with the Southern Pacific nt Tucson , Ari zona. The line parses through n pro ductive agricultural nnd horticultural section and close to the finest mines in the stnto of Sonurn. It is expected tlmt the rend will bo completed to GunymoA , on the gulf of California in eight months , The nineteen miles of unironod rndo on the Norfolk line will receive , ! io rails some time during the winter , mys Superintendent Morford , of the Nebraska division. The first onuino on the Missouri ? ncifio crossed the Plntto river bridge nlo Sarpy county on Friday last , 'ron has boon laid two miles south of Louisville , nnd the side tracks are nil nid in town. Kails are now being aid with the Union Pacific. Division Engineer Stone , of the Sioux City t St. Pnul road , is in own , and expects to stake out the in- .oraection of that road with the Union Pacific at this to-mor place to-day or - row. Ho has all the bridges staked nit on the line between Norfolk and Wayne except the on9 across the north 'ork of the Elkhorn. Elkhorn Vnlloy STATE JOTTINGS. Wilbur IISB three naloons , Oakland linn thirteen registered doctor * . Corn Bella at 05 cents in Xomalia county. Tlio North Demi Bulletin hna changed imnds. Fremnnten ) h we plnnted n anljnrbi on .he > i brnra. Iclcphono | ) ole3 are ornamenting the ntrceU of Fremont. The creamery nt Xnpnneo in paid to be an assured miccess. A Falls City girl tapped n till and spent .ho money in candy. J'remont'a now poxtoflice ho a been loca ted in the Tribune block. Tim Columbus packing company pickled the first porker last Monday , Crete's 50,000 grist mill is completed. Capacity , 1,000 bushels a day. Tlio town of Fierce his doubled up in bnildincs and popu ation in a year. \ Lincoln family were newlysuirocated with hard coal KI < ne n'ght last week. The industrious burglar of Ulnir is S7C ahead , and Wallace Flynn is out just that tin tint. \nderfon 13ail ? , of Falla City , has obbiinid a judgment of $1,500 against the &H. David City is bi ding for aSlli.bOO louring mill , niu ! t.ilk ng of building n creamery. 1. , Tones , of I'luni Creek , was killed on the 8th iti.i' . , by the caving iu of thereof roof of his house. A Soivnrd youth > aerificcd a few fingers to prove thevllic cy of the toy piMol ami mnrblo time is coming. Louis Sleppinx , of Xeligh. n youth of 1 ! ) , is no more. He fooled with n pistol and sleeps nn the hillside , Wyinore has bfcn incorporated , and real estate has advanced 100 per cent. Tlio Lincoln land coin ) any Is rolling in clover. L. F. Dulfy , tlie druggist , was run , over and killed bv the cars at Culbcrtso'n on the 18th , He leaves n wife and two chil dren , Mr. Spencer , oF [ Sutler county , hasmado during the sca.finJ2.gnlInn of sorghum syrup , which he'readily sold at fifty cents a gallon. The Union Pacific is buildimr a forty- stall roundhouse nt North Platte , nnd is alxo rebuilding the raitioud hotel in ele gant style. The Denver express carries a good many Schuyler people to and from Omaha ; bar ring the , early starting it is a great con venience. [ Herald. There are 20 41-100 miles of the B. t M. mad in Knuckollu county at-seesed nt 8103,781. The St. Joe & Wcstempays taxes on S1D.C3I valuation. Richardson county coal is marketed at Falls City. Tlio inino is in Shiuser pre cinct. The v. in is tweuty inches thick , and the coal of excellent quality. Volckman , alias Hartlngton , the sewing machine defaulter of Plnttiiiioulh , was captured in Ynnlcton und brought back. A loose woinnn wai the millstone that Btoi ped his flight. A Bijnad of bummers from the dump dojd-he ded their way froli the state line to Line 'In. They made themselves so ob noxious to the company and xettlerj that they obtained passage in a bunch. Edmund ( Jrnnt , the boy charged with the murder of his companion , liichard Dress , nejr Columbus on the 3rd inst. , has boon bound over to the . court on the charge of murder. Ba 1 , § 000. The Hudden death of Nellie Pierce nt Xebiankn t'ity , last week , wai mused by poison administered iu a pudding , anil circumstance * po'tit to Fnuilc Duraut. Ho lias bo n arrested und placed in jail Nrbrmkn ( ity thieves are n t over nice in their pickin.H , Two of tliein now lan guish in for rolling away an iron Ily wheel valiird Ht S17 < 5. They saved it fioiu the ravages uf rust in n neighbor's yar . Pherman county is proud of her "tree corn" preacher , the 15ev. John Cook. He astonished the citizens of Loup with sam ples of BtalkH tlsht inches in circumference ence- , with fifteen enre. An ocie of it will yield 150 b A brute , named ICrnan , lins been jailed at Wet Point fur iittHtupted outrage on n woman nt SUnton. Kriiin wan drunk nt tin time , ami wai defeated by the woman's lit lo dnught r. who hammered bit head with iv o. ub. He is ripe for the penitun- t'aiy. ' Alexander Hickey , ex-chief of police of Xcbrnitkn City , has been ( on- vi ted of nmnslnughter in the Otou county dintiict o urt. Hlekey was wns tried for shooting J.inies McGuire on thedity of the ( iarlield memorial service. Sentence was deferred. Stanton , the man who shot nnd killed Henrv .Myers in Pawnee county for beliu too alfectfnnnte with his wile , has been ai- rcsted in Missouri , and will be brought to Pnvvnre City this week. 'I he Enterprise assert' * that it jury cannot be found in the county to convict him. 'J he U , P , company hove sued out nn Injunction aaojnst the further building ol the elevator of S. G. Scott & Son , in Kear ney , bcoiUBo of lt' 1 uing constructed on Xebiaska avenue. The fact that theB. & M. Co. is interested in it has in ro to do with it than street obstruct ! , n. Tekamah takes the chroma for the mean est iimu He ji.-unod a dime with tvvo ginnll h'oles on the expres * company , which was promptly returned from the New York otlicu for re > emption. Such emphatic dis couragement of veiul crime will btreugthen the righteous these wickel days. Kd. Kelihnr , of North Platte , took in he town uud finally brought up at a female "boarding-house. " The inmates attempted to lira him out. and battero- - . his skull with A bottle. About this time he brought out his artillery nnd opened on the enemy , severely wounding one. He hnu gent ) east for rest. On and after tc-morrowtho wag s of al section men on the B. tc , M. will be re- duped t'j $1,10 jxr day.Ve think that tlio company will find it it liani matter to find ninny men who will he willing to worker or Hint , for when they were paying SI 25 r day for labor , they were nlwnvn fthort of section men. [ Nebraska City Prew. Ouster county Is ] tnt now In the vottox of n ncbtaUon equal to the Ollvo crime of n . A "Illuo cw yeftw ORO. gray-haired icnrd" nnmotl D.inlols Rcductd lit * two nieces , need 11 and 10 , and the oldf t I" ibout to become a mother. "The- old vil- aln is now being tried for ( he crime. If 10 escape the penitentiary Judge Lynch will certainly shorten his day * . The little five-year-old son nf Aaron May nft killed nt lihgting * . last Tuesday. The boy , who with a number of companions were i > la\irig nrounil nn excavation , crnw'ed into n largo h"le nnd literally ' pulled the hole after him , " M thn top caved In killing him Instantly , When ; nkcn out It was found that nltno-t rvety time In his hody WAR broke a nnd hia head was completely mnnshcd. IOWA BOILED DOWN. A Masonic ledge i > soon to be InatittiUd n Vull. The Ottnniwa land league has Rent § 200 to Ireland , Dnbuqm IH again agitating the pontoon jridgo question. A Knights of Pythias bdgo Ins been instituted nt llarlan. The DCS Moincs Marriage , Dowry niao- elation ban disbanded. The Ottuimvn n ttumnlbank , with S100- X)0 ) , is being organized. A temperance convention is to bu held in Midvern on th < ! 21st of December. Spirit Lake In sure of three railroad * and has hopes of getting two others. The Craig coal mines nt Tort Dodge arc whipping twentycevcn cars a day. New and extensive deposits of coal Imvo been found at Lehigh , Webster county. The Clinton paper mill pays S < > per tun for oat nnd wheat straw nnd $ S for rye. rye.It It IH expected that the new opota hou o at Malvcrn will bo completed by Christ- inns. inns.Gilbert Gilbert , Perkins & Ileeb i re going to establish nn extensive creamery nt LC- Morn. ' Parties offer tr put uti n steam mill nt Ilnnil ) Idt if the citizens will iJounto $2,000. It requires twenty men to do the night wotk for the railroad companies at Pacific Junction * . Des Moires complains that her manu facturing Interests arc utipplcd by high rafiroad tariffs. A creamery Is to bo located at Shenandoah - doah , if sufficient encouragement Is given by the citizens. Fish Commissioner Shaw has received mm Wa-hinetnn fifteen hundred yearling carp for disti ibution. Only twenty-five members attended the pecrct meeting of the state grange in Des Moines on the 14 th. An eff 'ft will bo made to locate the state lish hatehery nt Spirit Lake. It now has a branch hatchery. The DCK Moincs It 1't. Dodge company liai finished laying i-te l rails on Its line as far north as Grand Junction. The Des Moines board of trade has 2tiO m < mbcrs. On nnd after .Tnmwry 1 next , the admission fee will be ? . " 0. In boring a well -in Porahontas county the other day. nt n depth of forty feet , the aii ur ttriick n solid log of wood. The State Teachers' association will hold its twenty-sixth annual meeting at Oskuloosa , December 27 , 28 and 29. Couway is soon to have a first clans flouring mill in full operation. The ma chinery is now being placed in position. The business men of Hnrjan i-nd Kirk- mau arc talking of establishing n tele phone exchange between the two towns. A n w elevator fo cost 820.0CO to ? .TO- , 000 will be built at Atlantic to take the place of the one recently burned there. It is now authoritatively announced that a rnilioad from Shenandoah to Lincoln , Neb. , vii Hamburg -will be built the c in ing season. The new nnd fatal cattle dfceaie that broke out in the eastern part of the state tcf ms to bo HI reading , and is causing con siderablc alaim. The grape sugar works at Iowa City consume 1COO bushels of corn d ily. The capital stuck of the company was lately increised to 9200,000. The tot \ \ expenses of carrying on the state government of Iowa for the pas tw.i years was $2,242,000. This includes the payment of the bonds. Bancroft , a now town on the Toledo and Northwestern , sixteen u lies north Algona , fa becoming a place of considera ble importance us a trading center , The Woodbine Twiner say * the Jlasons of that place ara prepuring to give the grandest onto tainment , on the 23d inst. , ever attempted in II. rrisou county. Four hay-balling machines just received t Onawa' cost $450 each , mid have a united capacity of eight tons a day. ICach requires two horses and four men to run it. It cost ? 1,05 ( > for sunport of the Ann- inosn penitentiary duriug November. There was also expended on the w-.ll of that institution during this same periwd 81,0lfi.0.i. In the district court at Kldora lust week , JuiUo Henderson told a diligent that the state e 'indered ' ! it worth fl,200 f..r the privilege of violathiir the whiskey law ns the aforesaid druggist hud don- . It is it.itect tviat 150 butter nnd cheese Factories have been built in Iowa during 1881 , making a total oi150 now in the utate. There will proba'ily ' be a large ad dition made to this number next spring. The city of Dnbuque , the present > env , fhowx a real estate valuation of $13,21 ! ) 275 , of which nboul § 10.000,000 i * for real estate ; total city tax Slti'J.OOO hist year. The incrmR ill-valuation is over 8100,000. , The Minneapolis and St. Louis railroad piopoge.4 to make Fort Dodge a division termlnm and to crcvt there the necessary shops and buildings if the town w 11 do- mite ttfenty acii-s of land und 80,000 , for the purpose. The state gives annnually $200 to each nnd every ag'-icultur Isocetv in'good uiid regular standing. This yrar 518,000 will be so distributed. This showd tin exin- tenu of iiinetv vocieties , or one for every county In the state except nine , The i eorganined Plymouth mills nt Le- Mnrs Hre ivnout ready to resume grinding. HeietoforulOO barrels of Hour could be made every ilay , but with the newmach n ery the ordinary run will bo 200 bar rets , and if pushed 250 barrels can be turn ed out. Missouri Valley now claims the largest and boat arranged stock yards between Council Uluff * and Clinton. They aio ! ! > 2 by IKI2 feet , dhiilcd into seventeen apart- menU , nnd have a capacity for lifty-nix ciraof cattle and twelve of hogs. The yards are supplied with every necessary couvtnk'iice , buch as sheds , wutcr , etc. Oar Ejcperienco from Many. "I had boon sick and miserable BO long und had caused my husband BO inuh trouble and expense , no ono Bcomud to know what ailed mo , tlmt I was completely disheartened and discouraged. In this frameof mind I got n bottle of Hop Bitters and used .thorn unknown to my family , I soon began to improve nnd gained BO fast that my husband and family thought it etrnngo and unnatural , but when I told thoin what had holnpd mo , they said "hurrah for Hop Bitteral long may they prosper , for they have made njothe * well and us happy , " The Mother. [ Homo Journal. dl-lD THE LODGES. Notes of Interest to the Breth ren The Third Degree Local Elections , An Oltl LodRo-Miicellnnootift Jot- THE FREE MASONS. AN Ott ) J.01X1K. Marietta has tlio oldest Masonic Ledge in the west , It was chartered nt Waterman's tavern , in lloxhnry , Mass. , six months bofnru the declara tion of independence. During the \rar following it held its meetings wherever the army happened to be , and frequently after a hard day's bat tle the brethren would assemble around the mystic altar nnd renew their pledges of devotion to brother and country. Washington and La- Fayctte frequently attended thcso mocijngs , nnd Lawis Cass was after ward a member of this lodgo. At the close of the war most of the members cnmo to Marietta to found the great northwest , and the lodge was there reopened , and linn since been known as American Union Lodge No. 1 , F. A. M. They have n number of in teresting relics , including the bullet- scarred army chest of General Put nam , the old charter and records , and old linen cloth in which the minutes of the ledge veto carried and sacredly guarded dny and night during the rev olutionary war. T1IK TllIUD lIKOltr.K. The following paragraph is taken from Mackey's Encyclopedia of Free masonry : "It was the single object of all the ancion rites and mysteries practiced in the very bosom of Paean darkness , shining as a solitary beacon in all that surrounding gloom , and cheering the phil osophcr in his weary pilgrimage of life , to teach the immortality of the soul. This is still the great design of the Third Degree of Masonry , fljiis is the scope and aim of its The Master Mason represents men , when youth , manhood , old ago , and lifo itself , have passed away as fleeting shadows , yet raised from the grave of iniquity , and quickened into another and a better existence. J3y its legend and all its Ritual it is implied that wo have been redeemed from the death of sin and the sepulcher of pollution. 'Tho ' ceremonies and the lecture , ' says Dr. Crucifix , 'beautifully illustrate this all-engrossinc ; subject : and the conclusion we arrive at is , that youth , properly directed , leads us to honor able nnd virtuous maturity , and that the lifo of man , regulated by morality , faith and justice , will be rewarded : it its closing hour by the prospect of eternal bliss. ' " ( -OVKllT LOHOE ELECTION. The annual election of olliccra for Covert lodtro No. 11 , took place on Wednesday evening at Free Masons hall. The following oflieors were elected for the ensuing Masonic year : C. K. Coutant'W. M. L. F. Maginn. S. W. Wm. France , J. W. Gustavo Anderson , secretary. Harry P. Duel treasurer. THrf SCOTTISH KITE. Work in the Scottish Rite in Omithu continues active. On Thurs day evening Mt. Moriah Ledge of Perfection , No. 2 , conferred the four teenth decree on a class of candidates with excellent effect. Inspector Gen eral Robt. Jordan , 33d degree , being present. The prospects of the Scottish Rite in Omaha for the com ing year are unusually bright and ap plications numerous. COAT 1IAIKS. The M. M. degree was worked in St. John's Ledge No. 25 A. F. and A. M. , on Thursday evening , the candi date being a rising young lawyer of our city. Deputy Grand Master Pattison , of Ogdo > i , Utah , visited in the city dur ing the pasf week. Found at Iiast Whit , every one should have , and never be without- THOMAS' KIIECTHHJ OIL. It U thorough and s ife in it * eifectd , produ cing the must womhous cures of rlieunm- IHUI , iiiiu'nl in , burns , bruises and wounds of every kind , dlsodlw KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA o a Fr s § s 8 feSC f ! 8 < rfFT ! S * ' * 3 a 11 | | si BITTERS ILEE & C6. . Sole Manufacturers. ' OMAHA. DcxtorL.TlioiMS&Bro , WILL BUY AND SELL AUD ALL iaii'SAOtCU ( TI1KRKWITII. Pay Taxes , Rent HouseB , Etc. ir YOU WANT TO BOV OK tSUi Oill al Office , Iloam 8 , Ctel itoa Clock , Omaha. I . u'l l BIBBETT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DA TED CITYi NEB , Bp d J attention gUto to colltctloni la Bull HOUSES Lots , FARMS , , Lands. * For Sale By BEMIS. JOUBLAS SIS , , No. 2u3 , Full lot fcncc.1 and with small ItiK on Capitol A\cimo near 25th otrcct , $700. Wo. 257 , Largo lot or block 293 by 270 feet oiu Hamilton , near Irene direct , 2GOO. . No. 260 , Full lorncr lot on Jones , near 15th. Htrcet , 3,000. Mo. 21x1 , Two lots OH Center street , near Cum- Intr Ktrect , $ OUO. No. 252 , Lot on Spruce street , near Oth street. SOW ) . No. 2A1 , Two lots on Scnnrd , near Kin" struct , SS.W.No. No. 261 } , Lot on Scwml , near King street , . . )0. * f No. 240 , Half lot on Dodge , ncnr llth street , * 2,10U. So. 247 , Four beautiful residence lots , near Crclgliton College ( or will sell s.paratc ) , $3,000. No. 240 , Two low on Charles , near Cuinlnz street , $400 caeh. No. 24U ] , Lot on Idaho , near Cumlng street. ? 100.No. No. 245 , Ono acre lot on Cumin ; , ' , mar Button street , $7(0 No. 244 , Lot on Farnliatr , near 18th street. § 4.000. No. 213 , Lot 0(1 ( by 133 feet on College street , near St. Marj * s Av nuc , S510. No. 242 , Let on Douglas , near SGth street , 8376.No. No. 241 , Lot on Farnham , 2Cth s rcct , $750.No. No. 240 , Lot CO by 00 feet on South Avenue , near Jlapon street , $550. No. 1KW , Corntr 1ft on Hur' , near 2M street. 82,50 ; ' . No. 233. 120\I32 feet on Hartley , near 24tli streo ( will cut It up ) , 82,400. No. 235 , 71x310 ( cot on Slicrmancnuo ( ICth street ) , near Grace , Sl.OCO. No. XII , Lot on Douglas street , near 23d $750. No. 232 , Lot on Flcr slrcct , near Howard , 500. No. 231 , LotJl'zOO ' feet , near C nitol .avenue and 22detr t , $1,000. No. 227 , Two lota on Dceatur , mnr I mm street , $200 anil 175 each. No. 223 , Lot 143 SO-linljy 441 feet on Sherman , A\enuo ( ICth str et ) , near Grace , S2.400 , No. 22K , Lot 23vt)0 ) fcit on Dodge , near 13th , stieet , inaKo an offer. No. 217 , Lot on 2Jd street , near Club , $500. No 210 , Lot on Hamilton , near luiitf , isOO. No. 2uD , Lot on ISth , near .Nicholas tticct , $ . ' 00. 00.o. -\o. 2/7 , Two lots on 10 h , near Pacific street , $ lfOO. No. 203 , Two lots on Cistclhr , ncarlOth Jtrcet. . $16' ) . No. 201 , beautiful residence lot on Division. btreet , ncnr C.mlnir , $ S50. No. 203. Lot on Uaundera , near Hamilton street , &S50. No. 109) ) , Lot ICth ttrcct , near F.itiflr , $500. No. 1UJ , Three lots on baunclcrj street , near Sewnnl , S1,3U' . No. ll'Jl , Lot on 20th itrcct , near Sherman , 835' ' . No. 101 J , Two lo's on 22d , near Grico street , . t00J e eh. No. 1'Jlj , two lots on King , near 'Hamilton btrctt , gl.-JOO. No. uul , two lots on 17th street , near White. Lead WVrKe , * l , < i50. f > o. ISSj , one fill bbck , ten lots , near the bar racks , 8400. No. 101 , lot on Parker , near Irene street , $300. No. Ib3 , two lots ou Cass , near 2Ut street , , , , . No. 1S1 , lot on Center , near Cumlng street , $300.No. No. ISO , lot on Tier , noir Scwnrd street , $ G50. No. 175 , lot on Sherman me nuc , near Itanl ttretf , $1,4 0. No. 174J , lot on Cass , near 14th , $1,000. No. 170 , lot on Pacific , neur 14th street ; inakc- ofrerd. No. 103. ei.lota on Farvham , near 24th street , . $1,45 toS2t/UO / each. No. 1U3 , full block on k20th street , near - raio coun-e , and three lots in Gise's addition , near Saum era a 'id Catsius btrett * , $ ,000. No. li'J , loon California street , near C'reigh ton college , $4 25. fo. 127 , aero lot , near the head of St. Mary's. aenue , ? iW ) . No. 1-d , bout two acres , near the head of St. . Slarv's a\emie , ; 11OJI' . No. 120 , lot on 18th street , near White Lead Works , 8525. No. 124 , sixteen lots , near thot tower on the Hellenic road , KOper ot. No. 122 , ISixlS' feet (2 ( Jots ) on 18th street , . near Poppleton's , ( ? ltOj. No. llJ , thirty half turn lot * In Mlllard and Cnldw ell's additions on Khcrman a\enue , Spring and KtiutOKa streets , nrar the end of green strict VAT track , > f6li ( to tl,200 caeh. No. b'J , lot on Chicago , near 22d street , * 100. No. bS. lot on Caldncil , near Hauudcn street , SOO. SOO.No. . SO , corner lot nn Chailes , near Saundcra. strout , 700. No. M i , lot on liard , near 21st , with two small nonseB,82400. Mo. b3 , two loti on 10th , near Pierce street , " 100. No. 78 , three Iota ox Harney , near lOtli street , $2.0 V. No. 70 , 90U32 feet on Oth btreet , near Lea > eu- wurt , _ htroa , sOU ; ) , ) . No. TJ , CUxW feet , on Pacific , near kth street , . No. CO , C0\132 feet , on Douglas street , near- 10thA600. l\o. CO , eighteen lots on 21st , 22d , 23d anil Saundcnt streets , mar Oracu and .Siundcni street bridgu , ijlOO each. No. 0 , olio-fourth block ( IbOvlSS ( tet ) , near the. Content of Poor Clolro en Hamilton street , near the end of red strtu car traik , t 50. No. 6 , lot on Slarcy , near Oth stieet , $1,209. No 3 , lot on California , near 21st , 1,004 , No. 2. lot on C.UH , near 2id street , $ i,500. No. 1 , lot i n Harney , near 18th , * 2uW. Lots In llarbacn'ii first and second additions , . also In Parker's. Shlnn's , .T > elson'ii , Terrain , K. V. bmlthX UcdlikV , Uleo's. Lake's , and all othci- addlttont , at a iv pnioi and term * . Mi lots In llaiiscom Place , near Ilanscom rarkJlirltcalroin $300 to 800 each. Ono hundred and Illtj-ninu beautiful real- duiio lot * , locattil on Hamilton itrctt , tmlf wa > bctw een the turn table ot the rod street car line and the waterworks icservior and addition , and just west of the Coin cut of the bisters Pool Claire In Shliin'ii n-luIUon , Prices lange from 576 to S100 caeh. and will bo lold on easy terms. Tracts of 6 1C , 15 , 2J , 40 or W J crvi , with Itllug * and other Improvements , and adjoining bul clu.atallurlcei' . , . , , . 500 of the bust residence Iota In the tlty of Omaha any location you do Ire north , ca.t , south or west , and at bid-rock prices. 220 cholio buslntus loU In all the prlnclot | , liuslncs * streets of Omaha , vary Ing fiom $500 to $7,000 taih. Two hundred houses and lota ranging from. $500 to 816,000 , and Iccatid In cviry pa t of the Largo number of excellent farina in Douglas. . Barny , KjundeM , IWdtfu. Washington , Hurt , andi othir good counties In Eastern NibrasKn. Bemis' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , , 16th and Douglas Street ,