Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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MAX MEYER & BRO - - OMAHA NEB. Is from the celebrated GORHAM OUR SOLID MFG. SILVERWARE CO. , whose Ware ' 's the PI EST in
, , QTAL1TY , Humlsomost in DhSIGN , and most BEAUTIFUL in FirdSH , MADE
in the WOULD ,
Are Sole Western Agents for the Celebrated Every piece is guaranteed 925-1000 fine , which is the PUREST made.
Wo sell this ware at FAUTORY JPJUOhS , not ovou adahis * freight , which places
STEINWAY , Our Engraving on Silverware is most artistically eiooutod ,
Comprises r\H the nrwcst and most attmotivo designs. No taste can fail to be
CHICKERING phased \vth this stock.
Morpents. Padlocks , Tiger and Lion Hfads , and innumerable otiier crnaraental
' " " " " . ' " devjces.
"MF" M Jl
uJLv , mJLamm * LmmJim And buy ttnuu as low as casu IIIMIOV nun possibly obtain .them. You would consult
vour o\v n iiiiorebt in xmiiini g mir beaut lul an , , att native htook before purchasing.
Wo in ko as 1 w prices ou Dinmonds as can possibly he obtained in the United
-WE ALSO HA.VB- State ? . Our immense purchases ; ind sales enable us to moot the greatest competition.
NEW PIANOS OF VARIOUS OTHER MAKERS Is in charge of ono of the host Praatioil Opticians in the country.
Wo will bo pleased to have you tost'our Fiiting and Low Prices for Fine Goods.
Stenl Npootaoles aua Gyo ( Masses , $1.00 per pair and up.
RANGING IN PRICE FROM $125 TO $350 , Gold Spectacle * and Gold Eye Ulassos , $6.00 per pair ,
Wo have in our employ some of the most Artistic Engravers in the United
States , and the beauty of our Engraving elicits cons ant admirntiori.froni our pat
rons. We pay partioul.-.r attention engraving elegantly appropriate inscriptions in.
FROM $25.00 TO $300.00. Watches designed for uroaentp. Wedding and Visiting Cards Engraved to Order.
We offer ev ry possible accommodation to parties getting up presentations , and
assist them in their selections with our best taste , which has rendered our honse so
All them Make Presents !
of Elegant popular with those having presentations in charge.
Aiiyl of the Following Named
Articles for 50 Dents.
1 Sliver thimble.
1 Fine slhcr id.itid sugar spoon.
1 Silver plaled pickle frk ,
1 .Silver plated napkin ring.
1 Silver plutcd 1m ter knlle
1 fcllver plated call bell.
I Pair of pp.irl slccvo bit ton * .
1 Silk guard.
1 F.iibl'cr brc.i'-t pin , black.
1 1'alrof Iltiltbert'lcuvi ! buttons , black.
2 Hex s slherthite the best article for
deanliii ; and polishing sllvor and plated
1 1'ocketknifofor boy.
1 I rather Docket book.
1 Pair oj line scissors.
1 IIlack steel bead guard chain.
1 Pair rubber spring hiacclels , fancy.
1 Silver plated knife rest.
1 Pair s Iver-b.ill headed pins.
Any 1 of the Following Named
Articles for SI , 00
folld silver salt spoon.
Solid silver fruit knife.
Solid silver lea spoon.
Solid silver napkin ring.
Solid silver thimble , massive and fancy.
Silver p'ated ' napkiu ring.
Sil\e'r plated butter knife.
Silver plaled cull bell.
Silver [ dated cream ladle.
silver plated tobacco box.
611 ter 11 a ted sugar spoon , f.uicy.
Silver plateil cup ,
.SlUer plated knife rest.
Gold finger ring fur child.
Gold collar button.
Gold bib pin.
Pocket knife.
Pair line scissors.
Jet breast pin.
Silk guard.
Pair jet eariiiRj.
Pair jet sleeve buttons.
lia/or 8 rop.
Daby's silver pin
Pair glove Btreichcr- .
Fine leather pod et book.
1 Rolled-gold plate tontbplck , & < rcu- .
1 Hne roilul-gold and nickel pencil.
1 Itolted-Rold brcabtpln.
1 Pair rolled-gold earlngs
1 Set rolled-gold s nds ,
1 Pair .sleeve buttons.
1 Gent's miner vest chilu.
1 Fine rubber backcomb ,
1 Silver lllUree charm
1 Fine riuor.
1 Pair fine stftcl spectiicles ,
1 Pair flue steel nju-glasic" .
1 Gent's tlnotuncy nle el veil chain.
1 Pair nilver lull-headed plus.
1 Small nuible box.
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for SI.50. .
1 Solid diver teaspoon , heavy.
1 Solid silver salt spoon , fancy gilt.
1 Solid silver fruit knife and pick.
1 Solid sllier miist.ird upoon
1 So Id slher napkin ring.
1 Silver plaled cHild's set , knife , lork and
1 hlhcr plated napkin ring , fanty ,
1 Pair stiver plated nutter knives.
1 Silver plated cull bell.
1 Silver mated cup , gold-lined.
1 Pair silver plated knife res n.
1 Pair sliver plated nut crarks.
1 Gold flneer ring for child ,
1 Gold collar button.
1 Gold hairpin or glote-bnttoner
1 Gold toothpick.
1 Gold pen.
1 Pair gold ear-rings frr chl d.
1 Gold Masonicur I. O. O. K. pin.
1 Gold bib pin.
I Pocket kclfe
1 1'lno porteinonnnle.
1 Jet breastpin.
1 Pair let ear-rings
1 I'ulr jet ( 'eeve buttons.
1 Fine Hiror.
1 I'alr flue decl spectacles.
1 I'alr line steel eye-glasses. i
1 Child's coral necklace.
1 Pair sliver filigree car-rlugi.
1 FlneUory carving steel.
1 Fine leather card cose ,
1 Kiibber backcomb , fine.
1 Itolled gold breastpin.
1 Pair rolled-gold sleeve buttons. .
1 Pilr rolled-gold ear-rings.
1 Ilolled gold watch acal.
1 Gents' nitlor vest chain.
1 Indies' rubber leontinechalu ,
1 Floe rolled-gold and nickel pencil
1 Pocket tobacco box.
1 "Faience" mutch box. ,
1 "Faience" sh box. ,
1 Fancy pocVct Inkstand.
1 Small clock.
U Silver plated mitplcks ,
I , fellvcr baugle.
Any of the Following- Named
Articles for
G Trlplo-platod table-knlvci.
0 .Silver plated teaspoons ,
4 Silver pitted lablmp ion .
Silver platid cnp , Hold-lined.
Silver plateil call bell , marble lu.-e.
Pair sliver plateil butter knives
Pali s Iver plated niikin | rings.
Pair silver plntid knife lests.
SCI'M ' ! silver teaspoon" ,
build silver fruit knife and pick.
Solid silvei napkin ring.
Solid silver mustard spoon , fancy gilded ,
( olid silver \cst rhalu.
Kine pocket knife
I'lne. p > rt monuaie.
Jet Ircas pin.
Pair let onr-rlins.
Pair jet idecvebuttons.
Pair gold car-ilngs , for child ,
liold loothplc * .
Oold pen and holdci.
( iold cross.
Ho d Masonic pin. a'so I. 0. t ) . I' ,
Cold ( iln , for child.
Parian mat hie flguie , or bust.
IMIr fine steel spectacles.
Pair tiiicstfel eyo-glasses.
Kancy pocket InKsianil.
SatclH , for child.
Pocict jewel case.
Pocket tobacco box.
Kollcd-Ro d breastpin. ,
Pair rolled-gold' slc'ivcbiiltons.
Pair rolled-gold eur-rlugs.
llollcd-Kold watch bcil.
Silver lUlglcepiii.
I either card ca e , tine.
Tortnis" shell cird case.
Pair silver lillgrca ear-rings.
Silver filigree pin.
Sma 1 clock , with or without alarm ,
Leather cigar casu.
Silver pUled pickle Eland.
Small music box.
1 Silver b.ingle.
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for $3.00 $ ,
L Pair Arundcl pebble spectacles , the best
1 Fancy matih box.
1 I/adv's'nc'e'suie. ' .
1 Small clock , with and without alarm
1 Fine penknife.
1 1'lno portcmoniiaie.
1 .Solid silver snar spoon-glided , fancy
1 Solid sliver cic.un spoon
! 1 Solid silver teaspoons.
1 fjsjiii silver napkin ring.
1 Holld sllrer fruit knife and pick , extra
1 Solid silver butter knlfu.
1 Sollil silver > ( Hi chain.
1 Mlver plated uyster ladle.
1 Silver plateil cnp , line gold 'Ined
1 Silver plated golilnt , gold-llnrd.
1 Silver plaled plo-knlfo. fum-y otigiavcil
1 silver plated eall-bell , hiiuhome.
1 Silver pi iled butler dish ,
1 S'lver plated VUSP.
1 hllver plated bre.ikfast raster.
-liver pLiti'd plcklo stand.
1 Sliver ( dated knife , fork and spoon , In case
lor child
U Palis silver plated mil cracks.
1 Fine rubb r plu and leontiui : elialn
1 Rubber guard chain , line.
1 Kino iWcrschaitni cigar holder.
1 Pilr gold cur-rings
1 I'alr gold s'eevo buttons.
1 Pair cull'pins. '
1 Small gold bresutpln , for lady or gent.
1 Small Ro'd loetcl ( Iso tjluucnaucled ) .
1 Hold linger ring/
1 ( iold ecalf pin.
1 Uobl pen and holder
1 ( iold cross. "
1 ( iold scarf ring.
1 Gold slldo for ilk guard.
1 ( iol.i . toothpick , extra fine.
1 ( Jold Masonic , ( V i > Odd KcllonV Knights
Templar , and Knights of Pythlaj ) ,
1 H-tof thrcogold studa.
1 Magic pencil , gold mounted.
1 Peat card case.
1 Pair rubber or let bratoleN.
1 Sllvor dllgrro ( liavvl pin
1 Pair itlver lillgree < sar-rngs. |
1 Silvei fillg eoueckla'c , m.ill.
1 IMr line carving knife and folk , buck-
horn handle.
1 Tortoise shell backcomb.
1 vest eh.iln.
1 1 Silver plated card ncciver
1 Hllver plK'nl ' syrup pltcber
1 ( iold jbye-glius holJer
I ( iold dye-gilts cluln
1 Silver bungle
1 Uozeu ( liver plated aut | ilck
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for 84,00
1 Solid ( liver cream apoon , glides !
4 8did ( dvcr teuipooiiH
1 Solid sllrer napkin ring
1 "olid illver veat clialii
1 Solid illvcr irult knlle , poirl lianille
1 Solid diver butter knlle , fancy
I Solid ( liver match salt
I Kxtra fine penknife ,
1 lixlr * fine parleinonnilo
1 Judy's neci ( alro
) Itu ) U lc ( hrr pocketboolc
] llustla leather bill l > oik
1 Itu Bla leaUicr clear cue
1 Kimln leather glove box
1 t'ioedlvejr plated gob ot , gold-Hi :
1 'ln llrer jdalod cru-nli cMicr
1 I'liin silver rlateil llsh knife
1 Silver idniedid iccehei
1 Silter jdatcd builerdlsh
1 SI ver pbited cake > land
I ) Silver jdatcd dihsut spoons or lorks
1 Sllver-pliited lire.ikfnit castor
1 Silver p n i wl child's MM. knlfr , folk , spoon
and napkin ring. In r.ise
12 Trlple-pla'ed knives
1 Gold linger pug
1 ( Jold breastpin , for lady or gent
1 Gold locket , all ) b'.uc ' eiuuiH'Je' 1
1 ( told dial n
1 Gold and rubber magic pencil
1 Gold pen and holder
I Pair K hl flceve buttons
1 mlr gold ear-rings
1 I'.ilr gold cull' pins
I ( jold xhawl pin
1 ( told tcirf pin
1 Gold scat filng
1 Gold iit'cKlatc lor child
1 Gold thlniblH
1 Gold cyc-gl.iss holder
1 Gold cross
1 Gold tooth and car pick
1 Goli slide for silk guard
1 Gold Masonic p'u ; also Odd Fellowr ,
Knights Templar and Knights o [ Pythias
1 Set of three gold muds
IS Ivory handle I dcssottor table knives
1 Pair Ivory Imndled carving knlfv and
1 1'lno meerschaum cigar holder
1 Pearl curd case , line
1 "Faience" ornament
1 SIHcr plaled caMcr
1 Silver pluted tube condiment .stand
I S Iver plated berry bowl
1 Silver plated sjioon-holJer
1 Silver plated butter illn'i
1 Silver plaled syrup pitcher
1 Sllvor plated cream jdtchcr
1 Silver plated stigir boitl
1 Silver plated plcklo olnnit
1 Sliver pialcd round waiter
1 Silver plated water pitcher
1 I'alr Opera glasses
I Small music box
1 Rolled gu d vest chain
1 Small music box
1 Gold eye glass holder
1 Gold cyel l ss safety chain
1 Pair brass candlesticks
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for S5 ,
Silver plateil card receiver
Silver plated sardine box
silver phled butter coo'cr
Silver i latid brcaxfuat uihler
Silver plated dinner cistcr
Sllter plaled spoon holder
.Sliver plated syrup plicher
Silver platiil ere.uu jillcliei'
.Sllter plated bott 1
Silver pluted laldo spoons or forks
hi I vi r plntcd soup laillo
Silver plated pcriumest.ind
Sliver jdatcd te | > ol
Silver idatci pickle stand
I'ulr silver plaicd vases
Silver pUlcd u alter
.Silver pUto-1 cuke eland
Sllter plated fruit stand
Sliver pla ed Jelly siana
Dozen silver plain ! tojKpoons
( Jold touth and ear pick
Gold breastpin
( iold linger ring , various s tllngs
( iold near ) rln
Gold scarf pin
Gold cluln
Gold locket , aUo blue enameled
( iold pou and holder , puail or.itory
( .old neeklice
Gold oye-gliiim holder
Gold thimble
GolishntU pin
Goid Witt b
Pali gold cur rings
Pair gold nleovo hultons
Pair gold ciill'plns
Setot threa gold studs
Gold cross
Sulld sllter fiuar spoon , In fancy i-nse
Solid ll ver i ream spoon , elided fancy
Sullil silver niiikin | ring
Solid silver butler Unlit , heavy , fanoy
Solld ullver teaspoons
Solid sliver vest chain
Solid silver lubr rutHo
Solid silver Illlgreo hair pin , also eron or
Itolled gold vest chain
Music box , mnull
Pair Parian mublo statin ttei or luisls
Purtcmonnale , uciru line
Lilly's ncccasalrt ? , or worU-liox
l.idy'a salehrl
Judy's work-liox
Fancy gilt thermometer , from Vlenni
Pair fancy glli cuulledlcks , from Vienna
Meerschaum clgir holder
Itumla Jeather jiocket book , extra llnu
llusula leather cigar i-aso
Jet necklace
Pair curving knife and forlc , Ivory handle
Ivory handle table Unlvei
Fine gold pen and pencil rubber Jiolder
I' hie eight tUy walnut clod ; '
Solid silver Iwkcomb
Crystal flower utaiid
I'alr gold spectacles
Pair gold < > yo glasses
( iold glove buttoiier
Silver plated porcelain. lined baking dlih
Silver headed esne
Pair brass c-andlcitleks
Urn InkHluod
Any oiieoftho Following Hained
Articles for 88 ,
Piilicj' pcr'nnie ' ra e , from Vicuna
1'niicy e.inl n > elver , from YlcniM
1'nlr lancyKlll r.iinllcatleks
1'lno n cciM'h.iiiiu clgMr ImMor , f.uicy.
Fine micrschiinm pipe , In ( u-e > .
small gilt flench cluck.
Piilr CiuM ejOK as cs. .
( Jold glove huttnncr , novelty.
Pnlr BO | I spi'itiirlo' .
I'nlr gold ear rings.
I'.ilr gob ! shawl plus.
I'.ilr Ldlil cull'pliis.
pnlr gold glove buttons.
Set or time sold Miiiliiliic.ilto bloodstone ,
tupanmrtliyiilai'ilgainet. ' .
I'.ilr gold sleetu lull tuns , HO bloodstone
mill Onvx ,
Set gold ii'n nnd car rings.
Film gohl thimble
Gold linger 11 ( ! , solid , also amethyst , gor-
ncl. Inp.i/ c-rli.uiuli' , onyx andniok3ug to
Gidil nucklncu
ttold locket , : il-o I hie enameled.
( > old hrc.Ktplii
Oold bracelet or bangle.
Cold hamll.prchlcf ring.
sold scaif rlnj ; .
Hold bcaif pin.
Small gold Headed cunt' .
l'nIr solid silver napkin ringsIn fancy C.ISQ
1'iilr of tolld silver liutlcr knivcin fancy
( use.
Pair solid silver plcklo knife mid fork , In
fancy case.
Solid td ver teaspoons.
Solid silver dessert spoons
Solid silver gravy l.idle , In fancy case.
Milld Mlvcr vest chain , lii'uvy
solid silver lii.'udi-il , massive.
Holld kllvcr set , knife , foil ; mid upoon , In
fancy c.ise , funhlld
Solid silver card cure.
Hold sliver mnlrli .safe , extra One.
Solid tllrcr cup.
ftolid tllvur lublu bell.
Io/.en Ivory liandl d < ic ! crtortiblekiilves
Ua/.tn silver plated dessert spooiu or forks'
MvcriliUilcnMer | ] , U bullies.
Silver plated lei ! pitcher.
Hlvcr p'ntcil butterdish line
Silver plulud syrup pitcher
bllvcr plate I cinl itcelvcr.
Silver ( d.ttel fiuit bowl.
hilvcrjil : , d Jewel CMS .
.Silver plated sugar bowl.
Silver plated ( nice utiind.
.Silver ( ilited plcklo roster ,
.silver plattil tni ortullce pot.
Stiver plated wnltcr.
-liver plated ln ! > loknlv < , Ivory lituidlc.
Silver plnlcd celery sland , line cut glass.
Mlver pUled loiici stand.
1'ulrilltcr plated milt cellais , In laac.
I'alr silver ( dated KulilclM.
nun clfht day wnliiiit clout
Ilron/o Hluiuetle
llronrocaid locclver ,
Miialc box. .
1'aii Opera itlussci.
'l'ia\i > l ng or die > sln CJMJ for ludv or ( icnl.
.let ii'-tkliiti' .
Ivory li. < ndledtiuvliiikiilftf fork and Mcel ,
In taw ) .
hll\er Illlgreu nei'ltlace.
Solid fllver luck comb.
Diamond ring , for child.
Diamond ntuli. nrinllar Inillon.
1 Set of ( .I ) pear ) tttud * .
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for 810.00 ,
Gold clitinlnlne.
Gold nukhitc.
( jold ma of Jewelry , pin unit car rlngi.
( ioM nrucn et.
( old linger rln ; , sulld ; altoHocxhtniiiMim-
elliyhl , tojing.irnei , curbuiKln mid tuniuo.
Gold Henri ring.
Go'd ' Ncurf pin.
Guld LTO H.
Gold handkerchief rlnu.
I'lnufiold Klmwl or msli jdii.
I''luu Kold locket ; also blue eiiainelfd.
rinejnilrKold earring * .
Klnepalrof ahawl pluh ,
I'M I r line Klnvu linlloiis ,
I'alr Kolil eyoKla ( .
falrijuiil t > ] iociuclcH.
I'alr K ld ileuvuliultons ulso Llouilstooc ,
on vx and ino s agate ,
.Solid silver Illlgreo nreklacc.
Build ll\er mtull Imx.
.Solid iillvcr card en no.
S > lld tllvcr hciulcdtmic.
Sullil tllvcr teasi ) oin ,
Solid itllrer clilld'.i net o [ knife , fork anil
Bpoon , Incase.
.Solid 'lver tiiinlilcr.
Solid ullver inp.
Solid tllver tulile Imll , In case.
t'ollct xllver fiuicx ereum ludle , In ciw : ,
Solid idlver MtiKir npoons , In cane.
I'ulr boliil ulUur.plekle knUuaiid fork , In
cate ,
I'mr nolld kllve.r Imiter kiikcj , In CUM' .
I'alr of Holld nlhur napkin rlngt , In L-UBU ,
Solid rll > er | > lu knife , In ea-.ii.
1'liH ! iiieemeliiiuin pipe , In < a > c.
Set llnuglovonnd handkeichief boxes ,
Small Friincli cluck ,
Jut ncckhicu .
Fancy itlltcar.l rac'Ivcr. from Vicuna.
1 I'alr fancy gllUundleiillcbi ,
1 Fine Hllve-r iiiountuil pcaket knife
1 Itrnii/iiktutni'lti'
Cold headed rare.
Massive silver headed r.tne.
Pair line opera tlnv > ei.
Dressing or tr.i\cling < aso forl.idy or K < : \ \ \ .
.Icnel CBMvvnlmtt or UtiAsia leather.
l idy's toilet . ct
I.mlv's line vvorfc box.
Mlver plated linking dish , porn-lain llneil.
Sliver plated ( olery stand , lln i.iil glass.
Mlver pluted ( Oll'eo pot.
Sllve plated Ice pitcher.
SI ver pluted caster , sK botllcs.
Sllvir pl.ilod cake basket
Silver jiUlKil ben > 'bovv 1
hetsllvei pluted nut cnicks and picks.
t-et.sllver phtleJ cream pitcher mid sugar
bovv 1
Do/en i-llver plaled tablespoons or lorks.
llnnm ivory hand'ed liiblu knives.
Set of Ivory handle cnrvcr * , Incase.
Oil and Maud , rruneli.
Solid silver American "Wultlmm" watcli ,
Alba tit cap.
Solid silver Amotlcuii Klgln watch , Albala
Solid silver Jeweled Invcr watch , warranted
Kino nickel stem , warranted
Dl mondminl ur collar button.
hot ( throie ) | rl minis.
Diamond rlni ; .
Nltkcl Mem winding wutcli
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for 815,00.
G Solid silver dessert or tnhlo spoons
1 Solid silver tumbler
1 Solid -liver ( tcr or soup laillo
S-did xl ver C4scveiy handsomu
Nil Id rllvuiuii )
Solid Mlv r Individual salts , In fuse
Solbl tdlvuchlldS > et knlle , lurk , spoon
mid n in * In ring
Sdld sliver filigree necklace
hoi id tdlvcrcuiil rasi
Solid Hit ver Mini ! b..x
Ilo/en MllvcrinHi'o rpoans.
Solid silver tob.ic si lio\
Solid silver pepper duct
Solie silver lable bell , In cu-o
Do/en Mil Id idlver tcaspcciiiH
Pull of hiilld H'lvcrgiuvv ' 'ad'cs '
I'.ilr solid > l ver napkin rings , in casu.
1'jlr bullil silver pru-ervii spoons
I'rflriiollil silver siill Celluis , In laM )
Mlvcrpl.itrd Ice pitcher or tilting i-et
Silver pliiled berry Imvrl
Silver ( dated toilet fcct
Silver ( ilMted caUo Ins-el
Silver jdultsl'-aslor exti.i tine.
Silver plated waiter
hilvir iduteilctiampngne'cooler or BOIII tu-
Kllver plated sngir Imvvl nnd pllcher
bllvvr pUtid tete-a-lelo tea tel
Silver plate 1 fmll nliiiid
Mlvci plated biiulnudlsh , prnci-luln lined.
I'jlr silver | lalwl celery stands
I iold necklace
( Jold locket , line ; ( alsn onyx , blooilslone
1110.4s iifidle , cameo , gurnet or umelliyst ) .
Set gold pin and ear rings .
I Inn ItoniMii gold cross
nent'HKOld vest chain
l idy'd go ) 1 Ic'jlluo ' rhaill
Solid pi Id pen and holder.
Pair gold Bleuve. bnltohb ( : il. u bloodstone ,
onyx iinn iliors ngiitc )
Pair gold shawl plna , hundsoiim
( HIand vinegar tand , French ,
Tortoio ididI necklace
Ir'imi jet necklace
I'HiIan niiirblR statue tlsor biibls
I'nrl.n miirblo group
llron/.o itiitnc'iln '
llroii/.Dcard receiver
Pair llnu fancy ca.uH opera gluises
Ilimdhiimu dreiMliiK or traveling en he , for
1 dy or gent
I'lnu UN.hlu leather Jewel r su
Ii4ily' ' IniiiilHomo work box cireiiibraldcr-
Inu casket
l''ine gill card receiver
Pair line gill caiiillusilekH
Fancy Perfume lane
Fancy gilt liiksitiiil
llanilnomo mcertdiatim pipe
Dozen Ivory Imnillu lublo knives , nil ver
nolld silver watch , ' Hliindnrd moveineiil ,
full plate , glldid lever , Lhrnnoinetcr but'
unie , eluvou Jewels , wurrrmed agooa tlmo-
( deie
holld silver Amurlcmi "U'altbam" wutcli
Solid silver American "Klgln" wntch
Dlmnonil ring
Diamond slud
Solitaire pearl rlni ;
Set of ( thric ) solll-lro pearl stiuli
( iontM Diamond pin
1 Music liox
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for 820,00 ,
Bet gold nnd cameo hrianpiii and ear rlDge
Kliiger rlt.K ( cinjrx , umethyiit ur cameo )
Pair broelelN
Pair cold eleovulmttous bloodstoiie , onyx ,
or cameo )
Kin ? gold locket
Kino gold ebala
Kino golI nccklacu
Kxlr * line Uoman gold ( rosi
( icnl' vest ( Mill
Solid gold pun ami holder
riolid ( liver table bell , 111 ca c
Solid blltcr Illlgrej necklace
Solid diver Kiinll box
Kolld nlhvr tobiCLO bnx _ _
1 Kn'ld Kilter ei iimli * rnpor 111 r.i e
1 .S'lliUlheru-oblet
1 hidld Mitel imp India
( i i-olld nllt ( " I ilile'poons , innwilM )
1 So Id H\-I | | i id i > ( > , tery liiiniNonie
I Solid nlher HIM , iimiwttu
0 Solid lh"r Mills , In run ; fnncy
1 l > o/t'ii mild elhcr teii peens
1 lo/o ) fii'lil ' si vi r collie tpoons , In casn
1 I'.ilr lino. olidMhcr napkm rings , In fancy
ease ,
1 l' I r line bolld silver kiiltu rests , In fnncy
1 I'alr HnuFolId ftiltcr tall cellars , In fancy
1 I'llrlt on ? ! ! Hiniiiettcs
I Nremzc ctinlcr piece
I'nir line pi ail opei a gla rtc * , or fnncy en r
1 Trnvi'llng or die slng case , complete , for
liuly oriioul
1 Klnu Jewel iiiskct , III walnut , Ilusslaleather
or irystal
1 IjidyV I'lvgiint lolletHtnDd
I Klignnt To.lnl recflrer , Iron ) Vienna
1 Kreiirh , niarblo , bronzoor gilt clock
1 Snloleganl curving knUe , lorknnd Btcol , In
cine , Ihubladot
1 Doren po.irl liamllo ilesacrl k/ilvoi , ullvc.-
plateil liladrs
Silver idnlinl co/l'ito / urn
Sllvor plated i pfrgnu
Hlher plulud wlno ttand
Silver plated dialer , extra line nickel sil
Hllter pl.itcl rnke stnnd , extra Unit
Hitter pitted tele-ii-telc flel , wltji waiter
Slltor plalinl tvulter , largo
Silver jil.iled Icj plicher anil gobletH nnd
Silver plntcil soup lurecn
Solid slltcr American Widtham" watch
Solid illtcr Aineriian "Elgin" watch
Silver watch , movement , full plate , Rlhlcil
lever , four lmle < , oxtr.i Jottelexl. uhronoma-
ter b.ilun' " . warrunled 11 good limy piece
Sulllalrudlaniond collar biittnn
Solitaire diamond gout's pin
Solitaire diamond gout's tear ! pin
Set of ( three ) poliltilro piarl ntudi
I'luu solitaire pearl ring
Any of the Following Articles for
1 Silver pliiled Ice pitcher nud pair goblets
and wnlli.r
1 Silver plated eporguo
Silver plated tele u-teto ten set and waiter
Silver plated llipior ( land
SI ver pliiled lea service , six pieces
Silver plated colleo urn
i-ilver plsted caster on nlcKcl silver
Silver jdilcd simp tlfroen
Sliver nlalcd lilting lea vvntcr net
Soil i silver tablespoons or forks , massive
Sol Id silver goblet
Solid silver soup ladlu
Solid Hllveruill bell , In case , rorr rich
h'olldHllver cup , massive
Solid HI ! ver purse , very rich
Pair solid silver njt | cellars , In case , very
rich .
Do/en tolll silver collitaHpooin , elegant , In
( iold headed cine
( Jold neckline , extra fine
( inld mid utoiio tMiiicu net of pin anil car
Fliu gold guard chain
U Id veal chain
Palrgold brad-lets
Pair gold hleove buttons'onyx ( , bloodstone
and cameo )
Poi of ( llireo ) bolltalro pearl Hindu
P.ilr hroiiKUKliittictloj
llron/.o ionlerpln.0
Krcneh nurblibfone , orKllt clotk
lIutnlMiiiie curd receiver , richly chined
II inilMDini ) Jew el case , In roHowood , Hussli
leather or cryhlul
Pair line pearl opera glumes , or fancy en-
Dinning or t raveling cauo for gent or lady
Mimic box , roNOtrooil cones
Solid silver American "Wnltham" watch
fcolld ( liver American "Klglu" wnteh
1 Sold diver watch , full plate glided , lever
movement , three pairs extra JowcM , (13 (
juw In ) , ilironomeler balance , warranted n
good timepiece , f-H
1 HolltiilrodUmoiid ring
I Solltalrudlumiinl ttud
1 riolllalredlamunil collar button
1 S ill till ru diamond guut ' pin
1 Solltalru diamond ( iarf ring
1 M'l ol ( : t ) solitaire iicarl studs
1 I'lne Holitalro pearl ring
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for $35,00
1'2 Solid ( liver ipooiiHor forkx
J' ' Solid ( liver djs crtniooiih | or forks
1 Solid ( liver cream plicher
(1 Solid ( iiver liibleand twelve'oons '
1 Solid ( liver cup , nauoerand ipoon
1 Kolld silver child's ' net , knlfu , fork , upoon ,
cupundnapkin rln , In C&MI
1 I.nrge silver plated waiter fur tea ( crvlco
1 Hlhor plated communion service , consist
ing of one Iliigon , tivophte.s , ouohowlund
two gobletH
1 Silver plated Ice pllthcr , onu pair goblols
and onu waller
I Silver plaled leu net , six ( IJITPH.
1 Silver plated doiiMo vrgotahto iIWi , nickel
llv er
I Fli u silver pluted epergne
1 Klncgold hemltxl nine
1 I'lnc set poM Jcwetrv-
1 Pair Gold euamoled Itrniclrti
1 Mnsslvo R.ild necklneo
1 Gold ring , -el with Hue penrl orrnmco
1 ( icutlcniiui'.s gold vest chain
1 l.mlv'n gold ) ; uanl chain
1 ! legant Itonmn ( jolil cross
1 Pnlr handsome old and e.iinco Bletro but
1 Handsome gilt , marble or bron/e French
1 I'alr Inrgo broxno nlutuottes
1 Pair clcgimtopora glasses ; also Ivory and
fancy enameled
1 llntiu > oiiio traveling or dressing rase , lor
lady or gentlemen
1 Handsome k'wel case , In llussla leather.
crystal or velvet.
1 F.legnnt liquor case , fine cut decanters and
1 French g It , marble 01 bronze clock
1 Rosewood cusctl music liox , six and eight
1 Solid lady's "Elgin" watch
Meyer R liro. , solid gold lady's natch
1 elM fold gent' watch , "standant" niove-
1 Solitaire diamond ring
1 Solitaire diamond shut
1 Solitaire dlmnonil collar button
1 Solitaire diamond gent's iiln
1 Solltitlia dhiniondHcarf ring
I Pair Bolllalrodlamond car rings.
1 Cluster diamond ring
1 Set of ( three ) Solltnlro penrl stttJa
1 Flue solitaire pearl ring
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for 350,00 , ,
1 Pair gold cuamclcd bracelets , or Roman
gold ,
1 r ot coral Jewelry
1 t-'el Pearl Jewelrv
1 Gents' line gold vent chain ,
Ladles' hardsomocjoM opera or guard chain
HiindHomu gold locket , set with pearls or
Heavy gold necklace
.Solid slhur cuii , saucer and spoon , In case
Sol d silver child's ot of knife , fork , spoon ,
cup , napkin ring , In case , rich and masilvo
Fond silver plcklo bowl , In case
Bolld nlvcr Ice cream net ol twelve Ice
cream spoons and ono lea cream knlfo
Uoiieu Holld slltcr tablespoon * or forks ,
massive , In case
Snt solid Bllver ladles , gold linen , tbrcoln
cam )
HI ver plated tni let , six iilcccs , very rlcli
Sliver plated | biior | s and , extra line
Iirje : ( silver plated waller for tea set , very
Klciint silver plated cpcrgnc
Dremlng case , complete , for lady or gent
Kleganl ect of Ivory chessmen
Handsome French marble gilt or bronze
clock , with slilo jtlcccj
Kosewood-cascsl music-box , handaomo '
Flnogold lady's watch
( Jen I'd gold stom-wliidlng watch ( $15) )
Cluster diamond ring
Sut ol ( three ) diamond Binds
Diamond cross
Dlxmond shawl pin
Pair Una solitaire | > earl car-rings
H'.lltalrc ' diamond ring
Solitaire diamond stub
HollUIro diamond collar button
1 SollUlro diamond gent's pin
1 Solitaire diamond near ! pin ,
1 'PalrBolltalie diamond cur rings
Any One of the Following Named
Articles for $75,00 ,
1 Cano of ono do/en Kolld silver table and
teaspoons and six dessert , fancy
1 fcol solid diver dessert cream pitcher and
n\iicar bowl , In case
1 Solid silver butter dish
1 Holld sllvor cske ( 'and
1 Solid sliver fruit stand
1 Holld silver syrup pltclier and plate , in casa
1 .Silver plntttd tea sot , six pieces and urn aud
wilier to mulch , line inullly
1 Silver plated vpergne , elegant /
1 Hot Cuinco sleeve buttons and studs to
match , very elegant
1 Lady's handsome/ gold opera ( bain
1 1-ady's haudsomo gold guard chain
1 Massive Itomaii gold necklace
1 Kim- gold locket , ( ct with dUtaondi or
1 I'nlr Illiugold bracelets
1 Pair hronzo statuettes , large
1 Kronzo centeriilcco
1 F.lrginl Freneli gl t , marble or bronw clock
and ( idu pieces
1 Fine large inii-lc liox , eight and ten airs
I Pair line "Faleiico" vases or decorated
liU'liui figures
1 Elegant gold wjtehjfor lady or gent , key or
1 .Solitaire diamond ring '
1 Hoiilalro diamond stud
1 Hollmlro diamond s url rliiK
1 Pair holltalry diamond ear rlugs t
1 I'nlr solitaire pearl ear rings
1 Cluster dlmnonil ring '
1 Hot of ( three ) diamond studs
1 Diamond cross '
1 Diamond hhuwl pin
1 Fmorald and diamond finger rlni ;
1 H tiiiiln'iind diamond lluger rlmi
And the List Ranges Up to $1,000. , Where the Same , Article Appears at Different Prices , it Differs in Style , Workmanship or Quality.
Our Ladies' ' latches are fluted for their Elegance and Beautiful Oases , and for their Accuracy as Timekeepers. Our Sales Testify tlie PuMc Appreciation ofTliem
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neb. , Carry the Largest Stock of Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes , Guns , Ammunition , Cutlery , Notions and Fancy Goods in " the
West Their store is right Adjoining their Music and Jewelry House. Send for Price Lists and Samples , , *
MAX MEYER & BRO. Manufacture Show Cases , and Always Have a Large Stock on hand.
i . I'-i-Shj