Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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From a Wook's HnpponinfrB in
tbo City The "Entro
Nous" German.
Ladle * Lnnolv-Social
Notes nail Polite For-
'Tho social wcok in Omaha has boon
ono of unusual ijuiot. With the ex
ception of the Standard club parly on
"Wednesday , none of tbo larger clubs
giivo receptions. Every social 01 gnu
Station seems to bo reserving itself
for tbo holiday season , wlien great ex
pectations are entertained of the most
brilliant series of receptions over bcld
in our city. Ladies' lunches continue
to bo the thing , nnd each succeeding
gathering of this kind is said to bo
moro elaborate in its appointments
than its predecessor.
TUB F.NTIU : xoirs
The Duiond Gernnn of the "Eittro
2xous" club was given on Thursday
evening at the residence of Mrs. V/il
liam Chambers. In many respects the
party was the most enjoyable and con
genial of any of the oorics given by
this org.uiiz'itioii. The favors secured
by the club , imported from Gun them
in Chicago , were unusually rich and
elegant. In addition each mem
her and his lady was pro
sontcd with a special favor
by Mrp. S. U. Jones and Mr. Milton
Barlow , consisting of satin necktiea
for the gentlemen and sachet bags for
the ladies. A number of now ligurca
were danced , ono of which , "Tho
Brick and the Cabbage Head , " was n
decided innovation. The following
were present : Chas. McCormick ,
N. N. Crary , W. II. Wilbur , A. Rem
ington , Kobt. GarlicliB , Moso Barka-
low , Col. Sharno , Goo. Jowott , E. P.
Peck , Miis Grace Chambers , Misa
Carrie Bishop , Misa Mary Knight ,
Miss Carrie Ijarnj , Miss Hoyt , Miss
Lou Ijams , Miss Mora Balcombo ,
Miss Lottie Oongdon , Mrs. Peck.
Mrs. Honnan Kountxo entertained
a largo number of her friends on
Thursday afternoon at a Ladies Lunch.
The table which wns sot for seventy
was elegantly embellished with ilowors
each of the guests receiving a hand
some bouquet. The bunbunicrc * wore
unusually rich and elegant and every
appointment bore' evidence of rare
taste and an unstinted hand. Univer
sal opinion concedes the lunch to Imyo
been the most elegant ever given in
our city.
Mr. and Mrs. Goo 0. Basiott wore
very ploasintly surprised last evening
by a number of their friends at their
rosidoiico on North Eighteenth street.
Among these present were : Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Bailey , Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Viirnum , Mr. and Mrs. Walker ,
3Ir. and.Mr8. . Win , JJmwn. Mr. . nnd
Mrs. N. Elllb'Ui ' , Mr. aiid Mm , * Hates ,
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Ilaskell , Mrs. I.
T. Haskoll , Mrs. P. Asmus , Miss
Katie Bailey , Miss Mamio Ilodgos ,
Miss Inez M. Ilaskell , Mr. Frank
Patrick , Mr. Frank Bailey , Mr. Win.
Trouglitin , Mr. 8. Small
Mr. Wm. Edgot , Mr. Gee
Biiloy , Mr. ( Oltas. Edgot.
The hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. fins
sett is ( well known , nnd it was freely
extended to the guests present , who
spent a most enjoyable evening in
dancing and other amusements con
cluding with a fine lunch , which was
served about midnight.
Social Note *
The Unity club gave another pleas
ant party nt Standard hall Thursday
night. The attendance was quito
A largo number of friends gathered
at the residence of Mr. and Mra.
Charles Klnpp , on Sixteenth street ,
"Wednesday evening , nnd spent aoveru
hours in social amusements.
The Terpsichorenn club will hold
their next party Tuesday evening ,
December 27th. The club is also
making preparations for a private
mask party early in January.
The next social of the Union Catho
lic Library association will bo given
next Tuesday evening at the library
rooms in Craighton block.
A delightfully informal litllo musicale -
calo was giyon on Tuesday evening by
Mrs. 0. B. llustin to a few friends at
her residence on Hartley street.
Among those present wore Mr. and
Mrs. G. F. Mayor and Mrs. Bruce ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Northrup , Mr. T.
J. Poiinell nnd Miss Peiinoll , Misses
Ella and Grace Wilbur , Mr. J. R.
Lehman and Warren Swit/lur.
The Standard club held n very
pleasant party on Wednesday evening
at their club rooms in Barker's build-
'ing. '
The Union Catholic Library Asso
ciation will give their next woclal
Tuesday evening next. The pro-
gramme contains several excellent
vocal and instrumental pieces , recita
tions nnd dialogues.
A pleasant little card j > arty was
given on Friday evening by Missllonn
Polite Penoualltiei.
Miss Lou Ijams loaves on Monday
for Chicago to visit her friend Mrs.
driggs , formerly Miss Emma Spawn
of ? Omaha.
'Misa Minnie Richardson , uccotn-
Eaniod by a friend , is expected home
> r the holidays on Sunday.
' Miss Dollio McCormiek arrives to
morrow from Chicago.
Miss Lucy Jonness , of Ypailnnti
ilich. , is visiting in the city , tin
guest of her sister , Mra. 0. E Yost.
Mr. J. M. Barr left on Wednesdaj
for Boston where he becomes contl
dontial secretary to Vice President
A. E. Touzalin of the 0. B. & Q.
Mra. 0 , J. Greene is visiting in Chi
cugo.Mrs. . Judge Savage left on Monday
for a short visit to friends in the cast
Mrs. Minnie Mogcath is in Chuy
onno visiting her sister , Mra. Lieut
' 'Correspondence of TDK Itir
, LINCOLN , Nob. , December 10.-
„ Some of Lincoln's loading citizen
lave been very fortunate in tlio miii
ing business. J , G. 'Miller , Ur.
Unrr , Elder D.ivipj 0. 0. White and
W. S. Lamb , bought "The Rogers , '
mine hear Georgetown , five years
ago , for S.'tfi.OOO , and have just disposed -
posed of it for $100,000.
The "Specie Payment , " n largo
paying ( mine , situated near Central
City , Col. , is owned by Messrs Lamb
and Jlillingsloy. Over $100,000 in
gqld bullion has been nlready taken
f i om this mine. It is to bo docked
to $500,000 to nviso ft larger capital.
0. 0. Whwlon , George Harris and
L. E. Cropsoy , ovnn rich mine near
Idaho Springs.
The Thompson brothers , formerly
draymonherc , through success in min
ing , nro now thought to bo worth
$250,003. So much for [ Lincoln epee-
Col. F. P. Ireland , adjusting agent
for the Missouri Piioilicr.iilroad , visit-
cd Lincoln Ihii week , mid thinks
trains on llmt road will ho running
into this city bofoio tlio close of 1882.
Another boom for Lincoln !
Lincoln is to have a roller skating
rink. The skates have arrived arid
the opening evening will bo next week
in the now court room of the Wobater
nnd MeMurtry block. A denduncd
and hard maple floor hnsbecn laid and
furnishes an excellent rink , ilo Biirfnco
jjoingsixty foot witnro. | In commotion
nro Indies' nnd gents' dressing -
ing rooms supplied with nil
convenience ? , and the whole
heated by steam. A professional
skater lias been sec-red for the open
ing Week to ahow the young people-
how perfectly siniplo it ) 'H to glide
around so gracefully. Particulars
The Y. M. C. A. held their opening
reception on Tuoidny evening , tlio
lIHh , for the first tnnu throwing
tiuir ) new rooms open to the public
A number were present nnd passed a
very pleasant evening. Tlio associa
tion also received n donation of books
to assist in building up their library.
Tlio young nion'a choir received ninny
compliments for very fine Hinging.
The state olic ( rs aruv beginning to
receive their new ollicu furniture ; al
ready the state auditor and land commissioner -
missioner have received their now
desks , which nro unusually tine , cor
responding nicely with their now
apartment ; .
Mr. G , li. Adams , of this city , has
been appointed post-trader nt Fort
Missoula , Montana , nnd will Jeavo for
that place in n few days.
Mrs. Colby , ot Beatrice , and Mm.
Bittonbcndor , of Osct'olii , lectured at
the Opoia-llouso on Tuesday evening
on "Impartial Sullrago" to a large
audience. The ladies prcsuntud their
views in a eloar nnd forcible manner ,
showing their acquaintance with the
subject , but at the Rinno time produc
ing no new nrgumunta of any note.
They vtoro followed by Judge Maeon ,
Mr. C. II. Guro and other gontluiuun
interested in this ipicstion.
- Tlio governor has issued certificates
of election to Samuel Maxwell , supreme
premo judge ; L. 3i. Fifiold and Isaac
Powers , regents of ntato university ;
Nelso Anderson , representative for
C2d district to fill vacancy G. H.
Castle , senator 10th district to fill
vacancy , nnd V. liiorbower , district
attorney 5th judicial district.
The Odd Follows hall , which is now
building is ouo of the finest blocks
over built in the city , and when com
pleted will bo an honor to tiio craft.
Fnrragnt Post G. A. 11. hold a moot
ing Saturday evening , the 12th , and
elected J. 0. Bonnel Past Command
er. Resolutions were passed endorsing
ing Senator Corkrell's proposed bill to
provide ICO acres of public land to nl
honorably discharged soldiers am :
sailors of the recent war. Their next
mooting will bo hold on Christmas
Evuat City Hall when special care will
be taken to provide for the poor and
needy soldiers nnd their children nnd
The people of Lincoln are just nbou
as much surprised over a certain olopa
wont ns those of Omaha. The young
lady is very well known hero , having
spent last summer in the city. It i
rumored that ono of the Lincoln boy
fainted on hearing of it , but the roper
is not authentic.
The Decorative Art Society wil
giro its opening reception on Tucs
dny evening , the 20th ult. Extensive
sivo arrangements have boon made Iv
the ladies to make it a' very success'
fuL affair , nnd ociual , if wet surpass ,
any former ono given in Lincoln. The
Apollo olnb hnvo l < indly consented to
furniah music for the evening , which
alone will compensate any ono for
The temperance lecture by Gov.
St. John , of Kansas , ut the opera
liouso on Wednesday evening , the
Mtb , WUH thu most successful meeting
of the kind ever held in Lincoln. Tlio
opera house , which seats 1,000 , was
litpraly packed , many being tnmblo to
gain admission , lie was escorted to
the hall by the Temple of Hotter , and
many prominent citizens , headed by
, the university cadets and their band.
Movements ' of People.
John P. .Miller , of Oilcans , in vleltintj In
13. C. Mather , of Aurora , in bao'i fioni
, T , If. Wallace , n [ Vuiibnry , ii bank
fiom'Il InoU
MM W. T. Perry , uf Harvard , haute.
. tunifil from llliiio ! * .
, , Dr. O . S. LatiD , , of Alma , in recreating
at Zeno'ville , Jowa.
. Mri , Woinls , of York , ha.i relumed from
a long vlnit In lllinok
Col. Hayes and wifo. of Norfolk , havt
returned front the cast.
.T. W. Uarncs. of Plattmnniith , In looking
after his mines tu Colorado.
' Mr. Klnpbury. of Stromsbnri ; , has gone
to Knglanil with hU tumor.
Miss Hva Sherman , of I'lftttmnimth , la
uniting ot Qlenwomi , Jowa.
- JaitifH Kclloy w of Slilnoy , has goiio ti
hU old homo In - "
Mw. Warren , of Indiana , U vhitlug hci
daughter , M. I1. Connor , at Vork.
- UeatrJm nocioly mourns the dcpartnn
of flllim May Jonea for Washington.
, T. C. Klliott , of Colunibiw. will entci
. the buBiucsu circles of Omaha in 188' ' .
. W. W.lIvatH and family , of I'airbnry
. will riiBtlcate on the comt fur a month ,
Misa Annie Link , of home
from an extensive visit toArliUnd ,
, Mf § . H. G. llllm. of IMniiuunt , tan
tiroil of Council Umlfiiauil roturncil home
lion , II. M , Atkinson and wife utartec
for their home in Santa l'e , N. M. , Ian
Monday ,
Miss Olio Junes , of PlatUmouth ii via !
itliik' i rmiKli the
holida * .
.c'i UllllnKH nnd wife , of Almn , will
jticnd ] the holidays \vitli rclntiiniR In
Jlr. nnd Mln. M. M. Stewart and C. A.
Simnftlcr , of A'cinft ft City , will winter In
Mrs. I * . H. Mttrphy , of I'lntUrnnutli ,
wl'l ' pf.t Chrlalmni jilo itli her rclntitei
In Detroit.
Major Ytjlc , of llralrlco , ! i back frnm
XVlocoii'in , where Mr . Y. U Btnyluj ; for
her hcnltii.
Hiifjli ( Ullbon , nno of the founders of
Kchuyler , Is viewint ; the development of
hln proicc. ( (
Wooilo lllleman nnd Luther Ilclkei , of
Dakota City , \\\l \ ( Hi > cnd the holidays at
AltooiiA , Pfl.
MM. Dr. Farniworth , ff I'nlrmount ,
Avilllmng her C'hrUtums itocklnff at lu-r
ol 1 homo in 1'eni.
( ! co. S. Dciinlf , ol ( Scnon. is back from
New York. Hit aged inntlicr c me with
him toHcothu | irniriu- < ,
Mr. M A. MrKlnnnn of IMntUmouth ,
Ims returned from Prince IMxvnnl's Island
and the frifiid provinocH.
Mr * . T. W. Dowilof Hnrvnnl. nnd the
uiiiiorinrt f her fnmilv have Rene to Wis.
coniin , the old homo of Mr , D.
Mm. I'cauclmmp , Mlsi Ue uclinnip nnd
Miit Blanche .lonoi have 1-ft Central Ulty
for their future homo in Tolcda ,
Dr. iTohnxon , of Kniiinonnt , ant Dr.
0 ivcr , of ( icnoa , will Ijiiiflnui their innl- knowUdiu ; at the college * of Kt. LOUIH
anil Chicago iliirinj , ' the winter.
Mrn. IMunrd * , wife of the Wilbur
bankor. liai ROIIO to IniiltinapolM where
nl e will nu et lier ilntiyhtcrs from Vnntiar
cell fjits Mid l tr hoys Irom 1'rniildlil mlle -
le 'c , Indiana ;
Dnll-Rooni and Parlor.
Tlio CMib , of liloomington , gnvo
itxilret hop on thoOtli.
The .Social Horns club , of Xmth I'lnttc ,
gnvc a brilliant party on tlic ! ) th ,
The 1'ullcrton cltil ) gavi ) another
of their pleasant p.irtic ? on the uvcning of
Apia 'Hint private paity wao given nt
the resilience uf Mr. York at Stunt n , on
the 7th.
DecaturiaiH enjoyed "the hop of the
fl"nt m" at Masonlo hall on the evening of
the 8th.
The IsVbracka City Hocia Club spent tin
enjoyable evening at the residence of Mrs.
U. W. .Sherman , on the ! Hh.
The Sidncv Social club ilnnco in the
dining h'lll ' < if thu Lockwiod wan an iin-
1II2I1HC ulTair , Hocially and numerically.
A inmpnny of 1 > G yo 117 people uavo
MiH ( tcrtie Code , of Crete , a genuine
Btirpriuo pnrty on the evening of the ind. !
Tlii birtln H of Miss IVankio Utrton
and Mli < KHtlo Talfe , of North 1'latte ,
wore celebrated last week by n 1-irgo party
of companion1 * .
Mr. iinS Mm. 1'Ytnk Holt , of Ueatrice ,
wcro ngrccnbly Hiirpriacd on ths vvenii g of
the 7th by n parly of twenty fi\o couplec ,
bent on merriment find micchicf.
The pastor of tliu I'leoliytcrian church
at Sterling , win the victim of p ngro alien -
lion > 1 Biiru i-u on the 7th. He fed hem
well and they recipr catod tubitaiitiilly.
' 1 ho farewell hanmiet to M r. and Mrs.
A. B Smith , at Fallt City , was puticipa
ted in by three liundrod of the hot towns-
people. It was a brilliant auecem.
The S 11 d Cru-ik SaMiath Mihool in Sann-
dpMionnty , | > ro4eiitcd their Mipci intend-
ent , M. S. Hilln , with Bovi-rnl o'rgant ' to-
keniof tH't'cin , on thu uvenini ; of the Oth.
Thoci i/em of UaVota City ciiiturcd
the residencd of Dr. and Mrs. Wilkinson
1 n the evening of the Oth , and nfter several
houra of merriment and lelreshment , ( ire-
hoi.tcd tin ) doctor with H m < Hive gold-
headed cane , appr'jpr ntely inxcrihcd. At
the 8.11110 moment tlio Iiulio or the pnrty
took MIH. W. to an adjoining room nnd
tendered her a beautiful silver water-
pitcher , two gobletu , cpoon holder and
Indie. Dr. and MTH. Wilkenson have
taken charge of the nation' wardu on tbo
Omaha reservation.
Knotty and Nice.
Era K. McMichnel and Ella GV.trel
were tie i at Ord on the 3d.
Seven weddings are hooked in Lincoln
before thu close of thu year.
F T. IVhitmoro nnd Lucy Taylor , o :
Exeter , were inado ono on the 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. McNee , of Hebron , cele
I rated tho'r ' paper wedding 011 the 'M.
JaincH P. Morris and Carrie London
wore married at i'hiin Creek on thu 5th.
Mr. .T. 11. Austin and Miss Nclll
Kenevel , of Kearney , vvoio m.uried las
Clinton L. Patterson and Mixs Abbi
L. Sutherland wo e married nt Neil !
1'latte on the 8th.
Everett J. Hamlet ami Sarah A. Athcr
ton , both of Plum Creek , were Hurried a
Pav.-neo City on the Int. t
W. C. Clary came from Illinois and ca ]
tivatcd Widow W ilson , of Nebraska City
Theyworo joined on thu 8th.
John Grillin , an engineer of lied Oak
lowj , captured abrliiu at Kearney , vvlier
the knot wan tied on thu 2il ,
Jamei A. Hlldebrntid nnd Mary Cur
Her were jo ! cd on the 5th at Kenesnw
Adama cunnty. Avnimt Cunicr.
fiiutnf Safstrom and Emma Kotdun
will hereafter mill together on t > e farm i
Murlpo-a precinct , Saimders county.
N. J. Walrath unit bride have nettle
down to busInci-B In North Plntte , hnvin
taken in thu nights of the metropolis.
Mr. Itnbcit Jamesonof Wyoinlinr.Nob
and Mini Deaxio Hi 'giMH ' , of Mt. l leaHan
wcie married at I'latttmiimth on the I''tl
Charley ( J odull , of Puwnoe county , pi t
n I'm ing Ktioke In iit wheel of fortune h ,
marrying Mrs l''ellovvn , of Table ltoekon
Dr. anil Mrs. Hogem , of Telinmah , celo-
brntfd their fifth \ \ eddin ; ; aimiv erjary on
the 7th by cntciUining a largu company
of friemlh.
Mr. CurnolliiH M cl'arlnuil , of Kearney
county , anil AlinsAddioClivik , ul
crossed the "uibicou" on the lUtlt nt thu
hitter place.
Kit. Hei > hiBcr , of O'Neill City , found
hU allinity at Onawa , luvva , Minj Acldie
N , Perklnu , and brought her to thu
nietiopolls of Holt ,
Mr. and Mrs. VreiS , llnssler , of Paw-
lieu City , celibrnted their tin wedding hiHt
.Monday. Nearly a hundred Invit d gnciiU
were in attcn lance ,
A imrprl o receptlo i was given to Mr.
and Mra. Holbinnk , recently married , at
. their Inline In Kverott Precinct , Dodge
county , on the of thu ( Uh.
A Polk county girl weighing SSI iiounda
irit < lovvu mi tltu pretensions of ekli *
Ir remained for the editor
of The Stromobui'i ; Itttpublican to Ke.ich
On the 4th lout. Mr. P. S. Stephoanon.
a yonnir furmcr of ( Jago , led to tlio altar
MiHH Charlotte Dibbli' , daughter of Mr.
Itlclmnl Dibble , the succenalul farmer anil
bheep ralrvr ,
J , N , Coombs , of HIuiiiL' , croaaed the
Big Muitdy for n hrliK and found her at
Oreeloy , Jowa. Mina Allle ItuUlen
dulled tier name and c'eavud to him nnd
hli hoineatcad
Henry Owciu nnd Ida Nottlcton , of Tu-
kauiah , were married on the lat , ami thtlr
lirat united net , a \ ery conimendablo one ,
was to treat the editor of The Uurtonian
to ahiibticiipllon ,
Mr. and Mra. T. M. Anderson , of Fair-
mount , celebrated n year's uiicco < fiil sail.
Ing in the matrimonial ma on the Int. by
holding a geneial lexee , closing ulth a
Hiipj or and dance.
Jlr , nd Mra. H. J. Porter , of Decatur ,
. celebrated the fifteenth ( crystal ) otwivor-
nary of their taking each other "for better ,
for worse , " on the Uth. A largo number
of friend * weio psest'iit.
Mr , and Mw. W. H. Taylor , of Kxeter ,
| were rvuilnilei of their fifth anniversary by >
the arrival of an elegant book case , ac
companied by n DC re r two of neighbor * ,
on the evening of the 31.
Kearney nnd Seward "kls cd and made
up" on Thnri'day at the marriage of Mr.
Jones of the former , Ami Mist Ida Lung-
worthy , of the latter place. A la ge-niim-
her of Kearney lies were pie < cnt.
Editor Willanl , of The Sherman County
Times. WAI niarrlcilthrei ) weeks ago mi.l
thus chronicles Idj experience : "Good-bye ,
boj H , wo can't be h'ut late any tnorc. The
crown of our head ha ? lost three handful *
of hair already. " *
The girls of Hasting attempted fo out-
thine the linclielura club with n Mmilnr
orga 1 ? tlim. The local chronicler inserts
that the meeting dl olved the moment , n
tncnibcr priipiHed t < > name it the "Old
Maids' Uefnge , "
The Mtcloiy event uf the week in Plait-
mouth was the > % rri.ig" ot Isaac Kallshy
to Lelia , danghtu- J. 1) . SI tipvm , of
that city. The happv couple received n
sui Ktantinl ecnd-i ) f from parents and
friends They have settled in Omaha.
Mr. andMrn. J. S. 'ftjnrii , of Lincoln ,
\\cro driven over the Lrouinxtitk hut
Thursday evening by a Ir.rpe number of
friends , to comtnctnnrnte the twentieth nn-
nlvcitiary of tlipirinnrri.igo and presented
with a gold bund Hrcnch chiua net of fifty ,
nix pieces.
The mnrriagcble mntdcni f Faitbury
are cxt > cr < 9mrtcha 'k liders. Ono of them
recently daubed down the main street Wi h
her mini b/pirivr like a _ Holland wind
mill , bearing the poi illation mid n span uf
mules. The owner of tit latter do Minded
dnmngi'H , but the woman threat cne/l to
cane a mapof tlm county on lilainiig'if he
didn't "hush up , " and he hushed.
Schools anil Teachers.
Wyninro BchooU contain 300 pupila.
Alma's nsvv school will bo icaily for the
next tern.
Thu new hchool at Gr fton was opened
last Monday.
Three hnndied iiupils enrolled in the
Pawnee City school * .
Stnnton tchool hai a tntil enrollment of
( ! 0'JI ; hoys nnd 3rt girls.
The North Phtte reading room win
open to the public on tlieCth ,
lilne Sliiiiigs has - . ' ! ! enrolled in her
schools , % vith an aver.ige attendance of 17-1.
Genoa claims the model scho > ! . under
the inanacer.ient of Mr. W. W. Uurgem
and Miss Lottie Anderson. *
Miss Xcllle Sanhorn. of Kisiiu' Sun ,
kes up the ferule laid down ly Misa
Lizzio Itawson , lately niairled ,
The lllnir public library is an institii1
tion in which the citi/eiin feel an honest
pride. The income the past year has been
nbont $100 for Beacon tickets , and ? "iO book
rent It has now nearly or ( mite 500 vol
The Cohunbu * school board has decided
in favcr of n high Hchool department
which opened Mmid.iy in the ohl Cungre-
xational church , pl.icing Pi of. L. J.
Cramer at its hen I. M rs. Annie Coolidgc ,
Miss Annie G ilbert and Miss Wood ere
clios'ii as additii > nal teachers.
Ther- are thlrty-iiY names on the rolls
of thu Wesleya'i univcr-ity nt J'ullerton.
The luithetic local pajier nays : "Alread
the dark clomla of sin , ensa whicli have
li'ivered imnioiiBly over thi < cell ge lire
being widely scattered by the strong winds
of ceaacleHa endeavor , uul the brilliant
orl > of i-iicces-i glim i.ers radiutitly in the
liori/.on of ita futuie career. '
An important and instructive feature of
thu Lincoln bchooN _ is the celebnv ion if
of tin birthdays of dislinjtui-lied America i
p 3ts nnd wriur , by original Bkeichui of
llit-ir lives and ihu leading of ext ac H fiom
their writings. Pupils thus fnmiliamrd
with the lifu and of hiaforiu charac
ters nnd the task prov cs an ngrce.iblo re
creation from thu monotonous text book.
ThoTltli nunivur.uv of thu birthday ot
thu " ( .Junker Pott.1' J. G. AVhittier , was
cflebrated Kii'I.iy , the 10th , and elicitcil
the following letter :
D.VNVKits , Mass. , llth M'o. , i.5thd.'Sl.
DKAHl'itiKsn : ft th6 young i > eoide in
j our public schools c jn find in my Writing <
ainiueiiient anri prulit , I hhnll In-truly glad
nnd feel I have not lived nnd w > itten in
vain. Thy friend ,
Pious Paragraphs.
The new Mcthm ist chur > .h at Onklnnd
will bo dedicated to-moriow.
The Catho ics of D ikota City wi 1 bnild
a new reiUtenre for llev. Father Lawltts
in the eiuicg.
The new German M. E. church nt Ne
braska City h ne.iily completed. It is a
very neat edifice.
The Presbyterians of Columbus will
Ijrobably call lev. ( Little , ot Pittsburg , to
till thtir vacant pulpit.
The Rev. Aumiller has filed n mechanics
lien on the U. IS. chu-ch at Blno Springs ,
for labor performed as a carpenter.
The tuut'ir * of the HOvornl churches of
yorth Plntte publish nn address , appeal-
inp ; to the | eoplo of all classes tu liuve
more ro.-pect fur the Sabbath us a day of
The Monroe Congregational church
building , nt Columbus , has been com
pleted and is now ready for tlio use of the
congregation. It is n neat , comfortable
No Humbugging the Amorloau Poo-
You cnn't Ini nhu.r the Am' rican people ,
when they tinl a n mody tliat Hjits them ,
they u o it mi I rui ommciid it to their
friends , Jmt cxa t'y theca o with Si'UiKC
ISl.ortMi.M , which hriB become a honnohold
word all ovtr the United SUtes Priuo . " 0
cvnti ; trinl bottles 10 tcnta. dll-e..dlw
Many People Roiuenibor Him
KOI t Waj nu l. ttea to Chic ii0 Tribune.
_ A person going nlon < ; Circle strcot
will scu nuar tlio fluu English opuni
housu the rcaidonco of Hon. W. II.
Eni lish , lulu vicu-prusidontial candi
date. There ia no otylp in the archi
tecture M-ortii ilcaunbiiiK ; the only
tiling to vary a plainness is a
tower on the corner , Homowlmt after
thu fashion of a Turkish minaret.
As I passed along recently in the eur-
Jy ovcuiinir I saw Mr. English sitting
in front of his rosidunco on tlio dooi
stop , in uilunt incihtation. His fncu
is deeply marked with lines nnd his
hair in bucoming thinned , though no ilI !
gray very fast. His vvifo hns been I
dead for several years , nnd with her
ho buried much of his happiness.
His son , Will K. English who niarriot
n Miss Fox , an nctix-SH. in Now York
two years ngo , Iceops honso for him ,
and it is giiid ho takes great pride u
seeing his son gut along in the world
The > ounger English is manager o
the oporu liouso , and is quito success
fnl. The up Btaira windows of the
English mansion still have the iroi
lattice work that Mr. English had
placed tliero during the tronbU'somo
panicky times , for fcnr uonio tram }
might call on him in the night time
and rob him ,
As a rule wo do not rocotmnom
patent medicines , but wlion wo kno\
of one that really is n public bonefnc
tor , and does positively euro , then wo
consider it our duty to impart that in
formation to nil. Electrio bitten nro
truly a most valuable medicine , mu
surely euro Biliousness , Fevo
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney )
complaints , oven where nil other rein
odies fail. We know whereof w
apeak , nnd can freely recommend ta
all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents & bottle
Ish & McMahon. (7) ( )
Mr . .1 , n. nohcrtRon , t'llKlmrc , Pix. , writes : "I
BO * siiffcrlnjrfromficncml debility , want of op-
petite , vniistlKitlon | , etc. , no llmt lira nan a Imr *
den ; utter inlnir llunlock Illood Hitter * I ( clt bet
ter than for ) cars. Icnnnotpmlso jourUlttcri
too much , "
It. 011.1 . * . nt mifTalo , N , Y. , writes : "Vour
Iltintnck fllci Illttrr * , In chronic dlso < wc < i of Hiu
Mool. lUcr k.j kluncvs , have been lrnally |
marked with sucecn. Ilnvo n e < l tli m
with licst results , for torpidity of the liter , uniHn
cvoof a friend of mine guttering from dropsy ,
the cITcctvvtui marvelous. "
ItrucoTimior , nochcetcr , N. Y. , ( writes : "
liccn subject to serious dliorclcr ol tlio klilncjs.
ami mmhlo to attend to buslnrai ; Dunlock Illood
Hitters rdluvul mo lieforo h.ilf aholtls was tweil
I ftcl conddcnt thittlicv will entirely euro mo. " ,
Ascnlth llnll , Illnghntnpton , Jf . Y. , writes :
"I milfcrcil with a dull pnlu through mv eft
litnjf and phoiihlcr. lt my niilrlte , apiictlta
( mil color , fttiil conlil ulth dlitlctilty keep up all
day. Took jour Kurdork lllooil Hitlers as til-
roiUil , and ha\n felt no pnln since first week ni
ter using them. "
Mr. No-iti nattn , r.Imlra , N. Y. , writes : "About
four 3 ctrrt < u'o I had an attack of lillloiiH f cr , and
ncxtr fully rcco\rrcd. My digcitlxo orpins
ucro weakened , and I would be lO'nplctcly pros
trated for diy . After tislnj : two bottles of your
llunlock I'.lood Hitters the Improvement nan BO
\ 1 Kilo that 1 nns a tnnlihcd. I tan now , thoiiKh
Cljears of a e , Jo a fair and reasonable day's
( , ' . llhckct Kobln on , proprietor of The Cntiiuh
Prciibytcrian , Toronto. Ont. , writes : "Forscara
I suHerixl jrrtatly from oft-rceurrlriK hcadacfio. I
used > our llurdock Illood Hitters ulth happiest
rcsultM , ami I now llnd In better health
than for } cars "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' 'Ihaie
ticod Ilunlotk Illood Hitters for iicnous and hll-
headaches , and can recommend It to anyone
rlnja euro for bllllousncss. "
Mrs. tra Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , writer.
"Tor scieral 1 have suffered from
jears oft- recurring -
ring bllllous headaches , djsjicpsla , and
plilnU peculiar to my sex. Since mlng jour
llurdock Illood Itlttcra I am entirely rclloxcd. "
FOSTER , MILBURN. . & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholc&lo by Ish & McMahon and C. P.
Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo
Who want glossy , luxuriant
and wavy tresses of abundant ,
beautiful Hair must use
elegant , cheap article always
makes the Hair prow freely
nnd fast , keeps it from falling
out , arrests and cares grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
itching , makes the Hair
strong , giving it a cnrling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Beau-
{ ful , healthy llalr is the sure
result of using Kathairon.
1330. SHORTJ.INE. 1880 ,
St , Joe & Council Bluffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
Prom Omaha and the West.
o change ol cars between Omnha nnd o . i.ouls ,
mod but ono between OMAHA and
Daily PassengerTrains
KiiciiRfo AU , .
Thlt entire Una Is equipped with Pullman's
aluco Bleeping Cars , Palace buy Catches , Miller's
afcty Platform anil Coupler , and the celebrated
fcstlnghouso Air-brake.
" See that vour ticket rcwls VIA ivANSAS
oad , via St. Joseph anil St. Louis.
Tickets ( or tutle at all coupon etatlon * In the
Vcht. J. F. DAUNAKD ,
\ C. DATVES , Ocn. Supt. , St. Josenh , HoJ
( lea. I'MI. anil Ticket Agt. , ft. ! Joseph , IIo.
| &KDT BORUKN , Ticket Aircnt ,
1020 Karnhain etrect.
A. U. IjiRMACp Oonenl A ont ,
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson'a Specific
It tu a | ioiftivncurii | tor > i .tiuatoirbcn , &urolna
W'ocl.ncts , Impctiiocy , cml all dlbcaiua rcsultlnj ;
Ircui Sclt'AbtiiK , u Menial Anxiety , lMt '
lli-uiory , Pftln1 * In ttio I'jvk or fililii. anil illncasoi
r-T = 3 = T "gSL1
mKinlty an.
Moillctne le
, . 111 NUCCfW.
oot tree to all. Write for thoui and put full par
ticular ! .
Pilce , Ppeclflc , per package , or lx pick.
ifc for 86.00. Addrcai all order * tu
Nos. 101 and 100 Main St Buffalo , N. Y.
Sold In Omaha by C. F. Uoodman , J. W. lioll ,
' '
h luh , nnd all d'ru glaUoverywlic'ru ,
State Gazetteer and Busi
ness Directoy ,
Containing n descilption anil ft list of nil
business men in the utatc , will be issued
early in 1882. PricuSJ.OO.
J , Ar. WOLFE , Publiahor.
120 South Fourteenth Street , Omaha. Neb
No. 16O8 Fornliam Street ,
Nor.h ilila opu. nranit Central Hotal
Clarkson & Hunt ,
Bucueawv * in nichanl ) & Hunt ,
B ] Uth8t' . Om h N b ,
ORCHARD & : BEAN , j. B. FRENCH & co , ,
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to , the Fact that
Rank foremost in .the West -in Asso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
\Vo arci'propared to meet the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styles ;
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection '
1301-1303 Farnham and .300 to 312 13th St
Is the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
1313 Farnham Street.
, - - - -
In Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick