\ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YlUK. OMAHA , MONDAY MONNING , DECEMBER } ! > , 1881. NO. 153 OUR REASONS. \Vo have often been asked why wo commenced the manufacture of Cigar- . cites. Because our Attention had been called to the fact by numerous articles written by medical and scien tific men that opium and other drugs were being largely used in Cigarettes , -mid that the paper used for wrapping wa uiiide from the filthy scrapings of ragpickers , bleached with lime and other substances , which seriously af fected the membranes ot the throat nnd iioso , and wore the prime cause of the throat nnd nasal troubles which followed cigarette smoking , nnd they prophesied incalculable damage to health unless these troubles could bo overcome. N Fooling that the time was ripe for , and that the trade would appreciate , a perfectly pure cigarette , nnd know ing the advantages wo enjoyed of securing - curing the very finest pickings of the -crops ( our factory being located in Durham and the Dukes having been planters , handlers nnd manufacturers of tobacco nil their lives , nnd p va of thorn being on the market every d < ) , wo concluded to ndd this now dep'ntt- ment to our already extensive smok ing tobacco trade , and make only a pure Cigarette , free of all drugs , wrapped with the finest imported French rice paper , upon the merit of -which wo would stake our reputation. Such nn article is the DUKE OF DURHAM Cigarette , nnd we intend to keep it so. llico paper is consid ered less injurious than anything that can bo used for wrapping Cigarettes ; but as it is very nxponsivo nil do not use it who claim to. Tjio following is an exact copy of a letter , now in our possession , from ono of the largest importers of rice paper in the United States , through whom wo import tti3 rico p.iper for the Duke of Durham Cigarettes ; MAY BROTHERS. 103 SECOND AVjiNUE , Importers of French Cigarette Paper , and Solo Agents in the United States for the Celebrated French Gambier Clay Pipes. NEW \ouic , Sept. 3 , 1881. Messrs. W. Duke , Sons & Co. , Dur ham , N. 0. : GKXILKME.V In replyto yourfavor'fiti .nit. , we have t stntu that tno jiapT we furnish yon , "IUS SUPKllFINK" ( Su- pcrfine Itice ) , it the jurcst rice paper which can bo nnvle , and we claim thiit , NO\VlIKUi : ami for NO MONEY , you -coulQ have it in good. Our paper lia < been recognized to i o the b-st of all , and couUins nothing which can injn e the health. Yours respectfully , MAY BliOTHEUS The'e DUKE OF DUllltAM Cl ai-- cttcs are for sileby nil leading tobaccn- n'ats and grocers in the city. Marinn Intelligence National Associated I'rcss NEW YOUK , December 17. Sailed The Brittanic nnd Egypt for Liver pool , the Holland for London , the Kch for Glasgow , the Maine for Bre men. . LONDO.V , December 17. Arrived 'The Alexandria from Now York. Soirr HASH-TON , December 17. Ar rived -The Rhein from New York. ( JITEEXSTOWN , December 17. Sailed - od The Germany for New York. NEW YOUK , December 18. Sailed The Servia from Hamburg. Y Arrived The Vandalia from Ham burg , the Australia from Meditcrrano -an ports. Sot'THAMiTOK , December 18. Ar rived The Brunschiving from Balti more for Bremen. HAVHE , December 18. Sailed The Cimbria from Hamburg for Now York. ANTWEHI' , December 18. Sailed- - -The Vnderland for New York- . Fires- National ABIOI latcd Proas. New York , December 18. Last evening fire broke out in the building on Crosby street and Broadway , oc cupied by A. &E. Wallace , dealers in fancy goods , nnd Desson Bros. & Co , , manufacturers of men's cloth ing. Dosson Bros. & Co. lose § 150- 000 , and A. & E. Wallace 8250,000. The building , which is owned by thu Charter Oak Lifo Insurance company , was damaged § 30,000 worth ; fully in sured. CINCINNATI , December 17. The kid glove store of B. Roth , on Fourth street , was damaged by fire this morn ing to the extent of $30,000 ; insurance anco , $15,750. MEMPHIS , December 17. The west- cm portion of the Peabody Hotel was destroyed by fire this morning , caused by a defective flue. Chicago's Theaters. Natlouil Associated I'rcsi. CHICAGO , December 18. The com uiitteo appointed by the citizens' association -ciation has examined all city theaters with a view of doterming what addi tional exit facilities are needed as precaution against panics in case ol lite. The report will be made public in a few days , New York Bank Statement. National AsBoU&tcd I'rcit. NEW YOBK , December 17. The bank statement to-day is favorable , The following are the chances : Loan : decreased $1,810,500 ; specie increased § 303,300 ; legal tenders decreased $1,000 ; deposits decreased § 1,817- 500 ; circulation decreased § 10,805 ; revenues increased § C90,17i" > . Death of Dr. Hayes. Rational Assodited l' < ess. NKW YORK , December 17. Dr. Isaac Hayes , the famous Arctic ex plorer , died in this city to-day. Paul Boy toil. K tlon Associated 1'reaii OAIHO , 111. , December 18. Pnu SJoyton arrived here yesterday enroute 4/j Now Orleans , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Official Oorrespondenoo on the Peruvian Question , Secretary Blaino'a Instruction as to the Rights of Ameri can Citizens There. Further Speculation as to the Construction of the New Cabinet. Front the Na tional Capital. PERU. NUIonal Associated 1'roBS. 11LA1NE TO IIUULIIUT. WASHINGTON , December 18. Tlio allowing dispatches between Secretary [ Jlaino nnd Gen. Hurlbut are { furnish ed for publication by the secretary with the approval of the President : DEl'AUTMKNT OK STATE , \ WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Aug.1,1881. , . J itcphcn A. llutlliut , Ks | , oti'otiM , Mini : Sin As you are nwaro , sovenil coinnuiuic.itioifl ) Imvu been recently addressed to this department in rofur- enco to certain allowed cluima of c'tti- wns of the United States upon the j'ovornmont of Pern , with the urgent requoJl for the good oflico * of the Dinted S ates government in their be- lialf. While I cannot anticipate that in the present distressed nnd un settled condition of that country our representatives , however urgent , will receive prompt or satisfactory atten tion , I deem it best in view of pos sible contingencies to furnish you with general instructions. Two claims for which special consideration and active intervention have been asked mo those known asjjio Cachet clnim and the Londreau claim. In reference to Oochet claim , there has been no in formation laid before the department of sulliciently definite character to warrant specific instruction , and in the absence of requisite data hero , you will bo loft to tnku such steps as may seem expedient in investigating the origin and character - actor of the claims. The primal point at issue is whether Any American citi zen or association of citizens lias ac quired an interest in the claim in a milliner entitling him or them to the treed oflicos of this government. In making representation to Peru as to American holders of the claim or their attorneys , who will bo on the ground , you will no doubt bo placed in posses sion of nil facts , but yon will take no step committing your government to he use of its good offices without first reporting in lull to this department for well considered and definite m- structiwn. In regard to the Londreau claim , I seer no reason to difierjrom the , cn Juaions , to which my predecessors seem to have nrnycd. John C. Londreau was an American citizen , apparently entitled by lawful contract to reasonable compensation for important services to the Peruvian government. In conformity with the established practice of pur govern ment , while you cannot in such case make official demand for a settlement of the claim , you will employ- your good oilices to procure its prompt and just consideration. You will have observed that in the contract made by the Peruvian government with Lon dreau and his brother it expressly stip ulated any questions arising under its provisions should bo submitted to the judicial tribunals of Peru , and that in no case shall diplomatic interference be asked. You will also notice the court of Peru sustaining the _ decision of the court below has ruled it had no jurisdiction of this contract , thus leaving Londreau in a pofition in which he can neither appeal to his own government nor obtain judgment from the tribunals to which by con tract ho was authorized to apply in Peru. While this government willjnot , ; is present informed , undcitako to construe the contract or decide upon the extent of compensation duo Landroau , you ore instructed to call the attention of the Peruvian government to this injustice , and say tiat the government of the United States will expect sonic adequate nnd proper measure to bo provided by which Landroau can obtain a judicial decision upon his rights. If the con stitution of the Peruvian courts , or the interpretation of the law by Pe ruvian judges , deprives Landroau of the justice which the contract itself guaranteed him , then in the opinion of this government , Peru m bound , in duty and in honor , to do onn of three things , viz : Supply an iinpnr tial tribunal , oxtimd jurisdiction ot the present courts , or submit the case of Landreau to arbitration. I desire also to call your attention to the fact that in the anticipated treaty , in which to adjust the relations of Chili and Peru , the latter may possibly bo coir polled to submit to loss of territory , if the territory to bo surrendered should include the guano dopositK which were discovered by Landroau , and for the discovery of which Peru contracted to pay him a royalty upon the tonnugo removed , then the Peruvian govern ment should in treaty stipulate with Chili for the preservation and pay ment to Landreau of the amount duo under his contract. If the transfer bo made to Chili , it should bo under stood that the claim of an American citi/.on , if fairly adjudicated in his fa vor , should be treated as a prior lion on the property to which it attached , and that Chili ac uepts ho cession with that condition annexed. As may be pre sumed you will bo fully informed as to the progress of negotiations between tweon Chili and Peru for a treaty ol peace , you will mnlco such efforts as you judiciously can to secure for Landreau a fair settlement of his claim. You will take special care to notify both the Chilean and Peruvini authorities of the character ant status of the claim , in order that no definitive treaty of peace ahnll.be made in disregard of the rights which jnndronu may bo found to possess. I nm , air , your obo-tioni servant. JAMES Q. BI.AINK. uuianuT TO DI.AKVK. LKOATIOX or TUB U. S. , \ LIMA , PHUO , SopU 14 , 1881. / Ion. J .ea O. DUIiie , S r Ury of Stele , Wwh- Inijton , I ) . U. : SIR I acknowledge receipt of your dispatch dated August 14th , L881 , in relation to eel- iiin alleged claims upon the government of Peru. An to the 3ochot claim , this legation him notlt- ng but vftguenudswuoping statements setter adopted to creating commer cial enterprise thim to any judicial or ( uasi-judicial notion. I have been 'avored with two very extraordinary otters nnd some printed matter em anating from J. R. Shepherd , to which I reply by this mail , asking specific statements iw to the original character and extent of the clnim und iroofs in support of it. In the Lxnd- can case thu proofs uro Riilllciontnnd ; ho conditions in which the Peruvian { ovcrnmcnt has left the complainant 'orin a just ground for a decided ap ical to their Reuse of justice. I shall 'ollow the directions in your dispatch and interpose ju behalf of this and all other American claim ? if nny no- ; otiations take pliu-o between Peru iml Chili which involviH the losi of erritory. I sh vll take special c ire that his claim and ntiitiulu of the United jtatts in loipoot to it lie officially Hindu known to the proper authorities ot botlujoveniments. I Wg to call jour attention to extracts ( niv en as inclosiire to thi * ) from n letter from J. H. SluvliJi'd to nm , dated the ltli ! ) of August , 1881. I need not say that if any such arrangement win in fact madu that it uould si'om proper to mo tint 1 should bo officially in formed of it. As yet I have nut re ceived from the department any t lo- gram whatever , nor nny 'instructions ixcopt in your letter No. 7which cer tainly do not touch the very strong | ) oi ' .s reported to mo by Mr. Shq > - iicrd. As at present advised , I have no faith whatsoever in tlm Peruvian company , ami not much in J. 11 Shop- liorcl , and am wholly in the dark as to [ ho honesty or value nnd extent of the Cochot claim. If hnlf of his statement - ment is true mid the United Sliitrs as sume charge of the claim , we should own Peru by n mortgage which can never bo paid. I am , sir , your obedient servant. S. A. HuiiMiur. TIIK IIVritACT. From a letter of J. II. Shepherd to S. A. Hurlbut , dated August 10 , 1881 , professing to give a report of an interview with Blai"e : 15lit this is not quite all. It ia notorious that Chili. I'eru and curtain conditions of Peru are at the very point to apportion among themselves , not only the guano which is absolute ly our property , but the only other available assets of Peru , the nitrates , also If such appropriation wore al lowed , irreparable mischief might re sult. I therefore ask a preliminary injunction forbidding all progress in the direction of any such apportion ment until the Landreau claim and Cochet title ore first propnrly rocog- nixed and provided for , the former paid as adjuciata , the latter allowed or fairly disproved. The secretary in stantly responded that you will got and make it your first business. On the 2d inst. , soon after , by direction of the secretary I was advised that the identical instructions suggested liad been that day sent you by cable and by post , and that I might rely upon the statu quo accordingly. ANOTHER FHOJI IU.AINK. DEI'AltTMKXr Oh'STAlK , ) WAMIINOTON , Nov. 10 , 1WU ) Stephen A. Hurlbuut , Esq. , et. : Dear Sir Your No. 12 in reference to the Cochet and Landreau claims , Indicated prudcnco and care on your part. After the instructions in my No. 7 , in regard to this subject , had boon mailed , I became convinced that there was no need of even the pre liminary inquiry , which I suggested in regard to the Cochet claims. There is no just ground whatever o < t which this government could inter vene on behalf of it. In so far us there may be any basis for the claim at all , it originates in the demand of a native Peruvian against his govern ment. If American citi/.ens purchased or entered in such claim , tliey pur chased nothing moro than the original claimant possessed. They did not and could not purchase the good oilices of this government , nnd you are in structed not to extend them in the case of the Cochet claim. Your pro posed course in regard to the Lan dreau claim is approved , but the claim must not of course bu pressed in any matter that would seem to embarrass Peru in the hour of her distress. Your previous instructions to use your good oilices in procuring an adjudication of thu Landreau claim was made in view of the possible fact , of which there was wide rumor , that numerous French and English claims were to bo presented , in which event I was anxious that the resources of Peru should not be exhausted in the settlement | of other claims , to the prejudice and detriment of one be longing to the American nation You will still bo guided by the spirit und interest of that instruction. The statements which you say were madu to you by J. 11. Shepherd are all very extraordinary , ft is in the fii-ht place extraordinary that ho should have written to you at all , for I carefully advised him that ministers of the United States to foreign coun tries were not permitted to extend the good oflices in aid of any claim uh- loss instruct id by the department of state. I repeatedly told him that any representations on behalf of the claims must be made at Lima by lib own ngonts. His writing you was there fore an impropriety and his attempt ing to instruct you as to what I had written you was as grotesque and absurd us the language ho attributed - tributed to mo. Ho sim ply makes mistakes common to a certain class of honest enthusiasts who imagine that a polite and patient listener Is the author of their own extravagant - travagant fancies , I recogni/o several eral of the singular proposals imputed : o mo as having boon mivdo by Mr. Shepherd , and not in miy manner ad mitted or assented to by me. I told lint in the three or four inter * iowa which ho sought with liio tint I could BOO no possible ground on which the United State * government could lend ts good oilices in aid of the Cochot claim. You will therefore pay no nt- : ontion whatever to anything Mr. Shepherd may write you in regard to claims ncninst the government > f Peru. You will , indeed , do well to return at oncn t the writers any letters - tors yon may receive relating to pri vate shilnis unless you first have the natter regularly referred to you by the department of state. Such refer ence will never bu made except in coses whore in the judgment of the L'oveniment there is n denial of justice .o nil American citizen. Thu legations of the United States for foreign coun tries must not bo converted in agen cies for the prosecution of private claims. Trusting to your sound dis- Tetion mid prudent action in all mat- : era of this character , I am sir , your ibcdicnt servant , JAS. C ! HI.AINK. CAPITAL NOTES Vnt'uiiixl Awoclitcnl from. pnwKit AND nusiiii : . WAMIISWON , December ITwo I'-tu.il vnainiiii's in the cibinet mving been filled , thi attention of lolitici ins is mainly din-plod 'o thu ioiwt uciiumittius which , it is under stood , will bo announced Tuesday. Ivolly will certainly "go to the ways iml me ins , and other announcements ire the blindest conjectures. It was , bo bo.ist of the friends of Speaker Ivuifor prior to bis nomitntipn that ho made no pledges to secure his nomina tion , but his course since has been somewhat singular , nnd provokes some ilmrp comment. It has always boon leld that minor officers under the liouso didn't belong to the individual ollioor elected by the house , -but were to bo distributed on the recom mendation of the party that made the election where they would do the most good. The wnno rule applies tea a curtain extent ( o thn chairmanship of committees. 1'rovious service on committees nnd local interest in mat ters likely to como before them nro considered nnd the person having the best claim to a chairmanship is usually consulted us to other members of the committee , but such is not b en done in the present cose. None outside of thu speaker's most intimate friends can do no more than guess as to the committee ? . A'member who has had considerable committee experience siid liq had not hoard n word from the speaker on the subject. Tlir. NOMINATION OK ST11ATH.OT for the Lynchburg postoflico will bo opposed by tlio democrats on the post- oilice committee nndtliuro will bo something of a flight over it in the sen ate , but tlio Virginia election having passed einco it WM before the sonata it will not block business in executive session as before. , ' on the 21st inst , for two weeks. The most of the members will .leave for their homes and the capital will have a quiet Christmas. MKMO1IIAI. HEKVKJEM in honor of Carlisle 1' . Patterson , late superintendent of the const survey , will bo held in the house in January. THOSi : I'OSTOKK. Yesterday closed ono of the busies ! weeks ever seen in the postollicc do partmont. For the past three months the commissions of postmasters have been expiring , ami new appointments have been deferred until Congress meets , so as to ascertain the views ol members us to appointments in their districts Hencu upwards of 1,700 oilices , largo and small , nre now va cant , waiting to bo tilled. For these positions there are doubtless .1,000 ap plicants. Many of them are in the city looking iiftor thu retention ol their present places , or looking nfter now ones , and most of the applicants come with their members to urge their claims. It is dopbtful if many decisions can bu it-ached until n no'v postmaster general comes. TJ1K KEW nVK.WK.YT I'OSTAdl ! HI'AMI for foreign postage has boon finished. It will be put into use about the Isl of February. It is called the ' 'Gar- field stamp , " as it boars upon its face a handsome portrait of our murtyro'1 president. IIHiWiTiil's : : NOMINATION' . It is expected that the nomination ot Benjamin H. Browstor for attor ney general will bo confirmed by the senate on Monday , in which event ho will uHsiimo the duties at once. .IAMKH' HUCCESHOH. It is now expected the name for iho successor to Postmaster Genur.i James will bu sent in before thu Ben- nto adjourns for the holidays. The name from Wisconsin is the most prominent. It is sail by thbso cabinet builders that tliero will only bo un additional naino su' ' < t in for some time , but that it will bu transferred to the court of claims early in the new year and Boutwull nrob ably succeed him. The chief objec tion to the plan is there would bu four members of thu cabinet from the eastern part of the country. Hence the remaining hone to the southuri pee | > lu that Gen. Longstreot or Gov. Davis may bo yet given u place , HOW TO MAKE OOOI ) INJJIAKH. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , December 17 , Ex-Inspector Hnyworth 1ms arrived in the city und was at the interior do pnrtment to-day , In an interview ho says , in all his experience he novoi knew but one Indian who had been t < Washington to go on the war path Ho thought the power of the govern ment was so impressed on Indiana vis Ring the capital as to deter them fron entering into war with the govern inont. ANOTIIKU fiTAll KOUTl' Assistant Attorney General Free man , of thu postollico department , i in Dakota territory on n case in whicl $8,500 was added to the pay of n con tractor within thirty days nfter th commencement of the service In an opinion delivered to-du ; o ndvisci the second assistant post- nnslcr gonornl not ! o pay the in- reaso , as the poslmnster general wan tot authorized by Inw to increase the my of a contractor f > 0 nor cent by ox- wilting the service within thirty dnyii ftcr the orignal contract was entered ito , in the absence of proefjflhowing fiat expedition was demanded by rcn- oiu nrmiiig nfter the nxvcution oFtlio riginnl contract. OOVKimiK.Vr MKDIU.VK. The interior department has official- y noticed the people of St. Paul , IcKodiak Island , Alaska , that it is ompolled to refuse to furnish them rilli the mudicines which they have irmally petitioned for , because of nek of funds. Three hundred vaccine points have oeti forwarded to the agent at the Vssinaboino Indian ajjency. Small- ox is alarmingly prevalent. Tlio Turtle maintain Indiana in the orth nro soounjod with smiill-pox , nd as these Indiana are not under ny government ngoncy they uro nl- iwotl to roam ami care forthemnulves s best they can. The war depart- lent bus no fundi available for .heir elicf. IIIK THKASl IIV IXVis1IllAHI : > N. Meaavn. Pitney nnd L-impbun , of liu treasury department , have been 'iiclmrgul. Cluut Clerk Power , of the tioasury opirtmcMitviis nearly all day buforo lie committee iiivcatiuntiiig'ull treai- ry Ir.uids connected witli tlio die- ) urnemont of thu contingent fund , 'ho character of his testimony is not el known 6utsido tlio committee ooms. A MVI.IiV CO.VIKST s going on for tjiu vacant commission whip of patents , left open by thu- osignntioii of E. M. Marble , to bo- oiiio land coiumissionor of thu North- irii Pncilic railroad company. 'IV u irincipal competitors nro Mr. V. D. itockbridge , present deputy nnd net- ug commissioner ; C. E. Mitchell , a ) .itunt lawyer of some repute of New "kitain ; H. G. Dynondforth , one of ho members of the appeal board ; W. 3. Dodgu , a patent attorney of this city , and J. K , McCammnn , present assistant attoiney general for the inteiior dupiinmei.t nnd auditor of railroad accounts. With tlio ox ceptionof the last named gentleman , who has had no experience in pat on i nw practice , either of those named would bo able to earn moro money it irirato practice than the salary , bu ! ho position has como to bo regarded is ot great value as an advortifement. For instance , Commissioner S. H. fisher paid an income tax of 813,001 ; ho year before ho became commis sioner , .tot surrendered this businuss to accept this olllco at $1,000 per an- luin , and found his prolit in the fact that his retaining fees , received within i week amounted to more than the entire - tire sum ho received from the gov > jriimont for over ono year's service M. L. Loigott loft the oQlco to engage in patent practice and soon became president of the Brush electric ligh company and a heavy stockholder am saw ins stock go up from § 100 per share ( § 40 paid in ) to § 4,000 per share. Every commissioner , will perhaps ono exception , for the pas liftecn years has g mo into very profit able practice nnd most of them , ima sc ( fortunes. It ia , therefore , surprising that although the salary is small the ollicu is eagerly nought nfter nnd n warm contest made For it. It it perhaps duo to Mitcluill to say he has merely con sented to use his tmmo and does not press his own claims , liu has the support of Senators An bony , Aldrich , Platt und Ilawley. Mr. Stockbridgo lias quite n respect iblo congressional oacknii ! mid is warmly pressed by a lingo number of persons having busi ness before the patent ollico. Mc- Cammon ia said to have the liuarty support of the inteiior department proper. VOOIIIIKCS will bo absent , having un important case to ingite in the west. Foreign Intollluotico. National Asuoclutul 1'rvtv. LONDON , December 18 A dispatch from Constantinople says the sultan lias finally refused to sign r.n irndu sanctioning the scheme for the settle ment of tlio Turkish debt. The queen will personally open parliament on the 7th of February , tfho will ask for a grant of money for the Duke of Albany'H ninrriag' } . In thu Bucharest chambers yester day , Deputy Hraticoui declared that Itoumnnia had never intended to give nor had she given Austria the slight est cause for bmbrugo. The Rouma nians , ho suid , reverenced their king , and had a profound fiiomlHhip for Emperor Francis Joseph. The government of the Nether lands bus proposed an international conference to devise means for the prevention of the abduction of girls nto foreign countries for the purpodo of prostitution. The Mnrquin of Haitington , speak ing at the meeting in Lancashire yes terday , declared the government was determined to pors vero in its reme dial legislation for Ireland , and also coorcUo legislation , if required , He claimed for the government the credit of having broken the power of the land league , and said ho was now J > opef ul of the restoration of order and prosperity in Ireland. A dispatch from Algiers says fifty- four poisons have been drowned by a flood in the French colonial province of Aluiers , PAULS , December 18. M" . Gnmbetta ban advised M. Houton to resign his post as consul at Tun in. VIENNA , December 18. The Vien na board of works , after a very care- fill examination of the causes which led to the great calamity at the King theater , have issued nil elaborate re port. They attribute the catastrophe partly to the failure of the theater employes tn notify the lire depart ment by direct wire from the theater , but chiefly to the fact that there wan no outlet for the smoke or gas caused by the conflagration except over the stairway where tlio uudionoo in their alarm crowded densely , It ia also stated in this report that by the nc- 'ion of the police the attempt fo save ho victims was for n tinio useless. Jnulitablo policemen nt thu entrance Irnvo away people who wanted to ondcr aj.sistnnco , and Mated that All lie audience had left the theater , be cause no ono could bo soon at nny of ' 'ho entrances. Six hundred nnd tlfly thousand lorini have been subscribed for the ulforora by the lling theater disinter. I'lieru ha\o Leon many ollVr.i to adopt ' he orphans who have boon left by hose \\hoperished in the tliunos. Cha IrUtoinon'fi Exeontlvn Committee tee- UUoiml AMcxUtuI Vn-ii . NKW YOHK , December 18. The txocutivo committee appointed by the 'risli-Anierican convention at Chicago mthu 2nd inat. , were in session yes- onlay at the Astor house. The fol- owing gentlemen composed the com- uittoo , all being present : Hon. D. C. Dirdsall , of Connecticut ; Gen. P. A. ColliiiK , of Massachusetts ; Dr. W. I. Wallace and Patrick Ford , of Now York ; A. Sullivan of Illinois ; Hon. A. V. Drown , of Missouri , nnd Col. Michael Holland of Kentucky. The meeting \\as called to order by ludgo Ilirdsall On his motion M. Holland , of Kentucky , wns elected permanent chairunii of thu commit * .00. ( < tm. Collins , of Mnswchusetti > , was elected Heoietary. Thu commit- oo agreed upon nn addiosa , The following rofolutions were ixdoutod ; Resolved , That the executive com mittee in fully empowered by tno Irish national convention , held nt Chicago , to adopt all necessary means for sustaining the people of Ireland in their present struggle , including the inking of all necessary stops to form n central organisation represent ing nil forces * favorable to the Irish cause , for thu purpose of giving con certed assistance to the Irish people while thu struggle continues. Resolved , Tiiat Jho chairman of this committee communicate with the principal olllcora of the various organ isations represented nt the Irish na tional convention , held nt Chicago , and such other organizations as are friendly fo thn Irish cause , to ascer tain their ROIISO and judgment as to the bi'st means of form ing n complete federation _ of all such orgniii/'itions in America , and aid thu people in Ireland in the struggle for emnnuipiition. After ndoptim : un address to the friends of Ireland in America , setting forth the grievances of the Irish people plo in Ireland , pledging to stand by the people in Ireland in their resolve to moot coercion with coercion , and requesting the societies to proceed nt once by every method to raise the $2f > 0,000 pledged . , rtt" Chicago to bo sent to Treasurer Egan at Paris before the 1st of February , the committee adjourned. SportluB Notes' NV.Iona ] Asnouatcd I'rcm. CHICAOO , December 18. A torifii glove contest osourred Into last evening ing at the Argyle rooms , , between Ed. Seward and "Pnddy , " of this city , After the third round both men were badly battered , and the contest wns declared n draw. It will bo fought of" for the Police Gazette gold modal ii one round next Thursday. NKW OIUKANS , December 18. Sul livan , the Boston pugilist , ia in train ing for his fight vyith Paddy Ryan ii February. Ho is in fine condition and is confident of winning. LOUIRVII.U : , December 17. There were two fights in the cooking tournn nont last night. A Now York fowl " whipped n "Now Hampshire , nnd t STow York henny killed n Granite state hyle. Casualties. s'ntlonil Afwoclalwl 1'ruxn. CiiATTANOoriA , December 18. Twr freight trains on the Nashville & At lanta road , running in opposite directions tions twenty miles nn hour , collidoc near Dalton , Ga. The train niei jumped and escaped. Both train were wteeked. POTT.STOWN , Pa. . December 18 , Jnmos Ennis and William Williamson of Furnace county , were struck niu instantly killed by n special passenger train of the Heading road yesterday morning. /\NKSVIUK , O. , December 18. Mrs. Tiionmi Williams , of this conn by , laid down before a lire last nigh to sleep and was burnodjto n crisp , Mexican Matter * National Atuoclatwl I'ross. CITY OP MKXICO , December 18. ( jeiiurnl Marnngo arrived in the citj yesterday to take charge of the wn portfolio , vice General Trovino , re siirnod. Ex-SocretnryTrovinohas beoi lilucedin command of the forces on th northern borders. The Mexican minister at Paris is t bo recalled nnd sent to Guntaloma t < iirrango settlement of the border difli cullies between the two countries. Toimeuee Legislative Matter * National Amociatul ' tout. NAHIIVIU.H , December 18. A do ciaion in thu important 1,000 , injunc tion suit wns rendered yesterday b ; Judge KM ing , Ho gave it as th opinion of the court that the can should be advanced and BO ordered and was set for hearing on thu 15tl of January , Thu sub-committoo roportoa a bil to the senate for reuistricting th state , which passed the first reading Visiting the Atlanta Exposition National Atwoo'atcd I'rus * . LOUIHVII.I.K , Ky. , December 17. A hundred mombera of the Kentuck , legislature left thin city this inoniin to meet with the South Carolina leg islaturo at the Atlanta expoaitioi Thu game train curried n delegation o fifty Kentucky editors and u larg number of business men of this city who gn to visit the exposition. Dmuuiiit'tf Testimony , 1 I.I' . McCarthy , dtuu' lst. Ottawa , Out. , htutoi that ho was ullllcted with chronic broachltlu for uuune yuara. and wai com pletely cured by the use of TIIOHAH' KI.KO TKIO Oiu dl'J-eoiUw THE ASSASSIN. Visited at the Jail by His Di vorced Wife , Ho Says She Cried and Said She Wr B Sorry to See Him in That Situation. Scovillo Still Fearful That Somebody Will Wipe Out His Olient's Existence. John W. Gniteim Convinced of Uii Brother' * Insanity. OUITEAtl. Natlon.it Asnoclntcil I'rcw. AN INTKUVIKNV WITH TIIK ASSASSIN. WAHIUMITON , December 18. A re porter for the National Associated Press interviewed Guitcau at the jail yesterday. The asinssin hnd just got through dinner , and felt in good spirits , lie handed the reporter a , lengthy statement of the cnso as it now standfl , the greater part ofhich is a repetition of statements made in tlio court room during the past two weeks. Thu conversation then ran on various subjects until the reporter asked Guiteau if his brother had called to-day. "No , not to-day , " said ho , " "but Annie was hero this morning. " "Who js Amrio ? " "My uivorced wife. She wns herewith with her husband. You can write- that up if you want to. They were out for a drive. She said she didn't expect to como hero , but they saw the jail nnd concluded to mnko n call. " "Did they stny long ) " was asked. "Not very long. She cried nnd said slio was sorry to ace mo hero , but 1 told her the Lord would tnko care of mo. I wns considerably afibctcd myself , but I kissed her two little children , shook her hand warmly nnd shook hands with Mr. Dntimoro. " "When nro they going home ? " * "Right away , I guess. Annie spoke about it , saying it hud been quito nn ell'ort for them to travel 'J.IKJO miles to attend the trial. I told her I did all I could to Have bur , but Corkhill would have her come. Shu ( mid she had a nice homo in'Doadwood ; that it was a place of 30,000 , and so on. I guess she ia nil right , and I am glad of it. I believe her to bo an honest , Christian woman. " "Now , you moan , I suppose ? " "Yes , now , I mean. I caught her writing letters to other men when my * wife , ' but I never caught her in any criminal intercourse. " "Shu was glad to escape examina tion in regard to-hor life with you. was she not'f" wns asked. "Indeed she was. She thanked mo warmly for the way I treated her while she was on the stand. I was real glnd she cetno to BOO me/- ' WITH SCOVILtE. , Subsequently the reporter had an interview with Scovillo , in which the latter said the trial would continue through the holidays. Ho feared some of the tlio throats that are being made daily would bo carried out , and that Guitcnu would not live to see the end of the trial. WITH JOHN W. OUITKAir. During the evening the reporter found John W. Guiteau. Ho was convinced of his brother's insanity , and cited numerous instances in tlio assassin's career to substantiate his opinion. Nothing now was developed in any of the interviews. BALDWIN'S INIQUITY. National Associated Press. EXI'OSK Ol' HWIMH.EH. NKW YOHK , December 18. Souio rather sensational developments have como to light in the investigation into the affairs of the broken Mechanics' bank , of Newark. Legal stops have just been taken to prevent the Bald wins from convoying certain real estate and personal property hold by them. The bill filed in tlio case say that the private account of Oscar L. Baldwin at the bank reached2,000- 000 in ono year , and that for ten years the average has boon about 500,000 a year. It also says that a special expert has discovered that Baldwin misstated the facts when bo said that the whole of the deficiency had been swallowed up by business transactions with the firm of Nugent it Co. , a thu greater part was used to purchase stocks und bonds , and for other speculations. The bill further- says that the two brothers were in collusion in the transactions , and the funds abstracted were used in the in terest of Theodore F. Baldwin , who carried on an extensive stock specula tion with llyerson and Boole from 1877 until the failure of the bank , and during that time ho lost 45,000 , which was paid , und that ho still has. $ 20,000 on deposit to cover margins. All this occurred while Baldwin was drawing a salary of $35,000 a year , and had no other legitimate income. The buildinu1 once owned by the Young Men's Christian association waa altered into u theatre nt a cost of $25,000 , which was paid by Theodore F. Baldwin. It now belongs to. Bald win , who used thu kink funds , to- pay for it , Cannon's Case , National Asmx-ItUcd l'rc * SAN FiUNt'isco , December 18. Chief Justice Hunter , of Salt Lake , yesterday refused to sot aside or to certify the order heretofore mode by him in the case of Campbell vs. Cah > non , in which ho held that the certifi cate of naturalisation was obtained by fraud and hud boon fraudulently usad nnd wan void on its faco. That Cololirutod Custr National Auoclitctl I'rtss. LKWISTOK , 111. , December 18. Tjjo colobmtod divorce case of Pray vs. Pray , ended yesterday , with a verdict of guilty as to Mr. Pray and ii-it guilly as to MM , Pray. Mf