THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER IT , U81. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Doc 17. Wnatlior Report- ( Th lollnwinR observations nrc tnkcn at Iho xno moment ol time nt all the rtn- tlomuatncd. ) , WA DurAnrMr.xt , U. 8. flxmt. SIRVICB , 1 ( OMAHA , IX-cemlicr 10 , 1HS1.M p. m. ) ( _ _ Illvor love low water mnrk , four feet ami nevcn Inches , nnii Irorcn. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Knights Temiilnr of Oinnhiv RO in Lincoln on Monday , Social Art club reception to-night sit MAX Meyer's hull. Remember the matinee of tbc ( tlfjiin. lean Minstrelthin afternoon. --Olgnntean KUiMtrel'H tantlnec at lloyd's opera hcxmc this nfternfton. Specialty of Prescriptions at Opera House i. harmacy Schrotcr&IJccht. oc2SU Go to r rr' 10th utrefl ( Inirf ntoro for Holiday goodn. ( leclfi.m KHKNCII , tlio ( Jrocer , han nboiit a fine n lay out of Kroflh 1'oultry as wo ha vo Been thin hcason. The reception and opening of the Chlldi ) ' honpltJil take * place UiU afternoon nd evening ; Nlndell & Krolle. 1'ractlcal HnUcin , have remnveil ti N. K. corner of 13th and Varnham utrcetii. dl8-5t Alice , wife of Ueo. L. I'rcntus , tiled December 15tli , 1881. Funeral took place y p. m. yesterday. An Omaha Crockery homo WednBeday received 29 CMM of crockery from a Liver , pool house , Imported direct. A motion to nrrcut judgment in the cane of D. H. Oarey was filed Thursday , ' on the grouud * of a defective vc'tlict. Order * for cleaning Water Clone ts , Outhouse.1) , etc. , will bo promptly attended to'.by addressing Owe a Conly , poatolllce , city. decO-Ct Nindell & Krolle , Practical Hattcm , have removed to N. K. corner of l.'Hh and rarnhsm Btreets. dl3-fit It Is Raid that before his removal Kant Mr. A. K. Touzalln contemplated the erec tion of a club house for the 1) ) . & M. boys in Omaha. The lecture that was to have been delivered before the graduating clasH nt Brownell hall , on Friday evening , by Hon. Guy A , Brown , has heoa pontooncd until Monday evening. "Cuckoo , " the [ Saratoga correspond c : ent of TllK BKF , is in danger of his life hinco'hh latest communication. The com' positormado four young Miasca married women , by netting it up Mrs. instead of Mlwi , in the account of the Lyceum ino l > ing. "Cuckoo" was not to blame. A colored man stopped a white girl on Dodge street , near Jeffenion , recently nnd demanded money of her. Two gen- tUmen , who wore driving ly , heard the girl's Borcams and drove rapidly to the pot. AH they came up the negro Hcd and the frightened giil waatakcn Hafcly home. The new Bohemian theatre , recently built at Kexsler's garden on South Thir teenth Htroct , cost 83,500. It is a neat and Hubstnntlal frame stnicture , 34 feet wide and 78 feet long. The auditorium liax a high arched celliog and the Dealing capacity Is something ever 400. The ntago in located at the went end , The Herald says : "When General ( Irant returned from Cali'ornln , the vic tims of the 'ilolly swindle' in Hurl ngton allowed the veteran to BOO their water- worka throw n 3-lnch stream from the same level 307if ot high. " The Herald's ignorance on the xubject haa been the ca\wo of much mirth among firemen nnd waterworks men to-day , as such a thing ay it aMwertfl Is an Impossibility. The alleged test was a joke on Pat 0. Hawoo. which was posaibly overheard and conveyed Id the Herald edittr. Mr. 8. Lehman IIOH purchased Uie property on the Bouthwett corner Twelfth and loupla streets , formerly owned by H. Latey , aud now ocuplod as n dnig utore. He Intends to remodel the entire building and Ci. It up us one of the meal elegant jewelry HtorcH in the city. Con aidering the big boom in corner lotn , anc the fact of iU being located nearly oppo Mite both the Mlllard and Metropolitan we think Mr. Lehroau has made a splcndli Investment , having bought it nt the lov price of seven thousi > nd five hundred del lam. The first Herdic fooch ever Been 01 the Htrco s of Omaha won In town Thurs lay , having been driven ever from' Cotmcl Bluffn , with a party to witness the opera tion of the water-work . Among the num bcr were Chief Kngincer Laccy , Thomu Bowman , president of the Itescuo ho * team , Manager Brown of the Western Un ion office , Messrs. Uawson , Beckley-Kiel crand Howe. An exhibition of watei throwing by the Omaha worka wag mad under the direction of Chief Kngineer'Gal ligan for their benefit , and they were ver ' much pleased with it. The proposed banquet of the Omuh board of trade , on January 3d next , In th i new room * of that association , la attract - ' - log the attention of our merchant * , aor If carried out , it in intended to make it grand ( success. A special meeting of a members of the board is called by th . ' office for Saturday evening , Dccemb < 17th , at the rcaum in Union block. Kvcr raemler II requested to be present or ni tify the secretary'whether they favor tl ; banquet or not , aud at this meeting tli committee * are to be api > ointed to til charge of the utfair. PA rtls having fac bearing upon street paving and puhllo lu pioveuients1 are also Invited to be prcsen SKIS HKHK You are tick ; well , there ia iu t ono rein dy that will euro you buyoud possibility i doubt. If H'd Liver or Kidney trouuli Couiiumptlon , Dyspe dia. Debilltj ' Well'H ] Iealth Jtenewer" u your lioix $1. Druggist Deirat , C. 1' . Good in ai Omaha. ( i ) r "WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladles onlj C , K , OoodmtnV. L ST. JOHN , The Great Temperance Qov ornor of Kansas Lectures in This Wicked City. Ami Doolnre * That Prohibition i * n Grand Snoooim. The celebrated prohibition lender nnd etmltHcnn governor of Kanna nrrlvwl in city ycntcrtlay , after lecturing" at Lin- oln and I'Uttsmotith on the subject in which lie is HO deeply Intcreited. ( ! ov. > t. John came to this city on the invita- > n of Mr. John It , Finch , and lectured ely in Omaha and the oilier two cities Miifd , his. appoatanco here bcln an- onnccd several dayH a < i for 1'rlJay eyen- ng. The ( llstlnK l"hcdiMlor wan glvon grand reception nt Lincoln , where ho , H c corted about by the itnivcr- ity cadetH and baud , hut though wannly welcomed here there Hcerned aTebetn no systematic arrmiijptnent or his reception , bin cnniiiif , ' even belir , ' nknown tu u Inrxc nutnbr of our cltl- CI1R , The lecture was delivered nt the Fir.t M. II. cluirch , that edifice belns "ly omfortably fillet , but the nudicnce beliiff f a character very llnttcrin to the ability .nil renown of tfio temperance Kovomor. 'he lecturer U a innn of iiiediiiin stature , icrvons nd wiry o institution , and very irepoa-rewInK In his manner. Ho has a .ilcaoant voice and delivery , in n irai > hiu nlkcr , and at tlmcH ( 'rci.vrt iiillo | clmin n the clIncunNloii of liin fa\nritu tlienie. Tlio lecture wax In HiibHtnnce ppcnl for teniper nce , enlivened I y cnu- ilcrablo wit an i linmnrnnd many apt nnd well told uiipodotcs andi lluntrations , jii't nough ntntia ic < brii ( , ' worked In to pliow lut fieurex wouldn't go back on the caiiKC. Lncdltoriul in n momlng paper of ycnter- ay WAH tuken up nnd it paragraphs an- wered one by one. The Bix-aker wan frc- lucntly intcrnipted by the heartiest ap- tlauiio and hi * . Hal Hun in a humoroiiH direc- Ion greeted with no little laughter. THAT AHHAUf.T. Yextcniay's IKK contained a dispatch rom riattmnntith to the effect that John ) . Finch , the tctn | > crance advocate , as- aultcd the editor of the PlnttHinouth Jour- al on Thursday night. The awmult wan irovoked by tha I llowing paragraph that ppearcd in the Journal the same evening : "It is In lie hoped that the prohibition nee tin < In thin city this evening will not e ottende I tiy the notnriouu John It. 'inch , whose reputation is so thoroughly mircncd by immoral disclosures that bin renenco would detract greatly from the oed effect of the meeting , " In the evening Finch went into The ournal otlice nnd , after a few hard words Hh the editor , ( J. W. Hherman , ntruck tin in the face. Sherman ha i 1 < inch im- nedlatcly arrested. Upon arraignment esterday the temperance leader pleaded iilltyiuul wan fined ttm tlollan and costx. 'he aff.ilr created nnme cxeitoinent in 'lattsmnuth. DIED FROM I.AUDANUM. 'ame Hnrrii Commits Suicide on a Went Bound Train. JnnicN Harris , n and well to do amor of Atlantic , Iowa , committed miiddo hllu In a Hleoping car birth on board the 'nion Pacific train wcstwnnl bound , hurxday night. The nuicido WBH difcnv- red near Kearney , and the unfortunate man died soon after Ids raHh deed was din- loscd , The remains were brought back n train No. 4 yenterday forenoon , In targe of ) IH ! brother , T& . It. HarrlH , nnd nclo , D. A , IlniTix , both rcaidonts near Vtlnntic. The lirothcr stated 'to' a BEK reporter iat the dccensed MilFered an injury by .lling , last summer , which , coupled with previous sunstroke , tended to derange Is mind. Ho was taken to the ountaina in the summer and aturncd , evidcnt'v benefitted. Kecently , owover. h's sytnptims of Insanity had ro- ppearcd , and hin brothrr nnd undo had .artcdto again take him to the mountains. "he Insane man would frequently coin- lain of a terrible pain in bin bead , nnci do- 'red to procure laudanum tu cano It. It an the especial watch of the two men to revcnt hint obtaining the drug , but iroiigh Homo means he Miccccdi'd In get- n a vial nt the Omaha depot , nnd niter utiriiiK to his berth ho took tlie contents. Vliile under the lnlluunc of the poison he ut n Might gONh in bin neck , which tit 'rst wiix thought to have been the causonf eath The physician , bowc.ver , declared hat the wound thus indicted was not fatal nd that Harris died from the laudanum. The remains were taken to hlx home .car Atlantic yesterday forenoon , and the unerul will ho held to-day. The ifa and elatlves of the deceased nave the Mymiia- by at tha untiro community In which hey reside. Feeble Lailloi. Thoao languid , tiruaoino Bonsations , causing you to fool scnrcnly ublo to bo on your foot ; that constant drain that s taking from your system all its elasticity ; driving the bloom from your chocks ; that continual strain up on your vital forces , rendering you ir ritable and fretful , can easily bo re moved by the use of that marvelous remedy , Hop Bitters. Irregularities nnd obstructions of your system are relieved nt once , while the special cause of'periodical pain is permanent ly removed. Will you hood this ? [ Cincinnati Saturday Night , ilecl-13 I. O. O. T. All the members aru reiiucxted to moot at the ledge room at 7:30 : tliU ( Friday ] evening , to attend the toninerat > ce leture of Covernor Ht. John , of KatiKaH , at the Fir.t M. K. Church. W.J. WAIIII , Hccrutury. An Important Chang * , We notice that ttio old Mnrxli Harvontvi company'of Sycamore. Illinois , HO wcl known throughout Nebraska , IIB.H glvei plico to the Mareh Hinder Manufacturini Company , Wu are informed that tliU cor poration has bef n organlied npecially ti meetcunditiariH arlalng from the cxplra tion of the license * loir < ago ] granted bj Marsh Urothen to Kaster , Gammon j Deerluj , and to the Sycamore Marjh liar vcJter Mauufacturlng Company , Al territorial limitations on the Mar/h 'har ' venter are ended , so the Marsh Itrotlien In connection with other leading capital ists at Sycamore and vicinity , hav formed this new company , with an nu thorzed capital of § 000,000 ( of whlcl amount g300OCO hna already been paid and IncreaKod capacity In order to carry 01 the extensive huslno&i contemplated. Tim Marsh Urutherwho are well knowj in this community , have a majority of tin utock , A > < onir the other heavy Ktockhold era nre J. H. Waturinin , u wealthy banker J , It. Kllwood , of UeKnlh , the wcnteri barb wio < klnir ; It , Kllwood , preiident o thejt. Klwood manufacturing company o Sycamore , lllln. ' ! ' , Mid 0. W. Vale , < hlcajio cat ItalUt a lint of men who cm aud will back the Itibtltutl u for whaievc it may require for future extension of bud nwi , We undentand the company wll devote lUelf principally to the nianufac ture of their new Marxh harvester an binder and the Mar h-Whltney > , latfori and binder , the demand for both machine liehiglitgelr In exceMuf prcscnlability to suiiply , Wo notice aiming thu olllccrs the n lno of Wallnce Wlieclcr nn gcncr l ftgent , with hcadpiartcrf ) nt 5ycalllor ( nnd while wo regret to lt o to good a Iwilncnn limn ni Mr. Whrcler fnun our mlrUt , the olllce will b cmitiniKil under efficient manage ment. THE OIQANTEAN MINSTRELS. A Finn Show , Well Hnntllod nnd FullefFnn. The CJin'antcan inlnttrelx , traveling ir.mi IViflton under thu proprletorxhlp ( .f M , II. I/cavitt npjieared at Itoyd's op r& hou.0 lant evening before n good nlzcd nu- . dteLce. While not UR "gigantean" ni their name Impllcn , the troupe are nevertheless good , * nd g.vo a p1e < mant and generally fantldioiiH an entertainment an could bo ankcd for , The first part wan net with Lew Itene- .llcl , Dave Itccil , 1' . 0. Shortly 11. Carl , and John Cameron as manipulator * of the "lumen , " and I Illy Arlington. Harry Arm strong , John Kvanx , John Kelly nnd John Uand its "tnmboM. " Tlir o ten end men nre all wcl ! known in thu tniiii > trei htiHinuRK , and niauu R eve nil excellent hti ! iniiew jokcH , licslden | ii'ncniiiig aplcnnlng vaiietyof ballaiU. Of the latter , "The Chicken Jubilee. " "llluc Alnatlan M..un. tulnt" , " and "Higher and Higher " were cdptclally well ming , Lew Itcncdlct pre- editing tholatt nnmcd. I * . C. Khortlt in hii s | > cclaltlt > .s did good wotk and wan heartily applauded. He especially took thu hnuno In Ids act of dancing and jdaylng bin own accompani ment on the violin. The n | > eratic finale from Ilnccncio , en titled "The Coppers" was very pleasingly presented nnd Included many novel feat ures. The Nhmlni ; wnt especially fine , and the closing churns elicited much nil- Counon and Kelly , UH " eng nnd dance artlnU" were iniinenHC. They were en led out Hevrral times , nnd the ludicr.ius situa tions and high and lof'y tumbling they en- gitged In were of the laughable na ture. ture.The ( tiguntcnn Quartette , consistin ? of Arthur Cook , It. T. Tyrrell , William Kel- lug/ , and J. W. Lament , are without question the equals of any minNtrcl iiuai- tctte In the couutry. Their voice * , ore splendidly concerted , and all evince a high musical culture. Tiioy were called for ftovirid times , nnd responded with plenum /elections. Old time minstrelsy was H novel fea ture , and represented the lint scene in minstrelsy ever produced In tliU country , as placed upon tlie stage by Dan Kmnett : , thu veteran , about forty yeara ngo. In its presrntation last night Mr. Etnmttt was the central figure , and his Introdiiction to the audience wad a Ai nnl for applaii e. The remainder of the entertainment consisted of n burlesque oration by iiilly Arlingt n , which contained mime good hits ; the three lUnklus in their side- plitting kin > t nr iciicarnal ; Don Kmrnott tnd Tavo Heed in a specially ; nnd con- hided with 11 laiiglmblcafterp ceo entitled 'Patience the Snake Ohaimer ' , or , in which liurtcim Stanley , the masculine so- irano , uppearcd at his bent. Iturton is a ne feumlo imperHimntnr , eiuul | to , if not urpuHHhig J. Arthur Doty. During this iimcs < | iiQ , the "Gobble Duett1 , " from 'Iho ' Alnscottf , " was wel1 rend red by t rton ml Williuii Kellogg , IL < rry \rniHtrong , as ' Tatt c , " was a b'g ' hit , nd kept the audience in a roar with his tinny performances nnd insatiable nppe- iU. iU.AH AH a whole the ( Jigantcjuw are n fine niustiel troupe. Their costumes are of iticli better get-up tlinii th"se of any ther troupe , except I he MasUulom , over 11 Omnha , aud their vocal artlutri tire of . very hi h order. Tney give a mat 'nee .nd evening performance to-day. Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnell ilouso , Tuoadaya and Fridays , 10 a. n. to 4 p. m. tf PERSONAL. .1. S. Halbert wont cast yesterday. L. A. Iteltzcr , of Osceola , Is in town. Miss Emma Wilson , of Kearney , in in Ity. Ity.Loran Loran Clarke , of Albion , Neb. , i In the ity.N. . N. S. Harding , of Nebraska City , is in lie city. Geo. H. ItmokniH umnng the Llncolnites n thh city. S. S. Lowe , of Fremont , arrived in the ity yesterday. H. W. Harcly , of Lincoln , spent ycwter- .ay In Omaha. A. G. Scott , of Lincoln , arrived In hunha lout night. L. M. DIehl , of Syracuse. > feb , , is visit- ng Omnha a few dnys. K , F. Morris , of Full * City , Is a guest it the Withnell house. I'rof , Samuel Aughey , of Lincoln , ni- ivod in Omnha yesterday. K. It. ( irillin and wife , uf North 1'lattc , aru registered nt the Withncll House , J . D. Jones , late of Tin : BKK eHtablUh- ncnt , hiiK xccured a position In Seaman's taper wareho me. i-s , J. H. 1'ierco , acoimpanled t > y her sister and two children , leivei fur her mine in Dixou county to-day. The friend * of J. II. Wcllx , formerly chief clerk of It. U. Dunn & Co.'s mercan tile agency , will bo pleased to learn of his iromotion tit the assistant managership of hoOmahaoIHce In the employ of thosamo company. [ Detroit Free Picss , Decem- ) cr 4. FACTS THAT WE KNOW. Tf you ixro suHurnig from n severe cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con sumption , JOSH of voice , tickling in the throat , or any affection of the throat or lungs , wo know that DR. KINO'H NKW DIHCOVKKY will give you immeiliato relief. Wo know of hun dreds of casts it haa completely cured , mul that where all other medicine : had fsiiled. No ether remedy can dhow ono hnlf na many permanent 'cures. Now to give you Batisfnctory proof that Dr. KING'S NKW Discov- KUV will wire you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Severe vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness or any Tlitoat.or Lung Disease , if yoi will call at J. K. Isu & MoJAiioN' Drug Store you cmi got n trial bottle free of cqst , or a regular sixo bottle for 81,00. janlUlyS ( ) 0. C. Cook & Co. , Council Bluffs Iowa , general agents for II. D. Rush' Golden Eagjo Flour for Omnha , Neb Orders solicited by telephone or ether wiso. doclS'lm * liroinptoniea the Ho s cough Phya ic , See card in another column , dec. i.Mf. APPLE JELLY nt ono third the price of butter declt.2t ) nt J. I. NICHOLS. CHRISTMAS abb D S nrtho "BOSTON STOKE. " Tltt'NKS , 11AOH AND TOV TKUNKK , dool5-3t AT MAKHOFF'S. A SURPRISE Hr. A. Rn cnbory' i Rculilonoo In- vndod by Hi * Employes. nnd Friendn. I/i t evening A party Including the band > f the Minlcal Union ordiestra , left the residence of Mr. W. H. Martlnotitch for Vorth Omnha on a very delightful mist-ion. rho object of the nlpht raid was to Mir- iriflo and capture tin c.vtlo occupied by Mr. A. Uiwenbery , the contractor and lullder no long nnd favorably known AS a citizen of the Gata City. It was Mr. Itosenlwry's 3"th birthday anniversary and the victors.bin employes and friend * , went with music and refresh ments to moke merry nd rejoice with him over the fact. A substantial mark of es teem and regard was conveyed by the tarty In the nhape .f sup rbly made and ) cautiful n t of fllvcr ten pieces and a salver. The picccn Ino'uded ' coffee and tea urm , pitcher * , sugar bowl , etc. , all of which were gold lined nnd engraved with a card design in bai relief , the whole being ono of the richest patterns manufactured. On the nalvcr were two lolic' old pbitcc , ipon which wa.i engraved the wor s , "From hN cmployen t < > A. Hosenbery i n his. 87th bitthday , " followed by the lint of Inhomos follows ; M. S. Mnrtlnovlck , C. O. Tullln , W. Co.lln . , Ira 1' , H. Thomas. , P. Sperling , Foster t ( ! ray , Chicago Lumber company , A. L. Strang , L. Kol- msh , K. Frost , A. Stohl , A. Mnlberg , A. .lftn < cn , K. llx ! , F. Hullcnbcck , C. Katbltn , J. Kendall , J. Lnftus , I * . Xich , A bwartwm , and many i.thorn. The set was obtained nt the -welry j cm- : > onuiu of llax ey & Itro , who pro nounced It imp of the finest in o > ery re spect orer n.-iit ivit of their cstabliHhmcnt , while the win k of engraving wns done n their best lyle , the wliolo Ousting uiiw.irds of .5,300. The company succeeded in completely surprising the rebi | > lent of the mngnllicent ( Ift , and had a ro al time at his rrs donee , oturning > t a lute hour. The orchestra 'urnlahed nnme flrst-cloHs munic nn thtt oc- cosloo. Jacob MartzolT , Lancaster , N , V. , says your Hi'iiiNR ULOSHOM works well for everything you _ recnmmend it ; myself , wife , and children have all upcd it , and you can't find a healthier family in New York St ito.-Oct. 5. 18SO. eod-lw BAB BOTS. Ihm RMnlb of Readlnn Modern Jn- TCBlle liiteratare- Some time ago an account was published of ac.t\e or don in the northern part of tha city , lilted up and occupied by a band of youthful devourers of the dime novel and similar literature , anxious to emulate he deeds of noted robbers and highway- nen. Hmce then several arrests have been nadc in the southern part of the city , the uvenlle olfcuders being of decidedly ten der yearn , and last night another clique < f .hesaine sort w > s arrested aud broken up , ; he various olliccrs' _ picking out n pretty clear ca e of depravity against th.s rising ; eneration. In the boot and shoe st reef of ircss'S. ' Feenty & Connally , on Six teenth street near Can ? , wns the point of attack , nnd the alleged gang included lour small boys named icjpec'ively ' Owen Connolly nelly , Klldie Warbright , Denny Thompson uid Vincent Valentine , the latter possess ing a name well c iiciilattd to adorn tlie history of a noted outlaw. The tlepredatitini of tliexo bovn began about two weeks ago. when they xtolo a : > alr of boots from the Looks outsiilo the Front door. It was nt the time susi ectod Lhit there was an orgimized attempt to raid the st re , and this suspicion became a certainty when , Thursday afternoon , a poi > of valuable Arctic * were stohn , fol- loived by the adroit theft yesterday after noon of two pair of rubber ' oot-i. _ Tlie lost act , however , was discovered in time tn capture the yuuthful party and re cover the plunder. Conn illy , Tliomppon and Warbriuht went to the front of the store , and white one engaged the firm in a conversation about picture cards , thu oth er tw < i8ii al < ti I the boots olT the hooks and decamped with them up the alloy. They h d scarcely gone \vlim a neighbor informed the firm of the theft anu chose was civcn atoiue. The trio was overhauled on Wubntcr street between 18th and lllth , In a private yard which they had entered to wnxh tlieir feet and put on the now liootu. Od seeing that they were pur sued they lied , but Wnybright w < s cup- tured by Mr. Feeiicy and Counol y run down by Mr , Win. Fleming , who was p suing by in n buggy at the tine. Wnylirigut was handed over to Constable Chas. Ilollnw , who took him home to bis mother , Connolly was taken before Judge licnoku and gavu the whole business > . > v.ty [ ind wai released on bail , warrants being issued for the other boys , tlie chargti Ijcing [ ictit larceny. The examination uill probably tukv place to-d ty ( Our Experience from Many. "I had been sick und miserable so long and had caused my husband so muoh trouble and uxpunao , no one seomcd to know what ailed me , that I was completely disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop Bitters nnd ust-d them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained BO fast that my husband nnd family thought it atraugo and unnatural , but when I told' them what had helped mo , they said "hurrah for Hop Ititiers ! long may they prosper , for they have made mother well and us happy. " The Mother. [ Homo Journal. dl-15 Tb Grand Jury Adjoarns- The grand jtuy , which Imi been ou u- pied for the past two weeks in iiivvxtigR- tion of the Smith murder , adjoin ned yen- tcnlay until Thursday next , without ac tion in the mutter. They found two In dictments oglnst August A null , th ? man nrrcstod on ThuniJay evening , charging , him I with having menaced and intimidated Judge Lhuuly. What the ac tion of thu grand jury in the Smith ca o will be it is difficult to foretell. labor Ball. A dauca was given in Standanl hall lost evening for the benefit of the colored loclctiea known as the ' 'Knights of Tuber" and the "Daughters .of the Tabernacle , " About a hundred couple attended , Hoff man's orchestra ftiriilsbod the music. Sup per W&H provided iu the hall dining room. Tlie dance was. of a very pleasant nature , and tliojo p-esent "nhook it down" lively until lute at night. Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and yon will uovc.r ho bilio'i' C. F , Goodman' * Child' * Hospital Opened. The child's hopltal , for the care of stele and imlixcnt children , which has been instituted under the atuplces of thu Kpli copal aud other churches , was fornuill > opened yenteiday nftornoou and evening. The hcMpital wa * viitod by largo mimbcru of liullci anil gentlemen , and its appoint ments \vcro highly commended , There aio six beds In tlio hcwpltal , two of which ure now occupied. Sinter Sarah is the lady iu charge and it in sure that the attain ol th hodpilal are in good hands , lilubop Clarkbon and a number of the clergymen in the city were present during the after noon nnd cvcnin ? , Quite a liberal um vas MI ! Fcribeil for the mi-lntcimiico of the , and Its ixMinnncncy It doubtleM A CURIOUS CASE. Alleged Imprisonment ofn Woman for Board- ( teorge McKinney arrived In this city with his wife about three weeks ago , and engaged board of Mi * . M. W. Simpton , corner .South Klo\enth and I < cavcnworth Klrcets. Thursday he appeared befor * Tu ge Itenecke and made complaint against Mrs. Simpson and ono Toseph W. Kayo , charging thtm with falsely imprisoning bin wife and baby the latter born since its parents arrived in Omaha. The parties comD nincd tgalnit were arrcslod Thumlay and gave hall In $ T > CO each , Kd Stcrickcr becoming > ) onUtnan fur appearance at two o'clock ycs'oidny. ' McKinney alleges that bis wife was taken ill teen after they went to Mrs. .Simpson's IIOUKC , nnd is now In a delicate : omlition , with n habo .but two weeks old. Ho wiui unnblt ! to p.iy Mrs , Simp- * ; on the full amount of her bill , which nho ma o nut at$15 per week , and so when 10 had hired n hem < c and proposed to re * move his wife nnd child there , the McKin- : icy woman and Kayo , who seems tn be "tho man about the hous-1 , " re'tised to cither allow Mrs. McKinney to l avc or ; ivo her husband admittance into the room where she Is. Ho therefore swore ( lit n warrant against them for Imprisonment of lis wife nnd child. The Minstrels L axitt'ft ( ligautciin minstrels arrived in the city yesterd y and give a grand en tertainment at lloyd's ojicia house to night. The street , made at nonn , was very creditable , and n first-class , aughab'e performance may be expected , o-nglit. ! An exchange says of the com pany : "The first part presented thirty-f ur ; and when we say " 'perform- ere , wo mean artiste , all of them , nuchair- wa mem being lined to till up the stage , which has often been the cast * of late with a great many of the large nhown. Thi-i lortinii of the cluiu- was excellent , thu line pi1 ging of the quartette I i.'ini ? heartily en cored ; and the eiid men kept things lively with their fu my s iyings and doing : ) , and : o their credit bo it xaiif , they were mostly IB" . The olio is a flue one , not a | oor < r .edioun net in the s.iiiie , and some ( if thoui ibove the average by several degrees. Mr. horliss gavoas clever and enj yublc an xct as we have ever seen in a whuw of this < ind. ( 'onl I3urgcs wax n funny as ever. The four comets are a team that make everything go with a hurrah while theyare m the .stago. The old time'e scene , ed By the veteran Dau Ktumctt , waH great- v enjoyed , and the nut-ical act by the We t ln Brothers and Wo d and Itensley was the most cnjoyahl- and artistic ono we have ever seen. The burlesque cloning lie liill sent all home in high Kood humor , ready to give a g od word for Leavitt'H minstrels. THE FINEST AND BEST KI.TTl.Xtt . ( ! IIILIWKN'S Sl'UIXCI 1IKKI , < IIOKS ARE LAIKD , SCIIOHEH it MITCH ELL'S , KOU WHICH WE AUK THK ONLY HOUSK ix OMAHA , IIUYINO DIUECT I'HOM THK 1'ACTOUY , THEUE1IY OIV1NO THE BCYEIt THK I1EST .SHOE 1'OSSIIILK TO WEAlt. r. D. MoltSK. "Wnr Department Matters. Jatlnnal Apsociatol Prciu. WASHIXCJTON , December lThe ( war department ha < published a gen eral order stating that more discrimin ation should bo given in courts mar- ial where men are trisd f > r desertion ; o the intention of men , whether they were merely absent without leave and ntending to return , or whether they n tended to deport. Desertion , it Bays , s unauthorized absence accompanied ) y tlio intent of not returning and ioth must be proven to sustain the charge. The war department has notilied the signal service observers that their rec ords are part of the records of the war department and not open t > unauthor- zcd inspection or to bo produced in court upon a subpiuna without author ity from the war department. When such is required the war department must bo notified , when proper orders trill be issued. Bead National Associated 1'rcss. PHILADELPHIA , December Hi. M. A. Wurts , fiinco 1801 recording secre tary of the Sunday school union nnd wsidont of its board of mission , in which capacity lip had been instru mental in organizing J , > IOO Sunday schools , with a membership of7,000 , is dead. THE MISSISSIPPI. Synopsis of tlie Report of the River Commiition. N tloual Associated 1'ri'jis. WASHINGTON" , December 10. The Mississippi river commission report covers about eighty pages of foolscap uid ia accompanied by several voluminous inous appendices giving details of sur veys of the rivor. The following is an abstract of what the commission says about levees ; The utility of lovocs as a means to prevent destructive floods , which is one of the aids enumerated in the act creating the commismon is too obvious to require comment. The importance to bo attached to that object is t\ mat ter wholly within the discretion of congress and not suitable to discuss here. That the utility of levees as a means to deepen the channel of the river and improve and give safety and oasp to navigation , is u subject on which difference of opinions exist , und in respect to which the facts alluded to do not carry equal weight , is evident - dent to the minds of all the members of the commission. It is considered by all that levees , by confining thu flood waters of the river within re stricted apace , aided in some degrco to increase the llowing and deepening power of the current ; but as to the extent and potency of these influen ces on the improvement of thu water channel for the purpose of navigation merely , improvement is most needed , and their value for that purpose , as compared with ether methods of im provement , and as compared with their cost , are regarded as subjects requiring - quiring further observation and study and the accumulation of further and moro comprehensive data before the final conclusion can bo reached concerning them. In the meantime- the existing state of know ledge and the judgment of the com mission cannot bo bettor expressed than in the words of their report of February 17 , 1880. Tlio commission- era say they are not in posacsssion of the data doomed neccessary in making a trust worthy the estimate of the entire coat of a levee system , but a great reduction in evidently praclic- able in the amount of former esti mates , Im.tL'd on thu nxsurcd existence of it river bed not subject to evasion and on levee work at forty or fifty cents per cubic yard. Speaking of solid structures the re port sajs : "Failure- , disappointment and imperfect results are to bo ex pected in seine degree when dealing with national agencies of great mag nitude by means of novel and imnmtured expediencies. It has been shown by years of patient and lastinq ctlort that solid and heavy structures will not itund in the bed of the Mississippi river , unless built of .dimensions and curried to depths that would forbid their gchoral uee for the purpose of channel improvement , nnd it may well bo doubted whether the marvelous capacity of this water way will over bo usefully developed nnd inado tributary to the power , wealth and happiness of the people , unless it can bo accomplished by the use ot light and comparatively inexpensive devices like those which have bi'en named or may bo devised and per fected. It is the unanimous opinion of the commission that tlio improve ment of the navigation of the Missis sippi below Cairo upon the plan recom mended in 1880 is entirely practica ble , and that completion of the works , for which partial cstimutcH wore then submitted , with others of similar character where the navigation is bad or may hereafter become so , will establish and maintain n continuum low river channel not less than ten foot deep over all shoals and bars be tween Cairo and the hettd of tlio passes , with the possibility of attain ing practicable depths considerably beyond that limit. In making the required estimate of the total cost of thcso improvementsdifficulties of ape- culiarcharacterarcencountercdamong ; them may bo mentioned the uncer tainty necessarily attending the novel methods of construction , the absence of precedents indicating the degree and promptness with which the de sired results may bo achieved , the possible existence of gravel beds which will hare to bo removed by dredging , and the probability that ono of the effects of the improvement will bo the development of bad bars and the necessity of additional works it localities where the navigation has heretofore been good. " It is expected that § 33,000,000 will cover the im provement. WORTH r OF I'llAISE. AH a rule wo do not recommend patent medicines , but wlum wo know jf ono that really is a public benefac tor , and does positively cure , then we consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitters nre truly a most valuable medicine , and will surely cure Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney complaints , oven where all other rem edies fail. We know whereof wo speak , and can , freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottlo. Ish .fe McMahon. (7) ( ) SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , Kor gale , Lost. Found. Wants , Boarding. Ac. , will bo In serted In these ox > Iumns once Jor TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS per line. The * first Insertion no\er less than TXVENTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN MONEY. ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law OIHce of D M L. Thomu Room 8 CrolKhton Bloek. To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent1 on good real cstatesecurlty , Ly UR. ISAAC EDWAKD3 1109 Farnhatn St. ' ° LOAN At 8 per con tin- tereat In sums of 2eoO and upwards , for ? to 6 years , on first-class city and farm property. UXMIS Unit ESTATE and Lois AQKXCT. 16th and Douiclas SU. HELP WANTED. A position af , clerk or alc8innn. WASTKIl rifeienccs fc-lvcn. Address , Viiueht , Dee ollleo. 73110 Orders for music Ic.-sona in private WANTKU families , both vocal and Instrnincntal , A years experience. Address , J. K. M. , Itco olllec Hoard in pmato family for aladv WANTKU cbl drcn durln ; , ' the winter. Ad dress Mating urniH and Location , ( Gcmia' lamliy prefered ) . C' . E. 11. , lieu ollleo. ! ! 5 171 One iropil eook.oplvat onico WANTED Engineer , futon I'-i'-ifle lUilronil Ileadiiiartcni | llullulnt ; . 739-17 Qlrl for gcteral housework , at WANTED St. 737-101 ITirANTKU A cirl'for ' housework. Oerinan or TT I > auo preferred. Jlrn. Uln liain , Idth St. , bet. Lenvcnworth an I ilaroy. 712-141 A llr t i-ln s cool , Ininicillately , at the OceiJcntal. 7-3 tl - ' havinif npei-1 1 worl : In the woodworking line , xuch as eiixh , \ < u\- making , eommon tables or anythlni ; lielonyliii , ' to that claxK of work will Hnd it to their ml\ant- ayc tu ndilresbn , Woodworker , Ike oltico. ' - A drl for jrciieml liou-ework In WAM'KD- tAO. Oooj wsfcs nnd steady employment. dee3-4t , WANTKlCliiimedlatuly u eook , at 1120 II r- ney St. 002 tf ANTED A No. 1 barber , 700 South Tenth W Street. 717-17' . - the Cartlel I House , four < r WANTED-At nlio day batrdert , 14th and Jackson btrcetn. 718-17 * . - In a iom | > eteiit nilllir. WANTED-Sltuatlon co irlven. Will comu anytlmebc'wrai nowaiultno l t of Janiuty. Ad < rcwi J. B , I.liulsAV , Windom , .Minnojota. 710-17. Olrltodo housevtork. Kniulro W 1110 Fainhim St. Ut-U Kundlnp bridge and -.iiool bonds. WANTED Olark. R Vl vn . gfl-tf _ FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. 1IKNT New houne of 4 rooms , mar 11 FOH I * hop * . Apply at 1131 fihcrman averui . 7U51C 'ITIOK Hf NT Nicely liirnUliecl fiont room , S .L unfurnlilicd roomn ; catt tide 17th St. one door north of Douglas. 735-lOt HENT-S rooms over Jicobs' ClothlnK POR tore. No. 1120 Karnliam Ht. Sultible f Ji Mllees or eleep'njr ioonn. 738-17 UKNT-Tuo furnished rooms , tultablcfor FOR - luune-keepin ; , li'JIU t'allfoinlast. 731 tf RKNT Larfc-e brick store on Fourteenth FOU Kirnham St . Imiulru at Nindcl & Krclle , Cor. 13h ! and Farnham. 730-17 IJIOH RENT A furnUheJ room to a single lady J ? or a gentleman , with orwithout board. All ply N. W. corner California and 10th St. 721 17 rroil KENT I'leaeanl front room , corner ol S Burl and 17th , 1700 Hurt t. 7Utf , OH HUNT-FurnUhcd rooms at A. A. dlh- I bon's , California , bet. Kth and 1'tli. I710R HKNT Nlcoy furnished rooms with J } board , a few day boarders can bo acom- modatetl , U'jlS ' Cau St. 701-tf - furnished room for limit FOUllENT-One > o 2Un-i > rooms with a piano in \\lllbefrrrent lith Inst. H. W. Cor IBth and Capitol avenue. WO 10 FOR RENT Boarding house , corner Kth and DodseHtl. W5-17 * SPECIAL NOTIOES Oontmuad KKXr KiirtiUhnl room * ler one or two ifcntlcmcn , N.V. . Tor , SOtli mi.l . ' Si * . ' ' Oi'-lf' I.T It KENT A store J2\HO , II ted lor v .1 let nn < l dry Roods. Arwlv ' JOHN' rowi.Kit , . usi-si' \VM crly.Nvb. M Uioll IlKN'T l'f torv hoiiiV , 7 roonu. cellar / 1 well and extern , $18 MSI month. 1241 X. / II tli St. iwt-17 * EOI ! HKNT A iilrawit front room , newly furnished Southwest corner 10th and St. Mar.y'sotcniu' . iaw-15' " " | 7bll ( HKNTit or l Kle rnou , nlwly X1 furnished , at.N. W. ior. sah and I ) v i. | > ort. Iji. It IIKNT-A tlmt'ilvw hnll for society pur- JJ po * . ( . Cm ( rally located. For particulars enquire hennard tiros. , 14th and Douutns Kt . P Oil ItKNT-One parlor on ground floor and one chamber hnndotnfly fuml hcd , filli ; faltforiiltt Ht. _ FOR IlEST-Knrnlshcilroorawtthcloset. Good location. KlzcolUvH. Knnulrcat Y. M. C. A. KENT Now Iioufeof 7 rooms , 19th and UractiSU. Knqulre E.V. Smith. 184-tf PWIl 11KNT Kurnlf-hcd rooms , north Milo ol California .St. , iM door vunt o ! Slut. Inquire niter 1 ) i. in. 434-tf IJ10U RENT ! lurnuhod room * ever Mel- 1 : chant * ' ExchriKON. E. cor. inih and DO < | K * > direct * . _ 280tf FOR BALE , 17101 ! HAl.lvA team of bhck horses. Kinuln | of Omaha Merchants'express turn , 727-21 171011 SAI.i--Or : will exchange for Onwha pro- I : I'cily. ail Improved section of land adjoin ing n jtBtloti on t' . P. It. It. M. DUNHAM. 1118 I'nnihumSt. , Omnha. I71011 SALK Or trade for city property , on ; > pau o ( horses , harness and nagon. Addrw S. V. , Ihlsolllcai 722 tl ITIOfv SALiK A InilldlriK ! ! 2.wltli acomiilctu ? stock of dry uoods , roccrle and rUtuixw. 1 i | iilro Bl 1 A. Itlth St. ( . ' 95-17 Foil HA LK Large business lot on Harncy St. euitablufor wholesaling. John I . , . JIc Oigue , Opp. I * . O. 021 U FOK 8ALb A Rood tevcn-ycar-old horse M arrantcd to drive olngU or double. Kn quire of George CanUtlJ , Ranfiald houw.norlStf norlS-tf ITUJUaALK Team good ponln , chofii ; at l J ; Ham , 10th St. ocSI-t/ FOR CALK. BRICK 203-tf KSTADKOOK ft COh. 170R SALE Map * of Douzla * and Soniv QUA. J ? MM. A. B08EWATKBl620Farnham tre rl 320-tf MISCELLANEOUS. ) Oil STOLEN A sorrel mule ltb STUAYKl bun.-h on hind lejr. Kinder will bo re- unrded by returning him to Patrick Kord , Omaha. ' 732-1B' . STHAW I'lcntv of nice oit utraw , at Charltnn Bro.'H feed store , IBth and ! ) en- port Sis. 721 tf mo I.KT Nlculy furnished room , with or J. without board , 1417 Howard St. 717 EMIS1 NEW CITY MAPS. 10c. Mount'e B Maps , $2.50. QEO. P. BF.MIS. JHACIISTUASSEU Pays the highest ensli . ] irlcc for berand Imnd billiard and pool tables. Call or addict , 50U South 10th 'trivt , Omaha , Neb. mAKKN Ul' NOTICE Taken up on Saturdaj J. Dee. ard , two bay horses , ajjcs about 5 and U years ; fair tizu and well matched. Owner can have same by proilnc property and payin- ( ehar es. WM KAW1T7.EU , i mila west oJ ( JualcyV coap factory , DuuKlas picclm t. _ . _ Oil ve in lit . SIOUX CITY BUTTON MANUFACTLK- I.HE CO. . Will pay each for horns by thotar- load , delivered at any railroad depot In Sioux City. Texas 'tccr horn preferred For particulars wt- dreg , D. O. Hoblo , Supt. _ ' 013-jl IN CRAYON Pasttlo and Oil , Ira decorative palntln ? . MRS. D. It. WARDNEKj room 1 , Jacob's Block. 542-tf B EMIS' REAL.cai'ATE BOOM bee l.t pu . > . . > HAY At A. II. Sander's Feed Store BALK1 Hamey at. sl9-tf EMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHAMJE. S B In pope. JEMIS has rattling lonx lists of botuca , lots _ lands aud farms for tale Call and gtl hem. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. XOTICK. Special advertisement * , Buch R Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itcnt , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted in this column at the low ratoof TEN CENTS I'EU LINE for the lint Insertion and F1VK C11NT3 i'EIl LINE for each subsequent insertion. Leave ndv crtlscmciits at our efllcc , up-BUlrx , corner Broadway and Jlaln streets , Council lllulTs. IT1UR S ALE Fircit-closs saloon 1J inllei ea t of I.1 cltyon"iloquito"onllnoof II. I. Jt. 1 ! . ( lood paee ! to make moneAddrro , IlKK Olilce , dic9-Ct Council lilolfj. Everybody In Council Bluffs lo WANTED TllK Ur.R , M cents per week , dc livered by carriers. Odico corner Broadway and Main , up stalra , Council Bluffs. 60-2-tf TPOTTEU'S TICKUT OFFICE War In railroad I tickets continues to boom. Unprecedented low rates to all eastern points. Every ticket guaranteed. Orders filled uy telephone. From ono to ten dollars sa\ed by purchasing tickets of C. A. Potter , successor to Potter & 1'almer , No. 40 South Fifth street , four doors below the poet * olllce , Cooncll muffs , Iowa. octia-tl Boy , with vxmy , to carry papers WANTED at BKX olllce , Council Bliitle. octl3-tf buy 100 tons broom com. for particulars address Council Bluffs Broom Factory , Council BlufH , Iowa. 658-gQtf A llrst-claas broom tier. Mayno WANTED Council Bluga , Iowa. 600-30 * | 7\OK \ SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , a < } The Bee offlce. Council Bluffs. se27-tf EDWARD KUEHL MAQ1STER OF PALMY8TERY AND'.CONDI TIONALIST , 488 Tenth Street , between Farnham and Hamey. Will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any ono a glance at the past ant1 prusent , ami on certain condition ! In the fu ture. Boot ) and Shoes made to order. Perfect utiefactl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mode from Ortpe Crca.ii Tartar. No other rpatlon make * such light , flaky hot brtadi. Hxurious pastry. Can be eaten by Dyspeptic wttrout fear of the Ills resulting from heavy gettlblo food. Bold only In cans , by all Groctn ROYAL BAKING FOWDER CO , Now York ,