Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1881, Image 6

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A Substantial Government Build
ing Badly Wanted by Our
Neighbors ,
* -
The Old Opera HOUBO Manager
Wants to bo the Coming
Man at Brown's.
Concert and Hordic Viators to
the Bister City.
The Bee Reporter Soonti Out *
Uo < xl Many Interoitinft Item * .
Vic understand tlmt there arc sonic
inon in this city doing H they can to
prevent n now government building
being located hero. Wo can't bcliovo
It possible tliat any citizen vlet \ \ \ his
own pecuniary interests wnrphis judg-
raont to this extent. This idea of the
government leasing n building for five
years should not bo encouraged \Vo
had bolter put up u ith the accommoda
tions wo now liavo n while longer
than have our now postotlico scheme
abandoned , oven for ono session
of congress. A city of twen
ty thousand inhnlilnnts ought
to liavo a substantial govern
ment building ; wo Imvo put up > ith an
alloy" postoilico.about as long ao wo
ought to bo asked to. Thcic is not
much doubt thaC if a united olforl bo
made nnd the proper particn sent to
Washington , Council Ulufl'a can secure
a government building without going
into such a sweeping arrangement us
proposed in Kcokuk.
Our representative , 1'oter Hepburn ,
has introduced a bill for an appropria
tion for a new postoflico in this city.
Lot us hope that ho may bo successful
in the undertaking.
appeared nt Dohanoy's in the very
pleasing character of "Little Sun-
shino. " Miss Herbert has been suf
fering with a very soyero cold since
ho arrived in this city on Monday
evening , wlton she undertook the char
acter of "Frou-Frou , " She was ex
ceedingly hearse and it was with very
great exertion she was enabled to play
at all. This may account _ in part for
the poor rendition of the piece on that
occasi on. In such characters as the
"Little Detective , " "Oapitola" and
"Littlo Sunshine , " she lias few if any
Those who occupied seats in the gallery -
lory at Dohnnoy'ri Thursday evening
would average up pretty well with the
rest of the house.
John Dohanoy , through the llttlo
theatre paper called the Jtcgistcr ,
makes application for the manage
ment of Brown's now opera house.
S. S. Frank , of Gamer township ,
called at Tun MKE nfiico yesterday
and subscribed for Tim WKBKI.Y BEE.
Ho stated that ho did it not for the
premiums that are offered , but be
cause ho likes the paper for its antimonopoly -
monopoly principles , and says every
farmer in Iowa should take it.
Wo were informed by one of our
citizens , who is generally pretty care
ful in reporting matters , that Patrick
Lscy paid 0. A. Beebeo the judgment
in full against Mayer Vaughan. There
is , no foundation whatever for the
statement. Mr. Lacy did not pay
said , judgment. Some of our loading
citizens , including Hon. George F.
Wright , are subscribing towards pay
ing the aforesaid judgment.
will bo entertained' Monday evening
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Doc
tor McCroa , corner of Eighth ntreot
and Fourth avenue , by the following
members of the parish : Mrs. .1. 1) .
Atkins , Mrs. S. McCrca und Mrs.
VAI.UAIIU : i > oa. (
Mr. McGrow , editor of the Globe ,
yesterday presented Mayor Yaughan
with a very handsome setter , valued
at $100 , pedigree as follows ; Born
April IGth , 1870 , at Dos Mojnes , aired
by Robinson Bros.1 "Pocket , " out
of "Julo , " Julo in aired by Champion
Bon , out of Gypsio. Mr. McGrow
etill retains in his kennel the import
ed bitch , "Roxio , " isired by imported
"Phil , " a dog Mayor O'Brion had in
Council Blufls three years ago , ant
out of "Fan , " owned by Col. Joh :
Chapiu , Now Auburn , Minnesota ,
Mr. McGrow says ho has refused $100
for the dog several times ,
COUNCIL BLurra , December 10.
To The Editor o ( Tha Bee.
Mr. Adams , TIIK BKK editor in tli
Bluffs , has spilled himself nil rouiu
everywhere. Please oomo and hoi
gather him up. T hear of him in ul
the hotels , all the churches , in the
council chamber , and the courts , ore :
in the jail , picking and prying inti
everybody's business , Ho don't oven
lot other editors alone in their dail
avocations. You aeo when Clark , e
the Nono-pay-h-ll , tried to interview
an old man the other day , ho tucks
himself in the corner and snatches th
Bwoot morsel and puU it under hi
tongue or in hii oar and send
it to Omaha. Too bad
Vaugh can't introduce n man to Clar !
or Clark get roacquuintod with an eli
friend without liu finding it out an
puttim * a long "conclusion" in Tu
UKK like to-day's "collojuy. " Mayo
"Vaughan is the best mayor elected t
that office hero in sovun years to m
knowledge. Ho has freely saluted
"greasy mechanic , " recognized
"filthy operative" and has not despise
"hard-fisted farmer. " He
a - was begotten
gotten mayor last spring by the marriage
riago of the two political parties
which The Nonpareil and Globe ar
their respective organs , of which I fin
not much fault. I take the ono an
can't get the other. ( Signed )
Thomas Mott , the man who fell int
a kettle of hot water while at wor
for Conrad Goiso , in the brewery
when in the act of descending to th
bottom of the kettle , died at his roi"
once in this city yesterday morning
bout 0 o'clock. His death win quite
noxpectcd , M it was supposed that
is injuries were slight at the tune ,
lion. T. P. O'Connor , M. I' . , will
peak upon the Irish question u Do-
atiynoporn house on the evening of
Jccombor JU. ! Air. O'Connor , it is
laimcd , is n very interesting .speaker.
M. 0. Griflin 1ms received the fol-
owing from Hon. T. P. O'Connor.
Donuqt'K , Iowa , Doc. 1 > . M. ( ! .
iuiTtN , Council Hlulls Onmhu hnv-
ng refused postponement , I will keep
iv oiiKaKomcut with you Doccm *
or 22. T. P. O'Cos.voii.
The following wcro among those
who attended the grand concert over
! io river Thursday evening to hear
li-w Kato Larimer James : Mr. and
In. T. B. Gault , Dr. and Mrs A. B.
IclCuno , Mrs. W. 0. .Tames , Mr. and
Irs. George ICeolino , Air. and Mrs.
. N. Baldwin , Mr. Win. F. Spp ,
r. , Miss Lucia Wright , of DCS
Irrincs ; Mr. 0. Hobinson and ( laugh
ers , Jennie and Nellie , Mrs. .T. J.
Irown , Mrs. 0 M. ftrown , Dr. H.
Voodbury , Mrs. Saundcrs , Mrs. Jno.
Janforth , Mrs. Dr. Osborno , Mr.
'liarles Foraon , Capt. II. L. Henry ,
lev. C. K. Fackenthal , Mr. Ed.
Voutman and wife , Mr. and Mrs. I.
I. Troynor , Mr. und Mrs. II. Skel-
on , Mrs. J.V. . Chapman , Miss Kale
IcLairi , Fen du LacVis. . ; Mr. C. S.
'caso , Mr. P. J. McMnhon , Dr. ( Joo.
3. Brown , Mr. John Itaiid , Mr.
'hoinnfl B. Baldwin , Mr. J. J. An-
orson , Mr. Theodore Lund , and Mr.
. M. Thomas.
n Thursday evening at the residence
f D. F. Lange was a decided success.
'he ' duet by Messrs. Irons and
hearer , entitled "Silent Boll , " was
dmirably rendered. The tableau on-
tlcd "May and December , " was very
njoyablo , and like the duett had to
o repeated. The select readings
ere especially fine. Those church
ociablen are growing in public favor
snch year.
One f the little children belonging
o Jtho destitute family who rpiido at
10 old Sioux City house died last
'hursday evening.
I * . T. Mayno has gone on a business
rip to Oroinwoll , his old home.
Holiday presents of every variety at
luollor's. His store makes the finest
isplay of any in the city.
W. C. Davis , of Indianola , visited
lis city yesterday on business. Ho
ut up at the Ogdcn.
II. B. Williams and his partner
t'atkins , of Glenwood , were in the
ity yesterday at the Ogdon.
J. T. Burton , of Noola , was in
'ouncil ' Blufls yesterday on business.
Chief Field is determined to liavo
11 snloona closed at 11 o'clock here-
The Hurdle in which the firemen
roro driven over the river was very
indly furnished gratuitously by Mayor
Rev. P. F. Brosoo will preach ne.\t
abbath ut the Broadway church.
'ubject at 10:30 : a. m. , "Personal
landing in Church ; " at 7 p. in. ' "To
on-christian and anti-cliristian btisi-
pss men. " Such are especially in-
itod to be present.
J. J. Jennings , upper Broadway , is
no of the busieHt men in the city ,
nd his son keeps the grass trodden
rutty closely under his feet.
W. H. Foslin , the celebrated florist
nd gardener , is hard at work getting
reduce ready for market.
Railroad Commissioner Anderson ,
to man who regulates freights in the
itorest of the poor farmer , was in
10 city yesterday.
A. J. Hart goes to Keg Creek tote -
ay to attend to an important hog
A. Renovating Remedy
a to bo found in lUmiiorK'n Hioon KIT-
hits. AR nn onliilotu for Kick ho . . ,
eimilo wealvOOHH , biliousm'sn , incllROnticm ,
onttlpatiou , niul mhei dlseaxeH of a kin-
red nature , tlio o L'ltto'H mo iin.iluablo.
. 'ricu 31.09 , trial nio 10 cimt * oodl vr
Lace halaymtses are added to nil hand
some danohiif dresses.
HUer Hl > hlii\.hi > iidft arc teen upon now
clonk aul : atct button * .
Peacock-feather brocnilci , ilmdul with
< IIvcr tinsel , are a novelty ,
liltrabetlran pniilcm , w rod oer the lilt
to keep them in tdiupo , nre \htil
A now dro n fabric in a moire mid lace
itrlpo Hllk In delicate Hlnuk-n of color.
Many of the Jong elesant mid-wluUr
cloaks niullnoil throughout withmame
linttd or ciiniHim jijimli.
The liuniiotn sllver-polntei' , tfeor anr
mottled plUKli triiniiiinB for winter wrapi
rival these of the most cosily fur in point
How hatiny the mixn looks. Hein goiiiB
to have hi * pieturo taken t- > send to hix
Blm' . 1 > or B'r11 ' h"w " ' "l llor Christmas
will be.
The IOIIK Iloruhanlt ( { lovoli iiuite as
fiulilonabla nn over. Indeed , it bld fair
to rotiiin itN popularity tlinniulmnt tlii
generatlun ,
Here la MIm I.ttny. How proud an
line be jookH In her new neaUkln
C ( ) , ? * J'1"0 ' hundred dollaro. I.ucy'u nacquo fath
r will fail next week.
Somebody obnerrc * that M hen KX ! youni ,
ladies Hit down to talk about a new dr < m
pattern n Miiall boy with a tin horn is
refuge for the wc ry.
Germany has Halved a pmlilem for u >
In that country muip Kirln ntairy ut ! 1
than at ly nw WB kn w wliy all Klrl
of 33 remain in fDr 10
yoarnj thej
don't want Inulmiuli. '
BL- blue haty , decorated with inmp
f thcra are naid to b fa hionablo , Tej
maybe , iievertlielwi they looknVhyam
vulgar , and make all the pretty vlrU wh
wear tntin Juofc HLo HindooH.
A lady writes that no iiiiui will glare
long nt n woman who ilom not ktaro back
Jhttt kotnulii very wells hut if the dow no
btare Laek , how It nlio to luow whetlw
lue man lian Htenpi | Htatini ; or utt.
hcKrottlns ciutuiu of wearing mourn
fur a deceased nweet-henrt vlinuUl lit
il kcourog ,1 When half u dozen dillferen
Kirla hud.lenly appear in black nt a youni ,
limn * funeral the situation la wnliai raw
in ; , ' .
Diadem wreaths of scarlet plcoteen nni
hoUy.berry len > va for the lulr are wen
with full a > e ln < dre a. uml pink bin. . ! ]
ro ca and white tloytr blonannu are favor
He hand and corsage bouijuetu for hrldiw
walJ * .
KxnuUltcly fine all-wool hliricu m dell
catc haU are shown , dealgue I for c > en
rig drcMe for jotinj. ( 'lrla. The sklrU o
tliene materials are lobe trimmed will
lace , and the hodlien to bo plti h or satin
matching the color of the skirt. The l c
with thccc droifMareKCitorally white
.SpnnWi , ro < e point , polinrA , or jVtirlllnc.
Tlio I'hilndolplila Nowi MJ-S that Kilk-
wnrint reqttlro tt intich attention fit n
wnnnn's bixck Inir. They require fewr
lialtpliio , hoMO\cr , an 1 we don t Mifiixw
they nro liungotcr the bnck < if n clialr at
Donlilf nnd tiiplc cnllaMdf cm1 ro'dcrtd '
mintlin arcamniiK the iKHflUci of thn B'ft-
ton fnrlriilr > < ruenr. HaMtcollarnof llnon
aru worked In Hinall itiarpn | , ore tlirec
Ini hen iletp , and tin tied over ittrnlxht upon
the yoke of muslin , whlrh U fitted to the
The short-pile ) iliuh being found the
int ( du ral)1e ! * In the greatest fivwir. It
onnK a dccldeil fc.iturc in all millinery
ccoral lonn , and a hind of it fulled arnttnd
IIP edge of a I onnot mnkei a soft , becotn-
tig Iratiic to the face oven tiionotpr < nt
entnrfft coming tl'ider lit iilcnting and
A fashlotmhle but inconvenient attach-
lent to n ball-drns li a bow n' rlhb < n
as cn d to the nhonldcr by a cluster of
The bow itself li rompnucil of
, iany long loops nf irregular lengths , i nd
wo ends f the ribbon. III the rapid ovo-
iitlotn of the dance these flying loopi look
ike FO many filken lassooi.
"Ma , " "he said confidingly. "Henry has
liked me to ma'ry him. " Ami you ac-
pplcd ? " was tlio fiiery. | "No I didn't ,
ml neither did I reject him. . If I can
CPII liim on tlie string t nt 1 ChristmaH
e'll mike me a hands me present to in-
jico me to my 'ypt. ' You know I have
ecu \Vitnting a gold vuttch for a Ion ) ;
inic. "
The p'pular himpi design nf thn Brawn
i lone , arid has puilcrud side * , whic1) are
omided off from the front of thu nklrt ,
which Is nnys \ trimmed , or T anollud , or
urmed nf fined Ir ingriorlengthui < epleat-
jig-1. The e last have Pimiexvnat taken I ho
lacn i'f the shirred and ma e < l tablicr * ,
ut Iho difference In a matter of tastcb ; ill
tyles nro fivhfonably employed.
.Seal huts bid fair to b specially poDti'nr.
A. pleturesciuc one is known a.1 the "coath-
tig" hat. It InclIneH to a ( ! ai' sbomngh ,
hough the irown in somewhat opiate , It
H turned uo on ono H do nnd caught with n
irlght'hucd bird , and a twist of moire rib-
ion of the shade of tlio seal , isiarelotdy
cnotted nrounil the crown Ktich a hat
A ! ' ! I u worn well forwrud on the face , and
will , doubtlcHs Ira becoming to inxiiy.
Chctfftc rlo h scarfs for oveninewoa
. . e made uit bowiiching little hoods
Incd with bright-colored Hiir.ih , which c-n
jo drawn over tlm heud when goiug to
mrty or ball without danger of dicnrraiiK-
ng t'io ' rollfurc. Thrne Rcarfu arc finished
f ith a double bordering < f chenille f Inge ,
nd nre mode in white and colors of [ ale
lue fawn , ecru , mauve , pink and black
fie latter being generally chosen by mo
rons. Though lined with rcarlet they me
icoiM } to young ladies as well ,
Stylish young ladles wear very short
klrts to tiielr ho no drcmeii , chiefly be-
niiHo it i * tlio fashion , but also toidiow
lelr pretty C'liarleH II. slipper * of black
atin. Tlicnu xlipperH are exceedingly
nice fill upon the foot , and nrj fautened
y a single strip , which crosses the instep
tint below the ankle , and Is held by a tiny
ilver bucVo ) set with Ilhcniah iiehbleH
V pair of rich of rich-colored cardinal silk
OHO wi rn with tbeno dainty chaussurex
eta them elf with admirable advantage.
So-called " ets of furs" are shown in new
.nd . good designs. The muira are of about
ho same ni/o as they were lost Hoaion ,
v ile the n-ck p eces are of hullicient
riationti. suit each matter how ex-
i cine or liowi onservali\ . Thu comfortable
otind collar is thu smallest ; then come *
ho Eugenie , which is a little deeper ; nnd
lion the pelerine , which is so comfortable
ro ill. " displayed with llie iiu'Miim iloep
ollar and tabu reaching to the waist ,
ud , tt.o vnrjiius bcai plucktd.ha f-
iluckcd nnd sihur chinchilla , bl ck fox ,
Lickmarlui , leojnnl , golden beaver nnd
Vfricnn monkey nta the skum ii-ed. The
iddeii bouvi r is us nofr as otter , nnd Is of
real golden tin , m iking it specially dc-
imhlu for carriage or evening wear.
\VlintWns His Creed ?
lo left a load of nnthracite
In front of a poor idow'n iloof ,
Vlian the deep Know , fro/en and white ,
Wrapped street nnd f > ( | tiare , miiuntain
and moor.
That wntih'ii deed ;
He did it well.
"What was hl creed ! "
I cannot tell.
Hest "in his bnHket nnd his olorc- , "
In Hitting dim n nnd ilsing up ,
Vhun ino'o ho got , he i.-ave the mote ,
Withholding not the cruxt und cup.
Ho took the lead
In cadi good task
"What was IUH creed ! "
I did nut ask ,
I in cli.ii Ity W.IH like the nnow ,
Soft , \\hito nnd xilkcn in its fill ;
S'nt like the noisy winds that blow
Kiom Hhivoiing tiecx the lca\e , n p.ill
For flower and weed
Diooplngb Inv ,
"What wiw his crocdV"
Tlio poor may know.
lojuul great faith in loaves of l > reid
I'or hungry people , ynuni ; and old ;
Vnd hnpo-itiBpiiing woids he s.iid
To him ho Bholtered from the oold.
For n an mtiit fee * !
AH well an piay.
" \Vhat\vaaliUcreidi"
I oannot say ,
hi words he did not put his tnint ;
In faith his wordi weie never writ ;
fie loved tu tdiare his cup hit I mint
With iinv one who needed it.
In time of need
Afilend was he
"Whatwinhiicm-d ! "
He told not inc.
He put hln t-nst In Heaven , and woiked
J.vcr along with bun la and held ;
And what ho gave in elmrity
.Sweetened hllo p anil dally biead.
Let tin take hecil ,
For life U brief ;
Adopt his creed
And kho relief.
Drujjtat' | Testimony.
H. K , lUUarthy , druggiat. Uttnwa. Out.
ate * that ho wau alllicted with ciitonii ,
broucultlH fi r Home yean , and was com
I lotely ( tired by the u o of TIIOMAW' l'ro \
TtmiOiu dl'-eodlw
Bookiizfs Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for outs
bruises , sorea , ulcora , aalt rheum
fever Horos , tottur , chapped hands
chillblainsj corns and all kinds o
skin eruptions. This salvo is guaranteed
antood to give perfect satisfaction ii
every case or nioiuy refunded. Price
25o per boat. For sale by
T" i & MuMAHON , Omaha.
State Gazetteer and Busi
ness Directoy ,
Containing n ilenoriptton nml n l ! t of ul
UHHltiesM incit In thu ntftte , vlll bo
Mrly in 188L' . Price $1.00.
.F. M. WOLFE , Publisher.
120 South Fourteenth Street , Oniahn , Neb
810 South Thirteenth Street , witfc
-1 M.Woolworth.
. .
Known People "Wholly
In onltr Unit Ilia | nttllcin j fully rnlljp iho
KCtnilnctiCM ol tlio tit Tctit , .HI ncll M the
l mcrnti < t xnhic nl th nrtlclo of uhldi the )
njicnk , MO ptiblWi litnulth t > u lac clinllc innnn-
turcsof imrtlm whew diiccrlly In hcjon I < | iic .
tlon , IhoTnithof thf e t itlnionhl * h b elute -
lute , nor ran the fncU th < y Announce l > o 1 *
nortd ,
OMAIU , N n. , M j24 , 1S81.
II. H. Wjmsim & Co. :
IK4R SIR : I line frequently IITO ! Wnrncr'i
Rnfo Kldno ; mid Mxr Cure for afTectloi.d .
Attendant ution "otiro thcuinatl' ' * attack * , and
hMcnlnAjn derhcd licntflt therefrom. 1 he with KatUf.clorjr re-
itilt . I consider theco niedlclncn Korlhy of
Deputy Treimirer.
OMAIM , NCT , Hay 24 , I'BI.
II. " . WARNKR too. , KocliMtor , N. V :
OK < ITX : I hate tuol jour fcnlo Kidney and
liver Cure thhn | > rlniran licrhnlpomlor , and
1 flnd ll the lc t tcmcily I < t\at tried , lime
tincil 4 bottloi \ 'd It has rnaJo me feel better
Uviii ttcr I aid before In the rirlng. |
V , \ \ It. Shops.
OVMIA , Nm ,11.1 } 24 , 1SS1.
I. II. WAAMUi&tt ) !
HitHi r'ur more than 15 y an I hfur midered
nuili hi onvtnlrnio Irom combined klilne > and
litr illBcaxc , id hi\n been tin bio to work
nyurln.iy ori ; ninNo btlntf nlKc'fd I tried n
Rrcat many inidicln H and doctors , hut I ttv , '
torrc nnd wnr od\y hj ilny \\aittolJ I hiul
Irli Ill's Dlncni" , and I lshed lujxlf iltAil III
rould not Immpcttiy relief. I took your Hnfo
{ iilncy and l.lvir i.uro , lomuiriK iiotnlni ; uU
ua e\et know nlo euro tha dlswv.f. and I hai
tot been dtunppointid Th' medicine linn ctirid
nr , and I mil pcrfeo 1 > well toda\ , entirely
hro Kh jour ' ale Kidney and LlicrCuro I
lih > ott all miicmi In iiiihlhhln ? tlili \ Itttblti
cmojy through ho world.
u. p. n. n. stiop .
Thou uidi ( f equally I'ronsrondorwmentf
tuny of them In KVUI vhcrc h po not abnr.
onod btTo been roluntorlly nh'-n.HhowIng the
cmaiknblo power of Warnern Safe Kidney nnd
, iv > r Cure , in ill d eea o of the kldn < ) i , lUcr
r urinary otgtiaf. If any ono who reads thl *
anj phy inl trouble the tre t
latter of aplcatlon ! nf .TameH Falconer
fur Ltrjuor License.
Notice I * hereby given that .Intncs
"nlconer did upon the inthday of Decem-
> er , A. 1) . . 18.S1 , file bin applicntiun to the
ifayor and City Coil ell of Omahn , for
[ cento to veil Malt , Spirituous and Vinous
"JquorB , at the corner of Fifteenth and
'ftrnliam utreet , Thiid wu d , Oinnha ,
< ? eb. , from the Int ilay of January. 1892 ,
o the 10th clay of April , 1882.
If thcro r > e no objection , remomtranco or
retest filed wi'liin two Wi-ekx frm tlm
. "ith day of December , A. I ) . , 1881 , the
aid license will ! ) e granted.
UKK newspaper will iniblish
he nho\o notice for two weeks at iho ex-
> ense of the iinplicant. The City ol
) nmha is not to ba charged therewith.
J. .T. L. a JKWETT ,
_ dcolM2t _ City Ulirk. _
flatter of Ajnlic'itiiiii of John O'Connell
fur Liquor License.
Notice is hereby Ki > ei that John O'Con-
nell did upon the 13th day of December ,
A. D. , 1881 , file his niiilic tion to the
May 01 nnd City Council of Omaha , for
icenac to Hell Milt , Spirituous mid Vinous
jinunis , nt No. 108 lonth Rtrcet ,
Phird wnrd , Omaha , Neb. , from the h'rut
lay of January , 1882. to the 10th day of , 1881' .
if there be no objection , remonstrance or
ir.itest filed , within tw weeks from liUh
of December , ' A. D. , 18S1 , the said liconne
ill be granted.
TIIK DILBKK newspaper will publlah
, ho pliovo notice fr two weeks at , the ex
pense of the applicant. 'Iho City of
Jmnha It not to be churned f.lieiewitli ,
J. J. L. aJHWEIT ,
City Clerk.
Gutter of Application of Cliriftinn An-
drcHon for Liquor License.
Not'cu is berth ) nin that Chit tian Andrn-
M > n dl 1. upon U u 14th ibv of Uecvmber , A. 1) . ,
83l,111elih rpp lentio'i to the Muor nnd City
'onIKII of Omaha , for lleeiiMi to ell .Malt , feplr-
tuo'ia nnd \ iiir.m Ll > | iion < , at .Vo. 2iU , I'lltiintb
itrett'Ih rdnnl , ( in nln , Xcb , from thu 1st
div of .Untiirj , IB . ' , to the 10th ih , of April ,
It there b-no objci tlon , rcmotistr neto'pri
: e t lllol with two uundii from 14th cf Lleccin-
icr , A. l > ( lbblthninid llfi'iia i will bo printed.
TIIK Dun DM. newspaper \\II piibllah the
aboii ) notice 11tw i thu ip i < ni < uot the
appll ant. The ( it } of nimbi IK not to hear
ar nl ll ( tcwltii. .1. .1. L. ( , ' . .IB'Vl.TT.
dei-IS lit Cit\ Clerk
Mnttor of Apjillcitioii of Fiudoiick Lnngc
fur Liquor License.
-Notlu > KliiM.b\ alien th t 1'icili ricU l.anvj
did , upon tbo 14th ilui of Dqcimber , A 1 > , Issl ,
Illu hlinppUcitlon to ihuMk\ and Illy Coun
cil of Oiniha , for HUMIMI to ell Valt , Kplrttuou >
nd VlnouK 1 liiio [ N , ut .Vo. OOJ , lorncr Tlilr-
tuonth and .H k on t-tnetn , S iondv td ,
Omaha , Nib. , from thu l t ih } of .lanimr ) , lh'J ,
to ( he 10th daof April , Ibn. .
If t ere lii no objection , rcmonstiii < o or pro
test Illcd within two week H from Itlh < f Decem
ber , A II. , Ih3l , tbi Mild HI-CIHO will bo Krctiliil.
Appli-ati * .
Tin Dtiiv IliK niM'papcr will pitblUa tha
aboteiiotltutoi t o ick lit the e\'ein-o | e ( thu
applicant. Tlio City of Onuhn , is not to ho
ilianrid thiri-wltd. .1. J. L. ( , ' . Jr.WI-m1.
declfi-llt CltyCltrk.
Matter of Application of Peter < ! oo for
ljiiior | License.
JiotUii It hertliy clten that I'ut-r ( ions did up
on thu 15ih ilnv 0 ( December , A D. IhSI. tlln I Is
a | > p Icatlon to the Major anil CM } Council of
Omaha , for license to mil Malt Bplrltuoim anil
Yinoug 1 iijimra. at No. IfilO anil IMS Furnham
street , 4th Uanl , Omaha , Neb , from the lot day
of Jamuir > , luii , o the 10th day of April , ISsZ.
If I hern tic no objection , miiona'raiica or pro
ttst Illeil within tno week from 16th Dcicnilur ,
A. 1) . K-il , tintil ! I llrviiHlll bo fraiitnl ,
TiihDun HIK Nutgpiper will publish thu
almtu notice for two weeks at the ripenst ) of the
applicant. The City ol Omaha Is not to i > o churn
ed therewith. J. J. | ( . a JKW KIT ,
dtlB-U't CilClerk. .
W. K. VU ) CK. U. U KltllEI.l.
, E , VMS & CO , ,
125 Lasallo Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain and Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
dvc-Tino c'cd'm
Eeal Estate Agency
_ Kfrcp B com nit tc abstract ol title to Rui
K t t In nniMikin DniitflM cwintv , m vll
And Notary Public ,
ock O > < !
H ajn d s o m est
For Sale by
521 South Tenth St.
Matter of Application of Schr.iter k
Ileclit lor Liquor License.
Xotloo Is hereby u\\cn \ FohroUr i Ileoht
did , Upon the Hth diy of IHcembi r , A. ! > . , 18S1 ,
file hit application to thu Jtnjor nnd Cltj Coun
cil ol Omalm , for licence to tal Jlult , tiilrltuoita
anil Vinous Liquors , nt No. itl ! bouth Fiftunth
ttrrct , Third wnrJ , Oniahn , .Ncli. , from Hit lit
day 01 January , 18bi , tollie 10th < la > of April ,
If there be no objection , rimonstonce or pro-
toit Illod within tno ivctk * from 14th o ( Vcccrn-
Lcr , A. D. , 1831 , the &lld Iccnso will be Krantni.
hCllltOTXK it tfrilT ,
TIIK Dmi t\ff \ nc fxipor | will pubii h the
abote notice for t o uetkant thocvpenseof thu
applicant. Thu Clt > of flmatmt \ not to lie
clmrK'cd therewith. J. J.I. . C JhWhTT ,
dcc6 lit City Clerk.
Matter nf Application of Julius TrcitM'like
for Lujuor License.
"Notice Is horebj gh on thatJJtillua Trcltschki ,
dl < l upon the IGtii Oay of I cccmbcr , A. D. IbSi ,
( lie hlx application to the Major nnd Clt\ Coun
cil of Unit a , for llcuiso to eill Malt , Spirituous
and Vlnout Liquors , at No. 303 and 312 S. ICth
street , 4th Ward , O nalm. Neb. , from the l t
day of January , 18i2 ! , to the 10th day of April ,
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro.
test tiled within tno neekn from 15th December ,
A. D. IbSl , the said llcvnso uill bo granted.
Tin : DULY IUr Neuspnper will publish the
abo\c notice for tno weeks ut the expo ec of the
applicant. The City of Omaha is not to be
charted therewith. .1. J. L. O. .1 hWFlt ,
dolfi 12t t'ityCIck.
Matter of Application nf I" . Alau s for
Liquor Lkcn = e.
Notice U hereby git en that P. Miusi did upon
the It th day of December , A. op-
plication to the Mavor and City Council of Oma
ha , for license to sell Halt , Spirituous and Vin
i us Liquors , a > ICtll , bctuetn Wcbn'cr and Cali
fornia street , 5th Ward , Omali' , Neb , fiom the
Iscday of Jlnuary , 1SS2 , to thelOth Juy of April ,
If there be no objection , remonstrance or pro-
teat filed within two uceku from December IGtb ,
A. D. ItSl , tie Bnki license will bo granted.
tr.i.u. M\ISK ,
TIIK DKILT DEI. Nowsmpcr will publish the
above notice for tuo wceKn ut she expense of the
applicant. The City of thuahaianot to be chanr-
cSthirculth. J. .1. L.C. JEWETf ,
JelD12t City Clerk.
Matter ( if Application of Homy Pnnilt
for Liquor License.
Notl'-o Is hereby i\en that Ilcnrj I'lindt , rtlil
upon the 7th duy of Dcix-mbtr , A. U. IWl.iilc his
appU.atlon to lhemi > or niidr tv tounill of Omi
hi , for llccnjc to sell Malt , Splrltuouxaiiil Vinous
Llipjori , lit No. 1213 r.irnlmm Btree' , Tlilid
Wurd , Omaha , Neb , , fiom the Int day of.l.imnrx ,
18 2 , to the 1. th o' April , 18S2.
If th'io lie no objection , n.'nonetmnru or pro-
U-f Hied wlth'li two wcckt fiom Oiicmber .ill ,
A. 1 * . ISsl , tlio b.tld licclivu will be Kraivcd.
llKMIt Pi Mir ,
Hn ICH.'IUMT ulll publishthoaboto
notloo.ur tttiinieks at tlm i'\pcibo of the ap
plicant. 'IhuCitj of Omaht Hnot to hotliari.'cil
hcix-ftlth. J .1. 1. C. .1 rV iriT ,
Cltv Clerk.
. > iattor of Appl c.itiou of Itiulinnl WiHe
f .r LiUbr | License.
. \otlcolihiruht Jturitlut llklr id \ \ ilde ill.l
npoiitlolbtli ilnof Ilticmbcr , A. . . Ml llli <
hi' application to t oUrr und Olti ( jinicll
of Onuhu , for li < CIII-OIIM | | 1 lit , bp'rltuou ' * and
\ Ino'iH l.i pin rx , atNo. . llil Karnham btroit ,
Third \Var.l , Omali , Xch./fiom ibt" Ifl daj of
January , 188. ! , to Ilio 10th daj of Apr I , IbsJ
If tin ru bo no ibjeitloii , Kiuon l nco oriro
test tiliilUhiutAu v nits from Pi'icmUr lOih ,
A. I ) , 1881 , tin- Mil llc-ii'ow II bfl K iit l.
II. Wiim ,
Tin' IHm II r muepapiT "ill ptil llth the
aboxt notimfnr two uccknnt the iXjC'iruof tlui
aiiplle nt. Thu City of Onmln l not to bu
chared therewith. .1. J. I. C1. .IfcWi TT ,
lcc4-lCr. ] CityChrU.
Matter of Application of Mdward Maurm
lor Liquor Lcrn ! e.
Not'to h hiru\\ i\ n tlut Kdward Maunr
did ui > on the ISth il.iy of OKI nibtr. A I ) , IhSl ,
lllebHtipp 'cation to the M ijor uml Cltx Conn-
til of Omaha , ( or lltoiihu tD i II Malt , > plrltiiiiiis
nndinon.i I lipior' , itt .No. 1214 1'arnhanulrt'ct ,
Ihlid Want , Omaha , Nib. , from the 1st il.ij ol
Jiuiinry , In ) . ' , to the lOllului n April. liS. .
if th < ro bo no o > jui tlon , rimoi Uraiicccr pro
test Illul nil bin tnu "eiKn irom Dvitiu cr Uth ,
A l > . IbSI , thu tuild lltun -hall be granted ,
Kim MID MM I n ; ,
Tnf IMU Ilif Mw 'attr will | nililkli tne
nbo\o notice icr two wcel.s at tno t\pcn-e > l
thu sppl cant , The Cltof , Oiiuh.i la not tu b <
thaNcil llur > . lth. J. .1. I , . C. JMM'.IT ,
Dccl 1 lit. Oil } Ckrk
Matte ; nf Application nf Owen McCaffrey
lorliiipjor f license.
Notice is hereby gh en that Owen Me
Cutfrey did uixin tiiu loth day < if Decent-
boA. . \ ) , , 1831 , lilo his application to
the Major nnd O ty Council of Omalm.
for u license to sell Malt. Spirituous and
Vinous I.Iiuor | . at noithcast corner ol
Ifith nnd DouglaH ntreot , Third Waid ,
Omahn , Nub , , from the 1st day of J.inu-
arv , 18S1. , t > the 10 h day of April , 18h2.
If theie bo no objection , rcmniutran D
or protest filed v > ithln two uceks from
the 15th uf Derombei , A. 1) ) . , 1PS1 , the
mid licui-e will bo granted.
iFoii.s MiC.M nu\ ,
TIIK I\IM ) UEK newspaper will publish
thoHUOIU noticB fur tun wt ekn at the ex
pense i ftliennplicniit. The City of Oumli.i
not to be clmru'ed theiew th.
J. J. ] , . 0. .IKWKTT ,
N * . 1608 Farako Street ,
Wholesale Dealers in
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Moline Wagon Co , Farm and Spring Wagons ,
Deere &Mansur OoCorn , Planters , Stalk Cutters , &c , ,
Moline Pump Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps ,
Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders ,
Meclmnicslnirg Macli , Oo , Baker Brain Drills ,
Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes ,
Joliet Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Sliollers ,
Whitman Agricultural Oo , Sliellers , Road Scrapers , &o , ,
Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales ,
A , 0 , Fisli Racine Buggies ,
All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock.
Address All Communications to
CouncM Bluffs , Iowa.
Mining and Milling Company.
Working Capital , - - . .
- - - - - SStX.OOO.
Oik , . _ . _
- - - - - 1CCOIOO ,
Par Value of Share * , - - - _ - _ _ _
DIt. J I. TIIOMAS , President , Cummins , Wjomlnir.
\VM E. TILTO.V , Vloc-1'rcxldcnt , Cummin ? , Wjomln , '
K. .V. HAUWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wjotnlng.
A. (1. I.UNN , Treasurer , Cummins , \Vjriuiiiu. v
. .
Dr. .1. I. Thom-w. fouis Miller \V. & . ttramel. A. O Dunn X.
K. .V. Harnooil. Krancii Lci\cns. tco. ! H. F.ilis. LcuieXolmnn.
Dr. J. C. Watklns.
noSJmeStn OEO. W. KUNDAM , , Author' zed frcnt for Fale ot Stock ; Boic 442 , Omaha , Xcli.
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Conrigiimcnte . made us will recoil o prompt attention. . . . Ilifercncea : State limit , OmahPli ; tt
& Co. , Baltimore ; Peck & Bansher , Chicago ; " W..L. k nn oinclnnotl.
IF. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
J } 18 me
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
mi im OS
We desire to call the special attention of the trade to om
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overehirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts ,
- -
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
„ ,