J IXJU V/jU. .VLJLWL JL/jCA.1 U JL JJJ'jJLi ICUi. JL FJMNCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. YHIIK , Hccitnlicr ID. MONEf , Slnney ll l&lliici * o n ( sed steady at J 8U 1 SI. CIOVUINMF.NW. bon.ls closed firm m f l IOWM Otiimicy (5'i ( . 12 ? I 4 Coil pen < . 1 1K,1 A lit I 'oupniil . . . t ] j | l iV * * Continued . , . i 02 ; li Continued . . . .1 COJ nAH.nO.Ml IIONI ) ? . "Pacific railroad bonds closed ai follows : "Oiimu flr t . . : . 1 17i@l 17 j Uina Ri.xuti . i I'.H Sinking ftiiuN . 1 2H ( i1 1 -4 Centrals ottered nt . 115 110 HTOCK8. The stock n arkct tn-dty w.w active , and the trade lixr o in the southern ruilro.ul shale' , which fluctuated , advancing sharply in the morning do Hu " , and los- inn a'ninit ' the entire advance later in the di\y. The ma kot left oil wcnlc , with pi ices fur the list i'3 per cent lower. The dlieciixltie' , however , werelljjljc iier rent hlK'hfr. The following arc the closing bid : A ! i T II pfd. . M Michigan Ccnt'l ! > 19 HAirl.inupfd.(5.r. ( . Mol'rt lOrti H& Q 138J M&Sl L 0 fan Southern. . 5.tJ N J 0 IKU C C It I C . . . . vo Xorthwest'rn .1MJ : CCO&I HI Preferred . 130 c& A lai NYC 13T.A . Cen.t Towa . . . . -I" Panama 1115 Cent Pa ! ' } Pnc fie Mail. . . . IJ ! ) dies fc Ohio. . . . 127 Stl'&D. . .111/ : / First pfd 3l ! Texas ricifie. . . fil } Second pfd . -.I Unl in Pacific .118 ! } I ) , ft 15. U 753 Western Union. 8. > .t ! , & W 127J Norf'k .t W pfd fit ) Kro 44j ; Nor Pac ! W. 1'reforied. . . . ! ) l . Pref.-ried. . . . 80 Kric * West.I1.1 NY Klevatcd..l07. blast Tenn Ifi. } O&M 37- 1'rcferrjd. , . . 23 Omahi IIS , Admits 14 ! ) 1'ieforred . . . .102 American DSJ Ohio .Southern . 21 Unit -d States . 77 P. 1) . &K. . . 48J H & T 81 Hook iHlatid . 131 llfcHU ! )7 ) : , ' St Paul 103\ \ Piefcn d..lMf San Francisco IS 1B&W 40 } Preferred . . . 01 1C 13i\ ! Kit > t pref'd .105 KiT 301 T&DB 17 LS 120.3 Waba h 40 } LNfcC 70 Preferred. . 8l | MI.NINO 9TOCKH. Following are the cloning prices on mining i-tock at the Xew York mining exchange * : Cent. Ari/nn.i. 1J South Pacilic. . 'tii"i Caribou. . . . 2 | Hibernin. . 2l ! Standard 120J Tnadnlla . . . . 11 ! lied Ksiih. . . 10 Vi/.alia . . 27. ' SiUerrilir. . . . ltO ! C11IOAOO MONEV MARKHT. ClIlCAao , December 10. 'riie.loc.il money market continue * ac tive , ani r.xtes are stea y and firm at ( > ( 7 per cent per annum. City deposits chow a gradual fall ng off. liistcrn exchange between city banks was weaker at fiOo discount per ? < 1,000. The clearings of the associated banks wore 7,000,000. The outgo of currency continue" . COMMERCIAL. Omaha \Vbolosalo Market > OFKICE or THE OMAHA BKE , \ Friday Evening , December 1C. f Very lit' lo of interest transpired in mcr- cantile circles to-day. The continued fine weather stimulates trade and ever ; thing is running quite satisfactory. In produce n thing of interest was re ported. Sweet potatoes advanced Ic. Xo other changes noted. ' LocAl Grain WHEAT. C'aah No. 2 , 1 0 ! ) ; cash No. .i , Itfc : rejected 67Ac. BAHLBY. Cash No7 2 , ! Kc ) ; : i "EYE.-Ca8h.83c. CORN. Caah No. 2 , 47 o. OATS. Cash. 35Jo. } fAY 57 00@0 00 per ton. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , 325@375 ; "Pioneer" California , 84 25 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; * winter wheat straight ijrade 53 85@4 23 ; patent , $4 50@4 90 ; gra ham rye , $2 75 ; Wheat , * 3 0(1 ( ; Queen Bee. $4 50 ; Jasper , ? l 00 ; ] „ ' Sijuv , 93 7. . . RYE FLOUR ? 3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 80c ; per ton. 15 00@10.00 ; < creeningB , per cwt. .SOc ; ehorts , per jwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; white. $1 GO. POTATOES Nebaskas , 1 OOfo'l 10. SWKET POTATOKS-Genuine Mu ca- tine,4 @ 5c per Ib. PKAIUIE CHICKENS-3 00 < fftr.O : per dozen. QUAIL Per An ? . , $2 00(32 ( 50. WILD GEESE 2 50@f50. : WILD DUCKS-1 2o@l 50. DKKIl 0@8c. JiGGS Firm at 2 c. BUTTEH Clioice , scarce nt 24@28c ; poor , no market ; fair , 18(2 ( 21 ; creamery , 30@3.'c. APPLES Good. Round , lery su ixe at 84 50@4 7" . per bbl. LEMONS Steady ; per box , ? 5 7 5" . MALLAG A ( HIAPKH Per bbl. , ! ? M ; per half bbl. , 81 , r > 0. BEESWAX Yellow , 20@2L'c. ONIONS 1 5 < i@l 00 per buihel. CUANBEniUES-Per bbl. , ? 10 00@ 11 10. CELERY 1'er do . , : ,0@ine. ( D1IK.SSED GKKSK Per Ib. , ! > & lie. OYSTERS SelectB.45c ; fltandariU , 'l.'c. URKSSKD CIIICKENK-8@Ic. ) DRKSHEI ) TURKKYS IK Kto. WILD TURKKYS I2@12fo i > cr Ib. CFIKESE-10@14c. Grocers List. COFFEE. llio , Jnir. WJc ; Hio , gomi , Ho ; Rio , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Old gov't .Java ; 2G2SJc , Slocha , 28i ; Aibuckl 'n , 17c. 17c.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 4ri@5.r c ; Choice , fiO@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@15c ; Choice , 00(5,7Bc ( ; Young Hyson , good , 30 ® 50c ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , ( iO@75ci Oolong , go.Nl , 35@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong , good. H5St40c ( ; choice. 35 ( < M5c. SUGARS. Cut loaf , lO c ; Crushed , lie ; Granulated , lOJc ; Powdered , llo Fine powdered , IHcj Standard Coffee A. lOc ; New York ConfectIoner < H Standard A , 10c ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra C , 9o. 9o.SYRUPS. SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbls , 48c ; haf ! bl , COc ; kegs , 4J gallons , 82 35 ; choice table syrup , 45c ; half bbls , 50o ; keg8 , 2 30 , SODA. Dwight'u Ib papers , $3 00 ; De- land do , $3 00 ; Church'g , $3 00 ; Keg ioda , STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver GOBS ! , 8J @ 81c ; Com Starch , 8J@Oc ; Kxuelalor , 7c ; Corn , 7ic. SALT. Dray loadu , per bbl , 1 05 ; A h- ton , in Hacks , 3 50 ; bblx dairy 00 , 5d , 3 15 , bbla dairy. 100. 3t , 3C5. DRI peachei * , 5 , , York apples , 8Jc ; Prunes , old , 7Jc ; new , 8c ; Currants. 7@71'i ! i Blackberriea , now , 15io. CHEKSK Full Cream , 14c ; Part Skim Hie. WOODENWAUK Two hoop pallc , jri ; three hoop paiU , 2 20 ! No. 1 tnl 9 : > 0j No. 2 tub . . 8 W > ! No. 3 tub ? , 7 50 ; iiioncor wi.Mibo.iriU , 1 S.\\ \ Double Cruwn , 2 \Vcllbuckcts : 3 25. LKAD liar , SI CM. SI'ICP.S.-l'epiwr , 20 ; AlUpice , 20cj Cloves 4'ci Nutmeg , 61 00 Ca i2.V ( ; Mace SI 00. , MATOHKS-Vcr caddlo , OOc ; round , $ \10 , tmoon. ohoico lard , 13Jc ; dried bcof , Ifljc ; oh et * , can nMctl Oc ; hams , Hof bacon , dide ? , " ' 'W PlCKLKS-Mcdlum. In barrels , ; do in half bbN.f , 7r.sniall : , In bbl- , 12 00 do , In Jmlfbbl.i , 700 ; uhprkliix , in bh1f > , II 00 ; dj , iu half bl.K . 7 50. VINKGAU Pure npplo extra , 111 ; inirc njiplo , 13c ; Prmsino nuro nniilo. Idc. HOMINY New , i : 75 per bbl. BEANS Medium , Imiiil picked S3 7o per bushel ; navy , S3 ' > 0c.ilei navy , S3 . " > 0. 150PI5 Sisal , A inch and larger , IK 1JS)10e ( ) ; 4 inch , lOiu SOAPS Kirk's Saum Imtwrial , 330 ; ICIrk'M untlnct. tl .10 ; Klrk't < standard , 3 50 @ 3 ! K | Kirk's white Russian , 5 25W. " > 00 : Khk'fl Kwtoca , 2 ou Kirk's Pr.iirle Queen. (100 ( c.xki-H ) , 3 10 : KirkV inasjnoliI 5. ® 1 40. 40.CANDLES CANDLES Hove * , 40 lbIf ! or , 8 , llcbixes ( ; 10 Iba. , Ill 07. . . PH , lOc. LYE American , 3-10 ; Greenwich. SIO : Western , 275 ; North Star , 2 CO ; Iicwi * ' yo. 4 ( W ; Jewell lye , 275. POTAS1 1 Pennsylvania can * , 4 doz. , n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Hall , 2 doz , In ca < < e , L 1)0 ) ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In case , 1 50. FIELD SEKD Red clover , choice lew , SI ! 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover lew , S7 00vhlto ; clover , new. SI 1 00 tl alfo clover , now , $12 50 ; iilsike , new , ? 1300. Timothy , gooil , new , S3 00 ; > luo grans , e\tra clean , SI 60 ; blue grass , clean , 61 25 ; orchard gras-j , S2 oO ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Min-ouri , SOc ; millet , German , SI 00 to $1 25 ; Hungarian. SOc. HKUaKSKUW-Osage orange , 1 t < > 5 'IieK S5 00 ; osjigo orange , 10 busliel.i or over , SI 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 1001bs.S2500. FISH Family white fish , TO Ib hf bbls , S3 75 ; No , 1 white fi-h , 1)0 ) Ib hf bbls , ( i SO ; S'o. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kU ! , 75c ; New Holland herring , per teg , 135 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colut"- iia liver salmon , per lOOlbi , 8 00 ; George's liank codtnli , Uc ; Gen , bonele.-is codhsh ; Ijc ; bonelcHS fish , 5Ja. MAC KE RKIi Half bbls ineis mackerel , 100 lb , S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 o.x shore do , 100 Ibx , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 bs , 385 ; moss mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 225 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oysters , 2 Ib [ Field' * ) , per case , St 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , ior case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cnso , { ! )0 ) ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do [ itarter boxes per box , ll c ; American , piartcr boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes > cr IHIK , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib jior dozen , L80. Tomatoes. 230 ; do 3 Ib per case , 310 ; Cor-i 2 Ib ( Mountain ) icr case , 3 70 ; soaked coin , 210 ; do J Ib ( Yannoutb ) , per ca e , 37.r > ; string beans , per case , .225 ; Lima beans fifipberriei < , 2 Ib , per case , 2 7 < " > @ 3 00. Damsons , 2 11' , per case , 2 45. Uartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. NVhortleber- ies per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per ci e , 3 50 ; do , cboice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50. jtrnen gages,2 Ib per case , 3 50 : do choice , " ' > | ifrcase,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , j 00(5)5 ( ) 75. Peachen , 2 ID per catc. 3 10 : do 3 Ib , case , 0 000 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per case,385 ; do pie , G lb , per dozen , 3 50. KICK Carolina , 8@8ic ; Louisiana , 7J iS\c \ ; fair , Ga , . 1'KANUTS Boasted , choice , red Ten nessee , 9o per lb ; fancy white , IOc per lb ; ra'v white Virginia raw , IOc ; roasted , llic. Dry Goods. BUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; Boott h'F , ! Uo ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot AV , Tic ; Chittennngo A , (5c ( , ; Ureat FallH E- , 8ic ; Hoonier , OJc ; Honest Width , 7 c ; In dian Head A , 8Jc : ; Indian Standard A , " " ! ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence 3hawmut ettB,7.Jc cstt BB , 8.c. FINE BKOWN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 : 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic LL , OJo ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye S. 4-4GJcc , Indian Orchai-d AA 0-8 , 8Ac ; Laconia O r'J ! , 8Jc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-4 , IOc : Pcpperefi N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7c : ; do 11 M , 7i'c ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; PocasHit C 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsntta 4-4 , 13c. BLKACIIED COTTONS Androgcog- pn L 4-4,10cBlack ; toneA A in.periul i > c ; do do half bleached 4-4 , ! ) c ; Cabot 4-4,87 ; Fidelty4.4 ! , McjFruit of th Loom,10i ; do can briu4.4lScdo ; WaterTwist,10Jc ; < treat Falls IX f e ; Indian HendKhrunk 4-4 , 12 c ; L"iis'lale , IOc ; do cambrij 1)7 ) , 13c ; New York Mills. 13c ; Peqiiot A , IOc ; 1'eppcrell N a Twill * , ISJc ; Pocabontas 4-4 , ! ic ; ] 'oeans-t 4-4 , 8ic ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta o x x , i : c. DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o f 17c ; Haltinmre do , Ific ; Lone Star , 8 u/ . , 12c : Hav..ge , 18c. JJbCKS ( Colored ) Alb.iny E brown. 8c ; do C , ilrai ! il'1o VA. , tttripes and plaids , I2&c ; do XXX brown and drab , Ktripes and plaidri , 12 c ; Arlington fancy , 1'Jc ; Prunswick brown , 8ic ; Chariot fancy , 12ju ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall llivoi brown , extia heavy , lljc ; Indiana A brown , 13c : Keponset A bronn , 15c. TIOKIXOS Aiiioskeajt C A 32 , 17.Udo ; XX blue 32 , 181u ; Arrowanna , 9jc ; Claremont 15 B , 15Jc ; Couestoga. ev- tfa , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , lljc ; Lewcnton A 30 , 15c ; Miunehnha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega utiper extra 4-4. 2Hc ; Pearl Itivcr 32 , ICjc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket S , lOJc ; do S3 12c ; YeoiuanM blua 2l ! , 8Ac. DKNIMS. Amoskeak , blueand brown , ] B\c \ ; Anduver DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlington blue Scotch , 18i < - ; Concord 000 , blue nnd blown , 12k ; do AAA , do do 131 ; do.XXX do do 1 lie ; Hayinakrr'H blue loul blown , ! Uc ; .Myatiu lllver DD htripe , lJc ( ) ; IVarl ifivor , blue and brown , loJc ; L'ncasville , blue and brown , l : ! c. CAMBUICS Barnard , tec ; Eddyntone llnintf , 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A glazed , Tic ; Manhattan clove finish , ftjc ; Newport dt > fie ; do glared , 5 : c ; Pe < iuot do Tic ; Lo kwood kid linbh , lie , CORMKT JEANS Amory , 8cAndrcn- ; coggin Hutteen , SJc ; ClarendoncC'oneri ( ! / ; - toga Hatteens , 71c ; Hallowcll , Sc ; Indian Orchard improved , 7Jo ; Xarragiin ett , 7ic ; Pepperill w.ittocn Din ; Hockport , 7/u : / PKINT.S Allen.HJc ; Amtrican , Oic ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4'/u / ; Cocheco , 7 c ; ConeHtogj. t ic ; Dunkirk , 4''c , ' ; Dunnell , ( ij@7c ; KddyBtone. 7o : llloucester , He ; Harmony , 5ic ; Knickerbocker , OJc ; 3Ier- rimao D , 7c ; M yutic , 5Jc ; Spramieii , lie ; Houthbridge , Oc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Jlarl- bore , 5Jc ; Oriental OJo. GINGHAMS-AmoHkeag , 10i ; Amo < . keaff dress 12 ' Aivyle , lOJc : Atlantic , 'Jo ; Cumberland , 7&c ; ] iighlund , 8ta ; Kenllworth , BJcj Plun kett , lOJoj Sun- Hex , He. COTTONAD1IS Abbervllle 13jcj , Agate , 20cj American , Ho ; Artinian , 20cj Cairo D and T , 1 % ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Deccan Costriw | DandT , ICc ; Key- utone , KUo ; Ncntucket , lOu ; NonpArell , IOc ; Ocean D and T , 13Jc : Jloyal , Kijcj Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 12jc ; Wachusctt shirt- inlUeckB , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12lc ; York , plain Nankin , 12ic ; do , checks , Mtripe and faiiey , 12Jc ; do , 8 o20c. . 8HEKTINOS Androoi-ojfitlnlO.-l.27jc : do 0-1 , 21c ; do 8-4 , 22 ; Continentiil C 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1 , 274j New York mills fl8 , IWc ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , iwjc ; Pembroke 10-1 , IT.c ; Pefjuot 10-1 , 28Jc ; do 7-4 , llc ! ; do 411 , Hie ; IVppvrcll 'M , 2c ; do 07. 21cj do 57 , 18c ; Utica 00 , lilc ; do 58 , 22jo ; Uo48,17o PalnU Old and Varnlihe * . PAINTS IN OITi White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k C. Co.pnre , < > ; MarHeilles greetj , 1 to 5 lb cun , 20c ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French 7inc , In varnUh nsst , VOc : French Muco , in oil a t , 15c ; Raw and burnt wrtbcr , 1 ] b cam 12c ; raw ntul burnt Sienna , Itfcsanilyko brown , 13 ; i-ofined lampblack. 12c ; c < ch black , l"c ; i"ory black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Pnii'lan blue , SOc ; tdtr.xiuarlno blue , ISc : clmnne green , L. M , & . D. , lie ; blind and shutter i-rocn , L. M. & IX , lie ; 1'ari * green. ISc ; Indlnti red , 15c ; Venetian red , I > c ; Tn < can it. , l'2cj American Vcnnillml , I. & ! . , ISc ; chroma yellow , L. , t , , 0. fc 1) , O. , ISc ; yellow ochrp , tV ; poliUn Oclirc. 10 ; patent dryer , Cc ; graining coloMi light oak , darken on c , walnut , chestnut nnd ash 12c Dry ° alnts White lend , CJc ; Krcncli jinc. lOc ; Paris whiteiug 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; v Inline com ) , lie ; lampblack Licrnian * town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , 8 * ; Pru - 'ian blue , 45c ; uUramariiu % 18oj Vandyke , ! ) nyn , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , lcsipiinn ; , burn t , -In ; sienna , raw , 4c Pari gn-en gontilnr , 35c ; Paris green com'l i'cj chmino green , N. Y. ' .i0c ! ; chrom- croon K. , 12c ; vennlllion , 1'ng , , 70c ; vcr- million , AiuericA , 18c ; Indian red. lOo , nwo iink , 14c ; venctinn read , Cookson'n < | c ! Venetian red Am. , lilc ; red lead , 7Jc ; : hromp yellow , genuine , 20c : chmino yel low , 1C , , 12 < - ; txilire , rocbclle , 3c ; ocnn1 , 1'Veiich , 2 o ; > clire , Aincriraii , IJc ; Winter's niinoral. 2Jc ; Icldgb brown , 2Vo : Spanish brown. 2c ; Prince's inincnil So ; VARNISH KS Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , ? lfniniture ; , U , 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; -o.vch , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Datimr , SI 50 ; Japan. 'Oc ; asphaltnm , 70c ; shellac , 93K ) : Imnt oil finish. SI 30. OILS 110' carlwn , per gallon , llic ' ! 150' headlight , per gallon , 12 Jc ; l"f ' hea'dlight , iier gallon , llc ! ; crj Uillne , iicrgallon , 20ci ilnsecd , raw. per gallon , GO ; linseed , bulled , per gallon , 08c ; lard , winter si M , per gal lon , 1 05 ; No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , 05e : castor , XXX. p > r gallon , 1 30 ; No. It , 1 15 ; swept , | ier gallon , 8 , " > o : sperm , W , 11. , per g.vllon , 1 35 ; lish , W. 15. per gallon , IJOc ; neaL'foot , \tra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 05c ; luhri * cixting , 7cro , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; vo den niachlno , No. I , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc : ter- pentine , i > er gallon , l > lc ; naptha't per gallon , SOc ; 01" , 20c. Lumbar. WHOUNAI.K. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , S20 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , IS ) 00 ; shuetlng drowd , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards , .tressed , 20 00. FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; -M ft. 2500. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , li and 2 inch , S50 00 No. 1 finith 1 inoh S13 00 ; NCI. 2. finish 1 } , IJ nnd 2 Inch , SI500 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , $10 00 ; No , 3 linish , 1 in , : ! . , S3500 ; O. G. battous pui iOO feet lln. , 5100 ; wull cmbing , § 2200 ; rough i and 2 cli battens per 100 feet lin. , 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , S40 00 ; Si5 ; 00 ; C , S30 00 ; common stock , S22 50. FLOORING No. 1 , SIO 00 ; No. 2 , W. 00 ; No , 3 , S2200 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S. " > 0 00. SIDING No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , S2200 ; No. 3. § 18 00. SHIP LAI' Plain , 822 00 ; O. G.No. 1 , $3200 ; No. 2.S2200. CEILING S21 00S37 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A stnrbcst ( ) Single * . S3 85 , No. 2 , S2 50 ; No. 3 , ? 2 00. Lath , S3 50. Heavy Harnware List. Iron , rates , S3 50j plow steel , cast , 7io ; UIJ , J. 1\Jf bllllf lll. ! ) , Ult ll , \J\WCM\if .fcAlC , each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers , per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , i > er Ib , lie ; coil chain , per 11) , U@12c ; malleable , 8c ; ron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow xieth , 4c ; liorseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring leol. 7Si8c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 00 ; 8 In 10 , 375 ; Cd , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , fi 00 : 3d , line , 6 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 0 25 ; ( id , cosing. 4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 5't ' ; 10d casing , 4 25 ; 10d finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , 5 25 i.ilf kegs , 10c extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ; Driental Powder , kfgs , $0.40 ; do. , half cegs , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast- iiig , kegs , S3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c. Horses and Mules. Tbo market is brisk and all grades are celling well at a slight advance in pi ices. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , 8150. to SCO. ; Extra draft horses , 3175. to 225. ; Common dra.'t bones , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 390. to $100. ; Extra plugs , $00. to 75. ; Common plugs , $20. to S40. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; 14 J to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ; 14 to 14i hands , $75. to 100. ; 13& to 14 hands , $00. to 75 Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof , 22. % per wine gallon ; extra California spirits. 187 proof , 1 3) ) per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled H < ltips , 1 00@1 fil ) ; fine blended , 1 50@ > 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbona , 200@700 ; K-n- tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , $0 00@1C 00 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@U 00 ; domestic , 1 40@8 00. RUMS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; New Encland. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic. 1 50@3 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY 1 7o@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Iirpwtect per cose , 2fiOOgM L" Attii'ju , case , 1200 ® 1 OC CLARETS Per case , t 50@10 00. WINKS Rhine wine , per case , 0 00 ® 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 007 ( 00. Cigars aid Tobaccos , CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , S.W.OO ; Clear Havana , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 Ib , OOc ; Spotted Fawn , file ; Our Rope , I nudity , 02c ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , tiOc ; Jloi > t Shoe , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , fiOo ; Purity , 24 Ib. butts , 52c ; Queen Bt > * > , 21 Ib , butts. 53c ! Glt Edge , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , 00 ; Army nnd Navy , pounds , file ; Bullion , pounds , . ' 8u : Ixmllurd's ( Jliimix , ixmiids , OOc , FINE CUT In palU Hird to Beat , 75o ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain. 80c ; Favorite , G. > c ; Jtocky Mountain , ( iOc ; Fancy , 55u ; Daisy , fiOu. In tin foil C.itlins ( ) . S. , fi Hi boxes , per ll > 05c ; T < ori- Illnrd'H Tiger , IMC ; Diamoinl ( 'rown , Ofic , SMOKING All grade * Common , 25 to 33o. Granulated Blackwolls Durham , ID oz 51c ; Dukex Durham , 10 oz , 50o ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 07. 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 of. , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 u-f , linen bags , pcrlb , $1.35 ; Marbtirgii' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Dog Tail , 05c. ' Building Material. LIME Par barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per bn. , 35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50 , lowu plaster , bbl , $2 50 , Hair per bu. 35c. Tarred felt 100 lUs , 83 50. Straw tx.ard , $4 CO PAPER Stiaw paper , Sjjc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goodt paper , 7c ; inanlla paper , IOc ; news paper. 80. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blossburg , $12 ; Whitobreast lump , $8 00 ; Whitobreast nut. 88 00 ; Iowa lump , $0 50 ; Iowa nut $ G 50 ; Rock Springs , $8 ; Anthracite , all sizes , 813 50 11 50. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy , 13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; dingy and w. , l8c ! ; burry , black and cottcd wooti ' . ' ( crjlic lets Hlde Furs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7ogreen ; cured hides , 8c ; green Halt , part enroll hidfu , 7(3j7'i'c ( ; dry flint , sound , lHfollc ; dry calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hidessound , ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 151U. 10@llc ; green call , wt , under 8 Ibs , pel skin , C'flfj green liclts , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb skiiw , 81 10Sil25 : damaged hides , two-third ra ! , cut scored and one grub , classed tw < r tl irdu rat , ) braiidsd hides 10 iier cent , ilf , Ccon nkinH , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. B , 30o ; No. 3 , 15c ! No. 4 , if. Fox , No. 1 HOC ! No. 2 , 25c. Skuitk , No. 1 , blvsk , We ) sbort altipo , 40 < " nnrroir i > trlpe 25c bruad tri | > e , IOc , Tallow , f > Jc. Draft. D1HTOS AND CHEMICAL -Acid ( arlxtlie , 50o ; Acid , Tartarlo , Me ; Il.\Uam ( < ciMbla ] , per Ib , 72cj lUrk , Sawnfras i > er Ib , U'o ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c ) Cinclumlcllfl , per 07 , We ) Chloroform , per Ib , 05c ; Dover's powilcrs , i > er Ib , SI 10 ; llpsom 'alts , per Ib. 3ic ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , I8c ! Lead , Acetate , IXT Ib , 2lc ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per rfal , 1 35 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , SI IVij Oil , Olive , per gal , SI 40 ; Oil , Origanum , Wo Opium , SI 40 ; Otiinlno P. & W. A I ! . & H. , wr or , $2 2"i ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib : ! < 0 ; Salacut , per 07 , 40c ; Sulphate of Mortihiuo , perez , S3 8. " . ! Sulplmr Jlour , | icrlb , IJcj Strrclitiine. tier oz. SI IS , MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Connoil BlufTn Mnrhot. Consoir , Raws. Dcce ml er 1(1. ( VIour Mnnufactnred by CryoUl and City Mill * . 3 75i ( ? I f 0 : Knnias nud Ml . sour ! Hour , 3 50 ® I 2. > ! grnhnin , 3 7" > ; rye Hour , 3 10. llriui and Short * 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 21 50 per ton. Wheat-No. 2 , S120 ; No. 3 , ! 0c : re- | ectc\l , 70c. _ Corn No. 2 , " .I , rejected 4 , . 0.itlMi. . 2 , IOc : rejected , .T.c. Barley No. 2. ! > 0c : No. 3 , 7. ' Hay l > 50if 700. ' Wo'od-tl 008 00. LhoIIopt 530@5C.O Cattlo-Sblpping , 4 WJri ( 00 ; niileh cows 30 00 ® 15 00 per heads Imtcliers stock , 3 003 50. Slicop-375@l25. G Hides file ; t ; S hide7jo. . Wool ir..T. 5. flutter 2 : > ( if30i ! . 1'Iggs JKfc. Potatoes 10S)1 ( ) 30. Onloin-l 21 40. Grand Junction Mnu'hot. GIL.VND JUNCTION' , la. , Decembci Iti. Eggs l"c. Butter 10lSc. ChionRo Jfrortnoo. CillOAUO. December 1(5. ( On 'I'liaugc tins markets were ratln'r liuNi'li and lower. Tlie receipts of grain were 4.V. ) c.irlonds by rail , viiihr.iriiig 87 of wheat , 110 of oorn/llO of . ut < . 111 of rye , and 5 1 of barley. Flour Dull ; very littlii doiiu ; ; coiniuon to choice sprimr western , ! D0@7 10 ; Mlu- itMotu , i'i OOQ , " 2.1 ; pntvntii , 7 50 © f > 0 winter brntids 5 00til7 ( 50 ; rjo Hour , "i 7. " ( 5 HU ; buckwheat , 8 00@8 50 , Wheat In No. 2spring thoio was a fair ) iieiuo-B trausaeted on speculativea.count jilt nothing of consecuenco | doing f ir ship- mint : the feeling uas u trillu uiucttlud ind llu tuations conlined within a moder ate. range. The market opened n hide : stioner ; but teen after the opening be came. weak and dec incd JcVi'lc per lui-licl , illled steady for nwlnlc , tliou tluctunted , mil H aly ! closed about A2o Icmcr on regular hoard i n 1 on call at 1 20for De cember ; 1 20ij ( < ? 'l ' 2iJ ( for Janumy : 1 27 ior rebiuary ; 1 2l ! @l 20J for March ; No. 3 , iju et nt 1 1i ! for cash ; ! II for Januaiy ; rejected , 81@S5c , aecnrdmg to OCJltlOU , Cciin The market exhibited a fair do- ; reo of activity early in the day and the eelin. ; was s.cadier . , nccumpauii'd with a "light advance in prices , but during the attoi part of the session the fueling was weaker anil the improvement was lout ; S'o. 2 and high mixed closed at OOJo for December ; ( ilc fur January ; OOJ for 1 < ( bin ary ; CGJKS 00k- for May ; OCJo fet June ; rejected , 5i@ ! . lUc. Oats We ikcr and lower on account i f urge receipt * an < steady acctuuuUtio i in fti ck ; No. 2 closed nt 45'o : ' for December ; 14Jc for January , 4ic ( ! ] fenMay. . Itye- Dull and rasy ; no trndlng execpt on local account ; No. 2 SISc for January ; ! IHc for February. Barley Firm and Ic higher : trading iiodurale ; No. 2 , 1 03 ® 1 03 j for January ; o. 3 , tlilc for December ; 85o for January. Pork Fairly active but a tr tie lower ; mess closed at 1C 75@10 774 for January ; 10 00 for February ; 17 lufo > 17 1 2i for March ; 17 50 f. r May ; 17 52j for June. Lard Steadier at a decline of l'\5c , closingat 10 ! > 7i for new December ; 10024 for January ; 1 > 17i for February ; 10 30 for March ; 10 40 lor April. Bulk Muats Active at former iirices ; short ribs 8 02J for January ; 8 7" > for Feb ruary ; 8 S. . < ff 87 J f r March. Whisky Steady nt 1 17. Butter In moderate < emaiid and mar ket iiiiet | : clioice to fanuv creamery , 30(5 ( 38c ; fair to gooil , : B@a.c ; dairy , choice to fancy , 28@34c ; do. , fair to good , 18@ 25c ; fresh made packing stock , 12li@Hc ; ladle packed , common to good , lli@18c ; rol , 18 ( 25c. Ivgys Demand moderate , offcrlniz am ple ; frefh ice bouse snld nt 25tf2Cc ( per dozen , and pickled at 18@22c. Rec'ts. Shlpm'ts Flour . 13,335 11,800 Wheat . 31,281 20,071 Corn . 117,212 04,17'i Oats . 100,420 24,7114 Rye . 4,820 3,510 Barley . . . 47,504 17,995 Chicago Iiive atook. CHICAGO , December 10. Hogs Receipts , 34,000. Market gener ally rtrong for good steers but weaker for common r dec ; million to good , 5 8Qrf 6 20 ; heavy packing and shipping , 0 2il ( a 0 10 ; light ho/s , 0 006 15 ; skips and culls , 4 25@5 40. Cattle Receipts , 4,000 head. Market very dull for fat htonk , for which there were no b ! ' . Phristmns cattle were in fair supply but large numbers were left unsold ; fair to medium shipping 4 OOfu , 1 10 ; good , 5 20ff,5 ( 40 ; choice 5 05 © 585 ; expoits , 5 ! IOS.O ( 00 mixed butchers' stock. < | itlet ; cows , 200 © 3 40 ; bn"s , 2 00f 3 6 ' ; sleo s , 3 ( Of' ? 1 10 ; htockers , 2 25@3 35 ; feeder * , 3 05Jo I 25 Sheep -Receipts , 2,009 ho.ui. Maiket generally steady and unchanged ; ( air , 3 75 ® 1 00 ; good , 1 2.S4 ( 50 ; choice , 1 80 ( < / , St. Iioulii FrodnoA. ST.LOIIIH. December Ki. Flour Unchanged. Wheat O | en ed lower , declined but nearly rveoviired at the clo o ; No. 2 red. 1 3.'U for cash ; 1 35 for .lauuarv ; 1 3K& & for 'Febi nary ; 1 40J f..r March ; 1 I3J for May. Coiii--Stnily and alow ; ( ! 22ii.03o ( for cash ; ( rll@Ulo ( | | for Jaminrv ; 05Jjo for Feb ruary ; OOiii Mnich ; HJu08if ( for May Oat i Higher at 1741' ' IH ( forcash ; 47o 'or JamiHry ; ! 7'for / ' February ; 50c foi May. May.Ryo Slow ut ! Mo bid , Itarley Ijiiiet at 85o ( 1 15 , Lead Sternly nt 4 85. ButterEasier ; dairy , 2Krullc ! ; cream- cry. 35 ( . 3te. ! \ \ hlsky Steady at I 10. Pork Very dull and nothing doing. Dry Salt Meats Verv dull Mid nothing doing , Lard-10 ' . " 0. Bacon Lower nt 7 WX&'IO 10(5,10 20 Reo'ts. "Shlpm'ts. Flour . C.OOO 9,00(1 ( Wheat . 111,000 18,000 Corn . 20,000 30XX ( ) Oats . 11,000 2,000 Rye. ' . 1000 4,001 Barley . 3-1,000 none Bt- Louis I.lve Stock. Sr. LOUIH , December 10 , Hit's Yorkem lii.-her ; o'her grades un changed ; light , 5 25(5,500 ( ; Yorkers , C 1(0 ( ® 0 00 ; packing , II 00a,0 ( 33 ; butchers' to fancy , 0 150,0 50 Receipts , 1,400 head nhipmcntx , 1,000 la-ail , En tit Liberty Live Stoob. EAHT LIIIKIITV , Pa. , December 10. Cattle Nothing doing ; rcculptx , 780 head ; HhipmentH , 1,371. Hogs Slow ; receipts , 1.300 bond shipments , 2,700 head ; Piiiladeli > hiaH 0 60@(5 ( IK ) ; Yorkers , U 20(3 ( ; ( ! 35. Sheep Firm and a shadu higher ; r celpts , COO ; ehl | > menU , -100. , frrxVioo NKW YKIIK , December Ki , I lour Dull mid uneliniiKrcl : Southern , 'Itilet ' ftiul uiichanKed ; common to cholcp oxti- , * i 71(11800. ( Wheat Declined /ol / ( | . , bnt clo ml With in IP utti-n th ; ( leinnml iiunlorntolr ncthfj NCI. 2 i eel , 1 'M ( i ; i7J. No. ' \ white , 1 mwUi \ : N" . 2 rod , Di-ecmbcr , I lOijdo. .Innuiuy , 1 llj&i'l 121' . Co u Wrak nud lowers clciimnd fairly nothpi ungraded mlvpil , ( \a"y \ ; No. 2 , ' ' . ' ( ' "OJc ; whlto cmitlioiit , 7Uc ; No. 2 I > o- rrinlicr , CiSjfn.li'.lc. ' Ilyc Dull ; IMfn'.hi fi ll irloy Dull ; Nil. i Canndii , 1 0.1. Pork Dull : Rmt | , c.ld IIH--X iiiiototl t 700Cfl7 2.i ; now do , KS 0 ( iil825. tamlSteady and lower ; 11 20 for cn h nnd DeceiulHv.1anuniv. ' 11 30f < ill IV.'i. \VhUky-Nomlm\1. Petroleum Market dull ami nomliml. _ idli-d , 83i : crude In b.invh < , t'i\a \ \c \ ; rclined not < | iioted. Fcorla Proiluoo. PKOIIIA , December HI. \ \ bent All gimlos n-arco. with the bo t . .mi'liM in dom.iiid at oiitid prices ; m > sales tepoitvd. Com Mow nctive nud nil unini bvst.ikcu ftily and market ctimhiR Urn. ; No. 2whlto , .V : yellow , 0tc ; ; hlpli mlxrd , li''c : mlvoil , IKifll''c ; rojcotod , C.OJc ; No. 3 , tWlej no ; r do , Mc ! ; new rojcctril , Tijie. Onts-ltiulot , but plii-tM rteady without lotnblvchAiwo ; No , 2 , whlto , flic : mixed , I1 Jo ; rojccted , l.'Jc ; rojcctod mi\e < l , Ilc. Kyo- Stand v and uiu-li.iiig at I 00. lUrley ( jtuetnud noiiiiiinlly iincliniu'ed ; HI snloa n'portod. IIlKliwiiu-N Kiini nud sto.nlynt lli. . Shlp'K Wheat ! XX ) none "Joni. II.IOJ 811,000 ) nts 1,700 ! 14,875 3,100 norm 2,70(1 ( (500 ( none 100 Cliiolntintl Produoo. CINCINNATI. Dei-ombcr 10. 1'oik MOSH , jobbing , 17 25if ( 17 f'O. Lnnl Sli'Any : prlmo stonm , 10 'JO ' ,0 tl.'i. Bulk Mi-als-SU'iuly : ilouwdoK , 8 ! K ) ? , ' . ! 15. Bin-on Stou'y ; clo.ir Hido.s , to " 4 * . Flour-Dull ; family , t ! 10C 17 f > 0. Wheat -Knuy ; No. 2 rod , I 30. ( < orn--FlrmcrNo. ; 2 mixed , titfc. Ontu St u.iy . ; No. 2 inlxnl , 4lo. ! ItyoSteady ; No. 2 , I 01V. Biirloy Hn y ; No. 2 Hnrltu , ! 00. \VhUky-Stciuly ; 1 15. Phllndolphin Produoo. I'lllLADKU-lllA , Doremboi lit. Wheat Liiwiir , nt I 3740 1 3S | for wwli ; 1 : U Jf7i I lOfor.Ianmry. Corn-Lowei ; ll"ii ( iit > i ! for cash ; tlSJcji ) i'Jjo ' for .liuiu irv , OixtH Ijiiwi-r ; M JfyiWiu for i-anli and ( cccmbur. Hye Quiet ; ' . 'Se ' for ciiuli , Baltlmoro Proiluoo. BALTIMOIIK , Dpccmbnr 111 l-'lour-IJuiel. Wlu-nt Xn. 2 HH ! wiuti-r dull ando.iHy ; 1 37.4 , ® ! 37J for cash nnd Deccmbor , 1 3SJ or ( Innuarv. Com Mixed wtirtUnn , sttcady at tWc. Turpontliio Mnrlcot , Wir.MiNcirox , N. ( \ , Doconib'r Hi. Hcisin Klrni ; htrnlntd.l 87Agoodl ; (12. ( Spirits Firm ; 51. Tar Finn t 25. Spirit * Turpentine Steady nt 200 or hard ; soft , 325 ; Yirgin , 20. ' . Buffalo Iilvo Stock. EAKT BUFFALO , December II ! . Hogs--Stendy ; reci'ipls , 45 curs ; ld nents , ( ! U cack Yoi-kcrc , 0 25(1 ( ; U 30 ; food medium weigbtH , ( i 25cff l ! 10 ; good icavy , ( i r > 0 ( ( i 55. Toledo Proanon TOLEDO , December Hi. "A heat Quiet ; No. 2 red , 1 3ij > ! for ( nnuary ; 138J for February ; 1 40'for / hlnrch ; 1-12J for Apiil. Corn Quitt ; No. 2. ( J4c for cnnh P8Jo 'or .Innimrj ; G8jcfor ! May. Onti Nothing doing. Liverpool Product * . JjiVEiirooL , December Ki. Flour--American , lOa Od@13H. Wheat-Winter. 10 0lallls ( ( ; white , 10s Cd@10n ' .til ; xpring , Us 10d@10.s Ud ; club , 10s OJ@lls4d. Corn 5s 11 id. Pork 75s. Lard 57s. HoceiptK of wheat for the past three layx , 188,000 centals , li 1,000 being Ameri can , Dry Ooodi. NK-V YOKK , December 10. The market for dry goods IIUH nhowii Tery little animation to-cl y , busint-m hav ing been quiet with manufacturers' agents and jobbers alike. Tue values of nearly all staple fabrics are firmly maintained and stocks are remarkably well in hand. Connidurii g the lessened demand noted ol late , cotton goods have as a rule been quite in demand and the main features of the market are unchanged. Converters nnd finishers are placing some orders for spe cialties required for the spring ; trade , but iobbors are operating sparingly and in accordance with HCtn.il wants sotno In the cane of a few uprlng fabrics which are receiving - ceiving a moderate share of attention. The tone of the market continues very steady , almost nil detiirablo cotton f jbrici being helds with unabated firuinem. Matter of Application of John ( ! . Brand ! for Liquor License' . NOTICK. Notice in hereby given that John f ! . I3ruudt did uixm tno 15th day of Decem ber , A. D. . 1881. hie his nppllcation to the Mayor and City Council of Oiimhu , for license t > sell Alnll , SpirituoiiHand Vinous Liquors , at No. 501. 500 , 508 , 510 , 512 , South Tenth street. First Ward , Omaha Neb. , from the 1st day of January , 1882 , to the 10th day of April. 1882. If there be no objection , remonstranc or protfftt tiled within two weeks fron Deoemhi-r 15th , A. D. , 18H2 , the said license will ba ( 'ranted. JcillX ( > . Bli.v.Nlir , Applicant. The DAIM BKI : newspaper will publish the above notice for two weeks at the ex pense of the npplicant. The City of Oma ' deuli-12t ; UtyCleik. Matter of up ) lication of Adellim Jidm for Liquor Liccnso , NOTICK. Notleu is hereby given that Adellm Jiihn did , upon the 15th day of December , A. I ) . 1881 , filu her application to the Mayor and City Cuiincll of Omaha , for license to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liimo s , at No , 1112 South Tenth street , First Wii'd , Omaha , Nebraska , from the lid day of January , 1882 , to the 1 th day of Api II , 1882. If there bn no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from De ctinber 15th , A. D. 1881 , the nald Ilcenso will bo granted. . . . . AIIKI.I.NA JAIIN , Appliosm. TiiKD.ui.v BitKnewiipaperwm publM tin : above notice for two weeks at the ex pense of the applicant. The City o Omaha in not to bo charged therewith. J. J. L , C. JKWKTT , City Clerk. DculO 12t _ ' * . "UIIT Clarkson & Hunt , 8ucuc8W to Klcharda & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW C. F , Manderson , AT LAW ATTORNEY - - ' 7 IPirnhw" ut " _ . Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - AXMEYE ' "fnJNS Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from $5 $ to $18 $ , Donulo Broooli Loading Shot Onus , 818 from to $75 $ , Mnzzlo Loading Shot Guns , from iSG to S25 , Fishing Taoklo Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Eases Always on Hand , TOBACCONISTS Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer- shaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards , Send for Price List and Samples. ileH rod | t Omaha , A Collins Sheyenne , * * Colorado Fall and Winter CLOTHING ! * LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. ox. 'jpxrarrnare-- iaax.v.x : > 33oro INTHl LATKsi-s'l'YLES , Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Sum all i , 1316 FARNHAM NEAK FOI'RTKKNTH BROMPTON. CONSUMPTION. PRESCRIPTION. B I P Banishes Prevents , Bad Broatli , Ghost Fains , I ruomnonia , Blood Spitting , Gelds and drills , iPhleghm in the Throat Gattarrhs , I Paias in the Sides , Bronchitis , Dronp , , Pleurisy , BOSS COUGH PHYSIC. Brompton Hosplta is the LAKUEST INSTITUTION IN TI IK WOULD of which the object is the treatment of LUNG AND OHKST D1SEASKS. Its Medical Staff consists of the MOST KMINBNT PHYSICIANS In London , to whom wo owe this the MOST SUCC1WSFULIIKMKDYOVTHKAOK. In tlio British Metropolb alone It has effected ino-o than 1,000,000 CUHKS , and in the trying Winter of 1880 fa credited with having SAVKD HUNDUED3 OK LIVES. Send for Sample Dottle , 05 cent * . Obtainable only ( in Bottles $1.00 and COc each ) , from or. xi. a ADDRESS , . RE8IDENOE. Po t-OTlce Dox 602 , novl6.tr 8. W. Pierce and SOtb 8 OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY , Corner 15th and Farnham Sts. ( BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE , ) MOST ELEGANT SELECTION OF Holiday Goods TO BE FOUND IN" Til tf MAEK : T Now on Exhibition and Selling Very Rapidly. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH I Call and See for Yourself. . . Proprietor. O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Gumings Street , two blocla north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT ood-3m , POWER AND HAND' HAND'I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MAOIIIHKHV , DBUTINg , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omah