THE "OMAHA DAILY BEE : S MTJ11DAY , DECEMBER 17 181 The Omaha Bee. I'uMMied tvcry morning , except Sundny. Tnc only MomUy inoniliig dally , 1KKM8 I Y MAIL- Onc You 510.00 I Three MonthsS3.00 Six Month * . MX ) | One . . 1.00 EMU WEEKLY BKK , pulillohcd ev- iKUMSl'OST ; I'AIOr- Ono Year $2.00 I Tl.rcoMonths. . . M Six Mouth * . . . . 1.00 | One . .JO COHllKSI'ONDKNOl' All Comniunl- itloni riOatlnt ; In Nuwi" and Kditorlnl mat ters should lie addressed to the Kniion or LBTTEUS-AH Biirfne ; . ninl HeintUanrM xhould bo ad dressed loTim OMAHA I'ci.umiiso . COMPANY - PANY , OMAHA. Drafts , Check * ntidrost. aTu-c OrdeiK to bo nude payable to the rdcr of the Comany. | OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'n E.nOSE\VATER. Editor. bilh were introduced in the lower house of congress yeutortlny and it wasn't a very uncommon uliow- cr eUlior. . TUB lirat cMl of states in the liiat congress brought forth 1:100 : bills. This time the number will reach 1,200. Congressmen nro better at presenting hills than paying them. , KVKIIY insin is presumed to bu innocent - nocont until ho is found guilty , and neither popular excitement or per- sunal prejudice are eullieient UXCUBI'H for the perversion of justici' . TUB Now York Suit says Hint iit the jirusotit rate of eonl coiiHUtiiptiiin an- thracitu will soon become a high priced luxury. It IH evident that the odjlor of the Sun hns never spent u winter in Omaha. THK nuinagers of renderleas nuwnpa- pern in theno purta exhibit an uncom mon concern suddenly about the money squandered by applicants for liquor nnd drupgiatit' liceiiBOB , in nd- vcrtising in Tun DKB. YOHK a kH for about tuirty millions of dollars to run tliuuity government - ornment during tliu coming year Tweed's stoalinga and Tweed's inllti- encu still make tlioinselvos felt in New York municipal politic * . TIIK frank admission of The lloiald thut it has "lied and , upologi/ed ro- tractod" more through its columna than it will over. , do again shows what the visit oF Whittle and Mo- Granaghnn can accomplish umong thu editorial fraternity. HKNATOU VAN\VYIK : hai presented a number of petitions from his Nebras ka constituents demanding legislation by congress to prohibit discrimination and extortion by railway corporations. It is to bo hoped the petition may have the desired efloot. For the moat part these appeals are pigucm-liolcd and ig nored. EVKUV western representative and senator will have an opportunity dur ing the present session of coiiprosa to place their views regarding the trans portation question on public record. Thu urgent and popular demand for 'legislation on this subject is bound to nuke itself felt , and mammoth petitions from ten different states .have .already been presented anking .for the regulation of railroad trann- porlntion by national authority. THK surplus earning of the pro ducers of the country are largely ab sorbed to pay dividends on watered clocks held or controlled by railway kings such us Gould , Dillon , Vanderbilt - bilt nnd Villard. These pampered favorites of stock gambling are sur passing European aristocrats in luxn- riousnosH und wanton waste , Henry Villard is about to expend # 1,000,000 in the eroction-nf a residence on Mad ison avenue , near Fifteenth street , and Sidney Diliou is building u man- ( don which in to throw Yanderbilt in the Hlmdo. It U an iiitorcHliiitr ques tion who pays for them. 1'OnTMAKTKK ( lUNT.KAI. J.IMKS Illlf definitely Announced his intention ol retirim ; from the cabinet on .Inuum- } 1st to enter upon his duties im pros ! ilont of the Lincoln national hunk oi New York. Mr. Jainea' record in postmaster general has been the btwi in the historj' of the government. Ht introduced system and economy when both were previously lacking and mutli war upon extravagance and fmtu wherever found. Ho was the mai above all others for the place ami then will be universal regret that he feel compelled to vacate a position fo which IH > wus so eminently fitted , T nomination of Jleiijtiiiiin H Itrewster for the attorney guiiunilshi ; will meet with ganerul approval. Mi BrewBtor ia ft lawyer of learning , 01 periouce , and more than all , of sterlin honesty. Hin connection with th star route cascu has given him a thoi rough insight into the plans and pnu ticca of Brady , Doraoy & Co. , nnd h may bo confidently depended upon t push the prosecution regardless i threats , bribe ? or any outside ii flueivccs. In pending in Mr. Urowi tor's 'name to the senate , Prcaidui 'Arthur has consulted the bust intei cats of his administration , no lessthn the welfare of the country at largo , AUGUST ARNDT. August Amdt nought to recover homestead from which he wns ejected by that great land-grabber , the Union Pacific. Ho was at once spotted ns a dangerous desperado. In these days the most dangerous desperadoes are Russians , so August A null was billed a Russian. Every Hnssmii must of course bo a nihilist , su Amdt was booked us a nihilist. Jlut August A null is by birth a Gorman nnd there fore ho was also classed as a socialist , In his hopeless struggle with a giant corporation Arndt wns badly jammed. After being pillaged by the railroad ho was fleeced by the lawyer * , lleing a man with strong passions ho became very loud with threats iigaiiifct law otllcora whom ho conceived to bo in conspiracy with the corporation that had ojcotcd him from his home stead , Ho wns thereupon charged with contempt of court and jailed to await the notion of the United States grand jury. Thai body hns now presented a bill of indictment against him for attempting to intimidate a judge and impede the coutse of jus tice. tice.This This somewhat unusual procedure is said to have been institi'tcd in or der to hold Arndt in custody while the grand jury is investigating the Wntflon It. Smith murder , of which he is suspected. August Arndt m.iy bu guilty of this fellonioiiH crime , but up to this hour ho is only legally held to answer for a misdemeanor. August Arndt may bu the most dan gerous of criminals , but as long n.s ho in merely suspected he is entitled to the same treatment which thu laws of the country accord to any other man accused , of a mi nor inisiluiiiojuiur.But / even before - fore the grand jury had taken no tion on the charge of threateniii' ' the court otlioura lie WAS Unottled by the refusal to allow repot tora of the prwts to sou hiiii. Thin sinackn altogether too much of Russian tyranny to unit our conception of American justice. Arndt is penniless and friundlcHH and for that rcinon wo foul impelled to de mand for him such treatment as would have been accorded to any man ac cused of crime who linn plenty of money and scores of friends. Wo ask that he should be dealt with , with at least as much consideration as the notorious man-burner , Olive , received who roasted his victims nftjr they wore shot. BURLINGTON AND OMAtfA. In order to appreciate the merits of the "direct pressure" part of the Omaha water works it may bo well to compare them with the "Holly swin dle" over in liurlincton , which has been in operation several years. * * There wore nine one-inch streams thrown from n licit-lit above the level of the river of from 100 to 132 feet on throe dificront hillx of thu city. Twelve streams from one inch to one and one-half inches in diameter wore thrown at the same time on the low ground toTm average height of 151 foot above the river. * * * Un der --0 pounds pressure to the square inch a three-inch scream of water was thrown from a point 1)0 ) foot above the river to a height of 284J. feet. This was for display. When General Grant returned fron : California the victims of the "Holly swindle" in Burlington allowed the veteran to see the water works throw a three-inch stream from the sa'mo level 11071 feet high. Herald. I'artii's who witnessed one of these dress parade displays at Burlington , do not consider the feat as at all marvellous. Thu mant'gors had constructed a main specially ( or this test within hrue blocks of their engine house and early on the same level with their itiinpi. Every other connection with ' , her mains win shut oil' Four lydrants were connected in- o one stream , and this itream was forced through tandpino especially made for thu dis- ilny. Tim standpipu was fastened to platform erected for the exhibition .ml . from this single atandpipu they laim that u vertical throe-inch itrtmm , 'JO'.l ' feut high , was thrown. Thu hiiilit was niuiiHiirud from the toj : if thu spruy when there was not a iiroath of wind stirring. ( tainting that thu Kurlington works with aUch u , contrivancu did hrow n tUreu-inch stream 1107 foul itgh at tliu limo of ( lunoral Grant's visit , what docs this funt amount to' What reliance uould be plauod iipon it for practical olloct it > i great lite. Hut , after all , Hurling on is not the only place where wutei Mill bu forced to great hights by diruc pressure pumps. Thu Oinalm hipl school test will more than match thi Hurlin tou display. The hydntuti nt'n ? thu high | school amBit f jul sbovo thu river level und four stream' were thrown from 1 ] inch no//.lus to i hight of 140 feet which was n tola of 42i ; fuel above the river level. Am thu test required the pumping of th water through thruu miles of pipe owing to the circuitous route from th engine house , while thu Burlingtoi exhibition was made from a poin within IONS than u quarter of u mil from their engine. .Hut there i really no comparison between th Burlington und Omuha water worki Burlington has only 12 miles of we tor mains , while Omaha has Itl mile ; Burlington depends entirely upon d reel pressure , and n bioken main m at any moment cut oil' her water au ] ply and duprivo her of all ( ire .protu lion , Omaha will only use pressure in an extraordinary emergen cy. Our reservoirs will nlFord the most ample lire protection , and what is fully M important , our system can bo extended and enlarged just ns rap idly as lltogrowth of Omaha demands it. Tt is not to be expected , however , that tlio jobbers and water sharks , who were BO signally defeated in their attempt to foist Holly's works upon us , will over acknowledge that Omaha has escaped a calamity in refusing to follow Burlington. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS England begins to ro.ilizu that the United Stales has a foreign policy in regard to the republics which adjoin our country on the American conti nent. The publication of Secretary Uliiino's dispatch to Minister Lowell regarding the Clnyton-Hulwor treaty , in exciting a good deal of comment from the London press , In this con nection Mr. Blainc assorts the Mon roe doctrine with eloquent emphasis , and instructs Minister Lowell that any canal constructed across the isthmus will bo considered ni part of the Amer ican coast line , to bo treated nnc pro * tcctcd as such by the United States government. On the part of the president he askstmch modifications of the Clay ton-Hulwor treaty as will give to our government nit unchallenged protectorate over thu isthmus route. Mr. Blaine very clearly points out that since the treaty was signed , thu remarkable developments of the Uni ted States on the Pacific coast has changed the conditions. Tt is abso lutely insisted that , the highway to the I'.icific sltnll not bu under the control of another power , which at some fu- turu day may menace the peace of our nation. Tin ; death roll at the Vienna the atre , as already announced , foots up fully one thousand lives. The funer al of the victims the moat impos ing spectacle over witnessed in Vienna. Tun thousand devout Cath olics attended the solemn requiem mass for the souh of the departed. After the requiem at St. Stephen's Cathedral the funeral ceremonies be gan at thu cemetery. Cavalry , in fantry and police maintained order on either Hide of thu.imposiig ) catafalque , which was illuminated by several hun dred candlcH. There wuru seventy metal coiling , those containing uniden tified remains being numbered , while the others boru the names of the oc cupants. All around wore plants and wreaths , provided by mourners and the various corporations. Many mourner * wcru present. The funeral procession included all the member * of the common council , many members of the Riochsrath , representatives of the various thea ters and members of the aristocracy. After tliu service , Burgomaster New- aid delivered an address , in which ho spoke of the priof of "Vienna , of Aus tria and of the world at the terrible calamity. The coffins * wnro ihon low ered into H common grave. s . . . . Au unsolved problem in tlio Britiah hou e of commons is how to maki rules that will prevent malicious filli < mistering , und at the name time not interfere with debate. Thu next sea * sion of parliament will make it a ape e itl study. Indeed , BO mo goso far tu to say that this will be the one im portant matter before thu house. II \wll prove very perplexing , for , us liberal paper says , ever since thu Iris ! ) members learned how to ojtrucl businem , ' "men of great capacity and .pocial experience have beun undeav- ring toduvisu a scheme fur a. ruforn : f thu procoeduro of the house , , which , while it shall prevent obstruction , hall avoid interference with the lib rty of debate , and tlioy have all o : hem failed " In the American con rem the majority party does not tint t difficult touinko rules to suit itself ind trusts to luck never to becomi he minority party. English con urvutivus , oik thu other hand , du nand that no changes .shall bu made unluH.s they are tu bu perpetuated rhatovor party ia in power. In HOIIII uspeota , tooit i more important it parliament than in congress to havi very measurd debated. .Japan wishes for further interconrai tvith Corua , and has asked that th xirt of Ninseu ) > u open to her com nerce , and thu Coruann are dispoaui o yield ; but a request that Jnpanu.s [ nurchanU be allowed to travel in th nturior hni bueu uquarely refused Jatholtc missionaries hiivu probabl ; lone as much UH any race of men I levutu thu intulligencu of thu Coreana although their work ban beun slow mirce'it wiis 200 youra ago that thu tint entered the country. There at now in Coren about 80,000 Catholici and nearly all of them belong t the party of progress. Five mil sionarioa from France who are in th country uru said to bo concealed , an although the government know * c their presence it does nothing to driv them out from fear that violence won ! lead France to declare war. Thu instructions given to ( Jen Hurlbut and Kilnatriuk last .Ititiu at iimdo public. They show that tl chief concern of thu Washington cab net at ( hat time was for thu renter ; tion of peacu in South America at i early a day and on ns equitable ni stable a basis ns possible , While tl instructions show profound sympathy feir Porn , there is no trace in them of nny feeling other tlinn Unit of the most perfect friendliness toward Chili. There is n very evident anxiety , how ever , that Chili flhp.ll not insist upon a cession of territory an a basis of no- tinllon. There is also n distinct in itiation that nny intermeddling of uropcan powers will not bo rvg.irdud ith complacency. Tlio three ofllcers who have been ndorgoing trial fur neglect of duty allowing thu late cxar of Russia to 0 aRsassinaled have each been son- onccd to Siberia for threu years. A lost curious fact was diademed during 10 trial that the man Kmilmnoll' , who ns the first to rush forward and seize 10 wounded emperor and help lift im into the sleigh , was onu of tlio ssassins nnd had u bomb concealed bout his clothing nt the titiio. The our men wore , it scoins , stationed flcen yards apart in a line. Euri- anofT was the last of the four , nnd ccing that the deadly work had benn ccomplished did not throw his bomb , Vlmt the Russian government Is eng ! to do with him docs not appear , ut ho was certainly as morally guilty a his associates who were hung. A case of slavery in its most dis- listing form 1ms come to light in Con- tnntinoplo. A traveling showman , illing himself Hodjali lien Moham med , bought some time ago in London wolvo street Arabs , paying from ยง 8 tu 12 apiece , cash down , to their miscr- 1)1 o parents , and baa since traveled itb them over a good part of Europe , iving sierobatie performances. The oupo went by the high-sounding iiino of the "Original and Genuine 'roupo ' of Ucni-OTiig-xong Bedouin Wabs. " The infants-for they ranged 1 age front three to six years wore ftcn soundly whipped , and all theme ! mo were half starved. A traveling iliahman happened to hoar of the ase , and through the ellbrts of the onsul general and the interposition of iord Granville , the children ere released and sent home. Chari- ably disposed people have undertaken euro for nnd educate them , for it van not thought beat to appeal to leir unnatural parents. The boys vero found in a room about fifteen eet square , in which the only furniture as a few beixes. They were dirty , arcfootud , and clothed only'in baggy 'urkish trousers nnd shirts many is too big. They had never tasted ea , coffee or any other luxury , and voro usually fed from a tin pot on omo unpalatable stow. They were over allowed any amusements be- end the acrobatrc tricks which they ad to practice aa professionals , and rero never allowed to go alone out- ide of their lodging room. There are ell grounded suspicions that other ejually sad cases of cruelty and neg- ect are to be found in various parts f'Europe. * The German army ia furnished liieily with oflicers and men from Prussia. Tlio oflicial muster roll for 882-3 shows that out of 18,134 offi- era Prussia supplies 14,008 , as against ,1I7 ! from Saxony , 733 fiom Wur- emburg , and 2,210 from Bavaria , Of he minor oillcors , about the same argo proportion comes from her )8,591 in a total of 51,581 , as against ) J,28U from Saxony , 2ttl ! from \Vur- omburg. and 3,3GG from Bavaria , ? ho men , including minor officers , lumber 428,274 , of whom Prussia contribute * 330,62(1. ( Very satisfactory progress in the management of the French poatotlico department lias in late years been made. Two years ago the net prulita- ro 2I5,000OOOf. ; in 1880 > they were 25,000,000f. , , and it ia estimated thiU when the present year is ended re- urns will bo made of : JM,000OOOf of let profits , On the 1st of .January the aavingx banks in connection with he postolllcti will be opened. Thu tunnel under the English chan nel ia making substantial progress. On thu French side a distance of 1,800 noterd and on the English one of 1,000 , or , ' ) ,400 motors in all , whiuh ure something more than one-tenth of the entire distance to be placed. It is believea that if the required $100- * 000,000 can bo raised , the work might ) bo finished in a comparatively short time. Quo estimate is that the htnnol could bo made fit far traflio in four years. The prospective niarriaqe of thu Duku of Albany with a German prin ces brings up the question of the an nual allowance that will be asked from parliament. Thu London Truth , asks why an English princv cannel livu on the allowance of ilermui prince , and thinks that if onu or twc princes would live in comfort and re pectability on 500 u year , ranch good would bo done. There is a new parliajuontary groug in the French assembly. It ia callei thu "Rni'ical ' Loft" andstarta out will sixty-eight members. NoHumbaggiiig the American Pee pie * You cau't humling the American prople when they tiu < l a n motly that uult them ttiuv me It Mul rocoumioml It to thel friends , .hut exatly tli * ca e with Sl-Bis DLOSSOH , which Inn become a houaeliol word all ow the Uuited State * 1'rito W centi ; trlul bottles 10 cent * , dll-e xllw MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Hnrry Wldmcr Is the leader iff > rchc. tin , ( Jcncxlevo Ward Ii tu play in French In Sew OrlentH. le tfl Itentnr Fremont \vtltinj , ' n piny ' 01 .lolin M Michael Ktrocroif U ia its elexenth week it Dm Huston Theatre. The receipts of the 1'ntU tnntlncc In HIH- Lon Saturday were $10 00. HenrletU Hcebo n.inff nt one of there- cnt Covctit sixnlcii protiienndc concert * . Str.W new opera , "Tlio Merry W r , " k in rclicar al nt the theatre on der Wcln , Tlio lli- opcr.i ciiniany nrc dulni ? n xery miccnful rcn-ton In the cail and "onth. It ii Htntcd that M. Gnmmxl Uctivcged for n tilt co-net opcr.i for the Parln Opera ' Snlvlnl will play : i ne.v pic , c called "Miiaei , ' next neuvm. H ia \ > y the author of "Salmon , " Ipnllta d'A < tto The Mndl < < niiRqiiaio throatre IIUUIARC- ni ntKl t that u | > to the M of December "IfHzel KIrko" had cleared.1 ? 122 , 000. IJnlto , the compiiscr of "Mefiitofide , " ha bci-ti created it cnnuuaniler of the order of the Italian Crown , by King Hum bert. Thro' the Ityo is the somewhat familiar title wliich IVarl I'.ytiiiKu hns Klvcn tn n new play of her own coinpoii- tinn. lO'Neil will probably head the company cngajcd I" support Madame Monjeknnn her return * o the United States nc.xt soa'-nj. John McUnlloitgh U abiitil to auicnr in New York In his new piny culled the "lloii'lit i an , " founded on the stoiy of Jack Cade , liy Lewis \Vin fleld. In the coming revival of Thu Oiphtum at Booth's , wlt'i the Claxton compnni , Kdwin Thorno will pUy the Chevalier nnd ilamcH O'Neill , 1'ierre Frochnrd. Scenery is now being painted. Minnie dimming * and l-'rauk Roche have been engaged hy Malinger McNenr , of the New Haven Opcr.i Home , as lend- jug people in the sto k coinjjany which he is lot mini ; for hid theater. The Gates Opera Company have only been partially nucce8ful in Ban Francisco. The homes have not on any ni flit been Miiall enough tn utterly discourage them , nor have they been InnM enough to make much money. Mine. Ltelkn Oorster has made a great hit in Bdtimore in the character of Vio- letta in U Tinviata. The Strako-ch Opera company epem to be making a great furore in thn city , Blanche Roosevelt joins them at New Orleans. Sis. Mnjoroni will Btnrt for Paris in a few ilayn to negotiate with his mint. Mine. Kistori , for an eng.igcmcnt in this cuiintiy iuxtw > ai > oii. If "ho comtx , it will ho to iilny in English. Mr. A. M. Palmer will bo the financial backer of the enterprise. The music of thu first net of Wagner's "I'nrsifal" has been reduced to pianoforte Hcore by Joseph Unbinsteln , a Bayrenth mtiticinn who was tin ti'otithpieco ' through which Wagncr'H detraction of Schumann's musical character was spoken twi > yearn ago. ago.By thin time next year there will be nine , nnd perhaps leu , theaters on Broadway - way , New York , between Thirteenth nnd l'ourtotii ! trects D.dy's , Wallac 't Itijou , StaiidnrdJAqimriuni , A. M. Palmer's , the new Cnsino , the National opera house , r nd the Metropolitan Casino : al > o U'Oyley Carte's. CONNUBIALITIBS. Missl'nrgo , the heiress of $ < > ( OCO,000 made by her father in Wei H & Karno'H ex press was secretly married three months ago tD Lieutenant H. G HqiiHrcH , U. S. A. 'I ho ceremony was performed at Hampton , Md. . by the ilev. Mr. i.ravatt. The princess of the I'iute Indians of Nevada , commonly called S-rnh Winiie- mucca , was married on the evening of thu 5tli iiist , to L. H Hopkins formerly a folidier of the United States army , whu a-rived there from A'izona on Nov.3. Ur. Beers was the officiating minister. Princes \Vinnemucca Hopkins and Mr. Hopkins are to come enst at an early date The princess has lived mainly in Cu won. Nov. , with her father , the old > hi f Win- nemucca , who died a few months ago. She is described as a bright , girl who has had a i od English edncaii n , and looks more i ike a Mexican girl than an Indian. The wedding bells como really * ringing BOW , and from Blooniington , the home ol Senator David Davis , it is written that tbat portly and indupend-nt gentleman ia shortly to be mnrried The bride to be , a fister of his lute wife , is a widow lady , residing in Lennox , Mass . and. although M > datu is yet authorized , the affair is said to IMJ very nearly hand. Senator Davis it the flri-tto make a break and establish the dangerous precedent in this widowcru' d- ministration , where crape-banded hats ore quite the insignit of lion r. Mrs , Dnv B , who was a slender little shadow of a women , died over two gint-e , and her big hiiiiband grieved over her loss in a quiet poirnw that truly affecting. Kdward Foe was jilted by Mairgie Sin ulair in Louisville ten years ago. Hi qiiitted the city KOOII afterward , and diil not return until within a month. Mis : .Sinclair was still unmarried. He told hei that he hud grown wealthy in Texas , thai he had ne\er ceased to love her , and that ho-had ronie to renew his offer of mar t'ni'M. Tliia time nho cmifiented and the wedd ng was liel I nt once , Fee suying that he-could not be him ; absent from his ex- touxive busine H , Thu pair stay til a we l < in Now Orleans , on their way , us the bridu HiippOMed , to her future home it 'IVxiiH. Then her husband deserted her and hH was not In g in concluding that hi ha treated her thux for the cake of n vt-iiK'e. _ _ _ _ _ _ PEPPERMINT DROPS. i jonii Itillmgs says that a dog never bite , iu ttie same pi ice twice. That's ac ordini tt > which pa t of a man guU over thn fenci Itut. Itut.The The worst kind of rhtunmtiiiii IK tin s ( > are ruomatism. Muny an unluki'P.l fuertt bn" crowded in betwee/i Itn iuj ibeets and died of it. A circus pfrformitigjn To\us had rah on fourteen c nst-ciitivu dayn , luid tin lown gave up in denpair anil umk a Hit nation in a giocery ntort- . Chicago mnktu and devnurs ovt-r S' , 000 , ( 01 worth of p es every year. i why you nt'vnr see any nppfe-coies lyinj mund the Htreets of the ( inrdon City. Vlfty thousand almanacs wem dlstrib itod free in Loulnvlllu last week , ami ye * in three ilays lifter not one man iu n bun drcd coul I tell when thu moon fulled. A Chicago driimnier fell th ough i liridgo ut DCS Mollies and broku Im leg while trying to tllit with n callcxi dies flung on a chithes-llne. K\enth maxhe lias his hour for Mirrow. Cabbages haven't been so carcu in tK Kiistern States for the last do/t-u yea. f but that \v n't lmv any Tearing on domes tic cigars , Beet and turnip leaves can bi worked in with the HJine efleet as cabbage A liulv remoimtrated with a greeu. gli who haa washed a table ellsh in a vrnxh basin. Bho nearly convulsed the whol family by replying : ' 'Well , mum , but clones the ba-iln agia , afore aaybod ; A Itiickland man sawudr rtisei ) "a sur cure for drunkenness. " Ho forwarded th neccmary dolltr ant ) received by retun mail , written on a v.vlliable pottal cnnl Ii beautiful violet I A" , the maxiu worth "Don't drink. " An advisement in a New York papc reads : \Yantod-A compositor ; one wii use neither tobacco nor rum , " So i would appear that in some cities compos ] tors uctu.Uly n e these vile things. ] doesn't pocnucrtxlible.-Norriiitowu ( Hei aid , Au old lady in Vermont recently sei I'reuidont Arthur a lux of home-mai btitteniut candy. AVhen the Illino mlnce-piei bcRin to nrmc at the White IIhouse people vho ranxiom for n chftiigo f AdministrationKhcmldbuy ticket * for Washington , . ! ? , Vrrlntc'1 n' ft M'hcr rcmnrknMe fact tlmt "WnMiinfiton M body Fcrvunt" w is not nt the \nrktn\vii Ccntfiinlftl. lli < nb- ncnco vill nut appear HO ctrniife when it i explained that the uld nmii was down In 1 exna ctittinc sovcntc n cord of wood n thfttday , Ho wanted to come , but bu i. nfM is liii lncfs , and the wood had to be o'll | Norristo\\ii Herald. In Kplto of the Maine law thu Connecti cut fnrmor cotitliiuo to tnnkc elder , n"d nonienf th miti I'alrRold cinititv reiitly HtorciUtinlln cedoll barrln. Ti. boiling this oil some preparation of lead Is used , nnd hence the rcuklois c uiMiiiietH of Cn - ncctlcut elder Keen becntno nwnre that they were victims of lead poNnnlni ; . Look no' upon the cider vvlicn It Is lend. See the Man. Mai * Inihliug on to the Lump 1'oit. How the whul whistles anil blows. It Uv-ry cold. The Man Is full ns a boiled owl. If ho enes home will his Wife greet tin wl h a KU ? No , but clip will e r , h his clothes for loose change nnd appear at the Mntineti next Saturday. The , Mnn knows this and docs nut go home. Ho prefers the so icty of a Limp 1'os.t to that of his Wife ? This mnn has n grc.v , head , Do not males u noise or \ nu will wake the policeman He is Milting on the door stop asleep , It is very haul cm him to have to tleep out doors these cold nh'hts. There U a b ink being robbed around the corner end n woman 11 being killed In thu next block. If the policeman waked up , he might find It out nnd nrrcct somebody. Some people bi > lio\e this i what police man aie for , but the policemen il > not think to. The Right Kind. in MAium : M. WELSH. An independent young man ; A-rich'kiiul-iif-.stutf young innii : A deep comireheiisiblc | , Plain-spoken , xcnslMc , Thoroughly self made young man. A n t-to-ho-beaten young man ; Ati-np'to-thc-frout young man ; A genuine , plucky , Hnupy-go-lucky , Tryit-AKain young mnr. A knowledge-seeking young man ; A 'cal wide-awake young man ; A wnrking-in-Bcafon , Findouttheriwson - - - , Not-too-smnrt'to-learn young man. A look-out-for-others young man ; A praitice-not-preach young man ; Kind , Kyinpath-tic , Not-all-thi'oictic , One-in-n-thousiind young man. An affable , courteous young man ; A know-wliat-to-cay young man ; A knight of true chivalry , Frank in delivery , Mnking-his-iuark young imin. A now-a-dayji-scarctf young man ; A hard-to-be found young man ; A perfectly-self-possessed Not-ahvaye-overdressed , Kiml-Uuit-I-liko young mun. RELIGIOUS. Chicago haH fourteen chartered Hebrew congregations. In the last ten jears the number of hurchi'.s in Chicago has increased from Hi to 1118. Them are now about forty Jvp sopnl wishes in issachusett.i where the sit- iiigH arc entirely free. The Society of Friends , in New York , epott au increase of one hundred anil linety-nine members in the last year. Bon and Llz/iie Joyce , H-year-old twins if Southern Missouri , are holding very successful revival meetings in that section. The Mtthodist Episcopal church pro- mass to- raise a fund of 325,000 for thn luilding of chapels in Sweden and Nor- vay. The Black llier (111. ( ) . Methodist con. erenco has pledged $ "XOOO for a steam raoht for she u c of m ssionarics in Cen- ral China , Thorniis-Harrison , the "boy prcache1- . " H due in Indianapolis oi Christmas. He will receive intofull , incmb rihip > 44il oC hii ant wii.te/B comcrta. Boston spending much immey fni chu ch music. The na'arics of the musi cians in a single choir , says n Boston-man if the old-fasliioao i kind ; would pay half , dozen country cleigymeni. According to the Catholiu Heviow there ire in China forty-one Roman Catholi i jishops , 684t European and 55fli native > riests. thirty-four codege , thirty-tour convents and 1,092,818 worshippers. A Colorado paper" reports that a Meth odist. Episcopal preacher In Pueblo adopts the original ! experiment of having the choir sing the mornixg hymn' from the nteps in fron ! , of the churuh in order to at tract attention. Conducted as some choirs are , without refereno-- the dig nity , solemnity , and real objectnf wor ship , it would not be a bad idea to put , hem outside the church and- keep them .here. The H v. Joseph Lehmaui ! , pastor ol the Baptist church , ofi Berlin , Germany , fives n gloomy view of the nr'esent influ- nee of'.Hvftngelical religion in that ci y. He says : "Berlin lian more need of 'tt-ligioc than th Congo , lor there , at least , the i-eo. belief ' .nt-in Berlin [ > le ha\e sotue religious , lin the great mass have none. . Thttru are , itU true , nobl exceptions , but , for the jnost part , the belief in Hud is given up , and the Bible has Iwumne n forsaken or.i < cle. " Arohhi-hop Tait is 71 yeaisold. He la .he first Scotchman who has attained ti the Primacy of theKngllMi ohiircb. He nay be seen any day walking nliout tin jtioets of Ijondon , dresned iu the plainest clerical attire , and perhaps Htaring ii thc hop win ows. It reijuiies wmieimagi- - tion to realize that this agt-df inild-1 mKiiig { cntioman in gaiters is the first Biltlsli mbject after the princes of the blood anil fills the plnco onre filled by llanfranc nm ; liccket nnd Langtmi , by Cronmer : ini ! Landl Mr , Mm itl v has received iiiostt-urdui i-lco'iie ' in Ivngland. A writ r there thu' ' explains thot-ecrtt of hisiiuwer : "Jlctall ; to tbo people to , not I efontlio'ii , andllu lias thoroughly mastered She subject b- ! talking about , he hns innivehiiis self-jioa iioi > , imtnraliiMff , Iiimver dH-ells tin m on one point , his illustiatiom- iiomely , he usi-s simple Su.xiui wor N hu i a snan nf one book , lie is , s he sayr , no merely earno-t , but toijiibly in caoni-st and he 1ms spiritual poviir , such imly ns : man can have who ! < filled with thn I lob Spirit of ( Jodi" Found What , erery one shnttld lm\e , ard now1 be without , U TIIOMA.V Kiu-mtui ( i > n. . 1 iit thoroi h und mfuinlU elfecU , prmlu cin ' the moat wondrcxts cures of jheuma tlnui , neil al in , InirnB , bruises nniwiuiid of every kind , dlriHllw VICTOR'S RESTAURANT 1O16 Faraham Street. , Chopa and Uamu C' Order. A 4 Served Under Pertonal Sapervltloci o Proprietor , VICTOR DUOROS8 , W. J , CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Orrir Front Hooini ( nu ttalrt ) In IUn com new brlik bulldluj , N.V. . cornet Krteootli o John G. Jacobs , ( Fcrmwlyof Ql n& Junta. ) UNDERTAKER No. U1T FurchAin St. , Old btand eco \ . HI Lands. For Sale By BEMIS IFTEENTHAND DODDLuSSTS , , Xo,2."iS , full lot fuiccd amiUtli tinnll'lnilld- g on Cnpltol A\einte nuarsfitli street700. Wo. 257 , LnrRO lot or block 20. " , by 10 ! fcut on tamllton , ncarlrcno street , 2,500. No. 250 , Full earner lot en , l nc , near 16th trett , * 3,000. No. 2.W , Two lots on Centir street , near Cniii- ujr street , SOX ) . No. 282 , Lot on Spruce street , near Gill street , JH ) . No. 2M , Two lots on Scward , near Kliif street , 8M. 8M.No. . 2MJ , Lot on Sewixrd , near King street , 350. 350.Mo. . -21(1 , Half lot on Dodge , near lltli street , 2.10J. No. 217 , Four beautiful residence lots , near n-Ighton L'ollcoor ( will sell separate ) , fcS.OOJ. No. "Jill , Two lots on Ch rlu , near Cumin ? trcit , * 4K > each. No. 2IUJ , Lot on Idaho'near Cunilng Btrcct , 1W. 1W.No. . 21. , One acre lot oil Cumlng , ntar Uutton tnct , * 7f,0 No. 241 , Lot on Knrnhiur , neir titb street , 4,000. No.'JI3. LotlM hy J3U feet on College bit cet , car St. llarj's Ai nuu , ? .ri5U. No. St'J , Lot on DonsUs , near-Jlitb street , : ! 74. 74.No , 211 , Lot on Farnlutn , i.tar 20tb B rect , 7f > 0. 0.No. . 210 , Lot CO by Oil feet on South A\i > nuc. lla on ctrectJSW. . No. 2,111 , Cornci let on llur' , near ! M treet , No'\'iS ! , 120\.in2 f t on lI rniaoar 21tb tree ( will cut It up ) , S2.400. No. 211.1 , 71\S10 feet on Slierinari Axeinie IGth street ) , near Grace , il.OCO. . No.04 , Lot on DouglM Direct , near23d S7SO. No.J.'I2 , Lot on Her sluct , near Kctinrd , S."UO. No. 2.11 , Lot lOzGO feet , near 0 pltol AMJIIUB ii(122Utruet , llJOO. No. 2-7 , Two lots on Dccntnr , near Irene street , 200 anil S17S cncb. No. 22.1,1 ot 14:1 : 30-110 liy 141 fert on Sherman \\emic ( Kith Btr.ct ) , nrnr Grace , -,400. No. 22u , Lot 2a\ot ) feit on DoxlKC , neir I3tb trect , make nn ofTcr. No. 217 , liOt on 21d btrcct , nenr Clark , $ ! W > . No 21B , Lot on Hamilton , near King , iSOO. Nu. 2ul ) , Lot on Ibtli , Nicholas btteet , No. 2j7 , T\vo lots on 10th , niur l'.iclllc street , 1,600. No. 205Two lots on C'astclhr , near 10th street , 150. 150.No. . 204 , beautiful residence lot on Dh Islon trect , near Cumlng , * 8M. No. 203 , Lot on Maunders , near n&mllton trect , SS.'O. No.llWl , Lot 15th Btrect , near Paclflc , $500. JJo. lUsJ , Three lots on Saumleri Htreet , near ie ant , $1SUO. No. 11V5J , Loton 20th ttreet , near Shcnnan , No. 1041 " , Tuo lots on 22d , near Grace street , * KK > No. . 11 > 1J , two ] ot9 on King , near Hamilton rect , } .1,2X ( ) . No. Wll , two \9tn on 17tli tr et , near White /ead Works , Sl.CH ) . > o.18S ) , one full block , ten lots , near the bar. racks , ? iex ) . N0..1U1 , lot on'Parker , near I rene street , # 300. No..lb3 , two lotn 011 Cass , near 21 t street. 1 , . No. Wl , lot on Center , near Cumlnj ; street , SOO. . No. 180 , lot on Tier , netr Seward street , $660. No. 175 , lot on Sherman a\enue , ne > r < Itard trect , * M 0. No. . 174 } , lot on Casa , near 14th , 91,006. No. iOrSot on I'acillc , near 14th street ; ninke ifftrc. . No. lR6.sIx lots on t'arcbain , near24tb rtreet , l,15jto i,000 each. No. lKi , full block on L2Gth Htroe % near acu courmt , and three lots in < llse'a addilluti , itar Sanm.ttnt a'ul C'aB'.liw streetN , $2,000. . No. 123 , lot on California street , near t/'relgh on eoHcBe , . l26. . -o. 127 , acre lot , near the head of St. Mary'- * a eime , JOW. No. VU , bout two acret , near the head arf.St. ll renu , ifl.Ojo. No. 1-0 , lot nn Ibth utreet , near Whltt Lead A'orks , 5525. ' No. 124 , HlUeen lots , near that tower ca the \ leleuo \ road , p7-r' per ot. No. 122 , 13J\13i feet (2 ( lots ) on Uth atreet , I'opnteton'H , SI , 600. No. Ho , thirty halfacru lots in Jlillard. nd laldwell's additions on .Sherman n\enue , Hprlf > K ind SiratOKi streets , near the end of xrcen < itrtet i r tnwk , iOj to 91,200 each. No. hit , lot on Chicago , near 22d strtet , 61,500 , No. SS , loion Ciililwe , ! , Mt'ar Saundcrd atrvet , * 00 , No. S < i , cocuvr lot on Chailefl , near Sauiulura Htruut , * 70'Ju. No. it > , lot on I/aril , near 21st , with two smull oimvR , 2-UX , ) . No. 83 , two lot * on 19th , near Pierre street , l.fpOO. No. 78 , thrt-e lots on Ilarney , ncur , . No , t,9'kvl32 ) fi'tton Uth street. near L'ien - > ru htrut , 5 , UI. No , ? J , ( * vS2 feet , on 1'aclflc' , ni-iirSth street , , . No. 01) ) , tifl\.132 fret , OH JlouxUi street , ntar 10th , * . ! .500. . No. ( il ) , ulKhtecn lots on 21st , 22d , 2M : anil iundi'iTJitreetii , near ordeu and Sauiiilcrn-Mni-t rultte , . " 400 each. No. II , ono-Courth liloi-k ( IMAlS.'i ( cet ) , luar the Content of I'oor Claire nn Hamilton Direst , near the end ol ri'd ntri-u car tniik , # 310. No. B , lot on Marty , near ! ) th Bticet , il,200. No : < , lot on Culllcrnij , near 2lht , * 1JO/ . No. 2 , iBtwi ( 'a , ne.ir2 d HIIII t , 3tbOO. SH. 1 , lot n , Ilarncj , near isth , & 2.VW ) . l.otH in llajluci.-i Mrct und H < cond atilltioim , o In I'arkvr'H , ShinnV , AcloonV , TerractK. . V. hmlth's , UeiHiU'n , U | H'H , Luki-V , und nil other iicluilloin , ut A'.y pru-rif und tenn- . 302 lot In Haiibcom t'lacc , ntar lUnscoiu I'.iH. ; prlte * iroin * 300 to Wuo cvieh. Onu huultvit and IHty-niiio be.uUllul real- dinto loti > , lofutiilon llainllton utreet , talf u\ lictttcen the turn taMe of the red utirrtvar lint- and thu uatervorKHiiMTilnr and addition , and Ji'.ft west < thn Convent of the towUtni I'oor I'Uxlre tn bhlnii'H udultlon , Priet * taiige from i-7/i in ijlOOeuih , and will lie told on nxy terma. Tracnof 5 in , IS , 2J , 40 or M ) crt , with Idlnx * nd other hnproteiiuntx , raid nJJolnlni : nulelly , at ftll prices. S 500 ol the fst rmliluiis lott lu- the clt } ' of Omaha any locution you du Irivnorth , i-a t , noiith or vnt-t , and at biil-rotk prlsv . , , 22U iM > Uu htmliiFis lots in all , the prlticiX | > l Inialnvss Htrreti of Omaha , \uryii { fiom * 00u to S7.000 rai-ll. T o hundred houws anil lot rkiiglng from XX > to ( "IS.OOO , and located In cvny pirt of the Largv number uf excellent fuiim in Douglas. Harp.i.Saunder * , UodKe. Washington , Bur * and. other coed countlea In Kjiitcrr. Nekr | lva. Bemis' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Douglas Street ,