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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY B : THURSDAY , DECEMBER lo , 1381 , 111 13 DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , DOO 15. Wnnikor Report ( Tin following eli crv ixttuni a to tnkcn at the MIIIO mnment ot time nt n'l ' the ta- WAR DuMRtMim , I" . 8. Stn-vu Sinner , ) OM IH , Dcccmlicr 1 . 1S3I. (1:45 ( : y. m. ) f . Klver above low water mark , four feet and ccvcn incho , atiiltro/cn. BKHJVITIlilB. ' I'olttobualtic ! wa.s dull lait evening. Travel both ca t and west occmi to bo picking tip. Klve plain drunks were arraigned be- fnnl Judge llcnclc tills morning. TheC. , I ) . & O. . train thin morning was one nnd one-half linnrn late , An Omaha ' . .utchervnn Tuesday ( Dwindled nut of SIJl.KO on tlic bo us c-hcck scheme. The proprietor * cf the Hknling rinl < will let their enclosed groundx to base bull cluln tliii Kca < in. -Nindcll & Ivrclle , 1'rnctlcal Hatti-rx , have rcmuvoil to X , K. corner nf l.'ltli and J'arnlmin trce't . ctl.Tit ! Slierilf Cmgrcive , run Iho past Clinic u , Iowa , with htx without any more wrlti nf habeas Tlicro will bo & meeting of the l.ake'x addition Lyceum at the brick chonl hoiih * thl'n evening. Thin weather is appreciated by none more than railroad IIOVN , vlio were : exposed - posed to mich teriihle cold tliin time list year. Samuel Keen , the printer ami book binder , in the linpjiy father nf a twelve- ] KUtid gitl , She arrived nt hli houau Munilay mciiiing , A pleasii'it party vtnt ( jUcn Tuen- clny nt the resilience of Conductor S. If. Ooddarcl , cif the LTntoi I'acirlc , In South Onialin. Orclcijfor cloatilnjf Water CIosotH , Oiithoii8c < < , etc. , will be promptly attended toby add retHiiig ( Ivvein Conly , postoH'ice , city. decU-Ct Tha Utah Northern road ha8 reached tlio suburbs of Uuttu C'ity , Montana , 110 mile * from O deu , and will run In aft HIIOII nM the deirit can bo { { ot ready. - ( ! . W. I.luingcr has purchase 1 the oil j IJrovvcr ifclJemiH brewer building' , near thn dlatlllery , and intcnilo to establish n largo manufactory of agricultural Implements there. I'OSTPONKMKNT-Tho drawing of the Michigan Tobacco Store Distribution i i o itpoued until January ' 'd , 1K82. Ono more thinco for you. No blanks. I'm. euro a ticket , Luke Kinuoy , hU brother , nnd Haley wcro l.idsoi In jail in Fort AVaync , Ind. , on Tuesday night. Officer M Onne , who accompanied Sheriff Co > grov to Indiana with the prisoncm , in on htn way baik , An unodicial tcit of the watorworku waa made yoitorday aftonioon ot the corner - , nor of Sixteenth and Farnain , the water being thrown in a horizontal position. It hwas merely preliminary to the tent of yen- terday. terday.Tho The Lincoln authorities linvo orderecl all gambling placet in the city closed , and the proprietor ! ) and habltucx to leave thu city , and nny bo lookud for to nwell tlw number In Omaha.Vo have C'ouncll lilulfs' outfit now and only need a few more - In tlietH4rict court yesterday , in the cane of Morgan vs. Kchroedor , the Jury brought a verdict for the plalntllf for * tKX ) . The case of Hyron HccilK. . the O. & X. X. road , another right cif wjy case , > in on trial tn-ilay. Engineer McCarthy , ( it the II. & M. , Btartcel fraiii Lincoln Wnlnexclny moriilnj. with locomiitivo Nn. II for Denver , Col. , going over the IT , 1 * . to Jiilenburg , am over the xhort cut. At Denver , McCarthy will run the II. & Al. construction trail working eastvv rd on the 0 , , 1) ) , & Q. ' iDouvur line , The rcHiilt of the corcmcrV liiueBtli the case of John Xnlnii , the Sarpy tountj fanner , who win found dead in bin Held 01 Bunday morning last , was a verdict : "That the deceased catno t > Ida clc.itb fron apoploxyof the brdn , brought on byni unknown cauHo , " Thocountycomnilnsioni'mholda hpccla meeting on Tuomlay , and ciUciiHHed tin . ndvnntajon of dilferent varlutlei of ston to lie lued in building the now cour hoiuo. The commUiloner Boomed to favo the JJorea imndntouc , from iiinirif8 | at tha place In Ohio , Thin tone U highly recom mended. The next claxsio a > . cert ( the 1'hil onmthean club , n Ml tcil by Mian Kate I James , will take place at liuyd'n opcr kouse Thursday owning , Docem * cr Kill ; 1881. The iiituul price of a'iidrolon vvl bo charged , Subjcriliciit inay resell beatu at tht > l > x ofllu ) without rxtr charge. dccl'Jlu The CiilliLi Hcwpltal , onDoaga H r o' w t of thu 1'ri'nljyterlan church , will I opened next Friday nfivrnooiiand i-venlni Mn. lishfi ) ClarkNon U tha prenldcni MIH. A. .1. I'opplctim in tha Kecntary , un Mrx. J , M. Tlui rton U tlu > ticasuiur. 1 ii unt lit any Mme u church Institution u the Roclcty In composed of 1 .elicit from tl varloiu churclifi and of latlliM who beloi to uo ] iarticulur church , Thohoapltul be ojieii for the reception of nny nick chl over two year * old , an exception , how eve being made in the ca o of n couUglmiu ell eahe. Atthoregular meet hiof Uco , A. C'.isti Post No. 7 , 0. A. It. , the follovvliij olllcf wore cUotudt 1' , M. Moore , post commai der ; I ) , A. Hurley , senior > ice ( uiiiiuai der ; Harry Krdmaii , Junior > Ice commai den It. II. Mclfoou , ' Itlclmrdii , chajiliilu ; M , Jfau ou , lltiey , cllicer of tlm guard ; 0 , 1 Fitch , past cxjnuiiander. Jtepresontatlvi to dfiurtmcnt Knuampmcntt II. 11 , M KcKin , Murk Jlaiuon , ] ) , A , JIurle Altemat j J. JI. 1'ierce , Vi'jn Alatthla J. JUdiardx. The Inttallatlnii will tal ' jwiceat the Srat m'ctiiig in January , LQUIRTING SKY-WARD , Water Thrown Ono Hundred nnd Forty-One Fcot High on the High School Square. A SuoocMfal Tent of tlioVntor - worhii Another T fit The big tent f the Omaha water work * look place yesterday In the pretence of the consulting Kngineer , 1 > . Coik. of To ledo , Mc m. linker , D.dly mid Knufniann of the city council , Chief Cngincor dill- gnu , City Knglticcr llopcwatc' , .Manner Shelton and Messrs. HogcM nnd .lohn on of the Omaha W ttr Work * company , llnglnctT 1 lav In , and cover 1 others. Two tesU were1 to have been m do , one at the I Ugh fchool building and the other on I'arnaiu , the former being thn much talked of tviit which was to hunt SIO.OM worth id bonce connections. At Id o'clock the g ntlemen named , 'with it HUlIlcient force from the firn depait- ment wt-nt upnn Cnpltol Hill , that tent being Ilio first down oil the bill. Held the re < pil/eiiioiit was to throw four streams t < a height of 100 feel nbovt the base of the liiph Mcliool building. In tills two lengtliH ot lime were lint on each ami the two aticams tluiH njcurc < l united into one by the " .SiamcVo" coupler , so that but onu H'roam ' Issued from each hvdrant nttho n //le. Tin hydrants u eil WL-tc on Dodge and UM. Capitol avenue and'Jlht , Dau-npon and 2ltHand Dtvcn- port and Kith , being at the , northwest nnd nortbeist comero of the high school grounds nnd lu the cetilei of tha block cm the went side. The im kWi rein on Is wcro taVtn from the south tower , at i level of ! K ) ftct above the hasn ot the building. At the signal , the hclraiitH wore turned on and the four slteains nhot Into tlui nil. There wa < Bc'.ilcelya brcuth of wind nnd evoryih ng was favorable for showIng the exact c.ipacity of the work .directpre sure being imcd entirely. All four of the Htrcanmdld rinely , that nt Dnvenuort hncl I'.ith l I'lng the best , und after n i lay of fifteen initmtoi thu water was shut oil" , the engineers exprcsilng theiuselH * tntirely halHliid with the text , Kngltner Itoscwatcr rcpoited that the vviiter had been throw tn.y the fourntaeams to a helghttarviii ! , ' from 111) ) tn 11M feel above the bane of the bull i i' , o from fcixtuon to twenty-four feet higher than wan demanded. The Ii ) ( limits wc-ro below the base of the high Hcliool building , MI that the real height of the highest Htreim above tlio ground was 141 ftot. On returning to the water works olllce1 , it was nHcurtuincd that the water prcmiiio luul ranched the extraordinary iignre _ of 185 pouiuN , the gauge at iho ollice Hhiiwing KM pounds pret > Mirc. Mr. Conk dccluroil that that was too much aiiclM.m- nxcr Shelton said ho would not put nucli a pre'suro ou iigam for § 10 000 und that it was probably the most HO v ro test to wliich any plpti in tlio United Statet had ever been biilijtcteil. All H.iid thi if the pipe weld i itandthat premiuro ic would utiud any utraiu thatwuiildever hoieiiuired of it for city purpose * . In shutting elf the hvdiauts nt the close of the test , iliuy were chut oil too abruptly and the rctmlt wax tlio IIUIH Imof n main on ( lumlng nnd Twenty-second iitruot , HO lal the tout on I'arimin ntruit li.ul to I u iiimloncd to-day. "Von ciiu make that nt nny clay of the week"said Mr. Cook i a HIT. reporter. When aakod If ho wax satisfied with the orkn , Mr. Cook replied that ho wa , on- rely HO ; that of cmirtto theio wo c some ilutH an yet incomplete but they were illlngin their ch u actor and could easily 0 finished. Ho H lid that in the laying of 1 many miltH of pipe and making HO any counecttoii" , it would bo rani'o if thcro would not 1 e xoveral im- srfect points at lir t. 'Tho fact U , " nald o , "tho tcfit thoiild not hu\obeen mnde ir tlirco iiiontliH yet. There wan no cccs'ily for HO much hurry uud I told lem HO , Lut they were anxious to make 10 dUplxy and rhow what tin y'coulddo. " It U iimlcrittoocl that it test will be made day , wind mid weather permitting , v-nlch reservoir pres-ure will l-o used istead of direct pre-mure. Ou thin ac- ouut Consulting Knginecr Cook has dc- mil Ms clcpaituro forunu ility. A Kav.g men was at ouco tot to work ropjiring 10 bunited main by putting In a new RIC OH. It appearx that the piiio was do- cclivo when put in , hut hnd an iron I ami lit in and wan line I hcc.mso ut thet me te company hnd not another section to ut hi itH place. It would liuvo withstood ny ordinary piotsinc. The teat to-morrow will Lo pailcularl ! > itcro.itiim , as it is the tescrvoir nnd not in pumps ou which the city must mainly ely in case of an extended or scattering onllar.itltm. Feeble Lncllo * . Tlioeu languid , tiresome BonsuticniH , " -austng you to feel Henrcoly able to bu in your feet ; that constuiit drain that s taking ( KIIII your syatoiu all IH | elasticity ; driving tlio bluoni from ' cliL-clH that continual utrain , 'oiir ; tip- in your vital forceo , reiulorlng you ir- ritnblo mid fi-utful , can unaily bo ru- novocl by the iiso of th it niurvcloua ruinudy , Hop Itittois. Jfre > ; tilaritioi uul obstructions of your , syatum lire roliuvc'd nt once , vvliilo the special : iuiso ( if puiiodicnl paiu is permanent y roinnvud. Will you hued tliis ? Cincinnati Suturcliiy Night , dccl- ST. JOHN'SilXMPERANOE. HnBolloveiiln TiiklnictUo Bnllbj the Harm. The announiieinont tint Qovornoi St John , of , it to lecture in thin citj txi-indrrowevciiingon the "hackneyed."tuili jcct i f "TiMiipernuco , " might receive llttli iitViitlon buyond that the governor' * pi-r Huual attiu tlnn would receive , vvcio it no1 that ho U known to hold MHUO very nil VA fed , forclhlo and original Ideas on tin mibjfct. Ill his own ntitoha IIIIH reccntlj luaiiud a chuructciittlo prouhuiiation , ii w leh he nnuminciM hU Inteiition to "carri tha wcr Into Afilia , " mill iiit only arre i Hulonn kcuier | < and douleri l > i the anlrnt bu to aUo riost mid pun' h ollii'rn uhi do not othlriluty in infurcliu' the Uw of lirov'ililtion , He * ccordhigy ) iwncd a piochunntioi oih liinUy unt , which nppcaml in tin Uh'graph columns of Till IH.K , but a ior lion of whkh , for 1U IKHV ! leaturewil heir imprinting. After proclaiming hU In tentlon to en Im co the luw hu olfuru the fol lowing revvanlH , among othew , and do Hijnnte AtchUon , Leavenworlh. Toiieka KaiiHas City ( Ivannaa ) , Wyamlotte am Doilgo City M fruitful fleldn ol lab r fo anyone who may ho dealroun of tiinilnj on "honest dollar"of tha rowanl lute hi pockutm For the nrreut , conviction nnd remove from ollico of the city mamhal of either o the alxno named cities fora failure to pei form the duties imposed upon mich ( Ilicer u icier the pniviniom of ectlon ll ! of mi chupter 1W , 8J1CO. For the anent , convlttlon and romiiMi Irom olhco ol cnch and eu ry policeman Ii either of nald citlet for a failure to pcrfori the dutiea Imposed ou mch oIlicerH uncle tha ' pruviiioimof xnid diction , $1(0. ( I'orl'io arrcit , torn Ictlon and rcinovj from ollica of th * sheiiir of the county i which uither of nald cltlpt IH iiiti'atMl , fn a failure to peiforw the duties Impiued 01 uch olllcew imdei tha | iroviionrof ! | H'ctlo If , CHH ) , For the arrest , conviction and remnvi from clhco of the comity attorney of tli county lu which either of raid citlt-a is Ml uatod , for n M urn to perform the dutlt nn mich olftccr undtr the provis ions of afil tcctlon * 2 , ? .T < XI. Kor tlio ariot and convli tliin of .ith nnd every pen n guilty of poijury in con- nocti'ii with any evidence glveni iwit - nem on the ttial < if any | > cr oii proi-tcuteu for vinlaling the proviilonn i f * .ild chapter TIIK I.OVM'.NOIl IS MM fits. Speclil 1)1 patch to The I hi. Iit.voi.s , Drcem'ier II-1'J m. ( lov- ci nor St , John was c cotted thi4 evening by the oadt'lH hand Sr < in the hotel In the ( ifern hoii'C , vvhero he addre ed a largo nnd Intelligent audicnic. He ppoko on prohibition In Kanx.i' , and hi * lecture aboundoJ In intoro'tln Infonnati n and original lileiiK. LAND LEAGUE MEETING A Joint AMomlilnRn of the Omaha Irlili SooiotlcN A joint inciting of the IrMi H > cieUe.s in Omalu was held la tsveiilng at Clnrk'n hall to tr.inxnct mini ; import nt biiMneNS , A largo attetidanco ami much fiitlnnirutin existed. Several fine | icechcs were made , which uliciled g eat approval and much applause. The astomhlago roinhcd t't hold a grand fair , on or al.out the 10th of January , The prHCcedri of the f Ir will be nppltcd to the fund for the benefit of thu tenant tar- iricix of Ireland , It wan also re-oKetl that thu lrli > h ImlicH of Omaha will hold n mass meeting in Claik'n hall it 3 o'clock next Sunday afternoon , when ar rangements will bo iniiilu for the prnpuHcil fair. A committee of arrangements con- sifting of tulve mcinbern. or two from cich ward , wcro appointed , who will con fer with the LiiliiM at tliu mass meeting. Additional nbctriptlini to thu relief fund were called for am ) ? l.lwns ! received , which , added to the amount rained at the previous meeting , makes an aggregate i > f ifl'M The caiifloof Milfciing Ireland will IP t be aulfeied t'i fa 1 if the fiFortH of the OiiKilia nous of Krin nro as \ Igorouidy seconded ended in every city of the Union. Vnu mo nick ; well , tht-re is iiii-t onu reme dy that will euro you beyond possibility or doubt. If ItV l.ivcr or Kidney trouble , Conxuinption , I > yspoiiiinj Uebillty. ' Woll'H Health Itcnpwer' ' is your hope. $1. Druggist Depot , C. T. 'Goodman , Omahn. ( I ) More California Salmon- The work of Blocking thu Rtn-im.s of N'c- binska with Califonda .salciinn h being vig orously pushed. An anmmnccinrnt in TllK KKF. n four weckn ago of the a > rival in tiiiitUy of M r. l { . Decker with TiO.OOO young falmo'i , nnd n do'crlption of the theory upon which the state fish i ommis- BOHC-H are noting , will bo remembered by this pnper'rt reader' . Tlie little follovvH vvero succcitafully limtalluil in their future home , nnd yesterday afternoon Mr. Decker arrived from South liend , where the fi h hatchery of Decker fi 1'omiiic is located , with 50.00J inoio Hilmon , in tivc IIIILM caui. Thi's uro Intinded for Lo an creek , vvhero Mr. Decker g en to-day. No HumliugKlnti t bo Amorlcnn Poo- pic. You can't litnii ug the AMI' ricnn peop'c , when they fin > t a rimcdy thatsialti thorn , tlioy n-o It nn I reioiumeud it to their fricndf. .limlexu tly thucn < owitliSrnt > ( i lil.nstovi , which hxH bcoune a liouscholil ord all ov er the United States Prlt o TX ) enU ; triiil bottles 10 coiitH. dll-oodhv A Mnriloror Looso. The olliccrs of this city are on the lookout or Henry Tudrnhn , the murderer of Lu- en I'axton , in Howard county , last .Tune , Vhllo Sheriff Glow , of Howard county , as in this city on a recent visit , Tedrabn , ho wa < in jail under indictment , sue- ceded in escaping. The following is tha mmdorer'n deHcrip- on : A Itennan , 18 yean old , a feet 7 ichcH in height , Htoop-Hhoiildcrod , light omplcxlon nnd hnlr , blue eyes deeply et. "ediahn munlcrcd jomu Paxton in a eld , without any provo ution. A toward f 8'JOO Is olfored for his arrest. in .unriion , jjancnsier , i > , x , , Hays our Si'ittxn Jli.ossojt vvoiks well lor verj tiling you recommend it ; myself , , 'ifc , and children have all need it , ami on can't find a healthier family in New Vork St .te. - Oct. 5 , 1 880. eod-lw ORIENT PEARLS AT UANDOM STRUNG. Full many n gem of pures rav serene , 'The plate gla H couutcru of John Uamuer bear. . 'nil ninny a ( lower in bom to wax nnd seem A. thing of K ituro in some IIOMHII fair. Bnuniur is otl'oriiif ; Urnzilian 9toiu > 8Diunioucls ( ) at eighty nnd nine- , y dollars per oarnt. 1'or ' gcius if the first water this in oxtrcmuly low.Vo noticed mo pair of Dovy Drop Eariiiius in p-ar- , tlio hmtro nnd brillmiicy of vvliich nto nlniost niutcliltsH. A Tur- ] uoiao and Diamond Ring mounted in the form of n heart attracts much nttontion , and nn exquisitely engraved Watch CIIHU nf oi htL'ou carnt old in worthy of all praise' . Jlr. W. H. llttdrill , formotly with Max Meyer it Hro. , ban aovorcd lux connection with that firm and now presides with cour tesy nnd gracu ns maimgiiif ; Hiilosmnn over Mr. Bnunu-r'a establialunont. Mr. H. is very popular and will no doubt lar tjly increase the iccoipts ol thu house with which ho has allied hia future. future.BRAZILIAN BRAZILIAN GEMS. \ND ETllUaOAN GOLD WORK. STRAW COLORED AFRICAN STONES , PKARLS.TrUQUOISH.SAl'J'HlRL AND RUBY R1NG.S , At JOHN BMIMKU'H , jtM : Fiirnlmin Sirtot. " BLACK-HAUGH f " CMIIVH ctvhc * vtion and hi nillmrn. At U. F. OooJmJD. MKTOALK \ line , uold Twenty Thou cniul of the PALACI : FAVOHITK CHIAIIS ynatorday and was thin morning com pi-llod to totoynvph for Ton Thousaiu nioro to bo shipped by oxprcas. Nc conuiionta nro iiocoauury ! hut onto every Ton Gontloinou uight 1 1 leas would be iroro uratitiud with 500 or 1,000 1'alaco Fnvorito Cig.ira us i Chriatniiis or Now Yoar'u proaent thai with uuy oil'orinit which could boiundt thuiu of equal valuo. MKTOALK IJito. , SOLK AOKNTS , ! ! ! I'OHTKIIH OV ToilAfCOS ANI > 1'KAS. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS , 7f c , ? 1 00 , 81.25. 81.75 , S2.00 AT FULLREIDE'S. Choice Floiida Ornnses nt J. E Urudloy's , 10th und \Yobslor stroota dccia-Sit WATGHKS , Clocks nnd .lowoln lownr tlmn ov r , WM. NEVE , S. E cor. llth and Funihum , dlLood * DIAMOND HANOLE HUACE LETS at WHIPPLE & MoMIL LBN'S. dcciy-St MICHAEL STROGOFF. ' . II. Havorly'n Grnnil Oonnoliilatcil Spcotnculnr Compnny n Rontn Wont- Phe noon t din wc t lo-day c > rriect out lie Hnvcrly consolidated Michael Sttogotf iarty , ( n route to open Havrily'g new 'nllfi'rnu Theatre. The party Included went ) -six memlxrfl and occupied a npi-clnl 'iillman car , chartered through from \"ew Yoik City to Ogdcn , and werr- in charge of the manager , K. Tnlor , KH > I. S nn of the company in 1 preceded this detachment and fmir 1010 will follow In n few da ) t. Among the prominent inciiiberM who went wcot jeslcnlny were : I'rud C. H.vngs , who takes the part of Michael Strogoff ; Go.V. . Wewel , .1. C. Harrows , O. 15. Col Inn , V. .1. Hcmlowon , J. I' . KclT.f. . I. Dcennd ( ! the'follnwlug ladies : Mrn. > til Ku h , Min-ei Lillian Andrews ml 1'rinkio McCIennan ; the pro i ier no- ulnttof the ballet , Carnnlba ; Hccond prr. nici ? , Ortori and liurretto , nnd twovo loryphecu or billet dancer ? . Siof the alter are from Her Majesty's opt-r , in /iMlon , and liuvo ju. t nt lived in th' oiiut-y , being loantct to Mr. Havcrly for ten weckn" engagement. 'I ho company will play Michael trogoff at the Cidlforiii thcatra for x weeks and will piescnt It in n manner Imt Ins never bo-n equalled on the coast. 'hey will then ntart f r the pa t , the rnuto ot yet beliu absolutely li\cd , with n com- > any of upvvmd of seventy. They will ituii over in Om dit for one or more nights t Itoyd'fl opera house. The cpiantlty of newmenciy , costiuneti , lo. , carried hy this grand coiuolida- lon mtv be imagined when it M stated that the haggngo cut in nilvancj of them u few dny < i agi < , vo uhcd nine thousand poundf. While it is callul n siiectacular clrnnio , II luel .Strof-dlf is really ns lei-itimato us ay drama on the * ttv < e , the spectacular > art being In the first , third and fifth ac'n. hi > ballet will he the finest ever seen in America. Tostimony- H.I'.McC'arthy , drugsiHt.Uttawa.Oi . . lute- that heM nfllicttrd with chronic ironclutiH fi r ( mine ) cars , and was cum- letoly i urcid hy the use ol Til IMAS' I'l KC- liicOlI. dl'J-oodlw Army Orders The latent order * IHSUCI ! from the head- uarlers of the department of tin 1'l.itte , Imaha , Neb. , ureas follows : Captain \Villlam H. liisbec , fourth in- .tutrj , willrpportin pcraon toth-mljutaut JCIHT 1 of the department on public bu i- em. Leave of absence fi'r'o-p month , with oiniiifion to apply to the lieutenant gen- irnl ( .oinmauding military division ot the tllHsoiiri , for an extension of oim month , j granted Captain Stephen. Halter , sixth nfantry. Ifecruits John C. I'ostcr and Abraham i. lletidiick , r cently enlisted at Fort ) m4ha , iNeb. and Fort Sandeis , W. T. . Mpoitively , are assigned , the former to rooi > M , tliinl cavalry , the Utter to com- any H , fourth infantry. They will bo dent to tilth proper stations t the lirst favoiable opportunity. Ho much of paragraph 7 , special order * \o. IL'1 ! , current feries , from thexo head- uartertf , as loads : " -cacfield" is mr.enJed oiend : ' 'Scoefield , " the latter being the mine under wliich the recruit enlisted , OurExporlonoo from Many- "I luu' been sick nnd iniser.iblo so IIDJ , ' uud hud caused my liuabaiul BO niuli trouble and expense , no onu eumoil to know what ailed mo , was completely disheartened and Iiscoura < { od. In this frame of mind . ' got a bottle of Hop 15ittera and used .horn . unknown to my family. I soon icgau to improve nnd gained so fast hat my husband and family thought t atrango and unnatural , but when I old them what had helped mo , they aid "hurrah for Hop Bitters ! long lay they proaper , for they liavo made nether well and us happy. " The Mother.--Homo Journal. dl-lfi Renl Estate Transfers. The following are nil the transfers re- orded nt the county clerk's office Saturday ncl Monday , as reported for this paper > y < Ti hn L. McC.iKne , real estate ii cnt and conveyancer : Francis 1) . Cooper and wife tA' . Iau- ! iiunii , partial in suction 10 , township 15 , range 13 , w. d.--S100. M ary ( iriflin to John F. Ueli'un. part ot 12 , block 12 , Kount7o and Ifath's ad ii- ion , w. d.iSTOO. . * Hill tn Tliomns U Price IJougs > c , pii- -el in Boutliwest'iuartur | Hectlon 8 , town- h p 10ange 13 east , vv. d - 100. IVterGon and wifut * F. H. IViichild , larccl in lot 4 , Ilagan's addition , w. d. ' , Iihii McConnick to .Tamea J. Cum- nings , loU 1 and : . ' , block. -McC'onnic-x'rt addition , vv. d. $830. i.lmio Litey to tiu-tavus Collin , l t 15 Mock 1 , Arinstioog'H addition , w , d. .Tallies Au tin and wifn to Faul. Stieit/ , otlO , blnck 4t > 3 , Cirauctvi w addition q Cico. L' . Bemis nnd wife to ( ! eo , L Hunt jt al. , l t r , block 11 , Heeds Ut addi io/i , vv. d.-SGOO. HcirH of lacobSliulltol igenrlSmit'i , nt 11 , block 7 , Shall' * ut-coucl addition , d. IMvvnnl i' . 1'eonucl wife to W. , T Hiiisha , lot 8 , bio 1 ; 1 , tmh-dlvIMon of lot ) , Capitol nitditiun , vv. d.81,200. . I. wis T. McLean to S. A. Heevcs , par- ol in section 17 , tovviiHhip 10 , range II ! , mit , w. d.-SCOO. K. ' . Smith and wlfo to Marcus II g- gins , part of hit U. bio k , II , K. V. Smith's addition , w. d. 8200. Mrs. 0. F. Bei gner has just opened in the opera house block on Fifteenth ntient with u full line of jams , /enhyrs , crewel * , einhroidery , filks mid fancy goods. A1 kinds of Ktninplng clone for Kenslngtni and outline embroidery. Ladles plcaxu give me n call , nov 7-lit. LED ASTRAY was uhly produced at the Academy laat night , but wo hope the public will not bo led astray by the wind } and wordy bombast of solf-atyled ru- liable and popular juvvolois , hut wil give nil a f.vlr chaneo in the race for public favor , nnd after inspecting stocks for QUALITY and TRICK render their judgment in ac cordance with the facts. Our stock ia now complete in all its detail , and grout care 1ms been taken in Boloctin * , ' only sucl goods as wo know will plcaso. SKK OUH DIAMONDS. They nmko the elee trio light palo heforo their brilliancy Our now styles Lockets , Charnm ntu Chaina you niust not fail to fxaniine Do not forget tlio Watches or Suit ami while hero ask to look over ou sterling Silverware. Wo rest conii dent of a popular verdict. Enuout & Eitu'Kso.v. Tahlo delicacica for the holiday ne.i son at WM. GENTLEMAN'S. IJnrg your family this evening nm GOO our Christmas display , KURTZ'S STORE , d2-mw&f Cmghton Block. PERSONAL. A. Tutie. Itutte , M. T. , Is In the city. Mnjov I'.i docV , of cydnoy , i in town. Mr < H. IJ , 1'lnlr has retuin-d from the : . * t. I ! . II. Do Id. of Wood Him. is in the iry. Jo'in D. l.ehmwahl , of Wahoo , N In own , Sam ( S. liiover , of liell Crc k , ia in own , T. L. I'ath , . .f Weeping Water , is In Jinnlia. Mr , Al. 1'alrick tame In from the wct estcrdny. , lion , J. H , North , nf Columbia , Xob , , In the city. D. McLennnn , of Walum , U in Omahn , u a business trip. U , A. Martin , of Fremont , arrlvtd in ) maha yesterday. Hon. John Ii. Car-cm , "f Uinvvnville , Veb. , Is in the city. I ! . I' . Stein , Truismer of Kearney oiiuly , Is in the city. MKs llattlo Ikivvli" , of Firth , is a guet t the Mitropolltaii , I ) . O. Uryim atd W. II. Mend , of CM county , are in town. Mrs N , A. Shcltoii and cou left for the ist yesterday afternoon , ' Thomis Fatrcll , of I.inejlti , nirived cstcrday on a btislners trip. Dr. Abbott , of I'rpuniiit , Is in the city , ugiiteicdat the Metropolitan W. I' , Forbec , of Sions C ty , Is In the ly , registered nt the Urtishton. Mr. A. H. Uaker , of the lo ! k Creek atltig house , went Wt'nt jeitcrday. MI-H. Cico. II. Thummel and sister , nf Irand Island , ur.'ivtdin the city ) csterday. Mrs. Dr. ( ! . C. Monell left for Xew 'ork City , Tuesday , i ccompanied by icr son. Col. Logan ant wife , of San FiancUco , ia sed through this city yesterday on their ay to NY * York. , T. M.llit'r , formerly chief clerk of the i. k M , licadiitiTttTp , now Mr. Tou/alin'n uivatc sccrcUiy , left for Ikwtou ytster- ' 'i'- 'i'W. W. F. Krdman , of Thurber iV Co. , Xew Tork , is In town making busincs , for his muse lively. HP is a rattling good sales man. man.Mii.'K. Mii.'K. Dickinson , wife of the t uuerin- endent of the l.aiumie Diviou of the lr. ' . 1 ! . 1 ! . , left for I.aiaiuie , yes erday , with ier child. Ccn. Thonms Wilson , of Fort Unwell , as a pa aouger on the train from the west esterday. Ho will rcmnin in the city a ay c r tvv o. C. J Wtsturdnh , cv'i ( y Marshal of Imaha , is at hoinn for a brief vacation. To is n sistin J. H. Kyner in the grading f the St. Paul extension of the U. I' . Among other registries nt the Creighton louse yesterday are the following : II. II. Cowles , of Pine Bluffs , W. T. ; John ilack , of I'lattsmouth ; IhiiU Schultof lincoln ; K. IJIaco and K. Stewart , of Hair ; Krecl I'arker , of Sioux Falls ; John leath , of Lincoln. The Creighton Hou'e register indicates do follow ing arrivals in the city : J. M ! . trahau , of Malvern , la. ; Joe Cams , of Osceola , Xeb. ; Mr. Matthison , Blair ; 1 ! . A. Templeton , Tckamnh ; F. A. Murphy , riattsmouth ; A. J. Hndley , Bell Creek ; \ M. Junk , Cheyenne ; E. Groye , DoreheUfr ; W. I ) . Young , Sutton ; It. L. StufTt , 1'nebl. . WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule wo do not reeonuneii 1 latent medicines , but when wo know if ono that really ia a public henefac- or , and docs positively euro , then wo consider it our duty to impait that in- ormation to all. Electric bitters nro .ruly . a most valuable ) medicine , and will surely euro .Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney complaints , oven where all other icni- edios fail. Wo know whereof wo peak , and can freely recommend to ill. [ Ex. Sold at 30 cents a bottle Ish it McMuhon (7) ( ) DIED. J AT I IS At Wo t Oiu.vha , on Tuesday , December 13th , of hiom'hial pneuunmb , Jessie M Ii ten , aged 15 ye.iw , n mouths Mid 2It days ? Thi funeral will tike place on Thursd.iy Jeccml er Ifith , from thfl C mgiegitional Jhu'ehat ' fr\iiut n , Itev. W. J. Han-hi otliciating. WINE OF CARDUI" makerosj Ui'i'kB and clear complexions. ' 0. K. Gootliimn'ft , DUSHMAN i HAS STRUCK AN OTHER IJONANZA VNI ) I'llOrOSUS WITH ACCUSTOMEII U1IK11- ALITY TO ( JIVK THK TU1IL10 THE JtKMKCIT. A largo lot of manufacturers' samples of the best and finest nude CLOAKS and DOLMANS was lost in trans t ! aat August and were recovered at the Transfer Hotel , Council Dlufls , only last Saturday. Mr. liuslmmii had nn opportunity to purchase the above goods at a rare bargain und as uaunl ho was prompt to buy and they are now on exhibition at his store S. E. corner of 15th and Doug las streets. The piiccs ho has marked on these gooda will ho the " 8th won der of the world" and you who f.ul to procure an elegant garment now at loss than manufactures' cost will al ways retjrot it , and nnver he ublo tt duplicate either price or ijuahty ii this market. CAIX EAHI.V. EVEIIY- 1101IY W1I.I , UK THKKK. SUOH A nilAKUE CAN.VOT UST LONO. Yol wlio are long or short in statue or in purse can hero he suited. These- goods are not the only bargains ; Mr. U.'H iimnemio store is overflowing with them , and you cai huy as much nnd moro for IIB little money at this establishment as nny where cast or west. GRAND SUN LIGHT OPENING EVERYDAY AND GASLIGHT EVERY NIC AT. POLITI : SAIXMIEN ANU LADIES SQUARE DKAUNO IN AtL DEI-AUT MKNTO. HONEST GOODS AND HONEST PROFITS , IS THE MOT TO OF THE PROPRIETOR. W. M. nUSHMAN. Piles of nice fresh Chickens at Hu [ fett's. dec4-2t WM. NEVE sells jewelry 25 lie cent lower tlmn any house in Oiiialm aeol2-oodUt SITTING BULL'S CAPTOR. HBj , URUK Arrive * in thoCHj.En Roitto to St. FAU ! . Mnj. < Sudi ! Igin ! , of the Fifth fnltod tites cavalry , arrlye lin the city Vfst'r- ay from t e west. Ho h on his way to t. Paul , where ho reports alhcaihpiartcrs. laj. HflUR i.s the officer who brought Sit ing Hull and his warriors Lack Into Jnlted States territory , and who has fig- red very prominently in many Inipoitnnt IK linn CAinpilgns , particularly that gainst the Nez Perce * . In perron the i.ijor Is largo nnd athletic , with dark omplexton , Ho U a very tnUrtaining alkcr and rclatoi irany intcrcstitg acts concerning hln cxpcticnces aim 117 the LnlnkiiH ot the n rtliMvst , atid also about 10 peculiar characteristics of the > ritty Idef who mudnthe northern iKirder of the Jnlted Stutes ni long n place of danger. Moj. Ilpus comes direct fiom Fort 'cogh , whcro he has I etn to audit the [ aims of citizen soldiers vv ho nerved under ilmiii the Ne ? Poicei war , und many of vliom fought with him in the memorable iattl of Cow liland , in 1ST" . These [ alms wcro established by act of the last ongress , and ninny of the vote-inns of that le i or.ibla campaign will receive a hand * niic reward fioni the government. "Buohupnttm. " > ovv , cpilck. complete euro in four days , rinnrv i-ffections , smarting , ficipicnt or illiciilt urination kidney diseases. $1. nygists , DeiMit at I' . F. ( ioodmnnV. ( fi ) Homo From the Survey- Seven member * cf a surveyInj ; party , ho have 1 ecu at work all Mimnicr on the ew line of the Utah Northern railroad , eturned to this city yesterday afternoon , 'heyaiei' . S. Itowen , ( Jeo. C. Acton , corgo Custer , H , .1. Harrington , J , H. A'crton , C. W. Whittod and II. A. yiirrea. They surveyed from DevveyvHie , 'tab , to Swan Lak , Idaho , where their ork for tlio season closed. One of the > arty , in conversation last evening , stated lat the country through which theymir- eyed is of good nature , although needing rui'.tion. They ptcdict that the now iiitc will ho a very successful one. Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" nnd you ill ui'viT IH hili' 'j L' . P. Gooilman'i' . Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnoll louse , Tuesdays and Fridays ) , 10 a. i. to 4 p. m. tf A Venetian Glass Pitcher and a iohemian C'eloiy Glass of most ox- uiaito tintH , hearing thu impress of lie artist's hand and eye , were on ox- libition at I turns' China Hall ycstor- ay , nnd attracted moro attention inn almost anything wliich was di ilayed in any of the numerous show vindows wliich adorn the streets. luriiH probably has moro genuine vorks of art in Haviland and Sevres 'liiun ' , IJoheminu and Venetian Glass , ! ron/.e and Marble Ornaments in one oem than has over been displayed est of Chicago. L \niEh' SKTT.I at WHTPPLE & aic-MILLEN'S. doc U-L't FANCY VASES at COc pair , worth SI. 00 , nt the "BOSTON STORE. " SPECIAL NOTICES. KOTIOK Advertisement To Loan , tor Sale , , ost. Found , Wants. Boardtnc , * &c.t will be In cited In thcao columns once for TEN CENTS cr line ; each aubbcquent Insertion , FIVE CENTS r line. The flint Insertion never leaa than B RENTS TO LOAN MONEY. ONEV TO LOAN Call at Law Offlca or I ) L. Thomas Room 8 CroU-hton Dlock. O * * A AA A To l ° * n ftt 'rom 8 to 10 P r ccnt WtM" . UU" ° n Rood real cntatcsecurity , by Hit. ISAAC EDWARDS 1109 Farnlmin St. SgOKA AAA LOAN At 8 per contln- fjP/iOU.UUv' tcrost in sums of $2,500 and upwards , ( orSto 5 > car , on Itrstclosa city nnd lann property. BKUIH UFAL ESTAT and LOAN AORNCT , 16th and Douelsa RU HELP WANTED. A Kirl for hoii'cw crk. ( itrin in or WANTED prrfcrrcd. Mrs. llliinhain , . t. , bet. Luivtnworth aiil JIarcj. 71i-llt ! PANTKIl A lift cl.iss cook ImnieilKtolj , at wPANTKIl lcntal. 7-3U ! ' ) I'artka having hecl ] I wo.l. in the woodworking line , wicn us rash , ito\- ii lU H , ciininion tablis or uiijthliu bcloinrlnir o tli it elans of work will llnd it to theirndvant- ire -iddrc-bs Woodworker , llee olllcu.72ci 72ci in VCottu B of llvei or six rooms , WANTIIH fliten minutes' w > U of the1 I . I * . Icpot. Address h , III rolllctf. "IS-W. AXl'KOAulrl lorgineral houe ork In w- t familj ot to. Ooo. wages and Hieady enploji uiit. dccia-lt. 1ATAMEI ) A Kirl for gemnil houvt-work. YV I'l ' 'i at 516 N. l&th St. , 'bet. Cas ami CttllfoinU M.14 ANIKI ) Immediately a cook , atflJO Ihr- lie ) St. t9J tf ANTKU A No. 1 barber , 700 fcou'h Tenth W Street. 717 17 . "TTTANTKH At the ( Jarlicl < Iloiihe , f-ur rr VV tlvo bonrders aliO day tiiardcrs , 14th and Jack n htrcets. 71S-17 * . \"l 7 AM -Situation by a ompctent miller > > Tiek ktof rtfcrui ee gltin , \VI11 lOint any time between now and 110 lot rf .Tanimv. ilroM. . ! . It Liiid-ay , W.ndom.Mlnneiot.i. 19-17. IA.VTEI' Oirl toelo hoinuvrrk. Kniiilro | W 1I1U Farnlmin St. 14U tl "VTTANTED Fundlnif brldecnnii heel liondi W K.T. Clark. Bflleviie. 10 tf. FOR RENT HOUHE6 AND LAND lU'.ST N" hoiiHiol 4 rooms , near I. FOU blioiip. Amilv ut llul tihcrnuui a oi lie. | . 7S5 10 Kh-VT- furnltheJ room lT i-lii.-lo lady FOR ( .cntliman , with orwlthoutboard. Ai , ilv V. W corniir t'alitor. la ml Iftth 8t. 7il 17 * F.NT .Mrafurn'ihiill rgolront room , Foil FiPihim ctrret. . 7U-14 * . OR ItK.NT ri uanl fwnt room , corner of llnr and 17th , 1700 llurc-l. 7l4tf , II10U UhNT FurnUhod rooum at A. A. Clb- ' * . California , bet , Hlh.vnJ IMh. ' . . 71M i KKNT Nlcoy furnished rooms with FOR , a few day baartlei * rau bv ae-coni noilatiil , 2ul3 Casa bt. 704-tt oil ItKNT One fnrnb > & d room for flunk Keiitlcman , aho 21ar ' rooms with B 1'laiit In binio nlllbefrr runt 1UU Inst. S.Cor Isth and Capitol avtnua _ RENT Boarding house , lorncr liHh ami FOll . ms-n- TTIOUIIKST T o coitagw , about 1 Hock I1 from U. I' . ihoiM. rntjnlro 1210 Shcrnuu avwiuu. A. CAMMEhKI.SD. ItKNT Furnish * ! rooms for one or twi EOH ' - , N.V. . Cor. 20th and Caus St . ,1011 ItK.NT A utoro 22x00 , Mltcd for groecr L lM nild"p00ttaljWrowLE | { , 034-21' Wav crly , Neb , IlKST U ttcrv house , 7 rooms , celU BtOU and cUtcm , 818t month. 1S1 ! ItfthSt , 08MT * SPEUIAL NOTIOES-CoiiMDued 01 ! ItKNT A plf.vait front rcom , newly 1 . furnl'hwl SoiitrHvcit corner Wta ami St Ury' avenue. WMa HUNT A suit or dingle rooiri , nicely POIl , nt N. W cor 2Uh ami lUvcn- ott. iW-tf TI \ I ! IlK.VT A flrst-chv hull for wxlcty pur. L ? > o cn. Centrally located for partlcnl r ti'ltilro Ktrihftrd llro . | 14th ami CC4-lf T710R 11KXT One parlor on ground floor and I ; ono chamber handsomely fiirnMicd , [ 2112 California St. CM It ipoit RE.VT Furnished roorawlthcloset. Ocvyl/ JL1 location. Slzcof 11\14. EnquireaO. M. ' U. A. 041-tI ITIOR 11KNT New homo of 7 room" , 10th and Jj draco St . Enquire P. . V. Smith. CJI-tf Foil RENT Furnished rooms , north side ot California St. , 2d cloor wcit of 21st. Inquire after I p. m. ni-tl _ Eon HKNT 2 furnished room * over Mel- chitnU' Exch n0N. ( K , cor. With mil Dodge street ) . FOR SALE. I OU SA1.K Or will e\clianje ( for Omaha pn- I1 petty , an Improved nectlon of hnd adjoin ing a illation on r. P. It. 11 M. Dl'NII AM , 141' ' tarnhamSt. , Omah.i , TJoyinf I7 011 SALK Or trade for city prope-rtv , one ; i-pan ol horses , harness atid'vva'-on. Adilrcs 8. Y. , thlsolllcc. ; o.'lf IJ10K SALK-A bulhllii2v(0. ( . with ammptoto I1 ttoekof drj'irooils , uroccrlc-and Ihturc" . lniiilroS14 | .N. llith at. dBj-17 I ,1011 SALIv A freed plino , < r would o\chanic' 1 fsrtltj property and p > dUTercncc Call 412 S , JHtllSt. 074-13- [ 71011 largo bnslncs' . lot on lUrney St , C luiUblo for wholefwliii . John . ! ; L. Mo . . . . . . " " ' . 1' 0. , Opp. . GIU FOR SALE A it Mil Bevcn-j car-old liorsi' WarnnUil to drive single or double. En quire of Ccorgo CanHtld , Oaullold hoiu-c. novlB-tf ITtoltSAI.E learn good ponieschcup ; at Red L1 Uarn , Ihth St. oVn-tf _ _ _ HICK FOll L' B 203-tt ESTAHROOK J : COE. 71UK SALK Maps of DoufUh and s.iipv out. : tlea. A. B08EWATKR,16ZOFarnhftru street 320-tt MI80ELLANEOUO. . STRAW 1'lent v of nice oat stn , .it STRAW. Charltnn Ilro.'s feed store , loth nnd Daven port Hts. 724 tf STIIAYED ThU momlnu frommy [ place , black ix.ny , heavy nmnc. II. Jacobbergcr , Oth and Grace bts. 713-15t rnO LKT Nlculj furnished rooms , with or I without bo rd , 1417 Howard St. 7J17 rjTUAYED A black and white smttcd cow O w thcalf ahoutJlO clajs old. Finder will pTeaoleiveInformation a < to her whereabouts at J. It. Jarihne , 112 N. 10th St. , or at the lltu cltiec , 7iitf TIAKKN UP NOTICB-TAkea up in boutli Omaha , omlarife black BOW with whlto sjiots , about three- and half je-ars old. Owne r ean re-cover propirtv bj pavlnir rhar cs MOIl- ASD SHUTT , S. 13th St. , Okahaina. CW ev m2t EMISNRW CITY SIAl'S. lOo.-Moiinto B JIaps , 82.60. OtO. I' . 11EMIS. r HAOIISTUASSCll I'avs tlio highest cash ej . ] uico for second hand liilllaril and pool allies. Call oraUdrc'.j , EUJ .South 10th itrect , Omaha , Neb. dO-liu" niAKEX U I'NOTICE Taken upon Saturday JL Dec. iinl , two la ) horsis. ages about S and i j cars ; fair tlu and will u.ntchicl. Owner can mvo same by pro > lnir Dropcrtv nnd mvinc ihar.'es. WM ItAWlTCEIt , { milo west of uale\'ssoa | < facturj , Douglas ptcclnct. C51j u in Ct . SIOUX CITY BUTTON .MAN't'FACTUU- 1.IIK INO CO. , Will jiay cash for horns bj tin-car- oail.dcllvcred at mi ) railroad deiwt In Sioux C'lt > . 'uxas > tccr horn ] ) rcfcrrud For particulars add - d tea , D. C. Uoblc , 8upt. 0131 _ PORTRAITS IN CUAVON Pastilo and OU , L clra decorative vaulting. MRS. U. 11. VARD.NEH , room 1 , Jacob's lllock. 542 tf i EMIS' REAL ESTATE BOOM. 8ec Is HAY At A. U. Sandcr'e Feed Store BALED ll-tf EMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE S B 1st pofte. boa rattling long lists of nouaes , loc BEM13 aud farms for Bale Cull and get i em. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisement : ) , eucli n Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Vants , Boarding , etc. , will bo inserted In thl ) lumn at the low ratoot TEN" CKNT * 1'ER INK for the Hrst insertion and FIVU CENTS 'RU LINE for each subsequent insurtinn. .uivondvcrtiscinents at our ofl'.co , upstairs , corner Broadway and Main streets , Council Jluffa. S ALE Hrst-clasH Kiloon 1 ] mile ) ts'-t of FUR on "Mo quito , " on line of 11. I. U. K. iOoJ pnit tomnUu moiuv. Addn'ss. / " llm Otlke , / ddcO Ct _ Council UUtlj. _ Evcrj body In Council llluffn lo WANTED Tim BKK , 20 cents per wick , do ivcred by car r Urn. Ollkc corner iiroadvv-nj and lain , up stalrn , Council llkilTj. _ C Mf ' TICKET OFFICE War In rallioad tickets continues to boom. Unrrccnlentcd ovrutt.s to all eastern jnlnts. Kvtrj ticket guaranteed. Orders filled nj tclcnlionc. From inn to ten dollars tavcil In purchasini ; tickets if C. A. 1'otter , successor to Potter & L'aliner , No. iO South Fifth street , four door * below thu post- illlco , Council IHufls , Iowa. oet3 tf AVrEU Uov , with IKIIIV , to carrj papers Inquire nt UEK olllec , Counell liluilB. octlS-tf To buy 100 tons hroom corn. WANTED address Council llluils Broom Factory , Council lihillj , Iowa. 05S-2atf "XTTAM'ED A first-class broom tier. Majne VV t ( Jo. , Council lllulTa , lona. DC080 * I.1OII SALE Old papers 4CJc jwr hundred , at X1 The Bee offlco , Council BIuUs. se27-tf EDWAKD KUEHL MAOISTER OF PALMY8TERY AND I CONDI TIONALI8T , 498Tenth Streetbetween Farnham andllamey. Will , with the aid of guardian iplrlts , obtain for any ono a glance at the pan I .inJ present , and on certain conditions In the fu ture. Root * and Bbocs made to order. Perfect latletacticn fuiriutecd aiifl-l > - < POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Qrapa Crcan Tartai , Ko ot/J' / nation iniikca ueh .llBht , flaky hot broai. uiurloiu pastry. Can I * eaten ly VfigV" c without icar ol the 111 * resulting iroraJi vy seetlbie food. Sold onlv In c n , by allQroctrt ROYAL HAKINQ N > wi > K * CO s , : * Vtt