Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1881, Image 7

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010 Farnham , bet. Oth nnd 10th Street * .
Ono copy 1 } < nrln nhiMecp ( ti U(1000 )
0 months " " ROi
month " "
Lwc Omaha I'UMcngcr N'o. 2 , 7'fOi mr -
rominoilatlon No. I , l.oup m
Air \t Omahv-t'tmensir Xo. 1 , 5 10i m.
Accommodation No , 3,10'fOa. m
I ! . , U i. 0 7:10 : a. in , 3-40 li. m.
0. & N. w' , 7tO : n m. END \ \ m.
( ' . , H , I & P. . 7.10 u. in. VM p. m ,
K. C. , St. J. &C. : J , Ici\c t8n , ra. n"il 6 SO
p. u. ArrhciatSt. l.oul at 0.30 ft. m. ami 6 62
p. tu.
* , St. I. . & r.lca\p nt 8 \ , m , vul 3:10 : p.
tn. Arrives at St. Louis nt 6:40 : n. m , tun ! 7 JO
U A M. tn Ncli , Through F'xprcH , 8:10 : . m.
Il , it M. Lincoln repress fl 20 p. in.
U I' Oicrhml I xprei" , 12 U p. in.
0 , & H. V. for Unjoin , 11:45 : a. iu.
0. A 15 V. for 0 ccoh. 0 40 a. m.
U. I' fright No. f > , 6JOn. : m.
V 1' friiiht No. 0 , 8.20 n in.
U. I1. freight No. 13 , 2 to p. m.
U. P , ftclkht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant.
-.iP. IHmcr ctprcsi , 7'35 p.m.
U \ > ( roll-It Nn 11 , 11 3 p.m.
U. I' rtcmcr freight , fe:26 : \ \ tu.
C. E i. ( J o CO n. m. 7:25 : p m.
0. 4 : N.v. . , B 45 n. m. 7.26 p. in.
C. R. I.&P..Ol5n. : m. 005 p. tn.
K. C. , tt. Joe 4C 11. , 7:40 n. m. 0:46 : p m
0. & K. V. from Lincoln l.OS p. m.
U. V. I'lclllo Kxprer S.25 p. in.
B & Nch.Through hxprciMi JJ16 p. in.
II. ft M. Lincoln I'Apre'fi V 40 n m.
U. 1' Bern cr cxpre , 7.3' > a. m.
U. I1. Freight "so H-2 K ) p ra.
V. P. So. 6 6.10 n in. Emigrant.
U. P. freight No. 14,12:16 : p. in.
U. P. No. s 0 00 p. in.
U. P. So. 12 1-46 a. in.
U. P. Dcmer freU-ht , 1:10 : a. in.
0. & It , V. ralxeil , ar , 4:45 : p , ui.
Leave Omaha at 300 , 000 , 1000 and 11:00 :
m. ; 1:0 2 00 , 3 00 , 4.00 and 6 00 p. in.
LrtU c Council UlufTt at 8:26 : , 9.26 , 10 25 and
1:26 : a. tn. ; 1:26 , 2. 5 , 3.23,1 26 nnd 6:26 p. m.
SunJajf The ihmitnv loa\ca Omiha at 0 00
and 11:00 n. m. ; 2.00 , 4.00 hnd 6 00 p. in. Leave *
Council Illufla at 0.25 and 11:26 a. m. ; 2.25 , 4:26 :
and 6,26 p. ni.
Through Mid locil passcnfrcr trains hot * ecu
Omaha am ! C'ouu U lllufTn. Lca\ Omaha B'ftO ,
7:00 , 7:45 : and E'60 n. m. Leal o Council lihifla
7:25 : , 11:20 and 11:30 : n. m. ; C 20 , 0tO : and 7.OO
p. iu.
Opening an' ! doling of MMI * .
a. m , p. in. a. ni. p. to.
Cnlcaso&N. W 1100 BOO C 30 2:40 :
Chicniro , U I. & I'nclflc.llsOO DOO 0 M 2-40
ChlraBOU.ftQ 11:00 : 900 030 240
Wahash 1230 ( ISO 2:40 :
8 oux City and Paelfle . 900 080 2.40
Union Pacific 400 11-40
OnnlnfcK. V 4.00 11:40 :
B. &U. In Not ) 400 310
Oiuihi * SiouxCltJ. . . . COO 733
B.&M. Lincoln 1080 COO
U. P. Lincoln , Su-iiliy. . . 1:30 : 11:00 :
U. P. len\er Exu " :00 : 030
O. , Sioux CitJ & St. P..11.00 i:10
Loeal mails for ftatc ot Iowa lemo but oncun
daj i i ? : 0 30 a , m.
OIHcc open Suntla ) o from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
TtlO . V HALL P M.
Business "Oratory ,
Abstract arid Real tctato.
JOHN L. SlcCAGUE , opposite Post Offlco.
W. K. TJAUn.KTT 317 South 13th Street.
Koom 14 Crdgbton Block.
\ . T. LAKOK Jr. , Room 2 , Cickhton Week.
Coott and Shoes.
jAiins DRYING it oo. ,
Flue Boots and Shots. A k'ooil aKsorttnent of
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hirnoy ,
IHOs. EK1CKSON , S E. cor. lUth and DougUa
1)6 ) 10'h street , manufactures to order good work
tt fnlr prices. Utpnlrltijr done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LAKHIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Donylasst
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. KKUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street
Butter and Eggs.
McSHANK & SCnilOEDER , the oldest B. and E ,
house in Nebraaka establlHhed 1876 Omaha.
southwest corner 16thand Dodpe.
Boat Board for the Monoy.
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
Ueale t all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash ,
Fliml hx1 Knntna Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
WM SNVDKU , 14th andllarncy Streets.
Jewe era.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
H. BERTHOLD , Rags and Metal.
Lumbar , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & OR vY corner 6th and Douglas Sts
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BONNER 1308 Douelas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
0. A. UNDQUE3T ,
One of our mofct popular Merchant Tailors Is fa-
celvtni ; the latest designs for Spring and Sumim r
Goods for ptntlcmcns wear. Stjllsh , durall ,
and vrlces low as e\cr 215 13th bet. Doutr.&Farn.
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholpailc and Ititall , Kwi
tj Goods In jrnat tarli ty , ytphjrit , Card Roariln ,
Ilobiprj , Glotui , Comts , kc. Chtancijt Ilu'liu In
the Wtbt. 1'urchascrs a > o 80 per cent. Orlrr
bv Mall , 116 Ultienth Strrct.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jat Kfion tie
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnrumi OH. ,
Wflfhans UrO" . propru tr .
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng ami Irni
T. A. MrSIIANE , Corn. ! 3d and Cumin ; : Wtroots
rlnrdwaie , Iron ana titcel.
3LAN K IiANQWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 am1
112 I rib ttrctt
A HOLMES corntr IMh n < l CallfornU
Harnei * . Baddies , &c.
B. WKIST 20 13th St. hrf 1'arnII rnev
, ANK1ELO HOUSE , aeo.Cantlcl'iOth& Karnhim
DOItA.N 1IOUSK , P 11. Gary , 013 Fnrnham , U.
SLAVUN'S I10TKL. F. hlaun , 10th St.
Bouthern Hotel , Cus. Haracl Oth ftUavonworth
Clothing Bought.
C .9IIAW will rai' highest Cash price for second
u nd clothln/ . Corner 10th awl Farnham
Druijf , Palntt ana Ulli.
KUHN / . CO.
Pharmacists , Flno v.ino iJdoJ < , Cor 16th fcnd
W , } , AVHlTEHOUf E , Wholualo A , Retail , 16th St.
0. FIELD , 2022 North Slcij Cumlnjr Street.
PARK , Dru Kist. 10th and Howard Streets.
DR. PAUL , WllllamB1 Block Cor. 16th & Do Ige.
% Dry Goons Notions , Etc.
\ Kew York Dry Goods Store , 1810 ami 1312 F rn.
ham itrcct.
L. 0. Enewolrt also boots and shoes 7th & P&clflc ,
r-uruituro ,
A F OUOSS , Jfew and StvOnd Hand Furniture
nJ feto\fJ , 1111 Douzlui. Ulghwt cash price
aid for second t = .n too is.
BONNER J30Q Dou/l it. Fine troodi , &c.
F-enco V/orkt ,
OUST. PRIESCO. , ISISHarneySt. , Im roie
ed let lloxtP , Iton and \\ood Fences , Office
"KalllnM , Counter * of I'lno r.nd Walnut.
Clcnrtnnd Tohncco.
VVKST * FlllTsCDKIl , manufacturers of Clears ,
nd Whele-wle IkAlcm In Totviccos , 1SOS Donclaa.
AT. K I.OUKNZKy inMiuhrtiitBt 1410 FWiham
A. Donaghuo , plants , cut flowf n , ee l , ooquetn
Me. N W.cor - '
CKII Enf > lneeri nnd Ourveyon ,
AN1)HK\V ROSKWATKH , Crtlghton niock ,
To'-wi hiitM'58 , Ora < loand Btweraire 3) tcmi
Sporlaltv ,
Uommlstlon Merchants.
JOHN G. WIU L1S.UU DovUo Street.
U n RKKMKR For details ce Hrce ivhcrtlir.
nent In IHIhvnJ Weoklj.
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice \ > orks , Mann\ctitreti ! Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and BUto HoofllnK , Onltn
rcmasij locallt > prompth ovifiitixl In the be < t
ntnnrr , Factor\ and On cc 1213 ll.arncj St.
C. Sl'KCIIT. rro | < nrtor
Oaltontted Iron CoriilctcMmlov Capa , etc. ,
nianiilwturol and nut til' In an ) patt of the
country. T. BINIIO1.1) UBTlilttfcnlhMrM't
I. noNNEK ISOll Ddiislas ltcct Good line.
Clothing nnd Furnishing Goods ,
1KO H 1'ETIIRSON. Al o Hat , Cnjw , Boots ,
Shoon. Notloni and Cutlery. MM H 10th street.
Rotrlftcrators , Cnnflald's Patent ,
C. F GOODMAK llth Kt , bet Fun AHi > tne > .
Ghow Case Mnnufact'ory.
O. \VILOK. .
Manufacturer and Deilcr In all kinds ol Bho
C.MCS , Upright C-ises , a „ 1317 CM bt.
FltANK L. OKHHAlin , proprietor Omaha
Show Caiciiiuiiufiiitor } , SIS South 16th street ,
hitwcen Leaiumorth nnd Marc } . All ' -
ROSKVFELD. 10th St. but f r A liar
Qtovct * na Tinware.
Dealer In Sto > es and Tinware , ami Manufacturer
of Tin Roofa nnd all kinds of Building Work ,
OdilFillo B' Illotk.
J. nONNEIt , I30Q Doueh" St Good and Cheap
Seeds ,
J EVANS , Wholmalo and RotAll Seed Drills an.f
CultUators , Odd Fellows I1MI.
Physicians an 1 Burgeon * .
W. 8. GinilS , M. D. , UJom No 4 , Crolghton
lllock , 15th Street.
I' , b. LhlbKNRKNO , M. U. Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. . Kjr and Ear , opp. postofflcc
Oculist and Aurlct. S. W 16th nnd Parnham Sts
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Masonic Hall. Furst clasa Work and Prompt-
ncsti guarantccp
Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21U 12th St. , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. Work promptly attended to.
r > . "ITZPATRICK. 1409 DoueKs Street.
Painting nn aper anting.
HENRY A KOSTK1W. 141 Doilgo Street.
Shoe scores.
Phillip Lang. 1320 Faniham st bet 13th & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. . New and
Second Hand Furniture. House furnishing Gooilii ,
Li. . . lioiu'ht and RoM on narrow mari'lns
In the Dt\v brloi ! block on Doun-lta Strict , has
just oiiciipd a most elegant BccJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
otcry da > .
"Cal loma"J FALCON EK B7B 10th Street.
UHAS. RIEV/E , lOli ! Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.
UO Cent Stores.
P O nAf'Kft 1"OK F'rnhuin " 5t . F nr\
Permanently Cured no humbuc by ono
month's usage of OR. GOULARD'SCelcbrat-
cd Infallible Fit Powders. Tn loiiuio suiter-
trs tint these ] > owilcr < ill do all wo claim for
them we wfll tend thim hv i\inil \ , post ( ) . ld a
free Trial box. Dr. Goiilird Is thu onlj ph\Kl
ilan that tins e u nndo this di cisc a tpicinl
study , and as to our knonlcdso tlioiisinJn la\e
been Pcrmanetly turcd li > the use of these
Powders , we will guarantee a permanent
euro in c\ur > case or refund you all money ev *
pended. All Hiillcrern shouw g\o ! these I'OA.
tie ra an cadi trial , and be eomlriccd of their
Price , for lar 'c 'joS3 00 , or4 bo\ts for $1000 ,
sent by mall tonnj pnrtof Uc United States or
Canada on reethitof price , orbj txpress , C. U
I ) . AdJrc , ASH & . ROBBINS
3GO Fulton St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
Proprietor ,
' 1213 Barney Street ,
, - - - .
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Specht's Patent Motalic Sky
Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and
I nni thu general htito A < ent for the aliotu
Him of
Crcjtlnj | , Onlustrndes , Verandas , 'OfPce ' and
Dank Railings , Window and Cellar
Guards , also
Pecrsonand Hill Patent Inside Blind ,
DexterLTtaas&Bro ,
WILL 1)1' A\l ) SKU/
. /C * X X < 3. *
Puy Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc ,
If 10U AANT10 Iff OR BKMi
0 kit at Oillcc , Itooni S , Cre'Ehtnn ' Ilnck ! , Orraha
1016 Parnhmn Street.
( ) ) ters , ChoH | and Game Order ,
And Served Under Personal Supervision of
Proprietor ,
Azle Gr-ease
Ueed on WaKOtic , Uu/sltB , Htitwra , Thrcslitrt
and Mill llachineo " I I * I.UA I TO MUK
is * AM ) 'IxAiisruiH It eurt.4 bcratchui and nil
kinds of Bnreo CD Ilotice acd Stock , an veil M on
" " "
305 Illlnola Street , Chicago
SB C ) I - ' ' " i
Dexter L , Thomas ,
- *
Fcotl < lie Cown.
I , . S Coilln
Now wltotf us Imvo the "snntl" ( o
cnll out until wo } ; ot down tolho
bore know wo e.m winter nutl i
them t the iit'xt rass in yooil
sliapo. Ton tif your l > est cows \\oll
vintcrotl will bo worth inoto than lif-
teen "anriinr IHKU- " will when j-r.iss
uiCR. Uoroiswhoio theM \ eotuos
in. Who of us c.ui and will just ont
it and cut down till wo know otir h.ty
nnd ginin just balance * what stock wo
IMVO to winti'it llonieinber how lor-
ulily poor Almost all the cowa weie
last ' pi ing. It took half the summer -
mor tn fjot them up inlo shipo , and
aomo of them i ro ] ) oor now. A well
fed cow through the winter is the
od cow thtonijli the summer. Corn
is high now wo know , but the best
bujor n man has for Ins corn is a < > > d
cow. Shu may want to buy on u httlo
time , but she is as good as the Kink ,
She will pay it all up next aummor
.iml witlt iood intorost. .liwt try it
tins winter. Ford to the cows from
two to four quarts of mi'.d a tiny und
what good hiy , coin-stalks , and htt.iw
they will eat , and moio comfortable
qiuituns and wo'll ait-u thpnoto they
give for the coin. AVo'll ' risk it.
A Now Wny of DrcRshij ;
Attor the fowl m killed and ] iluoked ,
cut oil the bead and feet , and draw-
out the entiio oulsido parts. Thou
carefully wash and phieo nstdo to cool.
After cooling sptinkle good table salt
into evoty part of the inside , and nib
salt well on the outside of the body ,
then mcoly clean mid salt the huait ,
li\ur mid fjuzaid ami place thorn into
the cuetws , as many buyers jnofor to
have thorn. Or , if preferred , clean
the fowls as directed , and instead of
salting , place in an air-tight
box , and at thu bottom of the
box burn a small quantity of
Hiiluhur. AH soon as the sulphur
lumen beoin to rise close the box , and
at the end of half nn hour taku out
the fowls and pack thorn for maiket.
They will keep for weeks by thia nro-
cess as the sulphur fumes ollectually
prevent fermentation in all substances ;
and instead of being injurious are pos <
itively beneficial , in completely do-
stroj nig every thing that could bo in
jurmus to the carcass. It will give a
peculiarjuln/cd appearance to thu fowl ,
and a slight odor of the sulphur may
icmahi ( .often none ) , but the moment
the oarc.iss is hunted the sulphur j ;
pisses oil' , and the meat m pmor and
bolter than befoie.
Prof. l\nnni > , In Kcokuk Catc ( . ' tj.
The presunt piicus of pork will tin-
doubtetll stnuulato the biocduiu' of
pijiH for the nu\t jo.xr , winch is both and piopor ; but let us heio
inturposo a suggestion. Instoul of
the heudli'fs motliods pursued in foi-
mer years and the unthinking rush
into SHine biecdiiiu , lot some caution
mid bound jinlgtiiunt be ttS
1st. RLSOIVO for bleeding pinpostH
only choice , well foimeil HOKB , lice
fiuin defects ( .r dibiase.
2d. Use a good mal'1 , but select for
vi < ; or and valuable parts rather than
symotrical foini.
yd. Gio a vauuty of food , and not
too much with plenty of CAOICISO.
4th Shelter in clean and comfort
able places , neither too hot nor too
5th. Endeavor to raise medium and
umfoim litters , just what the dam can
catry easily. Six pigs are as many .is
a yearling sow should raise.
Oth. Feed sows and pigs abundant
ly with slops , and endeavor the first
four months of pig life , to produce
healthy giowth rather than flesh.
7th. Provide if possible abundant
clover range. For slops use oatshorts ,
oats and coin meal and wheat shorts ,
and thin with milk , water or kitchen
slops. For solids feed soaked corn ,
but not heavily dining the first four
8th. Such pics as are to be turned
at ten months should bo crowded with
heavier food after the first four
months ; the remainder should be al
lowed to mature moderately upon
cheap food.
Oth. Do not select the best pigs to
feed oil" , because they are moro easily
fattened , and breed from the culls.
Select breeders first and fatten the ro-
10th. Study constantly the neces
sities , vigor , cleanliness and food.
Sorfjbiim for Fend ,
KaiiiaCorniioiideiici * of the Country Cicntle-
I have never raisedsorghum tor the
purpose of syrup-making , but T have
raised it two for teed , uul eon-
bider it siipeuor tt/ any other forayo
plant 1 ha\o ever laiscd in any State
for tins purpose , Timothy anil clover
not except ed. I propaio the ground
the H ime as foi any othur crop , und
drill with my wheat dull half a bushel
of send to the aero. I HOW it from
April to August hist. If it gums
stiong and tall , 1 cut it with a involv
ing rake reaper , and , after allowing it
to wilt for several days , 1 bind and
uliock it in lingo .ihoclts until dried ,
then stack and null ittliosame as coin
HtaRs. It is liner and hhoiter , 1 cut
it with a mouti and cure it the same
an hay. It takes u Join ; time to ctnn
and diy out , otherwise itwill hoit and
t-poil. The stack should be Ion ; . ' and
nariow , Thu crop should ntind until
njio enough fur sjiup before cutling.
It will not bleuch and spoil on the
ground liku hay or grain. Many let
it stand without uuttingand foul it on
the ground , and cattle and sheep will
eat it clean , cvon the butts nnd loots ,
leaing nothing. 1 am of thu opinion
that thu lar o , co.iine stalks are thu
heit for woilving annuals , My
an ; woikittgand diking on half rations
of giain nice ) corn ) , and are doing but
ter than when J ft d them huv and corn
fodder , with full lations of corn chop ,
The seed is equal to corn , and will pro
duce ns much to the acre. 1 think
when well cleaned it weighs sixty
pounds to the struck bushel. It is
superior to any other dry feed for
milch cows. Our diy climuto and
winds make it easy to euro , nnd it
stands drought better than any crop
.except the lice coin ,
It has been found by careful and in
telligent experiment that pigs in pio-
portion to their weight consume fnr
moro food than cither cattle or sheep.
TJIK iimount of land in the United
Kingdom of Great Uritn'n ' and h eland
under perm , incut pastine is stated at
21,717,002 calculated to produce .10
Ilia , of lleah meat per neru.
Thu yield of wheat in
nlonj * the line ol llio 1'acilu'
raihoiul , is reported tn a\ora o 'Jo
bushels to tlio aero ; oats , UO ; anil bar
ley , J)0. )
According to tlio results nf Iho ov
poihnonts made at tlio Maine Mate
airicnltutnl ; colloito , the pius fed nn
uncooked HUM ! mow bettor than thnio
foil on cooked inoal.
A Pori.Titv fannor recommends h\ -
ini' in ix sleek nf nods before cold
weather sots in , and atackiug thorn tip
iu n eorner of the heu-hnuso or nndoi
other suitable CHUT whuro the hi"i have access to thuin during tlui
w inter.
IT ii ostiinatod that an aoroof chnet
which would jiold two and onc-fointli
Inns of hay , will when fed to pigs prn
dnco as much j'ork 113 the corn fi > in
two acres yielding f irty bushels jiet
note. Kti-hty luisheU of corn , lli > \ \
mi ; each bushel tn proditcotvn pounds
nf pork , would produceciylit huntlreil
pounds of nork , wlnoh at aovon cents
a pound would amount to tifty si\
For a whitewash takoof good quick-
Inuo h.ilf a busho. ) , slake tn the usual
manner , anil .uld ono pound of com
n.on Malt , lulfapoitnd of sulphate nf
/inc ( wlntiMitiol\ ono allen nf
sw cot milk. The s.ilt and the wlnlo
vitiiol should bo diwsolved before tluy
are milled , whin the \\liolo Hhould be-
thoroughly nnxed with sulliciont water
to nhc , i jiroper consiatoucy. The
Honnor the ini\turo is thun applied the
A RflimvnthiK Rnmoity
tn l > o ( omul in lit KlKii K M lll.ool ) lln-
Its. As nn iwitlilotii furHicIc ho dntlu- ,
ftiiinlo wtsikiicox , billoii < > ii ( ii , nulljt" ( < tion ,
constipation , anil ntlui tliM'ait's of a Kit
dnd nntiiri' , tliu < e litters ure itisnluMik- .
1'riieSt.O1 , tii.iNuo IDeinU codlw
John moCulloiigh'alilttlo Admirer
Inti nle-\M'r
Said ArcCtillough : "I see and ie-
cognize faces , nnd sometimes become
ao much interested in ono fnce that 1
watch it nnd act to it through the play.
Let me toll you nn anecdote illustrat
ing this habit. Once while I was act
ing VirginiuH in Chicago a little girl ,
whom I know so well that she called
mo Uncle John , was in one of the
proscenium boxes. I love her dually ,
and I watched her almost as cloesly
as she did me. You should have seen
how her face lit up when I came on
thu stage , and how she beamed on mo
in the earlier pait of the play , and
how happy it made her to hear mo
talking kindly and lovingly to Vu-
gmi.i. It would have done you good
could you have seen her clap her hands
with joy when I rushed upon Urn stage
and clispcd Yiigima in my aims just
in time to luad her myself tu thu fo
rum , until 1 turned toward her in fac
ing Virginia for the last time. Sud
denly I siw bur sin ink back in torroi ,
and she fc'lltmed my look toward the
knife. 1 siw her touor becoming
worse and wet so , and then I gave the
fatal stab , and the cm tain fell. I
Haw her hide her head in her mother's
lap. I felt aonlaimed for hur that I
went to the box. door to leassnro her.
On openinir it 1 found her still hiding
head. ( J tiling hur softly by name , L
whispeied : 'Don't bo alarmed ; it's
only fun. I only killed her in fun.1
In a moment she was i nulling towaid
mo , and calling out ; 'Oh , Uncle
.John ! was it only fun ? ' Shs threw
her aims around my neck and kissul
me again and again. "
Tf you are sulloimg fiom a severe
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling in
the throat , or any aflection of the
throat or lungs , wo know tlmt DR.
Km ; ' * NEW PISCOVKUY will gi\o j-ou
immediate lelief. AVe know of kun-
dieds of cases it has completely cured ,
and that where all other medicines
had failed. No other remedy can
show one half as many peimnnent
cines. Now to give you H.itisfactory
pioof that Dr. KINO'S NEW DIHCOV-
KHV will cure you of Asthma , IJron-
chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , So-
veie Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness ,
01 any Thioat or Lung Disease , if you
will call at J. K. Isn fc M MAHON'S
Drug Store you can get n tiial bottle
fiee of cost , or a regular si/.o bottle
for § 1.00. janlily(2) ( ( )
Positively Cured.
All Buffcrm from th H disease that are anxious
to liuciireil clioulil try OR KISSNCft'S Ccle
bratcd Consumptive Powders These I'ou
dcrs ait the onlj ] iri'i''iUlon ' knonn that ulll
eurei CoiiBuniiticiii | und all disii ei of Iliu Thro&t
and Luncs Indeed , to fctronir l our filib In
them , anaaUo to eunvlncorm , tlmt thuy are no
huniliu i o will foiwiiiii to our ) milfcrur , by
mall , ] > 06t | iald , a freu Trial Box
U'udon't uaiitonr innncr until \tiii nre Tier-
fCLtl } in Ivtliil of tlicir Liinttltu ) iouer If jour
llfu IH worth KA\I | , don't dulm In vltlnx Hie HO
Powders a trial , us ( ho nlllHiiril ) eiirojou
Price , for lar u box. JUO , rciittn mi ) pait of
thu I nlteiltAtm or Canada , by null on ru ( Jiit
of lieu. Aililrin , ASH A. UOIIIIINS ,
nlldMJdUFulton ht. , Ilroiklvn N V
Western Horse ana Oattlo In
surance Company ,
Cnpitul , . . . C1M ) , ( OOOO
liiBiiren Morses , llulcamid Cattln mralniit lo lij
neolilent , dct-cin ; or tlii.ltK'enelein In all conn.
tllH fit tt II htAte , hind fnr clriulnrn e VO lj
fo Catharlnu Iteddo , non rinlilent itefcndint ,
Von are liureb ) notified Hut on the 2d da ; ol , IbSl , Jnhn Ituldu pUlntllT. fled hU
million In the Dlhtrkt Court , I lor
lloiul ! ) Ccmuty , Nehr.-ixka , n ulnit ) ou M do
fuidant , the object and iirijur of VJLI | | petitloi
if , to obtain a decree of dl\oreu from thu hcndt
olJin.Ttrlnionj with } on for the following causes ,
to wit ; Ibt , haUtiul druiikinriuu ; 2d , extrumi
limit ) , and for ( 'dicrnl rcllif.
You iiru luijuirul to nnnscr eald pttltlon or
the 21th ilnj of October , li-vi.
JMIAMJ 1 CAMI'111'.rj. .
BuTnft AttornMH frr Plaintiff ,
OLA OH H. Kl.hO.X J , U , Him
Clarlcson & . Hunt ,
3ue.icw > tn Hlchardi & Hunt ,
M KthHt"- ' " " < ha Vxli
W i : MO US ,
12S Lasallo Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain und Provisions Bought
nnd Sold on
Owcr Front Kooma ( nn itslrs ) In Hantcom'
ac liriek UulMli „ , K , V , , wjrntr Hlceiitu ad
acMii'mui Street * .
Mnttcrof Vppllcntion nf IMunrl Mnmer
lor Liquor n o
MT ) K
Nnt'iX ) l hfre1 1\ n thl'WUiM Mtiirn
llil upon th ( lath iftol Itnitnlior , A I ) , l-oil.
tlU hl < a)1 ) ) Ballon to thu Maor Mill tin iVnn
I' ' of Onmln lor tliine t , > < ll Milt , S | < lr luon *
anilinnin | lijuors at No ISM I iriiliAinMr < t ,
IhlrJArl , Oinnlia , Nth , trim the l t iln cl
linmr > , ISMI , totliu 10tlnh\ . \ | > rll , l > s
HtlKiclii' nei 01 Jectlon , ninm ir nri crprn
i t Illoilltliln tnac K < ironi iKuni rl.tih ,
A l > 1M | , the Mill lUin e hill li i smntcil
Tnxliinn \ \ \i < aur will ) mil li tiir
iHo\u notieo ( er two \\nk < nt tin tniM | < > l
the l'lil mnt IhnCItt oftliihlii N lot to hi
ih\rjr < ltlim lti ! . ' JP.WIIIT ,
I'lelaiiil ' Cltj Ihrk
M liter of Apiilnatlim uf lle-nry I'uiidt
for litn
Votl l < hiiih.lui . tliit limn I'liiull , illil
lip-in tlic Ttti dn of IVMmher , A 1' iHil.tili hn
ipoll atloli tn lliotrmrrniiilp iminell nf Onu
I i for Hi IMIM > to icll Milt , HplrititoiM nml Vhnm <
Uiinr | < , nt Nn 1JIS r.miliim > tron , Ihlr.l
W nl diimhit , Nrli , ( r < MU thu Ut ilint.limim ,
I J , to tinli 111 ol Aiirll , | v . > .
II th'lo IP 110 olijietlon , inn iintl ( I'll1 or I'm
tm Illnl with n iMiiwuki from tVuntlur .III
\ H. INM , the N\K1 lliin > i Mill ho urvti'c ' I
UKMI1't Mir
A | > | illcint
PiippuM llpv iuniiiiiillliniMiihllipnlioMi | |
liotiieilMl two \Mil , nt tlu > I\H'M nf I lie' ni
| > l > nit 7lu tMj otOniihiHnot folipihaivtil
hi n with. ,1 J I r .HWKIT ,
iU7 Ut fit i Uitk
Matte'f of Apl'lio ilinti nl lloiliinn Mo.M'l
for Uquot Kie'cnii. ' ,
< lifiililuiitliAt ( llrrinitii MoicrilM
III-DII tlio 13thih ) of lie'iimtiii , \ l > , Issi , ll i <
lil aiillcntl.n | to the Mnjor-ui I t'ltCOIIIIP I of
I'niiln , fi > r liron e < to wll Malt , S | > lrlluons nml
Xlnoutllinioi'i , nt 2u7 south rilh sircit , Ihlril
Wnnl , Omilm .SM > , troin IhoUtilnv if Jiuu
arlsv. ! ' , to the lOtn iinof Vjiill , l J
If thi rj tin no ohjeotlon , rouion ti > n n or \ < r
tmt tllcil ulthln tioMek ( roiu Ho iMiihirlJ h ,
A II , 1 > > S1 , thclil lloeiiso lll lie cmnt !
llniMkv MIM n ,
TinDuu Hun nr pnvr will | i lill > h thu
nlioM nolleo for tun \ \ IMat the e\j > o n. of tlie
ni0iiaiit ) | IhiIt < ) lit Omatm U not to K >
ariiiil thcrtnlth. J. .1. 1. t' JI.WKT1.
HccU-lii : . Oltriirl. . .
. \tiitte'i of Ajipliciitlon of HtcluudVIKIo
( or l.iiiuor IiicetHC.
Notice iii InrplnINen ( tint Ulch iiUVIMe illil
upon the 10th ilaot IHecinhcr , A. I ) . 1 1 fllu
ht nipllcatlon | to tr u Mtirr nml I'll ) ( . ' 111111II
of Omilm , for llfctmo Inmll Milt , Mi'rltiiniii ) ' < niiil
MIIUIK I.I iiinm , nt > o. HUM 1-iunlnm Mreet ,
Tlilnl War.l , Oinah , Neh. from t hur 1 ft ilnof
Ji iiuir > , 1MJ , totho lOlh ila > of Apr I , Ibii
If tin lo Im no clijeetlun , ronio'iitraiua on retest
test Illeil nltlilntuo veilix from lleiimhor lOili ,
A I ) , Ibbl , thu Dili ) Hi "iiv K II ha r > ntnl.
II. Wit UK ,
TIIH Don ll K iio ) i > cr uill pulilhh the
ahotunntlco for two \uiKnat Iliu ie'linof | the
lipllcint. The Clt > of Onmhi l < not to he
larKiiltlunulth. .1 J I , C. .II.WiTI' ,
DeUI-lJt. Clt ) Clirk
Mutter of Aiiileiiton | ! ) ot lluiiry
limimfii hiiUnt [ License' .
Notki ) Inlu-ielij uhin tlmt llonn hanfnmmi
ill t upon tlio 1 Ith of lieu mliir , \ P , 1NS1 , II Ic
hlH appllmllon to thu iMa\nr niul i Itv i' line I of
Otnaht , for lliensu to H II Milt , Sprit i in m n
\ln.nn I li | ior < 4 , nt No. lilll | ) niih < Strict ,
Iliinl w-inl. I'mnlii , Nil' . loin thu l > t iln\ of
.1 imnirj , ISfJ , to tl u 10th ilaof April , It iiJ.
If there lie ti' > olijcitlon. uniiii'tmmn or p
tcit Illi'l 1 hill t o Hieks Irom Du nilier 111 h ,
\ 1 > , ISsl , the pill It enii l I hi' crinliil
Tint Dun Illil mntpiptr "ill pnhlMi thu
alto\ notii a for two v\n UK nt tlio iAptnu of th <
umilirmt. 'Iho I Iti of ( imp a K lint tn ho
ilnrn-i'l thcieitlth I .1 I C .11 Wi : T ,
Deal 121 Cltl Clerk
Muttoi nf Apjilii.i inn < > f A. II. lilii'htiuie' '
foi Liquoi License ! .
xonci : .
Nolleo Is heri'hi g\\ \ u tin * \ II ( , K Utonei
illil iiiiiitnn II lulu of DuiiiilieT A l > , IH < 1 ,
Iliu hi npplli-itlnii to the M \ ir'\n < l ( III e' > iiu
ell of Oinihi , for ULIIIHO In Hill Milt , SplriMmui \ .linn * MillionatNo lilisinil 11 ( ilou ) li
Striet.'llilnlW'iiril.iinuli'i , Nell , from tholi-t il j
of .Inimnr , ItbJ , t. thu lUtli il iof April , l i
If ilu 10 liono ohj illo , romon trimc urr >
til-t IVIo \tlthln I tun UK UK r m Do i mlu r 1 Ith ,
\ 1) , IcSl.lhi'eilillleilinu lll hi tninli.l
I II ( iMIMI ) t ,
A i iillrant
Till' IHlM llfK llU Hlmpl r Mill pulil kh I lie
uhoMi nutlco ( or tnuuoKx nt thu iApeiiu o tlio
uliplleint. Iho < it ) ot Unmlia IH nn' to ho
id i BII | thorMMth. J. .1 I. . C' . JKIVCTT ,
IKoU ! ! ! ( . L'lt.Clirk .
Matter \iiliuitiiiii | | of C. I' , flondnuui
fur I'eiiint in Sell Liquor JH n Drn Kixt ,
Notlit it hcieh ) i en that C. I" , ( iooilimi ,
illil iionibi | > 1 Ith loof Duitmher , A I ) . ISil ,
tllu hit ajinlieitlon to thn Mavnrnnil Cltj ( 'ouii-
ill cif Onmhi , foi permit to Hull Malt , hpiritunim
nml MIIOIH lliiinrK | axi Dniu'i-'l * ' , fi rmiillelinl ,
ineefiniiliul nml ehenili il iiurposuH enl ) , at No.
Ill i InrnlMim stiiet , dnlanl , Oniiihn , Neh. ,
frcm Iho lntilnof .linear ) , Its. ! , to Iliu luth
da ) of Aprl , 112.
If there hu nn olijeetlon , rcmonstmneo or
protect Illeil within two MeekHfrom IHth iln ) of
lii-cclillier , A. 1) , IbSl , t o mkptrnip \ will ho
grjntoJ C P ( iOODMAN
TIIK liAin DhK lavHpiipi r ulll puhllth the
ahovu notleu fortAo uiekK , .it thu e\pon i > of
thu applicant. Tlie-CIt ) of Onmhi l < not to he
charu-il thcrcM Ith. .1. .1. I. f jr.WITTV ,
ilcel''liit < M ) f irk.
Articled of Incorporation nf the
Millnrd Farmors' Club.
AiticleH nf iiicoiptinitiun iiiiulo and
adopted tliin 2'Jth ilay of October , A. 1) .
1881 , liy nnd between the iinduraigned In
corporators , an follou' :
Article ) T. Thu liiuiiu of tliialillHliull he
the Mlllnrd l''juniir : ' eluli.
ri.Ac'i. OK
Article II. Tlio iiiincipal [ ihco of ! ) IIH |
new ) of tins iliibeliall ho nt .Millnnl t-tu
lion , county 01 Dmtglus , Ntbrimkn.
Article III. The ( jciicrnl niitnrn ol bu I
uchH to ho tnmniicted liy this club U In
conduct -ciieial ( lituiary anil uncial IMIN ! .
IIUHU and oilier e-iitcitaiiiiaunt of a hoeiul
chin uetc'r.
Ar'lelc I V The iiliioinitnf cnplt'i1 B'ocli
o' this cln i Hiiall lie two tliiiiiMiiinl doll im , lnt > hliiirc-i ( if ( init dollar rneli ,
" Mi rlinll Iu .tuld in tlie in.inner | lev
< e-il by tlio ( llicctniH.
Artie c V , 'I'liin i lub hliull in.iiinoiico to
it Iiiifiin-Ht nml e\i'iijuitHi'"r.or.'itc |
iMiweM thn li'ltli day of IJctoliijI8SI , and
itn poweiH flmll couo ti the .Uili il.iy of
Ot'obor , J'.lnl.
/ rttc'o VI. 'J'liu liijjlie'nt nun tint o' ' a-
liillty or Indul tcdnci-H , whlili tl I * chili
fllull at miv inn- than Milijtct itHle'f , hull
be three him Irt-d d > ll TH ,
jri le.1 us
Art'clo VII Thu i.lbeerH ( if thin
cluli mull be londii It'll by n
bnatd of tbrno tlirectori' , wlio nmll | IIP
olutu ! from HMIIIIIK the htockbiildeiM , und
they Blmll njiiioint n pienldent anil hiie-li
other oflieuic af by 'ftw ' i1 * rc/julml ,
J. Uf.l M ,
01' KlIIUAHKA , 1
On tliU 20th day ( if October , A. 1) . 8881 ,
perboiully appealed befniu HIP , Clinrlcn
IJrandt'H , a notary public for wild toiinty ,
.JidliirtSchroodcr. J. Ilium , Clam Schu
mann , AV. ( jcni'loif ' , to mo known to IIP
the nItcrH ; ) ot tlio foreu'iiiiiK ftitlclua of In-
corpoiatinii , and acldiowk'iL'itl tlioeuuio U
be their \oluiitaiy act and < lf l ,
Notary public in and foi JJoiin hin county ,
Nebranka ,
Oculist and Aurist ,
Rclorcmcd all Uc ] > utablo yilclang ol Omaha
X-iTOfncc , Corner IDth and Farnham 8ti
Omaha , Neb au2tinitl
Give the Bargains
\Jf Ul V W r'i" MbU loaw diii
At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Wiahoa t\ .
Olaso Articlo.
Are also Sold Exclusively by us.
THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office.
Ever Brought to Oma1 I
Immense Line of
All tt-e Latest Des gns.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Children' CLOTHING.
ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties ni Boys' CLOTHING.
ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in Youths' ' CLOTHING.
ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in Men's ' CLOTHING.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in White FANCY SHIRTS.
ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in Ilmlor WEARS.
ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Fancy NECK WEAR.
ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Panoy SILK H'DK'FS. '
ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Holiday GIFTS.
, . 6T-Sf.'WT'U rW ? F ?
Cor. Farnham & IOthSta 1001