Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Cmaha Bee.
1'ubll.ohcd every morning , except Sunday ,
SCh only Alondny morning dolly ,
Onc Yc r $10.00 I Three Montlis.93.CO
Six .Moulin , ! i.000ue | . . 1.00
THE WKEKLY 11KE , publlohed ov
Ono Yenr 52.00 I ThreeMontln. . 60
BU Months. . . . 1.00 I One " . . 1
etlpu rcUtllut lo News and Kditorinl nmt-
tin fhoulil 1)0 nddrcsscd to the lllinon of
fur 1\rr.
L Uvr wul Hcmlltnncm Mioulcl lw d
dre cil nTHE OMAHA 1'UiiuniliNO < < >
PAST , OMAHA. Drnfl" , C'hectoi nml 1'ost-
otlico Ordcis to l > e made t > .iynblo lo llic
order of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs '
Ei ROSE WATER. Editor.
TIIKIIE is 110 such thing ns "free
competition' between railroads upon
which tlio public can Imvo nny reli
ance for the future.
TUB Vienna tlivulru disaster is
stimulating the Mow York police to
an otiforcement of the law against the
overcrow ding of theatres.
Tin : meanest explanation wo have
heard of this slow progress of the
wnnmii suflrago inoveiiiont is that it
1m been tnlkucl to ileath. Mrs. Colby
haa the Hour.
DAKOTA is making extensive prep
arations for entering statehood. A
Dakota judge haa just ncntcnccd a
wife murderer to bo hanged on the
Iflth of January next.
Mu. liKEi'UKii saya a protective
inriir is organized immorality. " There
was iv time when the general impres
sion was that H. W. B. was a good
specimen of disorganized morality.
ILLINOIS asks for twelve or fifteen
places at the disposal of Col. IJrcmi-
low , doorkeeper of the house of rep
resentatives. Nebraska will bo satis-
tied with a night watchman's place.
Poll a man who has boon up to his
ears in the conspiracy to rob the tax
payers of Omaha in the Holly swindle
the editor of The Herald is decidedly
indiscreet in agitating the waterworks
Jurat : Cox seems suddenly to have
wakened to the feeling that the dig
nity of his court ruom must bo pro :
served. A small boy wan ejected the
other day for applauding a denuncia
tion of Guiteau.
FEAIW are now entertained that
Now York's white elephant , the
Brooklyn bridge , will fall down before
completed. Another million of dollars
lars of pocket money nro needed by
the bridge trustees ,
EVERY caller upon President Ar
thur is now required to state his busi
ness to Private Secretary Davis.
What an encyclopedia of oilico-soek-
ore1 woes Davis will bo after throe
years of such nn infliction.
of the Northern Pacific ,
promises the completion of the line by
September , 18811. There will bo
lively competition about thut time for
the Montana trade between the Union
Pacific and its northurn rival.
ARTHUR could not remain in the
Now York custom house , ao he has
taken up quarters in thoWhito House.
lUddloborli'er cannot be sergeant-
nt-arins of the senate , but ho in going
to sit in the float cf a senator as soon
'as ' that of Senator Johnston expires
by limitation.
THK Philadelphia Press puts its
forcibly in this way : "Jf the repub
lican majority dodges the pension qnos
tion for fear of votes , voteaatthenox
election will dodge the rcpublicat
majority for its lack of moral courage
J Cowardice always leaves men in the
minority of their own convictions. "
1' '
I'n THE brother-in-law of the
of the late President Garficld is nvi
dontly as anxious for notoriety as the
assassin. Bin attempt to create i
sensation by mounting the lecturers
rostrum destroys what little resprc
or sympathy lie was entitled to us the
legal defender of the cheeky nnir
A IT.W days ago The Herald culloi
attention to the fact that the If oil
pumps at Burlington had thrown several
i oral streams to n height of ° , ! l ! ) fuel
which Dr. .Miller in a vein of iron }
thought was a marvellous feat for the
Holly swindle. Now Dr. Gushing'
coparcener ridicules these dresa parade
exhibitions and clamors for steady
streams irom the reservoirs.
ANOTJIKH telegraph company has
juBt'been organized in Chicago. This
corporation under 1 the iiiuno of the
Chicago & St. Louis Board of Trade
Telegraph company proposes to con
fleet the Bt. Louis and Chicago boim
of trmlo by special wires for the trans
action of all commercial business
i > etwccn these two boards. Thu capi
ta ) of the corporation is $1,000,000.
The early completion of the Smith-
orn Pacific railroad naturally excites
a great deal of interest on the Pacific
coast. The owners of the Central
Pacilic are also the owners of this
now outlet and the completion of that
enterprise is expected to bring about
come very radical changes in over
land traffic.
Tlio managers of the Southern I'd-
cilie e.\prcss the opinion that their
road will not seriously detract from
the Central Pacific.
It will open up a new part of the
country and nfTord a now market for
the semi-tropical fruits of .Southern
California , and above all become a
competitor with the ocean route for
c.iriying the wheat export of Cali
fornia l < > Kin-one.
The running time for freight be-
.ween San Francisco and Now Or-
Mim will be about nine days and the
.imo of steamer between Now Orleans
and Liverpool , sixteen to twenty days
and for nailing vessels forty-live days.
Allowing six dayn detention for load-
ng and re-shipping at New Orleans ,
shipments between San Francisco and
jivorpool will require about thirty-
hree days by steamer and sixty days
> y sailing vessel , against one hundred
mid fifty dayn by the present route
iroiind Cape Horn.
Tt is estimated thut next year at
east one-third of thu California wheat
crop will be shipped ovnrlnnd by the
Southern Pacific. This traffic has
lever been carried by the Central and
Jnion Pacific and therefore will in no
vay effect these roads.
The advantage of shipping Califor-
iia grain to Europe by way of Now
) rlcans is manifest. It takes five or
ix months now for California
lealcrs to deliver their product in the
European market and that compels a
ibural margin for thu risk they run of
leclino in prices as well as the cost
and risk of insurance.
Thu opening of the Southern Pacific
vill have a tendency to divert the
mmigrationthalnowcrosses thu conti-
icnt by way of the Union Pacific to
.ho New Orleans lino. It is expected
hat thu now steamship lines between
Liverpool and Now Orleans will carry
oreign emigrants at very low prices
md the malingers of the Southern ! '
ifie announce their intention to bring
hese people to California at almost
any price. The president of the road
n a recent interview foreshadowed
ho policy of his road on immigration
rates as follows :
"Wo expect to bring immigrants
ots of them.Vo look , for a great ro-
ivul in immigration to this state , and
are going to do our part to secure it.
Ye agree to give one-fourth of thu
uiida required by the immigration bu
reau , and wo expect to put rates of
> aasage for immigrants so low that wo
iliall secure them by thousands. Jf
vo had a load of them at New Orleans
o-day and could get but $10 a head
o bring them through wo should
iritur thorn along. If wo could not
; et them for that wo should put the
ate lower. If one mtu wor't secure
mmigir.nts wo shall adopt an-
) tlior. Wo don't want them
or what wo can make out of
> ringing them , but what they con-
ributu to our business after they got
tero and settle. Every person brought
o the stuto and induced to settle hero
contributes to the business of the rail
road in ono way or another. No one
indorstands that any better than we
lo , and wo hope and expect yet to do
.he transportation business of : i,000-
000 inhabitants of this stato. I can't
give you any 1'iguron in | regard to im
migrant rates because we don't yet
know what may bo necessary , but wo
shall nut the rate low enough to in
duce the immigration , which is more
essential to our success than that of
any other enterprise. "
It is self oyulent that thu Union and
Central Pacific will not bo able to
compote on California immigration
with their southern rival.
As an ollaot to this loss the rapid
settlement of California will bring
about incrcaiiod tratlio and 'travel ,
which , although divided among four
or live rival lines , will afford an am
ple income for all of them. In any
caao there is a fair prospect that the
discriminations and extortionate rates
to which the patrons of the Union
and Central Pacific roads Imvo been
subjected , will soon cease.
Nearly ' 700,000 immigrants are
landed yearly upon the nhorcs of our
country with the idea of making it
their homo and partaking of the privileges
logos of citizenship. ( If this numbei
fully 100,000 annually announce thoii
intention of becoming citizens am
tuko out first papers. During the his
five years the largest single nationality
represented in our lists of immigrant
have been Goritmim , many of when
have como to America to escape tin
burdens of military conscription am
ongaga in a lifo where the best year
of their prime is not forfeitei
to the maintenance of i
standing army. To a mor
limited degree the ] sumo is the cas
among a number of other nutionaltie
where military conscription is the rule
Our government has always main
taincd the position that the declaration
tion of an intention to become n citi
/.on entitles the applicant for natural
i/4ition to all thu privileges of citizen
ship with the exception of the electiv
franchise. To all intents and pur
poses such persons are American citi
zens and under thu protection of tin
national government.
Thin principle has lately been callci
question in Germany vhcro tlu
orincr subjects of the emperor
William returning to their old homes
invo been nizcd for military duly. A
vigorous correspondence between the
"Icnimn government and the state de
triment some months ago settled
.ho question according to the demands
of Secretary Evarts , and fiied for all
, imo to come , as far as Germany is
concerned , the standing ( if our Gcr-
nan naturalised citizens. 3Ioro re
cently Secretary Blainu has boon
'orccd to deal with the eanio question
n cases pending before the Spanish
American commission which in
volves the principle of
mitigation. This commission is
composed of an American and a
Spanish representative , and an uni-
tire in the person of the Swedish min
ster , Count Loowonhaiipt. In the
C.MO of one" Pedro Biuusi the umpire
ms assumed the ri'/ht to go behind
ho decree of tlio court which granted
Su/.xi naturalisation , and to decide
hat the man is not a citi/en of the
United Statin. Ono hundred and
sin en cases have been umpired by M.
inrtholdi , the French minister , and
iy li.iron Blitnc , the diplomatic rep-
isetitati\o ! of Italy. They held to
he doctriru ) that , in the absence of
evidence to provo fraud , Spain had
10 right to question the validity of
\mericMii citi/.enship granted by a
ompetent Ccouit ; that the trlbu-
mis of the United States are
ho sole interpreters of the
awn of tlio country ; and that
ho umpire of the commission has
10 power to review their adjudica-
ions. There are yet forty casew to
> o acted upon by the commission , and
ho now umpire undcrtakcB to allow
Ipain to challenge thorn on the pro-
otiso that the claimants possess no
itlo to American citizenship This
xtraordinary decision Secretary
Maine refuses to accept , and demands
hat thcso remaining cases shall bo
ricd under the terms which brought
ho commission into being , and
hat the rules which governed in
other cases shall govern in the
asos yet to be disposed of. Ho takes
, ho ground that , when n court compo-
, ont to the purpose confers ] the right
of citi'/onship , there is no power in the
executive department to remove its
udgmcnt , and no such power can bo
lermittcd to bo exorcised by a mere
ommissiott. 1 folding to this opinion ,
" \Ir. Blaine instructs the government
ttornoy , Mr. Durant , not to consent
o have any case referred to the urn-
lire wherein the question of the effect
luo n legal imtunili/.ation certificate
nay bo involved.
. 'his vigorous action on the part of
Mr. Itlaino ii equivalent to a with-
Irawal of all such cases from the com-
nission unless Count Loewcnhaupt
ccs proper to make his decision in
accord with those of his predecessor.
! "he position taken by Mr. Blainu
annot for a moment be receded from
> y our government. It is essential
o the maintenance of the national
> olicy on n question which is vital to
ho interests of our country and in
ho highest degree important for the
irotcclion of our naturalized citizens.
ONK of the most dangerous nionopo-
ict ) in this country is the Standard
Oil Company which contro'a ' with re-
ontless grip the petroleum trade of
ho United States and dictates terms
and prices to all merchants handling
oils in the country. A sample of their
nothods was lately shown inMoridcn ) ,
tfiisissippi , where a merchant re
used to soil Standard oil and furnish
ed that of a rival rofmory to his cus-
.omiirs. After numerous throats to
destroy his business unless he con-
Honied to comply with their demands ,
the Stanaard company reduced the
[ > ricu of their oil to all other dealers
in Meriden , enabling them to sell po-
troluum at a figure against which
they believed the obstiimto dealer
could not compete. But the
citizens of the place refused to pur
chase Standard oil. They persisted in
still trading at the store of the mer
chant selling the rival article and ap
plauded his pluck by purchasing the
petroleum of other makers at a higher
price than they could procure the oil
of the Standard company elsewhere in
the town. Finding Una move balked
tlio. Standard company opened a store
in Meriden directly opposite the little
shop-keeper and stocked it with a full
line of goods suitable for country
trade , which they .put down to less
than wholesale prices with the avowed
intention of breaking up in business
their obstiimto opponent. At last ac
counts this dirty scheme had failed to
effect the desired ] result , as the people
ple of Meriden pluckily refused to
trade at the Standard store , oven with
thu inducement of a fine line of goods
and aatoiiiHliinu'ly low prices. Whal
the next move of the monopoly will
bo remains to bo seen. Such disre
putable and petty methods of business
are creating an antagonism to the cor-
poratioii8' which is certain to make it ,
self felt in severu restrictive legisla
tion at thu hands of the people , Kver >
incident like the nbovo shows the fal
lacy of the monopoly plea , that ali
they watft ! H to bo permitted to do
busineeg like every other merchant ,
and under the same laws of fair
and free competition ,
DK.MTU is groaning because , with n
population of CO.OOO , she has only
thirty-six policemen. Omaha , with a
copulation of ! Ui,000 , mniinges to
wrcstlo ( along with twelve. What a
wicked place Denver must bo.
The fact that the first fire hydrant
lest , made two vreeks ago , was not
fully up to the standard required by
the contract , caused a good deal of
speculation as to the ctlicicncy of the
works for fire protection ,
As a matter of f.ict the dross par-
ide exhibitions of the power of direct
[ ncssuro to throw vertical streams to
extraordinary heights are a more
sham and delusion. They were gotten
up by Holly for the purpose
of imposing on the ignorant and cred
ulous. The throwing of f .ur , six or
eight streams of water to a vertical
ieight of nuvoral hundred feet by di
rect pressure at a uivon point while
all the mains are shut off is no relia-
. ) lo test of what a water works system do in a great lire. A much morn
reliable test ia afforded by reservoir
Kossiiro * which is steady and sure.
When such pressure affords amplu
irok'otion to the highest buildings in
our business centre and upon thu
n'gher levels on Capital hill , it is all
.hat could reasonable bo asked.
I3ut the admirers of high pressure
dress parade exhibitions have at last
> eon gratified by the late tests ,
i'ho requirements of thu contract are
more than fulfilled BO far as those high
ircssuro displayn are concerned. In
duo time wu shall also hs vo moro sub
stantial proof of the capacity of the
water works by a test of the reservoir
iressuro upon which this city must
rely for ordinary protection. Chief
Consulting Engineer Cook , who
planned our watur works , confidently
predicts that the reservoir pressure
will throw six or eight largo streams
to a hight considerable above the roof
of Boyd's opera house. That will af
ford ample and reliable protection to
every business house in Omaha and
every residence on Capitol hill.
In other respects our water works
are nbt only ample for every require
ment for domestic use and manufac-
; uring but the consumers are supplied
with as pure , clear and wholesome
water as can bo found in any other
city in America. The obstacles en
countered by high water and delays
ncidcnt to a rainv and variable sea
son have necessarily delayed the com
pletion of the works , but inasmuch as
the city is fully supplied with water
md amply protected against tire , the
lolay can bo borne without loss or inconvenience
convenienceWe hive no dis-
msition to urge a premature ac
ceptance of these works by onr
city authorities. On the contrary ,
we believe it to bo the duty of our
mayor and city council to enforce the
contract with the water works com-
, ) any and protect the city against any
Wfsiblo future loss.
The men engaged in this risky and
costly enterprise are , hovcver , en-
Jtlcd to fair and decent treatment ,
and the parties that were engaged in
the outrageous scheme to rob the tax
payers of Omaha by imposing thu
Holly water works swindle on thorn
should bo the last to find fault or
grumble. Thesa corrupt jobbers donot
seem to know when they are well off.
With reckless disregard of all de
cency they and their chief backer , the
editor of The Herald , are waging ma
licious warfare on the managers and
owners of the water works. Their
conduct is as impudent as it has been
dishonest. For somu time past TUB
BKK has boon in possession of thu
proofs of their infamous conspiracy.
Thoir. insolent course compels us to
unmask them. When the true history
of this conspiracy is presented to our
citizens those cheeky frauds will ceasn
their slanders.
ST. I'AULandMinno apolis arc wrest
ling with the paving problem. A letter -
tor just published in St. Paul from a
contractor who is furnishing granite
to ono of the .street railway lines of
Chicago , contains the information that
ho receives § 2. 'JO per square yard for
his material on hoard of the cars at
Chicago. It is estimated that it will
cost thirty cents per yard to deliver
the granite at Minneapolis , which
would make the cost of the
raw material $ H.20 per yard
and to prepare the street and lay it
down would make the final cost of
granite pavement at Minneapolis four
dollars per yard. It would hardly cost
moro to transport n carload of stonu
from Chicago to Omaha than it docs
from Chicago to St. Paul. A proposi-
tioirfor a substitute for stone appears
in the Pioneer-Press of last Monday
which wo deem worthy of reproduc
There arrived recently in Minneap
olis and St. Paul an agent of what is
known as "tho International Paving
Company , " whoao specialty is the
manufacture of a brick of uniform
size for paving purposes , the ingredi
ents of which are limestone crushed
into fragments of about the size
of a pea , and asphalt , in , the
proportion of 85 per cent of
the former to 15 of the latter. It is
claimed for this material that it is as
durable as granite , that no objection
able noise results from its use , that it
presents a firm footing for animals , is
not hard upon their feet , causing
scarcely moro abrasion to shoes or to
wheels than an ordinary wood pave
ment ; that , being of uniform size ,
a section of the bricks may at
any timobo removed and replaced for
convenience in m'po-liiyiug and ro-
I'airim. , and that , finally , it can be
laid down at a cost not exceeding
00 2-J ! per cent of that of ordinary
granite. This material is bcinq ex
tensively used in Providence , R. I. ,
is being laid in Now Oilcans , and
a section of it has been put
down opposite the Windsor hotel
in New' York for trial. Since the
arrival of the agent in Minnesota ho
hiis put down a cross-walk of his bricks
on Wabash street opposite the custom
house , and will probably do the same
in Minneapolis if BO requested.
If this pavement possesses the ad
vantages claimed for it , it in possible
that the paving problem is settled for
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Scotln roUini the of Dice-
Six hundred men arc on thu 1 ! . \ M.
piy loll nt I'laltsmo'itli ,
Kin nas county has I > -ended Home S10-
COO in bridges tali yuar.
Thu Journal ctics nlniul for a mcichant
flourli K i" H nt 1'htUinuutli.
The November term nf the district
court tint Lincoln county § 1 , 100.
The Plattimoutli Journal nhotvi oi'ly
0/idencc of pro icrity by enlarging to six
Tlio Ctovcriior air M a ruward of § 200
for the npnreliuiiiiim nnd conviction of
Henry Teilcrlinu , thu murderer of lien ry
Tlio county juil nt Iveurnpy i ? being
htoikcd with a new supply cif piisoncrs.
The j.-xil has b en vacant for about f ur
The North Ioii | > crs uro n 'cw ileir < > p4
wo scoff than Urd people , although hf\
oral inilua nearer the railroad. They are
obliged to depend n1mot entirely on corn
for fuel , no coal bng ! obtninnblu.
The Nov. J. U. Tate , tlio Wood ler
iieuthliler , has cninfes cd IiU wickedn-ss
by withdrawing from tlio t fal unim the
elderH dccldniK to admit : itliiU\it3 of the
tnoitdimafrititf character. Hu's a totten
'Tftter ( ) and should bo plnated deep.
Loutaillo is a lively Imrtr. especially for
doctors. Last week a man named J/.imc > n
liiid both arum dislocated nnd his face dif-
figured W jumping from n wagon behind
n runaway team Another n med Alber-
tine h tl is head cr.ickcd by n chunk of
coal ftdliiig on him.
The Hcnrcity of coal In thu intuu'or of
the Ht.itc ji\e' ; m impctiH to prospecting
conipanieB.Mr , It. M. Neuilham. of Loup
City , Sherman county , has put Imseii the
Instcxt improved tools m thu cant , and will
ri-k time did labor in uxpcriment * ) ! holes
in that comity. The prospect hole in
Nance county , near the junction of the
Cedur and ( .uup rivcrn , la mifliciently ad
vanced to inspire hojiea of ejrly success.
The dUcnvury of a htrata of genuine lire-
rock and a seven-foot bed of clay free
from all grit , also the indispensable tlato
Btonc , give thu strongest indication * nf a
bed of coal not far the surface.
TIII : TOWN 'or im.r.F.H.
Dillor is situated on the 1 * . V. railroad ,
on what was the Ot'ie India i reservation ,
near its northwest cor or , 1-1 mile * east of
l-'nirbury , the county ht'at of Jefferson
county , and 18 miles west of Wymoie.
The town was laid out one year ago last
September , liy the "Lincoln I/and Com-
jiany"aml lus a population of ab < utlOO
inh'tbitanU There an : four stores that
carry a general stock of good * , two hard
wear stores , ona furniturostore. twoluitel ,
01113 boarding house , a lumber .lard , it
blacksmith shop , a loeat market , a gr.dn
house nnd .1 hil lard hall , all doing a fair
Tlio townN tit lated in the mi'lst of ns
good farming and stock country an can
he found nny where. The laud on the
"ro'crve" is mostly occupied by nctual
Puttiers , but to the north and vve t is held
mostly bv Bpecxilntois and Is now in
market. The prairie ia here for some of
tli finest funim in the stnte , mid can be
bough i on good terms. There is foine
timber , and good t uilding stone is found
in many place- , and water when not on
top of the grouiid Is easily obtained.
Poicans wishing a home cannot ilo betti-r
than to c me.nnri fee th s country I cforo
settling Mr. I ) . It. Kclley in ajvnt for
the town company , and F. M. Timblin for
lands. luqniriei diie.ted to cither of
thi'iu will be promptly auswcied.
The lemer& ftio ( irande now opci.-v te *
1,025 miles of road.
Automatic brakes for freight trains are
being introduced on several snuthwestt'tn
The Central Pacific rail mad system em
braces 2,7i : miles of road and o" > ! ) miles of
uteautship 1 lies.
The pibition of af-Ntnnt general niu"-
agcr of the Atchison , Tojidna & Santa l-'e
roa'l has been nb lithetl.
The Denver & IJIo Grande railway has
K)0 ) new locomotives in process < f con
struction nt the Baldwin and Grai.t works.
The 1/ouiaville , New Albany & Chicago ,
now owned by thu Louisville & Nashville
U preparing for an entrance into Chicago.
President Villurd , of the Northern Pa
cific , has just had built the finest palace
car in the world. It Is elaborately
finished iu mahogany nnd rosewood , with
mould iigs plated in gold ,
< trading on the lies Moine < Xorthwo-t-
ern is guiug tonvnrd between Fonda , In
Pocahontas county , nnd Jtockwell City , as
f.-ibt as possible. It Is expected to reach
Fonda by Jaiiuarj' I. Trains are now
r.mirni , " to Jttferinn , in Greene cuunty ,
mill will bit i \ tended BO fast i H the rund is
The Wnlush , Sr. Louis & Pacffic road
linv lug three thousand three hundred miles
of road * , Imvo not an average tw > u.xlU a
day for pieces of I aggnge claimed to have
( fono astray , and in the 1 it > t two yean * have
nut paid for a piece of baggage lo > t through
the rn-elessueH of the employes of the
hngtr gedepaitment
The trallic arrangement between the
At hlhou , To eka Hi H.mta Fe nnd .St.
LOU'H \ ban Krni cU o , wheieby the
latter U offered every fac lity for doing
Colorado and New Mexico butanes' , uent
into clfect on the 10th Imt. It runs for
twenty ycnrc , nnd puts the San Francisco
road where it can cumpetu successfully
with iu rivals.
The Chicago , Milw ukeo < fc St. I'aul It.
It. Co. employs 13/.MO men , to whom It
pays in thu aggregate $ ,180,853.-li ) , which
Is an Hverage of 3542.35 a nry to each. Its
equipment of rolling stuck Is 470 locomo
tives. 187 nassenger , 110 baggage , mail and
express , .5 pa for and sleeping , 15'L'O
freight , nnd 'SM other care , making n total
of lilW8 : can , each.
Ticket Agent Harucs of the Northern
I'jjcitie Is receiving response to his circu
lar relating to clergymen's permits , The
fallowing wii8 returned to him from nn
agent out Went ; " 1 nm berry to Imform
you that we nre entirely without a Chris
tian leader. There h certainly a wide
field fur some worthy elder , for we havt
turned out ten st'ffi here during the past
few mimth < , and ci ht of them msied In
their checks with their boots ou
The I'iouccr-I'rejs railroad review shows
that six companies iu the northwest con-
ttructcit ' . ' ,081 miles of toad during the
year , against 1,478 last year. The roaiU
enumerated are ai follow * ; Northern Pa.
cilio nnd leaseil lines , 439 miles ; Chicago ,
St. I'aul , MlnueupolU & Omaha , 178 ;
Minneapolis & .St. Louis & ) ; Chicago k
Northwestern , " 00 : Iowa Southwestern.
OJli Chicago , Milwaukee it St. l' til , WU.
Kilwin O. Luuphere nnd K. L. Murth.
of Des Monies , iv pear to have established
monopoly mi railroads. As directors ,
they publish a notice of the Incoiporntlon
of eight different companies to o instruct a
nlail across Iowa , The capital of each
company Is § 1.0 0,000 , with privileges of
increase § 5,000,0.0 , The object ii to
build railways across the state , construct ,
lease or opurate boat ? , barges , or other
nie.ins of tr.niMtoitatlon , nnd const met
and operate telegraph lines. [ Ch'cago '
-AN ]
" 21
Is the first to make the an no un cement
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
1313 Farnham Street.
, - - - -
Corner 15th and Farnham Sts.
Holiday Goods
Now on Exhibition and Selling Very Rapidly ,
Call and See for Yourself.
3D. "W.
Proprietor ,
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A , L. STRANC , 206 Farnam St. , Omah