Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY DECEMBER 15 , 1881 CARRIAGES AT THE CAPITAL. Some of the Equipage * Which M.iy Da Seen In Wnthlneton A corrcspoiuluiit wntoi from tJio cnpital AS follou.s ; Thu Intulau is tlio most jwpulnr vcliiclu in Washington , na it can bo easily changed from nn open to n closed carriage , and nearly every Senator owns one. The hand somest belongs to Don Cameron , \\lio lias n team of dark b.iy horses. Mrs , Senator Jlillcr goes out shopping , calling or drivini ; in n pretty Httlo coupolottc , which is tlio envy of thoao less fortunate. Senators VnnWyck and Grover both liavo iino teamt and lardaus , and are talkini ; about adding saddle horses to their stable * . Sonntor Johnston , of Virginia , is also p.utial to a landau. Sututors Jlorrill and B\yard own the bay teams and landaus in which they take their after-dinner airing , wlulo Senator Edmunds not only owns n bay team and a landau but has two saddle horses besides. Senator 1'endlcton has n private stable stocked ith four horses , two bays and two blacks , Ho keeps an English landau and his coachman wears n handsome livery. Represen tative Wood , who has made millions by the manufacture of his patent mowing machine , hasnn establishment that will not bo eclipsed during the coming season. Ho owns a dog-cart in which lie drives a piir of handsomn bays in tandem. Tlio gold-mounted Imuess for this team cost § 500 alone. He has an English landau witha large buy team. These horses are also ar rayed in gold-mounted harness which cost § 050. Besides nil this ho keeps a horse to pull a handsome coupe. Representative Russell , another mil lionaire manufacturer , drives a stylish pair of horses nnd has an ulegant landau. Representative Roboson , formerly Secretary of ie Navy , keeps two hoises , a victoria'aiul two landaus one for day use and one for night. Ilo uses the victoria when riding on the avenue , and handles the reins him self. His well-known face and figure make him a conspicuous object to strangers promenading on the avenue. Representative Archie Bliss loves a good pair of trotters perhaps as well as any other member of the lower house. Ho drives a pair of black mares and does not like to bo behind any body on the President Arthur has a commodious carriage and n p.iir of light-stopping horses , but ho prefers fers to take a dashing drive in the suburbs in his wagon and fast trotter which was qiy Lord Roscae's favorite way of taking the air. David Davis rides in a Hordic or a horse car , but is contemplating the purchase of ono-horso coupe. The army ollioera have all good horses , which are fed at public , expense. Ex-Congressman Alley drives a pair of line horses to a landau and paid SOOO for the harness. Dr. Loring is also the possessor of a hand some team , and sometimes goes out in a cjnpo and sometimes in a buggy. The Hii Wedding of n TJto Chief- t.aramle ] ) oomcrtn . Last evening a very enjoyable affair took place at the residence of Shavnno on Yaller Dog avenue , corner of Cay ote street. Yesterday being the tenth anniver sary of the nuptials of Mr. and Mrs , invitations wcro given to al the bon ton Ules on the reservatioi to be present at the tin weddinp. Arrangements wore made also fo : the attendance of the Pappooso String band , and refreshments wore to _ b furnished by the Ute Dolmonico At an early hour the palatial wig warn was ablaze with government can dies , and candelobnt made to ropro resent antique oyster cans filled witl hot lard and lighted by means of a cotton rag of tlio time of Henry th YIII. So perfect was the imitatioi that the ej o was deceived at once by the rustic device. Ranged about the spacious tepe were settees , consisting of quaint buf falo artistically ilucoratcd in the rud art of the Indian , with buclcskii fringe and Michael Angola fleas. v Heroand there upon the walls mtgh be seen abotiginal sketches of Most in the bullrushes , and oil painting taken from pe.ieh cans of the time Queen Anne. Costly tapestries o oriental cobwebs , and snioko-tanne frescoes , with hero and there : i das' of color laid on with a mister hand and done in oil and axle grease , wer everywhere seen. In the full blaze of the rcspendon candolebra , . and the fragrance froi the tropical ham which shed its soft seductive odor upon the ravishu' souses , the scone seemed like a visioi of loveliness taken from some fair tale. Shortly after 8 o'clock the guest began to arrive , and before U all th able-bodied Utos of the resurvatio had gathered within the hospitabl corral of Mr. and Mrs. Shavano. The fragianco seemed more an more seductive as the multitude o guests became more numerous au > contiguous. At last there was a wild burst c music from the Pappooso string band nnd the warriors of the party eac gaily secured a partner and began t dance , like the man who stopi on carpet tack in the middle ot the night Toward midnight , the prompter , Rod Dog-With-a-Peeled-Snoot , announcer that the gentlemen would secure partners nors for a scalp quadrille. On fonr ing , however , it was found that scalp had been provided. The leade of the orchestra , however , wtated that he knew where one could be obtained , and would only detain them u few moments. Ho came back in a short time with the scaln of a presiding older who had come to the agency for his health. It wasn't n very good scalp , but time was precious. The costumes wore striking , yet in expensive. Shavano was wrapped in thought. His wife was clad in the same simple costume. The envy and jidmiration of the evening , was the costume of Soft-Eyed Centipede , u cross-eyed half-breed maiden with a complexion like an old calf-skin pocket-book. Her complexion and the scar of a once llagrant boil on the hack of her neck , constituted her cos- tuino. Old Go glo.Eycd Pcstilon-a wore a gold collar-button , tied about Ilia neck with n piece of btoeaded bacon rind. His son , The Prairie Dog wilh-a- Htomach-liko-a-giist-mill , wore a pair of red suspendeia , but later in the evening he removed them to ahowthat he was not proud , Space forbids a full mention of all the articles presented by admiring friends , but a more enjoyable hurrah was never participated in by a more highly delighted mob of rustic inebri ates than the ono mentioned , Shavnno and his estimable wife bade udieu with reluctance to their grateful and " intoxicated guests nt a" late hour , while all united in wishing many happy mumei writ's to the ostensible husband and wife. Ail Indlnii Shorn of Hln Loclcn The River Press of Montana gives the following account of the shoaling of ai. Indian chief : When Sheiiir Healey wont north recently after the Indian thieves who had stolen the horses of Harrison Bros , and others from the Yellow stone , ho brought luck with him a Blood Indian , known as Had Bull , as a hostage , supposedly , for thu retain of the lost horses and guilty Indians. It was not pretended that Bud Bull had anything to do with stealing the horses , ho was simply hold as a hos tage. On Monday morning the shor- ill , accompanied by some friends , en tered the jail for the purpose of set ting the Indian free. Soon they weio joined by Mr. Bryor , the tonsonal nr- list , and notwithstanding , his protests and piteous appeals , his long black hair was soon clipped , and Bad Bull , like Sampson of old , was shorn of his pride and stiongth. When it was learned what had been done indigna tion ran liiirh among our citizens. In every quarter the act was pronounced a foolish , blundering outrage. To any one who will stop to think of the probable results , it must so appear. Bad Bull would almost ns soon lose his scalp as his hair. The loss of the latter means drop disgrace and humil iation. It would bo impossible , without taking his life , to do him a greater injury. Ho returns to his tribe disgraced and will remain in dis grace until ho wipes out the stain in blood. If he wcro to como back and take vongoaneo on our funny slim iff it might not bo so bad. But he will not do'that. The first chance ho gets to kill n white man ho will do it , and Bad Bull is just the kind of ait In dian to delight in vengeance > f this character. Some of the settlers on our northern frontier may bo the victims. No ono knows. But mark the prediction , Bad Bull , unless his earthly career is shortly closed , will bo heard fiom. Wo warn our readers on the northern outskirts to beware of him , A Stntomoiit From the Mayor- MOLIN-I : , ILL. July 14 , 1881. H. II. WAIIXEU & Co. : Sirs My wife and self both unite in pronounc ing your S ifc Kidney and Liver Gun the best medicine wo over used. declleodlw S. W. WnuKi.oi-ic. The CiinniUnn 'Pacific A Prosper ous Schoino. The Toronto Globe is not an ad mirer of the Canadian Pacific enter prise. In a recent issue it gives ex pression to its feelings as follows : AB it is , the people must pay S8 000,000 in cash for the line § 23 , 000,000 ot cash subsidy to the syndi cate , and § 33,000,000 cash for those sections to be completed by the gov < eminent. They must also givotho.syn dicato § 50,000,000 worth of land.wlnel the government could have bonded at least as advuntangeously as the syndicate. Mr. Fleming estimated that the sections which the syndirat will complete would cost 845,500,000 therefore the country is to pay § 'Jti , 500,000 on account cf running ex poises. Does any ono suppose tha more than § 20,500,000 would have been required for that purpose under a different arrangement ? In the cos of building the load Canada has gained nothing ; in the cost of running it she has lost something. But that is t meio bagatelle to the total loss \ > y th bargain. If construction of the lin had been contracted for ; if § 20,500,000 wuio paid thereafter for operating it the whole road , costing § 31,500,000 ! would still have been the property o the people. The treasury could have got nn ever-increasing revenue by leasing it after once its traflio pik" running expenses. Such n policy lias been followed with great success by the government of India in regaid k roads that , on completion , had pros pects nothing like so good as those o the Canadian Pacific. But wo have not stated all the losses yet. A com pany of piivnto money-makers havuru ceived power to monopolize north western trailicj to hinder the con atrnction of independent lines : to lord it over the territories ; to hold a vas area , of land speculatively ; to bulldoxj municipalities wanting railway facili ties ; to build up this town and do stray that. In every futuio year th people will have to pay more to th company than they would have beoi called on to pay for the road , and forever over they will have to pay cnorntonsl , for liberty to nso the road , thong they will never got a dollar from it. Cortiflcnto. "I have wed Britnoc'K'H Jii.ooii ItiiTKic with Rreat btnufit fur iiulif'e tiou anil cm : btlnation nf tliu buwelK. " C. L. KASTO.V , Hamilton , Out. 1'rico 81.00 , trial f'uo 10 centx. c dl The Northern Coul Reiorvo. If the coal fields of the United States ever give out , it will not bo difficult to litid u supply in the British Possessions. Ono tract between Winnipeg and the Rocky Mountains , and extending far northward , covers an area of some sixty thousand square miles , and there are immense deposits still farther toward the polo , and ono thousand miles buyond Bottled Manitoba , Bucklm'i arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , uhillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or inonoy refunded , Price , 25c per box. For sale by Tu i it MoMxno.v , Omaha , QUO. W , IXMVK. A. C. OAllrBKLL , DOAHE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , B W COK. TH 4 DOUGLAS HTB. I't SIBBBTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , D * VTO CITY , NEB , SpocUl itteiitlOD glua to collocttoni In llutl THE KENDALL PLAITING MCHIME DRESS-MAKERS' COMPANION , - CIt It plnlH mill jirowc * vctfrctly one > ul yet mlmi'i' It I'Mti fro.ii 11IIto I 1-1 In n Mth In tlionnn ist filtioi lliu tsill > It ilno nil U'i ' < 1 < iiiiil tlc > otplnltlneln u c No Ivlj timtiUvi licrovui ilu-w iiukuiir tin alToril tn iloIHioiit one in nlro | > tnUlnsr l nvtirout ol ( ihlon , tlfcni It nln Itself. Kor lhiihliic , Clrculan or ARont's tcrnu mtilrcM CONOAK * CO. , 113 A'lniuo ' St. , Chicngn , 111 (1IH ( ) . \ \ . KKMlAl.l , , Avji'iit , < nmlin , hiiid i'J , Siory.\fiir n utnll In \ 1i\ v\uo | iI the lit Onnillct In Alnotl lei , ( Hit up lU'isantl ) niul itrlctl ) vurc , siil'nMe for ) iri"i'iitK llidMto Cincliiiitti Aililitxt I. . Ml I'.UNll.v U > , 2KI& \\i-8t.ScvonthSt , Oliuliimtl , O ( In o < Ktutiii : WAR IN PASSENGER RATES I IKHIlHi : UHOS. ItroUm in nil lUllroml Tkkits , Oinnlii , Neb. , oltor Tickets to th lixtt. until further notiiu , at the folUmliitr unhuanl ol LOW lintfi : CillerKO , t\2 \ , Koiinil Trip , J24.00 , Them Mt itmltetl r'lrKl rhoiTitkctx nn < l uouil for rittirn 'hrotiv'h thu jenf , mli.i the Old luilnlilo Chi- 0:1 0 , Hurlliib'tnii .V QuncItAllrovl ! Alto , oni A a } to 1st i'ln , ! > l i'a ) , NKVV YOItK:0. . 0 , nosro.s , i'1'.O' , PIIILAHKLPIIIA , 2.-.OJ , ? 21.00. WASIII.V .TON , 22 U > , S' . ' ' . t'lriuitiwiihiK , wrltiTi | io illret-l to HOIIIIIK UHOS. , Di.ikTH In ItiiliKTtl I atu lla Irnu ! and Ste-iiiwhlp Tiuktt' , SOU Tenth St. , Oinnlia Nib. Keinilliner the pHu > Tnno I" ors N Itli of rnlon I'.ti'illo Uallro il Depot , Hint H ilo olUnth Htrert Dnmlrt Auenot 1.12SI HAWKEYE MILL 00 , . Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of SASH , DOORS , BLIN08 , BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , SO. Oreat roductlon In llanlt Couiit < < n , 1'hni fur nUheil.anil work lurnlOiul In nil klntU of bard or nottooil. . Oouiitcru llnl-litil In oil when tlo- eirei ] bheMii ) ; of all UlniN fiirnl lioil nnd put Into tmlldliiir re idy for paint on short notice Our w orknun nro the best inechiiilca that can be procured , dave money by itliliix" us your ton tracts. Gtalri , Newelt and Baluster * . Our foremsn In this department un.t formerl } with Fro t Jla-mfacturins Co , Chlcmro , Ilia , and Ins done aoma of thu Illicit Stair Aurk Ui the Northnctit Orilom bv niallnroiiintlv attoinl "l " " < ! Q " > Free to Everybody ! A Beautiful Book for the AsMng , lU MNOKllirson.illy at thu m-aront olllco otTIIE MNOKll by pottnl card 11 nt a distance. ) any ADULT i 6on ] ll bo presented with a beautifully Ilti4 | ratuil copy ol a New Itook cutltluil GENIUS REW-ABDKD , OK TUB STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE conttliiiiiL' a Imnilsoinu anil costly st < el inKrav i u Irontltiilcrcu ; a'so , 2J llncly niKraitJoni' cut * , anil bound In an elaboratu bluu and yoli llthorraplied cover. N thartfii whatoxcr la nmili for thin Handsome book , wlilch can bo olitaliuid enl > by application i > t the bianili and tmlior dlnatu ottlLci of Tliu Hiiu'or Manufacturing Co. TlIK SINdP.R MANt'FAOTUUINU CO. , Prlncljal Oillcc , 31 Union S'inrv ' | , Now York oct27-dm iU w YOUR MONOGRAM On receipt of $5.00 will ( nruinl t' any ml Uru-i , Iruoufcliir u COO Delicious Cigarettes oith licnutlfull ) tlei'ornteil nltli iiioiiuirram o mine , iiiiniif.ictiirti ] ( loin Vanity Knlr 'loluuo All > , a Hiiia'l ' Hf , M Ith or u It out moutliplvcr CM'ri'--'v for l.iillt'H. 1'loiwi lie direful In itliif illrcctiona , AiliIJnss _ ' ' ' ' " 21(1 ( & 218 Witt Se uth's > t.'ci'iich'iiutll"o. d ( lil.-.u.lni LEGAL NOTICE. Krancln H. Kn'l ) bcrt aid J l/'O Kn lobort dtfcndinU.lll take notion that on thu tlrrt du > uf .NinLiiifiur , Ibil , .Muv. Mujur nnd Adolpli Mijd" , a ( Inn ilolnf liiivluuHi an .Vax .Vujiri Ilrotlior , fllt'l tlulr ] ictltloti In the Ulstrlct Court of Don.las Cnnnij NiOinska , utnlnst | Ulil do- fundinti , tlionlijcit and iniijur of uhlih arc to Jorecloiu it ci'itain niortifUKO oxeciitcd by tliu du fcnil'ints to tht phlntln iion | lot thrtu ( It ) , Ii lni-'B ailillll'in , to thu cllj of Omaha , III Don ; Ult'ountj , NfbrankA , to vcuuru thu p.i > nicnti n iert.dll jiromUory notu dated April 1,1874 , for the Hum of hrm huudrid and o\uit-il > rht del lir andfort-ullitciiitiipaabloiilnty ) { : da\N , ( run d itoiliinul ; tint there Unou duo iipoiiKiiilnoti anil inortanro the HIIIU o tlirt'u hiuiilrcd atu ! hutunlyi'l ht dolhra mil for j-ul h cunUulil intori. t tliurconat tutho pur cunt cr nniiiini from thu ilatu of vald not.- , and phlntllN pray for u duiruo tliitduft-ndantK be rtqulru'l ' to pij the Miniu , or that mid prumUcu iiiny bu sold t < j s-uisfj thu inioiint fiiiind nr.u Von are requlri'i ! tniiisuiirHtld putlllun on'or btforn thu lUlh da ) ol JaimiM , A. 1' . Ihb- . ImtuI Nov. 14,1 SSI. MAXIMIIVKII & miOTIIKIl. IlV SMMIIK& BTWII. , Atturnoyi. nl6nr-tu5i NEBRASKA State Gazetteer and Busi ness Directoy , Containing n tlesci Iptiou nut ] n lint of u bnnlui'i > 8 men in tlio ( tuto , will Ito iniiuud enrly in 188L' . Price $1.00. J. M. WOLFE , 1'ublinher. 120 South Fourteenth Street , Omaha , Neb diil'Um NeliraskaLandAgeni DAVIS & SNYDER , lo06Fnrnh m Ot Omaha , -3tOO , C'Mu.ully mjluuuu lunu in tvkjiem anlo Ortr.t llurifalnn In Improve ! farm * , Mid Omaha city property 0 , V DAVIS WKC3TCH HNYUCIt Irtte LanJf.'om'r U P. n _ . BGGGS & HILL HEAL ESTATE BROKERS Nn. 1508 Furubum Street , rpioii Nor h "I'ln ' onn Orinrt Cimtral llcti.l Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , I6th nd Dodge 6U. ( Oman * . Neb , Thll Ktf'icy QOOH HTKicrLTa broker t u Luelneiw , Doe * lit | xx.uate ) , Mid thereto on/ o'.oka are Inuurixl to t otu r If v < > n MM tin M t ul iu l.ii vr V t ic 'JfnTi ' ! > rlnfreii\linT Ul JO' IIOH * ' " - linl or rlnp > . Mil t > r tr r rl rijr W > bfO if tl X nljr on Hop tnttuM * IliriiMnninie nfi idi < Mtr you III null ; ft-urn noiiic Iliat jour f nn f KlC oy llK 1 H tint lie 01 uliiiiiliitlii * . intf li-riiip | < fiiliv nffl.Mfi \ r t nuoly u * of V nlio Hop HcpC'ttprn nl IrrviMt Mo euro l r ilrunltnnrmi n w cf npluui , Von " t ( bnocD , ciimlif narcotic * . Hop Dittoes Gentle Women Who wait glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of nlmndniit , lu'anliriil Hair must use Ll'ON'S KATUAIRON. This decant , clienp urliclo always makes iho Hair prow IVeely and lust , keeps it IVoui falling out , arrests nnd cures grayness - ness , removes dnmlnilF and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and knowing it in any desired position. Beau tiful , liealtliyllair is the sure result of using liathuirou. "WMh West ( or bcliitr thn most direct , ijulckrst , an e.ifi-Ht llnu coniuctlii ) ; the irruit Mi'troK | > lln , CHI CM10 , allj tllO F.JlHTBRN , NOHTI-K.\H1KKN ! , SnCTI mill boUTll'BAnrPUN LINKS , tomilimtcthiTi1 with KA' . AH CITT , LMATBOWONI , ATelll o COUNCIL HUTPS nnJ OrfAiu , the CovMKkcui Cs.sTKiia from nhlch radl&to EVERY LINE OF ROAD that ponutrntcs the Contlnont from the Missouri Hlvcr to tlio Pacific Slope. The OmOAOO ROOK ISLAND & PA OIFIO RAILWAY Is llio only line from Chicago owning truck Ink KnntuH , or wlilcli , by Its o\\n roail , ruachuH tm ) > oliitt above imutvl. No TRA''arKsi HV CARRIAOI NO UIHHIMI tdNNKCriONHl No 111111111111) ) ; III Ul \ ontllntwl or unclean com , an e\ cry iwrocnjror i currk'd In roomy , clean and vontllatod coacbiH upon Fwt Kxptuis Train- . DAVCAKHOf nnrhalcil inadiilOconco , Pm I'Ai./cr. Hi.r.irisu CAKI. ami ourownworM faniom DIMNU CAIIX , uuon utildi picalanro servo ) of un biiriiaaaod oxctllonco , at the low ruto of Sitvunrv ; . KIMI CUNTO RACIIitti \ aini'lo tliuu for hatltlifu enoiuunt. ) 'Ihrouxh Cars botwucn CMcao | , Peoria , HI wnukco anil lllimourl Hl\cr Polnt : nnd clo-iu con iicctlonsnt all ] > olnli of liiiormictlon wltli othf rondu. Wo ticket ( do not fori-ot thl ) directly to oc 1 liu-o of Imjiortaiico hi l\r.n < un , Nohrnhka , Hl.i Ilillti , W ] online , Uuili , I.I the , Nutsila , California , Oregon , V'tt hliisrtonTiJtillory , ( Vilorinio , Ailxon. ami NUH lo-\lcn. ! As i liural ntrin eiiiunm rcir rdinc bawi o any other llnu , am ) raU' of furonlunji lul ou u. . lOi'npolllois , ho tiirnlxh hut n tltlio cl thu LOII fort. Io-t ; ) f.nd tickle of Hiort-iiMCii trie. lukutH , iuHHninl | fdldcwat all } innclia | oil'.L-isin tlio I'tiltcd .Stitu * and ( Jutivli. 11. II. fAKLI. , i : . HT. JOHN , VUu I'rm't i.leri. Oen. Tkt pndl'iHs'r AK' KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA BITTE ILEE & CO , . To Nervo-js Sutterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpaon'o Spocilic It t a | OMin ] e cum lor HpermatoirhuA , Bemlna . . . , , and all dlauanuu WCUnlJtMOT. Iniiotancj , w u V ) utouunuv ruBUltlng Iroin Eill-AliiiHo , ax Mintul Anxluty , Loam Memory 11'aliia In tliu Il&ck or BIJo , anil dUouict ' tlmt loa(1 to / Li-touT' > mi7i ( Oontumitlon limanlty an oarlyirato V Jludklnt ) It 9 w&j ! rufe"d c . , I'ainiihlutt cni ( no to all. Writ * f Jr them ted fet full par- tlculari. Prlc , Kix HUc , 11.00 ] > ur | ick Ke , or lx pack noa for 46.00 , Adilroiw all ordrn to II , SIJIhON MKDICINK CO. KOI. lOt ami Km llaln Ht. liultalo , N , V boM In Onmha ) > y ( i. 1' . Oooilinan , J. W , lioll K lib , ' ! nil ' ' THE OCCIDENTAL d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. Rates , Two Dollars For Day No Changing Cars RRTWIIM OaiAHA & CHiGAGO , Mhcro direct commotion are niftilo with Through SI.KKl'IMl CAK LINKS for NKW YOUK , IIOSTON. nilLAUKI.I'IIlA , HAI.T1MOKK , \VAS1IINOTON AND ALL KAbTKIlN ITIKS. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOU1S- VlUK , mlnlli > olnti In the inn HIWT uxi For ST. LOUIS , Whnro illrocl coiuuvtionn ivro mvlo in the Union Depot with the Sliejilni ; C r Llnex tor ALL POINTS 13 g > XT 0 ? 3E3C . NEW LIHE ES MOINES T1IK FAVOIUTK IIOUTK KOll Rock Island. The uticqMUrd Inilucoiucnti offprint hj tliU Ili.e to travolorn ami toiirUtn nto m fallout : The oelelintwl PL'LLMAN ( Ifl-wlieol ) I'ALACK SLKKI'INO CAK8 run only on thin line C. , II. A ( i. PAUCK HAWINd UOOM CANS , with Morton's Itoolliiliu ; Cliulr'j. No ultra ihar o for UccllnliiRT Chilm. The f ninin C , , H. , Palnco Dining Cain , ( lorcoom SmoklnR Can tlixl Ith t'lcK nt hleh-liackiHl rntUn ro\ohlii | ; clmlra , lor tlio uxclunlio iinoof tint clam ( awon. KITS. KITS.Steel Track up J miporlor niulpnicnt coniblre I v Ith their Kiwi through car arrangement , miliU thin , olKixu all others , the fa\otlto route to tno Kant , South anil Houtheaot. Trv It , ami jou will Iliul tr \ ctliiK a luxury In- utrail of a illxconifort. Through ticket * \ lo thin rclclunteil line for nalc at nil olliivs In thn tlnlteil iiUtM nnd Cnnatla. All Information atJiit mten of fnro , Hlocnlni ; Car iw-coninioilatloiw , Tlmo Tublcit , utc.lll bo cheerfully ( -Ui'ii by njiplylnc to rUHCKVAL LOWELL , Ocuoral untior Ai cnt , J. I-OTTKU. Or , Mnnii'i't Ohlrato Sioux City & Paciiic THE SIOUX OITT ROUTE Hunan Hollil Train 'lhroiili ) from Council Bluffo to Kt. Paul Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hourt. IT ID UILK3 THIS SIIOUTKST UOUTE , COUNCIL BIiUPPS TO ST. PAUL , JIINNKAI'OLIS DULUTII Oil 1I18MAUCK , and all points In Nortliorti low , lIliinuHotannd Dakota. Tills line Ii i < iiilpi | > oil with the Improved WoitltiKliouso Autoinntli : Alr-hrako kiitl Ulllvi Platfonn Coupler ami llullar ; and for 81'EEI ) . SAKITTY AND OOMKOUT la uniurimiuil. I'nlliiiixti I'alnco SlecphiK Car run throuRli WITHOUT UIIANI1K hctweun Kan HAH City nnd St. Paul , \lr. Council lllufls and Hlotn City. Trnlns Itnvo Union Pacific Transfer nt Coun cil HluIIs , nt TM p. in. ihllj nn arrhnl of ICuims City , .St. Joseph anil Ooiincll Wntta train from thu Eolith. Arrlilncat Sioux City 11:35 : p. in. , anil at thu New Union Depot at Ht. Paul at l'J:30 noon. Tf.N IIOUKS IN ADVANCK Of ANY OTHEli 110IJTK. t rncmeinliar In tiklntf the Sioux City Itoutn joUL'ut a 'IhroiiKli Iraln. 7hu Slmrto < it Llnu , thu ( jiiicKtHtTiinu anil n Comfortahlu Illilu In the Through < ars hotwion IILUITS AND HT. PAUL. that joiirTIrhcti ri > wl Nln the "Slonx City anil I'aclllc lUlhoAil. ' J. H. WA'IT LI.H , J. It. llt'OIIANAN hiiparlntiMiilvnt ( ' n'l I'IIM Airunt. P. i : . HOI1IN8ON , A 8't ( i-n'l PIUH. Au't , Mlt.our Vnllij , lnw.i. J , II O'llltVAN. Soiithwi-ttcrn u'int , I'miinl llhiH , 1880. SHORTL1ME. IS80. _ JEANSAS CITY , St Joe & Council Bluffs m TIIR UII.Y Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND Till' EAST Prom Omaha aud thfa Went. No Chanel ) f cars bi'twucn OmMia ami n . touts , anil lint nno boUein OMAHA and MKW YOHK. I3XJSC DailyPassengerTrams SHACIIINO ALL KABTKKN AND WK8TKUN CITIIW with LK&B OilA1UJiSanil : IN ADVANX'Knf AM ! OTIIKIt LINUS. Thlt entire line In t-iiini | > iiil with I'lillmin'ii 1'alcco SleupliiK ( > > r , I'aliwu UayCoailuH , Jllllor'n Safety rutlonn and Coupler , and tlio WoitliiKboiiuo Alr-brakt. tiTHoa that > our tiihot riads VIA nANHAH CITV , 8T. JOSEPH & COUNCIL JIUJrTU lull- roiv'l. \ la ht. JoHuph ami ht , lx > uli. Tlcktto ( or nalu at all roumn ntUlons In the J. V. IIAIINAIU , A C. DAWKS , flcn. hupt. , Ht. JcHcph , Mc | Ocn , I'axd. nd Tltktt A t , Ht. Jrmupti , Mo. | ANDY HUKIIK.V , IlikutKCiit , 10JO I'lrnhaiu iftreut , A. II. lUuNiun Meneral Auunt , OUAIIA , MK MKMs ! Richmond , Ind. Builders of ENGINES OF ALL SIZES , From 3 to 25 H. P. SAW MILLS , ForLr8mn" . - , For all Grain * and Seeds , Including Clover and Timothy , Food Mills , o. , &c. , It will pay you largely to wnto , stat- inj ; what you want null how you winh to pay. Unuiurl Inducements to Oath Purcliasen. ADDRESS ; ROBINSON & CO , , no'2wlf Richmond. Ind. To the Mcmberi of the Hebraika Otatu Medical Society , WAIIIKI , Nub. , Novtililn r Zl , 1681. A xpcUil bctiloii of tlio Niihnuka Ktatu JluJI- ral ttoclutj In ullul to nivit In thu tlt > ol Un. tolnon Tuvtday , tbu ZTni | | * of Dutiinliir , A. 1) . ! M > lut tliuhour ( f ItioiliHlO. . inKer Kor tfiu purpo ul I U i mull attlon , M may liutiaui.htUktlii ! iiihtiim tutliu law ri iilat- In. thoiruitliuol iiudUIno , In lliu Kta'pct ' .Nu- brail a uinl mith other > uilniM n niuy bu ru- iiulnd to bu donu b > u Id State Medical hoilttj lii..kjIUn. . lun , M W. HIUKK.U. ! > . , I'rt-Hlilcnt Nubroika Ktutu Mudkal HoiUty , Attuttul : A. H , MANHKIKLDK.M I ) . . Secretary Neb , Htatc Mid , Ho. Iio23dlt 3t mis rir'iy AKI > CORRECT ' rn , .K'ynnri any rcasonnlili' i | " < - ' < ' ! -'in tlinl tin CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN . i I.MH > I . I iA i ( or run tui'iku ution itrn.'lin. m i > itlu r. ' fwllon , t.iM { , . .I'1 ' ill oCihe Principal Points In Iht- West , Ninth jnj Northwest. i ni , . . ( .iinollil'-S'ni Tlin I'ri'ioitiM ( 'tiles of tli" Wo < n ntirt Sir hi o t nro1' ! iniliHro.-'H It" tbrout * ! ) ItAiiiii tiiukii UOM uvnircJoui utW tl ) i * 'i utallrullnuU.sAt jinictlnn 111111111 . .MMinlff \ " f ( V 'i' ( * * rT > / Ar U " ° S ? 1 THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , two trt lmi "Mt " The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. to iivk for Tlrkohlathlt ronit , tin sura tlicy rcixil over It , anil take unnootliur. liroiUTT , Ucn'l MauaKcr , Chicago. - > W. II. SIKNNKTTOcii'l ' 1'ixss. Ageut , Olilcui : ' 11AUUY P. DllKL , Tlckot AucntJO. ' * N. W. Uillway , llth and Fmnhain stroots. U. K. KIM11ALL , Amlitant Ticket . N.V. . , nd * A ent 0. A N. \V. Itallnay l th | Kurnhum itrcell J. 1IKLL , Tlekft Aeout (2 A N. W. lUllw j , U. 1U. . 11. Doiwl. AMKHT CliAUK OorrrM Arrnl. INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO liE HEPATUED , El IsT GIi A. T 1 3ST G- TO UK DONE Oil JPvVELR'Y MANUFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others , ' 07XX3EI I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lutoly enlarged my workohopi nnd putting In now . .ml improved , mt chinory , I liopo to still more improve the quality mid lininh of our ork mid fill ordcra with inuru than in usual , O-A-TJTIOlsr ! Pify McHo lini ulwiiytJ boonnnil nl\vvyn ; will bo : "li'irut to gain sunorlor . ' ties end tliuu nuvortino tlio fact not Iwforo no wild advertisements Scnic'uiiprineiplod dealers being in the habit of oinying my arnouncemoiits , I would beg you , the reader of this , to draw u line butweuii micli copied advertisements und thoae oE Yuurn very truly , ; The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of thfi Striking : Towr CJiocb cr. BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER , 309 South Tenth Street. QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED. French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - - $9.00 French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6,00 American Calf Boots , 5.00 Pegged Alexis'or Buckle Shoes , - - 3.50 I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FEET OUT OF SHAPE , A11 Orders Promptly Attended to und Filled With Diapatch. Opera House Clothing Store J. X . XiTTDKTX * 217 South 15th St. , Under MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHiNG , GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS , HATS & CAPS , TRIMS , ETC. Stock and Now Goods I All Qooda Marked in Plain Figures ! Strictly ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. If Honest Goods , Low Pricoa and Courteous treatment will do it , all who call and see for themsolvea will ba satisfied that the OP13RA. HOUSE CLOTHING- STORE ia the place to