Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1881, Image 1

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Are the hcst and purest iniuli1. It
osts but little to test oui- claims , and
you should not fail to try them. One
package will overcome your prejudice
in favor of other brands and muko
you a permanent
To advertise u poor nrticlo is a waste
of time and money , and if wo were
not conscious that tliey nro the best
and purest and did not believe you
would use them exclusively after try
ing the first package , wo should not
spend a dollur to advertise them. If
you want a cigarette that will lull you
to sleep , or if your * asto has been
perverted by reason of having smoked
drugged cigarettes , don't buy the
Duke , as in that case you \\oulil netlike
like them , us they contain
Hut are made of a mild , old , HUeet ,
mellow tobacco grown around Dur
ham and wrapped with thn best rieo
paper. AYe uro award that they cost
more money than many other cigar
ettes , and dealers may try to persuade
you to take something olae ; but , con
sumer , you should insist on having
the Duke , as it costs you no more than
other cigarettes.
Me of Durham Long-But in
Tin-Foil Packages ,
This ia the same tobacco as that used
in the Duke of Durham Cigarettes , and
guaranteed pure , ' tumdultorald ,
healthy and enjoyable. . -
Cuoss-CfT in tin-foil is the boat lOe.
package on the market.
Duke of Durham granulated in
cloth bags is lee well and favorably
known to require any comments.
. JY
National Associated Press.
POUTLANH , Me. , December 14.
Edward Fox , judge of the United
States district court , died of heart dis
ease this morning. Ho watt CO yimra
of ago and was appointed in 180i. ( Ho
loaves a wife and one daughter.
NEW YOUK , December 14. Tlmd-
deus Crane Banks , business manager
of the New York Forest and Stream ,
died this morning at his residence in
Brooklyn , aged 52 years , 11 months.
Ho was twice a member ot the state
legislature of Connecticut.
The "Cops" Convention.
Na'.lonal Associated Prc s.
OIIHUOO , December 14. A meeting
of the chiefs of police of various cities
in the United States will bo convened
hero to-morrow for the purpose of
consultation with n view to forming a
United States police association lor
mutual aid and assistance in promoting -
ing the enda of justice. Chiefs Ken-
nett , of St. Louis , Rogers of Detroit ,
Schmitt , of Cleveland , O'Urien of Des
Moines , Iowa , and Maj , Schumborg ,
of New Orleans , are already hero , and
others are expected to-morrow.
Squnttorn on the Otoo Rosorvo.
.National Auiouiatcd 1'ri'M.
LINCOLN , December 14. Two or
'three hundred squatters on the Otoe
reservation have been forced by gov
ernment troops to leave. The action
of the government in this matter will
cause much suH'oring. The squatters
have no means and no where to go.
The reservation will bo open to settle
ment next spring , at which time the
.land will be appraised und legally
placed on the market.
Thn Electric Light.
.National AisociaUxl I'rrm.
SAN FUANCISCO , December 14. The
electric Ifcht tower ut San Jose , Cal. ,
is a complete success. Thn streets are
lighted with full moonlight effect at a
quarter of a mile distant , and a half
moonlight effect at half a mile distant.
At a mile distant sufficient light is
given to travelers. There was an im
mense gathering of people to witness
the experiment last night. J. J.
Owens , editor of the San JosoMercury ,
.Is the projector.
New Pacific Line of Steamer * .
N&tlonil Associated i'ream
Mo.NTitEAL , December 14. A now
line of steamers , owned by Canadians ,
is to bo built and placed on the route
between San Francisco and China and
Japan. The Canadian Pacific rail
way's syndicate have under considera
tion the project of building a branch
line to Fort Churchill or Port Nelson ,
on Hudson bay. .
Indian * Starving.
National Associated I'ltss.
ST. PAUL , December 14. United
States Commissioner Nelson at Pom-
l > ina reports that Indians in the Pom-
bina Mountains are ataiving , owing
to Riiiall-pox quarantine regulations
which prevents their securing mipplies
from thu settlement. The war de
partment has been advised of their
condition ,
Iowa Stock Breeders.
I\'ltloiul AkeOciatoJ I'rcttt
IOWA CITY , December 14. The
eighth annual convention of thu Iowa
State Improved Stook Breeders' asso
ciation is now in session in this city.
About six hundred delegates are pres
Book's Spoeoli in the Sonata
oil Presidential Succession ,
Soimtor Saunders Introduces i
Bill to Enlarge tlio State of
Probability That the House
Committees Will Not be
Announced till January.
The Now Premier to Begin
Supines * in His Depart
ment Next Monday.
From the Na
tional Capital.
[ 'teas.
visomauxos IN TIII : SCN.VII- : .
WASHINGTON , December M. Mr.
Garland , from tlio committee mi terri
tories , reported n bill legalizing thu
ok'ctiim of the legislature < if New
Air. Hoar culled up his ruHohitinn
providing for n select cotiinuttuo on
woman suffrage.
Mr. Vest opposed this resolution in
a speech against fuinale aiillrago.
Mr. Hoar replied at some lengtl
and with considerable eurncstneM in
defense of woman's rights. NYitnoiit
action on the resolution thu morning
liour expired and it went over.
Mr. Beck'u resolution in relation to
presidential succession in the event of
the death of tlu ) president and vieo
nresul6nt _ , came up. Mr. Heck pro-
ccedcd to address the senate. He oc
cupied an hour in the delivery
of his speech , which wns n
very able ell'ort and reviewed
apparently every possible contingency
that can arise. Ho iniulo it very clear
that some legislation was necessary. .
Among the iutricatn question * rained
by him was the status of the president
pie tem. , whether ho lost his seat in
the senate and whether his statocould
send another ( senator in hit * plaei > ,
leaving him , \vlien a president has
been elected , out of the seat in the
sonata to which he hud bson elected.
Another hypothetical case suggested
was the capture of the president by an
enemy in .war ; the vice president
would necosearily succeed to the of
fice ; another battle might release the
president ; dould ho then return to his
( jtlice , or would the vice presi
dent coulimio in oflico. ' He felt
assured Imt had President
Lincoln boon captured during the late
war and Mce-Prcsidont Ham ) in at
tempted toljavo discharged the duties
of president , after his return there
would have bcon a revolution in the
country. He. quoted largely from a
bj-'i'&fHMtor Bayard in the
Thirty-eighth congress , . -n the quos
tiou whetlier the president pro tem. of
the senate or speaker of the house
were such "ollici rs" as were contem
plated by the constitution , deriving
their authority from their respective
states. Ho characterized the speech
of Senator Bayard an the ablest speech
he had over read.
Senator Muxey took similar ground
to that taken by Senator Beck , but
maintained that neither the vice-pres
ident , the president pro tem or the
speaker succeeded to the ollicc of
president , but merely discharged the
duties of the ollico under their re
spective oaths of otiico as such minoi
officers. SVhon Vice-President Ty
ler succeeded President Harrison he
took the presidential oath without
careful consideration , and that prece
dent had been followed without much
discussion. Ho questioned whether
the persons provided by law were
such ollieers us were contemplated
by tli constitution. In case of ina
bility it was a very unsafe provision
which by implication made the person
to succeed the judge of the inability
of the person whom ho was to suc
ceed. This was a subject that could
bo acted on without party division ,
and should receive early attention.
Senator Anthony , whose long ser
vice in the senate eminently qualified
him to do so , gave ft brief review of
thu complications which had hitherto
arisen , and Hta'cd when Andrew Jack
son wus acting as president and Mr.
Forster , of Connecticut , was president
pro torn , of the sun ate , both gentle
men wcro alarmingly ill at the same
tiilie , and the house wan without a
speaker , causing considerable anxiety
as to who would ho president , should
both die. Fortunately both recov
ered and the danger was averted.
Garland obtained the door to con
tinue the debate , but yielded to Ed
munds for a motion foi executive HCH-
sion , which , ut 2:15 : p. in. , was agreed
to , and when the doora were opened
the senate adjourned.
National Associated I'rcM.
The annual report on the interna
tional commerce of the United States
by Joseph Nimnio , Jr. , chief of ihe
bureau of statistics , wan yesterday laid
on the desk of senators and momhois ,
besides matter relating to the. railroad
problem and competition between rail
roads and wat'or lines already given to
the public. This report in successive
chapters treats of the transportation ,
commercial and industrial interests of
Cincinnati , Chicago and St. Louis ;
relative to the growth and magnitude
of the foreign commerce of itoaton ,
Now York , Philadelphia and Now
Orleans ; the production of grain and
the movement of grain and Hour from
the west and northwest to the sea
board ; competition between Now York
and Montreal ; comparative growth of
traffic on railroads , lakes and the Krio
canal , and internal and foreign movements -
monts of the cotton product of the
United States ,
At the extra session of the senate in
October , a resolution originally in
tended to cover the investigation of
t ! i- ( . . . " , > il lVm\v report in the
tiv.rvit ) ' department , wm so o.xU'iidoi
iwto Oliver an inquiry into the fxpon
dilute i f the contingent fund of oael
nt the CM'entivo depart inputs and wna
ulopted. appropriations com-
mitti'c was authorized to conduct the
invi-Miijation by a Mib-comiiiittee dur-
tint recess , but nothing was done nnti
tu-d.iy , when the sub-committeo was
appointed , consisting of DavidV. ( .
VH. ) and Cockrell. A call will bo
made upon the departments for the
necessary information , pending re
ceipt of which but little can bo done.
It is reported that Pitney , the dis
charged custodian of the treasury sup
plies , fools aggrieved nt his treatment
and threatens to appear be Con- the
committee and uivo some dainauin
The bill reported by Senator Saun-
tiers in relation to the boundary oi
Nebraska proposes un extension of the
i.orthern line through the Missour :
rivoron the forty-third par.xlhl , tak
ing in p.irt of the Sioux resetvation.
The fame bill WAS before the last con-
A holiday from December L'l u
January -till , is understood to bo in
accordance with the views of a largo
majority of the members of Ihe two
Iu i3e3. If that time is fixed it is
probable the house committees would
bo announced before adjournment.
If an earlier day ia fixed iho latter
may beheld over until after recess.
listened to a preliminnry report of
Yice-President Hillingsiiohaa boon
nhnud making observations rogardhn :
methods of recording vital matisiicH.
The doctor'.s observations when sub
mitted in his written report will , with
data collected , bo niado a basis for
a general system of recording statis
ties to bo recommended to the board
for general use throughout the couu
Hevenno Commissioner Ittuini de
nies the published report that ho has
recommended the removal of William
S. Wilson , collector of internal reve
nue for the fifth district of Kentucky.
the dntioa of the state di >
partment on Monday next.
The joint committee of the two
houses on the G'irlicid memorial ser
vices by congress had a short meeting
this afternoon and appointed a Mib-
committee consisting of Mclvinloy
Ohio' ' , Cox 'Nr. ' Y. ) , and D.iwus to
draft a plan to'sorve as a bisis for ao-
tion of the full committee.
Secretary Folgor will appear before
the finance committee of the senate
to-morrow and give hia views in rela
tion to Secretary Sherman's 3 par cent
bnnd bill.
Foreign Intelligence.
National Associated Cress.
PARIS , t > ecomber 14. The of
the liable suit -of MAI. Gambetta
mid llalleino ! La Cour against Roche-
fort's newspaper , which recently
charged those gentlemen with invent
ing the Tunisan question for specula
tive purpose ? , was begun yesterday.
DUIIUN , December 11.A fanner
it Aughaby was shot dead at his
brother's house last night. His
brother had been boycotted and ho
wd received a warning not to live with
boycotted person. Disregarding
; his warning , ho was followed and
dlled. The ofl'enso of the boycotted
brother was that ho had paid rent to
lis landlord after being ordered note
o do so.
Placards have been posted on the
Dcnison estates in Hoscommon.
nemicing with death any tenant pay-
ng his rent. A tenant namedliren -
ian paid his rent and was shot dead
LONDON , December 14. - The lord
chamberlain , whoso oflico gives him
control over the theatres of the mo
.ropolis , has called the attention of
the London malingers to the catiiatro-
> he at Vienna , and has them adopt
secure systems for lighting the audito-
ium and the stage. Many of the
[ Condon theatres arc badly arranged ,
and a fire in one of would bo
certain to result in a terrible loss of
The anti-Jewish riots at Odessa
were renewed to-day and wcro very
violent. The rioters drove out from
he country two hundred and fifty-six
if those Jews who were the most ob-
loxiotis to them. Five of the rioters
wore arrested.
The epidemic of cholera has ap-
> cared at Cairo , and Mediterranean
steamers'from Alexandria have been
The Hnssian minister is increasing
ho penalties against the press for vio-
ations of the laws restricting the free-
loin of public critics.
HouK , December 14. Cardinal
[ loward has bconappointcd to succeed
he late Cardinal liorromeo un arch
bishop of St. Petor'K. The pope has
isked the special conference of
ishops now in session hero to settle
.ho question of hia continuance at the
Vatican. Ho doclarcn that his position
s intolerable , and desires to go to
Malta , where the English government
ias oflbrod him a permanent refuL'o.
TOUONTO , December 14. A cable-
; ram waH received hero to-night , say-
ng JJoyd flignod articles for a race
vith Haiilan for the championship of
ho world and 500 , the race to take
> Iaco on the Tyno , Ajiril 'id noxt.
lunlun immediately cabled assent.
foljo Appointed Surveyor General-
National Au&iclntcxl I'rcBd.
AITUOUA , HI. , Dccombor 14. Intel-
igcnco comes that .Hon. Kugeno Can-
iold , cf this city , will probably bo ap-
> ointod surveyor general of Washing-
on Territory.
Natioinl AsBOclattd | 're ,
DAYTON , ( ) . , December 14.--l'ho
liird suicide within fourteen bourn
ias occurred here. William Thyno , a
) arkeuper , took an overdose of mor-
ihino last night und died tliia morn-
Sickness of a Juror Closes Pro-
CBoflinga For the Day ,
But Not Until tbo Pi iouor i Has
Made His Customary
Scovillo'o LootU'o Attended by
h. Very Smtill Audience
LoBt'NiRht ,
HoBolioves Gxiltonu Will Not
Liva to See tbo End of the
Boonuno Ho in -Daily Dnncor of
Natloiuvl As'ociatcU ttr\
A SlI'K .H'llOll HU ) ! KS I'UOCKKDINd.s.
WASHINGTON , liecombor 14. The
court was packed , -as it was bxpcetod
( iuitviui'H divorcedfwifo would testify.
The prisoner looked better and ussu--
ril j\Irs. Scovillo ho felt lirst-rato.
John L. Withww , pastor of the
P.irk Str.ict Conairosatioiial church , ,
of lioston , wna witness. Ho'
was greeted by Quitcau with the re
marlr : "Oontlnuon , the doctor is u
very line man. "
Withrow testified ho met Gniti'iiu
friMjiioutly in 1878 and 187H , and con
versed with him often about tiis lec
ture tour , fluifenu desired to use the
doctnr'ri church illy which to deliver
his lecture. Witucas refused , aa ho
regarded GuitoAuV. , views absurd anct
him as uuconsclontious. Ho thought
him ill-natured , i His conversation
displayed egotism and love of notorie
ty. ' 'I rogardodihim as a shrewd , or
rather u cute nmii. " '
"What's the > di'J'cronce ? " asked
"One is sharper than the other , and
smaller , " 'said Corkdill.
"Yes , " said the witness.
"Ho did not .say that , Corkhill , "
said Guitean , "ana it'a the smartest
thing you've aatd'in'this whole trial. "
Cross-exaniinedHho witness said at
prayer-meetings of the church GUI-
toau's uttorancoa Jwcro critical , accu
satory und devoid of sympathy.
A juror win hero allowed a biief
absence , and Guitoau broke out : " 1
am full of grit. My words are point
ed , and there is nq'suntimont or any
thing of that kind about me. If there
had been I would probably have got
through the world better than I have
done. I ahvaya.knew high-tonod
Christian poaplo. I did not know any
dcadboats or disreputable characters
of either BOX. I claim that my free
agency was destroyed and I had no
choice about removing the president ,
( pou.idiiifj vigorously on the tabled
and. \vilHako jt > y.chnnccB with this
court , this jury , atu { with tholiord on'
this issue. That tollnyon the theory ,
gentlemen , and the court and jury
Imvo to pass upon it. 3 am not here
to save my neck from the gallows. I
am hero for right , for justice , and for
vindication. "
The court requested the prisoner to
suspend his speech.
"That is all right , " was the excited
response. "When I got before the
jury I will explain all this. I have
simply niado a little speech to fill up
the time. [ Laughter. ]
When the juror resumed hia seat ,
a witness named Justice was called.
"Mr. Justice does not answer , " was
: ho reply of the crier with a significant
nflation of the voice.
Owing to the illness of one of the
jurors court adjourned until to-mor-
ow.Mrs. . Dunmoro , Guiteau's divorced
wife , was in the marshal's oflico all
hu morning , awaiting her turn to
.eatify. Her husband refused to al
ow her to bo interviewed till after
she has testified. Ho said , however ,
she did not believe Guitoau insane ,
WASHINGTON , December 14. At
Lincoln hall to-night on thu occasion
if Scovillo's lecture the undionco was
small. This , however , may have been
caused by the inclemency of the
weather , as Scovillo's friends claimed
hat a largo number of tickets hud
jeen disposed of. Scovillo came on
, ho platform alone. Ho was creoted
, vith applause. Ho plunged at once
nto his subject , stating the lecture
was somewhat out of the ordinary
course of professional etiquette but he
oil justified in taking this atop be-
sauso the prof 3 , a powerful motor
n the affairs of public life , did
not treat the case fairly. Ho
did not wish to extonuatu the crime ,
jut ho protested against the excited
expression against the prisoner by the
press and public. The press was in-
dined to pander to n depraved or mis
taken public sentiment in regard to
; h case. Ministers of the gospel were
also impetuous in their comments on
! iuiteau. Ninoteen-twentietlm of the
ettera received by the prisoner con
tained threats against his life. Sco
villo read one. He hoped it would bo
: ho Christian prayer that the assassin
might ho brought to a proper condi
tion of iliind. Ho pleaded for a sus
pension of opinion in regard to the
jrimmur'a act und went on to nay a gen
eral feeling of revenge was felt by nioi.t
of the people who talked , or wrote
ibout this case. "I have good reason
to beliuvn , " ho said , "that tho' prisoner
will not live to the conclusion of his
rial. I do not Ray this for sensational
oliect. On the same day that he was
shot at , I spoke to the authorities , but
10 extra precautions were made for
.ho protection of the prixonor. Mar'
tdial Henry said there wan no danger
mtsido , but danger existed in the
court loom , and ho had distributed
> llicers all over for Guiteau's safety ,
[ told him the danger wan outside , and
wont to Corkhill und told him the
name thing. Corkhill said ho
would dy what ho could. No
extra precautions wcro taken and
thnt same afternoon thu prisoner
was shot at. I am not going to liijlit
for the life of thin primmer in court
except under the forum of law. J urn
here to sco that ho has a fair trial , to
see that evidence for and against him
sh.ill be properly presented to the
coutt , and to sco so far m the law is
concerned the proper forms nro ob
served , so that nnthing can bo laid to
my charge afterwards. 1 say to you
and the public generally , that if bet
ter precautions are not taken I do not
think Gtiiteau will live to the close of
his trial. Let the responsibility rest
where it may. 1 give warning and 1
know what I say. "
Mr. Scovillo then declared in quiet
but earnest tones that he wished thu
American people not to have the stig
ma of the assassination of the assassin
of the president. If Unit can wna
killed by an USSUMUI it would bo
found out on post mortem examina
tion that ho was irresponsible for his
lu conclusion , Mr. Scovillo spoku
ot the bad vflVctft of the spoils nystom
in politics , which , ho charged , had
something to do with the crime.
A rcsolutioii of sympathy with his
efforts in behalf of the prisoner anil
his personal conduct of the euso was
The Army Itlflo Tannin.
Nntlotml AnoHuttsI I'rru ,
\VASHIMITON , D. 0. , December II.
The general of the army announces
the results of tlm contests held during
the past summer in each of the mili
tary departments for positions in the
teams of the jjroat military divisions ,
u * well as the ucoro made by each in
dividual member of those teams. The
exhibit is very gratifying and ia ac
copied us an assurance that nt thu
; roat contest next year for "army
irifies'1 the members of the winning
team will demonstrate their claims an
.skilful marksmen and reflect credit on
the army.
In the division of the Atlantic ,
Lieut. Homer heads the list ; his
uvrrago in the three ranges at 1200 ,
400 and liOO yards respectively , being
M. The standing of the other mem
bers of the team is in thn order in
which their tinmen are given : Second
Lieutenant U. 0. Van Yliot , First
Lieutenant Taylor , Private Scstus ,
Corporal Hayes , Sergeants Ouiiian ,
L'ampboll and Turnoy , Corporal llib-
lions , Lieutenant Host , Private Hick-
ird , Corporal llubbard Alternates
Dorporal Wood and Captain Hamil
ton. The per oOntago ranges down to
In the Division of the Missouri the
Htnnding of the team is in the fol
lowing order : Corporal Kussoll , Ser
jeants Neville , Osborno and Shipp.
Daptain Annum , Sergeants Hackett
mil Mosen , Lieutenant NieholH , Pri
vate l icc , Sergeant Ilindloy , Lieu
tenant Entorly , Sergeant \Voody , and
alternates , Seivrant Heaslys and Pri
vate Dnscoll. The percentages rnngo
from 80 down to 74.
In the Division of the Pacific , the
standing of thu team ia in thu follow-
in tf order : -Privates Moore and Ber
nard , Sergeant Wells , Private Terry ,
Corporal Gardner , So recants Motx ,
Lickias , Couiiday and Wilson , Corpo
ral Chenoweth , Sergeant Oarber , Pri
vate O'Keef.
AH soon as the medals and riflca are
finished Iho chief of ordnance will
send to the commanding generals of
the military divisions an appropriate
number of each und the division com
mander will deliver ( o each member
the prizes awarded for tlio contest for
1881 , causing-in advance the name ,
date , etc. , to bo engraved on appro
priate plates.
OIil Time Mexican
CITY or MEXICO , December J4.
There has boon no reliable returns re
ceived here from the htato election in
Falisco and it in not possible at pres
ent to indicate how the election went.
I'lim is duo in a great measure to the
titter rivalry existing between the op-
) osing political parties which cnlniin-
ifod during election day , the 10th
nst. , at n number of
. oting places through .tho state
n bloodshed. In Guadalajnre , the
capital , where one Jesus liarajos ,
with an armed body of men , rebelled
against the state government , Eqnadn
of his men seized tlio ballot boxes and
destroyed them durinr ; the melee that
followed. Francisco JJoao , an official ,
was killed , und u number of persons
wounded. A reign of terror existed
during the time tlio mobhad possession
of the city and order was not restored
until late in the evening , when Jiar-
ijos , hearing seine largo force of fed
eral troops were on their way to the
capital to restore peace , left the city
with IIJH band , marching in
i ( southerly direction. Reports from
i number of towns through
which he passed state that liu and his
Mild broke open jails und liberated
irisoncrs in order to gain recruits and
; hat numbers of them joined him.
General Jalontino , with a largo body
if federal troops , is in pursuit of thu
rebels and serious trouble is antici
pated. ,
The Ticket Commission
VUlonil AwociUul I'rn * .
CHII.AOO , December 14. Commis
sioner Dixon Inn called a mooting of
.ho general passenger and ticket
agents of the various railroads , which
will convene to-morrow at thu Grand
I'acitic hotel , The object is to take
iction on the payment of commissions
on tickets sold by agents , with a view
in put nil end to the system , The
[ imposed reform will moot with warm
Favor by some of the now roads ,
which have not established many
agents outbido of their ter
ritory , but will bo strenuously
opposed by the Kric , Grand Trunk ,
Pennsylvania , Ohio and the Hock Is-
and , all of which have been years i.i
irranging a comprehensive system of
ticket ai/oncioM throughout the conn-
Lty. It ia not believed any number of
prominent roads will adopt the reform
contemplated in the abolition of all
commissions on nil tickets Hold , but it
in likely the subject will bo hotly dis
cussed. There will bo a largo attend
ance at thu meeting ,
The Now Attorney Don-oral ami
tlio Star Route Gases ,
Killed by Her Brotbor Because
Sbo WIIB uGwino to Toll
MUcnllnnooit * Crlminnl Now * ol
the Day.
NrvtlonM AvooUteil Prom.
W.untKNroN , N. C. Di-eembor 14.
Solomon D.ivis ( colored\ boy aged
14 , had stolen a piece of eoM possum
from hi * mother's pantry. His sister
Margaret , two yearn younger , said
"I am going so toll mammy. " Solo
moit loaded his father's old musket
with buckshot , and necrotinjj himself
near a spring nhot the little girl in thu
back. She ( lied almost instantly.
UuooKt.YN , NT. Y. , December 14.
James F. WaUh , who murdered his
sweetheart , Barbara Greonthal , whoso
ease was appealed , was to-day son
fenced to bo hanged on the ' 'Oth of
Cmr.ujo , December 14. Kx-Trcas-
nror Larrabeo , of Lakoviow , a
Biiburban town , has tied to Canada , n
Pittr.AUKU'iUA , December 14.
Special Assistant Attorney-General
Win. A. Cook , of Washington , ia in
consultation here to-night with Hon.
lli'iijatnin II. Brownter , relative to the
star route cauos. It ia stated on relia
ble authority that prosecutions arc at
once to bo pushed with vigor.
Piiii.\niiriiiA : , December 14.Jno. .
C. Hurst , an aged wholesale druggist ,
has been arrested and held in § 15,000
bail at thu instance of his son , Samuel
H. , who charges that his father
sold his biminoRS and ntock and appro
priated the proceeds , which amounted
to SIo.OOO.
A warrant has boon issued for the
nrri'al of Wm. G. Cross , of Itunnett ,
Cross i\ir \ Co. , looking glass frame and
moulding manufacturers , und member
of the city council , who is charged
with extensive forgeries. Or BS loft
For Paris unknown Friday , leaving a
lame family unprovided for and his
wife is lying in a critical condition
from the shock.
The Diiwdou Will Cnio.
< | M'clnl PNiutdi to Tint HKK.
LINCOLN , December 14.Tho Jacob
DAWBOII will cano , long in the courts
lore , was decided in favor of the heirs
in Lincoln to-day. The suit involves
§ 150,000 worth of property in town.
The Supreme Court.
N tit Ions I Associated I'rcu.
WANHINOTON , December 14. A
special committee of the American
liar association , contesting of Clurkson
S. Potter , of Now York , Henry
Hitchcock , of Missouri , Alexander
Ll. Lawton , of Georgia , Ihiftis King ,
> f Ohio , John W. Stevenson , of Ken-
; ucky , Richard T. Morrick , of the
District of Columbia , Courtland
Parker , of Now Jerwoy , and Charles
j. llradloy , nf Rhode Island , met hero
in thu council of the
to-day room su
preme court to duviao some means of
olioving the docket of the Huproino
court of the crush of business now
jcforo it. There nro now 1,100 cases
on the supreme court docket
nd on the average not orer 300
cases are heard during the year Cases
ire constantly accumulating and it
now taken tour years to roach n case.
L'lans are under consideration by the
oo mmilteo us follows :
First To increase the court and to
authorize itfi division into three cham
bers , but to nit together in such cases
is involve national or constitutional
{ iiestions.
Second - To create courts in the
several circnitn to exorcise appellate
powers in all COACH up to $110,000 and
to limit the mipromo court to all cases
over that amount.
ThiidTo create a national up-
H.'llatu courtof last resortcoin posed of
twelve or fifteen judges , which shall
livido itself into two or three chum-
> ern , distributing businepn among
.hem , and which shall have juriudic-
.ion in all cases which now come to
.ho supreme court and in which private
ntorests are alone involved , und
which raise no question of national
nterest and involve no constitutional
Under this latter plan ull such cases
as are there referred to will go direct
.o the supreme court as now organized
ir bo transferred to that court as BOOH
is their character is determined , The
alter plan , it ia stated , will relieve
the Bupremo court of one-fourth of the
business now before it. A number of
the committee to-night said members
of the supreme court , members of the
congress and the committee are work
ing in perfect harmony , the only end
in view being to devise some plan that
will not debar litigants of obtaining
iustico by delays of three to five years.
The commit tee will be in session soy-
oral d.iyn , but before it adjourn * will
adopt one of the three plans mention-
oil , either entire or in a modified form.
Chief Justice Waite to-day an
nounced to the bar that the supreme
court will adjourn from Thunulay , Wednesday , January 4.
Puoiflo Count Mall.
S'atloial Awoclatu-1 I'rran.
Niw ; YOKK , December 14. Post
master General James and Stiperin-
tundnnt Thompson , of the railway
iiiail servicti , nro still in the city , ar
ranging u butter uyntom of mails to the
went , Mr. JumcH said this afternoon ;
" 1 have not yet completed arrange-
uientrt for a new schedule of mails ,
but moan to remain hero until I do.
What wo are trying to do is to save
time on mails to the west , and also to
arrange a through time table to Han
Francisco , so that a man in
that city can answer a letter from this
city on the PIIIIO day ho received it.
At present n train from this city ar
rives in San Francisco nt 11:35 : a. in.
and n through train for the east loavca
at ! ! ; ! ! 0 p. in. I hope to make arrange
ment to have the train from the cant
arrive about an hour or an hour and iv
half earlier and the train to the east ,
leave about two hours later and nmko
up tlreso two hours in the run to this
city. "
A Rough
Nation * ! Awoclatwl i'n-M.
NKW YORK , December 14. The
steamship Somerset arrived thia morn
ing from liristol after being nearly
four weeks nt sea. For thirteen days
she encountered a constant succession
of heavy gales , with tierce hurricanes
and aqunlla at frequent intervals. Her
docks were greatly damaged , thu
saloon guntrnticu Jttovo in , the strong
iron door broken by a heavy sea , thu
foro'Ciid of the bridge washed away ,
and the heavy iron rails had to bo
lashed together.
November 127 th she passed the
steamer Devon bound twist , allowing ;
the signal "I am on fire ; " bori rounil
and followetl'lior but she apparently
not needing any assistancekept , on her
course , while wo put about for New
Marino Intelligence.
NKW YOKK , December 14. Sailed
The St. Laurent for Havro , thoLako
Winnipeg for Liverpool , the Rotter
dam for Amsterdam ,
Arrived The Switzerland from Ant
werp , the Canada from London , the
Piorto do Ceginck from Antwerp , the
Lake Manitoba from Liverpool , the
Somerset from Bristol. )
Qri'.KNSToWN , December 14. Sailcot
Thu Oily of Paris for Now York.
GI.AKOOW , December 14. Arrived
The State of Florida from Now York.
LOUNK , December 14. Sailed The
State of Pennsylvania for Now York.
Heavy Fire.
National Associated 1'ttM.
Pnii.ADKU'iiiA , December 14. The
extensive rope walk and manufactory
of .7. T. Uailoy , fc Co. , at Taakor and
Otsego streets , were totally destroyed
by lire to-night. The conflagration
stat ted in n stable , to which it might
have boon confined hnd not thirty bar
rels of tar ignited and communicated
thu Ifcimes to thu two liugo structures
occupied as manufactories , which were
filled with material and \aluablo
machinery. Loss , § 1200,000 ; insured.
Two firemen were seriously injured.
Taxing Government Bonds.
INWANAI-OI.IN , December 13. An
important suit wna commenced to-day
by * the city against the well known
banker , J. S. C. Harrison. It seems
ho bought 9200,000 government
bonds March 31st , and sold thorn
April 2d , and thus evaded assessment
April 1st. The city cluinia the § 200-
000 ahoulu now bo taxed under the
tax law of 1881. A hundred more
suits will be commenced similar to
National Associated 1'rcM.
NARMX'iLLK , December 14. The
senate and house are doing but little
on account of the committee on rodia-
tricting the ntuto not having com-
ilotod their labors. This committee
s moving slowly , each member having
a theory of hia own.
The investigating committee are
.uking testimony and it is understood
are beginning to got at BOIIIO tacta
shown before the grand jurj' .
Tbo Chrlitliraoy Cane.
S'ntloiml Afvoclntcil Press.
WASHINGTON , December 14 , Chas.
Goodman , the missing witness in the
Christiancy divorce case , who testi
fied to bringing a woman from Now
York to porsoimtMrs. . Christiancy
in Giro's company , turned up again
to-day and signed his former testi
mony and left for Now York to-night.
Received Hie Reward-
National A nciat l I'ress.
DKH MOINKS , December 14. Mr.
M. Sankey , . .xslierin"of Dccatur
county , was paid yesterday ? 1,000 , re
ward offered by the governor for
the capture of the Mercer boys , who
were shot in Missouri while Sankoy
and his posse wcro attempting to cap-
: uro them.
Hooaier Granger *
National Aanoclattil Vrcita. '
INDIANAPOLIS , December 14. The
[ ndiuna state grange is in session in
.his city. Seventy out of ninoty-two >
Bounties in the state are represented.
The order ia reported in better condi-
: ion than any year since 1870. Gov.
Porter delivered an address of wel
come to-day.
Weitorn Union. Dividend.
National Aisoclatccl I'rcea.
NKW YOHK , December 14. At the
] uarterly meeting to-day of the West
ern Union telegraph company , a divi
dend of 1J per cent. , payable on the
lth ( ! of January next , was declared.
L'ho estimated not revenue for the
juartor will ho about $2,010,527.27.
The TanBMsee Bar.
Utlontl Auout < xl J'ruot.
NARIIVILLE , December 14. Dele
gates from ull portions of the state
not here to-night and organized astute
stuto bar association , of which Jndgu
W. F. Cooper in president and J. 0.
Itrudford , secretary.
National Assoclatul I'reM ,
WASHIMJTON , Decomlwr 15. For
the lower Missouri valley , warmer
fairer weather , south winds , lower
Dolls ! Dolls ? Dolls ! at the
10 dozen
Silk Handkerchiefs 15c
Other stores advertise them at 25o1
SIOUE , CitEioiiroN BI.OOK !
< lccl2m-w- .