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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1881)
Til OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 14 , 1881. DAILY BEti. "Wednesday Morning. Dee 14 , 1UT bnvolow wnttr mixrk , four fctt l r\i \ inche < , itnd IIDMH. LUOAL BREVITIES. St-indftrd club nuly to-night. Tlio Ontnil .lury U itictljftUnK the -Bmlth mil ilercft'ft. - "LcnvittV ( Siginlcnu MinHtroU" will IK on ilcck next FiMny. T 10 utorm of r.iln last ni ht WAH fol lowed by clrnrcr weather lo-tlny , Three Pullman cim went Went on the noon triin yesjcrilny nnd I'nclfie liiktgago car. A convict from Washington county , pajwro ! through tlio city jontenl.iy en route to Li i.coin. Them will hit t , meeting of the l.nko'i addition Lyceum At the brick Hchuol houx < Thurmlay ovenini , ' . Ilia Chlnmo KmlmRny , bound foi WRjihington , will a rive in Omubn TUCK dny cventnt ; . They w 11 be iurniHhttl cprc ial c tin by tlio 1' . llman Comp ny. ProtecutlnK Atto coy Bnrnbwn let lor P pilllon t noon yo-ttrday to lucertali the rc ult ot iho Nolan Indent which hi did not m Vo connection with Monday OnlcrH for clonnln ? Wntcr CloHOtfl Outhouac * , o'.c. , will be promptly attendcx to by Rilclrcssing uwou Cnnly , jKwtolficf dcc'J-tit lt . - A cleoitiion of the motion to quash tb ii die munti aRaln t McNnmnr * , H < rn bciKer , TrictBchUo and McG vck arKUci on Haturxl iy im < not yet been given. In the district court Jilondny Chu II. lUo n rcci\crcd ( 82,710 nnd 2ll ! ttRAiniit thuHinnxt'ity& Nebru karailwny for Ian IB o mlt-inncd. Conch No. 78 , nt on the noon U. 1' ' train yc tcrlny waaoi.o of the most txqu , nit-1 ] ' dot.or.ued day cam ever rent out ui nny road. About forty Kntshtii Templar , of Ml OaUiiry Lodge Vo. 1 , will o tn LI noli on i > op cial tr In on Mondty next to at t < ) ml an HiterUlnm-nt given by the Lin coin Sir ICrtislitH. The eleventh annual ball of the Div rant cuxino company No. 1 will bo ( , 'ivvt at MaJnuIo hall , Friday ovcnini ; , Decoin her 10th , 1881. The imitations are vorj lianJsqinely piinted. Governor St. Jolin , of Kuntan , wil iipeak in tlio M. E. church on Friilaj evening at 7:30. Lot there bo a genera rally of all the pooplu to hear thli notti teuperance champion. ' The Hnverly 0 nsolidated Spectncu l r Cumpany , goc8 West to-day , iccu pjini ; a whole Pullman car by themselves There are forty-oue members and the com piny will be m Ban Kramia o until Ai > ri next. ; ' About 160 cara of grain arc nUndlni in the U. P. yardn lo l > o u- - loaded by tl | now Union rleraton , which are n w roe o Uing twenty-five to thirty CHIK ] ierd J It la under.tood that the new bu ldinn will bo U8od for corn und the tdd for \vheal The ntxt clasalc o . crt f the 1'lii onmtbvAi club , iib i tcd by MHH ! Knto 1 JniucH , will tnku plnco at BoydV opei kouio Tlmrndrn ovi ning , Dee > m rr ICtl 1881. Thu UBual price of n inlfbioii wl he charged. .Sub-orilier in iy ro-cn xeati at the box tilfico without oti charge. de l'2 Ic The reputation of Dr. Gri ddy In siv ocuKfully tri-ating di'cai-o-i of the K > u an 1'nr , iiuut bo very t > ncourni'ng ! to tlio ln tor. Cotiiing to Omaha led * thuu tw y ara ugo , lie h H not only made it ruputi tiou hero , but la r < ctiviiu callHfrotn rvei part of Nolirakka , I .ua an'i the went gel crally. In Inn xptciulty he bus no Mipei ii in Ameiica. Tlie closing excrc'mcs ot the Chriitmi term of tit. Barnaba' pariah school wll I held thU evening at 7:30 o'cl < clc Iu M Honlohtll. They will c nalst of reel ; tlon , dialogues , nongi. curola , the who concluding with the operetta of Hvd Kit in Hood , A i.'eneral invitati n U extfin txl to the parentii 1.1 d frlciula of the c i dreti to attend. No admUtion fee will I churgcxl. . The Bohemians of Omaha and vlchill uro moving in thu matter of arrau iiig fi a lioheudan Hchoo1 , at which the llohen ian IMUU ge ilia 1 be t night in dd tiou the l'iil ] h lirunthea. ly reft'iince tlio .School Doird proce din i in anoth ooluinn , it will be seen tlmt a room h liecn kecurrd for that purpose , it r. . FilKl , of the I'okrok XapaJu 111 bo 01 of the ttivchenj. Onabuudred and fifty-nine b autif residence lota , located on Hamilton trt half way between the turn table of tl red street oar Hue" and the waterwor re ervoir tnd addition , and lust west the convent Of the Sinters Poor Claire Sblnn's addition. Prices rang * from t to (10 each , and will be > old on ea t rm/to tlioee who will Improve. Bern ea ) eatato agency , Fifteenth and Doug ] Btn-U. BtnU.A A BprcKl rnettins > 'f the Mtrchan iLudllunufjcluier' * Union he'd ' Mend nftir oou duvt'loi * d the fact tliat but 1 tie OPJMJ it ion to the enf rcctmut of t liquor luw in to be a tlo pa'ed. Abe tiixty ate cxu' cling to take ou lice n u ui the Union w 11 l > kept up and an utteui made to i-ei-uro a final Mpptul uf the la' ' It is undvutoml that every nu is to do lie plratos In thu mutter of taking u Itcetueu , Jaiob Martrotf , Lancanter , N. Y. , ci your KruiKo JJLOHSOII wniks well f e eijthluK you rerommtnd it ; myte' wf'.oud chlldien hava nil u > ed it , ai > i'U cun't find a Wealthier family in Nc Voi k HtaU. - Oct 6 , J bfcO , vd-l w THE GOLDEN JUBILEE , fifty Years' Progroaa of the Order of Siatora of . Mercy. Romlnlnocnorn of the Founder of tlio Society. Wo nrc < ) ute ! rntlnficd thnt It will plcaxo most of our rcadcm , no tnnttcr nf what re- llgijuxfienoniination , to learn that a com * munlt ? of rcligioim lailim cftllod "fi Ur of mercy" cnjojo < I thohnpptncfnof a " ( Solden .Tubilco" celebration Mon lay within the wall of St. Cathcrlno'H nciulctny , pleatiant- ly lornted in n notthwcnlern block of Can * iitreel inIho centre of our jirogicnalve and proHpi-roim city. ThU community nf moicy niftier * , numbering nearly forty , ha been long and favorably known , finco their ratabUahmcnl at Ht. Mary'w Convent nn Ht. MnryV nvcnuc , KOIIIO fovcntcen yvanngo , during the episcopal ndinliii tia- lion of Dr. ( JXJotnmn , tieinm ! ! < Ml te pre- < li cfH-or of our eminent fellow clt 7cn , the UUht KtM-rund .fftin H O'Connor , 0 thn- lic bUho ] ) of Nebraska , Tlio linmdre-ii of thin pi Urt itml vnhlnblo ( into hood vsaH the il.iughtef of a wealthy nnd highly i e- Hp clalilo Catliollfl ncntlcman , n-nidhiK within the lmnd omo nuhurlm of Dublin. Kho wan lM > rn in September , 1787 , just ( ho jcarn tiftor ( Initlnn and 10J.OO Irinholunteer4 wrmted \ arllamuu- tiry independence from the cablno > dictatomanii iieK | lie noverulgu who fo.ctci our American iuoplo to htingnl lung and firfht , with Klmimt forlorn hupu , for tlio national Independence now enjoyed by \ery citizen "f thin grcnt republic. Miim ly'alho ! n McAuley , after u m-rlcH of Koolal , financlnl and rellgloim vitl-ki- tmleo arising from the premature dctnine of her devoted parent , becninc the adopted daugliter of a vealthy and prominent 1'rotcntim geiitleinan , whono whnlo fnrnily , under her influential cxamjilo , became con * vcrtn to the Cnthi > llti m of their noble nn- Gentry. Owing to the idngular piety , nud moat rtm-irkablobcnovolcncoof hinadnptcd d.iuhter , we t'u.d tlmt at bin death in 1822 , HIO inherited by tfntnnientary arrangement a very considerable fortune , which Bho happily Bpent in founding and Hup | > orting ednc ttonnl honpttal nd re- I glouH entabllHhin > ntn for nearly twenty yearn , previoiiH to her lamented death in the InHer part of 1811. Ai.ybody know ing the Hocinl and rellgioim chnructermticH of the Irlnh people ( .f fifty jenr ago , and drawing a comparinou between the early and manont gene ation , . wdl give the Miiiablc. zealoim and nccouipli licd mer y ulilern tna bendit of not only ) lb r < tl but amazing Influence , ait rxcrcuied from i nt hundred and xevority IriHh branch inRtitu < tionn , fr m th hiatorio foundation boum in ] logg tt utrcct , Dublin. Tin eminent men wliowero tlio t'cclettiaHticol coutcm ornrieii of Archbfnhop Murray , nom < fifty yiara ago , have been riHorded ai min > teaina-t patmiiH of Itev , Mother Me Aulayand ; the exl tenco of HO many pro * IHT.UI rrllgiouH liouicx in a comparatlvcl ) poor connrty nftoiil cvlden o of the \er > excepllnnal worth of thin moftt vnluabU lady , anil her i nii-emim - a-poclntcnin every IMOVIIICO county and dloccHi ) in Ireland The Into liinicnled lliulidp O Connor , ol Pitta urg , the brother of the Jtonian Catholic prelno of our ntiit , owl UN I1 bin knowledge wlilht in tht Irish niliilvlry of the inestimable ni-rvicef o this pioiHniiturhiHHl , succeeded noHiib- liHhing a Mercy ciiinm nity In I' . , 1'u , , n n ly f > , ty yearn ugo. Arnopg those Irinh volniite-r.s wein the lieu rulntikCH of the late Cardinal W Rcniiin , of lyindon , and f tie | Into nrdinal Cnllm , ol IJti" . in. Onu of the old gloriou * voluntcerd h'ippily piuHidcrt over u hi KO filiation hini-0 in New l-'ng'atul ' ; fnd over two thousand Mu cy Slnteru in Can 'da ' nil the Unit d State" celebruttd yeft rdny the uoldeii jnbileu fouidalion of their ni-tltiito , When \vo c.d1 to mind the intluoiico of tr ninny niotia and devoted ladi * * , ninny ol of whom are t ken from leading Bocinl circles , n ] > r , ad through oui neighboring dniiiinlon , M well an thrugii > our own stiiten and terr toiien , wo } gro i tliem on their jub leo nm iveraary , and bo'ltato not to ex rcss a hope thai t cir valuable Hervicca may have oven r wider HI hero for such desir bio mlluenci on the Cathol o rlrln of our next f rtv. y. * TH. No tlniiuhtfnl , Wrl.meanini | ( citl zen. who con > iden tliabospiUil , orplninai'i uHV'ium , parochial i-cho 1 , acadrmy mi' prlsnn rcrviccB of the Hixtern , will full t < diccrthet In their Rood w rk * and whihi ninny HUI viving Amerienn Mildlern of oui lixto war , whelucr lighting un er ro el o iininn flagii , retiin p rtlouof in nlj graiitude , no scuinriiin bigot will prom > i ito lellect on < i M-terhi ) dvhoitO butt cfieli cngaKcmciit'i in tliu cnimo f Hlmtture < l hit niiiuity iniulu U Kl.ui McMnho.i itnd 1'u ( llbier extol thci lierni > ni during the pro trautrd cauiimlgiH of the celebrated Crim cm wnr , Lou ! Ha Inn , when oncu aildrot-sed b ; Boniu feelingoltlcer i f bitt nt.ilf legardiu' Iho Held ntul lio-iltvl | ' 'aimer * of Ihu Blhtir of men y , gave mo tunruivn | al t Ktinmn to theii bra > on. Itcfirr injtoArchliinho O oki'H1 rister , then Herving er erm rriincHU ht-rcii-m. lie exclaimed : " ( iei tlu'iien this lady und her wnr by i have \ \ < > mor.i fe.UB fi il ihu hnlto t xhollH nf hull Hying armm tlii-m llinii for to ninny miu-i IT bnttertllt nV ip liij f i om fhiwi-r to flower in thu Inn ot tluir birlb. vluClellan , Grint , Shui man ii'id lighting Phil , tihcridtn , gav . ony of their Amencin bill tlc-lielil rtcord. I'liu ( invent of Itoum ( tidier * nnd tlio most deturinineil of S ai tan mot I en- , would glory In nuch n IK > toiliy. We have a le.servo uu < nl , 2K ( Mining , among Iheno bravu . ( stern , an we Uh lliem all Ihu happlnena they n > Inly entitled to , from every thoughtf * and gralrful Ante : lean citizen of ever cls and creed , Foelln Lad lot- Tliono languid , tirosiunu sonsationi cauaing jou to fool nc.irculy iiblo t.i L on your foot ; that conitant drain thn is tikin from your ayatum all il elasticity ; driving the bloom froi your chi'uks ; tlmt continiial Blniin ti | on your vital forces , ruutleriny you ii ritablu and frutful , can uaaily bu n moved by thn line of llnil marvolot remedy , Hop Uittt-ra. Irrei-uhritii and obstructionii of your nyatt'in in roliovi-d at once , while tlio Bpt-ci causu of periodical p.un ia poriimnt n ly runioved. Will you hood lliis ? [ Cincinnati Saturday Night , docl-1 COAL AND GOLD , Aa Omaha .Cltfi BUu the Gnonlsc Country. Dr. II. C. Kvans , a ron of Cliiui J Evans , Y.of \ this city , c me in In days Kgo in a vitit to hid parentii ai frier ds , He has been in the we t * Ino 18. , nr has i ( .1 I ecn back In thU part of the cou try f.r fourteen year * , his present I ea ( lucrtem.btingin the Cuni.Icn . couutr I'lily ' JKUiiU fn > ui the I ) , k It. ( i. roa Mr. Uvum c we through in fortv-eigl hcur * , ia thn Denver h < rt line , mid pn lO-tMtoiit y IIDH uutll nurlinf , hit obj c Wi-gto orniro a cainjiaiiy with amp capital to dev o op bin n > i ts in the m In He o lled at 1 llnujtU m : e uniny and e ; hi bitoil . .omoirv hn upecitmnsof oj taken from hit claims , AII.OIIL' otlu-n w n one from the "Litt JJft'oy' l.Kle , of i-iUer mid xalena. Tl ovvirba | be n makioK bullets luhls bl cl siiilth's forge fur ilinxiy Hrsfnmi thm or whlcli run. y hlsh eiKhty-tev tn ouuo ol Nhvrp rtoii A upttWn fr m tl IJoya lode , she s ilver , galena mid go ! the lm'lio.t a ay howjiig 310 t-r. of lh t Thi ! mine nlmw * twenty-fun lo t -f ( | imr T. And live ( tut nf * Id nrnrral nt a di-i-th of twtlity-o iiht fi-c-t , The Honied il vl 'dft ' "S ou c ft of Ivr. . i nd a trace of ( fold. It l ninety ti-ct be- t\v i n thu w II ruck * . The litvht ( X.imilo of ore In tlio lot U fr 'in ' the Hoi hurt , nnd a kn > i 1 ( lOOdUnciM ffilvcr uilli tinci.K if Hold and nUni ; , i r ton. It -i < ' 'uht fii-t of pny mineral ami Koventy-fivo fcot nf lunel. Mr , I , vain liii ai o a line ppfclmrn of ronl fr-im thu 'Aine conntrv. HRH jHtlicj have 11 n vcln of hai'l o > l and f ( ur % nlle- ' at CrcMril Unite City , inc iiding Can- l , Antliinclt-s Hituminntift MI I einl-bi- iiminoii' . Tlip Ijei-t looking < enl in the niiitry Ift foil < 1 then * . Theem f ro.V n'y from erne tti nine and otio-bivlf feel and nn iiarallel w.tli thu nilver licit for forty filly m leu. Mr. KVHII * bin been In the mining buni' c for ciRhtefn ntul In therefore i efiumnhl ) qtmlilicd to cpenk of the ( Sun. i'nti coun'try , whl h ho H y will far ex- : cd all t' nt ban ever ' COM predicted of It. Hiipcilntcmicnt llalbadi , of thu Om.lm nicking and refining work * pronotincet lie Fpeclmcnn all i markably fine. GAREY CONVICTED. Thn Foiitnl Rontn Robber 'Will Son the Ponlttmtinry Interior. 7hu trial of Dan H Oarcy on the charge mealing a rei'l-tercd letter fnini the o tnllice nt Sidney , was concluded yenUi- ay In tlio United Stnloi court niid tin- M O given to the jury. They relumed xiut 7 o'clock laxt t venlng with n verdict guilty on two cotmU uf the liidictmcnl. .icli of iho counts alleged Iho theft , the nly distinction nclng In the dtnignation the pa lien ntolou fn-m. Thu prisoner eived tlio vent let without iinu.b cmo- on. Ho won remnndcdtn await Hentence. The rrttno for which ( larey wan con- icted has frequently been r-fcrrcd lo In he papers , but for UMKO who may not mvo read the nci ounts of the affair a brief xplitnitioii wib bo of intercut. On > cy AN head p" tal clerk nn the U. P.'ialf- ud between Kearney and Sidney. He ad charge of all registered letter packagfH , 'rune tinin In September a letter contuin- g S ' ,000 wax dent from the Oirmhi Ir't National bank to the Kirxt ationnl of Deadwnod. The mail latter in nil trannf rrod from .10 railroad to the tlagc line at Sidney , > nxi < ing through th Sidney poHtoflicu. rVhen the Htago carrying thu mail up- OHcd lo contain the $ ' 2,000 in quention nr- ivcd in DcailwiMid , the package wan not ound. ( ixrey was In the ball it of Aiumting it the SUnev pontolHco in ptcparing the mail for transfer to Hie Deadwood coach. On the day the $2,000 package went Mirough ho delivered it to Vred Clarcy , li poHtmnHter. and received bin check .herefor. While liclplng to do up the nail for Deadwood , he "np ! | > ed" tbo for which Clarey WUK then re- It wax Kiuncliine b- fore NiiKpicion was 'aatened upim ( inrey When it did HO bo leeincd t K ow nneiiHy , and went cast on i vixit. During this trip ho npcnt innrv oney th n IIIM H.ilnry would justify , HIH ! , ) > IXMIU I'll idowed by two det dive ? , Ills iinalb"t' expenditure wan ascertained. Af- r r ho returned homo to Itoniney nnd re timed liifl run on the road , n 'few day * vcre nlloued lo elnp u nnd Inspector 'urnv , of thu city , cviirht him : .t liomu ,111 , ! accused him of the theft. At brut he tieiiuoiiHly denied it , but nt owned ip , Ho was in leated and brought to t in iity , wli-ro ho cbang'd his mind about ilendlng guiltv and conclude I to dtfo d It ) vsill probibly gi-t the full ex cut of thu aw , live years imprisimim nt , us ho in > t ron eh' Hiisploii no-i of having cnimnilted Miuillcr thefts efuru. O'CONNOR IN OMAHA. A Big Event for tlio Omalm Natloual Iiand League. There will ! > a joint meeting of the rish Bocli'ti H of Omnhn at Clnrk'n hall on bis day evenin. ' , fur the transaction o ) ii inc of great importance , A tclo r..m h been received from Hon , I' . O'O nnor , M. P. , that he will Ice uro before tuo Omaha Irinb Kntiona .ind League , in thin cl y on the 23d hint The leo me will tnkeplace In Bojd' open : ioiifie , which will 1 u crowed on such m cc.-v.ii > with enthu iantic friend3 of th Icvvn-tro den island nnd its Milferini mop o. An exchange Fnys : " .Mr O'Connor hn 'ovr fit uilH n nn orator. Calm , dignlfiHl ogicaf and elnquo > t , lie disjuso-R the Iri l luetti'iii willi a ki ovs-ludgo lleritcd fron yearn of nct'vo litin hoinu | H > ltlcs | Hi .ilioimdi in i > euntiful rhetoric np , nnd In nitlml ki-en anil Iiici.i vv iber of the lnti ! h paili.ment h will givu n irno nnn'yi-i'i of the loercioi net uiiil Cludiit neV and hi 1. " \VOUTI1Y OF IMtAlSE. AH n rulu vvu do nut rucoininon' tunt ni'-diuini'H , but whoii wo knov of oiiu ( but really is u public buncfac tor , and does posilivoly euro , thtm w cunmdur it our duty to inipiiiltlmt in f01 million to nil. uluctnc bitturi nr truly a most viilimhio inodicino , nui will Buruly euro Bilnnianess , Fovo and A uo , Stamich , Liver and Kulnu , coinplniiitB , uvun wlu-ro nil other run : fnil. We know whorcof w aiieak , nnd can freely rucounnt-nd t all. [ Ex. Sold nt 50 couta a bottle Ish & IHcMuhon. (7) ( ) Lrnvitt'a Mluitroll. Lcavitl'tf ( Minstrebi are bille for IJojd'.t opera liouie nn next Friday nn Snturdtv nixhU ntul Saturday , nintinet Their ptper Is attractive nnd their iccon mo datioiiH from the nr n every vv hero ei thuaiaai ic. A Cinciniull exchange mj of them : "A very larg nudleiicu at ItobhiHon OIITH luiixehct i ( gilt com pen atdf > r th ratlii-r - nUeiidnnuii utthi- . mo-tgru utthipl.ico Inn week. The ntlrnctinn a" La vilt's "I ! gnnteaiiK , " u mhibtrel troupe tlmt h H repnUti n rurp * > ed bv ni oilier com pany in Ame'lca IturgewK , Iteail. Am FtroUnTjrrell , Lamnnt , Cook nn Kelloyg who a m-iired Ian nijjht. we more than vnrtny of the applause the elicited. Tyrell's bnllod , "Star upo .St.r , " and L.mnnt'H "lt All Obey , " an Iho ( OUH ! of Kent Armstrong , and llui KetN , mile I nut roundr of ace amalioi Many of the vnicen nr those of geuiiln klngrrii , which fuai gave iu much plea < ur an did the comical feature * of the | Hrforu ) aic . It U safe tn nay t a no clndUr orn iiitlin pen mrt ? * nuch a corjm of ma | nlflcrnt vo ce . The "Four Comets" an " 01 time MImtreUy" and "I'atienco \vere an K" d th iign aa are upo the utago. The performaiice of Khotli * Ilmnirt , Benedict , Wteton , Wood , lisa ley mi'l Alli-n it not to lie fnigotten 2 mentioning thu a Iractlvefea urea of th 'UigiinteanB. " Lenvitl'ii mliiklreN ma ritlculutu upon big lioiuei lliron > .houl th vthole vift-k , ano better company haicu been nnii in ( 'illinniitl. . " ilr * . ( J. P. Hei-guer ban uisl ojveni'd i the oprra louse hloci. on Kifteenth htree with a full line nf janu . teuhyu , crevvtb imliroiilery , Killia mul fancy pimlH. A kiniU nf ( .lamp ng done f r Kcu liigtn nnd outline embroidery , hatlie * pk-M give me a call. nov7-Gt 0. 0. Cook A Co. , Council UluL's Town , fii-numl n i-nt8 for 11. D. Ittisli' Golden Eagle Flour for Omaha , Neb Orders eohcitod by tuluphouu or other doclS-ltn * JONES , OF NEVADA. The Stalwnrt Senator Passea ThrouRh Oinuha. L Boo Reportnr Han nn IntornntlnR Chat With Him on Vorlonn Intion. Occupying a Reel ! > n In one of the Pnll. man cars en the train which arrived from the went yesterday nltcrnoon vvns Sennlor .lone' , of Nevada , nnd bU family , en route to Wellington. The senator was found by a HEK rorxnter.placldly ptttnng a cigar , nnd he courteously responded lo Iho newspaper - paper mnn'it r.ihilallnn , unying with a miiile , "I Mipptiho you are after mo with that tcrrlbliwoipon , the unto book. " The reporter I Innhin ly confessed to the soft impeachment und noon w.-vi engaged in n very pUnsaut cunvorsitlon with trie Stal wart senator , vi ho in looking icmnrkably well and robuct. lief ore disctiimiiig olhcr maltcrn the renatnr Inquired kindly con cerning bin acquaintances and friends in Omaha , nnd pent them bin regards. AMHKA. Tlio reporter llicn aeked "There will bo ronsidcrn io coast legislation before eintrro- . during HIM session , will there noil" ' 'YrH , " ri-Rpmi-lod the nenatnr , "ih re men good many m itter.s lo be looked ntler , noticeably nmnn ; which in llio ( ] uuilinn > f providing Aln-ka with H territorial guv- urnment. I think thcro is a wish mining tliimo who liuvenn interest in Unit north ern slrip of country nnd llioso who lunc thought upon it thnt theretlnuhl bo a 'crritorial ' government. It IIIVM no organ ized government nt present , thcro being only a collection district , with an internal revenue collector stationed nt Sitka. Alaska in devvloplng great _ rcHnurccH and some important min rx ! discoveries have b en made lately , lly reason ( if these many people are moving into the country who will eventually demand recognition. I think that Senator Millar , i.f California wdl Introduce n bill to provide Alaska with a territorial government. TIIK CIIIKEHK JURMT10N. "What other partkular measures are there , lenator ? " "Well , although I said that considerable egls'ntion will probably bo introduced b ro is no particul ir measureof tiallonal ntereet except , perhaps , that nf carrying tut the provisions of the ChineHo treaty. * think tlmt Senator Miller wid introdmo i bill to meet Ihe necessities of Ihecipc. o people ( in the const have no doubt , of lie passage of such a bill and consequently here is little lalk concerning it. < t the nine timu I hero IH a deui | anil decided celing. " "Possibly the coast also needs legHH- innforilH nine InlurcHt' , " continued the cimtor. "Thu eoiHiimption of Califonia wines is pro ing daily , nnd I think thu leoiiloof the Ignited StnteH are hei'inning , o dihC-i\er thesu wines nro mperlnr u may rm | > e.ts to those imported from ' 'rnnco Altlniiigli I nm not Keuntor from J.ilifurnia , 1 nm rtill 110:1 r cnotii'h to that Unto to re nnl i' ' pr perity with pleas- lie , nnd i-s a senator of the United States , . feel a deep interest in ( lev loping tlio n tire gent In lint y of the Pacific ciust. [ have no' given the mbject , how over , my especiily htndv , nnd am there ! jie uipri-p red t sujwh t kind/if lo islalion would be of the most benefit. TIIK Cl'HIIKNOV. "What is the I'-pi-ciul wish of tbu p ° ople if Nevada , si-nntor , concerning the wof1 ; if tbo next tcHHion of congress ? " "I'hu c't cclnl object of attention by the Slate of Nevada is thu currency. In com mon with thu entire west , our people are opposed t'i ' m called "tinkering" vviib tbo currency. They have seen business re vive anil piosjierily nil over thu c-untry appear in o t1 u pas ago of the nilv r bill , Biul they beliavo in letting vvtll enough ' me , or , in oilier words , we arc opposed to carry ing out the re < .oinnieiKlati--ns of the pres dent und stcretary of thu treasury in his matter. I dn't in w , however , ns 1 should s.iy the recommendation of the prci-iden. , s he , of course , rrlies upon the sei-ret y of the treasury for many opin- iulu o > ruing thu finances. ' HKNATOII CONKLIKH. "How was1 e\-Seiintiii Conkiing's health when v u last heaid mini bimV" 'X t .it nil encour ging. When I last heard fnmi him he vvat in Mew York City , uml IM wan mffeiiug wr.ntly fr m gu ural ill lienlth. lin IIIH been troubled for tuo or thrcu > e.ns with u mnUily , which isc n-iderably nirecttug h m Hu i thinner in llesh luutur enrauud Mllltr niiieb limn ( lupttMion of piritH. " The it porter rental kud that ho would ver > mitcli like to b u tl u ex tunntor , h.iv- i' g hud tnuli noi of an aupniiiitance vsilb hi " Vo i kimw him. Iheii ! " rejoined Senator .lone , ui his tuco b i.mcil. " 11 Va i-od kllrtw , and entirely ( tilfurent f'o. , the general o-i uption nf I is jieiMmul . .ctT I u n hoiieit in bis preference- " , uml cnrdi.d t tbo utmost with his frionds. He has home all the calumny mil nbus * hc.iiod | upon him vvi Lout a wortl , and thimuli it nil not a whisper of rupumch hasietn lieiinl innceriiitu his ehnructrr , not a otiiu IIUH been lound. If blikus n nun ho tells i im HO , and if liL'diiilikes any one he cloti-u't buiiiatu In let him know it. I blmll liu his fritnJ forever , " I1A1 > AT A IIA1I.HOA1) . The Kfnalor i > t ited that h > would proceed coed to Washington vi. iho Waha'h , say ing , " 1 IIKH to ride oa the Va ( bill i lin- * . peihaps eentua it > on trusts MU much vvi I ; the HiiMiiHiro aid Oliio. Tlieiu are m mjny i-urvu in thu latter r.-iul that * nt might a well riilo on thu end of a whi | lii li. " _ "GLACr\-U..AUUH1 ' , . i. - > liiin anil lirnrlluiru AtC. F. llooiliiian. BERNHARD'S BRUISES. An Ouinlin Travellnc Muu Sori- uiuly But Not Daniorou ly Hurt- Mr. J , BernharJ , trnveliui ; for Mr. A. 1) . Huheimaun , met with i painful accident rea-nt y. Arriving at t S. C. & S . I * It. K nt Norfolk , fveb. he m vrrdoneof thu three hotel riga run r. UKbeUeen the depot nnd the c't ' ) % i dintnncoof one and one-half nillea. Th < i rij ; VV H tlie last one lo leave , and th < driver being drunk took it inti hU h ad U P.IHS the other rigs an I , In opposition t the exprexsed vvinlien of tli | as8cncert < K-ivu thu liorh-M the line * , tttmik thtn : wlib the whip , and ( ita-ted them off pn full inn , and in e-x than 1 0 yar H ( list ant-e on iho open 1el 1 p nirie , uptet tin ttttijoi , on iho sde ! Mr. U. was-ittiiift llirovviiiK e\crt thing in the Wilson on bin except his trti k , wtiKhiiu 'iOO j iuiid , 11 ml UIH ! fulliu ou him , he vvonb fcua-ly have been kil ed. AH il wa lij [ pHcap-1 vat iniruculouH. font vva covered with big iron bo KB uiu Jet \\liui ho ua picked up ho VVUH Uyint ititine ttn or fi trail yard * Ixtk of tin vv agon. That IIH vvus ill u jeii aloiiff fct-vern ! yiird the condition ol h n ln > ly nnd In pica nev ovenvut , lorn Inlo hred * , plalnli Miovvtid. lliul ( tarni w-slerrl 1 brtiMtl and cpraiiifd ami it m a uiirucle t at il was MM brnk n. Mr. liernlnrd U plucky , fnr hwa > up and about right alun ; , curry Intfhla nnn in n Mln ? 1ml sulTerint , ' Icrribln pan. He went nbi-nd nnd m > i a cotnil * of bills of got > il , vvorkiiiL ; like a mnn , with one hand , nnd V in liU in cnllon tn linl-li hi Irlp , provlilliu ill * * wentlirr keen [ plr-oitniit , m he U left without an overcoat. In junlicu I > himnelf , m well n.s Iho travel. Ing ] inbllc Keiler.dly , ho will probnblymako an CT imiilo of the ilrivtr , ni well ai the iiu-i er nf the Icnm , hv prn ecnlhii ; tlio for liter for criminal c.irelcftKiit.iuul tbo lat ter for all actual damnRcs Nuntaincd. PERSONAL. I ) , T , II , Kennedy ha < gone to Wash- Inghin , 1) . C. Harry It wnmn , traveling for III k- mnnV , IR at homo again. D. O. Clark Im relumed from n Irlp lethe the Wyoming coal fields. Mr. .laiiiCH CrclKhton in slowly recover ing from a nev ere illne < s. W. Ii. Clarke , of Itastlnici , is in the city , nnd registered at the Withnell. Mr. Whitcomb , of the excursion firm iif llaMiiond & Whllcomb , was in ll.o city Monday. George K. Khlbc , formerly of Uuflnlo , l.ns been aiipnlntml treasurer of Uoyd's opera IIOIHO. II. 1 * . Fouler , of Lincoln , \\anninoiif ; Iho nrrlvnls In the city yesterday. He in nt thn Crciuhton , M. C. lAVIlcox nnd wife left for San Francisco yc < lordny en rnutu to their field of labor in Chlnn. Stevu N . Mealio ban been appointed asHlptant manntjcr nnd Irtnsurer of Ibe Academy f Music. L. W Italdwin , of 1'remont , arrived in Omnha yesterday on n businesi trip. He ! H stopping at the Ca'.lfleld Him- . Mr. T. AV. KeiulH , wife and family , stnrled for the nuiiny nlopo of the Pacific yesterday , to Bpcnd the winter in Califor nia. nia.M. M. I ) , llorak , of the California Spirit of the Timex , wiu ) among the west-bound passengers yenlenlay. He wan a prominent candidate for clerk of the U , S. Honate. C. S. StebhoiiF , general ticket agent of the U. P. railway , left fjr ( he cant on Sunday , and J. W. Morne : , general passen ger agent , went yeererdny , both to ulteud the meeting in Chicago. Mr. L. A. Webb , brother of Mr. J. E. Webb , of TUB UKK office , baa arrived in the city from Mc.berly , Mo. , with bin family , and proposes to make Omaha hid future home. The following guetts nre registered nt the Withnell Homo : .T. K. North , U. H. llowey , and John WigRH , of Columbus ; W. II. Petit and F. P. Cayanaugh , of Idah , F. P. Ir land , of Nebraska City. Fred. II. McConnell , ( ( Western Agent of the Uni u Pacific railroad , with ic.i quarters in Salt Lake City , in in Omaha , arcnmpan ed by hi * wife , who will remain in the city until after the holi- lays.J The Very Ilev. Vicar General Hionlan , > astor nf the cathedral , made a c ngrntu- atory visit to the Siateis of Mercy Acad emy Monday , being the Golden Jubi'ee ' lay of their found ilion in Ireland fifty yejrs ago. At lin Canfield Hou-o : G. Ur-mer , of Durche tur ; 11. Uurritt , of Keirney ; G. M. Slron ? , of Kivcrlon ; Georg , .1. Murphy , of Covington ; T. II Stal.r . , II. Schubbitt nnd C. Grote , of Hamburg Gennany ; Will C'lambers and John J. liut eny , of PlatUmouth. The Canfield Housa register indicates the following arrivals in this city : J. J , Adamt , of Tokatnab ; A. C. Case , of Lin coln ; F. Harriuian and V. G. Lintry , ol Bl.iir ; A. .f. G rattan , of Wisner ; J. M , Smyth , of O'Connor ; Ml. W. E.Dutchase and wife , of Waterloo ; K. lilaco nntl James Folcy , of Blair. Driiist'H | ( Testimony- H.F. McCarthy , diligent , i itiiuva. Out. , s'atd tha lie was nlllictrd with chionii broiilntiH f-r siime ) , nnil vvu > > in plelely - urcd by the tifo ot Tit MAS' Klr.c Tit u ( JlL dl'J-eodlw Dr. Ainulia IlurrutiiliR , Withncl House , Titefldnya anil Fridays , 10 n , in. toi ] > in. tf THE PHILOMATHEANS- FlunI Rolicarsal for thn Grunt ! Concert T e Iii : il rebei r-nl of the Pinion nihe- c lib , pre iminary to t .c gr.ind concert which will take place at liojd'it open hontu tii-morrow evening , occurred 1 f ovuniiig nt the parlors of Julim Meyer The intercht felt iu the closing concert u thu h'lHt buries of the club i-t very -rea anil proves the a iprcu a ion in which ela.r uic il music iii held. The rehcnri-nl ast evening wa cnjoyct by a privileged few , including the r pie senla i cs i f TllK Uur , Herald. Republic aii , WnlLhman , Tinie-i nnd Punt , thu eiii tors ot winch pni cr uro suppo'ed to b be muMcilic-itlietfN , and by fcuveral pr-m inent gentlemen of the eity , vvh . u tas i in Hitch m itier ii ummeHtiona Iu. Tlio rehoirsul vv..s in evtry respfc' i tucw-c , und thu music VV-.H imdolicioux n Iho rcfrei > limenlH which u mu on u mid ni'ht. It vvo'ild ' bu pr.Hiimpliotu to dis en's befureb.ind the raiu progrimmi which will bu pre nted at t > Hiiperahnii > i tumoir-w cvunlng , but nnu thing i- IIH Huro i , thnt a inre treat is in ttoru for tli public. Onr Exporienoo from Many. "I lint ) be-on Hick and inisL-r.tbli ) BI long .ind c.uisi'd my huhbind B iniiv'li trnublu nnd uxpt-nsu , no on st'uinud to know what iiilod mu , Urn I was uomplotc'ly dirlieartuiiud IIIH discounigud , In this fr.miu of mini I gut u bottlt * of Hop Hitiura and tuui llitMii unknown to my family. I sooi began to improve nnd gained no tlmt my hnsb.uid and fninily though it Btrangu and iiiiiintiiral , but wliun told tlinni vvlmt hntl hulpod nio , tho. unit ! "hurrah for Hop liitlum ! lim ; may they pnispur , for they li.ivu innd iiiolliur wull and us happy " Th Mother. [ Homo Journal. Jl-15 DIED. IJAUMinSKTll Tc * le. C V . daugtile of Thert-H.1 nnd > nt n llauiiieiater , Dt c inter 1'Jtlt , aged tbue months Fun r 1 will take place frnn the res ! deuce. 1221 N rlh Klshlccnlh hired , DC comber Htli , at U:3J : a m. "WINE OF CARPUI" makes roi. ; lu-cku and c-U-ar eoiupltixioii , C F. Goodman' * . Broiiil'inica ! ] the liom couih ; Phya ic. Sfu card iu anothur Cbliiiiin. dec. 2-tf. THE JUNK DEALER'S JAMBOREE , Two DotiRlan Struct Morihimta n Bloody Content- Henry Spicglo nnd I na3 llr > wn , a crm- ilo of Rcc'ind'hand ftMiiture denier * i > f up- > cr Douglai slrcet , liiul n lively lint lint atal fet-to jc-slcrday It np | nn tlmt Spicglo Monday vinll d 1)8 ) homo of n p rty who winlird to cell \i' , ntul made him nn i IT r on hi * gmi ' < uhichwnt ncccpled , the purcln or paying ! 10 down .18 earnenl n oticy. In tlio even- ng the man who sol1 thu go d larled to nee Splrgl , Imt by inii. nke got Into ISrownV catablirhment , which ii next door. Hn inquired for Ipleglc mid wan told that he wan nut and Jrown dropping on a good thing gave the iiircl nser to t ndomtaid tlmt Spittle wn ( i rely an ngcntof WIIB n t author- zed to co cimlu his burtjnlnK A cording- y lie went up liiin clf and bought tlio ooilf. YeslcrtUy the owner nine own town ngaln midnot into ho right place He In on-.I mder the hhu tlmt Npieglc W.IH only nn agent ami vvi ntoil to m-p tli iropiietor. Spieglenuttirilly waxed wroth ncr tin , ' fraud uml do led tlio storv of Iroun iu tulo. ( ioln ? out on the -lile- valk lirownai found about ntariing < If n hi * wage , mid h was ncemcd nf his nt lepres nt lion. A few words pasKuil , .nd . were followed by bloux , fro n which 5rown M't ' n black eye and Spio- ilo lout a Kill or mi of clarei. rown then climhtd on his wagon to Matt iwav when hid wife took up thu verbal ittlgel and ber.itcd Spiegle soundly , the alter leniionilin vi h Kinne words not o'lnd in th dictionary 01 eti ( ( ellu Thu Ht'coiul round \\IVH then exiled , Jrnvvn cli bint , ' down ami going for hit iiionent | , uho defended himself vvilh a inal Mcuttle. 'I'lio war KOI n cnd"d , how. Ver , UN bothmun are naturally a\.eri > o to ih.oilshed. Spicgla went to the police coii'l and w ro out a warrant la-a'nst Broun , ilmrg- ng him with assau t and battery. SEK HKHK foil are nick ; well , there is just one remc- ly that will cure you beyond possibility or loubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble , Consumption , DyHpefmin , Debility. Well's Health Honewer" { your hope , il. Druggist DeK | > t , C. I1" . Goodman , Omaha. (4) ( ) AT LAST ! A Cine to "Wation B. Smith's Mur derer. Lincoln Democrat , Dec. 12. Just before going to press wo learn ; hat a lluesian , living in Gage county , a suspected of having murdered Col. Watson 11. Smith. Ho thrunteiiud to do BO to obtain poascsijion of some pa- purs which tlio colonel refused to ivc him. Tlio luituo of the suspected luraou wo cannot state. KKSTUCKY WHISKIES. If you want ttraifht good Sour Mash Kentucky Whiskies call tmly for C. Conrad it 3o.'s Moss Huso bourbon or Govern ment's Choice Hyo. Ask your grocer : or them. m&o Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you will iii'vi-r I"1 bill" " " C. P. Rodlmin's. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. \TO.VE TO LOAN Uill HI Law Olllee of t > 1.YL L. Tlioiuu Itooiu H Crclehton lllocU. A AA To loan at from 8 to 10 pi-r cent . * * * ' < on ( food real estatcxocurlty , tiv 1IB. ISAAC CmVAKIHOD Karnh-im St. 8 pel % > rid\t\\J\J \ terest In aunmol $2,600 and upn-ardi , for 3 to fi years , on llrat-duwi city and farm property. DRHIB Hitib ESTATK and I/IAV AORNCT. IBth and I > ouzlc Stu. HELP WANTED. ' A girl for hou-ewrrk. ( lerin in or WAN'TKD preferred. Mr * . Uiiij.haiii. ICth St. , bet. I.eavcnnortliaii Mary. 712 Ht ID DrL-ss-nuViii. in private finilllos sj , Mru. E. S. , P. ( . 703 li" ) A good sVcsman win his ex- WANTKT i trluicc in dry good * , anil - an trii" if ( o nfircncc. Inciulru I. Lvvi. 71 $ and 71S llth St. U'I7 tf - of five or six room , WANTBD-ACottasi * ' 1 of thr I . I' , depot. Address K , Urn otllcc. 7lfi 14. AA7 ANTED UrtBMiiakli. , ! m i r va u t 11 e . > > HUIr ss vlr . i. . , -totllie. . 7m l.r. UANI'FU Aglrl or huiurk Ii ; a f mill ) of t o. ( lee vv gc an ' ra > A elrl for c"ncril hin e or' < , WANTRD at 5111 N Isth * * t. , ln.f. Ca-s am Cailfornli 0814' AN'Iii : > Immeill.uly a cook , at d-Jn II r W ney St. OU tf - llooni and h nrd l > v inn WAN1K1J- Hefcrenciach.inge < 1 , Ad dress X. , licoollico -a if ANTED ( lirl Nido honsuwnrk. Ei > iiiin | w 1110 Famhaiufat. 442-tf ww ANTED Funding brldtff nil -rhool bonrt w II. T. Clark' , lirllnvne. 20-tf fOH RENT-HOUbEb AND LAND HKNT Nice furn'uhe 11 rge front room FOK 1004 Farnlmiimtnut. 71' 14 * . Oil HKXT I'lcahini fr.nt ro in , corner o llur nrul tTth , 706Ilur"t. 714tf. I710H KKNT Fnrnldicd rnon at A. A , l.lh- L tonV , Cailforn a.bct. 14ihand 1 th. 711t f. I710U IIEXT 2-ktory hotim.w rooni § , 4 laru-i JJ clo ct > ; ulno , a b rn If dtulrud. 24J3 Pa en [ mrt St. 4" ' 171011 I i\T-NUey : furnished rooniH wltl ' bonnl , a-e im > boardiM can be ac om m ( latnlI , U Ca 8 ht. 701 tf . KKNT One lurid hcd room fori-lml I.1OK gentle-man , nl o2lar.'e rooma with u p'ani In 8\ine will li f r rcn IDih intt. . - . W. C r ISth and Capitol av nun CU9 IU 170K IIF.NT Iloanlinj ; IIOUMconur 1 th ani 1 ' % 1'cxlucHtt Ii 6-17 UIIKNT Mou e , between llth ami 1MI L1 StH. , on Chicago. JulI.N bWIFT , ChKagi and 10th tit tl"3 tf I OIl IlES'T T o oottu-e < , about 1 bloeV I from U P. n'oni. t-miulro I"I9 Uhermai avenue. V. CAMME.N/.INU. i9tf 11ENT One furnUhrd front loom on U 1 Moor C-iiluiH. i. Cor. Ibth and Ilmiglv tt. , No. 1723. 091.13 OIl HKNI Kuriil hcd rooinuf'rone or tw ( 'eiitli-meii , N , W , Cor , 20th an I CUM Hi * "ITIOlUiKNT A UK I" SJxfO. ft Ud for ttrocti .1 ; lea ami dry uooda , Aruly JOIiNFOWLKIt. C3I-21' Wavirly.Neb. Foil ItENf 1Jtor7 hoiine , 7 rooim , c lin vvil and citUrn , flSin-r Uioutn. l"21 N Mhht , CSM7' 1/011 ItENT A pleai-a-it front rroui , nivil ; I1 fnriiUt ed touthnv.t cor. t-r lOtii anil Si M > ry' avenue. Ul-16 ! ITiOIl HKST- FIr t < U dvtilllnK hmise will .1' fi ro nn. at iJ20 mr mouth , luciulront coi iff t7th an J Cu i IIIJT M. Uki 15' KNT KurnUUiil room , at W7 Nurtl 17th ht. W8-12 77011 * KF.ST A It or ! ntrle roou H , nlccl ; L' lurnUhed , at N. W. cor , &tb and I ) > ui l rt. ( CO-tf 17IOR K NT-After Dec. SI , NOD. 213. 216 tn 1 } 217. South mh St. Wil. B. BOWEN , 100 Upltol vcnuc. SPEUIAL NOTIUKS-UniiMPUBO 1,1 U Ni.NT-A : fln t rlni h ll Inr M Ictjpur - I. ' von f. Cei.trallj . locate 1. Kor | * rticul rs enquire Kcninid in.sUtli : ami ItousH'Ms. W4 ! tl J.iOH IlKNT-Otippiitloroti Rrontid ll r and I nnu chamber hirulimml } furiil-he < l , J allfornK St. 053 tl 71011 HK.ST-K rnWicdroomwItliclosct. Ooo l J location Sizcol 14\I4. Kiumlrunt V. M. . A. UMI I710U HI'NT Nt hnufcof 7 ro mi , IBth nd I1 Uraco Sin. Kninilie K V. Smith. C34-W Foil IlKN'T PurnNhetl room * , north ulilo ol CallornU8t.lMiloor ( ! Mtol 21 t. Inquire Mttrl p. m. .luii KKNT s mrm hc.l roomoic J ch nU' Kxchnfo.V. K ccr. l th and trt-eU. BALE. T.10K HALK-A bulldlnK S2xf 0 , with ncomi'lcta u1 Ktock of dry v'oodn , jcroctries and flxturee. inulrebll.V , Ifithtit. 09M7 7HIH HAIih A iroml | ii no , f r would rxthanao far illy projietty and luy dlHirence 'all 12 H nth fit. 07t-13 FOIt HAI.K tai-Ru tnnlnn lot on Ikme Ht , miittblrlor wliolusallni ; John I , . Jlc ue , Oii. | I' . O. 021 tl .1011 SAI.K A irsod M \ rn j oiT'oM horse 1 Warranted to drlic sliilo ( or double Kn lira o ( ( fi'or 'o CftiilUKl , Cnnllrldbourn * . no\18-tj [ ,1OK MAI K Team Rood | < anle > , cbtini ; nt Itinl L1 Him , Itth ht. i-SMI KICK FOR CALh. B CALh.ESTAI1UOOK ESTAI1UOOK 4 MOK SALE JIfcM of PoiiKlai. ntul ssntpv out. L1 ties. A. R08EWATEU. 1620Farnbani street : ! 20-tf MI8QELLANEOUS. -Tliln mornlnir ( rein ny place , blwk J I'inj ' , lieiivj mane. il. Jaioljln.ri.rr , 2jth ml Onwc ( ! . 713-1DI OK MAS I. Vl > Y , Uiruhiue ( 0111 the Uoval A Ainili ) y o ( Uirlln , that lUftl In Frai 10 for a. li iu time , also vpcnkv Italian , wislicn to iet up i cl.ui of ( l | > ht fclmlun nt Mr. llntliliun' * But- ! ! ) Co'lBL'o. Apply tlicru for tctin . 1'r ate r < H > nH 61.7.'i a ltf oii. llttt refcreiiLcn to be had. ) ililuin toie \ KCCII If rcqu'rul. ' K < r p i\at CMon nj'i > l. to A. I ) . , lice olllco. 710-13) ) T10 I.KT Nicely lurnlnhcil rooms , lth-or .1. without board , 1417 IlounnlSt. 7 > .17 ClTKAYED A bHcc and white spotted co J thc.tlf nboutlM Unj old. Finder will ) lcn ek'.avuInformational to her wlierohonU ai J , II. Jardmo , 112 N. 10th St. , or nt the Fke dice. 7"2 " It niAKKN UP NOTICE-Takcn up In South JL < > m.iha , ono larKo hlack now vtlth whlto iKite ] , about thrvo and hull > can old Owner an recovirproporty hy payitiff oharifis. MOH- AN1) SIIUTT , U. 13th ht. , Okahama. CM ! ev ui2t > EMI8' NK\V CITY MAPS. 10c. Mount e > Maps , $2.60. QKO. P. BKMI9. Piivn the hlRlicot raih . prhu for vecoiiil hanil h ll'nrd ' and pool tables. Cull or address , DOU South 10th < tri t , Omaha , Neb. tlO-lm * niAKEN I'PNOTICB Tiikcn upon Siturday Dee 3rd , twobiy horaoe , BX" * about 6 and I } cir8 ; lair pizoanil mil n atchcil. ( Ivner ran avu Bimc hy pro Inc property and paving chutes. WM UAWlTXint , } milo vcstor 's foap fact ry , Douglas pircimt OSl'vo m Jt ri UK sioux riTvm TTON MAN-UKAOII u. J INU ( O. , Will pay ro-h for horn * h } ttieiar- oailile , Iverctlat aru rkilroadilriotlnHoiix | City. [ 'IXM tter horn preferred For lartluu'arsml- ' cln.8 , V. O. jioble , 013-J1 _ IN CllAYON 1'astilo and 01' , POUTIIAITS l-o ilccoratlva iiaintlnp. MHS. U. It. WA < lNiit : , noin 1 , Jai.ob' lllock. DI2-tf EMIS' RKALI-JirATK DOOM.---ji- - . . .i , h ) ALKU HA Y At A. II. Saiulor'b l-cid rite ) 1013 Ifarnoy St. slD-tf EM1& ' O.KA.J , KSTATK EXUUAMk > B 1st p&xc- hail rattling lonj ; lists ol IIOUMitn BEM13 aud farm ) for Kile Call nnil get hem. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. Special advertisements , sutli a > Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itcnt , Wnntx , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thlf column nt the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PICK LINK for each subsequent insertion. Leave advertisements at our olllce , upatnlrs , corner lr > aJway aid Main streets , Council Dlnfls ANTED- nn-t-rlvi * hDrbcrat the Pncilc \ \ Ilonso barber shop , Coun 11 Bluff * . It \\rANrKD-A ilul cngnoirto purvej-i line > > an take the lotil for lar \\ann uln tlirou 'li Hoetlons and 20 , Kane t unship , to indlin Cni-k ihi-ncu null toatitl n IS , houih- LSI of d af and ilanil ) afjlnin , fora bnr c tana anil I ik at iluriier. . . Audrey , Hopkins , HKK olllte , ou cl llltnlH. S VLB Kir tla s silron 1J niilo- cast of ITtOlt on "Mo iulto"on | Ilnoof It. J. It. It. puiu tuinike monoAihlr ts. IU.E I lilac. d-cOU loiincl. _ HI tti. _ Kierjbody in Council Illuffs lo WANTED TIIK 1PB ! , 2l ecntn pir vrc.dc , do ivend bj larriirc. Ottkucornir llrondvvny and Miln , npttalrn , Ccuncl Hlull's. l.i.-j-U ' . ' TICKET Oi'KlcU Wnr in railroad tickets cuiitliiHcs to boom. Unirciedcntod low rates to all lasttrn | lntn Every ticket aroniiixl ( Irderu filled nj telenhono. From one to ten ilollant bated by purthnsing tlekcte of U. A. I'ot cr , succissor to Potter i. 1'uhni.r , ho. 40 South Fifth btriet , f < ur doorn belo tinpost - olllci- . Council I luffn , Iowa. octl8-tt AvTED _ Io ; , with pony , to rarr * pnpcru W Inquire at UKK ollkc , Council lllullt. oitl3-tf To buy 100 long broom corn. WANTED addrcmt Council Illuffa Broom Factory , Council lllufl * , Iowa. 618-2911 _ TTTANTED A tlrut-clasa broom tier. Mayne VV * > 'o. . Council Illuffi ) . Iowa. f.COSO' .1011 SALE tild iiu ) < erH4c | > er hundred , nt 1 The lice nnico Council niu 8. m27tf EDWAilD KUEHi , MAdl&TEIt OF 1'ALMVbTEHY AND CONDI TIONAMsT , 4 3 Tmth Streetbetween Farnbatn nndllancy. Will , with the aid of guardian nplritu , obtain for any onu a Blanco tt thu post int' pruKcnt , ami on certain conditions In the fu fire. llnoN uml Shoes made to order. Perfect ntl-ifiotlrn rniriutfcd iu2fl-l' " Absolutely Pure. ) Udo from T rtai , No othjf rpatlon m k * iuch Uijht , Bakj hot l < reiJt. uxnrioui piwtry. C n U eaten by Dj p < pllc Itr out lew ol the III * mulling from htivy food. < HnlJ In cam , by ill Orcxtn A , NO Powfcp CO K w Vork