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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : WliDNl SDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1881 THE DAILY BBK. OMAHA PUOLIBHINQ CO , PROPRIETORS. BIO Furnham , bet. Oth and 10th BtrMt * . TF.KilS OK SUnsCHUTION , One copy 1 'lrtnc ( p flvIJ ) HO 00 0 month * " " 60 month " " . . . 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TU1CAID ClllCiOO. IT. Mtt , OUillA lAILROtD. Iat Omnlik rcLi'enecr No. ! , 7:10 : tn Ac- eorumodntlon No. 4 , 1 00 p. la Air * Omaha l' Menrr No. 1 , 6,10 \ \ m. AccomiuoJitlon No , 3 , 10.10 a. m. LM1VISO OMAHA IAKT OR 800111 10UID. 0. , n. & O. 7.40 . m. 8 40 p. m. C. & N. W. . 7:40 : a. m. 3.40 p. m. C. , II , I , & P. . 7:10 : . m. S.40 p. m. K. C. , Et. J. 0. 3. , 1ra\ci nt 8 ft. tn. aid 6 SO p. ro. Arrhos USt. LouUnt 030 a. m , anil & :6S : p. m. ( m.V , St. I * far. , Irivu ntS . m. rind 3:40 : p. m. Arrhw at St. Louis H6.40 a. m. uil 7.80 B. ft U. In Nth. , Through Eprce , 8:19 : . m. D. & U. Uncoln Kiprro 6 20 p. m. IT p. Overland K mi * , 12:16 : p. m. 0. & R. V for Lincoln , ll'4S a. m. O. & R. V. for Oiceolt , 0 40 a , m. U. P. frclpht No. 6 , 6 30 a. m. U. F. f rcltiht No. B , B 20 a. m. U. P. freight No. 13 , 2fOp. : tn. U. P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant. . . | F. Center cxprera , 7:15 : p. m. O. P. freight No 11. U SO p. m. U. F , Denver freight , B:2& : p. m. AJLllvUG rBOM HIT AXD BOVTV. C. H. A 0 0,00 . m. 7:26 : p m. 0. ft N. W.,9 : ft. m. 7:26 vm. . 0. R. I. * P. . 9:45 : a. ni.-9.05r- . K. C. , St. Joe ft 0 B. , 7:40 : * . m.-fl-lj p.m Ajuuvwa rKOii ni * VMT AID lotrrnwut. 0. ft R. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. tn. U. P. 1'aclflc Kxprctw 3.25 p. tu. B A U. In Neh. , Through Exprem 4:16 p. m , B. * U. Lincoln Eiprnw 9 40 a CD. U , F. Denver t me a , 7:35 a. m. U. P. Freight No 142 W p. m. U. F. Vo 6 6M : a tu. Kmlrant. . U. F. freight No. 14,12:16 : p. m. U. P. No. d 9 00 p. in. U. P. So. 12 l'4fi a. in. U. P. Dcn\cr freight , 1:10 : a. tn , O. A R. V. mtxn.1 , ar. :43 : p. n > . DUXXT Tkiira tiroiiM ouxn * AID oorjKttL BLurra. Leave Omaha at 3 00 , 0 00 , IP 00 and 11:00 : ' tn. ! 1:0 2 00 , S 00 , 4:00 mil b OH p. m. Leave Council Dluftn at 8.26 , 9.26 , 10 26 and lZfi : a. tn. ; 1:26 : , 2 16 ! , 3.2S , 4.26 and 5.26 p. 111. BunJayiv The dummy lc\w Omaha at 800 and 11:00 a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4.00 and ( -00 p. tu. Loa\ < Council IJluflo at 0.26 and 11:25 : a. m.2. ; ! & , 4:25 : anil ff.'lh n. m. Through and tool v&MCnger trains between Omahn mid Cou II Hindi [ .cam Om\hi 6'60 , 7:00 , 7:16 : and t:60 : a in. I.oatc Counill HlnRii- 7:20 : , 11JO and 11:30 : a. i. ; 20 , 0:60 : aid7.00 , p. tu. Opening an'- doling of Melt * . rtOiTB. OPKS. OLOK * . a. ui. p. m. a. ui. p. m. Ohlcairo 6 N. W 11.00 900 6SO 2:40 : Chlou'o , U 1.1 Fadlk 11-00 0 00 B 80 2:40 : , 11. t 0 11:00 : 000 0 SO 2-40 Waliash 1230 080 S'40 SouxCltj unJ Patltlc. . 000 OSO 2:40 : Union I'adllo 100 11:40 : OmihatU V 4-OO 11:40 : B.&H. In Neb 400 B-10 Omaha & Sioux Cltj . . . 0 00 7.30 B. & M. Lincoln lu-SO 600 U. I'.Llncoln , Sundy. . . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Denver Ux j 00 0:30 : O. . Sioux City a fat. P. . .ll'.CO VUO Lotal nmllit for State ot lo a loa > e bntoncou day , \ ir : 0 30 n , rn. Olflco open Sundae from 12 m. to 1 p. m. THOS. F HALL ? W. O Business Hirectory. Abstract and Real titate. JOHN L , McCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BAttTLETT 317 South 13th Street Architects. DUFRKNK & MENDELSSOHK. ARCHITECTS Room 14 Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cielghton Block. Boot * and Shoei. JAMES DsVINE & CO. , Fine Boot ) and Shoes. A good assortment of homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hartley. IHOS. EUICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , BOS 10th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dowlas st. Books , New * and Stationery. J. L FRTJEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and EKE * . MoSHANE & 8CHUOEDER , the oldest B. and E. house In Nobnuika cutubllahed 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , oothwert corner Uthand Dodge. BMt Board for the Monty. Satisfaction Quaranteed. Ueali at all Bonn. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Term * ( or Cash. Furnished ilnrnns Supplied. Carriage * and Road Wagon * . WH BNYDEU , 14th and tlarney Street * . jewe er . JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street Junk. H. BERTHOLD , Rag * and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GR\Y corner ( Sth and Douglas Bit. Lamp * and Qlatiwara. J. BONNER 1309 DoozUu St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . Q. A. LINDQUE3T , One of our most popular Merchant Tallort I * re ceiving the latest dcalgns for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen s wear. StylUh , durable , and prices low as ever 216 13th bet Doug.&Farii. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Rrtall , Fan cy Goods in great variety , Zephyrs , Card Board * ' , Hosiery , Gloves , CorncU , ic. Cheapest Uouso In the West. Purchasers SUM ) SO per cent , Order br Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN YVEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson at * Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Sth and Farnhtm fit * , VVoIhhans llroa , prnijrlctsre. Urocen. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlnff and Ir ii T. A. McRHANE , Com. 21d and CumlnirMtraetii. riardwaie , Iron and bteel , OLAN h LANOWORTHY , Wholesalo.llO n ( " 112 Itth ctttft A. HOLMES corner IMh anil follfornl * Harne < * . Saadlea , flco. B. WKIST 2013th St. bet Farn & HarneV Hotel * , ANFJKLD HOUSEOeo. Canfleld.Oth & FarnhaDi DOHAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , BIS FarnhainHt. SLAVEN'8 HOI EL. F. Slav en , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Gus. JIamel Utli &Lca\ worth fc Clothing Bought. 0 JHAW will pay hlghent Cash price for second * amd clothin/ . Comer 10th and Tarnham , Drug * , Paint * ana OH * . KUHN & CO. ( .Pharmacists , Fine * ano Unods , Cor , Ute and Cousin ttroeto , W. J. WHITEIIOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , 16th t 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR , Druwiat. lota and Howard Streets. Dentl.U. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block Cor. 1Mb & Dolge. Dry Goods Notion * , Etc. JOHN II. F. IEI1MANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1813 Farn- him street L. 0. Enowola also boots and theca 7th & Pacific. urulture. A F. GROSS , New and Suxmd Hand Furniture nd Etotcs , 1114 Dowrlas. HUheat cash price aid for tecond liana irooos. UO.NNKlt 1S09 Donna st. Fine goods , tu. Fence Works , OVA IIA FENCE CO. OUST , FRir.3&CO.,1213HarncyHt. , Improu- . ed Ice liotrs , lion and Wood Finces , Office i , Counttricf Pine and Walnut. and Tobaooo. VE-ST A FHlTHfl ! Ell. tuanufMturt n of Cltar ; v K LOHKXZKy numufacturtr 1410 Faroliata florist. A. Donahue , plant * , cut floiters , M ii , ooqatu dtc. N W tor iflth an I Dou la < ttieeta , Civil Engineers and Surveyor * . ANPRKW K08EWATER , Crolghton Block , fo n Sunejf , Gnulii and S er n' Sfit ns a UommUlon Merchant * . JOHN G. W1L Lm.U 0 B BF.F.UER. For deUklli 104 largs advortlia ment la Dallr and Weekl ) Oornlce Work * . > Vdttcrn Cornlo * Merle , lUuutacturen Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and tilato Uooulng Order * from an ) locality promptly ekrcutol In the ouniicr. Factory and Otl'ce 1S13 Katney 3k. C. 81'F.OllT , Ptojitutor. Haltanltnl Iron CornliM. Wltulow Caps , etc. , nntniKiturwl and put up In any part of th oouitr ! > . T. tlINHdl.U4ia _ Thirteenth nt Orocl > * r > I. 1IONNRR 1309 Douiias ti l Vood tin * Clothing and Furnishing Goods. QF.O. H. PETERRON. Alio llaU , Cap * , BooU , Ihoea , Notlonn and Oiitlcty. KH S 10th trf > Rctrlgcrjitorm , Oanflald' * Patent. 0. F. GOODUAK llth Bt. N > t Fain A tUrnev. how Oa * Manufaetury , O. 1 WILDE. Uanolacturer and Dealu In all kinds * l aow Casts , Upright CaaM. a U17 CM * St. FRANK L. OEItHAHD , proprietor Omaht Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street , between Lca\ctiworth and Harry , All good * warranted first claxa. Pawnbroker * . nOSENFELD , 10th Bt. het far Hat BtovM arra Tinwar * . A. BURMESTER , Dvalor In 8toss and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kind * of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. nONNF.K. 1300 DoucUa Bt. Good and Cheap 8edi. J. EVAKBWholMateand Retail 8a d Drill * and Cultlxatora , Odd Fcllnwn Hall Physician * an 1 Burgeon * . W. S. GinilS. M. D. , Room No 4 , Critghton Illock , 16th Street. 1 * . 8. LKIbKNUINO , M. l > . Uaaonlc Ulock. C. L. 11AHT , U. D. , Kyr and Ear , opp. portofflee DR. L. n URADDY. Oculist and Aurint. S. W 16th and Farnham 8tn Photograpner * . GFX ) . IIKYN. PROP. Grand Central Qallcrr , 212 dlitfenth Stre . near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt- nuMi gtiaranteen Plumbing , Oat and 6team Fitting. P. W. TAIU'Y & CO. . 216 12th Ht , bet. rarnharo and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. I ) riTZI'ATKICK. H0 Douirlw Street Painting an aper annlng. 1ENRY A KO"5TKHS. Ill Oodjfe Street 8ho eiorn * . . Phillip Lang. 1820 FarnriMn at. bet 13th A 14th Second Hand Btore. PERKINS A LEAR. 1416 Douitlas St. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , HOUKO Furnishing Ooodn , ic. , boiu'lit anil nold on narrow mart-Inn tialoons. HENRY BAUFMANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Street , has Just opened a most elegant UieJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\cry day. " Caldlonw " J FALCONKK 67916th Street. Undertaker * . CHAS. RIEWE , 101 Farnham btf. 10th * lltd. 119 Cent Store * . P O BAf'Kt'R T06 Furtihum It Fancv Onn.U Mary J. Holmes Just published : Madeline. A splendid new novel bj MRS. MAIU J. HULMKB , uioao Hotels sell BO enoniiously , and are rtad and ro read with such Intercut Beautiful ! } bound ; price , 81.60. . 'Also handsome ncwcditlonsofMrs. Holmes' other v > orks Tcmtx t an Sunshine , Lena Hhers EdithLjlo , Edna Brownlii ) ; , Marian Grey , West Lawn , Forest House , etc , Uc. ALSO , SOLD BY ALL HOOKSE1.LERS : MAY ACHES FLEMING , A Changed Heart Another intensely Inter esting no\el by MAT Atmts FLKMINO , author of those capital noieJx Ouj .EarU ourt'g Wife , A Wonderful Woman , Mad Marriage , Silent and True , Lost for a Woman , etc Beautifully bound ; price , * 1.60. Q. wToAnTETON & CO. , Oat24doodlm I'ublletiers , N. Y. City. WISE'S Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagons , Buggies , Reapers , Thresher * and Mill Machinery. It is IXVALUABLX ro FARM IRS AMD TiAHSTgBB. It cures Scratches and all kinds of soreo on Horse * and Stock , as well as on men. men.CLARE & WISE , ManufB , S86 Illinois Street Chicago SB > F31 ' ' ' ' I FITS EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS. Permanently Cured no humbug by one month's usage of OR. GOULARD'SColebrat- ed Infallible Fit Powder * . To iomico suffer ers that these powders will do all we claim for them we will send thtui bv mail , post paid a free Trial box. Dr. Goulard is the enl > ph ) si- clan that haa e\ei made this disease a special study , and as to our knowledge thousands have been Permanetlv cured by the us of these Powder * , we will guarantee a permanent cure In every cose or refund you all money ex pended. All oufferer * sh uld gho thcne row ders an early trial , and be convinced of their cu rathe powers Price , for large box , J3 00 , or 4" boxes for 810 00 , sent by mall to any part of the Unl'oi states or Canada on receipt of price , or by expremi , 11. O. D. Addrcts. ASH' & ROBBINS 300 Fulton St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA s 3 I IK s 5 H. 2 BITTERS ILER & CO. , Bole Manufacturers. OMAHA. HAWKEYE PLAINING MILL CO. , Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of BASH. DOORS , DLIND8 , BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , AO. Great reduction In Hank Counters , PUna fur nlehedand work furnlihtxl In all Uriel * ot bard or soft wood. Counters finUlaJ In oil whin Uo sired Shelving of all kind ) furnished and tiut Into building rtady for paint on short notice Our workmen uro the l > e t incchanlm that can be procured , bate uiouoy by giving tu jour too tracts. Stair * , Newels and Dalutter * . Our foreman In this department KM former ! ) with Frost Manufacturing Co , I Chicago , Ills , and has done seine of tuo Uncut Stair # ork In the Korlhwwt Ordtrd by mall urouintlv attendnl ro. ifo m * . Alt 1TNWIUTTEN The Coout Tells Abe t Yimuu' * Airctt by GMM Dttrolt Fro I'rtsi ' You luimt hatii leui c of Gn Cuottr dutiin : jotit lifu tithe In ntiti ? ' uimitkcd ll K npirior in- ( | iuili'i'iy ' , n thf ivr < ut ligtileii hi * ( < i | > o Mllli KB fl lllUlMlf H'jMMIe | ' "Yen , I isitd nitll IPS cullitllnlul dc cuai Hall ) fnilll ttui linut hn canto tu the puiiiN ui til the tune of Ins di nth 1 woikt'U fur him but veiy li'tlo HK A scout or euidf , hut huntt-d for him atarniiiK turn * 1 HUB At thu Row hud fconcy nt thn tltnn ho w.u UIII KA croil " "llo UB n t ; < Hxl Indian tighter , was * ho not ? " That di-pundu nrxm wlmt ; u mean by a 'good IniiiHii tighter , ' llu WHPI H Tery btHvn iimn , tuit > ninhly bravt * nun. 1 do not think ttu < Inlmn MIS over born whom Cunlttr wn fr , id of Ho Hpi'CHrwl o tnku pctfi ct iluli ht in njiosintr hiinsnlf to datigur , and ofto < timed ulun there wes no moor noimc in hinRi ) doing. Ho UNC < ! to hnlt hilt ominai.d at rnqht of Indintu , and himself rtdo forward to ruconuoiltT Hu would rule up RO nnar thutu thai ttioy could upon fire on him mid then ho wou'd ' turn in his saddle , HWIIIR his hut for thu troops to cnmo on , and , without wuititif ! for tliein to ooino up nith linn , uut spurs to his horro and div h down UKn the IndiinsMtli the bnllott fairly mining uniiind him. " > 'ow eitch fighting mi that wiim for an otlieer thu niiinu of being vury brnvo , but I call it foolhardinuis. When ho uiadu nnch A cliargo its that ho know nbielutcly nothing of wlmt danger munaccd him. There initjht bo lilty Indiana in ambush in front of him , or there might bo 500 , and for aught ho know ho might bo loading his command to curtain duatruction. It is all very well for M man to go nut * nd nmko n target of hiimulf for In diuns to shoot ut , but it is sheer nek- lospiiesn. Anybody who thinks thu Indians nto not good m.irkninon , IK miBtnkoii. Tliuy are cot'tinnally practicing and thry h vo the host of arms , most of tlium having rupcatini ; ritles. Ouster somnod tn think hu bore n chat-mud lifu. I luvo hoard tlmt lie s.iid ( hut thu Indinn didn't hvu who could hit him. "Now , my iden of n bravo man and good Indian lighter is uno who first iiacertuiim the st length of the cnoiny , and then , if ho thinks ho can win , makes the attack with coolnuas and judgment. Then lot him shovr his biu\oiy by lighting like the devil. In uiy opinion it is poor generalship for u coninuiiuhiig oflicur to needle sly put liimsi'lt in a position to bu sh'-t at the very outsat of an engagement , and thud take a ch.inco of leaving hia command without its lender. If to bo afr.ud of notning , is to bo br.ive , Ous ter WHS the bravest of the bravo. Harnoy uas the beat military loader for the plains I ever met Ho was cool and deliberate in his bravunoss , but was ulion in a liuht. " "When were you with him ? " "I unsithhim nt the time of the Mountain Meadow nuBS.xcro , and I wont to Salt L.iLo City witli him when ho went down there to interview Hrigliam Young. Now there was an incident connected with that trip that I do not think was then reported , or has ever been written up. It shows the kind of n man Harnoy was. " "Toll mo about it. " "When wo hoard about the massa cre , ho sent scouts to find out who the murderers were , and when thov re ported to him that they were Mor mons , elF ho wont with his entire command for Salt Lake city , swearing every rod of the way that ho would hang the murderers if he had to hang every Mormon in Utah. Ho in tended to give Brigham Young twenty-four hours to surroi.der up the murderers , and unless this was done Latter Day Saints would bo mighty scarce around thoro. Before we reached Salt Lake City a messenger overtook us with orders from th war department tor Harney to return to camp ; that the civil authorities would attend to the massacre business. Then you ought to hour the old man swear. He damned the government enough to nink it. I never met a man whu could swear more violently than Har noy. noy."Ho "Ho thought the matter over for a little while , and then declared that hn had started for Salt Lake City and lie would go there if ho was court-mar tialed and'shot for it. And ho went , too ; and if the war department ever beard of it no action was taken. We camped a short distance outside the city and stayed a few days to give the animals u rest , and they needed it sadly , for wo had traveled fast. The morning that wo started b.ick to Vuma , a young girl , about 17 or 18 years old came out to the camp and applied to Urady , the train master , to help her escape. Her pare.its were English , who h d joined the Mor mons not long before , and one of tliu elders wanted to many her. Her purei.ts were trying to force her to this polygamous marri.igu , and who could only avoid it by runnint ; away She had an nnclo and aunt in Ran Francisco , and to them she wanted to go. "Hrady wasn't the man to pay 'no1 under such circumstances , and ho put her a ay in the Hour wiigon by piling the banulH uiouml her in Mich u waj that the couldn't bu tcun fiom mlhur end. Wo hadn't i > oiu far hofnr < > n do/on Mormoiiu ovcitnok us , thognl'tj father hrini. ' along with . ' , mid lljey wont through that train until thuy found thu girl. After they got her out nho turned to liiady and'bade him good-bye , at the same timetlmnk- irig him for trying to help her. That , of course , gave * him dead uuay , and the Mormons arrested him for kidnapping the girl , and away they all went toward the city , Harney saw that there was something wrong with the train , and hack came a mes senger to see what was the matter. As soon as Harnoy was informed of what hud occurred , he ordered the train to halt and stay there until ho got back , and , swearing worse than before , away ho and nil the troops went for the Mormons. They had n long Htart on him , however , and reached the city fust. Lo you sup pose Hurnoy stopped when ho readied the cit } I Not a bit of it. Right up the main street he wont at u gallop , and when ho jumped from IIIH florae and cried 'Halt ! ' it WUH right in front of Brighum'n ofl'ico. There was a guard on duty there with a miiHket and fixed bayonet , but as lie brought liia weapon to a charge , Har ney j/avo it a kick tlmt turned the guard Indf way round , and the next mutant ho un * dmnrmed , Uiuner strode into the oflicu vithn half doaon snidurR > tt hi luoU , und two minute * latur Brighatn wu * nfttraddlu of a horn mid galloping down the street in thfctti'ir ' of a troop nf cavalty ' 'U w.t fun to oo the Mormons ktaio M thiy saw the old ninri ni atich company , but before thry could have limn t act were out of the city About five unit * out Harncy ordered hnlt , Mid it wuMi't long btforo , \ lot of Mormons ciunn riding up as f nt an their horn * could curry thorn. Whim the ) got up wiihln noillid of hi * T.UCA , llHrnny orderrd thum to liAlt or ho would fire on them , nd they hulted. Then ho ordered Hnghnm to tell them to go hick to thu city mid bring Itriljand the girl buck with them , ud sinl hn to Hruhain : 'If they uro not IHTO two hntirt 1 11 1 fill } our ctr C VKK full of government load I' " 'You don't dro to , ' .JB Brigham - ham " ' ' 'Why - you , B JS Harnoy , 'I'll shoot > ou in j elf ! ' "Long before tfto two hours wore np , Hrady and the girl worotlicro , and wlion wo cot to Y u in * Harney sent n guard with nor to San Hornardino , on her way to San Francisco. Tunt's the kind of a man Haniry VTAJI. " A RcnoT" tlnK Rn N to he fo iinl In Htmnoi'K'tt DLOOI > KIT- TKIts. AH nu antiiloto for Hick lie d vein- , ( riimle writk cx < , bilioiiKtirHS , millip < tliiii , ooiiatipation , nuil o hrr dlsoMPA of a kin dred nature , tlio tlttn s ure iuTaluthlu. 1'rice 91.0 , triul site 10 ct'litu oodlw 8. V Chronicle The forbidding aspect of the front row of attorneys in Judge Ilux's court yMturday morning was aomuvrlukt modified by the smiling face of Ltura Do Force Gordon. The champion of woman's rights represented one C. M. McKay , who was charged with hav ing unlawfully appropriated a silver watch worth 25 , the property of a imle and nervous jonth named J. M Williams. The prospect looked very black for McKay until the modern Portia shook her radiant curl * and leveled an intimidating forctinger and lend pencil ut the complaint. "You let the defendant have thu loan of tint watch , " said thu champion of distressed woman. The witiH'sa emit a terrified glance at Judfo Uin , and receiving no on- couriigement from the court , blurted out : "Yen , mom. " "And there wan no specified time for the defendant to return the watch , " said the medium-haired iwhocato. No ; but " "Don't 'but' me , sir. There was no specified time. " "N-n-no , mum. " "And you saw the defendant wear the watch , and did not protest against his doing BO ? " "I.I " "Don't T mo , sir. " Prosecuting Attorney Blanoy , with his characteristic gallantry , was about to remark that thu prisoner could not help eyeing the fair advocate , but she shut him oil' with n prompt repetition of the assertion : "You did not protest , sir ? " "N-no , m'm. ' " "Nor ask him for the watch ? " " ' " "N'um. "Nor toll him you would lmvoxhim arrested ? " " ' " "N-n-n'm. - - . "Tho case is dismissed , " said hia honor , decisively. The champion of woman's right to browbeat unhappy witnesses gathered up her books and swept out of the court , sweetly smiling her acknowl edgement of the compliment to her sex. The demonstration was entirely wasted on the low of scowling shys ters who wore so much concerned by the invasion of their arena that they allowed a encak-thiof on the dock to go to jail undefended , although ho sported a clean paper collar and # pair of brogans worth at least thirty-five cents. FACTS THAT WE KNOW. If you are siiflenng from a severe cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in thu throat , or any alfectioii of the throat or lungs , wo know that Dit. KINO'H NKW DISCOVERY will give you immediate relief. Wo know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , and that whore nil other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show ono half tin many permanent cures. Now to give you mitisfoctoiy proof that Dr. KINO'H NKW DIHCOV- KKV will cure you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , So- voio Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you will call ut J. K. IHU & McMAHON'.s Drug Store you can get a trial bottle fieoof coit , or a regular B'UO bottln for $1.00. janlJly(2) ( ( ) CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All MilTi.r.rn from th K illseum ( hut nro anxious tn IMI tiiri'il Hhiiuld trj Dlt KISSNER'a Cole , brrfted Oor tumptive Howdon. Tluse 1'ow- ilua a u tlio only ] in | ia ntlun knnnii that Kill uiru ( 'oriHiiiiiptioii unit all dinuiM. * of thu Thro it und Lunca Iniliul , ta ttroiu ICM fallli In them , uhiTnlno In < on\lii'i ; jou tliat yim aru no hinnliiiL' , vu uill > a HOII ! to nur ; BUlkrt-r , liy nil , punt piiid , n frea Trial Uox \V < ulon't ua t jnur iiinnij until jou are iwr- ftdla l > fkirf ) tlnlr ( .uriitl u poncru lf > onr illn N unrlli Kttinj. , d m'lililay in ttlilriK IIILHU Powders a , im thij ulll Mini ) ' niro jou. I'rlii1. fnr largu liox. fjdo , in nt Hi RIIJnitcil \ tliu I nltiil otntt-tur L'HiiaiU , liy mall mi rui oliit il liln. Ad < ln s , AMI i. IIOIIItl.NH , > I lillt Sun KnltOM "t. llrn/klvn N V Western Horse ana Uattlo in surance Company , Capital , . . . IIOO.OOOOO Inmireii Homes , JltiliH and Cattle ugalimt low by acoldent , detnuu or tlirft. AKonclM ID nil ooun- tlpHof thnKtHta Hi-nfl f" ' rlrrnUn LEGAL NOTICE. To Catharine Iledde , non-rculdoiit defendAnt , Yon are hereby notified tint o n the Zd day of September , 1881 , John ItudJo , plaintiff. Died hl petition In the Ulitrlct Court , within au'l lot Houijlaii County , N'ebraak * , o ultmt you M de fendant , the object and prJjtr of which petition of inatrlmony ulth jou for the ( ollowlnjf cauiua , to-Mlt : lit , habitual drunkeniicsn ; 2cl , eitrcme cruelty , arid forKineral relief You arortqulri-'l to anuwtr nald jwtltlonon the 21th day of OctoUr , 18V1. UOANK t CAMI'IIKM/ , NI 7wft Attorimi fnr I'litlntlft CLi lx K KKOOK I , U , 1IUNI Clarkson & . Hunt , BJCCUIK " In Itlcimrdii to Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW ATLANTIC A FLORIDA L COAST UANAL &OKBI * - - - - 0110DHK 14AM ) CO. Iiiu of OO.OOO BkmrM of 810 oaoh \ \ III ! 1IOMCH OF 40 ACKIH FOR KACIt 10 HKARKH , KKOV 01IOKV. LASPH OF THK "UlSsTON rCH'llA.SK , Off Pk Tinto iitt CiiriTsift hT . , I' Hill * ; llioirwir , N V.Hou lll. 113. to SOLOMON'S GASH PRICE LIST ! 1204 Farnham St. , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . Preserve It and Oomuarti Prlcaa With Other * Cllinxr : ( lrlni llpHU Me. . ! roM rnt II Oil \VKU > "i Olt M iUlOCIiromoi Witlnut oo bvlO Orvoil Wnltnit Kruino . so ! < JvJI Carv id Motto t rumen , Wftlmit . 25 li til Walnut Frame * . sf llaiul-otin Velvit Frainr * . . 16 Hoom Moulding , NVnluutor ( lilt , 1 Inch tier foot . . . 4 Uo m Moulding , Wnlmit . r ( lilt , 1) ) Inch 4n 1'or foot . n ItriKS llooVRfor Hiom Moulding , | u r aor. . . 40 Ikil Itoom ! .amp , Complete . 2S llilnl IAIIIIH , Compltto . vs r.rnxH lluuil Lamp , Complete no Irnii Coil llucktt : in ( liiod Dronm 15 Hi HI llniom In Market 20 20Hi Chllit'H llroom Hi SpltUo 20 UO n I.lbirv Lamp 2 < 0 U ( ) las4iolilotiionu Kit ) ( I ( ilai Tuinblera ( one set ) l.iumi Ohliinicja . ( looii Lnntcri 40 Ono CnllonOUCati Low Price * for Iron Stone China Wnro Unhnndlo TcaK , per not (12 | iiciinj 9 TiK llnmllu Toim , pur Hot (1'J ( piceo ) ll'i Unlmmllf Collev , pur Botllploti's ) 0i HamllaColTtu , per net (12 ( pUius ) 7ft One So 1'io rintcs (0 pluioO 4ft l > no Met Tea I InteH ( tl plcnn ) 50 . ,110 KJI llrenklant l'latcsl pkceN ) AS line bet Dinner I'lalcH ( G pleici ) 00 Coxercd Tureens 05 Cream I'ltcharR 1ft \Vaih How , 1 and Ittchcr. W Cliixin\.cr Oft Toilet SctH fer Bed Itootiis (3 pleccn ) 2 00 DiiHt l' r,8 IB Hteclo Dliinondn 86 L oklni ; QloHsen , all 1'rlco' . Conductors' Lanterns. girrhv aboroprlcei FOR CASH , and > ou ulll find them at leant 10 to 80 per cunt. Icsn than cbcwhcro , as wo purclm o for deli , at the lowest retcH , and tell for Caah Only , My ctmtomcru are not ohllKod to pay for losa of bad debts , an u u kicp no bookaand no oharicra are made. Qlve ut a trial and be convinced. l'lia o call and prlco ourOrodsna o liavo thouaandi of articles not incut onod on this bill. Alt Are Welcome , Whether They Want QoodiorNot. dcUcod-tf Mutter of Appllciitlon of Jlcnry I'lindt for Llrjuor LIcuiiHO , NCTICI : . Notl'o ii horuliy Khtn that Henry I'niiJt , did upon thu "th da ) of Ie ember. A , I ) . IWl.nlu Inn ppll nil on to ihemavor ami city council of Onu ha , for llcnuo to null Malt , Hplrltnuunnnd Vlnouu l.lijuor , kt N . 1218 Karnhani utruu , Third Ward , Omaha , Nib. , from Iho lutda .of Jaiiuan , h2 , to the 1. th o April , IVtii. If th'rc ! bo noobjuctlon , rimotihtranie or pro- UH flled ultliln tuo vsciku from Di.ccinlur 7lh , A , l > , IbSl , thu talc ] HtilibO ulll hu Krulliixl , HKMIV I'l sur , Applicant. TIIK DAILY InniMHi.itr ! : | | vlllpubllihthuabo\u notku inr t \uckB ut the tXx | > iKo of thu ap plliunt Iho City of Omaht IK not to liuiliar nl herewith , J J IC JrWI-rrr , il 7-llit 01 tv Clerk YOUE MONOGRAM. On receipt cf JO.00 wo ulll fornanl t any ad- itrutH Iriuofclmrjiu COO Delicious Clarott ( , u ih liututlfully ilKor.itdl with ninnovmiii or iiami , m niifuiturul from Vanity Kulr 'lohacio. Al ) , annall H/I ) , MlthorwH out inoutlil'lni ' ) , txiinmli for ludliH I'loasu ho larcdil In tlntf hi ] > plii | ; directions. Adililntn ULUCKHNK&CO. , 210 1 218 Wtbt Hut tilth bt. , Cincinnati , 0. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS norms. PMOI'HIUTOIUS. ARLINGTON , J. o. MciNTine , Lincoln , Net WAVERLY HOUSE. JAMEB W. CRAOTREE. W rly , Nb. OARATOQA HOTEL , J , B. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllforrl , N b. REEDHOU6C , GEO. REED , WOO DO HOU6E , W. P. ELLIS , O eola , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , fltromtvurg , Nt * . AMERICAN HOU6E , GEO. H. McOAlN , Oeuth D nd , N HALL HOUGC , A. W. HALL , Loultvlll * CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Olalr , Neb. DEPOT HOTEL. r. H. DAODITT , Norfolk , N b , CITY HOTEL , J. F. COLE , Pro , Neb. UARNUM HOUSE , MR. VAN HORN , NtbraikaClty ntVEHIE , D. DRUM , Un.dlllo.Neb , EXCHANGE HOTEL , .0.0. HACKNEY Aihland , Nb , WISHER HOUOE , PERRINE UFIOS. , Wliner , Neb. DRAPER HOUBC , O. WHIPPLE , Nlobraro , Neb. OREIQHTON HOUBC , P. D. THIDADEAU , Cralchton , Neb. OITY HOTEL. L. J. JOHNSON , Ntmnha City , Ntb. CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN CCOPER , OakdaU , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMONB , Otwarit , Ntib. COMMERCIAL HOTEL E. EVANS. O'Neill , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL C. F. OABSADY , Dtntion , la. HARTNLY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER , Writilde , la. DELLOU HOUSE , MRS. A. E. DRUOE , Rltlnc * City , N b. NELIOH HOUSE , W. D. MOULTON , We t Point. Nb DOROHEOTER HOTEL , A. B. KINKLE Dorchetter , Nckt. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. Q. MEAD , Ntllgh , N b CENTRAL HOUSE , JAB. McKILLIP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb , GAO.E HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , RepubilcanOttyN * * ) DENVER HOUSE OAIRNB & WILLIAMS , Having * , Nb. SANDERS HOUSE. CHAS. E. McNIBH , FrUnd , NeU WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. JUDKIN8HOU8E , Malrern , la. E8TEB HOUSE , N. T tSTEB , Qrand liland , Nab. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , N b. WILDER HOURE * THOMPSON REED , Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , W. W. 8HUWFEL1 Waco , Neb. OREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb. HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbut , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. 8. QRCGERY , Central Cltv , Neb UNION HOTEL , CHENEY UnOS. , Mo. Valley , la , OELDEN HOUSE , A. W , DELDEN. Woodbine , la , OITY HOTEL. J. P. CREWS Coin , la , SCOTT HOUSE , H. 800TT , Oliver City la SUMMIT HOUBC , SWAN & UECKER , Orcaton , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Neola , la. EMERSON HOUSE. A. L. SHELDON , Emermon , la. BLANCHARD HOUSE , T. FOREY , Dlanclmrd , la , PARK'S HOTEL , COL. F. M. PARK , Bhenandonh , la. MERCHANTS' HOTED , W. I. DOULWARE , Durllncton Juhctlon oo. W. II . PnrHoiiB , Ar. D . Pliynirinn and Surgeon O. W Archibald , M. D . Siipurintululuiit of ( hu Asylum M. 0. Kdwuuln . Drticuiflt H. C. Djor . Groceriea 0. I ! . Toslco . liakury and Kuting llouno A. .1. RtiBBull . Oonurnl Morolmimino 0 , Hunt \ Co . . . Popular Jlpnt Market Cduta . Grain Denlors < ) . J ) . Lu\\ia . Groceries EDHOLM & E RICKSO N Give tlie Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY WATCHESCLOCKS , 8ILVERWARE,80LID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS , At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Class Article , STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office , Special Attention Is Once More Called , to , the Fact that Rank foremost in .the West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOE MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo uro'prupnrcd to moot the domamla of tlio tnulu in rognrd to Latest Style * and J'nttoniB. Finu Morclmnt Tailoring in Connection . RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St Opera House Clothing Store 217 South 15th St. , Under lEEOTTSIE ! . MEN'S AND BOY'S ' CLOTHING , GENT'S FUHNISHING GOODS , HATS & GAPS , TRUNKS , ETC. Largo Stock and Now Goods ! All Goods Marked in Plain Figures ! Strictly ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. If Honest Goods , Low Prices and Courteous treatment will do it. all who call and see for thomselvori will be satisfied that the OPERA HOUSE CLOTHING STORE is the place to