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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1881)
i 6 J ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEIC : AY DiNI SDAY DECEMBU 14 , 1S81. COUNCIL BLUFFS , .Startling Rnmora Bonceruiug Ira Smith's ' Doatli , Inattention and OaroleBsnosa in Spreading Infection Are Charged. Mayor Vauphan Beaten in a Suit Growing Out of the Tournament. A Poor Frou-Frou Performance on Monday Evening. Prisoners F.asily Escape From the City Jail. Bptcy NXWH and Ploaiont Pnnonal Mention Onthored by Tlio BA Koporter. Thcro m a rumor going the roundo that Irn Smith from the time ho was removed from the Ogden hotel did not ruciivu such treatment ai n nan- tlonmu in IIIB standing doBervcd , that ho wiia cartt-d to the building erected to rtcuivu him and thuro loft to die , of courso. Wo mnko duo nllovranco for oxnygiTation , bub certain it ia there is a m-crrt connected with the treatment of thin diflCMO that 1ms not boon discovered hero. Lot us tal < o the caao of Smith. Aa stated , ho was taken to his temporary quart era out of the city limits' From the time ho ho was first taken there no phyniciat viaitcd him and it was not known until ainco ho died that for eighteen days nothing was girun him to inovo his bowels. Joe Smith who tended him , declares that ho did not die of mall-pox , that no far as Umtjwaa con cerned , it could have boon very easily handled. After the poor man died it is further rumored that the floor of the house was removed , a grave dug underneath , the man buried , then fire was sot to the house , bed and bedding consumed. Atgain it is re ported that the clothcn , hod and bud ding belonging to Mr. Wise , who tended the p.itiont , was taken to tlio nlli'y near the Firat Ward school house , and that hundreds of children under the excitement and . respiration of play wa < oxpoiud to the smoke when the articles were consumed. It is claimed by good medical authority that the very worse thing that can bo done I'M ( o disturb n person who ia taken with this disraso , nnd under no circumstances should the article's in fected with it bo burned within the city limits. Dr. A. S. 1'nyno Into professor of theory und practice in the Southern Medical college , of Atlanta , Georgia , siys ( "that patients should never 'bo moved from 'tlio room in .which they are takon. The moment that pVculjaripulso easily detected t the inception is felt , the patient should bo immediately vaccinated. Doctor Payne gives it its his experience , which has boon large , that u portion taken down with the smallpox should bo iso lated , the IIOUBU quarantined , the patient tiont c.iroltilly watchud nnd as Bonn us tlio fever of inception is. recognized , Jimijiodiatuly vaccinated Imiling to hospitals and post houses the doctor claims in tlio very boat wiry to spread the dineaso. It is Raid that two sponges unod about < the jpowon of Irn Smith wore loft in the street near tlio hoimu that was burned. Tht'Bo ahould bo looked tuTnt once. A nersou cumiiiu coming along would bo teniiled | ti pick them up and carry them homo . not knowing fur what purpoao thui had been iiHed. VIUEMEH'W TOUHNAMKNT SUIT. The GIIIO of C. tA. Beuhuo & Oo. vs. W. 11 Vtiughan was ivon to the jury on Monday niyht. They roturnu'd ' a verdict , in favor of paintiH' ! for the Bum uf ? 204.01. The fuels out of \yliidi thu ciiho grow are Botnvthing like thin : It Hreitw that , unt < cii.iting { tnoro people to vi itiitir city than theio would bo family or hotel accom- ( inoduionn during the lireinen'b tour- nainent , a coinnuttoo wan Buleotod nt a meeting called tor the purpose to ur- range with BOIIUI parties to furnishcotH for all vrsiturs during the week. Aa mi'mburu of said committee , Mayor Vauglmii and Col. D. 1) . U.iiley call- cd upon thoabovo fl m HI id contrnultd with them to furninh cots ut bovuiity- five cents for the Benson , with llie un- dorstunciiig tluit all hiring uhould , il they BO dtHired , pay fifty cents oxtrn und keep the cot. C. A. Itoeboo ACe Co , claimed that Major Vaughan ut } the time became , on hn ! protmte , iiuli. i vidually renpoiiiiWo for the runt ol ' all cots fiirnJHhod by tinaliovu com. imny forvinitiiik'fir inen. Vaughaniiuii Dailoy , howuvnr , claim that no uucli promnin WSH made thut they were uct t 'ing OB ii special committee for and n n behalf nf the tire department urn d others organizations interuxti'd , in eluding the board of trade The jury , it tutine , took thu amno view tin plaintiff * did , hence the verdict. 0 It. Scott appeared for Urebeo & Co and lioluieu & Ajlunworih for thi mayor. NOT A HATIHrACTOBY HIIOW , Dohanov's opera houno was wtil filled ou Monday uvuning. TJio announcement nouncomont tint the celehrated phi ; of Frau-Fruu woiiM bo prusuntt-d .v ft tinrfaHdii thut eo many iletiod tli atorin and went. From the time filii Herbert uppuarod ic WIIH vnry uvtdeni aho had unilurmken a t aklni was un able to carry out.roolioura , mak nil duo alliiwanco for poor nupport U'ho ynunu' lady horuelf hnn not ro-iclici that Btugo in Jier profws'iiu when nil can carry n chunictcr upon which ih outiro intercut of ( ho p uy in coiiturotl to the Batibfaction ot nor audience Miss IlerberO nmy be alilo to uct ii BOIIIU of the charao'ura oho uaauini Luteho will need comiJoralilo utudj and training before ahe can ticcoptuh'j ' present sutli I'linraoluis as the on ahi wsuinod on Monday evening. Then is only one woman who has honored our city with n visit thus far this seaiou who can give comphito satisfac tion in Btich ch.iraclcru as Catnillo nnd Frou Froii Miss CSrnco Crtrtltmd. SOMF.WIIAT IRHF.LKVANT. Wo think 0. II Scott n little harden on Tlio Nonpareil in hisspoech before the jury in the Vaughan caio , and the reporter for that paper in correct in B tying that Mayor Vaughaii's running or being the controlling spirit of our morning contemporary had nothing to do with the cot CAHO. Mr. Vaughan MAR long boon in the news paper business and has had control of n Council Bluffs paper heretofore , nnd wo fail to see why the fact of his con trol of The Nonpareil has to do with the cots that wore hired and not paid for by thoio who used thorn. Our morning contemporary advises Mr. Scott , "tho lawyer , " to tale : n club nnd go for the mayor. Wo hope Mr. Scott will refrain from commit ting such a rash act , as it might have a tendency to ruin the administration , Accordoons , violin string * , guitars , ihoot music nnd line music hooks at Mueller's now I'alaco Music Hall. JAIL DKI.ITl-.HV. Charles Lawaon , who was arrcfltud ( oino time ago in l > enison , und the ciisongainitliim compromised , was re arrested by Olllcor Sterling in this city Monday ovoninu on information of the Crawford authorities charging him with entering a atoro in Donison nnd taking from a sufo about seventy dollars. Ho was lodged in the build ing called our city jail until the olli- cer could dispose of another law breaker , when thuy intended to take him to the county jail for safe keep ing. Ho had boon in but a short time when ho conceived a plan tor escape. Ho took ono of t' < o logo front the atove nnd pried up n couple of pieces of flooring , lowered himself into the basement , from which ho easily made his escape. Harry J. Carpenter im proved the opportunity and followed suit. Carpenter had boon in only n few hours for disturbing the pence. Thcro were three others in the cala- booso. Ono , however , was too drunk to got out and the others were men who came there for lodging. It is presumed that Lnwuon has loft the city. Be is nn old offender nnd proba bly the city has got permanently rid of his presence. WOIIK IIKDUN. Work haa boon commenced in good earnest on Union nvonuo nt the point where it enters Broadway. Wo un derstand , when finished , it will bo oc cupied by the Htreot railway company. WIIKItK WAH MO.HF..H. Tlio young man who nttomptod again on Monday night to light the oxuiiguishud gns jets with a single mutch on n polo created nluiut as much uinusemont us Frou-Frou. 'IVonty- five conls would purchase n lamp that could easily bo eamly adjusted to the end of the polo , thereby preventing n gn ut of confusion. I'KIWONAL. S , French and F. 0. Brigqs , of Avo- oa , were .it the Ogdun house yester day. day.Miss Miss Ada Joseph , daughter of the celebrated violinist , arrived in Coun cil lllutls Monday evening and took the Onion Pacitic for the west. r Bishop Sharp and ono of his wives arrived in this city from Utah. They took the1 Rock Island road. They had quite a "sharp" little kid with thorn , who claimed thut tlio reason his father didn't take the rest of his mothers along , was that ho might tuko n notion to visit the White house. Miss Jennie Wayne , daughter of P. T. Wayne , of this city , is recovering Tom a Buvnro attack of dtptheria quite rapidly under Dr.Montgomery's treat ment. S. T. French , formerly of Purcivnl , Iowa , Imn located periiiiiiiently in this city. Ho will engiigo in the grain buHinenH nnd Immllo agricultural im plements quite oxteiiM. ely. Thomas liowmun hni rotu-nod from quito nn extoiuled biinineH-t trip through the went. Ho < Utod Denver and wiw vury cordiully received by thu tire boys of tliut bi'itiuiful city. IMiil. Armour , contt stunt for tin position of pnatmiiHtur at tliis point ( ma returned fiom n brief visit ti Kaijsua City. Dr. Stfllman , ono of Conn oil DlullV loading physicians has uone to Iowa City , when ho will deliver a lictnro bvforit tin in'udioiU dcpartinont ot thu sluto uni vornity , Mr. J. W. HoliiiiBon , ma'ingor o the Ghicitxo Intur-Ocoiin at tlua point him HOIIO to Now Mexico for h ! houlth. A , W. Kinanmn , with Sunnier Whitnuy & Co. , law publinhors of Sui Francisco , O.d. , was in thin city you turdny on a IMIBUIUBS trip. H. J Ecliniindi ) nn dV NicholiiR , o Hod Uuk aiu ro ibti'ioil at the O dun Mayor Ynuglian has ot n Her - thumb. KNTKRTAINMKNTrt. Two hundred tio'juti Imvo boon BO ! in this city idono for lliu Jnmos'con cert , to bo jrivon nt thu Doyd'a , o , Tiumday cvoninu. There will ho a ' aoconnnodntion train run botwuou th I two citiua. JIMO ! Conthoui will appear in on of her uniqueontortniniiH'iiuin ] ) Jooi it Nixon's hall , Saturday evening HcBurvod aoata are Belling rapidly. - At the rates at which ticketa are sol , ing. lloyd's oper.t liouao , of Onmht will bo pretty well filled next Thun day evening , to listen to "Kathorin Van Arnhcm , " uthurwito known i Ki to Larimer James , of thin city , Florence Herbert appeared lai night iu the Little Detective , atsun ing five different cliaractcrii , She n ] poared to bettor ndvnntngo than si did Monday night in Frou-Frou. Ohiuf of I'olico Fluid will not u ] puar in the band thut will furnish tli music at the Woodbine blow-out. II. Shawvan , attorney nt law < Doniaon , Crawford , cnlleitnt I'IIK H * olllco yostorday. Mr. S. is the iiito ncy whom LUWBOII cmphiyed toilufuu him in the Bnfo burglary CUBO , reaul iijX in un nc < | iiitiul. On hcnring tin his client hud been ronm-uted her lie immcdiutoly atarled for the lihtt to bo in at the last of the affair. Tin fi.r Mr. B. lias been unnblo to gi track of LUWBOII , A man by the name ot Jetiaon wi arnuU'd by Special Oflicer Motley ft bjing in the public utrt-et under tl intluence of spirituous liquor * , r taken before Judge liurko , who im mediately imposed the usual tariff , The Union Consolidated Mining company , of this city _ , 1m recently received - coivod n largo invoice of specimens froln their several minea. plo < You can't hnrn > < iu th Ani rican p-op'o , * lien they Hun a n mcily tlint n lit tlicni ttiov ' ! It nn' re oimi.cnd It ti their friend * . Junt exn-tly thecn o with RpHlNd Bl.osROii , which liM become n linn-e oM word nil over the United St tru I'rl o f/0 trl.I lidtt 10 onts il1l'tw TRUTH ATTESTED. BomoImportantbtMcmanti of Wo Known People. Wholly VcriUod. In order that the public tnty fully rotllza the KcnulncnoM nl tlio tit ctitt , * i will fti the | Kiwir iiiI vnluo of the article of h' < h tio\ ) | > tnkwit > uMIih ( hir with t o fac-nlmllu B ifi ri- turn of par I It * whowi ftlnurltv li licynn I quo-- lion. The Truth of tlioo t MlmonlMn \ nbfo lute , nor can tlio hot * liny nnnounco bu IK nortil. OMAHA , Ni . , il y 2i , 1881. It. II. WARNHR&CO. : Put u Sin : I ha\e frequently uiml Wnrticr'i Safe Kldnoi and I.Ufr CUM fur loc 1 nffrctln * attendant tiuon novcrr rhium&tl RttAC H , nnil ha\oal ay derived benefit therefrom , t hate aNnUHidthc fcafo t'r > lie with Mtl-f c'ory ' re- iilti. I connlder thceu medlclnci worihj of court. lo-co. Deputy Trcwurcr. OMIIIA , NUB , May 24 , 1 til. It. n. WARIIR ft Co. , Itochratv , N. Y : OFMTH ! I ha\e mod your fate Kidney and I her Cure tils prlnK n'al lior Invltrorator , nnd 1 find I the bint icinedy 1 uver tried. I ii\e lined 4 bottles a il It hM miwlu ma feel hotter than ever 1 old Ijctoru In tha rprlng. U. 1' . It. Shop * . OMAHA , NIB , May 21 , 1881 , H. II. WARN & Co : HI H : For more than IS y ara I have nufferod much In onvenlcuco from combined kidney and llierillauaitM , id hu been ( in ble to work ray urlo y org nn aUo being adic'cJ I tried a Rreat many mcdlclmii and doctor * , but I icrew worm ) and wor o day by day I nan toM I had Ilrlitht'H niuav , and I l hod my-clf < lca < l If I could not have p ( ly relief. I took your Halt ) Kidney and Liver l.urc , knowing nothing tint ! wan eror known to euro tha ditcoae. anil I liav not been duappolnt d Th m-dlcinohai cured me , nnd I am pvrfec ly well to day , entirely thro Kh your Sale Kidney and Liver Cure I whh you all mice M In publishing thlt v. luable rcmoujr through ha world. U. I * . R. K. Shop * . Thouwinili nf equally H ronif cndornemontii many of them In coxavhero h | H > wan aba-- ' oncd haie been vtluntarlly glvi'it , "howlnj ; the rcnmikalilo tiowcrof Wnrnur'H Sato Kidney and l.lver Cure , In all il tcnao of the hldncjti. liter or urlnnryo ( fans. If uny ono vho read * thin hn any , > hy ml trouble rcwo.bu thu gru t danger 01 iltloy DISEASES OFTHE- EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist. LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. References all ( UpuUblo yslclans ot Omaha. XarOfllce , Corner 16th and Farnham Sti. , Omaha. Neb ut2ftni tf W. E. VKJfa M. MKUUELL. W , E , VMS & BO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Street , CHICAGO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins. duc7mo-u ill in Article * of Incorporation of the Millard Farmer * ' Club. Articles of incorporation nt.tilu miri adopted thiH 29th any of Octolier , A. 1) . 1881 , by and between tlio uiulomigned incorporator - corporator ns : NAMK. Article T. Tliu imniD of tliin club shall In tlio Mlllnnl Karinorn' club. I'fcAOE Of llimiNKBH. Article II. The principal plnco of htixl- tlilH chili Minll bo ut Millnril .ti- tion , county nt ° Duiwlivi , Nt'lirankii , , MATU1IK OK llt'HINKHH. Artlclo 111. Thu Ri'nurnl imturo nl liual- HH to bu trnnxnutocl by HIM club IH In ctiniluct n Kciienil literary niul nocinl busl. ncBa mill other entertainment ! , of u uncial ahitractcr. CAl'llUl. HTOCK. Thu amount of capital H'ocV 1- o' thin clu i Hliall bo twit tliiiunni"l < lnllurH livldi'il int Hlmri'H nf DUO dnllnr each , whlihhull bo lulcl in the uianuer ) iie icribecl by th ( InoctnrH. CUMUBNCEMRNT AND TR > WI.NATI > . Attic e V. Thlnulub nlmU i-o.iiiiionce t < trunmict liUHineim and fxuicU IUc < ir | > orat > iMiwerx the 20th day of Uctohei , 1881 , and ItH ( xiwerH nlmll coa o u the .I'Jlli il.ty nl October , 1981. AMOUNTH OK LIABILITY. Article VI. The hinhi'it ) miiiiunt of a lilllty or inilelitoilnui-H , which thi * clul Bh.ill at nnr < m time ubjoct Itulef , fllml. bu three hiiU'lrod ' d ll-rx 'JKKIOKHH. Article VII , Tlio oHic-rn 'of thl- club nil nl i lie ronilui ted hy i lionnl of three director * , who ulmll 1 fleeted from nmnntf thu HtuckhnldcrH , urn 1(1 they uluill appoint a prt'Hldi nt iimt micl II- other olrlcern M by law in requlrvil. Jui.H'H KclIRAKIKit , J DLUM , III CLAUH SCHUMANN , W. CEIINIIOHK. RTATK OK NKIMUHKA , no COUNTY OK DOUKLAH. . On thin 29th ilny of Octnlier , A. 1) . 88H1 nn | iernon Uy upiiviirod before me , Chnrlei llraiulci ) , notary public ( or until county Jul I tn Sehroedcr. J , tlluin , Claim Kcliu 11. nmnn , W , Uernaorf , tn me Knuwn tn In the nl nem ol thu foreunlDK nrticlra of In , cor ) > orutioii , nnd nckunwh-dKfd thunania t > rsno he their voluntary act ami deed. no UllAllLEH in h'otary | iublio in and for Douglas cuunty Nebrtuku. ist THE OCCIDENTAL hu J. I. PAYNTER m. . . l hoof Proprietor of KK Comer 10th and Howarc jr. jr.nd Streets , tat OMAHA NEB , , , iffB Rates , Two Dollars For Day , f" O. F. Manderson , ho ATTORNEY -AT - LA"W nd LANDS. For Sale By BEMIS , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS ST8 , . No. 2M , F'llhlfintfil ami vlih onrnll ImUJ- liiKin Capital AX'-miuno tl'.i h trio ,5700. No. 267 , I a gc lot .ir M > ck 235 1 > ? 70 fict on Hamilton , ncarlrtnt it ret ; t , t2,6K ) . No. 2.W , t11 ornir Ijt on J.ints , near 15 h mmt , ? : i,0oo. o. 2V ) , T o lo'H on Center > trc t , near film Inentrcut , 19 0. No. M2. L.ti'ii.Sprucc ntr > ot , mar H h ntntt. il. 211 , Two loti on Bewanl , n-ar KlnK ntroti , 9o&0. 9o&0.No. . 211J Ixiton Scward , noir K.nic . street , $3W. ! > . 249 , Half lot on D'uliro ' , nuar 1 ill street , No. 247 , Four bciutlful rcililcnc IO'K , i tar CrulK'hlon College ( or will null t | < antti.4 ( < , UO . No. 218 , Two lot ) on Una lo < , ncr Cum n ( tro- , WOO each. No. 2IU ) , Lot on Idaho , near I timing etroet , tlOO.No. No. 246 , One acre lot on Cumin ? , n ar futt n Itrvot , $ .60. No. 214 , Lot on Farnhatr. near 18th itrect , 84,000. No. 213. 1 ot Cfl ty 133 feet on Collu o itrcvt , nrarBt. Harj'H Av. . nueij . No. 242 , lAit on Uuiiglui , n-ar 0th ktrcnl . No. 241 , Lot on Farnham , hear 20th tree. , 710. 710.No. No. 240 , LotCObvW fcot on Sou'li Avenue , Nn. 2J9 , Corner Irt on Uur , mar 12 Utrett , LO.US. . 120x13 feet on llarney , near tl Btrve ( ill unit up ) . J,400. No. 2 6 , 71x3lu tout on Sherman Avinu ( Kith street ) , nc rOrace , 61,000. No. U ) , Lot on Dounlitirtet , near 2 d $76 . No. 232 , i ut on i lur u.ree , nuu .ScuarJ , 85 . No. 231 , ot4izX ( ) Icct , mar U p t 1 tcnut and 22dtrett , 9li 0. No. 227 , T o lutnon Dccntur. n ar reno Ireet , No. BJl : , ot 143 3'i-lH liy 441 lict on Shcrm--n Avunuv ( Ititu xtr U ) . nrar i-raoe , S2,4ui' . No. 2u , u > t2Jk t > lei ton Kou i , nc r ISili street , niaku all oiler. N'o. 217 , Lot un 1 ! tl Htre t , nca Ll rk , ? 5 H- . No 210. i ot on Himlliol , nenr K L' , tx ) . No. 2i > 9 , Lot on litlli , near .Sulioiau fit $500.No. No. 2 )7 , Two loU/in 1U h , near I'aoifle * tro t , $1,100. No. 205T o lots on -ttlhr , nearlOth trcet , * 1M. 1M.No. No. 201 , lieanllfnl r Hiilcn o Ijt on Divwon street , near U niln , $ sdu. No. 20.1 , Lot I'll b unilcru , near Ha i lit. ! mreit , * s50. No. 11WJ , Lot 16thtreet , mar I'.eifl , $ uUO. No. IU-J , ThrevluU on bi nuir uirvut , mar tewunl , SI , iii. No. 1UJJ , Uit on 20th ttrcct , near Muriiian , 835 . No. 184JTwolo'BOH 2-J , near Urauu btreut , ( k > lu eh. No. 1U11 , two li > t on hiiijf , ie , r lUnil tun Htrect , 31 , 2U ' . Nu. lli j , two lots on 17th btnet , near Whiti Liud W TKI , li 0. , vo. IhSl , ono f II M > ck , ten ! otH , nc.r the bar rackH , 9IU > > . Vo. IUI , lot nil l' rk < .r , luur Irnn.i Htr..t. * - " . No. lt > : > , two loU o dan , near 21 > t ktiecl , . . No. 161 , lot on Center , near Cuuilntf utreet , S300. S300.No. No. IbO , lot on I'ier. nu > r . > ewnril etrcu , * < J 0. No. 176 , iCtou atienuan uvenue , u > ur Kur , btruul , 81,4 0. No. 174 j , lot on Cann , near llti. , Jl , 00. No. 17U , lot un l'.telfti , utur 14tli ttreet ; in.ike- often. s , , . 10 1 , lxUt on Kir-turn , ntnr2ltli utriet , Ji,4j t S'"iO cuih. .NO. loJ , lull iHuik on .iUili i.u.r rue eoiirte , ami ihr u iutH in ( ! l-e'n u dill n , nuur iMtun en a-id Cai-inu trii tx , if ,0 o. No. l.'J 10 oil .ulllornU btrco , ncur Crtini , tan eullt , fi : . ' . . o. lii , uiru lot , mi ir tlio head tif tit , MarjY u tiiui , Si.HJ . No. ! . ! > , li.nt tvvoiu-re * , neur the lie.ui ot bt. Jlury .aeiiui , s-1,0 " . No. iSO , Ijio , . ibtli fctrevt , near Uliito Lum \Vorkn , S.i.5. No. ia4 , mxicun loU near tliot tower on tl.o lltileuiuroail , i7 , > | > er o' . No. 1 L , UjxKI liit (2 ( eli , ) un lath utreet , near I' pp.eton's , bl.'O . N'u , 11 , ilirtj lull uerii Itita In JMUnl und C.ill eliValil.tioim n Hlur > nuii lUennc , .Sin | > i > , ii'.il S uta utieiU , nuir lliu end of KTU II striet at trail , Ss'l ' to 1lM U u ili. u , fc'.i , lut 01 CMicn - 1 , ncir . .d > tru t , $ l.f/0. NIL 199 , lot on Caahve.l , niur naimiliri ttruit , 8sOO. 8sOO.o . \o , tO , rcrner lot on Chtiltui , near Mtundi r ul rou , 4 1 ( XI. No. 0,1-1 on IurJ , near -Jlat , with two > inul. Il0llou , > j IW. i i. ( U , t..o iota on llltli , mar 1'lereu street sum So. 7d , thrcu loU ou lluruiy , near lUtli utrcct , it.O K. No. " ( I , UOxiajluctoii Oth ntrcct. near Icat eh wen Htru t , S.IU O. No. 7 , lillxai leot , on I'ncific , near 8th street , W , . KU. No , ( i : ) , rilxl J tea , on Doii Us ttrcet , near lOlli , (00. .NO. di , il.litton I'tn n 2Ut , 2 d , VSd and KAinidersotrii'in , ntar raie anil .Siuiinera H.reet br.di ( , $ luu t.uh. N'o , U , une f unli Iilnck ( lhl\l a Let ) , near ilici CoiiMiit ol I'oor Claim in ' luadltun ureei , near tliuinUof itdxlr u lur tro k , Sja..O. No. i > , lot un Many , niur utli m eut , ijl , 2W ) . . NoU , lotonLMiliriila , niar2 s'.Sl.t.U . No. ; Iwt on tiiiitur Jd nit , , I > W. No. I , hi n lUn.iy , near .btli , f. , " . - IOIHI llurli.iu ' lir < t and luiid uddltoni , aUo In 1'atkiT * Sli IIII'H , e' oi > ' - , 'I in lie. K. V , bmltliX K.-ui k't , ul.c'd , Liku'a , nnd ml other uJ ililuii * . ut a j ur.i.01 uml leiniB. Vtrl li > u in llaiiri'oiii I lueo , ncir HauBcoui I'ark ; minx -rom * J KI to * v o null. Out hLiiilnd and llftj-nlnu Inuutilul re > l- ileiue lui. , loi-.itnl on Muinljloii ktifi t , I a f uy lietvitnthtiturn tablii 01 tiered utreet mr Him and thu aterur < io eru r und uildltii n , und Ju t wi t ul thu Coin tilt of the NsuM I'nor Llalru Iu Mi mi' * ajjltbn. Trie K ftn o from Oitot UOiucb midwill boioldon omyurni" . TruiMuf 6 hi , J5 , 2 > , 4i r tat cru , Hh bi.ll linn * and other luiiroeiueutu ) , und adjolnUj ; thoenj , utall iritei' , . . UMOol thr ( n tri' ldfiro oU In the lit ) ot , Onuli.i ii ) loi-atlon ; ou o s Ire uuith , i < * t , "i'l ' ihvltf im , iH > lulu In all tn t" ru > u cf UuuUm. tari luj tioni ' * ; ,000 lach. 'l o liuinlro.1 tiouiea mid lota runi'liiisfrom JMW to * l6OvO , , and I jcutid Inetcry J ) rt ol tliu > u rtP number cf ei llcnt f ru m IJiigla , rUrij ) , Hiiiudiri. , LKx ! c. W hniton ( , Hurt , anil l"i'l Kooilciuiitlfslii Intern .Ntlir * ka. UXjOmrnlio.tUiiu ( lii iWUKlas. 7W 1 wr Ic.t laiicUin urpj county , * iiu linfu trict l nil tliu t-a tirn tlini ot couiitU * . O ir oouw uiro It tliu ouet lanila In r e'jra - ka ur wilt bv thliiKOiicy. Virl.r ; miiaum ol tu'mtlian rMjwriy In onctj tun , Unity , fort tu'ro | ' ' i loyatixl vltlilu oiin to time , ( our i > r fhu miles uf tlio > j > bloillfe rauw trr > iliHi | | > lfi < uH. Nf.w I'ooKKT M.Mii of i MIMA , | iubll niu by o. l'.lli ii | > tcnliiiiit'irach. ! , , Mone ) la ind o . imrroml fsrmi ; l o on lin- Jiro id t tirointl | ) , at thu | j i > t rate * of In Uri't llou f ktoro fann lotn l "J , , hotil' , , , ollliM , ri oiu , itr , to nut crleae , TuM.nill.rratue lifted , detdmorlL' Ko . an.iallkindiior . realentato iloaiuienttiuadoout on.hoi t iiotioe BEMIS1 RBAL ESTATE AGENOY , 16th and Douglaa Street , OKAY'S J-PbCiriC MRhlOt K THADE MARK. , "j" " " " "TRADE MARK n TAIIRQ. l , I \ ' ' , tiul ' ' ' tithe li ! k , IHinncM ol1 ' "M , I'rv tnitiir "Mua | nl mill } ullitr III oi > 'ln > c.dt I'rutitty nr I'oimMini'tloi ' kinl I'riiim tutt , drill' ' 'i'll | > rtk.iUrit In o ir | i mt > hli t , whliti ili ln n etui tr i- ' f mull to inpiyoim Miillc Inn In lolil li > nil < lrii > ( il tt per | uckHior ) fl riit'c ' < t lor * ft , or 1II - n ftn tiy mail n rn I'toltln' mono ) , ij l'ifliir TMK > IKDICINB I'O Hnfl to. N. V. \1 , llP C IIOO-ll I'TtlK-fUl IUWOLUTION OllDKRINQ SIDE- WALKS. le ! It ri-ohi l by th City Council rl thn ell'ol Omaha : 'Until Khlcualk lie , within flltcrn ila } lmm : liln ilntv. p uMicil | and \ld l to thn luin d'Bry trade In xaM city , In front ul and adjoining the Ikmlng dwcrlbnl preinl-fti , tit : I..11 W H sile . -n iidern M. , In bio k ,11 triMxaii itiuli , 4 I it UH | . l/i 1 , ' < v mrteol HAiitidiimSt , In thick 12 , Inn'B l. l 'itln 4litt lilu I. t2 , ttwt fiileoMiumlrr'aSt. , Ill lilock 12 * ldntiHudnltlo , * feet wtdu Lot II , t hldii of Huimlc'iB St , In Mock 12 , Shun'"ml I'll ,4'fit wide I/)112 , writ -lilrof Sunn tn St , In block 12 , ShlnnV niliittlun 4 lei t wi > f. Ixit fp , i filth nidi oftuinli c t. , In lilock 07) ) , > l fiii < wid . loJ , orth Me ol Cuminif St , , In lil k 207J , il f.-ci lilu I t 7 , I'oth HlJucf Cumliu , In block 207 ] Oil ft lll I ! I nt S 'inrtli fl'lu ot Cumin ? HI. , In block 207) ) , II fret > Id i > Lot 't , "Ido "I Saunilcn St. , In block 1 r > mtmiii. ' tit. t lilt on t feet Mlile. Lot , w Me nl Sunili'iB t , In block I , rilK'rnn V llr-t mlilillin , 4 f < et wi iu. o i. wcit-ili-nfNuimli t St. In bio k 1 , < \rmstroti'x | flrnt lul Itlr.n , 4 fc < t wine. l.i C , wml Hide ol SiuniltniSt In block 1 , A irinntni u' "rKt adoitloi , 4 lent wld > > . SuitiHideA.ilk to bu rfialrcd | ot 2-lnch plnv | i | ink and to lie In width , at .ttic\o unocitled , and the rtflicitlve ownir or ovrers : f thanliovrda- Drilled preinlncH me hcrebj riqulrel t3 itpalr the sain. . t ) c. , 18S1. J. J. L. a JEW KIT , _ City Cletk , The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. . iuHti treni icted mirae M that of an lutoi l ntnk AtcouuM kct't lii currmcy nr ifnlit Hubjrct I /ht rhi-ck without nntl > < ; i.rtiluuct ul HC | HU uul | iuvablo , n thru. , .x > nil tnrhu niOTitKs , iivirlnx fnterwt , or 01 , ttnAiiH withou VOvatico. Ui.Mtti to i IHUIIDI r * * ( in ipprovco A < CI < itln t nmrki'l mtfn ol lnt.'rc > .t. lil > ami nell KOtO , lilll * ( > ( o > ii < e , kTT"i' | n iit , tAte , count ) . nl riu bmuli ) ilruw KlKiit < lr lto on KnL'lMi'l. ' If'lnud , Hcol uid , und all jurM nf Kuri ( | VII Knro ] > i ii im wiic tkl.elo. ooM.rarnovH PBOMITI.V MAOK tin1 1 lit United States Depository NationaiBank OF DMAII/i Cor. 13th and Fnrnam Sts. OLOKUT UANKINO KSrrAHMdHMKNT OMAHA 8UCCE8BOHU TO KOUNTZE BHOTHEIta. ) ( TAKLIBIIKU H6II. ) r utitrud w a National Kank August 50 ! , lcW3. OAPITAl , AM ) 1'KOKITH UVKH 300 000 > UIHKRTORXt KOUNT7.II , 1'renlUCIIt. UhTL'u Kimvrznee \ Prr > ilil nl. tr. W. VATKS , UKIIK-I. A. J. I'OPFLITO.V , Attornoy. } JOHN A. P. H. ll.tnti , Aoet. Cfthler. fnl liunM rtuelveo it.utiittt | without regard to iinountx. I n , ie time e'urtineutvx bu.irlnf InU-reit. Uro n Inftit on San Francisco nnd principal UiuM ol the IJnlted Htatcr , aim Lon.lon , Dulifin KdlnliiirKh anil thr | irlnciml ultli'fi iif the contl nrnt of Ki Holla iKixseniri r tlekvtn for em'prautn iy thn in man line mavldtt THE KENDALL PLAITING MACHINE DRESS-EMEUS' ' COMPANION , It plultt and jire sed ] k.-rfeetly ouu yjrJ per in i nine. It | > Ult fro.n 11-Utol 1-4 In kith In the roar- cat Ii llnor line > t hllk , Itil'iea all kl illiinU tlu of p'uitini ' ; in use. No lad ) tl ut do.iH liircwn ilru link 114 ean afford lo do uit.iout one in nice pUitni Iri nuMroutol faMiioii , t KID il > > lx it elf. ror UiiUuneti , Cireulara or Agent' * temu uidrcn-i CONG All it CO. , 113 AlmiwBr. , ChicaKii , 111 01:0. : w. KIM : > ALL , Mutter i.f AiilliMttiiM | | nf C. l'Oiimhiian fur 1'uiiiiit to S > H Ijiinxor UM B Druggist , NOTICK. Notlcol-hircliy il en thnt C. V. Good an , dlil IIIKJII il' l.Uli l.iy of Dotuiiibir , A. I ) , Itisl , lily lil < iijiiillcJllon to the Mit.\nrnn.i . OliyCoin- II 1.1 Unmlii , fur penult to urll Malt , Sjnr tuoun and Viiiout l.lquorti a * ' liriiKKli'i' rin dlrlnil , medinnlcil nnil chcmlwl pun-oouo'd ' ) , at No. Ill r'amlani t < eil , 3rd ward , Onuha , Neb. , from the UtiUyot Janfiry , 1SS2 , to tha 10th day ol Aprl , 1 2. II there bo nn objection , rcmonttinncii cr rrcte t Ml l within twu wovk frjui Uth day of , A. 1 > . lotli tie Kald rtrud lil be 0 Y rfooUMAV Tux DilLV ( IKK mwr | > aper lll jiiiblUn tb uliuva native fort o Mrtki , at the u | n > i > | tliu applicant. The City ol Omalu l not te be ihrrtwlth. J. J. t. 0. Jr.WKTT , Citj C crk. To the Members of the Nebraska State Medical Society. Winoo , .Veh. , No > i-inhi r 2 ' , JVSI. A ri < eclnl ocMiloii of the Nehiaiika Stuto Jle\ll col BDCloty In c-vlHxl to mo it In Ihu elly of Ll coin on Tiic dav the XTthxnv of DeeciuhtT , A. I ) US1 , at ( he hour nf IU o'eloik K. m. For the purpo-e of tak i\f cuch action , as may Ite tho"tht bent lnreUlo.1 to the lnw r < Kulat iiiL1 the iiractlce of n edklne , In the Hta u of .Ne- hraHVa nd * urh nther mlnew a may lie re- nuir d tn he done by a Id SUtu oclely ln iicclil.i iloii UV. . H1HINK.M. I ) . , I'tenliU-nt 'ehra8Va State Medical Society. Secretary > li. SUte Ued , Bo. Do2kllt ! 3t TRON KKU KIWI mi BYRON REED & CO , fieal Estate Agency IN NKUFAHKA ! KMD oomiiltU aUtrkrt ot tltl * ko ftt > * i ' . -n" | " " " " ' " ' " " " ' Deere & Comp'y. MANUFACTURERS OP PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Gutters , &c , , Moline Pnmp Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain City Drills and Seeders , Mechaniosbnrg Maoli , Oo , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes , Joliet Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Shelters , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shelters , Road Sorapers , &o , , Moline Scale Oo- , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required 10 Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. dc3me2n , THE JELM MOUNTAIN OrOXJD AND Mining and Milling Company. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Working Caplt 1 , - $3 < x ,000. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Capital o ok $1W-0'00 _ _ _ _ Value ol , , . I ar brurra - - - - - $28,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMEL MININGbISTRICT. . IK. ) J. I. TIIOM\3 , President , LuuimliiK , Wyoming. Wil K. TIL'lO.V , Vice-President , Cummins , Wyo nlnj ; E. N. HAKWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. G LUNJf , Treasurer , Cummins , . Wyoming. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louin Miller W. b. lirimcl. A O Dunn K. N. llarood. Frauds I UIVHIB. Qua. H. Faleu. LevIn Zolrnan. lr. J. C. WaU.lnn. no2.'mr-Sm CEO. W. KENDALL , Author zed jent for Fale of Stock ; Box 442 , Omaha , N b , FEARON & COLE , Comznissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments . made us will receive prompt attention. . , . References : State Bank , Omaha ; PUH , & Co. Baltimore ; Peck & llansher Chlcairo ; w .i t. nn Cincinnati WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. JSH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , Nfctf. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. ly 18-mo GRAY i WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , * ; ! On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , HEADQUARTERS ,1 -FOH- ' 8 FURNISHING GOODS. We deairo to call the special attention ot the trade to om elegant lines ( at BO'I T M PKICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfe , Buck Gloves , Ovorehirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , cow open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVI3 & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALBIl K Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. . G. 1213 Fnrnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb. B. D. McLAOaHLIN. ATTORNEY-AT- And Notary Public , * > .4 A , , , ! * * 1 D. S , BENTON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AKBACH BLOCK ,